Improved active input current shapers for converters with

Improved Active Input Current Shapers for Converters
with Symmetrically Driven Transformer
Javier Sebastián, Member, IEEE, Arturo Fernández, Member, IEEE, Pedro José Villegas, Member, IEEE,
Marta María Hernando, Member, IEEE, and Juan Manuel Lopera, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper deals with the analysis of new implementations of the recently proposed active input current shaper
(AICS). Using these implementations, the size of the AICS
inductors used in ac-to-dc converters based on “symmetrically
driven” dc-to-dc topologies (e.g., half bridge, push–pull, or full
bridge) can be reduced and even integrated in only one magnetic
core. As in the case of other converters with the AICS, the new
implementations allow us to reduce the line current harmonics in
order to comply with the IEC 1000-3-2 specifications, maintaining
all the features of the standard dc-to-dc converters (e.g., fast
transient response). Finally, the four proposed implementations of
the AICS have been experimentally tested.
Index Terms—IEC 1000-3-2 specifications, power-factor correction, power supplies.
N SEARCH OF low-cost high-performance ac-to-dc power
converters complying with IEC 1000-3-2 specifications,
many power topologies have been proposed and investigated
[1]–[6]. Some of them are based on the idea of using standard
topologies (such as flyback, forward, SEPIC, Cuk and zeta)
with only small modifications (additional diodes and inductors)
in order to comply with the above mentioned specifications.
Three of these converters are shown in Fig. 1(a)–(c) [3]–[6].
All these converters become the same topology in special
design conditions. Thus, regarding Fig. 1(a) [3], [4], by setting
, by designing in the continuous conduction mode (CCM) and by taking into account the leakage
inductance, this topology becomes the one shown in Fig. 2(a).
The same occurs with the topology given in Fig. 1(b) [5] if
the “network” is chosen as shown in the same figure, or if
some topological transformations are made in Fig. 1(c) and
[6]. The final converter obtained in the three cases
is shown in Fig. 2(a), where the main part of the topology is a
flyback dc-to-dc converter. Other topologies in which the main
transformer is “asymmetrically driven” are also possible (see
Fig. 2(b), where the main part of the topology is a forward
dc-to-dc converter). “Asymmetrically driven” means that the
Paper IPCSD 00–068, presented at the 2000 IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, February 6–10, and approved for
publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society.
Manuscript submitted for review December 15, 1999 and released for publication December 12, 2000.
The authors are with the Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica,
de Computadores y Sistemas, Universidad de Oviedo, 33204 Gijón, Spain
Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(01)02097-7.
Fig. 1. Three different types of ac-to-dc converters which can be designed to
comply with the IEC 1000-3-2 regulations. (a) Converter proposed in [3]. (b)
Converter proposed in [5]. (c) Converter proposed in [6].
voltage applied to the transformer windings is an asymmetrical
waveform [see Fig. 2(c) and (d)] whose average value is, of
course, zero.
The objective of this paper is to present new topologies of
ac-to-dc converters based on "symmetrically driven" dc-to-dc
topologies. This means topologies in which the voltage across
the transformer windings is symmetrical. Examples of this type
of topologies are half bridge, push–pull, and full bridge, which
are topologies suitable for power ranges higher than the above
As in the case of the topologies presented in [6], the new
topologies can be derived from the concept of the AICS. The
AICS is based on the connection of one additional output of
the converter [obtained from the converter’s transformer; see
0093–9994/01$10.00 ©2001 IEEE
Fig. 2. Two implementations which can be easily obtained as particular cases of the converter proposed in [3]–[6]. (a) Flyback-type converter. (b) Forward-type
converter. (c) Voltage across the transformer windings in the case of a flyback-type converter in CCM. (d) Voltage across the transformer windings in the case of
a forward-type converter.
Fig. 3. (a) General scheme for an ac-to-dc converter with the AICS proposed in [6]. (b) Main waveforms.
Fig. 3(a)] between the input rectifier and the low-frequency filter
). In appearance, the additional
capacitor (bulk capacitor,
output is similar to the main output of a forward converter. Howhas been connected in series with the
ever, an extra inductor
high-frequency rectifier diode
stops conDue to this inductor, the freewheeling diode
ducting later than in a forward converter without the additional
, as can easily be deduced from Fig. 3(b). Thus,
this inductor is called a “delaying inductor” and the additional
can be
output a “delayed forward output.” The delay time
easily computed from Faraday’s Law [see Fig. 3(b)]
The effective duty cycle
at the input of the output filter will
is the switching frequency. Therefore, newhere
glecting the current ripple through inductor (that is,
and, therefore,
), the output voltage will be
This equation can be rewritten as follows:
has an open-control-loop
Therefore, the output voltage
equivalent circuit that consists of a voltage source
Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit for any ac-to-dc converter with reduction of the
low-frequency harmonics, based on the use of AICS.
and a loss-free resistor (LFR)
. It should be noted
that no energy is dissipated in the output (and, therefore, in the
equivalent LFR) if all the components are ideal. It should also
is transferred to the same
be noted that the energy stored in
place as the energy stored in the transformer magnetizing inductance (e.g., the output if the dc-to-dc converter is a flyback one
or the bulk capacitor if it is a forward one). The energy stored
in the delaying inductor is
In summary, the Thévenin equivalent of the additional output
and with the output inductor operwith this extra inductor
plus an LFR
ating in the CCM, consists of a voltage source
(see Fig. 4 and [6]). These elements connected in series
between the line rectifier and the bulk capacitor help the line
rectifier to start conducting. In fact, it starts conducting when
being the
the input voltage reaches the value
(see Fig. 4). When the line
voltage across the bulk capacitor
), the current passing
rectifier is conducting (that is, during
consists of pieces of positive sinusoids,
, two dc voltage sources
since a sinusoidal voltage source
) and a resistor
are the only elements in the
( and
path in which it is circulating. Therefore, the line current waveform consists of pieces of positive and negative sinusoids (see
must be chosen larger than
Fig. 4), whose conduction angle
67.5 in order to comply with the IEC 1000-3-2 regulations in
at 230 V.
class at 220 V [6] and larger than
This type of solution to reduce the harmonic content belongs
to the family of “single-stage power-factor-corrector (PFC) circuits.” As in the case of other single-stage PFC circuits, the main
objective is not to obtain a sinusoidal (or almost sinusoidal) line
current, but to obtain a line current with a harmonic content
that meets the regulations. Due to its inherent simplicity, the
voltage across the bulk capacitor is not maintained constant in
single-stage PFC circuits, at least if they are operating at constant switching frequency. This is the main drawback of these
circuits, in comparison to the two-stage approach based on a resistor emulator plus a dc-to-dc converter.
If we compare the AICS solution (which is based on two additional inductors) with other single-stage PFC circuits based on
Fig. 5.
General scheme for the new proposed type of AICS.
the use of only one additional inductor operating in the discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), the former exhibits the following advantages.
• Less energy is recycled from the transformer and injected between the line rectifier and the bulk capacitor [7].
This is because this solution can be designed to minimize
the voltage connected between the line rectifier and the
bulk capacitor. This voltage can even be zero at the peak
value of the minimum line voltage at full load.
• The peak value of the current passing through all the
electronic devices is lower in the case of the AICS solution
due to the fact that the additional output operates in the
CCM instead of in the DCM.
Its main disadvantage is that two inductors must be used.
However, the size of these inductors can be reduced in the case
of topologies of ac-to-dc converters based on “symmetrically
driven” dc-to-dc topologies by using the new AICS proposed
in this paper.
The AICS concept can also be applied to converters with
a symmetrically driven transformer (e.g., half bridge, full
bridge, and push-pull). In these cases, the delayed output can
be implemented based on a full-wave rectifier (see Fig. 5). Four
different implementations of this type of rectifier are shown
in Fig. 6(a)–(d), one based on a single-phase bridge rectifier
[Fig. 6(a)] and three based on a full-wave, center-tapped
rectifier [Fig. 6(b)–(d)]. In all these cases, the value of output
inductor is at least twice lower than in the case of the delayed
output based on a half-wave rectifier, due to the fact that the
switching frequency and the duty cycle at the input of the
output filter are twice higher. In practice, this inductor is around
three times lower.
Case A): Delayed Output Based on a Single-Phase Bridge
Rectifier [Fig. 6(a)]: In this case, four fast diodes and two inductors are used. The maximum reverse voltage across these
, whereas the average current is
diodes is
can be easily computed from Faraday’s
The delay time
Law, taking into account that the variation of the current passing
It should be noted that, to obtain the same value of the LFR
, the value of the delaying inductor
must be 4 times
lower in this case than in the case of using a delayed output
based on a half-wave rectifier. The energy stored in the delaying
inductor can be calculated by (5). Due to the fact that the value
of the current is the same as in the case of the half-wave rectifier
and, however, the inductance is four times lower, then the energy
stored will also be four times lower and the size will be four
times smaller.
Case B): Delayed Output Based on a Full-Wave,
Center-tapped Rectifier With Two Delaying Inductors
[Fig. 6(b)]: This topology is directly derived from the
parallel connection of two delayed outputs based on half-wave
rectifiers. As a consequence of its symmetrical structure, the
can be removed with no theoretical
freewheeling diode
influence on the converter operation. In this case, only two fast
diodes and three inductors are used. The maximum reverse
, whereas the average
voltage across these diodes is
current is
and that the current ripple
Assuming that
is negligible (see Fig. 7(b)), we obtain
Therefore, the output voltage will be
and, hence,
Fig. 6. Four basic implementations of the new type of delayed output,
based on full-wave rectifiers. (a) Delayed output based on a single-phase
bridge rectifier. (b) Delayed output based on a center-tapped rectifier with
two delaying inductors. (c) Delayed output based on a center-tapped rectifier
with one delaying inductor with a center tap. (d) Delayed output based on a
center-tapped rectifier with only one magnetic core.
is twice
[assuming that the current
ripple is negligible; see Fig. 7(a)]
, the
Therefore, to obtain a specific value of the LFR
must be 2 lower
value of the delaying inductors
in this case than in the case of using a delayed output based on
a half-wave rectifier. However, two delaying inductors (instead
of one) must be used. The total energy stored in them will be the
same as in the case of using a half-wave rectifier and, therefore,
the total size will be the same too.
Case C): Delayed Output Based on a Full-Wave, Centertapped Rectifier with One Delaying Inductor with Center Tap
of the
[Fig. 6(c)]: The two delaying inductors
previous delayed output can be coupled into only one magnetic core. Its magnetizing inductance, referred to one of the
two windings, will be
Taking into account that the rectifier is a full-wave one and
(2), the output voltage will be
is the inductance of the total winding. Taking into
, the
account that the variation of magnetizing current is
delay time will be
and, hence,
Therefore, the output voltage will be
Fig. 7. Main waveforms for the two basic types of delayed outputs with full-wave rectifier. (a) Single-phase rectifier [Fig. 6(a)]. (b) Center-tapped rectifier
[Fig. 6(b)–(d)].
and, hence,
, the
Therefore, to obtain a specific value of the LFR
in this case is the same as in
value of the delaying inductor
the case of a delayed output based on a half-wave rectifier. However, the energy stored (and, therefore, the size) is not the same,
because current is not passing through all the inductor
is divided into two
the same time. In fact, the total current
) which circulate through the two parts
currents (
. The energy stored in
has a maximum value when
all the current passes through only one of the two halves of
, that is, through an inductance whose value is
. Thus,
the energy stored will be four times lower than in the case of a
delaying inductor based on a half-wave rectifier (and, therefore,
the size will be four times smaller).
Case D): Delayed Output Based on a Full-Wave,
Center-tapped Rectifier with Only One Magnetic Core
[Fig. 6(d)]: The two delaying inductors
can be built using only one magnetic
the output inductor
core, according to the process shown in Fig. 8. The magnetic
device consists of only one magnetic core with two windings
with the same number of turns. The coupling between both
winding must not be very tight, in order to have the value of
the two leakage inductances equal to the desired value of the
delayed inductance, obtained from (11). Details about how a
two-winding top–bottom arrangement must be designed to have
a specific leakage inductance can be found in [8]. Magnetic
design tools (such as UO-M [9], PEmag [10], etc.) can also
be useful for this purpose.
Finally, the use of the four types of delayed output for an
ac-to-dc converter in which the dc-to-dc part is a half-bridge
topology is shown in Fig. 9.
The equations to design this new topology can be easily derived from the ones given in [6] for the flyback. In this case, the
is constant (it does not
only difference is that the value of
depend on the input voltage ). The total set of equations is as
• Geometrical considerations from Fig. 4:
• If
• If
• DC-to-DC voltage conversion ratio:
If the dc-to-dc converter is a half bridge,
If the dc-to-dc converter is a full bridge or push–pull,
• Value of
Fig. 8.
Process to integrate all magnetic devices of a delayed output based on a center-tapped rectifier, into only one magnetic core.
Fig. 9. The four implementations of delayed output applied to an ac-to-dc converter in which the dc-to-dc converter is a half-bridge one. (a) Delayed output based
on a single-phase bridge rectifier. (b) Delayed output based on a center-tapped rectifier with two delaying inductors. (c) Delayed output based on a center-tapped
rectifier with one delaying inductor with a center tap. (d) Delayed output based on a center-tapped rectifier with only one magnetic core.
• Power balance:
is the input power and the rest of the quantities
are shown in Fig. 9 for the particular case of converters in
which the dc-to-dc converter is a half-bridge one. Fig. 10
shows the voltage across the bulk capacitor obtained by
solving the above-mentioned equations for a specific design.
The design procedure of this new type of AICS is very similar to the procedure shown in [7] to design converters with the
previous type of AICS (delayed output with half-wave recti, the
fier). The inputs of this design are the output voltage
, and the maximum and minimum
maximum input power
values of the peak value of the input voltage,
The steps can be summarized as follows.
(the value of the conduction angle
Step 1) Choose
at the input voltage specified in the regulations),
according to a tradeoff between harmonics reduction and recycled energy. In every case, this conduction angle must be higher than 67.44 at 220 V and
64.47 at 230 V.
(the maximum value of the conStep 2) Calculate
), by solving the following equaduction angle
tion, obtained from (22):
being the peak value of the input voltage specified in the regulations.
from (24)
Step 3) Calculate
This equation has been obtained from (18), by taking
into account that the optimum design of any AICS is
achieved by setting the value of the voltage across
the bulk capacitor equal to the peak value of the line
voltage, when this line voltage is minimum and the
input power is maximum.
Step 4) Choose either the maximum value of the duty cycle,
, or the ratio of turns
of the transformer.
Both quantities are related by ((19) and (20)) and,
therefore, one of them can be obtained from this
equation if the other is known. It should be noted
in these equations must be its
that the value of
minimum value,
by using (22) for a particular case
Step 5) Calculate
(e.g., either
). The value of the delaying inductor will be
calculated from either (8) or (11) or (15), depending
on the type of delayed output.
The input inductor must be chosen several times
calculated in Case "A"
higher than the value of
(for example, 3–6 higher).
Fig. 10. Voltage across the bulk capacitor in a specific design of converter with
AICS, designed for the European range of input voltage.
Step 6) Solve the set of (18) and (22) to calculate the evoluacross the bulk capacitor when
tion of the voltage
and the input power
the input voltage
A prototype of a half-bridge converter with the four types of
new AICS has been built and tested. The main parameters of
this converter are as follows:
V rms
in cases B–D
– A
transistors: Cool MOS SPP11N60S5 (Siemens)
main output rectifier diodes: BYW51 (ST)
delayed output rectifier diodes: MUR 160 (Motorola).
• Delayed output based on a single-phase bridge rectifier [Fig. 9(a)]
• Delayed output based on a center-tapped rectifier with
two delaying inductors [Fig. 9(b)]
• Delayed output based on a center-tapped rectifier with
one delaying inductor with center tap [Fig. 9(c)]
• Delayed output based on a center-tapped rectifier with
only one magnetic core [Fig. 9(d)]
two windings of 108 turns in top–bottom arrangement
in an E30 core.
Fig. 11 shows the line current waveforms at 230 V [Fig. 11(a)]
and at 190 V [Fig. 11(b)]. The harmonic content of the line current at 230-V rms is given in Fig. 12. The efficiency of the power
stage (excluding control circuitry) of this prototype operating
as a dc-to-dc converter (a dc input voltage source has been conand, therefore, the input bridge diodes
nected in parallel with
are not conducting) is shown in Fig. 13(a), whereas its efficiency
operating as an ac-to-dc converter is depicted in Fig. 13(b) (only
2%–3% lower). All these results have been obtained with the
implementation shown in Fig. 9(b). However, these results are
Fig. 11. Input current waveform obtained in the prototype with the type of
delayed output shown in Fig. 9(b). (a) At 230-V rms. (b) At 190-V rms.
Fig. 14.
Voltage across the bulk capacitor.
Finally, the variations of the voltage across the bulk capacitor
are shown in Fig. 14. As this figure shows, both experimental
and theoretical results coincide while the output inductor
is working in the CCM, whereas the experimental values are
lower than the theoretical values when this inductor is working
in the DCM. As this figure also shows, this voltage is always
lower than 450 V, even when the converter has no load. In fact
the maximum value of this voltage was 420 V, obtained at 30 W
and 265-V rms.
Fig. 12.
Harmonic content measured in the prototype at 230-V rms.
Fig. 13. Efficiency measured in the prototype. (a) Operating as a dc-to-dc
converter. (b) Operating as an ac-to-dc converter.
almost the same when the other implementations of delayed
output have been tested. Only a slight reduction in converter
efficiency was measured when the implementation shown in
Fig. 9(d) was tested (1–2 points lower). It should be noted that
the efficiency obtained is very high, due to the fact that the new
type of Siemens MOSFETs (Cool MOS transistors) has been
used in the half-bridge topology.
Four implementations of AICSs suitable to be used with
converters in which the transformer is driven by symmetrical
voltage waveforms have been presented in this paper. These
new implementations conserve the same features as the previous implementations of AICSs, that is:
• only a few elements are added to the classical dc-to-dc
• fast response when the load changes (as in standard
dc-to-dc converters);
• low efficiency penalty to comply with the
• low variation in the voltage across the bulk capacitor
if the converter is operating from a specific range of input
voltage (either European or American).
Moreover, the new implementations allow a considerable reduction in the size of the magnetic elements. Thus, the input
inductor is at least twice smaller than in the previous implementations and they also allow either a reduction of the delaying
inductor size by four times or the integration of all AICS inducand
) into only one magnetic core.
tors ( ,
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[3] L. Huber and M. Jovanovic, “Single-stage, single-switch, isolated power
supply technique with input-current shaping and fast output-voltage regulation for universal input-voltage-range applications,” in Proc. IEEE
APEC’97, 1997, pp. 272–280.
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[5] G. Hua, “Consolidated soft-switching ac/dc converters,” U.S. Patent
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[6] J. Sebastián, M. M. Hernando, P. Villegas, J. Díaz, and A. Fontán, “Input
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[8] A. Dauhajre and R. D. Middlebrook, “Modeling and estimation of
leakage phenomena in magnetic circuits,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’86,
1986, pp. 213–226.
[9] UO-M2T
[10] PEmag Reference Guide, UPM-Ansoft Corp., Pittsburgh, PA, 1998.
Arturo Fernández (M’98) was born in Oviedo,
Spain, in 1972. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain, in 1997 and 2000,
Since 1998, he has been an Assistant Professor at
the University of Oviedo. His research interests are
switching-mode power supplies, converter modeling,
and high-power-factor rectifiers.
Pedro José Villegas (M’96) was born in Suances,
Spain, in 1965. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of
Oviedo, Gijón, Spain, in 1991 and 2000, respectively.
Since 1994, he has been an Assistant Professor at
the University of Oviedo. His research interests are
switching-mode power supplies, converter modeling,
and high-power-factor rectifiers.
Marta María Hernando (M’95) was born in Gijón,
Spain, in 1964. She received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of
Oviedo, Gijón, Spain, in 1988 and 1992, respectively.
She is currently an Associate Professor at
the University of Oviedo. Her main interests are switching-mode power supplies and
high-power-factor rectifiers.
Javier Sebastián (M’86) was born in Madrid, Spain,
in 1958. He received the M.Sc. degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, and the
Ph.D. degree from the University of Oviedo, Gijón,
Spain, in 1981 and 1985, respectively.
He was an Assistant Professor and an Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of
Madrid and at the University of Oviedo. Since
1992, he has been with the University of Oviedo,
where he is currently a Professor. His research
interests are switching-mode power supplies,
modeling of dc-to-dc converters, low-output-voltage dc-to-dc converters, and
high-power-factor rectifiers.
Prof. Sebastián has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
Juan Manuel Lopera (M’98) was born in Avilés,
Spain, in 1966. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of
Oviedo, Gijón, Spain, in 1990 and 1994, respectively.
Since 1990, he has been with the Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of
Oviedo, where he is currently an Associate Professor.
His research interests include dc-to-dc switching converters, modeling of magnetic devices for high-frequency switching converters, and industrial control