eStatement - USC Financial and Business Services

Procurement Card eStatement
Reference and Training Guide
Kuali Financial Systems
Belongs to: _____________________________________________________________________
Version 20120718
Table of Contents
Fundamentals ..........................................................................................................................................1
Five eStatement Fundamentals ................................................................................................................... 2
Using the Action List ................................................................................................................................... 3
Document Layout ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Completing Your eStatement....................................................................................................................6
Report Tab ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Transactions Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Basic Information and User Actions ................................................................................................................. 8
Creating an MRD ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Dispute Button ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Transaction Notes and Attachments Tab ................................................................................................... 13
Attaching Receipts to an eStatement ............................................................................................................. 13
Size and File Type Restrictions for Attachments ........................................................................................ 13
Procedure for Adding Attachments ............................................................................................................ 13
Routing of Procurement Card eStatements ................................................................................................ 14
Additional Information...........................................................................................................................15
Searching for Documents .......................................................................................................................... 16
Using Doc Search ............................................................................................................................................ 16
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
NOTE: For basic information about using the Kuali system at USC, please see the separate document
titled Kuali Basics: Reference and Training Guide, which can be accessed on-line here:
This guide discusses the Procurement Card eStatement, which is a Kuali system workflow that
enables authorized USC employees to receive and review a statement of their procurement card
transactions via their Action Lists in the form of an electronic document (eDoc). Statement data
from USC’s procurement card issuer are delivered on or about the 15th of each month through the
Kuali Financial System (KFS). The recipient is then able to attach digital or scanned receipts to that
eDoc and submit it through KFS to the appropriate supervisor for review and approval.
Be careful not to confuse the Procurement Card eStatement with the Procurement Card
Reallocation eDoc, which is used by authorized employees to redistribute procurement card
transactions from a specific card’s default account number and object code to other account
numbers and object codes. For information about the Procurement Card eDoc, please see the
Procurement Card Reallocation Reference and Training Guide, which can be accessed here:
Unlike other financial transaction documents in KFS, Procurement Card eStatements are generated
automatically by the system in a batch mode based on an electronic feed of posted transactions from
USC’s procurement card issuer. For this reason, the Financial Main Menu tab does not include any
procurement card links other than those used to generate reports.
Instead, Procurement Card eStatements are accessed via the user’s action list. Each Procurement
Card eStatement is routed to the user to whom the procurement card is issued (i.e., the cardholder).
Cardholders are notified via email when eStatements are ready for review. The cardholder can then
log in to KFS and open his or her action list to see the eStatement that requires action. (Alternatively,
cardholders can access their action lists by clicking a hyperlink in the notification email message.)
USC expects cardholders to perform the following tasks on each eStatement:
Review the listed transactions.
Enter text in the Item/Business Purpose field. (See page 8.)
Attach a receipt for each transaction. (See page 13.)
Create an MRD (Missing Receipt Declaration) if no receipt is available. (See page 10.)
Identify charges that the cardholder wants to dispute. (See page 12.)
Approve the eStatement. (See page 3.)
Once approved, eStatements are routed automatically to the appropriate supervisors for approval.
Additionally, cardholders can route their eStatements to other Kuali users for review.
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Five eStatement Fundamentals
1. Each eStatement corresponds to only one procurement card.
2. Each procurement card is issued to only one user (i.e., the cardholder).
3. Each eStatement goes to the cardholder’s action list in the Kuali Financial System (KFS).
4. Users receive eStatements only for the procurement card(s) issued to them.
5. An eStatement shows the transactions processed for a specific procurement card during a
single monthly statement cycle.
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Using the Action List
Documents sent to your action list may request action
from you. The action list button located in the upper
left corner of the screen allows you to view and act on
documents that require your completion by way of
Acknowledgement, Approval, and FYI actions.
Figure 1 – Procurement Card eStatement documents in a user’s Action List
For Procurement Card eStatements, the requested action is Approval. When you view an eStatement
and click the
button at the bottom of the screen, you are verifying that the listed transactions
are acceptable. Approved financial documents will continue routing to any additional approvers, or if
fully approved, they will enter “Final” status and be included in the next update to the General Ledger.
To enter an action appropriate to an Approve action request, you must open the eStatement from
your action list. You can then click the
action button displayed at the bottom of the screen
when the eDoc is opened.
NOTE: If you are the cardholder, you must ensure that a business purpose description has been
added and a receipt has been attached for each listed transaction before you approve an eStatement.
After approving the eStatement, if you realize that you have made an error in the receipts you have
attached or the business purpose descriptions you have entered, you must contact your supervisor
before he or she approves the eStatement. Your supervisor can then return the eStatement to you for
correction, after which you can re-approve it.
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Document Layout
Procurement card eStatements have five standard tabs — Document Overview, Report, Notes
and Attachments, Ad Hoc Recipients, and Route Log — and two additional tabs that are
uniquely designed for the eStatement: Transactions and Transaction Notes and Attachments.
For information about the standard tabs, please refer to the Standard Tabs in eDocs section of the
Kuali Basics: Reference and Training Guide.
Figure 2 – Procurement Card eStatement
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Table 1. Descriptions of Procurement Card eStatement Tabs and Content
Tab Name
Document Overview
Display-only. Gives primary details about the eStatement and the
Procurement card to which it belongs.
Click the
button to open a window containing instructions for
creating a .pdf report showing the data on your eStatement.
Mostly display-only. Gives detailed information about charges
processed against the subject procurement card during the period
identified in the Document Overview. Also includes an editable
Item/Business Purpose field for each transaction, which must be
completed by the cardholder, as discussed later in this guide (see
Transactions Tab on page 8).
Click the P-Card Trans eDoc# entry for a line item in the Transactions
section of the eStatement to view details of that transaction.
As shown earlier in Figure 2, the following Action Buttons are available
on the Transactions tab:
appear in Receipt column if a receipt is attached
for that transaction.
appears in MRD column if no MRD has been created
for that transaction.
appear in MRD column if an MRD has
been created for that transaction.
appears at the bottom of the Transactions tab.
Transaction Notes
and Attachments
Required. In order for the eStatement to be processed, the cardholder is
required to attach a receipt to each transaction on this tab, as discussed
later in this guide (see Transaction Notes and Attachments Tab on
page 13).
Notes and
Optional. Notes and attachments can be added at any time on this tab,
including after the eStatement is in “Final” status.
Ad Hoc Recipients
Optional. This tab enables a user to route an eDoc to users not included
in the official workflow route.
Procurement card eStatements are not routed for approval. Completed
eStatements are routed directly to the designated business officer for
distribution and approval.
Route Log
Display-only. Provides document routing information in sections labeled
Actions Taken, Pending Action Requests, and Future Action
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Completing Your eStatement
Although the Report tab (discussed on the following page) gives you the option to create a PDF
report containing the data from the eStatement, there are user actions that you need to complete on
the following two tabs:
Transactions Tab (see page 8) – completing the Item/Business Purpose field for each
listed transaction
Transaction Notes and Attachments Tab (see page 13) – attaching scanned images of
receipts for all listed transactions
If you are not able to complete and submit the eDoc in one sitting, you can save the incomplete
eDoc by clicking the
button at the bottom of the eStatement screen. If any error messages
are displayed, make the necessary changes and save the eDoc again. Note, however, that unlike a
document in other applications (e.g., Microsoft Word or Excel), a Kuali eDoc should be saved only
once per session, when you want to close the eDoc without submitting it yet.
NOTE: When you open a Procurement Card eStatement, DO NOT use your browser’s Back button (or
a Go Back command) to return to a page you were viewing previously. Instead, click either the cancel
button to close the document without saving any changes you have made or the close button if you
have made no changes. You can also click the reload button if you want to revert to the most recently
saved version of the document.
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Report Tab
This tab displays a single button. If you want the system to generate a report in PDF format that
shows the data on your eStatement, click
to open a window with instructions for creating
the report.
A sample eStatement report is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 – Sample eStatement report in PDF format
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Transactions Tab
Basic Information and User Actions
Your eStatement opens with the Transactions tab expanded, showing all transactions charged
against your procurement card between the Statement Dates indicated on the Document
Overview tab. The data was uploaded from USC’s procurement card issuer.
The Transactions tab lists information about all the transactions posted for this card during this
statement cycle. Most of the information shown in the Transactions tab is display-only, and cannot
be edited. However, the Item/Business Purpose field is editable. As the cardholder, it is your
responsibility to complete this field for each listed transaction.
Figure 4 – Transactions tab
Table 2. Transactions tab columns, fields, and controls
Field or Control
P-Card Trans eDoc#
Display-only. For each transaction listed, this column shows the
procurement card number as a hypertext link. Clicking the link opens
up a separate window, which displays the credit cardholder details.
This information is masked when viewed by users who are not the
assigned reallocator of the default account associated with this card.
Transaction Date
Display-only. Date of the purchase transaction.
Posting Date
Display-only. Date the transaction posted to the procurement card
Display-only. Amount of the posted transaction.
Display-only. Name of vendor with whom the transaction was made.
Required. Enter text relevant to identifying the item and its purpose.
Please refer to the “Procurement Card Policies and Procedures”
document. To view the current version of that document, visit the “USC
Corporate Card Services” website (, and click
the Policies & Procedures link in the column on the left-hand side of the
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Field or Control
screen. When the “Policies & Procedures” web page appears, locate
and click the Procurement Card Policies and Procedures link, and the
document will open.
1. If this field has text in it when you first open the eStatement,
then the text was entered by a procurement card reallocator.
You may overwrite this Item/Business Purpose entry by
making additions to the existing text, replacing it with your own
text, or deleting it.
2. Any existing text in this field can be overwritten from the
eStatement screen. Text entered from the eStatement screen
cannot be overwritten by the procurement card reallocator or by
a subsequent approver (i.e., a supervisor).
Account #
Display-only. Destination university account number for the transaction
Object Code
Display-only. Identifies the object code associated with the transaction.
Example: Object Code 15100 is for GENERAL/PROJECT SUPPLIES.
Reference ID
Display-only. Transaction Reference ID assigned by the university’s
procurement card issuer.
Interactive. The drop-down list shows the file names of any receipts
attached to the transaction.
• Click
to open an attachment selected in the drop-down list.
• Click
to discard an attachment selected in the drop-down list.
Attachments cannot be deleted by a subsequent approver (i.e., a
Attaching an MRD (Missing Receipt Declaration) to the transaction is
not recommended, and should be done only when it is impossible to
obtain a copy of the original receipt or invoice.
If you need to add an MRD, click
to open a Missing Receipt
Declaration document that is pre-populated with the relevant
transaction information, then follow the instructions presented in the
next section of this guide, Creating an MRD.
If an MRD is already attached to the transaction, you can perform
either of the following actions:
• Click
if you want to view the attached MRD in a new
browser window.
• Click
if you want to discard the attached MRD.
Click dispute to open a new browser window (or tab, depending on
your browser settings) displaying a page on the website of the
procurement card issuer, where transaction charges can be disputed.
For more information, see Dispute Button on page 12.
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Creating an MRD
Adding a Missing Receipt Declaration (MRD) to a Procurement Card eDoc is not recommended.
An MRD should only be added as a last resort after obtaining a copy of the original receipt or invoice
has proven impossible.
If you elect to add an MRD, perform the following steps:
1. Click the
button in the MRD column for the desired transaction.
This will open a new eDoc window displaying a Missing Receipt Declaration form
populated with information relevant to the P-Card Trans eDoc # on the eStatement.
NOTE: The circled numbers in Figure 5 (below) correspond to those in the remaining steps.
Figure 5 – Missing Receipt Declaration tabs and actions
2. On the Document Overview tab, enter a description of the transaction, and an explanation,
if desired. (Description  is a required field; Explanation  is optional.)
3. Complete the Edit Missing Receipt Declaration tab  by entering an Item Description and
selecting the appropriate radio button to indicate the Receipt Status: Lost, Never Received,
or Other. If you select Other, enter text specifying the reason in the text field provided.
4. Read the MRD declaration and select the check box  to signify that you have read and
understand the university’s policy for MRDs.
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
5. No action is necessary on the Notes and Attachments tab . However, if you choose to
use it, be aware that the Note Text field is required, even if you are merely attaching a file.
6. No action is necessary on the Ad Hoc Recipients tab  unless you want to send a copy of
your MRD to another user for review.
7. No action is necessary on the Route Log tab , which presents non-editable information
showing the pending and completed routing for the MRD. Unless you have used the Ad Hoc
Recipients tab to send the MRD to another user for review, it is unlikely that any routing
information will be displayed.
8. Click the
Note that if you submit an MRD for a transaction amount greater than $15, the eStatement
will be routed to the SBO for the default account of the procurement card, prior to being
routed to your supervisor.
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Dispute Button
In some instances, there may be Procurement Card transactions that the cardholder wants to
dispute. The
button opens a new browser window (or tab, depending on your browser
settings) displaying a corporate card services page at the website of USC’s procurement card issuer.
Follow the instructions on the vendor’s website for entering a dispute of transactions charged to the
Procurement Card. When you have finished with the dispute declaration, close the browser window
(or tab) and return to your eStatement in KFS to continue your tasks there.
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Transaction Notes and Attachments Tab
This tab (see example in Figure 6) on the Procurement Card eStatement is a customized version of
the standard Notes and Attachments tab. It enables users to attach files to selected transaction
line items. As the cardholder, it is your responsibility to attach scanned images of receipts for all
listed transactions.
Attaching Receipts to an eStatement
For most KFS eDocs, notes and attachments are added to an entire document. On a Procurement
Card eStatement, receipts are attached to selected transactions. To facilitate this, the Associate
with Transactions column displays a list of the transactions on the eStatement.
Figure 6 – Transaction Notes and Attachments tab on an eStatement
Size and File Type Restrictions for Attachments
Maximum file size for eDoc attachments: 40 MB
Allowable file types for eDoc attachments: .pdf, .jpg/.jpeg, .gif, .tif/.tiff, .doc/.docx
(See this web page for a more complete list, including some less common file types.)
When scanning a document that you will attach to an eDoc, be sure to scan it in black & white with
the resolution set to 300 dpi. (Files scanned in color or at higher resolutions may be too large.)
Procedure for Adding Attachments
Follow these steps to attach PDF files containing scanned images of receipts for all transactions
listed on the Transaction Notes and Attachments tab:
1. Use the check boxes in the Associate with Transactions column to identify the transaction
(or transactions) to which the attachment file should be added.
2. Click the
button next to the Attached File field to search your hard drive or the network
for the desired file. The full path of the file that you have selected will appear in the Attached
File field, but it is not yet attached.
If you need to change your selection to a different file, click the small
button just below
the Attached File field. When that field is empty again, click the
button once more to
locate the other file that you want to attach.
3. Click the
button in the Actions column to attach your file to the transaction(s) you have
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Routing of Procurement Card eStatements
Procurement Card eStatements are initiated by the system and are routed to the cardholder for
completion and submittal. After the cardholder has submitted an eStatement, it is routed to a supervisor for approval. (The terms “approver” and “supervisor” are interchangeable in Kuali. In most
cases, the cardholder’s supervisor will be his or her primary approver.) The supervisor cannot
change business purpose descriptions or delete attached receipts, but can return the eStatement to
the cardholder if corrections are needed.
Optionally, a proxy user may be authorized to complete eStatements on behalf of the cardholder.
In such instances, the proxy user will review the eStatement, add the required business purpose
descriptions and receipts, and then submit the document by clicking the approve button. At that
point, the eStatement is routed to the cardholder for review and approval.
Note that if the cardholder has submitted a Missing Receipt Declaration for a transaction amount
over $15, the eStatement will be routed to the SBO for the default account of the procurement card,
prior to being routed to the cardholder’s supervisor.
An optional secondary approver may be designated as a Business Office Reviewer according to
departmental needs. In addition, Ad Hoc reviewers may be assigned at any stage in the workflow
process. An eStatement can be routed to another Kuali system user with an action request for
approval or for review (using the FYI option).
Following the last requested review and approval, the document enters “Final” status in Kuali, where
it is retained for reference and audit.
Figure 7 – Diagram illustrating Procurement Card eStatement workflow
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Additional Information
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Searching for Documents
The Kuali system automatically routes each eStatement to the procurement cardholder’s action list,
and sends a notification message via email stating that an eStatement is ready for review. The
cardholder can then access his or her action list in KFS to open the eStatement that requires action.
Therefore, cardholders usually will not need to search for eStatements in the Kuali system. However,
if you do need to perform a document search, this section explains how to do so.
Using Doc Search
The doc search button is located in the upper
left-hand corner of the screen. Click this button
to search for a document you want to view or
work with. If your role in KFS is solely that of a
procurement cardholder, please bear in mind
that you can only open those documents that
your user authority level allows you to access.
When you perform a doc search, the documents that match your search criteria will be displayed at
the bottom of the doc search page. You can then select a document from the search results by
clicking the document number.
1. Click the
button. The Document Lookup screen is displayed.
Figure 8 – Basic search criteria fields on the Document Lookup form
2. Enter the desired search criteria. (See Table 3 on the following page for descriptions of the
search criteria fields.)
• In the Type field, enter PCS to search for Procurement Card eStatements, or PCDO
to search for Procurement Card Reallocation eDocs. When you click elsewhere on
the screen or press the TAB key to advance to the next field, the lookup form will be
refreshed to include additional fields appropriate for the document type you entered,
including a Document Description field. For example, compare the basic search
criteria fields in Figure 8 with the additional fields shown in Figure 9.
• It is helpful to use the Date Created From/To fields to specify a date range, or at
least a starting date, when searching for a particular eStatement or eDoc.
• To further narrow a doc search for eStatements, enter part of the cardholder’s name
in all uppercase letters in the Document Description field, with the asterisk (*) wildcard character on either side of the letters (e.g., *FIELD*).
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
3. Click the
button. The page will be refreshed to include the search results at the
bottom of the screen (see Figure 9). The columns presented in the grid of search results will
vary according to which document type you entered in the Type field.
4. For any eDoc listed in the search results, click its link in the Document/Notification ID
column to open the document, or click its icon in the Route Log column to view the
document’s workflow status.
Click the Route Log
icon to view the
workflow status.
Click the Document/Notification
ID link to open the document.
Figure 9 – Example of search results for criteria specifying eStatements created on or after a particular date.
Table 3. Document Search Criteria for Document Type PCS
Field Name
Document type. Enter the desired document type or click
select it from the Document Type lookup page.
User ID of the document initiator. Enter the user ID or click
to select it from the Person lookup page.
Document/Notification ID
Enter the numeric document ID assigned by the system.
Date Created From/To
Enter (or click the Calendar
icon to select) the range of
document creation dates to search. You can specify the From
date only, the To date only, or both.
KFS Procurement Card eStatement Reference and Training Guide
Document Description
Enter text (40 characters max.) that appears in the Description
field of the desired documents, such as the cardholder’s name.
Wildcard characters (e.g., *) are supported.
Organization Document
This number is not currently used by USC.
Search Result Type
These radio buttons enable you to specify whether the results
of your search will display information pertaining to the content
of documents that match your other criteria, or to the workflow
status of those documents.
Name this search
To save your search criteria for future use, enter a name for the
search. All saved searches can be accessed via a list at the top
of the document search screen.