A comprehensive selection of precision calibration instruments, supporting the needs of the ambient air monitoring community Portable Docking Station • Lncdk 322 F`r Chktshnm B`khaq`snq • Lncdk 322-732 Chktshnm B`khaq`snq vhsg Nynmd Oqhl`qx Rs`mc`qc Ognsnldsdq • Lncdk 734 Nynmd Oqhl`qx Rs`mc`qc • Lncdk 724 Nynmd Sq`mredq Rs`mc`qc (TR DO@ Dpthu`kdms Ldsgnc DPN@-0407-165) Tanabyte is proud to present a comprehensive line of gas calibration instruments, designed with the specific needs of auditors, laboratory quality assurance engineers and site operators in mind. Model 322-732 Dilution Calibrator with Photometer in a Rack Mountable Dual Docking Station Common Features: • Advanced microprocessor diagnostics assure optimal operation. • Color graphic display with high contrast, wide viewing angle and large digits Whether your need is for a precision gas dilution calibrator or an ultra-precise ozone standard, the pneumatics and electronics needed to perform the calibration function is mounted on a removable “module” that can be inserted into one of two types of enclosure or “Docking Stations”. • The menu system, patterned after the popular Dasibi 5008, is very intuitive The Portable Docking Station is small and rugged - ideal for field auditors and traveling service personnel. The Dual Docking Station supports two independent modules in a rack mountable enclosure. Its 5¼” height takes up less rack space than other rackmount calibrators on the market, which are typically 7” or higher. saved and later viewed, analyzed or charted on a PC. In addition, setup and internal calibration data may be up or down loaded via the SD card. € S`m`axsd Dmfhmddqhmf, Hmb. r`kdr@s`m`axsd.bnl vvv.s`m`axsd.bnl Ognmd: (813) 677-4876 E`w: (813) 677-4962 U090612 and easy to learn and use. • Analog inputs allow the results of instrument calibrations to be captured. • Analog outputs allow measurement or diagnostic data to be sent to a data logger or chart recorder. • A removable SD Flash Memory Card allows the results of calibrations to be • Pre-programmed calibration sequences may be entered and initiated manually, automatically at preset times or by digital input command. • A variety of networking and data acquisition options are supported on Serial RS-232 and USB ports, including Dasibi “Dot” commands, the Modbus protocol and remote operation via menus. • The modular design simplifies maintenance. Using an extension cable, the module can be operated outside the docking station while servicing. B`khaq`shnm Lnctkdr Sgd gd`qs ne `kk S`m`axsd B`khaq`snqr hr sgd B`khaq`shnm Lnctkd. D`bg Lnctkd bnmrhrsr ne ` sq`x vhsg ` qd`q o`mdk `ss`bgdc nmsn vghbg `kk omdtl`shbr, dkdbsqnmhbr `mc rnesv`qd mddcdc sn odqenql sgd rodbhehb b`khaq`shnm etmbshnm hr lntmsdc. Nmd nq lnqd B`khaq`shnm (nq F`r @m`kxrhr) Lnctkdr b`m ad oktffdc hmsn sgd Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm sg`s adrs rthsr sgd mddcr ne sgd `ookhb`shnm. Enq d`rd ne rdquhbd, d`bg lnctkd hr rdke-bnms`hmdc `mc b`m ad nodq`sdc, b`khaq`sdc `mc l`hms`hmdc hmcdodmcdms ne sgd Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm, ax rhlokx `ookxhmf CB onvdq nq ax trhmf `m dwsdmcdq b`akd `mc nodq`shmf eqnl ` OB nq Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm eqnms o`mdk. F`r Chktshnm B`khaq`snq 2 Diluent Input Pressure Regulator Diluent MFC Mixer Restrictor Gas Input 1 Ozone Generator Gas Input 2 Gas Input 3 GPT Reaction Chamber Gas MFC 1 Output Manifold 32 k d nc L Out 1 Out 2 Out 3 vent Gas Input 4 n L 3 k7 d c 2 Nynmd Oqhl`qx Rs`mc`qc Ognsnldsdq (Lncdk 322 Ognsnldsdq Noshnm) Zero Air Input TPF Module Pressure Regulator Pressure Sensor Restrictor Vent Reference Pressure Sensor Temp. Sensor UV Absorption Path Check Valve Exhaust Pump Sample Ozone Sample Input n L k cd Nynmd Oqhl`qx Rs`mc`qc B`khaq`snq 4 73 (Rs`mc`knmd, vhsg Nynmd Fdmdq`snq) Zero Air Input TPF Module Pressure Regulator Pressure Sensor Restrictor Reference Vent Pressure Sensor Temp. Sensor UV Absorption Path Check Valve Sample Pressure Regulator Teflon Filter TPF Module 4 Output Manifold Restrictor Pressure Sensor Ozone Generator Ozone Output Vent Nynmd Sq`mredq Rs`mc`qc Ozone Scrubber Pressure Sensor Reference Temp. Sensor UV Absorption Path Sample Room air Pump Pressure Sensor Check Valve Teflon Filter Pump Exhaust Ozone Sample Input Zero Air Scrubber Pressure Sensor Restrictor Pressure Sensor Ozone Generator Output Manifold n L Exhaust Ozone Sample Input Pressure Sensor 72 k cd Pump Ozone Output Vent Rdkdbshmf ` Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm Sgntfg S`m`axsd b`khaq`shnm `mc `m`kxrhr lnctkdr qdoqdrdms bnlokdsd, rdke-bnms`hmdc rxrsdlr, `tsnmnlntrkx odqenqlhmf sgdhq cdrhfm`sdc b`khaq`shnm nq f`r `m`kxrhr etmbshnmr, sgdx qdpthqd `m dmbknrtqd, CB onvdq `mc rnld ld`mr ne qdsqhduhmf c`s` `mc hmsdq`bshmf vhsg sgd lnctkdr. Cnbjhmf Rs`shnmr oqnuhcd `kk sgdrd hm `cchshnm sn nsgdq rdquhbdr, rtbg `r udmshk`shnm `mc mdsvnqjhmf. @s sgd oqdrdms shld, S`m`axsd needqr svn Cnbjhmf Rs`shnmr, oqhl`qhkx chrshmfthrgdc ax sgd mtladq ne Cnbjhmf Onqsr rtoonqsdc. Sgd Onqs`akd Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm hr cdrhfmdc mns nmkx sn ad qtffdc `mc qdkh`akd enq onqs`akd `ookhb`shnmr, ats `krn qdpthqdr udqx khsskd ro`bd enq admbg-sno `ookhb`shnmr. Sgd Ct`k Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm l`x ad admbg lntmsdc nq q`bj lntmsdc, qdpthqhmf nmkx 5³“ ne q`bj ro`bd. Sgd Onqs`akd Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm rtoonqsr `mx B`khaq`shnm nq @m`kxrhr Lnctkd • Network Connections • Data storageo Vg`s hr ` Cnbjhmf Onqs? Vg`s hr ` Cnbjhmf A`x? A Docking Port is a plug-in slot designed to A Docking is aanalysis plug-in slot designed to accept any Bay 7” wide or calibration accept any 2nd generation analysis Each or module manufactured by Tanabyte. calibration module manufactured bycaptive Tanabyte. Docking Port consists of two slides, nuts Each Docking Bay consists twoaslides, to secure the module in placeofand docking captive nuts secure the module in place and connector to to provide power and communications a docking connector to provide to the module when plugged in. DC power and communications to the module. • Tmhudqr`k onvdq rtookx nodq`sdr eqnl 90-264 U@B `s 50 nq 60 Gy. • Bnknq SES chrok`x rtoonqsr ` • • • fq`oghb`k trdq hmsdqe`bd sg`s hr d`rx sn kd`qm `mc trd. Jdxo`c vhsg q`hrdc jdxr `mc s`bshkd qdronmrd RC Ldlnqx B`qc, qdlnu`akd eqnl sgd eqnms, enq c`s` `mc rdsto rsnq`fd Noshnm`k Dsgdqmds `mc TRA onqsr enq bnmmdbshnm sn ` mdsvnqj nq OB * *Bnms`bs S`m`axsd `ants `u`hk`ahkhsx Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm Rodbhehb`shnmr Physical Specifications Dual Docking Station: 17” Wide x 5.25” High x 21” Deep (432 x 133 x 533 mm) Empty Weight: 12½ lb (5.7 kg) Portable Docking Station: 8.1” Wide x 9” High x 23.4” Deep (206 x 228 x 594 mm) Empty Weight: 9 lb (4 kg) Environmental Specifications Operating Temperature: 5° to 45°C Humidity: 0 to 90%, non-condensing Power Requirements: 90 to 264 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, 100 Watts max per Docking Bay Vg`s hr ` Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm? A Docking Station is a rugged enclosure Vg`s tohrprovide ` Cnbjhmf Ok`senql? designed Docking Ports for one or more Tanabyte modules. In addition to A docking platform is a rugged enclosure enclosing the modules, a Docking Station has designed to provide docking bays for one or the following features: more Tanabyte modules. In addition to enclosing the module(s), a Docking Platform •serves Docking for one or more modules the Ports following features: • A User Interface for controlling and monitoring modules • the Docking Bays for one or more modules •• Power A UserSupplies Interface for controlling and • Ventilation monitoring the modules •• Network Connections Power Supplies •• Data storage Ventilation Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm Bnllnm Ed`stqdr Sgd Ct`k Cnbjhmf Rs`shnm B`m rtoonqs ... Nmd ... » Nq Svn B`khaq`shnm nq @m`kxrhr Lnctkdr @cu`mbdc Rnesv`qd Ed`stqdr Vgdsgdq odqenqlhmf ehdkc `tchsr, k`anq`snqx vnqj nq nodq`shmf `m `hq lnmhsnqhmf rs`shnm, sgd `cu`mbdc rnesv`qd ed`stqdr ne S`m`axsd B`khaq`snqr b`m l`jd xntq ina ltbg d`rhdq. Vhsg ` aqhfgs bnknq chrok`x, ` Fq`oghb`k Trdq Hmsdqe`bd, `m d`rx sn enkknv ldmt rxrsdl `mc q`hrdc jdxr vhsg ` onrhshud s`bshkd eddk, S`m`axsd b`khaq`snqr `qd dwsqdldkx d`rx sn kd`qm `mc trd. Sgd ltksh-kdudk ldmt rxrsdl nodq`sdr ltbg khjd sg`s ne `m @SL l`bghmd. Oqdrrhmf atssnmr sn sgd qhfgs ne sgd chrok`x rdkdbs sgd etmbshnmr k`adkdc nm sgd rbqddm. Btqrnq jdxr `kknv sgd rbqddmr sn ad m`uhf`sdc hm `m hmsthshud v`x vghkd sgd mtldqhb jdxo`c `kknvr mtladqr `mc sdws sn ad dmsdqdc. @kk o`q`ldsdqr sg`s `eedbs sgd bg`q`bsdqhrshbr ne ` b`khaq`shnm f`r b`m ad bnmsqnkkdc l`mt`kkx, eqnl vhsghm sgd Bnmsqnk Ldmt. @ksdqm`shudkx, oqd-oqnfq`lldc b`khaq`shnm —Kdudkr“ b`m ad rds to `mc `bshu`sdc l`mt`kkx, ax qdlnsd chfhs`k bnmsqnk nq eqnl vhsghm shldc —Rdptdmbdr“. Rdptdmbdr b`m ad `bshu`sdc l`mt`kkx nq ax qdlnsd chfhs`k bnmsqnk ats b`m `krn ad rs`qsdc `tsnl`shb`kkx `s rodbhehdc shldr `mc eqdptdmbhdr. Bnmmdbshmf dwsdqm`k hmrsqtldmsr sn sgd oqnuhcdc `m`knf hmotsr `kknv cds`hkdc b`khaq`shnm qdonqsr sn ad `tsnl`shb`kkx fdmdq`sdc `mc r`udc sn sgd RC Ldlnqx B`qc enq k`sdq uhdvhmf nm sgd eqnms o`mdk nq ` OB. www.tanabyte.com sales@tanabyte.com