DISS.ETHNo. 13135 Rotary Switch and Current Monitor Hall-Based by Microsystems A thesis submitted to the SWrSS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences presented by Ralph Steiner Van ha Dipl. Phys. Born ET H Zürich August 2. 1966 Citizen of Winterthtir. Switzerland accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. H. Baltes, examiner Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c. Simon Middeihoek, co-examiner Dr. R. Voet, co-examiner 1999 Contents Abstract 1 Zusammenfassung 2 1 Introduction 3 3 1.1 State of the Art 1.2 1.3 1.4 4 Magnetic Field Sensors Scope of Thesis Major Results 8 9 11 1.5 References 2 Physics of Integrated CMOS 2.1 Galvanomagnetic 2.2 Input 2.3 The 2.4 The of the 18 Effects Resistance and Theory Theory 17 Hall Devices 24 Sensitivity Spinning 39 Current Method 54 of the Double-Hall Sensor 59 2.5 References 65 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices 3.1 Design 3.2 Electrical and 3.3 3.4 65 Considerations Magnetic Implementation Implementation 70 Performance Cont. of Offset Reduction by of Offset Reduction Using a Spinning Current Double-Hall Sensor 77 89 93 3.5 References l 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices 4.1 Design 102 Technology 4.3 Electrical and 5 96 Considerations 4.2 Fabrication 95 Magnetic Performance 108 4.4 References 111 Applications 113 5.1 Current Monitor 114 5.2 Wear-free Angle 127 Measurement 131 5.3 References 135 6 Conclusion and Outlook 6.1 Conclusion 135 6.2 Outlook 138 Appendices 139 A.l Basic Field A.2 List of A.3 Equations and Unit Conversions 140 Symbols Physical 139 143 Constants A.4 List of Abbreviations 144 Acknowledgments 145 Curriculum Vitae 147 n Abstract development This thesis reports the switch and a monitor. These current commercial TC exploiting established evant to an the of voltage. reduction a using double-Hall device The the technique Hall and are treated in spinning and general for the sensor detail: offset more current numerical model is associated trench-Hall devices, sensitive to chip surface, respectively, of 200 to 300 V/AT and to methods a discussed. This includes through presented to use of predict of the thesis deals with the fabrication and characterization of sensors cross-sensitivity are aspects rel¬ sensors, theoretical from fabrication process simulations. performance CMOS packaging solutions, compensation techniques as of continuous Furthermore, sensor. remaining part well compensation Two magnetic Hall de\ ices as In have been realized. superior performance integrated of merit performance figures offset with chip-surface. the to rotary effective batch fabrication with well cost introduction to the field of design parallel is utilized. Combined with dedicated reliability inexpensive microsystems Following technology, or a CMOS Hall microsystems employ integrated perpendicular devices sensitive to fields either microsystems: of two Hall-based are application magnetic presented. fields demonstrators. perpendicular Both devices yield from 0.01 to 0.1 % in linearity out-of-plane magnetic a and Lateral parallel excellent and to the sensitivity ±0.3 T range. The low induction makes trench-Hall devices well suited for vector field measurements. The first demonstrator reported trench-Hall device. The application accuracy in a harsh environment perature range. The to an Bx axis of rotation. and ances measurement shows a rotary switch is intended for involving principle implies By detecting over 360°. The second mass loading manufacturing. lated current detection up to 20 A with an 1 and a high wide tem¬ permanent magnet attached robustness magnetic induction against mechanical toler¬ demonstrator exhibits application example using lead-on-chip packaging technology. with commercial 1C a measurement of the two components of the BY parallel to the sensor chip surface, of the packaging is obtained. The smaller than 0.2° angular mechanical the vertical employing is a a resolution current monitor The entire system fabrication is in line The system features galvanically accuracy of 150 mA at 100 Hz. iso¬ Zusammenfassung Zusammenfassung Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit stehen zwei Mikrosysteme: Ein Drehschalter und ein Stromsensor, deren Messprinzip auf integrierten Hall Sensoren beruht. Die Hall Sensoren, hergestellt in einem CMOS Fabrikationsprozess, weisen eine Sensitivität senkrecht oder Einführung delt Aspekte es sich zur um set-Reduktion. Spinning in das Gebiet der Funktion allgemeine hoher zur werden theoreti¬ um Verfahren der Off¬ Daten Prozess-Simulationen aus von Doppel-Hall vorgestellt, Sensor. welche als benötigt. Herstellung und Charakterisierung der Anwendung. Der verwendete laterale 200 V/AT senkrecht von etwa zur Chipober¬ (Linearität: 0.01% für ±0.3T). Der Trench-Hall Sensor reagiert auf magnetische ermöglicht eine Hall Sensoren diskutiert. Dabei han¬ Simulation eines Hall Sensors Hall Sensor weist eine Sensitivität (Linearität: erlaubt von Zuverlässigkeit. Kenndaten der Sensoren und CMOS Hall Sensoren, sowie deren fläche auf Verwendung Magnetfeldsensoren integrierten von Weitere Teile dieser Arbeit handeln Felder in der mit einer Sensitivität Chipebene 0.1% für +0.3T). Die starke dabei eine Vektormessung des In dieser Arbeit wird ein Drehschalter basiert. Zur gemessen, das von einem 360°. Dabei wird die Temperaturänderungen Stromsensor wurde. Der gesamte wird Messauflösung mit dem ter- Herstellungsmethoden. bis zu Mit dem Genauigkeit welcher auf Trench-Hall Sen¬ Richtung des Magnetfeldes auf einer Achse erzeugt wird. kleiner 0.2° über einen Bereich beeinträchtigt. o Weiter wird ein 'Lead-On-Chip'-Verfahren hergestellt 150 gemessen werden. Einflüsse, deckt sich mit kommerziellen Halblei¬ vorgestellten von 300 V/AT der Sensitivität weder durch äussere mechanische Herstellungsprozess 20 A, mit einer die oder Gehäusetoleranzen der ca. Magnetfeldes. Permanentmagneten Auflösung vorgestellt, von Richtungsabhängigkeit vorgestellt, Winkelbestimmung Diese Methode erlaubt eine hohe von Die Current'-Verfahren und das Verfahren mit einem Randbedingung lediglich soren auf. Reduktionsverfahren werden erläutert: das 'Continuous Folgende Weiter wird die Theorie von gleichzeitig Massenfabrikation bei kostengünstige Nach einer Chipoberfläche zur massgeschneiderten Verpackungslösungen und IC-Technologie sche parallel mA Stromsensor können Ströme bei 100 Hz, galvanisch getrennt 1.1 State of the Art 1 Introduction 1.1 State of the Art microsensors offer Integrated features such unique cost effective sensor batch as fabrication, miniaturization with unique reliability, and co-integration of dedi¬ cated electronics [1,2). Integrated ago with the introduction of ogy. More of photodiodes recently piezoresistors in silicon [4]. piezoresistivity ing [5]. system cost sensor and Hall devices By use of ÏC have has been post-processing steps, formed after between the facturing already become routine discovery manufactur¬ a fabrica¬ with additional [6. 7]. Preferably, additional deposition, thin film or requires micromachining pushed a per¬ are [8]. Also, CMOS close collaboration features for new of different materials been demonstrated [12]. The on a with sensor new materials design. of additional common IC manu¬ micromachining die manufactured in deposition piezoelectric films, in line well established to and surface technologies [10, 11]. Also, enabling technology IC process sequence for microtransdueers have been in the IC process and regular sensor technol¬ and the IC manufacturer [61. designer standards. Bulk troplating etching has been demonstrated [9| but this sensor Technologies of the for the gradually improved. Here, demonstrated which include completion pre-processing successfully [3] in silicon following technology tion scheme which combines conventional CMOS IC processing steps has been initiated decades have been introduced performance and development As a an are have introduced example, elec¬ CMOS process has layers, such technologies, as polymers has proven to be feasible [13, 14]. IC sensors are their potential superior for in many aspects growth compared in the market place, industry and academic institutions is critical. engaged in many aspects of yet to be microsystems fully exploited [16]. promising methods versity research, are recruitment of new solutions. Due to increased research activities in Evenlhough research [15], the latter is technology, has three start-up companies spinned-off from uni¬ qualified engineers by companies, in research actively technology transfer In order to enhance the transfer of suggested: sity-industry collaboration to discrete projects [ 17]. and univer¬ 1 Introduction Field Sensors Magnetic 1.2 A magnetic applications magnetic detect change a or sensors displacement, or an categories: arc used disturbance in the physical signal. Examples broad magnetic field into sensor converts a of low-field magnetic bias field transducers (mT) (see by field caused include Magnetic position, sensors can (nT-range), sensors 19). They tandem transducers [18, as physical signals electrical current. electrical signal. In most an a non-magnetic linear and angular be classified in three Earth's field sensors (ptT), and Fig. 1.1) [20]. applications, magnetic sensing provides a means of rugged, reliable, and maintenance free technology compared to other sensing techniques. Magnetic In many a sensors exploit a broad range of many aspects, such choice of a as particular of the various frequency and physics chemistry disciplines. are response, size, and power, that could affect the concept best suited for sensor There application. an A description types is described in the following. sensor Low-Field Sensors The ence family of the low-field devices, search coil includes sensors sensor It is based on is the superconducting quantum interference cooling transition temperature. In such materials, which is not subject to any superconducting ring, The field. The resistance. sensor can respond to field induces magnetic as a material below its Josephson a a current, contact in the function of the applied changes in the magnetic flux in the 10~13T. fiber-optic magnetometer employs field, causing an glass [22, 23]. One of the has a change fibers that are arranged two fibers is coated with under the influence of detection range from optically pumped magnetometer lines of atoms two a a as a mag¬ mag¬ interference pattern at the interferometer output. The fiber-optic magnetometer spectral a superconducting By introducing netostrictive material whose dimensions The a the current starts to oscillate Mach-Zender interferometer netic and magnetometers. device (SQUID) [21]. order of interfer¬ fiber-optic magnetometers, optically pumped magnetometers, The most sensitive low field magnetic superconducting quantum are split when is based placed 4 in on a 10"l() to 10° T. the Zeeman effect where the magnetic field. Here, light pass- 1.2 Sensor Magnetic Detectable Field Technology ! Low-Field Sensors Range [Tesla] |()6 10-4 1()2 1()0 S j i i j ! I 101210101(>8 [ 1 ' ' \ ; { l-L'~ U1 - - | Anisotropic Resistivity - "* « i 1 j 1 ! j Sensor [ 1 Hall-Effect Sensor Electric Current magnetic field size and sensor or high power _Z=IZ] 1 : - ^ : . ! i i j j S i 1 [==::=; s i i and their detection different groups capabilities [20j. of field ranges: low field (nT), field (niT). helium gas strength. . ,„ ! I technologies' divided iti three cesium „—. »fTL-"^« i | Field and bias i \ Magnet (/LIT), j » tl— I Field Sources sensors are i 1 Magnetoresistive Magnetic 1 l L_ 1 Magnetic i ! i j Magneto-Optical large ! —j _ Magnetodiode the ~] S Magnetotransistor Earth's field —~ 1 — Bias Field Sensors ing through —" Cr Flux Gate The " It'll I 1.1: * —— Earth's Field Sensors Fig. —' : Search-Coil Permanent i | \ Nuclear Precession 2 ,, «. -J 1 Optically Pumped Earth's | ' ' Fiber-Optic Magnetic JO4 102 ! Squid Giant Field Sensors The undergoes different absorption depending optically pumped magnetometer consumption. 10~4T|24]. 5 It has a on suffers from detection range form 10"l2 a to I Introduction The nuclear precession magnetometer exploits the of the nuclei of atoms in angular along hydrocarbon fluid such the protons in the fluid momentum off the field for Switching netic field. a magnetic field. the ambient nitude of the field, which can The search-coil magnetometer through flux magnetic minals. Typically, change of the coil is current a improved by magnetic flux, fields as temporarily aligned by alignment, Faraday's coil induces a benzene. Due to their as range of 10" a uses be magnetic field a the protons begin precession frequency depends The be in can response to weak a as to 10 to on a own mag¬ precess the mag¬ T. law of induction. A which generates a in the change voltage at its ter¬ ferromagnetic core. Depending ÎO"1" T can be detected [25]. on the Earth's Field Sensors Magnetometers toresistive causing sensors. change a resistivity. but magnetic The tion and a magnetic core, coil are wrapped which oscillates between early with the \31, 32]. pick-up coil. The on of barberpole a common points magnitude are Bias sensors realized in Magnetic Most industrial magnetic a [28]. magnetic field. An excita¬ high-permeability a ferro¬ a second of the second harmonic varies lin- detection range from 10 available in (bulk) macroscopic to 10"" T form and [33, 34]. Recently, flux commercial CMOS process have been reported [35). Field Sensors applications make use of permanent magnets field [36, 37]. Common bias field sible devices which fit this group of diodes, the of saturation. An external mag¬ in microfabricated versions with dedicated electronics gate on on structures oscillating signal generating applied magnetic field, with Flux gate magnetometers first observed in flux gate magnetometers. around netic field disturbs the symmetry in the harmonic at the use was quadratic dependence an navigation systems rely pick-up the by a angular dependence 10~l ] to 10~2 T [29. 30]. these structures show based magnetoresistive effect be linearized can field deflects the current in the material This effect shows [26, 27]. The detectable field range is from Compass resistance summarize the group of magne- anisotropic An external in magnetic field, Additionally, on materials ferromagnetic the based magneto-optical sensors, strengths sensors are are 6 of the in the order of mT. Pos¬ magnelotransistors, magneto- giant magnetoresistive devices. as a source sensors, and Hall 1.2 Magnetic Field Sensors A magnetotransistor is two a An external nology [38, 39]. fabricated, e.g., in CMOS tech¬ collector transistor induction magnetic causes an imbalance in the col¬ lector currents due to the Lorentz force. The magnetotransistor netic induction down to 10"^ T. the offset, Recently, even major a detect mag- can drawback of the device, has been drastically reduced [40. 41]. A magnetodiode are separated by bounded by essentially is of intrinsic region a high-injection conditions, region. phire technology with a sensitivity Magneto-optical tion of or doped silicon. low n-regions region This intrinsic surfaces with different surface recombination rates. two in the intrinsic semiconductor diode where its p- and a the Lorentz force leads to general, magnetodiodes In a are modulation of exploits sensor polarization of the on sap¬ technology reported [44]. Faraday polarization light changes Under conductivity fabricated in silicon [42, 431. However, de\ ices manufactured in CMOS of 25 V/T have also been is when effect where the direc¬ certain travelling through magnetic materials [45]. Giant-magnetoresistive magnelosensors show depending 70% the on devices consist of magnetic of a field. scattering at can be altered by changing free path Layers with parallel magnetic the interfaces. They of electrons in the In most industrial are not as applications, high, Hall-effect devices [48]. Hall offset sensors compensation over dedicated electronics. have a are where the are requirements easy in terms of by an electric current in are perfecll} the a few niT, can or voltage applications requiring 7 field [47]. magnitude giant magnetoresistive be allow magnetic magnetic in an dynamic co-integrated A-range. Their operation a nm for the field suited to detect the Lorentz-deflection of carriers which generates tion to the current flow. In be smaller than the operation, they small, and external an path, and, therefore, must be used instead of their life-time, They free magnetic lower likelihood a which is smaller than 10 layer, sensors can have The non-ferromag¬ in the parallel by to mean given layer a thin a alignment moments longer permanent magnet, which is in the range of ated the ferromagnetic layers from antiparallel decrease in resistance. The thickness of mean [46]. Giant magnetoresistive field ferromagnetic layers, separated by conducting layer, moments of the of resistance up to large change ferromagnetic/non-ferromagnetic multilayer system. a resistance of two thin netic applied magnetic a field of a fields gener¬ is based orthogonal strength with on the direc¬ in the range of 1 Introduction mT, the integrated Hall is the best candidate in terms of overall sensor perfor¬ mance. Integrated magnetic field for standard silicon IC ciated with IC commercial field lent reviews which In particular, silicon on magnetic explains can on exploit all the provided advantages asso¬ the intensive research effort and their technology, integrated magnetic highest reliability at minimum cost. given in [18, 48 development of integrated magnetic sensors are to Excel¬ 53]. of Thesis the Hall effect. Although previous many research results be found in literature, many aspects associated with the CMOS ects of materials and processes because of IC This thesis aims to contribute to the based use Such devices have been boosted to the Scope 1.3 make technology. technology, success. sensors sensors technology have been such as, geometry this on topic implementation This work, therefore, neglected. sensors emphasizes in asp¬ non-idealities and their optimization, CMOS-specific compensation, and, finally, packaging concepts suited for batch fabrication. Fur¬ thermore, work sensitive to on process magnetic inductions satisfyingly to date. Such a ments on a single chip parallel was presented to the configuration to embedded into an can realize chip surface, problem a be European dynamic offset should to were motivated by a sensor for best solved measure¬ compensa¬ ESPRIT project together subjects with other treated in the issues relevant to commercialization. This work help application designers design not outstanding. Universities and industrial partners. Therefore, many of the this work structures sensor allows multidimensional field and in combination with, e.g. tion, the performance of Hall devices This thesis is technology to understand the performance, particularly discussed. 8 physics of Hall devices and for the sample applications 1.4 1.4 Major Greek Results Description of the A Numerical ctoss Performance of layout ical model highly degrade the device Offset Reduction f24 /j 4 = = concerning by the Continuous A are 10 p:T, separated which from the corresponds contact periodic to a theoretically. Current Method i.e. a Hall device is the the output compensation voltages, offset was voltage and may plate is A generated by Residual offsets fraction of the earth's magnetic change spinning currents the almost constant Hall voltage. zero dynamic periodic biasing two at high voltage depends developed. in the Hall superimposing be Further¬ geometry. physical properties current vector can numer¬ operating the device life-time. A method for offset resulting wide a induction. This offset various over From the opti¬ which describes the over of its drawback of voltage, magnetic on [54, 55]. developed treated Spinning major offset /0 sin((p) CMOS Hall device. A device a an mechanical stress and temperature effects, which performance, if) COS(cp) a independent range non-idealities of was behavior of Hall Device a have to be considered for Many aspects Hall device mized more, Results Major voltage are below field. The Double-Hall Sensor The offset voltage of the double-Hall compensated by design [56]. The sensor sensor is con¬ sists of two single Hall devices sharing the same by active region. The sensor the difference of the output single devices. but their They magnetic signal voltages given of the have almost equal offsets response is of opposite sign due to the structure symmetry. In Hull is particular the temperature coefficient of the offset voltages are equal 9 because they originate from the same 1 Introduction active The double-Hall region. offset reduction regime resulting in an of implementation allows the sensor simple a in-expensive magnetic microsystem. Vertical Trench-Hall Devices A novel vertical Hall device sensitive to mag¬ netic induction parallel The developed [57, 58]. region active eral comparable is Hall device exhibits tivity below rication trenches active lesion means of the spinning current 0.2% enables front-end chip. Additionally, dynamic the Monitor and Wear-Free the trench-Hall offset the on sensor same bears the compensation by The trench-Hall device Systeme of co-integration of circuitry CMOS technique. two the full circle. The fab¬ over and for by conventional lat¬ vertical sensor potential is defined outstanding w-cross-sensi- technology in close collaboration with Austria Mikro Applications: Current an to the was oriented performance The device. surface vertically sensor The trenches. parallel sensor of the chip to the developed was International AG. Angle Measurement A compact CMOS current monitor system for galvanically insulated current measurement is presented [59|. is It lead-on-chip technology sensor for chip The high volume inexpensive including packaging. was shows wear-free angle trench-Hall device with tion is realized. arranged ments presented systems, demonstrated with of ±10 A a With the System sensors on the a a non-linearity permanent magnet, electronics chip. flow of the <±0.3%. 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Digest of International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM '98), [58] sensor in press. U. Muench, M. monitor Mayer, and H. Baltes, using lead-on-chip technology," MEMS '98, p. 603, 1998. 1 Introduction 16 2 Physics of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices In designing is an Hall abundance of introduction to many theoretical aspects have to be considered. There sensors important literature available that general semiconductor physics is, details of semiconductor devices devices be found in [7 to can implementation evant to the The necessary basic section on throughout and the an topics Hall on property of the Hall given in the following which also introduces the notation used approximate analysis, angle the Hall is defined. In or voltage an is presented advanced analysis scattering of the charge carri- is treated. from the fundamental semiconductor describing means the the deviation from of conformai junction junction an field effect Hall device ideal Hall [16] predicts only using the real voltage, use 14], correction factors are determined Shockley theory poor results. Therefore, the doping profiles of a Starting by device geometry is modified of classic the Hall device that and the 6. discussed. are plate geometry mapping [ 14, 15]. Additionally, equivalent circuit of common-mode an a equations [1. field effect [f 6. 17]. The effect is revisited in 4], and to selected aspects rel¬ on of the Hall effect [f 3] is Next, input resistance and sensitivity of by in [1 of CMOS Hall devices. of galvanomagnetic effects, the role of collision ers field. An large treated in [5, 6]. Particular are galvanomagnetic effects, important given e.g., 12]. This chapter will focus knowledge this thesis. In this covers for the junction field CMOS process. This results predicts sensitivity. Furthermore, the input resistance, the above properties the are treated in terms of their thermal behavior. The offset voltage, which device, is covered in the based sensor on the [19] important use are of a can be considered next two continuous as the major drawback of Hall sections. Two novel offset reduction schemes spinning current method j 18] and introduced. Besides the basic considerations, all for the continuous a spinning current 17 method are given. a double Hall physical effects These include: 2 Physics of geometrical Integrated errors, junction field in complexity, chapter 2.1 mechanical stress issues, and non-linearities proof of feasibility the The Hall effect is a [I3j. For are sensor is treated given. Due to the by experimental results in Magnetoresistance an acting on approximate analysis, in the presence of an charge mobile electrons with electromagnetic field a a given by -qE-q[vxB]. = Here, E denotes the electrical field, induction. For magnetic with silicon n-type (Ea, 0, 0) = where l»w carriers (q\xnnEa> However, carriers towards ary of the is the n one edge of the sample generates a applied An a applied long sample electrical of field (~\xflEa, 0, 0) density /„ of the an applied magnetic field, is given by majority carrier density in the n-type sili¬ sample. B = = (0. B, 0) forces the charged The carrier concentration at this bound¬ Hall electric field the Lorentz force consider we of the electrons of vn applied magnetic induction FH balancing tric field is mobility. and B the The associated current in the absence of 0, 0) where an velocity (2.1) charge velocity, Fig. 2.1). (see drift causes a the v simplified analysis, a is the electron u:,, majority force double-Hall from the Effects experience FL con. a manifestation of the Lorentz force of ~q particle charge = of will be summarized of the Hall Effect and carriers in condensed matter ,/,; use arising 3. Approximate Analysis Ea by the basic concepts whereby only sense, Galvanomagnetic force ices effect. The offset reduction generic a more CMOS Hall De\ FL. In a EH state of = (0, 0, EH) with equilibrium a Hall the Hall elec¬ given by Eu= -^f' = ^ = 18 \i„[EaxB). (2.2) 2.1 Galvanomagnetic Effects width w contact M thickness / -%r~ magnetic induction B Fig. 2.1: The Hall effect applied magnetic field, trons, Fi the in B the long sample of n-type a silicon. Ea denotes the magnetic induction. vn the drift velocity of the elec¬ magnetic force, Jn the current density, and Ey the Hall electric field. With reference to the silicon Fig. 2.1, placing sample allows a two contacts. M and measurement of the Under the condition that the contacts are absence of zero a Hall voltage magnetic field (i.e. can be calculated under on N, at the corresponding the same opposite sides of Hall voltage VH. equipotential line in the offset conditions), the corresponding as v VH where the terms of integral is taken Eqs. (2.2, 2.3) = along the Hall a j En path \oltage yh ds s can RH = 19 (2.3) connecting be IB. the contacts M and N. In expressed as (2.4) 2 Physics of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices Here t is the thickness of the rent I = \Jn\wt, surface. The and the sample, magnetic corresponding input r the Flail coefficient -L/qn, the cur¬ RH perpendicular to the sample induction B is resistance R of the = sample is calculated as _LU. = (2.5) qn[Xntw The above considerations effect. For yield only detailed analysis considered. Therefore, the analysis a more phenomenological description a the influence of the can be of the Hall crystal lattice has to be improved by taking into account the transport of carriers under the influence of collisions with the crystal lattice. charged particle, exposed to orthogonal electric and magnetic fields, moves along a cycloid in vacuum [20] (see Fig. 2.2). In contrast, a charge carrier in a A solid with the effective loses, after starts a a new fore, the relaxation time cycloid path mean [12] m'x mass T. moves for only a portion of a cycloid all its kinetic energy due to collisions. The in the direction of the electric field (see deflection angle QH Fig. and charge 2.2). There¬ correlates to the relaxation time x and is expressed by lan0w where cor is the electric field of ~(ùct = ^!—x = Eq. (2.2) can also be = represented by an resulting to electric field E electric field Ea The presence of the Hall electric field E through a called the sample. As or Ea + EH the current angle QH causes a = an magnitude the Hall (2.7) causes the be non-co-linear with respect to an density Jn. between the deusity /;; and the result¬ path for a charge moving current resistivity of the sample increases. geometric magnetoresistance of the Hall angle BH applied magnetic induction increase in the transit result, the the (2.6) \EH\/\Ea\. Therefore, collisions in the presence of ing ~\i„B, cyclotron frequency [20]. However, tanG,, applied - nT" This effect is effect in semiconductors [12]. 2. J vacuum:! = Galvanomagnetic Effects <*> Xi<X, X^<X2 applied charge -q electric field Ea Q magnetic induction B Fig. 2.2: Schematic representation of the path of electrons solid in the presence a of a magnetic induction and an in applied vacuum electric relaxation time T, the electron loses all its kinetic energy due starts a new Furthermore, material cycloid path a in the direction to a field. After collision and of the applied electric field. physical magnetoresistance [12|. This effect is related to and in effect occurs collision factors and in the semiconductor depends on the mag¬ netic induction. For a better lattice, as Advanced based approach an employed physical understanding on of the interaction of electrons with the the Boltzmann transport equation crystal must be shown in the next section. Analysis of Galvanomagnetic Effects An accurate analysis of the galvanomagnetic effects the Boltzmann transport only present Here, we ature distribution in majority carriers, the a equation using key-results can the relaxation-time of such an analysis. homogeneous semiconductor the current density is determined 21 be carried out as by solving approximation [3], With a uniform temper¬ material and electrons as 2 Physics of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices 3 /„ 4 q2KxE 3-K4E xB) -^K,B(E ;//* + = + " B). (2.8) ,„+- Here, the magnetic field dependent transport coefficients K{, K2, and Ä"3 energy weighted averages energy dependent relaxation time Ks Here, For = the term over x and the iL<—^^>, »»'" I + orthogonal arrangement an field E where the effective ity \iHn(B) are = GRll(B)E = = with density of the (i.e. B±E), Eq. (2.8) reduces J„ u/;~ZT) (s 1, 2, 3) with the electron mobility \in qx/m* [22], + .v = (2.9) + and m* the electron effective magnetic induction mass. B and the electric to GBn(B%lHn(B)\ExB], conductivity of electrons oBn(B) introduced 1...3. (1,7 ZT denotes the electron carrier n xV(l are (2.10) and associated Hall mobil¬ [12] with GBn(B) = cfK,, (2.11) 4f- (2-12) and M//„(*) = For low cients magnetic induction defined by \x„~B~ of Eq. (2.9) can be approximated [12] by Ar1 « 1. the kinetic transport coeffi¬ 2(<ii#l>-\Mn-,>Jn. = q a:2-^((p„V<m„4)^)- ">") ai3) (2.14) 2.1 Galvanomagnetic Effects By using Eqs. (2.13, 2.14), the effective conductivity of electrons oBn(B), Eq. (2.11), reduces, for a non-degenerated semiconductor material [12]. to GBn(B) were a0 the Hall = o0(\^a[i2llnB2) = q\i„n and r, are mobility jj///;(fi>) yn) the scattering for electrons, where pwo„ is the Flail mobility at zero scattering factors rm stant energy surfaces [2] = are Scattering factor <x"')/(x)"' given = ^, (2.15) factors (see Tab. 2.1). with ß can = be for semiconductors with phonon 1.77 5.90 r4 4.16 19.14 Hall voltage, RHu = scattering factors for different scattering is which determines the efficiency RH0 mechanisms flf. of the material to gen¬ given by [12] Rm( I - Yü4zr) xvith y = 1 - 2^ + r2 where con¬ Ionized impurities '"3 erate a spherical in Tab. 2.1. Acoustic RHn, as (x)~ 1.93 The Hall coefficient (2.16) and is defined 1.18 Calculated as £-/•„ r2 Tab. 2.1: Analogously, expressed magnetic induction, »i The a Eq. (2.12). nm„(i-ßii;B2). = with . is the Hall coefficient at zero magnetic induction 23 ii (2.18) r2 and is defined as 2 Physics of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices RH(B= ())= Rm In the above analysis, have assumed we surface for which the effective effective mass. A correction in the in occur riers. include the Ettinghausen-, Input Resistance geometrical In the study infinite length physical Hall and Nernst- and The sensitivity of Sa where Gs sitivity of the Hall is the a Hall plate we plate effects of the plate S(j of v,ith other of infinite factor by an charge car¬ These ideal Hall plate design constraints, to of a and the resis¬ plate. Saco can -^ expressed as RuJ VM) - be = factor for the -f-, (2.20) sensitivity length [21]. Furthermore, GR due to galvanomagnetic magnetic sensitivity has to be considered to determine the described (x"')/(x)"') = assumed arbitrary shape geometrical correction plate anisotropic Righi-Leduc-effects. However, due correction for the GsSav geometrical correction ohniic a GR contacts. sense shape = an Sensitivity galvanomagnetic effects, Hall a in [11. Gs point for (rnl energy [12]. and plate requires tance to account and correction factors of the factors scattering spherical But the conduction multivalleyed resulting effects may interfere with the Hall field The a semiconductor associated with the transport of effects may a (isotropic). magnetoresistance effects, In addition to the Hall and 2.2 semiconductor with needs to be introduced anisotropic mobility They and (2.19) qn is constant mass non-spherical band of silicon is a -L. = the and SLlao RD, sen¬ input resistance of operating point. Here, the describes the correlation between its sheet resistance the and the physical Hall a square plate with resistance R, R = GRRU ukh /?ö = -LI . (2.21) 2.2 In order to calculate the equations must for GBnE = VE Here, n + = (dn/dt) + q~l\7*Ju = (dp/dt) + cflV*Jp = qD„Vn -V-(j) - magnetic e (2.22) X B], density, ND (2.24) in the above Considering steady in the Hall plate stale Hall plate, operation, no space equation (2.24) the = assumption charge reduces to the effects V../;, of a - = of the 0 reduces can be made to = majority simplify carrier current Eq. (2.22) to 0. (2.25) homogeneously doped n-type and with Ar/} simpler Laplace equation -VE Similarly. Eq. (2.23) in vacuum, and U the net assumptions divergence with net recombination U Furthermore, with the the diffusion coeffi- equations. V../,, are (|) the electric potential, uW/( permittivity several the elec¬ Jn the donor concentration, mobility, G„ the electron conductivity, D„ a (2.23) (q/(c()c))(p -n+Nn-NA). = the dielectric constant, f0 the analysis induction B MI, aRn[inil[E xi?]- \iHnqDn\Vn the hole current recombination rate. For there a the basic GR, V the acceptor concentration, E the electric field, cient, and Gs Sensitivity 22]: density, ./ the electron Hall the correction factors denotes the electron concentration, p the hole concentration, tron current NA Resistance and n-type semiconductor in the presence of an be solved 114. ./„ geometrical Input ^V2(|) = ;; = 0. and p « n, material Poisson's (2.26) reduces to J„ = aBllE-aRn\iUn\ExB]. (2.27) Physics 2 of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices magnetic induction B 2.3: Fig. Vector density Jn, and diagram illustrating the the electric fields corresponding Hall angle QH Ecl and the current Efj, in the presence of a mag¬ netic induction B. the Assuming BLE, resulting electric field Ea and the Hall field electric field by the Hall rent angle Qn density Jn (see Fig. 2.3). equation VxE well EH consists of an applied En, Eq. (2.27). This implies a rotation of the electric field E One Ea + -McVàn(EH/Ea) = can 0, that under = = show with a with respect to the Eqs. (2.25, 2.27) uniform oBn over cur¬ and the Max¬ the active Hall plate region, vV/„ Consequently, Finally, of an the the aßnV*E-aBn\iH„V*[ExB] = oRnV*E-aBn\x„JVxE]*B = GBnV»E Laplace equation boundary insulating = can is satisfied. boundary, boundary conditions can and uB insulating edge \ectors: n, parallel to be written in the the problem general, be identified: contact boundaries Defining three mutuallv orthogonal unit the field potential field have to be defined. In boundaries (//;) for the un normal to the (2.28) 0. conditions for above applied magnetic types of boundaries and = for a in the presence Hall plate two (cb) for ohmic contacts, of the Hall tangential to the applied magnetic following compact plate [14]. boundary, induction B, form [14] 2.2 E • u, 0. and = Heb) ./„ O.and u. E»u, technique [15]. Here, by inspection. mined angle tanOw = For —(J-,JJ5|. - k'b) starts with example, as a shown in ary conditions described in a is by plate parallelogram Fig. 2.4, satisfies Eqs. (2.29, 2.30) [14]. determined [14]. Next, any mapped conformai ly modified by the same to the (2.30) geometry whose solution Hall Eq. (2.26) Once has mapping be deter¬ can tilted by the Hall and the bound¬ Laplace's equation and Gs arbitrary geometrical shape parallelogram (2.29) , the conlormal solved for that geometry the geometrical correction factors easily ) II Sensitivity -\iHnB(E» u,). Laplace's equation (2.26) one Resistance and -VHnB(Jn Uch) W) A useful method to solve Input geometrical is GR can be which can be correction factors conformai transformation function. boundary (ch) contact insulating boundary magnetic Fig. 2.4: Electric parallelogram. field and current The geometry lines in a Hall induction B plate having the satisfies the Laplace equation and its shape of a boundary conditions. In reality, shape with (see GR a the conlormal transformation function for is, for most cases, symmetrical Fig. 2.5). are difficult circular Hall For these chosen known [23. 24]. Using to find and hard to evaluate. Therefore, plate offel transformation, these two asymmetrical rectangular or an shapes, a arbitrary geometrical an the geometric shapes can be Hall correction factors bilinear transformation mapped or to start we plate Gs and the Schwartz-Christthe upper complex Physics 2 of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices half-plane [J5|. Now, mapping complex half plane plate shapes, factors is shown in Tab. 2.2 [21, 23 symmetrical circular i0!T = h „ Tt . l/.- i to 30]. asymmetrical rectangular Ileal plate Hall plate | GR~l/u °;/ 1 272 d -4- lanO/; u angle contact nr\ 1 Oçii - 5 & opemn« corresponding geometric correction with the +0717 --- I 0 solutions are [\5]. An overview of Hail (7 arbitrary geometrical to an the conformai transformation function, which shape requires only that well known the -^exp 1 œ^FR^ length s i 2 h juin O -' un I °ii - tan© width, w ontact width Sehwarz-Chi istoffel bi lineal transformation tiansfoimation r complex uppei , halt-plane confoimal tiansfoimation (e g Schwätz¬ et» istoi fei tiansfoimation) arbitrary geometrical shapi- Fig. 2.5: correction 24/. By Determination of factors of means a Gç and G^ of circular and a Hall rectangular of conformai mapping using transformation, the t orrection /actors plates can a with arbitrary Hall bilinear plate or a be calculated are shape. The known f23, Schwar:-Christoffel for any shape. 2.2 Geometrical shape Input Resistance and Geometrical correction Greek Cross = [ 71/2-0.645 exp (-nh/k)] tan GR LlLz/ZL) = factor [0.645 exp(-7t/;/fr)l tan m Sensitivity ^2.00^ 0.72 + k 2K(nf) K(nr)' complete elliptic integral h: length side k: width side arm Gç l-1.045e\p(-7t///Jr) = arm Square (Version A) m <=si\(K(mf)c/b, 1 -) sn(K{mf){c/b GR nnt = c: length 0.94 1 + tanO // mL ) = + eH 2i), m, '"*( = 0.1716 mf) = 2K(tth -t 1.34exp f-3.75cA —-— Anto/2 + 0.018- sn(u,v): Jacobian integral function contact b: circumferences Gc active region Square (Version B) GR and Gs 1.062 I = have the the Greek k b tan© same cross, 7.427 = ©,/ c H form as for but with /7-2<r --log 71 " + /; Tab. 2.2: devices. - 2c Calculated geometrical correction factors of symmetrical, lateral Hall Geometrical according shapes not the method described in published Fiq. 2.5. 29 in prior literature are calculated 2 Physics of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices The Junction Field Effect The sensitivity Sa and metrical dimensions the input according CMOS Hall device with an resistance R of Eqs. (2.20) to active a Hall and plate depend (2.21). Additionally, for region consisting of n-doped region an p-type substrate, the boundary of the Hall plate is limited by pn-junction. Since the thickness of the electric field, the device geometry We consider the ogy with point case of an changes with is controlled changing biasing an by in a a insulating the applied conditions. ideal lateral Hall device fabricated in CMOS technol¬ sense contacts transistor n-well which is pn-junction its geo¬ on (see Fig. 2.6) [31], optionally covered by region The active a p+-layer. consists of For such an a arrange- ength Iq current contacts thickness t,0 point Fig. 2.6: of the width contacts Ideal lateral Hall device with defined by tion sense the length l0, point the width uy> and the transistor n-well denoted as sense contacts. depth of the m () The geometry is metallurgical func¬ thickness t(j. The device is covered by an optional p+-layer. ment, the effects of the n-well. FTowever, the the junction junction use field effects doping profiles a quently, require an modify mainly of the conventional predicts for the active nology suggest field effect theory poor results since the region. a JFET theory [32] to describe is based on abrupt Lateral Hall devices realized in CMOS tech¬ Gaussian function to describe the impro\ed of the thickness r0 of the JFET model. 30 doping profile, and. conse¬ 2.2 The doping profile of with finite element transistor n-well with a modeling. Input Resistance and optional p+-cover an In accordance with the [33], the doping profile n(x) of the donor concentration ND with a be approximated Gaussian function n(x) f (h = x is the doping depth, range, and AR resistance and SIMS cess, Austria Mikro ^ p = L '^/JJ V Nn(x) (2.31) , O the number of ions per unit area, projected straggle. the x-R exp • 2k- AR, where can is simulated implantation of ion theory Sensitivity measurements Systeme Rp the projected With additional information from sheet of the Int. AG), the particular CMOS doping process distribution can (CXE pro¬ be determined (see Fig. 2.7). 1x10 26 m&> o boron lxlO25 < doping concentration : £Q N^ lxlO24 c o lxlO23 phosphorus doping ^^concentration Nß «t«f lxlO22 o o : U lxlO21 btj a lxlO20 Q . , , 0 , i i. i i 1 i i i 1 ., 2 , 3 Depth x , ! 1 , 1 ^^. 4 5 [urn] Fig. 2.7: Sample of a doping profile of an n-well with p+-cover for a particular CMOS process. With a for the similar approach, p+ layer can the doping profile p(x) of be obtained. This results in p(x) = NA(x) an the acceptor concentration abrupt profile PP x < tp Po -v > 'p = 31 NA of the form (2.32) 2 Physics of Integrated is the where p peak doping concentration, background doping According to CMOS Hall Devices Eq. (2.21) the input region, of a p+-cover, shallow of the the profile, andpn and does the so depth of the of the depends isolating pn-junction p+- and n-well on the sensitivity Sa, as shown in active region limited by the the substrate. In to corresponding depletion layer limits thickness at the interface between the the Fig. 2.7). resistance R of the Hall device The actual thickness is the voltage dependent depletion layer case depth concentration of the p-type substrate (see thickness t of the active Eq. (2.20). the /„ the device regions. In order to calculate the the n-doped active voltage dependent depletion layer thickness xn(V) within region, the following set of equations need to be solved. By Poisson's integrating depletion layer equation, the condition of »„0") J 'o N(x)dx P(.\)dv doping '0-yr) concentrations in the n- and potential distribution = n(x) and P(x) -p(.x) p-region, respectively, metallurgical junction according results in the (2.33) , (V) is the junction thickness in the p-region. N(x) x tion of the again J = 'o the net conservation within the is obtained ?o+ Here, charge to Fig. (2.7). Integrating Eq. (2.33) the over and f0 the loca¬ depletion layer 'n+1,,0') \ v+v- = î i d^ïP(x)dx y\'> where es constant zero net = e0 • electron and hole Fermi level throughout Vhl the the built-in r/Ç[/V(.\V/.v (2.34) , e0 times the relative dielectric potential. Finally, the junction resulting -In <1 Vhj constant currents across FT, = f ^- s eSl is the permittivity of silicon eSi, and + the condition of depletion layer requires a constant in 'N(t0+ \n())xP(t0~\p0) (2.35) 2.2 where xn0 nesses tion -v„(V = 0) = and in the absence of any x = 0 biasing ( V v for the built-in in addition to the can concentration Sensitivity and n, the intrinsic carrier distribu¬ improved by be voltage stemming from impurity Resistance and 0) denote the initial junction thick¬ currents (see Fig. 2.8). The above relations -2kT/q = Input a correction factor the intrinsic carrier distribution [34]. depletion region c ö 2 ffi "So ! Vo In the case constant ified i V + to of Vhl v„(V) junction formed by ent the Gaussian background doping p0, Eqs. read Erf a Overview junction of differ¬ thicknesses. doping profile, Eq. (2.31 ), (2.33, 2.34, 2.35) are and a correspondingly mod¬ as x„V+Rp- /0 Po-VfV) J2AR„ = + $Erf *pV~Rp to J2AR„ + P()xp(V), (2.36) Po = <KK„-'o) Erf 'xn(V) + R„-t '0 p + Erf /2AR, >A/? ' -Exp /27T 2.8: Fig. -V„(U) (y„(V) + /?;)-/0) 2 A ä; + /2A/? + Exp (A „(V) "/<„ 2 a/?; + ?„) (2.37) 2 Physics of Integrated FT V hi CMOS Hall Devices $ Log y° ARpj2n to 2.39) (.\p()-Rp + tQ) Exp the *Erf •v^-K/. $Erf = t 'p ^E xp Vh, bi = Eqs. (2.33 -pQxn{V) + —Log 4 metallurgical junction. However, q( Pn = to numerical solutions On the other hand, in the p+-region is well case Eqs. of an approximated by 2.35) become tp RP %Ei\ I2AR + PjAp(V) (2.40) /'J P(A,fVY Y,(V)-Xp + k J2AR„ (Rp-to)- 0AR JTk <l> to — + 2ar: 2.9 shows the across 'o (tp-RP): 2 71 Fig. + Thus V/,r within the (*;>-'/>)~tErf p I2AR (\>AR the condition for the qPp-\p(Vf~ -R (2.39) 2AR2 it doping profile f2AR„ v+vbl (Rp-ioY Exp doping profile, Eq. (2.31), only abrupt doping profile. 2 2 (2.38) 2AR2 be found for .\n and can optional p+-layer, an />0- Eq. (2.39) describes with the Gaussian (2.36 = -Pa 2ARZ (bAR. 0 Rp--t0y + n:\ARpj2n <i> where (.v„0 :Exp :Exp XAR ,j2k (2.41) Exp 2ARZ ^no~Rn + fo) Pq (2.42) 2AR' depletion layer thicknesses as a function of the applied voltage the junction, calculated with Eqs. (2.36 to 2.42) for a junction with Gauss- 2.2 junction for Gaussian Voltage Fig. 2.9: junctions tions and the ian and a Gaussian and an The are calculated with according Gaussian at the are level according Once the to resistance of the ideal Hall Ohm's law, the resistance cIR = thickness of the plate can lJy. J concentration equivalent voltage drop. over electron Eqs. (2.36 the The to doping 2.40) for concentra¬ Fig. (2.7). are as given in Fig. n-/p-interface, larger 2.7. In a values of due to the lower absolute doping Eq. (2.34). voltage dependent with JKas the to doping profiles doping profile near the junction depletion layer thickness occur which Sensitivity [ V] abrupt doping profile. corresponding depths abrupt doping profiles. Resistance and doping profile Across Junction Depletion layer thicknesses with Input = can be calculated (see be described __ depletion layer by a ^-Jll^^.—__. biasing current, and w(V) the to equation \'n(V)[ln(V)w(V)t(V)q I the input Fig. 2.10). According differential the conductive thickness of the mobilit), is known, the (2.43) ND(V) the equivalent doping active region t(V), \in(V) the equivalent width of the active region. 2 Physics Fig. 2.10: flow in a of Integrated Integration CMOS Hall Devices ewer the conductive channel of the active volume element of length dx occurs in a channel of region. width Current w(V) and thickness t(V). The denominator over on the thickness the right-hand side of follows from the integration t(V) ND(V)iin(V)t(V) = j* v,(V) with Eq. (2.43) ND(v)iin(ND(y))dv, (2.44) Input .2 Resistance and Sensitivity and [35] V„(ND(y)) = 232 80 + ((A7y)(v))/8xl01<,)°9 + The integration boundaries in Eq. (2.44) without p yfV) -cover and + \n(V) withp (2.46) are = t Lcm-^l. yh(V) t0-S„(V), = (2.47) -cover with y,(V) + t(V) = yh(V). (2.48) y,(V) is the top boundary and yh(V) the bottom boundary of the active region, tm the top boundary without p+-cover layer, \H(V) the depletion layer in Here, the active region the Gaussian The a due to the doping profile equivalent at the width of the active voltage dependent simplify bottom of the active region u'(V) because of the model, the width w(V) where X is determined found by integrating x"n(V) and = depletion layer region. equivalent junction width field effect changes in the a wo-x^ao. voltage drop due to changing depletion layer thickness. w(V) is approximated by a factor A- by experimental the the is due to the function. Furthermore, the perpendicular y-direction order to p+-cover layer, results. Finally, In (2.49) a solution of Eq. (2.43) is in the x-dircction V(\) J j (w^Xx^V)) A Xn(y)iin(ND(y))dydV=j. (1 ) 37 (2.50) 2 Physics of Integrated with the to yield boundary the input erated at the CMOS Hall Devices conditions V(x = VI .v = V(x = resistance R point sense contacts tion field ND(V) model, to rH = J2f) l0) Vm = \j, = (2.51) and the common-mode ity Sa and the thickness of the /%, is the Hall we assume an active of an ideal Flail = the conducting plate gen¬ in the presence of the equivalent doping active concentra¬ region t(V) H (9 52) - qND(V)t(V)' scattering region that in the middle in the Hall be evaluated at V voltage Vm (see Fig. 2.6). effect, Eq. (2.20) is modified by S" where V0 = V/I = In order to calculate the sensitiv junction 0) factor (sec Tab. 2.1). For of uniform thickness of plate (i.e. at a value a simplified corresponding Vm). Therefore, Eq. (2.52) needs to V,„, m S —JL = '" \,(V q ) _. ND(y)dy P 53) 2.3 The 2.3 A The major drawback of Hall age at the sense to the offset ing of the Theory Spinning plates is their all are physical effects effects, geometrical errors, voltage, i.e. the output volt¬ cause an asymmetry in the poten¬ include sources piezoresistive sources may change over the lifetime of sensor. ever, one of the most powerful techniques, is the spinning many publications [36, deals with current method. First measuring signal offset Fig. over one full voltage from the output biasing 2.11: Symmetric biasing proposed current e.g., I (see dynamically [38], it has been in a subject current method multi-contact Hall Fig. 2,11). Averaging of 360° separates the for plate for the output spatially periodic at current Hall the contact plate with eight contacts pair perpendicular to f41J. The the direction of current. spinning current offset reduction scheme results in response due to the discrete the offset known [37 to 40]. How¬ voltage. spinning output voltage is measured are which reduces the offset voltage of, switching period the Hall plates 43]. The basic idea of the spinning 41 to different directions of the The Current Method temperature gradients, non-linear material properties, Several methods for offset reduction in Hall the offset Possible [36]. Additionally, the various offset etc. Spinning magnetic induction. Also contribut- which region. of the Current Method high contacts in the absence of a tial distribution of the active the Theory sources becomes sampling frequency sampling L44). Therefore, indispensable in order to cancel all limited detailed frequency knowledge of in order to choose, e.g., the minimum significant 39 a a contributions. 2 of Physics CMOS Hall Devices Integrated Basic Considerations The first step towards mathematical a description better understanding of the problem. of the offset general, In and I, According 9) [41] the offset voltage is of to V0(I,(p) and, therefore, nificant contributions series expansion. symmetries can be results to neglected Assuming + they V0(L • the dependence always ip jc) + = smjmp + physical effects (2.55) 2k). to (2.56) occur only + n crystalline + by silicon rotational a reverse V0(-E <p) '-£) cos^] bias = (2.57) • zero, from biasing the an the . the Fourier components physical current, offset that is voltage effects independent a can be of the linear or a similar to [46]. However, any independent measured at 40 sig¬ 6 in the Fourier [45]. Furthermore, odd components V0(I, cp) v„ up to = components resulting from effects of which induce superimposing voltages (2.54) nature be cancelled equals originating on voltage V0 in section 3.2, suggest that the seen voltage can induction magnetic current, and, into non-linear will be 0, 2. 4. 6 divided into components biasing as Hall 0 the offset 2an(l) = = a Fourier series [36] up to the sixth order since V0(I, cp) n periodic + of V0(l, (p). This coincides with the fact that in occur can a + offset proper a £fl„a)-sin(/fcp+v„). = 7? experimental a V0(I,<V = by be described can V0(I,(p) However, VH(B, I) = an is voltage the output plate VH 0 can be separated into the Hall voltage VH with a spatial dependence on (p such that V!L0(B, sources a of bias is contact equivalent pair to of the Hall 2.3 The plate. Consequently, they only therefore, The case can of a be be described by magnetic by a V; / an equivalent plate circuit voltages ohmic resistor, is the contact between contact / and described Fig. by with /'. an active they consisting of with voltage, / a t or at pair (2.4). offset \ plate voltages Vtj the structure can dependence can be defined current and R applied (3.1), respectively. 41 can be equiva¬ as the resistance equivalent circuit are Fig. 2.12). Hall plate oltages in ohmic resistors [47] (see linear current (left) alent circuit with six ohmic resistors. Current is (1,3) six The six ohmic resistors of the of a four contac The region of ohmic material also be taken into account in the can their conductances ghk (see 2.12: Layout or at Current Method in odd orders in the Fourier series, and, lent circuit. The difference of the contact where Spinning induction is considered. This Hall Since all offset Fig. 2.12). described a of the neglected. four contact Hall the absence of occur Theory are and the applied corresponding equiv¬ either at contact measured at the contact pair pair (2,4) 2 Physics A biasing of Integrated current at 8 V14 CMOS Hall Devices the 12 appropriate + £|4 A'l.2#U X + 2 i'14 + Xu #: _ + + i'r + Uli pair contact #14 Zn leads to Vnconst. + i?- • 5 £.U ^14^2^-i712^34 7->4 \'24const. - /?, • (2.59) resulting in /,, = /24 = Therefore, offset voltages with by spinning the biasing / a ^24+^1 => linear current of a current a more approximate is to use a complex nature. Hence, the non-linear behavior of Wheatstone bridge with on only Hall (2.60) dependence four contact Hall The influence of non-linear offset contributions series is of =0- a plate are of always arbitrary shape. the components of the Fourier simple model is considered to plate (see Fig. 2.13). A generic, non-linear resistances k a cancelled simple way described by it,, = a..R(I) with /?(/) (2.61) = l-r,/ diaracteristic resistors simplified equivalent circuit s ^ "o i.i.i, i > Cm lent I [a Fig. 2.13: Simplified u equivalent circuit with corresponding acteristics of the char¬ resistors to approximate non-linear behav¬ ior 42 of a Hall plate. 2.3 The of the Theory Spinning Current Method Here, I denotes the biasing current, and. ar-, c{ and c2 arbitrary by caused voltages the biasing opposite current at constants. The calculated contacts are as: Ac\,c2) V24=V/Il3)~V/l]3) (2.62) , 713 (fl12^23)(a]4^34) V3\=Vs{I24)-Vi(I24) f(c\>cl) = - , y13 Depending on guished (see tact pair. required. by the In (2.65) V(-724)-y3(-/24)= vM = the value of a- Tab. 2.3). Case/1 B, case All other spinning (2.64) V 24^ Vu=VA-Ili)-V2(-Il3)= cases current for the offset different cases requires at least one orthogonal symmetry two between contact voltages öp To conclude, in dent of, Hall or plate. «34 a\4 = a2* a^ al2 = aM respect to of contact VM == cases = of the biasing However, to cancel the a V 24 0 Hall layout plate which are not a con¬ pairs are cancelled others and the pairs required -v31 caused O subject 43 T~ V } 1 voltages with a on the a indepen¬ four contact non-linear current possible symmetry of the effects by spinning physical properties acting will be the 4 by physical cancelled reduce offset maximum V of non-linear offset-voltages. voltages current are or with = occurrence the ideal case, offset linear to, the dependence, be distin¬ C B _ Different can method. a\4 Tab. 2.3: voltages symmetry axis through axes (case C) result in offset A v24 (2.63) -^lX7\an~aH){a23-ay7) h is needed with plate. The number following chapters. 2 Physics The of Theory CMOS Hall Devices Integrated of Continuous In order to generate spinning a complete switching period However, a more Spinning Current elegant of current vector 360°, a method is [18]. This method allows the offset decomposed Sinusoidal pairs (13) and currents, (24) of 70 results in is the current a of net-current ning with the unit vector h bv 90°, spinning are applied plate = shape 7n((p), spinning and the two contact to (2.66) (2.67) , switching angle. The whose direction is superposition continuously spin¬ . = IQ- sin((p) /0- cos(cp) Fig. 2.14: Schematic view of a symmetrical four cross [41]. scheme plate (see Fig. 2.14): 724((p) 7l3(cp) current order. four contact Hall and (p the in the Hall l0 is necessary plate four contact Hall device to be to arbitrary l()- sin((p) = amplitude a than four directions per l0- cos(cp) = /24((p) where by phase shifted 7n((p) more the continuous voltage symmetrical a with multi-contact Hall into its Fourier components of biasing Offset Reduction Method and contact 724((p) are pairs (1,3) applied to and the Hall current vector. 44 contact Hall plate with Greek- (2,4). Harmonic biasing plate. These result in a currents continuous 2.3 The Between are corresponding contact pairs, Figs. Current Method voltages V24(B, cp) (2.69) = VR((p)&m((p) = a a VH(B) + V0(<p), VH0(B,(p) voltage = and the + VH0(B, (p)cos(cp), resistive part superposition of 2.15 and 2.16). The value of The Hall Spinning (2.68) h, and VH 0(B, (p) the of the V13(5.<p)= VR((p)cos(cp)^VHO(B,ip)mi((p), measured. These consist of vector Theory the VR((p) Hall and orthogonal to Vn 0(B, (p) can the the in phase periodic unity be determined offset voltage offset vector V24(ö,<p)cos((p)-Vn(5,(p)sin(cp). superimposed periodic with the unit are voltage h (see using (2.70) expressed as a Fourier series VH0(B,(p) = ][>,(#)• sinU-(p + XA). (2.71) k -=0 2 "> Fig. 2.15: biasing resulting Vector currents diagram of 7n((p) in the net current the two Fig. I24(3p) I0-h. due and 2.16: The to I()> voltage drop K/?((p) orthogonal part its VH ()(B, (p), and the projections Vn(B,(p)and V24(B,(p). 2 of Physics Integrated CMOS Hall Devices Thus, the offset voltage is described in shifts XL The Hall with the full terms amplitudes Vk(B), of and phase of various Fourier components. voltage VH(B) spinning and the residual offset current method is obtained switching period V0 which cannot be cancelled by averaging Eq. (2.71) over one of 2rt. This results in 271 jVH0(B,(p)d(p V()(B) = = (2.72) V„(B)+V0. o Symmetry considerations of a the silicon crystal and experiments suggest limited number of Fourier components contribute to the offset i.c.,Vk(B) per period = 0 for k > khmi{. Then, is sufficient for a a that voltage [45], limited number of measurements of substantial offset reduction. 46 only 2khmi{ 2.3 The Theory of the Spinning Current Method Physical Effects Causing Offset Voltages physical A multitude of a Hall plate to effects such on due to the ers process as sources as caused errors. According errors as shown in to same Eq. (2.59) Fig. can 2.12. In way and the physical a similar sense, also be classified can corresponding symmetry and influence the second order terms in the Eq. (2.56), and, are cancelled by spinning the biasing con¬ spatial current of plate. stress cause anisotropic occurs only and no on piezojunction in the presence of and does not contribute to the offset only significant an non-degeneracy [48]. and the current flow may piezoresistivity, piezo-Hall effect of the offset structure of the electric field. The effects of mechanical stress effect is change fabrication geometrical be treated the can the in be described [42]. In the presence of stress, the band piezo-Hall [42]. of offset, and. therefore, source results in energy shifts, distortion and due to chapter by imperfections The effect of mechanical stress is the main becomes play¬ 3. Other effects, described in as the main as in the absence of non-linearities, of six resistors inhomogeneities four contact Hall trons shown in only and non-linearities will be identified external mechanical forces may linear as a equivalent circuit Fourier series of sensor considerations focus piezoresistive effects, voltage plate. However, be treated ii) mechanical following The of minor influence mainly are siderations, geometrical a errors, to the offset errors geometrical voltage. effect. These are asymmetry in the potential distribution of errors of the Hall material offset [42]. Furthermore, errors can causes geometrical thermal in nature, Geometrical an an junction field i) geometrical shape as contributing in mainly by produce effects an voltage by voltage of a Hall n-type active region The transport of elec¬ longer be perpendicular electrical transport can to be effects [1,49 to 51]. The induction B applied magnetic definition. The close to the fracture limit of silicon and piezojunction can be neglected in realistic situations [52], The multitude of mass, or stress alteration in effects, such mobility, on the as energy band shifts, majority 47 change of effective carrier current flow in a semicon- 2 Physics ductor the of can Integrated CMOS Hall Devices be attributed to the piezoresistive change in electrical conductivity The stress dependence of the offset Wheatstone bridge as an equivalent is effect. For not loo linearly voltage related to large is far plate is more complex has been described circuit model for the Flail governed by approach is the in nature (see generalized using analytical element simulations. For middle of the Hall plate a means Fig. 2.17). Here, Ohm's law for usually an evaluated simplified analysis, we by use plate [53,54J. region of a of a This Hall conduction in the Hall anisotropic employing consider far from all boundaries (see levels, the mechanical stress. model is inaccurate since the current distribution in the active plate stress a material. This numerical finite finite region in the Fig. 2.17). 4- Fig. 2.17: current plate. Finite element simulation distribution A finite exploded view. of active the electric density J are rectangular region not resistivity field Hall is shown In the presence netic induction B, the pic and a of the of a in mag¬ is anisotro¬ E and the current necessarily co-linear. The electric field/? and current densitv ./are related bv Ohm's law E = pj 48 (2.73) 2.3 The where p is the resistivity second rank tensor. For are the presence of mechanical stress at p is resistivity netic induction, the components tensor. In sufficiently anisotropic and described stress components and in reduced index notation where 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, corresponds to + Pa = where the pa piezoresistive are the = + Pa symmetric resistivity expressed. 11, 22, 33, 13, 23, with *aß Op ' resistivity components Oß for P 0 + I po 0 + p3 (2.74) p free material, a stress the 7taß the mechanical stress. tensor transformation rules [59], Eq. (2.73) can be expanded to as [7t1|-7ü,2]os6sin(27/(p) E I + E'2/p = Ej/p = [Tt44cs4cos(;Kp) the above system of Eq. (2.75), we axes equations J\. + JT12](Gs1 +t)s2) Relevant to this work is + is the expressed stress 7T12CV, J \ Eq. (2.76) stress in in terms of reduced index notation. of the a resistivity along identified the graphical representation can be found in [60, (2.76). which shows the electric field as a source generated of 61]. per¬ of offset. The appears in the second harmonic of the rotation 49 , (2.75) (2.77) 2.19. A detailed discussion Fig. 2.20). , , dependence to the current flow. This can be dependence + a0)sin(2/;(p) J\ - Tt44cis5sin(/7(p)]J'1 For purpose of illustration Eq. (2.75) is shown in Fig. direction +-[7t|, -jt44(asl-ai2)cos(27/(p) J\ system given in Fig. (2.18). The mechanical recognize direction of current pendicular + [7Cll-7t12|av6cos(2/;(p)--7i44(au in accordance to the In P coefficients and Using standard read APa be can mag¬ as 0 Pa by a zero small stress levels [55 to 57 j, the linear functions of the 12, respectively, [58, 59], Current Method Theory of the Spinning angle (p (see 2 Physics of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices = Fig. 2.18: Illustration of the system (x\, x?, tal, the system and the x3) aligned with (xsl, .v The coordinate system system used in the Eqs. (2.75 principal symmetry 2.77). Unprimed to axes of the cubic crys¬ ?) aligned with coordinate axes of the Hall sensor (xf, xf, xf) which rotates in phase with the spinning 0, primed system current vector. axes [110] .v phase angle of the Hall ip is defined between the and the primed system sensor. 150' Fig. 2.19: The normal¬ ized piezo resistance func180° /n,o(,KPs) lion n-type E 210 i = with fit./n(PiY]r\ a,u} ft-coefficients ing to f48J loider tensile 50 MPa. 270° 50 an plate Hall the al °f stress accord¬ uniaxi¬ CTS,/ of 2.3 The of the Theory Spinning Current Method iL Fig. 2.20: The normalized perpendicular piezores is function tance gK - a(n(pf) of n-type Hall plate with expression given mechanical stress Depending from the on Eq. (2.76) in (asj - o\2^ consists of n-coefficients accord¬ ing to ial tensile anc' Part a mat lmear t0 *s lar to that in shifted but xq-direction generates stress uniav- GsI of phase an to the axial shear stress gç6. physical device, e.g. device orientation has to be chosen to appropriate an angular dependence Eq. (2.75). [481 under part which is linear a minimize the offset. Note that the in the the mechanical stress distribution in the real packaging [58], and = 50 MPa. 270° The 8k,ö(}1(?s)j,\ E2 by electric field on (p in Eq. (2.76) is simi¬ 45 \ In addition, the current flow in the E\ \ J\ '^.-direction. Hi) junction field effect Due to the junction field effect (see section 2.2) the geometry of changed by external biasing conditions and by isolating junction voltages in Eq. (2.77). These in the first to sixth order of the non-linear cause as seen voltages section 2.3). In the which are not voltages give following for the device geometrv w discussion rise to switching angle cancelled by only the Hall device is voltages generated field effect, in combination with junction offset the a periodic case errors, current method of the offset Additionally, geometrical spinning the ideal (p. across the may (see perfect symmetry ill be considered. However, calculations concerning the 51 2 Physics junction Integrated of CMOS Hall Devices field effect result in an implicit solution. Therefore, numerical model is introduced for behavioral description. Assuming resistance of abrupt doping profile, an be calculated according = eh with a used). Eq. (2.78) the built-in due to the the biasing (2.13) gives spinning aged voltage of denotes a Eq. (2.77) current of V] to plate input and (2.10) for notation V, an internal voltage such as voltage drop in the x-direction resistance of the active region due to simplified equivalent circuit according to Fig. description of the Hall device when operated by contin¬ a (see Fig. 2.21). For symmetric biasing conditions, the \74 can (2.78) Figs. (2.6) and V(a) the current /. Once the behavioral (see material constant, field effect is known, a ideal Hall an t0-cJV~YZ~V(x) Wr voltage (see Eq. (2.35)), junction uous c simplified p(G) I dependent resistivity p(o~) stress In input a [32] to dVfx) the only is kept constant at V^,,^,.. Additionally, aver¬ the electric field is taken into account by superimposing the internal voltage Vt of resistor R^ and R^4 by a voltage sin((p + X), and voltage Vr/ of resistor R{4 and /?23 by a phase shifted voltage cos((p + X), <* <>= Fig. V 4 = 7- cos(cp) /24((p) = /• sin((p) 2.21 : Simplified equiva¬ lent circuit model with non-lin¬ 4 resistances ear '24 /n((p) Rp according Eq. (2.78) ated bx current. calculated and oper¬ continuous For spinning symmetric biasing conditions, the averaged volt¬ age ofVj stant to Vj is kept voltage VCcnter. at a con¬ 2.3 The 7t/2 Theory of the Spinning Current Method n Switching Angled [-] Fig. 2.22: Periodic offset voltage Vn 0(B, (p) junction to /';/ arbitrary units due to the thickness modulation. The inset shows the Fourier components the sixth order ( VH 0(B, (p) ]>\4;isin(/j(p + n Ak up A,„H n ' n The calculations to the fourth order along tions set predict a terms. periodic The offset zero voltage Vu 0(B, (p) with contributions transitions coincide with the symmetry axis the contacts of the Hall device. This indicates that fourth order contribu¬ are unique to the continuous spinning by device symmetry. Additionally, as a result of the The angular dependence superimposed of the current method and the phase angle contributions to the odd order terms is occur electric field of Eq. (2.77). piezoresistivity in the second order term generates aliasing products. These products give rise to small contributions in the Fourier spectrum of second and sixth order in the switching angle cp. Note that aliasing effects due to piezoresistanee are not taken into account in the above model. 2 Physics 2.4 of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices The of the Double-Hall Sensor Theory In addition to the initial calibration of the output dynamic several offset reduction orthogonal coupling Hall plates of two identical Hall equal magnetic have this offset reduction practice physical properties ment, the operating regime, technique in the as regions spinning However, this method exhibits only dynamic different sensor to tages of known reduction same the left on the by the plates. opposite sign, matching As an improve¬ method \31\ (see section frequency range due to in of the by orthogonally switching current are the 2.3.). switching. A for the double-Hall proposed the method described in [39] and combines the advan¬ techniques, w hereby the same region active is simulta¬ measured twice. The double-Hall the a of voltages of the two Hall limited plate, there method is based limited strongly Hall a While in the ideal case, the plates [37]. offset reduction method has been [401. It is similar neously is of common is measured twice region such A responses and offset of the active active same techniques. voltage by consists of two region (see Fig. 2.23). active row sensor the current IA single ended Hall devices A and B sharing Dev ice A is controlled from the contacts in which generates field a Device B is controlled from the contacts in the dependent the on row Hall voltage VA. right by current 1B delivering signal VD. Hall device A jH o IA1 — Hall device B Hi Bit—- ——o i 13 L VA B KMA2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4 V' ~d} B f O- -o »niiiéiimiii, I substrate Fig. 2.23: Operating principle of the double-Hall device A generates B results in a a & shielding sensor. The field dependent output VA (B), and the field dependent output Vß (B). current current IA of Hall 1B of device 2.4 The independently Hall devices A and B operate of the Hall voltage, device A, which is the Iß- same 100 pA biasing the active and independent operation [62]. According region of the curves, and depends linearly a Hall the magnetic of each Hall device can by means a biasing an same be Fig. 2.24: The magnetic The devices operate sensor of the Hall a current IA at At response is measured at the applies for the arbitrarily biasing independently of Fig.2.23. X"> sensitivity 100 IB= pA [TJ only the sensitivity of dexice A, which to no opposite signs. each other A variation The inset shows the calculated of Fig. which has IB current response of Flail device A and B simulated operated according voltage contacts Bl sense set, e.g., to sensitivities of Induction B der van the contacts A2 and response of Hall device/!. To conclude, the Magnetic curve. 7^. of alternating arrangement u changes (see current of constant a on between contact A3 to any other contact (see magnetic no and B3 of Hall device B. The on at to the theorem, the occurrence of Therefore, voltage VA 2.23). Consequently, be understood can arbitrary shape requires of sense contacts. A4 generates influence slope FEM sensitivity the influences changes remains constant. Pauw theorem an given by / only current by shown currents as time, the sensitivity of device B operated The effect of for of the of the Double-Hall Sensor from each other in terms of changing biasing due to the A variation Fig. 2.24). Theory corresponds equipotential lines to of the of using a FEAL current slope of / the double-Hall 2 Physics of The offset structure on the Integrated voltage can CMOS Hall Dev be reduced symmetry. The same with contacts conventional active sensor region on one ices by taking advantage of consists of two shown in Fig. side of the device can rectangular as Hall mapping technique defined plate, as ended Hall devices single 2.23. The single be achieved shown in the double-Hall by a Fig. 2.25, Hall plate sensor merged ended Hall devices transformation of using the conformai in section 2.2. (a) conventional Hall plate Fig. 2.25: The transformation of device. In the first step, the deformed in following the sense contacts way a rectangular contacts move to current contact one side of the lower current contact tacts. Finally, the active region (white) is understood is pulled over its a single ended of the conventional Hall plate (a) (b): the upper (dark grey) to nearby edge it is bent and stretched until all contacts end up and split as a on one (light grey) active a are is shrunk, region, and the into two half con¬ rubber-like material; side of the device (c). Theory 2.4 The single The symmetry consideration starts with two Both Hall devices have the respect Hall In Vn(B) voltages Fig. 2.26b, the Hall are sensor voltages almost same regions the active double-Hall are For signal The residual given opposite signs equal contacts (î-A, B) (see Fig. 2.26a). field direction is rotated sign of VH(B) merged together magnetic is reversed to form the field direction and and the offsets of the single by Fig. 2.26c). Hall device B (see are with orientation of the IA = IB, Hall devices signal = VA-VB = induced offset over can are same temperature and low-cost calibration at any temperature range is defined as are sensor mainly is voltage difference expected (2.81) to be very due to unavoidable manufacturing low. geometrical non-idealities do occur, as section 2.3). However, since the indi¬ active region, perfectly any drifts of the individual matched. Therefore, after arbitrary temperature, be obtained. the 2V'IIB(B)+(V^ VR0). voltages (see vidual Hall devices share the voltages (2.80) sensor due to errors (2.79) V'/ = offset of the double-Hail [ 12]. Furthermore, as stress -V£(Ä), = of the double-Hall Offsets of the individual devices offset as voltage equal y ab well a an and hence, the of both Hall devices (Fig. 2.26d). of V0(B) magnetic field orientation VA0 errors its including V'H(B) The output voltages magnetic field direction, in order to have the Finally, orientation of current and and the offset Hall device A 180°. Then the ended Hall devices A and B. field direction. This results in magnetic to the same of the Double-Hall Sensor a low offset a over simple a wide Physics of Integrated 2 CMOS Hall Devices Hall device B Hall de vi ce A induction B (a) VAB) (b) induction -B (c) VH(B) induction B (d) Fig. 2.26: The double-Hall Hall devices (a). Device A 180 field sensor including fb). Then the magnetic field orientation Hall devic es are as is a combination of its magnetic field equal single ended direction is rotated by direction is reversed in order to have the Hall device B (c). Finally, the merged together two to form 58 active the double-Hall same regions of both single sensor (d). 2.2) References 2.5 References [I] O. Madelung, [2] K. Seeger, [3] R.A. Introduction to Solid-State Theory, Semiconductor Physics, Smith, Semiconductors, Springer, Berlin, Springer, Berlin, 1978. 1989. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987. [4] CM. Wolfe, N. Holonyak, and G.E. Stillman, Physical Properties of Semi¬ conductors, Prentice Hall, London, 1989. [5] Grove, Physics and A.S. Wiley [6] S.M. Sze, York, [7] R. Technology of Semiconductor Devices, John and Sons, New York. 1967. Physics of Semiconductors Devices, John Wiley and Sons, New 1981. Popovic. "Hall-effect devices," Sensor and Actuators A, vol. 17, p. 39, 1989. [8] R. Popovic, and Goepel. vol. 5, W. [9[ S. 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Runddes 2 Physics of Integrated CMOS Hall Devices 64 Design Considerations 3.1 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices This chapter CMOS deals with the technology. described in this and structures devices is design The necessary chapter layers in section 3.1. compared. are and characterization of lateral Hall devices in for Additionally, The electrical and investigated through by of use a double-Hall on sensor are this technology different device developed the continuous investigated. are geometries magnetic performance the two resistor model Furthermore, offset reduction methods based method and designs using of Hall in section 2.2. spinning The current investigations take into account mechanical stress and temperature effects. 3.1 Design Considerations CMOS The Technology in this thesis Mikro a International AG, Austria. The starting four inch <100> p-type silicon wafers. material together with a properties determine the n-well, to n- device, sensor and p-diffusions i.e.. the active Austria a cross section or CXE applies region. serve as The polysilicon layer. of Hall devices pre¬ to all standard CMOS following layers: a design a the conducting channel of the active a region is contacted p+-source-/drain-diffusion are by the CMOS 65 by or used for elec¬ and manufacture of lateral Hall devices the process steps prov ided transis¬ gate oxide layer, and Metallization and various dielectric layers trical interconnection. The only by realized in CYE for source/drain-contacts, n+-source-/drain-diffusions and covered either by on 3.1 shows performance 4]. These processes prov ide at least the metallization. The transistor n-well will a Fig. reported material of the above pro¬ poly-poly capacitor here, the operating principle of the processes [1 Hall of the lateral Hall devices technology. Although, sented implementation the 0.8 pm CMOS processes CYE and CXE offered CMOS inverter process tor are Systeme cesses are of used for the technology technology. Therefore, depend no addi- 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices Fig. 3.1: Cross CXE or a inverter and a poly-poly capacitor is necessary, it as can be in other in CYE structures based sensor CMOS process. Furthermore, fabrication of Hall devices in provides CMOS process the of a CMOS technology. post-processing tional on section many reliability aspects such as long an term industrial stability of sensor. Geometry The physical layout input the of the Hall device determines its resistance R (see magnetic plate-like tioned near region of boundary the ing and another for are in placed Eq. (2.21 )). sensitivity Sa (see Eq. (2.20)), response. For active performance practical applications, sensing plate. The contacts the output and linearity of the Hall device consists of homogeneous conductivity, of the in terms of the are and four contacts divided in voltage. Thereby, the two a posi¬ pairs for bias¬ sense contacts way where age approximately equal potential at zero magnetic field is corresponding common mode voltage should equal half of the volt¬ drop over the input resistance. As a result, and in terms of the spinning cur¬ rent offset reduction method, a attained. The ized with the Concerning shapes are a symmetrical shape homogeneously doped the equivalent a two fold symmetry real¬ transistor n-well is recommended. galvanomagnetic properties, and described with by their all singly-connected geometrical Hall plate correction factors [5 to 7]. However, design constrains of the CMOS process propose certain geometries which are better suited when manufactured in this 66 technology [1 to 4]. 3.1 Greek Cross (GK) Design Square A Considerations Square B Layout Area Consumption 64 Input • 64 pm2 Resistance 0.835 1.00 RVRGK 0.849 0.627 Sensitivity Comparison of rical Hall plate the geometries An overview of the The scaled the by possible symmetric corresponding following 1.143 meas 1.070 0.957 1.022 0.832 0.992 of the figures of Hall a sensitivity Sa of symmet¬ Greek plate geometries input resistance measurement measurements 1.021 resistance R and the input simulated, calculated, and measured pared. 1.141 cak 0.952 1.00 Sa7S aGK Tab. 3.1 : s,,n R and cross is (GK). given Tab. 3.1. The sensitivity Sa is com¬ setup, which will be additionally used for same properties, is shown in Fig. 3.2. Good agreement is achieved between simulation and calculation (see Tab. 3.1). The dis- substrate contact Fig. 3.2: Setup to measure the input resistance R and the sensitivity device in this work. 67 Sa of a Hall 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices crepancy with the measurement result is due to the junction sidered in the theoretical studies/The results do not propose the above geometries. However, tivity and considerable active region and the electrical contacts potential of the layers is used in the are may have distribution in the active effects (see section 2.2) this offset causes voltages Cross arrangement since voltage gradients in the lowest Another layers important design aspect an or a p+-diffusion electrical shield and which higher input resistance is the cover cover CMOS impact area for the Greek of the possibilities, contacts EMC. The these R and a Different cover fabrication process suggest a Hall device either sion layer. 68 a a The polysilicon gate The higher sensitivity Sa layers for are: region. polysilicon layer serves as p+-diffusion layer also serves as an layer (see Fig. 3.3). improves of the active layer region. As result, a a is achieved at the expense of i) 3.3: perturbation not be cancelled can surrounding electrical shield, but reduces the thickness of the active Fig. layers of [8]. CMOS fabrication process allows two oxide, the a The Combined with non-linear has the least of different in for sensi¬ following designs. resulting mismatch region. dynamically. Mismatch are highest fabricated with two different a con¬ particular shape the Greek Cross arrangement with input resistance the CMOS process. These a field effect not poly-shielding shaped as a Greek polysilicon gate oxide, cross. or a p The ^-diffu¬ 3.1 Design Considerations 400 ç>V3 = p+-co\ er laver x^ 5.0V <x 2.5 V 0.0 V V3 = 0.0 V, 2.5 V, 0.3 0.6 Biasing Current I Fig. 3.4: Measured sensitivity Sa of Hull ferent layers and cover responding biasing devices conditions. power related sensitivity 0.9 1.2 [mA] shaped Additionally, plotted for as Greek Cross for dif¬ the inset shows the all conditions in the cor¬ same graph. non-linear behavior. Measurement results a more are dependence of the Additionally, region terms a sensitivity on large influence and the substrate can is achieved (see In summary, cated in a layout a Greek on cross is least the shape of the device p/diffusion layer was different layer layout possibilities results in current more than with voltage difference = S J HR is the most Combining high on non-linear poly-shielding. between the active no suited, improvement to design a sensitivirv and low region, shielding a 69 perfor¬ input resistance, as polysilicon gate oxide layer is mis¬ recom¬ of electric fields with low influence performance. However, used. in the Hall device fabri¬ fabrication non-idealities, such the active mended. The gate oxide allows linearity on be observed due to the JFET effect [9]. However, in dependent cover cover biasing sensitivity Sp inset of Fig. 3.4). CMOS process. match. In order to the the of the power related mance the p+-diffusion shown in Fig. 3.4. A to study non-linear on effects a 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices Electrical and 3.2 Magnetic Performance Linearity of the Magnetic Response In addition to offset by a the linearity. According set of measured Hall less non-linearity metrical as a to [ 10] the non-linearity is defined from voltages a corresponding is classified in two groups: scattering constant value factor the Hall the deviation of non-linearity is caused and the by non-linearity is angle \iHnB < 0.01, values of NLS1 other hand, non-linearity is also caused by Hall [ 10]. With a = in the range of are the depen¬ (3.1) coefficient non-linearity geo¬ given by -y\i-H„B- = a angle (see Eq. 2.18). Assuming (see Eq. 2.20). the material NLu where y is the material on material a as linear fit. The dimension- non-linearity The material non-linearity [10]. dence of the Hall G$lt the absolute accuracy of Hall devices is determined voltages, dependence of 0.35 [10] and <50ppm. the On the the geometry factor 10 40 > 20 > 0 o 10 73 > o c -o — -5 7,3 = 0.5 mA -10 10 0.0 -0.1 with below 5 measurement p+-cover. flV which With a 0.2 0.1 Magnetic cross ö o 0 Fig. 3.5: Linearity >-> £ corresponds to Induction B of four biasing 0.3 contact current 150ppm 70 of 1B in a 0.4 [T] Hall device - shaped as 0.5 mA the linearity ±0.3 Trange. Greek error is 3.2 Electrical and magnetic induction, the on Assuming RjqJl is a i.e. Magnetic Performance geometrical non-linearity (see Tab. 2.2). (see Eq. 2.20). the geometrical non-linearity the constant value results in NLG~^iCpluB2, ß where is a numerical coefficient [10]. With Hall devices with hlk = 1 values of Hall device ing shaped Greek as a < 0.02 cross to a full scale Variation of Device The electrical and gated in terms of non-linearity a = 5um/5um cross arrangement of the expected [10]. Consequently, the = I is shown in linear lit is non-linearity Fig. below 5 3.5. At pV, which strengths a of bias¬ corre¬ up to 0.3 m'T. Geometry of Greek cross Hall devices is investi¬ variation of the aspect ratio hlk and the absolute size /?. The aspect ratio ranged from 0.5 (10 pm/20 pm) /?//l Greek of 150 ppm for field magnetic performance a are with hlk current of 0.5 niA the deviation from sponds a is in the order of 5 ppm. The measured geometrical non-linearity a ß (3.2) hlk = 20 pm/20 urn hlk 71 to = 1.5 (30 pm/20 pm). 80 um/80 urn whereas the 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices absolute size varied from 5 pm to 80 pm at h/k= J (see Fig. 3.6). conditions for the current / changed from 0 to 2 mA with voltage V3 The analytical input the from 0 5 V to model derived in section 2.2 allows sensitivity of first step the Hall device with its Greek gular conformai by field effect is applied. mapping. corresponding the Tab. an 3.2) In the next input can be presented as 1x10 = 20 in Fig. a In a rectan¬ step, the model of the junction profites However, large variations, only were derived from doping profiles and in the order of 40%, fair agreement between measure¬ 3.7 and their extracted parameters (see sensitivity pm/20 pm of a Greek cross calculated and was Hall device with compared with mea- 20 p+-cover layer /»m 1x10 arbitrary shape. of expected. resistance and the aspect ratio of hlk approximate calculation is transformed into to be known. These sheet resistances have simulation results the shape modeling [11] (see Fig. 3.7). doping profiles With an Hall device of a cross due to fabrication constraints. Therefore, ment and change in substrate a In order to compare the measurement results with the model, the doping profiles have fabrication process biasing (see Fig. 3.2). resistance and the device The 19 ,o, o lxKV f lxlO17 threshold O implant Gaussian ,iaS»aKK333K» profile lxlO16 U doping of nwell bû & ixi0 o 15 %& yfyyyyyyyyjyyyyyyy)jyvryy] Q background doping 0 3 12 Junction The region // layer is defined is used as to be the Gaussian cover o) the nwell. 5 Depth [pm] Fig. 3.7: Doping profiles derived from fabrication active 4 process simulations doping profile of [11]. The the transistor nwell. 3.2 Electrical and Magnetic Performance sûrement data. Two additional value and RFnweii from the actual RFnpjtts. They physical describe the 4> 1.2H013cnf2 tance is possible 4.4-1019 cm"3 PP 1p 0.75 pm RP 0.21 pm RFimrll -0.85 pm t,n 0.15 pm RF 1X1 Po 7.6-10l4cnr3 to 0.11 pm nplus X 1 doping profiles of Fig. with the the input voltage drop, and the range for these results determined possible Good agreement is achieved for the predicted to be too are a more field effect. Relative parameters of the Sa against by were minimum and specification (see whereas the input resis¬ sensitivity 3.9 and 3.10. For smaller fea¬ explanation An A I/a and the can be observed, but, the for this can be found in the of the device geometry, due to the bias increase for smaller devices. Thus, simulations with measured values within the accuracy of the doping profiles used the device size for different /; between 10 pm and 20 pm (see length Figs. non-linear behavior changes dependent insulating junction, show excellent agreement input voltage drop shown in sensitivity improves only moderately. for sensitivity, sensitivity range due to process variations. sizes of the Hall device, junction (see also low. However, the deviation is much smaller than the for different absolute sizes // ture 3.7 2.53)). Measurements and simulations of the Sa designed length Value maximum sheet resistance values achieved from the process Fig. 3.8). a 1.51 pm input resistance expressed by compared deviation of Quantity Value Tab. 3.2: Parameters extracted from the The mean the reduction value. Quantity Eqs. (2.21 must be introduced: parameters as boundary values. voltage drops Af/4- Fig. 3.11). h smaller than 10 pm. 73 A drop in Plotting the sensitivity recommends performance a length is observed, 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices 400 20 range defined by sheet resistance ^ > 300 15 > a < .<p ,„0^ en sO°' ,„9>v f^8 -o >oö' .ovi- oû<^ >ô0<^ ^Qy 0.0 0.5 3.8: Calculated 1.0 ° - ^ -C~ o, a 20 = fim/20 of the fim doped 2.0 [mA] and sensitivit\- compared possible 1.5 Current input voltage drop shown within their Changing ^°8 C3 «&** simulation Biasing sheet resistances (U Ö/J i^ 0 are <p^- ^ov 100 device with h/k 10 Q #>K measurement S o ^ 200 '> Fig. 3 > with of a measurement Greek cross results. The values range determined bx minimum and maximum areas. the aspect ratio hlk of a Greek cross Hall device towards smaller values reduces the input voltage drop (see Fig. 3.12). At the same time, the change in sensitivity is not as large (see Fig. 3.13). However, according the geometrical non-linearity of a Greek cross is defined as ß exp[-7r///£] = which limits the aspect ratio to linearity for different As a 0.5 ... Hall device = the conclusion, the geometry of for a influence of the bias = range of hlk sensitivity Sa voltage drops Al/4 (see Fig. 3.14). high sensitivity h/k Again, a a is .... 1.0 to Hall device has to be shaped cross. Greek ol /; 10 pm = 74 ... [10], the aspect ratio optimized in terms of biasing voltage, low non-lmearity. and dependent insulating junction. Therefore, aspect sizes to maintain reasonable plotted against certain 1.0 and absolute as 0.5 relative (3.3) -3e\p[-Jt/i/Jll' Ï.871 of the device. Hall 20 pm aie minimal ratios of recommended for a 3.2 Electrical and Magnetic Performance 300 12 o - > - - 0 o 0 <1 "s a* = 5 pm o c - (D Ö %r s i 0 « . 0.0 = 1,,,. 0.5 Biasing Hall device £< AJ sO # - 'J - 80 pm 1 i 1.0 1.5 . , (simulation: Cross line). 80 pm = ,,, 0.5 Biasing [mA] grey S ! 0.0 2.0 of a Greek jfy 0 . . iV Jy 5 - C/5 Current absolute sizes S = A3 & 100 Voltage Drop AV24 of differ¬ F/e. i.9: O p s t// / 4 i—[ 200 Ei o o 0 0 0 P ent - > o 1.0 1.5 Current 2.0 [mA] Fl'g. 3.10: Sensitivity! Sa for different absolute sizes S. ence can Only a small influ¬ be observed. 250 200 H 150 - 100 - 00 .> 50 0 0 20 60 40 Device Size Fig. 3. If : Sensitivity Scl voltage drop AV14. due to a for a which is Greek [pm] function of the device size for different values of the The deviation between voltage drop recommended as a 80 cross predicted measurement too Hall device. results and simulation is low. A range of h = 10... 20 [im is 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices 300 > > > <1 200 & O AR =1.5 S-l Q 0) cd 100 to 0 ö 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Biasing 1.5 2.0 0.0 Current [mA] 0.5 Biasing 1.0 1.5 Current 2.0 [mA] Fig. 3.12: Voltage Drop AV24 of dif¬ Fig. ferent Greek Cross aspect ratios. Excellent agreement of aspect ratios Hall device a (simulation: grey line). 3.13: Sensitivity ^a for different simulation and experiment of is shown. 240 in to 0.50 0.75 LOO Aspect Fig. 3.14: Sensitivity Sa voltage drop AVS^. is recommended for as a 1.25 Ratio [-] function of the aspect ratio for different values of the Due to linearity considerations range a Greek cross Hall device. 76 1.50 of h/k = 0.5 ... 1.0 pm 3.3 3.3 Implementation of Offset Reduction Implementation Continuous by Continuous of Offset Reduction Spinning Spinning Current by Current Basic Measurements The continuous device, shaped to the spinning as a Greek chip plane [8]. pairs (13) in contact a cross, method is demonstrated with that is sensitive to The method is based and (24). the device consists of fabricated in current a shown in weakly-doped p-substrate. section 2.2). A shallow as p+ The active diffusion, four on Fig. contact 3.15. The has covering a CMOS Hall magnetic fields perpendicular n-well resistor of region a Hall devices specific a the substrate, reduces the thickness of the conductive region of CMOS process and is ratio hlk of 33 the active active arranged region layer and pm/22 pm (see and contacted to thus increases its sensitivity. Insulation between the active biased region pn-junction. The biasing and the p-substrate current causes an between the contacts and the substrate, which occurs electrical changes due to a reverse potential difference with the distance from the contacts Fig. an 3.15: A four contact CMOS Hall device active cross region fabricated in shaped device ered with a shallow is in p+ a consisting of an (lOO)-p-substrate. n-well resistor The orientation of the Greek [1 lOf-direclion. Additionally, the active region diffusion. 77 as is cov¬ 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices contacts. This quently, ness a change variation in the causes a variation in the thickness of the Hall of the active region 724 (see Eqs. (2.66) voltage V/ is kept tance due to the is modulated (2.67)). In and As constant. junction 7j3 Iq 3.16c). or 7|3 This = the -70 causes VH 0(B, (p) is mean an the harmonic measurement result, the Hall voltage Vsilh. source full over a a) For a) device. The /n '/ I]} = /() and c) I\t, -/(). non-linearities which does section are lB according to y sub causes 77//s not Fig. of, e.g., of (p. * r~i lB Vi asxmmetric thickness of the active = case V, I hi Setup which asymmetrically in the -0 ub'i y sub i^U mean shown in with its non-linear resis¬ example, switching period 4L Fig. 3.16: /) ^ and Fig.3.16 the currents <D ADv c) plate, as the thick¬ of offset which is not cancelled when B b] setup biasing conse¬ thickness of the active region differs (Fig. 3.16b and additional averaged plate [9, 12]. Therefore, field effect (see section 2.2). is biased with respect to the substrate = a a by depletion layer width and, causes \7 ub biasing conditions region differs an additional in the source for the Hall of of, e.g., b) offset due to case cancel. The layers shown in the Hall device 3. f 78 cross 3.3 Implementation of Offset Reduction Fig. by Continuous Spinning 3.17: Measurement setup cuitry with cir¬ control the substrate to Current voltage Vvll[r ensuring symmetric operation. In order to shown in overcome Fig. the measurement 3.17. The control the average value of the contact Vmb at a constant 400 H value VH,r A without o with As induced offset, the setup circuitry keeps voltages V, (i a result, the circuitry circuitry the potential as 1, 2, 3, and 4) and the substrate = operating regime A > modified difference between 8 and without I £ symmetrical is Au with >00 was circuitry circuitry 1—1 > o 1 x 4 > tri C/) bp >-, 0 +-> -t—! 75 i> > 0J -200 C <v / en n -400 -0.3 Biasing Fig. to 3.18: -8 12 -0.6 Sa _4 4-J en 0.0 0.3 Current I Measurement 0 0.6 Fig. Vq with (o) and without (A) circuitry control the substrate voltage VslliY Jl 271 371/2 Switching Angled [-] [mA] sensitivity 71/2 3.19: due to Change of residual offset symmetric biasing tions with (O) and without circuitry. 79 condi¬ (A) control 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices no offset is induced determining tion of the by the thickness biasing biasing dependent sensitivity Sa 7t v With (see Fig. 3.18). can of the Hall device the control setup, the by be shown func¬ as a non-linearity of Sa is signal Vfh f)(B, (p) can be measured for any angle (p with (Eqs. (2.68) and (2.69)). It allows a more detailed investigation above setup the Using four contacts of the offset behavior than discrete ing due to non-linearities. This current reduced below 0.2% only the theory to sampling as the Fourier series of the residual offset Therefore, only Vn 0(B, (p) example of the are a [J 3]. However, accord¬ shown in V0 limited number of measurements per necessary and determined to be 32 steps is of limited order. period of the signal experimentally [14]. An measured response Vu 0(B, (p) is shown in Fig. 3.19. It is mea¬ sured with and without control circuitry. For a biasing current of /u 0.5 mA, the residual offsets expressed in an equivalent magnetic field below 10 pV were mea¬ = sured [8]. These mately Finally, ning measurements the noise level of the the magnetic current method indicated that sensor together was measured spinning Magnetic current response 0.0 of pT was operated an spin¬ excel- 0.2 Induction B [T| 6 Hall devices method. A full scale approxi¬ with continuous (Fig. 3.20). In the range of ±0.3 mT, Magnetic 3.20: range of ±10 with the measurement setup. response of 6 Hall devices -0.2 Fig. a operated non-linearity 80 with the continuous below 0.05c7c is achieved. 3.3 lent of Offset Reduction Implementation non-linearity by below 0.05% is achieved. The Continuous Spinning non-linearity is caused sensor itself, the setup for the offset reduction, paring the result with the only factor of 3 due to the offset reduction method is observed. a non-linearity Influence of Mechanical Stress Hall devices suffer from the Although sensors. such a the offset is caused by voltage voltage the Offset which is caused are by introduced due to intrinsic stress caused [15, 17]. Furthermore, the the by distribution stress changes and affect the long-term stability with the switched limits the response due to the discrete detailed their knowledge spatial of the stress Fourier expansion or dependence continues sensor ness with respect of the applies gation the crystal theory developed continuous a to spinning current on the initial factory trimming cancelling spinning current a In a four-point bending preferred in section 2.3 is verified method [8] and ning method, calibration setup is shown in glue. To achieve Fig. are sampling fre¬ of orientations of the Hall on by four a measurements using point bending bridge the that the device 115]. However, the investi¬ and the phase angle of the offset a voltage large, statis¬ samples. experiment, of well-defined stress and the resultant current a orientation for minimal initial offset. The valid- angular frequency relevant number of method precise understanding components rather than absolute amplitudes, which would require tically the offset of the offset components in terms of may suggest well-defined mechanical stress focuses thin films the life-time of the is essential to choose the minimum voltage fabrication sampling [18]. Therefore, quency to cancel all stress contributions. Furthermore, the stress induced offset during Sources of conducting of the device. However, voltage dynamically frequency the main contribution over by of of effects, variety process and device. Therefore, stress effects cannot be cancelled performance subjected [16]. dielectric and by overlying the wide a properties, packaging Voltage degrades mechanical stress to which the device is mechanical stress the and the reference magnet. Com¬ on fabrication processes and environmental as by of the bare Hall device (NT< 0.015%), Dependence offset large Current a Hall sensor voltages, according is placed high reproducibility and 81 an a the continuous measured. A schematic illustration of the 3.21. The Hall device die is bonded in on a state spin¬ experimental steel bar by epoxy uniform interlace between the steel 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices T//2 | -FI2 -F12 3.21: Fig. Four-point bending bridge die is attached in the arranged at bonding positions B, aligned sor die defined freely the by common strip process a with an more packaged, completed sensor displacement Ad, sensor force a commercial die bonder, supported by couple is two knife applied of the four-point bending approach by incorporating a under analytically sensor to with stress is calculated modeling. region the steel bar and element sensor die calibration requires die bonded distribution in devices as a are sen¬ a and silicon calculate the stress distribution a sensor lead frame and sensor in the coordinate system of the the bar four-point bending setup investigation. application using finite the steel the geometry of the sample Hall on to edges mechanical stress is introduced of the integrated active a properties g., on a Accordingly, deform under the force load and realistic conditions of the e. die. chanical stress distribution in the shaped apply to supports where the supports to introduce the forces in the die [15]. However, the gives was known distance. A force with the center of the Flail the mechanical The the bar and the ESEC S.A., Switzerland. The steel bar is by locations/!, spaced by bar at steel bar under load. The a symmetrically. bar and the die, the offered of center with on a conventionally plastic molding [19]. function of the steel bar The me¬ displacement Ad, The stress components are calculated die, which is aligned with the Greek cross (see section 2.3). The main contribution of mechanical 3.3 Implementation 1.0 2.0 1.5 Displacement Fig. ses 3.22: in the the Calculated sensor die element stress axial the <7t6, cr^ and ö;, from the discussed in by are Fig. 3.23). non-zero than 3.28: axial by finite Ad Calculated [mm] off-plane and shear introduced in the sensor stress 2.5 stresses die as a [unction erf displacement. in-plane axial components cis, and ct(2 (see perpendicular importance However, the to the die with resulting Eq. (2.68)) a components. Therefore, the following terms of the displacement in the and the sw stress Ad of the dependence itching angle periodic resistive = \Z24(^^ cp)sin(cp) + is voltage the shear stresses a linear combination of measurement results will be four-point bending bridge rather stress. is discussed (p of the Fig. 3.22). contribution in the range of 1% of periodic V/ 0 V14(B, (p)cos((p)-Vn(ß.(p)sin((p) H.O surface, and stress tensor the absolute values of the mechanical dependence vr.o Fig. stres¬ Current 2.0 Displacement four-point of minor First, the mechanical V Spinning 1.5 1.0 [unction of determined The stress component rjw. its 2.5 Continuous modeling. originates cts) (see by Ad [mm] as a displacement of bending bridge of Offset Reduction Fn(#Ap)eos((p) considering offset the voltage VH spatial 0 (see (see Eq. (2.69)) = _ Y A„sm(//(p Xn), (3.4) ^Bnùn(nip+ \)n). (3.5) + 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices The initial condition at deflection Ad a from theory, offset and resistive phase angles (see Eqs. (3.4) and = voltage 1mm is shown in have similar phase angles approximately along contacts, i.e., at resistive (p = voltage n, switching angle rier series (see ponents An shown in cp. As a and Bu and the symmetry was zero of the device axes contrast, zero transitions for the from the by shifted orthogonal n/4 nature of at, i.e., the above measured in 32 discrete steps of the periodic voltages (3.5)) allowing periodic expected with different amplitudes angles (p phase resulting result, the Eqs. (3.4) of different Fig. , at angular dependence The voltages 3n/2, 2n. In be observed can 7i/4, 3rc/4. 571/4, 7tc/4 voltages. of 0.7t/2, = 3.24. As (3.5)). The periodic offset voltage exhibits transitions for (p Fig. orders in the discuss to be can represented by sources switching angle of the Fourier series for VH and a a Fou¬ of offset in terms (p. Calculated com¬ VR0, respectively, are 3.25. The Fourier series is dominated and fourth order in the switching angle by components in the second appearing with same amplitude for tp. 1x10> > G 03 1x10 1 0 o < X > <D I S 4—» 1 lxlO-" o a o CD U tz> 1x10" o O lxl0~2 71/2 371/2 71 Switching Angle Fig. 3.24: VR 0 switching angle the a [-] 0 (p. lxJ0~ erf the and the resistive volt- measured exhibits ^ Spatial representation offset voltage VhL age 271 in 77;c 32 steps resistive phase shift of Tl/4 of the Fig. the 3.25: offset voltage VH resistive voltage fifteenth with respect to offset voltage Spatial spectrum of bution voltage VR up to the the spectrum in the can second fourth Fourier orders. 84 and the order. The main contri- to observed f) 0 be and 3.3 Implementation offset and resistive voltage, of Offset Reduction i. e., A-, B2 = and by At Continuous = Spinning B4. Furthermore, tion of components in the first, third, fifth and sixth orders can Current contribu¬ be observed which will be discussed later. However, components of the seventh order and have only minor a impact on the Fourier series with values below 10 higher pV. ;'). Zero order contribution The order contribution of the Fourier series zero set, determines the distinguish case between the offset of the than for the the performance example spinning current uncompensated shown in A(), also called the residual off¬ of the offset reduction method since voltage and the Hall voltage. Nevertheless, ear on resulting case Fig. 3.24, mechanical stress effects caused by the in values of the number of samples still be observed, can a junction field effect taken allows the cancella¬ the spinning small a depen¬ from non-lin¬ (see Fig. 3.26 and section 2.3). ical stress values, is below the noise level of the perform in the few microvolts [20]. In possibly resulting However, the change in the residual offset voltage, used to not method, the contribution is several orders smaller tion of Fourier components up to the fifteenth order. However, dence one can over a wide range of mechan¬ appropriate front-end circuitry system configuration [21]. current 45.0 > V I 30.0 o < o o O > < § o 0 1 o SB g e o ©A CD © V i S o six test tion o Û q c A 11 V o < S - 8 samples. CD o 0 - 0.0 T3 si <D -15.0 2.0 1.5 Change of the 15.0 ^-< Displacement 3.26: D 0 1.0 Fig. O A v o 0 o O A o o 0 residual The number of erf Fourier components up to offset Ad [mm] in the presence of mechanical stress samples the lz> taken per fifteenth order. period for alloxvs the cancella¬ 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices ii). First and third order contributions Although the spinning odd harmonics of the 2.3), investigation an odd harmonic offset which is given by 3.28). Since their stress is necessary to sensor voltages device are (p. due and the due to of offset layout under test cancels offset subsequent numerical junction thickness no stress the first and third harmonic offset dependence prediction in calculations, the have the has to be of similar order, but, not only phase shift, dependence (see Fig. voltages of their modulation with amplitude. Furthermore, shows voltages, device symmetry (see section to confirm the theoretical to Eq. (2.78) dependence minor stress Hall switching angle According occurrence. a current 3.27 and same necessarily origin, of same phase angle Xn. Hi). Second order contribution The main contribution switching angle (p ture to the offset caused voltage by piezoresistive effects, [16] (see Fig. 3.29). According ulation the stress is of the second harmonic order in the as already reported theory (see Eq. (2.76)) to dependence suggests in litera¬ and numerical sim¬ the orientation of the CMOS Hall device. 5 > < < a "bü CD Ö Ö < O < CD a CO ci o U ç^ O 1.0 Displacement Fig. 3.27: Stress the switching angle angle is given by and shows no the first order (p. 77?e Fig. 3.28: Stress third order in phase behavior is the device layout stress 1.5 2.0 Displacement dependence of offset component of the Ad [mm| occurring dependence. 86 Ad 2.5 [mm] dependence of offset components. similar in the first to the The offset voltages order. 3.3 For to of Offset Reduction Implementation predominant axial stresses, by mechanical stresses phase angle \2 predict are Current piezoresistive comparing experimental results coefficients [22] and the simulated (see Figs. 3.22, 3.23). the offset component AA2 and the four times predicted because the assumed too piezoresistive small. The coefficients process. Furthermore, numerical stress simulation mechanical stress Spinning orientation in the [110] direction with respect an the device contacts is recommended. However, with theoretical values of the Continuous properties in discrepancy depend gives only on an is difficult to the fabrication indication of the packaged device. a iv). Fourth order contribution Offset of the fourth harmonic order in the voltages junction biasing thickness modulation. For flow agrees with the symmetry current distribution in two dimensions, for the conventional switched spinning switching angle cp result from symmetric biasing conditions, i.e., when the current, biasing for this spinning currents in tries of the device result in voltages unique no offset axes voltages current are directions off-axis with scheme are region generated. This method. In the asymmetric junction operating of the active case thickness is the case of continuous geometrical symme¬ thickness distributions. Offset possible. > -1 < _/ <1 jo O G < CD s-> 5j ,v± o .0 1.5 Displacement Fig. 3.29: Stress second order X2. to The t/ie Ad 1.0 [mm] 1.5 2.0 Displacement dependence of offset AA2 non-zero applied 2.5 2.0 the Fig. 3.30: Stress Ad 2.5 [mm] dependence of the and phase fourth order offset components AA4. phase angle is due As predicted by theory, X4 its no shear stress asft. 87 shift over the ~ 0 e.xhib- displacement Ad. 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices dependence The mechanical stress change of resistivity of of the on = unique device region, i.e., layout. Consequently, independent 0 Fig. of stress, to the continuous for change of mainly biasing the a conditions phase angle X4 is predictions suggest an angle definitions of switching angles based to current voltages, in the method, the switching angle (p, periodic offset of various orders for the switched aliasing products due to theoretical according spinning a On the other hand, the fourth order offset Although 3.30. as a source rent the fourth order effects is isolating junction (see Fig. 3.30). given by À-4 the active on are voltage acts spinning cur¬ method. v). Higher order contributions In terms of periodic avoid spinning offset aliasing. current voltages the determines the With the continuous trum of the offset voltage was dependence Order sampling spinning rate of the offset current to Source aliasing from 1st oidei AA15, aliasing dence piezoiesistivity and (unction horn 1st oidei piezoiesistivitv and junction junction thickness modulation (only 4 continuous spinning ciment) 5 aliasing trom 1st oidei piezoiesistivity and junction thickness modulation 6 aliasing horn 2nd oidei piezoiesistivity and junction thickness modulation 7...15 mechanical < Offset dependence of different fourier orders AAr 0.30 % 100% < 0.25 % < 2.00 % < 0.03 % < 0.03 % < - 88 depen¬ A/4/A/A 2 Stress of offset thickness modulation Tab. 3.3 no piezoiesistivity and junction thickness modulation 3 to the fifteenth order. However, for thickness modulation 2 voltage method, the Fourier spec¬ up to fifteenth order AAS dependent could be observed. ÀA, 1 order of mechanical stress measured up offset components of fifth order stress highest 100 ppm 3.4 To Implementation of Offset Reduction conclude, periodic offset components up switching angle (p offset stems from the effects of mechanical stress of the active properties of the Hall biasing conditions of of the changes region geometry of the device contribute tions up to the sixth order voltage of higher Consequently, pling of four a A magnetic the offset induction theory given which provides related the only contribu¬ by theory. Periodic offset on current of Offset Reduction a sensor perpendicular to is shown in Fig. chip plane the in section 2.4. It is fabricated in mechanical stress method a spatial (see sam¬ voltages. Using a 3.31. The and is sensor detects operated according standard CMOS process transistor n-well and source/drain diffusions. This n-well has ^^^!^^^^Ä^«^\<l^t^ 1* Hall device A Al A2 A3 A4 Bl B2 B3 B4 Fig. 3.31: Micrograph of the double-Hall ogy. The structure is a J Hall device B one stress However, voltage. spinning of piezoresistive the Furthermore, sensor. negligible dependence of the double-Hall to the only changing spatial cause Double-Hall Sensor micrograph the theory. The is sufficient to cancel all stress related offset Implementation 3.4 Double-Hall Sensor insulating pn-junction defining the in terms of the samples with measured and identified order exhibit Tab. 3.3). rate are to a to the fifteenth order in (he compared and investigated were Using a combination of two side. 89 sensor 50 pm fabricated in CMOS technol¬ Hall devices with their contacts on 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices size of 50 x tion. The single shown in 130 pm" and Hall devices Fig. 3.32. device A which is the same are insulated Irom the substrate operating independently A variation of the current given by the slope of the and curves constant (SOLIDIS) w (less than 5% dev iation). ith the complete set of dynamic of the thickness of the For a signs given magnetic lA single Hall devices. metrical errors analytical sensitivity field direction and and the offsets of the be below 2 mT at the isolating pn-junction [12] single also section 2.4). The residual to on room 1A = Hall devices signal Modeling equations, as sensitivity of of lß on = IA. 100 At pA the device, with in the simula¬ of device B is due to modulation (see section 2.2). are almost voltages of opposite equal (sec Fig. 3.33 and offset of the double-Hall are sensor is measured temperature. This is 500 times smaller than that of the by are mainly the transformation of the active solution of the above investigations can be found by due to geo¬ region [23]. An of confor- means 120 \/A - + vA o > 40 - 6 In 0.0 0.1 Magnetic Fig. 3.32: 100 ttA o response independently offset. V v V — AR ~ - vA V vI km 0 Induction B LT] and B while neglecting operate = 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Magnetic a does not reveal any neglected The offsets of the individual devices introduced pn-junc¬ a depends linearly the Hall Iß, the at a current deviation. However, the influence of the pn-junction is tion. Therefore, the effect of by from each other T\ only changes time, the sensitivity of device B operated remains almost FEM electrically is 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Magnetic Induction B [T] of device A Fig. 3.33: Output of Hall device The devices A and B with of each other. 90 100 The Hall IA voltages signs, offsets of equal sign. die - IB are = fiA. of opposite 3.4 mal Implementation mapping (see errors section 2.2). As Using a Double-Hall Sensor result, the offset caused a by geometrical is due to the boundaries of the device and vanishes if the active infinite size. However, the ing of Offset Reduction large geometrical offset voltage region has by optimiz¬ is reduced the contact dimensions [23]. The thermal behavior of the offset Hall devices act on the biasing factor of 600 ble-Hall of IA IB compared to current sensor can = be In this smaller than 6 pV/°C Fig. 100 the region, single This 3.34. Since the the thermal offset drifts exhibits pA. Fig. an offset drift below corresponds to 10pV/°C biasing the expense of a the two current higher at a sources absolute offset a of the dou¬ by voltage mode, the offset drift is further reduced at perfectly are improvement by an device offset drift. The single as a single to values shown in 3.35. Finally, was sensor = is shown in simplified by replacing source. voltage active same matched. The double-Hall voltages the dependence determined. ble-Hall The the temperature First, operated sensor Fig. 3.36). of the residual offset in the voltage negative temperature B0 of four devices on dependent sensitivity Sa temperature of the dou¬ mode has to be measured (see inset of coefficient is due to the temperature 0 250 depen- 2030 > ZL -40 o a CD O CO j 1990 g LO (D GO '> CD 1-3 -80 i 245 CO Ö - > Q JD À 240 1950 œ - tl) X) Id c 'to 120 Q o GO CD .-0 1910 Q 235 CD O o -160 -50 0 50 Temperature Fig. 3.34: Thermal offset voltage ble-Hall T 230 100 -50 |°C] behavior with 1 A, B 0 50 Temperature of the of device A and the dou- sensor 1870 100 uA. Fig. of with 91 3.35: the a T 100 [°C] Thermal behavior double-Hall single voltage sensor source at ofÜQff biased 2.0 V 3 Lateral CMOS Hall Devices ' -0.8 ' ' -25 -50 ^—^^-U —"— ' 0 75 50 25 T Temperature |CC) Fig. 3.36: Residual offset B0 of four double-Hall The offset drifts range from -10.6 sponding sensitivity for bottom inset shows the 120°Cfor one deuce of the calibrated at 20°C. The lop inset shows the corre¬ sensor at a sensors biasing voltage of 2.0 V The the calibrated residual offset Bq with the double-Hall From this data and the time at device. input resistance of measured offset is shown in the double-Hall drift of flT/°C. -5.3 to 100 Fig. voltage V{R(B) = sensor. 0, (he residual offset 3.36 for four different sensors B0 is calculated. This calibrated at 20°C. The residual absolute offset is below 0.7 mT and the maximum thermal drift is smallerthan 11 pT/°C. sensor. After calibration, the offset drift with time limits the accuracy of the An accelerated test 120°C at The offset is constant within ±50 pT was over performed on the double-Hall sensor. 60 hours at this elevated temperature (see inset Fig. 3.36). In conclusion, the double-Hall circuitry sensor implementation and allows microsystem. sensor requires only of to the operation are obtained scheme of the w ith inexpensive Consequently, restriction no sensor, small amount of electronic self-compensated The offset drift is calibrated at any arbitrary temperature, temperature range an a such 92 as on in the and accurate and can case additionally low offsets the cut-off of magnetic over a wide frequencies spinning be current. due 3.5 References 3**»*.5 [l] gl -w^ References J.Y. Chen, CMOS Devices and Technology for VLSI, Prentice Hall, Engle- wood Cliffs N.T, 1990. [2] D.J. Elliott, Integrated Circuit Fabrication Technology, McGraw Hill, New York, 1982. [3] S.M. Sze, VLSI [4] C.Y. 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Falk, "A symmetrical vertical Hall-effect device," Digest of Technical Papers of Transducers '89, p 751. 1989. 94 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices Although a lateral Hall devices show excellent sensitivity parallel to the chip to the chip surface is surface is achieved with the performance requested [1 so 3]. to due to an insufficient carrier path confinement trench-Hall devices show very small region defined offer the by the possibility parallel dynamic of 2.3. This makes them large two superior offset [11, 12]. For trenches. a sensitivity parallel In contrary, the as [4 to 10]. strong cross-sensitiv¬ presented due to the thin active Additionally, compensation to. e.g.. applications |4|. cross-sensitivity offset A applications, called vertical Hall device However, conventional vertical Hall devices suffer from ity for many trench-Hall devices demonstrated in section magneto-transistors which suffer from where the absolute value of the a magnetic field is of interest, the additional process steps needed for the trench-Hall devices are justified. patibility sensor to A major advantage the CMOS process [13]. operation can be co-integrated inexpensive microsystem In this of the chapter, the basic resistance R and for sensitivity Sa the same a are trench-Hall device for two requiring details along following and and devices region. types of a sensors: contacts specific input contact devices with all which The device fabrication is electrically explained in manufacturing steps related to pre-processing and the CMOS-process. The additional manufacturing steps are in line with (he thermal budget of the subsequent CMOS of fabrication of trench-Hall devices is proven processing. Finally, by vector probes are well suited for induction in the range of several milli-teslas. 95 the measurement results. The measurement results demonstrate, that trench-Hall devices magnetic accurate the different standard feasibility an derived to estimate the contacts on the connect to the bottom of the active front-end electronics for chip enabling arrangement. The considerations deal with chip surface; com¬ field measurements [14]. considerations of trench-Hall devices is its Consequently, on magnetic design presented as 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices 4.1 Considerations Design In order to achieve the active region a of sensitivity a reasons the to position the region by design deep access are eliminated for a Fig. contacts of the contacts has to be given a re-arranged. chip surface, and, ii) the electrically concerning to with respect to the all contacts at the deep the chip symmetric device geometry. These constraints contacts at the expense chip surface, b) ci) Hall device with all on surface results in biasing voltages chip surface. cases are connected to the bottom of the active as Hall device with The sensitivity is contacts at the of lower sensitivities discussed later. 4.1: a) Conventional lateral Flail device sensitive to the vertical for techno¬ Two contacts a chip by introducing deep range of the perpendicular and at pillars. Arranging constraints chip surface, chip surface (see Fig. 4.1). However, considered: i) all device contacts surface and to the conventional lateral Hall device is rotated towards orientation with respect logical magnetic induction parallel to a parallel magnetic induction vertical orientation to the chip surface, and. c.ii) contacts. 96 chip surface, device with top 4.1 i). Single ended device with all all contacts of simpler processing For formed to the chip surface (see ping, approximate expressions mined (see section 2.2). The sponding circular Hall plate a vertically oriented Fig. 4.1.ci). Through for the are device of infinite size of the active i gives a correspondence described by an represented by has angle between = v of the corresponding on on of a corre¬ plate the to a single ended expression (4.1) the boundary of the surface of the the circular Hall single [15] (see Fig. 4.2). However, plate areas cut out [ 15 ]. The tion of the symmetry, which is illustrated in Fig. by a ended device a cause a are device physical of the active missing parts 4.2 plate region perturba¬ non-symmetric rectan¬ Hall device. gular 4.2: Single spondence is ended device with defined by a corresponding circular Hall plate. The corre¬ bilinear transformation. A limitation of the active region erf the single ended device h\ the boundaries Bl tion help tan^ points circular Hall be deter¬ can sensitivity S(l. circular Hall limited extension, which results in circular a Fig. calculated with region [15], Therefore, r3. Locations the coordinate a are trans¬ of conformai map¬ means with known resistance R and A conlormal, bilinear transformation maps Hall device corrections factor geometric expressions Considerations chip surface the contacts on Design of the device symmetn illustrated bv right. 97 the to B3 rectangular causes a perturba¬ Hall device on the 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices Fig. 4.3: tact Ali, etry Design rules [or a Alii, and A3, and using of the (dimensions device Hall device. single ended in a Defining fun). In order to calculate the geometry correction factors, the are defined: widths a equal circular JIall center contact A3 of 1.6 pm to the trench etch plate depth with contacts of con¬ determines the geom¬ transformation bilinear the width width, and d. The contact having an following design contacts Ali and AW position with is calculated from of opening angle rules (2f>) and a corre- 1.0 s-, o S* O -öooo 0.8 °**'"S. Qo? o Ö Jo5? JOQ approximation (ù 5 single o •2 °°"ÔÔS 0.6 °'°o0; ended device § o U U circular Hall CD plate o 0.4 vc\< ' ;; CD « Ö bß /o< es 5 ^^ 0.1 10 30 25 20 15 Contact Angle ft Fig. are 4.4: Calculated geometry correction compared with corree tion factors Furthermore, the FEM results imations for Gf> and are of a factors by means circular Hall plate parameterized resulting G$. 98 of F EVI. The results according to [15]. in analytical approx¬ Design Considerations 4.1 sponding scaling. Through according culated with analytical biasing contacts A2 and = a geometric shown in section 3.1. to contacts A ii-Alii A4, and G# Gs are dû- -0.200- 10 correction factors rules. This method shows applied trench etch estimated 1.1 10 good agreement the device with Operating and A3, and 0.0844;/ sensing d depth = 10 ... ft+ 6.44- 10 20 pm and Gr and G$ a the response at as 0.221ft + cal¬ are -3 d + 0.870 (4.2) 7 22 the above range, the deviation of and 2.9%, of FEM, design as Gc with use to the above calculations current GR the - (4.3) 1.87 angle contact a ft = 10 ... 30°. In from the FEM-rcsults is below 6.4% respectively (see Fig. 4.4). However, these deviations are below the tolerances of the CMOS fabrication process. To overcome device is vice are the lack of optimized by rearranged layout of A\i axes. by rotating an tion factors FEM. The until the vice with two mirror is achieved layout symmetry, the geometry single The and A2 calculated to 43 4 1;; U contacts A2 and ended device corresponds single 1.612 and GR= Gç ended Hall single a to a for a Fig. ended de¬ rectangular de¬ circular device of the contacts A2 and A4 (see ended Hall device is shown in be a A4 of corresponding transformation scaling optimized single are sense of Fig. 4.5). 4.6. The The correc¬ 0.684. = A/I \A/// H\z^ in boundai\ B2 Hall plate Fig. 4.5: Optimizing the geometry bv rearranging the corresponding change of the layout Hall device. easily Optimization recognized by the rectangular Hall plate circular single ended device is shown for results in rectangular a layout with Hall device 99 a on contacts A2 and A4. The circular and two the mirror left. a rectangular axes that are 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices 3.2 6.0 3.2 14.0 Fig. 4.6: Layout with corresponding dimensions of Hall device ii). (dimensions Device with top and in a deep contact) is invariant under deep optimized single ended an contacts assumed. It allows the rotation of it/2. In a 0.4 fini). An electrical connection to the bottom of the active (i.e. 9.6 terms region design of current of a trench-Hall device of Hall devices which spinning, this allows arc a more effective offset reduction in the presence of non-lmearities (see section 2.3). However, determining the geometry analytically problem design Fig. was solved with two 4.7). deep Considering AI resistance Fig. using contacts, and. a trench etch A2 e i FEM. Two A3 b) is laborious. Therefore, the possible layouts a design depth with parasitic contact a (see of 15 pm the contacts A2 and A4 of A4 ,-—-- 1 u 7i72~symmetrv. Additionally, the technology presented a considered: a) single deep a 4.7: Possible layouts of trench-Hall devices with duces were series resistance m the contact sated electronically. 100 path deep m contacts the next which has having chapter to a intro¬ be compen¬ 4.1 Design Considerations layout a) have width of 3.2 pm and a a distance of 10.7 pm. This results in geo¬ metric correction factors of G^ ft circular Hall - 6.4° of a corresponding and A3 is calculated tact Al 1.6 pm. With a The to access parasitic tact a pillar voltage with resistance in the contact influence no resistance results in changes plate a which connects the resistance has common = 6.5 pm and the width of contact A2 to be to be calculated to be are circular Hall mode G$ 0.955 and a contact angle plate. For layout b) the width of con¬ distance of contacts A 1 and A2 correction factors sponds 2.776 and = a voltage have to be the angle contact deep sense ft = 1.8 pm, the Gs a 0.641. This chip surface contact to sense operation. voltage drop contacts = for different voltage, biasing tivity [15]. 101 corre¬ causes a the con¬ For current contacts the causes biasing current, and. change of the currents. These a compensated electronically. Furthermore, for range, the resistance reduces the geometric 25.4° contact with the the device This to 1.356 and = path. Using on voltage drop. at G# equal a given biasing therefore, the sensi¬ 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices 4.2 Fabrication manufacturing The cessing steps Technology scheme for the trench-Hall device consists of various pre-pro¬ followed the industrial by teme International AG [16]. This differs from the tures or sensors are manufactured in steps that with the thermal only compatible are approach is used for Sys¬ where struc¬ post-processed of reasons to incorporating for the Hall device fabrication. These required are common CMOS process and then Pre-processing add additional features [17]. high temperature steps a of Austria Mikro CMOS-process budget of the CMOS process if per¬ formed in advance. To summarize vertically device fabrication, on region by oriented active can be region co-integrated. environment of the Manufacturing particular mainly The hard mask second, In to a next defined a of hard-mask a silicon nitride  layer operation on a (lOO)-p-substrate the trench etch by layers - trenches region. high [20]. With a sufficient. During 1500Ä thickness, of and as depth which has to be removed [21]. not depth a a chemistry used for etching, and sensors. the side-walls, a t chem¬ up to 20 pm. The trenches high a etch was selectivity are quad chosen for the to hard mask oxide Additionally, a implant 102 the oxide hard mask layer of 20'000 A was sacrificial oxide is grown and [22]. doped by ion-implantation. mode etching oxide is grown at the side-walls passivation removed to reduce contamination in the etch grooves on a will be discussed later. as mask for the trench a etched to than 1:20, etching, All side-walls of the trenches and distance of 2.4 pm, which will be the thickness of rate selectivity larger trench are Bromine-based silicon etch due to the a silicon a step, the hard mask is opened by plasma etching using CHÏ//CF width of 0.8 pm and design thickness. The thickness of the thick silicon protect the region of the silicon substrate the device active osition sensor sandwdch of dielectric CMOS a purposes: first, serves two istry [19]. Then, parallel have electrical contacts the front-end electronics the entire deposition thicker silicon oxide of 20*000 is a CMOS process is accessible. starts with the a used to etch wdiich is similar to the fabrica¬ subsequent processing design In order to oxide of 500 A thickness, layer basically defined and front-end electronics for are (see Fig. 4.8). The hard mask is oxide etching, trench tion of DRAM memory cells [18]. In for the active is pre-processing of To improve the dep¬ phosphorous ions with a lilt 4.2 Fabrication Technology Fig. 4.8: Left) (lOO)-p-substrate with deposited hard mask. The dielectric layers as serve mask for trench Hard mask grooves angle of 4° with was ion-implantation, consuming be as a to arbitrarily a tilt For the substrate. Middle) than 20 [lin. good side-wall deposition method of trench unique pre-deposition depth drive-in from the chosen to chip optimize the of over a quad surface pre-deposited donors a [16]. Additionally, the ion-dose performance occurs etching, followed by 20 pm is achieved without of the trench-Hall devices. Therefore, the parameters of the co-integrated electronics drive-in of the Right) Etch angle of 4°is chosen. used. With this a protection erf depths deeper pre-deposited by ion-implantation. implant can and and trenches etched opened mode time etching arc simultaneously affected. The not with the transistor well formation in the process steps that follow [13]. As the next step, the trenches are oxidized for isolation. The side-wall oxide is annealed to reduce initial stress in the silicon layer is deposited, grooves. This turned out which is as a crystalline mainly silicon. A intended crucial step in the 103 as highly n-doped poly¬ planarization pre-processing of the trench (see Fig. 4.9). 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices removed hard mask etch back Fig. 4.9: The trenches Left) oxidized and filled with are a polysilicon layer The polysilicon serves as planarization and as an electrical shield. Middle) The poly¬ silicon is patterned and etched back providing an electrical contact to the poly¬ silicon fill from finishes the the chip surface. Right) Finally, pre-processing. Improper planarization Additionally, the results in polysilicon the trench-Hall device. The etching. As connect the Finally cessing. to result, a a a gap in the metal coverage electrical shield to serves as an polysilicon is polysilicon paddle polysilicon patterned in the trench in the later an deposition which caused by polysilicon. problems wafers with the finished wet deposition pre-processed etching to 104 by plasma electrically terminate pre-pro¬ can be removed topology height prior of the structure, in the process that follows. The trench-Hall devices substrate for the CMOS process. the EMC of processing steps. This reduces the with the resist improve and etched back alternative, the thick oxide of the hard mask of the the trench. over is formed which allows to the rest of the hard mask is removed As the hard mask is removed which serve as a starting 4.2 Fabrication Fig. 4.10: Top left) Top Top right) Top Bottom view erf view of the buried active region shielding In the pictures and planarization. in the upper buried trench-Hall devices in order to view of the access a trench-Hall device. pillars for deep deep a use them row are Bottom of Fig. 4.10, top shown. The devices as a magnetic trench-Hall device with contacts are right) Close-up fabricated deep vector 105 are probe. contacts simultaneously views w of \ icw access of the upper in an orthogonal In the top is shown. The ith the active contacts. is used for elec¬ left) Contact of the tiench polysilicon fill. The polysilicon trical ment with region the active of Technology pillars. edges arrange- right picture, access region. of pillars a of The lower 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices contact passivation polysilicon silicon-oxide metallization oxide laver source/drain diffusion i top 1 contact deep contact polysilicon fill / access p-substrate pillar 7 trenches '' region deep contact active silicon-oxide Fig. 4.11 : Cross section of a trench-Hall device with top and completing active the CMOS process. The drive-in region and the access pillars of occurs the deep pre-deposited simultaneously contacts after donors of the with the transis¬ tor-well formation, row of pictures contact for the of Fig. 4.10 shows polysilicon close-up views, fill and of the access such pillars as of the that of the electric deep contacts. processing, the drive-in for the active region and the access pillars occurs simultaneously with the transistor-well formation. As a result, a homoge¬ neously doped active region is achieved with a depth up to 20 pm and In the CMOS 106 4.2 Fabrication Technology i t device A Fig. 4.12: with all Fig. .i: Micrograph of contacts on 4.12.H: the two orthogonally arranged single ended devices chip surface. Vlicrograph of two orthogonally arranged contacts. 107 devices with top and deep 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices a thickness of Flail device approximately formed are 2.4 pm. Furthermore, the electrical contacts of the source/drain diffusions by 4.12.i and 4.12.Ü. In the current consisting of: a approach, only drive-in diffusion, BPSG trenches with SOG, source/drain allization, and passivation. compatible tronics is 4.3 with a implant through geometries were deep a contacts designed according was single feasible and of front-end elec¬ to the 5) sensitivity can be design guidelines was measured to be (see Fig. 4.14). These values and a thickness of ~ t co-integrated a = reported sensitivity to S, = a contact = i) input of the trench-Hall linearity to 0.3 T opening angle error of device demonstrate the devices. 108 i) any elec¬ resistance R of ft = 17° rH- 1.1, and to be 5.0 kO, of device i) is below ii) (Fig. 4.15). ii) device with top and deep contacts to 4.3). changing the = 250 V/AT. The Investigated geometries tion process to in literature [23]. FTowever, the electronics. For device 0.1%, and below 0.15% for inductions up i) single ended device with lop ii) in the range of the are 8.5-1015 cm"3, p„ 0.12 nr/Vs, /; R calculated with Eq. (4.2) turns out 2.4 pm. be Eqs. (4.1 the ion-dose without value of 5.3 kO. With 1, the resistance of determined to be 250 V/AT for device were arbitrarily adjusted by trical parameters of ended device with top contacts, and, (see Fig. 4.13). Additionally, the single ended sensitivities of the lateral Hall devices 4.13: co-integration are met¬ of the fabrication process, two different device manufactured: i) and 314 V/AT for device ii) Fig. of the holes, activation, contact used Magnetic Performance The current related sensitivities and the planarization step a The realization of Hall devices that feasibility device with top and ô#/lan6/f are straight forward. Electrical and device Figs. 4.11, selected CMOS steps deposition, standard CMOS process and In order to prove the a shown in as feasibility of contacts the fabrica¬ 4.3 Electrica] and Magnetic Performance 100 single ended device ii) H < 75 > to* >-> 50 V Ö <D CO device i) with top and 25 0.0 4.14: Measured absolute sensitivity [unction o[ the biasing current I = 100 fiA. device ii), a = ,S) •/ of the trench-Hall devices be obtained based S, of of the single ended trench-Hall device i) at The deviation from deviation o[0,15c7< a can 0.0 0.1 on a for 0.2 Induction B |T] linear fit is below 0.1 c/o of the was as a 250 V/AT [it. -0.1 response Sa [mA] linear Magnetic Fig. 4.15: Magnetic Current 1 0.3 I. A current related sensitivity device i) and 314 V/AT for device ii) -0.2 contacts 0.2 0.1 Biasing Fig. deep measured 109 [or the same full a bias scale. For the conditions. 4 Vertical CMOS Trench-Hall Devices 371/2 K Rotation 4.16: Fig. B Angular field dependence of two orthogonal (according design induction rules of 0.3 Tparallel and cosine fits are of non-linearity an linearity a alent angular chip surface. cross-sensitivity, errors parallel for The signal are deviations due to a for from an sine combination the response of the Hall device A and a to the chip were surface (see magnetic induction error of approximately spinning. to 1.0 mT. These can be measured while rotating the Fig. 4.16). Cross-sensitivity of 0.3 T result in sine-/cosine-function below 0.2%. This is The trench-Hall device biasing the arrangement and cross-sensitivity. induction from current to trench-Hall devices A and orthogonal an orthogonal arrangement (see Fig. 4.10) magnetic and given in i)) in smaller than 0.2%. These deviations In order to determine the B in Angle [ ] expressed a signal deviation in terms of an equiv¬ means of the 0.2°. dynamically offset compensated by Measurements often devices showed residual offsets from 0.1 residual offsets resulted from of the silicon substrate. This contact further away from the trench can be region. 110 a non-linearity introduced improved by placing by poor the substrate 4.4 References 4.4 [t] References CL. Chien, and CR. Westgate, The Hall Effect and its Applications, Plenum Press, New York, 1980. [2] A.PIaeberli, M. Schneider, P. Malcovati, R. Castagnetti, F. Maloberti, and H. Baltes. "Two-dimensional ing 31, for contactless no. magnetic sensor angle measurement," with on-chip signal process¬ IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, vol. 12, p. 1902, 1996. Y Yoshino, K. Ao. and M. Kato, "MRE rotation [3] high-accuracy, high-sensitivity magnetic sensor for automotive use," Society of Automo¬ tive Engineers. Sensor and Actuators Congress, p. 67. 1987. [4] R.S. 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"Figure of merit of semiconductor Sensor and Mutet iah, vol. 5, no. 6, p. 359, 5 Applications CMOS magnetic performance at a ter: a sensors are low price. current monitor and Application of wear-free for monitoring galvanic isolation current require and measurement and for modern small and protection [1 a inexpensive current measurement packaging technology, small, circuitry. chapter [7]. fabrication and a today's effi¬ transportation systems. However, monitor system is demonstrated in this the LOC for systems 6]. Additionally, safety requirements demand to mass system. key technology between power lines and control in line with commercial IC tor angle power electronics is cient energy management power electronics applications demanding high system possible applications are presented in this chap¬ Two a intelligent best suited for A The fully packaged manufacturing is packaging technology. Utilizing accurate and inexpensive current moni¬ system is realized which satisfies the safety requirements for galvanically iso¬ lated current magnetic monitoring [8]. field concentrators [9, As another application, a performance 10] wear-free 13]. The approach provides ment The a and be further can detectors meeting angle detection system is demonstrated [12, low cost solution well suited for these specifications are magnets combined with conventional lateral Hall magnetic field component the multi-pole accurate angle measurement to accuracy magnets and extensive signal angle by detecting detection, independent the two components of chip plane by, gle-chip perpendicular the is can be provided, a well harsh environ¬ the entire system. 113 on angle permanent plates measuring only processing or is the Due to this use Bx and A prin¬ more possible If parallel a one expensive becomes [16]. Furthermore, low-cost of required [15]. magnitude, inductions as a based chip plane [14]. of the field magnetic as mainly limited e.g. two vertical Hall devices solution ferro¬ on-chip compensation techniques [11]. in terms of mechanical load and wide temperature range. Traditional position ciple, improved by to the CMOS sin¬ packaging approach for 5 Applications 5.1 Current Monitor current flowing through magnetic of 10 A of 1 The field with through mm. grated for the principle A convenient a an a conductor is the detection of the appropriate magnetic wire 1 mm sensor can magnetic field order to achieve a the high system oriented must be is a fulfilled by major contributor often underestimated. Thus, the ble, and must be compatible tion, the exclusive use the as electrical example, an field of 1 mT properties of current a distance at a widely applied inte¬ [17]. with distance from the conductor (see close response. At the magnetic as possible same sensor the system microsystem development, packaging be sensor must lation between the conductor and requirements a As an current-generated be used for accurate and stable measurements strength drops quickly Fig. 5.1). Therefore, [ 1]. sensor in diameter generates In this field range, the favorable Hall isolated measurement of galvanically lime a must be package. to the current perfect in electrical iso¬ provided. For the path The above of market success this needs to be done at minimum cost since to the final packaging with batch of/standard IC system cost, and its importance is solution must be techniques. technologies For is as simple inexpensive as mass possi¬ produc¬ required. measured field B per unit current Fig. Calculated 5.1: field distribution erf'a conductor measured sensor. Positioning device in a the current current from the a in a Hall Hall plane perpendicular to flow, the correspond¬ ing magnetic field current magnetic in tesla per unit is calculated. x-direction y-direction [a.u.] 114 [a.u.] 5.1 Current Monitor In this based chapter, on a a highly CMOS die sensitive current monitor system is demonstrated. It is containing assembly is packaged using is widely applied of memory cells in order to increase the ratio between dimension. Therefore, package which is sensors packaging technique This lead-on-chip technology (LOC) [8]. for Hall two inexpensive and reliable volume high size and chip production provided. Packaging technology LOC chip packaging techniques Most IC ensure aging pads use a thin lead frame and wires to bonding electrical connections from the die to outside [18]. In conventional the lead frame connection ends at the arranged close are package covers applications the chip edges substantially larger a such to as periphery as area CPU's and ASICs this is bonding Thus, the total shown in than the only pack¬ of the die and all Fig. 5.2a. die size. For many original of minor importance. packaging technology the tips of the lead frame extend over the (see Fig. 5.2b). The bonding connections are made completely over In the LOC die surface the die surface and the bonding pads the final package die with respect to area size is occupancy is increased the conventional packaging case. of space can be placed only slightly larger package to more area almost any location. Therefore, than the die and than 70% of the devices such as packaging technology optimum ratio of technology the die an is achieved. With LOC For that reason, the LOC consuming at area is memory cells compared with widely accepted for [8, 18]. (b) lead-on-chip technology Fig. 5.2: Arrangement of CMOS die nects (a) in conventional relative to lead frame packaging lechnicpte technology. 115 for electrical and (/ft ;'/; intercon¬ lead-on-chip (LOC) 5 Applications manufacturing cess cutting of the chips stripe the lead frame we for the realization of inexpensive are mounted is fed into into stripe is finished. In this work, technology Fig. line. First, the stripe. Then, lead frame and is well suited for technology LOC a mass by an the 5.3. Here, the lead frame contains ally for the current path the production pro¬ LOC packaging advantages of the lines and signal is achieved which is an comparable used for current measurements. The low power combined with an excellent thermal conductivity to ide LOC glue tape. Consequently, Hall Fig. 5.3: (LOC). to Current The lead [rame the CMOS die with a the current LOC sensors monitor system contains LOC glued on a to a shunt external in resistor con¬ usu¬ system our printed circuit path. a polyim- is close to the Hall sensors the lead frame with path shown in result, low resis¬ dissipation an as additional wide board leads to minimized temperature increase of the current For mechanical interconnection the die is on a plastic molding ductor which carries the electrical current to be measured. As tance IC wire bonder. After CMOS current monitor system a an automatic die bonder single packaged IC's, exploit within packaging glue tape packaged using lead-on-chip technology signal lines and current glue tape. Thus, high isolation is achieved. 116 path. It is attached close system response and excellent 5.1 Ciment Monitor (approximately glue tape 90 pm) consists of and electrically polyimide a carrier coated high purity thermoelastic adhesive. isolation between the excellent mechanical sure are chip by isolated The on both sides with strength. Additionally, minimized which makes the LOC path, a The LOC thin layer of carrier maintains electrical polyimide and the current polyimide tape. the while the adhesive provides dwell time and the die thermal expo¬ suitable for glue tape high volume assembly operation. System Assembly The packaging technique applies application the current two lateral Hall path (Fig. 5.4). to devices am integrated magnetic sensors on ratio of 22 pm to 66 pm. With power related back of Hall single a Hall sensitivity sensors monitor system Fig. high performance. ^«^*SS8«MS>-*fcX to the offset voltage The offset W # on a chip surface. \ ** set to a are highly degrades were ^^ length the current compensated by continu- « located path for rejection of c ommon-mode magnetic fields. 117 reject voltage drop of 3.9 V. The 130.8 A"1 T "'. The major draw¬ lead frame. The Hull ThcA width to the a which voltages as of 0.25 mA, the current related is 5 10 V/AT with sensor 5.4: CMOS die mounted perpendicular current is then calculated to be is their •** biasing a was our either side of the CMOS die in order to common-mode magnetic fields [19]. The geometry of on For The current monitor s>stem response is defined difference of the responses of the Hall sensitivity arranged chosen and were sensor. on sensors each side are sensitive of the current 5 Applications ou s Ilz spinning current to values lower than [20]. Additionally, the spinning of the offset voltage [21]. metal layers 310 pmr for cancelling For temperature, on-chip coils In this turns. 6.1 itiT. In order to avoid terminals, possible measurement can coil configurations are operated technology requires appropriate machine adjustment. number of ally samples, is a 5.5: optimized the (right) and the for for automatic and during the with LOC sxstem glue fully packaged is necessary. Two current path and the on-chip coil of the current monitor system. high volume IC packaging. prototyping with packaging process had complete system to chips It foi- limited a be manu¬ fabrication and packaging technology. piocess: section CVIOS die mounted monitor system 118 on-chip coil sufficient amount of a packaging tape (left), induction of magnetic shielding In order to allow flexible system different steps x is limited to current the Hall sensor, current reliability stripes lead frame Different phases of a of 310 between the coils and the Hall sensor, or process is in line with standard LOC stripe patterned m an area closed-loop setup. Additionally, improve time and over considered. Either the are now controlled in this work. Nevertheless, the assembly Fig. in be used for fietd tests to The LOC occupies biasing resulting polysilicon layer is used for autocalibration of the Hall on-chip the capacitive coupling additional an rules of 2 The solenoid is realized with two configuration design variations sensitivity the available in the CVIOS process. The coil forty sampling frequency a method reduces the temperature drift designed [11]. were 14.5 mA to remain within the sensor current pV with I (center). of on lead frame lead frame 5.1 Current Monitor The lead frame for the current monitor system by factured is copper with layer is sputter sions as an of deposited 18-pin DIL gold wires, after laser package. a the low resistive current Ti The lead frame adhesive such as. strength dielectric achieved. The LOC hot-plate bar must be applied a field measured signals on dielectric a glue tape application for 50 to the Hall causes sensors. a Furthermore, path On the other hand, sensors over LOC glue tape. A 35 ppm/°C in a occurs lifetime is a by typical value 5.5, right the lead a flip-chip optimization fine placer and 5.6, bottom). For frame, a than 14 kV is made properties on a pressure of 3 a performance to magnitude of the magnetic mismatch of the Hall and a misalignment temperature of 300°C sensor placement well suited for path expansion degradation the a high change of number of corrected change 119 200 ms of of the mag¬ 75 ppm over samples are was manually (see Fig. the CMOS die to the LOC over to of the LOC die bonder, the CMOS die a attaching excellent the thermal l/r-depcndence, for an 150°C In this range the Approximating a of the current for the ABLELOC 5000 tape is the above temperature range is calculated. Since with high The sandwich of the distance from current specified the current with necessary for process offers which makes it necessary to cali¬ mainly governed by distance is calculated to be 0.6 pm. placed used for remaining pins was packaging technology changes temperature range from -50 netic field caused are glue tape the lead frame loss in the accuracy in the pm-range which makes the the Hall The strength higher limits the placement each side of the current application. bonders, offered properties. brate the system. Commercial LOC die bonders offer the dimen¬ ms. Misalignment by Au carrier coated with thermoelaslic adhesives. polyimide The accuracy of the CMOS die monitor system. same nm polyimide supported tape The 7,06' 250 to 300°C To maximize the adhesive at properties 400 sensors. thermoelaslic middle). and 5.6, overall thickness of 90 pm an mm. combined with excellent mechanical structure consists of With a a of the lead frame width of 1.3 manu¬ e.g., ABLELOC 5000 from Ablestik. Electronic Materials & Fig. 5.5, left Adhesives (see with pre-patterned was by The lead frame has the used for electrical interconnections to the Hall are followed layer Eight pins a CAD and the surface improve It fits into industrial LOC die which has path nm cutting. e.g., ESEC SA, Cham. Switzerland. by, 10 by The lead frame material Fig. 5.6, top). thickness of 250 pm. In order to a subsequent bonding for 5.5 and cutting (see Fig. laser laid out was glue tape is recommended. on 5 Applications Fig. 5.6: top) The lead frame for the current monitor system laid out by CAD and manufactured by laser cutting. The material is coppei with a thickness of 250 flm. Middle) The lead frame pre-palterned with a thermoelastic polvimide supported tape adhesive. The tape offers high dielectric strength combined with excellent mechanical pioperties. Bottom) Placement of the CMOS die with commercial LOC die bonder s. 120 a 5.1 Ciment Monitor bonding wires Fig. 5.7: Final bonding on the packaging steps flipped with commercial lead frame. bonder, plastic tools. Vliddle) Plastic molding of the tom) The formation erf puis and the final In the final step, the current packaging monitoi Top) system. Wire Bot¬ system test. system is bonded with a commeicial molded, and tested with standard equipment used duction. 121 in IC mass wire pro¬ 5 Applications System Characterization The response of the output signals of the Fig. 5.4). According power Hall two to ±10 A is measured. The quadratic monitor system is defined current Fig. 5.8 on sensors a system non-linearity in the current of the Hall sensor sensitivity, the difference of the path each side of the current of 82 sensitivity pV/A (see in the range of of the system response is below 0.3%. The non-linearity is mainly nature indicates that the cause of the dissipation as path. Therefore, the system with temperature linearity can due to compensation easily improved. be The resolution and accuracy of the current monitor system is limited by the fol¬ lowing properties: • offset • offset drift over sensitivity drift • • voltage temperature over temperature noise tevel of output voltage For the current monitor system, the continuous to reduce the offset voltage and its offset drift. A Current Fig. ity 5.8: Response of current a current method sampling frequency was used of 2 Hz [A] monitor system. The of 82 ftV/A. The non-linearity below 2 u.V. This results in spinning signal is linear with is smaller than ±0.3% and the measurement accuracy a sensitiv¬ signal offset better than 50 mA. lies 5.1 Curient Monitor results in by a residual offset of f noise. Offset, noise and than 50 mA and pV on temperature which is mainly limited result measurement accuracy better m a resolution of 10 mA. a the room non-linearity Offset reduction and temperature integrated at same compensation CMOS die limiting factor Ironies will be the the Hall as can be sensors. The noise level of the elec- for the svstem resolution. An white-noise level for the current monitor system with assumed to be in a range from performed by electronics MM = pT/Vflz 100 to 400 pT/VHz. the Assuming current. plying at Gaussian distributed the exceeds given magnetic field Bj generated 7V/H value by only 0.1% of the a factor A = the position 6.6 ensures , The value of the bandwidth sensors of per unit noise, multi¬ that the calculated resolution peak value [22]. The equation is below: 1000 = A NL, rfAf f Calculated system resolution white-noise levels ranging from peuk-to-peak noise /V/„ amplitudes. = 0000 100 BanclwithAf 5.9: (5.1) Br 10 uted of the Hall peak-to-peak amplitudes measurement time, its he, Fig. A/M rms electronics is integrated the system resolution is calculated from the white-noise level A/and equivalent with 100 to [Hz] integrated electronics assuming 400 fiT/\Hz with Gaussian distrib¬ 5 Applications In 5.9 the calculated current monitor system resolution is shown Fig. tion of the bandwidth with an rms white-noise level resolution of better than System Improvement The system sensitivity Two methods are different white-noise levels A/'for IRcs V/n = = 400 pT/v/Hz and Nlw. bandwidth a 82.5 mA is achieved (see fabricated an A/ = func¬ example, 100 Hz, a Fig. 5.9). with Field Concentrators can tested be further enhanced (Fig. 5.10): by magnetic field In method (a) a soft by anisotropic backside-etching and concentrators. ferromagnetic attached to the backside of the thinned CMOS die. In method tors are As as a plated (b) tip with a sheet is concentra¬ soft NiFeMo alloy [23, 24]. (b) micromachined (a) thinned die with ferromagnetic sheet tip Fig. 5.10: Sensitivity improvement bv using field side. In method (a) to a ferromagnetic sheet 75 flm. In method (b) plated with a a NiFeMo alloy tip 124 concentrators on the die back¬ is attached to the die which is thinned concentrator [23 f. concentrator fabricated by anisotropic etching is 5.1 Current Monitor The thinning was performed also be of the CMOS die to the at used, but for only approximately epoxy glue. current is perpendicular is attached area perturbed and to factor of magnetic approximately (p, tip with guide anisotropic Fig. 5.11). 1.5. Furthermore, for it to the at the Hall backside-etching As Hall a (a) basic system high relative placement, permeability well as 5.11: and system enhanced »7/7; by bent towards a a perpendicular present state, the dis- (c) system with (c), higher field area of the 125 tip concentrators sheet system (b). The magnetic field direction with respect density in the starts [25]. The tip of the At the to result, higher magnetic response is achieved. In the a the current to be magnetic field distribution for the basic ferromagnetic a the thickness placed. Processing (b) system with magne- FE simulation of as by of the properties. wafer-level sensor. are Numerical simulations sensor. tic sheet Fig. sensor of the current monitor system a an consequence, field lines sensors are on the center of the Hall sheet sheet the field distribution of the become non-critical region magnetic soft stamped field lines penetrate the Hall performance glue, etching techniques minimum thicknesses of capture the magnetic field generated KOH etch-groove points magnetic magnetic (a) can the back of the CMOS die with 2500), its thickness and > concentrators measured and to sensitivity of the of the of the CMOS die and epoxy The the the die surface (see improvement sheet stability, a used for method as Wafer-level 300 to 400 pm is achieved. A bent towards the direction of an of mechanical reasons In the presence of the soft path propose thickness of 75 pm chip-level by grinding. the entire die covering a sensors the CMOS die case of the tip is achieved. lines surface. (a) are As concentrator 5 Applications (b) tip -10 -5 concentrator 0 5 10 Current [A ] Fig. 5.12: A the sensitivity current is monitor with improved chined concentrators (b) additional to 124 concentrators. flV/A with 33).37c improve the sensitivity high yield mass-production, underneath the Hall nitride used ing NiFeMo of as of the NiFeMo alloy was a seed Ti non-linearity. 240 to sheet (a) The microma- hut introduce flV/A alloy follows at sheet are not sensitivity particular by lithography an and etching prop¬ additional electrochemical etch-stop [26]. After layer sandwich layer followed the by for a removing the PECVD subsequent electroplat¬ 1.08 pm Cu procedure according 30 mA/cur for 3 hours improves resulting in the numerical simulation system response increase the of this ferromagnetic a layer). Elec¬ [23]. to The film-thickness 1.5 pm. ierromagnetic proposed by plated an is recommended deposited (lOnm approximately The sensor KOJI etch mask, as is sputter troplating a non-linearity. tance between sensor and etch groove is defined erties. For With affected even by NiFeMo film a an by sensitivity by a factor of (Fig. 5.12). Non-linearity the magnetic factor of 3 additional to 237 sheet. The pV/A. non-linearity 1.5 to 124 pV/A and offset of the lip concentrators Due to the hysteresis is introduced. 5.2 Wear-Free Angle Measurement 5.2 Wear-Free Cost effective such the as a Angle detection systems angle potentiometer, related problems tactless position contactless where suffers from approach Measurement become an are electrode touches mechanical severe angle measurement in combination with general, systems are of the magnetic more a meet the never be robust as close in best initial matching simple as A concept must be small field. This lowers the is the against e.g. for the requirements mechanical tolerances, e.g.. packaging magnetic sen¬ homogeneity of misalignment magnetic field, on the However, magnetotransistors the Finally, requirements suffer from a large angle detection [27]. strong cross-sensitivity due the same sensors chip. sensor setup sensor than more one have to This results of process tolerances, vertical Hall device or a if Additionally, of as well allow must as a solution. all of the above absolute accuraccy for of for the as magnetic angle detection sys¬ enough to perform a point measure¬ possible together, preferably magnetotransistor use such and, consequently its price. Furthermore, the system of temperature coefficients. meeting optical principle. on an is possible by detecting components of the magnetic inductions Bx and Bx parallel a a con- to a sensitivity matching, independent and low-cost based approach is used to determine the direction of the placed reliability problems, these price requirements and axis of rotation of the permanent magnet. sensor and, lifetime and permanent magnet. sensors the permanent magnet, becomes principle, resistive layer. However, overcome usually following requirements apply magnetic tem. The ment the a resistive on a detection system is desirable. On the other hand, commercial automotive market. Another cost effective In wear, issue. In order to an Nevertheless, such systems sors usually based as to the two chip plane by, shown in Fig. 5.13 offset the [12, 16]. voltage resulting in poor Hie vertical Hall device shows to an insufficient carrier path confinement [28]. a In contrary, the vertical trench-Hall devices presented in chapter 4 have excellent cross-sensitivity due to the thin active Furthermore, the device bears the the spinning current technique for region potential high for defined by dynamic two offset parallel trenches. compensation by absolute accuracy. The packaging concept implies a sensor chip mounted on a pc-board by chip-on-board packaging [18]. The sensor die is protected by a globe-lop 118]. 127 5 Applications axis of rotation Fig. 5.13: Wear free angular arranged vertical trench-Hall manent detection on orthogonally two angular position of a per¬ magnet. snapped on the pc-board [29]. geometrical terms of tance between can a low price to a by plastic molding and necessary requirements Figs. (see 5.13 and on the magnet measurement system PC for signal read-out. is in 5.14). The dis¬ 5 ranges from 0.1 to depending wearfree angle The system is attached meets the sensor from 5 to 100 mT a be realized approach permanent magnet and Fig. 5.14: Photograph erf (eusibilitv. The tolerances al magnetic induction its based devices detecting the The fixture for the permanent magnet in ssstern mm resulting [15]. demonstrating 5.2 Wear-Free Angle Measurement 270 80 Setting Angle [°] Fig. 5.15: Measured angle erf the direction of magnetic direction erf the applied field. Neglecting offset voltages achieved by applying a homogenous field of 0.5 0.3 T 1.0 a induction versus the resolution below 0.2° is strength. 1.5 2.0 Equivalent Offset linTI Fig. 5A6: Calculated angle measurenient accuracy versus maximum offset for different magnitudes of applied magnetic induction 130 J. eepiivalent 5 Applications An angle measured with two trench-Hall devices for the orthogonally arranged system mentioned above is shown in Fig. 5.15. The angle is calculated by arc-tangent of the ratio of the sensitivity Providing needed. was neglecting offset voltages for the resolution is the sensor noise two sensor signal of the noise itself which is, in noise ratio of the to the on sensing element the offset sured tion devices, trench-Hall non-optimized (16]. This value can be further technology. According 100 mT this offset voltage less, specifications tend maximum offset Another voltage limiting therewith the to depends voltage results in and mass properties. In terms of offset below I mT improved by mainly optimizing an is accuracy of magnetic a 10 mT a strength of 1°. Neverthe¬ magnet requiring are a mechanical tolerances, and. applied permanent magnet. of the can cause a In particular limitation of the for accu¬ degrees. It is packaged with standard in line with commercial IC high mea¬ was the fabrica¬ field approximately accuracies below 1° with factor for the system accuracy presented. and the is favorable for low compact CMOS monitor system for galvanically isolated completely inexpensive Co-integrating in the 0.1 mT range. racy in the range of several measurement limiting factor the main contribution. For the Fig. 5.16, considering to homogeneity a various on causes small, low-cost magnets, poor homogeneity To conclude, field of 0.3 T and noise. sensor equivalent an chip sensor However, the electronics contributes than the general, higher sensor. CMOS same signal. sensor The absolute accuracy of the system the homogenous magnetic a resolution below 0.2° is achieved. The a and front-end electronics amplification responses. No correction of the an production. volume batch fabrication of packaging. Furthermore, accurate an and current lead-on-chip technology This chips technology followed by includes automatic inexpensive 2D-magnetic-sensor system in CMOS technology is demonstrated. Exploiting vertical trench-Hall devices enables co-integration electrically insulated. compensated by The means of sensor sensor of the and front-end bears the spinning potential current, accuracy. 130 circuitry for resulting in on the same being dynamic a chip offset high angular system 5.3 References 5.3 [1] References W. Andrä, thin-film p46l, [2] S. Kühn, and P. Pertsch, "Current magnetoresistive sensors," measurements based on Sensor and Actuators A, vol. 37-38, 1993. L. Blossfeld. and S. Mehrgardt, "Hallsensor/ German Patent, no. 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These the double-Hall Although, voltage, current. a more powerful Theoretical and is sufficient to cancel the with maximum netic induction in the range of 10 the optimization mechanical stresses. To avoid offset considered in this work cross are way to reduce the offset technique considered: the lateral to parallel magnetic Hall-based of dedicated front-end electronics. Further¬ offset simple are input resistance, the more, • to device model is introduced which allows the is based in certain appropriate packaging Two types of Hall devices presented. the vertical trench-Hall device sensitive The design software. Moreover, work, the theoretical background relevant Hall device sensitive to at with well estab¬ also available. microsystems simple manufacturing considered in this thesis, cases technology exploits unique standard IC effective batch fabrication, and reliability, applications, tions as microsystems utilizing are possible useful for to 100 experimental major voltages method source introduced symmetry is of by employed. applications involving mag¬ mT. For the lateral Hall device, the attributes have been chosen: layout - to 10 achieve high signal linearity. pm/20 pm to 20 pm/20 pm, ity at low input resistance. Shielding of the device w ith a gate-polv silicon layer 135 to to yield high improve sensitiv¬ EMC. 6 Conclusion and Outlook for the vertical trench-Hall devices, the Similarly attributes considered design include: • Placement of contacts • A trench depth Shielding • offset behavior of presented object itor has a detecting racy the of use ment of the a 50 to 80 x x a 80 <1 mT pm2 are 10 x80 used for bias field generated by a an of merit is show perfeetlv; n applications, electrical current a This is a significant impact on or Although the current particular, requirements for the overall the market. 136 can as accu¬ economically in-plane of the field including optimized the mon¬ such Applications needing higher associated with the rotary switch issue detection of security applications, suited for electric current. field lowers the critical litis includes rotary switch. A summary of the in Tab. 6.2. vertical trench-Hall device. In magnetic pm2 permanent magnet. Two specific applications monitor and requirements (with spinning) merit of lateral and vertical Hall devices. trench-Hall device should be further make Hall device pT (with spinning) 10 field distribution of the permanent magnet, erances. Vertical trench- field concentrators, however, this may not prove ble. In contrast, the in Tab. 6.1. 0.1 ...0.15% @±0.3T here an given of merit for the devices is 150 ppm @ ±0.3 T limited accuracy, it is require trench for EMC. 250 to 300 mV/T a current the presence of that is 2.4 pm. 100 to 150mV/T attached to key performance figures region sense contact. 5 to lOkO induction have been considered: deep a 2 to 6 kO 50 magnetic an of parallel Performance figures of detection of position ~ consumption The Hall devices use perpendicular sensitivity linearity Tab. 6.1 the Lateral Hall device @ I mA bias sensitivity or polysilicon-filled a resistance input area ith w performance figures Performance figures of merit direction of surface chip of 20 pm with thickness of the active of the device An overview of the on via¬ be met by w-measure- strength and of the associated mechanical tol¬ system cost. for low offset The vertical (<100pT), to 6.1 Conclusion Performance figures of merit Current monitor range up to 20 A 360° J 0 mA (A 2 Hz, 0.1 to 0.5° resolution Rotary switch 80 mA @ 100 Hz 50 mA (/ 2 Hz, accuracy 150 a Tab. 6.2 Finally, • • in case ol optimized a merit summary of results and their Lateral Hall devices of reduced limited which are exhibit outstanding linearity. only voltages of the considered applications. comparison area to the state of the art yield input is given: resistances and sensitivities the CMOS process parameters. The devices by Vertical trench-Hall devices show similar Additionally, and high linearity (with spinning current)'1 @ 100 Hz mA temaimng ollset Performance figures of 0.1 to 1.0° the yet performance to lateral devices. unoptimized only can be compared to magnetotransistors. Further¬ more, the sensor can be offset compensated by the spinning current tech¬ nique, where values in the mT-range have already been achieved, • The current devices have very low cross-sensitivities that monitor combines low system cost with sufficient accuracy. It represents the first current monitor niques (lead-on-chip). sensor measurement A minimal distance between the packaging tech¬ current path and (he high sensitivity. Therefore, no additional (field requiring hybrid packaging solutions, is needed. emplovs principle Finally, is achieved at focus¬ the vertical trench-Hall device. Therefore, the does not pose magnet and associated olution • core, The rotary switch nent standard is achieved for sing) magnetic • requiring only stringent requirements on the perma¬ mechanical tolerances. Consequently, good res¬ low overall system cost. applications are completely in line and, therefore, allow co-integration of dedicated chip. both 137 with CMOS-technology, electronics on the same 6 Conclusion and Outlook 6.2 Outlook The lateral Hall device should be introduced in Since dedicated front-end electronics, such and electronics should be accessible to modeling be based can However, future work trench-Hall device. be a spinning the qualified on a theory presented device The promise, particularly, using the on optimization already the general user. possibility of high offers the necessary building blocks for the a large Further work tions of ments. a group of on an low-cost Finally, of offset reduction technology current volume fabrication. Next, provided. Again, this applica¬ monitor up to 20 A, with moderate accuracy require¬ packaging only on if a large quantity issues related to and environmental test. The measurement of systems future work for the rotary switch is extracting the angle mainly limited to principle of rotation from the concerned, no expected 138 if plastic molded coils. sensor AD-conversion should not be under estimated. As far are should signal conditioning. subsequent serious issues are packaging, i.e., closed-loop approach utilizing on-chip compensation The effort needed in has to and dedicated front-end elec¬ sensor manufactured. Efforts should concentrate on a sufficient is recommended, for LOC Flowever, this solution is viable be based the vertical designers. approach using long-term reliability on holds performance demonstrated device model similar to the lateral Hall device has to be tronics to The needed device should be focussed reliability requirements spinning the blocks for the building method. First, the associated CMOS current by in this work. when combined with the to meet the professional design library. offset reduction as technique, requires expert knowledge, only current sensor a as signal and packaging packaging is used. is JtjLjL A.l The JtLIN JLI1 V^lLk3 iL Basic Field magnetic strength H flux Equations density or magnetic induction B is related to the magnetic field as B where p( is the relative ability in and Unit Conversions vacuum. the external The magnetic p0p;77, = permeability and material magnetic induction field strength B The relation between the B in 77 and the p0(f/ = (A.l) magnetization + a dependent, and p0 the perme¬ material is the magnetization superposition of M M). (A.2) M and the magnetic field strength 77 is given by M = xmH< (A3) using the magnetic susceptibility %m. The corresponding system of above properties are given in Tab. A.l. SI-un it property B T units cgs-unit (tesla) G(gauss) 1 T = 1 Vs/m2 A/m Oe (oersted) 1 A/m = M A/m Oe I A/m = Mo T/Ara G/Oe 471-10 - — Xin a Tab. A. 1 1 O - 1 Oe in Useful dec an convei (LI. = siem 1 ) units of magnetic properties. 139 the SI- and cgs- conversion H lb in = 104 G 471-10 'Oe 47C-10",Oe 7T/Am=l G/Oe'1 A.2 List of Symbols ß M Numerical Y [-1 Material e I-] Dielectric Constant e0 |F7cm] Permittivity Non-Linearity Coefficient Non-Linearity Coefficient in Vacuum Dielectric Constant of Silicon X Correction Factor K Phase Angle |cm~/Vs] Electron Mp Lcm2/Vs] Hole Mo [H/cm ] Permeability I1//» [cm2/Vs] Hall Mobility for Electrons Mffl)// [cm2/Vs] Hall Mobility at ^aß |Pa-'l Piezoresistive Coefficients P [Q/m] Resistivity [O cm] Mean Pa [Qcml Resistivity aß [Pa] Mechanical Stress Effective GO LQ^cm"1] [LT1 cm1] X fsl Relaxation Time % Is] Hole Relaxation Time Ù L-] Contact [V] Electric Field <? L-] (ùc is-'l Switching Angle Cyclotron Frequency L-J Deflection [cuF2] Ion Dose [V] Fourier B LT] Magnetic B, [V] Fourier Br fT/Al Magnetic Induction D fenr/sj Diffusion Constant Ad Lm] Geometric Deflection o p0 Doping Profile An P x Mobility Mobility in Vacuum Zero Induction Hydrostatic Unstressed Resistivity Stress Free Material Conductivity Conductivity of Electrons of Electrons Opening Angle Angle, Hall Components of Offset Voltage Induction Components 140 Angle of Restive Voltage per Unit Current e LCJ Electron E [V/m] Electric Field Ea LV/m] Applied Eu [V/m] Hall Electric Field Erf(x) 1-1 Error Function / [Hz] Frequency Af [Hz] Bandwidth F [NI Mechanical Force FH [N] Hall Force Fi [N] Lorentz Force Gr [-] Resistive Correction Factor G$ [-1 Sensitivity h [pm] Length Side I [A] Electric Current hi [V] Contact Current at Contact Jn Electron Current JP [A/m2] [A/m2] Hole Current k [J/K] Boltzmann Constant k [pm] Width Side Arm Greek Cross Hall Devices [-] Kinetic Coefficient K 1,2,3 Charge Electric Field Correction Factor Arm Greek Cross Flail Devices Density I-J Complete Elliptic Integral kT [eV] Thermal m0 [kg] Rest Mass Electron m* [kg] Effective Mass Electron Carrier Nv [cm'3] [cm"3] [cnF3] [cnf3] [cm-3] LcnF3] Eff. NLG [-1 Geometrical NLM 1-1 Mate ri al Non- Linearity NLW [T/vHz] Noise Level », NA Nc ND Po [cnf3] [cm"3] A) [cm"-11 P and / Density K(/;;2) n ; Energy Density Intrinsic Carrier Concentration Acceptor Eff. Carrier Concentration Density of States (Conduction Band) Donor Carrier Concentration Density of States (Valence Band) Non-Linearity Hole Carrier Density Equilibrium Hole Carrier Background Doping 141 Density Concentration Peak Doping Concentration Electrical Charge Scattering Factor Hall Scattering Factor Resistance Hall coefficient Hall coefficient at Zero Induction Hall coefficient Including Scattering Projected Range Projected Straggle Reduction \ n+-Layer alue Reduction value n-well Integral path Jacobian Integral Function Absolute Sensitivity Current Related Power Sensitivity Sensitivity Voltage Related Sensitivity Temperature Depth Abrupt Junction Profile Charge Velocity Drift Velocity Built-in Hall of Electrons Voltage Voltage Superposition Contact Offset of Hall And Offset Voltage at Contact ; Voltage and /' Voltage Resistive Voltage Superposition Reference Substrate of Resistive And Offset Voltage Voltage Depletion Layer Thickness n-Region Depletion Layer Thickness p-Region Voltage A3 Physical Constants £o [As/VmJ 8.85418-10-!- Permittivity £Si [-1 11.9 Dielectric Const. Silicon Mo [Vs/Am] 4ti- 10 1500 7 in Vacuum Permeability in Vacuum p/; (Si) [cnr/Vs] Vp (Si) [cm2/Vs] 450 Hole LJ] 1.60218-10-'9 Electron Volt [eV] 1.12 Bandgap k [J/K] 1.3807-10-23 Boltzmann Constant kT/q LV] 0.0259 Thermal eV Eg (Si) m0 Electrou 31 at 300K Voltage at 300K 9.1094-10 0.98/0.19-/;;0 1.45-1010 Effective Mass Eff. Dens, of Stat. (Cond. Bd.) Electrical Hall (Si) [kg] n, (Si) [ein j Nc (Si) Ny (Si) [cnF3] [cur3] a [CJ 2.80-1019 J.04-1019 1.60218-10"19 [-] 1.17 rH Mobility [kg! m* (Si) Mobility 143 Rest Mass Electron Intrinsic Carrier Concentration Eff. Dens, of Stat. (Val. Bd.) Charge Scattering Factor A.4 List of Abbreviations Circuit ASIC Application Specific Integrated BPSG Boro CAD Computer Aided Design CYE, CXE 2 pm CMOS processes of Austria Mikro CMOS Complementary DRAM Dynamic EDP Ethylene-Diamine Pyrocatechol EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility ESD Electrostatic FEM Finite Element IC Integrated Circuit Phospho Silicate Glass Metal Oxide Semiconductor Random Access Memory Discharge Modeling J JL JLj Jl Junction Field Effect Transistor KOH Potassium LOC Lead On LOCOS Local Oxidation LPCVD Low Pressure Chemical MEMS Micro Electro Mechanical System MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor PCB Printed Circuit Board PECVD Plasma Enhanced Chemical PMMA Pol y methyl -Me t ha cry 1 at PSG Phospho SiLicate R1E Reactive Ion SIMS Secondary-Ion Mass Spectrometry SOI Silicon On Insulator SOG Spin SOS Silicon On TEOS Tetraethylprthosilicate ULS1 Ultra VLSI Systeme Hydroxide Chip Vapor Deposition Vapor Deposition Glass Etching On Glass Large Very Large Sapphire Scale Scale Integration Integration 144 Int. AG. Acknowledgments First of all I would like to thank Prof. Dr. H. tunity to do this work at the Baltes, for giving me the great oppor¬ Physical Electronics Laboratory (PEL). The profes¬ sional environment and the enthusiastic ambiance maintained in his research group, was that I could on track, if the basis of always finally making go to my limits something em. critical of the this thesis. It is a (or even possible. beyond), He motivated and he always put me, such me back went in the wrong direction. I wish to thank Prof. proof-reading this work Dr. Dr. h. pleasure S. Midddelhoek, my c. manuscript to and suggestions to co-examiner, for the improve the thank Prof. Dr. Ch. Blatter and Dr. R. quality Vogt of for the readiness to co-examine this thesis. I wish to thank my supervisors Dr. F.-P. Steiner and Dr. R. I also would like to thank Prof. Dr. A. Nathan for topics concerning theoretical aspects of Hall thank him for his critical A friendship developed Mikro Systeme beyond proofreading for their support. discussions, in particular sensors. Furthermore, I would like on to of this thesis. with Dr. Th. Olbrich International AG. Vogt During during the collaboration wiihAustria my stay in Graz, our collaboration went discussions about microsensors. 1 also would like to thank him for his many critical questions, that always helped me, to focus my work to practical rel¬ evance. It is my taught great pleasure me the secrets to thank M. Schneider. M. Metz, and A. Häberli. of Hall sensors ("Overall it's just that many discussions that started with selected ended in taught ness. a me She completely was a a technical paper. dignified substitute resistor"'). problems different direction. M. Schneider how to write a Finally, was They I remember on sensor offset and also the person who 1 would like to thank N. Ker- for M. Schneider in our office. I wish to thank Dr. O. Brand. Prof. Dr. J. G. Korvink. and Prof. Dr. O. Paul for many technical discussions. 145 I am grateful port. I thanks owe Hug to E. to and Y. Allmen for very efficient administrative sup¬ D. Scheiwiller, M. technical assistance. A special the mechanical work shop. The entire staff of the Physical or von Schlapfer, Igor Lcvak, and Ch. Kolb for thanks goes to P. Briihwiler and H. Electronics Laboratory another to this thesis. I would like to thank Hcdiger from has contributed in (in alphabetical order): one way Dr. M. Bäch- told, M. Brogle, Dr. D. Bolliger, Dr. J. Bühler, M. Emmenegger, Ch. Hagleilner, Dr. M. Hornung, Dr. D. Jäggi. A. Koll, S. Koller. D. Lange, Maier, M. Mayer. F. Mayer, T. Midler. U. Mïmch. A. Seh aufel bii hi, Dr. N. Schneeberger, Dr. P. Malcovati, Ch. Plattner, Dr. B.Rogge, L. Trautweder, Dr. M. S. Tascini, Dr. S. von Arx, M. Wälti, V. Ziebart. and M. Zimmermann. I appreciated the collaboration with experts from Austria Mikro Systeme Interna¬ tional AG, Austria: R. Baresch, Prof. Dr. Dr. V. war, Dr. FI. Kempe, family, in particular Richard Steiner, and my many friends who gave the last years. to Finally, 1 owe me my wife Martina Vanha my parents Liselotte and the a support necessary over She con¬ big this work in many different ways. This work has been funded Zurich, Kröner, S. Nam- Wille, Foremost I would like to thank my tributed Dr. F. April by the ESPRIT project 1999. 146 MaglC. 'thank you". Curriculum Vitae Ralph Born Steiner Vanha August 2. 1966, married Citizen of Winterthur, Canton of Zurich. Switzerland Dec. 1995 - present Doctoral work at the directed Apr. 1995 - Dec. 1995 by Prof. Dr. Research assistant Physical Electronics Laboratory Henry Baltes at ETHZ. at the 'Eidg. Material priifungs- und Forschungsanstalt \ Diibendorf. Apr. 1995 Masters diploma Diploma thesis experimental Physics at ETHZ. 'Mechanical Material Properties of in on Dielectric CMOS-1 Nov. 1990 Nov. 1987 - - Apr. 1995 Nov. 1990 dyers'. Physics student at the Swiss Federal nology Zurich (ETHZ). Switzerland. Bachelor's degree in Electrical Institute of Tech¬ Engineering from Tech¬ nikum Winterthur, Winterthur, ZH. Apr. 1986 - Nov. 1987 Electronics technician Swiss army 1982 - Apr. 1986 Gebr. Sulzer AG, Winterthur. service, and (Tulane Univ., New Apr. at Apprenticeship English language program Orleans, and U.C. Berkeley). in Electronics at Gebr. Sulzer AG, Win¬ terthur. 147