State Meeting: Taunton, MA Summer 2014 May 4, 2014 Backroads Journal MARLCA Volume 5 Issue 2 National Co mmitteeman Susan Knapp shows a picture of an A mazon mailing center. She explains that this is just one days worth of parcels to be delivered. Th is was during her d iscussion of Sunday parcel delivery. Susan Knapp receives a thank you gift fro m the Vice President Ron Reed. Inside this issue: Calendar of events 2 President’s Article: 3 Secretary-Treasurer’s Two Cents 3 Statement of Activit ies, Previous Year Statement of Activit ies Statement of Finance Art Courcy, District Representative Article ADR Schillemat Su mmer A rticle Vice President and PAC Report, A wards Who Ya Gonna Call? Steward Listing and Contact Informat ion 4-5 6 7-8 8 9-10 11 Future Dates to Remember 6/11 Board M eeting 6 P.M . 6/14 Flag Day 6/15 Father’s Day 6/21 Summer Begins 7/4 Independence Day 8/11 Editor’s Seminar @ National Convention, Grapevine, TX June 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pay Day 7 8 9 10 11 Board Meeting 6 PM 12 13 14 Flag Day PP-14 8/12-8/15 National Convention– Grapevine, Texas 15 Father’s Day 16 17 18 19 20 Pay Day 21 Summer Begins 8/19 Backroads Journal Fall Edition Deadline 22 23 24 25 26 27 9/1 Labor Day 28 PP-15 29 30 31 July MAR LC A Backroads Journal Dawn Makrinikolas, Ed itor 59 Lincoln Ave. #15 Plainville, MA 02762 Phone: 508-838-3800 Email: marlca m MARLCA On the web : Address Change: You can log on to The Backroads Journal is a publication of the M ARLCA. Opinions and views expressed in this newsletter are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect or represent those of the Editor or the State Officers of the MARLCA. Page 2 Sun 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Independence /P ay Day 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P P -16 13 14 15 16 17 18 P ay Day 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P P -17 27 28 29 30 31 August Sun Mon 2014 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 P ay Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P P -18 10 11 Editor’ s Se minar 12 National Convention 13 National Convention 14 National Convention 15 National Convention P ay Day 16 17 18 19 BRJ Fall Deadline 20 21 22 23 P P -19 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 P ay Day 30 B A C KR O A D S J OU RN A L President’s Update President: Bill Piwowarski The spring state meeting was held in Taunton, MA on May 4th , 2014. It was one of those sunny lovely days you just hate to be inside but it is what it is, and for many it wasn’t. We have had a change in officers throughout and so even though the state board looks the same it is different. First we say goodbye to outgoing President Ramona Daniel. We thank her for her many years as state president but she’s not going to far as she has become the new committeeman fro m d istrict 5, you can run but you can’t hide. Thank you again for all your service. Next we b id adieu to Vice President/ Pac Chair Ron Reed. Ron you have served faithfully these last four years and so many more in so many other positions. We all wish you well in your future endeavors no matter what they may be and where they take you. It will be d ifferent at the board meetings without the wit and insight that has been offered by Assistant Secretary/ Treasurer Gerry Bligh. He has worked for this union probably longer than anyone else and with little co mplaint, and probably less pay for all he has done all the union members. Thanks Gerry you are one of a kind. Th is wouldn’t be right if I didn’t thank two district President’s for their time and effort at the helm, those being Gil Perez of d istrict 3 and Dianne Ro mme of d istrict 5. They both did excellent work running their respective districts. Thank you for all the work you did and stepping up for running the elections committee. We welco me Jim Hardy as the new District 3 President, and Kathy Ward as the new District 5 President, we wish them both well at their new positions. Dawn Makrinikolas has been assigned to take on the position of Assistant Secretary/ Treasurer. Good luck Dawn. NRLCA Executive Co mmitteeman Susan Knapp attended our meeting and brought information on many topics. Here is a quick overview of some of the hot buttons. A mazon and Sunday package delivery, it’s going to happen. RCA’s will be delivering for the rural craft on a volunteer basis. New scanners with mo re capabilities, and the possibility of a rural only type of scanner in the future. Post Plan which involves an APO office and RM PO offices, sort of one postmaster overseeing several offices. The engineered study and that it is going to take longer to acco mplish due to the complexity involved to get it right. There were many more things that were covered and not enough room to exp lain them all. Thank you for your time and attention. Sec-Treasurer’s Two Cents State Sec-Treasurer: Steve McCarthy You may be wondering why there are two Statement of Activities reports in this issue of the BRJ. items. As far as expenses go, this fiscal year’s costs are $37,374.09 less than for the same period last year. On January 1, we started a new company file. The reason we did this was to create a company file without any steward related chart of account line items. When you begin a new co mpany file you start from scratch so there is no previous year’s data to draw fro m. In order to give you an idea of our expenses fro m the prior fiscal year I pulled the data fro m the old company file. That is why there are separate reports. Please note that for the first 4 ½ months of the 2012 -2013 fiscal year we were still paying all steward related expenses. That accounts for the major d ifference as compared to this year. Most other expenses for this fiscal year are pretty much in line with last year. Please let me know if you have any questions about our state’s finances. Please note that the new company file has no steward line V O LU ME 5 I S S U E 2 Page 3 Page 4 B A C KR O A D S J OU RN A L V O LU ME 5 I S S U E 2 Page 5 Page 6 B A C KR O A D S J OU RN A L Art Courcy District Representative CT Valley/Greater Boston Districts IMPORTANT: Automated Bi dding We have been utilizing the automated bidding system for bidding on posted rural routes for over 4 years now. Up until this point, we have seen very limited issues with the automated bidding system. For the most part, the transition to the automated bidding process has gone very well in the districts of Connecticut Valley and Greater Boston. However, recently, we experienced an issue due to a lack of knowledge of the bidding process which had a detrimental impact. Therefo re, I feel that it is imperative to once again discuss the procedure of automated bidding. Withdrawing or changing preferences must be done before the closing date of the posting. RCA’s are required to submit a bid in order to be considered for any vacancy. The senior RCA bidding will be awarded the residual vacancy as long as their bid included the residual route (or they selected the option for any available route). Ho wever, when mo re than one regular route is posted on the vacancy notice, the RCA may submit their route preferences through automated bidding, in order to be provided a choice of the residual routes. If there are multip le vacancies, and the junior RCA lists preferred routes and the senior RCA does not, The proper procedure utilized when bidding is clearly es- then the junior RCA will be awarded their preferred route (if it tablished on all rural route postings; “Eligible rural carriers becomes availab le) before the senior RCA that did not list prefwill submit bi ds using empl oyee self-service at erences. The senior RCA will go regular as long as their bid www.litebl, HR Ki osks, web bi ddi ng computers included the residual route (or they selected the option for any or phone bi dding at 1-877-477-3273 Opavailable route). After the route posting clostion 2, TDD/TTY 1-800-265-7208.” In ing date, the carrier will not be able to “Eligible rural carriers most cases, the rural carrier will submit b ids change preferences or decline a route on will submit bids using fro m their home co mputer by utilizing the which they are the successful bidder. Most website. In some offices, importantly, RCAs are required to submit a employee self-service at local management has allowed carriers to, HR bid for a posted vacancy if they desire to be utilize the co mputer in the local office. considered for any residual vacancy based Kiosks, web bidding Once access is granted to eligib le carriers, upon the longest period of continuous service computers or phone the system will guide you through a step by in the office. An RCA will not be awarded a step bidding process. Let’s be clear o f the bidding residual vacancy if they do not bid or it is not language contained on the route posting; listed as a preference. You should have re“ Eligible rural carriers will submit bi ds…” elig ible carriers ceived notification fro m the Postal Service with instructions to include Regular Carriers, PTF’s and RCA’s. Most importantly, create a mo re secure password to access USPS self-service web Do Not let anyone convince you that you are not eligible to applications such as PostalEASE, eCareer, ePayro ll, and eOPF. bid or that you cannot bid. You always have a right to bid There is a new Self-Serv ice Profile (SSP) application in which when there is a route posting in your office. No one can stop emp loyees will create and manage their self -service password, you fro m b idding, even in FSS offices that may withhold a email address, security challenge questions, and 4-digit Perresidual vacancy after the posting closes; an RCA is still elig i- sonal Identification Nu mber (PIN) for telephone transactions. If ble to bid. However, they may not be awarded a route due to you have not already created this password, you should do so as the FSS Mou regard ing withholding residual vacancies. Please soon as possible in order to avoid any issues that may arise note that we have very few of these instances presently occur- when the time co mes that you need to access the system. ring, just about all build back has been completed on the FSS I previously stated that we recently experienced an issue due impacted routes. to a lack of knowledge of the bidding process. Why??? As you Some ru les to remember when submitting bids; read this article, you may be saying that you have heard this over and over regarding automated bidding. You have previCarriers must bid on all routes for which they have an interest: ously read articles in th is newsletter. Instructions have been In the order of preference. printed in our national magazine. I cannot count the number of times that I have discussed this process at various Union meet Using the official position identification number(s). ings. The information is out there and has been provided, yet we still have had some issues. The answer to why, I believe is Utilizing the bidding method specified on the posting. “knowledge is a powerful tool”. It takes knowledge to know The vacant position/route should only be listed if the carrier will accept that route. V O LU ME 5 I S S U E 2 Page 7 your rights. What rights you have and when those rights may be violated. Ho w do you obtain all of th is knowledge? By reading the publications that are sent to every member of our Union. More importantly, by attending your district, county and state Union meet ings. It is one thing to read an article to gain the important knowledge of the changes that we face, but you can obtain a greater clarification to any questions that you may have at the various meetings. We have seen a decline recently in the attendance at our Union meet ings, again I ask why??? This is not the time to bury our heads in the sand and to hope all is well in the end. It is time to know everything that you can about your job, your rights and entitlements. A Union is only as strong as its members and its member’s participation. I hope to see you soon at your next Union meeting. ing Panel has identified a sample of over 5,000 rural routes selected to be representative of all rural routes throughout the country, and the new scanners or Mobile Delivery Dev ice (MDDs) and related equipment will be introduced on these sample routes over the next few months. Please check the national website often for updates as developments occur. Carriers need to be aware that they could be involved with data collection related to the Engineering Study in the upcoming months, which will include the deployment of the new scanners (also shown on the national website). This is an important process and should be taken very seriously, should your office be involved with the study in the future. In Solidarity, You may have read on our national website an update regarding where we are with the current engineering study and Art Courcy redesign of the evaluated compensation system. The Engineer- Assistant District Representative Margaret Schillemat Summer Article By the time this article reaches all of you, we will be coming into the summer season. With that, we will be finding not only the nice warm temperatures and sunshine filled days, but also the ants and hornets/wasps in the mailbo xes. So please do be careful when you are out delivering to watch not only for the children who will be out playing, but also for the mailbo x insects. Along with the summer season comes the is sue of being denied leave due to a lack of substitutes in the office. It is all of our contractual right to have a substitute for the route we deliver. That being said, it is incu mbent upon us to file a grievance if one is not hired/placed on our routes in a timely fashion. A lot of us are afraid if we file a griev ance that b ad things will happ en eith er to us o r to the office as a who le. Don 't be run by fear, be run by you r contract and ho w it is supposed to be enfo rced . If we do not stand up and fight fo r our rights, manag ement will hav e no prob lem taking them away fro m us. If the route you d eliv er does not cu rrent ly have a substitute as per Art icle 30, Sect ion 2.A.2. o f the National Ag reement, you should file a 120 day letter requ esting a sub using the attached do cu ment. At the end of the 120 d ay period , if there are at least two (2) K rout es in the office, the senior sub in the office would beco me a PTF Rural, thus (hopefully) forcing the Post Office to hire mo re RCA's. This is a call to arms for all of us to file our letters with management and get them to hire more RCA's and convert some of the ones we have to regulars, as a PTF rural. Our RCA's work hard and deserve to have the opportunity at a career position. I t is up to all of us to adh ere to all th at ou r cont ract offers to us as regu lars and RCA 's and ensure that management does the same. Page 8 Hopefully all of you did remember to sign up on the RDWL (Relief Day Work List) in May, per Art icle 8.5 of the National Agreement wh ich states "The second opportunity to sign the relief day work list will be three weeks prior to the beginning of the first full pay period in May." This should have been posted in all offices for any rural carrier to sign from Ap ril 12 - May 2nd. This list is used to establish regular rural carriers who are indicating their desire to work any relief day needed until the end of the guarantee period. If it is necessary to wo rk a carrier on a relief day, management will select the sen io r rural carrier on the list with the applicab le relief day. Each occasion thereafter, manag ement will rotate the assign ment to work the relief day among the rural carriers on the list with the needed relief day. Remember, you M UST sign up each t ime the list is posted to remain on the RDW L. You r next opportunity to sign will be in October of this year at the beginning of the new guarantee period. Hav e a safe and happy su mmer! In So lid arity , Margaret Schillemat NRLCA NNE, Greater Boston, Connecticut Valley Assistant District Representative P.O. Bo x 722 Keene, NH 03431-0722 603-762-1359 603-847-9196 B A C KR O A D S J OU RN A L Vice President and PAC Report Vicky Laczynski: Vice President/ PAC Chair Hello all, as your newly elected Vice President of the dedicated high quality service we have all provided. MaRLCA I am so excited to start diving into my duties as PAC Chair. I want to thank all our past officers for blazing a trail for me and all the other newly elected I am preparing to head to Washingofficers of this union and I will be pickton DC to attend the Legislative seminar ing their brain in the future for Legislative seminar May18-21. I am looking forward to their opinion on future issues that may May18-21. sharing our concerns about the future of arise while I'm in office . the postal service with many a politician and making them see things from our Wish me luck! point of view. I hope to make them understand how hard we really work for our paycheck and Victoria Laczynski to gain the respect we deserve for the many years of Congressman Stephen Lynch is pictured with National Committeeman Steven Traylor, MA Vice President/Pac Chair Vicky Laczynski and MA President Bill Piwowarski on May 22, 2014. V O LU ME 5 I S S U E 2 Page 9 Union Service Appreciation Awards Dianne Romme for her service as District 5 President. Presented by Secretary/Treasurer Steve McCarthy Gerry Bligh for his many years as SecTreasurer, assistant Sec-Treasurer, Web master, Editor and other duties. Presented McCarthy by Secretary/Treasurer Steve Ron Reed for Dist. 1 President, Editor, State Vice President and PAC Chair. Presented by Secretary/Treasurer Steve McCarthy Member of the Year Dawn Makrinikolas was presented with the Member of the Year Award by Vice President Ron Reed at the Spring State meeting in Taunton. V O LU ME 5 I S S U E 2 Page 10 Who Ya Gonna Call? Area Stewards: Ed Knight 413-323-7392 Assistant District Representatives: Peter Allatin 860-267-0033 Laurie Raimer 401-397-9325 Bill Piwowarski 413-436-5097 Dan Cote Don Ryle 508-997-1696 978-319-5427 (Full Time ADR) Bill Smith 860-664-1020 District Rep CT Valley/Greater Boston: (Full Time DR) Art Courcy 508-761-6870 V O LU ME 5 I S S U E 2 Page 11 Backroads Journal Presorted Dawn Makrinikolas, Editor First Class Mail 59 Lincoln Ave. #15 First Class Mail U.S. Postage Paid Plainville, MA 02762-2683 Holliston, MA Phone: Permit No. 72 508-838-3800 Email: Appointed Members: State Executive Officers: Assistant Sec-Treasurer: Dawn Makrinikolas President: Bill Piwowarski (413) 436-5097 Vice President: Vicky Laczynski Sec-Treasurer: Steve McCarthy (413) 475-3607 PAC Chair: Vicky Laczynski (617) 247-1800 District Presidents and Committeemen: #1: Sue Ann Lafond, Ed Knight #2: Lo rraine Pacheco, Dawn Makrinikolas #3: Jim Hardy, Deb Gendron #4: A my Buccelli, Roger LePage #5: Kathy Ward, Ramona Daniel Ed itor: Dawn Makrin iko las