Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 Lab Exercise 5 Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 4 2 Exercise 2.1 Timer-BlinkingLED . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 ADC-Simple DACtoADC . . . . . . . 2.3 Adding high resolution to the DAC 2.3.1 Some research needed . . . . 2.3.2 Making the needed changes . 2.3.3 For what it might be worth . 2.4 Direct Digital Synthesizer . . . . . . 2.5 Using interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Measuring transfer functions . . . . 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Transfer Function Measurement main code 14 B Spartan-3 filter and display combined top VHDL 14 Lab Exercise 5 1 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 1 Overview This exercise pretty much reflects what one does in actual practice to learn about working with the Piccolo control stick. One buys the unit, hunts on the web for more information, installs the software and experiments. Lots of scanning and reading of pdf files in order to what information is available and where. Much of the available information has been included on the Workshop CD saving you a part of the effort. The major parts of the exercise are: • The blinking LED example contained in V1.1 controlSTICK collection is used as a practice piece. The controlSTICK collection supports execution from RAM and from flash EPROM. The blinking LED code is to be built and tested using both methods. A blinking LED is often handy to show activity when running programs that otherwise do not have any activity indication. • The C28027 has several channels of A/D conversion but does have provision for an external D/A converter. The controlSTICK is designed to make use one of the pulse width modulators (PWM) as a one-bit D/A converter. The bit is switched at a high rate relative to the frequencies in the desired waveform. A simple RC low pass filter is used to reject most/much of the high frequency content leaving the desired low pass waveform. The controlSTICK SimpleDACtoADC example is used as given given and with the resulting DC output and its ripple being studied as a function of duty cycle. • The SimpleDACtoADC code is modified to allow setting the A/D sample rate and using the sample values to control the PWM duty cycle. This is done simulating a 5 bit D/A and a 7 bit D/A. • The SimpleDACtoADC code is further modified using the high resolution mode which allows controlling pulse width to very small fractions of one CPU clock cycle. This essentially allows attaining 12-bit DAC performance. The amount of remaining ripple at the RC filter output is examined. • The code is further modified by replacing the A/D converter with a direct digital frequency synthesizer turning the controlSTICK into a sine wave signal generator. Sine values are obtained using the boot ROM sine table. • Exercise 3 of the One-Day Workshop is used as the starting point for a simple filter transfer function measurement program. This program brings together the A/D, high resolution PWM D/A, and direct digital synthesizer Lab Exercise 5 2 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 and adds complex demodulation, filtering and display generation. An SPI channel is used to link the controlSTICK and the S3SB. The filter tested as well as the display support are implemented on the Spartan-3 Starter Board. This is a good illustration of merging two existing VHDL projects into a single project by the use of a higher top VHDL level. The transfer function measurement code is provided in complete final form. The main thrust of this part of the exercise is using it to measure a transfer function. Practice. I haven’t figured how to make this code into a more user involved exercise. More concisely, the exercise • • • • • • • provides practice using the supplied LED blinker code, introduces the use of a PWM modulator as a D/A converter, makes use of a timer to control A/D sample times, demonstrates A/D in to D/A out operation, extends the D/A quality using the PWM high resolution support, implements a DDS using the boot sine table, combines the above along with adding an A/D channel with SPI link to a VHDL display design along with demodulator and display generation code. The result is a very usable transfer function system. As is often the case with my lab exercises this one is on the long side. It consists a collection of developmental steps that lead to the implementation of a working test/evaluation instrument. It pretty much follows the steps that I took to reach this goal. I started, as the student will, pretty much cold having had little previous contact with the controlSTICK. Enhancement of the result will be left for possible future work or as a project for the student. 1.1 Files The files for this exercise are contained in • Piccolo controlSTICK_v1.1.exe. You get to choose the installation directory. It is suggested that you specify a subdirectory, controlSTICK, in your copy of the lab05 directory. These files are version 1.1 of the files supplied on the CD that comes with the controlSTICK. • This contains the executable for setting up the C2000 Piccolo 1-Day workshop materials. You get to choose the installation directory. It is suggested that you specify a subdirectory, OneDay, in your copy of the lab05 directory. These are the files used in the controlSTICK introductory exercise. You should already be quite familiar with them. Lab Exercise 5 3 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 • The directory TFmeasV01. These are the files used to generate the controlSTICK filter transfer function measurement program. After installing the files, spend some time browsing them to see what’s there. We will be working with only a small subset. The controlSTICK collection appear to be derived from versions used on earlier C28x devices. They apparently work on the controlSTICK but the conversion, in particular for the .cmd files, is not complete. The controlSTICK exercise are designed to be executed from either RAM or flash ROM. The top left box is used to select the project version. 1.2 References The following are in addition to the documentation files included with the controSTICK software and the TI One Day Workshop files. • TMS320x2802x Piccolo Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator Module Reference Guide, spruge9.pdf. • TMS320x2802x Piccolo High Resolution PWM Reference Guide, spruge8.pdf. • Using PWM Output as a Digital-to-Analog Converter on a TMS320F280x Digital Signal Controller, spraa88.pdf. • Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the TMS320F28xxx DSP, spra958h.pdf. It is suggested that you also read the chip errata. Mainly for the experience. Devices like the Piccolo are very complex. There will be bugs. It sure helps if one is aware of the known ones. PWM is frequently used to implement low cost D/As in embedded systems. Information can be found using Google. 2 Exercise 2.1 Timer-BlinkingLED This is a controlSTICK v1.1 exercise. This exercise gives practice with the controlSTICK and the associated tools. Illustrates timer use. Look at the cmd file. Does the memory usage reflect the memory present in the C28027? If not, this cmd file will need to be modified if used by other programs. This file appears to be from earlier project. Lab Exercise 5 4 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop 2.2 Summer 2009 ADC-Simple DACtoADC This is a controlSTICK v1.1 exercise. This was my starting point for investigating use of a pulse width modulation to implement a digital-to-analog converter. Run as given. Investigate the output waveform. Can you see any significant amount of ripple? The A/D converter is programmed to convert samples as fast it can. The end of conversion (EOC) is used cause the next start of conversion (SOC). We want to have more control over the sample rate. One way to do this is to use one of the timers. Insert the code below just following the existing ADC initialization code. // CPU TIMER 0 INITIALIZATION .. KM //=============================== #define fs 16000 CpuTimer0Regs.PRD.all = 60000000/fs; CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TIE = 1; AdcRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.TRIGSEL = 1; // let timer assert ireq // use trigger on timer 0 TINT The value of fs sets the A/D sample rate in Hz, within truncation error. Change period from 30 to 32, an integer power of 2. Note that this use of period as a variable was not uniform. Locate possible other uses that need to be made variable (e.g., is 15 supposed to be half the period?). The period value determines the number of cpu cycles there are between pulse starts. The duty cycle of the pulse establishes the pulse’s average value. A period of 32 gives separation of 0.53 µs between pulses. A duty cycle value of 0 produces no pulses, DC value of 0. A duty cycle of 1 gives a DC level of vcc/32. A duty cycle of 16 gives a DC level vcc/2. Etc. Modify the code so that the top 5 bits of A/D samples are used to control the pulse width. The Piccolo A/D values are in straight binary, use the low 12-bits of a 16-bit word. Use the signal generator set at 1000 Hz to examine the D/A output as the input level is varied. Will need to use a offset on the generator or use level shifting amplifier from an earlier exercise. The quanta steps should be very obvious on the scope output. Experiment with the input frequency to get a feel for the range of input frequencies which this A/D, D/A combination work well together. Modify the code to implement a 7-bit converter. You will need to set the period to 128 and use the top 7 bits of the A/D sample values. Look at the Lab Exercise 5 5 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 output. Measure the ripple frequency. Is you would expect? Determine the peak-to-peak ripple amplitude for mid-scale. Experiment with the input frequency to get a feel for the range of input frequencies which this A/D, D/A combination work well together. Vary the signal generator frequency to determine the 3 dB down frequency at the DAC output. Any surprises? 2.3 Adding high resolution to the DAC This part of the exercise investigate PWM-FilteredHRPWM. The high resolution support allows dividing a 16.67 ns clock interval into nominally 256 sub intervals. The division process appears to make use of a tapped delay line made using CMOS technology. The delays are operating voltage and temperature sensitive. The Piccolo contains a subsystem that can be used to continually monitor and adjust the delays. Use of this adds more complication than desired at this point so we will not make use of it. The nominal delay resolution is 1/111 of a 16.67 ns interval. We will take this as exact and unchanging. 2.3.1 Some research needed Compare how the timer is set up in ADC-Simple DACtoDAC and how how it is set up in PWM-FilteredHRPWM. The difference is about three lines of code. Copy from “Filtered” into “Simple”. The PWM period is set to 32 clock intervals. The top five bits of the A/D sample are used to select the coarse part of the delay that we want to use. The low 7 bits are taken as a Q7 fractional value in the interval [0,1). This value multiplies 111 to give a Q7 value. The integer part is used to select the fine resolution. The code combining the coarse and fine values into a 32-bit value is a bit convoluted. I’ve not looked closely but it should be possible to load the 16-bit coarse and fine registers separately. Lab Exercise 5 6 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop 2.3.2 Summer 2009 Making the needed changes Set the period to 32. This nominally gives a 5-bit DAC. The high resolution capability will allow varying the pulse output in steps about 1/256 one clock interval. We will modify the code to make the DAC output nominally correspond to a 12-bit DAC. Examine the ripple, period and peak-to-peak amplitude. Check the 3 dB down frequency. 2.3.3 For what it might be worth You should try your hand at doing the code modifications needed to make use of the high resolution PWM capability. With some trepidation I’m including my changes in case you need help. Use sparingly. I think that they are correct, but .... Here is the code that I placed just following the PWM initialization code. // Set HiRes registers EALLOW; EPwm1Regs.HRCNFG.all = 0x0; //EPwm1Regs.HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE = HR_REP; EPwm1Regs.HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE = HR_FEP; EDIS; //Initialize HiRes PWM Control Register //Enable HiRes control on Rising edge //Enable HiRes control on Falling edge You should try both settings of the EDGMODE value to see what the differences in the resulting waveforms are. The commented out setting (HR_REP) is the way the code sort of came. I guessed at the name of setting that I ended using. Here is the code that I inserted following reading a sample value into the adc_result register. // set period to power of 2 period = 32 -> 5 bits // adc is Q12 // coarse_steps = (adc_result*period >> 12); coarse_steps = adc_result >> 7; //mep_steps = 255-((mep_sf*(adc_result&0x7F))>>7); // not rounded mep_steps = ((Uint32)mep_sf*(adc_result&0x7F)+64)>>7; duty_cycle = ((Uint32)coarse_steps<<8)+mep_steps; EPwm1Regs.CMPAM.all = duty_cycle<<8; // Update the compare A register using the // union of the CMPA and CMPAHR registers. // This value will change the level of the // PWM1A_DAC output. The value of this variable // must be between 0 and 1E00h (period*65536)>>8 // The lower 8 bits are do not care. mem_sf was initialized to 111. Lab Exercise 5 7 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop 2.4 Summer 2009 Direct Digital Synthesizer In the above section we learned how to make a high resolution D/A converter nominally having 12-bit performance (neglecting ripple). In this part the exercise we replace the A/D converter as the D/A input by a direct digital synthesizer creating a basic sine wave signal generator. ROM analog output DAC register clock fs adder FTV Figure 1: Basic direct digital waveform synthesizer block diagram. Using a ROM containing one period of a sine wave the output frequency is f0 = FTV fs 2B where FTV is an integer, fs is the update rate, and B is the number of bits in the register. The register is sometimes referred to as a phase accumulator. Use a long as the accumulator. Configure the controlSTICK program that we have been working to use a sample clock of 100 kHz. Before using the boot ROM sine table we need to locate it and determine its format. I had to work at this a bit. The TMS320x2802x Boot ROM is documented in sprufn6.pdf. The table size is given as 1282 words. The values are 32 bits in size and use the Q30 format. The table is said to contain 1 and a quarter cycles of the sine function. I unzipped the Boot ROM files. The file, IQmathTables.ASM names the table as _IQsinTable and states that the table size is 644 × 16. I don’t know why. The table itself contains 641 32 bit values. This implies 512 values per period, one and a quarter periods plus 1. Values range from -1 to +1 inclusive (this is made possible by the use of the Q30 format). I located the linker map file and determined that this table is loaded into memory address 0x003FE000. I then Lab Exercise 5 8 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 checked using CCS to verify the location. Hopefully the table remains at this location in future versions of the boot code. Generate a 1000 Hz sine wave output on the PWM1A-DAC output using the high resolution mode PWM operation. The C28027 clock has a nominal accuracy of 1%. Using an oscilloscope check to see how the 1000 Hz DDS output frequency is compared to the crystal controlled Agilent signal generator set to 1000 Hz used in the lab. Suggestion: use two channels and either (or both) tune the Agilent for zero dift or measure the time required for the the two waveforms to drift by one cycle relative to each other. 2.5 Using interrupts The DDS will operated stand-alone under interrupts. Transparent to the background application. Left for some future exercise. 2.6 Measuring transfer functions The basic theory behind measuring transfer functions was covered in lecture. The basic steps consist of • Generate a sine wave at a given frequency using a DDS. • Use the DDS output as input to the FPGA filter. Digitize two channels, one at the filter input and one at the filter output. • Use the Fourier shifting theorem to move the carrier to DC. Using the above DDS to generate the needed sine and and cosine waveforms preserves the phase information. • Low pass filter to remove the −2fc component. • Measure the magnitude and phase of the waveforms at the filter input and at the filter output. • The filter gain at the given frequency is the output magnitude divided by the input magnitude. • The filter phase shift is the phase angle measured at the output minus the phase measured at the input. • Plot. • Repeat at as many frequencies as desired. For this exercise the filter and the display system will be coresident in the FPGA. Figure 2 is a basic block diagram showing the implementation up to the magnitude and angle computation. Lab Exercise 5 9 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 low pass filter so (n) si (n) xo′′ (n) cos(2π nfc /fs ) − sin(2π nfc /fs ) low pass filter yo′′ (n) low pass filter xi′′ (n) cos(2π nfc /fs ) − sin(2π nfc /fs ) low pass filter yi′′ (n) Figure 2: Central operations used to make transfer function measurements. The output values are to be converted in to relative magnitude and relative phase, properly scaled and plotted. Figure 3 shows the connections that need to be made between the controlSTICK and Spartan-3 Starter Board. Figure 4 illustrates the use of a white connection white block to make the desired connections. Figure 5 show an example output display. The question at this point is how to convert transfer function measurement into a part of this lab exercise. The exercise is already on the long side. Some thoughts are: • to split it into a separate exercise with the display support provided with the student doing the frequency shifting, filtering and magnitude/phase calculations. • to use integer arithmetic to compute the magnitude and phase. The C28x supports 64 bit integers. The integer x and y values are 32-bits. They can be squared and added. The magnitudes squared can be normalized to be fractional values between [0.5,1). It is fairly straight forward to compute the log base 2 using integer arithmetic and then convert the result into dB. Similarly the x and y values can be converted into (-1,1) Q15 values and an integer two argument arctangent can be writen and used to compute the phase. Clearly this is well beyond the scope of this exercise. Lab Exercise 5 10 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 Piccolo controlSTICK PWM1A-DAC ADC-A1 S3SB 31 12 1 J3 AD1 ADC-B1 6 MIB 1 J7 DA2 SPISIMI SPISIMO SPISTE SPICLK GND 20 24 25 29 28 1 2 3 4 5 B1 J8 Figure 3: Wiring connections for the Piccolo/S3SB transfer function measurement and display. • to use the CORDIC algorithm to compute the magnitudes and phases. This can be done relatively simply using integer arithmetic and is relatively straight forward to implement in a FPGA. This leads to the thought of implement the transfer measurement device entirely in the FPGA. • to implement various filters in the FPGA replacing the supplied sinc filter. Confidence in the filter’s basic operation would be built by using the piccolo transfer function measurement code. It would remain to somehow validate filter overflow protection. • to add off-line storage in the form of a SD card. Sparkfun sell a SD card breakout board at low cost. This could be added either to the controlSTICK or the FPGA. Adding to the FPGA likely makes the most sense. It could be used to archive drawing commands in files. These could be processed on a PC using a program that interprets the commands and generates Postscript output. • to ? For the present it is left for the student to build the C executable and place the executable into the piccolo flash ROM, build the filter/display VHDL and download it into the S3SB and get everything to run. The files for the controlSTICK include: Lab Exercise 5 11 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 Figure 4: Connections between the Piccolo controlSTICK, white block and the Spartan-3 Starter Board. The filter output is also being observed on an oscilloscope. Adc.c CodeStartBranch.asm DefaultIsr_TFmeasV01.c DelayUs.asm DisplayTest00.c DSP2802x_GlovalVariableDefs.c EPwm_TFmeas_V01.c Flash.c Gpio.c PieCtl.c PieVect.c Spi.c SysCtl.c TFmeasV01.c Watchdog.c XVGA.c DSP2801xHeaders_nonBIOS.cmd TFmeasV01.cmd initializes the A/D. starts C28027 when stand alone. interrupt service routines. generates a delay. generates the grid and labels. initializes enhanced PWM. needed when executing out of flash. initializes GPIO pins. initializes interrupts. interrupt vector. implements spi link to FPGA. initializes the processor. main. Implements the application. watchdog support, disabled. initialize, goto and draw routines. memory allocation. Spi.c is located in the support directory. Lab Exercise 5 12 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop Summer 2009 Figure 5: Example filter transfer function measurement display. Magnitude vs frequency on the left and phase vs frequency on the right. Many of these are support files from the TI One-Day Workshop. If I managed to keep focused on what I was doing the files that have modified have renamed from TI’s original names. Comments containing !!KM indicate my modifications or new lines or commented out lines. The files for the S3SB FPGA include: TF_top.vhd combines FIR_test_V01 with VGA07. This is a toptop file that merges the VGA07 files starting with VGAtop.vhd and the lab03 files starting with FIR_test_V01.vhd. Use the lab05_spartan3.ucf file. The support directory contains several files that are used by the two sub-projects. Lab Exercise 5 13 August 3, 2009 Doing DSP Workshop A Summer 2009 Transfer Function Measurement main code B Spartan-3 filter and display combined top VHDL Lab Exercise 5 14 August 3, 2009