Development Assessment Panel Minutes

Campbelltown City Council
Development Assessment
Minutes of the meeting of the Development
Assessment Panel held in the Council Meeting
Rooms 1 and 2, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor on
Tuesday 19 January 2016
Minutes - Development Assessment Panel
19 January 2016
Mr S Smith
Members Present:
Mr N Grigg
Mr J Kennedy
Ms A Leombruno
Ms J Newman
Mr D Starr
Mr P Johnson
Council Staff Present:
Acting Manager Planning Services
Team Leader Development Assessment & Compliance
Planning Officer
Meeting Concluded: 7.33 pm
Meeting Commenced: 6.30 pm
Mr Kennedy moved and Mr Starr seconded that the minutes of the Special meeting of the
Development Assessment Panel held on Tuesday 22 December 2015 as printed and
circulated be taken as read and confirmed.
Category 2
Development Number 170/0747/15
Mr Darren Sun
Meng Zhang
Date Registered:
Development Plan:
Consolidated 31 July 2014
Subject Site:
5 Roy Road, Paradise
Existing Use:
Detached Dwelling
Proposed Development:
To erect Two Double Storey Detached Dwellings
Residential – Suburban Policy Area 4
Public Notification:
Category 2 – 2 Representations Received from:
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Adam Wegner of 3 Roy Road, Paradise
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Lynette Osman of 6 Roy Road, Paradise
Assessing Officer:
Matthew O’Dwyer
To Grant Development Plan Consent to the proposed
development subject to conditions
Mr Johnson moved and Ms Newman seconded that powers be delegated to Staff to
negotiate with the applicant in regard to 2 more visually permeable fencing option and to
then grant Development Plan Consent to the application by Mr Darren Sun to erect two
double storey dwellings at 5 Roy Road, Paradise subject to the following conditions:
That except where minor amendments may be required by other relevant Acts, or
by conditions imposed by this application, the development is to be established in
strict accordance with the endorsed stamped details and plans submitted in
Development Application number 170/0747/15 and all works shall be completed to
the reasonable satisfaction of Council prior to the occupation and/or use of the
To ensure that the development is built in accordance with the
The control and disposal of all stormwater from the building(s) and the subject land
shall be to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council and all paving shall be
installed so as to drain to the street watertable in a manner to the reasonable
satisfaction of the Council.
For all rainfall events up to a 20 year storm (ARI) the rate of discharge of
stormwater from the land shall not exceed that for a 5 year storm and the drainage
system shall be designed to retain or detain the difference.
The side and rear upper level windows of the dwellings will be fitted with
manufactured obscure glass to a minimum height of 1.7 metres above the upper
floor level, such windows to be permanently fixed shut other than by a wind out
mechanism (opening to no greater than 150mm) and hinged at the top or bottom of
the window panel. The obscure glass must be fitted prior to commencement of use
of the dwellings.
To reduce the flow of stormwater off the subject land to a rate
which does not exceed the system’s capacity.
To minimise overlooking of adjoining properties.
The street tree adjacent to the subject land shall be removed by the applicant and
new trees shall be planted by Council at the applicant’s expense. A street tree
replacement fee of $450.00 shall be paid to the Council prior to the granting of
Development Approval.
To preserve and enhance the amenity of the site and locality.
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19 January 2016
Development Number 170/1025/15
Precinct One Property Group Pty Ltd
Mario Iandiorio, Dolores T Iandiorio, Margaret
Date Registered:
8 October 2015
Development Plan:
Consolidated – 31 July 2014
Subject Site:
1 Charles Street, Tranmere and rear of 122 Glynburn
Road and 128 Glynburn Road (to rear of Units 1-3),
Existing Use:
To erect 2 residential flat buildings comprising of
12 two storey dwellings with associated 2m high
rendered wall to street frontage, common driveway
and landscaping with associated earthworks and
retaining walls
Residential Zone – Regeneration Policy Area 3
Public Notification:
Category 2 – 3 valid representations received from:
June D’Costa of 2D Charles St, Tranmere
Katrina Bentley and Jason Brett of 2/124-128
Glynburn Rd, Tranmere
Sonika Sharma of 1/124-128 Glynburn Rd,
No Representors wish to be heard.
Mr Marcus Rolfe from URPS (Urban & Regional
Planning Solutions) will respond on behalf of the
applicant to any questions asked by the Panel, if
*Note – the Representors from the units refer to their address at
124-126 Glynburn Road, while Council’s system identifies the
property containing all 3 units as 128 Glynburn Road. In the
absence of a number 124 and 126 on Council’s system, this
report refers to these properties collectively as
124-128 Glynburn Road, which are currently on one title.
Assessing Officer:
Andrew Cronin
To Grant Development Plan Consent
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Ms Newman moved and Mr Johnson seconded that using the powers delegated to it, the
Development Assessment Panel grant Development Plan Consent to the application by
Precinct One Property Group to erect 2 residential flat buildings comprising of 12 two
storey dwellings with associated 2 metre high rendered wall to street frontage, common
driveway and landscaping with associated earthworks and retaining walls at 1 Charles
Street and the rear of 122 to 128 Glynburn Road, Tranmere, subject to the following
That except where minor amendments may be required by other relevant Acts, or
by conditions imposed by this application, the development is to be established in
strict accordance with the endorsed stamped details and plans submitted in
Development Application number 170/1025/15 and all works shall be completed to
the reasonable satisfaction of Council prior to the occupation and/or use of the
The control, retention, detention and/or disposal of all stormwater from the buildings
and associated paved areas, the subject of this application shall be in accordance
with the Siteworks and Drainage Plan by KP Squared Consulting Engineers Job No.
151105 with overflow directed to the street water table, unless otherwise approved
by Council. Stormwater infrastructure and all stormwater connections internal and
external to property boundaries shall be completed prior to the first occupation of
any of the dwellings and shall be maintained in good working order at all times.
To reduce the risk of water damage to the dwellings on site or
neighbouring properties and to limit the extent of flows to Council’s
stormwater system.
The finished floor levels, site design levels and retaining walls associated with the
proposal shall be in strict accordance with the details shown in the Siteworks and
Drainage Plan by KP Squared Consulting Engineers Job No. 151105 unless
otherwise approved by Council.
To ensure that the development is conducted in accordance with the
To protect the dwellings from flooding and minimise the impact of
earthworks and retaining walls on adjacent dwellings.
Where there is upper floor glazing located below 1.7 metres above finished upper
floor level, the upper level windows on northern and western elevation of Dwellings
1 to 6 inclusive, and the eastern and northern elevations of Dwellings 7 to
12 inclusive, shall be fitted with manufactured obscure glazing to a height of not less
than 1.7 metres above the finishes floor level of the dwelling, and any window
panes shall be either permanently fixed shut or be top or bottom hinged awning
windows with have a maximum outward opening capacity of 200mm. The obscure
glazing shall be fitted prior to the first occupation or use of the dwellings and if
broken in future, replaced with like glazing.
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To minimise direct overlooking of adjoining properties.
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Low level lighting shall be installed within the common driveway and landscaping
areas and/or on the front of the residential flat buildings to suitably light the common
areas as night and these lights shall be directed and screened to minimise overspill
of light into neighbouring properties and roadways.
To provide, maintain and enhance the amenity of the site and locality.
The common driveway, landscaping areas and dedicated manoeuvring bay shall
remain clear of any vehicles, trailers, caravans, boats, goods or materials at all
times, and access to and from the site shall remain unrestricted at all times to the
reasonable satisfaction of Council.
To provide, maintain and enhance the amenity of the site and locality.
The landscaping areas within the common driveway and between the street
frontage and front of the buildings shall be watered with a drip-fed irrigation system
that is on a timer for regular automatic watering, to maintain and enhance the
opportunity for survival of landscaping within designated landscaping areas.
To provide safety for legitimate users of the site and minimise the
impact on adjoining properties and not create distraction to drivers
within the driveway and adjacent road reserve.
The landscaping areas shall be established in accordance with the Site Plan by
D’Andrea & Associates and provided with a mix of small shrubs, groundcovers,
grasses and at least 4 non-intrusive small to medium sized trees (2 each side of the
driveway), and such landscaping shall be established prior to the buildings being
occupied and shall be maintained in good condition at all times in a manner to the
reasonable satisfaction of Council.
19 January 2016
To ensure that all residents and visitors to the site can access
designated parking spaces at all times, and conduct orderly vehicle
movements that enable forward entry and egress to and from the site.
All driveways, parking and maneuvering areas shall be formed, sealed with
concrete of a patterned or textured nature, or paving, and be properly drained, and
such areas shall be maintained in good condition thereafter, to the reasonable
satisfaction of Council.
To ensure useable and safe car parking and minimise the ‘drag out’ of
mud and other debris onto Council roads.
10. The private easement over number 122 Glynburn Road for the purposes of
drainage from the subject site shall be established via a formal land division, and all
infrastructure completed and connected to Council’s satisfaction prior to the
occupation of the dwellings hereby approved.
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To ensure orderly and legal stormwater disposal arrangements are
available to the site such that the proposal and adjacent property has
an adequate level of protection against flooding.
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11. Bicycle parking be provided for visitors and residents.
To encourage cycling.
Building Specifications for the above Planning Consent must be received by Council
within 12 months of the date of the Consent. Should documentation not be received
by this date, then either an extension of time may be granted following a request in
writing and the appropriate fee or a new application for Planning Consent may be
Any existing driveway inverts and crossovers that Council considers redundant as a
result of development hereby approved, shall be reinstated at the applicant's
expense and in accordance with Council specifications.
To ensure the orderly and economic development of land.
Replacement boundary fencing and/or retaining walls which in the opinion of
Council result from the development shall be erected at the applicant’s expense but
this condition does not negate the rights at common law of the owners of adjoining
land in respect to any boundary fence. Appropriate consultation with the owners of
adjoining land should be undertaken prior to the commencement of any
To ensure useable and safe car parking.
The applicant is advised that a land division must be lodged prior to the issue of full
Development Approval for this proposal that depicts all individual allotments and
common areas consistent with the proposal hereby approved, accompanied with an
appropriate scheme description with all relevant details including (but not limited to)
the common maintenance and servicing arrangements for landscaping, driveways,
fencing, common areas, infrastructure and facilities.
To comply with the Development Regulations 2008.
To ensure appropriate consultation with adjoining property owners
pursuant to the Fences Act 1975.
The following Council Requirements shall be observed:
Levels at the property boundary to be 75mm above the adjacent top of kerb as
per SD4 (unless otherwise approved by Council due to topography issues).
The invert and crossover providing vehicle access to the site must be
constructed in accordance with Council’s Specification SD4.
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To meet relevant DDA requirements and to prevent stormwater
entering the property.
To meet relevant DDA requirements.
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Any damage to Council’s infrastructure, street furniture or street trees as a
result of the construction of the development shall be immediately reinstated to
Council’s specifications and standards by the applicant in a timely manner.
To maintain the amenity of the site and to provide a DDA access
to all users at all times.
Verge must be left clean, firm, flat and unobstructed to pedestrians at all time
during the building works.
19 January 2016
To allow safe pedestrian movement at all times.
During construction of the development hereby approved, the following shall be
Dust from any work undertaken on the site shall be reasonably controlled at all
times by daily watering or other method deemed satisfactory by Council.
Noise generated at the site shall be kept to a minimum and in accordance with
the policies adopted under the Environment Protection Act.
Vehicles owned by the employees of contractors and sub-contractors working
on the development shall not be parked on the footpath and shall be parked
within the site where possible.
Any dirt or debris from the site deposited onto existing roadways and
watertable by the applicant’s contractors or subcontractors shall be cleared
All earthworks shall be confined to and contained entirely within the property
boundaries and must not encroach on or over adjoining properties or the
roadside verge/reserve.
Any refuse on the site shall be controlled by the use of a refuse container of a
size and type to the reasonable satisfaction of Council.
A fence or other barrier shall be erected on the subject land to ensure that all
vehicular access to the site is restricted to the invert in the kerb and
To maintain a suitable level of safety and amenity for nearby
property owners and occupiers during the construction process.
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19 January 2016
Policy Issues
Container Reference: B730
The Policy Issues were carried by consensus.
Dwelling Approval Report
Container Reference: B730
The Dwelling Approval Report was carried by consensus.
The Panel noted the resignation of Ms Newman with her last meeting being
Tuesday, 16 February 2016. Ms Newman was thanked for her contribution to the Panel.
Certified a true record
............................................. CHAIRPERSON
Taken as read and confirmed this
day of
............................................. CHAIRPERSON
TRIM 16/2265
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