TENUGHAT VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED HINOO, DORANDA, RANCHI-834002 BILL OF QUANTITY PART-I (TECHNICAL) NIT NO-0028/C&I/W/TVNL/ RAN/2011-12 Due on-16.11.2011 Sub:- Annual rate contract (ARC) for Preventive/ Breakdown/ annual maintenance of all instruments of C&I circle of 2x210MW units of TTPS, Lalpania. Details to be furnished by the Tenderer (enclose separate sheets if required). 1. Name and Address of the firm :(Along with phone no. if any) 2. Name of the proprietor/ partner of the firm (Attach copy of ownership/ partnership deeds) :- 3. Name and qualification of the site-in-charge :- 4. Experience in respective field of 210MW (Attach copy of work orders of related field) :- 5. Financial credibility/ capacity (Attach Bank solvency certificate) :- 6. Annual Turn Over :- 7. Labour license no. (Attach copy of registration) :- 8. P.F. Code No(Attach copy of registration) :- 9. Character certificate of the head of the firm (Issued from not below the rank of Magistrate) :- 10. PAN (Attach copy in proof) :- 11. Sales Tax clearance certificate, if any :- 12. Details of Earnest Money Deposit Amount :- TENUGHAT VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED HINOO, DORANDA, RANCHI-834002 NIT NO-0028/C&I/W/TVNL/ RAN/2011-12 Due on- 16.11.2011 Sub:- Annual rate contract (ARC) for Preventive/ Breakdown/ annual maintenance of all instruments of C&I circle of 2x210MW units of TTPS, Lalpania. SCOPE OF WORK 1 1. 1 "PART-A" : SCOPE OF WORK FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE JOBS. Maintenance of actuators (solenoid operated) Major operation: If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation a) b) Removal of actuator from site and mounting the same in position. Actuator dismantling and servicing, changing of seal kit or spare parts and assembling the same. 1. 2 Minor operation If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation a) PREVENTIVE MAINTENACE OF SOLENIOD OPERATED ACUATORS External cleaning of actuators to be done. Air leakage if any has to be attended. Checking of related cables for dressing and healthiness and terminal tightening to be done in the JB.JB cleaning and JB sealing glands and solenoid glands if required has to be done. Limit switch operation checking and actuator operation checking has to be done. b) c) d) 2 2. 1 a) b) c) a) b) c) 2. 2 a) Removal of solenoid from site, dismantling and servicing with changing of spare parts and fixing the same back in position and checking for proper operation of the actuators. Changing /replacement of limit switches and adjustment for proper operation. Repair and servicing of limit switches. Maintenance of actuators (pneumatic controlled MEDIUM SIZE {Diaphragm size less than 300 mm}) and hydraulic system. Major operation: HYDRAULIC SYSTEM: If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation. Servicing of one servo valve including removal dismantling and mounting the same in position. Servicing of blocking unit and its solenoid valves including removal and mounting the same in position. Control Valve calibration, including feedback transmitter calibration or any other job for satisfactory operation of the control valve as directed by the EIC. PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS: If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation. Diaphragm replacement of the pneumatic actuator (medium size) and checking its operation Servicing positioner including dismantling and mounting. Servicing of pneumatic controllers. Minor operation: If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation PREVENTIVE MAINTENACE OF HPBP HYDRAULIC SYSTEM: Checking and tightening of piping /tubing joints for leakage etc, cleaning externally of all parts, tightening actuator links, external cleaning of oil filter, checking for proper operation, adjustment of limit switches, (if required), sealing of required JB covers and glands (if required), checking of cable dressing and its healthiness, checking of nitrogen /oil pressure in one oil unit and any other minor operation required for satisfactory operation of the b) c) d) actuator. These jobs have to be carried out for all the four HPBP control actuator in one unit. Jobs mentioned in 2.2 (a) for the main pressure reducing valves shall be done for all the four spray valves and two block valves of HPBP system. Line filter cleaning of two control valves in HPBP SYSTEM including removal and mounting the same in position. PREVENTIVE MAINTENACE OF SEAL/LEAK STEAM VALVE: Checking and tightening of piping/tubing joints for leakage etc cleaning externally of all parts, tightening actuator links, cleaning of oil filters, checking of proper operation, adjustment of limit switches (if required), sealing of related JB covers and glands (if required), checking of cable dressing and its healthiness. e) Servo valve filter cleaning including removal of filter from servo valve and putting it back in position for satisfactory operation. These jobs shall be carried out for two servo valves. f) PREVENTIVE MAINTENACE OF PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS: This include externally cleaning of the actuator, tightening the actuator links, checking of any air leakege, and arresting the same, air pressure checking in air pressure regulator, checking and dressing of related control cables. These jobs have to be carried out for 6 pneumatic actuators to constitute one unit of operation. g) Assistance in Calibration of pneumatic control valves including feedback transmitter and positioner. MAINTENANCE OF LARGE SIZE ACTUATORS. (Diaphragm size more than 300 mm) This job includes servicing of the actuator. (Dismounting the actuator from the location, Dismantling the actuator, Replacing of diaphragm (if required) cleaning the actuator, changing the seals or spares (as required and assembling the same, mounting the same back in position and testing the same for satisfactory operation. Major operation :If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation. Diaphragm replacement of the pneumatic actuator (medium size) and checking its operation Servicing positioner including dismantling and mounting. 3 3. 1 a) b) c) 3. 2 a) b) 4 4. 1 a) b) c) d) e) 4. 2 a) Servicing of pneumatic controllers. Minor operation PREVENTIVE MAINTENACE OF PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS: This include externally cleaning of the actuator, tightening the actuator links, checking of any air leakege, and arresting the same, air pressure checking in air pressure regulator, checking and dressing of related control cables. These jobs have to be carried out for 6 pneumatic actuators to constitute one unit of operation. Calibration of pneumatic control valves including feedback transmitter and positioner. Maintenance of instruments Major operation If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation Instrument calibration at site/lab. Type of instruments to be covered Pressure /Temp/Level and other local gauges Pressure /Temp/Level/position and other transmitters. Pressure /Temp/Flow/Level and other switches. EP converters/PRV /Positioners etc UCB instruments like recorders and indicators Temp scanners, analytical instruments or any other equipment as directed by EIC. belt sway, Pull cord ,Zero speed Field instruments of AHP Air filter regulator removal, servicing and fixing back in position and checking for proper operation of actuators. Assisting in calibration of electronic cards. Removal of TSI instruments, Assistance in calibration and fixing them back Cleaning of rotameters , in PT and CW chlorination plant. Minor operation If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out,it is treated as one operation Removal from site the following type of instruments /equipment cleaning and carrying to C&I workshop /lab for repair /calibration carrying back to site and fixing them back. Pressure /Temp/Level and other local gauges Pressure /Temp/Level/position and other transmitters Pressure /Temp/Flow/Level and other switches, analytical instruments b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 5 5. 1 5. 2 5. 3 Temp scanners ,power supply units. Air filter regulators /EP converters /solenoid valves / positioners. UCB instruments like recorders ,indicators switch assemblies etc. Any other instruments which is reqired & as directed by EIC. JB cleaning and tightening terminals of JB, sealing of JB covers and glands. Replacement of temperature element like RTD or Thermocouple. Replacement of air filter regulators /EP converters/ positioners/ Pneumatic controllers Removal of hoses and fixing it back for one HPBP or SCDS control valve actuator or HPBP spray or HPBP block valve. Replacement of servo valve for HPBP control valve actuators or SCDS AA or AN or ANB control valve actuator. Cleaning of rotameters in DM plant and pretreatment plant. One RTD or one Thermocouple terminal tightening at the element head and JB. Cleaning and mounting of CHP crusher belt protection switches. Cleaning of bunker level indicators, JBs and processor cabinets. Maintenance of PA station Checking of signal cables Each cable (size 8x.0.50mm)in the signal loops to be opened at both ends, individual cores to be tested with meggers(500V) for fault with respect to other cores and ground and resistance to be measured with one amp current for possible fault /breakage etc. Checking of power cables. Each cable (size3x2.5 mm)in the power loops to be opened at both the ends and individual cores to be tested with meggers (500V) for faults with respect to other cores and ground and resistance to be measured with ten amp current for possible fault breakage etc. Overhauling of PA system. 5. 4 6 7 7. 1 7. 2 External and internal cleaning of PA station ,Functional checking of all features (page in ,page out PVT in ,PVT out ,PVT busy indication gong etc )checking of signal levels and setting if required ,loading stations and any other faults to be identified and rectified ,replacement of faulty parts and any other operation that may be required for satisfactory and reliable functioning of entire PA station as a whole. Major operation (monthly PM) External cleaning of PA installation, functional checking of all features and recording of status, setting of volume, replacement of faulty parts (Hand sets,front panel ,driver unit or voice coils)and any other minor operations may be required for satisfactory and reliable operation of the PA station. Maintenance of Belt weigher External cleaning of belt weigher panel, checking and recording of calibration constants before and after calibration, calibration of zero by empty running of the belt, calibration of span if required by putting dead weight and balancing the bridge if required and any other operation required for satisfactory weighing of conveyed coal including its remote indication and totalisation. Maintenance of Opacity Monitors. External cleaning and lens cleaning filter cleaning checking for proper operation ,calibration whenever required and any other operation required for proper measurement of opacity. Opacity monitor (miscellaneous) If any one of the following is executed or carried out it is treated as one operation. a) b) c) d) 8. 1 Removal and refixing of electronics Module Removal and refixing of shutter Assembly. Replacement of filter. Telescope alignment. Cleaning of Panels. If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation External and internal cleaning with blower/vacuum cleaner/solvents of the CER/UCB/LIE and remote panel without removal of the cards /equipments as per the requirement and as directed by the EIC. 8. 2 9 9. 1 9. 2 10 11 .1. 11 .2 Cleaning of Panel cards/equipments If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation Removal of panel cards /equipments from panel cleaning the cards /equipment /connector /slots with blower /solvents /brush for removal of dust /deposits and proper contact ,refixing in position complete as per requirement and as directed by the EIC. Laying of GI pipes / M Laying of GI pipes of sizes 1/2" Laying of GI pipes of sizes 1" Laying of GI pipes as mentioned above, required pipe and fittings shall be supplied by TVNL at central store. Necessary support & and consumables for proper laying to be provided by the contractor. Servicing & calibration of Instruments in Lab. The Scope includes shifting of instruments from one place to another place or as directed by EIC, external and internal cleaning and assistance during calibration of instruments like pressure Transmitter, Temperature gauges, pressure gauges, pressure switches, electro pneumatic converters etc. SOX ,NOX , CO, CO2 Preventive maintenance (weekly) The Scope includes the following. Probe filter cleaning. Checking the fine filter element. Checking the sample flow. Checking for leakages in the sample line. SOX,NOX Breakdown Maintenance If any one of the items mentioned below is executed it is treated as one operation. a) b) c) d) 11 .3. Probe Heater replacement. Probe Filter replacement. Sample pump diaphragm replacement. Solenoid valve replacement. SOX,NOX Sample line cleaning. The Scope includes identification of choking in the sample line and cleaning the same to ensure free flow of sample in the sample line & in case of any leakage in the sample line the same has to be attended. 12 12 .1 12 .2 13 a) b) c) d) 14 a) b) 15 a) b) 01 (a) i) Transportation of Material. Bringing light material from store. Bringing heavy material from store. Scope of work for 12.1 and 12.2: The contractor shall provide the required manpower for bringing any C&I spare or consumables or any other materials from store. The nature of job shall be handling of the material at the store like loading in the vehicle or the trolley. Unloading of the material from the vehicle /trolley at service building and carrying the same to site store and keeping in location. In case of TTPS vehicle is not available and it is possible to carry the material by hand the same shall be brought from store manually. In case manual trolley is used the trolley shall be driven manually. Support during light up & Synchronization. The scope includes the following. Any process measurement disturbance to be attended. To ensure opening of all Extraction NRVs of Turbine System. To ensure Smooth operation of all control valves (both pneumatic and Hydraulic). To attend problems of field instruments related to permissives, interlock and protections, as directed by concerned engineer. Support during interlock and protection checks. The scope includes the following. All problems related to field instrument feedbacks (like opening/closing of manifolds if required, attending loose connections etc.) And any other support required at control room to be provided. Tele Phone EPABAX To attend Telephone defect in colony or plant To provide new telephone connetion, cable and telephone set will be provided by TVNL "PART-B" : SCOPE OF WORK FOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE JOBS. SCANNERS Job Description :Removing Scanner and poking of guide pipe. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii ) viii ) ix) x) xi) 01 (b) Blasting Guide Pipe with Instrument air (Cornerwise) and blanking during scanner cleaning. Clean Scanner Head. Check Fibre-Optic cable condition. Replace if scratches are observed. Carry on candle test and observe full intensity indication in metering output card and remote meter. Check frequency setting dip switches for coal & Oil Scanner. Check Scanner Air Hose tightness. Check scanner cable tightness in JB. Remove blanking & fix the Scanner. Associated JB cleaning. Ensure JB covers are closed,no dust ingress inside,if necessary replace gasket and seal cable glands. FIRING ELEVATIONS..(LEVEL 1 & 2) Job Description: Cleaning all actuators of Nozzle V/V, Atomising V/V and Scavange i) V/V. External cleaning of all limit switches and local gauges appearing in each ii) corner. iii) Check for air leakages and attending those if observed. iv) Functional checking of air filter regulators. Tightening of all termination points in local if required. v) vi) Ensure JB,limit switch covers are closed,no dust ingress inside,if necessary replace gasket and seal cable glands. vii If condition permits, physical assistance is required during checking of all associated corner valves by ) physically bringing the elevation into service and carry out limit switch adjustment if found disturbed after checking. viii In case of Elevation-1. & Elevation-2, carry out the same jobs for light oil system also. ) ix) Associated Junction Boxes cleaning. 02 IGNITORS CLEANING MAINTENANCE (Elevation wise, 4 .(a per elevation) ) Total population ‐ 4 in each Elevation. Job Description. i) External cleaning of power Cylinder & Limit switches. ii) Removal and cleaning of spark Tip. If defective‐replace spark tip. iii) Check spark Gap tube. If defective ‐ replace it. iv) Check flexible cable ‐ replace if necessary. v) vi) Check spark intensity, spark rotation of tip and spark frequency. Check air connection and tighten carefully if required. Arrest air leakage if any.Check air filter regulator. vii Operate ignitor Advance/Retract Mechanism and adjust limit switch if necessary ) and if permitted. viii Associated JB cleaning. ) ix) Ensure JB covers are closed,no dust ingress inside,if necessary replace gasket and seal cable glands. 02 FIRING ELEVATIONS.PER ELEVATION (LEVEL 3&4 ) (b) . Job Description: i) Cleaning all actuators of Nozzle V/V, Atomising V/V and Scavange V/V. ii) External cleaning of all limit switches and local gauges appearing in each corner. iii) iv) v) vi) Check for air leakages and attending those if observed. Functional checking of air filter regulators. Tightening of all termination points in local if required. Ensure JB,limit switch covers are closed,no dust ingress inside,if necessary replace gasket and seal cable glands. vii If condition permits, physical assistance is required during checking of all ) associated corner valves by physically bringing the elevation into service and carry out limit switch adjustment if found disturbed after checking. viii In case of Elevation‐1. & Elevation‐2, carry out the same jobs for light oil system ) also. ix) Associated Junction Boxes cleaning. 03 ID Fan .(b ) Job Description: i) Externally clean local instruments including hydrocoupling local rack. ii) iii) iv) 03 .(c Clean local rpm indicator and its control box. Clean all Local JB's. Ensure the covers of JBs and doors of Local panels are closed,no dust ingress inside,if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. FD FAN ) i) ii) 03 .(d ) i) ii) 03 .(e ) A.) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) (vi i) (vi ii) Job Description: Externally clean local instruments/junction boxes. Ensure the covers of JBs and Blade pitch positioners/position transmitter are closed,no dust ingress inside, if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. PA FAN Job Description: Clean all local instruments/junction boxes. Ensure the covers of JBs and Blade pitch positioners/position transmitter are closed,no dust ingress inside, if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. AUX.PRDS SYSTEM. Constituents of the systems:‐ Aux. PRDS System Job Description:‐ Clean actuator and positioner externally & associated junction boxes. Observe for proper copper‐tube connection. If any air leakage observed, obtain proper PTW and arrest the same. Check air filter regulator and air lock relay condition. If required, carry out servicing of these after proper isolation. Check and clean all local instruments. Tight position transmitter links and mounting screws. Check feedback link condition. If required, tighten the same. Observe for any leakage in the system. If any leakage is observed, arrest the same. Ensure the covers all JBs and all instruments are closed,no dust ingress inside,if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. 03 MILL DAMPER (PISTON TYPE PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR) .(f) (06 dampers per mill to be considered as 1 no.) Job Description:‐ i) Cleaning the actuator /power cylinder externally. ii) Check & arrest all air leakage from pneumatic connection. iii) iv) v) vi) Clean associated air line instruments/positioner /limit switch/feed back transmitter/EP converter/ air lock relays. Ensure healthiness of positioner pressure gauge. Wherever possible check operation, if permitted. Ensure correct indication of position feedback , limit switch (if any) in UCB. vii Check tightness of feedback lines & its healthiness. ) viii Check air filter regulator & its set point . Drain it through the drain plug & ensure ) that no more water is present inside. 04 SADC(SECONDARY AIR CONTROL DAMPER) (ELEVATION .(b WISE, 4 PER ELEVATION) ) Job Description:‐ (i) Clean positioners and pneumatic actuators. Clean all junction boxes. (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) (vi i) 04 .(c ) Check feedback link tightness. If feedback found bent, replace it. Clean D.P. Switches and D.P. Transmitters associated with the systems. Check all limit switch status and confirm as per physical condition of the dampers. Check limit switch actuating lever tightness and roller tightness. Observe for proper modulation of the secondary air dampers. Check for air leakages if any and arrest the same. Ensure the covers of all JBs, all positioners /feedback transmitter and limit switches are closed, no dust ingress inside,if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. BURNER TILT System consists of 04 Burner Tilt actuator/elevation. Job Description:‐ (i) Clean externally pneumatic power cylinders/junction box. (ii) Clean Positioner Units, limit switches and position feedback transmitters. (iii ) (iv ) Check feedback link tightness and healthiness. Check position feedback transmitter indication and ensure its compatibility of reading with respect to physical position at the field. (v) 04 .(d ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Ensure the covers all JBs,positioner,position transmitter and limit switches are closed,no dust ingress inside,if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. APH Job Description :‐ Clean all local instruments/Local JB's. Clean and check air filter regulator, check oil lubricator level, top up oil if required. Carry out test sequence for APH Rotor Stoppage Alarm System and observe for normal functioning. Carry out test sequence for APH Hot‐Spot detection system and observe for normal functioning. Check associated alarms. Ensure the covers and doors of all JBs, Local panels, all instruments are closed, no dust ingress inside, if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. Clean the local cabinets/local panels associated with the systems. vii ) viii Check APH Air Motor System. Clean solenoid and check whether air pressure is ) sufficient to operate air motor system or not. Check pressure switch status. Check lubricator Oil level and top‐up if necessary. Permit Requirement:‐ No isolation required. Permission to test APH Rotor Stoppage Alarm System and APH Hot‐Spot Detection System is required. 05 OIL STATION .(a ) Job Description: i) Cleaning of Actuators of all HFO and Light oil valves. ii) Check for air Leakages. In case any Leakage is observed, obtain proper permit for attending the same. iii) Check proper functioning of Solenoid Valves. iv) Clean all limit switches, position transmitters and local controllers and adjust the limit switch if it is found disturbed. v) Check all air regulators for correct functioning and setting. vi) Check junction box cable tightness/Cleaning Junction Boxes. vii Check functioning of local gauges pertaining to the system. ) viii Checking of Oil Recovery Tank level Measurement system, tightening of ) terminations, cleaning ‐ etc. ix) Ensure JB covers are closed, no dust ingress inside; if necessary replace gasket and seal cable glands. 05 FAP(FIREMANS AISLES PANEL) .(b ) Job Description: (i) Clean all local gauges. (ii) Observe for fittings leakage. If any leakage is observed, arrest the same with proper isolation. (iii Ensure that all the lines are in charged condition after job completion. ) (iv Check local panel power supply. ) (v) Clean local panel/Local JB's. (vi Ensure the panel cover is closed, no dust ingress inside, if necessary replace ) gasket and seal the cable glands. 05 SCANNER COOLING & GUN SEALING AIR SYSTEM .(c ) Job Description:‐ (i) Clean limit switches & check link tightness in dampers. (ii) Clean all local instruments/local JB's. (iii Check for leakages from different hoses of each corner. ) (iv Clean damper actuators externally. ) (v) Ensure that the corners of all JBs and instruments are closed, no dust ingress inside, if necessary replace the gasket & seal the cable glands. 6 MILL SYSTEM WITH FEEDERS U#1 : 2nd week of every month. U#2 : Last week of every month. Permit Requirement:‐ i) Mill Shutdown Required. (ii) ii) Permit to operate following dampers from local. (i) Pneumatic gates/drives involved in the system of each mill. (ii) Mill seal Air system ON/OFF & control Dampers (03 nos./mill). (iii Tube Mill Reducer Lubricating Unit Temp. Control Valve. (01 ) no./mill). (iv Tube Mill Bearing Lubricating Unit Temp. Control Valve. (01 ) no./mill). (v) Mill DP Level Control System. (vi Local Instruments of each mill. ) (vi Tube Mill Bearing Lubricating oil circuits of each mill. i) (vi Mill D.P. Controllers of each mill. ii) Time requirement for jobs 6. SUBSYSTEM‐A 1 1 day for each Mill 1 Classifier outlet valves 2 Fire fighting system 3 Purge Air Dampers 6. SUBSYSTEM‐B 2 1 day for each Mill 1 Cold Air gate 2 HOT AIR GATE Air Gate 3 NOISE 4 Mill DP 5 Feeders 6. SUBSYSTEM‐C 3 1 day for each Mill 1 Seal AIR System 2 Local Instruments 3 Girth Gear Greasing System 4 Lub Oil System 5 Blowdown control System JOB IN MILLS (i) Check pneumatic actuator operation and observe for leakages/passing in pneumatic cylinders if any. (ii) Clean all actuators and associated equipments. (iii Check feedback link tightness. ) (iv Clean all limit switch & check lever tightness. ) (v) Clean all local instruments. (vi Check purging system in D.P. Control system and confirm for correctness of ) operation. (vi Clean noise sensors,if permitted. i) (vi Clean all local equipments/Local Panels & Junction ii) (ix ) Boxes. Check all temperature points associated in the system and check for JB tightness and element head tightness of cable. (x) Clean all temp. elements and local gauges externally. (xi Clean and Check air filter regulators of the system and observe whether water is ) present in instrument air line or not. If required, drain it, check oil level in the lubricator, top up oil if required. (xii Ensure the covers and doors of all JBs, Local panels, all instruments are closed, ) no dust ingress inside, if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. (xii Physical assistance during checking of all valve, damper, gate limit switch i) checking and rectification of fault if found defective during checking. (xi Ensure Nucleonic source isolation and clean Scintillation Detector. v) JOBS IN FEEDERS: (i) Clean Tacho unit. (ii) Clean local JB's (iii Functional checking of speed sensors. ) (iv Cleaning of flap switches and observe for freeness of actuating mechanism. ) (v) Observe for termination tightness for all cables. (vi Ensure the covers and doors of all JBs, Local panels, all instruments are closed, ) no dust ingress inside, if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. 7 Assistance in feeder calibration i) open side gate of feeder ii) Count no. of teeth of feeder belt iii) mount calibration probe iV) normalising feeder after calibration. 08 CONTROL Desk CLEANING .(a ) (i) Cleaning of control desk (internal & external). 08 CLEANING OF LIR (LOCAL INSTRUMENT RACK) ALONG .(b WITH LOCAL INSTRUMENTS ) i) Clean the local instrument rack and instrument associated with it. ii) Check any looseness of fitting if any, then tighten with care. iii) Check impulse line leakage (including condensing pot) , if any take PTW to work by isolation. iv) Clean the junction box with care & check presence of any loose connection. v) Ensure that no dust ingress inside the J.B. If necessary, replace the gaskets & seal cable glands. Close the JB cover firmly. PM of SWAS Sample Table. vi) 08 .(c ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 09 .(a ) i) ii) iii) Ensure all the samples are coming to sample table with adequate pressure and flow. Isolate and purge the sample lines with compressed air if required. Arrest all the leakage. Ensure all the rotameters are working properly. Clean/Service/Replace the defective rotameters. Check all the pressure and temperature gauges. If any of the gauges found defective, remove for calibration or replace if the gauge is not repairable. Ensure grab sample availability in the sample tray. Clean the panel interior and exterior and removal logged water from the panel floor. OXYGEN ANALYSER Clean the oxygen analyser cabinets(Electronic & sequencer units). Check the oxygen cylinder calibration gas pressure is within 10‐130kg/cm2. Note down the pressure reading & inform the concerned engineer. Check & adjust the output pressure from the calibration gas cylinder at 15 PSI. iv) Check that flow of calibration gas in the flow meter is 2‐3 ltr/min.(during calibration). v) Check that there is adequate air supply in the air filter regulator (10 PSI) . If not adjust it. vi) Check that flow of reference air is set at 1 lit/min in the flow meter if not adjust it. vii Note the display of %O2 in the analyser electronic ) module. viii Ensure that there is no loose connection in the terminal blocks inside the cabinet ) Tighten if required. ix) Ensure that the cable from the analyser to the electronic unit is healthy & does not touch the flue gas duct. x) Air supply connection & Gas supply connection should be tightened. xi) Close the analyser & ensure no air leakage inside these cabinets, if necessary replace the gasket and seal the cable glands. xii) Lock the analyser & return the work permit. 09 CLEANING OF LIE (LOCAL INSTRUMENT ENCLOSURE) .(c ALONG WITH LOCAL INSTRUMENTS. ) i) Clean the internal of the local instrument enclosure. ii) Clean the instruments. iii) Check any looseness of the fittings if any, then tighten with care. iv) Check impulse line leakage if any(including that at condensing pot & drain catchpot), Take ptw to work by isolation. v) If water is accumulated in the LIE, drain it. vi) Check the purge air filter regulator pressure & drain air filter regulator if water is there. vii Clean the junction box of LIE ensure that door of the JB is closed. ) viii Ensure that no dust ingress inside the LIE & J.B. If necessary, replace the gaskets ) & seal cable glands. ix) Close & lock the LIE. 09 PM OF ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS .(d ) (I) PM OF SILICA ANALYZER i) Clean (or replace if required) the reagent bottle and sample tubing. ii) Clean colorimeter cell. iii) Inspect the sample conditioning system. Verify the sample pressure is in the renage of 2 to 8 psig. If not, adjust the pressure within this range. Clean the sample strainer. Check the sample temperature. If more than 45 deg.C, check the cooler and bring the temp. within the permissible range. iv) Check for any leakage in the reagent and sample line and arrest those leakage. Replace the defective tubes and fittings if required.Calibrate the analyzer and ensure that it's reading matches with the lab analysis result. v) Check the healthiness of alarm signals in annunciation facia and CRT. vi) Ensure that the recorder and CRT readings match with the analyzer reading. (II) PM OF LOW‐LEVEL SODIUM MONITOR i) Ensure the sample flow rate is between 35 and 45 ml/min. ii) Inspect the unit thoroughly for leakage and arrest if any leakage found. iii) Check the reference electrolyte solution is adequate. If required, refill the bottle with solution upto adequate level. iv) Clean/replace the filter element. v) Replace reagent, diffusion tubing and flow manifold face o‐rings. vi) Condition sodium electrode with etch solution. vii Calibrate the analyzer and ensure that the displayed reading matches with the ) lab analysis result. viii Check the healthiness of alarm signals in annunciation facia and CRT. ) ix) Ensure that the recorder and CRT readings match with the analyzer reading. (III ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) HYDRAZINE ANALYZER Ensure the sample flow rate is between 90 and 110 ml/min. Ensure the sample temperature doesn't exceed 35 deg.C. Check whether there is any leakage in the sample line. If any leakage is detected, arrest it. Remove the hydrazine cell and thermistor from the chemistry block and clean the block. Fill the hydrazine cell with gel. Calibrate the analyzer and ensure that the displayed reading matches with the lab analysis result. Check the healthiness of alarm signals in annunciation facia and CRT. vii ) viii ) (IV ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) Clean the photocell window and turbiditymeter body. Ensure the sample flow rate is between 250 and 750 ml/min. Ensure the sample temperature doesn't exceed 40 deg.C. Check the standardization of the analyzer and calibrate if required. Ensure that the displayed reading matches with the lab analysis result. vi) Check the healthiness of alarm signals in annunciation facia and CRT. vii ) viii ) (V) i) Ensure that the recorder and CRT readings match with the analyzer reading. Ensure that the recorder and CRT readings match with the analyzer reading. TURBIDITYMETER Check the healthiness of alarm signals in annunciation facia and CRT. LOW‐LEVEL DISSOLVED OXYGEN MONITOR Ensure the sample flow rate is between 300 and 500 ml/min. ii) iii) iv) v) Ensure the sample temperature doesn't exceed 40 deg.C. Check the dessicator. If colour is found pale pink, then replace it. Calibrate the analyzer and ensure that the displayed reading matches with the Lab analysis result. Check the healthiness of alarm signals in annunciation facia and CRT. vi) Ensure that the recorder and CRT readings match with the analyzer reading. (VI ) i) ii) iii) PH ANALYZER iv) v) vi) vii ) (VI I) i) ii) Ensure the sample flow rate is approx. 100 ml/min. Ensure the sample temperature doesn't exceed 40 deg.C. Ensure the reference electrode filling solution is adequate. Clean the electrodes. Calibrate the analyzer and ensure that the displayed reading matches with the Lab analysis result. Check the healthiness of alarm signals in annunciation facia and CRT. Ensure that the recorder and CRT readings match with the analyzer reading. CONDUCTIVITY METER iii) Clean the conductivity cell. Calibrate the analyzer and ensure that the displayed reading matches with the lab analysis result. Check the healthiness of alarm signals in annunciation facia and CRT. iv) Ensure that the recorder and CRT readings match with the analyzer reading. 09 .(e ) i) ii) PNEUMATIC CONTROL VALVE iii) iv) v) vi) vii ) Cleaning the actuator externally. Check & arrest all air leakage from pneumatic connection. Clean associated air line instruments/positioner /limit switch/feed back transmitter/EP converter/ air lock relays. Ensure healthiness of positioner pressure gauge. Wherever possible check operation of the valve. Ensure correct indication of position feedback , limit switch (if any) in UCB. Check tightness of feedback lines & its healthiness. Check air filter regulator & its set point . Drain it through the drain plug & ensure that no more water is 10 .(a ) (I) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 10 .(b ) i) ii) iii) 10 .(c ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) 11 (a) (i) present inside. PM OF PRINTERS AND HARDCOPIER PM OF PRINTERS Remove power supply and interface cable from the printer. Clean the printer interior and exterior thoroughly. Remove paper pieces, dirt and grease from the cabinet. Clean the printer table and Link‐CP. Clean the print‐head and guide‐rod. Grease the guide‐rod and gears with silicon grease/oil. Restore power supply and connect the interface cable. Load printer paper and put back the printer to service. FIELD JB CLEANING & TIGHTNESS CHECKING: Different JBs are to be cleaned externally & internally with air/clot h. Terminals to be tightened with a screwdriver. If any abnormal TB, lug or ferrule is observed it is to be rectified. PANEL TERMINATION TIGHTNESS CHECKING Obtain PTW. Tighten the 100V a.c, 100V d.c connections. Tighten the connections on the reverse side of DAM unit. Tighten 48V & 24V connections. Return PTW. REMOVAL OF PRINTER PAPER: Printer paper for all the printers available at CER room, DAS room, UCB and C&I shift Engr.'s room are to be collected marked and kept at location identified by representative of EIC. (ii) Replacement of paper werever necessary. (iii Cleanliness of printer, table & sorroundings to be ensured. ) (iv Bringing of printer papers from stores if required. ) 11(b) TESTING OF ANNUNCIATION LAMPS: (i) Press lamp test button & check all annun. windows are flagging or not. (ii) 11 (c) (i) (ii) (iii ) 12 i) ii) 13 .(a ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii ) viii ) 13 .(b ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii ) viii ) Replace bulb if necessary. Check whether LT card is inserted or not. ROUTINE CHECKING OF SWAS ON LINE ANALYSER Check whether all analysers are in service or not. Check for any leakage & attend if any. Check whetrher all samples are coming or not. If not, attend. REMOTE OPERATION CHECKING & IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEMS FOR ONE NO. OF MODULATING DRIVE. Command to be given from UCB under the guidance of TVNL personnel. Feedback of associated modulating drive is to be checked at UCB & at local under the supervision of TVNL personnel & attend simple problems. POKING OF AEROFOIL IMPULSE LINE IN MILL AREA Obtain proper isolation & PTW. Isolate the transmitter from manifold. Poke all the aerofoil impulse lines with a rod. Check purge air is coming in the impulse line at the bottom of the aerofoil. Ensure that there is no choking. If manhole is open, clean all the hole in the aerofoil. Check & ensure that purge air is coming in all the hole. Restoration of the system & return the permit. POCKING OF AEROFOIL IMPULSE LINE IN SECONDARY AIR FLOW MEASUREMENT Obtain proper isolation & PTW. Isolate the transmitter from manifold. Poke all the aerofoil impulse lines with a rod. Check purge air is coming in the impulse line at the bottom of the aerofoil. Ensure that there is no choking. If manhole is open, clean all the hole in the aerofoil. Check & ensure that purge air is coming in all the hole. Restoration of the sytem & return the permit. 14 (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) a) b) c) (vi i) (vi ii) (ix ) (x) 15 a) b) c) d) 16 a) b) c) d) e) 17 PM FOR UNIT LIGHT UPS Job Description Checking of operation and feedback of all oil corner valves (Nozzle v/v, Atomising v/v, Scavenging v/v) and igniter and attending the defects if any. Checking of all igniters (20 nos) for sparking. In case if the sparking is not healthy, then the problem is to be identified and the defective rod or tips are to be replaced. Preventive checking of scanners and replacement of defective scanner, card or cable etc. Checking of operation of all mill gate (PC gate, check valve, Purge damper, mixed air gate, cold air gate, seal air discharge damper) and attending the defects if any. Checking of operation of all control dampers (Main PA, Bypass damper, Hot air & cold air dampers) in all the mills and attending defects if any. Checking of operation of following actuators and attending any problems thereof. Aux PRDS valves Oil station valves HFO & LDO PCV at FOPH. Checking of operation and preventive maintenance of Low Load control valve, BFP‐A, B & C and recirculation valves, HFO & LDO control valves. Checking of operation of ITSH/ HTSH/RH spray pneumatic block valves and attending the defects if any. Preventive checking of mill DP impulse lines. Checking of instrument cooling fans of OLCS, CLCS and DPIO cabinets and replacement of defective fans, if any. PM of UPS and Battery cleaning of batteries wiping and air blowing terminal cleaning &tightness measurement of terminal voltage Panel cleaning and thorough checking of panel PM of Bunker level indicator cleaning of probe by removing cover checking of purge air line and arresting leakage if required checking of Remote display unit terminal tightness cleaning of local cabinet PM of Ash hopper level indicator/ unit a) b) c) d) cleaning of local cabinet and terminal tightness cleaning of annunciation Panel and its terminal checking the functioning of probe. checking of transmitter and relay card. PART-"C" : SCOPE OF WORK FOR BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE JOBS 01 .(a ) SERVICING,REMOVAL,REFIXING OF AIR FILTER REGULATORS/LUBRICATOR Job details: (i) Removal of air filter regulators/lubricators from site. (ii) Disassembly at servicing Lab. (iii Thorough cleaning/replacement of diaphragm(if ) required) (iv Functional checking/pressure setting at pneumatic test ) bench. (v) Refixing at site. 01.(b) REMOVAL,SERVICING,REFIXING OF PR.SWITCHES, TEMP.SWITCHES Job details: (i) Removal of switches from site after proper isolation. (ii) Thorough cleaning. (iii Carrying the instrument to the lab/calibration area. ) (iv Carrying the instrument back to the field after ) calibration. (v) Fixing repaired/new switch at site. (vi Charging process and observe for leakage.If any, arrest the same. ) 01 REMOVAL/NORMALISATION OF AIR CONNECTION OF (c) PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS/DAMPERS. (i) Obtain PTW. (ii) Isolate all pneumatic connections. (iii Disconnect all pneumatic connection from the actuators & its accessories. ) (iv Remove the actuator from its location if necessary. ) (v) Refix the actuator on its location & normalise all pneumatic connections.Check the desired air supply availability. (vi Return the PTW. ) 2 (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) 03 .(a ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) 03 .(b ) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) 03 .(c ) a) b) c) d) REMOVAL,SERVICING,REFIXING OF PRESSURE GAUGES,TEMP.GAUGES Removal of gauges from site after proper isolation. Thorough cleaning. Carrying the instrument to the lab/calibration area. Carrying the instrument back to the field after calibration. Fixing repaired/new gauges at site. Charging process and observe for leakage.If any, arrest the same. REMOVAL, CLEANING, TRANSPORTATION TO & FROM LAB, REFIXING OF E/P CONVERTORS, PNEUMATIC POSITION ERS, PNEUMATIC POSISTIONERS, LOCAL CONTROLLER/ TRANSMITTERS, AIR LOCK RELAY , PILOT VALVE SERVICING Obtain proper PTW and isolation. Removal of transmitter and clean it. Handover to C&I for Calibration and/or repair. Change transmitter if it is faulty. Fix the transmitter back and ensure proper fitting is used and attend leakages if any at the minifolds etc. SERVICING,REMOVAL,REFIXING OF AIR FILTER REGULATORS,AIR LOCK RELAYS Job details: Removal of air filter regulators from site. Disassembly at servicing Lab. Thorough cleaning/replacement of diaphragm(if required) Functional checking/pressure setting at pneumatic test bench. Refixing at site. EXTERNAL CLEANING & POKING PER PAIR IMPULSE LINE : Blow down panel to be cleaned. Union joint to be removed at different locations (manholes to be removed if required) of the impulse lines. Different lines to be poked with air hose/flexible wire. Lines to be pressurized with high pressure nitrogen if required (cylinder to be taken at site.) 03 .(d ) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) 03 .(e ) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) 03 .(f) i) REPLACEMENT OF SOLENOID VALVE Isolation of Power after obtaining proper PTW. Removal of solenoid. Fixing of the new solenoid valve at its location. Restoration of power and operation checking. LIMIT SWITCH/PROXIMITY SWITCH ADJUSTMENT Removal of Limit Switch after power isolation. Cleaning contacts with anti‐rust spray. Cleaning and checking spring mechanism, roller etc. Operate drive (with proper PTW) and checking status changeover at required position. Adjust if required. Reconnection & restoring the system. LEVEL SWITCH BREAKDOWN JOB: Obtainproper PTW & ensure proper isloation or simulation as required. ii) iii) iv) v) Remove the level switch from the location. Clean the float of the level switch thoroughly. Clean the micorswitch with contact cleaner check its healthiness. After assembling check the healthiness of the switch by actuation of the float. vi) 03 .(g ) i) ii) Mount the level switch properly & normalise the wiring. CABLE/WIRING CHECKING(PAIRWISE): iii) iv) v) 03 .(h ) i) ii) iii) Obtain proper PTW & ensure proper isolation. Check the continuity of the course from the local control panel, related JBs to the field equipment. If found defective search the spare core at both the end and connect them. Check the healthiness after connection. Normalise everything after the replacement. REMOVAL & FIXING OF TEMP, ELEMENT LIKE T/C, RTD ETC. Obtain proper PTW. Remove the faulty thermocouple/RTD. Refix a new thermocouple/RTD. iv) v) vi) vii ) 03 .(i) i) ii) iii) iv) v) 03 .(j) . i) ii) iii) iv) v) 03 (k) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii ) viii ) 03 .(l) . i) ii) iii) iv) v) Connect the cable & insure that there is no loose connections. Check reading and dress the thermocouple/RTD cable. Aslo check the tightness at JB,CJC, Marshalling end. Return the PTW after normalization. TRANSMITTER MANIFOLD REPLACEMENT Close the process root valves. Remove the defective manifold. Connect the new manifold. Charge the process root valve. Attend leakages if any. REMOVAL AND FIXING OF SAMPLE COOLERS Isolate the cooler from cooling water and sample side. Clean the cooler interior and remove rust/dirt deposition. Bring new cooler to site if required. Mount the cooler and restore process connections. Charge the cooler and ensure it is cooling the sample effectively. REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRODES OF LOW‐LEVEL DISSOLVED OXYGEN MONITOR/LOW‐LEVEL SODIUM MONITOR/CONDUCTIVITY METER/PH ANALYZER/HYDRAZINE ANALYZER Bring new electrodes to site. Isolate P/S and sample from the analyzer. Remove the electrical connections of old electrode. Remove the old electrode. Mount the new electrode. Restore electrical connections to new electrode. Restore P/S and sample to the analyzer. Calibrate the analyzer with the new electrode and ensure that it's reading matches with the Lab analysis result. REPLACEMENT OF COLORIMETER LAMPS/ELECTRONIC MODULE/SOLENOID VALVES/REAGENT TUBES OF SILICA ANALYZER. Isolate P/S and sample from the analyzer. Bring the new item to be replaced to site. Remove the electrical connections of old item. Remove the old item. Install the new item. vi) vii ) viii ) 04 (a) (i) (ii) (iii ) 04 .(b ) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) 04 (c) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) 5 05 .(a ) 05 .(b ) 05 .(c Restore electrical connections to new item. Restore P/S and sample to the analyzer. Calibrate the analyzer with the new item and ensure that it's reading matches with the Lab analysis result. CLEANING AND FIELD CALIBRATION OF ITEMS MENTIONED AT SL.NO.03.(A) LIKE VARIOUS TRANSDUCERS E/P CONVERTER PNEUMATIC POSITIONER, LOCAL CONTROLLERS ETC. Obtain PTW. Clean the instruments/transducer to be calibrated. Check the calibration at field of the instruments/transducer for 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% & 100% input & record it. CALIBRATION OF PNEUMATIC & ELECTRICAL ACTUATOR(INCLUDING POSITION TRANSMITTERS). Obtain proper PTW and isolation. Externally clean the actuator. Feed singal (4‐20MA or 0.2 ‐1 kg/cm2) calibrate the final control element. Calibrate position transmitter. Restoration of the system and returning PTW. CHECKING OF IGNITOR SPARK TIP/CORNER Obtain PTW. Give advance command to ignitor from local. Observe for sparking command from local. If sparking does not take place, replace the tip. Again check for spark. Return PTW. MAINTENANCE OF FOLLOWING DIAPHRAGM TYPE ACTUATOR: Diaphragm replacement(Small actuators) Diaphragm replacement (large actuators) Actuator servicing (Small) ) 05 .(d ) 6 06 .(a ) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) 06 .(b ) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) 06 .(c ) (i) (ii) (iii ) 06 .(d ) (i) (ii) Actuator servicing (Large) BREAKDOWN JOBS IN PISTON TYPE PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS: Total population of piston type actuators can broadly be categorised into three groups, SMALL ACTUATORS: Ignitor Advance/Retract Mechanism. HFO/LDO system corner Nozzle valves, Atomising Valves, Scavange valve etc. Burner check valves. Purge Air Dampers. Seal Air ON‐OFF Dampers. PA/Bypass/Cold Air Dampers of mill. MEDIUM ACTUATORS: HFO/LDO Trip Valves. Flame TV insertion system actuator. MS PRDS Pressure control valve. SADC Dampers/Overfiere Dampers. Scanner Air Dampers. Hot air Dampers of mill. LARGE ACTUATORS. Mill system ‐Mixed Air Gates, Cold Air Gates, Raw coal gate. Burner Tilt Mechanism. BFO Damper. SERVICING JOB OF PISTON TYPE ACTUATOR. Isolation of the system. Delinking. (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) 7 07 .(a ) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 07 .(b ) a) b) c) d) e) 07 .(c ) (i) a) b) c) d) e) 08 .(a ) (i) Removal of Power Cylinder from worksite to pneumatic laboratory. Disassembly of the actuator. Replacement of damaged seal kits. Reassembly and linking at site. MILLING SYSTEM BREAKDOWN JOB: TACHO UNIT REPLACEMENT : Electrical & mechanical isolation to be done after obtaining PTW. New tacho unit to be carried from store to the site. Faulty tacho unit to be removed. New tacho unit to be installed. Electrical wiring to be done. tacho unit trial to be taken. Faulty tacho unit to be carried to the LAB/Workshop. TACHO UNIT REPAIRING : Faulty Tacho unit to be carried to the workshop. Tachounit to be dismantled under the supervision of TVNL maintenance Engineer. Driving & non‐driving bearings are to be inspected thoroughly. Check the healthiness of primary & secondary coils, if found faulty, replace it. Assemble all parts under the supervision of TVNL maintenance engineer. BLOWDOWN SYSTEM POKING: FROM MILL INTERNAL Mechanical isolation to be done after getting PTW. Lighting arrangement to be done inside the Mill. All 8 lines are to be poked from the mill internal after removing the nozzle. Grinding/Drilling to be done if needed. Restoration of the system. MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT OF FLOW SWITCH Obtain PTW (ii) (iii ) 08 .(b ) (i) (ii) 08 .(c ) i) ii) iii) iv) 08 .(d ). i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 08 .(e ). i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 08 .(f) 9 09 .(a ) Isolate flow switch line. Check the status of the flow switch contact. If contact not OK, then adjust. Put the flow switch line in service. Checking status changeover at required position. Adjust if required. MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT OF LIMIT SWITCH/PROXIMITY SWITCH Obtain PTW Operate drive and checking status changeover at required position. Adjust if required. PNEUMATIC LINE ISOLATION VALVE REPLACEMENT Isolate the air line. Remove the defective valve. Connect the new valve. Charge air & check for satisfactory valve operation. REMOVAL AND FIXING OF PRINTER/ LINK‐CP/MULTI RS/ PLOTTER/ HARDCOPIER/ CONSOLE/ RECORDER Removal P/S from the faulty item. Remove electrical connections. Take the defective CRT/MS clock to C&I Lab. Bring repaired/new item to site. Mount the repaied/new item. Restore electrical connections and P/S and ensure normal operation of the item. REPLACEMENT/SERVICING OF ROTAMETERS/SAMPLE FILTERS Isolate and remove process connections from the rotameter. Dismantle and clean the rotameter interiors. Assemble the rotameter. Mount the rotameter and restore process connections. Charge the rotameter and ensure it's proper functioning. Ensure that the flow control knob is working properly. BREAKDOWN JOB OF FLAME SCANNER Scope of job as per PM description alongwith replacement/rectification of spare parts. Breakdown jobs of following instruments: SERVICING/SEAL KIT REPLACEMENT OF SOLENOID VALVES a) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) 09 .(b ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 09 .c) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii ) 10 10 .(a ) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) 10 (b) i) Servicing job involves. Isolation of Power after obtaining proper PTW. Removal of solenoid. Servicing and functional checking thereafter (including seal replacement). Fixing the solenoid valve at its location. Restoration of power. AIR PREHEATER FIRESENSING DETECTOR BREAKDOWN JOB: Obtain proper PTW & ensure proper isolation. Check the healthiness of the sensor,Temp. switch and the light from local panel and local JB. If found defective change the sensor by opening corresponding manhole. Normalise everything after the replacement. check the healthiness of the detector from the local panel. Cancel the PTW. FLOW SWITCH MAINTENANCE.: Necessary isolation to be done after getting PTW. Flow switches are to be removed from the flanged joint & carried to be Lab. Flow switches are to be cleaned thoroughly. Flow switch indicator & relay are to be checked by operating the target (after applying proper supply). Rectification to be done if needed. Flow switch is to be refixed & restoration to be done. Flow switch is to be calibrated on line Maintenance of the following instruments: REPLACEMENT/ADJUSTMENT OF LIMIT SWITCH/PROXIMITY SWITCH Obtain PTW. Removal of Limit Switch after power isolation. Operate drive and checking status changeover at required position. Adjust if required. Reconnection & restoring the system. TRANSMITTER IMPUILSE LINE PURGING FOR AIR & FLUE GAS SERVICE. Isolate the transmitter. ii) iii) Remove the purge line. Apply instrument air to high‐pressure line of the transmitter through purge line. iv) Apply instrument air to low pressure line of the transmitter through purge line. v) vi) 10 .(c ) (i) (ii) Connect the purge line back. Charge the transmitter. POSITION FEED BACK TRANSMITTER CALIBRATION OF PNEUMATIC VALVE/DAMPER (iii ) 10 .(d ) i) ii) iii) 11 .(a ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 11 .(b ) 12 i) ii) iii) Obtain proper PTW and isolation. Operate the valve/damper from 0 to 100% & check the position feed back transmitter output. If not OK, Calibrate. Restoration of the system and returning PTW. CALIBRATION OF TEMP. TRANSMITTER IN HPBP& APRDS: Temp. signal to be simulated by a mV source at MFT & APRDS panel. Feedback of associated parameter is to be observed at EWS/UCB. Minor adjustment to be done if required. HEALTHINESS CHECK FOR TEMP. ELEMENT LIKE T/C,RTD ETC. AT ELEMENT HEAD LOCAL JB END & AT MARSHALLING CABINET , TERMINAL TIGHTNESS IF REQD. Obtain proper PTW. Check wheter the concerned thermocouple /RTD is faulty or not. If faulty change with new thermocouple /RTD. Tighten loose connections if not faulty. Check reading and dress the thermocouple/RTD cable. Also check the tightness at JB, CJC & marshalling cabinet. Return the PTW after normalization. HEA Ignitor Scope of job includes cheking of healthiness of HEA igniter, its required necessary repair of the same. TARGET FLOWMETER CALIBRATION This includes LDO flow meter, HFO flow meter & HFO return flow meter. Standard weight to be prepared with the help of a standard weigh machine. Flow meter to be drained after proper isolation. Standard weight to be hanged to check the proper biasing. iv) v) 13 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 14 i) ii) iii) iv) v) 15 i) ii) iii) iv) v) Standard weight to removed & calibration to be carried out with help of calibration kit. Restoration of the system. RECOVERY OIL TANK LEVEL SENSOR BREAKDOWN JOB: Obtain proper PTW & ensure proper isolation. Check the healthiness of the sensor from the local control panel If found defective change the sensor . Normalise everything after the replacement. check the healthiness of the detector from the local control panel. Cancel the PTW. VIBRATION PROBE CHECKING REPLACEMENT(FANWISE) Obtain proper PTW. Check the continuity of the cable and the healthiness of the porobe from the panel and local JBs . If the prove is found defective replace the probe. After replacement check the healthiness of the probe by electrical or mechanical simulation. Normalise everything and cancel the PTW. OXYGEN ANALYZER Removal of the faulty analyzer from the stack . Changing of faulty diffuser element if failed. Changing of heating element or cell if failed. Fixing & calibration of the cell. Calibration gas pressure checking and changing of the same if empty. 16. i) ii) iii) iv) TRANSMITTER ZERO CHECKING. Isolate the transmitter. Open the vent plug of the transmitter. Check "Zero" of the transmitter by connecting an ammeter. If the reading is not 4 mA. adjust to make the current 4 mA using "Zero" screw. v) Reconnect the vent plug. vi) Charge the transmitter. 17 REMOVAL AND FIXING OF CRT/MS CLOCK i) Isolate the power supply/necessary electrical connection for CRT/MS clock.. ii) iii) iv) 18 .(a ). i) Remove the CRT/MS clock from the locations. Fix the new CRT/MS clock in location. Normalise the power supply/electrical connections. REMOVAL AND FIXING OF RESIN COLUMNS Isolate the resin column from the process. ii) Remove the process connections and hand over the column to the Chemistry personnel for regeneration. Restore the process connections to the regenerated column. Charge the column and ensure no leakage. REPLACEMENT OF MODULES/LAMPS. iii) iv) 18 (b) i) Replace the faulty lamps. ii) Replace the faulty modules. 19 REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRONIC MODULE/DIFFUSION TUBES OF LOW‐LEVEL SODIUM MONITOR. i) Isolate P/S and sample from the analyzer. ii) Bring the new item to be replaced to site. iii) Remove the electrical connections of old item. iv) Remove the old item. v) Install the new item. vi) Restore electrical connections to new item. vii Restore P/S and sample to the analyzer. ) viii Calibrate the analyzer with the new item and ensure that it's reading matches ) with the Lab analysis result. 20 PLC If any of the following items under this group is executed or carried out, it is treated as one operation a) changing faulty component of power supply system b) changing faulty relay c) checking and replacement of RG11 coaxial cable, BNC & connectors d) checking and replacement of back plane of PLC system 21 VFD in CHP a) Replace ment of VFD module b) Replacement of power supply component PART-D: CABLING AND MISCELLANEOUS JOBS 1. CABLING JOBS (FOR ITEM SL.NO 1 TO 7 OF BOQ) (i) Arrangement of cable transportation from Main store /C&I store to the location of work (Vehicle will be provided free of cost by TVNL). (ii) Cable laying through cable trays. (iii Cable dressing through the tray/near termination points. ) (iv Fixing cable glands of proper size (Gland will be provided by TVNL). ) (v) Cable termination & checking as per direction of EIC/representative of EIC (lugs and ferrules to be provided by TVNL). (vi ) (vi i) Running the cable through flaxible /rigid conduit as per requirement.(conduit to be provided by TVNL). Cable of different size and type shall be supplied by TVNL free of charge. Lugs, ferrules & conduits will be provided by TVNL free of cost to the contractor. 2 i) ii) SEALING WORK OF CABLE GLANDS : Obtain proper PTW & ensure proper isolation. Seal the different cable glands of the JBs, control panel, local panels, CJCs, limit switches, PR. switches, PRTXs Temp switches, Temp TXs , Proximity switches etc. with silicon sealant. Normalise everything and cancel the PTW. LEAKAGE ARRESTING FROM IMPULSE LINES Without welding requirement: Leakage which can be arrested without welding (with Cu‐washer, Teflon tape etc.) With welding requirement (including cutting, grinding, surface preparation etc.) COPPER TUBING UPTO 1/2" Remove the old tube. Take measurements for the new tube. Bend the tube as per requirement & conect it. LAYING OF SS TUBES (UPTO ½ INCH) Take measurement of the area where SS tube (up to ½") to be laid. Note down the bend and angles. Carry out bending in tube bender. iii) 3 i) ii) 4 i) ii) iii) 5. (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) 6 6. 1 6. 2 6. 3 7. 8. 8. 1 8. Install clamps as and where required. Connect and tighten with proper fittings, ferrules, teflon tape etc. PHYSICAL ASSISTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING MANPOWER SHIFT MAINTENANCE JOBS & OTHER MISC. JOBS: Supply of Engineer on hourly basis Supply of Technician‐I on hourly basis . Supply of Technician ‐II on hourly basis . Shift Engineer for DAS. Supply of consumable such as cartridge, paper, keyboard , mouse, BNC connector,RJ45 cable, CD. Maintenance of Software & hardware of computers and its networking installed in various departments. Supply of Engineer on hourly basis Supply of Technician‐I on hourly basis . 2 PART-E: ANNUAL OVER HAULING 1.(a) REMOVAL,SERVICING,REFIXING OF PR.SWITCHES, TEMP.SWITCHES Job details: (i) Removal of switches from site after proper isolation. (ii) Thorough cleaning. (iii Carrying the instrument to the lab/calibration area. ) (iv Carrying the instrument back to the field after ) calibration. (v) Fixing repaired/new switch at site. (vi Charging process and observe for leakage. If any, arrest the same. ) 1. FLOW SWITCH MAINTENANCE.: b) i) Flow switches are to be removed from the flanged joint & carried to be Lab. ii) iii) iv) v) 1.( c) i) ii) iii) iv) v) 1.( d) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) 1.( e) Flow switches are to be cleaned thoroughly. Flow switch indicator & relay are to be checked by operating the target (after applying proper supply). Rectification to be done if needed. Flow switch is to be refixed & restoration to be done. LEVEL SWITCH MAINTENANCE: Remove the level switch from the location. Clean the float of the level switch thoroughly. Clean the micorswitch with contact cleaner check its healthiness. After assembling check the healthiness of the switch by actuation of the float. Mount the level switch properly & normalise the wiring. LIMIT SWITCH MAINTENANCE Removal of Limit Switch after power isolation. Cleaning contacts with anti‐rust spray. Cleaning and checking spring mechanism, roller etc. Operate drive (with proper PTW) and checking status changeover at required position. Adjust if required. Reconnection & restoring the system. REMOVAL & FIXING OF TEMP, ELEMENT LIKE T/C, RTD ETC. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Checking healthiness of thermocouple/RTD Also check the tightness at JB,CJC, Marshalling end. Remove the faulty thermocouple/RTD. Refix a new thermocouple/RTD. Connect the cable & insure that there is no loose connections. Vi) Check reading and dress the thermocouple/RTD cable. 1(f REMOVAL,SERVICING,REFIXING OF PRESSURE ) GAUGES,TEMP.GAUGES (i) Removal of gauges from site after proper isolation. (ii) Thorough cleaning. (iii Carrying the instrument to the lab/calibration area. ) (iv Carrying the instrument back to the field after ) calibration. (v) Fixing repaired/new gauges at site. (vi Charging process and observe for leakage.If any, arrest the same. ) 1( POKING OF AEROFOIL IMPULSE LINE IN MILL AREA g) i) Isolate the transmitter from manifold. ii) Poke all the aerofoil impulse lines with a rod. iii) Check purge air is coming in the impulse line at the bottom of the aerofoil. iv) v) vi) 1( h) A 1(i ) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 1(j ) Ensure that there is no choking. open manhole & clean all the holes in the aerofoil. Check & ensure that purge air is coming in all the hole. ELECTRONIC TRANSMITTER Removal from site the following type of instruments /equipment cleaning and carrying to C&I workshop /lab for repair /calibration carrying back to site and fixing them back. Pressure /Temp/Level/position and other transmitters TRANSMITTER MANIFOLD REPLACEMENT/SERVICING Close the process root valves. Clean the impulse line and Manifold by Rustonil/Petrol Remove the defective mainfold. Connect the new manifold. Charge the process root valve. Attend leakages if any. Cleaning of Panels. 1( k) 1(I ) a) b) 2 a) (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) 3 4 i ii iii) iv) iv) 5 i) ii) iii) iv) v) 6 i) ii) iii) External and internal cleaning with blower/vacuum cleaner/solvents of the of panel in C&I Equipment room and remote panel removal of the cards /equipments as per the requirement and as directed by the EIC. HEA Ignitor Scope of job includes cheking of healthiness of HEA igniter, its required necessary repair of the same. Power cylinder of Raw coal gate,PA I/L gate & hot air gate Removal of actuator from site and mounting the same in position. Actuator dismantling and servicing, changing of seal kit or spare parts and assembling the same. SERVICING/SEAL KIT REPLACEMENT OF SOLENOID VALVES Servicing job involves. Isolation of Power after obtaining. Removal of solenoid. Servicing and functional checking thereafter (including seal replacement). Fixing the solenoid valve at its location. Restoration of power. REMOVAL OF CONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATOR AS PER REQUEST OF E/M AND RECONNECTION MAN POWER ASSISTANCE DURING OVERHAULING OF PNUMATIC/HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS THROUGH OEM Keltron Make pneumatic actuator MIL Make Pneumatic valve IL make Valve and Power cylinders HP & LP Bypass Leak and seal gland stem valve DCCSP and ACCSP Isolation of Power Cleaning of panels through air blower Terminal tightness Checking of contactor Checking of change over ckt. Generator signaling panel checking of microprocessor based alarm unit. terminal tightness cleaning of panel 7 (i) (ii) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) (vi i) 8 i) ii) iii) iv) v) SADC(SECONDARY AIR CONTROL DAMPER) (ELEVATION WISE, 4 PER ELEVATION) Job Description:‐ Dismentalling of Power cylinders and positioners Clean positioners and pneumatic actuators. Check feedback link tightness. If feedback found bent, replace it. Clean D.P. Switches and D.P. Transmitters associated with the systems. Check all limit switch status and confirm as per physical condition of the dampers. Check limit switch actuating lever tightness and roller tightness. Observe for proper modulation of the secondary air dampers. Check for air leakages if any and arrest the same. Ensure the covers of all JBs, all positioners /feedback transmitter and limit switches are closed, no dust ingress inside,if necessary replace gasket and seal the cable glands. Replacement of Damaged JUNCTION BOX ( per 10 pair TB) Tagging/marking of cable removal of wire from terminal, opening the gland of cable Dismentaling of Junction box and fixing new one glanding of cable, termination of wire, cable dressing Sealing work of junction box TENUGHAT VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED HINOO, DORANDA, RANCHI-834002 NIT NO-0028/C&I/W/TVNL/ RAN/2011-12 Due on-16.11.2011 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. ENGAGEMENT OF MAN POWER- The qualification and experience of the man-power engaged should be as per job. The contractor shall replace the person not found suitable for the job by the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor must deploy skilled technicians only for execution of this contact. The contractor or it’s nominated representative & technicians must have adequate knowledge of different instruments, like pneumatic ON/OFF & regulated actuators (up to large size), pneumatic positioners, electronic transmitters, solenoid valves, limit switches, pressure switches, E/P converters, temperature switches, flow meters, analytical instruments, air filter regulators etc. So that the contractors or his representative can guide/ supervise the workforce independently. Knowledge of calibration/ servicing of various instruments is essential. 2. DEPLOYMENT OF MAN POWER- Deployment of man- power engaged may be changed by the Engineer-in-charge or his representative as per the requirement of the job. No extra payment will be made by TVNL for the work beyond normal working hours, Sundays and Holidays. 3. TOOLS AND PLANTS The contractor shall have to arrange tools and tackles like grease gun, lubricating can, ladders, torches, gun-boots, hand gloves, boxes for keeping tools, rain coat, D-spanner set, box spanner set, Ring spanner set, slide wrench, pipe wrench, 5MT pulling lifting machine, hammers, different sizes of files, pliers, different sizes of screw drivers and Allen key sets etc. at their own cost. However special tools and plants will be supplied by the department. 4. SPARES & LUBRICANTS- All spares and lubricants will be supplied by the department. 5. CLEANING OF WORK SITE- All the debris, scraps, unserviceable materials and temporary scaffolding will be removed by the contractor from the work site after the completion of maintenance work. 6. PREMATURED TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT- If the performance of the contractor is not found satisfactory, the contract may be terminated after one month’s notice. 7. STATUTORY REGISTER:- The contractor must maintain systematically the following registers :a) Register of leave with wages in form no.-15 b) Register of payment in form no.-13 c) Overtime muster roll in from no.-10 d) Issue Register of personal protective equipment & safety appliances. 8. PENALTY CLAUSE:a) Rs. 200.00 for each occasion on unsafe working. b) Rs.200.00 per day as not providing personnel safety gadgets per person. c) Rs. 500.00 per day if the site is not cleared of scrap on daily basis. d) Rs. 1000.00 per day in absence of engineer without intimation and permission. e) Rs.1000.00 per occasion for insufficient and poor quality of tools & tackles welding m/c etc. f) Rs. 500.00 per day for delay above ½ hour in site activity after receipt of work permit. g) Rs. 500.00 per day for absence of supervisor from job. h) Rs. 400.00/day/manpower in case sort supply of workforce below permissible level. i) Cost of consumable in case of improper storage of consumable. 2XLPP+30% overhead charge if the consumable in the contract scope is provided by TVNL equipment or its part. 9. Availability of the man power:- Breakdown jobs in C&I are normally emergency in nature. It requires deployment of manpower at odd hrs. Within a very short notice. The contractor or his representative (nominated by him) must agree to stay in the TTPS/TVNL Township on chargeable basis subject to availability with their own mobile, Telephone numbers so that he can be contacted by EIC/ his representative at any moment. He must be prepared to mobilize his workforce to attend emergencies at any time within a very short notice. 10. PROGRESS MONITORING:- Job progress shall be monitored at the end of the day by the EIC or his representative. So the contractor must maintain logbook for PM & Breakdown jobs for every month. These log book duly certified by TVNL personnel concerned has to be submitted to the EIC. The performance of the contractor shall be reviewed by TVNL after three months. If found Not satisfactory, the contract may be terminated by TVNL by giving ONE month notice. In the mean time alternate arrangement will be explored. In case both the units are put under shut-down for a period of more than two months the contract may be suspended temporarily or cancelled on prior notice. TENUGHAT VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED HINOO, DORANDA, RANCHI-834002 NIT NO-0028/C&I/W/TVNL/ RAN/2011-12 Due on-16.11.2011 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 1. The tender shall be submitted in duplicate in two parts (Part-I (Technical) and Part-II (Commercial)). 2. The rate to be quoted in Price Part (Part-II) shall be in figure and in words both. 3. The Tenderer must quote definite rates. Tenders with variable rates shall be considered invalid. The period of contract shall be normally for a period of one year. The rate quoted by the Tenderers shall remain firm during the entire tenure of contract agreement. 4. The quoted rate should be workable rate. 5. The quoted rate shall be inclusive of all fringe benefits to laborers under labor laws. Any escalation in the rate of minimum wages or VDA or any other allowance during the contract period will have to be borne by the contractor. 6. Earnest money- The Tenderers are required to deposit Earnest Money as indicated against the tender notice in the shape of Bank Draft issued by any Nationalized Bank in favour of “TENUGHAT VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED”, Payable at Ranchi. The Bank Draft must be enclosed with the Technical Part of the tender. Tender without or with inadequate Earnest Money will be rejected out rightly. 7. Agreement-The successful Tenderer will have to execute an agreement in prescribed format on a non-judicial stamp paper with concerned Electrical Superintending Engineer within 15 days of the receipt of the work order. The successful Tenderer is required to deposit initial security money @5% of the ordered value before executing the agreement. The earnest money deposited with the tender shall be adjusted towards initial security deposit. Further 5% security money will be deducted from the running bills of contractor to raise the security deposit up to 10%. The entire amount so deposited/ deducted against security deposit shall be released after successful execution of the contract. 8. Engineer-in-charge- The concerned Electrical Executive Engineer will be the Engineerin- charge of the work. 9. Paying Authority - The Accounts officer, TTPS, Lalpania will be the paying authority. 10. Payment- The bill in triplicate will be submitted by the contractor to the Engineer-incharge of the work for verification and onward transmission to the paying authority for payment. 11. Safety- All the safety rules prescribed for the particular job shall strictly be followed by the contractor and safety appliances have to be provided by them to their staff at their own cost. 12. Consumables- Consumables such as lubricating oil, grease, bolts and nuts, gaskets, oil seals etc will be supplied by the department free of cost, if available. However, consumables such as Kerosene oil, cotton waste, mark-in cloth, emery cloth paper, DA, Oxygen gas, Welding electrodes etc will have to be supplied by the contractor at their own cost. 13. Tools and Plants - All Tools and Plants required for the work shall be arranged by the contractor at their own cost. 14. The contractors will have to follow the guidelines laid under the labour laws in respect of salary payment and other service conditions. In the event of any accident/ casualty to the employees of the contractor, the compensation payable to the employees shall be borne by the contractor only and TVNL will not be responsible in any way. 15. The work shall be executed in accordance with the specifications, drawings, designs etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge for the work. In case of any work for which there is no specification mentioned, such work shall be carried out as per the instructions and requirements prescribed by the Engineer-in-charge of the work. The Engineer-in-charge may make any alteration/ addition in the scope of work and to the specifications, drawings, designs etc, if necessary during the progress of work and the contractor shall have to carry out the work accordingly. Anything not mentioned herein shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge of the work and shall be binding to the contractor. 16. In case of any damage to the equipments and plants due to mishandling during maintenance by the employee of the contractor, the damage would be made good by them. 17. The carriage, loading and unloading of materials to be brought at site have to be arranged by the contractor at their own cost and no claim for the same will be entertained. 18. facilities to be provide by TVNL :i. Unfurnished accommodation for office with water and electricity inside the power house will be provided. If available. ii. Guest house facilities shall be provided to visiting Engineers/ officers of the contractor on chargeable basis, if available. iii. Medical facilities to the working personnel will be provided at TTPS Hospital to the extent it is available. No payment shall be made for any medicine purchase of for ant treatment done outside the hospital. iv. Unfurnished accommodations to the contractor and their employees for the contract work shall be provided in the township, if available on chargeable basis. Electricity supply will also be chargeable as per tariff rates. v. Conveyance facility for working personnel will not be provided except in emergency calls. vi. The contractor shall be allowed to avail the facilities available at our chemical laboratory at TTPS. 19. Any other matter not mentioned above shall be mutually discussed and settled. In case any dispute the decision of the General Manager cum Chief Engineer, TTPS, Lalpania will be final. 20. Legal jurisdiction- All suits and proceedings in connection with this contract will be under the jurisdiction of the court at Tenughat (Bermo) in the district of Bokaro, Jharkhand only. 21. The Tenderer should go through all the terms and conditions and technical specifications and sign in all the papers of the tender. 22. The Tenderer who are agreeable to the above terms and conditions should only submit their offer. TENUGHAT VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED HINOO, DORANDA, RANCHI-834002 BILL OF QUANTITY PART-II (PRICE-PART) NIT No-0028/C&I/W/TVNL/ RAN/2011-12 Due on-16.11.2011 SUB:- Annual rate contract (ARC) for Preventive/ Breakdown/ annual maintenance of all instruments of C&I circle of 2x210MW units of TTPS, Lalpania. Sl No A. 1. 1.1 1.2 2. Description Population Job/yrs ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORK Maintenance of actuators (solenoid operated) 96 48 Major operation Minor operation 96 384 Maintenance of Actuators (Pneumatic controlled MEDIUM SIZE (Diaphragm size less than 300mm) and hydraulic system. Major operation 52 Minor operation 52 39 208 3.1 3.2 Maintenance of large size actuators (Diaphragm size more than 300mm) Major operation 24 Minor operation 24 18 96 4. 4.1 4.2 Maintenance of Instruments Major operation Minor operation 1000 1000 500 2000 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Maintenance of PA station Checking of Signal cables Checking of Power cables Overhauling of PA system Major operation (monthly PM) 100 100 100 100 200 25 150 12 6. Maintenance of Belt weigher 2 12 7. 7.1 Maintenance of Opacity Monitors External cleaning and lens cleaning 4 filter cleaning, checking for proper operation, calibration whenever required and any other operation 2.1 2.2 3. 12 Rate Amount 7.2 required for proper measurement of Opacity Opacity monitor (miscellaneous) 4 8.1 8.2 Cleaning of Panels Cleaning of Panel /equipments 9. 9.1 9.2 Laying of GI pipes/M Laying of GI pipes of sizes ½” Laying of GI pipes of sizes 1’’ 10. Servicing & calibration Instruments in Lab 11.1 11.3 SOX, NOX, CO, CO2 Preventive 2 maintenance weekly SOX, NOX Breakdown 2 maintenance SOX, NOX Sample line cleaning 2 12. 12.1 12.2 Transportation of material Bringing light material from store Bringing heavy material from store 13. Support during synchronization 14. Support during interlock protection checks 15. a) Tele phone EPABX To attend telephone defect in 500 colony or plant To provide new telephone 100 connection, cable and telephone set will be provided by TVNL 11.2 b) light 90 cards 90 up 49.8 75.7 of 970 ----- 48 180 90 400 200 1500 96 12 48 120 30 & --- 48 and --- 48 1200 24 B PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 01(a) 01(b) SCANNERS Firing elevations (level 1 &2) 2 2 48 48 02(a) 36 02(b) Ignitors cleaning maintenance 6 (elevation wise, 4per elevation) Firing elevation (level 3 &4) 4 03(a) ID fan 48 4 48 03(b) 03© 03(d) 03(e) FD fan PA fan Aux PRDS System Mill Damper (Piston type pneumatic actuator) (06 dampers per mill to be considered as 1no) 04(a) SADC (Elevation elevation) Burner tilt APH 04(b) 04© wise, 4 6 8 6 4per 24 48 72 96 72 288 2 4 24 48 05(a) 05(b) 05© Oil station 2 FAP (fireman Aisles Panel) 2 Scanner cooling & Gun sealing 2 system 24 24 24 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 Mill system with feeders Subsystem-A Subsystem-B Subsystem-C 6 6 6 72 72 72 7. Assistance in feeder calibration 12 144 08(a) Control Desk cleaning 2 24 08(b) Cleaning of LIR (Local Instrument 20 Rack) along with local instruments 20 08© PM of SWAS sample table 2 80 9(a) Oxygen Analyser 10 120 9(b) Cleaning of LIE (Local Instrument 50 Enclosure) along with local instruments 100 9© (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) PM of Analytical Instruments PM of Silica Analyzer PM of Low Level Sodium Monitor Hydrazine Analyzer Turbidity meter Low level dissolved oxygen monitor PH Analyzer Conductivity meter 9(d) Pneumatic Control valve 2 2 2 2 4 24 24 24 24 48 15 18 180 216 80 960 10(a) PM of Printers & Hard copier 10(b) Field JB cleaning & tightness 200 checking 200 10© Panel termination checking 280 11(a) Removal of Printer paper 10 120 11(b) Testing of annunciation lamps 2 96 11© Routine checking of SWAS on line 2 analyzer 24 12. Remote operation checking & 400 identification of problems for one no of modulating drive Poking of Aerofoil impulse in mill 24 area 800 16 14. Pocking of aerofoil impulse line in 4 secondary air flow measurement PM for Unit light ups 2 15. PM of UPS and Battery 8 16 16. PM of Bunker Level Indicator 1 12 17. PM of Ash hopper level indicator/ 2 unit 24 C. BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE 1 (a) SERVICING REMOVAL REFIXING OF AIR FILTER REGULATORS/LUBRICATOR REMAVAL SERVICING REFIXING OF PR SWITCHES TEMP SWITCHES REMOVAL /NORMALISATION OF AIR CONNECTION OF PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS/ DAMPERS REMOVAL SERVICING REFIXING OF PRESSURE GAUGES. TEMP. GAUGES REMOVAL CLEANING 13(a) 13(b) 1 (b) 1 (c) 2. 3(a) 10 tightness 140 120 48 48 500 125 800 400 150 300 400 800 400 800 3(b) 3(c) 3(d) 3(e) 3(f) 3(g) 3(h) 3(i) 3(j) 3(k) 3(l) 4(a) 4(b) TRANSPORTATION TO& FROM LAB, REFIXING OF E/P CONVEYORS, PNEMATIC POSITIONERS, PNEMATIC POSITIONES LOCAL, CONTROLLER/TRANSMITTERS AIR LOCK RELAY, PILOT VALVE SERVICING SERVICING REMOVAL OF AIR FILTER REGULATORS AIR LOCK RELAYS EXTERNAL CLEANING & POKING PER PAIR IMPULSE LINE REPLACEMENT OF SOLENOID VALVE LIMIT SWITCH/PROXIMITY SWITCH ADJUSTMENT LEVEL SWITCH BREAKDOWN JOB CABLE/ WIRING CHECKING (PAIRWISE REMOVAL &FIXING OF TEMP ELEMENT LIKE T/C RTD ETC TRANSMITTER MANIFOLD REPLACEMENT REMOVEAL AND FIXING OF SAMPLE COOLERS REPLACEMENT OF ELETRODES LOW LEVEL DISSOLVED OXYGEN MONITOR /LOW LEVEL SODIUM, MONITOR /CONDUCTIVITY METER/PH ANALYZER /HYDRAZINE ANALYZER REPLACEMENT OF COLORIMETER LAMPS /ELECTRONIC MOUDLE /SOLENOID VALVES REGENT TUBES OF SILICA ANALYZER CLEANING AND FIELD CALIBRATION OF ITEMS MENTIONED AT SL NO. 03 (A) LIKE VARIOUS TRANSDUCERS E/F CALIBRATION OF PNEUMATIC & ELETRICAL ACTUATOR (INCLUDING 500 125 400 800 240 120 260 130 60 30 ------ 120 480 120 400 36 24 8 60 24 2 10 80 160 80 160 4(c) 5. (a) (b) (c) (d) 6. 6(a) 06(b) 06(c) 06 (d) POSITION TRANSMITTERS ) CHECKING OF IGNITOR SPARK TIP /CORNER MAINTEANACE OF FOLLOWING DIAPHRAGM TYPE ACTUATOR Diaphragm replacement (small actuators) Diaphragm replacement (large actuators) Actuator servicing (small) Actuator servicing (large) BREAKDOWN JOBS IN PISTON TYPE PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS Total population of piston type actuators can broadly be categorized into three groups SMALL ACTUATORS MEDIUM ACTUATORS LARGE ACTUATOR SERVICING JOB PISTON TYPE ACTUATOR 7. 07(a) 07(b) 07(c) Milling system Breakdown job TACHO UNIT REPLACEMENT TACHO UNIT REPAIRING BLOWDOWN SYSTEM POKING FROM MILL INTERNAL 08(a) MECHNICAL ADJUSTMENT OF FLOW SWITCH MECHNICAL ADJUSTMENT OF LIMIT SWITCH /PROXIMITY SWITCH PNEUMATIC LINE ISOLATION VALVE REPLACEMNET REMOVAL AND FIXING OF PRINTER/ LINE CP/ MULTI RS/PLOTTER/ HARDCOPIER/ CONSOLE /RECORDER REPLACEMENT /SEVICING OF ROTAMETRES/SAMPLE FILTERS BREAKDOWN JOB OF FLAME SCANNER 08(b) 08(c) 08(d) 08(e) 08(f) 6 144 96 20 24 10 96 24 96 24 72 72 24 42 18 18 24 20 6 6 6 6 12 24 9 18 260 600 96 48 10 10 30 60 40 160 9. 09(a) Breakdown jobs of following instruments SERVICING /SEAL KIT REPLACEMENT OF SOLENOID VALVES AIR REHEATER FRESHING DETECTOR BREAKDOWN JOB FLOW SWITCH MAINTEANCE 240 240 4 24 9 18 260 55 75 450 80 320 8 32 HEALTHINESS CHECK FOR TEMP ELEMENT LIKE T/C RTD ETC AT ELEMENT HEAD LOCAL END JB END & MARSHALING, HEAD LOCAL JB & AT MARSHALING CABINET, TERMINAL TUGHTNESS IF REQD. HEA IGNITOR TARGET FLOWMETER CALIBRATION This includes LDO flow meter, HFO flow meter &HFO return flow meter 200 1200 24 10 72 40 13. RECOVERY OIL TANK LEVEL SENSOR BREAKDOWN JOB 4 8 14. VIBRATION PROBE CHECKING REPLACEMENT (FANWISE) 14 56 15. OXYGEN ANALYZER 10 40 09(b) 09(c) 10. 10(a) 10(b) 10 (c) 10(d) 11(a) 11(b) 12. Maintenance of the following instruments:REPLACEMENT /ADJUSTMENT OF LIMIT SWITCH PROXIMITY SWITCH TRANSMITTER IMPULSE LINE PURGING FOR AIR FLUE GAS SERVICE POSITION FEEDBACK TRANSMITTER CALIBRATION OF PNEUMATIC VALVE /DAMPER CALIBRATION TEMP. TRANMITTER IN HPBP & APRDS 16. TRANSMITTER ZERO CHECKING 340 1360 17. REMOVAL AND FIXING OF CRT/MS CLOCK 10 100 18(a) REMOVAL AND FIXING OF RESIN COLUMNS REPLACEMENT OF MODULES/LAMPS REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRONIC MODULE / DIFFUSED TUBES OF LOW LEVEL SODIUM MONITOR 8 16 ----- 1400 2 8 20. PLC 2 24 21. VFD in CHP 24 48 D. CABLEING AND MISCELLANCEOUS JOBS & DEPLOYMENT OF REGULAR MANPOWER CABLING JOBS FOR ITEM SL. NO. 1 TO 7 OF BOQ --- 1000 18(b) 19. 1. 2. SEALING WORK OF CABLE GLANDS --- 2000 3. LEAKAGE ARRESTING FROM IMPULSE LINES --- 50 4. COPPER TUBING UPTO ½” --- 125 5. LAYING OF SS TUBES (UPTO ½ INCH --- 25 6. PHYSICAL ASSISTANT OF FOLLOWING MANPOWER SJIFT MAINTENANCE JOBS & OTHER MISC. JOBS. Supply of engineer on hourly basis Supply of Technician –I on hourly basis Supply of Technician-II on hourly basis 1 1 ----- 2 --- 1 --- 6.1 6.2 6.3 7. Shift Engineer for DAS, supply of consumable such as cartridge, paper, keyboard, mouse, BNC connector ,RJ45 cable, CD 8. 8.1 8.2 E. 1(a) 1(b) 1(c) 1(d) 1(e) 1(f) 1(g) 1(h) 1(i) 1(j) 1(k) 1(l) Maintenance of Software & hardware of computers and networking installed in various departments Supply of engineer on hourly basis Supply of Technician –I on hourly basis ANNUAL OVER HAULING REMOVAL, SERVICING, REFIXING OF PR. SWITCHES, TEMP. SWITCHES FLOW SWITCH MAINTENANCE LEVEL SWITCH MAINTENANCE LIMIT SWITCH MAINTENANCE REMOVAL & FIXING OF TEMP ELEMENT LIKE T/C RTD, ETC REMOVAL SERVICING REFIXING OF PRESSURE GAUGES, TEMP. GAUGES POKING OF AEROFOIL IMPULSE LINE IN MILL AREA ELECTRONIC TRANSMITTER TRANSMITTER MANIFOLD REPLACEMENT / SERVICING CLEANING OF PANELS HEA IGNITER Scope of job includes checking of healthiness of HEA igniters its requirement necessary repair of the same POWER CYLINDER OF RAW COAL GATE, PA I/L GATE & HOT AIR GATE 1 1 ----- --- 312 --- 24 --- 52 --- 376 --- 960 --- 558 --- 24 ----- 500 100 ----- 126 24 --- 36 2. SEVICING /SEAL KIT REPLACEMENT OF SOLENOID VALVES --- 110 3. REMOVAL OF CONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATOR AS PER REQEST OF E/M AND RECONNECTION --- 400 4. MAN POWER ASISTANCE i) ii) iii) iv) v) DURING OVERHAULING OF PNEUMATIC / HYDRULIC ACTUATORS THROUGH OEM Keltron make pneumatic actuator MIL make pneumatic valve IL make valve and power cylinders HP& LP Bypass Leak and seal gland stem valve ----------- 28 64 38 10 4 5. DCCSP AND ACCSP --- 4 6. GENERATION SIGNALING PANEL --- 2 7. SADC(SECONDARY AIR CONROL DAMPER ) (ELEVATION WISE, 4 PER ELEVATION ) --- 48 8. REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED JUNCTION BOX (PER 10 PAIR TB) --- 100 TOTAL -End page-