Minutes - Weston.org

Weston Planning Board
Minutes of March 2, 2016
Members present: A Aydelott, R Chatalbash, S Oppenheimer, S Zacharias. (Absent: A Flynn)
Staff present: A Bradley, recording secretary, J Field, Building Inspector/Land Use Coordinator,
K Turner, landscape consultant, and D Conway, consulting engineer
Meeting Location: Weston Town Hall, Lower Level Meeting Room
Aydelott opened the meeting at 7:35 pm.
Citizens’ Comments:
There were no citizens’ comments.
The new Town Planner, Imaikalani Aiu, attended the meeting and was introduced by Aydelott.
He will start working for the town on March 17, 2016.
Rivers School-Limited Site Plan Approval-hydroponic garden in a freight container:
Ben McGovern (Director of Facilities-Rivers School) proposed installation of a hydroponic
garden in a self-contained 40-foot shipping container. He indicated that an alumnus agreed to
purchase the container and donate it to the Rivers School. The purpose would be to provide a
learning experience for students in the science department to explore alternative growing
methods. There was discussion about painting the façade of the container to obscure the signage
written on the side of it.
Motion: Chatalbash moved to approve the limited site plan; Oppenheimer seconded;
unanimously approved. A draft decision will be reviewed on 3/23 at 9:10 pm.
405 North Avenue-continued public hearing to request extension of Special Permit, Flexible
Jonathan White (White Freeman & Winter-Attorney) clarified a question raised in the previous
meeting that he sought an extension of the special permit and would accept a modification
proposed by the Board to prohibit demolishing the existing house. White also clarified that aside
from this one change, his client had no plans to modify the original special permit. White
suggested an alternative to restricting demolition. He asked the Board to consider replacement
construction provided it met the Board’s standards such as contextual scale, size, and style of the
neighborhood. Aydelott stated that in his opinion this was an acceptable alternative.
The decision is scheduled to be reviewed on 3/23 at 9:25 pm.
25 Doublet Hill Road-open public hearing-Site Plan Approval-RGFA:
Rob Gemma (Civil Engineer, Metrowest Engineering) stated that the 3.25 acre lot meets all of
the Residential Zone A requirements. The Residential Gross Square Footage (RGFA) for the
existing house is 4,900 square feet. The average existing grade plane is 247.3 feet and the house
is 25 feet above the average existing grade plane. There is 14,000 square feet of impervious area
that exists on the lot. There are no storm water controls in place and there is an old cesspool in
front of the house that has failed. Soil testing demonstrated that there is no apparent ledge, so it’s
unlikely that there will be need for blasting.
The proposed project sites the house 70 feet farther from the road than the existing home. The
same driveway access is being proposed and the driveway curb cut will remain. Aydelott
questioned the need for a 13 foot driveway, suggesting 12 feet was generally adequate. Gemma
said the driveway width varied from 12-13 feet to look more natural. The proposed footprint of
the house is 6,700 sq ft and the RGFA is 10,800 sq ft. The average existing grade plain for the
proposed house is nearly identical to the existing one, and the ridge height is 36 feet, 8 inches.
The impervious area is increasing by 6,000 sq ft to about 20,000 sq ft. Fill is being proposed on
the westerly side of the house. Based on feedback from the Board during the site walk, retaining
walls were moved back a few feet from the property line toward the house. Members questioned
the rationale for flattening the site, and suggested a slight slope would look more natural.
Continuing with his presentation, he indicated that storm water will be handled by four systems.
The rear driveway will consist of traditional asphalt pavement but include water flows directed to
a catch basin consisting of a stone reservoir with a piping manifold.
Glen Valentine (Stephen Stimson Associates-Associate Landscape Architect) reviewed the
diversity of existing plantings on the property. He mentioned that the site plan called for the
removal of 65 trees; however, he indicated that it also called for 135 new trees. Examples
included American beeches, tulip trees, river birches, witch hazels, and sugar maples. Plans also
included 6 Norway and white spruces for screening purposes along the edge of the property.
After comments made during the site walk, he stated that he revised the design to save 4 mature
maple trees on the edge of the property.
Valentine presented the lighting plan. The lights are being proposed for the egress and entry
points of the house and places where there are steps in the landscape. The total lumen count was
stated to be under 21,050 but Aydelott questioned the accuracy of lumens from the pool fixture.
He indicated that there appeared to be incongruity between the watts specified and the amount of
lumens generated. He suggested the design team review the information and provide updated
information for the Board.
Michael Collins (D Michael Collins Architects-Architect) presented his design for the new
home. He indicated that it was a traditional-style home. He emphasized that his goal was to
design it so it had the appearance of a home that had been added to over the years. Open porches
were intended to provide protected spaces outside, the garage façade would be reminiscent of an
old barn, and the steep roofline would reduce the scale and massing. Proposed materials were
copper roofs, stone, weathered wood texture, and double hung windows.
Conway stated that storm water management was acceptable. Turner stated that earlier versions
of the plan included more tree removal, and that the newer version, along with the new plantings,
provided adequate screening.
Lee Shepherd Johnson, who lives at 17 Doublet Hill Road, spoke in support of the project.
Aydelott asked the design team to provide clarification of the lighting schedule, consideration of
slightly sloping the flattened area, and consideration of narrowing the driveway in some areas.
No further presentation would be needed as long as this information was received prior to the
draft decision on 3/23 at 8:40 pm. He requested that information be turned in 4-5 days prior to
the 3/23 meeting so the Board would have adequate time to review the information.
55 Coburn Road-Flex subdivision-informal discussion:
Oppenheimer recused himself from the discussion because he is an abutter to the property. Keith
Rogal stated that he wanted to have an informal discussion with the Board about a possible
flexible subdivision. He presented a plan that showed three houses sited toward the back of the
property enabling robust screening from the street. Gemma stated that a 3-lot density proof plan
is possible with an Approval Not Required (ANR).
The Board stated that this seems generally in keeping with the standards it would be looking for
in granting a flexible subdivision.
MASSDOT-Liberty Mutual-remove direct access from RT90:
Matt Jasmin (MASSDOT-Project Manager) provided a presentation on the all electronic tolling
system (AETS) that will be installed along the entirety of I-90 from NY to Harbor Crossings in
Boston. The AETS will go live as of 10/15/2016. The project scope includes demolition of toll
booths, canopies, underground access tunnels, and roadway reconstruction. The goal is to
provide safe and efficient conditions at all locations. Benefits include reduced travel time (not
having to stop or reduce speeds through the toll), elimination of speed variations at the toll
plazas, elimination of toll plaza merging and weaving, reduction of impervious areas at toll
plazas, and reduced fuel consumption and emissions. Coordination has been conducted with the
Federal Highway Administration, Liberty Mutual agents, and with Senator Barrett,
Representative Peisch, and Weston Town Officials. As of February 2016, 75% designs drawings
were completed; advertising all contracts are anticipated to be posted on 5/7/2016, and the
contractor is anticipated to begin by 8/1/2016, with the system operational by 10/15/2016.
Tom Roach (AECOM) provided general information in regards to the Project location, the
Weston Interchange of I-90 toll plaza, and access to Liberty Mutual.
Jeff Maxtutis (AECOM) provided information in regards to the traffic impacts for the Liberty
Mutual ramps. The entrance and exit to Liberty Mutual were discussed. Two years of data were
collected on peak hours. The inbound ramps showed 3 cars in the morning rush hour, and in the
afternoon, a maximum of 80 a day.
Rick Colon (MASSDOT-Director of Community Relations) stated that the project team will
have informational sessions with the Zoning Boards of Appeals, request consent of the Board of
Selectmen, and conduct ongoing discussions with Liberty Mutual.
Aydelott stated that it would be helpful for the Board to be able to provide the information to its
traffic consultant for review. Oppenheimer asked how long it will take to demolish the toll
booths to convert to the new system. Jasmin stated that there would be different stages
throughout the project and that toll removal, overhead gantry scanner and final roadway layout
would be phased-in. Aydelott asked about a particular parcel of land that will be empty when
construction is completed, and was advised that there were no plans for development.
Other Business:
Discussion of the Case Campus Master Plan:
Board members discussed traffic flow, vehicle stacking and lighting.
Approve meeting minutes from February 3, 2016:
Motion: Oppenheimer moved to approve the meeting minutes with changes noted; Chatalbash
seconded; unanimously approved.
Approve meeting minutes from February 17, 2016:
A brief discussion was held in regards to the update from the Attorney General on the
requirements of minutes: minutes need to include a reason for why someone was in attendance
remotely, the geographic location and the location of the meeting.
Motion: Zacharias moved to approve the meeting minutes with changes noted; Chatalbash
seconded; unanimously approved.
Backlogged meeting minutes:
Aydelott asked all of the members for an update on where they stood with the backlogged
meeting minutes. Updates were provided. Aydelott volunteered to finish the remainder of the
2013 meeting minutes. The meeting to review the backlogged minutes will be on March 8, 2016.
Motion: At 10:31 pm, Zacharias made a motion to adjourn; Chatalbash seconded; unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Bradley