• Complete the activity on charging and discharging capacitors located under Activities on the website • sites.google.com/site/sienaphys140spring2011/activities/ charging-and-discharging-a-capacitor The power supplied by a battery is The units of power are J/s, or W. The power dissipated by a resistor is Or, in terms of the potential drop across the resistor • Resistors that are aligned end to end, with no junctions between them, are called series resistors or, sometimes, resistors “in series.” • The current I is the same through all resistors placed in series. • If we have N resistors in series, their equivalent resistance is The behavior of the circuit will be unchanged if the N series resistors are replaced by the single resistor Req. • Resistors connected at both ends are called parallel resistors or, sometimes, resistors “in parallel.” • The left ends of all the resistors connected in parallel are held at the same potential V1, and the right ends are all held at the same potential V2. • The potential differences ΔV are the same across all resistors placed in parallel. • If we have N resistors in parallel, their equivalent resistance is The behavior of the circuit will be unchanged if the N parallel resistors are replaced by the single resistor Req. QUESTION: • Consider a charged capacitor, an open switch, and a resistor all hooked in series. This is an RC Circuit. • The capacitor has charge Q0 and potential difference ΔVC = Q0/C. • There is no current, so the potential difference across the resistor is zero. • At t = 0 the switch closes and the capacitor begins to discharge through the resistor. • The capacitor charge as a function of time is where the time constant τ is QUESTION: Junction Rule General Physics 2 Circuits 24 Resistance, Voltage • Determine (a) the equivalent resistance of the circuit and (b) the voltage across each resistor. General Physics 2 Circuits 25 Rank in order of brightness • Rank bulbs 1 through 6 in order of descending brightness. – Brightness is proportional to power 2 V P = VI = I 2 R = R € • Now assume the filament in B6 breaks. Again rank the bulbs in order of descending brightness. General Physics 2 Circuits 26 Practice Problems • Determine the equivalent resistance and the current through R1 for the circuits shown. Assume R1 = 10Ω, R2 = 20 Ω, and R1 = 30 Ω, and the battery is 12 V. General Physics 2 Circuits 27 Activities • Exploration of Physics – E&M – Resistive circuits – Do each of the 5 circuits – set all to 50 ohms – Calculate I, V, and P for each resistor and then check answers in the program General Physics 2 Current & Resistance 28