PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 135, Number 5, May 2007, Pages 1585–1595 S 0002-9939(07)08687-X Article electronically published on January 9, 2007 NEW PROOF OF THE HÖRMANDER MULTIPLIER THEOREM ON COMPACT MANIFOLDS WITHOUT BOUNDARY XIANGJIN XU (Communicated by Andreas Seeger) Abstract. On compact manifolds (M, g) without boundary, the gradient estimates for unit band spectral projection operators χλ are proved for a second order elliptic differential operator L. A new proof of the Hörmander Multiplier Theorem (first proved by A. Seeger and C.D. Sogge in 1989) is given in this setting by using the gradient estimates and the Calderón-Zygmund argument. 1. Introduction Let (M, g) be a compact boundaryless manifold of dimension n ≥ 2, and let L be a second order elliptic differential operator which is positive and self-adjoint with respect to the C ∞ density dx. We shall consider the eigenvalue problem (L + λ2 )u(x) = 0, x ∈ M. Recall that the spectrum of L: 0 ≤ ≤ λ22 ≤ λ23 ≤ · · · → ∞, and let the 2 corresponding eigenfunctions {ej (x)} ⊂ L (M ) be an associated real orthogonal basis. Define the unit band spectral projection operators, χλ f = ej (f ), where ej (f )(x) = ej (x) f (y)ej (y)dy. λ21 M λj ∈[λ,λ+1) In [7] and [8], Sogge proved the following Lp estimates on χλ for p ≥ 2, λ ≥ 1: n − 1 n n − 1 1 1 − , ( − ) . (1) ||χλ f ||p ≤ Cλσ(p) ||f ||2 , with σ(p) = max 2 p 2 2 p The special case of (1) where p = ∞ was proved in Hörmander [4]. The first result of this paper is the following gradient estimate for χλ f . Theorem 1.1. There is a uniform constant C such that ||∇χλ f ||∞ ≤ Cλ(n+1)/2 ||f ||2 , ∀ λ ≥ 1. ∞ Given a function m(λ) ∈ L (R), define the multiplier operator, m(P ), by ∞ (2) m(P )f = m(λj )ej (f ), j=1 Received by the editors September 15, 2005 and, in revised form, February 28, 2006. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 58J40, 35P20, 35J25. Key words and phrases. Gradient estimate, eigenfunction, unit band spectral projection operator, Hörmander Multiplier Theorem. c 2007 American Mathematical Society Reverts to public domain 28 years from publication 1585 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 1586 X. XU √ where P = −L. Such an operator is always bounded on L2 (M ). However, for any other Lp (M ), it is known that some smoothness assumptions on the function m(λ) are needed to ensure that m(P ) is bounded on Lp (M ) (see [9]). (R), let L2s (R) denote Under the following assumption: Suppose that m ∈ L∞ ∞ j the usual Sobolev space and fix β ∈ C0 ((1/2, 2)) satisfying ∞ −∞ β(2 t) = 1, t > 0, for s > n/2. Then there is is sup ||β(·)m(λ·)||2L2s < ∞. (3) λ>0 By studying the parametrix of the wave kernel of m(P ), Seeger and Sogge [6] and Sogge [8] proved the following Hömander Multiplier Theorem for L on (M, g). Theorem 1.2. Let m ∈ L∞ (R) satisfy (3). Then there are constants Cp such that (4) ||m(P )f ||Lp (M ) ≤ Cp ||f ||Lp (M ) , f or 1 < p < ∞. The second part of this paper gives a new proof for the above theorem based on the gradient estimates on χλ , without using the parametrix of the wave kernel of m(P ) as was done in [6] and [8]. As is known, the parametrix construction of the wave kernel does not work well for compact manifolds with boundary unless one assumes that the boundary is geodesic concave (see [3]). Here we use a new approach to prove Theorem 1.2, which also works for the Laplacian operator on compact manifolds with boundary (see [11] and [12]). The main idea is that we make decompositions twice to get {Kλ,l (x, y)} for the integral kernel K(x, y) of m̃(P ), such that K(x, y) = j l K2j ,l (x, y). Also, for each operator Tλ,l (P ) with integral kernel Kλ,l , there are L1 → L2 estimates by a scaling argument using the L∞ estimates and gradient estimates on χλ . With the support properties and the finite propagation speed properties, one has the relation (8) between λ and l, which is one key observation when we apply the Calderón-Zygmund decomposition to show the weak-type (1,1) estimates on m̃(P ). In [1], Duong-Ouhabaz-Sikora gave another proof of the above Hörmander Multiplier Theorem using heat kernel methods and the L∞ bounds of χλ . In what follows we shall use the convention that C will denote a constant that is not necessarily the same at each occurrence. 2. Gradient estimates: Theorem 1.1 We will apply the maximum principle to L in the cube centered at x0 ∈ M with length d = (λ + 1)−1 , following the idea of interior gradient estimates for Poisson’s equation in [2]. Define the geodesic coordinates x = (x1 , · · · , xn ) centered at point basis {vi }ni=1 ⊂ Tx0 M , identify x = (x1 , · · · , xn ) ∈ x0 as follows: fix an orthogonal n n R with the point exp( i=1 xi vi ) ∈ M . In this coordinate, the second order elliptic operator L can be written as L= n i,j=1 ∂2 ∂ + bi (x) + c(x), ∂xi ∂xj ∂x i i=1 n aij (x) where aij (x), bi (x), c(x) ∈ C ∞ (M ), and c(x) ≤ 0, which comes from the fact that L is an elliptic operator. Without loss of generality, we may assume aij (x0 ) = aij (0) = δij , i.e., the principle term of L at point x0 is the Laplacian. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see HÖRMANDER MULTIPLIER THEOREM 1587 Denote u(x; f ) = χλ f (x); we have u ∈ C ∞ (M ), and Lu(x; f ) = − λ2j ej (f ) := h(x; f ). λj ∈[λ,λ+1) ∞ From the L estimate (1) on χλ and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have |h(x; f )|2 ≤ C(λ + 1)n+3 ||χλ f ||2L2 (M ) . Proof of Theorem 1.1. Here we estimate |Dn u(0; f )| = | ∂x∂n u(0; f )| only, and the same estimate holds for |Di u(0; f )| with i = 1, · · · , n − 1 also. Define Q = {x = (x1 , · · · , xn ) ∈ Rn | |xi | < d, i = 1, · · · , n} ⊂ M, Q = {x = (x1 , · · · , xn ) ∈ Rn | |xi | < d, i = 1, · · · , n − 1, 0 < xn < d.} ⊂ M. Consider the function 1 u(x , xn ; f ) − u(x , −xn ; f ) , 2 where we write x = (x , xn ) = (x1 , · · · , xn−1 , xn ). We have that ϕ(x , 0; f ) = 0, sup∂Q |ϕ| ≤ sup∂Q |u| := A ≤ C(λ + 1)(n−1)/2 , and |Lϕ| ≤ sup |h| + sup (L(x ,xn ) − L(x ,−xn ) )u(x , −xn ; f ) := N, in Q . ϕ(x , xn ; f ) = Q Q Here we will estimate the bound of N . From Lemma 17.5.2 and Theorem 17.5.3 in [5], we have the following crude estimates on the derivatives of u(x) = χλ f (x): n sup |Dα u| ≤ Cα λ 2 +α , ∀α ∈ N ∪ {0}. M Applying the above estimates, we have n sup (L(x ,xn ) − L(x ,−xn ) )u ≤ Cd sup |D2 u| + sup |Du| + sup |u| ≤ Cdλ 2 +2 , Q Q Q Q n and we have supQ |h| ≤ C(λ + 1)(n+3)/2 . Hence N ≤ C (λ + 1)(n+3)/2 + dλ 2 +2 . Now consider the function A ψ(x , xn ) = 2 |x |2 + αxn (nd − (n − 1)xn ) + βN xn (d − xn ), ∀ (x , xn ) ∈ Q , d where α ≥ 1 and β ≥ 1 will be determined below. One may check ψ(x , xn ) ≥ 0 on xn = 0 and ψ(x , xn ) ≥ A in the remaining portion of ∂Q . n A 2tr(a (x)) − (2nα − 2α + 1)a (x) + 2 bi (x)xi + bn (x) nαd Lψ(x) = ij nn 2 d i=1 −(2nα − 2α + 1)xn + N β − 2ann (x) + bn (x)(d − 2xn ) + c(x)ψ(x). Since M is compact, tr(aij (x)) and bi (x) are bounded uniformly, c(x) ≤ 0 and ann (x) is positive, then for a large α, we can make 2tr(aij (x)) − (2nα − 2α + 1)ann (x) ≤ −1. Fix such an α, since d = (λ + 1)−1 , for large λ, we have n bi (x)xi + bn (x) nαd − (2nα − 2α + 1)xn < 1. 2 i=1 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 1588 X. XU Then the first term of Lψ(x) is negative. For the second term of Lψ(x), letting β be large enough, we have β − 2ann (x) + bn (x)(d − 2xn ) < −1. For the third term, since c(x) ≤ 0 and ψ(x) ≥ 0 in Q , we have Lψ(x) ≤ −N in Q . Now we have L(ψ ± ϕ) ≤ 0 in Q and ψ ± ϕ ≥ 0 on ∂Q , from which it follows by the maximum principle that |ϕ(x , xn ; f )| ≤ |ψ(x , xn )| in Q . Letting x = 0 in the expressions for ψ and ϕ, then dividing by xn and letting xn tend to zero, we obtain ϕ(0, x ; f ) αnA n + βdN. |Dn u(0; f )| = lim ≤ xn →0 xn d The same estimate holds for |Di u(0)|, i = 1, · · · , n − 1, hence we have |∇u(0; f )| ≤ αn2 A + βndN. d By the bounds of d, A and N , we have the estimate |∇u(0)| ≤ C(λ + 1)(n+1)/2 . Since the estimate is for any x0 ∈ M , Theorem 1.1 is proved. Remark 2.1. Our method can apply to gradient estimates of eigenfunctions on compact manifolds with boundary as well; see details in [11] and [12]. After learning of my gradient estimates on spectral functions of Laplacian on compact manifolds, B. Xu in [10] studied the estimates of derivatives of the spectral function χλ on a closed manifold by studying the Hadamard parametrix of the wave operator, which gave another proof of the result of Theorem 1.1, but the method in [10] cannot apply to compact manifolds with boundary. 3. Hörmander Multiplier Theorem: Theorem 1.2 Since the complex conjugate of m satisfies the same hypotheses as (3), we need only to prove Theorem 1.2 for the exponents 1 < p ≤ 2. This will allow us to exploit orthogonality, and also reduce Theorem 1.2 to show that m(P ) is weak-type (1, 1) by the Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem, i.e., µ{x : |m(P )f (x)| > α} ≤ α−1 ||f ||L1 , (5) where µ(E) denotes the dx measure of E ⊂ M . Since the all eigenvalues of L are non-negative, we may assume m(t) is an even function on R. Then we have 1 1 itP m(P )f (x) = m(t)e f (x)dt = m(t) cos(tP )f (x)dt, 2π R π R+ √ where P = −L, and the cosine transform u(t, x) = cos(tP )f (x) is the solution of the following Cauchy problem of the wave equation: ( ∂2 − L)u(t, x) = 0, ∂t2 u(0, x) = f (x), ut (0, x) = 0. We shall use the finite propagation speed of solutions of the wave equation in Part 2 of the proof to get the key observation (8). License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see HÖRMANDER MULTIPLIER THEOREM 1589 Proof of Theorem 1.2. The proof of the weak-type (1,1) estimate (5) will involve a splitting of m(P ) into two pieces: a main piece which one need carefully study, plus a remainder which has a strong (1,1) estimate by using the L∞ estimates for χλ as was done in [8]. Specifically, define ρ ∈ C0∞ (R) as (6) ρ(t) = 1, for |t| ≤ , ρ(t) = 0, for |t| ≥ > 0, 2 where is a given related to the manifold. ) + r(P ), constant Write m(P ) = m(P where m(P ) = m ∗ ρ̌ (P ) and r(P ) = m ∗ (1 − ρ)ˇ (P ). To estimate the main term and remainder, for λ = 2j , j = 1, 2, · · · , define mλ (τ ) = β λτ m(τ ). Part 1. Strong (1, 1) estimate on the remainder: ||r(P )f ||L1 ≤ C||f ||L1 . Here we follow the first part in proof of Theorem 5.3.1 in [8]. Define 1 rλ (P ) = mλ ∗ (1 − ρ)ˇ (P ) = λ (t)dt. eitP (1 − ρ(t))m 2π Note that r0 (P ) = r(P ) − j≥1 r2j (P ) is a bounded and rapidly decreasing function. Hence r0 (P ) is bounded from L1 to any Lp space. We need only show ||rλ (P )f ||L2 ≤ Cλn/2−s ||f ||L1 , λ = 2j , j = 1, 2, · · · . Using the L∞ estimate (1), we have ||rλ (P )f ||2L2 ≤ ∞ ||rλ (P )χk f ||2L2 ≤ C k=1 Hence we need only show ∞ sup k=1 τ ∈[k,k+1] ∞ sup k=1 τ ∈[k,k+1] |rλ (τ )|2 (1 + k)n−1 ||f ||2L1 . |rλ (τ )|2 (1 + k)n−1 ≤ Cλn−2s . / [λ/2, 2λ], both m λ (τ ) and rλ (τ ) are Note that since mλ (τ ) = 0 for τ ∈ / [λ/4, 4λ]. Hence we need only show O((1 + |τ | + |λ|)−N ) for any N when τ ∈ 4λ k=λ/4 sup τ ∈[k,k+1] |rλ (τ )|2 ≤ Cλ1−2s . By the fundamental theorem of calculus and the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, 4λ 2 2 sup |rλ (τ )| ≤ C( |rλ (τ )| dτ + |rλ (τ )|2 dτ ) k=λ/4 τ ∈[k,k+1] R = R |m λ (t)(1 − ρ(t))|2 dt + C( R |tm λ (t)(1 − ρ(t))|2 dt). R Since ρ(t) = 1, for |t| ≤ 2 , by a change variables, this is dominated by |ts m λ (t/λ)|2 dt = λ1−2s ||β(·)m(λ·)||2L2s ≤ Cλ1−2s , λ−1−2s R and the second inequality comes from our assumption (3). Hence we have the estimate ||r(P )f ||L2 ≤ C||f ||L1 . Also, since our manifold is compact, we have ||r(P )f ||L1 ≤ V ol(M )1/2 ||r(P )f ||L2 ≤ C||f ||L1 . License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 1590 X. XU Part 2. Weak-type (1, 1) estimate on the main term: µ{x : |m(P )f (x)| > α} ≤ α−1 ||f ||L1 . The weak-type (1, 1) estimate on m(P ) would follow from the integral operator 1 itP m(t)ρ(t)e f (x)dt m(P )f (x) = 2π R 1 itλk = m(t)ρ(t) e eλk (x) eλk (y)f (y)dydt 2π R M k≥1 1 = m(t)ρ(t) eitλk eλk (x)eλk (y)dt f (y)dy 2π M R k≥1 with the kernel K(x, y) = m(t)ρ(t) eitλk eλk (x)eλk (y)dt = (m ∗ ρ̌)(λk )eλk (x)eλk (y) R k≥1 k≥1 of weak-type (1,1). Now define the dyadic decomposition Kλ (x, y) = m λ (t)ρ(t) eitλk eλk (x)eλk (y)dt. R k≥1 ∞ We have K(x, y) = j=1 K2j (x, y) + K0 (x, y), where K0 is bounded and vanishes when dist(x, y) is larger than a fixed constant. In order to estimate Kλ (x, y), we make a second dyadic decomposition as follows: m λ (t)β 2−l λ|t| ρ(t) eitλk eλk (x)eλk (y)dt. Kλ,l (x, y) = R k≥1 ∞ We have Kλ (x, y) = l=−∞ Kλ,l (x, y). Define Tλ,l (P )f (x) = From above two dyadic decompositions, we have ∞ ∞ T2k ,l (P )f (x). (7) m(P )f (x) = M Kλ,l (x, y)f (y)dy. k=0 l=−∞ Note that, because of the support properties of ρ(t), Kλ,l (x, y) vanishes if l is larger than a fixed multiple of log λ. Now we exploit the fact that the finite propagation speed of the wave equation mentioned before implies that the kernels of the operators Tλ,l , Kλ,l must satisfy Kλ,l (x, y) = 0, if dist(x, y) ≥ C(2l λ−1 ), since cos(tP ) will have a kernel that vanishes on this set when t belongs to the support of the integral defining Kλ,l (x, y). Hence in each of the second sums of (7), there are uniform constants c, C > 0 such that cλdist(x, y) ≤ 2l ≤ Cλ (8) must be satisfied for each λ = 2k . We will use this key observation later. Now for Tλ,l (P )s, we have the following estimates: ||Tλ,l (P )f ||L2 (M ) ≤ C(2l )−s λn/2 ||f ||L1 (M ) , (b) ||Tλ,l (P )g||L2 (M ) ≤ C(2l )−s0 λn/2 λ max dist(y, y0 ) ||g||L1 (Ω) , y,y0 ∈Ω where Ω = supp(g), Ω g(y)dy = 0 and n/2 < s0 < min{s, n/2 + 1}. (a) License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see HÖRMANDER MULTIPLIER THEOREM 1591 We first show estimate (a). Note that β(2−l λ|t|)ρ(t) = 0 when |t| ≤ 2l−1 λ−1 . We can use the same idea to prove estimate (a) as we did to prove the estimate on the remainder r(P ) in Part 1, where 1 − ρ(t) = 0, for |t| ≤ 2 . Using orthogonality of χk for k ∈ N, and the estimates (1) on χk for p = ∞, we have ∞ ||Tλ,l (P )f ||22 ≤ ||Tλ,l (P )χk f ||22 ≤ C k=1 ∞ sup k=1 τ ∈[k,k+1] |Tλ,l (τ )|2 (1 + k)n−1 ||f ||21 . Hence we need only show ∞ sup k=1 τ ∈[k,k+1] |Tλ,l (τ )|2 (1 + k)n−1 ≤ C(2l )−2s λn . Note since mλ (τ ) = 0, for τ ∈ / [λ/2, 2λ], we have Tλ,l (τ ) = O((1 + |τ | + |λ|)−N ) for any N when τ ∈ / [λ/4, 4λ]. Then we have sup |Tλ,l (τ )|2 (1 + k)n−1 ≤ C (1 + k + λ)−2N (1 + k)n−1 k∈[λ/4,4λ] / τ ∈[k,k+1] k∈[λ/4,4λ] / ≤ C(1 + λ)n−2N . Since 2l ≤ Cλ from our observation (8) above, we need only show 4λ sup k=λ/4 τ ∈[k,k+1] 4λ i.e. sup k=λ/4 τ ∈[k,k+1] |Tλ,l (τ )|2 (1 + k)n−1 ≤ C(2l )−2s λn , |Tλ,l (τ )|2 ≤ C(2l )−2s λ. Using the same argument as in Part 1, note that β(2−l λ|t|)ρ(t) = 0 when |t| ≤ 2 λ ; we have the estimate (a). 1 Next we prove the estimate (b). Given function g ∈ L (M ) with Ω = supp(g) and M g(y)dy = 0, fix a point y0 ∈ Ω. Using the cancellation of g, we have l−1 −1 ||Tλ,l (P )g||2L2 2 = Kλ,l (x, y)g(y)dy dx M Ω 2 = [Kλ,l (x, y) − Kλ,l (x, y0 )]g(y)dy dx M Ω 2 = Tλ,l (λk )eλk (x) eλk (y) − eλk (y0 ) g(y)dy dx M = Ω k≥1 k≥1 M 2 Tλ,l (λj )eλj (x) eλj (y) − eλj (y0 ) g(y)dy dx, Ω λ ∈[k,k+1) j where we use the orthogonality of {eλj (x)}, which is dominated by 2 2 Tλ,l (λj )eλj (x) eλj (y) − eλj (y0 ) dx max |g(y)|dy k≥1 = M y∈Ω ||g||2L1 k≥1 M λj ∈[k,k+1) Ω 2 Tλ,l (λj )eλj (x) eλj (y1 ) − eλj (y0 ) dx, λj ∈[k,k+1) License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 1592 X. XU where the maximum achieves at some point y1 ∈ Ω, 2 = ||g||2L1 Tλ,l (λj )eλj (x)eλj (ȳ), y1 − y0 ) dx (∇y k≥1 M = ||g||2L1 k≥1 = ||g||2L1 λj ∈[k,k+1) 2 Tλ,l (λj )eλj (x)(∇eλj (ȳ), y1 − y0 ) dx M λj ∈[k,k+1) 2 Tλ,l (λj )(∇eλj (ȳ), y1 − y0 ) k≥1 λj ∈[k,k+1) ≤ ||g||2L1 k≥1 ≤ ||g||2L1 ≤ max τ ∈[k,k+1) |Tλ,l (τ )|2 max dist(y, y0 ) 2 y,y0 ∈Ω C||g||2L1 k≥1 max dist(y, y0 ) λj ∈[k,k+1) max τ ∈[k,k+1) 2 y,y0 ∈Ω |∇eλj (ȳ)|2 dist(y1 , y0 )2 k≥1 |Tλ,l (τ )|2 max τ ∈[k,k+1) |∇eλj (ȳ)|2 λj ∈[k,k+1) |Tλ,l (τ )| (1 + k)n+1 . 2 Now using the same computation as in the estimate (a), for some constant s0 satisfying n/2 < s0 < min{s, n/2 + 1}, we have max |Tλ,l (τ )|2 (1 + k)n+1 ≤ C(2l )−2s0 λn+2 . k≥1 τ ∈[k,k+1) Combining the above two estimates, we prove the estimate (b): ||Tλ,l (P )g||L2 (M ) ≤ C(2l )−s0 λn/2 λ max dist(y, y0 ) ||g||L1 (Ω) . y,y0 ∈Ω Next we use the estimates (a) and (b) to show that m(P )f (x) = K(x, y)f (y)dy M is weak-type (1,1). We let f (x) = g(x)+ ∞ k=1 bk (x) := g(x)+b(x) be the CalderónZygmund decomposition of f ∈ L1 (M ) at the level α. Let Qk (⊃ supp(bk )) be the cube associated to bk on M, and we have ||g||L1 + ∞ ||bk ||L1 ≤ 3||f ||L1 ; |g(x)| ≤ 2n α almost everywhere, k=1 and for certain non-overlapping cubes Qk , bk (x) = 0 for x ∈ / Qk and bk (x)dx = 0; M µ|Qk | ≤ α−1 ||f ||L1 . k=1 |g|dx and α α )b(x)| > } , {x : |m(P )f (x)| > α} ⊂ {x : |m(P )g(x)| > } ∪ {x : |m(P 2 2 Since |g| dx ≤ 2 α ∞ 2 M n M by L2 boundedness of m(P ) and Tchebyshev’s inequality, we get µ{x : |m(P )g(x)| > α/2} ≤ Cα−2 ||g||2L2 ≤ C α−1 ||f ||L1 . License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see HÖRMANDER MULTIPLIER THEOREM 1593 Let Q∗k be the cube with the same center as Qk but twice the side length. After possibly making a translation, we may assume that Qk = {x : max |xj | ≤ R}. Let O∗ = Q∗k ; we have µ|O∗ | ≤ 2n α−1 ||f ||L1 and µ{x ∈ / O∗ : |m(P )b(x)| > α/2} ≤ 2α−1 ∞ k=1 Hence we need only show |m(P )bk (x)|dx = x∈Q / ∗ k x∈Q / ∗ k x∈Q / ∗ k |m(P )bk (x)|dx. K(x, y)bk (y)dy dx ≤ C Qk |bk |dx. M From the double dyadic decomposition (7), we show two estimates of Tλ,l (P )bk (x) on the set {x ∈ M : x ∈ / O∗ }: (I) ||Tλ,l (P )bk ||L1 (x∈O / ∗) (II) ||Tλ,l (P )bk ||L1 (x∈O / ∗) ≤ C(2l )n/2−s ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) , ≤ C(2l )n/2−s0 λ max dist(y, y0 ) ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) , y,y0 ∈Qk From our observation (8), it suffices to show that for all geodesic balls BRλ,l of radius Rλ,l = 2l λ−1 , one has the bounds (I) ||Tλ,l (P )bk || 1 L (II) ||Tλ,l (P )bk || 1 L {x∈O / ∗ }∩BRλ,l {x∈O / ∗ }∩BRλ,l ≤ C(2l ) 2 −s ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) , n ≤ C(2l ) 2 −s0 λ max dist(y, y0 ) ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) , n y,y0 ∈Qk To show (I) , using the estimate (a) and Hölder inequality, we get ||Tλ,l (P )bk || 1 L {x∈O / ∗ }∩BRλ,l ≤ V ol(BRλ,l )1/2 ||Tλ,l (P )bk ||L2 ≤ C(2l λ−1 )n/2 (2l )−s λn/2 ||bk ||L1 = C(2l )n/2−s ||bk ||L1 . To show (II) , using the cancellation property Qk bk (y)dy = 0, the estimate (b), and Hölder inequality, we have ||Tλ,l (P )bk || 1 L {x∈O / ∗ }∩BRλ,l ≤ V ol(BRλ,l )1/2 ||Tλ,l (P )bk ||L2 2l n2 l −s0 n ≤ C (2 ) λ 2 λ max dist(y, y0 ) ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) y,y0 ∈Qk λ l n −s0 2 λ max dist(y, y0 ) ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) . = C(2 ) y,y0 ∈Qk From our observation (8), and estimates (I), we have ∞ l=−∞ ||Tλ,l (P )bk ||L1 (x∈O / ∗) ≤ C (2l )n/2−s ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) 2l ≥cλdist(x,y) n/2−s ≤ Cs λdist(x, y) ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) ≤ Cs (λR)n/2−s ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) , License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 1594 X. XU and from maxy,y0 ∈Qk dist(y, y0 ) ≤ CR, estimate (II), and ∞ l=−∞ ≤ C n 2 < s0 < min{s, n2 + 1}, ||Tλ,l (P )bk ||L1 (x∈O / ∗) n (2l ) 2 −s0 λ max dist(y, y0 ) ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) y,y0 ∈Qk 2l ≥cλdist(x,y) n −s ≤ Cs0 λdist(x, y) 2 0 λ max dist(y, y0 ) ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) y,y0 ∈Qk ≤ Cs0 (λR) n 2 +1−s0 ||bk ||L1 (Qk ) . Therefore, we combine the above two estimates to conclude that x∈Q / ∗ k |m(P )bk (x)|dx ≤ ∞ ∞ ||T2j ,l (P )bk ||L1 (x∈O / ∗) j=0 l=−∞ ≤ Cs (2j R) 2 −s ||bk ||1 + Cs0 n 2j R>1 ≤ n (2j R) 2 +1−s0 ||bk ||1 2j R≤1 Cs ||bk ||1 . Hence we have the weak-type (1, 1) estimate on the main term µ{x : |m(P )f (x)| > α} ≤ α−1 ||f ||L1 . Combining Case 1 and Case 2, we have the weak-type estimate of m(P ) and we finish the proof of Theorem 1.2. Acknowledgments The results in this paper are part of the author’s Ph.D. thesis [12] during his stay at Johns Hopkins University. The author would like to thank his advisor, Professor C.D. Sogge, for bringing the problems to him and for a number of helpful conversations on his research. Finally, but not least, the author would like to thank the referee for his/her careful reading and valued suggestions on this paper. References [1] Xuan Thinh Duong, El Maati Ouhabaz, and Adam Sikora, Plancherel-type estimates and sharp spectral multipliers. J. funct. 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Box 400137, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904 E-mail address: License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see