07 /29/L0 LLII GENERAT 1.01 PRovIsIoNs NO. : 063545 sEcrroN 15301 fficTIoN sYsTEMs woRK SCOPE AI{D INTERPRETATION These Specificat.ions and accompanying Drawinqs provide B for the furnishlng and the installation of the fire protectj-on systems, including all accessories such as hose stat.ions and cabinets, sprinkler heads, flow switches, fire/sprinkler booster pumps, etc. The specificat.ions and Drawings require the Master Fire Suppression Piping Contractor, to provide all- 1abor, materials, equipment and appurtenances to perform of all Work pertaining or incidental- theret.o, which is needed to complete the Work shown on the Drawj-ngs and cal-l-ed for in the Specif ications. C n,raf am cltlLl Thc c(]mnl f -i re nrol-er-f i n^ DyDLEItt -h,.i the rrrs vvrrrl/!sLs cl- c rJ!s IJ!vLguuf\JII D. work shal_l_ be so lnstalled as to give proper and continuous service under all- conditions, and shall be j-n accordance with the requirements of all public authorities having jurisdiction and to the complete satisfaction of the Authority. Any Work shown on the Drawings and not particularly descrj-bed in the specifications, or vice versa or any Work which may be deemed ncr-cqsarv to complete the Contract shall_ be provided by t.he Contractor as part of its Contract. For purposes of clearness and legibility, fire protection Drawings are essentially diagrammatic and size and l-ocation of equipment are drawn to scale wherever possible. The Drawings indicate size, connection points and routes of pipe. It is not j-ntended, however, that al-1 of f sets, rises and drops are shown. Provide piping as required to fit structure, avoid obstruction, and retain clearances, headroom openings and passageways. E. Sprinklers shown and described on the Drawings shall be connecLed to water supply piping in accordance with the requirements of NFPA L3-02, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems as amended Section Ql-01 of Appendix O of the 2008 NYC Building Code, cie.soi te ^n\z z1^qq i hl o OmiSSiOn Of indiCatiOn Of SUCh ni ni ncr n n tho nl ane Any question involving the installation of such piping shal-l be referred to the Authority for resolution. The Fire Protection Systems Contractor shal-l- comply wit.h the Commissioning Requirements of Section S01560 l/vuv4v!v vlt E' or f !v! MrcscA rPrrmni urlryrrrv Lrrg l/lqlro. ncr nIJIJe!qLu-. Anna ral- rr e F.i !!!g -^ nraf aa{- i a11 svsf JJouurlrJems sha Jlrq f f I/!vLguLrvrr GENERJAI PROVISIONS FOR TIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS WORK 15301 1 o7 /2e/LO LLW be tested in accordance with the the NYC Fire Code. NYC NO.: 063545 Buildinq Code and Instalfation of sprinkler and standpipe syst.ems are sublect to the special inspection requirements of Sections BC L]04.2I and BC I704.22 respectively of Chapter I1 of the NYC Buil-ding Code. The Contractor shal-l- cooperate and provide access to Special Inspectors hired by the Authority for conducting Special Inspections. H Qnnna nf rilnr];: . f if a The rrr9 !!!9 .i on nrnf y!vusvLJvrror-1- WOf k Of this contract shal-l- include but shafl- not be limited to the following systems, equipment and services: 1. Provide a complete combined fire protection system consistinq of: Qr- rnrln'i nav // uI/! onrinkl_ef - riSef S and f iSef C6ntf Ol valves, distribution and branch piping, drain l-ines, hose valves, hose racks and cabinets, roof manifolds, Siamese fire department nrlmn nnn1- rnl I orq connor-f i nn f i ro ?.rrrmna :nrl and al-1 associated appurtenances and alarm evllllsvLlvllt !f!g yUltlyD qIlV I/Ultty VVtIL!V!IE!Ot devices. Spri-nklers connection to combined risers, sprinkler f loor controf val-ve assembly, distribution and branch piping, sprinkler heads, all associated appurtenances and connection to alarm devices. Provide a compJ-ete sprinkler system consistj-ng of risers and riser control- val-ves, sprinkler heads, floor control valve assembly,'l drain 1ines, Q'i amaca f rnA hrrmn nnnf rn1 vrru! arc r, a]_]_ and ^rrmnc t' associated appurtenances and connection to afarm 1-\ devices. 3. mrcscA Provide a complete fire standpipe system consisting of risers, and riser control valves, distribution and branch piping, drain l-ines, hose valves, hose racks and cabinets, roof mani-folds, Slamese fj-re department connection, fire pumps and pump controllers, and al-l- associated appurtenances and connection to al-arm devices. Piping: Instal-l-ation of complete sprinkler/standpipe systems piping from t.he point of connection at a fJ-anged fitting at the water source piping instalfed by the plumbing contractor. Piping includes among other things: Siamese connection and fittings, O.S & Y valves, GENERAI, PROVISIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS WORK 15301 2 o7 LLII NO. : 063545 /29lLO control val-ves, flow swj-tches, floor control- valve qnli rqqomkrl rz , jr: nkl or ha-Ac ..idus, 1.rnoa nose sL *rnage prpang , -y station and cabinets etc. ln7:f ar Qrrnnl i oc I' oh-ri se Hi rrrYra lrrli I d'i nrrs in Sited Seismic Design Category C or D shal-l be provided with a secondary on-site water supply equal to the hydraulically cal-cul-ated sprinkler water demand. Equipment and devices furnished under other Sections of this Contract that are integrated with inr''l rrdino the firc y!nrnfer-1_ ion uf.qrzstemel-ectriCalv Lvv u uvrr,r ss+rrY devices for system monitoring and alarms, shall- be piped by this Contractor. A11 vafves control-ling the water supply for automatic sprinkler systems, pumps, tanks, water l-evefs, and water-flow switches on a1l sprinkler systems shall- be electrically supervised by the fire al-arm system. Val-ves controlling wat.er supplles to standpi-pe in l-ha ayran naq'iiinn position so that a change in the normaf of the valve will- generat.e a supervisory signal which shal-f be transmitted to the fire alarm svstem. qrrqfam< ch:ll ha qrrnorrriqad Uut/u!Ir'vv+ Combination Sprinkler & Standpipe System: In light hazard occupancies with only l-imited ordinary hazard areasr drr automatic fire pump serving the f irst 300 f eet of the st.andpipe system shal-1 be used as the primary supply to the sprinkler system, provided that an automatic secondary power supply is available to drive the pump, where secondary power is required by other provisions of f hrt- t-ha nrrmrl .i s frrl I rr srrnglyiSed he lnrio r_ :nrl us-Y aS srrv to pump runnj-ng and power loss. Sprinkler Booster: Where the pressure from the city water main is insufficient to comply with the requirements of the referenced standard, but is suf f icient to provide at l-east 5 PSI at the highest levelof sprinklers asj determj-ned by Lest, .i -,,|^*-f cl or-fLrrif uqf r-a I ry I rz dr vcll clll cl.u Lulttct L-LU^ t L,L! a rran sf,su ^r1m^ inStalled IJLrrttP for the purpose of boosting or increasing the city water pressure in the sprinkler system may be used .|- 10. <rrhi anf f n l-ha f nl I nr.r-i na !v+!vvYfrlY radrr i ramanl- c . shall- be of approved centrifugal type, capable of delivering at least 200 9pm, and shalf be capable of suppl-ying t.he cal-cul-ated Pumps flow and pressure demand of the sprinkler q\7eram NYCSCA GENERJAI PROVISIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS WORK 15301 3 o7 /29/LO LLTI NO.: 063545 Pumps shal-l- be maintained under approved automatic control with closed circuit supervisory attachment. The supervisory attachments shall be di-rect.ly connected to an office where maintenance personnel are in attendance 24hours a day; or in lieu thereof, the supervisory at.tachment may be directly connected to the centraf station of an approved operating fire alarm company. Fire Pumps: Automatic fire pumps shall be connected to an approved waLer source in accordance with NFPA 20, Standard for the Install-ation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection and the f ol-lowinq: Any required automatic f ire pump shal-l- draw from two independent street water mains in different streets, except that: (1) any automatic fire pump may draw from a single water main if auqmented by a suctj-on tank or pump are provided with tamper switches that are wired to an approved central station of an operating fire alarm company. Where two services are installed, one service from the street water mai-n shal-l- be run directly to the pump, and the other service may be used for domestic water supply. The connectj-on from water to the mains to the pumps shall be at least 6" pipe size and shall- be flushed before conneclion is made to the svstem. When a water service supplies both the domestic service and the fire pump, a remoLe control valve shall- be placed on the domestic service connection at the point where such connection is taken from the city supply or service main. Such remote control- val-ve sha1l be control-led f rom a point near the pump control panel. In lieu of a remote controlvalve, a manually operated val-ve may be used to shut-off the entire domestic water supply to the building, provided such val-ve is located in the fire pump room and is taqged h 11. 1-\ nrnnar]r, €nr identifiCatiOn. Fire pumps shall- be placed on concrete pads at least 1,2 inches above the pump room floor with a clearance of a t least 3 ft. maintained on al-1 sides f rom wal-1s or f rom Tn the ol-her arrrr i nmonfu i n l-Lrre hc T\11mn rnnm eYuryrrrurr event of the use of a vertica] shaft centrifugal fire pump, the t2 in. high NYCSCA GENER;AI PROVISIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTTON SYSTEI,IS WORK 15301 4 o7 /29lLO LLW NO.: 063545 concrete pad may be omitted, provided the bott.om of the electric driving motor and allelectrical appurtenances are rai-sed at least 12 in. above the pump room. L2 . Floor Control Val-ves: For a sprinkler system, an approved, supervised, indicating conLrol- valves : c caml.rl rz sha I I l-re nrnrz'i jerl he nn'i nl- Of aI connection to the riser on each floor in hiqh-ri-se buildings. {- 13 L4 Taql- i nrr nf l_ ha cnri nlrl UIJllIrl\r9L9J-Yv- ar qrzcf om cha'l I ha rJar -aa the provisions of Section 15330, paragraph 3.05.B. Testing of the combination wet standpipe and sprinkler system shall- as per Section 15332, nararrranh ? 03.B. 15. Painting requirements for the dedicated piping of a combined standpipe and sprinkler system shall be Drinl-ina as per Article 3.02 of 15332. piping requirements for of sprinkler dedicated .sv.sf em sha I 'l l^rc a.q oer Artlcle 3.03 of Section LrriY 1s330. 'L 76. Piping, Equipment Supports, and seismic bracing: To comprise all- restraints, hangers, pipe guides, rods, beam clamps, brackets, pipe anchors, other attachments, ffoor flanges, masonry anchors, bol-ts, nuts, washers, and other items as required to fully support all- piping and equipments instal-l-ed under this contract. Provide spring hangers, seismic restraints, and vibration mount.s where recommended by equipment manufacturers, where required to meet noise abatement regulations ni ni nn :nrl :nrl a e na-ae ea r\z l-Lvn nrarzanf orrtli nmanloq!y arlu sYufyrttsrrL IJrsvsflL PfIJrrrY vibrations being transmitted to struclure. L] . Instrumentation: Provide thermometers, pressure qauges and other items for all piping and equipment installed under this conLractr ds indicated on contract drawings and as necessary for operation, maintenance and adjustments. 18 Miscellaneous Work: Incl-uded shal-l be all items of mat.erials, piping, controls, wiring and other *.i ^^^r'r ^rllreeurrqatevqo items not shown on specif icaIly Contract Drawings or called for herein but which are normally furnished and required for a complete instal-l-ation of this tvpe. I9 Sealing of Openings : Openings l-ef t in waIIs, f l-oors, ceilings or partitions shall- be seal-ed. lnrcscA GENERAJ, PROVISIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTTON SYSTEI{S WORK 15301 5 o7 /2e/L0 LLlil NO. 20 : 063545 Finish shall match existing adjoining finish in all- respects. The NYC Building Code classifies school-s as Occupancy Category III in BC Tabl-e 1604.5. Seismic requirements of the New York City Building code apply to New Buildings, Additions, and retrofit work on Existing Buildings constructed after L! r t/ t yy3 Decame errectl_ve. Refer to Section 15303, "Seismic Controls, Fire Protection Svstems" for the bracing ra^rli ramanf rsyufrErrrErrLD h - nf (J! aarr i nmanf ELlu_Ll.,il.rgrlL and appurtenances. j-ons (including the combining of tensil-e and shear loadings ) to sei-smic bracing designs shall be stamped by Contractor' s Registered Professional Engineer with at l-east f ive vears of seismic desi-qn 'l rl i na l-rrli experr_ence in non-structural v u! rsrrrY componenLs in New York State. The Contractor shall retain a registered professiona.lengineer who shall- provide al-l required shop drawings (signed and seal-ed) . Contractor's engineer shall also field inspect all install-ations of vibration isol-ators and seismic bracing and shall- submit affidavit that all isol-ators/bracing have been Cal-culat i n^nrna n-a installed l_n with signed/seal-ed coordinated shop drawings. 27 the Coordinati-on Drawings: The Fire Protection Systems contractor shall cooperate with the HVAC, P&D, and El-ectrical- contractors in the development of the coordj-nation drawings. The drawings, indicating ductwork, steam, hydronic & fuel- piping, etc. shall- be generated by the HVAC contractor, who in turn is to provide them to the Fire Protection Systems contractor for the inclusion of sprinkler and standpipe piping in this coordination set. This is after the P&D subcontractor has entered its information, and will- subsequently be given to the Electrical contractor. The specified order in which the various trade contractors impose their work on the coordination drawings is not intended to qrant priority to any one trade contractor in the al-locatj-on of space. At the completion of this phase, hold a coordination meeting to el-iminate any interference among the trades that the drawings indicate and to avoid any conflicts j-n installinq the Vrlork. N:rcscA GENERAT PROVISIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS WORK 15301 6 o7 Ltlil NO. : /29lLA 22. Project Record rrnrlar UIIUgI L.O2 CODES A}ID A. R th'i LtIf Documents: q i nn c ^-nrzi V f DJUIIt -lJLl/ raf Ig!gI ar F-nr l- ho 063545 racrrl jagplents to Section c0L720. STA}IDARDS It shal-f be unlawful for any person to perform the work referred to under this Fire Protection Specifications and/or shown on the Fire Protection Contract Drawinqs unl-ess such person is a licensed master fire suppression piping contractor, as permitted by the NYC Building Code and unless such work is performed under the direct and continuing supervision of a licensed master fire suppression piping contracLor. Where requirements for products, materials, systems, equipment, methods and other portion of the work specified herein exceed minimum requirements of I ^+^-.. -irrri orti nr.ign ^Crenr.-i es harr.i !EYUTOLUTy O.ysrrulED rlqvrI19 ^^ OVer the J L.rrf DL,rf,\-L construction work, contractor shall comply with such qna.i f i r-al'l rz qr1a.'i f i arl rearlri remon1_ q horoi n rrnl oq< approved otherwi-se by the Authority. vI/vvf 1.03 TORCH BT'RNING OPERATION A C. 1.04 The storing and use of oxygen and combustible gases in conjunction with torch burning apparatus is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Division of Fire Prevention of the Fire Department of t.he City of New Ynrlr I :t- aqt- Fire Prevention (F. P. ) Directive. Fire watches shall- be provided during al-I operations using torches for burning, cutting or welding. Contractor shall apply for and obtain permits for the use and storage of such equipment on school premises. The operator of such equipment shall have a certificate of fitness issued-br the Fire Department. The cost of permits, certificates, fire watches, apparatus and other items requi-red in t.he torch burning operation shal-l- be borne by t.he Contractor at no additional cost to the Authoritv. PROTECTION OE. I{ATERIALS A}ID WORK A New Building of piping shall- be temporarily closed by a proper fitting, until piping is approved and ready for service. Mot.ors and appurtenances shall be covered and Open ends nroter:ted N:rcscA nrnr-rress drrrino l-ha of the WOrk. errv F!vY!r GEIIERJAI. PROVISIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS WORK 15301 7 07 /2s/LO 1.05 1.05 : 063545 GUARANTEES AIID WARRANTIES A The Requirements of Section G01740 and this Articl-e shall apply to Guarantees and Warranties. R Contractor's Guarantees: The Contractor guarantees that all- Work of this Contract is f ree f rom alldefects, and is as specified, and that shoul-d any defects, which cannot be proven to have been caused by improper use, develop within the space of one year from the date of substant.ial completion of the Work, such defects shal-l be made good by the Contractor, free of cost to the School Construction Authority. OPENINGS A![D CIIASES A. 1.07 LLTI NO. In addition to the requi-rements in t.he Articl-e entitled Cutting, Patching and Removals of Section S01010, the following shall- also apply: Openi-ngs through exterior f oundation walls shal-l be made watertight by the Contractor after pipes, conduits and other items passing through the wall- have been installed. This building is planned and detail-ed, and is the intent of these specifications to provide a structure that will- prevent the penetration by rodents and vermi-n of any vacant space where they might find a harborage. The Contractor will be held responsible for securing this condition by the closing of all points of access to such spaces, including the passage of piping and conduits, through all wa11s, partitions, ceilings and furred out spaces, the closing of access to voids in hollow til-e or cinder bl-ocks. There shal-l be a special inspection of the buitding with regard to this matter before final- acceptance. INSTRUCTION OT CUSTODIA}I A. ![vcscA After the fire protection system has been tested, and all- other items adjusted and operating properly to the satisfaction of the Authority, Contractor shall furnish a competent person to j-nstruct the Custodial staff i-n the operation and maintenance of the systems. Contractor shal-l- video record all the training sessions for various equipment and svstems as ena-'i f i orl l_n individualsections of these Specifications. Determination of the date and time of such instruction shal-l be under the direction of the Authorityf s Representative. PROVISIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS WORK GENERJAL 15301 8 o7 /ze/Lo 1.08 LLII NO. : 063545 ST'BMITTATS A. Formal submission for approval of manufacturer is not required if the Contractor provides equipment as per manufacturer/model- number or series listed in the qr.rarrifinr1-inn Formal submissions are also not requJ-red f or material-s and appurtenances (ex . pipes, et.c.) if the Contractor provides items as defined in the specificati-on. In this case, Contractor must submit affidavit (for record purposes only) stating that fisted equipment and/or items as defined in the specification wj-ll- be provided. Submit.tals are mandatory for certaj-n critical items and will be so noted in the respective specifications. Submittal-s are always required to verif y capacit.y. Schedules, installation instruct.ions, startup manuals, operation and maintenance manuafs, and shop drawings are always requi-red to be submitted. 1.09 CLEANING AIID REPAIR A. P At the completion of the Work and before the final inspection is made the Contractor shall thoroughly flush the system and leave it free from al-l marks, scratches, sta j-ns , and other damage . Al-1 pumps, fifters, and other equipment shal-l- be cl-eaned and l-eft in condition to operate, and the work, as a whol-e, left in perfect working order. Remove al-l- tools, debris and excess materials from the premises. Contractor shall not leave sharp exposed metal- edges (bottom of threaded rods, equipment supports, etc.) that could otherwise present safety hazards to the building' s occupants/work staff . E![D OF SECTION NYCSCA GENERAJ, PROVISIONS TOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS WORK 1s301 9 07 LLII /29lLO LIST OF SUBI,IITTAI, NO. : 063545 SUBIT{ITTATS DATE ST'BDIITTED DATE APPRO\ZED Coordination Drawings: Contractor' s affidavits For submission of specifi-ed Material s / or appurtenances Paint.inq Schedu]e: *** NYCSCA GENERJAI, PROVTSIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ?TORK 1s301 10 07 LLII NO. : 063545 /2elLo sEcTroN 15303 SEISMTC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A Provide a complet.e system of seismic controls for each item of fire protection piping and equipment as specified herein and as needed for a complete and .i ^^f Provide braclng for the equipment r/!vrrE! r..o'o-lation. as shown on the Drawinq Schedules. l B New School Buildings, Additlons and Existing School Buildings constructed after LL l7-1995 went into effect subject to the seismic requirements of the New York City Construction Code are considered as Seismic Use Group If and a corresponding Occupancy Category III "Structures that represent a substantial- hazard to human life in the event as ncr r"' Tel'rle BC 1504.5. r- Al l f i ra nrnl-an1_ v LUv y! i an seismically secured. 1. of faifure" for seismic desiqn ni ni nn yrt/trrY equipment must rnr{ be It is the intent of the seismic controls of this specification to keep all- mechanical building system components in place during a sei-smic evenL and to prevent the release of hazardous or f Iammabl-e material-s contained within buildinq mechanical systems. 2. A1t such systems must be instal-l-ed in strict accordance with the seismic codes, component 'l.rrri manufacturers' and vur i Ai na rsrrlY construction standards. Whenever a conflict occurs between the manufacturers' and construction standards, the most stringent shall- apply. 3. This specification is considered to be the minimum requirements for seismic consideration and is not intended as a substitute for more .i sf ri nocnJ- *^f JL!arlYsIIL IIO.LI\JIIO.f^^--r 7 ^+^f DLCTLET VI t ^^al IvUC construction reguirements. NYCSCA sErsMrc coNTRoLS, FrRE PROTECTTON SYSTE!{S 15303 - 1 07 /2e/L0 LL?I NO. : 063545 The work in this section includes, but is not limited to t.he foll-owinq: Seismic bracing for piping. Listed flexible piping connections Seismic bracing for equipment. Certif i-cation of seismic bracinq desiqns install-ation supervision. ri Certification housekeeping of and seismic attachment of ^-,.i[/auD. A11 fire protection systems are included. Eguj-pment buried underqround is excluded but ."tty of services throug-h the foundation wal-l- is included. Equipment listed below is typical and is not to be construed as compl-ete: Tanks 91hr Pumps nd In qeneral, where the fail-ure of the equipment supports would cause a l-ife safety hazard (to personnel or to other systems) such equipment shal-l- be desiqned to resist the seismic forces. A11 seismic bracing described in this section shall be the product of a single manufacturer. L.O2 DEFINITIONS A ICC-ES: International Code Council- Eval-uation Service. ICC-ES performs technical- evaluations of building products, components, methods, and materiai-s and ronnrl- P T,i fo q a'\n nnria S:fol- cnmnl i rnna vvrrrl/r rqlrvu . rz (rrq1vjuLvr(ru. amq. Al-l- systems involved with fire protection including f i ra l.rOOSt.ef standpipes, sprinkler ni ^i -^ t !r!v v\ yurrryet ^rrmno jockey pumps, pumps, fire pump control panels and sprinkler booster pump control panels are defined as I i fo C. N:rcscA qrfo.l- rz qrzc{. omq Positive Attachment: SEIS}4IC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15303 2 oz /29/L0 LLIrI NO. : 063545 A positive attachment is defined as a cast-in anchor, a seismic drilled-in wedge anchor or anchor bolt ICC certified for cracked concrete, adhesive anchor, oy a welded or bolted connection to structure. Beam clamps (2 sided or 1 sided beam clamps with restraining strans) / arc onl rr qlv a l l owed far permitted for seismic braces. D. hancrcrg and are nOt Transverse Bracrnq: Bracing which limits motion perpendicul-ar to the centerline of the pice or duct. TI T anni !\Jtr9 i nr "l a fL tA LIL,LJLrcl_L Q,r:ni IJr AUarrynn. . Bracing which l-imits motion parallel to the centerl-ine of the pipe or duct. 1.03 REI.ATED SECTIONS Related Sections include the foll-owinq but are not limited to: A Division 3 Sections. B. Division 15 Sections. 1. 04 SUPPLEMENTAL ST'BD{ITTAI,,S The manufacturer of seismic bracing shall provide submittals for products as detail-ed below. These are to be submitted for record purposes only. Contractor's Registered Professional Engineer shal-l sign and sealsubmittal-s. Architect/Engineer of Record shall verify that the structural support system can support al-l seismic l-oads where the bracinq is attached to the structure. A N. P, NYCSCA f)aqari UgQU!IVLJVE nl- i rza Tl:t UA.l'cl. =. 1. Catalog cuts or data sheets on specific braci-ng detail-inq compliance with the specification. 2. Detail-ed schedul-es of rigidly showing seismic bracing. mounted equipment Shop Drawings SEISMIC CONTROLS, FrRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15303 3 o7 /29lLO LLDI NO. 1. bases member SizeS and s.lr u! rrrCtural u\ support. point locations. Provi-de all details of suspension and support for r.o'i I i nrr rrurrY hrrnrr InJhoro urrre!u ? 063545 Submit fabrication details for equipment i nr-l rrd'i ncr di mensi nns v4rrrvrru!vf r9 t- 2. : aarr i nmanl-L . sYuflrrltEtr r^rrl'lq wqrrJ, f-l nnrq !fvv!J, elrl-rq Jrqvp nr LrL crrnnlamanfarrr DL]IJIJf,E:rttEllLClIy c.|-aa-l DLEEf work are used for seismic bracing locations, detaifs of acceptabl-e attachment methods for ducts and pipe must be included and approved condition +-l^^ L^€^-^ for accepted r_s install-ation. Braclng manufacturers' submittals must include spacing, static loads and seismic loads at all att.achment and support points. Provide specific details of seismic bracing and anchors; include number, size and locations for oa r-h rt i ano Shnn urrvy r!^^!.^^^r uvlrLIouLUI aar rlrai^ri u!awJllYJ nr-^ roc'i ^-r J^ Isyro r i nmon 1- r 'r ^1^^ DlrclJ_L q1-LgIEU ororl ha IJE nrafaqqi IJ!u!EoJrvllq! ci ana^ DJVrlgu/ nne I /qa:'l DEqJEUorl anci naar str\jrrreE! l-rrz py . 6 Housekeeping pad details (for coordination wi-th Structural Engineer of Record) . 1. Finc rlaf ri 'l e ininfs- building hrli lrlinn r- nf fnr hrar,j;1s aqi nn -rn -- ----..J or v! Ser_smr_c attachmentS qLLq systems or dissimilar rnrl servl.ce entry. *..* or tO expansaon diSSimilar parts of the ( Seismic Certification and Anal-vsis: 1. Seismic bracing cal-culations must be provided for al1 connectj-ons of equipment to the structure. Calculations must be stamped by the Contractor' s registered professional engineer with at l-east f ive years of seismi-c desi-gn experience in nonst.ructural building components, licensed in New York State. 2. NYCSCA At1 bracing devices shall be tested and certified in accordance with ICC-ES AC 156 or other recognized government agency showing maximum ratings. Local NYC acceferations are to be used when computing seismic inertia forces. Where preapproved devices are not availabl-e, submittals sErsMrc coNTRoLs, FrRE PROTECTTON SYSTEMS 15303 4 o7 LLII /29/LO NO. : 053545 based on independent testing shall be provided. Calcul-ations (including the combination of tensile and shear loadings relative to seismic bracing designs) must be stamped by a registered nrofessional ^--i^^^- gfrYarrgg.|uE y!v!EDDrvrlqf ri^^nsed with at least in New York State of seismic design calcul-ations must five years Testing and include shear and tensi-l-e loads as well as one test or analysis at 45 degrees to the weakest mode. Professional Engineer shall- be retained by the Contract.or at its expense. experrence. Analysis must indicate calcul-ated dead loads, static seismic loads and capacity of materials utilized for connections to equipment and structure. Analysis must detail anchoring methods, bolt dj-ameter, embedmenL and/or weld length. All sej-smic bracing devices shall be designed to accept, without failure, the accel-erations detailed herein acting through the equipment center of gravity. Overturning moments mav exceed forces at qround l-evel-. Wedge Anchor/expansion cracked ^^^1 ayy-L concrete, D. ICC-ES Reports for including seismic .: ^^1- .i 1 .i !.r LclrJr r -L Ly . Adhesive anchor 6. bolt ICC-ES Reports. Riser diagrams and calculations anticipated expansion and contraction. showi-ng Submit welding certificates. Oualify weldi-ng procedures and personnel- according to AWS Dl.1, "Structural_ Weldinq Code-Steef". Contractor's Installation 1 05 Registered Af fidavit Professional- Engineer's . SUPPLEMENTAL QUALTTY ASSLRAI{CE n Manufacturer' s Qualifications Isoi-ator /Bracing manufacturer shall be regularly engaged in the manufacturing of vibration isolating and seismic bracing materials, whose products have N]rcscA SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15303 5 07 tL![ /29/L0 NO. : 063545 been in satisfactory use in similar servj-ce for not l-ess t.han f ive vears. R, Seismic Engineer's Qualifications and Duties Contractor's Registered Professional Englneer shal-lhave a minimum of five years seismic design experience in non-structural- building components and shatl be l-icensed in New York State. Contractor's resistered ^-^ lcr-L I/r\JreDDrur ^-^€^^^.i 1 engl-neer Shall- determine vibratiOn isol-ation and seismic bracing sizes and locations and provide field supervision and inspection to ensure proper instafl-ation and performance. The Contractor's ronicl-arar{ gprrinoor grrYrrrsE! vrrqr ^-OfeSSj_Ona]_ eh:ll srrhm.i Quvllrf,u orrq!J t sicrned orYrt{ and sealed affidavit stating that the installation is in full compliance with the signed/sealed shop drawinqs. 1.06 SUPPLEMENTAI COpE At{p STAI{pARpS REQUIREMENTS A. Chapter 16 of the New York Cit.y Building B ASCE L NFPA Code. 1 - 2002 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. No.13 Standard for the Instal-lation of Sprinkler Systems-2002 as modified by Appendix a of the New York City Building D. E F- c Practical Guide to Seismic Restrainl, 1,999 ANSI/SMACNA Seismic Restraint Manual: Guidel-ines f or Mechanical- Systems, 3'o Edition, 2008. NFPA No. 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems as modified by Appendi-x O of the New York Citv Buildinq Code. ASHRAE: NFPA No. 20-1999 Standard for Stationary 1.07 REI,ATED A Code. Pumps the for Fire Protection. Instal-lati-on of WORK Housekeeping pads Housekeeping pad size, reinforcement and monolithic pad attachment to the structure shal-1 NYCSCA SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SySTEtdS 15303 6 o7 /29/LO LLW NO.: 063545 be detailed and deslgned by the Contractor's Registered Professional Engineer. 2. Housekeeping pads shall- be coordinated with Contractor's Registered Professlonal- Engineer and sized to provide a minimum edge distance of ten (10 ) bol-t diamet.ers all around the outermosL anchor bolt to al-low development of ful-l drill-in wedge anchor ratings. If cast-in anchors are to be used, the housekeeping pads shall be sized to accommodate the ACI requlrements for bolt coverage and embedment. R Qrrnnl amarl{_ 2 p17 u ul/yv! u Steel J Qrrnnnrl- Contractor shal-I supply supplementary support steel- for al-l- equipment, piping, etc. as required or specif i-ed. C. Attachments 1. Contractor shalf supply bracing attachment plates 'i nqar1- c annnrof a cast into housekeeping n:rlc etc. in accordance with tt calcul-ations of the " contractor' s engineer. 'vvrl9!vuv+IlUv!uU' 1.08 SEISMIC ACCETERATION LE\ZELS A The horizontal accelerations (in g's) are defined as the ratio of the horizontal- seismlc force to the l-rrr nrrrnneae nf weight of the element being hrrnorl orces in non-buil-ding also include al-1 normaf operating contents for items such as tanks, vessels, n: I nrr'l al- i na el- rrrnt- rrrao , :nrl B. fles SC.i v9JrYrr i Crn oEJJrrL SmiC he wei oh{- shaf f f {urlv nin'ina Seismic bracing shal-l be designed for seismic fects/accel-erati-ons as per the l-atest NYC Building Code and ASCE-7-2002. For Seismic Design Category C and D, al-l- MEP components shal-l- be designed and constructed to seismic requirements. ef 1. MrcscA Sei smi r- Dcs i crn Caf ecrorv vg9vYv!J911 and Seismic Accelerations are indicated on the Structural Drawi-nqs. SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEIdS 15303 7 07 tLW NO.: 063545 /29/L0 2. (. Component Importance Factors are indicated in the "Component Seismic Importance Factors Ip,, schedule on the Fire Protection Drawinqs. The horizontal acceleration levels for sprinkler and fire standpipe piping, sprinkler and fire standpipe f i ro nrlmr1< hnnq.| or nrrmne f dni vL rrar< :nrl f i ra r.rrl r-mP controllers are as defined in NFPA No.13-2002 and NFPA No.20-1999. NFPA L4-2003 Articles 4.4 and 6.L.2.5 ror-rtii !uyur!v ra fLrrqe haf .l- ho urrs ini ni na t J vrrrrrly standpipe and fittings h:nni IIcrIl9fIr9 na :nrl o.IIll ?rr=a'i nn L/!auftlv be in accordance with nf \J! €-i -^ !ars NFPA 13- 2002. PART 2- 2.OL MA}TUFACTI'RERS A. 2.02 PRODUCTS Failure is defi-ned as the discontinuance of any attachment point between equipment and structure, verticaf permanent deformation gfreater than \/8" and/or horizontal 'oermanent deformation sreater than r/4,,. PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS A. Thrust Limiters The horizontal thrust restraint shal-l- consist of a spring element in series with a neoprene molded cup with the same defl-ection as specified for the Thc snri ncr el-ement shal-l- be mountings or hangers. designed so it can be preset for thrust at the factory and adjusted in the fiel-d to allow for a maximum of 1-/4" movement at start and stop. The assembly shall be furnished with 1 rod and anql-e brackets f or attachment to both the equipment and the structure. Hori- zontal- restraints shal-l- be attached at the centerl-ine of thrust and symmetrical on either side of the unit. Horizontal- thrust restraints shal-l- be type WBI/WBD as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. or approved equal. P, Pipe Riser Resilient Support Al-l-directlonal acoustic pipe anchor shal1 consist of two steel tubes separated by a minj-mum of 74" thick, 50 durometer neoprene. Include steel and neoprene NYCSCA SEISMTC CONTROLS, FrRE PROTECTTON SYSTEMS 15303 8 07 /2e/L0 LLW NO.: 063545 verti-ca1 limit stops arranged to prevent vertical travel in both directions. Design support for a maximum l-oad on the material of 500 psig and for equal resistance in al-i- directions. C. Resil-ient Pipe Guides Tel esr:oni r: rs!sovvyrv Arr.hAAnanf q!!(f.IrYErttEllL n€ \JI tWO Steel_ tUbeS separated by a mi-nimum of \tt thick neonrenc . F'ar-tnrrzJ sof "v rrili do ho'i lrv+Yrl crh1- r^ri be Shall 60 durometer th a shea r nin Iexpansion and to al-1ow vertical- motion due to pipe contraction. Shear pin sha1l be removable and reinsertable to allow for selection of pipe movement. Guides shal-l- be capabl-e of motion to meet .l-ocation requr-rements. Seismic Bracing/Restraint Devices Manufacturers: Mason t-\ Tndustries, Inc. Vibration El-iminator Co. , Inc. Vibration Mountinss & Controls/Korfund d. International Seismic Application Technology (rsAT) . Restrained Elastomeric Mount: Bridge bearing neoprene mount j-ngs shal-1 have a minimum static deflection of 0.2' and all directional seismic capability. The mount shall consist of a ductil-e iron casting containing two separated and opposed molded neoprene elements. The el-ements shal-lprevent the central- threaded sleeve and attachment bol-t from contacting the castinq during normal operation. The shock absorbing neoprene materials shall be compounded to bridge bearing specifications. Mountings shal-l be tested and certified in accordance with ICC-ES AC 156 for the maximum certified horizontal and vertical load ratings. Mountings shal1 be Mason Industries Trrno .Jr-*.Yr--P,R r'\r arrr,'rrarrorl aarra I Sheet metal panels shall be bol-ted to the walls or supporting structure by assemblies consisti-ng N:rcscA SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTTON SYSTSMS 15303 9 o7 tLI[ /2elLO of a nA.)nrono ^ 1^^--^^ 1^rrrsh NO. : 063545 ino r-rrshioned between 2 steel_ The outer sl-eeve shal-f prevent the sheet metal from cutting into the neoprene. Panel hol-es shall be enlarged as required. Neoprene el-ements shal-I pass over the bushing to n cushion the back panel horizontal-lv. A J^r^^-l LUE-L disc shall cover the inside neoprene element and the inner steel- sl-eeve shall be elongated to act as a stop so tightening the anchor bolts does not interfere with panel isolation in 3 planes. Bushing assembfies shall- be applied to the ends of steel- cross members where applicable. Atl neoprene shal-f be bridge bearing quality. Bushing assemblies shall be type PB as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. or approved equal. 4. Washer/Bushing: A one-piece molded bridge bearing neoprene washer/bushing shall be used. The bushing shall surround the anchor bol-t and have a flat washer face to avoid metal to metal contact. Nconreno l'rrr sh i vuurrrrrYr nos manufactured by approved equal. 5. sha rrrur- I I ha t-u rzna _vv _Y Mason Industries, HG Inc. aS or Seismic cable bracing shall- consist of galvanized steel aircraft cables sized to resi-st seismic loads with a mj-ni-mum safety f actor of two and arranged to provide all-directional- bracing. Cabl-es shall be pre-stretched to achieve a certified minimum modulus of elasticity. Cable end connections shall be steel- assembli-es that swivel to f inal i-nstall-ation angle and utilize two clamping bolts to provide proper cable engaqement. Cables shal-l not be al-l-owed to bend across sharp edges. Cabl-e assemblies shal-I be tested and certifi-ed in accordance with ICC-ES AC 156 verifying the maximum certified Ioad ratings. Cable assemblies shall- be secured with Mason fndustries Type SCB (or approved equal) at the ceiling and at the cl-evis bol-t. Mason Industries Inc. type SCBH (or approved equal) shal-l be used between the hanger rod nut. and the clevj-s. Mason Industries type SCBV (or approved equal ) shal-1 be used if cable is clamped to a beam. NYCSCA sErsMrc coNTRoLs, FIRE PROTECTTON SYSTEMS 15303 10 o7 /2e/L0 LLW NO.: 063545 Seismic sol-id braces shall- consist of steelangles or channels to resist seismic loads with a minimum safety factor of 2 and arranged to nrorricic aI-l directional restraj_nt. Seismic so.l-id brace end connectors shall- be steel assembl-ies that swivel- to the f inal- installation angle and util-ize two through bolts to provide proper attachment. Seismic solid brace assembly shall be tested and certified in accordance with ICC-ES AC 156 verif ying the maximum certif ied l-oad ratings. Solid seismic brace assembl-ies shall- be 1- rzna "Jy"pJu!+vu' Tnn rrrv. v! ^r qqP. r c rnnrnrzarl qI/I1!vvsu manUf aCtUf ed aarr = EYuof l trrz Ma son Tndrrs1- ri cs _ . Steel- angles, sized to prevent buckling, shall- be clamped to pipe or equipment rods utiliz:-nq a minimum of three ductil-e iron clamps at each bracing location when required. Pnrl n I rmn support rods is not acceptable. tA,6tdlhdnt B. assemblies shall be tested and certified in accordance with ICC-ES AC 156. Rod clamp assembl-ies shall be Type SRC as manufacLured by Mason Industries, Inc. or approved equal. Pipe clevis cross bolt braces are required in all bracing locati-ons. They shall- be special- purpose preformed channels deep enough to be hel-d in place by bol-ts passing over the cross bol-t. C]evis cross braces shall be tested and certified in accordance with ICC-ES AC 156. Clevis cross brace shall be type CCB as manufactured by Mason Tnrlrr cl- ri ac , Tnn annrnrrarl affrri I Qao E-i arrra ?approv-* -nc. or ^r 9 of ASHRAE Practical Guide to Seismic Restraint, 7999. All--directional seismic snubbers shall- consi-st of i-nterl-ocking steel members restrained by a onepiece molded neoprene bushing of bridge bearing Bushing shal1 be replaceable and a minimum of I/4" thick. Rated loadings shall not exceed 1000 psi. A minimum air gap of I/8" shallbe i-ncorporated in t.he snubber design in all directi-ons before contact is made between the rigid and resil-ient surfaces. Snubber end caps shall- be removabl-e to allow inspecti-on of internal clearances. Neoprene bushings shall be rotated to insure no short circuits exist before svstems are activated. Snubbers shall- be tested NYCSCA sErsMrc coNTRors, FrRE pRoTEcTroN sysTEMs 15303 11 07 /29lLO LLTI NO. : 063545 and certified i-n accordance with ICC-ES AC 156 verifying the maximum certified horizontal- and vertical- load ratings. Snubber shal-l- be Type Z-L225 as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. or approved equal. '1 n All directional seismic snubbers shall consist of interlocking steel- members restrained by shock absorbent rubber material-s compounded to bridge bearinq specifications. Elastomeric materials shal-l- be replaceable and a minimum of 3/4" thick. Rated loadings shall not exceed 1000 psi. Snubbers shal-l be manufactured with an air gap between hard and resilient material- of not l-ess than 1/8" nor more that 1-/4". Snubbers shal1 be installed with factory set clearances. The capacity of the seismic snubber at 3/8" deflection shall be equal or greater than the load assigned to the mounting grouping controlled by the snubber mult.iplied by the applicable rrGrr f orce. Submittal-s shall include the load deflection curves up to I/2" deflection in the xt y and z planes. Snubbers shall be tested and certified in accordance with ICC-ES ac 156 verifying the maximum certif ied horizontal- and verti-cal load *^+ -^^ LOLf -; rrvD. Snubbers shall be seri-es Z-I}IT as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. or approved equa1. l1 Stud wedge anchors shall be epoxy adhesive based and manufactured from full diameLer wire, noL from undersized wire that is "rol-Ied up" to create the thread. The stud anchor shall also have a safety shoulder which fully supports the wedge ring under load. The stud anchors shal,l be tested and certified in accordance with ICC-ES AC 156 verifying its al-lowable loads. Drill-in stud wedge anchors shal-l- be type SAS as manuf actured by Mason Industries, Inc. or approved equal. T2 Femal-e wedge anchors are preferred in floor locations so isol-ators or equipment can be slid into place after the anchors are install-ed. Anchors shall be epoxy adhesive based and manufactured from full diameter wire, and shallhave a safety shoulder to fully support the wedge rinq under l-oad Female wedge anchors shal-1 be NYCSCA SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRT PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15303 L2 07 LL!{ NO. : 063545 /29/L0 tested and certified in accordance with ICC*ES AC 56 rzeri vs!r!Jrrrvf rz.i nr* loads . Dril-l--in female wedge anchors shall be type SAB aS manufactured by Mason fndustries, Inc or - r r ^,vable afJvv +1^^.i LIIUft '1 rJv approved equal. t_3 Listed l-exibl-e spherical expansion j oints shal-lEPDM in the covers, liners Any and Kevlar@ tire cord frictioning. substitutj-ons must have equal or superior physical and chemical- characteristi-cs. Sol-id steel rings shal-l be used within t.he raised face f employ peroxide cured rrrt'rl^:er f l:nocd encls to rlrerrenf nrrl I nrrt Flexibl-e cable bead'r wire is not acceptable. Sizes 2u and 'r rrq 'r ^ -^^ - DIIc:lf,f ^1" ^ harrc wo snhereS f orYg! reinf orced with a vs Lwv oyrl ductil-e iron externaf ring between spheres. Flanges shall- be split ductile iron or steel with hooked or similar interlocks. Sizes 15" to 24" may be single sphere . Sizes 3 / 4" to l-r4u may have threaded two piece bol-ted flange assemblies, one sphere and cable retenLion. Connectors shall be rated at 250 psi up to 170o F with a uniform drop in allowabl-e pressure to 2I5 psi at 250" F in sizes through 14". 16" through 24" single sphere minimum ratings are 180 psi at 170o F and 150 psi at 250" F. Hiqher rated connectors may be used to A11 expansion accommodate service conditions. joints must be factory tested to 150% of rated pressure for 72 minutes before shipment. Safety factors to burst and flange pulJ-out shall be a minimum of 3/L. Concentric reducers to the above 1- -i -^^ r !-^+q Lf,rrv rrro.y be expans j-on j oints . substituted f or equal ended Expansion joints shall- be installed in piping gaps equal to the length of the expansion joints under pressure. Control rods need only be used in unanchored piping locations where the manufacturer determines the install-ation exceeds the pressure requirement without control rods. If control rods are used, they must have ttu thick Neoprene washer bushings large enough in dj-amet.er to take the thrust at 1000 psi maximum on the washer area. All expansion joints shall be install-ed on the equi-pment side of the shut of f valves. N:rcscA SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15303 13 07 /2elLO LLIV NO. : 063545 L4. Listed f l-exible stain]-ess steel hose shall have stainl-ess steel braid and carbon steel fitt.ings. Sizes 3" and larger shal-l- be flanged. Smaller sizes shall have mal-e nipples. Minimum lengths shal-l- be as tabulated: h lan^6a{ 3"xL4", 4"xL5", 5"x79", 6"x20", 8"x22", I0"x26", t2"x28", 14"x30", 76"x32" Mr I o IrIi nn'l ac t4"x9" , 3,a"xl0" , L"xII" , L-I / 4" x1-2" , 1,-I / 2" xL3" 2"xL4", 2-I/2t'xI9" Hoses shal-l be inst.al-led on the equipment side of the shut-off valves horizontally and paral-l-el to the equipment shafts wherever possible. 15 Hoirsekecni rrvuDEAEsIJrrry ncr -.-r _t:/ou ^*^1-^..^a) crtl(/lr\Jr shall COnSiSt Of a ductile iron casting that is tapered and hexagonal, smaller at its base than at its top. Tha ,r^nar ^^':tion shal-l have holes for rebar to _vvr pass through. The anchor shall be continuously threaded from top to bottom for the atLachment of soleplates. Housekeeping pad anchors shall be attached to the structural slab uslng a stud wedge anchor. Housekeeping pad anchors shall be type HPA and stud wedge anchor sha1l be type SAS both as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. or approved equa1. PART 3- 3.01 PREPAR;ATION A. EXECUTION For seismic braced equipment installed indoors, allmetal parts, including rails and bases, shall be painted at the factory with one coat of primer paint and one coat of aluminum paint. Other means or rust resisting painting may be accepted, subject to prior approval. mrcscA SEISMTC CONTROLS, FrRE PROTECTTON SYSTEIIS 15303 L4 ot LLII lzelLo B NO. : 053545 Seismic braced equipment installed outdoors shal-1 have steel parts hot dipped galvanized, all bol-ts and all- springs cadmium plated and all cadmium plated, neoprene coated. C 3 .02 Seismic braced equipment installed outdoors shall be designed and instal-led to resist wind loads in accordance with the NYC Bui-ldinq Code. SUPPTEMENTAL INSTAJ"LATION A Af nU arnh sqUII 'l aa'.j6166nt gYLlIyrttErrU Or-af IvUqLMl inn_ t f1^^ LIfg nrorz-i vvIUE fle PL !gYUrrl i-ed deflection under the imposed load to produce uniform loading and defl-ection even when equipment weight is not evenlv distributed. Jack inerti-a blocks and bases into position and wedge in place as required; Ieveling bolts shal-1 not be used as jacking screws. Afl-or n!LE! anrr-inman1gYUfytrrEtlL adirrstcrl- ic fD romn\za in Ill nl:na Pro.\-g r^radnac anA ctIlu anfl Iarralinrr fgvglJrrv -iar:ks- hn'll-q vvrLo VeftiCal ar^ qrs l-imit stops shall be out of contacL during normal operation. B. Where the fl-oor is waterproofed or finished with waterproof cement, install seismic bracing in such manner that the waterproofing is not damaged. 3.03 FrELp A d. QUALTTY CONTROL .Fl-ra hrimn rrrE manUfaCtgfef lttaftulcl(JLLIIE:I yurrry shal Drrq!r 'l i nsner:* rrroyguL !l^^ Lrfg 1^+-rl uvrrryrgLgu hrrmh yurrrl/ install-ation and report in writ j-ng any install-ation error or faults that could affect performance. Per NFPA 20-I999 Article 4-6.L.2, the pumps shall be started and al-l-owed to run. The operation shall be observed for vibration while running. The operating vibration Iimi-ts shall be in accordance with the Hydraulics Institute Standards for Centrifugal, Rotary and Reciprocating Pumps. The drj-ver shall be observed for proper operation. Submit report indicating any sf cns f a ken al-uea f n 6166611 rz nnmnl vvlryrv the iSO.l_atiOn WOf k including but not limited to correctinq any bent pump or column shaft, resetting of the impeller shaft and eJ-iminat j-ng any strain transmitted through the rli cnharaa n'in r'.Prn9. All- reports the Authority for final approval NYCSCA shall- be reviewed bv SEISMIC CONTROLS, FTRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15303 15 07 /29/LO 3.04 LLW NO.: 063545 GENERAI A All seismic bracing systems shall- be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturers written instructions and all certified submittal data. R Instal-lati-on of seismic bracing shalf not cause any change of position of equipment or piping resulting in stresses or mi-sali-qnment. (- Bring to the architects/engineers attention any discrepancies between the Contract Documents and the field conditions or changes required due to specific qo'l anf i nn equipment pr j-or to install-ation. Corrective work necessitated by discrepancies after installation shall be at the Contractor's expense. efvrrt D. Correct, dL no additional cost, all inst.allations which are deemed defective in workmanship and mrf a--.i ILTOLEL-LClID. ^'1 E. ^ Overstressing of the building structure must not occur because of overhead support of equipment. Contractor must submit loads to the sLructural engineer of record for approval. Generally bracing may occur from: Flanges of structural beams. 2. TJnnar f rrrco ^orris i n l-rar iOiSt COnStfUCtiOn. Cast in place inserts, expansion bol-ts/ wedge type dril-l-ed-in concrete anchors/adhesive anchors. F Cable assembl-ies are installed taut on non-isol-ated systems. Seismic solid braces may be used in place of cabl-es on rigidly attached systems only. G. At l-ocations where cable or seismic solid brace restraints are located, the gravity support rods must be braced when necessary to accept compressive loads by clamping with stee1 angles that are sized t.o prevent the buckling of the rods. A minimum of three ductile iron clamps shall be used. Welding of support rods is not acceptable. NYCSCA SEISMIC CONTROLS, frRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15303 15 o7 LtW NO.: 063545 /2e/LO H. I. J. K. At all- f ocations where cable or seismi-c solid brace restraints are attached to pipe clevises, the clevis cross bol-t must be reinforced with braces. Drill-in concrele anchors for ceiling and wallinstal-l-ation shall be provided and femal-e wedqe type anchors shal-l- be used for f loor mounted equipment. Hand buil-t elastomeric expansion joints may be used when pipe sj-zes exceed 24" or specified movements exceed support capabilities. Equipment shalf be protected against excessive displacement that results from high thrust in relation to the equipment weight. Horizontal- thrust restraint shall be used. 3.05 SEISMIC BRACING/RESTRAINT OF FIRE PROTECTION PIPING/ EQUIPMENT A. H New f ire protect i-on enri nlz-l ar .nd c+LCrrruIJrPs rnAn'i nn D ^'i ^i nn PrPrrry shal-I be braced in accordance with NFPA 1,3-2442 the NYC Constructi-on Codes .l .i f i re vruLEt-Lt(Jrl nr^+^^f .; ^^ Er-,lLlJ-vrttetlL ^onsidered ^-..: -*^*+ fD^ \ea€at-rz anrrinmglll qllv oq!EuJ sYurlrrrrgrrL and DrrqIJ Shall_ vE be DErDrrlrvqrry SeiSmiCal'l rz hrar:ed v!qusv A'l nrf l_ife !f!g the seismic acceferatj-on fevels anr'i nman{eYuf yrrrvrr L . 'Fhe horizontal for life acceleration rrsi-^ u9rrrY safety levels sprinkler and fire standpipe piping; sprinkler fire standpipe fire pumps, booster pumps, drivers, flre pump controllers are as defined in NFPA No. 2002 and NFPA No. 20-L999. (- and for and and 1-3- The seismic bracing of fire standpipe piping and sprinkler pi-ping is gioverned by Article 9.3 of NFPA No.13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems-2002 as modified by Appendix O of the New York City Building Code. NFPA 14-2003 Articles 4.4 and require that the joining, hanging and bracing of fire standpipe and fittinqs be in accordance with NFPA L3_2002. Listed fl-exible pipe couplings joining grooved end pipe shall be provided as flexure joints for n'i ni nn NrcscA L)-1 ll /)'tAi vlq a - -l vI ^r rrnar rq!Yv!. SEISMTC CONTROLS, FrRE PROTECSTON SYSTEMS 15303 L7 07 /29/L0 LLW NO.: 063545 Couplings shall be instal-l-ed within 24" of the top and bottom of al-l risers. Exceptions to this are listed in Article of NFPA 1,3*2002. Swing j oints assembled with l-isted flexible fittings shal-l- be install-ed where fire nrn.|an1- i nn piping, regardl-ess of size, crosses v'l.rrrilAina ur luJrrY joints. seismic 4. Clearance: Cfearance shall be provided around al-l prpr_ng extending Wct-LID I floors, through platforms, including drains, fire department connections, and other auxil-iary piping. size of the hole is nomlnally 2 :-n. larger than the pipe for 1 in. nominal to 3-1/2 in. nominal & 4 in. larger than the code for pipe 4 in. & larqer. Clearance for structural members sha1l be at l-east 2 in. as per of NFPA 13-2002. l llg Sway Bracing: Both transverse and longitudinal- sway bracing shall- be sized and fastened per 9.3.5 of NFPA 13-2002. Longitudinal- sway bracing shal-I be spaced at a maximum of 80ft. on center for feed and cross mains. The distance between the last base and the enci of ninc sha1l not exceed 40 ft. .y-_vv 1. Ton ."rur]lY of risars exr:eecl'i ncr 3, .i rrr .i f,rr- ^ ^-^f 1^ ishal-l_ be 1 rsrrYLrr .i ,-J.i -ra+ ^^ secured against drifting aLLy LrJ!suLf\Jrrt q utilizing a four way sway lrrar-c ncr 3.5.5 of F-- NFPA L3_2002. Rrar:i no sh: I I cross mai-ns. be attaChed A 'lann{-l.r aF t'r-yv ninc sha'l 'l rrvt nn|-- be bfaCed move tO SeCtiOnS differently. Restraint of sprinkler branch lines is governed by Article 9.3. 6 of NFPA No.13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems-2002 as modified by Appendix O of the New York City Building Code. Restraint shall be provided by use of one of the following: 1. NYCSCA i ror-f 'l rz f n f eed and rrrurr of the buildinq that. will D. d A listed sway brace assembfy SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEI{S 15303 18 oz LLII NO. : 063545 /29lLo A wraparound U-hook satisfying the requirements of Articfe B of NFPA L3-2002. No. L2, 440-1b wire installed at least 45 degrees from the vertical- plane and anchored on both eirloe nf fho -..- pfpe. r Other approved means. 3.05 BUILDING SEISMIC OR EXPAI{SION JOINTS A R prorzirle r !vvrus n.i l/fysno ^Ec^^L^ \JrrJcL>r r^^-.^ _LUTJP>, ^*r crllLl -,,jdos: 9urusDr n.i ne yJ}Js ha]_]_ L)a joints; pipe swlng joints and expansion joints utili zing qrooved pipe (per Victaul-ic or approved equal); l-isted flexible braided stainless steel pipe loops and listed flexible braj-ded bronze pipe loops or other l-isted flexible joints capable of accommodating seismic displacements where pipes pass through building seismic or expansion joints, the width of which are shown on the Structural Drawings. Refer to the ANSI/SMACNA Seismic Restraint Manual-, 3'o Edition, i *'j '.^ DyD ^"^tem shall not be braced or 2008 - ^A !!Yr\-r ri oi I --IJIIJrrr9 avvu. attached to dissimil-ar parts of the building or to t.wo dissimilar buildinq systems that may respond differently during an earthquake without providing the above mechanisms to absorb the movement loops, anchors and guides shall and torsion, compression extension. The Contractor's registered professional engineer shall- detail al-l- piping j oints that pass hrnrrrrh hrri I rl'i nrr qai cm-i n or expansl-on -iai nl- q The Contractor's registered professional engineer shal-1 also detail all- piping joints required as a result of bracing or attachment to dissimilar building systems or dissimilar parts of the building. Joints, offsets, accommodate bending, ]_ PART 4. 4 SCHEDUTES 01 EQUTPMENT SETSMTC BRACTNG/RESTRATNT SCHEpLLE Equipment seismic bracing schedule shall- be submitted by the Contractor's registered professional engineer. j-pment Schedule shall- list aII equ with associated se j-smic bracing. N:rcscA Contractor's registered professional- enqineer SEISMIC CONTROLS, E'IRE PROTECTTON SYSTEIT{S 15303 19 o7 LLII /29lLO NO. : 063545 shall- indicate the details of the seismic bracing of equipment and nature of the mounting (steel dunnagie, directly mounted to pad or mounted on concreLe filled inertia base) . EI{D OF SECTION mrcscA SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15303 20 07 /29lLO LL?il NO. : 063545 LIST OF ST'BIIITTALS ST'BMITTAT DATE ST'BMTTTED DATE APPRO\ZED Catalog Cuts of Rrrai na Schedul-e of Equipment Showing Bracing Signed/Sealed Shop Drawings 1. Fabrication Details for Equipment Bases 2. Details of Suspension and Support for Ceiling Equipment 3. Details of Attachments for Alf Pipes 4. Details of Seismic Bracing and Anchors 5. Housekeeping Pad Detail-s (for coordination with Structuraf Engineer of Record) 6 - Pi oe Deta i f s for Cross'i nr^r Soi uvrJrLLfvsm'i r- Dissimilar Building and Service Entry rrr v! Exnensi on !^ysrrurvrr ,-Ioi nl- s vvrrruJt - Seismic Certification and Analysis 1 qianarl/earIgd s/ uvsf vv St ructure Cal-cs.. vqrvJ (Tnclir-:l-incl uq LarrY \ rrluf Loads Transmitted to ) 2. Restraining Devices: ICC-ES AC 156 Certification 3. Wedge/Expansj-on/Adhesive Anchor ICC-ES AC 156 Certification 4. Riser Diagrams and Calcul_ations Welding Certificates Contractor' s Registered Professj-onal Engineer' s Installation Affidavit *** NYCSCA SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15303 2L 07 /29/L0 LLVil NO. THTS PAGE NYCSCA IS : 063545 INTENTIONATLY LEFT BI,AIiIK SEISMIC CONTROLS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEIlIS 15303 22 o7 /29lLO LLVI NO. : 063545 SECTION L5332 CoMBINATION IIET STAr{DPrPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM PART 1.01 1- GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF A. WORK Provide a combination wet sprinkler/wet standpipe system as specified herein, ds shown on the Drawings and as needed for a complete and proper install-ation. Product speci f ic requirements are cont.ained herein,' Section 15301, General Provisions for Fire Protection Systems Work, shaff be referred to for general requirements. R Work Included: A'l I n!I n'i nincr yryrlrY, onrrinmonlsYuaIJlLLgIlLt h IlOlrVg!Dt ara gLU. 2a qo ana-ifia.{ Dl/sU.J- herein, ds shown on drawings and as required by authorities. 1. su l-ocal- Prpe ano r f tt'l_ngs . Check valves. Control val-ves. Siamese connections. Roof Manifold. Hose Val-ve and Cap. Hose Val-ve Cabinet. Fire Hose and Nozzles. Lobby Hose Cabinet. 10. Lobby Storage Cabinet with locking Key. 11. Paintinq and Identification of Pipe. L.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFTED ELSEI{HERE A NYCSCA P.ain1- ina COMBINATION Section I{ET STA}IDPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM 09900 15332 1 o7 Ltl[ /2elLO P, Seismi-c Controls, Fire Protection C D 1.03 NO. : 063545 Section Svstem 1-5303 Di-vision 15 Sections. Division 16 Sections. ST'BMITTA],S A Product Data: Certifi-cate for Hose Threads: Verify that the hose threads on Fire Department connections match the threads on equipment used by the New York City Fire Department. B Submit copies of alf permits and approved drawings issued by the Const.ruction Inspection Division (CID) . C. Shop Drawings Complete combination wet standpipe/wet sprinkler system layout indicating t.he locat ions of qrrri rrr^r9! nkl or JIJ! trc-l^ rlco.LlD t L^^^ IIUDej rzrl v qr rrac v so t rlarz.i aac / v a\-ED vE :nrl CtItLr accessorles. Include separate details of special or not easily visualized piping arrangem"r-ri= and inspector's test valves and connecti-ons. Hydraulic calculations shall- be complete and cross referenced to the appropriate drawing sheets. Wiring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control t'ri ri nn n'i €ferentiate between manufacturerinstal-Ied and fiefd-inst.al-l-ed wiring. Pina - *r- anr{ fift-i *--*ngs. Check val-ves. Control valves. Siamese connation. NYCSCA 8. Roof manifold. v Hose val-ve and cap. 1n Hose val-ve cabinet. COMBINATION ![ET STAI{DPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM 15332 2 07 /29lto LLII NO. : 063545 11. Lobby Hose cablnet. L2. Fire Hose and nozzl-es. L) E Test Reports as specified in the Fiel-d Quality ControlArt.icle. Cert.ification of Installation: nnmnl al_ i nn of Submit certificate snri rrrr!ru! nk l er/stancln'i / r uqrrvl/ryu uy! ne r"rnrlz vvv! r\t upon whi g[ indicates that work has been tested in accordance with The New York City Building Code NFPA 13 (2002 Edition), NFPA L4 (2003 Edition) and afso that system is operational, complete and has no defects. Mai-ntenance data: Include an instruction manual describing the operation and maintenance of the system in the maintenance manual. g Maj-ntenance materials: Sprinkler heads, steel cabinet, wrench, caps and chains. 1 D'ina rnrl 2. Valves. I'it-t-' - , _,rngs . Siamese Connections. A Roof Manifold. Hose Val-ve and Cap. Hose Valve Cabinet. L. 04 SUPPLEMENTAI QUAIITY ASSURAT\ICE A. Codes and Standards NFPA CompJ-iance: Install combinati-on wet f ire standpipe / weL sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA 13-2002 and NFPA L4-2003. UL Compliance: Provide sprinkler/standpipe products in accordance with their listings and UL standards; provide UL label on each product. 3. NYCSCA City Construction Code: Comply with the requirements of The New York Citv Construction New York CoMBTNATTON T|ET STAIIDPrPE/SPRTNKLER SYSTEM 15332 3 07 LtW NO.: 053545 /29/L0 Codes and with the Rules and Regulations of the Rrri I di nr^r l)on:r1- mcn1- - tho NYC Of fiCe Of TeChniCal_ Certification & Research (OTCR), The Division of Fire Prevention of the Fire Department and al-1 other public authorities having jurisdiction. 4. Fire Department/Marshal Compliance: Instal-l sprinkler/fire standpipe systems in accordance with local- requlati-ons of the NYC Fire Department. 5. Screw Thread Connections: Comp1y with local Fire Department regulations for sizes, threading and arrangement of connections for aarrinmanr- to Siamese connections. 1.05 fire department EXTRA }{ATERIAJ,S A. Heads: For each style and temperature ranqe required, furnish additional sprinkler heads, amounting to six heads when fewer than 300 heads are installed and twelve heads when between 300 and L200 heads are install-ed. All the spare heads will- be enclosed in a steel cabinet with a special sprinkler wrench to be del-ivered to the Authority. Obtain a receipt. R Del-iver also two spare caps and cha j-ns f or each Siamese connection Obtain a recei-pt. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2 . OL MA}IUFACTI'RERS A Qrrl-rjaal- a nnmnl vvrrlyrrqtrug i enna 1uv w.i wI h 1LIMY rongjlgglents Of the Specifications and Drawings, manufacturers offering products which may be incorporated in the work incl-ude, buL are not limit.ed to, the following: Potter-Roemer Inc. Croker Corp., Division of Fire-End and Croker Corp Elkhart Brass Manufacturing Co., Inc. 2 .02 PIPING IIATERIAJ"S A. N':rcscA r/-^^^ ggtlg! -- af I COMBINATION IIET STA}IDPIPE/SPRINKLSR SYSTEI{ 15332 4 07 /29lLO LLVI NO. 1. Prorzi do n in'i ncr maf a I s and f ar:torv qrru fLrq uv!erirur9 063545 f abricated piping products of sizes, types, pressure and temperature ratings, and capacities as indicated on the Drawingis. Provide f ittings of material-s .-_+^_.:^.r^ rll in Jqa D uSed uDgu the LlIg DIJ! lrtn Snr.inkler rE! standpipe systems. tha1ni*^ urrq L mafr_h rrlq LUrr _yr_yg fire 2. : / rrra LEI / Provide signed and sealed hydraulic calcul-ations prepared by a NYS licensed professional engineer for the Authority's review that incorporat.e the final pipe sizes and sprinkler head l-ocations. The calcufations are to show that a 5 psi safety factor, which is part of the Contract design shown on the documents, is maint.ained over the code requi-red calculated pressures. In order to accommodate additional- sprinkler heads and fittings or revisj-ons done to the pipe routing due to interferences, branch piping may -,vised in size and l-ocation. Sizes of risers, mains, cross-over maj-ns and sub*mains are not to be changed from those on the Contract h^^ ,.] f n l,-^ -^--.: ^^J -.: .- ^..i -^ ^-l 1 ^^^+..i ^* Drawings. B Aboveground Pipe, Within the Building 1. Pipe sha1l be schedule 10 standard black steel as per ASTM 195 for pipe si zes up to 6-inch (wal-l thickness, .134 inch), when j oined by ro.l-l;F arnnrrar{ fi{-+in^-hA v!vvvEu rl IL LLIItgD cttlL,t instal-led i-n buildings not exceeding 300 feet in height and having a system operating at up to 300 psi. ) Pipe joined by threaded fittings or cut-groove fittings shall comply with minimum wal-l thickness of schedul-e 40 for pipe sizes ranging f rom 6-in and up to 8-in in diameter when the buil-dinq's heiqht is above 300 feet. Fittings shall be b1ack, threaded malleable cast iron or f langed casL stee.l- and shall have a pressure rating of 350 psi water working pressure. Pressure ratings shall be cast in or on the fittinqs. N:rcscA CoMBTNATTON r{ET STANDPTPE/SPRTNKLER SYSTEM 15332 - 5 07 LtW NO.: 063545 /29lLO Mechanical Coupling Type Fittings: The use of mechanical coupling type fittings on fire standpipe / sprinkl-er combination system in l-ieu of threaded fittings or flanged fittings or grooved fittings is acceptable j-n sizes 2" to 8" incl-usive. The mechanical couplings shall- be sel-f -centering and shal-l- engage and lock the grooved pipe and / or fittings in a positive couple while a I I nvli nrr f!v! nr enma nf or daaraa :na,. l a angufar pape deflection, contractj-on and expansion. Each coupling shaf f consist of a mall-eable iron or ductil-e iron housing in two or more conmanl-e qincr'l a - mnlflafl rlrvfvuv r'nmnngjlign vvlLLI/v! sealing gasket, and two or more steel ovalneck track bofts with hex nuts. l^t Flexrble couplings shall be of St.yle-77 as manufactured by Victaul-ic Company of Amerlca nnrrnl i nn or approved s\4uqf Entire installation i-ncluding pipe grooving shall be performed in accordance with the manufacLurer's i-nstructions. Only couplings, together with their respective grooved end pipe fittings having fire department approval will be accepted. . C. Underground Pipe -Inside and Outside the Building I *'i -.^^ Jllcr ^'^.11- be ductil-e iron class 52 for 4" PrPtr:J pipe size and cl-ass 56 f or 6" pipe size n'1 nrf mor-h:ni rtLvvrlqrlrvql r':'l in'i nfU J vllr nina Irryg. Tn rll :rlrl'i qUUI i nn 1Uf,Vllt J-l.ra Ltlg fn-m^ lAlttC n€ U! the manufacturer and the pressure to which the prpe was tested shall- be permanently and legibly indicated on all- pipes. Fittings shall be ductile iron mechanical joints with pressure rating of 350 psi. Pressure ratings shall be permanently indicated on the fittings. Duct.ile iron pipe shal-l be lined in accordance with AVWA C104, Cement-Mortar lining for DuctileIron Pipe and Fittings for Water. NYCSCA COMBINATION IIET STA}IDPTPE/SPRINKTER SYSTEM 15332 6 01/29/LO 2.03 LLW ITAI{GERS A. AI{D NO.: 063545 SUPPORTS Adjustable steel clevis hangers, adjustabl-e steel band hancrers rlr adirrs1- alrl o l'rand h:nrrorc piping hangers and supports. Two-bol-t riser supporrs. cl-amps f or fOr hOriZOntal- vert ical piping Steel turnbuckles and malleable iron sockets for hanger-rod attachments . 3. Concrete inserts, top-beam C-clamps, side beam or channel clamps or center beam clamps for building attachments. C-type clamps used to attach hangers to the building structure in areas subject to earthquakes shall- be equipped with a retaining strap or safety hook to prevent movement. See Fiqure 1-1 of ASHRAE Practical Guide to Sei-smic nestraint, Iggg. C-type clamps, with or without qf r-^^ ref ai ni no DU!ClP-7 !ELqIITIIIY ^r^^'r'r IrOt DIJCIJJ be USed tO attaCh braces to the buildinq structure. 4. 2.04 The seismic bracing of sprinkler/ standpipe piping is governed by Articl-e 9.3 of NFPA No.1302 & Article 4.4 of NFPA No. 14-03, respectively standards for the Installation of Sprinkler & Standpipe Systems as modified by of the NYC Building Code. VAL\ZES A A11 sprinkler and standpipe valves shall be ULlFM approved. Provide valves shown on the Drawings, needed for a proper installation, and complying with the following: 1. Gate Valves: 300 psi WWP: 3/4" to 2", bronze body, OS&Y indicating type; double or wedge disc with threaded ends. 2 I/2" and up: IBBM, OS&Y indicating type; doubl-e or wedge disc with end connections as required to sui-t the piping svstem. Val-ve Locki-ng Devices: chain z 3/16" galvanized steel-, welded link; padlock; key tags: l-- tt" dia. NYCSCA COMBINATION I{ET STAIVDPIPE/SPRINKI,ER SYSTEI{ 15332 1 o7 /2elto LLII NO. : 063545 Brass, stamped with val-ve number and service; "S" hooks: brass , for securing keys to key tags. Check Val-ves: IBBM, single clapper swing check with metal to metal or rubber faced checks, suitable for horizontaland verticalinstallation; end connections as required to suit r1^^ prpr_ng psi. Accepted system; 300 manufacturers: Stockham, NIBCO or other approved LIIE equa1. B Control Valves Ri-ser control- valves shall be O. S & Y. gate valves with flanged cast iron body, bronze mounted and 300 P.S.I. WWP, Stockham G-634 or NrBCO F-607-0. They shall- be electrically supervised by tamper switches t.hat send a signal to the fire alarm system. Control val-ve location shall be clearly indicated with necessary signs and arrows. 2. Floor control valves shall be install-ed at the point of connection to the riser on each floor. Valves shal-l be fitted with a supervising electrical tamper switch. Provide a fl-oor control valve assembly as per Figure A. 8 . L6 .4 .2 (b) of NFPA L3-2002 in the sprinkler supply piping on each floor. Sectional and riser control vafves 6 inch and larger shall have a minimum 3.a" inch val-ve by-pass. 4. Metal tag wlth number identifying control valve shall- be conspicuously marked with the number assigned to it on the riser diagram for the standpipe system. The marking shall be in white fi arrraa !+.,s!vv, l1 /^ r ,2" hiqhr ofi a 2" square engraved anodized aluminum tag with a red background. Tags shal-1 be as manufactured by Seton Nameplate Corp., New Haven, Connecticut or by EMED Co. Special Valves Provide val-ves, UL l-isted, in accordance with their listing. Provide sizes and t.ypes that match piping and equj-pment connections. N:rcscA COMBINATION ITET STAI{DPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM L5332 8 o7 /29lLO LLTI NO. 274" (far : 063545 Angle Hose Valve and lta" Hose connection q.l-arvoq rrraafar 1 nnO qrrrrrra faa.l- \. . !euL/ Angle hose valve, with threads conforming to FDNY standards, shall be 2tt' similar to Potter Roemer model- # 4015, 2%" X Lh" red enamel- steel hose rack simil-ar to Potter Roemer model # 2194; )74" hose rack brass nipple simil-ar to model # 2156 (Potter Roemer) ; 2r/tu x It1" brass reducer (Potter Roemer model- # 2810 ) ; L2t" pin lug brass (Potter Roemer, model 2934); Il/t'' coupling 'linorj rrllEu rrnlrz yUJy fIav !reA hnco rrvre /I^n^l-L \-LgiI9 Lrl CtD hi\r lLlcry J-ro Us required) see Potter Roemer, model 2915; !%" brass nozzLe see Potter Roemer, model 2941; )t'4r escutcheon see Potter Roemer model 275L. Provide Ttt" diameter hose of sufficient lengths to suppress a fire in the stage area. Hose connections sha1l- be equipped with a fog nozzLe and be mounted in a cabinet. i^\ 21,2" AnqLe Hose Val-ve: Angle hose val-ve, with threads conforming to FDNY standards, shall be 2t4" similar to Potter Roemer model- 4015; )1,2't cast brass cap with female hose thread as per Potter Roemer model 4625; )L-7" pin ]ugs and chaj-n as per model 215L (Potter Roemer). If hose is not instal-1ed in a cabinet, escutcheon shal1 be Potter 2. Roemer model- 47L2. Al-arm Check Valve: Provi-de cast-iron water f low alarm check valve, 300 psi working pressure. Alarm check valve shall be equipped with a pneumatic retard device to prevent false alarms due to water surqes. Water Flow Detector: Provide a paddle type water fl-ow detector in the sprinkler supply piping in the location indicated on the Drawi-ngs. Detector shal-1 be so constructed and instal-led that any fl-ow of water from the system equal to or greater than that from a singJ-e automatic sprinkler of the smal-l-est ori-fice size installed on the svstem NYCSCA COMBINATION I{ET STAI{DPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM L5332 9 07 tLT[ NO. : 053545 /29lLO will result i-n an audible alarm on the premises within 5 minutes after such fl-ow begins and until such flow stops. Listed paddle type water fl-ow detector does not require approval number from NYC Office of Technical Certificat.ion and Research (OTCR). Backflow Preventi-on Val-ve The backflow el or-l- ri r.a'l I rz preventor qrrnarrz'i cad 1-" py valves shall be r^**^r ^ cl Lo.rrrPE switch installed in accordance with NFPA 12 and senarate'lrz annunciated. Tamncri ncr with t.he backfl-ow preventor valves shall send a si-gnal to the fire alarm svstem. 5. Electrical Subcontractor shall- provide the fire protection electric afarm equipment including the control panel, siqns, wiring, etc. A11 equipment for the Combination Wet Standpipe /Sprinkler system which is not specifically cal-l-ed for to be provided by any other contractors and/or subcontractors shal1 be provided by the Master Fire Suppression Piping Subcontractor. Approved Manufacturers : Grinnel-l- Fj-re Protecti-on Systems Co. , Inc. Firematic Sprinkler Devices Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Victaulic Co. of America. 2.05 Co. GAUGES A Provide gauges shown with the foll-owinq: on the Drawings and complying Provide pressure gauges of materials, capaci-ti-es and ranges, desiqned and constructed for use in service as required: Type: General- use, I% accuracy, ANSI 840.1. NYCSCA b Case: drawn steel or brass, cast aluminum, shatterproof glass fens, 4t/r" diameter. c. Connector: brass with I/4" mal-e COMBINATION I{ET STA}IDPIPE/SPRINKLER NPT. SYSTEM 15332 - 10 07 /29lLO LLTil NO. d Scal-e: white coated permanently et.ched markings. : 063545 with aluminum, Range: conform to the following: 1) Vacuum: 30" Hg 15 psi. 200 psi. 2) Water: 0 2. Approved Manufacturers Ametek /US Gauge : Ernst Flow Industries Marsh Beffofram Mi I innn f-nrnnral--irri q uJ Trerice (H. urvrr nn O) Co. Werss fnstruments, Inc. Wesler Instruments R, Pressure Gauge Cocks: Provide pressure gauqe cocks between pressure gauges and gauge tees on piping systems. Construct gauge cock of brass with I/4" female NPT on each end, and \\T'l handle brass plug. a. Syphonz L/4" straight coil- constructed of brass tubing or loop-shaped section of brass, stainfess-steel or steel pipe with 7/4" mal-e NPT on each end. b. Snubber: I/ 4" brass bushing with corrosion resistant porous metal disc, through which nraQQrr16 f iltered. Select di-sc f l-uid is material for fluid served or pressure rati-ng. 2. Manufacturers: r- same as for pressure gauges. Pressure and/ or Temperature Gauge Connector P1ugs: l. Provide gauge connector plugs rated for 500psi at 200"F. Construct of brass and finish in nickel plate equipped with I/4" or L/2" NPS fitting, with sel-f-sealing valve core type neoprene gasketed orifice suit.able inserting I/8" OD probe assembly from dial- type j-nsertion pressure and/or NYCSCA COMBINATION I{ET STAI{DPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEDI 15332 . 11 o7 /29lLO LLVI NO. l-amnarrf rrra drlrAA l-arr-i n lYury . 063545 wit.h qasketed Of if iCe i ndi r-a1-us 9q screw cap and chain. Approved manufacturers : : MiI ior-n CnrnnaSljgn Mc Di nj na D'^CUCIS r !v\ CO. Peterscln Ecrrr i ppgnl Co. j-sco, A Spedco, Inc. Trerice (H.O) Co. Watts Regulator Co. S 2.06 SPRINKLER A Co. HE,AD Drnrri da cnr-i nkl_ef! trznc head Of v! LJ yE rtvqs rtrvf and in accordance with their listinq. ed Provide ordinary temperature-rated requirements for temperature rating haarl< ae nrnrTidg6l in B .3 .2.2, I .3. nn qnri nf T-'lr:r^z'i nac nlrl orq i f qnri nlu I ar 2.3,, of NFPA-13-2002 are complied with. Qulck response sprinkl-ers shal-l- be instal-l-ed according to their listing and in Iight-hazard occupancies as defined in NFPA-1,3-02. Wet or dry sprinklers that utilize O-rings as seafs are not to be used on projects. O-ring snri nkl ors r-en uvyrqvv ciecrradc vvv! n\ror time. LrrLLv. heads can corrode r or minerals, snri TheSe arrgou oyr!rrJ\rv! nkl er sa1ts, and other contaminants in water can affect the polymeric rubber O-ring seal-s. These factors coul-d cause the sprinkler heads to not activate in a fire. Heads that use Tefl-on coated Bel]evilfe metal-lic seal-s rather than a rubber O-rinq are to be used. Upright Pendent Recess Pendent Concealed Includinq Cover Plate 5r_oe walr Finishes for Upright, Pendent and Recess Pendent: chrome plate for occupied areas, cast or plain brass for unoccupi-ed areas. NYCSCA CoIIBINATTON WET STA]IDPrPE/SPRTNKLER SYSTEM 15332 L2 o7 /2e/!o LLW NO.: 063545 Sprinkler Cabinet and Wrench: Provide steel, baked red enameled, snri nk'l cr box with capacity to store snri nkl cr heads and h wrench. c. Approved Manufacturers: Firematic Sprinkler Devices, Inc Grinnell Corp. Viking Corp. Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co. Vict.aulic Co. of America. 2.07 SIAMESE CONNECTIONS Fl-ush type shall- be of the size indicated on drawings. Siamese connect.ions shalI be polished brass with two individual drop clapper valves and cast iron plugs na.i nrari rzal T 619 with qllu no'l wrLrf bfaSS vlIqIIl v!eQQ vvJLIIth Chain and wi Jvrrvvv IJvIfDI i .qhed lettered *COMBINATION STANDPIPE/ SPRINKLER". The plate lett.er inscription shatl be either an integral part of the plate or on a separate nameplate securely fastened to or above the siamese connection. Flush type shall be Potter Roemer Fig. 5020G Series r ot Croker Corp. Fig. 6030 Series. Threads shall be to NYC Fire Ilon: r1-mant oneCif iCatiOnS . Exposed type shall be of the size indicated on the drawings. Siamese connections shall- be polished brass with two individual drop clapper valves, pin lug swivels, plugs and chains and with polished brass wallplate lettered * COMBINATfON STANDPIPE / SpnfnKLER". The Ietter inscription shall- be either an integral part of the plate or on a separate nameplate securely fastened to or above the siamese connection. Expose type shal-l be Potter- Roemer, Fi9. 5750 Series or Croker Corp. Fig 6430 Series. Threads shal-l be to NYC Fi re C. l)enarf ena- i f i n.f ionS. monl-u uyuvr!rvqu Sidewal-k type shall be of the size indicated on drawi-ngs. It shall be polished brass, complete with 78" sleeve, cast brass plugs and chains, and fl-oor plate lettered *COBINATION SPRTNKLER / STANDPIPE". The letter inscrlption shal-l- be ei-ther an integral part of the plate or on a separate nameplate securely fastened to or above the siamese connection Sidewalk type shall be Potter Roemer 5760 Series or Croker Corp. Fio. 6510 NYCSCA COMBTNATION I{ET STAI{DPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM 15332 13 07 /29/LO LLW Series. Sidewalk made of red brass. L. siamese NO.: 063545 connection risers shall- '1.^ Where a fence encloses a portion of the buildinq containing a Fire T-)orr: uu}/sr ri-monl. r.nnnonlrrvv i nn ulvrr t Contractor shal-l provide and secure to the fence .l rl'i raaf rz nnnng v_v_vv jlg SiameSe COnneCtiOn the a Steel sign containing the following wording: "F. D. Siamese Connection located...Feet behind Sigin. " Sign shal-l- be f inished in porcelaJ-n enamef with one inch red letters on white backqround. Approved Manuf acturers : Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co., Inc Croker Potter 2.08 Roemer I,ADDERS A. Provide permanent heavy stee.l- ladders to provide access to valves in accordance with the code requirements. Ladders shall be of width and height required, shall- be made of heavy steel- bars and heavy 'l rirn^c rnrl sh: I r ho normanenf vu urJI rz fasLened yu!rrrqrrvrr at IOCatiOn. Where the shut-off valve adjacent to the spri-nkler alarm valve is located higher than 6 | above the floor, ladder shal-1 be provided where directed. 2.09 AUTOIfATIC BAI,L DRIP A 2.LO Automatic Ball Drip shal-1 be 3 / 4" Potter-Roemer Fig. 5982 or Croker Corp. Fig . 6181, . ROOF !{A}IIFOID A Roof manifold shall- be cast brass, three-way horizontal- type of size indicated on the Drawings, Potter-Roemer Fig No. 5881 or Croker Corp. Fig. 6850. Roof manifold shall- be fitted with three cast brass val-ves equaf to Potter-Roemer Fiq. No. 4065 or Croker . .-Y Cap with chain shal-1 be PotterRoemer 4625 or Croker Corp. Fig. 5713. Threads shallbe to Fire Department Specifications. t nrh mrcscA H l d ht t t h CoMBTNATION If,ET STAr{DPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM 15332 L4 o7 /29/LO LLTil NO. 2.LL FIRE : 063545 DEPARTI4ENT HOSE VAL\ZE AND CABINET A. Cabinet shal-I be recessed type , 20 gauge steel- body and white enamel inside. Exposed trim and door shal-l be 1B gauge, type 304 stainless steel with a No. 4 finish. Cabinet doors shall- have duo-panel wire inserted cl-ear glass. Door sha11 be hinged right or left as required. Cabinet shall- be Potter Roemer SS1810-AW or Croker corp. Fiq. SS-2700-AW. Fire Department Lobby Hose Cabinet: Cabinet shallbe recessed type, 20 gauge steel body and baked white polyester finish j-nside. Exposed trim and door sha1l be 18-gauge, with continuous steelhinge (brass pin). Cabinet door shall have duopanel wj-re inserted cl-ear glass. Door shal-l- be hinged right or left as required with l-ock and key in a key cabinet. Cabinet shall be Potter Roemer 1302or Croker Corp. Fig. 21-90 or approved equal. 2. Lobby Key Storage Cabinet: cabinet shall be 18gauge white coated steel with FDNY l-ocks. Hol-ds key for the lobby hose cabinet. Cabi-net inst.al-lation requires 5"x5 "x3't wall opening. Cabinet shall be Pot.ter Roemer model- # 1950 NYFD Yale lock # SYA1 , or Croker Fig. 2928 . 3. Fire Hose Cabinet: Series 1100, 18-gauge steelbox, wall- mounting and size i e radrli rarl . Angle Hose Val-ve Cabinet: Serj-es 1800, 18-gauge steel box, wal1 mounti-ng and si zo eq ror.niired. 4 B. Hose val-ve shal-1 have nominal 214" inch threads conforming to FDNY standards. It shall be an angle val-ve, cast braSs body, complete with wheel- handle, with red enamel-ed finish caps and chain. Valves shall be Potter Roemer Fig. 4065 or Croker Corp. Fig. 5015. Cap with chain shall- be Potter Roemer 4625 or Croker Corp. Fig. 5713. Threads shall- be to NYC Fire department specifications. Provide escutcheon plate Potter Roemer No. 2151 or Croker Corp. Fig. 5735 for val-ve. lnrcscA COMBINATION I{ET STA}IDPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEI'I 15332 15 o7 LLII NO.: 063545 /2elLO 1. Fire hose shall be Polyflex fire hose (375 feet provided in the lobby), model # 2915 by Potter Roemer. C. The equipment specified for the Fire Department Hose Val-ve and Cabinet shall be of one manufacturer for each compl_ete unit. D. Provi-de signs as required by Fire Department. Potter f nrn tsfd /9\I Roemer Fig. 5300 Series or I rizar rfY. LJJt. vv!I/. 2.L2 PATNTING A. Paints used on dedicated piping sprinkler and standpipe shall_ not: to combination Exceed the VOC content l-imits established in the Green Seal Standard GS-11 pa'inf e - f i r<l edition, 20, May 1993. Exceed the VOC content limit of 250 g/L established in the Green Seal Standard GC-03, Anti-Corrosive paints, second edition, January '7, L991 R PART 3.01 3- . Provide col-ors indicated in Paraqraph 3.03.C 1. First (1"t) coat Alkyd vinyl Acrylic Primer L.2 Mil_l_s DFT. 2. Second (2"d) coat - Enamel- 1.3 Mills Latex Semi-Gloss Vinyl Acrylic Latex DFT. EXECUTION INSTALLATION A. Approval of coMBINATION STANDPIpE/ SPRINKLER System: All necessary permits for work in connection with the installat j-on of the sprinkler/standpipe system shal_1 be obtaj-ned by t.he Contractor before commencing any of the combination sprinkler/ fire standpipe work. The Authority wifl- prepare and submit plans for the combination standpipe/ sprinkler system to the Building Code Compliance Division and obtain approval for same. NYCSCA COMBINATION IVET STA}IDPIPE/SPNTUXT,ER SYSTEM 15332 16 o7 /29/to R, LLW NO.: 063545 Instal-l-ation of Identification 1. Instafl- signs on sprinkler/f:-re standpipe systems in accordance with NYC Fire Code, NFPA 13 and NFPA 2. 14 requl-rements. Each val-ve in the sprinkle r / f :-re standpipe l-ra 1-:naarl in aCCOrdanCe With the requJ-rements of The New York City Fire Code. svsf ems sha I I (' Pipi-ng Install-ation Tnsta'l I ni ncs and 2 .02 . ni na f i tt i ncrs I.t}."!rUU4rlY 'i n aCCOfdanCe wi-th Article At the top of the highest riser there shal-1 be provided, above the main roof 1eve1, a three way manifol-d equipped with three ) ttrr inch hose valves with hose val-ve caps. The lowest vafve shall be located with the hose end at least 18 inch above the roof and the highest valve with the hose end not more than 60 i-nch above the roof . The manif old may be set in a horizontal or vertical position, provided the hose outlets are set back between 18 inch and 60 inch above the roof level-. Where the manifol-d is l-ocated other than within a heated stair enclosure, the control valve shal-l- be located in a horizontal- run of piping below the roof, with a long stem extending through the roof and equipped with a wheel handle at its upper end at least t2 inch above the roof. Between the control valve and the manifold there shall be provided within the heated space a L,t" inch open drip or a 3,'4" inch automatic bal-l drip, with the drip pipe extended to spill over a plumbing fixture or a drain. 2. Comply with requirements of NFPA 13-02 and NFPA 14-03 for instal-lation of sprinkler/ f:-re standpipe piping material-s. Instal-l- piping products where indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and in accordance with recognized industrv practices to qrzqf amq nnmrr'l rz uri l-h ensure that piping requirements and serve int.ended purposes. rJrLvlLLU vvlrryrJ vvf Lrr Coordinate with other work includi-ng plumbing pipingr dS necessary to interface components of cnri rrrr\rs! nlz'l rt/! NYCSCA ar ni ni yr}JrtrY IJ!vlJgr -rry " 'Vith ! COMBINATION WET STAI{DPIPE/SPRINKLER Othef WOf k. SYSTEM 15332 L7 07 tLW NO.: 063545 /29/L0 4 f nsta1l drain piping at l-ow point.s of piping qrzq1- om< Drnrr j 6jp flra i n ni n'i ncr a]y+y+rrY |- ho val-ve that wilf be carried down to ^f afm CheCk the f loor to discharge into the nearest floor drain, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Low points of snri nk'l cr/firo !f !s oy!rrrArs!/ *': *'i*st:nrin'i no P-LP-L-tI\j +1^^+ LIlcl.L Cannot be oLqrrulrrl/s drained through the alarm val-ve drain shall also be provided with drains as may be shown on the T-trr','.i n*a uLcrwfrluar \Jr .i o.D Ic\4u_LIc(r. -^^ Install valve indicated, or i nrli r.af od - lllvlgqgvg,UugrlgyfF hose connections of sizes not otherwise 3/ 4" size if rrn qnr"i nkl er / f ) rc s1- :ndni ng at endS of branch l-ines and cross mains at l-ocations where indicated on the Drawinss. Install Inspector's test connection at t.he f l-oor control val-ve assemblv on each f loor. D. Instal-lation of Valves Install valves and water indicated on the Drawinqs. flow detectors where Val-ves shal-l- be f itted with tamper swi-tches for srrnerrzision ouIJs! vrDrvrl ..r v! fr-^ Lrrs v}Jgrt position I of the val-ve. The tamper switch is operated by a cam connected to the valve stem. The Contractor should make certain that the valve disc when fully open does not interfere with the operation of other system components immediately adjacent to the valve. E F G Installation of Fire protection Pressure Instal-l qauges in accordance with Article 2.05. Gauges: Install-ation of El-ectrical Devices: Provide wirj-ng requirements for control- panel, be1ls, valves, Lamper swj-tch, alarm val-ves, and water flow detectors. Installation of Sprinkler Head t. Instal-l- sprinkler head at the proper posit ion shown on the Drawingis r ot as required. Instal-lconceal-ed type sprinkler heads with factory painted white cover plate in areas with suspended r-o.il.incrs usf f flrYD. lncr-1 f fr,)Lo.rr r ^^^r reL.e-5eLr +---^ LYvg ^*-.fkl_ef DIJrfrl with manufacturer supply escutcheon. NYCSCA CoIIBINATTON r{ET STA}IDPrPE/SPRINKTER SYSTEM 15332 head 18 o7 LLII NO. : 063545 /29/L0 2. InStal_l qnri nlrl ar ni ni nn ho:dq trvqvu, and al_l_ Other items and accessories to cl-ear electric l-iqhtinq fixtures. Body f or f l-ush type S j-amese connection shal1 be roughed in during construction. Escutcheon and nipple assemblies shall be installed after constructi-on. One Siamese connection shall be provided for each 300 feet of exterior buildinq wal-1 or f racti-on thereof facing upon each street or public space. OR For buildings facing two paralleI streets or publrc spaces without an intersecting street or public space, one Siamese connection shall be provided for each 300 feet of exterior buildinq wall- or fraction thereof f ront 'i ncr rrn^n eaCh ra I I e I SUCh na I/q!qr!v4 JUVrr qf raaf u J u!v9 n v! r nrrl^'l lg yuvr. a?14 /ra OR For buildings fronting two intersecting st.reets or public space and the total length of exterior building walls facing each street or public spaces is not over 300 feet, only one Siamese connection shall- be instal-l-ed provided the Siamese connection is l-ocated within l-5 feet of the corner and on the street with the longest building frontage. Unless otherwise indicated on Drawings, Siamese connections shall be placed not less than 18" not more than 36" above t.he f evel- of the adi oininq qround or si-dewalk. Each Siamese connection shal1 be instal-led with a check val-ve located inside the buifdinq in a horizontal section of the pipe l-ines where shown on the Drawinqs. Install bal-1 drip valve to bottom of check valve or low point of piping between check valve and Siamese connection as to properly drain system to prevent !!gg-frru. Freestanding sidewalk type Siamese connections shallbe provided at l-ocations shown on the Drawings. The riser pipe to a free standing siamese connection shal-l- MrcscA COMBINATION I{ET STAIIDPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM 15332 19 o7 /29lLO LLVI NO. : 063545 be red brass. When instal-led behind a fence, provide radrli rorl i nn -I--'.rrtg -* nnan i n rJt orr i reirce €nr ror n:easy access. fLr.Le ha €an^^ Hose Va]ves shall- be l-ocated not less than 5 ' -0 " nor more than 6'-0" above the fl-oor or stair landinq. J. Exposed and concealed piping shall- be primed with one (1) coat of zinc chromate and one (1) coat of red Anam6'1 n=jnf F' cl-rnrlnina :nrl dr6\^n par_nt far pal_nt ror erlaflrer n:'inf Y- ien sprinkler piping. K For additional materials and method, refer to Section 09900 - Paintinq. L. After the finished coat of paint has been applied to the piping, this contractor shall- do aIl- pipeline identification labeling as per NFPA 13-02, NFPA 14-03 and the NYC Fire Code. 3.02 FIELD PAINTING n Paints and coatings used in the interior of building fLvo mark ni n'i ncr ru! for fuElrLf!t(/oLtulr i donf i €r ^^+ 'i ^^ .yurI. ^"*'1oSeS shal_1 not rrlq!^ }JryrrlY exceed the VOC content. limits established in Section c01600. B Paint exposed sprinkler/f:-re standpipe piping with a priming coat and two finish coats as specified in Section 09900 : Painting. Protect sprinkler heads drrrincr nainl- i-uu!!rry yof,rrLJrl9 snni nk'l cr / f i -o '.'i+1'^-^r l n:nAr l-rarrsPaintincr !Qf,rru!rry wrLrr uaYDr Dlrro.ra IJClPEr c1-usrrvl/ryu :ndni na ni n'i nrl-I h:ncrcrs end ttsltYeL e fu other items and accessories shall conform to t.he rg\lLf (' .i rl-gItlgll -^*^-r Of a]_]_ code ^ . LD Painting of Dedicated Piping: Dedicated piping to combinatj-on standpipe & sprinkler system such as risers, cross-over mains and cross-over connections shall be painted red and the handl-es of val-ves f itted into the dedicated piping shal-I be painted yellow prior to the hydrostatic pressure test of the system. Painting shall be applied whether the pipe is ulti-mately conceal-ed or remained exposed. N:rcscA COMBINATION WET STAI{DPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM 15332 20 o7 /2elto LLTI NO. : 053545 Cross-over mains, cross-over connections and risers of combinat j-on standpi-pe & sprinkl-er systems that are exposed duri-ng al-terations shal_l_ be painted red and the handl-es of val-ves serving the dedicated piping shal-l- be painted ye1low. If under filing done for the al-teration work a hydrostatic pressure test is requj-red, painting of pipe shall be done bef ore t.he test. 3.03 FIELD QUATITY CONTROL/INTERDISCIPLINARY TESTS A}ID FTUNCTIONAI PERFOR!,IAIICE TESTS A. Fire Protection Piping Flushing: Prior to connecting Combination Fire Standpipe/Sprinkler risers for flushing, flush water feed mains, l-ead-in connections and control portions of Fire Protection piping. After fire protection piping installation has been completed and before piping is placed in service, flush entlre fire protection system, as required to remove foreign substances, under pressure as specified in NFPA l-3 and NFPA 1-4. Continue flushing until water is cl-ear, and check to ensure that debris has not clogged sprinkler heads or f ire hose val-ves. B ACJ L Hrzrlrr-rq.|-a.lrrJvrvDLquIU ir, Taqlinn. I9JLf,lIY. Affor n!LE! qlTafnm JlDLelttT f'lrr<hina !JUOTIIITY r-aa.lLYDL fire protection piping hydrostatically, for period of 2 hour, dt not fess than 200 psi or 50 psi in excess of the system working pressure, whichever is greater. Check system for leakage of ioi nts - The 1- csf nrFsqrrra Shal-l- be read frOm a gage i-ocated at the fow point of each syst.em or zone being tested. 2. Ron:ir r\syqr! a)r v! eliminate 'l ano 76n1 ouE !syf eakaqe. nini-^ IJtIJlrrg qrzql-am DJ D usttr 2e qD radrii rarl l-uva Test the entire f ire protection instal-l-ation, including fire al-arm system, in accordance with the requiremenLs of the NYC Fire Code and give at l-east 2 days advance notice in writing of tests and inspections t.o the Construction Inspection Divlsi-on and the Authoricv. Tests shal-l be conducted in the presence of the Commissioner or Commissioner's authorized representative and the lnrcscA CoMBTNATTON !{ET STAI{DPrPE/SPRTNKLER SYSTEM 15332 - 2L o7 /29/L0 LLW Arrfhori i-rzI s RenresentatirzesLqs+veut F i rc NO.: 053545 l)cnertment and any other public authority having jurisdiction. In lieu of t.he presence of the Commissioner or Commissioner's authorized representativer the Commissioner may accept a signed statement of an Architect or Engineer, whose name is submitted with the advanced notification specified above, declaring that Architect or Engineer has witnessed the tests and that the combi-nation meol- e snri nkl or srzq1- om standpipe / the requirements of the NYC Fire Code and the NYC Building Code. If a representative of the Commissioner or the Commissioner does not appear within 2 days after receipt of such signed statement by the Commissioner, the report shal-lbe deemed to be accepted by the Commissioner. Al1 tests shal-l- be perf ormed as part of this contract. L (- 9T Interdisciplinary Pre-Start-Up and Start-Up Tests / Inspections : The Contractor shall conduct interdisciplinary prestart up and start up tests/inspections (ex. verifying correct seismic restraint installations, verifying correcL install-ation of sprinkler flow detectors and alarm gong) as per the manufacturer's start up procedures. Contractor shal-1 submit signed start up affidavit signed by the fact.ory authorized service representative/Contractor's seismic P.E. certification indj-cating that all- of the manufacturer's pre-st.art up and start up procedures have been successfully completed. D. Functionaf Performance Tests: Contractor shal-1 also submit signed functional signed by the factory authorized service representative indicating that aII of the manufacturer's functional performance tests (flushing, hydrostatic t.ests and testing of the fire al-arm system activation) have been successfully performance testing affidavit completed. NYCSCA CoMBTNATTON r[ET STAr{DPIPE/SPRTNKLER SYSTEM 15332 - 22 07 /2e/L0 3.04 LLW NO.: 063545 SPECIAL INSPECTION A. Installation of sprinkler systems is subject to the special inspection requirements of chapter I1 of the NYC Building Code. The Authority will engage a Qnan'ial .|-o Tnsner.J-or norform +rrut/uvuv! Lv y9!!vlttr 1-hc rA.^r1.lirefl LrrE !gyur!gu .i nsncr-f iOnS. Irto}JEUL- B. Cooperate with t.he Aut.hority and provide al_l_ required access to facilitate all testinq and inspection rel-ated to the Special Inspection. EIID OF SECTION NYCSCA CoMBINATTON r{ET STANDPTPE/SPRTNKTER SYSTEM 15332 - 23 07 /2elLO LLW NO.: 053545 LIST OF ST'BMTTTAIS DATE ST'BD{ITTAI St'B}4ITTED DATE APPROVED Product Data: 1. Manufacturer's Product Data 2. Instal-l-ation Instructions 3. Certificat.e: Hose Threads NYC DOB 1. Permlts: zt n^h-^*'^rl urawl_ngs T1. ^PPLOVeU Shop Drawings: 1. Sprinkler Layout 2. J. Hrzclrarrl 4 ts I rT ir- CalCulationS WJ_rr_ng IJr_agrams I nde 5. Check val-ves 6. Control valves 7. Siamese connections B. Roof Manifold 9. Hose Valve and Cap 10. Hose Valve Cabinet 11. Pipe Toqf Ronnrl.<. Certi-f icates: 1. Certification of Installation: Maintenance Data: - Snare Pari-S LiSts 2. Instruction Manual 3. Maintenance Manual 1 Maintenance Material: 1. Head 2. Steel- Cabinet 3. Wrench MTCSCA COMBINATION I{ET STA}IDPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM 15332 24 o7 /29/t0 LLII NO. : 053545 4. Caps and Chains Contractor's Start-Up And Demonstration Affidavit NYCSCA COMBINATION ITET STAI{DPIPE/SPRTNKLER SYSTEM 15332 - 25 07 LLII /29/LO TTIIS PAGE NYCSCA IS NO. : 053545 INTENTIONAILY LEFT BLANK COMBINATION TIET STAIIDPIPE/SPRINKLER SYSTEM 15332 26 07 tLW NO.: 063545 /2e/L0 sEcrroN 15333 FIRE PI'MPS PART 1- 1.01 GENER.AI DESCRIPTION Or WORK A. Provide the electrical motor-drj-ven fire pump systems as indicated on the Drawings, ds specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. Product specific requirements are contained herein; Section 15301, General Provisions for Fire protection Systems Work, shall be referred to for general requarements. L.O2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 3 Sections. Division 15 Sectrons. C Division l6 Sections. R, 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A 1.04 E-'i ra Drrmn vl(rrcf om. rl1ha i res u LUirr. f rre !f !! nt.lmn srzstem COnSiStS pJ, yurrry Of a horizontal or vertical split case fire pump or endsuction fire pump, fire pump motor, automatlc transfer switch, fire pump controller, jockey pump, jockey pump motor, jockey pump controller, associated valves, gauges, and test apparatus to supply water to the combined standpi-pe & sprinkler system. 1. The jockey pump maintains a minimum pressure in the combined standpipe & sprinkler system. 2. The fire pump starts in the event of a drop in pressure below the minimum pressure mai-ntained bv the jockey pump SttBtl[ITTALS A. Product Data: Submit the installation and start-up instructi-ons for each type of product indicated. Incl-ude pump characteristic and performance curve for eacn pump. a Shop Drawings: Submit the shop drawings for the pumps and drivers, pump controll-ers and automatic transfer switches, pump accessori-es and specialties, jockey pumps, jockey pump controll-ers, jockey pump accessories and specialties. Incl-ude plans, ol v!E orralinnq v q uf,vrrQ t ot.her work. tiwcscA <anf Lf r9v i nnq vlro FIRE t rla{-=i'l ug LcIIID, PUMPS a rnA o.lILr at.tachments to 15333 1 07 /29lLO LLW NO.: 063545 A11 Shop DrawJ-ngs shall also be submitted to El-ectrical .tr^! u! (. -^^-^---\J v ct I1 . cr_v_yr Wiring Diagrams: Submit. the wiring diagrams for the electrical power and control- wiring. Differentiate between manufacturer-i-nstalled and field-installed r"ri ri nn D. E . IQrrl-rm] UVrrLr +. L VrrE ^^^" UV}Jy rJ L\ E]_eCtfiCa]_. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data and parts l-ist for each pump; pump controller and automatic Lransfer switch and accessories, including "troubl-e shooting" and emergency guide in maintenance manuals in accordance with the requirements of Division 1. Incl-ude operati-on manual-s. Test Reports 1. F:n{-nrrz narr^rmance test: certified test curve for each pump. Field acce'otance test. 3. Comply with Modified NYC Fire Code Chapter Section BC 901 (901.5) (Acceptance Test). F. Digital recordings produced during the traininq. G. Contractor's start-up and demonstration affidavit. 1.05 SUPPLEI{ENTAT QUAl,rTy ASSURiAI{CE A. Codes and Standards: Materials and equipment for pump systems should be of the type and size approved by the New York City Fire Department. B. UL, NEMA, NFPA and FM Compliance: Provide pump systems that are UL listed and labeled and complv with NEMA standards. Conform to the requarements and recommendations of NFPA 20 Standard for the Instal-Iation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection and NFPA 70 National Electrical Code. The pump system shall be approved by Factory Mutual (FM). C. Factorv Performance Test 1. Each unit shall be given a complete performance test i-n accordance with NFPA 20 and the Modified New York City Fire Code; Appendix O Section BC QL02 and Chapter 9 Sectj-ons BC 903 & BC 905. A certified test curve shall be prepared and submi-tted f or each pump. NYCSCA FIRE PT'MPS 15333 - 2 07 /2e/L0 LL9[ 2. NO.: 063545 Controlfer: Each pump controller shall be completely tested before shipment from the factory. 2 . PRODUCTS 2 . OL IIATERIATS . GENERAT A. Each pump shal-l be of the type, size and capacity listed in the pump schedules on the Drawings. 2.02 CENTRIFIUGAL PT'MPS A. UL 448, factory-assembled and tested, electric-drive, centrifugal pumps capable of furnishing not less than 150% of rated capacity at not less than 652 of totalrated head and with shutoff head l-imited to I40% of total rated head. 1. Finish: Manufacturer's standard red paint applied to factory-assembl-ed and tested unit before PART shipping. 2. Nameplate: with Complete capacities, characteristics, and other pertinent data. B. In-Line Fire/ Sprinkler Booster Pumps: Vertically mounted type with el-ectric-motor driver directly mounted to pump casinq. 1. Manufacturers: Patterson Fire Pump Division - A subsidiary of the Gorman-Rupp Company Sterling Peerless Pump; Sterling Fl-uid Systems Group Reddy-Buffaloes Pump Co. Aurora Pump; Pentair Pump Group. A-C Pump; ITT Industries 2. NYCSCA Vertical in-l-ine design with the following: a. Casing: Radially spJ-it cast-iron, with the suction and discharge flanges located on a common centerline, 1B0o apart, for mounting in the pipeline. FIRE PT'MPS 1s333 3 07 /29/LO LL9il NO. b. c. d. : 063545 Impeller: Cast bronze of construction to match pump, statically and dynamically balanced, and keyed to shaft. Wear Rings: Replaceable, bronze. Shaft and Sleeve: Steel- shaft with bronze sleeve. 1) Shaft Bearings: Grease-lubricated ball bearings in cast-iron housinq. 2) Seals: Stuf f ing box with a minj-mum of four rings of graphite-impregnated braided yarn packing, lantern ring and bronze packing gland. (" I-'ira Drrmzl .. q.innla horiznnfaf LLVL!LVL!WC Of Sterling Peerless Pump; Sterling Fl-uid Systems UJrrYf g ^r V! mrrlt.i rtlur LI -Sfaclc_ J LqYE, vertical split case, electrical motor drive, double or single suction, bronze fitted centrifugal fire pump mounted on a common base plate with the electricalpump driver complete with coupling and coupling guard. End-suction fire pumps are also acceptable. 1. Manufacturers: Patterson Fire Pump Division - A subsidiary of the Gorman-Rupp Company Group PaAArz-FlffalOeS uu! !qrvvJ Prrmn urrly Qg. \ ! Aurora Pump; Pentair Pump Group. A-C Pump; fTT Industries 2. MTCSCA The construction features for the fire pump component parts shall_ be as foll_ows: a. Casing: Cast iron, horizontal- or vertical, axial- or radial sclit case. b. Shaft: A1loy steel-, machined and ground to close tolerances. c. Shaft Sleeve: Bronze. d. Bearinqs: girease lubricated bal-1 bearings. e. Impeller: Cast bronze, statically and dynamically balanced, keyed to the shaft. f. Casing Wear Rings: Bronze wear rings. FIRE PT'MPS 15333 4 07 LtI[ /29lLO Crrtrnl v Qa'l f -rl i ani nn f I avi l-r'1 a anrrn] : 053545 of 'i --*y-rng the manufacturer's recommendations. Tl,r conl r.l- a. Drrr , -.np and dri-ver are mounted on a fabricated steel 1-r^^^^l JJcT.DCPJO.^+^Le . Stuffinq Boxes: Extra deep for proper h i. 2. 03 ELECTRICAL i nrr. NO. seal-ing. MOTOR DRIVER A. The electrical motor for the pump shal-l_ be Ul-listed, NEMA MG-1, open drip-proof, squirrel cage induction motor with grease f ubricated ball_ beari_ngs complying with NFPA 20 and NFPA 10. The l-ocked motor current shall not exceed the values specified in NFPA 20. Include wiring compatible with controll_er used. 2 . 04 PtnIP A CONTROLLERS Pump Controllers, General-: UL 278 and NFPA 20; UL listed and FM approved for ftre/sprinkler booster pump service, suitable for use with the electric motor to be used,' combined automati-c and manual operation; f actory assembl-ed and wj-red; and factory tested for capacities and electrical characteristics required. Mark control-1er "Fire Pump or Sprinkler Booster Pump Controller". 1. Manufacturers: hrr6trn | t |n^ rrrv. Master Control Systems, fnc. Malrnn rreL!vrr, Tnn rf tv. Hubbell Industrial Controls, Inc. 2. Rate controll-ers for scheduled pump horsepower and short-circuit short-circuit location. withstand rating at least. equal to current available at controll-er Enclosure: UL 50, NEMA 2, drip proof, indoor unless special-purpose encl-osure is reconrmended by the manufacturer. Provide manufacturer's standard red paint applied to factory-assembled and tested unit before shipping. The automatic transfer switch shall be capable of automatic power transfer from normal to alternate qenerator emergency power source in case of normal NYCSCA FIRE PI'MPS 1s333 - 5 o7 LLII NO. : 053545 /29/LO supply fallure and automatically re-transfer after restoration of normal power conditions. Automatic emergiency power transfer switch factory mounted and interwired with the pump controller. AIIwiring between the pump control-ler and the transfer switch shall be done at the factory and the enti-re unit assembly f act.ory tested. The automatic transfer switch sha1l be reviewed and :rrrrrrrrzorl l.rrr *.y.Y-vvvvvJulfugJllrYfllvv!. 5. 6 l- ho trl'l or.f ri cz I Provide controfs, devices, afarms, functions, and operations l-ist.ed in NFPA 20 as required f or drivers and controller types used, and specific items listed bel-ow.Tho yrlrmcr controll-er shall_ contain but not be v ui{} limited to the followinq: o . Isol-atinq switch. Voftage surge protector. . Circuit breaker, of the appropriate size ratinq. . Motor starter, for o Power on pilot pushbuttons. light, . Contact, for remote indication of "Pump Run", "Loss of Power" and "Phase Reversaf". o Q-30Opsi Pressure Switch, with adjustable settlnqs. . Control- o Running period timer, set for pump runni-ng time. o o Remote start relay. Emergency start handl-e. . System pressure recorder, elecLric ac dri-ven wit.h spring backup. engagemenr. 1 N:rcscA Ilncri naar . relays transformer. automati-c and manual start and stop and controf Nameplate: with Complete characteristics, approvals and listings, perti-nent data. FIRE PT'MPS and manuaf circuit capacity, and other 1s333 6 o7 /29lLO R LLIV NO. 063545 Ful-1-Service Fire-Pump Controller and Automatic Transfer Switch: The automatic transfer swi-tch and the pump controll-er shall each be mounted in separate enclosure, mechanically attached to form one unit and provide for protected interl-ock wiring. Type Starting: Wye-de1ta, closed transition, reduced voltage or Across the Line, full voltage. 2. Mounting: Ff oor-stand type f or f ield el-ectricalconnections mounted on the pump base. Automat.ic Transfer Switches: UL 2I8 and UL 1008 and rc.nri rom4nlg fOf and attaChed tO fi re-nrrmn control-l-ers. Include UL 50 Type 2 enclosure complying with the fire pump controfler above, with automatic transfer switch with rating af least equal to fire-pump driver-motor horsepower. sLLqurrvs A C. : The f i re l)rrmr-\ nnnl- rnl I o1 With Lv the !r!9 I/urtry aUtOmatiC transfer switch shafl- be Firetrol- Inc. Model- FTA1350-TS or Mode] FTA-1000-TS; Master Control Systems, Inc. Model MCYT-18 or Model- MCAT-l-8; Metron Inc. Model- Series M-435 or Model Series MP300 with MTS Automatic Transfer Switch; Hubbell Industrial Controfs, Inc. Model Integrated LXi2800 or Model LXi-2200 both wlth LX450 Automatic Transfer Switch. Limited-Service Transfer Switch Fire-Pump/Sprinkler Booster Pump Controllers: This unit shall combine the features of a Limited Service Cont.roller with a dedicated transfer switch. The combination Limited Servi-ce Control-ler/Transfer Switch shall- be in a single compact encl-osure and shal-l be approved by the City of New York for firelsprinkler booster pump service, factory assembled, wired and tested as a single unit. 1. Type Starting: Across the line. 2. Thermal magnetic circuit breaker. In addition to the above, the Limited-Service Transfer Switch Pump Control-i-ers shal-1 include the following: Visual- indication of Phase Reversal-, Trans f er Switch Normal-, Transfer Switch Emergency and IsoJ-ating Switch Open. Audible indication of Transfer Switch i-n Emerqencv and Emergency Isolating Swi-tch Open. NYCSCA FIRE PT'MPS 1s333 7 07 LLII NO. : 063545 /2elLO for Transfer Switch Emergency, and Remote contacts Tsn'l ef i nrr Sr^ri lgl Open. Mounting: Skid connectl_ons. mounted for f ietd el-ectrical The combination l-imited service pump control_l-er with the automatic transfer switch shal-l- be Firetrol- Inc . Model FTA-7 50-TS, Master Control_ Systems, Inc. Model MCLT-18, Metron Inc. Model_ Series M-30 with MTS Automatic Transfer Switch and Hubbell Industrial- Controls, Inc. Model- Integrated LX-2500 with LX 450 Automat.ic Transfer Switch. 2 .05 JOCKEY PI'MP A. Where indicated on the l)rawi nos ,- nr:ovide a l'. nonl- ri frrn:'i coupled electric moLor riri rzan pump. The jockey pump shal I be manufactured bv: !!uYqa v!4vvrrt Cl_ose iJvvr\e_)' nnlrorz Grundfos Pumps Corp Sterling Peerl-ess Pump; Sterling Fl_uid Systems Group A-C Pump; ITT Industries Paco Pumps, Inc. Taco, Inc. B The constructi-on shall- be as fol_l_ows: l'-: Cast iron or stainless steel-. q i nn. Stainless steel machi-ned and qround to close tolerances. Bronze or stainl-ess steel i-mpe11er keyed to shaft, and secured to shaft by impeller nut. Shaft: Tmrral -l ar. Mechanical seal-: 2.06 JOCKEY PT'MP CONTROLLER A. NYCSCe, Tunssten carbide. The -i or-kcrr nrrml) I,ur!!y r-r'rni- rnl I or qha'l I i nnnrnnr:l,rate a :a maana'lmagnetl-c' starter, manual operation "Hand-off-Automatic" selector switeh, fusibl-e disconnect switch and pressure regulator. The control-l-er is pressure activated and shall comply with UL50B. The control-ler shal-1 be factory-assembled, wired, and tested. The control-l-er shall be across-the-l-ine type and shall, be manufactured by Metron Inc., Firetrol_ Inc., Master FTRE PT'MPS 1s333 - 8 oz /29/Lo tLTil NO. : 063545 Control Systems, Inc. and Hubbel-l- Industrial Controls, fnc. B. Accessory features shal_I be provided as fol_lows: r -i 2 . 07 nA i nrr nori ry lrs!rvu r^rr-korz Y.lrrmn Rttnn r\urlrrrf l-Lfllrg!, i mar {-n Lv nrarran1I/rgvgrrL 'i na nrrnl uyuf ltly nf uI . I20V control transformer with fused secondarv. o Q-300 o Encl_osure, NEMA type 1. o pil_ot liqht. PRESST'RE l-ha LIIE psi pressure switch. RELIEF VALVE A. Provi-de an iron body pressure relief valve with brass internal- parts. The pressure relief valve shal_l_ be supplied by the pump manufacturer. 2.08 CONTROLLER SENSING PIPES A. Provide nonferrous metal sensing piping, L/2" stze, with I/2" globe valves for. testing mechanism of controller from system to pump controller as indicated. Provide bronze check val-ve with 3 / 32" orifice in clapper or ground face union with noncorrosive diaphragm having 3/32" orifice. Fabri-cate pipe and fittings in accordance with NFPA 20. 2.09 PI'MP ACCESSORIES A}ID SPECIAJ,TIES A. Jockey Pump: Pressure refief valve. B. Sprinkler Booster/Eire pump: 1. Automatlc ai_r release valve. 2. Casinq rel-ief valve. 3. Compound suction gage, 3-I/2" diameter dial. 4. Discharge gage, 3-L/2" diameter dial. 5. Eccentric tapered suction reducer. 6. Concentri-c tapered discharged reducer. 7. Ball drip val_ve. z.LO NYCScjA HOSE VATVE HEApER/TEST CONNECTTON FIRE PT'MPS 15333 9 o7 /29/L0 LL9il NO.: 063545 A. Three-way wall- mounted type with f langed inl_et and N.P.T. outlets with nipples and rising stem pump test valves with femal-e N.P.T. inlets and male hose thread outlets with caps and chains; wall escutcheon with all brass with "PUMP TEST CONN. " cast into it; polished f inish. Pipe shal-l_ be sized as required or as shown on the Drawings. Hose thread shall_ comply with the New York City Fire Department. requirements. 1. Fl-ush type connections may be used where space wil-1 not accommodate a proiectinq unit. 2.LL FLOW METER A Provide metering devices for testing of the pump. The metering devices shal-l- be listed and FM approved. They shall be capabl_e of water flow of not l-ess than Ij5 percent of t-atea pump capacity. Tlra mat- ar chrll tlLo!ufrouqlg have +/ - 22 full SCaf e accuracv. Venturi Fire Pump Test Meter: Venturi: carbon steel machined casting painted red, Meter: al-uminum body, 4" dial, 304SS case with rubber ring, glass window; brass ball val_ves and fittings, rubber hoses with brass fittings rated at 750 psi working pressure The test meter shal_l_ l'ra rl'ra ad,iar of the Venturi- Fire Pump Test Meter provided by Globaf Vision Inc. uYuqr PART 3- 3.01 v! Lltg vElluul E:GCUTION INSTAII,ATION A. Install pump systems as shown on the Drawingsr or as .qnor-i f i od horai n or as recommended bv the manufacturer written instructions to be completel_v operable and in accordance with NFPA 20. rt9!gJtl, P C. NYCSCe, Prnrri rle l- ha na r'ini pl-pl_r]g trnq vatve-, , rz='l rri crrr'l c.i al..f f a g.L-ass, test ^] -an valve with header, automatic air -*Jnt release valve, pressure gauges, supports and accessories as indicated on the Drawings and as specified i_n other sections for the complete piping connections of the pump systems. The pump system install-ation and power supply for the pump systems shall- comply with applicable portions of the NYC Fi-re Code. FIRE PI'MPS 1s333 10 07 /29lLO LLVI NO. : 053545 D. Install- a pressure relief valve in the pump and jockey Ii ^^harcro ra'l 'i a€ -'a-l -'a Tha rl'i qnh:r^a mi\7 l.ra \.r_LDU..s-:,e. Ie_L_LeI Vd_LVe ...eJ us IJuluy piped back into the suction side of each pump on the pump side of the suction valve with a visual- siqht glass in the rel-ief val-ve discharge. E nltmn rliqnharrra be connected to the cross connecti-on main f or "hal-lthe combined standpipe and sprinkler system at or below the street entrance fl-oor l-eve1 and shall- be of the size indicated on the The fire Drawings. F. The f ire pumps suction l_ine shall be connected to the fire services provided as shown on the Drawings. 3.02 FIELD ACCEPTA}ICE TEST A A field acceptance performance test shal1 be conducted upon the pump system installation completion. test shoul-d be conducted as recommended in NFPA 20 in the presence of the Authority and al-l other authority with jurisdiction. A fiel-d performance standard curve shall be produced and compared for verification with l ltg f he far:f orrz nglformance R The fiold curve. na':f6rmance vvr test f or the pump system shal-1 also comply with the requirements of The Modified New York City Fire Code Appendix O Chapter 9 Sectj-on BC 901 (901.5). (\ V. perf orm shallnecessary Tests and Functional Performance Tests accordinq to manufacturer' s procedures. The adequacy and dependability of the water source are of primary importance and shall be fu1ly determined, j-n the future. wi-th due al-lowance for its reliability E'i ra ^r enri 1]<lg1 Booster pump instal-Iation shall be arranged Co alfow the test- of the pump at its rated conditions as well as the suction supply at the maximum fl-ow available from the pump. The fire y!vLevLrvrr oyst€tn must have outl-ets avail_able to test the pump and suct j-on supply piping. Testing the Sprinkler Booster Pumps with Fl_ow Meter & Test Val-ve Header at Perimeter Wal_l (Option 1) The test procedure is as follows: 1. Make a visual- check of the unit. The val-ve on the discharge side of the meter should be closed and discharge from the flowmeter shall- be recirculated to the sprinkler booster pump suction line. (Note that this test is to be done after verj-fying the adequacy of the street supply per Par. D above; FIRE PT'MPS 15333 11 Contractor rftL IIIE ^ T*1-^-.J.i ^^-: ^1.i. rnary rnrerqrscl_pt_ D. vl-! nral-aa{_ E. NYCSCA .i ^- rrtrtrv! ^r.^r^- uvvo -.-^+ uE! L^-. o7 /2e/L0 LLTI NO. rrori frri nrr :rlaarrrnrr nf l- ]ra cf raaf u : 063545 crrnnl u sIrI/ 4 rz marnq discarding water from the piping system and f l ow rate throrroh a i-hose manifol-d instal-l-ed f or purposes of conducting the initial- me^sl'rri no nrrmn 2. 1-aq t- \ Sfarf .S'l tho nrrmp. i crhf I rz rrncn the throttle A meter valve). discharge val-ve (meter Check the qeneral operation of t.he unit. Watch for vibration, leaks (oiI or water), unusuaf noises, --r arlu (.,Ps!qL!vrr. ^-.:craf i ^^^^-^'r vErrEIo.f nn Arlirrsf nuJ UDL nar:k'i yqvArrry no ol yr ands. Discharge of water. The steps are as follows: Racrrlal-a t\EYUTALg b. Ua-UIIO!Vg a fLEDL,' aof \ . ---rrrF VAIve (meter \rrleLv! thrOttfe urr! valve) to achieve various fl-ow readings. Important test points are at 150 percent rated capacity, rated capacity, and shutoff. Intermediate points can be taken if desired to help develop the performance curve. (If available suction suppl-ies do not permit the flowing of 150% of rated pump capacity, the pump shal-l be operated at maximum a1]owable discharge to determine its acceptance. This reduced capacity shal-1 not constitute an rrn:nnont:l-.-l urrquuEvuclLJlE 6. r':^^r- fho LIlg Record the following data at each test point Drrmn 1-\ rnm Srrr:t i on rlrFssure. fti sr.h: r.ro nroSSU1.e YvIJ!v. d. From . test meter, record gpm. Amnaroq Volts g Cal-culation of test resul-ts is as fol-l-ows: 1) 2) N:rcscA Rated Speed. Determine that pump operating at rated rpm. Capacity: From test meter, the totali-s read directlv. FIRE PT'MPS 15333 r_s gpm L2 o7 LLII NO. : 063545 /29/LO 3) Total Head. For horizontal- pumps total head is the sum of the fol-l-owins: a) Pressure measured by the discharge gauge at pump discharge flange. b) Velocity head difference, d'i sr-harrra- Gauge c) pump nrrmn Ucrrntinn. UV LJVT elevation corrections to nanlarl eErlus!rJlls /"1 anrl /n l"a (yfuD i na nr \Jr pump mi n"c\ rrL_LJIL,tD,f . Pressure measured by suction gauge \ :f aL yurtlP crrn{- i66 -LluL-Lurr fl:nna !1e]rvs. i s nccraf i rro rnzhen nre.qsltrF vu t/! rl1hirr^ f r1-L5 rr--l vct_Lue iS abOve 2 ati 4\ El-ectrical fnput. Voltage and amperes are read directly from the volt/ammeter. This readi-ng is compared to the motor naman'l :l-a frrl I -l oa j am6e1.eS. The On]V qeneral cal-culation i-s to determine t.he maximum amperes al-l-owed due to the motor service factor. In the case of 1.15 service factor, the maximum amperes are approximately 1 . 15 t.imes motor amperes, because changes j-n power f actor and efficiency are not considered. If the maximum amperes recorded on the test do not exceed this figure, the motor and pump wil-l- be judged sat.isfactory. It i_s most important to measure voltage and amperes accurately on each phase should the maximum amperes logged on the test exceed the calculated maximum amperes. This measurement is important since a poor power supply with low voltage will_ cause a high ampere reading. This condition can be corrected onfv bv 'i n i mnrnrzamanll-ra v v urlrurr u rrr urrv yvwcl SUpply. Thef e ^ni.ris nothing that can be done to the motor rvsv LL+ J {- nr ur q\ l-ho Lrle nrrmr yurrrl). Concl-usion. The f inal step in the test cal-cul-ation is to plot the test points. A fiel-d head-capacity curve is plotted, and a f iel-d ampere-capacity curve is plotted. A study of these curves will show the performance of the pump as it was tested as compared to the factorv rl:t: F' Testing the Fire 2) riwcscA Pump Through FIRE PT'MPS A Roof Manifold (Option 15333 13 wlr o7 /29lLO LLII NO. : 063545 The test procedure is as fol-l-ows: a vj-suaI check of the unit. Verify that hose and nozzles are securely tied down. See that the hose val-ves are cl-osed. At least fifty feet of approved two and one-half inch rubber lined hose equipped with pfay pipe nozzLe shall be connected to the header manifold located downstream of the adjustabl-e meter throttle valve. One 50' long hose assembly shal-l be connected in parallel for each two hundred fifty gpm of rated pump capacity. Make 5 t[Ycsc3, Start the pump. Partial-l-y open one or two hose valves. Check the general operation of the unit. Watch for vi-bration, l-eaks (oil or water) , unusual- noises, and general operation. Adjust packing glands. Discharge of water. The steps are as foll-ows. Using the test vaf ve header, regiulate the discharge by means of the hose valves, adj ustable meter throttle val-ve and a selection of the nozzle tips. The pfay pipe has a removable tip. The tip has a L-L/B-inch nozzle, and when the tip is removed, the play pipe has a l-3/4 inch nozzLe. Hose valves should be shut off before removins or puttinq on the I-L/ B inch tip. b Important test points are at 150 percent rated capacity, rated capacity, and shutoff. Intermediate points can be taken if desired to help develop the performance curve. If availabl-e suction suppl-ies do not permit the flowing of 150% of rated pump capacity, the pump shall be operated at maximum al-lowabl-e discharge to determine its acceptance. This reduced capacity shal-l not const j-tute an unacceptabl€ test. An acceptable pump capacity shal-l- be demonstrated when at l-east 50 feet of 2-I/2" rubber lined hose is utilized with a L-I/ B i-nch nozzLe, after the meter throttl-e val-ve has been adjusted to si-mulate the static pressure due to the height of the riser. The fire pump or sprinkl-er booster pump capacity wil-l only be acceptable if the rise of pressure across the pump matches that stated in the Schedul-e of Equipment on the construct.ion documents while FIRE PT'MPS 15333 L4 o7 LLII NO. : 063545 /2elLO simul-taneously delivering the capacity stat.ed in the Schedule of Equipment. as Verification of the adequacy of the street r^r.a+-ar qrrnrrl rz i c r^.rrli rod \/ori frri nrr .arlc **..jquacy of the street supply means discarding water from the piping system and measuring the flow rate. Record the following data at each test point: c. Prrmn rnm h Srrr:f i on nrFssure. f)i enl'r arda Yv nraqqrrro ,v! rl Number and size of hose nozzles, Pitot pressure for each nozzle, and total gpm. g. Amnara< Vo1ts. Cal-cuf a. h ati-on of test resuf ts is as foll-ows. Rated Speed. Determine that pump is operating at rated rpm. Capacity: For hose valve header setup using a fire stream table, determine the gpm (L/min) for each nozzLe at each Pitot reading. For example, 16 psi Pitot pressure with L-3/4 inch nozzle indicates 364 gpm. Add the gpm for each hose line to determine total- volume. Total Head: For horizontal pumps total head is the sum of the followinq: r) Pressure measured by the discharge qauge at pump discharge flange. rl'i f f aranna pump's 2) Velocity head discharqe, and pump suctj-on. 3) Gauge elevation corrections tro pump ^o.iarl ![YCSCA /nl rrc \i/+qu nr mi nrrc\ lrr+rree/ ' Pressure measured by suction gauge at F'1 ^-^^ ^^ ^..^r.i This value is rro.rr\js. JLr\-Lr(Jlr [JullrP negative when pressure is above zero. Electrical Input: Voltage and amperes are read directly from the vol-t/ammeter. This FIRE PT'MPS 15333 15 4) d. i na 07 /29/L0 LLT{ NO. : 053545 reading is compared to the motor nameplate full--Ioad amperes. Determine the maximum amperes al-Iowed due to the motor service factor. In the case of 1.15 servi-ce factor, the maximum amperes are approximately 1.15 times motor amperes , rf t.he changes in power factor and efficiency are not considered. If the maximum amperes recorded on the test do not exceed this figure, the moLor and pump wil-1 be j udged sat.isf actory. It is most important to measure voltage and amperes accurately on each phase should the maximum amperes logged on the test exceed the calculated maximum amperes. This measurement is important since a poor power supply with low voltage will- cause a high ampere reading. This condition can be corrected only by improvement in the power supply. There is nothing that can be done to the motor or the pump. e. G. Conclusion: The final step in the test cal-culation is to plot the test points. A field head-capacity curve is plotted, and a field ampere-capacity curve is plotted. A study of these curves will show the performance of the pump as it was tested as compared to the factory data. Pump Phase Reversal Test: For el-ectric motors, a test shall- be performed to ensure that there is not a phase reversal- conditi-on in either the normal- power supply configuration or from alternate power supply. Controfler Acceptance Test: Pump controllers shall be tested in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended test procedure. As a minimum, no l-ess than six automat.ic and six manual operations shall be performed during the acceptance test. A pump driver shal-l be operated for a period of at least 5 mi-nutes r''-j nf l-ha ...'erations. frrI'l snccri uurfrrv -^ c'clL-tr ^-^h \./! !u!r DIJEsu Llrs v_t1( qo.rrrange Of the COntfOllef aritomaf i c crn6ra1- i nn uu\auvrr qL at qf erf DLq!L tha Urls nltmh yurrry €rnm !rurrl :-l'l o.LL nrnrri lJtvvlugu rlarl q.l- rrf i na JLa!LatIV The ShaII €a=f rrraa IECILU!ED. This sequence shall incl-ude pressure switches and remote starting signals. The selection, size, and sett.ing of al-l- overcurrent. protective devices, including pump control-l-er circuit breaker shall be confirmed to be in accordance with NFPA 20 NYCSCA FIRE PT'MPS 1s333 16 o7 /29lLO LLW NO.: 063545 requirements. The pump shall be started once from each power source and run for a mini-mum of 5 minutes. Manual emergency operation shal-l- be accomplished by a manual actuation of the emergency handl-e to the fulJ-y latched position in a continuous motion. The handle shal-I be latched for the duration of this test run. Emorrronnrz Pnr^zor Qrrnn-l rr. On instal-lations with an emergency source of power and an automatj-c transfer switch, loss of primary source shall be simulated and Lransfer shal-1 occur while the pump is operating at peak load. Transfer from normal to alternate source and retransfer from alternate to normal source shallnot cause opening of overcurrent protection devices in either 11ne. At least hal-f of the manual and automatic operations of the controller acceptance tests shall be performed with the pump connected to v4I'I'LJ. f l-^ - l r^--^ra Lrre dJLerrrd Le SOUf Ce . J. Test Duration: The pump shall be in operation for not less than t hour total time durinq all of the fnrccrni ncr lgglg. K. The Contractor must communicate in writing to the Architect or Engineer of Record and the Aut.hority the testing method to be used. 3.03 INTERDISCIPLINARY TESTS A}ID ET'NCTIONAT PERFORI{ANCE TESTS A B Tnl_ ard'i qr-i nl i n:rrz Pro-Q1and qrru vtu Lq!arf u -TJn Sf erl- -Tln Toqj- q' v The Contractor shal-l- conduct interdisciplinary prestar.t up and start up tests as per the manufacturer's start up procedures. Contractor shall submit signed start up affidavit signed by t.he factory authorized service representative indicating that all- of the manufacturer's pre-start up and start up procedures have been successfully completed. Functional Performance Tests: Contractor shal-l- also-i submit signed functionalnar€n-m=-^^ o<l--*r^), i nrr rf f rlrrzi I ei r.rnorl hrz |- ho far-.|n perrormance fL--*- --ry authorized service representative indicating that aIlof the manufacturer's functional performance tests have been successful-l-y completed. 3.04 TRJAINING A The Custodian (or buil-ding manaqer) and DOE Maintenance Representative shall be trained on the operation and mai-ntenance of the syst.em. All NYCSCA training shall be digitally recorded and shal-I be a minimum of I hours. A11 digital recordingis shall be turned over to the 15333 L7 FTRI PI'MPS o7 /29lLO LLW NO.: 063545 DOE Maintenance Representative within 48 hours of the completion of training. Obtain receipt that the videos were submi-tted and furnish receipt. to the Authoritv. Custodian and 3.05 COMMISSIONING OF FIRE PUMPS A. Master Fire Suppression Piping Contractor shal-l_ comply with the Commissioning Requirements of Contract Specification Section S01660 for fire pumps/sprinkler oooster pumps. R A11 testing of sprinkler piping shal-f be completed prior to commencement of the Commissioning process. E![D OF SECTION NYCSCJI FIRE PT'MPS 15333 18 o7 /2elLO LLl$ NO. LIST OF : 063545 ST'BI{ITTATS DATE SI,BII{ITTED DATE APPROVED SUBMITTAL Product Data: 1. Manufacturers Product Data 2. Instal-l-ation Instruction qf ? : r'F- -rrn s_v TnStf UCtiOnS 4 - Pttmn CharaCteriStic 5. Performance Curves Shop Drawi-ngs: 1 Aqqamhl rz-T'* ype . Morrnti ncr netails 3. Connecti-on Details 2 tfl.i -^-^, vvJ_r-i rrrg urdgrams ^^ n.i : 1. Power Wiring 2. Control- Wiring Maintenance Data: 1 - Snarc PerfS LiSt 2. Maintenance Manua] 3 . Operat ion Manual-s Taqf 1 2 - Rannrl-c. Far:f orrr PcrformanCe Test - Field J 'v. Ar-r-opl3ngg TeSt Digital recordings v! rro._LtlJIlv Contractor' s Start-Up and Demonstration Af f idavit .*** NYCSCA FIRE PT'MPS 1s333 19 07 LLll /2e/Lo NO. : 063545 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LETT BI,A}IK N:rcscA FIRE PUMPS 1s333 - 20 O7/29/LO LLW No.: 063545 sEcTroN 15401 GENER;AL 1.01 PROVISIONSEF-EMEffG A}ID DRAINAGE WORK SCOPE AND INTERPRETATION A These Specifications and accompanying Drawings provide for the furni-shing, setting and connection of sanitary f ixtures, the instal-lation of drai-nage, water supply, and gas supply systems. B The specifications and Drawings require the Contractor C to provide al-l labor, materials, equipment and appliances to perform of afl Work pert.aining or incidental thereto, which is needed to complete the Work shown on the Drawings and cal-Ied for in the Specifications. The eomnl ete srzstems :nd 1-he Work Shal_l_ be SO inStalled as to gl-ve proper and continuous service under allconditions, anO shall be in accordance with the requi-rements of all public authoriti-es having jurisdiction and to the complete satisfaction of the Arrf hnri rz Antr l,r]nrLol-rnr Any Work shown on the Drawings and not -uJ. particularly described in the specifications, or vice versa or any Work which may be deemed necessary to complete the Contract shal-l be provided by the Contractor as part of its Contract. For purposes of clearness and legibility, plumbing Drawinqs are essentially diagrammatic and size and l-ocation of equipment are drawn to scale wherever nneeil-rla The Drawings indicate size, connection nni n{- o :nA nf ni no yvf rrLo.1]Ll I\JLrLgD -nir].oq LrL It is not intended, Pr-yE. however, t.hat al-l- of f sets, rises and drops are shown. Provide piping as required to fit structure, avoid obstruction, and retain clearances, headroom openings .f- T-\ U I/vv9fv+9. and passageways. Fj-xtures shown and described on the Drawings shal-l be connected with waste, vent and water supply piping in accordance with the resuirements of New-York Citv Drri'l Ai n^ r\^i^ l^^^.i fLs *,-.l.i ^^!.: ion uurrvlaty ^*.: -^..: ^^c ^* ^ *i^ vvss, usDpr urr€ omission indicat of of such piping on the plans. Any question involving the install-ation of such piping shall be referred to the Authori-ty f or resolution. Fi-xtures, piping and other plumbing items which are shown and described on the Drawings and are not specif ically l-abeled "Future" or "N. I . C. " shall- be provided by the Contractor. Related Work necessary for the proper install-ation shal-l be performed by the Contractor. ..: F. NTCSCA GENERAI PROVISIONS FOR P&D WORI( 15401 - 1