EXAMINATION REGULATIONS FOR INVIGILATORS 2014 Edition This document contains extracts from regulations and procedures approved by the University. Boxed text contains commentaries. Contents 1 Invigilation of Examinations .............................................................................................. 2 2 Explaining the Examination Protocol to Students .............................................................. 3 3 Open Book Examinations and Advanced Publication of Papers ........................................ 3 3 The Use of Electronic Calculators in Examinations ........................................................... 3 4 Procedures for Students who Attend an Examination without Identification .................... 3 5 The Role of Academic Staff in the Running of Formal Examinations .............................. 4 6 Arrivals and Departures ...................................................................................................... 4 7 Disruptive Behaviour .......................................................................................................... 5 8 Cheating .............................................................................................................................. 6 9 Illness .................................................................................................................................. 7 APPENDIX: Penalties for Confirmed Cases of Cheating ......................................................... 9 1 Invigilation of Examinations 1.1 Invigilation shall be required to undertake formal invigilation training. 1.2 It is the responsibility of the Invigilators to supervise examinations in accordance with these conventions. 1.3 All invigilators must be present in the examination room to which they have been appointed from thirty minutes before the start of the examination until all answer scripts have been removed from the examination room after the conclusion of the examination. 1.4 Invigilators are responsible for the distribution of question papers before the start of each examination, for the collection of script answer books from each candidate and for checking and entering on the Room Report provided, the number of answer books collected. 1.5 Under normal circumstances, at least two invigilators must remain in the examination room throughout the examination except when their invigilation duties require them to leave. 1.6 At the time scheduled for the start of the examination an Invigilator shall: (i) make an announcement to the effect that candidates must satisfy themselves that they are in possession of the correct paper; (ii) ask candidates to study carefully the instructions at the head of the examination paper; (iii) make all other necessary announcements. The protocol will have been issued in advance, and will be available on each desk, so you do NOT need to read it in full. However, you do need to remind students that a copy is on their desk, they should refamiliarise themselves with the content, and they must not start writing answers, or making notes, until they are told to begin. 1.7 In the event of an invigilator suspecting a candidate of cheating, the invigilator shall act in accordance with paragraph 8. 1.8 In the event of an invigilator judging that a candidate’s behaviour is disruptive, the invigilator shall act in accordance with paragraph 7. 1.9 Candidates wishing to make a temporary withdrawal from the examination room for personal reasons must be accompanied by an Invigilator or by a person authorised by the Invigilator. 1.10 The Invigilators shall inform the Registrar (or her/his representative) immediately of any unsatisfactory conditions which they consider detrimental to the conduct of the examinations. Contact Christina’s team…… 1.11 Invigilators are not permitted to smoke or consume alcohol in the examination room and must not permit other persons to do so. 1.12 Invigilators are expected to focus on their task of invigilation throughout their session in the examination hall. 2 Explaining the Examination Protocol to Students o o 3 Student Administration will issue an “Exam Protocol for Students” advice sheet, prior to the official exam period(s), to complement the notices read by the Senior Invigilator during the examination. Departments will refer to the Protocol document during revision sessions. Open Book Examinations and Advanced Publication of Papers 3.1 Open Book Examinations For all ‘Open Book’ examinations, the relevant Head of Department [or equivalent] or nominee shall ensure that the candidates are informed, in writing, of the following: o the title of the ‘Open Book’ examination paper; o the precise nature of the material which can be taken into the examination room; o that the material is for the candidates’ personal use only; o that, notwithstanding the fact that the candidates are allowed the use of certain specified material, the examination will be conducted in accordance with the conventions governing the Conduct of Examinations. You need to know what is allowed for each exam….. 3.2 Advanced Publication of Papers In the event of a written paper being published in advance of the date of an examination, the relevant Head of Department [or equivalent] or nominee shall ensure that the candidates are informed, in writing, of the following: o the title of the paper; o the date on which the paper will be available to candidates; o the venue for collection of the paper by the candidates. 3 The Use of Electronic Calculators in Examinations Candidates are permitted to use their own ‘pocket size’ electronic calculators, provided that they are silent in operation, and unless expressly disallowed from using them for specific examination papers. The University shall not be responsible for the provision of (i) calculators in the event of a breakdown, (ii) power for their operation, or (iii) spare batteries. 4 Procedures for Students who Attend an Examination without Identification Such students shall be permitted to undertake the examination. However, they shall be required to provide their signature in the examination, and shall be supplied, by the invigilator, with a letter from the Registrar, requiring them to supply the photographic ID in person, to a specified location, within one week of the date of the examination. Students shall also be required to provide their signature again when supplying the photographic identification. The results of the examination shall not be published until the identification is supplied, together with a signature that matches the signature provided during the examination. 5 The Role of Academic Staff in the Running of Formal Examinations Assessment Co-ordinators shall ensure that, for each examination, a member of academic staff who is knowledgeable about the contents of the question paper, arrives in the examination room at least 20 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination, to: ensure that the correct paper[s] are being taken, and check the paper[s] for any errors; inform the Invigilators of any amendments to be made; ensure that, where required, specialised stationery and supporting papers are provided; answer any queries about the question paper, and, before leaving the examination room, inform an Invigilator where s/he may be contacted in the University for the duration of the examination, in the event of questions from a candidate on the paper. 6 Arrivals and Departures 6.1 Arrivals o o o 6.2 Candidates shall be advised to attend their examination 15 minutes before the official start time. No candidate shall be permitted to enter the examination room after the lapse of 10 minutes from the start of the examination. This is NEW, but all students were informed by email several months ago, and will be reminded before the first exam. No additional time will be allowed to candidates who arrive at the examination room after the start of the examination. Departures o o o No candidate shall be permitted to leave the examination room EITHER in the first 30 minutes from the start of the examination OR in the last fifteen minutes of the examination. Candidates who complete their work during the last fifteen minutes shall remain quietly seated until the Invigilator announces the end of the examination. Irrespective of their departure time, candidates must not [a] leave the examination room until all their written work has been handed in or [b] remove from the examination room any answer books (whether used or unused), mathematical tables or other data provided for use or other items of examination stationery except for non-returnable question papers. 7 Disruptive Behaviour 7.1 Candidates are forbidden to: [a] communicate with each other in the examination room; [b] address enquiries to anyone other than an Invigilator; [c] smoke or consume alcohol in the examination room; [c] leave mobile telephones or pagers switched on in the examination room; [d] place mobile telephones or pagers on their desks; [e] indulge in any behaviour which, in the opinion of the invigilator, may disturb other candidates; [f] indulge in any other form of conduct which may disrupt the smooth progress of an examination. “c” bans all forms of smoking, including e-cigarettes. “e” and “f” are designed to enable you to stop candidates engaging in behaviour we haven’t explicitly forbidden! 7.2 Where an Invigilator suspects a candidate of breaching Convention 7.1, the following procedure shall be followed. [a] The Invigilator shall normally order the candidate to discontinue the forbidden behaviour. If the candidate does so, no further action will be taken. If, however, the candidate, in the same examination, subsequently engages in any of the behaviours listed in paragraph 7.1: the Senior Invigilator shall order the candidate to leave the room; when the candidate has left the room, s/he shall be informed by the Senior Invigilator that a full report will be made to the Proctor; the Senior Invigilator shall inform the candidate that s/he may submit a written statement if s/he so wishes, to be forwarded to the Proctor; at the conclusion of the examination, the Invigilators shall prepare a joint report of all the circumstances, and forward this report to the Proctor, who shall treat the matter according to paragraphs 6.1 onwards of the Code of Student Discipline. [b] Notwithstanding clause “a” above, the Senior Invigilator is empowered to judge that the behaviour is sufficiently disruptive to warrant the immediate removal of the candidate from the examination room. In these circumstances: when the candidate has left the room, s/he shall be informed by the Senior Invigilator that a full report will be made to the Proctor; the Senior Invigilator shall inform the candidate that s/he may submit a written statement if s/he so wishes, to be forwarded to the Proctor; at the conclusion of the examination, the Invigilators shall prepare a joint report of all the circumstances, and forward this report to the Proctor, who shall treat the matter according to paragraph 6.1 onwards of the Code of Student Discipline. 8 Cheating 8.1 Regulations to be Followed by Candidates Candidates are forbidden to: [a] take to their desk in the examination/test room EITHER any unauthorised material [including, inter alia, books, manuscripts, papers, articles or notes of any kind] OR any case, bag or other container in which books, manuscripts, papers or other unauthorised material can be carried; This is phrased in a way that enables you to stop candidates bringing in unauthorised material using new technology, such as smart watches, that hadn’t been invented when the regulation was written! [b] make use of any of the types of material referred to in “a” above that were introduced into the examination/test room by either the candidate or another examinee; [c] obtain, or endeavour to obtain, directly or indirectly, assistance in his/her work; [d] give or endeavour to give, directly or indirectly, assistance to any other candidate [e] impersonate an examination candidate; [f] allow themselves to be impersonated; [g] write notes or rough work anywhere other than in the answer books or on the question papers provided. 8.2 Action to be Taken Where an Invigilator Suspects a Candidate of Breaching Regulation 8.1 [a] [b] [c] The Senior Invigilator shall be informed. If the Senior Invigilator shares the suspicion, he or she shall: o normally remove and retain any unauthorised material [where this is not practicable, the material shall be photographed before the student is allowed to leave]; AND o report the matter to the Registrar (or her/his representative), who shall have power EITHER to exclude the candidate from the examination room OR permit the candidate to finish the paper. In this case, contact the Registrar directly, via my desk phone [3473] or mobile [07547293759]. I will leave my mobile on throughout the exam period. The candidate shall be informed before s/he leaves the room that: o the Invigilators will prepare a report of the circumstances, for forwarding to the Registrar; and o the candidate is not required to admit to a breach of the regulations but s/he may submit a written statement if s/he so wishes, to be forwarded to the Registrar. At the conclusion of the examination, the Invigilators shall prepare a joint report of all the circumstances, and forward this report to the Registrar. 9 [d] The Registrar shall compile a report for the relevant Panel and/or Board of Examiners. The Registrar’s Report shall take into account the circumstances in the Invigilator’s Report, and any statement submitted by the student, and shall identify the options available to the Board, in view of the Academic Regulations and any precedents. [e] Based on the Registrar’s report, the Board of Examiners shall be responsible for determining the consequences for the student [in the case of a dual-stage examining system, the Board may receive a recommendation from the Panel of Examiners for the pathway concerned]. [f] If, well before the normal date of a Board, a case emerges for which the most appropriate outcome would be Termination of Studies, the Chair of the Board will be empowered [in liaison with the Registrar] to take Chair’s Action to terminate studies, the student retaining the right to appeal to Academic Appeals Committee against that decision. [g] A record of each case, including the recommendation made to the Board of Examiners and the decision taken, including reasons for any variation from the normal penalty, shall be held centrally. This central record shall be maintained until the student graduates, or leaves the University before graduation, at which point the record shall normally be deleted; the record of misconduct shall neither be passed on to other institutions, nor [in the case of undergraduates] transferred to any subsequent record of the student’s Postgraduate study at this University. However, if a student’s studies have been terminated for a repeated offence, the record shall be maintained, and the University shall reserve the right to make the reason for termination known to other institutions of Higher Education. Illness 9.1 Inability to Complete an Examination In cases where a candidate complains of feeling unwell in a scheduled room, leaves the examination, and is unable to return to complete the examination, s/he shall be required to submit a medical certificate to the Student Administration team [or, in the case of Network of Hope students, to a member of the Link/Support Team, for forwarding to the Student Administration team], normally within three working days. The Invigilator should write the circumstances surrounding the student’s withdrawal from the examination on the front cover of the examination book, and the Internal Examiner responsible for marking the script shall inform the Chair of the Panel of Examiners or Assessment, Progression and Award Board. The Board shall be entitled to determine EITHER that the student should be treated in the same way as a student who was absent from the examination OR that the student should be awarded a mark based on the work that had been completed. [In the case of a dual-stage examining system, such as for Combined Honours or BA QTS, the Board may receive a recommendation from the Panel of Examiners for the subject concerned.] 9.2 Completion of the Examination after a Break [a] In cases where a candidate complains of feeling unwell in a scheduled room and leaves an examination but remains under supervision: EITHER arrangements may be made for the examination to be continued in an alternative venue, provided that a Medical Officer certifies that, whilst the candidate is unable to sit the examination in the normal place, s/he is fit to do so at that venue; OR the candidate will be permitted to return to the examination room. [b] In cases described under [a] above, an Invigilator will be required to enter in the candidate’s answer book the time of departure and, where appropriate, subsequent return and to sign against these entries. APPENDIX: Penalties for Confirmed Cases of Cheating This is for information only, in case students are worried, or don’t accept the need to put their case forward. 1 Penalties for an Initial Offence [a] [b] Definitions of an “Initial Offence” i. An “Initial” Offence” normally refers to a case where a student is dealt with through these regulations for the first time. ii. Cases will also be treated as “initial” if the student had previously engaged in academic misconduct but the results of the investigation of the earlier case[s] had not yet been made known to the student. The Normal Penalty for an Initial Offence The normal penalty shall be a mark of zero for the examination, with the student retaining any eligibility for reassessment [and for redemption of a fail of the relevant subject or level of study], to which he/she would otherwise be entitled in accordance with the regulations. [c] Imposing a Penalty which is Less Severe or More Severe than the Norm The Standing SubCommittee on Assessment shall provide Boards of Examiners with guidance about the circumstances which might warrant a penalty which is less severe or more severe than the norm. 2 Penalties for a Repeated Offence [a] [b] [c] Definitions of a “Repeated Offence” i. A “Repeated Offence” is a case where a student who has already been dealt with through these regulations is found guilty of academic misconduct on a later occasion. ii. In determining whether a case is “repeated”, no account shall be taken of whether the type of misconduct involved in the initial offence is the same as the type involved in the second offence. If a student cheats in an exam, having previously been found guilty of plagiarizing in coursework, the cheating will be treated as a “repeated offence”. The Normal Penalties for a Repeated Offence i. If the only previous case on the student’s record is a single incident of plagiarism or collusion at Level C: the normal penalty for a repeated offence shall be: o identical to the normal penalty for an initial offence. ii. In all other cases, the normal penalty for a repeated offence shall be: o to terminate studies. Imposing a Penalty which is Less Severe or More Severe than the Norm The Standing SubCommittee on Assessment shall provide Boards of Examiners with guidance about the circumstances which might warrant a penalty which is less severe or more severe than the norm.