an international retail petroleum news digest
Issue No 20 | May 2010
european edition
Shell to exit the Finnish market
Royal Dutch Shell PLC has put its oil products
retail and marketing business in Finland up
for sale. This is the latest in a series of asset
sales from Shell’s downstream business in
an effort to focus on more profitable sectors.
The assets include 230 retail sites, 58 unmanned refuelling stations for commercial
road transport, its aviation fuel business and
its liquid petroleum gas business. The sale is
at an early stage and the spokesman declined
to comment on who could be potential buyers. “We are convinced this is an attractive
business”, for potential buyers, he said. Shell
announced last year its intention to sell its
refinery in Gothenburg, Sweden, which is
part of the same Nordic supply chain as the
Finland business, the spokesman said. Shell
has already outsourced the distribution and
marketing of Shell-branded lubricants to
Univar so completion of the sale will mean
a total exit from Finland. Shell’s refining
and marketing businesses in Norway and
Denmark are not currently for sale. Shell’s
restructuring program, launched in summer last year by incoming Chief Executive
Peter Voser, aims to reduce the company’s
footprint in fuel retail and refining and focus
on the more profitable, but capital intensive,
upstream business.
The company aims to exit 35 national markets
and reduce refining capacity by 15 percent
once the restructuring is complete, according to the spokesman. Shell announced last
week that it is working toward the sale of its
oil product retail businesses in 21 African
countries, estimated by one analyst to be
worth $ 1.2 billion to $ 1.5 billion. Shell
has been in talks with India’s Essar Oil Ltd.
over the sale of three refineries in Europe. It
recently sold its fuel distribution and refining
business in New Zealand for a base price of
NZ $ 696.5 million. It is also in talks with
buyers for its European LPG distribution
business for around 1 billion euros.
Nine new sites for SOCAR in 2010
The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) will commission its first three
filling stations in its home country in Baku
this month and another nine by late 2010.
So far, SOCAR has more than 30 petrol stations in Georgia, with another 30 to follow.
The company also has started developing
activities in the retail market for petroleum
products in Ukraine. Currently, SOCAR
is rebranding nearly 20 gas stations in that
country. Sale of petroleum products at these
stations is expected to be launched in May.
INA to sell Crobenz?
A recent announcenent in the trade
press stated that Croatian oil group INA
has agreed to sell its small fuel retailer
Crobenz, which owns 14 filling stations in
the country, to Slovakia-based oil trader
Progress Trading. Progress Trading is
involved in oil trading in Central and
Eastern Europe and the company said
it was interested in expanding business
into the Balkan countries. “Entering the
Croatian market would be our first step
in that direction”, Michal Krajcovic from
Progress Trading informed. However
a subsequent statement issued by the
Croatian Competition Agency (AZTN)
states that it did not approve the sale as
Croatian Petrol Stations a.s, an affiliated
company of Progress Trading, does not
have any employees and is not registered
for trading with oil derivative products.
AZTN appointed Irena Budek Pavicic as
commissioner. She should announce a
new tender for the sale of the unit. The
sale was a condition imposed by AZTN
for the approval of MOL’s boosting of its
stake in INA last year.
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Zarubezhneft considers Energopetrol in Bosnia
Zarubezhneft is interested in buying local
fuel retailer Energopetrol after the Bosnian
Federation said it may annul the privatisation
agreement with Hungarian-Croatian consortium
MOL-INA, which apparently failed to fulfil
its investment pledges. In 2009 the Bosnian
Federation privatisation office recommended
the cancellation of the deal as the buyer had
invested only 6 million konvertible marks
(3.1 million euros) in Energopetrol since its
purchase in 2006, while the privatisation con-
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tract required 150 million konvertible marks
investments in the company’s development
over 3 years. MOL-INA bought 67 percent
in Energopetrol for 10.2 million konvertible
marks between september and 2006 60 million konvertible marks worth of debt, of
which it has so far repaid about three-fourths
(45.8 million konvertible marks). The FBiH
government has kept a 22 percent-stake in the
company, while 11 percent are controlled by
small shareholders.
Holland has the most expensive fuel in Europe
McLean Events Europe Ltd
Nick Needs
Tel + 44 (0) 7786 607075
According to a recent report, the most expen­
sive unleaded petrol was being sold in Holland, where a litre of unleaded 95 petrol cost
1,388 euros, the cheapest costing 0,899 euros,
in Romania. On average, during the last
trimester of 2009, the price of sale to the
public of unleaded 95 petrol was of 1,206
euros. The year of 2009 was characterized
by a continuous rise in fuel prices during the
first six months of the year and by stability
in prices throughout the rest of the year.
Bodo Schwarz
Tel + 49 (0) 7721 9830-41
Art Director
Ramona Raithel
Tel + 49 (0) 7721 9830-0
Comparing the last quarter of last year with
the trimester before that, from July to September 2009, the price of unleaded 95 fell
by eight cents per litre. In comparison to the
last trimester of 2008, the price had risen
by 4.5 cents per litre. Regarding diesel, the
report stated that prices from the last quarter
of 2009 had fallen by 8.8 cents per litre, in
comparison to the same period of 2008, but
registered an increase of 1.3 cents per litre
in comparison to the third trimester of 2009.
Serbia’s NIS to invest 40 million euros in petrol stations
Marketing Manager
Sandra Stroppel
Tel + 49 (0) 7721 9830-0
Commercial Manager
Stephen Bozdan
Tel + 44 (0) 1483 810670
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Todt Druck + Medien GmbH + Co.KG
erpecnews is published monthly by McLean Events
Europe Ltd in conjunction with and
distributed to retail petroleum operations in Europe
and the Middle East. McLean Events Europe is the
organiser of erpec, the leading business event, held
every two years, for Europe’s retail petroleum market.
The views expressed in print are those of the
author and do not necessarily represent those of
the publisher, McLean Events Europe Ltd. All
rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise
without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS ) said it
would invest 40 million euros in construction
of 10 petrol stations and reconstruction of
another 30 outlets. “Of our 473 petrol stations in Serbia we are going to reconstruct
30 stations. Also in 2010, NIS is planing
to build an additional 10 petrol stations.
40 million euros will be used for these
purposes”, Deputy Director Oleg Salimov
informed. NIS will halt production of leaded
gasoline in 2010 and produce only unleaded
fuel. “Constantly we will upgrade the quality
of our products so that in 2012, when the
modernization of the refinery in Pancevo
is due for completion, in which 540 million
euros will be invested, all our products will
be made according to European specifications with 95 octane and sulfur content
of 10 milligrams per litre”, Salimov added.
Petroleum Industry of Serbia is majority
owned by Russia’s Gazprom Neft, which
bought 51 percent of shares for 400 million
euros under an energy accord between the
two countries.
Sainsbury’s sorry for fuel mix-up on UK site
Leading UK supermarket Sainsbury’s, has
apologised after unleaded and diesel fuel
were put in the wrong underground tanks at
one of its filling stations. Twenty customers
have so far come forward complaining they
had put the wrong fuel into their vehicles
at the Wantage site last week. Sainsbury’s
blamed its suppliers for the error and said
customers would be reimbursed for the
inconvenience. Anyone else who has been
affected has been told to contact the supermarket. In a statement the store said: “We
did experience a technical problem at our
Wantage petrol filling station. All customers
have now been contacted and are being fully
reimbursed. We would like to apologise for
any inconvenience caused.” The AA said it
can cost up to 3 000 pounds to have engines
cleaned if the wrong fuel is put in. Editors
note: “It can happen to anyone, including
me. Last week I filled my diesel 4 x 4 with
60 litres of unleaded! Five hours delay and
250 pounds later, it was an experience I
would not wish to be repeated!”
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Eni stake in Galp likely to be acquired by Petrobras Good first quarter
figures for Shell
Despite denials by Petrobras, the Eni 33 percent Portuguese, Brazilian and Angolan entities I
stake in Galp is likely to be acquired by Brazil’s
Petrobras, the Portuguese Finance Minister
said in Luanda, Angola this week. Fernando
Teixeira dos Santos, who is on a working trip
to Angola, made it clear that this was a matter
for the shareholders to decide and said that
Angolan oil company Sonangol could have
something to say on the subject. “It is not the
government’s job to give its opinion on deals
that are essentially private, but if the result of
it is that there is good understanding between
think it’s positive”, he said. The possibility of
Sonangol taking a direct stake in Galp Energia
had already been admitted by the chairman
of the Angolan oil company in February,
although he denied it would take the 33 percent owned by Eni. The main shareholders
in Galp are Amorim Energia and Eni, both
with 33.34 percent and the Portuguese state
with a 7 percent share via Parpública and 1
percent through financial group Caixa Geral
de Depósitos plus free float of 25.32 percent.
Shell widens talks on european refinery sale
Shell remains in talks with Essar Oil with
regards to European refineries, but the company has also initiated talks with other parties,
Chief Financial Officer Simon Henry said
this week. Other potential buyers include
private equity groups and state-controlled
oil companies from outside Europe, he said.
Shell entered exclusive talks with Essar over
the sale of the three refineries – Stanlow in
the U.K. and the Heide and Harburg refineries in Germany – late last year, but talks
between the companies have failed to reach
a conclusion. Essar Oil is planning an initial
public offering in London that has delayed
negotiations, Henry said. “There are other
interested buyers, no question”, he said. “It’s
just a question of price. We are not looking for
a fire sale ... if we are not able to reach agreement on an acceptable price we will consider
closure or conversion to a storage terminal”,
he said. Several companies are looking to
sell refineries in Europe, many of which have
been loss making in the last six months due
to weak demand for the products they make.
However, refining margins appear to have
bottomed out in the fourth quarter of 2009.
Saras energia to expand fuel retail network
Saras SpA (Italy) General Manager Dario
Scaffardi informed shareholders last month
that Saras is in talks to buy more fuel service
stations in Spain. Last year Saras agreed to
buy 81 service stations in from Erg for 42 mil-
lion euros. At the time the company released
a statement saying Saras Energia will generate
important synergies by integrating the new
stations with the logistics already owned and
operating on the Spanish Mediterranean coast.
First contactless payment system at Orlen sites
during peak hours because of the faster readability of the new cards. “We have listened to
our tenants who complained about the long
processing times of card payments”, explains
Oliver Behrens, Card Manager at Orlen. “With
the new payment solution we will be recognised
as innovative company. This concept fits perfectly to our motto ‘fast, easy, well priced’ ” he
explains further. With the 150th petrol station
& Bachmann will have half of the
Customers of Orlen Deutschland GmbH are
able to pay contactless at more than 120 stations. stations, that are using Scheidt & Bachmann
With the new technology customers can pay solutions, equipped with the new technology till
amounts up to 25 euros without signing the the end of March. Martin Kammler, Managing
receipt or entering a PIN. Amounts exceeding Director of Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, added
25 euros have to be signed off or authorised “Scheidt & Bachmann are proud to have been
with PIN entry as usual. Contactless payment selected partner for this project. We consider
allows a reduction in waiting times for the this contract as confirmation of our know-how
customer during online authorisation of card in the area of card payment and our capabilpayments. At the petrol station the operator ity to deliver state of the art solutions to the
benefits from a higher throughput especially international retail petroleum industry.”
Shell announced a strong set of improved
results for the first quarter of 2010.
Shells earnings were US $ 4.9 billion
compared to US $ 3.3 billion a year ago.
This included a 2 percent rise in Shell Oil
Product sales. Shell Chief Executive Officer Peter Voser commented “Our results
have improved considerably compared
with year-ago levels and our profitability
has increased from the low levels we
saw in the fourth quarter 2009. This
has been driven by higher energy prices,
operational and production performance
and Shell’s growth programmes. We are
making good progress in improving our
near-term performance, delivering a new
wave of production growth and maturing next generation project options. Our
results reflected the successful ramp-up
of our new upstream projects in Russia and Brazil, supporting a 6 percent
increase in our production volumes and
a 38 percent increase in sales volumes,
in our industry-leading LNG business.”
He continued “Downstream asset sales
programmes are on track and we are
mak ing good progress with plans to
reduce costs by US $ 1 billion in 2010”.
He mentioned conclusion of the Shell
New Zealand business.
TKN-BP updates
Ukranian refinery
Russian-A nglo venture T NK-BP announced upgrades to an oil refinery in
Ukraine would allow the facility to produce diesel fuel conforming to European
standards. TNK-BP said the installation
of a hydro-treatment reactor at the Lysychansk oil refinery in Ukraine will bring
all diesel fuel there in conformity with
European emission standards. TNK-BP
installed the unit as part of a $ 1.3 billion
investment program intended to improve
fuel quality during the next five years.
Didier Baudrand, the Executive Vice
President of downstream activity at TNKBP, said the investments were meant to
bring Ukrainian diesel fuel in compliance
with European standards as quickly as
possible. “We strive to bring the quality
of our motor fuels to the internationally
accepted standards”, he said. “Ukrainian
laws require that motor fuels comply with
Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards at an earlier
stage than in Russia.”
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Esso appoints exclusive
digital signage partner
Petrom buys into the wind business
Esso has appointed Amscreen, a digital
signage company, as its exclusive digital
signage partner in the UK. Amcreen’s ‘plug
& play’ wireless mobile screens units will
be installed in Esso’s 350 company-owned
sites starting April 2010 and will link into
Amscreens’s Forecourt Network.
Safety comes first for
Shell and TURPAK
TURPAK’s traditional yearly convention took
place in ISTANBUL with the presence of
the Shell Ocean Project Team. OCEAN
Project, which was the biggest project of the
year in 2009, run by SHELL @ TURCAS
A.S. and TURPAK. Based around and award
for an excellent health & safety record,
the convention was pleased to report zero
fatalities in the team, throughout the last
12 months. The achievement of this target
played an immense role in the success of
this project.
Eni to enter Slovenia
Italian energy company Eni plans to form a
new company Eni Slovenia. The Slovenian
government will decide on a meeting this
week whether Eni will be allowed to use
the name Slovenia for its daughter company.
Eni is already present in Slovenia with two
companies. It manages some ten filling
stations through its subsidiary Agip and
distributes gas through Adriaplin, in which
it holds a 51 percent share. According to
some estimates, Eni wants to establish a
new company in Slovenia because of the
construction of the South Stream pipeline.
The pipeline, in which Russian Gazprom
and Italian Eni will invest some 20 billion
euros, will connect gas sites in North Siberia
through the Black Sea and SEE countries
with Italy.
Petrom, the largest oil and gas producer in south
eastern Europe, has fast-forwarded its plans to
move into electricity generation by splashing
out 100 million euros on a wind farm under
development in Romania. Bucharest-based
Petrom will acquire developer SC Wind Power,
which owns a fully permitted 45 megawatt
(MW) project near Romania’s Black Sea coast.
Petrom will build and operate the park, which
is expected to reach completion by mid-2011.
Petrom says a contract is already in place to
fit out the park with Vestas V90 turbines and
it is contemplating expanding the project to
54 megawatt given the “very favourable” location. The purchase marks the first time Petrom,
which is majority owned by Austrian oil major
OMV, has ventured into renewables. It is
spearheading its push into electricity generation
by building an 860 megawatt (MW) gas-fired
power plant near the Romanian town of Brazi.
“With electricity demand going up in the long
term and expected to play an important role
as a carbon-free energy carrier, our strategy
for electricity envisages the development of
a balanced projects portfolio – from both
conventional sources, such as gas, but also
from renewable sources”, says Gerald Kappes, a member of Petrom’s executive board.
Petrom is Romania’s largest oil and gas company, with operations ranging from oil and
gas exploration and production to refining to
its network of more than 800 petrol-filling
stations across southeastern Europe. Petrom
Chief Executive Mariana Gheorghe says the
wind farm’s production intermittency will be
balanced out by the Brazi gas-fired station. “In
the medium term, by capitalising on the gas
and power convergence and by developing
renewable-energy projects, Petrom will make
the transition from a pure oil and gas company
to an energy player”, she says.
OMV and Gazprom sign pipeline agreement
OMV and Gazprom signed a Cooperation Europe’s natural gas supply.The feasibility study
Agreement to construct the Austrian section for the Austrian subsection of South Stream
of the South Stream gas pipeline between the is ­scheduled to be completed by the end of
Austrian-Hungarian border and the Baumgar- 2010. The precise route will be determined
ten natural gas distribution node. At the same and the costs of the project evaluated. The
time, the Austrian Federal Minister Reinhold final investment decision is set to be taken
Mitterlehner and the Minister of Energy of the within 18 months, with the pipeline currently
Russian Federation Sergey Shamtko signed an due to become operational at the end of 2015.
agreement on cooperation between the two “The planned South Stream and Nabucco gas
nations in the construction and operation of pipelines will further increase the significance
of OMV’s Baumgarten distribution node as a
this gas pipeline on Austrian territory.
key European natural gas turntable and boost
the security of Europe’s supply. As for the
Central European Gas Hub, already one of
the most important gas trading platforms in
continental Europe, this additional liquidity at
its main trading point will also provide strong
momentum and clear support as it seeks to
become the leading gas hub in continental
Europe”, says Werner Auli, Member of OMV’s
Executive Board responsible for Gas & Power.
The South Stream gas pipeline is to run from Alongside the agreement between OMV Gas
the eastern Black Sea coast in Russia across & Power and Gazprom, the Austrian Federal
the Black Sea to Bulgaria. From there one Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner and Minister
route option is assumed to pass through Serbia of Energy of the Russian Federation Sergey
and Hungary to Austria, where it will flow Shamtko today signed an agreement on cointo the Baumgarten natural gas distribution operation between Austria and Russia in the
node. Other route options are to run from construction and operation of the Austrian
Hungary to Slovenia and on to Italy and from section of South Stream. This agreement gives
Bulgaria through Greece and also on to Italy. the project the necessary political backing and
Thanks to the resultant diversification of sup- the required legal certainty, thereby making it
ply routes, the South Stream gas pipeline will easier to obtain financing for the project from
make a major contribution to the security of the private sector.
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What is fuelling the price rises at petrol pumps,
when the price of oil has halved?
Petrol prices are approaching record levels Then petrol forecourt retailers say they’re
set in 2008, but oil prices have almost halved not making big profits on motor fuel; in fact,
since then. While still reeling from the heat- their margin is being squeezed, they claim.
ing bill for the winter’s big freeze, many of us “The real money is made from selling things
also have soaring motor fuel prices to cope with better mark up, like Mars bars and milk,
with. At least the cost of heating oil and other not on petrol”, one retailer says.
living expenses is coming down, but the cost
of petrol and diesel isn’t – it’s actually going “The retailer has no option but to pass on
up and up. Filling up at the pumps costs an increases and decreases as dictated by wholeextra 30 euros or so a month now compared salers, as they have no control over the supply
to a year ago, for a 1.6 litre engine car doing cost”, says David Blevings of the Irish Petrol
Retail Association. We understand the public
about 150 miles a month.
frustration when faced with higher prices,
Prices have been climbing for over a year. Petrol but petrol retailers operate on extremely low
costs 1.28 euros a litre on average, while for margins and merely pass on any increases
diesel it’s 1.18 euros, according to the UK’s and decreases based on the wholesale prices
AA latest statistics. AA’s Conor Faughans that major oil companies charge them. “Fuel
warns “There’s no prospect of prices falling in retailers suffer from elevated fuel prices also”,
the next month or so, they might even nudge Blevings argues, “and with fuel demand down
upwards”, he predicts. So what’s causing this around 20 percent, profitability is now a major
upward price spiral? Industry pundits often issue at many stations and several owners are
try to explain away motor fuel price hikes by taking the decision to close.”
pointing to rises in the price of crude oil, but
that doesn’t cut it this time, as it’s at just $ 80 The wholesale price to which Blevings refers
a barrel right now. That’s down from a peak is the price paid by importers to producers
of $ 147 in July 2008, when pump prices hit for refined oil products, which has risen by
a scary 1.33 euros for petrol and 1.44 euros about 17 percent this year already. One way
for diesel. So if the price of a barrel of oil has to work out if we’re being mislead on the
been slashed nearly in half, why doesn’t that cost of motor fuel is to look at something
have a dramatic knock-on effect on the price called Platts Quote. This is the bible for the
of fuel on the forecourt? Are we being ripped wholesale price of refined oil products, which
off in a spectacular fashion? Well, wouldn’t oil companies importing fuel into Ireland
you know – it’s not as simple as that. The factor into their pricing. Both the NCA study
UK’s National Consumer Association (NCA) and the AA say that this wholesale price
did a study of forecourt fuel prices, which does actually stay in line with prices at the
says that comparing the price of a barrel of pumps and that increases and decreases are
oil and the price of petrol and diesel at the passed on with about a three-week lag. So it’s
pump is “inappropriate and does not reflect not the price of a barrel of oil that’s taking
the reality of the petrol and diesel supply its toll on fuel prices and on our wallets, it’s
chain”. Just because the price of crude oil the rising price charged by wholesalers. Or
falls by 50 percent, it doesn’t mean the price currency fluctuation. Or less consumer spend,
at the service station will halve, unfortunately. or punishing taxes.
There are other factors.
It’s hard not to view these as excuses that
Tax is the big one. A massive wedge – more suit the industry, but the bottom line is that
than 75 cents – of the price of petrol is tax there probably isn’t a smoking gun of oil
and it’s 65 cents of diesel’s price. The carbon profiteering. In Germany it’s 1.42 euros for
tax brought in in the last budget added around petrol and 1.20 euros for diesel with France,
another 4 cents to the price. The basic cost of a Belgium and the Netherlands having equally
litre of petrol before Vat and other tax is about high prices. British consumers pay heftier tax
50 cents, at current rates. Then there’s the and also pay more overall – it’s 1.30 euros a
role of currency fluctuation. Crude oil prices litre for petrol on the average British forecourt
are based on the dollar, which is strengthen- right now and diesel is about the same. In
ing, so the rate of the euro against the dollar the oil-guzzling US however, you’ll pay just
affects prices at the pumps, importers say. 55 cents for petrol and 57 cents for diesel.
– Important information
11 , by September 6th, if you wish to take advantage
Make sure you book your places at
of our ‘Early Bird offer’ To register visit or telephone + 49 (0) 7721 9830-0
Supplier news
SK700-II AdBlue
Integrated Solution
Gilbarco Veeder-Root has announced
the launch of the SK700-II AdBlue Integrated solution. The company says, this
system is the ideal product for customers
who want a fast and easy installation of
an AdBlue dispensing solution on their
forecourt. The Integrated solution incorporates the existing SK700-II AdBlue
dispenser and an aboveground storage
tank. With a ­capacity ranging from 4 000 to
10 000 ­litre tanks, the integrated solution
can be set up single sided or double sided,
or even as a satellite installation on the
forecourt. Eric Denivelle, Marketing
Director says “The new integrated solution completes the SK700-II range of
AdBlue products. Customers now have
the option of ‘Stand Alone’ dispensers, the
industry’s first ‘Combi’ dispenser and now
an above ground ‘Integrated’ solution. It
means we can provide the best and most
convenient dispensing system for any
customer”. For more information, go to
Swiss is best for Petrom
Foster Wheeler, a Swiss company, will
provide front-end engineering design
(FEED) modification services and engineering, procurement and construction
management (EPCm) for the revamp of
a Petrom refinery in Romania. “These
projects are part of a very ambitious plan”,
said Neil A. Morgan, Executive Board
Member, Refining Division, Petrom. “We
are determined to position Petrobrazi as
the premier refinery in Romania and to
succeed in such a challenging endeavour; we have engaged a reliable, highly
reputable and experienced contractor like
Foster Wheeler”. Petrom is the largest
Romanian oil and gas group and holds
around 550 filling stations in Romania.
The company also has an international
network of 268 filling stations located
in Moldova, Bulgaria and Serbia. OMV
Aktiengesellschaft, the leading energy
group in the European growth belt
holds a 51.01 percent share in Petrom.
OMV is active in 13 Central European
countries in its Refining and Marketing
business segment and in 17 countries
on four continents in Exploration and
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All text on this page is submitted and written by suppliers. Please email product news to
Shell appoint TORA in Turkey
Shell Turkey has selected TOR A Petrol
in its two months-long tender period for
tank cleaning and preventive electrical
main­t enance for 1 000 stations in 2010
and 2011 as in the previous years. With
the sustainable development and quality
understanding of Shell, this year all sites
will be given periodic maintenance twice. As
different from the previous years, at the end
of the project 2 000 site visits are planned
for each year. With this project, the total
number of sites has increased to 3 500 sites
for periodic maintenance given in Turkey by
TORA Petrol’s periodic maintenance teams
in a year. In the tank cleaning operations,
all the pumps are operated with air due to
safety requirements. After tank cleaning
operation, all the wastes are recycled. In
the preventive electrical maintenance, all
the earthing and grounding of electrical
equipment are measured. For the proactive
HSSE understanding, main boards, electrical
cables, ex-proof equipment and installation,
cable conduits, all manholes and confined
spaces are controlled for isolation and damage. Apart from the maintenance operations,
Retail Maintenance Team Leaders, electrical
engineers will make a HSSE controls for all
mechanical equipment. During the year 5
teams will travel all over the country. In
each team, there are 3 people: an electrical engineer, an electrical technician and a
mechanical engineer. 3 electrical engineers
will assist them in project management. In
the periodic maintenance vans, there are
all the equipment that people may need in
the operations including compressors and
generators. In the maintenance operations,
they will give service and repair for minor
problems. In the project, all the 81 cities
of Turkey will be visited. At the end of the
project, it is planned that 36 000 man-hour
and 500 000 kilometres will be spent. With
7 / 24 technical support, both on site and remote access services will be given to all sites.
Kuwait Petroleum contract Gilbarco Veeder-Root
Gilbarco Veeder-Root has been awarded
the contract with petroleum company Kupit
(Kuwait Petroleum Italia) for the supply of
Point of Sale systems, Payment Terminals,
EMV retrofit equipment and services at
Q8 and Q8 Easy brand fuelling stations in
Italy for the next three years. In addition to
providing the new terminals and POS, Gilbarco Veeder-Root will support Kupit with
remote assistance, help desk and installation
services. Gilbarco Veeder-Root will continue
to provide its point of sale Passport Europe
systems both for new sites and for upgrading
legacy units. A spokesman for GVR says “The
contract creates the opportunity to provide
new double sided FlexPay™ B2B payment
terminals, on Q8 Easy brand unattended
sites. As well as replacing several hundreds of
existing Pumacard terminals with FlexPay™
SPOT OPT.” Adding to this Alessandro
Barucci, Regional Sales Account Manager of
Gilbarco Italy said “This is an outstanding
success for Gilbarco Veeder-Root, it reinforces our long and successful relationship
with Kupit (Kuwait Petroleum Italia) as their
main supplier for retail solutions”.
Introducing Rhino, Pipe Guards & Bollards
Flex-ing’s RHINO line of products includes u-shaped pipe guards and bollards designed
the durable and lightweight RHINO compos- to protect property and avoid costly damage
ite fiberglass manholes. The RHINO manhole to fuel dispensers. Flex-ings pipe guards
cover exceeds H20 and HS20 standards as and bollards are constructed of schedule
well as the European EN124:1994 standard. 40 steel and are delivered primer finished –
In addition to its solid core composite fib- ready for custom paint. Standard u-shaped
erglass and resin construction, the RHINO pipe guards are available in 3.5" and 4.0"
manhole cover comes standard with the outside diameters in a variety of heights.
ArmorFLEX powder coat finish on all rings Bollards are available in both 4.0" and 6.0"
and skirts to provide protection in extreme outside diameters in heights ranging from
environments. Flex-ing’s new pipe bending 42" to 84". Additional sizes are available
facility is also in full production, generating upon request.
Supplier News
Istobal win MRH contract
Istobal have secured two major contracts
with the top Independent UK retailer
MRH. The first contract, now into its
second year, is to supply new Istobal
M12+ and M9+ car washes to MRH’s
network of forecourts. The second contract recently secured is to service a
range of over 80 Car Wash machines
and 50 Jet Washes.
11 000 th Nucleus
POS system installed
for Dresser Wayne
Built on the retail-hardened IBM plat­
form and available for installation with
Dresser Wayne and other dispensers,
Nucleus POS is a leading touch screen
system for the petroleum industry today.
Being certified as PCI compliant, the
Nucleus POS system is, say Dresser
Wayne, a natural choice for retailers who
operate a variety of C-store configurations and credit networks, especially
as PCI compliance deadlines approach,
“The Dresser Wayne Nucleus POS system is the most popular touch screen
system in the industry today”, said Tom
Chittenden, Retail Systems Product
Manager for Dresser Wayne. “With the
integration of Dresser Wayne’s Fusion
Forecourt System, Nucleus POS can
interface with virtually any dispenser on
the island, regardless of manufacturer.
Thousands of petroleum retailers know
that Nucleus enables faster employee
training times, flexible merchandising
capabilities and connectivity with a wide
variety of petroleum retail peripherals,
all of which translates into real bottom
line value. The large, easy-to-use Nucleus
POS touch screen enables faster, more
accurate transactions, allowing retailers to serve their customers efficiently.
More than 25 percent of all Nucleus POS
systems installed today interface with
non-Dresser Wayne dispensers. Released
in early 2009, Fusion Forecourt System
interfaces with multi-vendor point-ofsale systems and forecourt devices for
simplified retail fuel control.”
latest news, Events, jobs online –
News – Middle East, Africa & Asia
Expansion planned for
Banrie Coffee Shops
Plantation and Farm Design (Thailand),
the owner and franchiser of Banrie Coffee,
expects to have a 100 Banrie Coffee shops
next year after its aggressive expansion at
LPG gas stations nationwide. Company
President Asawin Khairatsame said Banrie
Coffee has 20 shops at fuel and gas service
stations. Before the expiry of its contract
with PTT, Banrie had 100 branches in the
service station network. He said the firm
sees the crisis as an opportunity to boost
gross profit margin (GPM). Banrie Coffee
shops are now opening at new locations
at LPG gas stations and service stations
belonging to Caltex and Cosmo brands.
BP transfers trade
operations to India
BP Plc has transferred back its India
trade-related operations from Dubai and
has hired a former Essar executive to head
its marketing activities in the country.
Last October, BP temporarily shifted its
Indian supply and trading business to
Dubai following the resignation of four of
its five-member trade team. Last month,
K.V. Radhamohan joined BP as regional
manager of international supply and trading in Mumbai from Essar Oil, where he
steered its international trade and refining
operations for nearly four years. Prior to
Essar, he worked for about 11 years each at
Reliance Industries and state-run Indian
Oil Corp.
Petrol stations beg for
customers in Nigeria
Petrol filling station attendants in Kano
now beg motorists for patronage following the sustained availability of the
commodity in the state. Filling stations
located on Ring Road, Murtala Mohammed
Way and Bayero University Kano (BUK)
Road, were most of the time empty due
to poor turnout of motorists and other­
customers. One of the attendants, who
pleaded anonymity, explained that the
situation had led to low sales, thereby
affecting the station’s profit margin. A
commercial bus driver, Jibrin Adamu,
commended the Federal Government for
making fuel available at the filling stations,
saying it had minimized the operations of
touts and hawkers.
Deadly mobile ‘Fuel Stations’ in Tanzania
The Energy and Water Regulatory Authority the two “mobile fuel stations” in the city.
(EWURA) is warning of stern action against Mr Kaguo said the trucks were fitted with
errant fuel dealers following the seizure of hoses connected to metered-dispensing noztwo potentially deadly “mobile fuel station” zles for easy delivery of the oil products to
tankers in Dar es Salaam. Regulator receives customers. He added that after being notireports that the vehicles have been spotted fied about the illegal fuel business, EWURA
moving around selling fuel to motorists. The dispatched inspectors to the Chanika and
authority said two major fuel dealers were Sinza suburbs of the city, who spotted at
being investigated over the illicit business, least two mobile petrol stations, one in each
which involves the use by the wayward retail- of the residential areas. “We have issued a
ers of motor vehicles fitted with tanks and strong warning to all those engaged in this
fuel pumps. EWURA moved swiftly after illegal business”, Mr Kaguo said, adding that
receiving reports that the vehicles had been the regulator would not issue such licences,
spotted moving around the streets of Dar es though they had received some applications.
Salaam, selling fuel to needy motorists, in “Some operators have applied for licences
contravention of the law on trade in petro- for the provision of mobile services but we
leum products. EWURA informed that they find that it goes against both the environwere aware that some oil companies were ment protection and human health security
engaging in the illegal sale of petroleum guidelines.” An ordinary petrol station has
products directly from petrol tankers. The special infrastructure to accommodate a
EWURA principal communications and spillover of fuel, or contain an explosion.
public relations officer, Mr Titus Kaguo, “This cannot be guaranteed in a mobile petrol
confirmed that the authority had seized station”, the EWURA official said.
Opportunity to expand for Gull
Gull New Zealand see’s the current changes
in the fuel retail landscape as the opportunity to move into Wellington and the South
Island. The Australian-owned company has
39 fuel service stations, mainly across the
upper North Island, serviced through a fuel
import terminal in Mount Maunganui, which
was established in 1998. Its most southern
station is Masterton, but Dave Bodger, who
heads its New Zealand business, said a move
further south was unlikely until it struck a
deal to draw fuel from another terminal at
a fair price. “The key to us to supply into
Wellington and the key to us supplying fuel
in the South Island is getting fuel without
all of the associated infrastructure costs and
that’s really difficult. Change in the industry
could throw up new opportunities to share
infrastructure”, he said. Mr Bodger said in
the coming years extensive investment would
be required if the current level of infrastructure was maintained. Some of the other fuel
terminals being used in New Zealand were
built in the 1950s and while these adhered
to current regulations, eventually investment
would be required.
San Miguel buys majority stake in Petron Corp
The management of San Miguel Corp. (SMC)
has been given the greenlight to proceed with
a plan to buy 40 percent of a unit of a British
investment house, the Ashmore Group, that
owns majority of oil refiner Petron Corp. Its
executive committee had also allowed the
diversifying food and beverage giant to buy
out Petron common shares held by the public
at an offer price of P6.85 apiece. San Miguel
earlier signed a so-called option deal with
Ashmore unit SEA Refinery Holdings BV,
which gave San Miguel the chance to buy
up to 100 percent of SEA Refinery Corp.,
which owns majority of Petron shares. The
mandatory tender offer rule mandates a buyer
of 35 percent or more of a listed company
to bid for the rest of the company’s shares.
Ashmore owns some 91 percent of Petron
after it bought the government’s 40-percent
interest in the oil refiner for P25.6 billion in
December 2008. SEA Refinery holds 50.1
percent of Ashmore’s total interest in Petron.
Caltex launches iPhone application
Caltex has launched its first ever iPhone application, the Caltex Classic Pinball, making
it among the first energy companies to make
its foray into the iPhone applications space.
Caltex Classic Pinball is now available for
free download from Malaysia’s iTunes Store.
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Supplier News
The World Leader in Aluminium Composite Materials
ALUCOBOND ® has been the world market leader
for aluminium composite materials since 1969. Due
to its excellent product properties, ALUCOBOND ®
is the ideal material for Corporate Identity
Programmes when it comes to building new or
re-imaging existing petrol stations.
3A Composites GmbH
Mr Michael Knaus
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Tel. +49 (0)7731 80 20 87
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News – Middle East, Africa & Asia
NNPC to build 50
new filling stations
Shell to pay sh35b before exiting Uganda
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) seems to be making
waves into the downstream sector of
the oil and gas industry as it concluded
arrangements to build 50 new filling
stations across the country. The initiative, which is to be executed by NNPC
Retail Limited, a subsidiary of the NNPC,
would introduce two new categories of
retail outlets – the Super Mega-Stations,
Mega-Stations and Standard Stations,
under the Corporation’s retail business.
According to a statement signed by the
Group General Manager, Public Affairs,
NNPC, Dr. Levi Ajuonuma, the new filling stations would support the cocktail
of mega-stations, floating mega-stations
and affiliate stations to enhance product
supply across the country. The Corporation currently has 37 mega-stations, 12
floating stations and 265 affiliate stations
across the country.
Blue Square-Israel considers Dor Alon purchase
Blue Square-Israel announced that it is
considering a transaction with its controlling
shareholder, Alon Israel Oil Co to acquire
from Alon all of Alon’s 80.05 percent holdings in Dor Alon Energy in Israel Ltd. Dor
Alon is one of the four largest fuel companies
in Israel based on number of gas stations
and convenience stores. As of March 10,
2010, Dor Alon supplied motor fuels and
other petroleum products to 183 public
retail outlets operating under the “Dor
Alon” brand and operated 168 convenience
stores, including 124 convenience stores
branded “Alonit” and “Super Alonit” and
44 convenience stores operated by the
am:pm chain of stores. David Wiessman,
the Executive Chairman of the Company
said: “The acquisition would combine the
retail operations of the Company and Dor
Alon into one group creating the largest
retail group in Israel. Additionally, the
acquisition could enable the Company to
achieve a strong foothold in the convenience store sector and enable substantial
synergies and cost savings when combining
the retail platforms of both parties”. Blue
Square-Israel Ltd. is a leading retailer in
Israel. A pioneer of modern food retailing,
in the region. Blue Square currently operates 206 supermarkets under different
formats, each offering varying levels of
services and prices.
The High Court in Kampala has ordered Shell
Uganda to deposit not less than sh35b before it
pulls out of Uganda. The land division assistant
registrar, Godfrey Opifeni, gave the order last
month after a shipping company, Mercator
Enterprises, filed a complaint against Shell,
seeking to compel the oil giant to honour a
consent agreement before its exit. Recently,
Shell boss Peter Voser announced that his
company would exit 35 percent of its retail
markets, which would see them close in 21
of its African subsidiaries, including Uganda,
Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia and Botswana.
The two companies are locked in dispute
over accumulated rent, interests and costs of
a commercial property in Kampala. Mercator
claimed Shell should have transferred the
property in 1972. In 2001, Shell conceded and
transferred the property and also agreed to
consent to the court order. Shell is the leader
of the fuel retail business in Uganda with a
market share of over 50 percent.
Emarat recycles 16 tons of paper waste
The collaboration between Emirates General
Petroleum Corporation “Emarat” and Emirates Environmental Working Group resulted
in collecting and recycling around 16 tons
of paper wastes from Emarat’s service stations in Dubai and the Northern Emirates.
Dr. Rahma bin Mohamed Al Shamsi, Retail
Sales Manager at Emarat, expressed his
gratitude and appreciation for the cooperation between the Corporation and Emirates
Environmental Working Group, aiming to
dispose of paper wastes in a healthy and
sound way instead of burning such wastes
or burying them, which increases the pollution and further damages the environment.
He also said that recycling paper waste had
become in recent years one of the most­
important issues in regional and inter­national
communities, due to its certain results in
preserving the resources and protecting the
environment. Mrs Habiba Al Marashi, the
chairperson of Emirates Environmental
Working Group who is also a member of
the UN’s International Convention, praised
Emarat’s initiative, saying “we applaud Emarat’s commitment to the environment which
is evident through its adoption of recycling.
Emarat also encourages its employees to
take the required measure to protect the
environment. I strongly encourage all the
UAE’s companies and institutions to seek
change and commit to their responsibilities
toward the environment and the society
through such effective programs.”
Durapipe PLX fuels Iraq forecourts
A major new forecourt construction pro- large installation consists of 1 800 ­million of
gramme in Iraq has specified Durapipe PLX Durapipe PLX secondary contained close-fit
pipework for the safe transportation of fuel. pipework coils, in sizes 50 mm and 63 mm,
The £ 7 million development will see seven being used to transport fuel in a loop from the
new forecourts constructed across Iraq, underground storage tank to the dispensing
commissioned by Heja Oil, an Iraq based pumps. Durapipe PLX is manufactured in
oil company, specialising in constructing a robust Polyethylene material, which procomplete modern forecourts in Iraq and vides exceptional resistance to rapid crack
Turkey. Turkish distribution company Interpet, propagation and long term stress cracking.
which has years of experience of working A visible Polyamide liner allows increased
with PL X, managed the first forecourt resistance to all types of fuel blends, ensurdevelopment. It was essential that a high ing there is no permeation of fuel through to
quality pipework system that ­a llowed for the atmosphere showing itself to be highly
quick and easy installation was used and effective in the transportation of fuel above
therefore PLX became the natural choice. and below ground. Tuten Aluc, Business
This first large forecourt is based in the Developer for Interpet, who specified the
northern area of the country and consists Durapipe PLX pipework, comments: “We
of 20 fuel pumps that will be used to supply were particularly impressed with how quick
fuel to a variety of vehicles. Given the size and straightforward the installation of the
of this development, it was crucial that the pipework was, which is not often something
pipework selected was easy to use and to that can be said about pipework systems. The
install, as well as offering high performance product was of the highest quality and as a
capabilities. Meeting all these requirements, result we are installing it within the six other
Durapipe PLX pipework was specified. The forecourts we are currently constructing.”
Events, Fuel
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News – Middle East, Africa & Asia
Caltex considers buying oil refineries
Caltex Australia, blocked from acquiring
more than 300 ExxonMobil Corp. filling
stations, would consider buying oil refineries
in the country should they come up for sale,
Chief Executive Officer Julian Segal said
last month. “It could be of interest”, Segal
said after the company’s annual meeting in
Sydney. “It’s always a matter of value. What is
it that we have to pay and what does it offer
shareholders?” “Australia’s largest oil refiner
still views the Mobil-branded stations as a
“good acquisition” after regulators opposed
the A $ 300 million deal in December on
concern it may push prices higher”, Segal said.
“Caltex plans to announce ‘soon’ how it will
respond to the Australian Competition and
Consumer Commission”, he added. Profits
from turning crude into fuels declined as the
worst economic downturn since the Great
Depression cut global demand. Royal Dutch
Shell and ExxonMobil are among companies
that decided to close or sell refineries to
stem losses. “Growth in refining capacity is
adding to downward pressure on margins”,
Caltex said. “Earnings from oil processing
are set to remain weak this year”, Segal
said. “Even so, the refiner’s ‘medium to longterm outlook’ remains positive because of
projected demand from Australia’s mining
and transportation industries”, Caltex said
in a stock exchange filing. “It’s a situation of
imbalance”, Segal said. “There’s too much
supply and too little demand. The issue is
how long before demand is going to grow
and put supply and demand into balance. I
believe it’s not going to happen this financial
year.” “While Caltex would examine potential
refining acquisitions, the company may also
diversify into industries such as liquefied
natural gas”, Segal said.
Shell branding in New Zealand?
need to make sure we are seen as a worldclass company differentiated through our
Kiwi ownership.” The turnover of the Shell
business was $ 2.5 billion a year, with about
half that being sales to the aviation, marine,
fishing, transport and corporate market and
the rest sales at the pump.
The new boss of Shell’s fuel retailing busi- Asked how Greenstone would get more value
ness, which was recently sold to K iw i out of a business that was already No1 in
owners, says the decision to rebrand it New Zealand for market share with 30 peror stick with Shell is tricky. Greenstone cent of the fuel retailing business, Bennetts
Energ y chief executive Mike Bennetts said it could be run more efficiently but that
was in Christchurch, meeting staff of the should not be taken to mean Greenstone
formerly Shell-owned petrol, diesel and would be firing staff.
fuels business. Greenstone completed the He did not say staff numbers would not be
purchase on April 1st. Rebranding would reduced when asked, but said: “I would be
cost “tens of millions of dollars”, Bennetts personally disappointed if we got to the end
said. “Wherever you go brand is a ver y of the year and we had retrenched people
tricky decision and it’s one you only really who wanted to stay with the company and
get to make once.” Greenstone Energy had who were delivering the right level of perpurchased the right to use the Shell brand formance. I believe we will be growing this
for three years and could pay to continue company and that will create more opportunities for existing staff as well as new staff.
with the brand after that.
“So we want to take our time to really There were no targets for reducing costs”,
understand, what do our retail customers he added. Greenstone could also improve
value more, the strength of and security of a the business’ convenience food and other
global brand like Shell, or would they prefer petrol station offerings. It could develop
to have something more homegrown that biodiesel for the domestic market and bring
they can better relate to? In either case we its call centre back to New Zealand.
Pertamina Considers International Opportunities
Pertamina’s Marketing & Trade Director has said that establishing retail fuel service
stations outside of Indonesia has been on the agenda and both Australia and Malaysia
were considered targets.
An end to midweek
bargains in Australia
The State Government of Australia may be
pushing for a ban on the controversial data
service that allow petrol companies view
each other’s prices. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission(ACCC)
released a recommendation for fuel companies to stop releasing information on
prices; however, a ban could trigger an
end for mid-week bargains at the pump.
Joe Dimasi, petroleum commissioner of
the ACCC, informed that the exchange
of information released by the petroleum
companies would always raise some questions and doubts on the consumers.During
the past month, the regular price cycle
vanished, which could mean an end on
fuel midweek prices. Several customers
were surprised with the sudden disappearance of the midweek bargain. One
customer commented that fuel companies
are “a bunch of crooks”. The ACCC urged
petroleum companies who subscribe to a
pricing database to stop sharing information that usually triggers an increase of
fuel prices in some companies. BP, Caltex,
Mobil and Shell, are a few companies that
subscribe to the pricing database.
Caltex drops ExxonMobil acquisition plans
Caltex Australia Ltd has dropped plans to
buy ExxonMobil Corp’s 302 service stations in the country following opposition by
the competition watchdog last December.
PetroChina Profits
Up 70 percent
PetroChina has announced its first-quarter
profit was up 71.2 percent from a year earlier
as demand inside China and crude oil prices
rose. Profit for the three months ending
March 31st was $ 4.7 billion. The company
is coming back from a year in which it was
hit by slow demand and controls on prices
for its processed products. Its net profit fell
9.7 percent in 2009. China’s demand for
oil rose 12.8 percent in March from a year
earlier as the Chinese economy returned
to growth and refining capacity expanded,
according to a Platts report earlier last
month. Platts said the increase was helped
by new refining capacity at state-owned
companies such as Sinopec, PetroChina
and China National Offshore Oil Corp.
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Bennett & Sauser
The Swiss world of chocolates, watches,
From the ClassicLine range, the EM800 fuel pump
From the MultiLine range, the multi-product fuel pump
CEO and Head of Technical Production, René Lüscher, on the factory floor, where you are likely to find him on most days.
When it comes to the business of building high quality hand made pumps, it seems there is nothing he does not know
Switzerland lacks raw materials, so to create to the Icelandic volcano, blessed with the Sauser AG to buy this 50percent stake back in
value, the Swiss have historically relied upon unpronouncable name of Eyjafjallajokull, it 1999 to make Bennett & Sauser a 100 percent
intelligence and high-precision handwork. This transpired to be over twenty hours driving, Swiss Company. If you were able to follow all
has resulted in top-notch machinery, drugs, four hours of sailing, two hours of sleeping that, then you’ll be pleased to know that the
foods, precision tools and strong brands. Rolex, in the car, a great deal of queing and the same situation remains today and Bennet &
Toblerone, Swatch, Ricola and the ‘army knife’ most horendous maintenence road works at Sauser AG have moved forward strongly in
are brand names that underscore Switzer- Dunkerque, on France’s north coast, with no the last ten years to MID approvals, together
land’s image. But in the mix of high quality signposting whatsoever, causing me to miss my with gain ISO9001, the Quality Manageproducts, which define Switzerland’s export ferry home. I must also say that the cause of ments Standards certification and ATEX 94 / 9
culture, you’ll find a company well known to this extended journey, the volcanic ash, could EG approval, relating to the laws European
this industry, with trading roots dating back not have been any worse that the thick black member states have concerning equipment
to 1894. Headquartered in Solothurn, about fumes being emmitted from the funnels of and protective systems intended for use in
one hour’s drive by car from Zurich, Bennett the aging boat I was very pleased to be on, potentially explosive atmospheres.
& Sauser manufactures approximately 800 but’s that’s another subject! As it turned out, Quite suprisingly to me, the first thing I discovhandmade fuel dispensers a year, with every I did get a very nice lunch, I had more than ered when I sat down and talked to the team
last one proudly boasting a ‘made in Switzer- enough time at the Bennett & Sauser offices was that there are two clearly distinctive sides
land’ existence. And why not? After all it’s to get a really good understanding of what goes to Bennett & Sauser. I have always thought of
a claim that most companies, looking to be on there and British Airways are refunding B&S as manufacturers of sophisticated refuelacknowledged for manufacturing excellence, my flight ticket, so all was certainly not lost. ling systems, maybe with a bias towards the
would certainly consider paying for, but in It was in 1963 that Sauser first joined forces commercial side of the business, trading in
Bennett & Sauser’s case it happens to be true. with The Bennett Pump Company in the many countries throughout the world. I had
My trip to visit René Lüscher, Head of Tech- USA, to signal the foundation of Bennett & not considered that in their home market of
nical Production and Sales and Marketing Sauser AG. What happened over the next Switzerland, they are designers and planners of
Director Fabrizio Lavieri, was scheduled to be fourty years involved Satam SA taking over state of the art, filling stations, offering clients
a short flight to Zurich, a train to Solothurn, 50 percent of The Bennett Company in 1982, the means to make their business happen,
a condensed factory tour, a quick lunch and Tokheim taking over Sofitam, owners of Satam, trading on their decades of experience. They
back to the UK, in time for the football on in 1997, together with the 50 percent stake also have 20 percent of the Swiss service and
television that evening. In reality, thanks held by Satam in Bennett & Sauser, only for installation market. Talking first to Fabrizio
latest news, Events, jobs online –
Bennett & Sauser
army knives and fuel dispensers
about the core of the company’s activities, he nozzel no less, which I recognised instantly by
says “Our business in Switzerland is based on virtue of the fact it was in a box bearing the
good old fashioned service. We sell the whole name of Elaflex. I mention this just in case
package to retailers, including site manage- people think I am starting to become techniment, installation and maintenence. All our cally minded, which I can honestly say is not
dispensing products, of which we have two the case. The Bennett & Sauser retail lines
main lines, are custom built to order, which primarily include two ranges of pumps. The
may not make them the cheapest, but as we classic, which is plinth mounted and operational
are using our own equipment, subsequent from either side and the MultiLine, which is
spare part costs are at a minimum. Having especially designed for dispensing up to four
fast response maintenence times, high qual- different products. AdBlue dispensers and a
ity products and a good site design in the first variety of commercial pumps make up the
place are the keys to our customers having the full Bennett & Sauser product profile. René
minimum amount of down time through defec- kept disappearing to deal with issues on the
tive refuelling systems, which in this business factory floor, but this gave me a chance to
is vital, so as to avoid significant revenue loss.” appreciate how hands on he is on a day to day
A statement made in one company brochure basis. He was like a magnet to the employees
says “Professionals are distinguished by the who work there, fully living up to his official
fact that they remain accessible to their cus- title of Head of Technical Production, whilst
tomers even after the delivery of the product” at the same time being the company’s most
which in many ways sums up much of what senior executive.
Back in the offices, I was pleased to see Bennett
Fabrizio is saying.
The Bennett & Sauser web site acknowledges & Sauser’s latest recruit, Peter Gysi, formerly
the competences of the company in the Swiss of Hectronic, sitting next to Fabrizio, who has
market as being; production of fuel dispensing been brought in by the company to develop the
pumps for varied industries including retail markets outside of Switzerland. Fabrizio expetroleum, marine, aviation and transport, plained that Bennett & Sauser have been selling
modernization and reconstruction of petrol outside Switzerland since the beginning, with
stations, consulting, support and planning an established network of partners in countries,
of complete stations, customer service and a including Germany, Holland, UK, Belgium,
marketeer of fleet management systems. Its Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. He
customer profile incorporates, oil companies, says “We want to re focus our international
regional oil distributors, independant petrol activities particularly in the countries around
station owners, the Swiss Post, the Swiss Army Switzerland, like Germany, Austria and Italy,
and several large transport companies. Esso, where in the 1990’s we were selling 40 pumps
Migrol, Tamoil, Agip Suisse, Avia, Agrola, Mini a week, also France, Eastern Europe and the
Prix, Energie Halter and VBS are just some Middle East. Custom built dispensers, dealing
of the names which make up the Bennett & with companies specifying 10 pumps or 1 000
pumps are our credentials and I’m sure Peter
Sauser impressive client list.
On a tour of the factory with René, I saw the will play an important role in developing this
past in a way I had never actually seen it before. business for Bennett & Sauser.”
Of course I had been shown old and antique That comment seemed to be a good one to leave
petrol pumps before, but I had never really ap- on and after a final cup of coffee and some
preciated how they worked, until that is I was new input into my satellite navigation system,
shown the Sasso pump, developed by Sauser I considered the eight hour drive to Dunkerque
in 1924, which has glass containers inside ahead of me, from where I was to board my
holding the fuel as it is being drawn off. See very environmentally unfriendly ferry to one
picture. I suppose I imagined that petrol was of England’s most unattractive towns, Dover.
simply pumped straight from the ground, but At the time I remember thinking a few beers
then how would customers know how much in a nice local hotel and having an eight hour
fuel had been dispensed? We live and learn! sleep would be far more preferable. However,
Moving on I watched three pumps being built, being typically British, I decided this volcano
by hand, using a lean time manufacturing was not going to beat me, so off I went and
programme, similar to the one employed by thankfully I reached home in one piece twelve
Istobal, see last months featured story, where hours later, having had a very interesting day
parts for the job in hand are delivered on to reflect on. Thank you René, Fabrizio and
11 in Barcelona.
demand through an extremely well organised Peter. See you at
warehouse and storage system. On the trolley
next to the MultiLine pump I watched being More information on Bennett & Sauser @
assembled was a very familiar sight. An Elaflex www
by Nick Needs
Sasso dispenser, manufactured by Sauser in 1924
One of three dispensers being built on the factory floor
whilst I was there
Same pump as above, but another technician working
from the other side
A trolley arrives with parts from Elaflex and OPW, for the
next assembly
René making a quick observation on a soon to be completed diesel dispenser
(From left to right) Fabrizio Lavieri and Peter Gysi
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50 percent of US car fleets to buy alternative fuel vehicles The Car-Puccino
In the next three years, this is a reality, according to a phone survey conducted by AFVi, who
surveyed 135 companies with fleets ranging in
size from 70 to 72 000 vehicles. By fleet size,
these companies were in the top 10 percent of
all commercial companies in the U.S. AFVi
found that larger companies and those that
already have some alternative fuel vehicles
are more likely to have additional purchase
plans. When asked how important each of
several specific factors are in the decision to
purchase an alternative fuel vehicle, the most
important factor is the ‘availability of the right
alternative fuel vehicle to meet my fleet’s
need ’. This was followed by fuel availability,
overall payback and environmental concerns.
Available incentives and the price of fuel/
diesel were less important factors. According
to the survey, the questions fleet managers
have when considering an alternative fuel
vehicle, tend to focus on whether the vehicle
will meet the job demand. Questions also
focus on the initial cost, the cost to operate
and fueling availability / infrastructure. In
addition, the top place they turn for answers
is the Internet.
To prove that just about anything can be
turned into car fuel these days, Bang Goes
the Theory will drive the Car-Puccino 210
miles from London to Manchester using
only residual coffee grounds as fuel. This
coffee-guzzling car combines Back to
the Future styling (in addition to being
inexpensive, the Scirocco resembles the
DeLorean and steampunk aesthetics (the
into a glass tube, 370 at a time, forming a designers installed a radiator grill on the
“capillary array”, about the width of a drink- roof) and it achieves 1.4 miles per pound
ing straw. The scientists say that 11 000 of of grounds, which works out to about 56
these arrays will fuel a car for 240 miles. Not espressos per mile. Driving between London
bad considering they’ll also take up less than and Manchester will require more than 150
half the space and weight of a conventional pounds of grounds, plus stops every 30 to
hydrogen storage tank. “We have shown new 45 miles to refill, as well as frequent breaks
materials that can store more hydrogen than to clean the coffee filtering system. On the
any other system”, says Dan Eliezer, Chief bright side, if the guy behind the wheel
Scientist of C.En Ltd., the company based in plans to generate all of his fuel himself by
Geneva, Switzerland, where the Israelis are drinking and driving, he’ll probably be able
developing their invention. The hydrogen array to get out of the car and run to Manchester
system was unveiled in Berlin at the German under his own power after the first mile
Federal Institute for Materials Research and or so. Since coffee in the UK now costs
Testing, known by the awesome acronym between US $ 9 and US $ 20 per pound, the
“BAM”. No word on if any automakers are Car-Puccino’s coffee would cost up to 50
interested in the technology or developing times more than the gasoline required for
similar technology of their own.
a conventional auto, if it were not relying
on recycled grounds. The Car-Puccino’s
top speed of 60 miles per hour ensures a
leisurely and pleasant-smelling 210-mile
journey, with lots of rest stops. The Carcharging, we can support alternative trans- Puccino works by heating coffee grounds
portation and help Austin residents decrease with charcoal until the beans break down
their environmental impact”, a Whole Foods into gaseous hydrogen and carbon monoxspokesperson said. The ChargePoint Network ide. The fuel system feeds the resulting
is open to all drivers of plug-in vehicles and gas into a rooftop radiator, which filters
provides authentication, management and out solids and tar and the purified gas
real-time control for the networked electric then burns in the car’s engine. Though
vehicle charging stations. Features of the coffee-powered cars are unlikely to pass
network include charging status by SMS or their gas-sipping cousins in popularity
email notification, location of unoccupied anytime soon – even if Starbucks sets up
charging stations through smart phones, filling stations everywhere and offers to
authenticated access to eliminate energy sell its leftover grounds at a competitive
price – this still is a neat proof-of-concept.
theft and in iPhone application.
Israeli researchers develop small, lightweight hydrogen storage technology
Just a short time ago, we informed you about
Germany’s commitment of US $2 billion for
the construction of at least 1 000 hydrogen
refueling stations. A month ago, we learned
about London’s decision to build a network
of hydrogen filling stations in time for the
2012 Olympics. But, outside of California’s
Hydrogen Highway, we don’t hear too much
about the progress of hydrogen infrastructure
and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the U.S.
Researchers in Israel say they’ve come up with
a very novel way of storing hydrogen. Gone
are the bulky, super-insulated tanks that can
keep coffee hot for 28 days. The Israeli team
has figured out a way to pack hydrogen into
glass filaments that, once completed, will
be slightly thicker than a human hair. The
glass hairs, or “capillaries”, are then bundled
Electric vehicle charging station for Whole Foods
The station is part of the ChargePoint
Networked Charging Stations for Electric
vehicles, from Coulomb Technologies. “It
is our hope that by offering electric vehicle
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Fuel news
Dresser wayne
Damian Tracey, President EMEA, Dresser Wayne
An interview by Nick Needs
Dresser Wayne has been shaping the retail and
fleet fueling industry since it first designed a
petrol pump back in 1891. They were known
then as the Wayne Oil Tank Company. This
inaugural product in fact won the distinction
of being “The Best Self Measuring Oil Pump”
at an exhibition in Chicago just two years
later. Once the motor vehicle entered the
scene, the company’s purpose and mission
was solidified, to create a reliable, accurate
way for motorists to refuel cars.
After the introduction of the first gasoline
pump in 1907, Dresser Wayne grew quickly
and opened a new plant at Fort Wayne, Indiana. In 1918, the company introduced the first
“visible” pump, allowing motorists to see and
control the amount of petroleum going into
their tanks, but there was much more to come.
Mechanical computing dispensers, the blending
pump, the electronic dispenser and the first
customer activated terminal (CAT), heralded
the age of self service and pay-at-the-pump
and were just some of the products Dresser
Wayne went on to produce in the years that
followed. As Dresser Wayne grew in product
development, it also grew in size and global
scope, with Canada being the first international
destination where Dresser Wayne opened offices in 1919. Since then and nearly 100 years
later, offices in the UK, Germany, Italy, Brazil,
Australia, South Africa, Sweden and China
have been established, to service Dresser
Wayne’s international expansion. Shortly after
a merger with Dresser industries in 1968, the
company opened its World Headquarters in
Austin Texas, which remains the same today.
Dresser Wayne are one of the largest business
units in the Dresser Group and a global leader
in the design, manufacture and servicing of
fueling forecourt solutions, with a portfolio
of products which include, dispensers, payment platforms, control systems and related
Having published a number of interviews
recently with senior executives from the major
dispensing companies, erpecnews would not
be complete without paying a visit to Dresser
Wayne, especially as they are one of the top two
suppliers in the world. Another reason might
be that they have been ever present at erpec
for the last 14 years! I was very fortunate to
be invited to the company’s UK offices in leafy
Buckinghamshire, to meet EMEA President,
Damian Tracey, who has been with the company for two years. Previously Damian was
Damian Tracey, President EMEA, Dresser Wayne
working for Smith’s Industries, another high
profile, technology led organisation. In our
first exchanges, Damian was keen to point out
that 85 percent of what Dresser do as a group,
is energy related, encompassing industries
such as Oil, Gas, Power Generation, Fueling,
Fuel Testing and Water. With a US $ 2 billion
turnover, Dresser serves customers in more
than 150 countries and employs approximately
6 300 people globally. Damian comments “We
are very focused as a group in terms of what
we do and of course there are huge benefits
for us at Dresser Wayne from being part of
such a large corporation concentrating mainly
on technology and energy.”
From previous industries he has worked in,
Damian explains that he knows the benefits
of playing a responsible role in any industry he
represents. He says “This particular industry
is no different and the challenges we face in
the retail petroleum sector are channeled and
discussed thoroughly, through an executive
board put in place by CECOD and attended
by all the major dispenser and equipment
For further reference, CECOD is the Committee of European Manufacturers of Petroleum
Measuring and Distributing Equipment, a
non-profit association, providing facilities for
its members to share technical information
related to fuel measuring and dispensing
technologies and processes. CECOD members
work closely with European Member States
and Authorities in all relevant matters in
support of its deep commitment to promote
the unification of European Legal Metrology,
Safety and Environmental legislation together
with its subsequent enforcement. CECOD
shall allow neither discussion nor exchange
of information concerning prices, terms or
latest news, Events, jobs online –
Dresser wayne
conditions of sale, nor shall it be a vehicle for
other conduct, policies or programs limiting
free enterprise.
enabling us to expand and strengthen our
aftermarket service coverage across Central
and Eastern Europe.”
“Discussing health & safety, regulations, legislation, technology and environmental topics,
plus anything else which may be relevant, is
vital for me and the other manufactures, so as
to allow important information to be passed
down the line to R&D departments. It also
comes back to regulation and being fully
compliant with technology”, he said.
So busy times for Dresser Wayne during the
last two years, but what can we expect from
them in terms of future product development
and where geographically do Dresser Wayne
see their challenges for the coming years? I
put a few direct questions to Damian, who
for reasons of simplicity will be known as DT
in this Q&A session.
Two years since the launch of ‘Global Ovation’,
Dresser’s high performance top of the range
dispenser, equipped with integrated payment
solutions, media capability and X-Flow metre,
Damian says things have gone well for this
product at the top end of the market, but its
arrival is certainly not the only high profile
news Dresser Wayne have generated over
the last two years. Just taking a look back at
the press releases we received in our offices
during this period, it has clearly been a very
busy time for them.
NN: Can you enlarge on the importance of the
Rohé acquisition? Do you see this making your
products far more available through installation
and service channels in the markets where the
former Rohé companies are present?
In January 2009, Dresser announced a new
three year agreement with TOTAL to supply fuel dispensers to TOTAL’s locations in
France, the UK, Germany and the Benelux.
In July 2009, the company was named as the
primary supplier to BP’s retail fuel locations
in Europe and North America. In July 2009,
ST1, a retailer operator in Finland which
purchased Esso’s sites in 2007, ordered ‘Global
Ovation’ dispensers for their alternative fuel
compatibility to distribute its new Refuel RE85
ethanol biofuel at five eco-conscious wind and
solar-powered retail fuel sites. In February
this year, MOL named Dresser Wayne as its
dispenser supplier for ten retail markets in
Central and Eastern Europe including, Hungary,
the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Italy,
Croatia, Romania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Serbia.
Also in 2010, Shell, through Johnson Control,
awarded Dresser Wayne a service maintenance contract for its 1 600 sites in Germany
and Damian commented at the time “This is
extremely significant in terms of our German
footprint and our day to day relationship with
one of the multi-national oil companies.” This
news followed an announcement in October
2009, which saw Dresser Wayne acquire part of
the former maintenance and service company
Rohé, in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic,
Switzerland and Slovakia. Global President of
Dresser Wayne, Neil H. Thomas said “We see
Rohé as a great fit with our existing operations,
DT: The acquisition is of strategic significance
in extending the direct Dresser Wayne footprint
across Europe and in particular in expanding
our comprehensive aftermarket capability across
Europe. We are now able to propose a complete
products and service offering to current and
future customers in these emerging and growing markets. For Dresser Wayne in Hungary,
Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and
Poland we are now able to provide enhanced
customer service solutions to our customers due
to this acquisition.
Traditionally, Scandinavia and Italia were and
continue to be very strong for Dresser Wayne.
Equally, the acquisition of Rohé entities in
fast growing markets presents us with a huge
opportunity. We are also very successful in
South and North Africa, one of our recent
projects being in Algeria, with a motorway
programme in cooperation with Naftal. And
not forgetting Russia, where Dresser Wayne is
the global number one manufacturer for the
Russian market.
A Global Star V dispenser with iX pay at the pump
NN: What about new products? The company is
very focused on technology, but can you tell me
anything of importance the R&D departments
may be working on at the moment?
Dresser Wayne has always been at the forefront
of product and service technology innovation
and under the leadership of Neil Thomas, we
have launched a considerable number of new
products over the past few years: Global Ovation,
ixPay secure payment, meeting the latest EMV
and other standards, iSense remote monitoring,
Fusion and CNG to name but a few. We are
continuing to strive for innovation and are
working on a number of new developments that
will be launched in the market place over the
next few years. In particular we are focusing
on offering an expanded range of alternative
fuel technologies and enhancing our current
product range further in terms of security and
NN: As EMEA President, can you outline the
countries where you are strongest, those countries
where you are making steady progress and those
where you see the greatest challenges?
A Global Star V dispenser without payment
A Fusion forecourt controller
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Dresser wayne
capability. Following the acquisition of Nuovo
Pignone in 2004 we have invested in this business and continue to do so, were able to book
a number of notable successes globally under
Dresser Wayne ownership, with South East
Asia, China and Russia being at the forefront
of growth. More recently Dresser Wayne were
chosen to supply BG/KTG in Kazakhstan
with CNG fuel compressors and dispensers.
Our ambition is to be the global number one
player in the CNG market, not only covering
NGV applications but also expanding into the
Oil & Gas sector.
NN: Clearly environmental issues are hot on
the agenda in today’s markets. Can you briefly
outline key initiatives that Dresser Wayne are
committed to and interesting projects the
company is currently involved in?
Dresser Wayne offers a complete portfolio of
alternative fuel products like LPG bio fuel
and Ad Blue dispensers and vapor recovery
with additional improvements on the near
horizon. In addition we have just launched
the first combined CNG and traditional fuels
dispenser allowing multi fuel dispensing from
one island. Installations of this dispenser have
already commenced and demonstrate Dresser
Wayne’s commitment to alternative/cleaner
fuels. Dresser Wayne is also continuing its
R&D efforts in other alternative fuel dispensing technologies. Of course, we also offer an
extensive range of CNG products that are
installed across the world.
NN: Your Global footprint in CNG is very
significant. Can you briefly sum up Dresser
Wayne’s activities and ambitions in this vitally
important sector?
CNG is key part of our business and product
portfolio. It enables Dresser Wayne to provide
our customers with a complete alternative fuel
NN: Finally, I know that Dresser Wayne have
been ever present at erpec , our international
business forum for the retail petroleum industry,
but can we expect to see you there in person
next year in Barcelona?
Certainly, Dresser Wayne is proud of or our association with erpec and I am looking forward
to the forum in Barcelona and a prosperous
future for the industry.
We look forward to seeing you there and thank
you for all your help in producing this interview.
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Petroforum Middle East, Asia & Africa
USA News
Two million signatures
Canadian Tire to open 23 gas stations
urging swipe fee reform Canadian Tire has announced an agreement to for Canadian Tire and a competitive advantage”,
Building on 7-Eleven’s successful “Stop Unfair build and operate gas stations and convenience
Credit Card Fees” consumer petition campaign, stores at 23 state-of-the-art service centres being
convenience store operators joined with U.S. redeveloped along Highways 400 and 401. The
Representatives Peter Welch (VT-At Large) new service centres will provide fuelling, shopand Bill Shuster (PA-9) to deliver an additional ping, resting and quick service dining facilities.
2 million new customer signatures collected Under an agreement with the Province of Ontario,
during the NACS “Stop Unfair Swipe Fees” the centres will be redeveloped and operated by
campaign, which is asking Congress to put Host Kilmer Service Centres; Host Kilmer has
an end to unfair, hidden credit and debit card in turn chosen Canadian Tire as the petroleum
swipe fees that cripple Main Street merchants and associated convenience store partner for all
and their customers. “Two million Americans 23 locations. “Automotive is a key differentiator
added their voices to the chorus calling for
fairness for the small businesses that drive
our economy. Two million more Americans are
recognizing that swipe fees kill good-paying,
local jobs and drive up costs for consumers. Casey’s General Stores, the US operator of
Two million more Americans are saying ‘enough convenience stores, last month rejected an unis enough”, said Rep. Welch. “We must take solicited offer from Couche-Tard of Canada to
action to rein in the abusive practices of the buy the company for US $ 1.9 billion, including
credit card industry and ensure that small busi- US $ 29 million of debt. Couche-Tard, which has
nesses get a fair deal.” American consumers 5 883 convenience stores in the US and Canada
and merchants pay US $ 48 billion each year mostly attached to petrol stations, is seeking to
in hidden credit and debit card fees – more bolster its presence in the US Midwest and has
than twice those charged in countries like offered US $ 36 a share in cash for Casey’s. The
the United Kingdom and Australia. In fact, Quebec-based company first approached Casey’s,
Visa Europe agreed to slash some of the fees which has about 1 500 stores, in October 2009 but
charged for debit card transactions in Europe, chose to take its interest in the company public
while debit rates in the U.S. have continued to after an initial proposal, also pitched at US $ 36
climb. Combined with 7-Eleven’s 1.7 million a share, was rejected in March this year. The
signatures urging swipe fee reform, the total approach comes amid a tick-up in hostile dealnumber of signatures delivered to Congress is making in the US as companies with ample cash
3.7 million – the largest number of consumer
signatures ever collected for a public policy
issue. “Swipe fees cost Americans more than
late fees, over-the-limit fees, annual fees, cash
advance fees and ATM fees combined”, said In a piece unsympathetic to the convenience
Hank Armour, NACS President and CEO. and petroleum retailing industry, a newspaper
“Small businesses across the country are strug- article earlier this week painted the federal law
gling to pay these huge fees. Congress needs to that prohibits rest area commercialization as
take action and that action needs to come now.” antiquated and having long served its purpose to
the detriment of road-weary travellers. The piece
opens by addressing how states are increasingly
shuttering rest areas in an effort to close budget
deficits. Arizona closed 13 of its rest areas last
fall and Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine,
TravelCenters of America has renewed its Vermont and Virginia have also closed restrooms,
supply chain contract with McLane, for the actions which have prompted some state law233 TA and Petro Shopping Center branded makers to question the 54-year old federal law
travel stores throughout 41 states. McLane’s 19 that prohibits commercializing rest areas. “I’d
facilities will continue to support distribution like to see a state with enough guts to stand
of a broad line of products for TA. McLane
provides for TA and Petro’s selection of beverages, snacks and travel products. TA and Petro
stores offer a selection of gourmet coffees,
cappuccinos and hot chocolates. Customers The US Federal Aviation Administration is plancan also find features such as breakfast sand- ning to spend US $ 10 million over the next five
wiches, pastries and fresh deli sandwiches.
years to develop an unleaded aviation gasoline
said Michael Medline, President of Canadian
Tire Automotive. “These highways are the busiest
in Ontario. We estimate the sites will generate
six million incremental transactions a year and
will help us develop new and longstanding
relationships with customers.” Seven sites are
currently under construction and, by the end
of 2012, the plan projects that 20 sites will be
open for business. Host Kilmer, a partnership
between US-based HMSHost and Kilmer, will
operate the extensive network of travel centres.
Casey’s rejects Couche-Tard take-over bid
resources seek out revenue growth opportunities
in the aftermath of the recession. Robert Myers,
president and chief executive officer of Casey’s,
on Friday responded to Couche-Tard’s offer arguing in a letter that the proposal “significantly
undervalues” the company. He wrote: “We agree
with you that the US convenience store operators
are currently undervalued; however we will not
hand over to you the significant long-term value of
Casey’s that rightfully belongs to our shareholders”. Couche-Tard, which greatly expanded its US
presence through a 2003 deal to take over Circle
K, has previously expressed its interest in adding
to its portfolio while valuations remain reasonable. Already about two-thirds of its stores and
the company’s 53 000 employees are US based.
States consider options in Rest Plaza Services
Travel Centres renew
McLane contract
up to a stupid law and ignore it”, said Ronald
Utt, who conducts research on transportation
for the Heritage Foundation. New Jersey last
closed a rest area in 2006. However, the lone
stop along Route 80 is scheduled to offer limited
services beginning in January and New Jersey
transportation commissioner Jim Simpson said
that he is exploring ways to maintain services
at the centre, such as having companies like
Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks maintain the rest
areas and pay rent to the state. “We’re trying to
be creative and do something that’s a positive”,
Simpson said, conceding that such a move
would conflict with the federal law prohibiting
privatizing rest areas.
FAA targets 2015 for unleaded aviation fuel
latest USA news –
to replace the 100 octane low-lead fuels used
in piston-powered aircraft, according to the
General Aviation Manufacturers Association.
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