engineroom design co. it all starts from the engine up! And your

design co.
it all starts from the engine up! And your engine
should offer great “creative performance”
engineroom design co.
about us
our story
what we do
our clients
our services
our work
engineroom design co.
about us
engineroom is an energetic, full-service agency that houses
a wealth of experience and depth of expertise. We pride
ourselves on our ability to ‘keep it real’ and thrive on the
creation of impactful, effective and accountable solutions
that meet and exceed our clients expectations.
Our services cover all facets of B2B and B2C marketing
and promotional activities and can be categorised into
five main areas.
We produce strategies and solutions that can be implemented
by our production team with strict timeframes and budgets or
delivered as a package to our clients for internal rollout.
No matter what size your business is or how big your marketing
or promotional budget may be, engineroom can design and deliver a
program to suit your needs.
engineroom design co.
our story
Established in 2007 by Bec Webber who, following years of
“How did I come up with engineroom as a name? Well, it actually
experience working with some of Australia’s prominent business
picked me!
brands, recognised a need to provide clients with an alternative to
I was working as a group creative director for a large design agency in
the impersonal and intangible results oriented services delivered
by some of the larger design and marketing agencies.
Sydney at the time and would receive calls from frantic account service
team members and clients alike requesting work to be completed
engineroom design co was born with the mandate to continually
under extremely tight deadlines.
deliver personalised, transparent, accountable and results-driven
Of course, we would move hell and high water to meet, if not exceed,
services and solutions.
deadlines and still managed to produce extremely high quality work.
Over time, Bec has been joined by some of the best marketers,
For a laugh, I would call my unit the engineroom and would even
designers and project management people in the industry, enabling
engineroom’s growth into a full service agency with no change to its
business delivery principles.
How did engineroom design co get its name? –
we asked Bec Webber?
answer my phone ‘engineroom,’ you know, like on a large vessel,
because we were the driving force, the engine, that made things
It was a logical name for the business as that is exactly the relationship
style we develop with our clients – one of trust and confidence, that we,
in the engineroom, will continually offer marketing and business drive
on their behalf.
engineroom design co.
what we do
We are the ‘engineroom’ that provides the propulsion for our clients marketing and communications
capabilities through the development, design and delivery of a complete range of strategies,
programs and deliverables.
Our service offerings cover all facets of B2B and B2C marketing and promotional activities and is
covered under five main service headings.
engineroom design co.
our clients
membership management in the cloud
membership management in the cloud
membership management in the cloud
membership management in the cloud
one to one nursing
engineroom design co.
“The team at engineroom design co is great to
work alongside. They understand a brief, they
understand our brand, and they just ‘get it’. I
honestly feel as if they are an extension of our
in-house marketing and communication team.
The work produced by engineroom is of the
highest quality. Their ability to consistently come
up with fresh and innovative concepts whilst
meeting strict deadlines makes them a stand
out in their field.
The professionalism and availability of the
engineroom team is second to none.”
Rebecca Wilson, Newcastle Airport
Marketing Communications Coordinator
“All staff here at NUsport, including the CEO, have commented on how
fantastic our new website looks and that the team at engineroom have
“nailed it!”
Roxana Olivares DIRECTOR PROGRAMS Nusport.
“Friendly, professional, ‘can-do’ approach. Flexible, creative and most of
all genuinely cares about the success of the project.”
Ken Boots, Hawley International - General Manager Retail
“I can only compare the service to our previous agency, and what
engineroom provides is a world apart. The value and
responsiveness has been outstanding.”
Julie Gearie, Hudson - Senior Consultant
“I have always had such a positive experience with them that I even carried
them across to my new role when I changed companies. This in itself
is a testament to the outstanding work and impeccable service I have
consistently received from the team at engineroom design.”
Cassia Munro, Healthy Habits - Brand Manager
engineroom design co.
‘Web’, ‘online’, ‘internet’, ‘multimedia’,
‘digital’. However you refer to it,
it has become a major part of
any business...
When people think of your product, they
visualise the package it comes in. It is
therefore vital to get this aspect of your
advertising right...
Having strong marketing direction is
essential to the success of any business big or small...
For more on digital click here
For more on packaging click here
For more on marketing click here
We believe there are two ways to design
– creatively and tactically. Our approach
starts with a detailed understanding of
the intended target audience...
Anyone can produce an ad! Put in a few
images, add some blurb and away you
go… right? Wrong...!
For more on design click here
For more on advertising click here
engineroom design co.
‘Web’, ‘online’, ‘internet’, ‘multimedia’, ‘digital’. However you refer to it,
it has become a major part of any business – it is often the first contact
Our skills cover:
anybody will have with your business and sets the tone for the quality
web design
of service people will expect to get from you.
web development
If you consider that your digital environment can be the difference
between securing your next customer or client, or potentially going
without a new revenue stream, you will begin to understand why we
are so passionate about organisations viewing their digital presence
social media platform design
marketing and networking
as a core part of their business.
online marketing (eDM)
Therefore, as your business evolves, so should your digital environment.
videos and multimedia presentations
search engine optimisation
content management systems
engineroom design co.
our services
online marketing
and SEO
web design and development
video production
engineroom design co.
mobile browser optimised
social networking
our services
When people think of your product, they visualise the package it
Our skills cover:
comes in. It is therefore vital to get this aspect of your advertising
right, first time, as there are often no second chances.
After all, what other medium of advertising or promotion sees your
customer come into physical contact with your brand, carry it around
with them, and perhaps even store it in their home.
At engineroom, we place such a large emphasis on its importance
that we have people that ‘specialise’ in the development and design
of brand and product packaging strategies.
engineroom design co.
new product development and design
brand positioning
brand refresh
product range extensions
food service trade presenters
research concepts
point of Sale
our services
Having strong marketing direction is essential to the success of any
Our skills cover:
business- big or small.
business marketing strategies
A business plan will give direction on where the business wants
to go and how long they want to take, however, it is the marketing
plan that will detail how the business will get there and by
what means.
Our approach to the development of marketing solutions is to
ensure they are covered by three fundamental requirements - It
product or service
business branding/rebranding
target marketing (direct marketing/research marketing)
communication/media plans
social media marketing
needs to be tactically sound, realistic in its objectives and practical
brand reinforcement/awareness campaigns
in its delivery.
call to action campaigns
We ensure that we are hitting the right market, at the right time,
CRM/membership generation/ campaigns
with the right message and via the right method/s.
event management (live entertainment/tradeshow/expo)
engineroom design co.
our services
We believe there are two ways to design – creatively and tactically.
Our approach starts with a detailed understanding of the intended
target audience and the development of the key messages to
be communicated so that we can produce designs that are both
creative and tactically sound.
We call this ‘design with intent’. Everything we produce is done
Our skills cover:
brand identification and differentiation
rebranding business, product or service
strategic direction
concept design
so to stand out within the marketplace, be aesthetically pleasing,
provoke a reaction and solicit a response from the target audience.
It’s not just about what looks good – it has to work.
collateral design and production
(brochures/flyers/promotion literature)
signage design and production
corporate documentation (letterhead/
templates/presentations/annual reports)
exhibition set design and production
engineroom design co.
our services
Anyone can produce an ad, put in a few images, add some blurb
Our skills cover:
and away you go, right? Wrong.
advertising SWOT analysis
Understanding the fundamentals of exactly what constitutes great
advertising is essential. You need to understand what is going on
inside the minds of your prospective audience.
press advertising
radio advertising
television advertising
This is often called Psychodynamics and is the science behind
understanding why we all do what we do and when we do it. The
thoughts, feelings and ever-changing prejudices that influence our
purchasing decisions. We know this stuff so you don’t have to.
media strategies
buying and placement strategies
outdoor advertising
online strategies and advertising
point of sale advertising
engineroom design co.
our services
our work
forsythes recruitment
engineroom design co.
employee campaign
Brief: To create a campaign that was modern and fresh and that would
appeal to both clients and candidates. The focus had to be on the needs
“Forsythes has built a strong relationship with Delta Laboratories over the past
three years, proactively assessing Delta’s current and future recruitment needs.
The Forsythes team consistently delivers a professional and committed service”.
of the role and the needs of the individual alike. Most of all the campaign
needed to be simple in its delivery, sharp and have longevity. Lacey Lyons, HR Manager, Delta Laboratories
Phone: (02) 4926 2699 Jobs online: www.forsythesrecruitment.com.au
Peach FOR0177
Forsythes Recruitment’s
Business Manager
– CirCa $65K
visual brand communication
regiOnaL DeVeLOPMenT ausTraLia - Established to
bring together all levels of Government to enhance the growth
and development of regional Australia, RDA Hunter provides a
strategic framework for prosperity in the Hunter. A not for profit
organisation, RDA Hunter is committed to the second most populated and economically
significant area in NSW and provides consistent advice in a range of areas including but
not limited to development, employment, investment and regional prosperity.
was no longer providing
tangible evidence of their
Business Manager – Circa $65K
Reporting to the CEO, this position is pivotal in the organisation and is responsible
for the delivery and management of all financial and accounting services and the
implementation of new systems and functions. The timely preparation and presentation
of financial reports and statements, management of all aspects of the month and year
end processes and the preparation of budgets and control systems form the basis of this
great opportunity.
industry leadership status.
Additionally, the role requires the successful applicant to work closely with the CEO in
the management and identification of improvement opportunities for internal systems,
effectively communicate with relevant stakeholders, occasional representation of the
group at functions and assist project managers where required.
Relevant tertiary qualifications are essential to the role are and ideally you are CA, CPA
or nearing completion of post graduate studies. You will be ready to capitalise on a
foundation of strong technical skills gained in a professional environment under strong
leadership as well as experience in contemporary management accounting concepts and
strategies in a commercial space.
Local expertise
supported by
a global network
Initial enquiries in complete confidence may be directed to
sam Wallace on (02) 4935 3500.
Alternatively you may forward your resume with covering letter to
newcastle@forsythesrecruitment.com.au or fax to (02) 4926 5481
Peach FOR0332
applications close Wednesday, 16 June 2010.
• With a database of over 35,000 candidates and a team of 40 consultants and support staff they are the biggest locally owned and operated recruiter in
the region.
• They offer a range of services including psychometric testing, career
counselling and HR consulting.
• In addition to local networks and knowledge, they are backed by the
international reach of NPA, The Worldwide Recruiting Network.
• Low staff turnover of 5% compared to industry average of 43%. • Consultants with specialist areas of expertise backed by industry
• Driven by outcomes not commissions.
How do we communicate all of the identified benefits of Forsythes but still
maintain a clear, concise, single minded message?
engineroom design co.
Outcome: we determined that the depth of experience, passion and
unique personal attributes of the Forsythes Recruitment team members is
what sets the company apart and allows them to take a creative and flexible
We developed the tagline ‘experience our team’ to form the basis of
the campaign and encourage the client, or candidate, to make personal
contact with the friendly and professional team at Forsythes Recruitment to
experience the difference.
engineroom design co.
The creative was applied to press and billboards in the Newcastle region as well
as press and super bus sides for the Central Coast region.
The concept was also applied to various corporate items including stationery, pull
up banners, golf banners and their website.
Pull up banners
PV Template
engineroom design co.
To further communicate the personable nature of the Forsythes
Recruitment team, their own consultants were used across the creative.
Quirky quotes were incorporated to provide a conversational angle and
reinforce Forsythes Recruitment’s focus to build and maintain long term
relationships with clients and candidates.
engineroom design co.
our work
allied mills
engineroom design co.
brand identity
Brief: the brief was to modernise the existing Allied
Mills identity to reflect the company’s changing business
model and bring alive the company positioning statement:
Passionate people…innovative food solutions.
Outcome: a clean and simple identity was created from
the original wheat sheath.
The new identity was representation of the various
business facets including:
• heartland in flour.
• passionate people.
• three tier ownership (Cargill, Grain Corp and Allied Mills)
• sunrise over the wheat fields.
engineroom design co.
engineroom design co.
our work
newcastle airport
engineroom design co.
central coast
Brief: to increase the patronage of Central Coast
residents to Newcastle Airport by showcasing the
competitive advantages including;
• Newcastle Airport’s parking is more affordable
compared to Sydney.
• from the F3, it is only one set of traffic lights to
Newcastle Airport, compared with 44 sets of lights to
Sydney Airport.
• their are no toll roads travelling to Newcastle Airport.
• customer-focussed and friendly staff.
engineroom design co.
Outcome: the creative pivots on the ‘only
one set of traffic lights’ motif and message. The
knowing wink and smile, adds a slightly quirky
aspect highlighting interest and intrigue.
The campaign was translated across:
• 30 second television commercial.
• 30 second radio commercial.
• press advertisements.
• web banners.
• trade show display.
engineroom design co.
engineroom design co.
the campaign was originally
targeted at Central Coast travellers, but as the
key campaign messages were relevant to the
Newcastle and Hunter region the campaign
was extended into the local market with press
adverts developed for insertion into The
Newcastle Herald.
These press ads highlighted the Airport’s
Ambassadors and support for local schools,
the Civic Theatre and Hunter Breast Cancer
engineroom design co.
air show
trade display
‘We are very happy with the results of our stand,
which looked totally amazing. There are smiles
from management all round (all puns intended).’
Rebecca Wilson, Newcastle Airport - Marketing
Communications Coordinator.
engineroom design co.
More recently the campaign messages have
also been extended into mediums such as
buses on the Central Coast and billboards and
press adverts in the Newcastle region.
engineroom design co.
our work
before & after logos
engineroom design co.
engineroom design co.
engineroom design co.
it all starts from the engine up! And your engine
should offer great “creative performance”
start your engine
want to know more about how we can
become your marketing engineroom?
Let’s chat!
call us on +61 2 4929 7079
or email performance@engineroomdesign.com.au
engineroom design co.
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