Using Web-based GIS For Earth and Environmental Systems Education Alec M. Bodzin College of Education and Human Services, Lehigh University, A113 Iacocca Hall, Bethlehem, PA 18015, David Anastasio Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, 31 Williams Hall, Bethlehem, PA 18015, ABSTRACT Web-based inquiry educational modules using Geographic information system (GIS) maps are ideal for earth and environmental systems education. GIS maps display and manage a rich array of spatially referenced data, which can be combined in user- defined ways to study most natural systems. The maps can be served over the Web to create flexible and portable educational modules for science education. We describe the use of GIS maps for an ongoing pre-service teacher graduate education course at Lehigh University and show applicability to other traditional disciplinary courses taught in many secondary and introductory college classrooms. Like Earth system science, use of GIS maps transcends traditional natural and social science disciplinary boundaries. GIS can be used to track how natural systems are functioning and changing in response to human activities. Similar to Earth system science, GIS maps provide a framework for integration of environmental data across a range of temporal and spatial scales. Instructional use of GIS helps students integrate disciplinary perspectives to appreciate a broader, systems viewpoint. The implementation of Web-based GIS in conjunction with other content materials enables learners to analyze and synthesize large amounts data that would be much more difficult in other formats. INTRODUCTION According to the NSF report, Complex Environmental Systems Synthesis for Earth, Life, and Society in the 21st Century (Pfirman and AC-ERE, 2003), in the coming decades, the public will be called upon more frequently to understand complex environmental issues, evaluate proposed environmental plans, and understand how individual decisions affect the environment at local to global scales. The report calls for raising the environmental literacy of the general public by providing quality environmental education and training. Learning about the environment and its implications for society is not a simple task. Environmental problems have multiple causes and multiple effects. Such problems include complex issues such as global climate change, resource management, and pollution. Viewing any one portion of an environmental problem without consideration of broader systems interaction increases the likelihood of misunderstandings and unrealistic solutions. An Earth system science approach to learning advocates the use of rich and highly interrelated data sets that learners can explore repeatedly, each time coming at the data from slightly different perspectives. This creates what is known as "cognitive flexibility" and helps reveal the true complexity of the problem under study (Spiro and Jehng, 1990). Addressing such complex issues requires the collection and analysis of a variety of different types of geographical information and spatial data. As a result, the rapidly growing technology of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have proven to be a valuable tool in the process of understanding the environment and of making responsible environmental decisions (Carrarra and Fausto, 1995; Heit et al., 1991; National Research Council, 2005). Recent Earth and environmental sciences reform initiatives such as the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996) and the North American Association for Environmental Education's Guidelines for Learning (2000) emphasize the significance of developing thinking skills, data analysis skills, understanding real-world applications, and utilizing the power of technology in teaching and learning. GIS applications provide a platform for effectively achieving these science education goals (Barstow, 1994; National Research Council, 2005). GIS, like Earth system science, transcends disciplinary boundaries, integrating processes and data from the natural and social sciences. When using the Web and GIS maps in inquiry-based investigations, learners use evidence and practices in the same manner as scientists. The study of Earth system science relies on environmental data. GIS provides an ideal context for the management and presentation of such data. GIS can be used to collect, organize, and analyze spatially referenced data. Activities that use GIS can be designed to require independent learning and flexible reasoning, an essential component of scientific education. Yet, GIS classroom applications have not gained much momentum or enthusiasm for its implementation in secondary schools and in introductory-level courses at universities (Bednarz and Audet, 1998). Like most software applications, barriers to GIS implementation in instructional settings likely occur due to access to required hardware and software, the cost of the software application, access to relevant and accessible data, lack of adequate professional development to implement GIS in instructional settings, and technical support issues at one's institution (Audet and Paris, 1997; National Research Council, 2005). We have addressed these implementation barriers, in a prototype project of the Lehigh River watershed, PA, by designing a series of Web-based GIS maps to support the process of spatial thinking with inquiry-based approaches to learning. A watershed is an ideal way to segment the environment for analysis. Watersheds are scalable, topographic and hydrologic basins that lend themselves to systems analysis. Our approach uses driving questions to guide learner exploration of data layers of specific GIS maps to address environmental decision-making. In our instructional activities, analysis consists of comparing and contrasting data layers against one another. Existing data layers can be recombined into previously unknown patterns, providing learners the capacity to manipulate the way map data is represented into a new visualization. In conjunction with fieldwork, watershed GIS maps allow students to monitor a wide Bodzin and Anastasio - Web-based GIS For Earth and Environmental Systems Education 295 range of biogeochemical processes and track the human dimension of environmental change with long-term studies. In this article, we present our design and development work, and discuss how the use of Web-based GIS may be used to promote inquiry-based approaches to local environmental investigations in which learners understand concepts in sufficient detail that may apply their understandings to larger and more complex environmental problems in other geographical areas. GIS DEFINED A GIS consists of spatially explicit information, a database, and a computer interface that ties them together to create a visualization tool for spatial analysis. A GIS is commonly regarded as a computer system that can capture, store, query, analyze, and display geographical information of two types, vector or raster. GIS allows users to select different layers of information to construct a map. The map then is displayed on a computer screen and the data and information can be examined spatially. Maps could include political boundaries, rivers and streams, bedrock geology, soil coverage, topography, water quality, or census data to support multidisciplinary Earth and environmental science education. Much of the information we have about our world contains a location reference, relating that information at some point on the globe. For example, when point source pollutant discharge information is collected, it is important to know where the discharge is located. This is done by using a location reference system, such as longitude and latitude, and perhaps elevation. Comparing the discharge information with other information, such as the location of marshes that may serve as breeding grounds for shellfish, shows that certain marshes receive levels of pollutant discharges that may not be beneficial for the survival of newly born shellfish. This inference can help us make the most appropriate decisions about how pollution discharge in the marsh might be regulated. A GIS, therefore, can facilitate data analysis that may lead to new insights for better decision-making. Many computer databases that can be directly entered into a GIS are being produced by Federal, State, tribal, and local governments, private companies, academia, and nonprofit organizations. Different kinds of data in map form can be entered into a GIS. A GIS can also convert existing digital information, which may not yet be in map form, into forms it can recognize and use. For example, digital satellite images can be analyzed to produce a map of digital information about land use and land cover. Likewise, census or hydrologic tabular data can be converted to a maplike form and serve as layers of thematic information in a GIS. River watershed. Course instruction uses a hybrid approach that includes field trips, Web-based learning modules and face-to-face instruction. In a face-to-face session, students are introduced to a variety of topics including EE learning theories, education standards and frameworks, GIS use in Earth and environmental science curricula, and data collection with Pasco probeware. Students then complete a series of Web-based modules and meet weekly for all-day field trips to areas of environmental concern. The Web-based modules consist of the following topics: teaching and learning about environmental issues; GIS in environmental education; implementing water quality curricular projects; environmental laws and regulations; environmental education essentials; and designing activities for environmental education. The Web-based modules take advantage of many instructional materials we have developed to promote the teaching and learning of environmental issues. These materials are housed on the Lehigh Earth Observatory EnviroSci Inquiry Web site ( Since these materials are interdisciplinary and Web-based, they are both flexible and portable to use in other disciplines in select secondary and college level courses that include geology, geography, environmental science, environmental studies, Earth system science, or ecology. Select materials include the following. Stockertown Sinkhole Dilemma (http://www.leo. - In the intended use of this activity, students learn about the Stockertown sinkholes and decide who should be responsible for compensating property damage caused by a sinkhole. Students read a description of a stakeholder's role and access a variety of resources that they will use to develop a position statement about who should be responsible for the investigation and remediation of the sinkholes. They decide what should be done to solve the sinkhole problem, what might be causing the sinkholes, and what new policies should be created to protect the interest of homeowners affected by sinkholes. In this activity, students are responsible for presenting a long-term action plan to prevent and/or remediate sinkhole destruction in class during a simulated town hall meeting. The instructional use of this activity's materials and resources may be customized to emphasize the geologic occurrence of sinkholes and its implications for geoenvironmental engineering. Abandoned Mine Drainage in Pennsylvania (http:// Abandoned Mine Drainage in Pennsylvania is a science-technology-society role-playing debate simulation. In this activity, learners investigate the abandoned mine drainage (AMD) issue from differing perspectives. In their investigation, they identify AMD problems, search for a solution, evaluate options, and ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES COURSE decide on a course of action to treat and clean up AMD in EDUC 394, Special Topics in Environmental Education: Pennsylvania. Environmental Issues, at Lehigh University takes advantage of using Web-based inquiry activities and GIS Lehigh River Photojournal (http://www.leo.lehigh. maps to promote learning. Environmental Issues was edu/envirosci/watershed/pjournal/) - This virtual designed to meet Pennsylvania Department of photojournal of the Lehigh River watershed contains Education program standards for environmental digital images and panoramas to explore the watershed. education (EE) certification and preparation Historical information is provided for many locations. competencies. The course primarily focuses on an in-depth study of environmental issues in the Lehigh 296 Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 54, n. 3, May, 2006, p. 297-300 Figure 1. GIS map of the Lehigh River watershed showing land cover patterns, the location of population centers and industries along the Lehigh River and its major tributaries. Shaded colors illustrate the different geology types. Geology of the Lehigh Gorge (http://www.leo. - This Web site includes interactive maps with picture links, surface and aerial pictures of the Lehigh River and its tributaries, a stratagraphic column, geologic map, digital shaded relief map and a 3D flyby through the Lehigh Gorge. The laboratory section contains several activities designed for learners to investigate the geologic formations of the Lehigh Gorge, relationships between rock types, topography, and river morphology. The course field trips consist of site visits to abandon mine drainage and remediation sites to discuss issues pertaining to remediation efforts, a cement plant to discuss legislative issues involved in obtaining permits for recycling use in a manufacturing process, a state park to look at issues involved with land use planning and management practices, an area experiencing sinkhole problems to discuss who is responsible for the remediation of sinkholes, and a canoe trip through ten miles of the Lehigh River to gather water quality data and discuss pollution and water quality issues. GIS FOR LEHIGH WATERSHED INVESTIGATIONS Given the emphasis on incorporating inquiry teaching and learning in Earth system science education, it is important that our students gain a theoretical and practical understanding about how to take advantage of Web-enhanced instructional materials and approaches to promote inquiry learning. The Web can provide access to GIS maps, interactive images that are information-rich (they include layers representing various types of information) and dynamic (learners can explore them by observing spatial patterns and by selecting more or less detail). For this reason, we have developed a series of Web-based GIS maps to use to promote scientific inquiry and environmental literacy using a watershed theme for use in the environmental issues course. The GIS maps are disseminated over the Web using an Arc IMS server. The Web-based interface is designed well and is intuitive to use. No special software is needed to view these maps other that a Web browser with an Internet connection. We use four main topic areas to help learners understand the complex networks of interactions and dependencies within watersheds: underlying science, human resources, people centers, and human impacts. Underlying science focuses on the interdisciplinary study of the complex and interconnected issues of natural watershed processes, natural resources, populations, and pollution. Human resources addresses materials consumed or reused by humans to meet their needs, including air, water, minerals, fuels, building materials, and open space. People centers deals with societal needs for human activities, including housing, transportation, agriculture, industry, and recreation; while human impacts attends to how human activities affect both biotic and abiotic conditions of the environment. As a way of illuminating these interactions and complexities, we have developed a series of specific GIS maps each organized to promote inquiry with driving investigative questions about a particular aspect of the Lehigh Valley watershed. We have designed our inquiry-based activities to incorporate two main properties: scalability and portability. Scalability refers to the need for the problems addressed by the learner to be small enough that they can derive conclusions in a reasonable length of time, but also of sufficient detail that in completing them will understand concepts that apply to larger and more complex environmental problems. Portability means the problems addressed in our activities should involve concepts and practices that apply to diverse locations and situations, allowing learners to extrapolate their derived understandings to problems other than those to which they were exposed. Select investigative questions and GIS maps are described below. The GIS maps are available online at: investigations.html Where have people concentrated their settlements and conducted their activities during human history in the Lehigh River watershed? This GIS map (see Figure 1) enables learners to examine the location of cities, towns, and major industries in relation to the Lehigh River. A map that displays these data layers shows a pattern of settlements along the Lehigh River. With the addition of the geology layer to this map, learners may observe that many industries are located on carbonate rock more so than any other rock type in the watershed. Which part of the Lehigh River watershed is the best place to build your new home? This GIS map (see Figure 2) provides learners with a variety of different data layers one may wish to examine when selecting a site to build a new home. Learners can display land use types to determine locations of urban, forested, and agricultural areas in the watershed. Map layers of major, state, and local roads can be shown to determine transportation patterns throughout the watershed. The map also contains data about sites that may be prone to natural hazards. A limestone data layer may be displayed to consider locations that may be Bodzin and Anastasio - Web-based GIS For Earth and Environmental Systems Education 297 Figure 2. GIS map of the Lehigh River watershed Figure 3. GIS map of the Lehigh River watershed displaying the location of recreational and preserved displaying the location of canal and railroad lands, limestone areas, and industries discharging transportation routes from coal fields to cities. toxic chemicals. shed/history/) provides learners with the opportunity to understand the limitations of the use of a canal route to transport anthracite coal from the coal fields in the northwest area of the watershed to the confluence of the Lehigh River with the Delaware River. Displaying both inactive railroads and active railroads on the map illustrates the importance of using railroad transportation to connect cities and towns that contain major industries in the watershed area. The zoning layer (see Figure 4) illustrates how land is designated for use today. A careful examination of this portion of the watershed shows predominantly residential and commercial land uses located near the Lehigh River, especially in the southern areas of this map display. Agricultural areas surround this area to the north and What are some natural processes in the Lehigh River west and a tract of land designated as open space is watershed and how do human actions modify them? observed along the northern tract of this map section. prone to sinkhole occurrences, and a flood plains data layer may be viewed to identify areas where flooding may occur. Industries that release regulated toxic chemicals into the environment can also be located. The toxic chemical release inventory data layer provides the name, address, and location of the industry and a complete list of chemicals that the site discharges. Recreational and preserved land areas including County and PA State Parks and State Game Lands areas may also be displayed. Census data for each municipality in the watershed for the years 1990 and 2000 are included and can be explored to determine population growth trends in the area. The GIS map for this driving question provides learners with opportunities to see how people over time have altered the natural landscape of the watershed by establishing urban and agricultural areas, and building transportation routes that include roadways, railroads, and canals. For example, in the Little Lehigh Creek catchment, agricultural land cover decreased by 48% and urban land cover increased by 700% between 1947 and 1999. Differential effects of land cover change throughout the Lehigh River watershed provide a natural laboratory for GIS-based Earth system science research and education. What environmental issues should planners consider when designing and locating a site for a new information technology company that will create jobs for 7000 new workers in the Lehigh River watershed? Build a case for the site you think will do the least damage to the watershed. This driving question is an authentic issue that faces the Lehigh River watershed today. This GIS contains all map layers previously discussed. When examining these map layers, learners must consider the anthropogenic effects of a significant population increase in a watershed area. Issues of resource management and use of available In what ways are different parts of society in the Lehigh space must be considered for environmental decisionRiver watershed economically interdependent today? making. What role do science and technology play in this interdependence? How would this interdependence have SPRAWL IN THE LEHIGH RIVER been different 150 years ago? WATERSHED ACTIVITY This GIS map (see Figure 3) used in conjunction with the historical background provided on the LEO EnviroSci Land use and development in the form of urban or Web site ( suburban sprawl has always been a problem in the minds of many people. We have developed an activity 298 Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 54, n. 3, May, 2006, p. 297-300 Figure 4. GIS map displaying land use zoning in a subsection of the Lehigh River watershed. available online at that uses Web-based GIS maps to explore sprawl issues in the Lehigh River watershed. Learners are first introduced to historical population growth patterns in the Lehigh Valley watershed. Next, they are prompted to use a GIS map to explore trends in population change in the watershed area. The impacts of zoning laws created by multiple municipalities are then presented. Learners are prompted to use a GIS map to explore the effects of transportation infrastructure on land use. Information on the effects of sprawl on human and environmental health is then presented in the activity. Environmental issues that include pollution, effects of creating impervious surfaces, deforestation of riparian buffers, and the reduction of open spaces and farmlands are discussed. Learners are then guided to use GIS maps to examine patterns of land use and population centers. Best practices in land use including smart growth initiatives, brownfield redevelopment, and the creation of conservation easements are discussed. As a culminating activity, learners are presented with two differing viewpoints about creating a new highway extension in the area. They are prompted to select a viewpoint and write a position statement with supporting facts if the highway extension should be constructed or if the land should be preserved. CONCLUDING REMARKS In the activities and ideas described in this article, students learn spatial concepts and data analysis skills essential for disciplinary science and Earth system science education using inquiry-based instructional methods. Investigating driving questions about one's immediate environment promotes a sense of personal involvement in understanding authentic issues in one's geographical area. When learners critically examine a local environmental issue with inquiry-based methods, they develop conceptual understandings and practices that can be transferred to related issues in different geographical areas. We contend that the use of the materials and activities described in this article are portable; they can be used by other instructors at universities and in secondary school settings in different geographic locations to understand associated issues. For example, the concepts and understandings one learns from the Stockertown Sinkhole Dilemma can be transferred to understand geoenvironmental engineering and policy issues in other areas of the United States that contain limestone geology that might be prone to sinkhole occurrences. The use of Web-based GIS in conjunction with other content materials enables learners to analyze and synthesize large amounts of data that would be much more difficult in other formats. Implementing instructional practices that emphasize inquiry nurtures research creativity important for scientific training. Instructional activities that incorporate GIS maps can be effective for learning about interdisciplinary connections among the Earth and environmental sciences, providing a broader systems view of an area under study. Using Web-based GIS provides learners with opportunities to explore spatial concepts and participate in real-world environmental problem solving. Integrating GIS maps into course instruction can be used to establish boundary conditions for field based data collection. Such data collection can generate longitudinal environmental data, capable of elucidating human impacts on environmental change. We have embraced this idea and are now in the process of reformatting our introductory Earth and environmental science laboratory program to be more inquiry-based using varied data sets, and providing learners with spatial mapping tools that will allow them to manipulate these data in ways that help to illuminate complex interrelationships. We believe our instructional methods have had a positive impact on our students' understanding on how to use Web-based GIS maps and related spatial mapping tool resources appropriately to promote inquiry-based learning. Some of our students during their intern teaching field placements in secondary schools facilitated a Web-based inquiry process by presenting their students with a driving question to investigate a particular phenomenon. They provided their students with available Web-based data to analyze using GIS mapping tools. Web-based data sources included using the EPA EnviroMapper Window to My Environment interactive mapping tool ( /html/em/) to learn about different industries that contribute pollution discharges within a 5 mile radius of a school, using the NOAA's nowCOAST Web mapping portal ( and Web-based map data from the National Data Buoy Center ( to investigate why water temperature changes so rapidly on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and using the National Atlas of the United States ( and the Journey North interactive maps (http://www.learner. org/jnorth/) to investigate the monarch butterfly migration cycle. These examples illustrate anecdotal evidence that the instructional use of Web-based GIS in our environmental education course may have assisted our preservice teachers with understanding a design process for using appropriate GIS mapping resources to support the process of spatial thinking with inquiry-based approaches to learning. Bodzin and Anastasio - Web-based GIS For Earth and Environmental Systems Education 299 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Collaboration between the authors was fostered by a curricular development sub-agreement from USRA/ESSE21, (Prime Agency NASA, grant NNG04GA82G), awarded to Anastasio, Bodzin and Windham, which also supports ongoing GIS map development. REFERENCES Audet, R. H. and Paris, J., 1997, GIS implementation model for schools: Assessing the critical concerns, Journal of Geography, v.96, p. 384-300. Barstow, D., 1994, Geographical information system: new tools for student exploration, Hands On, v. 17, p.10-13. Bednarz, S., and Audet, R.H., 1999, The status of GIS technology in teacher preparation programs, The Journal of Geography, v.98, p. 60-67. Carrarra, A., and Fausto, G., editors, 1995, Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 360 p. Heit, Michael, Art Shortried, and Parker, H.D., editors, 1991, GIS Applications in Natural Resources, Fort Collins, CO., GIS World, 381 p. 300 National Research Council, 2005, Learning to think spatially: GIS as a support system in K-12 education. Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 248 p. National Research Council, 1996, The National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 253 p. North American Association for Environmental Education, 2000, Excellence in Environmental Education - Guidelines for Learning (K-12), NAAEE, Rock Springs, Ga., 121 p. Pfirman, S., and the AC-ERE, 2003, Complex Environmental Systems. Synthesis for Earth, Life, and Society in the 21st Century, Arlington, VA., National Science Foundation. Spiro, R., and Jehng, J., 1990, Cognitive flexibility and hypertext: Theory and technology for the nonlinear and multidimensional transversal of complex subject matter, in: Nix, D. and Spiro, R., editors, Cognition, Education, and Multimedia: Exploring Ideas in High Technology, Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum, p.163-205. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 54, n. 3, May, 2006, p. 297-300