qT(f ITGFR nVT.gram +{ qfrs-fi,firffi t *gqn qsfic t<rru fictur .l iq/E.Mail : pb lceaaIhw@sancharnet. it 233323 (R) dtrszFax ;O31gZ-233245 q,rd rYI *qtlPort Blair-7rt410 I +'*q( qtrzPhone : 03192- 232864 (O) iis(z: http : //athw. and.nlc. in Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works sr+ tf {qy'Post Box No' 161 I :qfi€r&, alhw@and. nic. in MinistrY of ShiPPing Sq qF{q'dl qd Y{Iffitr Erqfilc OIIice of the Chief Engineer & Administrator No. ALHWIIECH/ t s lzl/2o t 2 ; Alharbour, Port Blair Government of India 1 Dated:2a.o2.2014 SoB r-t 5TTFT /MEMORANDUM . ln accordance with the provisions contained in the Rules for Enlistment of Contractor in ALHW ZOO+ and as per the recommendation of the Advisory Committee for enlistment of contractors, the Chief Engineer & Administrator (ALHW), port Blair is pteased to up grade the enlistment of the following contractor as per the terms and conditions given b is st. No. shown against each one o[ & "x ,ffi Shri. D.V.lyyappan -W Contractor,Rangat Bdi APNBuilder 2. 3. iffi ffiits $iffi H,W ffiffi ffi ffi ',j Name &AddressJ category of his enlistment ffilass & ffi= ffilr* trl ll iffi L ss ffi %_ ffi ffi I Ued rgory : ,iffi- tp- m' ffi; r& ,F' ffi Shri.Paresh Chandra Dhar, Contractor,Kamorta &l c P Sx M Valid up to 25.02.2019 with tendering limit uPto { 5.00 Lakhs .. flvll EH % Entereprises, Contractor,'i Campbell Bay *. i 25.A2.2O C reffi W Class'C' Class'D' l9 with tendering limit uPto Civil ( Civil 15.00 Lakhs 25.02.20 l9 with tendering limit uPto <40.00 Lakhs (ProvisionallY upgraded for one Yearl 4. Shri.Sanjay Kumar Singh, Contractor, Campbell Bay Class'C' Class,D, Civil 25.02.2019 with tendering limit uPto {40.00 Lakhs =r*>re,|Xmq Executive Engineer {ALHff} . Terms and Conditions I ' 2. 3. They shall be eligible to tender for ALHW works in the appropriate category without Prejudice to the right of the department to prescribe / modid tne limits of tendering. r They shall be required to deposit Earnest Money with each tender ds per terms and conditions of the tender/Agreements. They shall be required to submit performance guarantee before award of the work and security deposit will be recovered from their bills in accordance with rules in force fuom time to time. 4. They shall be required to continue to have their permanent Engineering establishment capable of dealing with works of large magnitude in all stages. 5' They shall be required to intimate changes in their Engineering establishment as and when such changes are made. 6. They shall employ the requir each contract / 7. They shall have to Agreement, and' Regular Act, I B. They shall not without the prior shall be submitted sole proprietorship document as per Jtaff as per terms and conditions of of the / / NIT Contract Child Labour Prohibition to time. into fresh partnership . Such proposal, if any intended partnership / ip deed / Affidavit and change in status of the of the firm without prior Contractor as an ind approval of the tonstruction of the firm without prior approval of the ority will render the contractor / firm liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors. 9. They shall not be permitted to tender for works in the ALHW responsible for award and execution of contract in which their near relatives is posted as Divisional Accountant or as an officer between the grade of Additional Chief Engineer / Deputy Chief Engineer and Junior Engineer {both inclusive}. They shall also intimate to this office the names of persons who are working with them and who are near relatives of Gazetted Officer in ALHW. Any breach of this condition by the contractors shall render them liable to be removed from the approved list sf contractors of the department. l0.The contractors will be required to apply for revalidation of their enlistment 6 months .before the expiry of their enlistment. tn case, the application for revalidation is receive d after 3 months of expiry of enlistment, the same shall be rejected and the contractor has to seek fresh enlistment. , €ar@tam/ Executive Engineer (ALHWI I l.They shall be required to secure works in the department. ln case, they failed to secure at least one work of required magnitude their request for revalidation shall not be considered. lZ.They shall also intimate change in their permanent address if any, in future. In case they fail to intimate such change to the department their names would be removed from the approval list of contractors. l3.They shall be bound by the enlistment rules of this department as amended from time to time. &ae,€')Gbffil Executive Engineer [ALF{W) Member Secretary Advisory Committee To Copy to: L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Deputy The Deputy The Deputy The The The Executive Engineer (ALHW)