the Workshop Flyer

The Secret Language Of Your Body:
The Essential Guide To Healing
Inna Segal’s book, The Secret
Language of Your Body: The
Essential Guide to Healing
contains a foreword by
Bernie Siegel M.D. and comes
highly recommended by
many doctors, psychologists,
authors and natural health
Inna Segal unveils the
secrets to understanding
the messages of your body,
reveals the underlying causes of symptoms and
medical conditions, and offers processes for healing.
Visionary Intuitive Healing ®
Visionary Intuitive Healing® was created
by Inna Segal, to give people quick, easy,
practical access to life-changing techniques,
transformational tools and amazing healing
frequencies, which teach people to heal at a
deep cellular level.
Visionary Intuitive Healing® courses are
presented in Australia, France, New Zealand,
the USA, Belgium and the UK.
Inna provides an in-depth, practical resource for
anyone who desires a safe, easy and effective way
to self-heal.
“...invaluable insights...will undoubtedly empower
many to self heal.”
Bernie Siegel, M.D.
author of Love Medicine & Miracles
Contact for further information on:
Visionary Intuitive Healing®
“...thrilling and right on target!”
Christiane Northrup, M.D.
author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“ inspiring guide for learning to communicate
effectively with our own bodies.”
Brandon Bays, author of The Journey
Published by Blue Angel Gallery.
ISBN 9780980 286557
The Secret Language Of Your Emotions:
Volume 1
Inna Segal
Inna Segal, the creator of
Visionary Intuitive Healing®
leads you through some
powerful processes contained
in her best selling book, The
Secret Language of Your Body.
Volumes 1 & 2 Now Available.
Visionary Intuitive Healing® has expanded to
include healing courses, CDs, DVDs, Posters,
and Card Decks.
Workshops • CDs • DVDs
Card Decks • Posters
Face-to-face & distant healing
Public speaking & presentations
The Secret Language
of Your Body
+61 3 9578 8979
P.O. Box 327
Caulfield South
Victoria 3162
A Powerful Course
By Inna Segal
The Secret Language
Of Your Body
What You Will Learn
This course provides practical techniques to
improve your physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual wellbeing.
• To connect to your Divine Healing Intelligence
• Release negative thoughts and patters in minutes
“This workshop was a most informative
and exciting experience. I can now work on
personal issues relating to health and wellbeing with confidence, knowing that healing
begins with the knowledge of Self.”
- Paula Davison (Sales Consultant), Australia
You will learn how to get in touch with your
self-healing ability, connect to your intuition,
deal with and release negative emotions.
Discover what freedom feels like.
• Simple processes to tune into your body and heal
• Learn the secret language of your body
• Understand & heal emotions which cause disease
• Regenerate & expand your nervous system
• Release stress & emotional blocks from the past
Inna Segal
• Let go of old pain and forgive
Inna Segal is the creator of
Visionary Intuitive Healing®
and the author of The Secret
Language of Your Body: The
Essential Guide to Healing.
• Face your shadow side and free your self
She is an internationally
recognized healer,
professional speaker,
best selling author and
television host.
• Create the life you would love to experience
• Discover what self trust & self love really feel like
• Take away practical tools, that you can do at
home to change your life 100%
• Discover how you can heal and lead an
extraordinary life
• Understand & utilize the healing qualities of colors
Inna’s clients include doctors, CEOs, health-care
professionals, actors and sports personalities.
• Learn how to use colors to heal
After healing herself of severe back pain and
anxiety, Inna dedicated her life to assisting
others in their self-healing journey and
• Deepen your understanding of yourself
Her work has been featured in magazines such
as Woman’s Day, New Idea, Cosmopolitan,
Living Now, Nova, Insight, Yen, Wellbeing
and Spheres.
“If you desire to gain an
experience of greater
clarity, self-worth,
gratitude, masterful
presence and love
- this course is
for you.”
- Inna Segal.
Inna’s practical healing techniques and healing
frequency, along with her radio and television
appearances are changing the lives of millions
of people around the world.
• Expand your self-expression and creativity
and more...
“Thank you for an insightful and emotional
weekend. You helped me to reconnect with a
sense of purpose I thought had been lost. It
has been a privilege to spend these days with
- David Brady (Marketing Consultant), UK
“Destroys inhibitions, creates energy and
removes tension.”
- Lysbeth Downing (Nurse), Australia
“I have found new and exciting ways with
which I can heal myself and others. During the
workshop I felt like a weight had been lifted
from me, I felt happier and more relaxed.
Thank you Inna.”
- Holly Power (Public Servant), Australia
“I recommend you consider enrolling. I have
worked with Inna in her capacity as a healer
and that was a profound experience - she
is truly gifted. Her weekend workshop was
- Jamie Kennedy (Neways Diamond
Ambassador), Australia
“Thank you Inna so much for helping us
to open our hearts. I feel so much more
confident. The tools you gave us are very
precious. Many new doors have opened”.
- Julie Maynadie (Kinesiologist), France
“I have finally learnt how to really tune into
my body and receive the messages that can
help me heal!”
- Poay Suan (Carer) Singapore
“If you are a cynic, be prepared to
be surprised.”
- Peter Lynch (Manager), Australia