GPS and Recent Alternatives for Localisation

GPS and Recent Alternatives for
Dr. Thierry Peynot
Australian Centre for Field Robotics
The University of Sydney
Global Positioning System (GPS)
•  All-weather and continuous signal system designed to
provide information to evaluate accurate position
worldwide, using a constellation of satellites
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Robots and GPS
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
A Bit of History
•  1973: Defense Navigation Satellite System (DNSS)
•  Navigation System Using Timing and Ranging
•  Navstar-GPS
•  Global Positioning System (GPS)
•  1989: first satellite launch
•  1994: 24th satellite launched (full constellation)
•  Cost at that point: USD $5 billion
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
A Bit of History (cont’d)
•  Initially high quality signal reserved for military
•  Signal for civilian use intentionally degraded
(Selective Availability, SA). Precision ~100m
•  Turned off 1 May 2000 => precision ~20m
•  GPS: owned and operated by the United States
government as a national resource
•  The DoD is required by law to "maintain a Standard Positioning
Service that will be available on a continuous, worldwide basis,"
and "develop measures to prevent hostile use of GPS and its
augmentations without unduly disrupting or degrading civilian
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Fleet Tracking
Clock Synchronisation
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Global Positioning System (GPS)
GPS consists of 3 major segments:
•  Space Segment
•  Control Segment
•  User Segment
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Space Segment
•  (Original) Operational Constellation: 24 satellites that
orbit the Earth with a period of 12 hours
•  6 orbital planes with 55 degrees inclination
•  Radius of each plane: 20,200 km
•  At least 4 satellites always in view anywhere in the
•  8 or more 80% of the time
•  Current constellation: 31 satellites
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Control Segment
•  System of tracking stations distributed around the
•  Main objective: determine the position of the satellites
to update their ephemeris
•  Satellite clock correction also updated
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
User Segment
•  (Passive) GPS receivers using GPS signal
•  Requirement: satellite needs to be in the line of sight
of the antenna
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS Operation Overview
•  Satellites transmit information at two frequencies:
–  L1 = 1575.42 MHz
–  L2 = 1227.6 MHz
•  GPS signal modulated with C/A (Coarse Acquisition) and P
(Precision) codes and with a 50 BPS navigation message:
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS Operation Overview
•  C/A (Coarse acquisition) code:
–  1 MHz pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS)
–  Separate C/A code (or Gold code) for each satellite
–  Used by the receiver to identify satellite and obtain range
–  Each GPS receiver has a correlator and the PRBS for all 31
possible satellites
•  Receiver correlates the received PRBS with each of
the sequences stored on the board
–  Done by shifting receiver own sequence from an estimated
time t0 until a peak of correlation is achieved
–  This peak identifies the satellite number and the shift w.r.t.
time indicates the distance to the satellite
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS Operation Overview
•  Navigation message present in both L1 and L2 frequencies
•  Contains information about the satellite ephemeris, clock
correction parameters, and low precision ephemeris data for the
other satellites
•  After 30 seconds of continuous satellite tracking, the GPS
receiver is able to achieve position determination
•  After ~12.5min. of uninterrupted tracking of a given satellite the
low precision ephemeris for the whole satellite constellation is
downloaded (Almanac)
•  The Standard Positioning Service (SPS) is based on C/A code
in L1 frequency, available to general public
•  The Precise Positioning Service (PPS) uses the P code
available in both L1 and L2 frequencies, reserved to authorised
users, encrypted
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS Obervables
•  Pseudo-range: distance from satellite to receiver,
plus additional errors due to clock drifts, ionosphere,
troposphere, multi-path
•  Doppler frequency information: receiver and
satellites in constant motion w.r.t. each other =>
receiver signal experiences change in frequency
proportional to relative velocities.
–  Can be used for very accurate velocity estimation
–  Makes velocity information independent of position
(important for data fusion)
–  Not all GPS receivers can exploit Doppler observation
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS Obervables
•  Precision of the solution affected by two main factors:
–  PDOP (Position Dilution of Precision)
–  Precision in range determination
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Position Determination
•  Position univocally determined when ranges to at
least 3 satellites are available
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Position Determination
•  The system uses 4 satellites to solve for the other
•  time to synchronise receiver and satellite clocks
–  => Receivers can have inexpensive clocks (satellites have
very accurate atomic clocks).
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Position Determination
•  Known
–  Ephemerides of 4 satellites in view (xi, yi, zi)
–  Ranges from these 4 satellites (ri)
•  Unknown:
–  GPS receiver position (x,y,z)
–  Clock drift
•  => Set of non-linear equations:
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Position Determination
•  GPS receivers usually linearise these equations:
where 𝜀 = errors due to range noise and missing higher order terms
in the linearisation.
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Position Determination
•  Change in position can then be evaluated by:
•  When ranges from more than 4 satellites available, a
least square solution can be implemented:
•  Position updated with the correction to obtain the
position of the receiver at the time stamp of the
pseudo-range information:
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Most Common GPS Errors
•  Satellite Clock Errors
–  Ground Stations responsible for estimating the clock errors
–  Parameters of the correction formula uploaded to satellite,
which broadcasts them as part of the navigation message
–  Each GPS receiver needs to compensate the pseudorange
information accordingly
•  Ephemeris Errors
–  Ephemeris parameters transmitted with errors
–  These errors grow with time since last updated from ground
–  GPS receivers usually do not use satellites with ephemerides
older than 2 hours
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Most Common GPS Errors
•  Ionosphere Errors
–  Free elections in the Ionosphere => GPS signal does not
travel at the speed of light while in transit in this region
–  These errors can be compensated using a diurnal model of
these delays. Parameters of this model are in the GPS
navigation message
–  Errors after this compensation: in the order of 2-5m
–  Other compensation method: using signals at both
frequencies (L1 and L2) to solve for the delay. Can reduce
errors to 1-2m
•  Troposphere Errors
–  Variation of speed of signal due to variation in temperature,
pressure and humidity
–  Model correction can reduce this error to order of 1m
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Most Common GPS Errors
•  Receiver Errors
–  Introduced by the GPS receiver when evaluating the range
through the correlation process
–  Mostly dependent on non-linear effects and thermal noise
–  Magnitude of the error: 0.2-0.5m
•  Multipath Errors
–  Signal reaches the receiver through indirect path by multiple
reflections => erroneous range and phase carrier difference
–  Can be reduced with: appropriate antenna selection, GPS
receiver, accepting observations only from satellites with
minimum elevation angle
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Most Common GPS Errors
•  Selected Availability (SA)
–  Deliberate error introduced by the US DoD
–  Additional noise included in the transmitted satellite clock
and satellite ephemeris of the SPS
–  Disconnection announced in 2000
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Most Common GPS Errors
•  Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP)
–  Quality of the solution of the position and clock bias error in
relation with the error in the pseudo-range measurement is a
function of the matrix A
–  Assuming sigma standard deviation for the pseudo-range
observation, the matrix covariance for the state p is:
–  From this equation the various definitions of estimation
accuracy can be defined:
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Most Common GPS Errors
•  Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP)
–  The estimated error of the individual component of the state
vector p can be given as function of the DOP variables:
–  Most GPS receivers evaluate these uncertainties in real time,
allowing the user to monitor the accuracy of the solution
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Fundamental of Differential GPS (DGPS)
•  Position errors can be significantly reduced with
another station placed at a known surveyed locations
•  Base station evaluates the range errors and
broadcasts them to the other stations
–  Usually placed in location with good sky visibility
–  Processes information from satellites with at least 5 degrees
over the horizon (to avoid multipath problems)
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Fundamental of Differential GPS (DGPS)
•  DGPS significantly reduces errors due to delays in the
Troposphere and Ionosphere (also could eliminate
almost all the errors due to SA)
•  With SA on, DGPS reduced positioning errors from
~100m to under a few metres
•  Without SA the gain is less significant, except if fusion
with INS (can achieve cm-accuracy)
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Phase Carrier GPS
•  Advanced GPS receivers make use of phase carrier
information to improve accuracy of the position fix
•  Differential carrier phase tracking consists of
measuring the phase shift between the same signal
received at the base and the vehicle station.
–  This phase shift is proportional to the distance between the
two stations
•  More complicated hardware and software needed
–  Because measurements subject to phase ambiguities
•  Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite navigation
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Phase Carrier GPS
•  When receiver unit is switched on and commences logging
the initial whole cycle difference (ambiguity) between the
satellite and the receiver is unknown
•  Once the state of the ambiguity is held fixed, the receiver
is said to have “converged” and the ambiguity is resolved.
•  Each corresponding satellite signal ambiguity is held
constant and the change in phase is used to calculate the
change in the receiver’s position
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Phase Carrier GPS
•  Convergence time depends on a number of factors,
–  Number of visible satellites
–  Satellite configuration
–  Baseline (i.e. distance between remote and reference
–  Method of ambiguity resolution (single frequency, dual
frequency, or combined dual frequency and code
pseudorange data)
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Phase Carrier GPS
•  Experimental data from a Novatel GPS receiver
working with 2 different algorithms:
–  RT20: 20cm accuracy using L1 frequency
–  RT2: 2cm accuracy using both L1 and L2 frequencies
RT2 Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS/INS Fusion
•  Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU):
–  Composed of accelerometers and gyroscopes
–  Provides raw accelerations and rotation rate data
•  Inertial Navigation System (INS):
–  IMU used for navigation
–  Provides position, velocities and attitude information
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS/INS Fusion
•  GPS:
  Good global accuracy
–  Limited local accuracy (at least metre)
–  Low update frequency (typically ~1 Hz)
–  Rely on satellite visibility (line of sight)
–  GPS signal can be jammed
•  INS (Inertial Navigation System):
  Good local accuracy
  High update frequency (can be several hundreds Hz)
  Non-radiating and cannot be jammed
–  Drift over time
•  GPS/INS Fusion
=> best of both worlds
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
(Some) External Aiding Signals
•  Time of Arrival (Range Measurements)
–  GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)
•  Good urban coverage
–  DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting)
•  Poor coverage
–  DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting)
–  3G
•  Good urban coverage
•  High bandwidth
•  Carrier Phase Measurements
–  MW (Medium Wave radio signals)
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS Alternatives
•  Russian Global Navigation Satellite System
–  Development started 1976
–  Satellite constellation completed 1995 (24 operational
–  Down to 6 operational satellites in 2001
–  Back to complete constellation and full coverage by 2011
–  Full precision signal available to public in 2007
–  Only alternative to GPS in operation with global coverage
and of comparable precision
–  Limited commercialisation, but new rules from Russian
government aimed at encouraging/forcing products using
GPS to be compatible with GLONASS as well
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
•  Russian Global Navigation Satellite System
–  Also transmits navigation and range data on freq. L1 and L2
–  Satellites distinguished by frequency of the signal (L1
1597-1617 MHz and L2 1240-1260 MHz)
–  Better positioning than GPS in high latitudes (north or south)
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Image from Wikipedia 38
GPS Alternatives (cont’d)
•  European Union Galileo
–  Planned to be operational by 2014
–  Fully deployed by 2019
•  Chinese COMPASS (Beidou 2)
–  Beidou 1: limited to Asia and West Pacific
–  Beidou 2: Global coverage by 2020
•  Indian Regional Navigational System (IRNSS)
–  Coverage: India & Northern Indian Ocean
–  ETA: 2014
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Coordinate Transformation
•  GPS solution in ECEF coordinates (Earth-Centered,
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Coordinate Transformations
•  From ECEF coordinates to geodetic coordinates
(latitude and longitude):
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
•  Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) geographic
–  2D Cartesian coordinate system for locations on the surface
of the Earth
–  Earth divided in 60 zones, each a 6°-band of longitude
–  Uses a secant transverse Mercator projection in each zone
–  Each zone segmented into 20 latitude bands (of 8°), lettered
‘C’ to ‘X’ (except ‘I’ & ‘O’)
–  Zone + latitude band = grid zone
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
UTM Grid
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS Limitations
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Localisation using Landmarks
•  Landmarks whose locations are known a priori (E.g.
beacon-based navigation)
–  Similar to a GPS with “fixed” satellites
•  Landmarks a priori unknown
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping
•  Start at an unknown location with no a priori knowledge of
landmark locations
•  From relative observations of landmarks, compute estimate of
vehicle location and estimate of landmark locations
•  While continuing in motion, build complete map of landmarks
and use these to provide continuous estimates of vehicle
Landmark Errors
Vehicle Path
True Vehicle Path
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods Landmark
SLAM Estimation Process
 Prediction
Use vehicle model to predict vehicle
 Observation
Take feature observation(s)
 Update
Validated observations used to
generate optimal estimate
Initialise new target
Vehicle Path
0000 0000
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Visual SLAM
Video - Click Here
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Video - Click Here
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
3D Laser SLAM
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
Main References
•  US Department of Defense. Global Positioning System Precise
Positioning Service Performance Standard. February 2007.
•  US Department of Defense. Global Positioning System Standard
Positioning Service Performance Standard. 4th edition,
September 2008.
•  E. Nebot. Navigation System Design. The University of Sydney.
Thierry Peynot | GPS and Alternative Localisation Methods
GPS and Recent Alternatives for
Dr. Thierry Peynot
Australian Centre for Field Robotics
The University of Sydney