1) Laurea in Medicina nella Facultà di Scienze Mediche di Minas Gerais (Belo
Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasile): 1991. Al primo (1°) posto tra gli 88
(ottanta otto) studenti della sua classe durante laurea in medicina, secondo
la trascrizione con punto di grado medio di 8,93 (otto punti novanta tre).
2) Specialità:
Chirurgia Generale
Ospedale Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte - (Belo Horizonte - Brasile) con
Prof. Dott. Mahrdas Salvador Nankran - Accreditato dal MEC (Ministero
dell'Istruzione e della Cultura di Brasile): 1991-1993.
Chirurgia Plastica
Ospedale Santa Casa da Misericordia di Rio de Janeiro - (Rio de Janeiro
- Brasile) con Prof. Dott. Ivo Pitanguy: 1994-1997.
3) Membro della Società Brasiliana di Chirurgia Plastica (Full Member).
4) Membro dell'Associazione degli ex allievi del Professor Ivo Pitanguy
5) Membro dell'Associazione Ibero-latino Americana di Chirurgia Plastica
6) Asssistente del Prof. Dott. Ivo Pitanguy per 18 anni.
7) Professoressa del Corso di Chirurgia Plastica presso nella Università
Pontificia Catolica di Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) e Coordinatrice del
Dipartimento di Ricerca e Documentazione Scientifica nel Centro di Studi Ivo
Pitanguy a partire dal 2003.
8) Visiting Professor della Facultà di Scienze Mediche di Minas Gerais (Belo
Horizonte - Brasile).
9) Phd Course (Dottorato) nell’Università degli Studi di Verona - Italia (Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche e Motore, Sezione di Anatomia e
Istologia) iniziato nel 2013.
10) Fellowship con dott. Gino Rigotti a Verona e Mantova (Italia) negli
Ospedali di Borgo Trento, San Franscesco e San Clemente: febbraio a marzo
11) Fellowship con dott. Nobert Pallua ad Aachen (Germania) presso
l'Ospedale Universitario di Aachen: agosto 2012.
12) Corso Avanzato di Anatomia Chirurgica, M.A.R.C. (Miami Anatomic
Research Center), Miami - USA, settembre 2012.
13) Partecipazione a congressi medici brasiliani e internazionali (totale di 62
fino agosto 2015) in qualità di Relatora:
1. I Symposium on Breast Reconstruction Mater Dei Hospital (Belo Horizonte), on 14
th and 15 th October 1994, Brazil.
2. 31rd Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery (Belo Horizonte), from October 29 th to
November 2 nd, 1994, Brazil.
3. 32nd Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery (GMT), the period of 10th to 15 th
November 1995, Brazil.
4. XXI Congress of the International College of Surgeons and I Course Technique
Video-endoscopic Surgery of Regional Rio de Janeiro, on day 17 th to April 20 th,
1996, Brazil.
5. XI Meeting of the Association of Former Students of Professor Ivo Pitanguy (AEXP)
on 23 th and 24 th May 1996 (Hotel Meridien), Brazil.
6. XV Cosmetic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), from 14th to 16 th
August 1996, Brazil.
7. 33rd Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery and XI Ibero-Latin American (Rio de
Janeiro), the period of 5 th to 10 th December 1996, Brazil.
8. IV Rencontre Internationale de L'AEXP - Association of Former Students of
Professor Ivo Pitanguy, (Casablanca - Morocco), from 13th to 16th March 1997.
9. XVI Cosmetic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), on July 31st to August
2nd, 1997, Brazil.
10. 34th Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery (Sao Paulo), from 6 th to 9 th
December 1997, Brazil.
11. II Brazilian Congress of Burns (Fortaleza), from 26th to 29th May 1999,Brazil.
13. Multidisciplinary International Course (Rio de Janeiro) on November 12nd, 1999,
14. 36th Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery (Rio de Janeiro) in the period from 13
th to 16 th November 1999, Brazil.
15. XIX Cosmetic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro) in days 3rd to 5 th
August 2000, Brazil.
16. XV North-northeast Symposium of Plastic Surgery (London) on days 8 th and 9 th
September 2000.
17. Post-graduate Course, "The ISAPS Course" on 4 th and 5 th August 2001 (Rio de
Janeiro), Brazil.
18. XX Plastic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), on days 2nd to 5 th
August 2001, Brazil.
19. III International Symposium of Plastic Surgery (Sao Paulo), on days 15 th to
March 17 th, 2002, Brazil.
20. 14 th Meeting of AEXP (Rio de Janeiro), on 30 and 31 July 2002, Brazil.
21. XXI of Plastic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), on days 1st to 3 rd
August 2002, Brazil.
22. II Brazilian Burns Day (Natal), from 23 rd to September 25 th, 2002, Brazil.
23. XXII Plastic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), on July 31st to August
2nd, 2003, Brazil.
24. XXI of Plastic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), on days 1st to 3 rd
August 2003, Brazil.
25. V International Symposium of Plastic Surgery (Sao Paulo), from 19th to 21st
March 2004, Brazil.
26. Advances in Aesthetic Plastic: The Cutting Edge V Symposium, in 12th to
November 16th, 2004 (New York), USA.
27. 42nd Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery (Belo Horizonte), from 11th to 14th
November 2005, Brazil.
28. II Symposium of Plastic Surgery (Buzios) in the period from 13rd to 15th April
2006, Brazil.
29. XIV Meeting of the Association of Former Students of Professor Ivo Pitanguy
(AEXPi) on days 8th to 10th October 2006, Brazil.
30. XXVI of Plastic Surgery Day Carioca (Rio de Janeiro), on days 4th to 6th August
2007, Brazil.
31. XVI Meeting of the Association of Former Students of Professor Ivo Pitanguy
(AEXP) on days 15th to 17th May 2008, Brazil.
32. XXVII of Plastic Surgery Day Carioca (Rio de Janeiro), on days 6th to 9th August
2008, Brazil.
33. VI Symposium of Facial Rejuvenation and videoendoscopy (Sao Paulo), from 9th
to 11st October 2008 (Renaissance Hotel Sao Paulo), Brazil.
34. V Symposium of Plastic Surgery (Buzios), from 16th to 18th April 2009, Brazil.
35. XXVIII of Plastic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), on the 5th to 8th
August 2009, Brazil.
36. 5th International Meeting of the Association of Former Students of Professor Ivo
Pitanguy (AEXP) on 24th to 26th September 2009 (Buzios), Brazil.
37. VI Symposium of Plastic Surgery (Buzios), the period of 8th to 10th April 2010,
38. XXIX Plastic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), on Days 4th to 7th
August 2010, Brazil.
39. XVII Meeting of the Association of Former Students of Professor Ivo Pitanguy
(AEXPi) on days 7th to 9th October 2010, Brazil.
40. VII Symposium of Facial Rejuvenation and videoendoscopy (Sao Paulo), from 9th
to 12th October 2010 (Renaissance Hotel Sao Paulo), Brazil.
41. The Cutting Edge: Rejuvenation Facial Aesthetic Surgery 2010 Symposium on
days 2nd to 4th December 2010 (New York), USA.
42. Brazilian American Meeting, at days 3th to 8th March 2011 (Saltz Lake City –
Utah), USA.
43. XXX Plastic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), from 3rd to 6th August
2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
44. 3rd Internacional Congress in Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine, june 2011,
São Paulo, Brazil.
45. 48th Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery and ISAPS (pre-congress course),
november 2011, Goiânia, Brazil.
46. The Cutting Edge: Rejuvenation Facial Aesthetic Surgery 2010 Symposium on
days 2nd to 4th December 2011 (New York), USA.
47. 1st Congress of the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery
(ISPRES), march 2012, Roma, Italy.
48. XXXI Plastic Surgery Carioca Symposium (Rio de Janeiro), from 1st to 4th August
2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
49. 21st Congress of ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery),
setember 2012, Geneva, Switzerland.
50. XIX Meeting of the Association of Former Students of Professor Ivo Pitanguy
(AEXPi) on October 4 th to 6th 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
51. 49th Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery, november 2012, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
52. 17th World Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive
and Aesthetic Surgery, 24th February to 1st march 2013, Santiago, Chile.
53. 2nd Congress of the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery
(ISPRES), June 2013, Berlin, German.
54. 2nd Congress of the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery
(ISPRES), June 2013, Berlim, Alemanha.
55. XXXII Jornada Carioca de Cirurgia Plástica (Rio de Janeiro), 7th to 10th August
56. V International Congress of cellular ageing and Regenerative Medicine, during the
period from 23th to 25th August 2013, São Paulo.
57. 50th Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery, November 2013, Rio de Janeiro.
58. XXXIII Jornada Carioca de Cirurgia Plástica (Rio de Janeiro), 6th to 9th August
59. Symposium: Aesthetic versus Reconstruction, setember 2014, National Academy
of Medicine, Rio de Janeiro.
60. 22nd ISAPS Congress (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery),
September 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
61. 51st Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery, November 2014, Costa do Sauipe
62. XXIX Jornada Carioca de Cirurgia Plástica (Rio de Janeiro), 5th to 9th August
14) Pubblicazioni in Libri e Riviste di Chirurgia Plastica Brasiliana e
Internazionale (USA e UK):
A- Index Médicus Latino Americano
1. “Expansores Múltiplos” (Multiple cutaneous expanders)
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia, vol. 85 nº 2, março - abril 1995.
2. “Hipomentonismo: Mentoplastia de Aumento (Técnica de Pitanguy) e Osteotomia
Basilar de Mandíbula” (Hipomentonism: chin implants versus osteotomy)
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia, vol. 86 nº 1, janeiro - fevereiro 1996.
3. “Reconstrução Total e Parcial de Orelha nas Patologias Hipoplásicas e Adquiridas”
(Partial and total reconstruction of the ears in hypoplastic and acdquired pathologies)
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia, vol. 86 nº 4, agosto - setembro 1996.
“O Papel da Punção Aspirativa por Agulha Fina no Diagnóstico de nódulos tireoidianos
(Aspirative biopsy with fine needle in the diagnosis of tyreoid nodles)
Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, vol. XXIV nº 1, janeiro 1997.
5. “Tratamento do Sulco Nasogeniano” (Treatemnt of nasolabial fold)
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia, vol. 87 nº 5, setembro-outubro 1997.
6. “Complicações Tardias dos Preenchimentos Permanentes” (Complications of
permanente fillers)
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, vol. 24 nº 1, janeiro-março 2009.
7. "O tromboembolismo venoso em cirurgia plástica: protocolo para a prevenção na
Clínica Ivo Pitanguy (Protocol to tromboembolism).
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, vol. 25 (4): 583-8, 2010.
8. "Análise da troca de implantes de mama nos últimos cinco anos na Clínica Ivo
Pitanguy” (Breast implants: analysis of 5 years)
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, vol. 25 (4): 668-74, 2010
B- International Journal
1. “Surgical Treatment of Hemangiomas of the Nose”.
Annals of Plastic Surgery, vol. 36, number 6, June 1996.
Abstract: In this article, the experience of the senior author in treating hemangiomas
located on the nose is reviewed. The elliptical midline incision over the nasal dorsum
described in the text was developed to address three important aspects: an expedient
procedure to treat a highly disfiguring disease; an open access to allow for complete
resection and, at the same time, allow for the correction of underlying cartilaginous
description, and placement of scar in an anatomic location proven to be very
satisfactory aesthetically, permitting access for secondary procedures for better
definition of nasal contour. Careful patient selection for this surgical procedure is
2. “Treatment of the Aging Face using the Round-lifting Technique”.
Aesthetic Surgery Journal, vol. 19, number 3, May / June 1999.
Abstract: Aspects that characterize the aging face include not only senescence and
flaccidity of the skin, but also sagging of deeper tissues, especially the fascial and
fatty layers. Through the experience of 7446 cases of surgical correction of the aging
face, the senior author has noted the importance of the repositioning of the skin and
the facial soft tissues. After appropriate treatment of the SMAS and the malar fat pad
has been completed, adequate placement of the skin flaps is done by rotation rather
than by direct traction, as described in the round-lifting technique. Pertinent
anatomical considerations and different surgical approaches to the aging face, as
performed in the Ivo Pitanguy Clinic, are discussed.
3.”CO2 Laser peeling associated with the ‘round lifting’ technique”.
Journal of Cutaneous Laser Therapy, 1: 145-152, 1999.
Abstract: This paper evaluates the use of CO2 Laser peeling as an isolated procedure
or associated with the “round lifting” technique for correction of the aging face. This
technique, as described by the senior author, allows for the treatment of signs of
facial aging while maintaining anatomical structures. The article reviews the
philosophy and evolution of the classical surgical procedures in an overall experience
of 7477 patients operated on at the Ivo Pitanguy Clinic, and emphasizes how the CO2
Laser resurfacing has enhanced the aesthetic result in selected cases.
4.”Contour Surgery in the patient with Great Weight Loss”.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 24:406-411, 2000.
Abstract: Obesity can be defined as a chronic disease in which there is excess of
body adiposity, leading to severe secondary health problems. This metabolic
pathology shortens life-span and is a main cause of diabetes, atherosclerosis,
systemic arterial hypertension, and reduction of pulmonary function, among others.
The plastic surgeon is involved with the obese patient under two circumstances:
either the patient is currently overweight, or has suffered a great weight loss and
desires correction of one, or more, contour deformities. In either case, planning
demands a close pre-operative analysis and careful preparation of the patient,
execution of a meticulous surgical routine, and close postoperative follow-up. In this
article, various body contour deformities will be addressed, showing the senior
author’s strategy in treating the severely obese patient and those that have achieved
the loss of considerable weight.
5. Repeated expansion in burn sequela. Pitanguy, I., Gontijo de Amorim, N.F.,
Radwanski, H.N., Lintz, J.E. Burns, 28: 494-499, 2002
6.”Forehead Lifting: The juxtapilose subperiosteal approach”
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 27:58-62, 2003.
Abstract: Aging in the upper face becomes more evident as the eyebrow level
descends; sometimes this may begin at an early age. The author has described a
limited approach for the treatment of this aesthetic alteration. In selected cases, the
juxtapilose incision, placed laterally at the margin of the anterior hairline, allows for
the subperiosteal undermining of the entire forehead and dissection of the elements
that cause the descent of the eyebrow. The procedure is safe and expedient and
permits for a controlled repositioning of the eyebrow.
7. Influence of decantation, washing and centrifugation on adipocyte and
mesenchymal stem cell content of aspirated adipose tissue: a comparative study.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2009 Aug 11. [Epub ahead of print]
Links - Department of Plastic Surgery, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
and the Carlos Chagas Post-Graduate Medical Institute, Ivo Pitanguy Institute, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Background: In the last decade, controversy has arisen regarding the influence of
fat harvesting, processing and injection techniques on adipose tissue graft. The aim of
this study is to compare the influence of three widely used fat processing techniques
in plastic surgery on the viability and number of adipocytes and mesenchymal stem
cells (MSCs) of aspirated fat. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was
conducted in 20 adult healthy female patients in whom material obtained by
liposuction of the lower abdomen was separated and processed by decantation,
washing or centrifugation. The morphology and quantity of adipocytes were
determined by histological analysis. The viability and number of MSCs in the middle
layer of each lipoaspirate and the pellet derived from centrifuged samples were
obtained by multi-colour flow cytometry. Results: Cell count per high-powered field
of intact nucleated adipocytes was significantly greater in decanted lipoaspirates,
whereas centrifuged samples showed a greater majority of altered adipocytes. MSC
concentration was significantly higher in washed lipoaspirates compared to decanted
and centrifuged samples. However, the pellet collected at the bottom of the
centrifuged samples showed the highest concentration of MSCs. Conclusion: Based
on the theory of cell survival stating the importance of adipocytes' integrity for graft
survival and the theory claiming the importance of regenerative MSCs in the
maintenance and stabilisation of fat transplant, washing may turn out to be the best
processing technique for adipose tissue graft take. While eliminating most
contaminants during the process, it preserved and maintained the quantity, integrity
and viability of the most important components of aspirated adipose tissue. PMID:
19679523 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
8. “Effects of centrifugation on cell composition and viability of aspirated adipose
tissue processed for transplantation”.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 30:249-255, 2010.
Abstract: Centrifugation is one of the preferred methods of fat processing. Although
it has been promoted for nearly three decades to separate adipose tissue components
before grafting,there remain many controversies regarding the results obtained with
centrifuged adipose tissue.
Objetives: The authors demonstrate the effects of centrifugation on cellular
components of aspirated fat.
Methods: Fat harvested from the lower abdomen of 10 female patients undergoing
liposuction was divided in two equal parts, then processed by decantation or
centrifugation and sent to the laboratory. Each processed lipoaspirate was analysed
histologically after hematoxylin and periodic acid- Schiff staining for the presence of
intact adipocytes. It was yhen cultured and analysed by multicolor flow cytometry for
identification of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
Results: The middle layer of the centrifuged lipoaspirate, which is used by many
surgeons, showed a great majority of altered adipocytes and very few mesenchymal
stem cells in comparison with the decanted sample, which maintained the integrity of
the adipocytes and showed a greater number of mesenchymal stem cells. The pellet
observed as a fourth layer at the bottom of the centrifuged lipoaspirate showed the
greatest concentration of endothelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells, which play a
crucial role in the angiogenic and adipogenic effect of the grafted tissue.
Conclusion: If centrifuged lipoaspirate is used, the pellet (rich in adipose-derived
mesenchymal stem cells) and the middle layer should be employed to increase fat
graft survival.
9. “Island Technique for Prominent Ears: an update of the Ivo Pitanguy Clinic
Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 31: 623-633, 2011.
10. “Antiaging Treatment of the Facial Skin by Fat Graft and Adipose-Derived Stem
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal, 135: 999-1009, 2015. Questa
pubblicazione stà messa nella più prestigiosa rivista di chirurgia plástica; sulla
medicina rigenerativa e l'uso di cellule staminali nella rigenerazione della pelle umana
sviluppato presso l'Università di Verona (Italia) e Università Federale di Rio de Janeiro
Background: The regenerative property of fat grafting has been described. However,
it is not clear whether the clinical results are attributable to the stem cells or are
linked to other components of the adipose tissue. This work is aimed at analysis of
the histologic and ultrastructural changes of aged facial skin after injection of fat graft
in addition to its stromal vascular fraction, obtained by centrifugation, and to compare
the results with those obtained by the injection of expanded adipose-derived
mesenchymal stem cells.
Methods: This study was performed in six consecutive patients who were candidates
for face lift and whose ages ranged between 45 and 65 years. The patients underwent
sampling of fat by liposuction from the abdominal region. The injection of fat and its
stromal vascular fraction or expanded mesenchymal stem cells was performed in the
preauricular areas. Fragments of skin were removed before and 3 months after each
treatment and analyzed by optical and electron microscopy.
Results: After treatment with the autologous lipidic component and stromal vascular
fraction, the skin showed a decrease in elastic fiber network (elastosis) and the
appearance of new oxytalan elastic fibers in papillary dermis. The ultrastructural
examination showed a modified tridimensional architecture of the reticular dermis and
the presence of a richer microvascular bed. Similar results following treatment with
expanded mesenchymal stem cells were observed.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that treatment with either fat and stromal
vascular fraction or expanded mesenchymal stem cells modifies the pattern of the
dermis, representing a skin rejuvenation effect.
C- Capituli in Libri Mediche
1. Plastic Surgery Update II - Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery
1st Edition - 1996.
Author of the following chapters:
• Total and partial reconstruction of the ear and Acquired Pathologies hypoplastic.
• Hipomentonismo: Technical Mentoplasty by Pitanguy and Basilar osteotomy.
• Surgical Treatment of Post-Burn Syndactyly.
2. Facial Rejuvenation Surgery
Claudio Cardoso de Castro – 1st Edition - 1997.
Collaborator in the chapter:
• Surgical Treatment of Facial Aging and its upper third.
3. III Update on Plastic Surgery, Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery
1st Edition. Issue-1999.
Author of the following chapters:
• Sequelae of Burn Breast: Surgical Aspects.
• Nasal Reconstruction in Acute Trauma.
4. Treatment of Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery
1st Edition. Issue-2000.
Author of the following chapter:
• Plastic Surgery in Obesity and post-weight loss.
5. Surgical therapy: indications, decisions, tactics and technique
1st Edition. Issue-2001.
Author of the following chapter:
• body contouring Reconstructive Surgery
6. Treatment of Burn
1st Edition - 2004. Publisher Atheneu.
Author of the following chapter:
• Skin grafting heterologous
7. Rhytidectomy - Art and Science
Claudio Cardoso de Castro – 1st Edition - 2007. Publisher DiLivros.
Author of the chapter:
• Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Head and Neck.
8. Surgical Complications - Diagnosis and Treatment
Nadey S. Hakim and Vassilios E. Papalois – 1st Edition - 2007. Imperial College Press
Author of the chapter:
• Complications of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
9. Simplified Facial Rejuvenation
Melvin A. Shiffman et al – 1st Edition - 2008. Publisher Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg (New York).
Author of the chapter:
• The round-lifting technique.
10. Encyclopedia of Body Sculpting after Massive Weight Loss
B. Strauch and C. Herman – 1st Edition - 2010. Publisher Thieme Medical Publishers
(New York).
Author of the chapter:
• Facial Rejuvenation: Open Technique.
11. Treatment of Plastic Surgery after massive weight loss / Editor Edmar Maciel Lima
Junior – 1st edition - 2010. Publisher Atheneu (Sao Paulo).
Author of the following chapter:
• reduction mammaplasty.
D- Autrice di Libro Medico
1. “Mysteries of Human Vanity” - Publisher Qualymark -1st edition – 2010 - Rio de
Janeiro: "The book of my disciples Charles Sá and Natale Gontijo is a guide of good
quality so that the patient is better prepared to understand the benefits of plastic
surgery and be able to use them. The authors, in a correct language and enlightening
discourse on the doctor-patient relashionship, the risks and above all the care the
patient should have to seek medical advice that will make your plastic surgery.
Nowadays, in a highly competitive society, health and physical beauty have become
determining factors, not only look as professional as to better integrate the various
social groups, which resulted in an increase in demand for plastic surgery. It is
increasingly important, particularly in light of trivialization and misunderstanding of
medical excellence, the quality of this field of human knowledge will be properly
exposed”. Professor Ivo Pitanguy - Patron of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery
and Member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters
15) Premiata nel 3o (terzo) posto per il “paper” scientifico “Facial surgery and
the use of fat and adipose-derived stem cells”, durante il 23° Convegno
ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), september 2012,
Geneva, Svizzera.
16) Premiata nel 1o (primo) posto per il “paper” scientifico "Anti-aging
treatment of the facial skin by adipose-derived stem cells " durante il 22°
Convegno ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery),
settembre 2014, a Rio de Janeiro, Brasile.