ARTICLE 6. 6.1 OFF STREET PARKING Off-Street Parking Regulations For all zoning districts, off-street parking spaces shall be provided for every new structure, the enlargement of an existing structure, and new or expanded uses, except as noted below, in accordance with the TABLE OF OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS and other requirements contained herein. For all zoning districts, except the Downtown Business (DB) District, in cases of a change in use where the existing use (or in cases of vacancy, the next previous use) did not provide for the number of off-street parking spaces required under this Bylaw, then the proposed use shall only have to provide an additional number of off-street parking spaces equal to the increase, if any, between the number required under this Bylaw for the existing use and the number required for the proposed use. For Downtown Business (DB) Districts only, no additional off-street parking is required for the following: a. b. c. Continued use or reuse of existing buildings, as long as that use or reuse does not increase the usable floor area within the building The replacement of an amount of floor space equal to that in existence at the time of enactment of this Bylaw. The addition of a second floor to one-story buildings existing in the DB District at the time of the enactment of this Bylaw, however, the addition of a third or more floor or an expanded building footprint shall be subject to the parking requirements. Table 1 Off-Street Parking Regulations The number of off-street parking spaces required to serve added floor space in the Downtown Business (DB) District is shown in parenthesis. Where no parenthesized number appears, the parking requirement for added floor space in the DB District is the same as that which applies in all other zoning districts. Parking shall be provided to serve the parking needs which are generated by a particular use or structure. When there is more than one primary use of a structure, the parking requirements for each principal use must be met unless one use is incidental to the principal use of the structure Dwelling, one-, two- and three-family units and townhouses Dwelling, multi-family Theater, stadium, auditorium, halls, undertaking establishments, church or other similar place of public assembly, with seating facilities Clubs, restaurants, taverns, And other eating places Two per unit (1.0 per unit) Two per dwelling unit, except housing for the elderly, in which case, it shall be one for each two dwelling units (1.0 per unit) One for each four seats of total seating capacity (one for each six seats) Two for each four seats of total seating capacity, plus one per each 300 square feet of gross kitchen area (one for each four seats of total seating capacity, plus one per each 500 square feet of gross kitchen area) 73 Stores and shops for the conducting of retail businesses; Commercial, retail and personal service establishments Miscellaneous professional and business offices, including banks, insurance and real estate establishments Wholesale establishment One per each 200 square feet of gross floor area (1.0 per 500 square feet) One per each 400 square feet of gross floor area (1.0 per 600 square feet) Boarding house, lodging house, inn, hotel or motel One space for each room Home occupation Manufacturing or industrial establishments One space for each non-residential employee and one additional space for the home occupation One per each 600 square feet gross floor space Community facility (City building, recreation, etc.) One per each 400 square feet gross floor space Libraries and museums One per each 300 square feet gross floor space Public utility (1) One for each 300 square feet of gross floor area devoted to office use (2) One for each 800 square feet of gross floor area per other use Hospital Psychiatric mental health unit Transitional Care unit Ancillary and supporting pharmacy Outpatient clinic Rehabilitative service clinic Ancillary and supporting health and fitness facility Medical/dental psychiatric office building Nursing Home Childcare facility Ancillary and supporting parking Accessory dwelling units for resident employees Ancillary and supporting trailers to be used for storage of medical equipment and supplies Ancillary and supporting storage of mobile medical vehicles Ancillary and supporting training/educational center for public Ancillary and supporting maintenance of vehicles and equipment Ancillary and supporting helipad Ancillary and supporting storage Any use permitted by this Bylaw not interpreted to be covered by this schedule Mixed use 2 spaces per bed* 2 spaces per bed 1 space per each 200 square feet of gross floor area 1 space per each 200 square feet of gross floor area 1 space per each 200 square feet of gross floor area 1 space per each 200 square feet of gross floor area 1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area 1 space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area 1 space per 2 beds 1 space per every 3 clients None 2 spaces per unit 2 spaces for each trailer One per each 1,000 square feet gross floor space None 4 spaces per classroom plus 1 space per each 4 seats None None None Closest similar use as shall be determined by the Building Inspector Sum of various uses computed separately * The following uses will be included under Hospital for the purposes of this section: emergency room, medical research laboratory, medical diagnostics, outpatient facilities, ancillary and supporting modular office space, ancillary and supporting swimming pool, medical/dental/psychiatric clinic and ancillary and supporting newsstand or cafeteria (foods services). 74 6.2 Application of Parking Requirements a. Permits for the erection of new structures, for the enlargement of existing structures, or for the development of a land use shall require plans showing the specific location and size of the off-street parking required under this Zoning Bylaw, and the means of access to such space from Public Streets or Private Ways. In the event of an existing structure these requirements shall apply only to the area added to the structure. b. Buildings and land uses in existence on the effective date of this bylaw are not subject to these parking requirements, but any parking facilities then serving or thereafter established to service such buildings or uses may not be reduced below these standards. c. When an individual building of less than 5,000 sq. ft. or a parcel of land is used by two or more principal uses that fall into different classes of use, the parking facilities required shall be the sum of the requirements for the separate uses. d. For buildings of over 5,000 sq. ft. accommodating several distinct principal uses (such as those in a small shopping center) the total amount of required parking may be reduced by 5% for each additional 5,000 sq. ft. of floor area. Thus a 5,000 sq. ft. retail building would require 25 spaces (at one per 200 sq. ft.) but a mixed uses 10,000 sq. ft. building would require only 45 spaces. e. Total parking requirements for principal uses within 500 feet of one another may be reduced to the extent that the applicants can demonstrate that the hours of activity are complementary and that customers or employees of each use will continue to have access to the total amount of available space. (For example a motion picture theater operating primarily in the evening and on weekends could jointly use parking spaces with a bank operating during the week and on Saturday mornings.) 6.3 Location and Layout of Parking Facilities a. Required off-street parking facilities shall be provided on the same lot as the principal use they are required to serve. b. Parking required for two or more buildings or uses may be provided in combined facilities where it is evident that such facilities will continue to be available for the several buildings or uses. c. Each required car space shall not be less than ten (10) feet in width and twenty (20) feet in length, exclusive of drives and maneuvering space, and the total area of any parking facility for more than five (5) cars shall average at least three hundred and fifty (350) square feet per car. No driveways or curb cuts shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in width. d. An open-air parking space shall be at least ten (10) feet from any building, and shall be at least eight (8) feet from any property line. e. Garages shall conform to the prescribed minimum setback distances of the zoning area in which the lot is located. 75 f. Parking areas shall not be used for automobile sales, gasoline sales, dead storage, repair work, dismantling or servicing of any kind, and lighting that is provided shall be installed in a manner that will prevent direct light shining onto any street or adjacent property. g. In the Health Care Services District, notwithstanding any other provision of this bylaw, required off-street parking facilities may be located on any lot within the District, provided that, in the event that of any division or subdivision occurs within the District resulting in the creation of new lots, each lot in the District shall either (i) accommodate the required parking facilities associated with uses on that lot, or (ii) have the benefit of perpetual easement rights to utilize such parking facilities on other lots within the District as may be required for uses on the benefited lot. However the total number of required off-street parking spaces will continue to be based upon calculation of applicable parking requirements for each use existing from time to time on this lot and on each of the lots so benefited. In the Health Care Services District, notwithstanding any other provision of this bylaw, off-street parking facilities may be located in the required front yard, provided that parking spaces are located no closer than 30 feet from the property line adjacent to Groton Road. In the Health Care Services District, notwithstanding any other provision of this bylaw, each required car space shall not be less than nine (90) feet in width and eighteen (18) feet in length, exclusive of drives and maneuvering space. 6.4 Shared Parking. Shared parking encourages mixed use development and greater efficiency in land use. Shared parking opportunities exist where the same parking space can be utilized by two or more different land uses due to differences in principal operating hours for the uses involved. Shared parking facilities may be allowed with a Special Permit from the Zoning Board and Site Plan Review by the Planning Board. 6.4.1 Shared Parking for Private Parking Facilities The following are requirements for approval of a shared parking facility: a. Shared parking is only permitted in the GB, DB, LI, and HI zoning districts. b. The uses and common parking facility must either be owned by the same developer/owner and located in close proximity to one another or written agreements must be provided if there are multiple owners and/or successors. c. Parking spaces to be shared shall not be reserved for certain individuals or groups on a 24 hour basis. d. Any subsequent change in land uses within the mixed use development shall require proof that sufficient parking will be available. e. No restrictions should be placed on the use of the parking spaces. Each space should be usable by any motorist with the exception of handicap spaces. f. An interior traffic flow plan shall be provided. Signage for circulation 76 may be necessary. g. Demonstrate parking area security. h. Demonstrate how shared parking enforcement will be undertaken. To determine whether shared parking is appropriate, the Zoning Board shall follow the following method to calculate the amount of parking required for a specific mix of uses. a. Conduct an initial project review as knowledge of the site and proposed land uses becomes more important when designing shared parking requirements than traditional analysis of parking demand. Relationships between land uses would be a crucial determinant. b. Conduct an analysis of parking requirements for five different time periods. This analysis should be conducted for individual land uses. This would provide an estimate of parking accumulations for each land use during a typical weekday or weekend. The results should be presented as a percentage of peak parking requirements (e.g.: see Table of Shared Parking Calculation). c. Determine the minimum amount of parking required for each proposed or existing land use as though it were a separate use. d. Multiply each amount by the corresponding percentage for each of the five time periods. e. Calculate the column total for each time period. f. The column total with the highest value is the parking space requirement. Table 2 Shared Parking Calculation WEEKDAY Daytime 9am – 4 pm Office/Industrial Retail Hotel Restaurant Entertainment/Recreation 6.4.2 100% 60% 75% 50% 40% WEEKEND Evening Daytime 6pm 9 am-4 pm Midnight 10% 10% 90% 100% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100% 80% NIGHT Evening Evening 6pm – Midnight Midnight – 6 am 5% 70% 100% 100% 100% 5% 5% 75% 10% 10% Shared Parking for Municipal Parking Facilities a. A municipal parking facility should be reasonably close to the land use to ensure that shared parking will occur. The major entrance of the land use should be within 500 feet of the parking facility. 77 b. Municipal parking facilities may be used as the sole shared parking facility serving nearby land uses. The calculations for parking requirements follow that of private mixed use facilities, Table 2, Shared Parking Calculation. However, certain land uses may share parking with the public parking facilities during periods when excess public parking is normally available. A reduction in the parking requirements is permitted for these land uses as shown in Table 3, Percentage of Parking Reduction for Municipal Shared Parking Facilities. c. Other factors that may be considered when exploring flexible parking standards are reductions in off street parking requirements for historic districts, collecting fees in lieu of parking for certain business districts, allowing off street parking when on site parking is not feasible, and using parking reductions to encourage ride-sharing programs. TABLE 3 Percentage of Parking Reduction for Municipal Shared Parking Facilities Retail Hotel Restaurant Entertainment/Recreation Multifamily 6.5 % Parking Reduction 40% 25% 50% 60% 40% Parking Standards Proposed projects or uses must comply with Parking and Off-street Loading regulations in Article 6 and the following standards: a. No parking shall be permitted within the required front yard setback of a structure. If the physical configuration of the lot creates a hardship for the property owner to meet this requirement, the Planning Board may allow parking in the front, with adequate screening, as noted in Article 9, Special Provisions, Section 9.3 Screening and Buffers on page 112. b. To the extent feasible, parking areas shall be shared with adjacent businesses. c. For developments which make a long-term commitment to actively promote employee and public use of transit, ridesharing, and other means to reduce single occupant vehicle (SOV) trips, minimum parking standards may be reduced by a percentage, up to a maximum of twenty percent (20%) to be determined by the Planning Board based upon the adequacy of trip reduction plans submitted in accordance with Article 9 Special Provisions, Section 9.4 Commercial Development Standards, on page 114 subsection b. 78