Instructions for Chief Invigilators

Chief Invigilators are requested to pay special attention to the following procedures and
Violation of Examination Rules and Regulations
Where an invigilator has reason to believe that a candidate is in breach of the
University examination regulations, he should alert the Chief Invigilator immediately.
The Chief Invigilator and invigilator must submit a full written report each (using the
Incident Report) to the Office of Academic Services (OAS) subsequently. OAS will
arrange for the necessary enquiries to be made.
The Chief Invigilator and invigilator should minimise disruptions in the examination
hall upon discovery of the alleged cheating offence. Students suspected of cheating
should be allowed to continue with the examination. However, all materials
and/or devices which are found to violate any examination rules and regulations are
to be immediately confiscated.
Examination Schedule
The following are the start times for the respective examination sessions:
Monday to Thursday
9.00 am
1.00 pm
5.00 pm
9.00 am
2.30 pm
Before the Commencement of Examination
Chief Invigilators are required to report to the examination hall at least 30 minutes
before the start of the examination to receive and coordinate the distribution of
question papers, any reference materials and/or OMR forms, brief invigilators and to
ensure that the hall is ready for the examination. The following are the reporting
times for the respective examination sessions:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am
12.30 pm
4.30 pm
8.30 am
2.00 pm
Before the start of each session of examination, an OAS officer will hand over the
question papers (in sealed packages) to the Chief Invigilator at the examination hall.
Both the CI and the OAS officer should complete the “Handover of Question Papers”
Distribution of Question Papers, Reference Materials, OMR Forms, Answer
Books And Strings
The question papers must be placed on the candidates’ desks with the reverse side
facing upward. Candidates are not allowed to turn over the question papers or read
the questions until it is time for the examination to begin as instructed in the prerecorded announcement.
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Examiners are to be reminded to distribute reference materials and/or OMR forms, if
required, to relevant seat numbers.
Answer books and strings will be distributed by OAS temp staff. For some
examinations, students do not need to hand in answer books as their answers will be
written on the question papers. In such cases, detailed information will be provided
on the package containing the question papers.
Chief invigilators are to ensure that the hall is ready for examination 10 minutes
before start of examination.
Admission of Candidates into Examination Hall
Candidates should be allowed into the hall at least 10 MINUTES before the time
scheduled for the commencement of the examination. This gives them some time to
find their seats.
Please ensure that at least one of the invigilators assigned to the examination venue
is stationed at the door as candidates enter the examination hall. His duty is to:
stop candidates from bringing in unauthorised materials, such as bags and
electronic devices etc; and
prevent candidates from leaving the examination hall once they are seated at
their desk.
The Chief Invigilator should be stationed at the Chief Invigilators’ table at the front of
the hall so that he can have a full view of the hall while the candidates are coming in.
Instructions To Examination Candidates
Instructions to examination candidates have been pre-recorded (on CD). Please
select and start playing the appropriate CD track 10 minutes before the scheduled
start time for the examination. Once the CD track has been selected, it should be
played continuously for the entire duration of the examination. Periods of silences,
where necessary, have been inserted at suitable intervals between the
announcements. The CD track must be stopped at the end of the examination so that
the CD player does not continue to play the subsequent track.
An announcement sheet will also be placed on the Chief Invigilator’s table. In the
event of equipment malfunction, the instructions to examination candidates are to be
read aloud to the candidates by the Chief Invigilator using the PA system, at the
appropriate time.
Candidates will be reminded that no unauthorised materials such as book, paper,
document or picture may be taken into the examination hall. Possession of any
unauthorised materials by a candidate in the examination hall is a breach of the
Examinations Regulations. For open-book examinations, candidates are permitted to
bring reference materials in paper form but not their bags into the examination hall.
Electronic devices with communication and/or storage capabilities including but not
limited to tablet PC, laptop, smart watch, portable audio/video/gaming devices etc.
are not allowed to be brought into the examination hall for all examinations.
Just before the start of the examination, candidates will be reminded to check that
they did not bring in any unauthorised materials, and to hand over any such materials
to the invigilator.
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A candidate found to be in possession of any unauthorised materials after the
start of the examination will be deemed to have committed an act of cheating
and is liable to disciplinary action including (but not limited to) suspension or
expulsion from the university.
(Please refer to paragraph 1: “Violation of Examination Rules and Regulations”
for the actions to be taken)
Handphones are permitted to be brought into the examination halls. However,
candidates must ensure that their handphones are switched off at all times.
A candidate whose handphone is found to be switched on in the examination
hall will be deemed to have committed an act of cheating and is liable to
disciplinary action including (but not limited to) suspension or expulsion from
the university.
(Please refer to paragraph 1: “Violation of Examination Rules and Regulations”
for the actions to be taken)
Please request all invigilators to have their handphones switched to silent mode.
Please note that photography is NOT allowed in the examination hall at all times.
Calculators approved by the School for use in the examination hall would have been
checked by the School concerned and duly affixed with a seal.
Before the start of the examination, students should be instructed to clear the
memory of the calculators and leave them at the “Memory Cleared” screen.
Invigilators should check these calculators.
A candidate who takes into the examination venue a non-approved calculator
or an approved graphic calculator that has not been reset will be deemed to
have committed an act of cheating. Disciplinary action will be taken against
him accordingly.
(Please refer to paragraph 1: “Violation of Examination Rules and Regulations”
for the actions to be taken)
Foreign exchange students are allowed to bring dictionaries for some examinations.
A list of such students will be provided in a file which is placed on the Chief
Invigilator’s table. Electronic dictionaries approved by the School for use in the
examination hall would have been checked by the School concerned and duly affixed
with a seal.
Some examinations allow all students to bring dictionaries into the examination halls.
This arrangement will be stated under the special requirement section of the question
paper packet.
Checking Attendance and Identity of Candidates
The identity of all candidates taking the University examinations must be checked
during the examination. Candidates will be asked to place their identification
document at the right hand corner of their desk at the commencement of each
examination. Invigilators are required to check these documents against the names
shown on the list of candidates for each examination and against their likeness.
Candidates who do not possess their matriculation card, identity card, passport,
driving licence or EZ-Link concession card should be asked to fill in the ‘Verification
of Student Identity Form’. The invigilator should also indicate "No ID" next to the
student's name on the attendance list and remind the student that he/she is required
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to bring his/her identification document to One Stop @ SAC for verification
submission within 3 working days after the examination is over. Students who do
not verify their identity will not be allowed to view their examination results on the
scheduled date of release of examination results.
Every invigilator (with the exception of the Chief Invigilator) shall be assigned to
check the attendance of candidates while the examination is in progress. List(s) of
candidates and a seating plan are provided and attendance can be checked against
these lists. The Chief Invigilator must ensure that all the invigilators have signed
on the attendance list(s) they checked before he/she submits the lists of absentees
via the online Absentee Attendance application or records the lists in the Record of
Examination Answer Scripts form provided.
Invigilators are to check candidates' pencil cases for any unauthorised materials
when they are checking their attendance and identity.
Additional Instructions to Candidates
Additional reference materials, instructions/clarifications and amendments to question
paper distributed or made during the examination must be announced via the PA
system and recorded in the Chief Invigilator’s Report.
Where the paper is held in more than one examination hall, please ensure that the
information is made known to the students in the other venues (including any tutorial
Positioning Of Invigilators
Invigilators should position themselves at different areas thoughout the examination
hall, remain vigilant during the course of the examination, and not engage in activity
that is distracting for students. If necessary, Chief Invigilators are to assign the
invigilators to specific areas of the hall.
Candidates Leaving Examination Hall Temporarily during Examination
Please ensure that every candidate who is given permission to leave the examination
hall temporarily while the examination is in progress is accompanied by an invigilator
throughout the candidate’s absence from the examination hall. The invigilator must
also ensure that the student leaves his handphone on his desk in the examination
hall when he leaves the hall temporarily, e.g. to visit the washroom.
Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall in the first hour and the
last 15 minutes of the examination. All candidates must remain seated throughout
the last 15 minutes of the examination for invigilators to properly account for all the
answer scripts to be collected. The Chief Invigilator must be consulted and informed
if any candidate wants to leave the examination hall within the first hour of the
examination due to illness or other valid reason. If allowed to leave the examination
hall within the first hour, the candidate’s identity must be checked and recorded for
proper accountability on the attendance list.
Candidates Leaving Examination Hall before The End Of The Examination
Please remind the invigilator to ensure that the answer book is left on the desk when
a candidate indicates his intention to leave the examination hall after they have
finished their paper before the end of the examination. Any answer script that is
removed from the examination hall without authorisation will be deemed null and
Candidates Falling Ill during Examination
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A candidate who falls ill and is unable to take the examination will need to submit a
medical certificate using the Submission of Medical Certificate form to One Stop @
SAC within 2 working days of the examination date. No special arrangements will be
made for students who fall ill during an examination. The invigilators should advise the
students that they may leave the examination hall to seek medical attention and that
their examination answer scripts will be marked and graded. Special
consideration may be granted at the sole discretion of the School concerned if the
student subsequently submits a medical certificate as his supporting document. This
also applies to students who fall ill during the first hour of the examination. Students
who fall ill and leave the examination hall during the first hour are not allowed to
remove the question paper and answer book from the examination hall.
In the event of emergencies (e.g. student has fainted or is bleeding severely), please
contact the OAS officer on duty for assistance. No special arrangements will be made
for non emergency cases (e.g. student feels weak, giddy, has headache, etc).
Conclusion of the Examination
Candidates would be alerted of the pending conclusion of the examination 15
minutes before the scheduled time of conclusion. All candidates must remain
seated throughout the last 15 minutes of the examination for invigilators to properly
account for all the answer scripts to be collected.
To avoid disturbance to the candidates no further alert need to be given.
At the scheduled time of conclusion, candidates would be told to stop writing and to
secure ALL their answer scripts together with the string provided.
A candidate who continues to write should be instructed to stop immediately.
Disciplinary actions will be taken against the candidate who does not observe
the instruction to stop writing.
(Please refer to paragraph 1: “Violation of Examination Rules and Regulations”
for the actions to be taken)
Collection of Answer Books
Every invigilator (with the exception of the Chief Invigilator) shall be assigned to
collect answer books for a certain range of seat numbers. At the end of the
examination, candidates would be told to secure all their answer books together with
the string provided. The candidates must never be asked to hand in their answer
books in separate sections.
Please ensure that the invigilators collect the answer books in seat number order.
They should also ensure that the number of answer books collected tallies with the
number of candidates present for the examination. Once everything is checked and
found to be in order, the Chief Invigilator will allow the students to leave the
examination hall. Please remind students to leave quietly if other examinations are
still ongoing in the same examination hall.
Any unused answer books and other papers should be left on the desks.
If a candidate removes his answer script from the examination hall, the script
must be returned/retrieved as soon as possible. When the candidate
subsequently returns to the hall to hand in his answer script, the invigilator
should not accept the answer script for transmission to the examiner but
should hand it to the Chief Invigilator who will pass it to OAS for further
investigation. The Chief Invigilator and invigilator must submit a full written
report (using the Incident report) to OAS.
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Handover of Question Papers and Answer Books
At the end of the examination, after accounting for all the answer scripts, the Chief
Invigilator will hand them over to the respective examiners. In addition, the Chief
Invigilator and each examiner should complete the relevant section of the Chief
Invigilator report to document the handover of the answer scripts.
Online Recording of Absentees
Lists of all absentees are submitted via the online Absentee Attendance application.
Chief Invigilator should inform the examiners that the list of absentees for the
respective course has been auto-triggered to the examiner's NTU email account.
In the event of a system failure, Chief Invigilator should revert to manual recording of
absentees by completing the Record of Examination Answer Scripts form for each
Manual Recording of Absentees
The Chief Invigilator should complete the Record of Examination Answer Scripts form
for each course, with details of the absentees duly recorded, and hand this form over
to the respective examiner together with the answer scripts.
Contingency for Major Train Disruption
In the event of a major train service disruption authenticated by SMRT or SBS
Transit, the University may delay the start of examinations by up to 30 minutes for the
affected examination session, if necessary. In such an instance, a notification will be
sent to all affected Chief invigilators, invigilators (and students) via sms and to your
NTU email account. Chief invigilators will be required to manage the announcements
on-site and the delay in start of the examination. OAS staff will be on hand to assist.
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