PATIENT information CONTENTS CARK PARK FACILITIES 13 DATA PROTECTION ACT 3 parking rates 13 SMOKE FREE HOSPITAL POLICY 3 other parking rates 13 HAND HYGIENE POLICY 4 voluntary service 13 WAITING LIST DETAILS 4 TAXI SERVICE 13 ADMISSION DETAILS 5 BUS SERVICE 14 ADMISSION AS A NON-MALTESE CITIZEN 6 CATERING SERVICE 14 OUT-PATIENT SERVICE 7 MEALTIMES 14 ATTENDING FOR ADMISSION 8 CHAPLAINCY SERVICE 14 WHAT TO BRING 9 mass times 15 IMPORTANT NOTE 9 MULTIMEDIA SERVICE 15 DURING ADMISSION 10 EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 16 PLANNING YOUR DISCHARGE 11 GENERAL GUIDELINES 17 PERSONAL PROPERTY 12 CONTACT NUMBERS AND VISITING HOURS 19 CONCOURSE FACILITIES 12 MAP 28 DATA PROTECTION ACT HAND HYGIENE POLICY Mater Dei Hospital embraces its obligation to protect The Hospital emphasises the importance of hand individual rights to privacy and confidentiality by adopt- washing amongst both health care providers, patients ing best practices in relation to effective handling of and visitors. The reason being that thorough washing personal information by applying the principles of the of hands with soap and water or with alcohol hand rub Data Protection Act to all personal data held. helps a great deal in reducing cross-infections. Alco- Mater Dei Hospital works under the principle of im- hol rubs are found through the hospital and especially plied consent for the fair processing and sharing of in patient areas such as wards and out-patient clinics. data for the purpose of your treatment and efficient You are advised to abide by this policy and to encour- running of Hospital services. age all the people you meet, to do the same. SMOKE FREE HOSPITAL POLICY Smoking inside all hospital buildings and at entrances WAITING LIST DETAILS is prohibited. Patients and visitors alike are required to comply with the No Smoking Policy and it will be Following assessment by the Clinical Team, patients strictly enforced by law. Visitors are asked to use the may be placed on the elective in-patient waiting list sites dedicated for smoking which are found outside and prioritized by the team according to their medi- the building, and to dispose of smoking wastes in the cal need. If any changes in your details e.g. address, litter bins provided for this purpose. telephone / mobile number, occur while you are on the waiting list, please contact Customer Care on : Tel. No: 2545 4184 E-mail: stating your Identity Number and all any other relevant information. 3 4 ADMISSION DETAILS All admissions are arranged by the hospital. You If you are unable to attend on this date (e.g. due will receive the admission letter detailing your date to cold/flu, or personal reasons) please contact the of admission, ward and consultant. In case of short ward where you are due to attend as soon as possible notice appointment, you shall be contacted by to reschedule. It may be some time before another telephone. admission date becomes available. ADMISSION AS A NON-MALTESE CITIZEN 5 As a non-Maltese citizen you are to present your pass- If you are an EU Member and reside in Malta you are to port or any identification document at registration point produce a valid Certificate of Entitlement issued by the such as ward, reception or clinic, giving your personal Entitlement Unit in Malta (E111). details i.e. temporary address in Malta, permanent ad- As a Non-Maltese resident you may be eligible for free dress abroad and name and address of your next of kin. treatment, in compliance with paragraph 2.1 (a) - (g) of If you are insured you are to produce your insurance Legal Notice 201/04 currently in force, subject to pres- policy and contact your insurance to initialise the claim. entation of the supporting documentation. However, in If you are an EU Member you are to produce a valid the absence of this documentation, you are subject to European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by your full payment for services rendered, leaving a deposit respective country to be eligible for free treatment. of €100 at registration level. 6 ATTENDING FOR ADMISSION The main entrance is for drop off and/or pick up only. This means that the driver will then have to find parking and meet you in the Main Concourse. Please refer to hospital map (on page 17) for details. The receptionist at the main entrance will give you directions to the ward. Once at the ward, please report to the Nurses’ Station, which is located at the centre of each ward. Usually a bed is available for you on arrival, however, OUTPATIENTS SERVICE there may be instances where you have to wait for a bed. There are also very rare occasions where opera- Consultants and Specialists see patients at the choose to send it via email to tions are postponed to a later date due to unforeseen Outpatients Department by appointment. For a new case The referral letter will then be vetted by the Consultant / circumstances. appointment, a referral letter from your family doctor or Specialist and an appointment is given based on the medical your local health centre is mandatory. You may bring need. You will then receive the appointment by post. or send the referral letter to the Main Reception, Mater Dei Hospital, Tal-Qroqq, Msida MSD 2090, or you may 7 Remember to follow any pre-admission instructions you may have been given by your doctor or nurse, Follow-up appointments are given as required. such as fasting or medication. 8 WHAT TO BRING • Admission letter (if any) & ID card • Any health-related documents (e.g. previous discharge / case summary letters, other appointment letters, yellow / pink / white medicine cards, private medical notes including x-rays, if any etc.) • Health Insurance Card (if applicable) • Nightdresses / pyjamas, toiletries, dressing gown, slippers, towels, face cloths (if you wish) • All medication / tablets you are currently taking (you may be asked to send these home after they have DURING ADMISSION been checked) Accommodation name badge, with their photograph and title on it. If • Contact numbers of 2 different next of kin who can be You will be accommodated in a 6, 4, 2 or 1 bedded there is ever any doubt, please ask the staff member available 24 hours a day room, depending on the availability, and more impor- to either show you their badge, or explain their role. tantly on your medical condition. IMPORTANT NOTE Please note that you may be transferred to another Complaints Policy bed or ward if your medical condition changes, or to The Hospital operates a complaints policy. In the first • You are strongly advised to leave jewellery and valu- accommodate other patients’ medical needs, during instance please speak to the Doctor or the Nursing Of- ables at home your hospitalization. This may happen also during the ficer responsible for your care if you have any concern night. Your cooperation is appreciated. during your hospital stay. If you feel your complaint has not been resolved, • You are also advised not to bring large amounts of money with you and other personal belongings 9 Staff Identity please contact the Customer Care Office on tele- As well as the Doctors and Nurses, there will be sev- phone numbers 2545 4184 or 2545 4286 seven days a The hospital authorities are not responsible for any eral other members of staff in your care team. Mater week between 7.45 am and 7.45 pm or sende-mail on: valuables, money or other articles you bring with you. Dei’s Hospital staff members are required to wear a 10 Personal Property Please send home as much personal property as possible in advance. CONCOURSE FACILITIES The main Concourse at the Hospital has a number of facilities for your convenience Ground Floor • Customer Care • Main Reception • Cafeteria Shop selling newspapers, magazines, toiletries, gifts etc. • Help Desk for Service Providers • Public toilets PLANNING YOUR DISCHARGE • ATM machines • Payphones It is advisable to plan arrangements for discharge in transferred to the Day Room while your discharge • Security advance, for example, arrangements for being col- arrangements are completed. • Porters lected or if required, appropriate care and support for Once discharged you will receive a Case Summary • Loans Entrances to wards and out-patients department convalescence following inpatient admission. Letter for your family doctor and if required, a prescription, and/or an out-patient appointment. First Floor We may ask you to vacate your bed by 10.00am, Furthermore, at your request you may be issued a sick • Revenue Section or earlier, on the date of discharge. You may be leave certificate. • Voluntary Services 11 12 CAR PARK FACILITIES Parking Rates Patients and visitors should use the underground First 30 mins car park (right turn), which provides several parking From 31 mins to 1 hr spaces. This car park provides internal access, by lift or stairs, to the south corridor (i.e. near Outpatients Department). Additional surface parking is also located at the back BUS SERVICE No charge It is available to and from the hospital at different times dur- € 0.80 ing the day to various destinations. The bus terminus is From 61 mins to 2 hrs € 1.65 located near the University side of the hospital, however From 121 mins to 3 hrs € 2.45 buses also stop at the main entrance of the hospital, near From 181 mins to 4 hrs € 3.25 the Institute of Health Care & Medical School, and Day Care From 4 hrs to 24 hrs € 4.10 Unit. For more information you may call on 2125 0007 / 8 / 9. From 10 pm to 6 am € 0.80 CATERING SERVICE of the hospital (the University side), but this is restricted to day care patients. Refer to hospital Map (page OTHER Parking Rates 17) for details. There are several parking spaces for the disabled in the underground car park, as well as the surface car Menus are given out at 8.30 am to order meals for the Parking for 3 days € 7.50 Parking for 30 days € 55 Parking for Day Care Unit - 4 hrs ments, e.g. coeliac, diabetic, low fat, etc. €2 park in front of the Outpatients Department, Emergency Department and Day Care Unit. next day. Please inform staff of special dietary require- For further information, visit the Pay Station or Phone: Mealtimes: (approximate) 25456814 / 27001000 Breakfast You must display a disabled driver sticker to park in these spaces. VOLUNTARY SERVICE While in hospital you may meet dedicated volunteers A private contractor manages car parking on site. Vehicles parked in unauthorized places throughout the Hospital grounds will be clamped and a release fee of €35 applies. Lunch 7.30 am - 8.30 am 11.00 am - 12:00 pm Supper 5.00 pm - 6.00 pm Tea / Coffee 8.00 pm - 8.30 pm who, through their experience gained from different facets of life, and through their charismatic approach, add value to the good service delivered by hospital CHAPLAINCY SERVICE staff. For further information contact: 2545 4150 A Chaplaincy Service is available to all patients. Please A towing fee of €105 may apply in certain circum- TAXI SERVICE stances. As you can appreciate, this is in the in- inform a member of staff as to which denomination you require. A member of the Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care terest of safety and to improve the flow of traffic If you require a taxi service, you can ask the reception- service visits the wards daily to administer confession around the site. ists of the main entrance to guide you. and communion services. 13 14 MULTIMEDIA SERVICE Both coin and card telephones are available next to each ward. A television is available in each ward. For those patients unable to get out of bed, they can use the bedside services which are provided and managed by a private company. Television, internet and telephone services are available upon request and against payment. Head phones must be used at all MASS TIMES a low nominal charge. Day EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT times and are provided by the service provider against Time On arrival in Emergency, patients are registered on this happens a member of the staff will inform you of computer. They are then seen by a triage Nurse, who any increase in waiting times. Mon - Fri 6.30am, 7.00 am, 12.00 pm Saturday 6.30am, 7.00 am, 7.00 pm Package A €4.00 per day means that patients are put into categories of urgency Sundays & Public Holidays 6.30am, 7.15 am, 12.00 pm Package B €7.00 per day and the most seriously ill people are treated first. Package C €8.00 per day Charge Rates will assess the medical condition of each patient. This The Hospital Chapel and a Multi-Faith Room are centrally located. Refer to hospital map (page 15) for details. 15 Please understand that on occasions some injuries For more information you may call on 2770 0000. Please remember the Emergency Department is for Emergency only! Do not use it instead of visiting the health centre or your family doctor . require more immediate attention than others. When 16 General Guidelines Mater Dei Hospital endorses zero tolerance policies Visitors are to consult with the ward staff before bring- to violence (whether verbal or physical abuse) and to ing any foods or drinks to the patients. sexual harassment Visitors are encouraged not to stay too long near paMater Dei Hospital endorses zero tolerance policies to tients, and no more than 2 visitors should stay near each effacement or vandalism to the building or its contents. patient at any one time. Specialised wards might have additional restrictions. Visitors are reminded that the hospital is a non-smoking area and smoking is only allowed in specially desig- Patients are encouraged to make use of the day-room nated places. to meet their visitors unless this is contraindicated. Too many visitors at any one time may exhaust the patient Visitors must be decently dressed and must show re- being visited and disturb other patients close by. spect at all times to staff, other patients and their relatives. Visitors are encouraged to participate in the care of their relative under the direction of the ward staff. The official visiting hours of specific wards are as shown in the accompanying table. Some restrictions may apply Visitors must not tamper with any patients’ medical in certain wards or in certain circumstances. It is best to notes, charts or equipment. contact the nurse or midwife in charge for further details. In special circumstances, special arrangements may be made for visiting outside the stipulated times with the agree- Visitors should not come if they have any infectious ill- ment of the nurse or midwife in charge of the ward (e.g. for ness like colds, flu like symptoms, diarrhoea and / or terminally ill patients or for patients who depend heavily on vomiting and / or other “community” illness like chicken- a relative because of a physical or mental disability). pox. Children below the age of 16 are allowed to participate Children will not be permitted to visit patients in the Relatives may be asked to leave the ward if the patient in the daily visiting hours as long as they are accom- Infectious Diseases Unit or in the Isolation Rooms of Visitors are encouraged to wash their hands upon being visited or another patient in the same room re- panied by an adult. It is not advisable for pre-school General Wards. They may also not be permitted to visit arrival near the patients and to wash them again before leaving. quires medical or nursing intervention or examination. children to visit hospital due to risk of infections. critically ill patients. 17 18 CONTACT NUMBERS AND VISITING HOURS General Wards Cardiac Medical Ward Observation Ward 1 Medical Ward 1 Contact Numbers: 25454600, 25454601 Contact Numbers: 25453942, 25453945 Contact Numbers: 25456010, 25456011 Medical Assessment Unit 1 (MAU1) Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Cardiac Surgical Ward Observation Ward 2 Medical Ward 2 Medical Assessment Unit 2 (MAU2) Contact Numbers: 25455480, 25455481, 25455482 Contact Numbers: 25454036, 25454029, 25454065 Contact Numbers: 25456020, 25456021 Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Medical Assessment Unit 3 (MAU3) Gynae Ward Medical Investigation and Treatment Unit (MITU) Medical Ward 3 Contact Numbers: 25454017, 25454020 Contact Numbers: 25455110, 25455111 Contact Numbers: 25456000, 25456002 Contact Numbers: 25456030, 25456031 Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. 19 20 Neuro Medical Ward Orthopaedic Ward 1 Contact Numbers: 25456040, 25456041 Medical Ward 7 Contact Numbers: 25456220, 25456221 Contact Numbers: 25455230, 25455237 Monday - Sunday Contact Numbers: 25454019, 25454024, 25454025 Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 15:00 - 20:00 11:30 - 13:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Neuro Surgical Ward Orthopaedic Ward 2 Medical Ward 4 Charge Nurse. Medical Ward 5 Contact Numbers: 25456050, 25456051 Medical Ward 8 Contact Numbers: 25456210, 25456211 Contact Numbers: 25455220, 25455227 Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Medical Ward 6 Medical Ward 9 Ophthalmic Ward Orthopaedic Ward 3 Contact Numbers: 25456060, 25456061 Contact Numbers: 25453956, 25453957, 25453958 Contact Numbers: 25455020, 25455021 Contact Numbers: 25455210, 25455217 Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. 21 22 Surgical Assessment Unit (SAU) Urology Ward 2 Contact Numbers: 25454011, 25454012, 25454013 Contact Numbers: 25457090, 25457091, 25457092 Monday - Sunday Surgical Ward 1 Surgical Ward 4 Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 Contact Numbers: 25457010, 25457011 Contact Numbers: 25457040, 25457041 11:30 - 13:00 15:00 - 20:00 Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Charge Nurse. one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Surgical Ward 2 Surgical Ward 5 Monday - Sunday Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Contact Numbers: 25457020, 25457021 Contact Numbers: 25457050, 25457051 11:30 - 13:00 Contact Numbers: 25455010, 25455011 Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday 15:00 - 20:00 Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any 15:00 - 20:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. Surgical Ward 3 Urology Ward 1 Unit. Pregnant women who choose to enter the unit Cardiac Critical Care Unit (CCU) Contact Numbers: 25457030, 25457031 Contact Numbers: 25457080, 25457081 would be solely responsible. Contact Numbers: 25454690, 25454691 Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 13:00 11:30 - 13:00 Children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the 11:30 - 12:30 15:00 - 20:00 15:00 - 20:00 patients’ rooms unless special permission is granted 16:30 - 18:00 Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any by the Charge Nurse. If patient does not impose any Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any one time unless special permission is granted by the one time unless special permission is granted by the risks on children, children can visit their relatives in the one time unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Charge Nurse. waiting room of IDU. Charge Nurse. Infectious Diseases Unit (IDU) Specialized Wards Contact Numbers: 25456056, 25456059 11:30 - 13:00 Charge Nurse. Pregnant women are advised not to visit patients in this 23 Monday - Sunday 24 Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) 13:00 - 18:30 Contact Numbers: 25455421, 25455422 19:30 - 06:30 16:00 - 20:00 Monday - Sunday Both parents/guardians are allowed to stay with the Another 11:30 - 12:00 patient. guardians of patient) are allowed to visit the patient at 17:00 - 18:00 Wednesday & Sunday any one time unless special permission is granted by Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any 16:30 - 17:00 the Charge Nurse. one time unless special permission is granted by the Another Charge Nurse. patient) are allowed to visit the patient at any one time Obstetric Ward 3 Monday - Sunday unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Contact Numbers: 25455100, 25455101 08:00 - 20:00 Monday - Sunday Both parents/guardians are allowed to stay with the two unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. visitors (excluding husband/partner/ ONE parent/guardian is allowed to sleep with the patient. Wonderland two visitors (excluding the parents/guardians of Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) 20:00 - 08:00 Contact Numbers: 25454911, 25454916, 25454917 Contact Numbers: 25454620, 25454621 Obstetric Ward 1 10:00 - 20:00 patient. Monday - Sunday Contact Numbers: 25455140, 25455141 Husbands/Partners/Guardians of patient ONLY allowed 16:00 - 17:30 10:30 - 11:00 Monday - Sunday to stay with the patient. Another two visitors (excluding parents/guardians of 17:00 - 18:00 10:00 - 20:00 16:00 - 20:00 patient) are allowed to visit the patient at any one time Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any Husbands/Partners/Guardians of patient ONLY allowed Another two visitors one time unless special permission is granted by the to stay with the patient. guardians of patient) are allowed to visit the patient 20:00 - 08:00 Charge Nurse. 16:00 - 20:00 at any one time unless special permission is granted ONE parent/guardian is allowed to sleep with the patient. Another two visitors (excluding husband/partner/ unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. (excluding husband/partner/ by the Charge Nurse. Partners, husbands or guardians Plastic Surgery / Burn Unit (PSBU) guardians of patient) are allowed to visit the patient ONLY can stay during the night if permission is granted Disneyland Contact Numbers: 25457070, 25457071 at any one time unless special permission is granted by the Midwifery Officer or her deputy. Contact Numbers: 25454920, 25454921 Monday - Sunday by the Charge Nurse. Partners, husbands or guardians 11:30 - 12:30 ONLY can stay during the night if permission is granted Fairyland 08:00 - 20:00 17:00 - 18:00 by the Midwifery Officer or her deputy. Contact Numbers: 25454930, 25454931 Both parents/guardians are allowed to stay with the Monday - Sunday Monday - Sunday patient. one time unless special permission is granted by the Obstetric Ward 2 08:00 - 20:00 16:00 - 17:30 Charge Nurse. Contact Numbers: 25455153 / 24455162 Both parents/guardians are allowed to stay with the Another two visitors (excluding parents/guardians of Monday - Sunday patient. patient) are allowed to visit the patient at any one time Neonatal & Paediatrics Intensive Care Unit (NPICU) 10:00 - 20:00 16:00 - 17:30 unless special permission is granted by the Charge Nurse. Contact Numbers: 25455450, 25455451 Husbands/Partner/Guardians of patient ONLY allowed Another two visitors (excluding parents/guardians of 20:00 - 08:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday to stay with the patient. patient) are allowed to visit the patient at any one time ONE parent/guardian is allowed to sleep with the patient. Two visitors are allowed to visit the patient at any 25 26 MAP BROWN BLOCKS RED BLOCKS LEVEL -1 Intensive Therapy Unit LEVEL -2 Observation Ward 2 LEVEL -1 LEVEL 0 Cardiac Critical Care Unit Cardiac Intensive Care Unit LEVEL 0 Cardiac Medical Ward LEVEL 1 M.A.U. Ward 3 Medical Ward 1 Medical Ward 7 Medical Ward 3 YELLOW BLOCKS Psychiatric Unit LEVEL -1 Cardiac Catheterisation Lab Medical Admission Unit 4 LEVEL 0 Medical Ward 6 LEVEL 2 Infectious Diseases Unit LEVEL 1 Surgical Ward 1 Medical Ward 2 LEVEL 2 Neuro - Surgical Ward LEVEL 3 Medical Investigations & Treatment Unit Neuro - Medical Ward Surgical Ward 2 LEVEL 3 BLUE BLOCKS LEVEL -1 LEVEL 0 LEVEL 1 Obstetrics Ward 3 Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit GREEN BLOCKS LEVEL 0 Obstetrics Ward 1 Paediatrics Day Care Obstetrics Ward 2 Disneyland Medical Ward 8 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 ENT Ward LEVEL 2 Gynae Ward Fairyland Urology Ward 2 ADMINISTRATION CAR PARK STAFF ON CALL UNIVERSITY Mortuary Laboratory UTILITY ONCOLOGY 27 Orthopaedics Ward 3 Urology Ward 1 LEVEL 3 Urology Outreach Sleep Lab LEVEL 3 Surgical Ward 5 Surgical Ward 3 Surgical Ward 4 Pre-Admission Urology Unit department Delivery Suite Neonatal & Paediatrics Intensive Care Unit Wonderland Outpatient Orthopaedics Ward 1 Orthopaedics Ward 2 Day Care Unit Endoscopy EDUCATIONAL S.A.U. Cardiac Surgical Ward Medical Ward 5 Chapel A&E Department Observation Ward 1 Disch. Lounge Medical Ward 4 Main ENTRANCE Hyperbaric Unit ORANGE BLOCKS LEVEL 0 Medical Assessment Unit 1 Medical Assessment Unit 2 Ophthalmology Ward 28 31 32 33