Camera enclosure mounting kits mounting kits for autoVimation's camera enclosures and camera mounting blocks Revision 2.6, November 2009 Valid until further notice Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets Foreword and Disclaimer This documentation has been prepared with most possible care. However autoVimation does not take liability for possible errors. In the interest of technical progress, autoVimation reserves the right to perform technical changes without further notice. Please notify if you become aware of possible errors in this manual or if certain topics require more detailed explanation. Copyright This manual is intended for autoVimation's customer only. Any publication of this document and parts thereof requires permission in writing form autoVimation. Patents and trademarks autoVimation's camera enclosures have been patented and is therefore protected by international laws. Any violation of the patents pending will be prosecuted. Any product and company names used in this manual are propperty of their respective owners. © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany 2 © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets Table of Contents 1 Camera enclosure mounting kits overview.......................................................................................... 4 1.1 Mounting Adapter Plates............................................................................................................... 5 1.2 General features Mounting Brackets and Adjustments................................................................. 6 1.3 Mounting and Adjustment Solution Guide..................................................................................... 7 1.4 Description of Gecko Mounting and Adustment Brackets............................................................. 9 1.4.1 Parallel Slim Bracket.............................................................................................................. 9 1.4.2 Parallel Slim Bracket with hand knob..................................................................................... 9 1.4.3 Repeatable Positioning Bracket............................................................................................ 10 1.4.4 Rotational Bracket................................................................................................................ 11 1.4.5 Tilt bracket ± 6 degrees........................................................................................................ 12 1.4.6 XZ / XY Fine Adjustment Table............................................................................................ 13 © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany 3 Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets 1 Camera enclosure mounting kits overview Gecko- Orca – and Salamdner camera enclosures from autoVimation attach to a machine frame with one of the 11 mounting kits described in this manual. All mounting kits consist of at least 2 parts: − − Mounting adapter plate that can be mounted directly to T- Slot profiles or a machine frames One or several mounting brackets to meet all adjustment requirements Example: Requirements: Mounting position: horizontal T-Slot profile Camera adjustment required: Tilt adjustment ± 6 degrees Solution: 90 degrees mounting plate Parallel slim bracket Tilt bracket ± 6 degrees Gecko / Salamander housing with ± 6 degrees tilt adjustment The following sections include a number of mounting examples. Since most of the mounting adapters and brackets can be combined, this is by no means a complete list. Please contact if you have adjustment requirements not listed in this catalogue. 4 © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets 1.1 Mounting Adapter Plates Mounting adapter plates overview There are 3 different mounting adapter plates adapters: - mounting plate 90 degrees - rotational mounting plate - mounting plate parallel These mounting plates can be readily mounted to vertical or horizontal T-Slot profiles1. 90 degrees mounting plate rotational mounting plate Parallel mounting plate Alternatively, mounting on any surface is possible if the corresponding mounting holes are provided: 48 1 Use M4 slot nuts and mounting screws maching your machine frame profile. © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany 5 Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets 1.2 General features Mounting Brackets and Adjustments Once adjusted and fastened- the camera housing will not move! One 2 screw mounting bracket resists dislocation up to 3000N! This means the housing does not move even if a load of up to 294kg or 650 lb. pulls on the camera housing. The large load is made possible by employing a high precision convex clamping geometry that enlarges the area of contact compared with 2 parallel surfaces: Bracket holds up to 294kg! Flexible mounting on all 4 sides along the entire housing length means: - 6 Working distance adjustment of ± 70mm always included! Turing the camera image by 90, 180 or 270 degrees simply by changing the mounting side. © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets 1.3 Mounting and Adjustment Solution Guide Mounting Position Adjustment Requirements X mm Y mm Z mm Rot deg. Tilt deg. Roll deg. 0 0 ± 70 0 0 0 Solution Mount. Kit No. Adapt. Plate Adjustm. Bracket(s) Image parallel 1 Holds up to 3000N Low cost 0 0 ± 70 0 0 0 Right angle 2 Right angle 3 Holds up to 3000N Low cost ± 15 0 ± 70 0 0 0 Holds up to 1500N, small adjustment in X direction 0 0 ± 70 0 0 0 parallel 4 Repeatable positioning with 0.05mm accuracy, when housing needs to be removed and repositoined, see section 1.4.3 Right angle 5 Holds up to 5250N! Parallel mounting pattern: Right angle mounting pattern: Co-ordinate System: Rotation Rot around Y axis Z Y Tilt around X-axis X Roll around Z axis © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany 7 Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets Adjustment Requirements X mm Y mm Z mm Rot deg. Tilt deg. 0 0 ± 70 360 0 Mounting Roll Position deg. 0 Solution Mount. Kit No. Adapt. Plate Adjustm. Bracket(s) Any angle 6 360 degrees rotation adjustment high holding torque 0 0 ± 70 0 ±6 0 Parallel 7 ± 6 degrees tilt adjustment holds 3000N Right angle 0 0 ± 70 360 ±6 0 8 Any angle 9 360 degrees rotation plus ± 6 deg. tilt adjustment high holding torque / force ±3 fine 0 ± 70 0 0 0 Parallel 10 ±3 fine Fine adjustment with positioning screws in X and Z direction (sideways and focus) ±3 fine ±3 fine ± 70 0 0 0 Parallel 11 Fine adjustment of with positioning screws in X and Y direction (camera image) 8 © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany Image Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets 1.4 1.4.1 Description of Gecko Mounting and Adustment Brackets Parallel Slim Bracket * assembly width Universal mounting bracket that can be used where parallel clamping is required. Application examples: With mounting plate 90deg. → housing pointing straight down, no tilt / rotational adjustment. 1.4.2 2 slim parallel brackets holding XZ fine adjustment table (fine X/Y adjustments 6mm travel) Slim parallel bracket combined with tilt bracket Parallel Slim Bracket with hand knob * assembly width Applications: Similar to the "Parallel Slim Bracket" when frequent adjustments are required - ideal for a laboratory environment. However temporary use only since the holding force of this clamp is limited. © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany 9 Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets 1.4.3 Repeatable Positioning Bracket Use: If removal of the camera housing and exact re-positioning is required (for instance for cleaning and maintenance). Description: Bracket consists of 3 parts - one parallel clamping bracket and 2 positioning clamping pins. The positioning pins are mounted at each mounting side (for instance on the housing and the adapter plate). Mounting the parallel mounting bracket across the adjustment pins positions the housing with a repeatability of ± 0.05mm. The housing orientation remains constant due to the dovetail. Mounting Steps: mounting positioning pin on both sides 10 Mounting positioning bracket across positioning pins © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets 1.4.4 Rotational Bracket * assembly width Use: - when rotational adjustment is required - housing can be mounted at any angle. Resists large torque due to clamping geometry. Application Example: © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany 11 Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets 1.4.5 Tilt bracket ± 6 degrees Use: - where tilt adjustment is required. Application Example: 12 © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets 1.4.6 XZ / XY Fine Adjustment Table Fine positioning Table shown with 2 parallel slim brackets and parallel mounting plate Use: When fine Adjustment in X (sideways) and Z (focussing) direction is required. In combination with a mounting angle this bracket can be also used in X and Y direction (accurate positioning of the camera image). Particularly useful when using lenses with large focal length or telecentric lenses, where exact image positioning and focussing is vital. Travel in X and Z direction ± 3mm (or 6mm if starting in one end position). One turn on a positioning screw corresponds to 0.7mm travel. Mounting Steps and application example: 2. unscrew positioning screws 1. loosening locking screw (loose in middle position) 3. move table to desired position by turning positioning screw on one side back in (with camera housing attached). Start at one side (move table by hand to end position) to maximise travel. X ± 3mm Z ± 3mm 4. Once positioned, also turn in positioning screws on opposite sides. © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany 13 Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets Final Result: Camera position and working distance incrementally adjusted to correct position. 5. locking positioning table by fastening locking screw (turn to either side) - table remains in adjusted position and does not move during locking. 6. Attach camera housing with Travel in X and Z direction ± 3mm (or 6mm if starting in one end position). second parallel slim bracket. This step is usually done between step 2 and 3 above, in order to adjust camera image. One turn on a positioning screw corresponds to 0.7mm travel. Fine positioning of camera image in X/Y direction: Adjustment in Y direction: 6mm max. Now with knurled head screws for tool-free, manual adjustment! Adjustment in X direction: 6mm max. Fine adjustment camera image in X/Y direction, horizontal mounting of adjustment table Corresponding camera image: Adjustment in X direction: 6mm max. Adjustment in Y direction: 6mm max. 14 © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany Mounting adapters and adjustment brackets © 2009 autoVimation Peter Neuhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany 15 16