CIPS Exam Report for Learner Community:

CIPS Exam Report for Learner Community:
Certificate in procurement and supply operations
Exam series:
November 2013
General guidance on how to approach multiple choice questions:
 Candidates should read the exam instructions very carefully and familiarise themselves with the structure
of multiple choice examinations in advance of the exam so they know what to expect.
 CIPS provide a guide for candidates which gives guidance and tips when preparing for multiple choice
assessments, this is an extremely useful tool and CIPS strongly recommend that all candidates use this
guide when preparing for multiple choice examinations. (Available for download for the CIPS website).
 Candidates are advised to use the multiple choice exemplars available on the CIPS website to practice for
 Each multiple choice question paper consists of 60 questions; the examination for each unit allows
candidates 120 minutes in which to complete their examination, therefore each candidate should assign
two minutes to each multiple choice question. Spending too long on a few questions could throw
candidates off track in terms of time.
 Candidates should ensure that they are correctly completing their answer sheet, care should be taken
that a cross is placed in the correct box for each question.
 Candidates are advised to recheck their answers on completion of the exam paper to identify any
potential mistakes when marking down answers.
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply
AC1 – Procurement and supply principles
Overview of unit
This unit tests an understanding of the range of factors that can impact on procurement and supply
Questions based on the economics section of the syllabus were evident as fails indicating that this is an area
of the syllabus that requires further knowledge and understanding.
AC2 – Procurement and supply functions
Overview of unit
This unit examines considerations for formulating agreements with external organisations and assesses
procurement and supply operations.
Questions based around electronic procure to pay (P2P) were identified as being an area of higher failure
compared with the other learning outcomes for this unit.
AC3 – Procurement and supply processes
Overview of unit
See separate PM report for details of this unit.
AC4 – Procurement & supply administration
Overview of unit
This unit examines the ability to select appropriate techniques for inventory purchase.
Candidates need to have knowledge of the entire syllabus in detail as there are few margins for guesswork
and interpretation of questions. LO2 and LO3 contained the most questions that attracted fail answers
(storage and movement of inventory and principles of transportation of goods respectively).
AC5 – procurement & supply stakeholders
Overview of unit
This unit examines techniques to develop customer and supplier relationships, marketing and effective
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply
All learning outcomes for this unit were answered well which was really encouraging.
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply