LGBT History Month 2016

Welcome to Camden & Islington LGBT History Month
Our 10th contribution focuses on Religion, Belief and
Philosophy. But the schedule of events will be as diverse
as those attending.
We want to dispel some of the myths around faith within
the LGBT community and bring those of faith and nofaith together with all sexualities and gender identities.
We won’t shy away from highlighting the barriers and
problems between certain elements of religion and
identity. Neither will we hesitate to show off the kindred
spirits in traditionally disparate communities. Belief is not
restricted to people of faith. The programme is packed
with events on humanism, spirituality and philosophy.
The intersections between faith, sexuality and gender
identity is nothing new. But its past is hidden. The month
will illuminate this fact through artefacts, literature, music
and film. We hope that you will use this month to meet
someone new and start a conversation. And don’t forget
to let your hair down with our entertainment and grab
yourself a ticket to our closing night gala ‘One Night in
Nigel Harris
Camden LGBT Forum
Events throughout February
Sunday 1st February – Saturday 28th February
Camden Libraries
A selection of must read LGBT books on display.
Venue: Swiss Cottage and Kentish Town Libraries
Monday 1st February – Sunday 28th February
9.30am – 5.00pm all week and to 8.00pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Word Up!
A large book promotion of LGBT titles
covering all aspects of LGBT experiences
and with a focus on young people. The
books have been provided by Gays the
Word – one of the country’s premier LGBT bookshop!
Venue: Islington Central Library
Monday 1st February – Sunday 28th February
10.00am – 6.00pm Tuesday - Sunday and 10.00am –
10.00pm on Thursday Closed Monday
Tibet’s Secret Temple: Body, mind and meditation in
Tantric Buddhism
Tibet’s Secret Temple explores Tibetan
Buddhist yogic and meditational practice
and their connections to physical and
mental wellbeing.
Inspired by an exquisite series of 17th
century murals from a private meditation
chamber for Tibet’s Dalai Lamas in Lhasa’s
Lukhang Temple, the exhibition features
over 120 objects including scroll paintings, statues,
manuscripts, archival and contemporary film, together with
a wide range of ethnographic and ritual artefacts.
Venue: Wellcome Collection
Tuesday 2nd February – Saturday 13th February
Tuesday – Saturday 7.30pm Thursday & Saturday
Matinees 3.00pm
4000 Days Directed by Matt Aston
Cast: Alistair McGowan,
Maggie Ollerenshaw and
Daniel Weyman
Michael has been in a coma
for three weeks. On waking,
he realises that four thousand
days of his memory have been completely erased. He
remembers nothing of Paul, his partner. Paul must fight
to bring Michael's memory back, while Michael’s mother,
Carol, fights to remove him from their lives completely.
Book online at
Venue: Park Theatre
Thursday 4th February – Sunday 16th October 2016
10.00am – 6.00pm Tuesday - Sunday and 10.00am –
10.00pm on Thursday Closed Monday
States of Mind: Tracing the edges of consciousness
This changing exhibition will examine perspectives
from artists, psychologists,
philosophers and
neuroscientists to interrogate
our understanding of the
conscious experience.
Exploring phenomena such as
somnambulism, mesmerism,
and disorders of memory
and consciousness, the exhibition will examine ideas
around the nature of consciousness, and in particular what
can happen when our typical conscious experience is
interrupted, damaged or undermined.
Venue: Wellcome Collection
Friday 5th February – Saturday 27th February
Thursday – Saturday 9.50pm, Sunday 5.00pm, Monday
5 Guys Chillin'
A graphic, gripping, funny and frank
verbatim drama exposing the gay
Chill-Out scene. From surgeons to
students, couples to kink; guys that love
it and lost guys longing to be loved.
An original look into a drug-fuelled,
hedonistic, highly secret world of ChemSex, Grindr and instant gratification.
Taken from over 50 hours of interviews this is an important
look at changing attitudes to sex, relationships, dating, HIV
and to our perception of sexual relations.
Age 16 years and older Ticketed, prices £15-£18
Venue: Kings Head Theatre
Friday 5th February – Saturday 5th March
10.00am - 5.00pm Monday - Saturday
Closed Wednesday & Sunday
Twilight People: Stories of Faith & Gender
Beyond the Binary - Exhibition & Events
A pioneering diversity project exploring the
‘hidden history’ of transgender and gender
nonconforming people of faith - the Twilight
People exhibition captures the voices and images
of trans people and interprets them in a heritage
For the first time in the UK, the project allows us
to intimately explore both the oral history and portraiture of
the unheard voice across the faith communities.
Find out more and check out our ‘secret’ schedule of
Venue: islington museum
Monday 8th February – Thursday 14th April
9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday
2016 Loudest Whispers Art Exhibition
The 7th Loudest Whispers mixed media
exhibition of LGBT art works. 36 artists
from professional to self-taught outsider art
backgrounds present work linked to both an
open category or themed on the subject of faith,
spirituality, religion and philosophy.
The exhibition presents developments with
established artists including Bev Meyers, Dorian
Aroyo and Edward Mendelsohn as well as new
artists including, C.J Crosland, Monika Marion
and Maria Lustiano. The entrance alcove offers “Temple “
the latest conceptual installation by Simon Croft.
Venue: Conference Centre, St Pancras Hospital
Thursday 11th February – Sunday 17th April
10.00am – 5.00pm (Fridays 10.00am - 2.00pm)
Through a Queer Lens: Portraits of LGBTQ Jews
Through a Queer Lens is the first
comprehensive series of photographic
portraits of Jewish LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Trans and Queer) people.
The twenty portraits, by fine art
photographer Ajamu, feature well-known
faces including Yotam Ottolenghi and
Rabbi Lionel Blue as well as leading
artists, activists and entrepreneurs.
The exhibition celebrates the diversity of
Jewish and LGBTQ people living in the UK.
Venue: Jewish Museum London
Tuesday 23rd February – Saturday 19th March
7.45pm Tuesday – Saturday
3.15pm Thursday & Saturday Matinees
Hello Norma Jeane
Directed by Matthew Gould, Starring Vicki
It's 2003 and Essex grandmother Lynnie has
escaped her nursing home and fled 5000
miles across the Atlantic to Hollywood, where
she plans to reveal to the world her deepest
secret - that she is Marilyn Monroe, alive and
well after faking her death decades before.
Her gay grandson Joe turns up to take her
home and finds himself embroiled in his grandmother’s
scheme, questioning his sanity as he wonders whether he
really can be the grandson of Marilyn Monroe.
But is Lynnie really Marilyn? There’s only one way the truth
will be revealed in this funny drama that is full of surprises.
Tickets available - please book online at
Venue: Park Theatre
Every Thursday night during February at CRI 184:
Thursday 4th February
Arrive 5.45pm for 6.00pm – 9.00pm
Documenting Gender – Western
culture has come to view gender binary,
with two rigidly fixed options: male or
female. When a child is born, a quick glance between the
legs determines the gender label that the child will carry
for life. But even if gender is restricted to basic biology, a
binary concept still fails to capture the rich variation that
exists. Join us for a documentary night with discussion.
Venue: 184 Royal College Street
Thursday 11th February
Arrive 5.45pm for 6.00pm – 9.00pm
Chemsex workshop – Everyone’s
talking about it! An evening of talks/
debate about chemsex, the drugs, the
parties and the morning after…
Venue: 184 Royal College Street
Thursday 18th February
Arrive 5.45pm for 6.00pm – 9.00pm
LGBTQ Film night – Join us
for an evening of light hearted
entertainment, with a hilarious film
that touches on gender identity.
(Popcorn included!)
Venue: 184 Royal College Street
Thursday 25th February
Arrive 5.45pm for 6.00pm – 9.00pm
Understanding Gender – Join us for an evening of talks
& presentations from
people in the know!
This evening promises
to be informative &
funny, focusing on
dispelling the myths
surrounding gender &
all the terminology that
goes with it as well as
hearing from individuals
telling their own
personal story.
Wheelchair accessibility potentially limited – please call
ahead to check 0207 485 2722
Venue: 184 Royal College Street
Every Sunday in February at Central Station:
There will be an exhibition of photos and press cuttings
from the bar’s history from it’s opening in 1992 on display.
The bar is one of London’s longest surviving independent
gay venues and became home to many gay groups in the
90’s and has been proud to raise many thousands for a
variety of AIDS and other charities and has hosted shows
by many top performers, past and present over the years.
Although entrance will be free, the bar will be raising
much-needed cash for the Central London Branch of the
Samaritans, so any contributions will be VERY welcome!
Sunday 7 February – 8pm
Victoria Sponge hosts her CAKE
ACADEMY night of mayhem where
anything can – and usually does –
happen! Tonight also features her
special LGBT History Quiz. Come
along and see how much you know!
Venue: Central Station
Sunday 14 February – 8.00pm
Bea Flatt presents PIANORAMA
Bea Flatt, a lady of the Empire has played
before many of the Crowned Heads of
Europe (lots of Queens!). She will musically
accompany a special trawl across the ages.
Where will it all end? Screen images from
over 50 years will be shown, along with a
lecture on how to bring back romance to
the gay scene on this Valentine’s Day.
She will be aided & hampered by her legendary part-time
musical director, Mr Martyn Niele
Venue: Central Station
Sunday 21 February – 8.00pm
“Potted History of Drag” – Ray
Reynolds dips in and out of the past
showing videos of Drag acts over
many years from iconic venues
such as The Black Cap and others.
Expect to see many entertaining
and sometimes hilarious memories
of Regina Fong, Dockyard Doris and
many others from the past.
Venue: Central Station
Sunday 28 February – 8.00pm
Victoria Sponge hosts her
Spankety Spanks night of fun
which will include a special LGBT
History Quiz – come along and see
how much you really know!
Venue: Central Station
Wednesday 3rd February
6.00pm - 7.30pm
LGBTQ History Club - Twilight People: Stories of Faith
& Gender Beyond the Binary
Surat-Shaan Knan introduces
the Twilight People project which
has gathered images and oral
histories of transgender and gender
nonconforming people of faith.
Twilight People has an exhibition at Islington Museum
which opens on 5 February.
Free Reserve your place:
Venue: Londong Metropolitan Archives
Wednesday 3rd February
7.00pm – 9.00pm
London Irish LGBT Network: Poets, Priests, Druids and
The Cauldron, or in Christian terms, the Grail, is a central
recurring motif in Celtic Mythology:
the vessel is a symbol of the
inexhaustible resources of the spirit,
forever renewing itself, whether it be
the hidden spirit that animates all
matter, or, in psychological terms,
an energy in the depths of the
mind that, if developed, can free
us from dependence on the body
and the tyranny of historical fact.
Introduced by His Excellency the
Irish Ambassador and with poetry from Yeats to Heaney
to Eaven Boland, together with
poets Maureen Duffy and Cat
Brogan and others, we will take on
a mystical journey, forcing us, like
those ancient Celtic faces carved
in stone, to look backwards and
forwards at the same time as we
discover anew that between life
and death there is no between.
Refreshments provided
Book at or on
020 7388 5720 FREE
Venue: London Irish Centre
Thursday 4th February
6.00pm – 8.00pm
Rent Boy to Escort Online 4 U
To mark 30 years of THT’s SWISH project since its origins
as Streetwise Youth, Del Campbell will look at how male
sex work has changed over that period. The panel will discuss issues such as: Is it
more acceptable to be a male escort now?
What would be the impact of criminalising
their clients - a model favoured by many
other countries?Should escorts living with
HIV declare their status to their clients?
In a world where sexuality and gender are
becoming less binary are terms like “gay for
pay” now out-dated?
Venue: Terrence Higgins Trust, 314-320 Gray’s Inn Road
Thursday 4th February 6.00pm for 6.30pm start. Ends 8.00pm
Gender Identities in the Past and
Present: Hatshepsut & Akhenaten
A discussion around gender identity
focusing on depictions of the pharaohs,
Hatshepshut and Akhenaten in the ancient
world and, early twentieth-century attitudes
to their allegedly ‘transgressive’ identities.
We will also consider how these pharaohs
might allow us to reflect on ideas about sexuality and
gender identification in the present.
With the support of Wellcome Trust-funded project “Sexual
Science Beyond the Medical” (University of Exeter) and
Free – book via:
Venue: Petrie Museum
Thursday 4th February
Under the Udala Trees: Chinelo
Okparanta in conversation with Anna
Under the Udala Trees is a beautifullywritten, heart-breaking and masterful novel
which tells the story of Ijeoma from her wartorn childhood during the Biafran War in the
1960s through to marriage and motherhood
including her experience of first love, her
strained relationship with her mother, and
the conflicts between her love and faith.
Free Book via Facebook:
Venue: Gay’s the Word Bookshop
Friday 5th February
5.30pm – 8.30pm
2016 Loudest Whispers Art Exhibition Preview Night
The 7th Loudest Whispers mixed media
exhibition of LGBT art works. 36 artists from
professional to self-taught outsider art back
grounds present work linked to both an
open category or themed on the subject of
faith, spirituality, religion and philosophy.
The preview includes a catwalk show with
a range of entertainers hosted by show biz
superstar Mzz Kimberley and special guests
Estelle Riviere Monstorlune and special
guest the surrealist comedian clown and
BBC3 favourite Mawaan Rizwan from How
Gay Is Pakistan.
Free with donation for refreshments
Venue: The Conference Centre, St Pancras Hospital
Friday 5th February
5.30pm – 10.30pm
The National Festival of LGBT
History 2016: Launch
This year Camden and Islington
are privileged to be hosting the
launch event of the London National
LGBT History Festival. The Mayor
of Islington will open the event and
speakers include Peter Tatchell,
Professor Jeffrey Weekes, Rikki
Beadle Blair, Roz Kaveney, Angela
Eagle, Stuart Milk and the Diversity
Choir with Claire Mooney as your MC!
Free event but pre-booking required:
Venue: Chamber, Islington Town Hall
Saturday 6th February
Central Station’s 24th
Birthday Party
With free Cava and
canapés and FREE
ENTRY from 9pm as well
as the legendary Charlie
Hide Show on stage at
11pm it, will be a fantastic
Venue: Central Station
Monday 8th February
An Evening with Nikki Sinclaire
Join Europes first openly trans Parliamentarian (MEP) for
an evening of thought-provoking insight
into her experiences traversing issues of
gender, sexuality and politics. Nikki will
take questions from the audience and lead
us through a journey of the compromises
that need to be made when a multi-state
parliament with MEPs of all faiths, beliefs
and identities draft the laws we live our
lives by.
With happy hour from 5:00pm
Over 18s only. Free, just turn up!
Venue: Bloc Bar, Kentish Town Road
Tuesday 9th February
6.30pm - 8:00pm
Kate Bornstein in conversation with Paris Lees
American author, playwright,
activist and performing artist
Kate Bornstein is an unique and
revolutionary voice in the evergrowing discussions around
trans visibility, LGBTQ rights,
non-binary identities and 'gender
outlaws'. In this live conversation,
with journalist and transgender
campaigner Paris Lees, Bornstein talks about her life, work
and personal brand of politics.
Tickets available at
Full Price: £8.00, Senior 60+: £6.00, Student: £5.00,
Registered Unemployed: £5.00, Friend of the BL: £5.00
Venue: Staff Restaurant, The British Library
Wednesday 10th February
6.00pm - 7.30pm followed by a drinks reception
Faith identity and life : A tale of two ages
Event organised by Opening Doors
London, which supports older LGBT*
communities, Out@UCL, the UCL
LGBTQ+ Staff Network and the UCL
LGBTQ Student Network
Revd. Bertrand Olivier, openly gay
Vicar of All Hallows By The Tower,
chairs a panel of LGBTQ+ members
from Opening Doors London and
students from UCL & KCL to share their experiences of
faith, identity and life from a generational perspetive.
Free with tickets booked through Eventbrite
Venue: University College London, Bloomsbury Campus
Thursday 11th February
5.30pm - 7.30pm
Twilight at the Museum
A free after-dark event featuring a unique
audio installation produced by Roundhouse
Radio and SOAS Radio, exclusively
available for the launch ‘one night only’.
The Twilight People: Stories of Faith and
Gender Beyond the Binary touring exhibition
launches for LGBT History Month 2016.
Find out more and check out our ‘hidden
history’ schedule of events: www.
Venue: Islington Museum
Friday 12th February
6.30pm – 8.30pm
Love Throughout
Come to the British
Museum for an evening
of performances,
workshops and talks to
celebrate LGBT History
Month. Featuring object presentations by Gendered
Intelligence and Camden LGBT Forum
Full programme available soon.
Free, just turn up!
Venue: British Museum
Monday 15th February
6.30pm – 8.30pm
My Darling Naz & Our Search For Sunrise
The Naz and Matt
Foundation was set up
to tackle homophobia
triggered by religion
and to help parents
accept their children.
In July 2014, after a 13
year relationship Matt’s
fiancé, Naz, ended his
life 2 days after his religious family confronted him about
his sexuality. Matt will speak about his very personal story
and explore the work of the Foundation. Those with or
without faith are encouraged to attend this non-judgmental
space to share, learn and connect.
Book at or on
020 7388 5720 FREE
Venue: Islington Town Hall
Monday 15th February
7,00pm to 9.30pm
Incite! Faith in Our Community
Part I
The best LGBT poetry night in the
West End!
Featuring Neil Bartlett:
Internationally Acclaimed Queer
Voice. Writer, Director, OBE &
National Treasure!
Rachel Nwokoro: Young, Fresh,
New Talent
Hosted by LGBT Poet Laureate, Trudy Howson.
Featured performances followed by open mic.
This event is free. Access is via stairs to basement.
Venue: Phoenix Artist Club
Monday 15th February
“Remember when…?”
Karaoke special hosted by
Chris Reardon where you
are invited to dress for the
period and the evening will
focus on Gay Anthems and
songs from the past. Sing
your heart out!
Venue: Central Station
Tuesday 16th February
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Life Drawing Class
Following a short introduction
to Futurist artists ideas
around gender and desire,
experience drawing from life
in our galleries with this class
for LGBT History Month.
Suitable for all levels of
experience. Please bring A3
paper, 2B pencil and a drawing board.
£6 .00 Book in advance on 0207 704 9522 or
Age 16 years and older
Venue: 39a Canonbury Square
Thursday 18th February
6.30pm for 7.00pm start
Encountering Faiths and Beliefs: Personal
experiences of sexuality, gender identity
and faith/beliefs
Join us for a special Encountering Faiths and
Beliefs workshop on the theme of personal
experiences of sexuality, gender identity and
faith / beliefs. This award-winning workshop
will create a safe space for audiences to
hear stories from speakers of different backgrounds, ask
questions, and engage in an interfaith dialogue.
Please book your place via
This event is free. Donations towards costs are
welcome. Refreshments will be provided.
Full accessibility information can be found on our
Venue: Star House
Thursday 18th February
6.00pm for 6.30pm start Ends 8.00pm
Petrie Film Club presents The Egyptian
(US, Michael Curtiz, 1954)
Based upon Mika Waltari’s novel,
this glittering Hollywood epic
relates the life of New Kingdom
physician, Sinuhe (Edmund
Purdom) as he encounters deceit,
treachery, and lust within the court
of Egypt’s heretical king, Akhenaten
(Michael Wilding). introduction by
Egyptologist John J Johnston.
Suggested donation £5. Book via
Venue: Petrie Museum
Wednesday 17th February
6.30pm – 8.30pm
A Spiritual History of the Queer Peoples of Planet
Pioneers of Queer Spirituality from Walt
Whitman to Elsa Gidlow are among the
names of inspired queer visionaries
every queer should know. Queer souls
have often fulfilled spiritual roles in
society - our gender bending ancestors
amongst the tribal peoples of the world. The Radical
Faeries are a modern tribe in which queers explore this
inheritance, taking the story of gay liberation into the
spiritual realms. Join us to explore these connections
through presentation and guided technique.
FREE Book at
or Call 020 7388 5720
Venue: Islington Town Hall
Thursday 18th February
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Of Men and Angels
Michael Arditti has been described
by Philip Pullman as ‘Our best
chronicler of the rewards and pitfalls
of present day faith’ and by the
Spectator as ‘a Graham Greene for
our time’. He has written nine highly
acclaimed novels, including The
Celibate, Easter, Unity, The Enemy
of the Good and The Breath of Night,
and a collection of short stories. Several of his books
explore the connection between spirituality and sexuality, in
particular gay sexuality, and the conflict between liberalism
and fundamentalism. Arditti will read from and discuss his
work, including his work-in-progress, Of Men and Angels,
an exploration of the myth of Sodom, from 6th century BC
Babylon to 20th century New York.
FREE Book at
or Call 020 7388 5720
Venue: Islington Town Hall
Friday 19th February
10.00pm – 3.00am
Club Kali: Spinning you Around the
World in 80 Tunes..
With Bollywood glam and Bhangra
beats expertly mixed by the legendary
DJ Ritu & DJ Dilz.
Club Kali. Hot and Spicy Kali Party
Nights for LGBTQ members.
£8 / £5 conc / Advance Guest List.
Age 18+ DC: Be who you are! Just add Sparkle!
Venue: The Dome, Tufnell Park
Saturday 20th February
1.00pm – 4.00pm
2016 Loudest Whispers Short Films And Meet The
Come and meet
the artists involved
in the 7th Loudest
Whispers art
exhibition and enjoy
related short films
either made by
artists or connected
with the exhibition.
includes Masood
Khan’s much discussed 2015 documentary How Gay Is
Pakistan with Q and A
Free with donation for refreshments
Venue: The Conference Centre, St Pancras Hospital
Monday 22nd February
6:30pm - 8:00pm
‘Reading between the lines – same-sex sacredness
and D.H.Lawrence’ A talk by Dr
Bryce Morrison
D.H.Lawrence has been called 'The
High Priest of Love’, who sought to
make sacred the relationship between
men and women. I question this. I
shall quote many instances and make
clear his affections for same-sex love
both personally and in society.
FREE Book at www. or Call 020 7388 5720
Venue: TBC
Tuesday 23rd February
6.30pm – 8.30pm
A Priest on Trial
This documentary film was made in
1992 and charts the savage attempt
to silence the ministry of Fr. Bernárd
As an openly gay priest in the Roman
Catholic Church, Fr Lynch was given
an ultimatum b the Vatican and
falsely accused of paedophilia. Fr Lynch was subsequently
exonerated by the court in New York and the trial exposed
as a sham.This film is a vital testimony to the lengths to
which some will go to silence a loving gay ministry. Fr
Lynch will be present this evening to answer questions and
there will be a discussion followed by refreshments.
FREE Book at
or Call 020 7388 5720
Venue: Islington Town Hall
Wednesday 24th February
6.30pm – 8.30pm
The Humanism of Magnus Hirschfeld
Valerie Remy has dedicated much of her
life to the history of the LGBT movement,
particularly of Germany and its First Wave
between the 1890’s and 1933. The UK’s
leading Humanist venue, Conway Hall, will
host her insights into how the life and work of GermanJewish sexologist, Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935), was
inspired by the Classical Humanism of German intellectual
culture, a feature since the Renaissance.
FREE Book at
or Call 020 7388 5720
Venue: Conway Hall
Thursday 25th February
Ever felt like you don't quite fit in?
That you're stuck between one place
and another? Occupying the middle
ground? Prevail is a new, physical
theatre piece about coming to terms
with who we are and finding the
freedom to be in that grey space
between gender and sexual identity.
"Fantastic movement and performances were beautifully
"The raw emotion is very powerful.”
£8.00 + £1.63 eventbrite booking fee
Age 12 years and up
Venue: Westminster Kingsway College
Thursday 25th February
6.00pm for 6.30pm start Ends
Objects of Desire 2016
Join Egyptologist John J Johnston
for an evening of engaging
conversation with artistes, writers,
and academics as they use
artefacts drawn from the extensive
Petrie Museum collection to discuss
concepts of desire, both ancient
and modern.
£5 book via Eventbrite
Venue: Petrie Museum
Friday 26th February
7.30pm – 9.00pm
Twilight People and the Jewish
Gay and Lesbian Group: LGBTQ
Interfaith Service
The Progressive Jewish community
invites you to an interfaith Shabbat
celebration on the occasion of The
Twilight People touring exhibition
launch. The service is lead by LGBTQ rabbis and Muslim
and Christian friends. Allies welcome.
Find out more and check out our ‘hidden history’ schedule
of events:
Free (£5 donation recommended)
Must be reserved
Venue: Central London venue (near Warren St) Exact
address on RSVP
Saturday 27th February
7.00pm ‘til late
One Night in Heaven
Book your tickets for an early preview of the afterlife hosted
by our very own Sandra. Staring Andy Bell, lead singer of
legendary band Erasure and the iconic Lana Pillay, star
of C4’s The Comic Strip Presents & Eat the Rich. With
special guests The Family Fierce, Rosie Wilby and a choral
treat you can’t miss. With DJs, bar and raffle. Dress code:
Angelic and Ethereal.
FREE Book at
or Call 020 7388 5720
Venue: Islington Assembley Hall
Sunday 28th February
10.30am – 1.30pm
Arsenal Football Club, the Football Supporters
Federation and the gaygooners present:
The Come-Together Cup
We are hosting a 5-a-side fun indoor tournament for 8
mixed LGBTQ and community teams. Spectators welcome,
music and food available. We hope to show a brand new
short movie at 1pm, and then watch Arsenal away to
Manchester United on the Emirates screens at 2pm (tbc)
More details on
Venue: The Arsenal Hub – Home of Arsenal in the
Community, next to the stadium, on the corner of
Benwell and Queensland Roads
Monday 29th February
9.30am – 2.00pm
Community Conversation on LGBT and Mental Health
– Addressing public attitudes: promoting acceptance,
dignity and social inclusion
This Community Conversation in Islington will hear from
experts and service users as part of a panel discussion
followed by workshops that will bring individuals,
practitioners, clinicians and Commissioners together to
discuss mental wellbeing in LGBT communities, the impact
of stigma and domestic violence as well as the barriers
that people face in trying to access mental health support.
The focus will be on how to make improvements in mental
health provision.
The event is free but we request that people register by
calling Islington Community Wellbeing Development
Service - 07539 352 337 so we know how many to cater
for. Tea / coffee and lunch will be provided.
Venue: Islington Town Hall
Monday 29th February
Faith In Our Community.
Part II “The Consequence Of Kisses”
A light-hearted, poetic peek at Love past and
present. Hosted by LGBT Poet Laureate Trudy
With Special Guests and living interactive quiz.
This event is free
Poetry Café
Fostering in Camden and Islington
Could you make the
difference to a young
life? Over 1500 new
foster carers are
currently needed in
London and we are
looking for families
to care for local
older children and
teenagers. If you live
in or around the north
London area, have a
spare bedroom and
would be interested
in changing a life, contact our fostering teams
today for a chat and find out when our next
information sessions are.
Camden’s fostering team: Tel: 0800 0281 436
Islington’s fostering team: Tel: 0800 073 0428
Camden LGBT Forum Staff
Nigel Harris
Tessa Havers-Strong
Case and Outreach Hannah Hughes
Chair Fr. Bernárd Lynch
Mike Egan
Sarah Bourke
Digby Howard
Natacha Kennedy
Bettina Ratcliffe
Daniel Pheysey
Charles Dean
Arsenal Hub
56 Benwell Road
N7 7BA
Conway Hall
Red Lion Square
London WC1R 4RL
020 7405 1818
Bloc Bar
18 Kentish Town Rd,
London NW1
CRI 184
184 Royal College Street
London, NW1 9NN
020 7485 2722
British Library
96 Euston Rd
London NW1 2DB
0330 333 1144
Estorick Collection of Modern
Italian Art
39a Canonbury Square
London N1 2AN
020 7704 9522
British Museum, Great Russell
London WC1B 3DG
020 7323 8299
Gay’s the Word Bookshop
66 Marchmont Street
London WC1N 1AB
020 7278 7654
Camden LGBT Forum
54 Chalton Street
London NW1 1HS
020 7388 5720
Jewish Museum London
Raymond Burton House
129-131 Albert St
London NW1 7NB
020 7284 7384
Camden Town Hall, Judd Street
London WC1H 9JE
020 7974 4444
Islington Central Library
2 Fieldway Crescent
London N5 1PF
020 7527 6900
Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road
London N1 9SD
020 7278 3294
Islington Museum
245 St John St
London EC1V 4NB
020 7527 2837
Club Kali, The Dome,
1 Dartmouth Park Hill
London NW19 5QQ
Conference Centre,
St Pancras Hospital
4 Saint Pancras Way
London NW1 0PE
020 3317 3823
Islington Town Hall. Upper Street
London N1 2UD
020 7527 8900
Kentish Town Library
262-266 Kentish Town Road
London NW5 2AA
020 7974 4001
Swiss Cottage Central Library
88 Avenue Road
London NW3 3HA
020 7974 4001
Kings Head Theatre
115 Upper St
London N1 1QN
020 7226 4443
Terrence Higgins Trust
314 – 320 Gray’s Inn Road
London WC1x 8DP
0808 802 1221
London Irsih Centre
50-52 Camden Square
London NW1 9XB
020 7916 2222
Three Faiths Forum | 3FF
Star House
104 Grafton Road
London NW5 4BA
0207 482 9549
London Metropolitan Archives
40 Northampton Road,
EC1R 0HB London
020 7332 3820
University College London
Bloomsbury Campus
Gower St
London WC1E 6BT
020 7679 2000
Park Theatre
Clifton Terrace
Finsbury Park
London N4 3JP
020 7870 6876
Wellcome Collection
183 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE
020 7611 2222
Petrie Museum of Egyptian
University College London
Malet Place, London WC1E 6BT
020 7679 2884
Westminster Kingsway College
211 Grays Inn Road
0870 060 9800
Phoenix Artist Club
1 Phoenix Street
Lonon WC2H 8BU
020 7836 1077
Poetry Café
22 Betterton St
London WC2 9BX
Support your local LGBT Forum
Camden LGBT Forum does its work with very limited
resources. To ensure we are able to continue fighting
homophobia and transphobia, and supporting our
communities through programmes such as this, we
ask you to please consider donating to us. Funding
is very difficult for LGBT charities and we need your
support to exist.
Visit or call
020 7388 5720 to find out about ways of supporting
your Forum – you could:
Make a personal donation to us online, by text or in
Put on a fundraiser as an individual, group or
business. We can help you with this and its a great
excuse for a party!
Sponsor Camden LGBT Forum giving you a sense
of a real local contribution to dynamic social change
and top-notch support. With such a large LGBT
population it’s also a great way to get new business.
Support our Closing Night Gala crowdfunding
campaign to keep it free and ensure inclusion. It
costs a lot to put on our Gala so we have launched a
campaign to raise funds for it. To contribute, get VIP
tickets or sponsor the night, get in touch!
Thank you!
If you’re a victim of homophobia or
transphobia, talk to us
Homophobia and transphobia are
If someone harasses or abuses you because
you are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender
then contact us and we can take action on your
Camden LGBT Forum: 020 7388 5720
Victim Support in Camden: 020 7336 1766
Victim Support in Islington: 020 7700 6014
Police Community Safety Unit:
Camden: 020 8733 6443
Islington: 020 7421 0173
Design and Layout Tessa Havers-Strong 2016
Camden LGBT Forum and Victim Support
provide emotional and practical help to victims
of LGBT crimes, we advocate on behalf of
clients and sign-post to other organisations
to ensure the best service and support is
provided to all victims in the London Borough of
Both organisations are third-party reporting
You can also report online without involving the
police at:
If you’re a council tenant, you can contact your
District Housing Office.
020 7974 2915
Some events may be subject to
cancellation, change of time, venue or
other details, so please check our website
or Facebook page before you go:
Event details will be updated daily
0207 388 5720
Charity Number: 1107855