INVASIONS IN PARTICLE PHYSICS Compton Lectures Autumn 2001 Lecture 1 October 6 M. Spiropulu 1 LECTURE 1 outline What is Particle Physics about - The scientific method - Photons: the quanta of light - Electrons - The Electromagnetic Spectrum High energies and elementary particles 2 PARTICLE PHYSICS (PP) or Elementary Particle Physics (EPP) or High Energy Physics (HEP) 3 One of the physical sciences that attempts to answer the following questions: What is the world made of? How it did come about? How does it work? We seek fundamental answers to these questions in that the answers are given in terms of physical principles that cannot be explained by “deeper” principles 4 What will we know if we find the fundamental answers to these questions? The dynamics of space and time 5 PP questions (in other words) Is there a small number of distinct objects from which the universe is made? Is there a small number of simple rules to explain how these objects mesh together to make up everything? What kind of observations in what kind of laboratories can we make to study the above? 6 In more words Particle physics tries to answer questions about (the origin and nature of) the universe by studying the objects that are found in it, it by studying their interactions by means of arranging experimentally the objects (and their interactions) in such ways that the ultimately “primitive”, ultimately elementary, smaller objects (and ultimately simple interactions) are discovered or revealed or deduced. 7 This is almost like someone trying to learn how to play chess, by studying the shapes of the pieces and the ways in which they move across the board ! 8 How do we go about getting the answers? 1 or 2: 2 Make a guess and compute physical consequences 2 or 1: 1 Observe/measure 3: Compare the consequences of the guess with the measurements 9 Breakdown: What is the world made of? The “visible” matter in the universe is made of electrons (e) up (u) quarks down (d) quarks 5-10 times more than this, is we don’t know what; we call it “dark matter” 10 Timeline: What is the world made of? Anaxagoras : changes in matter are due to different orderings of indivisible particles. Empedocles : reduced these indivisible particles into four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. Democritus : developed the theory that the universe consists of empty space and an (almost) infinite number of indivisible particles which differ from each other in form, position, and arrangement. All matter is made of indivisible particles called atoms. 11 Timeline: How does it work? Archimedes (287-212 BC) provided the foundations of hydrostatics. Eratosthenis (276-196 BC) measured the circumference of the earth. Roger Bacon (1214-92) taught that in order to learn the secrets of nature we must first observe the method by which people can develop deductive theories is observation, i.e. using evidence from the natural world. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) claimed that the Sun and not the Earth is at rest in the center of the Universe. 1550-1898: Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, Thomas Young, Michael Faraday, Joseph Henry, James Clerk Maxwell, William Röntgen, Marie Curie, Joseph Thompson 12 Timeline: The first elementary particles The particle of light (or photon*, or γ (gamma)) & the electron e- * “phos” = light ( in greek) 13 Characterize the photon (γ) It does not stand still It goes with the speed of light c (300,000Km/s) It does not have mass It does not have electric charge but it is responsible for charged particles “feeling” each other (good or bad feelings, attract or repel) It has spin* one (s=1, and is called a boson* because of this) “interaction” “mediates” Photon Photonisis the the“quantum” “quantum”ofoflight light: :Photons Photonsofofaaparticular particularcolor color(frequency) (frequency) come with energy: come with energy: Photon PhotonEnergy Energy==Planck’s Planck’s quantum quantumconstant constant(h) (h)**frequency frequency Is it a particle or is it a wave? * commit the words to memory; we will come back to spin 14 Waves Interfere Photoelectric Effect Double Slit Experiment 15 Characterize the eIt is a massive elementary particle It has negative electric charge It has spin* 1/2 (s=1/2, and is called a fermion* because of this) It is found in the atom An accelerating electron emits electromagnetic radiation Is it a particle or is it a wave? * commit the words to memory; we will come back to spin 16 Bohr’s atom and de Broglie’s electron waves The Theatoms atomscan canexist existonly only in discrete quantum states in discrete quantum states separated separatedby byfinite finiteenergy energy differences; when in differences; when inthese these quantum quantumstates statesthe theatoms atoms do not radiate ! set of do not radiate ! set of allowed allowedorbits orbitsfor forthe the electrons around the electrons around the nucleous. nucleous. WHEN WHENAN ANELECTRON ELECTRON MAKES A TRANSITION MAKES A TRANSITION FROM FROMONE ONEORBIT ORBITTO TOTHE THE OTHER OTHERIT ITEMITS EMITSLIGHT LIGHT The Thewavelength wavelengthof ofaaparticle particlewave waveisisinversely inversely proportional to its momentum, the constant proportional to its momentum, the constantof of proportionality proportionalitybeing beingPlanck’s Planck’scontant contant(h): (h): Allowed orbits are explained as containing Allowed orbits are explained as containingan an integral number of the de Broglie’s wavelengths. integral number of the de Broglie’s wavelengths. 17 To all practical intents and purpose a physics system such as a single electron, or a photon or an atom exists by some form of observation. [“Concerning that of which we can not speak we must pass over in silence” Wittgenstein. “If you don’t see, don’t say” Feynman ] Any act of observation on a quantum system will disturb it. Electrons and photons are neither particles nor waves; they are “quantum fields”. Depending on the experiment, we see them either as waves or as particles. There is a wave-function that reflects a particle’s localization 18 Aspects of light : the Electromagnetic Spectrum 19 Radio waves Lowest Lowestfrequencies frequencies(longest (longestwavelengths) wavelengths)of ofthe the electromagnetic electromagneticspectrum. spectrum. An Aninteresting interestingthought thoughtisisthat thatsome someform formof of extra-terrestrial extra-terrestrialintelligence intelligencecould couldsend sendus us messages messageswith withradio radiowaves wavesthat thatcan canbe bereceived received by byradio radiotelescopes. telescopes. Look Lookatatthe theSETI SETIproject project 20 Microwaves Microwaves Microwaveshave have wavelength wavelength between between roughly roughly30 30centimeters centimeters and and11millimeter millimeter The Thecosmic cosmicmicrowave microwave background backgroundisisthe theafterglow afterglow radiation radiationleft leftover overfrom fromthe the hot hotBig BigBang. Bang.Its Itstemperature temperature isisextremely extremelyuniform uniformall allover over the thesky. sky.However, However,tiny tiny temperature temperaturevariations variationsor or fluctuations fluctuations(at (atthe thepart partper per million millionlevel) level)can canoffer offergreat great insight insightinto intothe theorigin, origin, evolution, evolution,and andcontent contentof ofthe the universe. universe. 21 Infrared and Visible Infrared Infraredradiation radiationcomprises comprises wavelengths wavelengthsbetween between11 millimeter millimeterand and750 750nanometers nanometers (750 (750millionths millionthsof ofaamillimeter). millimeter). We Wecannot cannotsee seeit, it,but butwe wecan canfeel feel ititas asheat. heat. Infrared Infraredlight lightisisemitted emittedwhen when the theatoms atomsand andmolecules moleculesin inan an object objectoscillate. oscillate.IR IRobservations observations have haveto tobe bemade madefrom fromtelescopes telescopes in inhigh, high,dry dryplaces, places,away awayfrom from clouds cloudsthat thatblock blockthe theIR. IR. How Howyou youcan canmeasure measureIR IR temperature at home temperature at home The Theatmosheree atmoshereefilters filtersout outmost mostof of the theelectromagnetic electromagneticradiation radiation from fromthe thesun sunexcept exceptfor forportion portionof of the theradio radiowaves wavesand andthe theregion region around aroundvisible visiblelight. light.The Thesun sunemits emits almost almosthalf halfof ofits itsenergy energyin injust just that thatsegment segmentof ofthe thespectrum spectrumthat that we weare areable ableto tosee. see. Water Waterisistransparent transparentto tovisible visible light lighttoo. too.That Thatisisthe thereason reasonwhy why light lightcan canpass passthrough throughour our eyeballs, isis eyeballs,whose whosechief chiefconstituent constituent22 water, water,to toreach reachthe theretina. retina. Ultaviolate X-rays Gamma Rays Ultraviolate radiationcovers coverswavelengths wavelengths Ultraviolateradiation between between400 400nanometers nanometers(4 (4millionths millionthsof ofaa millimeter) millimeter)and and10 10nanometers. nanometers. X-rays X-rayshave havewavelengths wavelengths between between10 10nanometers* nanometers*and and 0.01 0.01nanometers. nanometers.They Theyare are created createdwhen whenthe theinner inner electrons electronsin inan anatom atomchange change their theirorbit orbitaround aroundthe thenucleus nucleus and andlose loseenergy energyin inthe theprocess. process. *1nm = 10-9 m Gamma Gammarays raysform formthe theshort-wavelength short-wavelengthend end of ofthe theelectromagnetic electromagneticspectrum. spectrum.They Theyhave have the thehighest highestfrequencies frequenciesand andenergies. energies. Gamma Gammarays raysare arecreated createdin inradioactive radioactive processes processesin inatomic atomicnuclei nucleiand andwhen whenmatter matter and andantimatter antimatterannihilate annihilateeach eachother otherand and create createpure pureenergy. energy. 23 radio X-ray infrared optical X-ray+optical 24 Eta Carinae Pictures Particle Physics - High Energy Physics The smaller the wavelength the smaller the structure the wave will resolve (compare the optical microscope to the X-ray). Particles with very large momentum (high energy particles) have extremely small wavelengths and can probe subatomic distances: High Energy Particle Accelerators serve as supermicroscopes. The higher the energy the closer particles can come to each other and thus the smaller details of their structure can become important in determining how they bounce off each other. The higher energy available, the heaviest particles can be produced in a collision (E=mc 2). 25