MosjedAl-lmon TheConsiilution TN haveagreedto and Whereaswe, t}teMuslimsof MasjedAl-Iman,Murfreesboro, an organizationto be establish hereby present constitution and do the adopted have known as MasjedAl- Iman. ARTICLE I: NAME The organizationshallbe calledMasjedAl-Iman. ARTICLE II: AIMS AND PURPOSES SECTION 1. The aim andpurposeof MasjedAl-Iman is to servethe bestinterestof Islamandof the Lebanon,Tallahom4Frankiin Muslims of Rutherfordcounty,Shelbyville,Manchester, and Woodbury. a. Promoteunity andjoint actionamongtheMuslims; b. Conductsocial,cuhural,religiousandotheractivitiesin thebesttraditionsof Islam; prayersandIslamicreligiousfestivalsat c. Arrangeandhold congregational appropriatetimes; d. Fostera clearunderstandingandappreciationof Islamto Muslims andnonMuslims accordingto the authenticteachingsfo the Qur'an andthe traditions (Sunnah)of the ProphetMuhammad(peacebe uponhim) e. Endeavorto makeIslamicteachingasa creedandregulatedpattemof life to Musl-ims; plans,andpoliciesto promotethemissionof resources, f. Developthe necessary MasjedAl-Iman; g. Representandservethe interestof Muslims; h. PromotehealthyrelationsbetweenMuslimsandnon-Muslims; i. Conveythe true messageof Islam accordingto the authenticteachingsof the Qur'an andtraditions(Sunnatr)of the ProphetMuhammad(peacebe uponhirn) to non-Muslims. SECTION 2. Oflice The MasjedAl-Iman shallmaintainanoffrceat the premisesof MasjedAl-Iman TN 37129 Blvd., Murfreesboro, currentlylocatedat: L29C Samsonite ') SECTION 3. The Association The Associationshallbe a nonprofit,non-politicalorganization,andthe fundamental andenableMuslimsto contribute purposeof the Associationshallbe to encourage individually andcollectivelytowardmeetinghumanneedsin conformltywith Islamic doctrinesand beliefs accordingto the QuranandSunnahof the ProphetMuhammad (PeaceBeUponHim). It shallalsobe the purposeof the Associationto avoidanywrong brotherhoodamong practioes,which arecontraryto Islam,andto fosterandenoourage amongNon-Muslims. Muslims andunderstanding SECTION 4. Registretion of the Association The MasjedAl-Iman shallbe registeredasa non-profit religiousorganizationin the State paper of Tennessee.It shallbe the responsibilityof the Secretaryto do all the necessary the to keep registration active. work in order ARTICLE IIII AFFILIATIONS AI\[D MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. Afliliations Any organizationmay be affiliated with MasjedAl-Iman providedthat it sharesthe same foundingprinciplesandacceptsthis constitutionandabidesby its provisionsandbylaws. SECTION 2. Membership A membershallbe anypracticingMuslim who wishesto be a memberof the Association,signsup to be a memberand agreesto obeythe constitutionandthe generallyacceptedpracticesof MasjedAI-Iman,andresidesin areasmentionedin the Article II, Section1. A memberrnaybe any age.Therewill be two classesof members: "activemembers"and"inactivemembers".A votingmembershallbe 15yearsof ageor older. ARTICLE TV: MEMBERSHIP CLASSES SECTION I.: Active members An activememberof MasjedAl-Iman shallbedefinedasanyonewho signsup asa memberandwho is andactiveparticipantin theaffairsof the Masjed.A personwill be consideredan activememberif he/shedoesanyof the following on additionto signing up asa member: 1) attendsprayerregularlyat MasjedAl-Iman; 2) makesa financial contributionto MasjedAl-lman of at least$50.00in a twelvemonthperiod;3) participatesin oneof the committeesof MasjedAl-Iman; 4) doesvolunteerwork in one of the programsat MasjedAl-Iman.Any personsignsup asa memberandfulfills anyof the aboverequirements will be considered anactivememberof MasjedAl-Iman. Membersshallbe entitledto the privilegesof attendinggeneralmeetingsof the at suchmeetingsandshallhaverightsto orgarization,to takepart in the deliberations vote andmakemotions.5) anyoneparticipatein fundraisingactivelyat MasjedAl-Iman will be considered andpay generously, automaticallyan activemember. SECTION 2. Inactive members Anyonewho hassignedon asa memberbut hasnot fulfilled oneof the four requirements to be an activememberwill be consideredan inactivememberof MasjedAl-Iman.Such inactivemembersshallbe entitledto the privilegesof attendinggeneralmeetingsof the organization,but may not takepart in the deliberations at suchmeetingsandshallnot rights to vote or make motions. have SECTION 3. Membershiprecord MasjedAl-Iman shallkeepa membership recordcontainingthemembershipform of eachmember.Membershipstatusmay be terminatedif a memberbecomesa tlueatto the communityand/orthe missionof MasjedAl-Iman or if a memberis deemeda dangerto of anymembershallbe recordedin therecords, society. Terminationof the membership togetherwith the dateandreasonsof terminationof suchmembership. Suchmembership recordsshallbe keptat MasjedAl-lman's principaloffice. Membershipstatusshallbe reviewedeachyearduringthe monthof March. ARTICLE V: OFFICE BEARERS SECTION I. Criteria for Board member The affairsof this organizationshallbeadmininstered by a govemingbody,which shall be narned"The Boardof Directors"hereinrefenedto asthe Board.To qualiff for electionasa memberof the Board.the followinq criteriamustbe fulfilled: ,. L-tI a. The member must be a active member b. A member has to be a paid member of Masjed Al-Iman in good standingfor 2 years exceptthe first election c. Possesgood character d. Educatedin the basic teachingsof Islam e. Must not be involved in any of the "Kabaa'er - the great sins as stipulatedin the teachingsof Islam. SECTION2. Number of Board members mustbe electedinto The Boardshallbe comprisedof ninemembers.Eight (8)'members general vote. The Imarnshallcomprise memberships by the of Masjed Al-Iman by office the ninth memberof the Board.The ExecutiveCommitteeshallbe electedmembersof Vice-President, Secretary, the Boardof Directorsandshallconsistof thePresident, and Treasurer.The Boardshallbe responsiblefor findingwaysandmeansof raisingfunds andgrowthof the Mosque maintenance for MasjedAl-Iman, the generalmanagement, andoverseeing the generalactivitiesof MasjedAI-Imanto ensure alreadyestablished, that they arewithin the frameworkof IslamandMasjedAl-Iman's constitution. SECTION 3. fiscalyear, chairpersonof the Board Board membersn A Boardmembershallhavebeena memberin goodstandingof MasjedAl-lman prior to beingelected.The term of the Boardof DirectorsandtheExecutiveBoardshallbetwo (2) years,exceptfor the lmam whoselermsshallbe extendedfor the term of his tenureas lmam. The term of the Imamshallbe determinedby the contractassignedby theboardof directors.The fiscalyearshallrun from JanuaryI to December31. The Chairpersons of Committeesshallbe appointedby the Presidentandshallcall,presideover,andadjourn the Committeemeetingsandplan andconductthe Committee'swork. Membersof the Boardshail exercisetoleranceandrespectfor the right of othermembersto their opinions. SECTION 4. Directors of religious affairs (Imam) The Directorof religiousaffairs,hereinreferredto as"Imam", shallbe a person possessing the qualifrcationsof fine character,Islamiceducation,bilingualin bothArabic possess spiritualreputation,andhaveprior recordof dedication andEnglishlanguages, of the teachingsandprinciplesof Islamin accordance with the Holy andadvancement Quran,andthe Sunnahof the ProphetMuhammad(PeaceBe Upon Him). Whenthe positionof Imamis vacant,the generalbody of MasjedAl-Iman will benotifiedand L.- -) askedto put forwardnamesof potentialqualifredpersonsto fill the position.TheBoard shalldeterminethe term of office. TheImamshallbe a memberof the Boardandshall not requireto be votedontothe Board.TheImamshallbe excludedfrom any votesthat behavioron the part of the concernhis conductor contract.In the caseof inappropriate Imam,the boardshallvoteto recommendremovalof the Imamandbring the matterto the voting membersof MasjedAl-lman for final voteon his dismissal, SECTION 5. Dutiesof the President: The Presidentshallbe ChiefExecutiveOfficerof MasjedAl-Iman andshall: a. Performall dutiesincidentto his office andsuchotherdutiesasmay berequired by the constitution,by theseBylaws,or by law. b. Providegeneralmanagement of all the activitiesof MasjedAl-Iman. c. Direct andcoordinateof all the activitiesso asto achievethe purposeof Masjed Al-lman d. Call andpresideovermeetingsof the Boardandthe GeneralBody andconduct suchmeetingfollowing the Rulesof Order. e. FormvariousAd Hoc committeeswith boardmembersapproval.The committee shouldhaveat least2 boardmembers. f. Controlfundsandexpenses of theAssociationasdefinedin Aticle VI g. Presentwrittenreportson the stateof MasjedAlJman to the AnnualGeneral Assemblymeetingandin its newsletter. h. Establishan efficientlink betweenMasjedAl-Iman andotherMuslim within the localeandin the his activeinvolvement. associations payingany staffmemberincludingthe Imam. i. Responsible j. The Presidentandthe Secretarywill signandaffrx the sealof MasjedAl-Iman to all legaldocumentsin the nameof the organizationafterapprovalby the Board. SECTION 6. Dutiesof the Vice President The Vice-Presidentshall: of the activitiesof MasjedAl-Iman in the absenoe of a. Carryout the management the President. thepurposeof MasjedAl-Iman. b. Assistthe Presidentin accomplishing assuchby him assume the of the Presidentwhenrequested functions c. Temporarily or resigns.ln the lattercase,theBoardwill or if the Presidentis incapacitated for the remaining shallassumePresidency decideby vote if the Vice-President given be this responsibility. periodof the term or if anotherBoardmembershall SECTION 7. L Duties of the Secretary The Secretaryshall: a. Certi$ andkeepat the principalofFrceof MasiedAl-Iman the original,or a copy, of theseBylawsasamendedor otherwisealteredto date. b. Keepat theprincipalofiice of MasjedAl-Iman or at suchotherplaceasthe Board may determinea collectionof minutesof all meetingsof the Board.Gatherthe minutesof all the committeesof the Boardandof membersandtheproceedings thereof. c. Seethat all noticesareduly givenin accordance with theprovisionsof these Bylawsor asrequiredby law. d. Be custodianof the recordsandof the sealof MasjedAl-Iman andaffrx the seal, asauthorizedby the Boardor theprovisionsof theseBylaws,to duly executed documentsof MasjedAl-Iman e. Keepat the principaloffice of MasjedAl-tman a membership recordcontaining the nameand addressof eachand any members,and,in the casewhereany membershiphasbeenterminatedhe shall recordsuchfact in the membership booktogetherwith the dateon which suchmembership ceased. f, Exhibit at all reasonable time to any MasjedAl-lman memberon request therefore,the Bylaws,the membership record,andtheminutesof the proceedings of the Boardof MasjedAl-lman andits Ad hoc committees. g. In general,performall dutiesincidentof theoffrceof Secretary'and law may requiresuchotherdutiesas,by the Constitution,or by thesebylaws,or which may be assignedto him from time to time by the Boardof MasjedAl-knan. h. Preparethe agendafor the ExecutiveCommitteeandGeneralBody meetings, presidingoverthe ExecutiveCommitteemeetingswhenboth the Presidentand the Vice-President areabsent. i. Performall dutiespertinentto correspondences on behalfof MasjedAl-Iman j. Responsible for changingandpostingprayertimes SECTION 8. Dutiesof the Board Members Board membersshall: a. b. c. d. f. Assistthe Presidentin accomplishing thepurposeof MasjedAl-lman. Attendprayerat theMasjedat leastonceper week. Visit the Masjedregularly. Be familiar with the issuesfacingthe membersof MasjedAl-lman Responsible of the wellbeingof membersof MasjedAl-Iman Responsible securingfi.rndsfor MasjedAl-lman in orderthe Masjedro operate andpaytho bills, debtsandsalariesto thestaff. SECTION9. Duties of the Treasurer The Treasurer shall: for, all fundsof MasiedAl-lman, a. Havechargeandcustodyof, andbe responsible anddepositall suchfirndsin the nameof MasjedAl-Iman in suchbanks,trust or otherdepositories asshailbe appointedby the Board. companies, b . Receive,andgive receiptfor, moniesdueandpayableto MasjedAl-Iman. the fundsof MasjedAl-Iman asmay be c. Dispurse,or causeto be disbursed, directedby the Board,takingpropervouchesfor suchdisbursements. preparedby a hiredCPA. d. Keepa copy of financialdocuments andcorrectaccountsof MasjedAl-Iman's properties e. Providethe CPA adequate includingaccountsof its assets,liabilities,receipts, andbusinessffansactions, gains, andlosses. disbursements, in a visibleplaceinsidethe Masjedon a f. Postsummaryfinancialstatements quarterlybasis. g. Exhibit at all reasonable timesthebooksof accountandfinancialrecordsto any memberof MasjedAl-lman on requestthereof. h, Renderto the Board and any future Trustees,wheneverrequested,an accornt of asTreasurer,andof the financialconditionof anyor all of his transactions MasjedAl-[man Prepare,or causeto be prepared,andcertiff, or eauseto be certified,the financial to be includedin anyrequiredreports. statements J . ln general,performall dutiesincidentto the office of Treasurerandsuchother dutiesasmay be requiredby law, by theconstitutionof MasjedAl-Iman,or by to him from time to time by the Board. theseBylaws,or which may be assigned k. Prepare,on beingelected,the annualbudgetof MasjedAl-lman for the next fiscalyearin consultationwith the newlyelectedBoardandpresentingthe same beforethe next GeneralBody meetingby the secondquarterof the year following his election. l. Presentbeforethe Boarda quarterlyreporton the statusof MasjedAl-Iman financialaffairs,includingin it anonymorxdonationsandtotal donationsreceived by MasjedAl-Iman. of oneof the boardmembers m. Openthe donationbox with the presence SECTION 10. Duties of Director of religious affair (Imam) The Imam shallberesponsiblefor the oversightof all religiousandrelatedaffairsof MasjedAl-Iman. The Imam shall: of ethics. a. Observethe teachingsof Islamandthehigheststandards b. Possesgoodpersonalleadershipskills andconsiderhimselfa servant-leader and mustbe humbleandreceptivein dealingswith the community. c. Be the only personwho c.anauthorizelectures,classesandFridayprayer Khateebs. d. Leadall daily prayersor assignsomeoneto leadtheprayers. e. Be the only personwho candeclarethebeginningof fastingandthe Eid, communicating with IslamicCenterof Nashville. f. Performrites of marriagein the communityandcertii/ the marriage. g. Be responsiblefor resolvingandfacilitatingfamily issuessuchasreconciliation, divorce,marriagedissolution,child custodyandotherfamily issues. h. Handleconflict casebetweenthe communitymembers. i. Be responsibleor assignsomeoneto beresponsiblefor the weekendandsummer schoolprogramsof MasjedAl-Iman j. Be responsiblefor guidingthecommunityin the right directionaccordingto the teachings of Islam. k. Uponthe approvalof the boardthe Imamcanappointan assistantImam. l. ConductIslamicEducationclassesfor adultsandchildrenin the community. m. Be responsiblefor the distributionof donationsor charitiesfrom the Zakat-al-mal andZakat-al-fitrwith the approvalfrom the Presidentor Treasurer n. Payspecialattentionto the educationof womenandkids,andissuesrelatedto themin Islam. o. Aid in finding fundingfor MasjedAl-Iman. p. Work with otherImamstowardsthe unity of Muslims. q. Performoutreachto non-Muslimsto increasetheir understanding of Islam. r. Be a spokesperson for the community. SECTION IT. Meeting Rulesof Order Decisionson eachandeverymatterin the BoardandGenerallyAssemblymeetingsshall be reachedin a parliamentaryway andin accordance with IslamicShura,with each memberpresentin the meetingvoting on the matter.Themembersnot attendingthe meetingshallnot be ableto vote on any issue.Exceptionwill be madein the eventthat a memberhasa legitimatereasonfor missinga meeting,in whichcasethe membermay vote by writtenproxy. SECTION12. BoardmeetingAttendanceby non-Boardmembers The Boardmay invite pastBoardand./orany othermemberto a Boardmeetingin orderto get informationon the historyof pastdecisionsand/orto seektheir viewson the itemson the agendaof the meeting.However,noneof theinviteesshallhavethe right to voteon any Boarddecision. SECTION 13. VacantBoard rhemberposition lf a BoardMemberresignsor leavestheareapriorto theexpiration of his term, or is dismissed,theremainingBoardmembers shallselecta memberto fillthe vacatedoffice. lf the resigning Boardmemberhadanypositionwithinthe Executivecommittee,this positionwill be reassigned to anotherBoardmember basedon expertiseand familiarity withtheareasbfresponsibility. ARTIGLE vl: EXECUT|ON oF |NSTRUMENTS, DEpostrsANDFUNDS sEcTtoN1. Execution of instruments -i Deletcd: A memb€rof the Boaroor i any Associate or Ad Hoc Commifte€ I or an euditorwho is indictedor ; snested or against whom a bial is I pending in a Stde of FederalCourt I shalt be suspendedfrom oftcs till the : member is acquited. lf the momber , is convictedatbr all app€als,if any, i the individualshall be expelledfrom I ofiice. T The Board,exceptas othenvise providedin theseBylaws,mayby resolution, authorizeany officeror agentsof MasjidAl-Farooq tb enterintbanycontractor execute,and deliverany instruments in thenameof andon behalfof MasjidAlFarooq,and suchauthoritymaybe generalor confined to specificinstanc-es. unlessso authorized,. no officer,agent,or employee shallhaveanypoweror authorityto bindMasjidAt-Farooqby anycontract or engagement 6i to pledgeits creditor to renderit liablemonetarily for anypurpose orin Lny amount.The executorshallassumethe consequences of anyauthorized att sEcTroN 2. Checksand notes Exceptas otherwisespecifically determined by resolution of the Board,or as otherwiserequiredby law,checks,drafts,promissory notes,ordersforthe paymentof money,andotherevidenceof indebtedn-ess of MasjidAl-Farooqshall be signedby the Treasurer.countersignatures by othersignat6ries thatthe Boar{of MasjidAl-Farooqapprovessnaltoe required on c6ecksovera specified limit'The Boardmayspecifya certainlimitfortheTreasurer to spendwithoutthe countersig nature of MasjidAl-Farooq,s signatories. " *.i. ' , , t'' r ( ^.'..,i SECTION3. l0 i '!::- 'i'y'*t t r . - ", ' - ' ! , : . ' ' f u Deposifs J1r.-ri All fundsof MasjidAl-Farooqshallbe deposited fromtimeto timeto thecreditof Al-Farooq in such banks, trusts companies, or otherdepositories as the ltasji! Boardmayselect. sEcTtoN4. Gifts, Donations,and Cantibutions l . n . I tf I ' t ; , . i . The Masjid Al-Far@@q Board may accepton behalfof MasjidAl-Farooqany contribution;gift, bequest,or devisefor the nonprofitpurposesof this organizationprovidingthat it does not contradictany of tire lslamic laws or the Constitutionof MasjidAl-Farooq., 1;-,1 i i SECTION5. Usage of funds All funds collectedfor a specificcauseshallbe usedfor that causeonly unless the donor(s) of the funds authorizesits use for a differentpurposewithinthe goals and objectivesof MasjidAl-Farooq., sEcTtoN6. Accounts 1,., TheMasjidAl-Farooqshallmaintainappropriate interestfreechecking account(s) andthe Treasurershallbe responsible for overseeing suchaccounts ,, as stipulatedin the Bytawsof MasjidAl-Faroeq. \ ,,,.. , sEcTtoN 7. Auditing and annual report The Board shall nominateas auditorstwo memberswho have basic knowledge and understarldj.lgpfaccountingand audit procedures.The auditorsshall audit MasjidAl-Earootlbbcountsannuallyand submita reportto the Board. The Board sha!!fon^rardthe annualaudiio;';'epoiito iviasjiriAi-Fapoq members'generai/: ! /!r body. il '{ ARTICLEVll: CORpOMTERECORDS, REPORTS, ANDSEAL. sEcTroNt. Maintenanceof cotporate records Masjidru-famq shallkeepat its principatoffice: a. Minutesof all meetingsof the Board,committees of the Boardandall meetingsof Me.mbers, indicating thetimeandpraceof hordingsuch meetings,whetherreguraror special,howcailed,the noticegiver,andthe namesof thosepresentandthe proceedings thereof. b. Adequateandcorrectbooksandrecordsoi account,including accountsof its properties and businesstransactions andaccounts of itsaisets, liabilities,receipts, disbursements, gainsandlosses. :. A recprdof its membersindicating theirnamesandaddresses andthe classof membership heldby eachmemberandthetermination dateof any membership. ;, J. A copyof Masji!Ar-Farooq's constitutionandByrawsas amendedto date,whichshallbe opento inspection by themembersof MasjidAl'' Farooq at all reasonable timesOuringoffi-ce hours. SEGTION 2. 1 i"."' ' Masji d A l - Faroog'sSea/ TheBoardmay adopt,to use,andat wirtarter,a corporate sear.suchsearsharl be keptat the principalofficeof MasjidAl-Farooqi"'Fa'iture to-amxthesealto corporateinstruments shallaffectthevalidityof anysuchinstrument. sEcTtoN 3. Board inspection duties TheBoardshallhave.the absolute rightat anyreasonable timeto inspectall books,records,,and.documents of everykind,to inspectthe physicar properties of MasjidAl-Ferciit'ind shailhavesucfiotnerrigntdto inspectihe books, and properliesof thisorganization lecords., as mly,be r.equii'ed undei-the constitution, otherprovisions of theseBylaws, andprovisions of law. t2 SECTION4. periodic repoft. ! l. The Board of MasjidAl-Earooqshall cause any annualor periodicreport required under law to be preparedand deliveredto an ofiiceof the state of Tennesseeor to the members of MasjidAl-Farooq,to be so preparedand detiveredwithin the r,^r r\ time limitsset by law. ARTICLEIX: AMENDMENTS sEcTtoN1. subjectto lhe powersof the membersof MasjidAl-Farosq ls adopt,amend, repealthe Bylawsof thisorganization andexieptas otherwise be specified underprovisions of law,theseBylaws, or anyof them,maybe altered,amended, or repealedand newBylawsadoptedby approvalof theBoard. A proposedamendment to the Bylawsshallbesubmittedin writingto the Boardno laterthanninetydayspriorto a generalAssembry meeting. b. lf the Boardapprovestheproposalby a majority vote,it shallbe presentedto the GeneralAssembly meetingfor approval.A two third majorityof a duryherdGenerar Assembry meetingis requiredto approvetheamendment. c. Any amendments reachedby the majority of theGeneralAssembly shallnot be in conflictwithlslamiclawsas interpreted by thescholars ' , ', of 'Ahlu-sunahvral-Jamaah". lf suchconflictaiises,lslamiclaw \\ : prevailsoverany majoritydecision. a. ARTIGLEX: MEETINGS SEGTION1. General Body meeting ! (" ' ii The MasjidAl-Farooqshallhaveat leastoneGeneralBodymeetingduringthe vear. sEcTtoN2. l3 Newand outgoing Board memberc Thereshallbe at leastonecommonmeetingcomprising of all newryerectedand outgoingBoardmemberswithinonemonthitter theete-ction. SECTION 3. MonthlyBoard meetings The Boardshallmeetat Jeastonceeverymonthat sucha timeand placeas is mostconvenient and suitabre to mostof the committee members. SECTION 4. Noticefor general meeting writtenor printednotice.ofa GeneralBodymeetingshallbe postedandif necessarymailedto all the membersof theAssociation at leasttwoweeksprior to the dateof the meetinq. sEcTroN s. Emergencymeeting An emergency Boardmeeting maybecalledat therequest of at leastonethir{of - --. i oel€tedt har theBoardmembersinctudinq eithprthe tmamorprgsiient.gugl _Ufg._eLqgG]- - r Fornrattedl Font: pt 12 .. n9p withinrwoo@st is miEe toTn-e sEcretary.The !e ilgI:ttegE1!.-ll4_ Preqident mayalsocalla Boardmeetingin additionto the regularmonthry __* i meetingsif warrantedby an emergency need. sEcTroN 6. Quorum A simplemajorityof the Boardmembersshallconstitute a quorumfor a Board meeting. 7. _sEcTtoN t4 i : Meeting attendance A Boardmemberwho has failedto attendtvglglggg$ryq c!fgrrnor]____ consecutiveBoardmeetingswithoutbeing@iFri'ii'the meetings,shallbe askedto giveexplanation for:theabsencein writing.lf the memberfails to do so.or if the explanation is notsatisfactory to the Boarolthe lattershallconsiderdismissar fromthe postthememberis irolding. i Deleted:three I formatted: Font:12pt j Deleb<l: six I I Fornatted: Font:12 ot l I ) ART|GLEXt: JUDtGtARyPROCEDURES sEcTtoN 1. Charges againsta Board member charge(s)of misdemeanor, misappropriation of funds,fraud,corruption, violation of the constitution, cover-upof suchoffenses, etc.,canbe biought'against a Boardmemberor membersby a memberof ine Generar nooyo"itheBoard.The chargesshallbe putin writingandshailbe handedoverto tni_rnrnrsdletqrL _ Secretarywho willfonvardthesameto thepresident. sEcTroN 2. Procedure for handling charges The Board shall meet within two weeks of receiptof the petitionin order to set up a panelto hear the charge(s).The panelshallconsistoi two Boardmembers, two MasjidAl-Farooqmembers,and the lmam. The person(s)againstwhom chargeshave been broughtdoes (do) not qualifyto be on thL paier. The lmam shall.bethe chairpersonof the panel. The pan6lshallhearthe charge(s)as well as witnessesfrom both sides, examineall evidencesand determinei vLioict; ii the panelfinds clearevidenceof criminalviolation,thenthey shalldetermine punitiveand/or correctivemeasures. The panelshall submit a detailedreporton theirfindingsand actionsto the Boardand membership. ARTICLEXlt: ELECTTONS SECTION 1. Election commifte l5 i formateO: Font: t2 ot -__-*--l EG;iioil=slilifou n"iJ t*"J""ir"in"inu rontnofoctober inordertoetect """w Al-F€r& An Electioncommitteeshallconduct the Boardmembersof Masjid th-."jtep;tip$andshallcompriseof fourmembersof thegeneratbodyof Masjid Al-FarooQ dndone memberof the Board.All theelectioiofficersshallhaveihe rightto voteas members. SECTION2. Nominations The Boardwillannounce to thecommunity whennominations arebeing acceptedfor electionof newmembers.Thenornination for theelectionsmust reachthe ElectionCommittee one monthpriorto thespecified timefor election. The Election Committee shallannounce theexacttimeof elections theFriday beforeelections. SECTION3. Nominators Thenominators as wellas thesecondary of thenominations shallhavebeen activemembersof MasjidAl-Farooq for at leasta fullvear. sEcTroN 4. Term of executive committee The termof the membersservingas executive committee officersshallbe limited to two terms. SECTION5. Newly elected Executivecommittee committeeshallassumechargeof I_hel-ewlyelectedBoardandthe Executive Masjidnt-F7qoo1on January1't. SECTION6. Voiing rights lo "L|].{_-'-,--'',''.-.-'.-.'..-*'_,I A member'who-is-fi-9f€n activemembershailhavenevotingrights ARTICLEXU: MTSCELLANEOUS sEcTtoN t. ln caseof ambiguityregardingthe interpretation of anysectionsof the constitution or possibleconfliitbetweentwoor moresections, the interpretation of the Boardof Directorsto clarifysuchambiguities or resolve'the conflictshall be final. In the interpretatio.n of ambiguous niatters,rsramic ruringsmustbe takenintoaccountandwill be applicable in constituiional interpr"tation. ARTICLEVilt: DTSSOLUTION SECTION l. ii, , . In the eventof dissorution of MasjidAr-Farooq, its assetsremaining after payment,or provisions for payment,of all debtsand liabilities of MisjidAl-Farooq shallbe distributed for one or moreof its affiliated organization. th.t.h"r. --*---i exemptpurposeswithinthe meaningof section501]q(3) the Internal _of ioeteteo:X -_. -. -''_try"tt"dlF."t,j1!L_-Revenuecode or corresponding >-**-_";e_''_**=:_j se-tionof anyrutureEl6Ei ux ;;oa;=shafbe I distributed to any otherlslamicorganization of publicpurpose.Suchdistribution shallbe determined and^madeoy the Boardandin accordanc"*itn attapplicable provisionsof the lawsof lslamandthenthelawsof thecountrv ARTICLEXIV: CONSTITUTION ADOPTION ANDENFORGEMENT SECTION1. The Constitutionshall be adoptedand in force,effectiveimmediately after it has been signed by a simple majorityof the totalmernberson the roll of Masjid Alrt" ,l ,' Fattr€q. as officiarrepresentation of MasjidAr-Farooq, .we,.the.undersigned, herebydeclarethaton?:ling thisday,the of _ 20 thisdocument setsforththeforyalffirizatio@iF*""q andshallhencebe considered theprincipalgoverning lawof MasjidAl-Farooq. , Vice-President Secretary l t Treasurer lmamof MasjidAl-Farooq : l8 iI