PROJECT REPORT ON EXAMINATION QUESTION PAPER LEAKAGE PROTECTION MECHANISM Submitted by SHRUTHI S RAO 4PA06EC098 SHANTHERI SIIENOY B 4PA06EC092 SHUBANAINI 4PA06EC099 In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Under the guidance of MR. MOHAMMAD SHARIEF Senior Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Communication DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION P.A. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University & Recognized by AICTE) Near Mangalore University, MANGALORE-S741S3, KARNAT AKA 2009-2010 Project Report 2010 Examination Question Paper Leakage Protection Mechanism ABSTRACT The idea behind this project is to protect the leakage of question papers before the examination and also to maintain the security of the answer papers until they reach the centre for evaluation. An electronic box is made in which the exam papers will be placed, and can be opened only at the exact time of examination after the cross checking of the password. Updates are displayed in the box regarding the time left for the exam to fmish. Once the exam is completed, the answer papers are resealed inside the box and are removed out only during the time of correction, and thus preventing the answer papers being tampered. If anyone tries to open the box before the stipulated time, then a siren is blown and it is set in memory which can later be checked at the centre. Thus, the project works towards the protection of the examination papers and provides a fair competition through the exam. ••••• Dt!pt ofEciC i PACE