Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Unit: 07
Lesson: 01
Suggested Duration: 8 days
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Lesson Synopsis:
The unit begins with a series of demonstrations which present a preview of the topics in this unit. A review of topics will
include the meaning of temperature, methods of heat transfer, and practical temperature scales. Students then examine
specific heat, latent heat and phase change. The laws of thermodynamics, as developed through the study of heat
engines, are used as a backdrop for development of the concepts of efficiency, entropy, and phase changes. When
appropriate, the macroscopic and microscopic views of the phenomena are reconciled. Practical alternative heating and
cooling methods (heat pumps) are introduced.
The student knows that changes occur within a physical system and applies the laws of conservation of energy and
momentum. The student is expected to:
Describe how the macroscopic properties of a thermodynamic system such as temperature, specific heat, and
pressure are related to the molecular level of matter, including kinetic or potential energy of atoms. Supporting
Contrast and give examples of different processes of thermal energy transfer, including conduction, convection,
and radiation. Supporting Standard
Analyze and explain everyday examples that illustrate the laws of thermodynamics, including the law of
conservation of energy and the law of entropy. Supporting Standard
Process TEKS:
The student conducts investigations, for at least 40% of instructional time, using safe, environmentally appropriate,
and ethical practices. These investigations must involve actively obtaining and analyzing data with physical
equipment, but may also involve experimentation in a simulated environment as well as field observations that
extend beyond the classroom. The student is expected to:
Demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations.
The student uses a systematic approach to answer scientific laboratory and field investigative questions. The
student is expected to:
Demonstrate the use of course apparatus, equipment, techniques, and procedures, including multimeters (current,
voltage, resistance), triple beam balances, batteries, clamps, dynamics demonstration equipment, collision
apparatus, data acquisition probes, discharge tubes with power supply (H, He, Ne, Ar), hand-held visual
spectroscopes, hot plates, slotted and hooked lab masses, bar magnets, horseshoe magnets, plane mirrors, convex
lenses, pendulum support, power supply, ring clamps, ring stands, stopwatches, trajectory apparatus, tuning forks,
carbon paper, graph paper, magnetic compasses, polarized film, prisms, protractors, resistors, friction blocks, mini
lamps (bulbs) and sockets, electrostatics kits, 90-degree rod clamps, metric rulers, spring scales, knife blade
switches, Celsius thermometers, meter sticks, scientific calculators, graphing technology, computers, cathode ray
tubes with horseshoe magnets, ballistic carts or equivalent, resonance tubes, spools of nylon thread or string,
containers of iron filings, rolls of white craft paper, copper wire, Periodic Table, electromagnetic spectrum charts,
slinky springs, wave motion ropes, and laser pointers.
Communicate valid conclusions supported by the data through various methods such as lab reports, labeled
drawings, graphic organizers, journals, summaries, oral reports, and technology-based reports.
Performance Indicator(s):
Draw a diagram of a steam turbine, label how heat is transferred in the system, and explain how the terms latent
heat, specific heat, and the Laws of Thermodynamics apply at both the microscopic and macroscopic level. (P.2K;
P.6E, P.6F)
1C; 5B, 5F
Choose a graphic organizer to outline the development of the laws of thermodynamics in historical terms relating
to heat engines and to modern applications of heating and cooling. (P.2K; P.6F, P.6G)
1C; 3J
Key Understandings and Guiding Questions:
Thermodynamics is the study of how matter reacts with changing temperature and how heat energy is controlled
and utilized.
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Unit: 07 Lesson: 01
— What is thermodynamics?
The first law of thermodynamics is a statement of conservation of energy for a system (such as an engine)
relating heat, internal energy, and work.
— What impact do the Laws of Thermodynamics have on machines?
The second law of thermodynamics can be expressed several ways, but describes the limitations (e.g., efficiency)
on systems using thermal energy.
— What impact do the Laws of Thermodynamics have on machines?
The macroscopic concepts of temperature and thermal energy have microscopic explanations. A complete
description requires understanding phenomena at both levels.
— How is the temperature of a substance related to the thermal energy of its atoms?
Heat is thermal energy in movement which occurs by conduction, convection, and radiation.
— What is the underlining principle behind the movement of heat by conduction, convection and radiation?
Vocabulary of Instruction:
thermal energy
heat reservoir
latent heat
phase change
radiant heating
thermal expansion
thermal expansion
absolute temperature
heat engine
order and disorder
heat exchange
thermal equilibrium
specific heat
coefficient of restitution
kinetic energy
potential energy
Refer to Notes for Teacher section for materials.
Teacher Resource: Demonstrations and Videos
Teacher Resource: Video: Smokestack Jar
Teacher Resource: Video: Conduction of Heat
Teacher Resource: Video: Radiometer
Teacher Resource: Thermometer and Temperature Scales
Handout: Latent Heat of Fusion for Ice (1 per student)
Teacher Resource: Latent Heat of Fusion for Ice-Teacher Notes
Handout: Hot Lead – Hot Glass (1 per student)
Handout: Hot Lead – Hot Glass Supplementary Material (1 per student)
Handout: Temperature, Heat and Matter (1 per student)
Teacher Resource: Temperature, Heat and Matter Script
Handout: In-Class Questions and Problems – 1 (1 per student)
Teacher Resource: In-Class Questions and Problems – 1 KEY
Handout: Laws of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines (1 per student)
Handout: Additional Terms and Applications of Thermodynamics (1 per student)
Teacher Resource: Laws of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines Notes
Handout: In-Class Questions and Problems – 2 (1 per student)
Teacher Resource: In-Class Questions and Problems – 2 KEY
Resources and References:
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Unit: 07 Lesson: 01
Advance Preparation:
1. Obtain and test materials for investigations and optional demonstrations.
2. Arrange for boiling water and melting ice at the beginning of classes on Day 2.
3. Install software needed for the activities on the computers that students will use in the laboratory and for
a. Microsoft Word and Excel
b. Thermometer software if using computer based thermometer.
Background Information:
In brief, thermodynamics includes the study of temperature and how matter reacts with changing temperature, how
thermal energy is controlled and utilized, and the limitations of using thermal energy to do work. Thermodynamics
combines the macroscopic concepts of temperature with the microscopic concepts of molecular motion. The first law of
thermodynamics is a restatement of conservation of energy, but the second law tells us the limitations for using heat
energy to do work. In this sense, thermodynamics is very practical and guides us in designing better engines and knowing
what to expect in real world applications. Thermodynamics provides models for diverse subjects as weather, including
global ocean and atmospheric patterns, and to assist in understanding why products eventually wear out.
Safety notes: There are a number of inherent safety considerations for this unit. There is some danger of fire and
significant opportunities for students to burn themselves. Students should wear goggles in the experiments and should be
cautioned about touching objects that might be hot without adequate protection or equipment.
Instructors are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners.
The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus
Document for this unit. Instructors are encouraged to create original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools Tab located at the top of the page.
All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “My Content” area.
Instructional Procedures
Notes for Teacher
ENGAGE – Thermodynamics
A Teacher Resource: Demonstrations and Videos is provided for you if
you wish to perform the demonstrations live in your classroom , rather
than showing students the video clips provided.
Display or write the following questions on the board. Ask the students to
think about the following questions, but not to answer them yet.
• What is the difference between temperature, thermal energy, and
• When you touch something hot, does energy flow from it to you
or from you to it?
• When you touch something cold, does cold flow to you or heat
flow the other way?
• Is there a hottest temperature? Is there a coldest temperature?
• Which is colder, the freezing temperature or the melting
temperature for materials?
Show the students the video clips on convection, conduction and
• Teacher Resource: Video: Smokestack Jar
• Teacher Resource: Video: Conduction of Heat
• Teacher Resource: Video: Radiometer
These video clips demonstrate concepts students have had exposure to in
middle school. Ask students to reflect on the questions they were asked in
Step 1. Instruct students to work with a partner to discuss what physics
©2012, TESCCC
NOTE: 1 Day = 50 minutes
Suggested Day 1
• Teacher Resource:
Demonstrations and Videos
• Teacher Resource: Video:
Smokestack Jar
• Teacher Resource: Video:
Conduction of Heat
• Teacher Resource: Video:
• Teacher Resource: Thermometer
and Temperature Scales
Instructional Notes:
The goal for today is to preview the
subject of thermodynamics, engage
students in the unit, and assess prior
Consider showing a video clip to
illustrate and introduce the laws of
thermodynamics (mostly entropy) and
additionally to show their historical
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Instructional Procedures
Notes for Teacher
concepts the video clips have in common and how they are different as
Ask partners to share their ideas with the class. Accept all answers at this
Discuss the Handout: Thermometer and Temperature Scales. Relate
expansion of materials to thermometer design. This is a concept that
many students may not have thought about. Common thermometers use
the same basic measuring device. The difference is merely the divisions
leading to different numbers.
Instruct students to write the following question in their science notebooks:
• What is thermodynamics?
• Students may think energy gets
used up.
• Students may think heat and
temperature are the same thing.
• Students may think everyone
understands what is ‘hot’ and ‘cold,’
not realizing those terms do not
mean the same thing in science as
they do in everyday life.
8. Give students a few moments to think about the question and to record
their reflections. Tell students they will be starting a new unit on
thermodynamics and can add to or change their reflections as they
develop their understandings.
Student Notebooks:
Students record reflections in their
EXPLORE/EXPLAIN – Latent Heat of Fusion - Calorimetry
Suggested Day 2
The activity for today is an investigation in which students perform a series
of calorimetry experiments. They should gain an appreciation for the
methods of calorimetry, the definition of calorie as used in physics, and
the value for the latent heat of fusion for water. The use of graphing
techniques, along with the equations of heat exchange, will provide
reinforcement of the concepts of a calorie, conservation of energy, and
latent heat of fusion.
• What does the word “latent” mean? (For our purposes, hidden will
Inform the students there are some important safety considerations in the
investigation, and they should move quickly but carefully in those parts of
the experiment where they mix things (ice and hot water) together.
The results of the experiment are better if the hot things do not cool off
before use and the cold things do not warm up before being used.
Students should know (or be advised) to mass the cups before adding
water and then add water with the cup on the scale to the desired net
mass level. This saves time and gives less time for the water and ice to
lose heat to the surroundings
Divide the class into lab groups of 3–4.
Introduce the investigation. Distribute a copy of the Handout: Latent Heat
of Fusion for Ice to each student, and point out the location of the
Once students complete their investigation, facilitate a discussion in which
students discuss their data and conclusions. Emphasize the definition of
calorie, the latent heat aspect for melting and all phase changes, and
again, emphasize that energy was not lost in the melting process; it just
went into the kinetic and potential energies of the water molecules.
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(per group)
• hot plate
• hot pads
• Styrofoam™ cups
boiling water
Pyrex® beakers
• Handout: Latent Heat of Fusion
for Ice (1 per student)
• Teacher Resource: Latent Heat of
Fusion for Ice-Teacher Notes
Safety Notes:
Wear goggles throughout the lab.
Handle all materials with boiling water
using test tube holders and/or hot pads.
Instructional Notes:
The goal for today is to introduce the
general topic and techniques of
calorimetry and to measure the latent
heat of fusion for melting ice. Students
may have had previous exposure to
these concepts in chemistry.
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Unit: 07 Lesson: 01
Instructional Procedures
Notes for Teacher
This lab requires pre-planning to make
sure that the boiling water and ice are
ready as students begin the experiment.
Probeware, similar to Pasco or Vernier
thermometers and programs, are
recommended. These are addressed in
the Teacher Resource: Latent Heat of
Fusion for Ice – Teacher Notes, but
the student lab report does not mention
thermometer type.
Students who have taken Chemistry
prior to Physics may have had previous
exposure to the concepts of
The STAAR Physics Reference
Materials include the formulas for heat
gained or lost and the law of
conservation of energy. Please refer to
the Reference Materials for formulas,
constants, and conversions as
EXPLORE/EXPLAIN – Specific Heat Capacity
Suggested Day 3
Today’s investigation simply asks and answers the question, “Which will
heat water more, 40 grams of hot lead or 40 grams of hot glass?”
Introduce the general topic of specific heat, or specific heat capacity, with
the following questions. Many teachers prefer the term specific heat
capacity since it tends to give a sense of the concept in the name.
• Which has more thermal energy, a small potato or a large potato?
(Large –more massive)
• What is “hot” about a hot potato? Why is it “hotter” than a hot
roll? Answers will vary. The potato seems to hold temperature longer
–burn more –for its size or mass.
• Why can you take a piece of tin foil from a hot oven and not get
burned but a glass casserole dish will burn badly? The real
answer is different materials and mass – also, the ability to conduct
the heat to your hand.
Demonstrate to students that different types of material can hold and store
more thermal energy for the same temperature and mass.
Divide the students into lab groups of 3 or 4, and distribute copies of the
Handouts: Hot Lead – Hot Glass and Hot Lead – Hot Glass
Supplementary Material.
Review all equipment for the investigation, and review safety concerns.
Facilitate a discussion in which students work together to create a
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(per group)
• hot plates
• hot pads
• Styrofoam™ cups
Pyrex® beakers
metal cylinders or lead “fishing”
glass marbles
boiling water
spoon or device to lift glass and lead
• Handout: Hot Lead – Hot Glass (1
per student)
• Handout: Hot Lead – Hot Glass
Supplementary Material (1 per
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Instructional Procedures
Notes for Teacher
definition for and use for specific heat capacity. The specific heat capacity
of lead and glass can be presented to illustrate the dramatic difference in
the properties of glass and lead. The supplementary document can be
used as part of the discussion.
Use data from one or more lab groups to perform the calculation
requested in the supplementary document.
Safety Notes:
Wear goggles throughout the lab.
Handle all materials with boiling water
using test tube holders and/or hot pads.
Instructional Notes:
The goal for today is to measure the
specific heat capacity of one or more
materials using calorimetry techniques.
Students are presented with a question,
instructions for an experiment, and they
discover the need for a quantity like
specific heat to categorize materials.
The difference between density and
specific heat are clearly demonstrated.
It is anticipated that glass marbles and
lead fish-line sinkers are obtained from
a local variety store. This lab is less
formal than the normal specific heat lab,
but encourages and stimulates students
to think about the question before doing
the lab.
EXPLORE/EXPLAIN – Temperature, Heat, and Matter
Today and tomorrow, students are presented with summary reference
material including equations to use in working in-class problems.
Distribute the Handouts: Temperature, Heat and Matter and In-Class
Questions and Problems – 1. The first 5 problems on the question and
problems sheet are worked as examples in the scripted lecture-discussion
and should provide examples for the students.
Use the Teacher Resource: Temperature, Heat, and Matter Script to
facilitate a class discussion. This document is highly correlated with the
student handout and also with the in-class questions and problems. It
presents the 5 topic summaries on the student handout followed by a
discussion of information which can be used to assist the student in
understanding concepts and equations. Included as part of this
information are solutions to the first 5 example problems on the in-class
problems sheet.
Students may be assigned appropriate reading material in local resources,
but the summary sheets, when understood, provide a good reference
EXPLORE/EXPLAIN – Laws of Thermodynamics
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Suggested Day 4
• Handout: Temperature, Heat and
Matter (1 per student)
• Handout: In-Class Questions and
Problems – 1 (1 per student)
• Teacher Resource: Temperature,
Heat and Matter Script
• Teacher Resource: In-Class
Questions and Problems – 1 KEY
Instructional Notes:
The assumption is made that the
students have seen how matter
interacts with heat sources and have
been exposed to the laws of
thermodynamics. They have acquired
(or at least been exposed to) much of
the terminology of calorimetry and the
laws of thermodynamics.
Suggested Days 5 and 6
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Unit: 07 Lesson: 01
Instructional Procedures
Notes for Teacher
1. Briefly review the development of the second law of thermodynamics and
the reliance on heat engines (historically – the steam engine) for the
development of theoretical thermodynamics.
• Handout: Laws of
Thermodynamics and Heat
Engines (1 per student)
• Handout: Additional Terms and
Applications of Thermodynamics
(1 per student)
• Teacher Resource: Laws of
Thermodynamics and Heat
Engines Notes
Facilitate a discussion in which students reflect on the following concepts:
• Had the internal combustion engine been developed before the steam
engine and the laws of thermodynamics developed around the internal
combustion engine, they would be the same. These laws are universal
in nature and guide the design of engines, power plants (including
nuclear plants), and other applications that involve the use of heat
• Because of the almost philosophical and the absolute nature of these
laws, they have been used to support (and attack) ideas as diverse as
human evolution, religion, and the fate of the Universe.
5. Distribute copies of the Handouts: Laws of Thermodynamics and Heat
Engines, and Additional Terms and Applications of Thermodynamics.
Instructional Notes:
The goal for today is to review terms,
provide reference material sufficient to
work problems, and answer questions.
6. Use these handouts and the Teacher Resource: Laws of
Thermodynamics and Heat Engines Notes to lead a class discussion.
• What impact do the Laws of Thermodynamics have on machines?
• How is the temperature of a substance related to the thermal
energy of its atoms?
• What is the underlining principle behind the movement of heat by
conduction, convection, and radiation?
ELABORATE – In-Class Questions and Problems
1. Have students complete the Handout: In-Class Questions and Problems
– 2 in small groups. They should be prepared to demonstrate and discuss
• When you touch something hot, does energy flow from it to you
or from you to it? (The heat flows from the hot object to the cold
• When you touch something cold, does cold flow to you or heat
flow the other way? (There is no “cold” fluid - only heat flowing- from
hot to cold. Your heat flows to the colder object.)
• Is there a hottest temperature? Is there a coldest temperature?
(There is no upper limit to temperature, but the coldest –not really
possible– is 0 Kelvin.)
• Why do some people count Calories when on a diet? What is the
connection between dieting and heat energy? (Calories are energy
units, and fat is stored energy – If you reduce your Calorie intake, you
lose weight.)
• Is the diet Calorie the same thing as the physics calorie? (As units,
one is designated with a big C and the other with a little c). (1 Calorie
is 1000 calories: Biology Calories are physics kilocalories.)
• If energy is conserved, how can we have an energy shortage?
(Energy becomes unusable –if the hot and cold reservoirs become
warm, there is total equilibrium and no work can be done with heat
• Which is colder, the freezing temperature or the melting
temperature for materials? (They are the same.)
• What impact do the Laws of Thermodynamics have on machines?
Accept appropriate answers including efficiency.
• How is the temperature of a substance related to the thermal
energy of its atoms? Accept appropriate answers regarding the
relationship between atoms and thermal energy.
• What is the underlining principle behind the movement of heat by
©2012, TESCCC
Suggested Days 6 and 7
• Handout: In-Class Questions and
Problems – 2 (1 per student)
• Teacher Resource: In-Class
Questions and Problems – 2 KEY
The concepts and skills explored in
this unit will address standards
associated with the STAAR Physics
assessment Reporting Category 3:
Momentum and Energy.
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Instructional Procedures
Notes for Teacher
conduction, convection, and radiation? (Heat transfers from hot
object to cold.)
EVALUATE – Performance Indicators
Suggested Day 8
Performance Indicators
• Draw a diagram of a steam turbine, label how heat is transferred in the
system, and explain how the terms latent heat, specific heat, and the
Laws of Thermodynamics apply at both the microscopic and
macroscopic level. (P.2K; P.6E, P.6F)
1C; 5B, 5F
• paper
• markers or map colors
Choose a graphic organizer to outline the development of the laws of
thermodynamics in historical terms relating to heat engines and to
modern applications of heating and cooling. (P.2K; P.6F, P.6G)
1C; 3J
Students will need guidance in determining the specifics of what should be
included in the information diagram and graphic organizer.
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