EECS 230 APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS I LABORATORY MANUAL Cognizant Faculty: • Professor Fawwaz T. Ulaby • Professor Anthony Grbic Contributing Experiment Designers: • Brian Tierney • Ahmet Seyit • Chao Zhang • Carl Pfeiffer The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 Fall 2012 © Ulaby et al. 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Laboratory Rules and Procedures The Lab Notebook Grading the Lab Notebook Exercises Lab Exercise 1: Lab Exercise 2: Lab Exercise 3: Lab Exercise 4: Lab Exercise 5: Lab Exercise 6: Appendices Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Transmission Line Basics The Smith Chart Overview of Magnetic Circuits Shielded Loop Resonators Coupled Resonators and Voltage Rectification Impedance Matching and Frequency Tuning HP 8712C Network Analyzer HP 54645A 100-MHz Digital Oscilloscope HP 8648B RF Signal Source Adapters, Cables, Connectors, and Components Error Analysis 2 3 4 6 28 42 64 89 110 A.1 B.1 C.1 D.1 E.1 Laboratory Rules And Procedures I. S AFETY 1. Do not touch equipment until instructed. 2. NO student may use the lab equipment alone at any time. A student must be accompanied at all times by a laboratory partner and/or a lab instructor. This rule is observed for regular as well as make-up lab sessions. 3. Report all dangerous conditions (stripped AC lines, sparks in equipment, loose wall socket, etc.) to your lab instructor. 4. If a piece of equipment does not turn on or stops functioning properly, report it to your lab instructor immediately. II. H ONOR C ODE The Honor Code applies to all laboratory work, which means the pre-lab preparation, the experiments and the final lab report. You are expected to include the following Honor Code statement on all your work: “I have neither given nor received aid on this report, nor have I concealed any violation of the Honor Code” III. C OLLABORATION P OLICY You are encouraged to work with your laboratory partners and/or with a group of friends on the pre-lab, lab-reports and homework problems. However, you may not copy the work of anyone else (enrolled in the class or not) and you should write your own work without looking at other peoples’. You are allowed to help (or receive help from) your colleagues in the form of discussing the work, explaining the problem and even describing (or learning) in detail how to solve a problem (verbally with few sketches), but the work you turn in should be yours and no one else’s. IV. G RADING P OLICY The lab grade constitutes 20% of the total grade for the course. For each experiment, the lab grade is distributed as follows: Pre-lab Lab Report Participation 15% 75% 10% Any student missing a lab experiment (not present in the lab) with no proper or reasonable excuse will get a zero “0” grade for that lab experiment. If a student misses a lab experiment with an acceptable excuse, he/she will be allowed to make it up by the laboratory instructor. 2 V. V. LABORATORY PROCEDURE 3 L ABORATORY P ROCEDURE Each lab experiment is designed to be performed within the 2-hour laboratory time. During each laboratory period, you will be expected to carry out one experiment, to record the experimental data, to make a few computations to determine how it agrees with expectations, perhaps plot some graphs, and then answer some questions concerning the experimental work. The laboratory instructor will then sign on your notebook before you leave the lab. You will then prepare the final lab report which is due one week after your lab session. To successfully complete the experiments in one lab period, you must come prepared to the laboratory. You should read the experiment in advance and answer the prelab questions. The pre-lab counts for 15% of the lab grade. Always bring the following items to each lab session: 1. Your lab notebook (with numbered pages). 2. An INK pen (color is a plus), and a pencil. 3. A calculator capable of sin, cos, log, ln, e x functions. 4. A ruler, a compass, and a protractor. Always use an ink pen when you enter data and other information in your notebook. If you make a mistake, neatly cross it out and continue on. If a graph is incorrect, cross it out too with a large X, draw a line and continue. No points will be deducted for crossed-out material, as long as it is neat. However, lab reports with hash marks all over the place, data presented in haphazard fashion and general sloppiness will suffer as much as 50% penalty (in severe cases) on the final grade. The following guidelines will result in a good lab report: 1. Always put a Unit (V, A, Hz, ...) after every quantity or answer. Underline your answer or place a box around it. 2. Always label the axis on a graph and give the units too. 3. When using an equation, write it out first in analytical form (Ex.: R1 R2 R1 R2 ) and then substitute the data. Rp 4. Sketch a circuit diagram or a system diagram neatly and label the component values. 5. Sketch an experimental diagram and label the equipment used. 6. Comment on the agreement or lack of agreement with the calculated values. Also comment if the measured results are unexpectantly too high or too low. It is rather OK to have done an unsuccessful experiment but it is NOT OK to accept the data as it comes without thinking about it, questioning if it makes sense, and knowing finally what went wrong! In the lab report (due one week later), you are asked to further analyze your results, answer a few questions and calculate a few things. The lab report should be written in your lab notebook. Please write down any special difficulties you encountered in the lab and your suggestions for any improvements (highly appreciated). *Start Lab Exercise 1 on page 2. Leave page 1 blank so you may use it later to generate a table of contents for your lab notebook. The Lab Notebook In industry, the lab notebook is not just where you doodle down things related to ideas or measurements. The notebook is a legal document, which can be used to prove that you discovered some phenomenon and that you are the person that deserves the credit (or, put a slightly different way, that your company deserves the profit). Not only can the notebook be used to protect you from someone trying to steal your ideas, it can also be used to prove that you didn’t steal an idea, either. In order to be a legal document, the lab notebook must be bound, so that no pages can be added or removed. The cover may be hard or soft, but the pages must be numbered, as proof that no pages were added or removed. Numbered pages also make it easy to index your notebook, so that it can be used effectively as a reference. You can number the pages of your own bound notebook, but it is easier to purchase a bound notebook with the pages already numbered. As you fill in the pages of your notebook, record the date on each page as you start to fill it in. Start a new page every new day, regardless of how much space was left on the last page. Everything you write in the notebook should be written in non-erasable ink. The only exception is for calculations. Once made, observations cannot be undone, so they should be recorded in a permanent fashion. If for some reason you suspect a measurement or observation to be in error, simply cross out the bad data and put a new (hopefully better) data down next to it. Somewhere on the same page write down an explanation of why you suspected the data you crossed out to be incorrect. Put only a single line thru the bad data. Do not cross out bad data such that it cannot be read: you might be wrong twice and the original data might have been good! Calculations may be done in pencil, as an error in calculations can be corrected. Pen is OK, too. Sometimes things get on paper that is not in your bound notebook and you wanted to include them in your notebook. An example might be a plot generated on a computer and sent to a printer. Make a copy, or, preferably, take the original, and staple, glue or tape it into your notebook at the page you are working on. There are techniques, like signing your name across the edge of an included document and onto the notebook page, that insures that the inclusion is genuine, but that won’t be required in this class. (If you make any new discoveries, we’ll take credit. Thanks.) 4 5 Grading the Lab Notebook For the EECS 230 and 330 labs, buy a bound notebook with page numbers. Write your name on the firs page and leeave the rest of it blank, so that it can be used later for a table of contents when the notebook is full. Because we need to grade your weekly lab reports, we’re going to use the following procedure: • Write the answers to the pre-lab in your notebook before the lab. • At the beginning of the lab, the GSI will initial at the bottom of the pages with pre-lab assignment. • Record the data taken during the lab directly into your notebook. • When you are done getting the data, get the GSI to initial the bottom of pages with the data. • Write up the lab report using the data in your notebook. Use a computer to type and print your lab report. A photocopy of the raw data page with the GSI’s initials should be included in your submitted report. Attach the photocopied pages with tape, staples, or glue to your report. • One week after the data was taken, a copy of the lab report must be handed in to the GSI. • Two weeks after the data was taken, the GSI will return your graded report. • Attach the report to the back end of your notebook. Lab Exercise 1: Transmission Line Basics Contents 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 P RE - LAB A SSIGNM ENT . . . . . . . . . . I NT ROD UC TION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U SEF UL EQUATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . E Q UIP M ENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E X P ERIM E NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5.1 Role of Wavelength . . . . . . . . . . 1-5.2 Standing Waves On The Slotted Line 1-5.3 Network Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . L AB WRITE - UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 7 7 8 8 13 19 26 Objective To examine basic transmission-line concepts. In addition, the network analyzer will be introduced as a measurement tool, and will be used to study the reflections caused by various load terminations. General concepts to be covered: • Network analyzer • Role of wavelength • Standing waves on transmission lines 6 1-1 1-1 1. 2. 3. 1-2 PRE-LAB ASSIGNMENT 7 P RE -L AB A SSIGNMENT Read the supporting material in the textbook. Read through the lab exercise. Prior to the lab, summarize the experimental procedures in your lab notebook (1 paragraph per section): (a) Section 1-5.1 (b) Section 1-5.2 (c) Section 1-5.3 I NTRODUCTION With the ever increasing role of communications in our daily lives, it has become important to connect remote sites together to share data and information. One method for providing links between remote sites is to use transmission lines. Some everyday examples include telephone lines, electrical lines, and cable television. In order to provide the best link possible, it is necessary to understand how signals propagate on transmission lines. In basic electronic circuits, it is assumed that if a voltage is applied at the input of a circuit, the output voltage appears instantaneously at the output of the circuit. For circuits where the line lengths are much smaller than the wavelength of the signal, this assumption is acceptable with only negligible consequences. However, when the length of the wires or transmission lines are an appreciable fraction of the wavelength or longer, the output signal changes phase compared to the input signal, and at impedance discontinuities, reflections can occur. In this lab, you will explore experimentally the role of wavelength, standing waves on transmission lines, and the reflections caused by different load terminations. In addition, you will be introduced to a new tool for analyzing transmission line systems (or networks), the network analyzer. 1-3 U SEFUL E QUATI ON S up λ= f (m) 1 + |Γ| 1 - |Γ| S- 1 |Γ| = S+ 1 1+ Γ |ZL | = Z0 1- Γ SW R = S = 1-4 E QUIPME NT (Ω) Item Part # Cables & connectors —— Calibration Kit HP 85032E Network Analyzer HP 8712C Oscilloscope Scanner Antenna Signal source Slotted Line Agilent DSO-X 2012A —— HP 8648B HP 805A 8 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASICS Station X 1 2 3 4 5 R1 (Ω) 1689 1484 997 2212 1004 1488 R2 (Ω) 1887 1527 1495 1808 2196 2682 Table 1-1: Voltage divider resistor values. 1-5 E X PERI ME NT 1-5.1 Role Of Wavelength In this experiment, you will investigate the role of wavelength in circuits. Recall that it is the ratio of the line length to the wavelength that determines whether transmission-line analysis is required. If l > 0.01 (1.1) λ then the system must be analyzed as a transmission-line system. To demonstrate this, you will compare the output of a voltage divider that is fed by a wire of length l to the input signal at several frequencies. Setup This experiment uses the signal source, oscilloscope, and voltage divider. Set up the experiment: • Connect the BNC “Y” to channel 1 of the oscilloscope. • Connect the input of the voltage divider to one of the arms of the BNC “Y” connector using a BNC plug to BNC plug adapter. • Connect the BNC jack to N plug adapter to the RF output of the RF signal source. • Use a 24" piece of BNC co-axial cable to connect the signal source to the open arm of the “Y”. • Use a 180° piece of BNC co-axial cable to connect the output of the voltage divider to channel 2 of the oscilloscope. The setup is shown in Fig. 1-1. Block diagrams of the setup and voltage divider configuration are shown in Fig. 1-2. 180° BNC Cable 1. Record the two resistor values (R1,R2) given in Table 1-1. Turn the signal generator on and set the frequency to f 1 = 100 kHz. 1-5 EXPERIMENT 9 (a) General setup BNC ’Y’ 24" BNC Cable (from Signa Source) (b) Close-up of oscilloscope Figure 1-1: Setup for Section 1-5.1 10 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASICS Signal Source Osc il lo sc o pe Cable 1 Cable 2 Voltage Divider (a) General setup block diagram Outer conductor Inner conductor R1 + + vIn R2 - vO u t - BNC Connector (b) Voltage divider block diagram Signal Source + - Cable 2 Cable 1 R1 + + V1 R2 Vout 24" BNC Cable - + V2 180" BNC Cable or 12" BNC Cable (c) v1 and v 2 are measured by the oscilloscope Figure 1-2: Block diagrams of (a) the setup for Section 1-5.1, (b) the voltage divider, and (c) the overall circuit configuration. 1-5 EXPERIMENT 11 • Press Power to turn on the RF signal source. Wait for the RF signal source to perform its self check. • Press Mod On/Off until the modulation is turned off • Press Amplitude followed by 0 MHz dB(m) • Press Frequency followed by 1 frequency to 100 kHz. to set the amplitude to 0 dBm. 0 0 kHz mV to set the output • Press RF On/Off until the RF output is On If at any point you make a mistake entering a number, you can use the ← key to delete the last number entered. Set the oscilloscope to show both channel 1 and channel 2. Adjust the oscilloscope display so that two periods are shown on each of the channels. • Press Autoscale 2. Record the signal amplitudes v 1 (channel 1) and v 2 (channel 2). To measure voltage: • Press Measure • Press the Source softkey until channel 1 is selected. • Press the Type softkey until “Peak-Peak” is selected. • Press the Add Measurement softkey. • Repeat for channel 2. If the signals displayed are noisy and the measured values are jumping around, you can use averaging to reduce the effects of the noise. 12 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASICS To turn averaging on: • Press Acq Mode until you choose Averaging. • Choose the number of averaging as 4 by pushing the # Avgs button. To turn averaging off: • Press Acq Mode and choose Normal Record the delays between 2 signals and find the phase difference. • Press Measure • Press the Type softkey until “Delay” is selected. • Press the Source softkey until channel 1 is selected. • Press the Add Measurement softkey. Note: So far you have measured the time delay between channel 1 and channel 2, which you need to obtain the phase difference in degrees for the given frequency. Capture the signal display on your scope and attach it to your report. To capture the scope display: *Run the “IntuiLink Data Capture” program either through the shortcut in the desktop or start menu as shown below 12a *Click on instrument and choose the right instrument. It is the second one from the top and can be seen as either “Agilent 2000/3000 Series” or “DSO-X 2012A” *Setup the Add-In properties, choose number of points as 1000 and select the channels. The off channel on the scope is not selectable, as may see below. * After hitting the OK button, the scope will acquire the measurement data and display the picture. Save your captured image. 12b 3. Change the frequency of the signal source to f 2 = 100 MHz . • Press Frequency followed by 1 0 0 MHz mV Adjust the oscilloscope display so that two periods are shown for both the input and output signals. Record the signal amplitudes v 1, v2 and delay. Attach the display capture. 12" BNC Cable 4. Replace the 180° BNC co-axial cable with a 12" BNC co-axial cable. 5. Change the frequency of the signal source to f 1 = 100 kHz. Adjust the oscilloscope display so that two periods are shown for both the input and output signals. Record the signal amplitudes v1 and v2 . 6. Change the frequency of the signal source to f 2 = 100 MHz. Adjust the oscilloscope display so that two periods are shown for both the input and output signals. Record the signal amplitudes v1 and v2 . Measured Data Copy the following chart into your lab book and fill in the measured data. If you are missing any data, please repeat the necessary parts of this experiment before proceeding. R1 R2 = = (Ω) (Ω) Frequency f 1 =100 kHz f 2 =100 MHz Cable 12 180 12 180 v1 (V) v2 (V) ΔT Δφ (◦ ) 1-5 EXPERIMENT 13 Analysis 1. Compute the wavelength for frequencies f 1 and f 2 . Assume εr of the cable is 1.9. Arrange the results in tabular form. Record these values. 2. Compute the ratio of l to λ for the 12" BNC cable and the 180° BNC cable for frequencies f1 and f 2 . Arrange the results in tabular form. 3. If we were to ignore the cables in Fig. 3-2(c), then vout would be the same as v 2 measured by the scope. The output of the voltage divider is given by: vout = v 1 R2 (V) R1 + R 2 (1.2) Calculate this value for each combination. 4. Compare the computed output voltage vout from the previous step to the recorded output voltage v 2 (channel 2) for both the 12" and 180° BNC cables at each of the frequencies: f 1 and f 2 . Comment on your results. 5. Comment on the role of wavelength in circuits using the data collected in this experiment. This can be two or three sentences saying: As X increases, A analysis fails and we need B. This happens because . . . 1) . . . 2) . . . Questions 1. Would you expect the output voltage of the RF signal source to be constant over the frequency range examined? Is this what you observed? If not, explain why the voltage on channel 1 was not constant over the frequency range. 2. Which of these systems needs to be treated as a transmission line system? Why? Justify your answer quantitatively. Indicate any assumptions that you are making. (a) Integrated circuit at high frequencies (500 MHz→1 GHz) (b) Electrical lines running through your house (c) Electrical lines connecting cities separated by hundreds of kilometers (d) VHF antenna leads from a rabbit ear antenna to your television 3. Why is it necessary to treat lines that have a length to wavelength ratio greater than 0.01 as transmission-line systems? Explain in terms of the phase of a co-sinusoidal signal given by A cos(ωt - βz), where A is the peak amplitude of the signal, z is the position on the line, and β = 2π λ . (hint: what are the major assumptions of a wire in DC analysis and how are those violated on a system requiring transmission line analysis?) 2-5.2 Standing Waves on the Slotted Line In this experiment, you will use the oscilloscope and the slotted line to examine the standing-wave pattern caused by various loads. The measurements you will be making are uncalibrated measurements. In order to correct for this, the first step is to measure the standing-wave pattern for a known load to use as a reference. 14 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASICS The reference load that will be used is the short termination since we know the standingwave pattern that should be produced by the short termination. By measuring the slotted line terminated with various loads and calibrating against the reference measurement, the standing wave pattern of the loads can be determined. The slotted line consists of a piece of metal tubing (which is an unshielded transmission line), a probe, and a detector. The probe measures the electric field present in the line and uses a detector to convert the measured field to a voltage. The probe and the detector are housed on a mount which can slide down the line. On the side of the mount is a scale that can be used to measure the position of the probe. The slotted line is shown in Fig. 1-3. Detector mount BNC cable Load RF IN Position adjustment knob Figure 1-3: The slotted line. Setup This experiment uses the signal source, oscilloscope, slotted line, and various loads and cables. Setup the experiment as shown in Fig. 1-4: • Attach the source end of the slotted line to the signal source using a patch cord. • Attach the output of the probe to channel 1 of the oscilloscope using the 180 piece of BNC co-axial cable. • Configure the signal source to output a 10 dBm, 1 GHz, 1 kHz 50% AM modulated RF signal. – Press Amplitude followed by 1 0 MHz dB(m) – Press Frequency followed by 1 0 0 0 MHz dB(m) – Press RF On/Off until the RF output is On – Press INT 1 k Hz – Press Mod On/Off until modulation is On – Press AM followed by 5 0 % μV 1-5 EXPERIMENT 15 • Adjust the settings on the oscilloscope so at least 2 periods of the wave-form are shown. • Configure the oscilloscope to measure the voltage amplitude. You may want to use AC coupling to keep the waveform from shifting position on the screen. Be sure to keep adjusting the voltage scale on the oscilloscope to best fit the wave on the screen. Oscilloscope RF Signal Source BNC cable Detector Mount Slotted line Patch cord Position adjustment knob (a) Setup for Section 1-5.2 Signal Source O sc illo sc o pe 1 2 BNC Cable Slotted Line Load Patch Cord (b) Block diagram of setup Figure 1-4: Setup and block diagram for Section 1-5.2 Station 1 2 3 4 5 R (Ω) 22 100 10 68 39 C (pF) 39 10 39 15 1 Table 1-2: Resistor and capacitor values for the resistive and capacitive loads. 16 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASICS BNC connection (to oscilloscope channel 1) Tuning Knob Position indicator Probe height adjust knob Figure 1-5: Slotted line probe mount Procedure Tuning the slotted line The two knobs (black and silver) on top of the probe shuttle allow you to tune the position and electrical characteristics of the probe needle. The goal of tuning is to have the needle adequately sample the standing wave without distorting the measured signal. 0.6 0.4 0.2 The figure to the left shows two needle positions. The first signal (solid) is larger, but suffers from distortion. Therefore the second location is a better choice despite the lower signal amplitude 0 Time 1. Connect the short termination to the end of the slotted line. Move the detector mount to a position where a strong signal is shown on the oscilloscope. To move the probe, push in and turn the black knob (see Fig. 1-4) on the side of the slotted line. 2. Tune the slotted line detector and probe. Turn the silver probe knob on the detector mount to the right until the probe is as close to the line as possible (see Fig. 1-5). Adjust the selectivity by turning the black knob on the probe mount to the right and left until a peak is observed on the oscilloscope. Short Termination 3. Locate the first minimum nearest the load. Record the voltage amplitude reading on the oscilloscope and the position on the slotted line. Use the position indicator on the detector mount to read the value in millimeters from the scale that runs along the slotted line. Use the 0 marker on the position indicator when reading the position. 1-5 EXPERIMENT You will use this position as the load plane reference for the remainder of this λ experiment. In other words, each of the other terminations will begin their 20 steps at this measurement point, and not their first zero location. This will allow us to determine the phase between the standing waves. 4. Locate the first maximum by moving the probe toward the generator (away from the load). Record the voltage amplitude reading on the oscilloscope and the position on the slotted line. 5. Locate the second minimum from the load. Record the voltage amplitude reading on the oscilloscope and the position on the slotted line. 6. Return the probe to the load plane reference. Measure the voltage amplitude on the λ line over a half-wavelength interval in steps of 20 . You should be able to calculate λ from knowledge of the signal frequency and εr =1. If you’re unsure of your calculation, please check your result with your GSI. Record the voltage amplitude and position of each measurement. Open Termination 7. Connect the open termination to the end of the slotted line. Place the probe at the load reference position (i.e. the same starting point as the first short measurement) and record the voltage amplitude. Measure the voltage on the line over a half-wavelength λ interval in steps of 20 . Record the voltage and position of each measurement. 8. Locate the first minimum nearest the load reference position. Make sure that you move the probe toward the generator. Record the voltage amplitude and position of the first minimum. Matched-load Termination 9. Connect the matched termination to the end of the slotted line. Place the probe at the load reference position and record the voltage amplitude. Measure the voltage λ amplitude on the line over a half-wavelength interval in steps of 20 . Record the voltage amplitude and position of each measurement. Resistive Termination 10. Connect the resistive termination to the slotted line. Record the resistor value listed in Table 1-2. Place the probe at the load reference position and record the voltage amplitude . Measure the voltage amplitude on the line over a half-wavelength interval λ in steps of 20 . Record the voltage amplitude and position of each measurement. 11. Locate the first minimum nearest the load reference position. Make sure that you move the probe toward the generator. Record the voltage amplitude and position of the first minimum. Capacitive Termination 12. Connect the capacitive termination to the slotted line. Record the capacitor value listed in Table 1-2. Place the probe at the load reference position and record the 17 18 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASICS voltage. Measure the voltage amplitude on the line over a half-wavelength interval in λ steps of 20 . Record the voltage amplitude and position of each measurement. 13. Locate the first minimum nearest the load reference position. Make sure that you move the probe toward the generator. Record the voltage amplitude and position of the first minimum. Measured Data Copy the following charts into your lab book and fill in the measured data. If you are missing any data, please repeat the necessary parts of this experiment before proceeding to the analysis section. Short Termination Location 1st minimum 1st maximum 2nd minimum Position (mm) |v| (V) Loads Resistive termination value Capacitive termination value = = (Ω) (pF) Probe Position [λ] Load 0 λ 20 2λ 20 3λ 20 4λ 20 5λ 20 6λ 20 Minimum 7λ 20 8λ 20 9λ 20 10λ 20 Probe position [mm] Short Open Matched Resistor Capacitor Notes: • Position 0 refers to the load reference position • Minimum refers to the exact location of the first minimum unless specified otherwise. Record both the voltage amplitude and position with greater precision λ than 20 steps. Pos. X Vol. X 1-5 EXPERIMENT Analysis 1. Using the measured minima and maxima positions for the short termination, compute the distance between minima (in wavelengths, use εr =1). Record this distance. Compare to the expected theoretical value. 2. Using the measured minima and maxima positions for the short termination, compute the distance between the first minimum and maximum (in wavelengths). Record this distance. Compare to the expected theoretical value. 3. Normalize all of the measured data by the maximum value recorded for the short termination (i.e. divide all measurements by max([Vshort ])) Plot the standing wave pattern for each of the measured loads using the normalized data. Compare the patterns and comment on the results. Questions 1. What would you expect the standing-wave pattern to look like if the slotted line was 1 )? terminated in an inductor (assume ωL = ωC 2. Why was it acceptable to define the load reference position to be at a location other than the load? 1-5.3 Network Analyzer In this experiment, you will familiarize yourself with the network analyzer and measure the reflection coefficient of three standard impedances. The most vulnerable parts of the network analyzer are the RF connectors and the calibration kit components. Ask the lab instructor to demonstrate how to make connections and handle the calibration standards. As far as pushing the knobs and keys on the instrument, no special care is necessary. The worst thing that can happen is the instrument will lock up. If that should occur, press PRESET or shut the instrument off and turn it back on. The network analyzer is a measurement tool for making phase and magnitude measurements. The network analyzer you will use is capable of making phaser (magnitude and phase) measurements in the frequency range from 0.0003→1.3 GHz (109 Hz). Setup This experiment uses the network analyzer, calibration kit, patch cord, scanner antenna, and printer. Setup the network analyzer as follows: 19 20 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASICS • Press PRESET • Turn channel 2 Off. – Press MEAS 2 followed by the Meas Off softkey • Set the display to show only channel 1. – Press DISPLAY – Press the More Display softkey – Press the SPLIT Disp full SPLIT softkey until only channel 1 is displayed (FULL will be displayed in all caps and split will be displayed in all lowercase letters). • Set the start frequency to 100 MHz. – Press FREQ – Press the Start softkey. – Enter 1 0 0 using the key pad and press the MHz softkey. • Set the stop frequency to 1000 MHz. – Press FREQ . – Press the Stop softkey. – Enter 1 0 0 0 using the numeric key pad and press the MHz softkey. • Recall the uncalibrated instrument state. – Press SAVE RECALL . – Use the ↑ and ↓ keys to select the file from the root directory. – Press the Recall State softkey 1-5 EXPERIMENT Configure the Display of the network analyzer as follows: • Set the network analyzer to display magnitude data in logarithmic format. – Press FORMAT – Press the Log Mag softkey • Set the network analyzer to measure the reflections on channel 1. – Press MEAS 1 – Press the Reflection softkey • Autoscale the display. – Press SCALE – Press the Autoscale softkey 21 22 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASICS Procedure Note: For the short, open, and matched terminations, you will need to attach the N jack to N jack adapter to the end of the patch cord. Remove the adapter before attaching the antenna (i.e. don’t use a male-to-male adaptor to a female-to-female adaptor, when neither is necessary). Calibration 1. Connect the patch cord to the Reflection RF Out port on the network analyzer (channel 1). Attach the short termination to the end of the patch cord. Be sure to Autoscale the display. Print the magnitude response (see next page for instructions). Place a marker at 500 MHz: • Press MARKER • Press the Marker 1 softkey • Enter the desired frequency (500) in MHz using the numeric key pad and press the MHz softkey The marker should be located at the entered frequency and the value at that point displayed in the upper corner of the screen. • Press Hard Copy • Press the Start softkey. Note: Please write down your file name and its description while saving the screen to a floppy disk. Otherwise, you may not know which figure is which. 1-5 EXPERIMENT Record the magnitude of the reflection coefficient at 500 MHz. Change the display to show the phase of the reflection coefficient. • Press FORMAT • Press the Phase softkey Record the phase of the reflection coefficient at 500 MHz. You should have seen that the response was not at all what you expected. This is attributed to the fact that the network analyzer had not been calibrated. To make accurate reflection measurements, you must first calibrate the network analyzer by performing a single-channel calibration. • Press FORMAT followed by the Log Mag softkey • Press CAL • Press the One Port softkey • Connect the open standard from the calibration kit to the end of the patch cord. Press the Measure Standard softkey • Remove the open standard and connect the short standard from the calibration kit. Press the Measure Standard softkey • Remove the short standard and connect the matched (50 Ω) standard from the calibration kit. Press the Measure Standard softkey 23 24 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASIC Measurements 2. Now make the following measurements: Note: After changing a load, press SCALE followed by the Autoscale softkey. Be sure to change the descriptive title before printing. (a) Connect the short termination to the end of the patch cord. Sketch, save or print the magnitude response. Record the magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient at 500 MHz. Note: If this still does not look close to the expected response, repeat the calibration. 1-5 EXPERIMENT 25 (b) Connect the open termination to the end of the patch cord. Sketch, save or print the magnitude response. Record the magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient at 500 MHz. (c) Connect the 50 Ω (matched) termination to the end of the patch cord. Sketch, save or print the magnitude response. Record the magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient at 500 MHz. (d) Remove the matched termination from the patch cord. Connect the scanner antenna to the end of the patch cord. Be sure to completely extend the antenna before making measurements. (e) Change the display format of the network analyzer to SWR. • Press FORMAT • Press the SWR softkey (f) Sketch, save or print the resulting display. Place a marker at 100 MHz. Using the position knob on the front panel of the network analyzer, move the marker to the frequency where the SWR is a minimum. Record this frequency and the corresponding SWR. Using the marker, locate the two frequencies nearest the minimum where the SWR becomes 2.5. Record these two frequencies. Measured Data Fill in the measured data. If you are missing any data, please repeat the necessary parts of this experiment before proceeding. Reflection Coefficients Load Short (uncal) Short (cal) Open 50 Ω (matched) |Γ| ΔΓ Scanner Antenna SWR Frequency of SWR minimum Minimum SWR value (Lower) Frequency of SWR = 2.5 (Higher) Frequency of SWR = 2.5 (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) Analysis 1. Compare the printouts of the short termination before and after calibration. What was the effect of the calibration? There are two types of error, systematic and random. How does calibration affect these two types of error? 26 LAB EXERCISE 1: TRANSMISSION LINE BASICS 2. For each of the loads measured (short, open, matched), compute the theoretical reflection coefficient and compare it to the measured reflection coefficient. Since the network analyzer performs a power measurement, the conversion to a linear scale is: (1.3) |Γ|linear = 10( |Γ|dB /20 ) Comment on your results. 3. Compute the magnitude of the antenna input impedance at the frequency where the SWR minimum occurred. Record this value. Note: For your calculations, assume that that Γ is essentially real. Questions 1. Is the antenna that you measured good for broad-band communication systems (20 MHz → 2 GHz)? Why or why not? (Hint: recall the connection between the reflection coefficient and the SWR) 2. Using the computed input impedance for the antenna at the frequency of minimum SWR, which of these systems would the antenna work well with? (a) 50 Ω transmission line system (b) 75 Ω transmission line system (c) 300 Ω transmission line system Use the definition that in order for the antenna to work well, the SWR must be ≤ 2.5. 1-6 L AB W RITE - UP For each section of the lab, include the following items in your write-up: (a) Overview of the procedure and analysis. (b) Measured data where asked for. (c) Calculations (show your work!). (d) Any tables and printouts. (e) Comparisons and comments on results. (f) A summary paragraph describing what you learned from this lab. Lab Exercise 2: The Smith Chart Contents 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 P RE - LAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U SEF UL EQUATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Q UIP M ENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E X P ERIM E NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5.1 Line Parameters of a Lossless Line . . . . . . . . 2-5.2 Lossy and Lossless Lines on the Smith Chart . . 2-5.3 Impedance Measurements Using the Smith Chart 2-5.4 Impedance Matching Using a Single Stub Tuner . L AB WRITE - UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSIGNMENT IN T RO DU CTIO N 29 29 29 29 30 30 33 34 37 40 Objective To examine the utility of the Smith Chart and the concept of matching. The concepts of lossy versus lossless lines and impedance matching will be explored. General concepts to be covered: • Lossy versus lossless lines on the Smith Chart • Relative dielectric constant and its relationship to u p • Single-stub matching techniques • Smith Chart display on the network analyzer • Transmission line parameters • Using the Smith Chart to measure load impedances 28 2-1 PRE-LAB ASSIGNMENT 2-1 1. 2. 3. 2-2 P RE-LAB 29 ASSIGNMENT Read the supporting material in the textbook. Read through the lab exercise. Prior to the lab, summarize the experimental procedures in your lab notebook (1 paragraph per section): (a) Section 2-5.1; (b) Section 2-5.2; (c) Section 2-5.3; (d) Section 2-5.4. I NTRODUCTION You have seen in class that the wave propagation properties of transmission lines are governed by several parameters. One of these parameters is the relative dielectric constant, εr . In this lab, you will measure εr for a lossless transmission line. Using the measured value of εr , you will determine the phase velocity u p and phase constant β of the line. There are many formats used to display the reflections caused by mismatched loads. Some of these formats include magnitude and phase, VSWR, and the Smith Chart. In this lab, we will focus on the Smith Chart. The Smith Chart is a very useful tool in microwave engineering. It allows the microwave engineer to represent the complicated equations governing the reflections at load mismatches in a very compact graphical format. The network analyzer has the Smith Chart as one of the display options. In this lab, several different phenomena will be examined using the Smith Chart. In addition, the concept of matching will be introduced. There are several techniques that are widely used to match loads to transmission lines. Among these techniques, three of the most common distributed-element techniques are: quarter-wave transformers, single stub tuners, and double stub tuners. The first two methods are covered in this course. The last method, double stub tuning, is covered in more advanced courses. 2-3 U SEFUL E QUATI ON S λ = up/ f (m) u p = ω/β (m/s) εr = (c/u p ) 2 2-4 E QUIPME NT Z0 = √L/C (Ω) β = ω √με (rad/m) ω√με = ω √L C (m-1 ) Item Part # Cables & connectors —— Calibration Kit HP 85032E Lossy line simulator —— Network Analyzer HP 8712C Computer and Printer Single stub tuner —— Various Loads —— 30 LAB EXERCISE 2: THE SMITH CHART 2-5 E X PERI ME NT 2-5.1 Line Parameters of a Lossless Line In this experiment, you will use the network analyzer to compute the line parameters of a lossless line (β (rad/s), C (F/m), L (H/m), u p (m/s), and εr ) by making measurements to determine ε r . Although the cable that you will use is a coaxial cable which does have some inherent loss, we will make the assumption for this experiment that the attenuation constant α ≈0. We are justified in making this assumption since the loss for this particular cable is 4.1 dB/100 ft. Since the piece of cable you are using is only 2 in length, the loss is ≈0.082 dB which is less than 1%. The relative permittivity ε r for the transmission line is determined by measuring u p for the transmission line and comparing it to u p for free space (a vacuum). Phase velocity can be determined by measuring the time (Δt) that a wave takes to travel down a transmission line of length l and return to the network analyzer. The value of ε r can be found from u p computed using the relation: up = 2l Δt (m/s), (2.1) To measure the time delay of the cable, you will use the electrical delay feature of the network analyzer and terminate the patch cord with a load of known reflection coefficient. In this experiment, the transmission line will be terminated in a short. Recall that Γ = -1 for a short-circuit termination. When a transmission line is placed between the network analyzer and a load termination, an electrical delay is added to the load response. The term electrical delay means that the signal has an added phase shift from traversing the transmission line. In particular, if you look at a short termination, you will see that the response is a set of concentric circles wrapping around the outside edge (|Γ| = 1 circle) of the Smith Chart. When you add electrical delay, you are actually adding a phase correction to the received signal. The phase correction is given in terms of time. When you have added the correct amount of electrical delay, the response of the short termination will collapse to a point. In reality, the response will collapse to what is termed a “point-like” response (as demonstrated in Fig. 2-1). This means that the response is not a true point, but is more spread out. This is due to the finite loss in the cable and connectors. 2-5 EXPERIMENT Figure 2-1: Example of a “point-like” response on the Smith Chart Setup This experiment requires the network analyzer, patch cord, open-circuit termination, and short-circuit termination. Setup the experiment: • Configure the network analyzer. – Press Preset . – Set the start frequency to 500 MHz. – Set the stop frequency to 1 GHz. – Set the network analyzer to measure reflection on channel 1. – Display the data on channel 1 in Smith Chart format: - Press Format - Press the Smith Chart softkey – Perform a 1 channel calibration (no cable present). Procedure 1. Measure the physical length of the patch cord (measure from the center of the connectors and add 2.6 cm for the N jack to N jack adaptor). Record this value. 31 32 LAB EXERCISE 2: THE SMITH CHART 2. Attach the patch cord to channel 1 as shown in Fig. 2-2. Network Analyzer 1 2 Load Patch Cord Figure 2-2: Block diagram for Section 2-5.1 3. Connect the short termination to the end of the patch cord. Place a marker at 800 MHz. 4. Add electrical delay until the response is point like. • Press Scale • Press the Electrical Delay softkey • Rotate the knob on the network analyzer to the right until the response is point like. The amount of added delay is displayed on the network analyzer. 5. Record the added electrical delay. Print or save the display. 6. Set the electrical delay to 0 ns. Note: After pressing the Electrical Delay softkey, you can enter 0 on the keypad and press Enter to set the electrical delay to 0 ns. Measured Data Copy the following chart into your lab book and fill in the measured data. If you are missing any data, please repeat the necessary parts of this experiment before proceeding to the analysis section. Patch Cord Length Added Electrical Delay = = (m) (ns) 2-5 EXPERIMENT 33 Analysis 1. Using Eq. 2.1, compute u p for the patch cord using the experimentally determined electrical delay. Record the computed value of u p . 2. Using c = 3×108 (m/s), and the value of u p computed in step 1, compute εr for the patch cord. Record the computed ε r value. 3. Using the computed value of εr , compute β for this transmission line (assume μ = μ 0 and recall f = 800 MHz). Record the computed value of β. 4. Using Z0 = 50 Ω and the relationship με = L C , compute L and C of the transmission line. Record the computed values. Questions 1. No measurements were made to compute R and G . Why? 2. What is the difference between a lossless line and a dispersionless (distortionless) line? Would this technique for measuring the line parameters work for a dispersionless line? Why or why not? 3. When performing the electrical delay measurements, why did we choose the short to terminate the cables instead of the matched load? 4. When computing u p using the electrical delay technique, why did we have to use twice the length of the cable? 2-5.2 Lossy And Lossless Lines On The Smith Chart In this experiment, you will use the network analyzer in the Smith Chart display format to show graphically how a wave propagates on a lossy and a lossless line. At low frequencies, it is very difficult to make a lossy line. In this lab, you will be using a lossy line simulator (see Fig. 2-3) that has been made to demonstrate the response of a lossy line on a network analyzer. The lossy line simulator consists of a piece of wire soldered to a BNC connector and is housed in a metal box. Carbon absorber has been placed in the box to make the system more lossy. The wire acts essentially as a small antenna element. The impedance of the antenna element changes with frequency. In addition, the line radiates energy into the carbon absorber where the energy is converted to heat (a tiny amount). These two effects give the lossy line simulator the same characteristic response as a lossy line. Figure 2-3: The lossy line simulator. 34 LAB EXERCISE 2: THE SMITH CHART Setup This experiment uses the network analyzer, patch cord, and the lossy line simulator. Procedure 1. Connect the patch cord (lossless line) to channel 1 of the network analyzer. Print or save the resulting display. 2. Connect the lossy line simulator to the end of the patch cord using a N jack to BNC plug adaptor. Print or save the display. Measured Data There were no measurements made for this section, only the two printouts. Analysis 1. Qualitatively comment on the display produced by the lossless patch cord. Why do you see a series of circles for your response? Are the circles relatively stationary in their position on the Smith Chart, that is, do they overlap each other or is there a ‘spiral’ pattern? 2. Qualitatively comment on the display produced by the lossy line simulator. Are the circles relatively stationary in their position on the Smith Chart, that is, do they overlap each other or is there a ‘spiral’ pattern? Why? Questions 1. If the lossy transmission line was nearly infinite in length, where would the response spiral to? Why? Explain in terms of reflected power. 2-5.3 Impedance Measurements Using the Smith Chart In this experiment, you will use the network analyzer in the Smith Chart display format to make load impedance measurements. Setup This experiment uses the network analyzer and various loads. Setup the experiment: • Connect the patch cord to channel 1 of the network analyzer as shown in Fig. 2-4. • Configure the network analyzer. – Press Preset – Set the start frequency to 200 MHz – Set the stop frequency to 1.2 GHz – Set the network analyzer to measure reflection on channel 1 2-5 EXPERIMENT 35 – Set the display format to Smith Chart – Perform a 1 channel calibration – Save the instrument state Network Analyzer 1 2 Load Patch Cord Figure 2-4: Setup for Section 2-5.3 Station 1 2 3 4 5 R (Ω) 22 100 10 68 39 C (pF) 39 10 39 15 1 Table 2-1: Resistor and capacitor values for the resistive, capacitive, series, and parallel loads. Procedure 1. Connect the short termination to the end of the patch cord. Print or save the resulting display. Record the values of the impedances at 400 MHz, 600 MHz, 800 MHz, and 1.0 GHz. To speed up the measurement process, you can place a marker at each of the frequencies by using the Marker function and using markers #1, #2, #3, and #4. The values of the markers will be displayed on the side of the display when you press Marker . 2. Connect the open termination to the end of the patch cord. Print or save the display. Record the impedances at 400 MHz, 600 MHz, 800 MHz, and 1.0 GHz. 3. Connect the resistive termination to the end of the patch cord. Record the resistor value listed in Table 2-1. Print or save the display. Record the values of the impedances at 400 MHz, 600 MHz, 800 MHz, and 1.0 GHz. 4. Connect the capacitive termination to the end of the patch cord. Record the capacitor value listed in Table 2-1. Print or save the display. Record the values of the impedances at 400 MHz, 600 MHz, 800 MHz, and 1.0 GHz. 36 LAB EXERCISE 2: THE SMITH CHART 5. Connect the series termination to the end of the patch cord. Print or save the display. Record the values of the impedances at 400 MHz, 600 MHz, 800 MHz, and 1.0 GHz. 6. Connect the parallel termination to the end of the patch cord. Print or save the display. Record the values of the impedances at 400 MHz, 600 MHz, 800 MHz, and 1.0 GHz. Measured Data Copy the following charts into your lab book and fill in the measured data. If you are missing any data, please repeat the necessary parts of this experiment before proceeding to the analysis section. Resistor Capacitor = = (Ω) (pF) Load Impedance The first line shows the frequency (MHz). The second and third lines show the real and imaginary components of impedance (Ohm), respectively. Your recording for impedance should be a complex number. Load Short Open Resistive Capacitive Series Parallel 400 MHz 600 MHz 800 MHz 1.0 GHz Analysis 1. For each of the loads, compute the theoretical impedance∗ at each frequency (400 MHz, 600 MHz, 800 MHz, and 1.0 GHz). Assume that the length of the microstrip line is 2 cm and εr =7. For the short and open terminations, assume 0.0 cm between the calibration point and the measurement point. Record the theoretical impedances. 2. Enter each of the theoretical impedances on a Smith Chart. Use a different Smith Chart for each load, and represent each frequency using a different color. Draw the associated constant Γ circles. 3. Compare the theoretical and measured values of the load impedance for each of the loads at each frequency. Comment on your results. If the measured and theoretical values do not agree, determine if the measured values make sense and explain. (Hint: what does the constant Γ circle represent?) 4. For each of the loads, comment on the impedance response as a function of frequency (using the printouts). Is this what you expect to see? Why or Why not? ∗ The capacitor and resistor values used in the series and parallel loads are the same as the values used in the resistive and capacitive loads. 2-5 EXPERIMENT Questions 1. Assuming that you did not have a short termination, explain using the Smith Chart how you could make a short circuit from an open circuit and a transmission line of appropriate length. How long does transmission line need to be? How frequency dependent is your solution? 2. Based on your observations, is the microstrip line used in the resistive termination a wideband or a narrowband transmission line? Why? You may assume that all connectors and loads are ideal. 2-5.4 Impedance Matching Using a Single Stub Tuner In this experiment, you will use the single stub tuner to match an unknown load to the patch cord. You will do it first experimentally, and then confirm analytically that you did achieve the best match possible. Setup This experiment uses the network analyzer, patch cord, single stub tuner, and the unknown load. Setup the experiment: • Attach the patch cord to channel 1 of the network analyzer. • Set the start frequency to 450 MHz • Set the stop frequency to 550 MHz Procedure 1. Connect the unknown load to the patch cord. Print or save the display and record the value of the impedance at 500 MHz. 2. Insert the single-stub tuner between the patch cord and the unknown load as shown in Fig. 2-5. Record the distance between the load and the stub tuner. 37 38 LAB EXERCISE 2: THE SMITH CHART Adjustable Short Network Analyzer Unknown Load Patch Cord Stub Tuner (a) Setup for Section 2-5.4 with the single stub tuner Network Analyzer Single Stub Tuner 1 2 Load Patch Cord (b) Block diagram of setup Figure 2-5: Setup for Section 2-5.4 3. Adjust the position of the sliding short on the single stub tuner (see below) until the reflection coefficient is as close to that of a matched load (Γ=0) at 500 MHz as you can make it. The resulting stub length is measured from the base of the sing stub tuner (the ‘Tee’) to the center of the sliding short. Record the resulting stub length. Print or save the resulting display and record the value of the resulting impedance at 500 MHz. 2-5 EXPERIMENT 39 To adjust the length of the stub: The length of the stub is adjusted by sliding the short up and down the line. Twist the short to the left to unlock it. Slide the position of the short to the bottom of the stub (near the connector). Slowly move the short up the stub until a match is achieved. To lock the short in place, twist the short to the right. Measured Data Copy the following chart into your lab book and fill in the measured data. If you are missing any data, please repeat the necessary parts of this experiment before proceeding to the analysis section. Impedance before matching Distance between load and stub tuner Length of stub Impedance after matching = = = = (Ω) (cm) (cm) (Ω) Note: All measurements made at 500 MHz Analysis 1. In this experiment, you only had control of the length of the stub tuner, that is, the distance from the load was fixed. In general, if you were to design a matching system using a single stub tuner, you would be able to choose both the length of the stub and the distance from the load. Compute the theoretical value of the stub length by using the following procedure: (a) Compute the normalized impedance zl of the unknown load (Z0 = 50 (Ω)). (b) Enter this point on a Smith Chart. Label this point as A. (c) Draw the constant VSWR (S) circle that passes through point A. (d) Mark the point on the Smith Chart that corresponds to the normalized load admittance y l = 1/zl . Label this point as B. (e) Compute the recorded distance, d, between the load and the tuner in terms of wavelengths (f = 500 MHz, εr = 1). Record this value. (f) To find the input admittance of the load branch, move a distance d toward the generator along the constant S circle. Remember that the Smith Chart repeatsλ2 every , so express d as: λ d = d + n , n an integer 2 and move a distance d toward the generator. Label this point as D. Record the admittance y d at point D. 40 LAB EXERCISE 2: THE SMITH CHART (g) Determine the needed normalized input admittance (ystub ) of the stub to cancel out the imaginary part of y d (y stub = -i · Im(yd )). Mark this point on the Smith Chart. Label this point E. (h) Mark the point on the Smith Chart that corresponds to the admittance of a short circuit. Label this point F. (i) Determine the length of the stub in wavelengths by subtracting the position of F from E on the Wavelengths Toward Generator (WTG) scale. If the stub length is negative, add λ2 to the length. (j) Using the wavelength for a 500 MHz signal (assume free space (ε r = 1)), compute the physical length of the stub. Record the computed length of the stub. Is this length uniquely determined? Why or why not? 2. Compare the experimentally determined stub length to the theoretical stub length. Comment on the results. 3. Compute the input impedance of the resulting load impedance and record this value. Compare the computed load impedance to the measured impedance after matching. Questions 1. Were you able to achieve a perfect match with the single stub tuner? If not, why not? 2. Would a quarter wave transformer have achieved a better match for the unknown load? Why or why not? 3. Suggest a way that you could make use of both a single stub tuner and a quarter wave transformer to achieve a better match than with either of them alone. 2-6 L AB W RITE -U P For each section of the lab, include the following items in your write-up: (a) Overview of the procedure and analysis (b) Measured data where asked for (c) Calculations (show your work!) (d) Any tables, printouts, and Smith Charts (e) Comparisons and comments on results 11 Magnetically Coupled Circuits Magnetic flux Contents 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 Overview Magnetic Coupling Transformers Energy Considerations Ideal Transformers Three-Phase Transformers Problems i1 i2 + υ1 _ N1 + N2 υ2 _ Primary port Secondary port Objectives Learn to: ■ Incorporate mutual coupling in magnetically coupled circuits. ■ Analyze circuits containing magnetically coupled coils. ■ Relate input to output voltages, currents, and impedances for magnetically coupled transformers, including ideal transformers and three-phase transformers. When two physically unconnected inductors are in close proximity to one another, current flow through one of them induces a magnetically coupled voltage across the other one. Magnetic coupling may be intentional or not. Highly coupled voltage transformers used in power distribution networks are an example of intentional coupling. If the coupling between two coils in a circuit is unintentional but significant, its effects should be incorporated into the analysis of the circuit. Overview i1(t) Voltage transformers are used in many electrical systems, including power supply circuits (Section 7-9) and power distribution networks (Chapter 10). Whereas resistors, capacitors, and inductors are one-port, twoterminal devices, a transformer is a two-port device with a primary port and a secondary port. Coupling of energy between the two ports is realized through a shared magnetic f eld, without the need for direct contact between them. Transformers are part of a family of devices and circuits called magnetically coupled circuits, whose operation relies on magnetic coupling rather than current conduction. We begin this chapter by examining the voltage and current relationships between the primary and secondary ports of a coupled two-coil system. We did so previously in Section 7-9.1, but then our treatment was limited to the special case of the ideal transformer with perfect coupling. In this more comprehensive examination, we introduce the concepts of mutual inductance, equivalent circuits, and impedance transformations, and we learn how three-phase transformers are conf gured to stepup or step-down voltage levels in three-phase power circuits. 11-1 ~+_ Φ12 + Φ11 + υ1 υ2 _ _ N1 turns N2 turns (a) Current i1 induces υ2 Φ21 + i2(t) Φ22 υ1 + υ2 _ _ ~+_ N1 turns N2 turns (b) Current i2 induces υ1 Figure 11-1: Magnetically coupled coils. stepping down voltage levels. On the other hand, mutual inductance between two inductors in a certain circuit may be totally unintentional, as well as unavoidable. In that case, we should learn how to account for the voltages induced by the mutual inductance and how to incorporate them in the analysis of the circuit. The two magnetically coupled coils in Fig. 11-1(a) have N1 turns on port 1 and N2 turns on port 2. Port 1 is connected to a source that causes current i1 (t) to f ow through coil 1, which generates magnetic flux Φ11 linking coil 1 alone and f ux Φ12 linking both coils. The total flux linking coil 1 is Magnetic Coupling Magnetic coupling can occur between any two inductors in close proximity of one another. Current f ow through the coils of one of the inductors induces a mutual inductance voltage across the other inductor, and vice versa. The induction process is described in terms of a mutual inductance, measured in henrys (H), that depends on the degree of magnetic coupling between the two inductors, which in turn depends on their physical shapes, orientations relative to one another, spacing between them, and the magnetic permeability µ of the medium between them. Mutual inductance may be intentional or not. It is key to the operation of highly coupled transformers used for stepping up and Φ1 = Φ11 + Φ12 . (11.1) Magnetic flux linkage Λ1 is def ned as the total f ux linking all N1 turns of coil 1, Λ1 = N1 Φ1 . (11.2a) For coil 2, the f ux is limited to Φ12 and the corresponding Λ2 is Λ2 = N2 Φ12 . 43 (11.2b) 44 August 22, 2012 CHAPTER 11 Self inductance L1 of coil 1 is def ned as the ratio of the magnetic f ux linkage Λ1 to the current i1 responsible for inducing Λ1 , Λ1 L1 = , (11.3) i1 If we were to reverse the roles of coils 1 and 2, by connecting the source to coil 2 instead of to coil 1, thereby causing current i2 to f ow through coil 2, as depicted in Fig. 11-1(b), we would end up with the following expressions for υ1 and υ2 : and the voltage induced across inductor L1 is di1 dΛ1 = L1 . υ1 = dt dt (11.4a) dΛ2 dΦ12 dΦ12 di1 × = N2 = N2 . dt dt di1 dt (11.4b) Both υ1 and υ2 are induced by di1 /dt. In the case of υ1 , the link is self inductance L1 , as given by Eq. (11.4a). To establish an analogous relationship between di1 /dt and υ2 , we rewrite Eq. (11.4b) as υ2 = N2 dΦ12 di1 × . di1 dt (11.4c) Next, we def ne the mutual inductance M21 , as M21 = N2 dΦ12 , di1 (11.5) and the expression for υ2 becomes υ2 = ±M21 di1 . dt and υ1 = ±M12 υ2 = L2 By analogy, Λ2 in coil 2 induces voltage υ2 , with υ2 = MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS (11.6) ◮ Subscripts 21 refer to the fact that M21 is the inductance of coil 2 due to the magnetic f eld induced by current i1 . ◭ Mutual inductance M21 is a positive quantity measured in henrys (H), but υ2 may be positive or negative, depending on the direction of the winding in coil 2 relative to the direction of the winding in coil 1. di2 dt di2 . dt (11.7a) (11.7b) ◮ Because the coupled coils constitute a linear system, energy considerations (Section 11-3) require that M12 = M21 = M, where M is now called the mutual inductance between the two coils. ◭ The ambiguity between the (+) and (−) signs in Eqs. (11.6) and (11.7a) is resolved through the use of a standard dot convention based on the directions of the two windings. For a specif c direction of i1 (left-hand side Fig. 11-2), the polarity of υ2 depends on whether the dots are on the same or opposite terminals of the windings and whether i1 enters coil 1 at its dotted or undotted terminal. ◮ In a two-coil magnetically coupled system, if current enters the f rst one at its dotted terminal, the polarity of the mutual-inductance voltage induced across the second coil is positive at its dotted terminal. The polarity of the induced voltage is reversed if the current in the f rst coil enters at the undotted terminal. Moreover, reciprocity applies: current in the second coil induces a mutualinductance voltage across the f rst one in accordance with the same dot convention. ◭ This dot convention covers all combinations of current directions and dot locations outlined in Fig. 11-2. Finally, if we generalize to the conf guration shown in Fig. 11-3(a) in which currents f ow through both coils 11-1 MAGNETIC COUPLING i1 August 22, 2012 L1 L2 + di1 υ2 = M dt _ + di2 υ1 = M dt _ L1 (a) i1 L2 (e) M L1 i2 M L2 + di1 υ2 = −M dt _ + di2 υ1 = −M dt L1 _ (b) L2 (f) M L1 i2 M M 45 M L2 + di1 υ2 = −M dt _ + di2 υ1 = −M dt L1 _ L2 i2 i1 (c) (g) M L1 M L2 + di1 υ2 = M dt _ + di2 υ1 = M dt _ L1 L2 i2 i1 (d) (h) Figure 11-2: Dot convention for the mutual-inductance voltage induced in coil 2 by current i1 in coil 1, and vice versa. simultaneously, voltage υ1 will contain two components, one due to self-inductance of coil 1 and another due to the mutual inductance between the two coils. That is, υ1 will be the sum of Eqs. (11.4a) and (11.7a), and similarly, υ2 becomes the sum of Eqs. (11.6) and (11.7b). Specif cally: Dots on same ends and currents entering coils at same ends [Fig. 11-3(a)]: υ1 = L1 di1 di2 +M dt dt (11.8a) di2 di1 +M . dt dt (11.8b) and υ2 = L2 46 August 22, 2012 CHAPTER 11 i1 R1 υs1 i2 M + + _ di1 di2 υ1 = L1 dt + M dt _ Change + to − if i1 is CCW MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS R2 + L1 L2 Change + to − if i2 is CW di2 di1 υ2 = L2 dt + M dt _ Change + to − if i2 is CW + _ υs2 Change + to − if ii is CCW (a) Dots on same ends i1 R1 υs1 + _ i2 M + di1 di2 υ1 = L1 dt − M dt _ Change + to − if i1 is CCW + L1 Change − to + if i2 is CW L2 R2 di2 di1 υ2 = L2 dt − M dt _ Change + to − if i2 is CW + _ υs2 Change − to + if ii is CCW (b) Dots on opposite ends Figure 11-3: Polarities of voltage components for clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) current directions. Dots on opposite ends but current entering coils at same ends [Fig. 11-3(b)]: υ1 = L1 di2 di1 −M dt dt (11.9a) di2 di1 −M . dt dt (11.9b) We start by transforming the ac circuit from the time domain to the phasor domain [Fig. 11-4(b)]. The angular frequency is ω = 2π f = 2π × 103 rad/s. and υ2 = L2 Solution: Example 11-1: 1-kHz Circuit Determine load current iL (t) in the circuit of Fig. 11-4(a), given that υs (t) = 10 cos(2π × 103t) (V), R1 = 5 Ω, C1 = C2 = 10 µ F, L1 = 1 mH, L2 = 3 mH, M = 0.5 mH, and RL = 20 Ω. Denoting I1 and I2 as the mesh currents in the two loops, both def ned with clockwise directions, the mesh-current equations are µ ¶ j −Vs + R1 − + jω L1 I1 − jω MI2 = 0 (11.10a) ωC and µ ¶ j − jω MI1 + jω L2 − + RL I2 = 0, ωC (11.10b) 11-1 MAGNETIC COUPLING C1 R1 υs(t) August 22, 2012 C2 M R1 iL + _ L1 L2 RL + _ Vs 47 jωL1 + V1 __ V2 I1 jωM jωL2 + I2 RL (a) Time domain Figure 11-5: Circuit of Example 11-2. R1 −j/ωC1 Vs + _ I1 −j/ωC2 jωM IL jωL1 jωL2 I2 RL (b) Phasor domain Figure 11-4: Circuit of Example 11-1. where C = C1 = C2 . Note that the polarity of the last term in Eq. (11.10a) is negative because, in accordance with the convention shown in Fig. 11-2(g), the winding dots are on the same end in Fig. 11-4(b) but I2 enters the undotted terminal of coil 2. Simultaneous solution of the two equations for IL = I2 gives jω MVs ´³ ´ . R1 + jω L1 − ωjC RL + jω L2 − ωjC + ω 2 M 2 (11.11) Substitution of the specif ed values leads to IL = ³ IL = 139.5e j142.2 mA, ◦ iL (t) = Re[IL e 3 Solution: Before we apply mesh analysis, let us determine V1 and V2 across the two inductors. Voltage V1 consists of two terms, jω L1 I1 due to current I1 entering at the (+) terminal of V1 , and jω M(I2 − I1 ) due to current (I2 − I1 ) through L2 . The polarity of the second term is governed by the dot convention: if current enters a coil at its dotted terminal, the polarity of the mutual-inductance voltage induced across the second coil is positive at its dotted terminal. In the present case, (I2 − I1 ) enters L2 at its dotted terminal, so the voltage it induces across L1 is positive at the dotted terminal of L1 . Hence, V1 = jω L1 I1 + jω M(I2 − I1 ). and its time-domain equivalent is jω t The circuit in Fig. 11-5 has the following element values: ◦ Vs = 30e j60 V, L1 = 10 mH, L2 = 30 mH, R1 = 5 Ω, RL = 10 Ω, and the ac source operates at 60 Hz. The circuit layout is such that inductors L1 and L2 experience a relatively small mutual inductance M. Determine the average power delivered to the load RL for (a) M = 4 mH, (b) M = 1 mH, and (c) M = 0. ] = 139.5 cos(2π ×10 t +142.2 ) mA. ◦ Application of the same rule to L2 gives V2 = jω L2 (I2 − I1 ) + jω MI1 . The f rst mesh equation is Example 11-2: Coupled Inductors (11.12a) −Vs + R1 I1 + V1 − V2 = 0, (11.12b) 48 August 22, 2012 CHAPTER 11 Error or equivalently, (R1 + jω L1 + jω L2 − j2ω M)I1 − ( jω L2 − jω M)I2 = Vs . Ignoring M altogether would incur an error in PL of (11.13a) Similarly, for the second mesh, V2 + RL I2 = 0, % error = PL (@M = 4 mH) − PL (@M = 0) × 100 PL (@M = 4 mH) = 2.61%, when true M is 4 mH, % error = 0.61%, when true M is 1 mH. and or equivalently, −( jω L2 − jω M)I1 + (RL + jω L2 )I2 = 0. (11.13b) (a) M = 4 mH Example 11-3: Equivalent Inductance Upon replacing R1 , RL , L1 , L2 with their specif ed values, setting M = 4 mH, and multiplying inductances by ω = 2π f = 2π × 60 = 377 rad/s, matrix solution of the two equations gives I2 = 1.657e j63.1 A, ◦ (11.14) and according to Eq. (8.3), the corresponding average power absorbed by RL is PL = MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS 1 1 |I2 |2 RL = (1.657)2 × 10 = 13.73 W. (11.15) 2 2 For the circuit in Fig. 11-6(a), obtain an expression for the equivalent inductance, Leq , def ned such that it would exhibit the same i-υ characteristic at nodes (a, b) as the actual circuit. Solution: Equivalency means that circuits 11-6(b) and (c) will have the same current I f owing through both loops when connected to the same voltage source Vs . For the twoinductor circuit in Fig. 11-6(b), (b) M = 1 mH I1 = I2 = I, Repetition of the process with M = 1 mH gives I2 = 1.64e and j62.15◦ A PL = 13.45 W. (11.16) (11.17) (c) M = 0 and In the absence of mutual coupling between the two coils, I2 = 1.635e and and while I1 enters L1 at its dotted terminal, I2 enters L2 at its undotted terminal. While guided by Fig. 11-3(b), application of the dot convention to the loop in Fig. 11-6(b) gives j62.03◦ PL = 13.372 W. A (11.18) (11.19) V1 = jω L1 I1 − jω MI2 = jω (L1 − M)I V2 = jω L2 I2 − jω MI1 . = jω (L2 − M)I. At terminals (a, b), Vs = V1 + V2 = jω (L1 + L2 − 2M)I. TRANSFORMERS August 22, 2012 L1 a (a) Leq 49 Exercise 11-1: Repeat Example 11-1 after moving L2 M b the dot location on the side of L2 from the top end of the coil to the bottom. Answer: iL (t) = 139.5 cos(2π × 103t − 37.8◦ ) mA. O DR M (See C 11-2 ) Exercise 11-2: Repeat Example 11-3 for the two Vs + + _ M I2 + V2 _ (c) Vs a + _ O DR ) L2 b I Answer: Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M. (See C V1 _ M (b) L1 a I1 I in-series inductors in Fig. 11-6(a), but with the dot location on L2 being on the top end. Leq b Figure 11-6: Finding Leq of two series-coupled inductors (Example 11-3). For the circuit in circuit Fig. 11-6(c), Vs = jω Leq I. Equivalency leads to Leq = L1 + L2 − 2M. Concept Question 11-1: What determines the polarity of the mutual inductance voltage? Summarize the rules of the dot convention. Concept Question 11-2: What factors determine how strong or weak the magnetic coupling is between two coils? 11-2 Transformers 11-2.1 Coupling Coefficien To couple magnetic f ux between two coils, the coils may be wound around a common core [Fig. 11-7(a)], on two separate arms of a rectangular core [Fig. 11-7(b)], or in any other arrangement conducive to having a signif cant fraction of the magnetic f ux generated by each coil shared with the other. The coupling coefficient k def nes the degree of magnetic coupling between the coils, with 0 ≤ k ≤ 1. For a loosely coupled pair of coils, k < 0.5; for tightly coupled coils, k > 0.5; and for perfectly coupled coils, k = 1. The magnitude of k depends on the physical geometry of the two-coil conf guration and the magnetic permeability µ of the core material. ◮ A transformer is said to be linear if µ of its core material is a constant, independent of the magnitude of the currents f owing through the coils (and hence, the strength of the induced magnetic f eld). ◭ Most core materials, including air, wood, and ceramics, are non-ferromagnetic, and their µ is approximately equal to µ0 , the permeability of free space. When non-ferromagnetic materials are used for the common 50 August 22, 2012 CHAPTER 11 Transformer core i1 + _ N1 υ1 i2 be designed to exhibit coupling coefficient approaching unity. As was noted earlier in connection with Fig. 11-1(a), current i1 , through coil 1 generates magnetic f uxes Φ11 through coil 1 and Φ12 through both coils 1 and 2. The coupling coeff cient is given by k= + N2 MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS υ2 _ (11.20a) The perfectly coupled case corresponds to when the f ux coupled to coil 2, namely Φ12 , is equal to the selfcoupled f ux Φ1 . Similarly, from the standpoint of coil 2, Magnetic flux (a) Cylindrical core k= Magnetic flux i1 Φ12 Φ12 = . Φ11 + Φ12 Φ1 Φ21 Φ21 = . Φ22 + Φ21 Φ2 (11.20b) Through energy considerations, k can be related to L1 , L2 , and M as i2 + υ1 N1 _ k= √ + N2 υ2 _ M . L1 L2 (11.21) The mutual inductance M is a maximum when k = 1 (perfectly coupled transformer), Primary port Secondary port (b) Rectangular core M(max) = √ L1 L2 . (11.22) (perfectly coupled transformer with k = 1) Figure 11-7: Magnetically coupled coils. 11-2.2 core around which the coils are wound, the magnitude of k depends entirely on how tightly coupled the two windings are. Such transformers are indeed linear, but the magnitude of k is seldom greater than 0.4. Increasing k requires the use of ferromagnetic cores, but the transformer behavior becomes nonlinear. The degree of nonlinearity depends on the choice of materials. With certain types of purifie iron, transformers can Input Impedance In addition to the two coupled coils, a realistic transformer circuit should include two resistors, R1 and R2 , to account for ohmic losses in the coils. The circuit shown in Fig. 11-8 ref ects this reality by including resistor R1 on the side of coil 1 and resistor R2 on the side of coil 2. The circuit is driven by a voltage source Vs on the primary side and terminated in a complex load ZL on the secondary side. 11-2 TRANSFORMERS Vs + _ M R1 a August 22, 2012 L1 I1 We note that R2 L2 I2 ZL b ZR = Zin (M = 0) = R1 + jω L1 . a + _ I1 Zin b (b) Equivalent circuit Figure 11-8: (a) Transformer circuit with coil resistors R1 and R2 , and (b) in terms of an equivalent input impedance Zin . In terms of the designated mesh currents I1 and I2 , the KVL mesh equations are and −Vs + (R1 + jω L1 )I1 − jω MI2 = 0 (11.23a) − jω MI1 + (R2 + jω L2 + ZL )I2 = 0. (11.23b) From the standpoint of source Vs , the circuit to the right of terminals (a, b) can be represented by an equivalent input impedance Zin , as depicted in Fig. 11-8(b). By manipulating Eqs. (11.23) to eliminate I2 , we can generate the following expression for Zin : Zin = ω 2M2 Vs = (R1 + jω L1 ) + I1 R2 + jω L2 + ZL = (R1 + jω L1 ) + ZR , (11.24) where we def ne the second term as the reflected impedance ZR , namely ZR = ω 2M2 . R2 + jω L2 + ZL ω 2M2 . impedance of secondary loop In the absence of coupling between the two windings of the transformer (i.e., M = 0), Zin reduces to (a) Original circuit Vs 51 (11.25) This is exactly what we expect for a series RL circuit connected to a load Vs . When M is not zero, the impedance of the secondary circuit, (R2 + jω L2 + ZL ), becomes part of the input impedance of the primary circuit, enabled by the magnetic coupling represented by M. This dependence is akin to reflectin the impedance of the secondary circuit onto the primary circuit. The input and ref ected impedances are related by Zin = Zin (M = 0) + ZR . (11.26) The expressions given by Eqs. (11.24) and (11.25) were derived for a transformer circuit in which the windings have dots on the same ends. Repetition of the process for windings whose dots are on opposite ends leads to the same results. ◮ Zin depends on the degree of magnetic coupling, but not on whether the coupling is additive or subtractive. ◭ Example 11-4: Input Impedance Determine current I1 in the circuit of Fig. 11-9. Solution: From the given circuit, we deduce that ω M = 2 Ω. By analogy with Eq. (11.24), Zin is given by Zin = (3 − j2 + j5) + ◦ 22 = 4.2e j42.2 Ω. 6 + 4 − j4 + j20 52 August 22, 2012 CHAPTER 11 I1 120 30o + _ V a 3Ω Zin −j2 Ω j5 Ω j2 Ω MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS −j4 Ω j20 Ω 6Ω 4Ω b Figure 11-9: Circuit of Example 11-4. Hence, Vs 120e j30 − j12.2◦ I1 = = A. ◦ = 28.6e j42.2 Zin 4.2e ◦ 11-2.3 Equivalent Circuits A circuit is said to be electrically equivalent to another if both exhibit the same I-V relationships at a specif ed set of terminals. For the transformer in Fig. 11-10(a), phase voltages V1 and V2 are related to I1 and I2 by V1 = jω L1 I1 + jω MI2 (11.27a) V2 = jω L2 I2 + jω MI1 , (11.27b) and · ¸ · ¸· ¸ jω (Lx + Lz ) V1 j ω Lz I1 = . V2 j ω Lz jω (Ly + Lz ) I2 (T-equivalent circuit) (11.27c) (transformer) T-Equivalent Circuit In anticipation of next steps, we have joined in Fig. 11-10(a) the negative terminals of V1 and V2 together, which imparts no impact on the operation of the transformer. Part (b) of the f gure displays a proposed T-equivalent circuit whose element values Lx , Ly and Lz automatically incorporate the magnetic (11.28) The transformer and its T-equivalent circuit exhibit the same I-V relationships if the four terms in the matrix of Eq. (11.27) are identical with their corresponding terms in the matrix of Eq. (11.28). Equalization of the two matrices leads to Lx = L1 − M, which can be cast in matrix form as ¸· ¸ · ¸ · V1 j ω L1 j ω M I 1 = . V2 j ω M j ω L2 I 2 coupling present in the transformer coils, thereby avoiding the need to account for the mutual-inductance terms when writing KVL equations. The I-V matrix equation for the T-circuit (also called a Y-circuit) is (11.29a) Ly = L2 − M, (11.29b) Lz = M. (11.29c) and (transformer dots on same ends) Had the transformer dots been located on opposite ends, the two terms involving M in Eq. (11.27) would have been preceded by minus signs. Consequently, the 11-2 TRANSFORMERS August 22, 2012 I1 + L1 V1 _ Lx Ly + Lz V1 _ I2 + (a) Transformer I1 M 53 L2 V2 _ Lc I1 I2 + + V2 V1 + Lb _ _ (b) T-equivalent circuit I2 (c) La V2 _ ∏-equivalent circuit Figure 11-10: The transformer can be modeled in terms of T- or Π-equivalent circuits. element values of inductors Lx , Ly , and Lz would be Lx = L1 + M, (11.30a) Ly = L2 + M, (11.30b) and Lz = −M. (11.30c) (transformer dots on opposite ends) Even though a negative value for inductance Lz is not realistic, the mathematical equivalency holds nonetheless and the equivalent circuit is perfectly applicable. Π-Equivalent Circuit In some situations, it may be easier to analyze the larger circuit within which the transformer resides by replacing the transformer with a Π-equivalent circuit instead of the T-equivalent circuit. In such cases, we can use the model shown in Fig. 11-10(c). The expressions for La , Lb , and Lc can be obtained either by repeating the procedure we used for the T-equivalent circuit or by applying the Y-∆ transformation equations given in Section 7-4.2. Either route leads to: La = Lb = and L1 L2 − M 2 , L1 − M L1 L2 − M 2 , L2 − M L1 L2 − M 2 . M (transformer with dots on same ends) Lc = (11.31a) (11.31b) (11.31c) If the transformer dots are located on opposite ends, M in Eq. (11.31) should be replaced with −M. Example 11-5: Equivalent Circuit 54 August 22, 2012 CHAPTER 11 I1 120 30o V a −j2 Ω 3Ω + _ MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS −j4 Ω j2 Ω j5 Ω 6Ω 4Ω j20 Ω b (a) Original circuit I1 120 30o V a −j2 Ω 3Ω + _ I1 j18 Ω −j4 Ω j3 Ω jωLx jωLz jωLy j2 Ω 6Ω I2 4Ω b (b) Equivalent circuit Figure 11-11: (a) Original circuit and (b) after replacing transformer with T-equivalent circuit. Use the T-equivalent circuit model to determine I1 in the circuit of Fig. 11-11. Solution: Concept Question 11-3: What does the coupling coeff cient represent? What is its range? jω Lx = jω L1 − jω M = j5 − j2 = j3 Ω, jω Ly = jω L2 − jω M = j20 − j2 = j18 Ω, jω Lz = jω M = j2 Ω. Its solution is I1 = 28.6e− j12.2 A, ◦ How is the mutual inductance M related to L1 and L2 for a perfectly coupled transformer? Concept Question 11-5: Why does the ref ected impedance ZR bear that name? Exercise 11-3: The expression for Zin given by Eq. (11.25) was derived for the circuit in Fig. 11-8, in which both dots are on the upper end of the coils. What would the expression look like were the two dots located on opposite ends? Answer: The expression remains the same. (See O DR M The T-equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 11-11(b). Application of the mesh analysis by-inspection method leads to the matrix equation · ¸· ¸ (3 − j2 + j3 + j2) − j2 I1 − j2 ( j2 + j18 − j4 + 6 + 4) I2 · ◦¸ 120e j30 = . 0 Concept Question 11-4: C Use of Eq. (11.29) gives and which is identical with the answer obtained in Example 11-4 using the input impedance method. ) 11-3 ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS August 22, 2012 M i1 What are the element values of the Π-equivalent circuit of the transformer in Fig. 11-11(a)? Exercise 11-4: i2 L1 jω La = j32 Ω, jω Lb = j5.33 Ω, jω Lc = j48 Ω. (See ) 55 L2 Answer: C 11-3 M O DR (a) Transformer Energy Considerations i1 Given that the transformer in Fig. 11-12(a)—with inductance L1 on the primary side, L2 on the secondary side, and mutual inductance M coupling the two coils— is equivalent to the T-equivalent circuit in Fig. 11-12(b), we can use the latter to compute the total amount of energy stored in the transformer for any specif ed values of currents i1 and i2 . According to Eq. (5.58), the magnetic energy stored in an inductor L due to the f ow of current i through it is w(t) = 1 2 L i (t) 2 (J). Ly = L2 − M i2 i1 + i2 M (b) T-equivalent Figure 11-12: Transformer and its T-equivalent circuit. Reversing the direction of either current or if dots are on opposite ends, M should be replaced with −M. (11.32) For the circuit in Fig. 11-12(b), 1 1 1 Lx i21 + Ly i22 + Lz (i1 + i2 )2 2 2 2 1 1 1 = (L1 − M)i22 + (L2 − M)i22 + M(i1 + i2 )2 2 2 2 1 1 = L1 i21 + L2 i22 + Mi1 i2 . (11.33) 2 2 w(t) = Equation (11.33) applies to transformers in which i1 and i2 both enter or both leave the dotted terminals, and both dotted terminals are on the same end (as in Fig. 11-12). Reversing the direction of either current or reversing the locations of the dots requires replacing M with −M. Example 11-6: Magnetic Energy Lx = L1 − M In the circuit in Fig. 11-13, determine the magnetic energy stored in the transformer at t = 0, given that υs (t) = 12 cos(377t + 60◦ ) V. Solution: We start by replacing the transformer with its T-equivalent circuit and then transforming the new circuit to the phasor domain [Fig. 11-13(b)]. Per Eq. (11.30), the values of Lx , Ly , and Lz are Lx = L1 + M = (10 + 6) mH = 16 mH, Ly = L2 + M = (30 + 6) mH = 36 mH, and Lz = −M = −6 mH. Transforming the inductors to the phasor domain entails multiplying the inductance values by jω = j377 rad/s, 56 August 22, 2012 CHAPTER 11 υs + _ The time-domain equivalents are 6 mH 5Ω 10 mH 30 mH 10 Ω i1 (t) = 1.91 cos(377t + 26.06◦ ) A and i2 (t) = 0.29 cos(377t − 112.5◦ ) A. (a) Original circuit j6 Ω 5Ω 12 60o V + _ I1 j13.57 Ω 10 Ω −j2.26 Ω I2 (b) Equivalent circuit in phasor domain Figure 11-13: Circuits of Example 11-6. which leads to The magnetic energy stored in the three inductors of the circuit in Fig. 11-13(b) at t = 0 is ¸¯ · ¯ 1 1 1 2 2 2 ¯ Lx i1 + Ly i2 + Lz (i1 − i2 ) ¯ w(0) = 2 2 2 t=0 = 1 × 16 × 10−3 × (1.91 cos 26.06◦ )2 2 1 + × 36 × 10−3 × [0.29 cos(−112.5◦ )]2 2 1 + × (−6 × 10−3 ) 2 · [1.91 cos 26.06◦ − 0.29 cos(−112.5◦ )]2 = 13.7 mJ. jω Lx = j377 × 16 × 10−3 = j6 Ω, and MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS jω Ly = j377 × 36 × 10−3 = j13.57 Ω, jω Lz = j377 × (−6 × 10−3 ) = − j2.26 Ω. Mesh analysis by inspection gives · ¸· ¸ (5 + j6 − j2.26) + j2.26 I1 + j2.26 (10 + j13.57 − j2.26) I2 · ◦¸ 12e j60 = . 0 Solution of the matrix equation for I1 and I2 leads to I1 = 1.91e j26.06 A ◦ and I2 = 0.29e− j112.5 A. ◦ 11-3 ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS August 22, 2012 57 Chapter 11 Summary Concepts Π-equivalent circuits. • The coupling coeff cient of an ideal transformer is k = 1. Its secondary-to-primary voltage and current ratios are def ned by the turns ratio n = N2 /N1 . • Three-phase transformers are used to couple any combination of Y- and ∆-conf gurations on the primary and secondary sides. • Current f ow through a coil in close proximity of a second coil induces a mutual inductance voltage across the second coil through a shared magnetic f eld. • The dot convention, which accounts for the directions of the windings in the two coupled coils, def nes the polarities of the induced mutual-inductance voltages. • A transformer can be modeled in terms of T- or Mathematical and Physical Models Magnetic Coupling i1 R1 υs1 i2 M + + _ di1 di2 υ1 = L1 dt + M dt _ Change + to − if i1 is CCW R2 + L1 L2 Change + to − if i2 is CW di2 di1 υ2 = L2 dt + M dt _ Change + to − if i2 is CW + _ υs2 Change + to − if ii is CCW (a) Dots on same ends i1 R1 υs1 + _ i2 M + di1 di2 υ1 = L1 dt − M dt _ Change + to − if i1 is CCW + L1 Change − to + if i2 is CW L2 di2 di1 υ2 = L2 dt − M dt _ Change + to − if i2 is CW (b) Dots on opposite ends M k= √ L1 L2 R2 + _ υs2 Change − to + if ii is CCW 58 August 22, 2012 CHAPTER 11 MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS Mathematical and Physical Models (continued) Equivalent Inductance Equivalent Circuits I1 (a) Transformer I2 M + + L1 V1 _ I1 (b) T-equivalent circuit L2 Lx V2 _ I2 + + Lz V1 M _ L1 a Leq Lc I1 ∏-equivalent + circuit V1 _ La M L2 b I2 + Lb L2 Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M V2 Lx = L1 − M Ly = L2 − M Lz = M V2 _ Leq = L1 + L2 − 2M Ideal Transformer V2 =n V1 L1 L2 − M 2 L1 − M L1 L2 − M 2 Lb = L2 − M L1 L2 − M 2 Lc = M La = I2 1 = I1 n Zin = Replace M with −M if dots are on opposite ends. Glossary of Important Terms Π-equivalent circuit autotransformer coupling coeff cient dot convention input impedance Leq b Ly _ (c) L1 a 1 V2 ZL V1 = 2 = 2 I1 n I2 n Provide def nitions or explain the meaning of the following terms: magnetic f ux magnetic f ux linkage mutual inductance mutual voltage primary side ref ected impedance secondary side step-down transformer step-up transformer T-equivalent circuit three-phase transformer transformer turns ratio PROBLEMS August 26, 2012 PROBLEMS + 20 0o V _ f = 60 Hz *11.1 For the circuit shown in Fig. P11.1, determine (a) i(t) and (b) the average power absorbed by RL . 0.2 H 10 Ω + 30 0o V _ f = 60 Hz j6 Ω 2Ω Section 11-1: Magnetic Coupling 10 mH j2 Ω j4 Ω 4Ω Figure P11.5: Circuit for Problem 11.5. i 1H 59 Determine Ix in the circuit of Fig. P11.6. 11.6 RL 200 Ω j2 Ω 4Ω Figure P11.1: Circuit for Problem 11.1. 11.2 For the circuit in Fig. P11.2, determine (a) iL (t) and (b) the average power dissipated in RL . 30 0o V j6 Ω + _ j4 Ω −j10 Ω Ix 8Ω Figure P11.6: Circuit for Problem 11.6. 14 Ω 100 μF 6 mH + _ 12 cos 377t (V) 10 mH *11.7 30 Ω 30 mH Determine Ix in the circuit of Fig. P11.7. iL j6 Ω RL 10 Ω j10 Ω 5Ω j30 Ω Ix Figure P11.2: Circuit for Problem 11.2. 60 0o V + _ j20 Ω j8 Ω j5 Ω 20 Ω 11.3 For the circuit in Fig. P11.3, determine Vout . Figure P11.7: Circuit for Problem 11.7. 4Ω + 10 0o V _ j3 Ω j2 Ω 2Ω + j1 Ω j4 Ω j6 Ω −j2 Ω 11.8 Determine the average power dissipated in the 4-Ω resistor of the circuit in Fig. P11.8. 5Ω Vout j10 Ω j3 Ω j6 Ω _ 2Ω Figure P11.3: Circuit for Problem 11.3. *11.4 Determine Vout in the circuit shown in Fig. P11.4. 11.5 Determine the average power dissipated in the 4-Ω resistor of the circuit in Fig. P11.5. + 20 0o V _ f = 60 Hz j2 Ω j3 Ω j4 Ω Figure P11.8: Circuit for Problem 11.8. 4Ω 60 August 22, 2012 CHAPTER 11 8Ω 96 0o + V _ 2Ω j1 Ω MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS 4Ω + j2 Ω −j4 Ω j6 Ω −j6 Ω 2Ω Vout 8Ω Vout _ Figure P11.4: Circuit for Problem 11.4. j12 Ω 6Ω 10 0o j6 Ω j18 Ω + + V _ 4Ω 8Ω −j4 Ω _ Figure P11.9: Circuit for Problem 11.9. 11.9 Determine Vout in the circuit of Fig. P11.9. 2Ω 11.10 The circuit shown in Fig. P11.10 uses a 12-V ac source to deliver power to an 8-Ω speaker. If the average power delivered to the speaker is 1.8 W at an audio frequency f = 1 kHz, what is the value of the coupling coeff cient k? 4Ω + 12 cos 2πft (V) _ 3 mH M 12 mH 8Ω Figure P11.10: Circuit for Problem 11.10. *11.11 Determine Vout in the circuit in Fig. P11.11. 11.12 Determine Ix in the circuit of Fig. P11.12, given that Vs = 20∠30◦ (V). 4Ω −j2 Ω 6Ω Ix Vs + _ j2 Ω j2 Ω j6 Ω j8 Ω Figure P11.12: Circuit for Problem 11.12. 11.13 Determine: (a) Leq at terminals (a, b) in Fig. P11.13(a). (b) Leq at terminals (a, b) in Fig. P11.13(b). *(c) Leq at terminals (a, b) in Fig. P11.13(c). (d) Leq at terminals (a, b) in Fig. P11.13(d). (e) Leq at terminals (a, b) in Fig. P11.13(e). (f) Leq at terminals (a, b) in Fig. P11.13(f). Sections 11-2 and 11-3: Transformers and Energy 11.14 Determine (a) the input impedance and (b) the ref ected impedance, both at terminals (a, b) in the circuit of Fig. P11.14. PROBLEMS August 22, 2012 4Ω 100 0o −j2 Ω j4 Ω 8Ω −j4 Ω + + V _ j6 Ω j12 Ω 6Ω Vout _ Figure P11.11: Circuit for Problem 11.11. 5 mH 1 mH a a Leq 0.5 mH 5 mH 20 mH 4 mH Leq b 6 mH 2 mH 10 mH b (a) (b) 1H 2H a a 1H 5H 2H 5H 4H b b 6H (c) 2H (d) a a 20 mH 20 mH 1H 5H 5H b 40 mH 10 mH b (e) (f) Figure P11.13: Circuits for Problem 11.13. 61 62 August 22, 2012 10 Ω a −j6 Ω CHAPTER 11 MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS 2H j2 Ω j2 Ω 2H j4 Ω j6 Ω b Leq 4H 11.15 Determine (a) the input impedance and (b) the ref ected impedance, both at terminals (c, d) in the circuit of Fig. P11.15. 11.16 For the circuit in Fig. P11.16 (a) determine the Thévenin equivalent to the left of ZL , (b) choose ZL for maximum power transfer, and (c) compute the average power absorbed by ZL . −j2 Ω j6 Ω j4 Ω 11.20 For the circuit in Fig. P11.20, determine the complex powers: (a) supplied by the source, (b) stored by the two inductors, and (c) dissipated by the source and load resistors. j8 Ω 11.18 In the circuit of Fig. P11.18, what should the value of the coupling coeff cent k be so that Vout /Vin = 0.49? 10 Ω j5 Ω −j2 Ω Zin 1Ω j1 Ω −j4 Ω j15 Ω RL j1 Ω j5 Ω j1 Ω 12 Ω + jωM 10 Ω j5 Ω a Figure P11.17: Circuit for Problem 11.17. + _ + V _ *11.21 Determine input impedance Zin at terminals (a, b) for the circuit in Fig. P11.21. 10 Ω 1Ω 0o Figure P11.20: Circuit for Problem 11.20. 20 Ω j1 Ω j4 Ω Rs 10 Zin 6H Figure P11.19: Circuit for Problem 11.19. *11.17 Determine the input impedance Zin of the circuit in Fig. P11.17. 4Ω 8H 2H Figure P11.14: Circuit for Problem 11.14. Vin 4H 8Ω Vout j5 Ω j5 Ω b _ Figure P11.21: Circuit for Problem 11.21. Figure P11.18: Circuit for Problem 11.18. 11.19 Apply T- and Π-transformations to determine Leq in the circuit of Fig. P11.19. 11.22 Determine the average power dissipated in the 10-Ω load in the circuit of Fig. P11.22, given that Vs = 10 ∠0◦ V (rms). PROBLEMS August 22, 2012 j2 Ω 6Ω 4Ω j6 Ω j2 Ω −j2 Ω 12 Ω c −j4 Ω d Figure P11.15: Circuit for Problem 11.15. j10 Ω 20 Ω 40 Ω j20 Ω 20 Ω j30 Ω + _ 120 a −j10 Ω 0o V b Figure P11.16: Circuit for Problem 11.16. 2Ω j2 Ω 4Ω + j4 Ω Vs j6 Ω + _ j1 Ω j5 Ω 10 Ω j5 Ω Figure P11.22: Circuit for Problem 11.22. Vo _ ZL 63 Lab Exercise 4: Shielded-Loop Resonators Contents 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN T RO DU CTIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Wireless Power Transfer: A Brief History 4.2.2 The Details of Inductive Coupling 4.2.3 Resonance 4.2.4 Resonant Shielded Loops 4.2.4 Lab Project Overview: Labs 4-6 EQ UIP M EN T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EX P E RIM ENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Finding the Resonant Frequency 4.4.2 De-Embedding the Feedline 4.4.3 Finding R, L, and C L AB WRIT E-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P RE - LAB ASSIGNMENT 65 65 65 69 70 72 76 78 79 79 81 85 88 4 Lab Exercise 4: Shielded-Loop Resonators 4.1 Pre-Lab Assignment 1. Read the supporting material in Section 4.2. 2. Read through the lab. 3. Prior to the lab, summarize the experimental procedures in your lab notebook (1 paragraph per section): (a) Section 4.4.1 (b) Section 4.4.2 (c) Section 4.4.3 4.2 4.2.1 Introduction Wireless Power Transfer: A Brief History Wireless power transfer has a rich history, which dates back to over a century ago. Its inception can be traced back to the renowned inventor Nikola Tesla, who was 65 first to demonstrate the transfer of energy without wires in the 1890’s. Wireless power transfer is useful and often even indispensable when physical interconnects are inconvenient, dangerous, or impossible. Today, wirelessly-powered systems are used in implantable medical devices, wireless filtration systems, electric toothbrushes, and a variety of other commercial products. Let’s take some time to review a brief history of wireless power transfer. Electrostatic Induction At the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Nikola Tesla demonstrated that he could illuminate phosphorescent lamps without the aid of connecting wires. He positioned the lamps between a pair of rubber plates, which were suspended in air and covered in tin foil. The plates were fed with high-voltage, high-frequency alternating current using wires. Tesla had constructed a large capacitor. The lamps between the plates were able to harvest the energy of the electric field between the plates via electrostatic induction. Electrostatic induction is the redistribution of electrical charge induced by nearby charges. This same apparatus was also demonstrated two years earlier by Tesla in London, where it “produced so much wonder and astonishment.” These were the first repeated demonstrations of wireless power transfer. Resonant Inductive Coupling In 1894, Maurice Hutin and Maurice LeBlanc filed U.S. Patent #527,857, in which they described a system to power railway vehicles wirelessly, posing that it would be “very difficult to establish a constant communication between the vehicle and [an] electric conductor under proper conditions.” Hutin and LeBlanc proposed a system of coils like those used in a transformer coupled by magnetic induction, a phenomenon discovered 70 years previously by Michael Faraday. However, they noted the inefficiency of such a system where “the magnetic conductivity [of air] is about two thousand five hundred times inferior to that of iron”, which is “ordinarily employed in transformers for converting the energy from a primary circuit to a secondary circuit.” To compenstate for this, the two engineers employed a capacitor to compensate for the self inductance and form a resonant system. Like a wine glass shattered by a sound wave of prescribed frequency, there is a resonance for which the wireless power transfer would be more efficient. 66 In that same year, 1894, Tesla lit up incandescent lamps at two different laboratories in New York City using this resonant inductive coupling technique. Tesla would later express that he favored his ”disturbed charge of ground and air method”, which is discussed next, over the magnetic induction method. The Conductive Earth In 1899, Tesla relocated from New York to Colorado Springs, where he would have added space for several new, high-voltage experiments. Atop his laboratory roof, he built a 142-foot mast topped with a copper sphere. He would use it to generate man-made lightning and test theories about the electrical properties of the Earth and its atmosphere. Using a large Tesla coil, Tesla was able to produce a large potential difference (voltage) between the copper sphere and the ground below, ionizing the air in between and producing lightning. During his first experiment, he strained the local generator and cut power to every residence in Colorado Springs. Still, he was able to show that the Earth was a good conductor and proposed that it could be used to transfer power wirelessly over unprecedented distances. He was also able to show that the ionosphere was conductive. Separated by a dielectric, i.e. air, these two layers form a natural capacitor, and, in fact, the atmosphere of the Earth itself has a fundamental resonant frequency. Tesla would later speculate about how he might transmit wireless power over the entire planet via terrestrial propagation using the Earth’s natural conductive properties. It was at his Colorado Springs laboratory that Tesla famously illuminated vacuum tubes planted in the ground, but the details of the experiment are unclear. In 1901, construction began on Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower in New York, backed by finacier J.P. Morgan. Here Tesla performed similar demonstrations. Although the distances in these experiments were much greater than those involving magnetic induction, they were more hazardous and expensive. Radiative Methods In the 1960’s, William C. Brown demonstrated microwave power transmission by powering a model helicopter for Walter Cronkite and CBS News using an antenna. This method is radiative, meaning that power is broadcast from the transmitter and collected by the receiver. Up to this point, the methods of wireless power transfer had been non-radiative: the power was not radiated, but rather 67 confined to distances less than the wavelength of operation. Radiative methods using antennas can achieve far greater power transfer distances, but they suffer from spatial interference, poor efficiency, and cause heating. Revival of Resonant Inductive Coupling Recently, interest has been revived in wireless power transfer using resonant inductive coupling: the same phenomenon used by Hutin, LeBlanc, and Tesla in the late 1890’s. In 2007, an MIT research team led by Professor Marin Soljac̆ić wirelessly powered a 60W light bulb using resonant inductive coupling at a distance of 2 meters. They showed that EM resonators with minimal loss can allow mid-range power transfer, as opposed to the short-range results studied previously. Since its revival in 2007 at MIT, non-radiative wireless power transfer (resonant inductive coupling) has gained strong scientific and commercial interest. In fact, wireless charging is expected to grow to a 23 billion dollar industry by 2015. Projections are that it will be used to efficiently charge mobile devices such as laptop computers, PDA’s, digital cameras, cell phones and even electric vehicles wirelessly. Devices would gradually charge throughout the course of the day and have no need for a power cord connection. Magnetic induction is attractive for several reasons. It is: • Safe. Magnetic fields interact weakly with dielectric objects and living organisms, compared to electrostatic induction methods, which interact strongly. • Cheap. • Simple to implement. During the past few years, shielded-loop resonators have been developed at the University of Michigan. These loops are low-loss, self-resonant structures tailored for efficient wireless non-radiative power transfer systems using magnetic induction. They offer several advantages: • Low loss. • High-power capability. • Confined electric fields, which could otherwise couple to nearby dielectrics. • Simple to feed at the input. 68 In this lab, we will study the shielded-loop resonator and use it to design our own wireless power transfer system. 4.2.2 The Details of Inductive Coupling From Faraday’s Law of Induction, we know that a time-varying magnetic field can induce a current in a conducting loop of wire. Such a magnetic field could easily be generated using a second loop of alternating current. In this manner, electromagnetic energy can be transferred wirelessly between two or more conductive loops. Such loops are said to be inductively coupled. Inductive coupling is a nonradiative mechanism, which is less susceptible to spatial interference and does not wastefully broadcast power. The circuit representation for magnetic coupling between two loops/coils is shown in Fig. 4.1. Figure 4.1: Circuit representation for two magnetically-coupled loops. A current on one loop will induce a voltage on the other loop. The symbol M denotes the mutual inductance between the two loops, whereas L1 and L2 are the self inductances of the individual loops. The mutual inductance is simply a ratio of the voltage induced across a load loop to time-rate-of-change in current on the source loop. δi2 δt δi1 = −M δt v1 = −M v2 In the next section, we will briefly review mutual inductance in more detail. 69 Review: Mutual Inductance Consider a pair of inductively-coupled loops: loop 1 and loop 2. Suppose loop 1 is fed with a current i1 . We know from Faraday’s Law of Induction that the voltage induced across loop 2 is given by: v2 = dΛ dt (4.1) The term Λ is the total magnetic flux through the loop. Note that (4.1) holds regardless of the source of Λ. We can decompose Λ into two parts, according to the source of the flux: v2 = d(Λ22 + Λ21 ) dΛ = dt dt =⇒ v2 = L di2 di1 − M21 dt dt M21 , − Λ21 I (4.2) where Λ22 is the magnetic flux generated by loop 2 through loop 2 and Λ21 is the magnetic flux generated by loop 1 through loop 2. From energy considerations, it can be shown that M = M12 = M21 (the coupling is reciprocal). 4.2.3 Resonance The self inductances of the individual loops result in reactances that store reactive energy and degrade power transmission. The positive reactance of each loop can be canceled by a negative reactance (capacitance), as shown in Fig. 4.2, to increase power transfer between the two loops. Such a coupling scheme is referred to as resonant inductive coupling. When the input reactance of the capacitivelyloaded loop is made to be zero, we say that it is in resonance. However, in order to maximize power transfer, the input terminal (on the source loop) and output terminal (on the load loop) must also be simultaneously impedance matched, as will be discussed in Lab 6. For now, we wish to simply bring each loop to resonance. 70 Figure 4.2: A circuit representation of magnetically-coupled resonators. The capacitances C1 and C2 create a resonant system at some presribed frequency ω0 . Figure 4.3: A schematic of magnetically-coupled resonators with parasitic resistances R1 and R2 . All real systems will have some loss, modeled by resistances. In reality, parasitic resistances (R1 , R2 ) will also be present, as shown in Figure 4.3. The resistances represent ohmic (heating) loss and some inevitable radiation loss. We can write a pair of loop equations for the circuit shown in Fig. 4.3 using Kirchoff’s Voltage Law: 1 ) − i2 (jωM ) jωC1 1 i1 (jωM12 ) = i2 R2 + i2 (jωL2 ) + i2 ( ) + i2 RL jωC2 Vx = i1 R1 + i1 (jωL1 ) + i1 ( Solving for i2 in terms of i1 , Vx can be written only in terms of i1 : Vx = i1 R1 + i1 (jωL1 ) − i1 ( j (ωM )2 ) + i1 ωC1 R2 + RL + jωL2 − 71 j ωC2 The input impedance becomes: Vx 1 (ωM )2 Zin = = R1 + j ωL1 − + i1 ωC1 R2 + RL + j(ωL2 − 1 ) ωC2 Employing symmetry, the output impedance can be written as: 1 (ωM )2 Zout = R2 + j ωL2 − + ωC2 R1 + RS + j(ωL1 − 1 ) ωC1 4.2.4 (4.3) (4.4) Resonant Shielded Loops Although simple wire loops with series capacitors can realize the resonant system shown in Figure 4.3, we will use alternative loops: shielded-loop resonators. Figure 4.4 shows an example of shielded-loop resonator with rectangular (planar) cross section. Shielded-loop resonators possess a number of desirable characteristics: they are simple to feed, exhibit high quality (Q) factors (i.e. low loss), tolerate high input power, and have confined electric fields. Fringing electric fields should be avoided in a wireless power system since they couple with nearby dielectric objects. Figure 4.4: A planar shielded-loop resonator like those used in our experiments. This resonator is basically a looped, planar transmission line with a cut in the outer conductor halfway around the loop. Fig. 4.5 shows the inner conductor for the same planar shielded-loop resonator from Fig. 4.4, revealing its termination, which forms an open stub. 72 Figure 4.5: Inner conductor of the planar shielded-loop resonator from Figure 4.4. Here, we see that the inner conductor is terminated before forming a complete loop. The result is an open-circuited stub. Fabricating a Shielded Loop A shielded-loop resonator is an electrically-small loop that can be constructed from a length of coaxial cable. One end of the coaxial cable is looped back onto itself and connected near the opposite end of the cable. The inner conductor of the coaxial cable is left open-circuited at the termination point (see Fig. 4.5) while the outer conductors are connected together (see Fig. 4.4) to form a loop. Halfway around the loop, a small portion of the outer conductor (Fig. 4.4) is removed to form a slit. The current flow on the shielded-loop resonator is depicted in Fig. 4.6. The current enters the input terminal of the shielded-loop resonator and propagates down the interior of the coaxial cable to the slit in the outer conductor. It then traverses the exterior of the loop to the opposite side of the slit and finally enters the opencircuited stub. Therefore, the loop and open-circuited stub appear in series. The open-circuited stub provides a capacitance which resonates with the loop inductance. In this lab, the shielded loops are constructed from coaxial transmission lines that have a planar cross section. Modeling the Shielded Loop The shielded-loop resonators can be modeled as an inductor in series with an open-circuited stub (capacitance), but there is also a feedline that must be included, as shown in Fig. 4.7. 73 Figure 4.6: The behavior of currents on a shielded-loop resonator. The current at the input propagates down the interior of the coaxial feedline. Upon encountering the split, the current (red) on the interior of the outer conductor wraps around to the exterior of the loop. This current (blue), loops back around to the split, where it returns to the interior, ending at the open-circuited stub. Calculating the Capacitance From transmission-line theory, we know that an open-circuited stub shorter than a quarter wavelength acts as a capacitance: −j = Zin = −jZ0 cot βl ωC (4.5) For an electrically-small (βl << 1) open-circuited transmission line: jZ0 −j −j = −jZ0 cot βl ≈ = =⇒ C ≈ C 0 l ωC βl ωC 0 l (4.6) Here, C 0 is the capacitance per-unit-length of the transmission line. For the resonators in this lab, C ≈ C 0 l is an excellent approximation for the loop capacitance. 74 Figure 4.7: A model of the shielded-loop resonator. The open-circuited stub acts as a capacitance, forming a resonant system. The electromagnetic waves supported by the shielded-loop resonators are TEM waves, and therefore the capacitance per-unit-length C 0 can be found using: √ 0 C = R 1 c Z0 (4.7) where c is the speed of light in a vacuum and R is the relative permittivity of the dielectric. Calculating the Inductance For loops of circular cross section, the inductance can be approximated as: 8r L = µr ln ( ) − 1.75 a0 (4.8) • µ is the permeability of the surrounding medium • r is the radius of the loop • a0 is the cross-sectional radius of the conductor Equation (4.8) applies only to loops with a circular cross-section, but our loops have rectangular cross-section. However it can be shown that a wire of thin, rectangular cross-section and a wire of circular cross-section are approximately equivalent when: πa20 = dh 75 (4.9) Here, d and h are the width and thickness of the rectangular wire, respectively. By combining (4.8) and (4.9), we can find the loop inductance of the rectangular shielded-loop resonators, given their cross-sectional dimensions. Calculating the Resonant Frequency If we know all of the appropriate parameters for the shielded loop, then using (4.6) and (4.8), we can find the resonant frequency for the shielded loop: jω0 L + 1 1 = 0 =⇒ ω0 = √ jω0 C LC ω0 (Hz) f0 = 2π (rad/sec) (4.10) (4.11) Coupled Shielded-Loop Resonators The full circuit model for a system of coupled shielded-loop resonators is shown in Fig. 4.8 and includes the effect of the feedlines and losses. Figure 4.8: A circuit model for coupled shielded-loop resonators (assuming identical loops). The model is the same as Fig. 4.3 with the addition of feedlines. 4.2.5 Lab Project Overview: Labs 4-6 Labs 4-6 discuss the topic of wireless non-radiative power transfer (WNPT) using a system of inductively-coupled shielded-loop resonators. You will completely characterize a system of two resonators and use them to design a wireless power 76 transfer system. The system will be used to power a light emitting diode (LED) wirelessly with a signal generator source. In Lab 4, you will: • Measure isolated (uncoupled) shielded-loop resonators using a vector network analyzer (VNA). • De-embed the feedline of the shielded-loop resonators. • Model the resonator as an RLC circuit. In Lab 5, you will: • Measure the mutual inductance between two magnetically-coupled loops as a function of distance. • Observe the effect of misalignment between the shielded loops. • Study the phenomena of weak and strong coupling. • Determine the critical coupling distance for a system of unmatched, coupled loops. • Measure the input impedance of a full-wave bridge rectifier. In Lab 6, you will: • Analyze a frequency-tuned, wireless non-radiative power transfer system. • Choose a coupling distance at which to match the WNPT system. • Build matching networks to maximize power transfer efficiency. • Light up a light-emitting diode (LED) using the WNPT system. • Use frequency tuning to maintain the brightness of the LED. Loop Parameters The properties of the shielded-loop resonators are given here: 77 Dielectric Properties: R • Material: Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 • Relative Permittivity: R = 2.2 • Loss Tangent: tan δ = 0.009 Conductor Properties: • Material: Copper • Conductivity: 5.8x107 Siemens • Copper Thickness: 70 µm. Shielded-Loop Resonator Geometry: • Loop Radii: 5 cm. and 9 cm. • Cross-Sectional Width: 15 mm. • Cross-Sectional Thickness: 3.32 mm. Rectangular Coaxial Transmission Line: • Characteristic Impedance: 50 Ω 4.3 Equipment • 5 cm shielded-loop resonator • 9 cm shielded-loop resonator • HP8712C vector network analyzer • N-type coaxial cable (at least 2 feet long) (male/male) • N/Female to SMA/Male Adapter 78 4.4 4.4.1 Experiment Finding the Resonant Frequency In this section, the resonant frequency of the shielded-loop resonators will be measured using a vector network analyzer (VNA). From transmission-line theory, we know that the feedline of the shielded-loop resonator will affect its input impedance. Therefore, the resonant frequency of the shielded-loop is not simply the frequency at which the input reactance is zero. However, for an RLC resonator, the magnitude of the input reflection coefficient is minimum at resonance (just look at the Smith chart). An example plot is shown in Fig. 4.9. Knowing this, we can easily find the resonant frequency. Figure 4.9: An example of input reflection coefficient (in dB). At the resonant frequency ω0 , the input reflection coefficient is at its lowest. Setup 1. Attach the male-to-male N-type coaxial cable (at least 2 feet long) to the reflection port of the VNA. 2. Perform a 1-port calibration of the VNA: 79 • • • • • • • • • • • • Press FREQ Select the Start Freq softkey Input 1 MHz and press ENTER Select the Stop Frequency softkey Input 150 MHz and press ENTER Press MENU Select the Number of Points softkey Input 801 and press ENTER Press MEAS 1 Press CAL Select the One Port softkey Complete the 1-port calibration, following the steps provided by the VNA user interface Procedure 1. Connect the 9 cm shielded-loop resonator to the cable at the reflection port of the VNA using the N-to-SMA adapter. 2. View the resonance behavior on the Smith chart. If the Smith chart doesn’t show the proper RLC resonant behavior, you may have a connection or calibration problem: • Press MEAS 1 to work with the reflection port measurements • Press FORMAT • Select the Smith Chart softkey 3. View a log-magnitude plot of the input reflection coefficient: • • • • Press FORMAT Select the Log Mag softkey Press SCALE Select the Autoscale softkey 4. Find the magnitude minimum of input reflection coefficient: • Press MARKER • Move the marker to the minimum of the plot 5. Record the resonant frequency f0 (in MHz) and corresponding magnitude 80 of input reflection coefficient |Γ0in | into your lab notebook. 6. Repeat the steps 1-4 for the 5 cm shielded-loop resonator. Measured Data 1. Copy the following chart into your lab notebook and fill in the measured data: Loop f0 5 cm 9 cm |Γ0in | Analysis There are no analysis questions for this section of the lab. Questions 1. From (4.6), which loop should have a higher capacitance? Hint: The transmission line characteristics are identical for the two loops. 2. From (4.8), which loop should have a higher inductance? 3. From (4.10), which loop should have a higher resonant frequency? Do your experimental results support your hypothesis? 4.4.2 De-embedding the Feedline In this section, the electrical length of the shielded-loop feedlines will be determined using the VNA. The feedline changes the input impedance of the shieldedloop resonator. We will remove the effect of the feedline to find the input impedance of the RLC circuit itself. This process is called “de-embedding”. 81 The insertion of a transmission line before a load will change the phase of the input reflection coefficient of the load. Referring to Figure 4.10, the phase of the reflection coefficient before and after the feedline are related as follows: Γ0in = Γin e−2jβl √ √ ω R 0 0 β = ω LC = c (4.12) (4.13) Figure 4.10: Effect of transmission line on reflection coefficient. The transmission line will alter the phase of the input reflection coefficient. A lossless transmission line will not affect the magnitude. Thus, the phase of the input reflection coefficient (Γ0in ) should be increased by 2βl to find the reflection coefficient of the RLC portion of the loop (Γin ), where l is the physical length of the feedline. Note that β is frequency dependent, and for de-embedding each frequency point must be adjusted by a different phase value. Figure 4.11 shows the effect of the transmission line on the Smith chart. Setup 1. If the VNA is not already calibrated for 1-port measurements, calibrate it following the procedure described in Section 4.4.1. Procedure The goal here is to remove the effect of the feedline and characterize the resonator as an RLC circuit. To find R, we must measure the input reflection coefficient at ω = ω0 : 82 Figure 4.11: Behavior of an example RLC resonator for the shielded loop without (left) and with (right) feedline. The phase will be reduced by 2βl (see (4.12)). 1. Connect the 5 cm loop to the cable at the reflection port of the VNA using the N-to-SMA adapter. 2. Change to polar format: • Press FORMAT • Press the Polar softkey 3. Move the marker to the resonant frequency omega0 found earlier. This frequency identifies the frequency at which the reflection coefficient magnitude is minimized. • Press MARKER • Move the marker to the loop’s resonant frequency, found in the previous section 4. Record the magnitude and phase of S11 = Γ0in into your lab notebook. To find L and C, we must collect information about the input reflection coefficient at two separate frequencies close to ω0 : 1. Move the marker to the frequency 2 MHz below the resonant frequency: • Press MARKER • Move the marker to the frequency 2 MHz below the resonant frequency 83 2. Record the magnitude and phase of S11 = Γ0in into your lab notebook. 3. Move the marker to the frequency 2 MHz above the resonant frequency: • Press MARKER • Move the marker to the frequency 2 MHz above the resonant frequency 4. Record the magnitude and phase of S11 = Γ0in into your lab notebook. • Repeat all of the steps above for the 9 cm shielded-loop resonator. Measured Data 1. Copy the following chart into your lab notebook and fill in the measured data: Loop Γ0in at f0 5 cm 9 cm Γ0in at f0 − 2M Hz Γ0in at f0 + 2M Hz Analysis 1. Calculate the electrical length βl of the feedline. Hint: See Figure 4.11 and use your measurements. 2. Using (4.13) and the result of the previous question, calculate the electrical length of the feedline at the frequency 2 MHz below resonance and a frequency 2 MHz above resonance. Hint: Electrical length is proportional to frequency. To calculate the electrical length at the frequency 2 MHz below resonance, multiply βl by (f0 − 2M Hz)/f0 . 3. Calculate the theoretical β for both loops at their respective resonant frequencies ω0 using (4.13) and the loop parameters provided in Section 4.2.5. 4. Measure the physical length l of the feedline for the two loops. Hint: The feedline is comprised of half the loop’s circumference and the small section feeding the loop. 84 5. Calculate the theoretical value for the electrical length using β and l for the two loops at their respective resonant frequencies ω0 . Questions 1. Which loop (5 cm or 9 cm) has a feedline with larger electrical length? Given (4.6), (4.8), and (4.10), does this make sense? 2. Which loop has a larger reflection coefficient magnitude at resonance? Should we desire a large magnitude or a small magnitude of input reflection coefficient? What would |S11 | be for a lossless resonator? Hint: Observe the circles of constant resistance on the Smith chart. 4.4.3 Finding R, L, and C Using the data from the previous section, the loops can be fully characterized by the circuit model shown in Fig. 4.8. In this section, we develop methods for finding R, L, and C experimentally. Finding R For an RLC circuit at resonance, the input impedance Zin is purely real (Im{Zin } = Xin = 0). For Zin = Rin < Z0 , the input reflection coefficient Γin is purely real and negative: Zin = Rin = Z0 1 − |Γin | 1 + Γin = Z0 1 − Γin 1 + |Γin | If we assume the feedline to be lossless (β is purely real), then |Γ0in | = |Γin | from (4.12). So, at resonance (for Rin < Z0 ): Rin = Z0 1 − |Γin | 1 − |Γ0in | = Z0 1 + |Γin | 1 + |Γ0in | (4.14) Using (4.14), R can easily be determined using data that we have already collected at the resonant frequency (Rin = R at resonance). 85 Finding L and C In the previous section, we also gathered data at two other frequencies: one above resonance and one below resonance. This is because, to find L and C, we need measurements at two distinct frequency points. Let us label these frequency points as ωa and ωb , where: ωa < ω 0 ωb > ω 0 We have: 1 + Γa = Xa = Im Z0 1 − Γa 1 + Γb = Xb = Im Z0 1 − Γb 1 ωa L − ωa C 1 ωb L − ωb C (4.15) (4.16) (4.17) Here, Γa and Γb are the de-embedded input reflection coefficients (Γin ) measured at ωa and ωb , respectively: Γa Γb Xa Xb = = , , Γ0a e2jβa l Γ0b e2jβb l Im {Za } Im {Zb } All impedances used here are de-embedded (the effect of the feedline is removed). Solving (4.15) and (4.16) simultaneously, we can find equations for L and C: C = ωb2 − ωa2 ωa2 ωb Xb − ωa ωb2 Xa ωb X b + L = ωb2 1 C ωb X b + ( = 86 (4.18) ωa2 ωb Xb −ωa ωb2 Xa ) ωb2 −ωa2 wb2 (4.19) Finally, we can solve for the Q factor of our resonators. The Q factor is a measure of the resonator efficiency. At resonance, the Q factor is defined as: r √ 1 LC 1 L ω0 L = = = (4.20) Q(ω0 ) , R ω0 CR CR R C Setup There is no setup for this section. Procedure For both the 5 cm loop and 9 cm loop: 1. Calculate R using (4.14). 2. Calculate L using (4.19). 3. Calculate C using (4.18). 4. Calculate Q using (4.20). Measured Data 1. Copy the following chart into your lab notebook and fill in the measured data: Loop R 5 cm 9 cm L C Analysis For both shielded-loop resonators: 1. Approximate the inductance L using (4.8) and (4.9). 87 2. Calculate the theoretical capacitance C using (4.6), (4.7), and the parameters provided in Sec. 4.2.5. Hint: The length l used in (4.6) is half of the loop’s circumference. Questions 1. Which loop has the higher Q factor? 2. How did the approximations for the inductance L and C compare with the measured values for L and C. 3. Consider the frequency of a wireless power transfer system using magnetic induction. What are some advantages of operating at a high frequency? What might be some disadvantages? Hint: How does a higher frequency impact Faraday’s Law of Induction, voltage rectification, and resistive losses? 4.5 Lab Write-Up For each section of the lab, include the following items in your write-up: • Overview of the procedure and analysis. • Measured data. • Calculations (show your work!). • Any tables and printouts. • Comparisons and comments on results. • Answers to all questions. • A summary paragraph describing what you learned from this lab. 88 Lab Exercise 5: Coupled Resonators and Voltage Rectification Contents 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 P RE - LAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN T RO DU CTIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Calculating Mutual Inductance 5.2.2 Input Impedance of Coupled Shielded-Loop Resonators 5.2.3 Feedline Effects 5.2.4 Weak, Critical, and Strong Coupling 5.2.5 Power Transfer 5.2.6 Introduction to Frequency Tuning 5.2.7 Voltage Rectification E Q UIP M ENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E X P ERIM E NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Measuring the Mutual Inductance 5.4.2 Strong and Weak Coupling 5.4.3 Measuring the Rectifier L AB W RI TE- UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSIGNMENT . . . . . . . . 90 90 91 95 95 96 98 98 99 . . . . 99 . . . 100 100 104 106 . . . . 100 5 Lab Exercise 5: Coupled Resonators and Voltage Rectification 5.1 Pre-Lab Assignment 1. Read the supporting material in the textbook. 2. Read through the lab. 3. Prior to the lab, summarize the experimental procedures in your lab notebook (1 paragraph per section): (a) Section 5.4.1 (b) Section 5.4.2 (c) Section 5.4.3 5.2 Introduction In the previous lab, an isolated (uncoupled) shielded-loop resonator was characterized. In this lab, we introduce a second (load) loop that will inductively couple to the first (source) loop. Recall the circuit model for the system of coupled loops, shown in Fig. 5.1. 90 Figure 5.1: A circuit model for shielded loop resonator (assuming identical loops). Using coupled resonators, we can efficiently deliver power wirelessly via magnetic induction. As a demonstration, a light-emitting diode (LED) will be illuminated wirelessly in the next lab. In this lab, we will introduce voltage rectification, which will convert the high-frequency signal from the generator source to a DC value to power the LED. 5.2.1 Calculating Mutual Inductance Figure 5.2: Illustration of two coaxially-aligned, coupled loops. For this case, the equation for mutual inductance M is simplified and given in (5.1) A well-known formula for mutual inductance between two coaxially-aligned, filamentary loops, like in Fig. 5.2, is given by (5.1): 91 √ M = µ r1 r2 2 2 −k K − E k k (5.1) Here, K(k) is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind, and E(k) is the complete elliptic integral of the second kind. Z π 2 K(k) = 0 Z E(k) = dβ p π 2 1 − k 2 sin2 β q dβ 1 − k 2 sin2 β (5.2) (5.3) 0 s k , 4r1 r2 (r1 + r2 )2 + d2 (5.4) The mutual inductance vs. distance for 5 cm loops and 9 cm loops are shown in 5.3 and Fig. 5.4, respectively. 92 Figure 5.3: Plot of mutual inductance M for 5 cm loops 93 Figure 5.4: Plot of mutual inductance M for 9 cm loops 94 5.2.2 Input Impedance of Coupled Shielded-Loop Resonators Figure 5.5: A circuit representation of magnetically-coupled resonators. The capacitances C1 and C2 create a resonant system at some presribed frequency ω0 . Recall the input impedance for the RLC circuit shown in Fig. 5.5: Vs 1 (ωM )2 Zin = = R1 + j ωL1 − + i1 ωC1 R2 + RL + j(ωL2 − 1 ) ωC2 Consider two loops with the same resonant frequency ω0 . At ω0 , the input impedance reduces to: Zin |ω=ω0 = Rin |ω=ω0 = R1 + (ω0 M )2 R2 + RL (5.5) In this lab, (5.5) will be used to experimentally determine the mutual inductance M between the shielded-loop resonators at various coupling distances. The input impedance Rin at ω = ω0 is required. 5.2.3 Feedline Effects For our shielded-loop resonators, we must include the effect of the feedlines shown in Figure 5.1. These particular shielded loops were designed using Z0 = 50Ω coaxial transmission lines with a rectangular (planar) cross section. If the load impedance ZL is 95 Figure 5.6: Impedance simplification at load loop for coupled shielded-loop resonators (assuming identical loops). The load is Z0 = 50Ω, then the feedline of the load loop will not affect the input impedance at the source loop. equal to Z0 = 50Ω, the feedline of the secondary loop will have no effect on the input impedance, reducing the system to the circuit shown in Fig. 5.6. As in the previous lab, we can de-embed the feedline of the source loop to obtain the simplified circuit model shown in Fig. 5.5. 5.2.4 Weak, Critical and Strong Coupling Consider the system of magnetically-coupled RLC circuits shown in Fig. 5.5. We know that an isolated loop resonates when: ω0 = √ 1 LC (5.6) In general, resonance occurs in the coupled system when the the input impedance becomes purely real (Im{Zin } = Xin = 0). For a symmetric system (two identical loops), we can show that resonance occurs when: 1 ) = 0 =⇒ ω = ω0 ωC 1 2 (ωL − ) = (ωM )2 − (R + RL )2 ωC (ωL − (5.7) (5.8) Equation (5.7) yields the familiar resonance ω0 of an isolated loop. The quadratic equation (5.8) yields two solutions for ω when: 96 (ωM ) > (R + RL ) (5.9) When the equation (5.9) is satisfied, there are three different resonant frequencies and we say that the loops are in strong coupling. One of the frequencies given by (5.8) is lower than the resonant frequency given by (5.7) and is referred to as the odd mode. The second frequency given by (5.8) is higher than the resonant frequency given by (5.7) and is referred to as the even mode. The terms “even” and “odd” refer to the direction of the currents in the two loops. At the even mode frequency, the currents in the coupled loops are in-phase. At the odd mode frequency, the currents in the coupled loops are 180◦ out-of-phase. At the resonant frequency ω = ω0 , the current in the load loop leads that of the source loop by approximately 90◦ . Figure 5.7 shows the presence of one resonant frequency for weak coupling (ωM < R + RL ) and two additional resonant frequencies for strong coupling (ωM > R + RL ). Critical Coupling We define critical coupling as the distance at which (5.9) becomes an equality: ωM = R + RL . At this distance, the even and odd mode frequencies merge to the resonant frequency ω0 , since the right-hand side of (5.8) becomes zero. When the loops are far apart, (ωM ) < (R + RL ), the system is said to be weakly coupled. In weak coupling, there is only one resonant frequency: ω0 . Figure 5.7: An example of input reflection coefficient: weak coupling (left) and strong coupling (right). In strong coupling, the odd mode and even mode resonances appear. 97 5.2.5 Power Transfer The power transfer efficiency of a wireless power transfer system is the ratio of power delivered to the load and the power available from the source. When operating at the resonant frequencies described in Section 5.2.4, the equations for power transfer efficiency of inductively-coupled RLC circuits are greatly simplified. The power transfer efficiency is equal to |S21 |2 if the source and load impedances are 50Ω. For a system operating at the resonant frequency ω0 given by (5.7), the power transfer efficiency is: 4RL2 (ω0 M )2 η= ((R + RL )2 + (ω0 M )2 )2 (5.10) For a system operating in strong coupling at an even or odd mode frequency given by (5.8), the power transfer efficiency is: η= RL2 (R + RL )2 (5.11) At critical or weak coupling, there is only one resonant frequency ω0 and the efficiency is given by (5.10). 5.2.6 Introduction to Frequency Tuning Lab 6 will show that, in the strong coupling regime, operating at either the even or odd mode frequency will yield a higher efficiency than operating at the selfresonant frequency ω0 of the loops. Therefore, operating at one of these frequencies is desirable. Equation (5.8) also indicates that, in strong coupling, the even and odd mode resonant frequencies separate further with decreasing distance (increasing coupling). Tracking the even or odd mode frequency is referred to as frequency tuning. Frequency-tuned wireless non-radiative power transfer systems operate in strong coupling. They change the operating frequency with coupling distance to maintain high efficiency that is constant with distance (see (5.11)). In this lab, we will observe the shifting resonant frequencies in the strong coupling regime. 98 5.2.7 Voltage Rectification The shielded-loop resonators operate at megahertz frequencies, but many applications require DC power. This requires voltage rectification. Two simple rectifiers are half-wave rectifiers and full-wave bridge rectifiers. In this lab, we will measure the input impedance of a voltage rectifier. Half-Wave Rectifiers Figure 5.8: A simple half-wave rectifier circuit. Figure 5.8 shows the schematic of a standard half-wave rectifier. The diode blocks the negative cycle of the input AC signal while the RC filter “smooths” the signal to a DC value. Full-Wave Rectifiers Figure 5.9 shows the schematic of a standard full-wave bridge rectifier. In this circuit, the negative cycle of the input AC signal is not blocked. Instead it is converted to a positive value for the RC filter to “smooth”. We will use a fullwave rectifier in this lab. 5.3 Equipment • Two 5 cm shielded-loop resonators 99 Figure 5.9: A simple full-wave rectifier circuit. • Two 9 cm shielded-loop resonators • HP8712C vector network analyzer • N-type coaxial cable (at least 2 feet long) (male/male) • N-type coaxial cable (at least 4 feet long) (male/male) • Two N/male to 3.5mm SMA/female adapters • Distance-marked PVC pipe • Two tripods • Full-wave voltage rectifier 5.4 5.4.1 Experiment Measuring the Mutual Inductance In this lab, the resonant frequency ω0 , the resistance R of the shielded-loop resonator, and the input resistance Rin of coupled loops are used to find M using (5.5). 100 Setup 1. Attach the male-to-male N-type coaxial cable (at least 2 feet long) to the reflection port of the VNA. 2. Perform a calibration on the reflection port of the VNA: • • • • • • • • • • • • Press FREQ Select the Start Freq softkey Input 1 MHz and press ENTER Select the Stop Frequency softkey Input 150 MHz and press ENTER Press MENU Select the Number of Points softkey Input 801 and press ENTER Press MEAS 1 Press CAL Select the One Port softkey Complete the 1-port calibration, following the steps provided by the VNA user interface 3. Attach the male-to-male N-type coaxial cable (at least 4 feet long) to the transmission port of the VNA. 4. Perform a calibration on the transmission port of the VNA: • • • • Press MEAS 2 Press CAL Select the Response softkey Complete the 2-port calibration, following the steps provided by the VNA user interface Procedure 1. Connect a 9 cm loop to the reflection port of the VNA using an N-to-SMA adapter. 2. Connect the second 9 cm loop to the transmission port of the VNA using an N-to-SMA adapter. 101 3. Hook the two loops onto the distance-marked PVC pipe. Suspend the pipe and loops above the table using the two tripods. 4. Measure the magnitude of the input reflection coefficient Γ0in at ω0 for coupling distances from 2 cm to 26 cm (2 cm increments). Align the loops coaxially for maximum coupling. Do not turn the frequency to the frequency with minimum input reflection magnitude, as this might not be ω0 for the case of coupled loops. To perform the measurements: • • • • • • • Press MEAS 1 Press FORMAT Select the Polar softkey Press SCALE Select the Autoscale softkey Press MARKER Move the marker to the resonant frequency, ω0 5. At each distance, use the VNA’s transmission plot to determine S21 at ω = ω0 . To perform the measurements: • • • • • • • Press MEAS 2 Press FORMAT Select the Log Mag softkey Press SCALE Select the Autoscale softkey Press MARKER Move the marker to the resonant frequency, ω0 6. At a coupling distance of 10 cm, turn the load loop approximately 30◦ so that the loops are no longer coaxially-aligned. Measure the magnitude of the input reflection coefficient at ω0 , as detailed in step 4. Do the same for an angle of approximately 60◦ . These angles need not be exact: estimate them visually. We are simply trying to show the effects of misalignment. Do not hold the loops anywhere except the short input segment. 7. Remove both loops from the VNA. 8. Repeat steps 2-7 using the 5 cm loops. 102 Measured Data 1. Copy the following chart into your lab notebook for both the 5 cm loop and the 9 cm loop and fill in the measured data: Distance (cm.) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 |Γ0in |ω=ω0 |S21 |(dB) at ω = ω0 2. Copy the following chart into your lab notebook for both the 5 cm loop and the 9 cm loop and fill in the measured data: Distance (cm.) 10cm (30◦ misalignment) 10cm (60◦ misalignment) |Γ0in |ω=ω0 Analysis For both the 5 cm and 9 cm loop: 1. Calculate the de-embedded input resistance for the measured distances at ω = ω0 . Recall that for ω = ω0 , only the magnitude of the reflection coefficient is needed: Rin = Z0 1 − |Γ0in | 1 + |Γ0in | 103 (for R < Z0 ) (5.12) 2. Using (5.5), calculate the mutual inductance at these distances. 3. Calculate the mutual inductance for the system of loops misaligned by 30◦ . Do the same for the 60◦ case. 4. Calculate the power transfer efficiency at each distance using the transmission coefficient S21 . Note: These efficiency values are for an unmatched system. Questions 1. How do the measured mutual inductance values compare with the plot in Fig. 5.3 and Fig. 5.4? Why might the experiment not match exactly with the plot? Hint: What assumptions are made in (5.1)? 2. What happened to the mutual inductance for the misaligned loops? Why? 5.4.2 Strong and Weak Coupling Setup If the VNA is not already calibrated for both reflection and transmission measurements, perform the calibrations described in Section 5.4.1. Procedure 1. Connect a 9 cm loop to the reflection port of the VNA using an N-to-SMA adapter. 2. Connect a 9 cm loop to the transmission port of the VNA using an N-toSMA adapter. 3. Begin with the loops far apart (i.e. in weak coupling), but coaxially-aligned. Decrease the coupling distance, while maintaining coaxial alignment. Measure the critical coupling distance. Hint: At critical coupling, a transition occurs from a single resonance to two resonances: even and odd mode resonances. 104 4. Bring the loops even closer together in order to enter strong coupling. Observe the behavior of the resonant frequencies as the loops are moved closer together. Does the behavior match the plot in Fig. 5.7? 5. Repeat steps 1-4 using 5 cm loops. Measured Data 1. Copy the following chart into your lab notebook fill in the critical coupling distances: Loop 5 cm 9 cm Experiment Theory Analysis 1. Use the plots in Fig. 5.3 and Fig. 5.4 as well as equation (5.9) to determine the theoretical critical coupling distance for the 9 cm loops. 2. Determine the theoretical critical coupling distance for 5 cm loops. Questions 1. As the resistance R of the shielded-loop resonators increases, what happens to the critical coupling distance? 2. As R increases, what happens to the efficiency in strong coupling? 3. Describe the behavior of the resonant frequencies as the loops are moved closer into strong coupling. What are the implications for frequency tuning? 4. How do the theoretical and experimental critical coupling distances compare? 105 5.4.3 Measuring the Rectifier The schematic of the provided full-wave bridge rectifier is shown in Fig. 5.10. In this section, we characterize and test the rectifier. It will be used in Lab 6 when the complete wireless non-radiatve power transfer system will be assembled. For the complete system, we will use only the 9 cm loops, so all measurements will be performed at the resonant frequency of the 9 cm loop. Figure 5.10: The schematic for the full-wave bridge rectifier circuit used in these experiments. Setup 1. Attach the male-to-male N-type coaxial cable (at least 2 feet long) to the reflection port of the VNA. 2. Perform a 1-port calibration of the VNA: 106 • • • • • • • • • • • • Press FREQ Select the Start Freq softkey Input 1 MHz and press ENTER Select the Stop Frequency softkey Input 150 MHz and press ENTER Press MENU Select the Number of Points softkey Input 801 and press ENTER Press MEAS 1 Press CAL Select the One Port softkey Complete the 1-port calibration, following the steps provided by the VNA user interface Procedure Measuring the Input Impedance: 1. Connect the rectifier to the reflection port of the VNA using an N-to-SMA adapter. 2. Change the output power level of the VNA to 18 dBm. This input power is higher than we will use in the final system, but most of the power will be reflected for an unmatched rectifier. To get a more accurate impedance measurement, we use a higher power. Note that the LED will be blinking strangely because the VNA is sweeping over a range of frequencies during measurement: • Press POWER • Input 18 dBm 3. Measure the input return loss and input impedance of the rectifier at the resonant frequency ω0 of the 9 cm loop. The input impedance should be in the lower right quadrant of the Smith chart. To read the input impedance: 107 • • • • • Press MEAS 1 Press FORMAT Select the Smith Chart softkey Press MARKER Move the marker to the resonant frequency ω0 of the 9 cm loop To measure the return loss: • Press FORMAT • Select the Log-Mag softkey Measured Data Record the following into your lab notebook: 1. Rectifier input return loss at ω = ω0 (input power: 18 dBm). 2. Rectifier input impedance at ω = ω0 (input power: 18 dBm). Analysis There are no analysis questions for this section. Questions 1. Why must we increase the power level of the VNA to measure the rectifier? Hint: What do we know about diodes? 5.5 Lab Write-Up For each section of the lab, include the following items in your write-up: • Overview of the procedure and analysis. • Measured data. • Calculations (show your work!). 108 • Any tables and printouts. • Comparisons and comments on results. • Answers to all questions. • A summary paragraph describing what you learned from this lab. 109 Lab Exercise 6: Impedance Matching and Frequency Tuning Contents 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Complex-Conjugate Matching 6.2.2 Matching Network Topologies 6.2.3 Solving for the Reactances 6.2.4 Capacitors vs. Inductor: Q Factor 6.2.5 Return Loss 6.2.6 (Optional Section) Matching Networks as Two-Port Networks 6.2.7 Matching for the Shielded-Loop Resonators 6.2.8 Analysis of Frequency-Tuned System EQ UIP M ENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EX P ERIM EN T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.1 (Pre-Lab) Designing the Matching Networks 6.4.2 Building the Matching Networks 6.4.3 Frequency-Tuned System LAB WRI T E-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P RE- LAB AS SIG NM EN T INT RO DU CTI ON . . . . 111 112 112 113 115 117 118 119 120 123 126 127 127 128 135 140 6 Lab Exercise 6: Impedance Matching and Frequency Tuning 6.1 Pre-Lab Assignment 1. Read the supporting material in the textbook. 2. Read through the lab. 3. Prior to the lab, summarize the experimental procedures in your lab notebook (1 paragraph per section): (a) Section 6.4.2 (b) Section 6.4.3 4. Find the optimal source and load impedances for the loops and design the matching networks, as described in the Section 6.4.1. 5. Design a matching network for the rectifier, as described in the Section 6.4.1. 111 6.2 Introduction In the previous two labs, inductively-coupled, shielded-loop resonators were introduced for the purposes of wireless non-radiative power transfer. In this lab, we will optimize the power transfer efficiency of the system using impedance matching and deliver power wirelessly to a light-emitting diode. To this end, we introduce the concept of complex-conjugate matching. 6.2.1 Complex-Conjugate Matching Consider the simple circuit shown in Fig. 6.1. We can find an expression for the power delivered to the load using simple circuit analysis. Figure 6.1: The reference circuit for complex-conjugate matching proof. The voltage across the load ZL and the current through it are: ZL (ZS + ZL ) vS i = (ZS + ZL ) vA = vS The voltages and currents are written in terms of phasors. The power, PD , delivered to the load, ZL , is: 112 1 |VS |2 Re{ZL } ∗ PD = Re{vA i } = 2 2 |ZS + ZL |2 (6.1) Using (6.1), the source impedance ZS for which maximum power is delivered to the load can be determined. Decomposing the complex impedances into real and imaginary components, ZS = RS + jXS and ZL = RL + jXL , we have: PD = |VS |2 Re{ZL } 2 ((RS + RL )2 + (XS + XL )2 ) (6.2) It can be easily shown using (6.2) that maximum power transfer occurs when: RS = RL XS = −XS In other words, maximum power is transferred when: ZS = ZL∗ (6.3) Similarly, it can be shown that for a two-port (two-terminal) system, power transfer is maximized for a simultaneous, complex-conjugate match at the two ports. In Fig. 6.2, the impedance ZIN into the first port of a two-port network is ZS∗ and the impedance ZOU T into the second port is ZL∗ . The power delivered from the voltage source v to the load ZL will therefore be maximized. Using matching networks, these impedance conditions are achievable. Next, we review how to construct these matching networks. 6.2.2 Matching Network Topologies Classes of Matching Networks Matching networks fall into two classes: transmission line and lumped element networks. We know that transmission lines can be used to match any impedance 113 Figure 6.2: An impedance-matched, two-port network. Here, both the firs and second port of the matching network present a complex-conjugate impedance match, resulting in maximum power transfer to the load ZL . on the Smith chart to another using prescribed lengths of lines and stubs. Our shielded-loop resonators operate at frequencies lower than 100 MHz, resulting in wavelengths too large to design a reasonably-sized matching network based on transmission lines. Instead, we wil use lumped-element matching networks. Lumped Element Topologies Figure 6.3: There are two “L” matching types: load-parallel-series (left) and load-series-parallel (right). Each can match to a finite set of load impedances ZL . The simplest lumped element topologies are shown in Fig. 6.3, where the reactance can be realized using capacitors and inductors. Using these topologies, any impedance on the Smith chart can be matched to another. More complex topologies, such as “π” networks or “T” networks, allow manipulation of bandwidth and other factors. The matching network topologies shown in Fig. 6.3 are called “L” matching networks. 114 6.2.3 Solving for the Reactances The prescribed reactances for “L” matching networks can be found using the Smith chart. Alternatively, the reactances can be determined analytically by a set of equations. There are two “L” matching topologies (see Fig. 6.3): loadparallel-series and load-series-parallel. A pair of equations have been derived for each topology that solves for the prescribed reactances to match to a given load impedance ZL . Load-Series-Parallel Figure 6.4: The load-series-parallel “L” matching network. Figure 6.4 shows the load-series-parallel “L” topology. Consider the matching network attached to a load ZL = RL + jXL . Setting the input impedance of the network to Z0 and solving for Xs and Xp , we derive the required reactances. There are two solutions to the problem: Solution 1: p RL (Z0 − RL ) − XL p (Z0 − RL )/RL Xp = Z0 Xs = (6.4) (6.5) Solution 2: p RL (Z0 − RL ) − XL p (Z0 − RL )/RL Xp = − Z0 Xs = − 115 (6.6) (6.7) Note that negative reactances are realized using capacitors and positive reactances are realized using inductors. From (6.5) and (6.7), we see that a real solution requires: RL < Z0 (6.8) Therefore, the load-series-parallel topology is limited to matching load impedances ZL that lie in the shaded region of the Smith chart in Fig. 6.5. Figure 6.5: The region of Smith chart for matching with load-series-parallel “L” topology, according to equation (6.8). Load-Parallel-Series Figure 6.6 shows the load-parallel-series “L” topology. Consider the matching network attached to a load ZL = RL + jXL . Setting the input impedance of the network to Z0 and solving for Xs and Xp , we derive the required reactances. Again, there are two solutions to the problem: 116 Figure 6.6: The load-parallel-series “L” matching network. Solution 1: Xp = XL + p RL /Z0 RL2 + XL2 − Z0 RL RL2 + XL2 1 XL Z0 Z0 Xs = ( ) + − Xp RL Xp RL p (6.9) (6.10) Solution 2: Xp = XL − p RL /Z0 RL2 + XL2 − Z0 RL RL2 + XL2 1 XL Z0 Z0 Xs = ( ) + − Xp RL Xp RL p (6.11) (6.12) Note that negative reactances are realized using capacitors and positive reactances are realized using inductors. To obtain real solutions for (6.9) - (6.12), the load impedances ZL are restricted to a mirror image of (6.8) on the Smith chart (see Fig. 6.7): Re 6.2.4 1 RL < 1 Z0 (6.13) Capacitor vs. Inductor: Q Factor The “L” matching networks shown in Fig. 6.3 can be implemented using inductors and capacitors. When matching to the characteristic impedance of the system, e.g. 117 Figure 6.7: The region of Smith chart for matching with load-parallel-series “L” topology, according to equation (6.13). Z0 = 50Ω, there is always more than one way to realize the match. However, in terms of resistive loss, it is generally best to use capacitors when possible. This is because inductors exhibit higher parasitic resistances. In other words, capacitors have a higher Q factor. The Q factor of a component is defined as the ratio of reactance to parasitic resistance: ωL (Inductor) R 1 Q , (Capacitor) ωCR Q , 6.2.5 (6.14) (6.15) Return Loss When a system is impedance-mismatched, power incident into the system is reflected. In circuit design, a figure of merit for the quality of a match is the return loss, defined in (6.16). Essentially, the return loss is the magnitude of the input 118 reflection coefficient. A negative sign is applied so that the number is always positive for a passive system. Return Loss = −20 log10 (|S11 |) 6.2.6 (6.16) (Optional Section) Matching Networks as Two-Port Networks In linear systems theory, two-port (two-terminal) networks are circuits that can be fully described mathematically using a 2x2 impedance matrix, as shown in (6.17). This impedance matrix relates the total currents and voltages at the two ports, shown in Fig. 6.8. “L” matching networks are examples of two-port networks, as shown in Fig. 6.9. V1 Z11 Z12 I1 = (6.17) V2 Z21 Z22 I2 Figure 6.8: A “black box” representation of a two-port network. By describing matching networks lossless, two-port networks, it can be shown that the following two statements are equivalent: • A load ZL at port 2 is matched to the characteristic impedance Z0 at port 1 (left side of Fig. 6.10). • If an impedance of Z0 is presented to port 1, the output impedance of the matching network will be ZL∗ (right side of Fig. 6.10). It is important to understand this equivalence when designing matching networks. 119 Figure 6.9: An “L” matching network represented as a two-port network. Figure 6.10: Matching network impedance relationships. For a lossless, two-port matching network, given an impedance Z0 measured for the network on the left, an impedance ZL∗ will be measured for the network on the right. 6.2.7 Matching for the Shielded-Loop Resonators Matching Two-Port Networks: Simultaneous Matching A system of coupled shielded-loop resonators also form a two-port network. In Section 6.2.1, it was mentioned that power transfer is maximized for a two-port network with a simultaneous, complex-conjugate impedance match at both ports, i.e. the input of the source loop and the output of the load loop. The keyword here is simultaneous. Suppose we wish to match our two-port system of coupled loops, and we begin by matching the input port. Having matched the input port, we match the output port. However, the matching network at the output will have disturbed the impedance match at the input. Therefore, we must achieve the impedance matches simultaneously. For our loops, we can do this using the equations derived in the next section. 120 Figure 6.11: Coupled RLC circuits with matching networks (assuming identical loops). The matching networks are represented by two-port “black boxes”. Matching the Loops as a Function of Distance Figure 6.11 depicts coupled RLC resonators attached to both source and load matching networks. Recall the input and output impedances of a system of inductivelycoupled RLC circuits (loops): Zin Zout 1 (ωM )2 = R1 + j ωL1 − + ωC1 R2 + ZL + j(ωL2 − 1 (ωM )2 = R2 + j ωL2 − + ωC2 R1 + ZS + j(ωL1 − 1 ) ωC2 1 ) ωC1 (6.18) (6.19) For a simultaneous, complex-conjugate match, we must ensure that: ∗ ZS = Zin ∗ ZL = Zout (6.20) (6.21) Using (6.18) - (6.21), it can be show that the required source and load impedances for a simultaneous, complex-conjugate match are: ZSOP T ZLOP T r j R1 R2 = − jωL1 + R22 + (ωM )2 ωC1 R2 R1 r j R2 = − jωL2 + R22 + (ωM )2 ωC2 R1 (6.22) (6.23) (6.24) 121 Assuming identical loops (R1 = R2 , L1 = L2 , C1 = C2 ), the optimal impedance values are: ZLOP T = ZSOP T = p j − jωL + R2 + (ωM )2 ωC (6.25) For our shielded-loop resonators, we must include the effects of the feedline. We must therefore provide a simultaneous conjugate match for the circuit depicted in Fig. 6.12. Figure 6.12: Coupled shielded-loop resonators with matching networks. The matching networks are represented by two-port “black boxes”. The impedance transformation resulting from the feedline can easily be taken into account using the following expressions from transmission-line theory: ZS − jZ0 tan (βl) Z0 − jZS tan (βl) ZL − jZ0 tan (βl) ZL0 = Z0 Z0 − jZL tan (βl) ZS0 = Z0 (6.26) (6.27) Here, ZS , ZS0 , ZL , and ZL0 are the impedances labeled in Fig. 6.12. We combine (6.25), (6.26) and (6.27) to find the impedance values for a simultaneous complexconjugate match of the coupled shielded-loop resonators: h ZLOP T = ZSOP T i p − jωL + R2 + (ωM )2 − jZ0 tan (βl) h i (6.28) = Z0 p j 2 2 Z0 − j ωC − jωL + R + (ωM ) tan (βl) j ωC 122 At the self-resonant frequency of the loops ω = ω0 : ZLOP T = ZSOP T hp i R2 + (ωM )2 − jZ0 tan (βl) hp i = Z0 Z0 − j R2 + (ωM )2 tan (βl) (6.29) Note that the conjugately-matched source and load impedances (given by (6.29)) depend on M, which decreases monotonically with increasing distance. Therefore, the conjugately-matched impedances depend on distance, making it difficult to maximize efficiency over a wide range of distances. Tunable matching are required to compensate for changes in mutual inductance in order to maintain a simultaneous complex-conjugate impedance match over all distances. However, such an impedance-tuned system is rather complex. Oftentimes, frequency tuning is employed to increase efficiency, since it is a tradeoff between efficiency and system complexity. Frequency tuning was briefly introduced in Lab 5, but a more rigorous analysis will now be performed. 6.2.8 Analysis of Frequency-Tuned System Maximum Power Transfer Efficiency Recall from Lab 5 that if the mutual coupling between the loops is strong, two additional resonant frequencies appear in addition to the resonant frequency ω0 of the isolated loops given by (6.30). The frequency above ω0 is called the even mode and the one below is called the odd mode, given by (6.31). 1 ) = 0 =⇒ ω = ω0 ωC 1 (ωL − ) = (ωM )2 − (R + RL )2 ωC (ωL − (6.30) (6.31) Recall that the power transfer efficiency is equal to the magnitude squared of the transmission coefficient |S21 | if the source and load impedances are 50Ω: η , |S21 |2 123 (6.32) For a system operating at the resonant frequency ω0 given by (6.30), the power transfer efficiency is: η= 4RL2 (ω0 M )2 ((R + RL )2 + (ω0 M )2 )2 (6.33) (6.34) For an impedance-matched system, the magnetically-coupled loops are always in weak coupling, for a realistic system with R 6= 0. This can be seen by comparing (6.25) and the strong coupling condition (6.35): (ωM ) > (R + RL ) RL = p R2 + (ωM )2 =⇒ ωM < R + RL (6.35) (weakly-coupled) (6.36) Substituting (6.25) into (6.33), the maximum possible power transfer for a system operating at ω0 under a simultaneous, conjugate impedance match can be derived: ηmax 4 [R2 + (w0 M )2 ] (w0 M )2 = 2 2 p 2 2 2 R + R + (w0 M ) + (w0 M ) (6.37) As can be seen from the expression, the maximum possible efficiency increases with increasing M (decreasing loop separation). Operation at Critical Coupling Consider a conjugately-matched wireless non-radiative power transfer system operating at ω0 . If M increases (distance decreases), the system will become slightly mismatched, but the efficiency still increases until the critical coupling distance is reached. This can be verified by showing that η is maximum when ω0 M = R + RL . In other words: 124 δη =0 δM when ω0 M = R + RL (6.38) The right hand side of (6.38) is the familiar critical coupling condition. For ω0 M > R + RL (shorter distances), the efficiency begins to drop off, as shown in Fig. 6.13. At the critical coupling distance, defined by ω0 M = R + RL , the even mode frequency, odd mode frequency, and ω0 all coincide. The efficiency η at critical coupling can be found by substituting ω0 M = R + RL into (6.33) to obtain: η= RL2 (R + RL )2 Operation at an Even or Odd Mode: Strong Coupling Equation (6.2.8) also holds for a system operating in strong coupling at an even or odd mode. For shorter distances (ω0 M > R + RL ), the efficiency stays constant when operating at the even and odd mode frequencies but drops off with distance when operating at ω0 . Therefore, operating at either the even or odd mode will yield higher efficiency than operating at ω0 , when the matching networks are fixed. Frequency Tuning To maintain resonance, one solution is to tune the elements of the system as the mutual coupling changes. An alternative is to frequency tune, in order to operate at the even or odd mode frequencies and maintain a constant efficiency. The frequency of operation varies with mutual coupling (distance). A frequency-tuned system would be designed as follows: 1. Pick a distance for providing an impedance match. 2. As the loops come together and enter strong coupling, the excitation frequency of the system is tuned to either the even or the odd mode in order to achieve a constant efficiency (assuming R and RL remain constant with frequency). 125 Figure 6.13: An example of power transfer efficiency for a system of coupled shielded-loop resonators under various operating conditions: constant frequency, frequency tuning, and maximum efficiency (perfect impedance match at all distances). From (6.29), a larger matching distance requires a smaller load resistance RL . From (6.2.8), a smaller load resistance RL yields lower efficiencies. A tradeoff must be made between distance and efficiency. 6.3 Equipment • HP8712C vector network analyzer • HP8648B signal generator • Two 9 cm shielded-loop resonators • N-type coaxial cable (at least 4 feet long) (male/male) • Three N-type coaxial cables (at least 2 feet long) (male/male) • Three N/female to 3.5mm SMA/male adapters • Distance-marked PVC pipe • Two tripods 126 • SMA-to-SMA adapter (female-to-female) • Three PCBs for building matching networks • Full-wave bridge rectifier • Assortment of capacitors: 1 pF to 1000 pF (1206 package) • Assortment of inductors: 3.3 nH to 1.2 uH (1206 package) • A soldering iron • Solder 6.4 6.4.1 Experiment (Pre-Lab) Designing the Matching Networks In this section, you will be designing “L” matching networks for both the loops and the rectifier. Two identical matching networks will be designed for the loops, while a different network will be designed for the rectifier. Setup There is no setup for this section. Procedure Find the optimal source and load impedance for the loops: 1. After reviewing Section 6.2.8, choose a matching distance. Recommended distances are anywhere between 5 cm and 20 cm. 2. From Lab 5, determine the mutual coupling, M , at this distance. 3. From Lab 4, recall the resistance R of the loop’s RLC circuit. 4. Setting ω = ω0 , use (6.29) to determine the optimal source and load impedance. Because the system is symmetric, these impedances are equal: ZS = ZL . 127 5. Take the complex conjugate of your answer. This is the value that must be matched to Z0 = 50Ω (see Section 6.2.6 and Fig. 6.12). 6. Use Section 6.2.3 to solve for the prescribed reactances. The impedance should be in the upper half of the Smith chart, and it should be possible to match using only capacitors! Designing the matching network for the rectifier: 1. Locate the input impedance of the rectifier, measured in Lab 5, on the Smith chart. You do not need to take the complex conjugate of this value (why?). 2. Use Section 6.2.3 to solve for the prescribed reactances. The impedance should be in the lower half of the Smith chart. You will likely need an inductor to match the rectifier. Measured Data There is no measured data for this section. Analysis There are no analysis questions for this section. Questions There are no questions for this section. 6.4.2 Building the Matching Networks In this section, you will be building and testing the matching networks. The GSI will provide PCBs and components to build the matching networks. 128 Testing Matching Networks There are two ways to test a matching network: measuring the output impedance of the matching network and measuring the return loss of the load with the matching network attached. In this experiment, we will be doing both, but let’s first discuss how to measure the output impedance of the matching network. We know that a matching network should present complex-conjugate impedance to a given load ZL when the characteristic impedance Z0 is connected to its first port (see Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.6). Therefore, we can test the matching network by connecting an impedance Z0 to its first port and measuring impedance of the second port. Recall that the second port is that connected to the load ZL . As an example, consider the load matching network for the loops (see Figure 6.12). In this case, the “first port” is shown on the right side. Disconnecting the load matching network from the loops, we can measure the impedance. In the experiment, we will use the VNA transmission port to present Z0 , as in Fig. 6.14, since its input impedance is Z0 = 50Ω. Figure 6.14: Test procedure for measuring the output impedance of the matching network. The VNA transmission port provides an impedance Z0 to the matching network. Setup 1. Attach the male-to-male N-type coaxial cable (at least 2 feet long) to the reflection port of the VNA. 2. Perform a 1-port calibration of the VNA: 129 • • • • • • • • • • • • Press FREQ Select the Start Freq softkey Input 1 MHz and press ENTER Select the Stop Frequency softkey Input 150 MHz and press ENTER Press MENU Select the Number of Points softkey Input 801 and press ENTER Press MEAS 1 Press CAL Select the One Port softkey Complete the 1-port calibration, following the steps provided by the VNA user interface Procedure Building the matching network for the loops: 1. Find circuit components with values closest to what was determined analytically. 2. Solder the circuit components to the appropriate locations on the PCB. The male SMA connector will be used to connect to the loops. Knowing this, solder the parallel component on the correct side. 3. Make sure that all solder joints are properly formed. 4. Build a second matching network in an identical manner. One is required for each loop. Building the matching network for the rectifier: 1. Find circuit components with values closest to what was determined analytically. 2. Solder the circuit components in the appropriate locations on the PCB. The male SMA connector will be used to connect to the rectifier. Knowing this, solder the parallel component on the correct side. 3. Make sure that all solder joints are properly formed. 130 For the rectifier’s matching network, perform the following procedure: 1. Recall Section 6.4.2. Connect the reflection port of the VNA to the port of the matching network designed for the rectifier input (the side of the matching network with the male SMA connector). You will need an N-toSMA adapter and the SMA-to-SMA adapter (female-to-female). 2. Connect the transmission port to the other port of the matching network using an N-to-SMA adapter. 3. Measure the input impedance seen by the VNA at the resonant frequency of the 9 cm loop. This is the output impedance of the matching network. To perform the measurement: • • • • • Press MEAS 1 Press FORMAT Select the Smith Chart softkey Press MARKER Move the marker to the resonant frequency of the 9 cm loop to view the impedance 4. The measured impedance should be the complex conjugate of the load impedance ZL for which the match is designed (see Sec. 6.2.6). If the impedance is significantly off, make sure that the matching network was properly soldered. 5. Having tested the impedances presented by the matching network, we will attach it and measure the input return loss of the matched rectifier. Detach the connections between the VNA and the matching network. 6. Connect the matching network to the rectifier. The male SMA of the matching network should connect directly to the rectifier. There should be no long lengths of cable connecting the two (why?). 7. Connect the matched rectifier to the reflection port of the VNA. 8. Change the output power level of the VNA to 13 dBm: • Press POWER • Input 13 dBm 9. If the LED doesn’t light up, then there is a connection problem in your 131 system. 10. Measure the input return loss of the matched rectifier at ω = ω0 : • • • • • Press MEAS 1 Press FORMAT Select the Log Mag softkey Press MARKER Move the marker to the resonant frequency of the 9 cm loop to view the magnitude of the reflection coefficient 11. A good input return loss is at least 10 dB. If the match is worse than this at ω = ω0 , check all connections. Note that the rectifier may just be difficult to match to. 12. Remove the matched rectifier from the VNA. For both of the designed loop matching networks, perform the following procedure: 1. Recall Section 6.4.2. Connect the reflection port to the port of the matching network that is designed to be connected to the loop (the side with the male SMA connector). You will need an N-to-SMA adapter and the SMA-toSMA adapter (female-to-female). 2. Connect the transmission port to the other port of the matching network using an N-to-SMA adapter. 3. Measure the input impedance seen by the VNA at the resonant frequency of the 9 cm loop. This is the output impedance of the matching network. To perform the measurement: • • • • • Press MEAS 1 Press FORMAT Select the Smith Chart softkey Press MARKER Move the marker to the resonant frequency of the 9 cm loop to view the impedance 4. The measured impedance should be the complex conjugate of the load impedance ZL for which the match is designed (see Sec. 6.2.6). If the impedance is sig132 nificantly off, make sure that the matching network was properly soldered. The measured impedance should be on the bottom half of the Smith chart and should be the same value that was computed using (6.29). Measure the return loss of the matched system of loops: 1. Having tested and verified the impedances presented by the matching networks, we can attach them and measure the input return loss of the complete system at the matching distance. Detach the connections between the VNA and the matching networks. 2. Connect the matching networks, one to each loop. The male SMA of the matching networks should connect directly to the loops. A long length of cable should not be used to connect the two (why?). 3. Connect the input loop (either loop) to the reflection port of the VNA. Connect the load loop (the other loop) to the transmission port of the VNA. 4. Hook the two loops onto the distance-marked PVC pipe. Suspend the pipe and loops above the table using the two tripods. 5. Measure the input return loss of the system at ω = ω0 for coupling distances from 2cm to 26cm (2cm increments) and at the matching distance, aligning the loops coaxially: • • • • • Press MEAS 1 Press FORMAT Select the Log Mag softkey Press MARKER Move the marker to the resonant frequency of the 9 cm loop to view the magnitude of the reflection coefficient 6. A good input return loss is at least 10 dB. If the match is worse than this around the matching distance at ω = ω0 , check all connections. 7. Move the loops away from the matching distance and observe the behavior of the input reflection coefficient. 133 Measured Data 1. Loop matching network #1: Measured output impedance (input power: 13 dBm) 2. Loop matching network #2: Measured output impedance (input power: 13 dBm) 3. Rectifier matching network: Measured output impedance 4. Input return loss of matched rectifier 5. Input return loss of the matched system of loops at the matching distance 6. Input return loss of the matched system of loops at: Distance (cm.) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Input Return Loss Recall that return loss is defined as: Return Loss = −20 log10 (|S11 |) Analysis There are no analysis questions for this section 134 (6.39) Questions • Why shouldn’t we use a length of cable between the matching networks and the loops or the rectifier and its matching network? Why doesn’t it matter whether we have a length of line between the matched rectifier and the matched loops? 6.4.3 Frequency-Tuned System Setup 1. Calibrate the reflection port of VNA, as detailed in Section 6.4.2. 2. Attach the male-to-male N-type coaxial cable (at least 4 feet long) to the transmission port of the VNA. 3. Perform a calibration on the transmission port of the VNA: • • • • Press MEAS 2 Press CAL Select the Response softkey Complete the 2-port calibration, following the steps provided by the VNA user interface 4. If the system of matched loops (without the rectifier) is not connected to the VNA, connect them. Procedure Efficiency at Constant Operating Frequency: 1. Determine S21 (in dB) of the system for coupling distances of 2 cm to 26 cm (2 cm increments) at ω = ω0 , aligning the loops coaxially: 135 • • • • • • • Press MEAS 2 Press FORMAT Press the Log Mag softkey Press SCALE Press the Autoscale softkey Press MARKER Move the marker to the resonant frequency of the 9 cm loop Find the strong coupling resonances: 1. For coupling distances of 2 cm to 26 cm (2 cm increments), find the resonant frequency of the coupled system, i.e. the frequencies with the lowest input reflection coefficient. Align the loops coaxially for maximum coupling. For strong coupling, there will be three resonant frequencies. The even and odd mode frequencies will have the lowest input reflection coefficient, so record both of these frequencies. Also note which distances are in strong coupling. To setup these measurements: • • • • • Press MEAS 1 Press FORMAT Press the Log Mag softkey Press SCALE Press the Autoscale softkey 2. Find the critical coupling distance. Efficiency of Frequency-Tuned System: 1. For coupling distances of 2 cm to 26 cm (2 cm increments), use the data collected in the previous steps to tune to the resonant frequency. When the loops are in strong coupling, tune to the lower frequency (odd mode). Record S21 (in dB) at all distances for this frequency-tuned system into your lab notebook: • Press MEAS 2 • Press FORMAT • Press the Log Mag softkey • Press SCALE • Press the Autoscale softkey 136 Measure the input return loss of the complete system: 1. Disconnect the loops from the VNA. 2. Connect the matched rectifier to the matched load loop using a new maleto-male N-type coaxial cable (why doesn’t the length matter here?) and two N-to-SMA adapters. 3. Connect the matched source loop to the reflection port of the VNA. 4. Change the output power level of the VNA to 14.5 dBm: • Press POWER • Input 14.5 dBm 5. Align the loops coaxially at a coupling distance equal to the matching distance. 6. Measure the input return loss of the complete system at ω = ω0 : • • • • • Press MEAS 1 Press FORMAT Select the Log Mag softkey Press MARKER Move the marker to the resonant frequency of the 9 cm loop to view the magnitude of the reflection coefficient Lighting up the LED: 1. Remove the connections from the loops to the VNA. 2. Turn on the signal generator. 3. Turn the RF off on the signal generator: • Press RF ON/OFF so that ”RF OFF” displays 4. Connect the matched input loop to the signal generator. Use another N-type coaxial cable. 5. With the loops separated by their matching distance, turn on the RF on the signal generator, with the frequency set to the resonant frequency of the loops: 137 • • • • • Press FREQUENCY Input the frequency and press ENTER Press AMPLITUDE Input the 14.5 dBm and press ENTER Press RF ON/OFF so that ”RF OFF” does not display 6. Now push the loops farther apart. Observe the behavior of the LED. 7. Move the loops back to their matching distance. Now move them closer together. Observe the behavior of the LED. 8. With the loops in strong coupling, i.e. when the LED begins to dim as the loops are moved close together, tune the frequency of the source to achieve maximum brightness in the LED. Try using the even and odd mode resonant frequencies determined earlier in this section. Measured Data 1. For distances in strong coupling, record the even and odd mode frequencies: Distance (cm.) Odd Mode Frequency 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Even Mode Frequency 2. Record the efficiency data. For distances in strong coupling, record frequencytuned efficiency at the odd mode frequency: 138 Distance (cm.) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 |S21 | (Constant Frequency) |S21 | (Frequency-Tuned) 3. Input return loss of completely matched system at the matching distance (input power: 14.5 dBm) 4. Critical coupling distance Analysis 1. Using (6.33), determine the theoretical power transfer efficiency η at ω = ω0 for coupling distances of 2 cm to 26 cm in 2 cm steps. 2. Using (6.2.8), determine the theoretical power transfer efficiency at the even or odd mode frequency for coupling distances of 2 cm to 26 cm in 2 cm steps. 3. Using (6.37) and the circuit values from the previous labs, plot the maximum power transfer efficiency at coupling distances of 2 cm to 26 cm in 2 cm steps. Questions 1. How does the input reflection coefficient of the matched system behave as the loops are moved away from the matching distance? 139 2. Plot the theoretical efficiency vs measured efficiency for the constant frequency system. How do they compare? 3. Does the coupling distance with minimum return loss correspond to the coupling distance with maximum S21 for a constant w0 system? 4. Plot the theoretical efficiency vs measured efficiency for the frequencytuned system. How do they compare? 5. Why is the critical coupling distance here different from the unmatched case? 6.5 Lab Write-Up For each section of the lab, include the following items in your write-up: • Overview of the procedure and analysis. • Measured data. • Calculations (show your work!). • Any tables and printouts. • Comparisons and comments on results. • Answers to all questions. • A summary paragraph describing what you learned from this lab. 140 Appendices A - E. Equipment and component reference guide EECS 230 TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix A: HP 8712C Network Analyze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1 List Of Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix B: Agilent DSO-X 2012A Digital Oscilloscope . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1 List Of Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix C: HP 8648B RF Signal Sourc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.1 List Of Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix D: Adapters, Cables, Connectors, And Components . . . . . . . . . . D.1 Connector Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.2 Adaptors And Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.3 Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix E: Error Analysi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.1 Measurement Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.2 Derived Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.3 Error Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1 A.1 B.1 B.1 C.1 C.1 D.1 D.2 D.3 D.6 D.8 E.1 E.1 E.2 E.2 HP 8712C Network Analyzer The HP 8712C network analyzer is used in several of the labs to perform both amplitude and phase measurements of reflections caused by various loads. The front panel of the HP 8712C network analyzer is shown in Fig. A.1. Numeric Key Pad Display Disk Drive Control Knob System Keys Softkeys Configure Keys Channel 1 Power Measurement Keys Channel 2 Source Keys Figure A.1: The HP 8712C network analyzer front panel. A.1 L IST O F P ROCEDURES The procedures used in the processes of making measurements with the HP 8712C network analyzer in the various labs are listed in this section for easy referencing. The procedures listed use specific numerical examples. Substitute the desired numerical value when performing the procedure. Autoscaling Press SCALE followed by the Autoscale softkey Adding Electrical Delay Press SCALE Press the Electrical Delay softkey Rotate the knob on the network analyzer to add the desired amount of electrical delay A.1 A.2 HP 8712C NETWORK ANALYZER Calibration - Cable Press CAL Press the Calibrate Cable softkey Press the Specify Length softkey Enter the length of the patch cord in feet and press ENTER Press the Measure Cable softkey Calibration - Fault Location Press CAL Press the Full Band Cal softkey Connect the open termination from the calibration kit and press the Measure Standard softkey Remove the open and connect the short termination from the calibration kit and press the Measure Standard softkey Remove the short and connect the matched termination from the calibration kit and press the Measure Standard softkey Note: It will take a few seconds for the network analyzer to measure the calibration loads due to the large bandwidth being used. Calibration - Single Channel Press CAL Press the One Port softkey Connect the N jack-jack adapter to the end of the N patch cord Connect the open standard from the calibration kit to the end of the patch cord and press the Measure Standard softkey Remove the open standard and connect the short standard from the calibration kit. Press the Measure Standard softkey Remove the short standard and connect the matched (50 %) standard from the calibration kit. Press the Measure Standard softkey Changing The Display Format Press FORMAT Press the desired softkey (e.g. Phase) A.1 LIST OF PROCEDURES Configuring The Printer Press HARD COPY Select the parallel output port and printer type – Press the Select Copy Port softkey – Use the and keys to select the configuration which corresponds to: Device Type: HP Printer Language: PCL HardCopy Port: Parallel Port – Press the Select softkey – Press the Prior Menu softkey Configure the graph and printer settings – Press the Define Hardcopy softkey – Press the Graph Only softkey – Press the Prior Menu softkey – Press the Define Printer softkey – Press the Monochrome softkey – Press the Landscape softkey Set the printer resolution to 150 dpi. – Press the More Printer softkey – Press the Printer Resolution softkey – Enter 1 5 0 and press the Enter softkey Set the printer switch box to output channel B. Customizing Titles Press the Enter Line 1 softkey Enter desired title – Use the knob on the front panel to highlight the desired character – Press the Sel Char softkey – Repeat for all characters. To enter a space, press the Space softkey. To move back a character, press the Backspace softkey. – Press the Enter softkey when done Displaying data and memory on the screen Press DISPLAY Press the Data and Memory softkey A.3 A.4 HP 8712C NETWORK ANALYZER Displaying data only on the screen Press DISPLAY Press the Data softkey Displaying the date and time on the screen Display the date and time on the screen. – Press DISPLAY – Press the More Display softkey – Press the Title and Clock softkey – Press the Show Clock on Line 2 softkey Fault Location Measurements Press BEGIN Press the Cable softkey Press the Fault Location softkey Press the Feet softkey Markers Press MARKER Press the Marker X softkey, where X is the desired marker number Enter the desired frequency in MHz using the numeric key pad and press the MHz softkey The marker should be located at the entered frequency and the value at that point displayed in the upper corner of the screen. Measuring Cable Loss After performing a cable calibration Press CAL Press the Cable Loss softkey Measuring Cable Velocity Factor After performing a cable calibration Press CAL Press the Velocity Factor softkey A.1 LIST OF PROCEDURES Measuring Reflections Press MEAS X , where X is the desired channel (1 or 2) Press the Reflection softkey Number of Points Press MENU Press the Number of Points softkey Enter the desired number of points Press ENTER Printing The Display Add a descriptive title (in addition to the title you added previously) – Press DISPLAY – Press the More Display softkey – Press the Title and Clock softkey – Press the Enter Line 1 softkey – Add the descriptive title (i.e. Short Uncal) * Use the knob on the front panel to highlight the desired character * Press the Sel Char softkey * Repeat for all characters. To enter a space, press the Space softkey. To move back a character, press the Backspace softkey. * Press the Enter softkey when done Press HARD COPY Press the Start softkey Saving Calibration Coefficients And Instrument State Press SAVE RECALL Press the Define Save softkey Press the Inst State softkey until On is selected Press the Cal softkey until On is selected Press the Data softkey until Off is selected Press the Prior Menu softkey Press the File Utilities softkey Press the Directory Utilities softkey A.5 A.6 HP 8712C NETWORK ANALYZER keys to select the EECS230 directory Press the Change Directory softkey Use the and keys to select the SECxxx directory, where xxx is your three digit lab section number. Press the Change Directory softkey Press the Prior Menu softkey Press the Save State softkey. A new file name of the form STATEy.STA, where y is an incremental counter starting at 0 will appear in the current directory. This file contains the state of the network analyzer, including the calculated calibration coefficients. Press the File Utilities softkey Press the Rename File softkey Press the Clear Entry softkey Enter the desired file name. The file name must be a legal DOS file name. Press the Enter softkey Saving Data In Memory Press DISPLAY Press the Data Memory softkey Setting the Bandpass Maximum Span (Fault Location) Press FREQ Press the Fault Loc Freq softkey Press the Bandpass softkey Press the Bandpass Max Span softkey Enter the desired span using the numeric keypad Press ENTER Setting the Start Distance Press MENU Press the Distance softkey Press the Start Distance softkey Enter the desired distance Press ENTER A.1 LIST OF PROCEDURES Setting the Start Frequency Press FREQ Press the Start softkey Enter the desired frequency using the key pad and press the MHz softkey Setting the Stop Distance Press MENU Press the Distance softkey Press the Stop Distance softkey Enter the desired distance Press ENTER Setting the Stop Frequency Press FREQ Press the Stop softkey Enter the desired frequency using the numeric key pad and press the MHz softkey Setup Turn the network analyzer on and wait for the instrument to perform its self test. Press PRESET Turn channel 2 off. – Press MEAS 2 – Press the Meas OFF softkey Set the display to show only channel 1 – Press DISPLAY – Press the More Display softkey – Press the SPLIT Disp full SPLIT softkey until only channel 1 is displayed (FULL will be displayed in all caps and split will be displayed in all lowercase letters) A.7 AGILENT DSO-X 2012A DIGITAL OSCILLOSCOPE Measurement Keys Soft Keys Channel 2 Channel 1 Fig B.1: Agilent DSO-X 2012A Digital Oscilloscope front panel B.1 LIST OF PROCEDURES The procedures used in the processes of making measurements with the Agilent DSO-X 2012A oscilloscope in the various labs are listed in this section for easy referencing. The procedures listed use specific numerical examples. Substitute the desired numerical value when performing the procedure. Adjusting Oscilloscope Display • Press Autoscale OR • • Set V/div knob right above active channel button to scale the signal in vertical direction. Set the horizontal knob at the top left side of the keys to scale time axis. At least 2 period of the signal should be displayed. Averaging • • • • Press Acquire button under measurement Keys Press Acq Mode soft key until you choose Averaging Push the # Avgs button, then choose desired averaging number To turn off averaging, choose Normal in Acq Mode soft key B.1 Saving the Data and Capturing Display of Oscilloscope to Computer • • • • Run the “Intuilink Data Capture” program on your computer Under “Instrument,” choose the second one from the top, which is either “Agilent 2000/3000 Series” or “DSO-X 2012A” Setup Add-In properties, choose Number of Points as 1000 and select the channels. If any channel on the scope is not active, it is not selectable in this setup. After hitting the “OK” button, the scope display picture and data is acquired into the program. Both the picture and the data can be saved in an appropriate file format. Using Cursor to Find Voltage and Time Differences • • • Push the “Cursors” button under measurement keys. For measuring the voltage difference (ΔV or ΔY ), choose cursor Y1 in soft key and level it to the voltage level of the first point by using cursor knob. Choose Y2 and do the same thing for the second point. Record ΔY. For measuring the time difference (ΔX or Δt ), choose cursor X1 in soft key and set it to the first point by using cursor knob. Choose X2 and do the same thing for the second point. Record ΔX. Measuring Signal Amplitudes • • • • Push “Meas” button under Measure keys Push “Type” soft key until desired voltage measurement selected (peak-peak, peak, amplitude etc.) Push “Add Measurement” soft key Use cursors to find voltage and time difference between any two points you choose Measuring the Phase Shifts or Time Delays Between Channels • • • • Push “Meas” button under Measure keys Push “Type” soft key until Phase or Delay is selected Push “Add Measurement” soft key Use cursors to find voltage and time difference between any two points you choose B.2 HP 8648B RF Signal Source The HP 8648B RF signal source is used in several of the labs to provide the test signal. The output of the HP 8648B RF signal source is a sine wave at the selected frequency and amplitude. In addition, the signal can be modulated by either an FM or AM signal. The front panel of the HP 8648B RF signal source is shown in Fig. C.1. Increment control Function Keys Display Data entry key pad Frequency control Amplitude control RF On/Off Memory Power HP-IB Modulation RF output input/output Attenuation hold on/off Modulation control Figure C.1: HP 8648B RF Signal Source front panel C.1 L IST O F P ROCEDURES The procedures used in the processes of making measurements using the HP 8648B RF signal source in the various labs are listed in this section for easy referencing. The procedures listed use specific numerical examples. Substitute the desired numerical value when performing the procedure. Adding A 1 kHz, 50% AM Modulation Press INT 1 kHz Press Mod On/Off until modulation is On Press AM followed by 5 0 % µV C.1 C.2 HP 8648B RF SIGNAL SOURCE Changing The frequency Press Frequency followed by the desired frequency (e.g. 5 0 0 ) followed by kHz mV Configuring The HP 8648B To Output A 0 dBm, Non-Modulated, 50 kHz Signal Press Mod On/Off until the modulation is turned Off. Press Amplitude followed by 0 MHz dB(m) Press Frequency followed by 5 0 to set the amplitude to 0 dBm. kHz mV to set the output frequency to 50 kHz. Press RF On/Off until the RF output is On. If at any point you make a mistake entering a number, you can use the last number entered. key to delete the Adapters, Cables, Connectors, And Components This section contains photographs for most of the cables, connectors, adapters, and components used in the labs for quick and easy reference. D.1 C ONNECTOR T YPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.2 D.2 A DAPTERS AND C ONNECTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.3 BNC Jack To BNC Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.3 BNC Plug To BNC Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.3 BNC Jack To N Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.3 BNC Plug To N Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.3 BNC ‘Y’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4 BNC ‘Tee’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4 N Jack To N Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4 N Plug To N Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4 N ‘Tee’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.5 D.3 C ABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.6 Alligator To Alligator Plugs (Alligator Cable) . . . . . . . . . . . . D.6 Banana To Alligator Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.6 Banana To Banana Plugs (Banana Cable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.6 BNC To BNC Cable (BNC Cable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.7 BNC To Banana Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.7 N To N Cable (N Cable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.7 D.4 C OMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.8 Button Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.8 Digital Function Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.8 Halogen Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.8 Lossy Line Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.9 Matched Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.9 Microphone Pre-amp Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.9 Mounting Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.10 Microphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.10 Multi-meter (HP 973A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.11 Open/Short Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.11 Printer Switch Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.12 Ripple Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.12 Ripple Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.12 Scanner Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.13 Short Termination (see Open/Short Termination) . . . . . . . . . . D.11 Single Stub Tuner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.14 Slotted Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.14 Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.14 Speaker Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.15 Stop Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.15 Strobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.16 Unknown Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.16 Voltage Divider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.16 D.1 D.2 ADAPTERS, CABLES, CONNECTORS, AND COMPONENTS D.1 C ONNECTOR TYPES There are several types of connectors available on the commercial market. The main parameters that determine which type of connector is used include: existing connector type, size, loss, and frequency. Some typical types of connectors include: BNC, N, F, RCA, SMA, and GR. In this lab course, you will encounter three different types of connectors, BNC and N. Each of these connector types are pictured in Fig. D.1. (a) BNC (b) N Figure D.1: BNC and N connectors D.2 ADAPTERS AND CONNECTORS D.2 A DAPTERS AND BNC Jack To BNC Jack Quantity per station: 1 BNC Plug To BNC Plug Quantity per station: 2 BNC Jack To N Plug Quantity per station: 1 BNC Plug To N Jack Quantity per station: 1 C ONNECTORS D.3 D.4 ADAPTERS, CABLES, CONNECTORS, AND COMPONENTS BNC ‘Y’ Quantity per station: 1 BNC ‘Tee’ Quantity per station: 1 N Jack To N Jack Quantity per station: 3 N Plug To N Plug Quantity per station: 2 D.2 ADAPTERS AND CONNECTORS N ‘Tee’ Quantity per station: 2 We also have the SMA female-to-female adapters and the N-female to SMA-male adapters. Each station will require 1 of the first and 3 of the second. D.5 D.6 ADAPTERS, CABLES, CONNECTORS, AND COMPONENTS D.3 C ABLES Alligator To Alligator Plugs (Alligator Cable) Quantity per station: 5 Banana To Alligator Plugs Quantity per station: 2 red, 2 black Banana To Banana Plugs (Banana Cable) Quantity per station: 5 red, 5 black D.3 CABLES D.7 BNC To BNC Cable (BNC Cable) Quantity per station: 1-12 , 2-24 , 1-180 BNC To Banana Cable Quantity per station: 1 N To N Cable (N Cable) Quantity per station: 4 D.8 ADAPTERS, CABLES, CONNECTORS, AND COMPONENTS D.4 C OMPONENTS Lossy Line Simulator Quantity per station: 1 Used in Lab: 2 Matched Termination Quantity per station: 1 Used in Lab: 1 Multi-meter (HP 973A) Quantity per station: 1 Used in Lab: 6 D.9 Open/Short Termination Quantity per station: 1 Used in Lab: 1, 2 Note: The short termination and open termination are contained on the same load. The arrows on the load indicate which end is the short termination and which end is the open termination. Printer Switch Box Quantity per station: 1 Used in Lab: 1, 2 Short Termination (See Section D.4: Open/Short Termination) Single Stub Tuner Quantity per station: 1 Used in Lab: 1, 2 Slotted Line Quantity per station: 1 Used in Lab: 1 D.10 ADAPTERS, CABLES, CONNECTORS, AND COMPONENTS Unknown Load Quantity per station: 1 Used in Lab: 2 Voltage Divider Quantity per station: 1 Used in lab: 1 E.1. MEASUREMENT ERRORS E.1 Error Analysis Errors are not the same thing as mistakes. An error is the difference between what a quantity actually is and what it was measured to be. For example, if a rod were exactly 341.078 mm long but measured to be 341.0 mm, then the error is −0.078 mm, or −0.023%. No one can measure anything exactly: all measurements have some level of uncertainty. Knowing the errors of a measurement means you know the quality of the measurement. If a second measurement of the rod reported the same length of 341.0 mm with an estimated error of 2 mm, the second measurement would not be as good as the first A good scientist or engineer always reports the quality of the numbers they are working with, so that they, and others, know how good the results are. Also, knowledge of the errors of two measurements of the same thing allows the two measurements to be compared to see if they agree. A third measurement of the rod with a reported length of 342.0 mm and an estimated error of 2 mm wouldn’t be as good a measurement as the first but it would agree with both of the other measurements. A fourth measurement with a reported length of 346 mm and an estimated error of 1 mm wouldn’t agree with any of the other measurements. So, unless the rod has physically changed, there is at least one mistake in the measurements. E.1 Measurement Errors Obviously, if nothing can be measured exactly, errors can’t be quantifie exactly. Errors must be estimated. There are two primary ways of estimating the error of a measurement: • Knowing in advance of the measurement how good it could be • Repeating the measurement many times to see how much it varies. The measurement of the rod is an example of a measurement for which the error can be estimated in advance. Rulers have a smallest unit that can be measured, e.g., 1 mm, so the error of all measurements made with that ruler must be within ±0.5 mm. A voltmeter that reads 3.89 V on the display has an error of at least ±0.005 V, since the smallest unit measured by the voltmeter is 0.01 V. Sometimes it is easier to repeat a measurement a number of times, and report “the measurement” as the average of the measurements and the estimate of the error as the standard deviation of the measurements. The errors in the measurements of time are most easily estimated by calculating the standard deviation of a set of measurements. The formula for the standard deviation of a set of measurements {t1 , t2 , . . . , tN } is given by v u u std dev = t 1 N −1 Ãà N X t=1 where the mean of t is given by N 1X t= ti . n i=1 t2i ! − Nt 2 ! (E.1) E.2 ERROR ANALYSIS E.2 D ERIVED QUANTITIES Often we aren’t interested in the measurements themselves but in something derived from them. For example, the velocity of an object can be derived from measurements of the time it takes to travel a measured distance. Suppose the measured distance is l 2 m with an error of -l 0 1 m and the measured time is t 1 s with an error of -t 0 15 s. Then the velocity is v l t 2 1 2 m/s. A "quick and dirty" estimate for the error of the velocity measurement can be found from l t -l -t v (E.2) -v There are actually four equations in (E.2): each on the left side of the equation must be evaluated separately. The largest resulting -v is the estimate of the error. The four calculations for the error of the velocity are 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 01 0 15 01 0 15 01 0 15 01 0 15 2 0 17 (E.3) 2 0 35 (E.4) 2 0 47 (E.5) 2 0 24 (E.6) and so -v 0 47 m/s. The estimate of the error is always a positive quantity, because it is understood that it can be added to or subtracted from the reported value. In this example, the true velocity can be anywhere in the range 2 0 47 m/s. This technique is crude, and it overestimates the error of derived quantities, but that is better than underestimatingthe error. E.3 E RROR BARS When plotting results of measurements or derivations, error bars are used to graphically represent the errors. If, for example, the velocities in the following table were calculated for some object as a function of starting position, Starting Position 110 cm 130 cm 150 cm 170 cm 190 cm Error 0 5 cm 0 7 cm 0 5 cm 1 6 cm 2 8 cm Velocity 2 4 m/s 2 2 m/s 2 1 m/s 2 1 m/s 2 0 m/s Error 0 2 m/s 0 3 m/s 0 4 m/s 0 2 m/s 0 5 m/s the plot would look like that in Figure E.1. The measured or calculated data points are represented by the little circles, while the errors are represented by vertical or horizontal lines. For the first three points, the errors in the starting position are so small that they are not visible as horizontal error bars for those points. Knowing the error and plotting it can be of great assistance in preventing incorrect conclusions. Note that from the table, the mean starting position and mean velocity appear E.3 ERROR BARS E.3 3 2.5 Velocity (m/s) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Starting position (cm) 170 180 Figure E.1: Derived Velocity vs. Starting Position 190 200 E.4 ERROR ANALYSIS to have an inverse relationship. However, from the graph, which incorporates the errors into it, it is equally plausible that the velocity does not depend at all on the starting position.