Humantechnik and LinkX Manual

Group Technologies & Humantechnink: An Introduction
Group Technologies, as a service to its specialist dealer
base, is pleased to provide the following information
to define the application of assistive listening devices
(ALDs) in their various forms.
While understanding that there are a number of
perceived complexities, it is nonetheless of benefit to
reduce the principle of assistive listening to a clearer,
more practical form of understanding in both design and
There is no doubt that design, for example in the area
of low overspill (LOS) induction loop, can be of concern
to installers, however Group Technologies has the
expertise to assist where requested and offers prompt
response to all design queries.
There are four assistive listening audio technologies
available today. Each has a specific application and
some limitations to performance.
What is an assistive listening
system? (ALS)
Briefly, an ALS is the means by which speech clarity at
the ear of those with a hearing impairment is improved,
while ambient influences are reduced.
Hearing Aid
The means by which speech clarity can be achieved.
Primarily a miniature amplifier/ speaker incorporated
into the hearing aid; the telecoil or “T” switch is designed
to receive current output from a loop or receiver unit.
Available as behind ear, in-ear and digital units it is
estimated that between 60% to 80% of all hearing aids
are “T” coil equipped.
Induction Loop
What is an induction loop
Induction loop is the driving factor behind an audio
frequency induction loop system (AFILS): The induction
loop amplifier is a specialised unit designed to supply
a variable current into the induction loop. It is not like a
voltage amplifier, having input voltage and output current
it is termed as a transconductance amplifier, having a
constant current output, independent of load.
In simple terms the induction loop amplifier provides,
between an audio source and the loop, current, delivered
around a pre-determined area and then through the
telecoil (“T” switch) of a hearing aid.
What are the advantages of loop?
•It has direct communication with the hearing aid and
does not require a specialised receiver- stethoset,
chest receiver or headset to be supplied to each
hearing impaired person.
•The listening area and audio characteristics can be
controlled by loop design.
•Physical obstacles within the pick-up area do not
influence reception.
•Loop system performance can be affected by
interference from mains wiring, fluorescent lighting,
dimming controllers and sub- station location.
•Current required can be influenced by metal content
of loop surrounds.
•There will be a spillage factor outside the induction
loop area. This can be minimised by loop design.
Induction loop systems represent the major segment of
assistive listening devices and have done so since the
early ‘50s. Some 90% of all installation today is induction
loop. This form of assistive listening is specific to those
with mild to severe hearing loss and who are using a
hearing aid.
For Specialist Advice contact Les Goding
0403 124 900 |
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 |
Group Technologies &
It is just on 2 years since the Group Technologies –
Humantechnik partnership was formed. Both companies
have a common goal in approaching the field of assistive
Group Technologies has total confidence in the quality of
Humantechnik assistive listening product; quality backed
by Humantechniks 26 years of product experience and
reputation throughout Europe.
Add to this our own knowledge, spanning 15 years
of assistive listening experience, and you can also
have confidence in choosing Group Technologies and
Humantechnik for your next assistive listening project as
have many companies in Australia.
Assistive Listening the Australian
AS 1428.5 is the recently revised section of the
Australian Access to Buildings Code which specifically
addresses issues and requirements relative to Assistive
Listening. It is mandatory and aimed at meeting the
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA 1992) which states
that it is illegal to discriminate against those with
any impairment ....this of course includes hearing
In brief: All Public buildings are required to have an ALS
which provides coverage to 80% of common areas.
An ALS (assistive listening system) must be provided at
any place where a service provider deals with a client or
customer. This includes all classes of counters. In cases
of multiple counters in one location with user choice of
counter, there must be a minimum of 20% of counter
Long term implications of not
installing a loop system
As we move toward more stringent policing of public
buildings, venues which have failed to comply with
the AS 1428.5 will be forced to install an ALS after
construction. This can be quite costly in terms of having
to re-construct interiors, carpets etc. Conformity and
uniformity across premises may also prove difficult once
fixtures and cabling have been installed.
An introduction to Loop Systems
As previously indicated the most commonly used form of
assistive listening is an Induction loop, or transconductance loop system. Some 90% of all assistive listening
systems are induction loop, primarily due to the ability to
provide diversity of loop design, thus addressing issues
such as loop overspill and room, or venue electrical
Also, induction loop provides direct access of audio
program to the hearing impaired by means of the hearing
aid telecoil. This means that provision of additional
equipment such as a receiver unit for the user is
unnecessary in many cases. This addresses the issues
of user sensitivity and accessory management.
Audio Frequency Induction Loop Systems (AFILS) also
offer the added benefit of site flexibility. From counter to
concert hall and every application in between, there is an
application for induction loop.
As examples, loop product is available for use in:
•Counter applications.
•Pre-function areas
•Conference facilities
•Multi-use facilities
•Auditoria /Theatre
•Lecture Theatre
•Places of worship.
In simple terms there are five design criteria to follow
when assessing loop application within a given space.
•Room or space size?
•Construction /equipment influences?
•Are there spillage issues?
•Where do they apply?
•How do we overcome them?
For Specialist Advice contact Les Goding
0403 124 900 |
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 |
Induction Loop Types
Conference Facilities
Essentially loop configuration is dependent on design
criteria and user outcome needs.
For example the need for a more personalised,
individual requirement is normal in counter use and
small conference facility applications. A much broader
coverage of large areas is necessary to cater for patron
numbers and seating configuration.
Again a medium size loop is appropriate. In this
instance however the issue of confidentiality must be
considered. Where security is of importance the design
concept of phased array (low overspill) is recommended.
Alternatively use of infrared technology could be
considered while keeping in mind aspects of user
sensitivity and accessory management.
Counter Loop
Can be set up in a vertical or horizontal plane or a
combination of both. In many cases the vertical layout is
more appropriate as it has the benefit of providing more
direct communication while reducing spillage. Actual
loop zone can be more specific by use of a small loop
amplifier and loop loom or counter-top self contained
portable loop system.
Multi-use Facilities
Pre-function Areas
Generally of medium size and adjacent to main
auditorium. Under normal circumstances a simple loop is
adequate for this application.
These are usually associated with school, college or
church application. Due to a variety of uses such as
indoor sport (basketball etc) or assembly/performances
consideration must be given to issues of loop layout,
functionality and interaction with incorporated lighting/
audio systems and stage technologies. Also due to
seating, floor surface and foundation there needs to be
predetermined attention to assistive listening facilities. In
general a well designed cancellation loop can assist.
C a n c e lla tio n L o o p
L o o p o u t / in tw is te d
H u m a n te c h n ik P ro lo o p C
d e s ig n le s . g @ g ro u p te c h n o lo g ie s
L o o p D e s ig n : le s . g @ g ro u p te c h n o lo g ie s . c o m . a u
T w is te
c a b le
H u m a n te c h n ik P ro lo o p D C C
For Specialist Advice contact Les Goding
0403 124 900 |
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 |
A further example of use for induction loop technology.
In a majority of cases an adequately driven loop
system of straightforward, practical design will provide
high quality, balanced audio access for those with a
hearing impairment. Again, there may be issues of
overspill to be addressed; in this case there will be a
need for consultation which is offered as part of Group
Technologies policy.
Lecture Theatres
Usually, due to proximity of other lecture facilities, both
adjacent to and above, the use of low overspill (LOS)
phased array design is a must to ensure confidentiality
within each lecture space. There are instances where
Infrared equipment may be appropriate however this
again raises issues of user sensitivity as well as that of
equipment management and maintenance.
Phase Array Installations
We are all aware of the concept of “low overspill” in
loop design. This application is predominantly used
in situations where confidentiality within given zones
is a priority, for example adjacent meeting rooms or
university lecture theatres.
The overspill factor in standard induction loop perimeter
design can be as much as four times the loop area.
This of course has the adverse effect of program
interference for the hearing impaired in adjacent areas
This can be managed by careful loop design based
on phased array principals where loop current is
significantly contained within proximity of the original
looped area.
Places of Worship
Again induction loop provides the answer to assisting
those with hearing impairment. In general it is possible
to provide maximum coverage with a straightforward
perimeter loop system. It should be noted that ageing
population is strongly reflected in church congregations
and accordingly, based on survey outcomes, a
significant percentage of people attending church
services do have a need for hearing assistance.
In recognizing the benefit of low overspill installation we
should nonetheless be aware of the tendency to over
specify to areas such as “stand alone” auditoria and
similar spaces where overspill need not be an issue.
We should also note that Humantechnik loop amplifier
technology reduces by half the original concept of one
amplifier per loop (master and slave) plus separate
phase shifter. The obvious result, by use of a single
LOS amplifier, is substantial savings in product cost,
rack space and installation time.
Board Room - RWA
Humantechnik ProloopLOS A-4252-0
Twist out / in between amplifier & loop start / finish
Master Loop
Slave Loop
Loop out
Loop return
2 3
4 5
9 10 11 12 13 14
16 17
18 19 20
For Specialist Advice contact Les Goding
0403 124 900 |
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 |
Assistive Listening Solutions
Soundfield Amplification Systems
(SFAS) Primarily used in an educational environment.
SFAS offers the benefit of amplified, balanced audio
reception in situations where room acoustics affect audio
distribution. This system is ideal for both lecturer and
student. As an example, the low level amplified voice of
the lecturer is distributed by Infared modulator through
front and rear room speakers.
As a result the lecturer has less voice strain and students
with either no, or low hearing impairment are able to
access subject matter in an environment of reduced
resonance and reflection.
As indicated previously the major source of assistive
listening is by Audio Frequency Induction loop System
(AFILS). Alternative hearing access may however be
provided through the following sources:
Modulated Systems: Or FM Audio
This particular source is generally limited in application
to large outdoor venues, domestic premises, or tour
guide systems. In general there may be problems
with provision and maintenance of suitable headsets/
receivers by venue operators. There are also issues
regarding constraint of signal area and consequent
crosstalk outcomes relating to frequency used. Also,
there is confusion at this time regarding future frequency
allocation pending a forthcoming government review of
frequencies relative to the introduction of digital systems.
Infrared (IR)
An ideal solution to issues of confidentiality. Commonly
used in Law Courts, and tertiary institutions where
adjacent lecture facilities require audio isolation. As
with other sources infrared has operational issues. For
example there is a need to ensure that line-of –sight
access is available for the user. Further to this, supply
and maintenance of receiver units and sensitivity of
the user must be considered when setting up. Note:
AS 1428.5 has a ratio of receiver allocation by room
capacity which must be complied with.
For Specialist Advice contact Les Goding
0403 124 900 |
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 |
Installation Considerations
The questions above are just some of those which
influence assistive listening design and /or determine
the type of product to be used. Major factors in design
also include building elements and subsequent accurate
design, based on information provided.
This information gives the data needed to determine:
(a) Amplifier type and current capacity
(b) Type of cable/ foil tape to be used
(c) Subsequent design configuration
Design Support
To ensure that the client is fully aware of the need to
have a well designed and efficient assistive listening
system, we must determine exactly what is required
advising of the expected outcomes as described within
AS 1428.5.
A brief from the client regarding their expectations of
the system, its scope, flexibility, modularity, scalability,
budgets and deadlines are all crucial pieces of
information which will strongly influence the system
As an installer, it is of value to be fully aware of the
operating specifics within each of the given ALS zones
and to advise the client accordingly.
An example of questions asked might include:
•What factors are there, such as building / floor metal
content, air conditioning ducting or lighting, which
may influence amplifier capacity?
•If concrete flooring, what is the distance between
reinforcement and surface?
•If conferencing is high priority, are conference areas
•If so, will they need to be isolated for separate use,
as well as opened for combined use?
•If an auditorium is tiered what is the floor material?
•If timber is present, is the framing made of timber or
•Is the loop to be laid under carpet?
•Is there a need to reduce spill between seating and
•If induction loops are not a practical solution, is the
client aware of infrared solutions as an alternative?
It is worth noting that almost every assistive listening
application is unique in concept and may therefore
require a different approach to design and product
Naturally, in circumstances where there are a number
of potential influences on assistive listening design,
irrespective of type of system, we are asked to provide
answers to a number of questions similar to the
•What does the standard (AS 1428.5) mean and what
are the main requirements?
•How do we avoid interference/feedback at the stage?
•Are we able to run a ceiling loop and, if so, what do
we need to take into account?
•Where should the loop amplifier be placed in an
induction loop system?
•Why is a phased array (low overspill) solution
needed in some cases?
•How will seating affect loop performance?
•When is Infrared an alternative to be considered?
Our design philosophy is to provide you, our dealer, with
the best possible approach to design and installation of
Assistive Listening Systems in line with the requirements
of AS1428.5.
Also, in doing so, we recognise the need to meet
International product standards and, as a result, have
sourced the Humantechnik range of products from our
partner company in Germany, Humantechnik GmbH.
We also recognise the need to overcome some of
the perceived complexities which may influence your
approach to a growing service industry by providing
practical and informative assistance when requested.
Consequently we offer prompt design and consultancy
input, at no cost to you, across all aspects of assistive
listening and associated accessory markets.
For Specialist Advice contact Les Goding
0403 124 900 |
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 |
Stay Informed
Due to our ever expanding range of products in the
Assistive listening and Sound Field markets, we regularly
provide relevant information in the form of bulletins and
To keep up to date with the latest in the world of
Assistive Listening, please fill in this form below and
leave it with one of our Humantechnik specialists before
you leave today.
Email Address
Contact Number
I am interested in the following products:
Assistive Listening Solutions
Sound Field Solutions
All Commercial Products
For Specialist Advice contact Les Goding
0403 124 900 |
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 |
HUMANTECHNIK induction loop systems
In Australia, as in many countries throughout the
world, 1 in 5 people, or 20% of the population
have varying degrees of hearing impairment. This
ratio is predicted to reach 25%, or over 5 million
Australians in the very near future due to the effects
of population aging and severe noise pollution.
None of us can wait for the time when we are given
headphones to listen to a live concert, however, the
scary thing is that this could happen with the threat
of new OH&S issues surrounding the music industry.
Group Technologies has the product range and
expertise to assist you in this market.
Contact us for further information and advice on your
next project.
+61 3 9354 9133
induction loop systems
HUMANTECHNIK Induction Loop Systems
Hearing Impaired people is also covered under AS 60118.4
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA 1992) while complex and
detailed in its principles, is very concise in its stated position. In brief
it clearly states that it is illegal to discriminate against those having
any kind of impairment. This of course includes hearing impairment.
For many years now, there has been a tendency for Building
Owners and Managers to overlook the needs of the hearing
impaired, however, this is about to change with the adoption
of the revised standard. This happened in the same manner
as with access for the disabled to buildings of services.
The act is directed toward all classes of building including
educational facilities, hospitals, aged care facilities, conference
venues and a host of applications, including transport. In
simple terms failure to meet requirements of the act can lead
to litigation against the property owner, or developer, or
business principals. It is wide in scope while clear in intent.
The Act says that service providers may not discriminate against
a hearing impaired person by refusing to provide a service or
offering a service of a lower standard or on less favourable terms,
on the grounds of their hearing impairment. Service providers must
also make adjustments to the way in which they provide goods
or services to enable hearing impaired people to access them.
Additionally, AS 1428.5 (2010) now provides for assistive listening
coverage of not less than 80% of the public space requiring an audio
frequency induction loop system (AFILS). The Standard covering
The installation of Hearing Augmentation equipment, should,
in theory, provide the best possible outcome when obtaining
services for people using an Assistive Listening device (ALD)
In a majority of installations, the best possible system is
not provided by those required to do so because:
• It is not considered a priority in budgeting
• It is out of site – out of mind as far as the
Building Owners are concerned
• The end user is never considered with any degree of concern.
This, in itself is discriminatory, as the person with the hearing
impairment is as much entitled to hear, or obtain services
simply and without discrimination as any other person.
• Quite often Consulting Engineers and Builders have limited
understanding of the function of an Induction Loop System,
HUMANTECHNIK is a pre-eminent German
manufacturer which began operations in 1984
and is dedicated to manufacturing Assistive
Listening products for the hearing impaired.
HUMANTECHNIK manufactures three types
of systems, these being Induction Loop
amplifiers, RF and Infrared systems.
HUMANTECHNIK choosing the right amplifier for the job
or the Standard covering its installation and application.
• Furthermore the installer often has little or no knowledge
of the principles involved when installing equipment and
ensuring that it fully complies to required standards.
Reception / Counter:
Soundshuttle / LA-215
TV Rooms / Nursing Homes / Living
Conference Rooms / Theatres:
Very Large Induction Loop
Systems with Little Overspill:
LOS systems
Portable Induction Loop System:
A-4271-0 mobile loop system
Loop position: In order to create a uniform magnetic field,
the distance between the loop level to the normal listening
level should be between approx. 1.2 and 2 metres.
results with respect to interference or acoustic feedback. A microphone
with a high-quality, insulated connection cord also generally reduces
magnetic feedback. Reduce the area of the loop! The connection
wire to the loop must be firmly twisted or closely parallel. Make a test
installation. Always test the loop system to make sure that it is powerful
enough, that the overspill does not cause any problems, etc.
Adjust the height of the loop (1.2 to 2.0 m) to provide for the greatest
possible range with the smallest amount of overspill. Conducting
materials, such as reinforced concrete, can increase or decrease
the area covered by the loop. The magnetic field strength is often
increased outside the loop, while it is decreased inside. This fact
considerably increases the risk of acoustic feedback. In a new building,
you should try to install an LOS system. The LOS system makes it
more difficult for the current to connect with large metal objects.
Pay particular attention to metal frames. Do not fasten the loop
to structural elements made of metal or similar objects
Recommended loop wire cross-sections:
Loop area Single loop(recommended cross-section)
The position and size of the loop can also be determined by the position
of the listening area (often much smaller than the size of the room) or the
position of the microphones as well as other technical equipment that
affects the magnetic field. If possible, avoid using dynamic microphones in
combination with induction loop systems. If they cannot be avoided, they
must be positioned outside the loops. The distance between the loop and
the dynamic microphone should be at least half the diameter of the loop.
300 - 600 m²
4.0 mm²
200 - 300 m²
4.0 mm²
Using a condenser or electret microphone usually produces better
150 - 200 m²
2.5 mm²
70 - 150 m²
1.5 mm²
< = 70 m²
1.5 mm²
induction loop systems
+61 3 9354 9133
SOUNDSHUTTLE (A-4209-0) compact, portable induction loop system: choice of three colours
The Soundshuttle is a compact, portable
induction loop system for applications over
short distances, at reception desks, for example,
at information counters or in sales areas.
technical data
• Dimensions (HxWxD):
200 x 185 x 70mm
• Microphone sensitivity:
bis 60 dB ± 3 dB
• Primary power supply: 100-240
V, 50-60 Hz AC power cord
• Secondary: 15 V DC or using
built-in 12 V NiMH battery
• Output power: Max. 7W
Positioned between the people speaking
to each another, the »soundshuttle« uses
an integrated microphone to pick up the
sound and transmits the corresponding
inductive signals via the integrated loop.
Power can be provided by the power
cord included with the system or by the
integrated rechargeable battery.
The discreet silver/grey chassis has been designed
to be aesthetically pleasing and three colour inserts
are included to ensure LA-90 blends into any
THE COUNTER LOOP (A-4208-11) amplifier
The Counter Loop is a mains
powers loop amplifier that
provides a cost effective solution
for Counters or small rooms of
up to 25m2. The unit comes
supplied with a microphone and
loop. Additionally, the amplifier
has two microphone inputs
as well as line level input, so it
is possible to have two input
sources operating at once.
technical data
• Dimensions: 185 x 87 x 45mm
• Weight: 220 g
• Mounting: 2 x fixing holes to
allow for screw mounting
• Audio Inputs: 2 x 3.5mm jack
sockets with phantom power
for Unbalanced Electret Mics
• Mic Sensitivity: - 62db + 3db
• Power Supply: 15v DC @1 A Max.
LA-215 (A-4223-0) induction loop amplifier
The LA-215 is able to supply living quarters or small
conference rooms up to approx. 50m² in size with inductive
audio signals via the loop connected. The system includes
a 37-m long induction loop wire. In addition to settings
for basic volume and tone, the digitally controlled
Induction loop pad for Counter Loop/LA-215.
induction loop amplifier uses Automatic Gain Control to
stabilise the volume for fluctuating input levels. The device is
able to accommodate the connection of two audio sources.
For example, it is possible to add a Microphone to allow for the
mixing of background noises as well as audio to be transmitted.
Technical data
• Dimensions: (HxWxD): 42 x 180 x 140 mm
• Weight: 905 g
• Colour: Silver-metallic
• Power supply: 240 V AC 50 Hz 20 VA
• 1 microphone cord (4 m long) and 1 cord for direct connection
• 37-m single-wire loop and loop clips, Scart/Phone Leads
The pad contains a small loop. It is connected
directly to the LA-215 or Counter Loop induction
loop amplifier and placed under the seat cushion or
behind the back of a chair to provide a convenient
alternative to a 37-m long loop wire when the
signal transmission is limited to a very small area.
ACRYLIC SIGN acrylic installation panel
These hard acrylic signs have been
designed according to the AS
1428.5 standard and are ideal for
installation at entrances and doors
where a loop system is installated.
the simplest solution to assistive listening
Humantechnik LA 90 Sound Shuttle A-4209-0. The new solution for counters and service desks.
The portable and powerful inductive loop system.
The LA-90 is a compact and portable loop system that empowers people with hearing disabilities to clearly hear what’s happening
around them. LA-90 transmits verbal communication directly to hearing aids as well as inductive loop receivers such as the
Humantechnik LPU-1. LA-90 has been designed for spot applications in smaller proximities such as service desks and counters.
Virtually installation free, simply plug LA-90 into a power source and its ready to use. In addition, LA-90 (with an in-built charging
system), will run for up to four hours using its own internal power.
LA-90 captures sound via its integrated microphone and can also operate in conjunction with a second microphone by utilising the
included additional mic input.
Acoustic information is automatically transformed into inductive signals then transmitted to the included inductive loop. Hearing aids
equipped with a T-Coil are able to pick up these induction signals. A headphone output has also been included for added convenience
and monitoring.
The discreet silver\grey chassis has been designed to be aesthetically pleasing and three colour inserts are included to ensure LA-90
blends into any environment.
LA-90 is perfect for service counters, reception desks, and any localised environment where assistive listening is required.
Technical Data
Power supply:
Mains connection:
16V DC power pack with 1.8m cable (included)
230 - 240 V AC, 50Hz
Induction Loop Output
Output power:
2 x 5W (10W max)
Outputs / Inputs
Microphone Sensitivity: 60dB
Microphone input:
Headphone input:
Dimensions (H x W x D): 200 x 185 x 70 mm
Silver\grey (with three colour inserts: yellow, red and blue)
Group Technologies
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby St. Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 Australia
detail where it matters the most.
Achieving an even, consistent sound field is a challenge many professionals face when
installing induction loop systems. Signal interference, phase cancellation, distortion and
high noise floors are just some of the problems faced.
Building materials, existing infrastructure wiring and furniture can often lead to unexpected
results and time consuming investigation.
This where the requirement for an accurate, reliable and simple measuring device is most
critical. Enter the PROLOOP FSMplus from Humantechnik.
Calibrating induction loop installations has never been simpler.
Humantechnik PROLOOP FSMplus A-4292-0. Precision measuring device for induction loops.
The new PROLOOP FSMplus is a device that measures the magnetic field strength of induction loop systems
according to IEC 60118-4:2006 and BS 6083 (Para. 4) standards.
The device is designed for professional use delivering reliable RMS values of the output level, frequency response, AGC
behaviour (Automatic Gain Control), distortion and background noise in any installed induction loop.
Additionally, the FSMplus includes a headphone output jack which enables installation professionals to achieve an
accurate acoustic evaluation of the sound signal.
Features include:
Technical Data:
• Tests both background noise and field strength
• RMS-measuring range calibrated to 400mA/m = 0dB
• Multi-coloured LED’s with 1dB resolution
• Headphone jack with volume control
• Simple design for simple and immediate use
• Portable size
• Light-weight
• Conforms to IEC 60118-4:006 standards
Battery Operated:
True RMS:
Measuring Range:
Display & Control
2 x 1.5V AA Batteries
125ms average time
+6dB - -40dB (0dB = 400mA/m)
Battery status LED and Field strength LED
meter (with 1dB resolution)
Headphone jack with volume control
83 x 126 x 35mm (WxHxD)
170gm (including batteries)
Group Technologies
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby St. Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 Australia
induction loop systems
BA-200 (A-4225-0) induction loop amplifiers for coaches
+61 3 9354 9133
PROLOOP C (A-4246-0) induction loop amplifier
The BA-200 induction loop amplifier is designed to provide inductive
audio signals in coaches. The amplifier is equipped
with settings for basic volume and tone and uses
Automatic Gain Control to effectively support
volume stabilization for fluctuating input levels.
Digital control makes it possible to select one of
the two audio sources connected at the same
time, e.g. a microphone and a music system.
Microphone, audio connection cable and induction
loop wire come included with the system.
Technical Data
• Dimensions (HxWxD): 42x180x140 mm
• Weight: 905 g / Colour: Silver-metallic
• Power supply: 12 – 24 V DC / Power cord: 2 m
MOBILE LOOP (A-4271-0) induction loop amplifier
The induction loop system kit contains a complete, portable
induction loop system designed for rooms up to 140 m² in size.
The set consists of the PROLOOP C amplifier and two cable reels
with 25 metres of loop wire each. The system is easy to use and
ready to go in a flash – ideal for temporary installations.
Technical Data
• Power supply: 220 - 240 V
• Weight: 8.7 kg
• Colour: Silver
• Dimensions (HxWxD): 150 x 450 x 330 mm
• Power cord: 2 m
• Three line/microphone input jacks
• Connection option for a wireless
• microphone (6.3 mm / mono)
• Up to 20 A surge current
• Frequency range 100 - 5300 Hz (-3 db)
PROLOOP FSM (A-4292-0) measuring device
The PROLOOP FSM is a measuring device for the precise measurement
of the magnetic field strengths in induction loop systems acc. to IEC
60118-4:2006 and BS 6083, Paragraph 4. The device is designed for
professional use and delivers reliable RMS values on the output level,
response frequency, AGC function (Automatic Gain Control), distortion
and background noise in the induction
looped tested. In addition, it enables the user
to make an acoustic evaluation of the sound
using signal reproduction via earphones.
• Compliant with AS 1428.5 for
testing equipment used to evaluate
induction loop systems.
• True RMS: 125 ms average time
• Crest factor: 3
• A filter weighted
• Measuring range: +6 dB ...-51
dB (0 dB = 400mA/m)
• Power supply: 2 x 1.5V AA
batteries, long battery life
• Battery status control via LED
• Headphone jack with volume control
• Higher output power: 11 A RMS / Short-circuit-proof
• Automatic fuse reset / Two programmable, balanced XLR inputs
• One phono input / Two line outputs
• Extra-sturdy jacks / Dual action AGC for excellent speech recognition
• High availability, operating reliability and quality assurance
• Convenient monitoring of the magnetic field: Can
be done using headphones or speakers
• Treble control to compensate for treble losses due to reinforcement
The PROLOOP amplifier family is designed for professional
use in medium-sized rooms (up to 170 m²) in private buildings
and public facilities, in which particularly high dependability
and extremely reliable operation are required.
With its 100% short-circuit proof amplifier, programmable, balanced
XLR input jacks and highly stable output power, the PROLOOP C is able
to meet these demands. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) guarantees
consistent field strength and reproduces stable sound with a special
emphasis on clear speech, even under acoustically demanding
conditions. The integrated monitor output and corresponding testing
technology can be used to analyse the induction loop audio quality.
Technical Data
• Mains connection: 230-240 V AC 50 Hz, 7-200 W, 10 A fuse
• Coverage: 170 m² acc. to IEC 60118-4, single-loop, free field
Induction loop output
• Max. current: 60 A from peak to peak, 1-5 ms, 1 kHz, 11
A RMS, continuous 1 kHz, short-circuit-proof
• Max. voltage: 31 V from peak to peak
• Output AGC: Sets voltage and power for steady signals like
oscillation and sine curves after 0.6-1 seconds to -10 dB. Short
pulses and normal program signals are not limited.
• Frequency response: 100 - 5000 Hz ( ± 3 dB)
• Cable connection: Screw connection on rear panel of amp
• Line Outputs 1. LINE OUT: 0 dBm-phono (with AGC function)
Line Inputs
• Inputs 1 & 2: 0.5 mV-180 mV / 10 kOhm (mic.) alt. 50 mV - 10 V/ 10 kOhm
(line)Separate 2-channel AGC, phantom voltage 9-12 V, XLR connections
• Input 3: 50 mV-10 V / 10 kOhm, phono connections
• Dynamics: > 70 dB
• Rise time: 2 - 500 ms
• Fall time: 0.5 - 20 dB/s
Controls & Displays
• Treble control: 0 - +9 dB, potentiometer
• Induction loop adjustment: 0 - 170 m², potentiometer
• Displays: One LED each for mains connection,
input level and induction loop current
Induction Loop Monitoring
• 6.3 mm jack for speaker and headphone monitoring
• Dimensions: 62 x 295 x 188 mm (H x W x D)
• Weight: 2.7 kg
• Colour: Black
the missing piece to the puzzle.
Low overspill induction loop systems have traditionally required several devices, complex
design, and high labour costs end to end... Until Now.
The Proloop LOS low overspill system by Humantechnik brings a new level of flexibility,
configurability and affordability to assistive listening devices.
To find out more, contact Group Technologies to discuss your requirements with one of
our induction loop specialists. A low overspill solution has never been simpler.
Humantechnik Proloop LOS A-4252-0. The Complete Low Overspill Solution In a Single Unit.
Integrating the entire electronic configuration required into a single enclosure provides a flexibly sized, reliable low overspill solution for
the coverage of adjacent event rooms and assembly halls up to a size of 300 m².
The system is equipped with Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to produce stable sound with outstanding speech reproduction, even
under difficult acoustic conditions. The values/data required to test the quality of the induction loop system can be conveniently picked
up via an integrated monitor output.
• Uniform coverage throughout the room (no dead spots in the middle of the room)
• No signal fluctuations when hearing-aid users move around
• Reduced sensitivity to architecture-related magnetic fields
• High efficiency, low power consumption
• 19” 2RU rackmount enclosure
• Well suited for retrofitted installation in theatres, cinemas, concert halls, schools, conference rooms
Technical Data
Mains connection:
230 - 240 V AC, 50Hz, 25 - 700 W
300m2 acc. to IEC 60118-4, single-loop
Induction Loop Output
Max. power:
60 A from peak to peak, 1-5ms, 1kHz, 2 x 13 A RMS,
continuous 1kHz, short-circuit-proof
Max. voltage:
47 V from peak to peak
Output AGC:
Sets voltage and power for steady signals like oscillation
and sine curves after 0.6-1 seconds to -10 dB. Short
pulses and normal program signals are not limited
Frequency range:
70 - 10000 Hz (±3 dB)
< 1%
Cable connection:
2 screws on the rear panel of the amp
Outputs / Inputs
Master OUT:
Slave OUT:
Input 1:
MIC sensitivity:
Phantom voltage:
Input 2:
Rise time:
Fall time:
Control & Display
Loop setting:
Power supply:
Correct input signal:
Input level:
Induction loop power:
> 70 dB
2 - 500 ms
0.5 - 20 dB/s
0 - 300m² (loop-1 and loop-2 potentiometer)
LED green, lights up with mains connection
LED green, lights up when the AGC input is
IN 1 and IN 2 can be adjusted separately
LED green
Dimensions (H x W x D): 88 x 438 x 280 mm
0 dBm, RCA (with AGC function)
0 dBm, RCA (with AGC function)
Combined XLR / 6.35 mm connection plug
2.5 mV - 10V RMS / 10 kOhms
9 - 20 V or LINE sensitivity 37 mV - 10V RMS/10 kOhm
Dual RCA connections, 45 mV - 10V RMS / 10kOhm
Group Technologies
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby St. Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 Australia
induction loop systems
+61 3 9354 9133
PROLOOP DCC (A-4263-0) induction loop amplifier
PROLOOP LOS (A-4252-0) induction loop amp: low-overspill
• Higher output power:25 A RMS
• Short-circuit-proof
• Automatic fuse reset
• Three programmable, balanced XLR inputs
• Sensitivity, phantom voltage, balanced/ unbalanced and
priority can be separated adjusted for each input
• High availability, operating reliability and quality assurance
• Convenient monitoring of the magnetic field: Can
be done using headphones or speakers
• Treble control to compensate for treble losses due to reinforcement LED
display for mains connection, input level and induction loop current
• Uniform coverage throughout the room (no dead spots
in the middle of the room) / No signal fluctuations
when hearing-aid user moves his/her head
• Reduced sensitivity to architecture-related magnetic fields
• High efficiency, low power consumption / 19“ design
• Well suited for retrofitted installation in theatres,
cinemas, concert halls, schools, conference rooms
Designed for rooms up to 800 m² in size, the PROLOOP DCC induction
loop amplifier is an ideal solution for event venues and larger assembly
halls. Short-circuit-proof PLS amplifiers with programmable, balanced
XLR inputs and extremely stable as well as large output ratings (up
to 25 A RMS) guarantee the high availability of the induction loop
system. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) creates consistent field strength
to produce stable tone with outstanding speech reproduction – even
under difficult acoustic conditions. The integrated monitor output and
the corresponding measurement technology make it possible to test
the quality of the induction loop system easily and conveniently.
Technical data
• Mains connection: 230-240 V AC, 50 Hz, 25-700 W, 10 A fuse
• Coverage: 800 m² acc. to IEC 60118-4, single-loop
Induction Loop Output
• IIMax. power: 78 A / 0.06 ohms 25 A RMS, 10300 ms 1 kHz,short-circuit-proof
• Max. voltage: 47 V from peak to peak, output AGC sets
voltage and power for steady signals like oscillation and
sine curves, after 0.6 - 1 seconds to -10 dB. Short pulses
and normal program signals are not limited.
• Frequency range: 100 - 5000 Hz (±3 dB)
• Cable connection: Screw connection on rear panel of amp
• 1. LINE OUT: 0 dBm-phono (with AGC function)
• IN 1, 2 and 3: XLR connections, sensitivity, phantom voltage, balanced/
unbalanced and priority can be adjusted separately for each input.
• Dynamics: >70 dB
• Rise time: 2 - 500 ms
• Fall time: 0.5 - 20 dB/s
Controls and displays
• Treble control: 0 - +9 dB (potentiometer)
• Induction loop adjustment: 0 - 800 m² (potentiometer)
• Displays: Mains connection: 1 green LED
• Input level: 3 green LEDs
• Induction loop power: 5 red LEDs
• Dimensions: 88 x 438 x 280 mm (H x W x D)
• Weight: 14 kg
• Colour: Black
The PROLOOP LOS is a compact system designed to operate low
overspill systems. It integrates the entire electronic configuration
required in a single enclosure to provide a flexibly sized, reliable
low-overspill solution for the coverage of adjacent event rooms and
assembly halls up to a size of 300 m². The system is equipped with
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to produce stable sound with outstanding
speech reproduction, even under difficult acoustic conditions. The
values/data required to test the quality of the induction loop system
can be conveniently picked up via an integrated monitor output
Technical Data
• Mains connection: 230 – 240 V AC, 50Hz, 25 – 700 W
• Coverage: 300 m² acc. to IEC 60118-4, single-loop
Induction loop output
• Max. power: 60 A from peak to peak, 1-5ms, 1 kHz, 2 x
13 A RMS, continuous 1 kHz, short-circuit-proof
• Max. voltage: 47 V from peak to peak
• Output AGC: Sets voltage and power for steady signals like
oscillation and sine curves after 0.6-1 seconds to -10 dB. Short
pulses and normal program signals are not limited.
• Frequency range: 70 – 10000 Hz (±3 dB)
• Cable connection: 2 screws on the rear panel of the amp
Outputs / Inputs
• Master OUT: 0 dBm, RCA (with AGC function)
• Slave OUT: 0 dBm, RCA (with AGC function)
• IN 1: Combined XLR / 6.35 mm connection plug
• MIC sensitivity 2.5 mV – 10V RMS / 10 kOhms,
• Phantom voltage 9 – 20 V or LINE sensitivity 37 mV – 10V RMS/10 kOhm
• IN 2: Dual RCA connections, 45 mV – 10V RMS / 10kOhm
• SCART (IN/OUT): Dual SCART connection plug,50
• Dynamics: > 70 dB
• Rise time: 2 – 500 ms
• Fall time: 0.5 – 20 dB/s
• Rise and fall times depend on the currently active channel
• Loop setting: 0 – 300m² (loop-1 and loop-2 potentiometer;
coverage depends on the loop configuration)
• Input level: IN 1 and IN 2 can be adjusted separately
• Power supply: LED green, lights up with mains connection
• Correct input signal: LED green, lights up when the AGC input is active
• Induction loop power: LED green
• Dimensions: 88 x 438 x 280 mm (H x W x D)
• Colour: Black
a high powered loop system. plus.
The Proloop DCCplus represents a forward step in induction loop systems with an extremely versatile solution that
delivers either standard induction loop or phased array (low overspill) installations. The PROLOOP DCCplus can deliver
coverage for rooms up to 600m² in size or can be paired with an additional unit for a phased array over the same space.
This makes the PROLOOP DCCplus extremely versatile and perfect for various venues with different requirements.
To find out more, contact Group Technologies to discuss your requirements with one of our induction loop specialists.
A large induction loop solution has never been simpler.
Humantechnik PROLOOP DCCplus A-4246-0. Standard or phased array solution of up to 600m ²
The new PROLOOP DCCplus is designed for areas of up to 600m2. It is the ideal solution for even rooms and conference halls.
Each one of the two XLR-3 input connectors can be configured as Line (symmetric) or as Microphone (asymmetric) inputs. When using
the input in microphone mode, 17V phantom power can be activated where required. Amplification adjustment of the input is possible
in both Line and Mic modes. The output amplification is quite powerful (up to 10A RMS) guaranteeing excellent audio transmission.
The Automatic Gain Control ensures consistent field strength by offering more stability of volume and excellent audio reproduction.
The supplied 6.3mm jacks for “Master In” and “Slave Out” enable the connection of a second PROLOOP DDCplus unit creating a
phased array (Low Overspill) loop system.
• Output power: 10A RMS
• Short-circuit-proof
• Automatic fuse reset
• Three programmable, balanced XLR inputs
• Individual bass\treble\gain\input controls
• LED indicators for power, AGC, limiter, fault, current and loop integrity
• Sensitivity, phantom voltage, balanced/ unbalanced and priority can be separately adjusted for each input
• Convenient monitoring of the magnetic field: can be done using headphones or speakers
Technical Data
Mains connection:
230 - 240 V AC, 50Hz, 25 - 740 W
600m2 acc. to IEC 60118-4, single-loop, free field
Induction Loop Output
Output AGC:
Sets voltage and power for steady signals like oscillation
and sine curves after 0.6-1 seconds to -10 dB. Short
pulses and normal program signals are not limited
Frequency range:
100 - 5000 Hz (±3 dB)
< 1%
Cable connection:
1 screw on the rear panel of the amp
Outputs / Inputs
Master OUT:
Slave OUT:
Input (LINE or MIC):
0 dBm, RCA (with AGC function)
0 dBm, RCA (with AGC function)
2 x XLR - LINE (symmetric, sensitivity: 1V) or
MIC (asymmetric, sensitivity: 1mV)
Rise time:
Fall time:
> 70 dB
2 - 500 ms
0.5 - 20 dB/s
Control & Display
Treble control:
IN 1 & 2 adjustment:
Mains connection:
Output level:
Induction loop power:
0 - +9 dB, potentiometer
Two individual potentiometers
LED green
4 LED’s (1 red, 2 yellow, 1 green)
5 red LED’s
Dimensions (H x W x D): 88 x 438 x 280 mm
Group Technologies
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby St. Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 Australia
fast, simple, reliable, Infrared.
Many situations will make traditional induction loops an impractical, costly or
time consuming solution. This is where an infrared system becomes a more
logical choice. Infrared systems are simple to setup and are flexible by design.
This makes them particularly useful for temporary spaces, education facilities,
and virtually any environment where induction loop systems cannot be installed.
The Humantechnik PRO IR-200 is an exceptional Infrared transmitter and
modulator with a wide distribution angle of signal. Simply couple the PRO
IR-200 with any of Humantechnik’s range of Infrared receivers and you have a
complete assistive listening system configured and operating in minutes.
IR-200 is an elegant solution ideal for countless applications for venues and
spaces of any size where induction loop systems are not a realistic option.
Contact one of our assistive listening experts today for more information.
Humantechnik PRO IR-200 A-4080-0. High powered Infrared modulator and transmitter.
The PRO IR-200 transmitter\modulator unit has a wide angle of emission with its wide, lobe geometry based design (see
diagram 1 below). All audio signals are modulated, free of disturbances to infrared signals at 2.3mHz and 2.8mHz. The range
can be increased and the angle enlarged up to 360° by using up to two transmission units.
Mounting brackets for wall or ceiling installations are included and an optional tripod is also available for portable applications.
The transmitter unit (slave) PRO IR-201 can be attached to the transmitter\modulator with the included adaptor. Mounted on top
of one another, the units can be adjusted to the desired angle to achieve an ideal coverage of the room. Code A-4081-0.
The maximum range can be up to 560m2 in 1-channel transmission mode, ideal for medium sized rooms.
The range can also be influenced by choosing a matching receiver (RCI-102, PR-20+ or RX22-4).
Features include:
• Wide emission angle of infrared signals
• Configuration with 1 and 2 channel transmission
• Up to two PRO IR-200 (slaves) can be connected to a PRO-IR 200 (master)
• Uses one power supply (slave units powered via the CAT5e connection cable)
• Ideal for wall\ceiling installations or mobile applications
Diagram 1: Transmission geometry
Technical Data:
Mains connection (Master):
Mains connection (Slave):
230 - 240 V AC, 50Hz (Primary), 48V DC (Secondary)
Powered by CAT5e when connected to master unit
Transmission Ability
Infrared transmission power:
Master unit range:
Master and one Slave unit range:
Master and two Slave unit range:
Line In 1 - Channel 1:
Line In 2 - Channel 2:
Slave Outputs:
RCA (2.3MHz)
RCA (2.8MHz)
2x RJ45 (for use with Cat5e)
Display, Controls & Operation
Power\Transmission Indicator:
Operating Temperature:
Green LED with toggle switch
0 - 50°C
Wall or ceiling mountable (brackets included)
254 x 79 x 64mm
CE, FCC, WEEE and RoHS standards
Group Technologies
+61 3 9354 9133 |
86 Derby St. Pascoe Vale VIC 3044 Australia
other assistive
listening options
+61 3 9354 9133
HUMANTECHNIK Other Assistive Listening Options
Infrared Systems
How does an infrared audio transmission system work?
transmitters described in this product overview, for example,
are able to provide coverage for up to 2600 m².
An IR audio transmission system consists of at least one transmitter
and one receiver. The transmitter is connected to an audio source
– to a microphone system, for example – and transmits the signals
received in the form of infrared light impulses wirelessly to the
receiver, which converts the light impulse received into electrical
audio signals and feeds them into the reproduction device
connected – into headphones, for example, or a teleloop for the
inductive direct transmission to hearing aids (see diagram).
Other characteristics of infrared audio transmission systems:
• Portable/mobile systems are available.
• Multi-channel operation provides for flexible use, making it possible
to simultaneously transmit several different languages, for example.
Areas of application
Apart from the home environment, in which the wireless reception
of audio signals via infrared light has long since become a popular
alternative to the corresponding radiofrequency transmission
systems, this technology proves superior to all other transmission
principles for certain large professional applications.
This applies in particular to venues and facilities, in which the
confidentiality of the information exchanged there plays a
decisive role, for example in courtrooms or conference rooms,
and areas, in which several transmission systems are operated
parallel to one another in neighbouring rooms, such as in
multiplex cinemas or in living quarters in social facilities.
In addition, infrared audio transmission systems have proven
valuable in schools and universities, in large auditoriums
with partial signal coverage or in city centres, in which
there is a very high rate of radio frequency emissions.
Advantages of infrared transmission technology
• Infrared light signals cannot pass through walls, which reduces
reception to the room in which the transmitter is installed.
• Transmission is reliable and absolutely free of the interference
caused by electromagnetic fields or structural elements in the
building, such as metal reinforcements. In addition, these systems
do not produce any electromagnetic emissions themselves.
While the range of systems designed for private use is limited
to about 10 or 20 metres, high powered infrared transmitters
are able to provide coverage for much larger rooms. The
Other factors affecting infrared transmission technology:
The transmitter does not focus the emission of the infrared
light impulses, i.e. it uses a very large transmission angle.
As a result, there is generally no need for a specific line of sight
between the transmitter and the receiver. The signals do not only
travel directly between the transmitter and the receiver, but are
also reflected from the walls, ceilings and floors. Nevertheless,
pillars and furniture – depending on their size and position – can
interfere with or even block reception under certain conditions.
In any case, a technically correct, precise positioning of the
transmitters is required for optimal signal coverage.
• Light-coloured floor, wall and ceiling areas reflect infrared
energy more strongly. This can increase the reception range.
• Dark, low-reflection floors, ceilings and walls absorb the energy and
can limit reception ranges as a result. The carrier frequencies of 2.3
to 3.8 MHz (basic band) minimize the probability of interference
resulting from powerful lighting. However, functional problems
due to direct sun light cannot be ruled out altogether.
• In order to provide coverage for areas that exceed the maximum
range of the individual transmitters, it is necessary to install several
transmitters at different locations and connect them in parallel.
The signals are transmitted to the hearing aid via a special infrared
receiver with audio amplification equipped with a teleloop (induction).
If the receiver is equipped with an audio output jack, it is also possible to
use headphones or earphones. Amplifying infrared audio receivers are
available as pocket devices, ‘under the chin” receivers, headphones with
reception diodes or in the LR version with a teleloop and audio output.
If the reception range is the main criterion for the application in this
context, it is advisable to consider the use of a radio-frequency system
as an alternative – also taking into consideration the cost factor.
other assistive
listening options
RCI 102 (A-4043-0) two-channel infrared under-the-chin receiver
The RCI 102 is an ergonomically designed under-the-chin receiver that
weighs just 52 grams and is equipped with swivelling earpieces, which
means that the earpieces retain their position in the ear even when the
user turns his/her head.
The flexible material used to make the ear buds also nestles gently into
the auditory canal to effectively subdue any ambient noise.
Stereo or selective mono reception, e.g. for multi-language transmissions.
The RCI 102 is equipped with a switch to select the frequency channels.
Both channels are constantly active for stereo transmissions. If the event
organizer uses both the 2.3 MHz and the 2.8 MHz frequency ranges
to transmit in two different languages at the same time, the listener
can select the channel in his/her preferred language and receive the
information in mono mode.
+61 3 9354 9133
A-4917-0 across-counter-loop
The small cross-the-counter induction loop
has been designed to supply loop signals to
small areas, such as individual service points
or reception desks. The system is installed –
generally underneath the table top – using
adhesive clamps with a space requirement
of approx. 35 x 35 cm; recommended
induction loop amplifier: LA-60 or LA-215.
LPU-1 DIR (A-4276-0) in-ear headset
The LPU-1 DIR inductive loop receiver, a
lightweight, user-friendly under-the-chin
receiver, is designed to be used in churches
or in large conference rooms which are
equipped with inductive loop systems.
PR-20+ (A-4036-0) infrared\inductive loop signal receiver
The PR-20+ is a portable receiver for
infrared and inductive loop signals,
which can be worn by a carrying cord.
The receiver is able to accommodate
the connection of a wide variety of
different listening components, such as:
- DIR under-the-chin receiver
- Lightweight headset
Technical Data
• Weight: 52 g with battery
• Colour and material: ABS plastic, black and red
• Rechargeable battery, battery life: BAT AP97A NIMH battery, approx. 5 h
• Modulation processes: FM, mono or stereo
• Sound freq transmission range: 15 - 20000 Hz
• Operating frequencies: 2.3 MHz and 2.8 MHz
• Possible selections: stereo reception or either frequency for mono
• Harmonic distortion: <1%
• Signal-to-noise ratio: Typically. 60 dB
• Controls: Knob for volume; Balance can be adjusted with the help of a
• Maximum volume: Approx. 120 dB
• Main switch: Integrated in the receiver
TELELOOP (A-4921-0) neck loop
The signals from the amplifier are
transmitted conveniently and discretely
straight to the hearing aid by means of
inductive transmission via the teleloop
(set the hearing aid to »T« or »MT«).
- Unobtrusive earphones
- Teleloop
IP 111 (A-4025-0) two channel infrared transmitter
The two-channel IP 111 infrared transmitter combines the modulator and
transmitter as one unit in a single enclosure. Its modest design makes it a
discreet system that is easily installed. The IP111 transmitter uses a wide
angle for the efficient emission of the infrared signals into the room to
be provided with coverage. With
an operating bandwidth of 2.3
and 2.8 MHz, the transmission of
the IP111 is reliable and immune
to the effects of extraneous light.
In 1-channel mode, the
transmitter is able to cover up
to 400 m². With the addition
of another IP111 transmitter,
it is possible to easily expand the reception range. The system
includes an installation kit for wall and ceiling mounting.
Stands for freestanding installation are also available.
Reception range/coverage areas include:
• 400 m² in 1-channel mode
• 200 m² in 2-channel mode
Phone: +61 3 9354 9133
Room\Space Details
Installer Co:
Room Name\No:
Installer Name:
Installation Type:
Contact No:
Cable\Tape Location:
Venue Contact:
Date of Installation:
Contact No:
Room Line Drawing
Testing Table
Label points P1-6 on the room plan above
Measurement Point (height in metres)
Field Strength Initial Reading
Field Strength Final Reading
Final Reading at 100Hz
Final Reading at 1kHz
Final Reading at 5kHz
Overspill Operating (where applicable)
Distortion Reading
Compression\AGC Compliance
Interference with Installed PA
All microphones operating correctly
Compliance Checklist
Product Installation Record
Product Name
Yes \ No
Power Source\Supply
Signage at All Entry Points
Background Field Strength
Full Frequency Response Across All Areas
All Listening Areas Covered
Loop Functionality Tested
Compliant Signage at all entry points
Loop receivers stored safely (when applicable)
Number of Loop receivers (when applicable)
Other Accessories (please specify below)
I have verified that all of the information above is true and correct and
declare that all equipment has been commissioned and has passed all
tests in accordance with AS 1428.5 AFILS standard.(IEC 60118-4:2006)
Serial Number
For product enquiries contact
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
Sound Field Systems
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044
Phone: +61 3 9354 9133
Fax: +61 3 9354 9233
Clear speech shouldn’t be a barrier to learning.
Since the first research project on sound field systems some 20 years ago, there have been
more than 50 additional studies testifying to the benefits of class rooms fitted with Sound Field
Systems. It has been noticed that children in the amplified classrooms attain higher speech
perception and spelling scores, their attention to the teacher is for longer periods of time and
they score higher in academic achievement tests than children in non-amplified classrooms.
What is the Science behind a Sound
Field System?
As with a magnetic field, sound also weakens by the square of
the distance.
The sound wave amplitude drops off by the square of the
distance. This is calculated by the distance being multiplied by
For example, the child sitting at a teacher’s side one metre
away hears very well. The child sitting two metres away hears
four times less. Four metres away, eight times less. And if the
child is ten metres away 10 X 10 = 100 times less!
From the practical aspect, have you ever had someone talk
directly in your ear? It’s loud. In the class environment, a child
sitting directly in front of a teacher 1-2 metres away, will hear
very well while a child sitting at the back of the class may be
daydreaming. This is not just experiential. The cause may be
based on science.
An experienced teacher will often use this by moving the
distracted child near them, allowing the child to hear better
and remain focused on the lesson. However, the problem still
exists with others who are seated at the back of the room or
furthest from the teacher.
These children, at a distance from the teacher are off task,
more easily distracted, or looking elsewhere more frequently
than those who are closer.
There are several points to consider here:
The Facts
•Children spend 45% of the school day engaged in listening
•Children’s auditory processes aren’t fully developed until their
•Even in an acoustically ‘good’ classroom, children ‘receive’
83% of a teacher’s voice ‘signal’ when they sit in the front row;
66% in the middle rows and only 55% in the back row.
•Children do not perform well in noisy environments compared
to adults
• The ability to listen in noisy environments is not developed
until adolescence
•The average primary school student misses 25% of what a
teacher says
Children need a quieter environment and a louder signal in
which to learn. Hence this is what Sound Field Systems set out
to achieve.
Positive Outcomes
Evidence is continuing to accumulate regarding their positive
impact upon literacy, academic accomplishments and
classroom behaviour. There is less “acting up” or “tuning out”
problems. Classroom systems have been shown to be a costeffective way of minimising special education referrals and
With a high prevalence of hearing loss among indigenous
communities here in Australia, sound-field amplification
systems are helping many Aboriginal children in the classroom
hear their teachers.
According to Professor Harvey Dillon, Director at the National
Acoustic Laboratories (NAL), the research division of Australian
Hearing, many children are unable to hear their teachers
properly due to reverberation and general classroom noise.
“Hearing problems can apply to any child in the classroom,
but is particularly common among Indigenous children,” Prof
Dillon said.
While classroom sound-field systems were initially designed
for the “special needs” children, experience has demonstrated
that children who hear normally in the classroom are also
benefiting. Presumably, while these children have no difficulty
understanding the teacher in an un-amplified classroom, they
are nevertheless able to do this with much less effort and more
certainty in an amplified classroom. Clearly, even children with
normal hearing have to hear well in order to learn well!
For product enquiries contact
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
Sound Field Systems
What is Sound Field System?
The sound-field system consists of an infrared wireless
microphone worn by the teacher, which is transmitted
via loudspeakers placed strategically around the room.
The system increases the teacher’s voice level and also
decreases the distance from each child to the teacher’s voice,
which removes the problems associated with reverberation.
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044
Phone: +61 3 9354 9133
Fax: +61 3 9354 9233
• There is less noise in the classroom because students are
more on-task.
The research shows that the sound-field systems made a
significant difference in terms of the listening and reading
comprehension, vocabulary and mathematical skills of the
students involved.
“Sound-field systems offer benefits to children with
conductive or mild hearing loss who do not wear hearing
aids. They also benefit children with middle ear infection,
those who speak English as a second language and
those with an auditory processing disorder. Sadly, many
indigenous children will have several of these disadvantages
at once. Without these sound-field systems, it would be near
impossible for children in this situation to hear anything in
class,” Prof Dillon said.
What does Sound field Technology do?
In an experiment conducted by NAL, the use of sound-field
systems resulted in a 41 per cent increase in the rate of
attainment of educational indicators during the terms the
systems were installed. This was averaged across all
children in the classes and across reading, writing and
numeracy skills and occurred despite most of the children
having no problems with their hearing.
So Who Benefits?
“We anticipate that benefits would be even greater for
classrooms that have a higher proportion of children with
hearing loss such as those in remote areas,” he said.
A study conducted at primary schools in Victoria indicated
that 11 per cent of children have a hearing loss of some type
in one or more ears at any given time.
So while classroom systems were designed to help “special
needs” children, and there is much evidence to support this
goal, it is apparent that the benefits to teachers should not be
In other recent studies, Teachers noticed increased
attention levels among students and a decrease in disruptive
behaviour. They also had higher energy levels from
reduced voice strain with not having to repeat questions or
Teachers are also saying that Sound field Amplification is
helpful because:
• Students with mild hearing loss can hear and follow
instructions more easily
• Students behave better because they know what they’re
supposed to be doing
• Students are less distracted by outside noises
• Students can concentrate longer and get more involved in
• Increases the overall level of the teacher’s speech
• Improves the signal to background noise ratio by 8-10dB
• Delivers a constant sound level no matter where the
teacher is in the room - even facing the black board.
• Children with fluctuating middle ear hearing loss
• Children of non English speaking backgrounds
• Children with auditory processing difficulties
• Children with ADHD
• Children with learning difficulties
Studies show that all children benefit from hearing the
Teacher better because of the improvement in signal to
background noise ratio.
There are other benefits too such as:
• It’s a cost effective way of improving room acoustics
• Can be used to interface other audio visual equipment
within the classroom
• Does not stigmatise children with normal hearing
• Does not require cooperation from the child.
As an additional bonus, the teachers’ responses to the
systems are almost uniformly positive. They appreciate
being able to teach all day without straining their voices. This
is not a trivial advantage. In one large scale study, it was
found that 20% of the teachers suffered from some sort of
active voice pathology, with 70% reporting voice problems in
the past that caused them to miss work and that impaired
their teaching effectiveness. In two laryngological practices,
teachers were the most frequent occupation identified
representing proportions of 20% and 16% of the total caseload.
Another by-product of this is the rise in OH&S claims made
by Teachers.
For product enquiries contact
Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044
Phone: +61 3 9354 9133
Fax: +61 3 9354 9233
Sound Field Systems
The Linkx IRA 89 is a complete sound field system
designed for installation is class rooms. Each
sound-field system kit consists of an infrared
wireless microphone worn by the teacher, which is
transmitted via loudspeakers placed strategically
around the room. The system increases the
teacher’s voice level and also decreases the
distance from each child to the teacher’s voice,
which removes the problems associated with
In an experiment conducted by NAL, the use of
sound-field systems resulted in a 41 per cent
increase in the rate of attainment of educational
indicators during the terms the systems were
installed. This was averaged across all children
in the classes and across reading, writing and
numeracy skills and occurred despite most
of the children having no problems with their
The IRA 89 System consists of the following:
IRA 89 Amplifier
1 x IRM-202AB infra red
hand held microphone for
class room interaction
2 x T-6 Infra-Red
Pendant Microphones
(one is always
available as a spare)
All chargers
for T-6 pendant
microphones and
IRM-202AB hand
held microphone.
1 x IRS-55
Infrared receiver
complete with
15m of cable
4 x MS 401
wall mount
(Either Black or
4 x RCF
PL81 ceiling
(White only)
Sound Field Systems
IRA 89 2 channel four output Amplifier
IRA 89 Specifications
The IRA 89 amplifier is a 2 channel amplifier
split into 4 x 22.5 w into 4 Ohm. It will allow
for the simultaneous use of two infra red
microphones. Inputs are also available for
the input of audio from either a PC, Data
Projector or DVD.
• Inputs for two infrared receivers
• Four Stereo line level inputs
• Inputs for up to three Infrared receivers
• Front panel input (3.5mm jack)
• Nine band graphic equaliser
• Built in Vox Muting (may be interfaced
with School PA System)
• Rear Mounted line level output
• Optional rack mount kit
Infrared Receiver
Carrier reception
Reception System
No of Channels
Ch A- 2,08MHz/ChB-2.54MHz
Infrared Wavelength
50 Microseconds
Nominal Deviation
+ 10KHz
Maximum deviation
+ 25KHz
Amplifier Section
(Four Amp) 90w total/22.5w x 4 into 8 or 4 ohm via
terminal block
AUX Inputs
4 terminals, AUX, CD/DVD, V/VCR, PC via RCA
Front Panel Output
3,5mm jack
Rear Panel Output
Twin RCA
School Paging Input
Speaker level, 8 Ohm/25v, 70v and 100v
Paging Pass through
Switcheable with gain Control
Frequency response
50Hz - 15KHz @ + 3dB
S/N Ratio
> 70dB
< 1% @ 1KHz
Power Supply
DC 19v/4.73A
430(w) x 215(d) x 33 (h)
2.35KGs approx
For product enquiries contact Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 3 9354 9133 | Fax: +61 3 9354 9233 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044
Sound Field Systems
T-6 Pendant Microphone
The T-6 microphone is an aesthetically
designed pendant designed to be worn
around the neck hanging from a lanyard.
The T-6 Mic also has a 3.5mm jack input
for the transmission of other devises via
infrared such as an I-pod
This microphone is very light weight (38.4
gms) which makes it very comfortable to
wear, and has break away clips as an added
•Simple Push button for on/off with LED
battery level indicator
•External 3.5mm jack for interface top
an i-pod or similar device to allow for
transmission via infrared
•Provides for the option for “push to talk”
as opposed to permanently live
•2 IR channel select buttons
•Micro USB input for charging either via
computer USB port or supplied wall
mount charger via supplied USB cable.
•Detachable clip and break away lanyard
•Li- Polymer battery for long life use.
T-6 Microphone Specifications
Infrared Wavelength
Ch A- 2,08MHz/ChB-2.54MHz/Ch C (Push to talk)
Pilotone Frequency
Transmission Angle
180 deg Conical
Microphone Capsule
Condensor Uni-driectional
Location of IR Emitter
Built into the top
Level Control
High/Mid/Low switch
External Aux Input
One 3.5mm Jack
Function control
Aux Input Volume up-Thumb Rotary Up
Aux Input volume down - thumb Rotary down
Mute on/off - Momentary Push
Push to talk
Switch to 3 - ChB Push and hold Function Control
switch to talk
Current Consumption
65 mA
Li Polymer Battery 3.74v/560mAh
Battery Life
Approx 8 Hours
Power LED Indicator
Battery Capacity: Full to Low (Blue - Purple - then
Flashing Red: Battery needs charging
Green: Push to talk (on Ch 3)
Charging: Red Charging Complete Green
External Power
DC 5v/1A : Micro USB Connector. It may be
charged from any PC or Laptop
Clip and Lanyard
detachable clip and adjustable neck strap with
breakaway clip
19m (thick) x 93mm (h) x 20.6mm(w)
Approx 38.4g with battery
For product enquiries contact Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 3 9354 9133 | Fax: +61 3 9354 9233 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044
Sound Field Systems
IRM-202AB Hand held Microphone
Group Technologies are also including
a hand held microphone for Class
participation complete with charger.
The IRM-202 comes fitted with two Infrared
transmitters, mounted top and bottom
and offer a 350 degree pattern to reduce
the possibility of sound drop outs when the
microphone is mishandled.
The uni directional condenser microphone
reproduces excellent vocal quality.
•Power on/off switch
•Battery level indicator
•Rechargeable NiMH batteries
IRM-202AB Specifications
Infrared Receiver
Hand held
Ch A- 2,08MHz/ChB-2.54MHz switcheable
Pilotone Frequency
Transmission Angle
360 degrees
No if IR emitting
Location os IR
Two locations, top and bottom of barrel
Power Switch
On/Off slide switch
Microphone Capsule
Unidirectional Condensor
Current Consumption
2 x “AA” NMHi Re-Chargeable
Battery Life
9 Hours Approx
Battery LED
Green-Useable, Red- needs charging
247(h) x 45(diameter)
For product enquiries contact Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 3 9354 9133 | Fax: +61 3 9354 9233 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044
Sound Field Systems
IRS -55 Infrared Receiver
The IRS-55 receiver is a simple to install
Infrared sensor which comes complete with
15m of cable for a simple interface to the RCA
terminals on the rear of the IRA 89 amplifier.
Additionally it comes with clips to attach the
receiver to a tile bridge.
IRS -55 Specifications
Operating frequency
2.0HMZ - 2.8MHz
Operating Range
20m Line of Sight
Female RCA with 15m of cable
Reception Range
232 sqm/2500 sq ft
Reception Angle
360 full semi-spherical (hald dome) coverage
118(dia) x 25 (H)
For product enquiries contact Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 3 9354 9133 | Fax: +61 3 9354 9233 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044
Speaker Options
MS 401 Wall Mount Speakers
PL 81/A Ceiling Speakers
For its very compact size, the
401 is an amazing package.
Vocal intelligibility and clean
music reproduction. Power
handling is a conservative 50
watts RMS with high efficiency,
100w peak handling. These
speakers are fitted with 5
way binding posts for simple
The PL 81/A provides a
wider amgle of coverage for
large spaces with medium
to high ceilings. The PL
81/A can support up to 40 W
power and, if used without
transformer, can generate a
sound pressure of 113 dB.
The A 1380 protection can be fitted when
required by safety regulations.
MS 401 Specifications
PL 81/A Specifications
Peak Power
Frequency Response:
40 Hz ÷ 20 kHz
Power handling
Max SPL @ 1m:
110 dB
8 Ohm
Horizontal coverage angle:
Speaker Type
Bass reflex
Vertical coverage angle:
Speaker Components
LF 4” Poly Propylene Cone 25 mm Voice
Coil Surround Rubber Surround
Power Handling:
10 W RMS
Peak Power Handling:
HF Dome Tweeter, PEI Diaphragm
System Sensitivity:
97 dB
Angle of Coverage
90° x 90°
Sensitivity 1W @1
88 dB
108 dB
Frequency Response
80 Hz - 20 Khz ± 4 dB
Crossover Frequency
3000 Hz
12 dB
Enclosure Material
UV Stabilised ABS in Black or White
Input Section
Input connector:
6 pin terminal block
Constant voltage:
100 V / 50 V
Power Selection:
10 - 5 - 2.5 - 1.25 W (100 V)
Grille Material
Mounting Brackets
Plastic material
WxHxD 153 mm x 278 mm x 180.5mm
Net Weight
2.6 kg
For product enquiries contact Group Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 3 9354 9133 | Fax: +61 3 9354 9233 |
86 Derby Street Pascoe Vale VIC 3044