M2013-22 Facilities - South Sound 911, WA

South Sound 911 – Policy Board
Adopted November 20, 2013
Motion 2013-22
Date action is requested: 11/20/2013
Title: Motion 2013-22 Approval of hybrid campus facilities concept and direction to Executive
Director to pursue appropriate financial analysis for construction
Attachments: None
Type of action: Motion
SUBMITTED BY: Andrew E. Neiditz, Executive Director
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Operations Board that the Policy Board
approve the hybrid campus facilities concept and direct appropriate financial analysis for
BACKGROUND: In September 2012, South Sound 911 issued a request for proposal (RFP)
for a facilities study with specifications drafted by the PSAP Advisory Committee (PAC). The
responses were reviewed by the PAC, who unanimously recommended awarding the contract
to IXP. The Operations Board agreed and passed a motion to recommend IXP to the Policy
Board, approving the contract in December 2012. The original scope of work included
development of a detailed facility program of two models. The original program contained
analysis of two redundant centers as well as a single building design. The initial cost estimates
for the two designs came in higher than expected, which led the executive director to instruct
IXP to explore potential cost saving measures. Subsequently, the scope of work was modified
to include a third design – a hybrid campus model. Below is an outline of each model with the
square footage and cost estimates as presented in the Facility Planning Study Final Report
dated October 23, 2013.
Two-facility model – One facility, on one parcel of land, configured to house the law
enforcement dispatch function along with the administrative, information technology and records
elements of the South Sound 911 service mix. This facility would also serve as the backup for
the fire dispatch function if that facility needed to be evacuated. A second facility, on a separate
and somewhat distant parcel of land, configured to house the fire dispatch function and a
municipal Emergency Operations Center. This facility would also serve as a backup for the law
enforcement dispatch function if that facility needed to be evacuated.
• LE dispatch: total staff & gross area 58,765 square feet
• Fire/EMS dispatch w/ EOC: total staff & gross area 22,106 square feet
• Preliminary estimated cost for total project: $77,102,994
Co-located single facility model – A colocated single facility model where all functions of South
Sound 911 were housed within a single facility. This model will require a stand-alone warm
backup location in the event South Sound 911 was not able to occupy the primary facility. The
final report provided two options for fully viable backup locations: the current South Sound 911
communications center and the City of Puyallup’s communication center.
• Total staff & gross area 73,026 square feet
• Preliminary estimated cost for total project: $69,289,548
Hybrid campus model – Two facilities would be constructed on a common parcel, with one
facility developed to the more stringent design standards to house the law enforcement PSAP,
the fire/EMS PSAP, and the municipal EOC. The other building would be developed to more
normal business office design standards, and would house the administration and information
services functions of South Sound 911. This model will require a stand-alone warm backup
location in the event South Sound 911 was not able to occupy the primary communications
• Admin/IS building: total staff & gross area 25,919 square feet
• LE PSAP, fire/EMS PSAP, EOC building: total staff & gross area 50,578 square feet
• Preliminary estimated cost for total project: $62,762,634
On November 8, 2013 the Operations Board unanimously supported recommendation of the
hybrid campus facilities model to accommodate both a Law Enforcement PSAP and a Fire
PSAP, subject to the clear identification of an effective redundant back-up system, and further
recommended that the executive director pursue the appropriate financial analysis to expedite
the construction of said facilities.
It should be noted that the cost estimates provided by IXP are based on traditional government
bidding/procurement processes (design-bid-build, general contractor/construction manager,
design-build). The executive director is reviewing alternative, more efficient project delivery
methods, including public/private partnerships in development (sometimes referred to as the 6320 financing method or lease-based delivery methods). It would be beneficial to the agency for
the executive director to evaluate such alternative delivery approaches to see what efficiencies
they could potentially bring to the facilities project.
ALTERNATIVES: The Policy Board could approve another facilities model as an alternative to
the hybrid campus model. However, the hybrid campus model is the least expensive and most
efficient model of those explored based on the scope of the facilities study.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: This motion does not have any financial impact other than staff time to
commence the processes involved in the facilities project and financial analysis. Any proposed
project budget or expenditures over $50,000 will be brought before the Policy Board as
Executive Director Review