1 49-13 1 1 49-13 SUBJECT DATE SPN 723/FMI 3, 8, 10, 11, 31 - All Years February 2013 Additions, Revisions, or Updates Publication Number / Title Platform Section Title Change SPN 723/FMI 3 - All Years SPN 723/FMI 8 - All Years DDC-SVC-MAN-0084 DD Platform SPN 723/FMI 10 - All Years Voltage readings are updated for accuracy. SPN 723/FMI 11 - All Years SPN 723/FMI 31 - All Years All information subject to change without notice. 1 49-13 Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 3 2 SPN 723/FMI 3 - ALL YEARS 2 SPN 723/FMI 3 - ALL YEARS This diagnostic is typically Open Circuit. 1. Disconnect the Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor. 2. Turn the ignition ON (key ON, engine OFF). 3. Measure the voltage between pins 1 and 3 of the CMP sensor harness. a. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, Go to step 5. b. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, Go to step 4. 4. Measure the voltage between pin 1 of the CMP sensor harness and ground. a. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 1 of the CMP sensor harness and pin 82 of the Motor Control Module (MCM) 120-pin connector. b. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 3 of the CMP sensor harness and pin 48 of the MCM 120-pin connector. 5. Measure the voltage between pins 2 and 3 of the CMP sensor harness. a. If the voltage is greater than 11.5 volts, replace the camshaft position sensor. Refer to section "Removal of the Camshaft Position Sensor". b. If the voltage is less than 11.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 2 of the CMP sensor harness and pin 45 of the MCM 120-pin connector. 4 All information subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 1 49-13 1 49-13 3 SPN 723/FMI 8 - ALL YEARS This diagnostic is typically Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Time Out. Table 1. SPN 723/FMI 8 Description Camshaft Position Sensor Time Out Monitored Parameter Camshaft Position Sensor Typical Enabling Conditions Engine Idle Monitor Sequence None Execution Frequency Continuous when enabling conditions met Typical Duration 10 Seconds Dash Lamps MIL, CEL Engine Reaction Derate 25% Verification Engine Idle (1 minute) 1. Use DDDL to insure that cranking speed is over 150 rpm. Is cranking speed over 150 rpm? a. Yes; Go to step 2. b. No; determine the cause of low crank speed. 2. Disconnect the CMP sensor electrical harness connector. 3. Turn on the ignition ON (key ON, engine OFF). 4. Inspect the sensor harness for bent, spread, or corroded pins. a. If the pins are bent, spread, or corroded, repair as necessary. b. If connector shows no signs of damage, Go to step 5. 5. Measure the voltage between pins 1 and 3 on the harness side of the CMP sensor. a. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, Go to step 6. b. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, Go to step 7. 6. Measure the voltage between pins 2 and 3 on the harness side of the CMP sensor. All information subject to change without notice. 1 49-13 Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 5 3 SPN 723/FMI 8 - ALL YEARS a. If the voltage is less than 11.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 2 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 45 of the Motor Control Module (MCM) 120-pin connector. b. If the voltage is greater than 11.5 volts, Go to step 8. 7. Measure the voltage between pin 1 on the harness side of the CMP sensor and engine ground. a. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 1 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 82 of the MCM 120-pin connector. b. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 2 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 45 of the MCM 120-pin connector. 8. Has the engine had any gear train, camshaft, or flywheel repairs made? a. Yes; verify proper gear train timing and proper flywheel installation. Refer to section "Camshaft Timing Verification" b. No; Go to step 9. 9. Remove the CMP sensor and inspect for damage. Is there damage to the sensor? a. Yes; inspect the tone wheel on the intake cam for damage. Check gear train for excessive lash or damage. If damage is found, repair as necessary, and replace the CMP sensor. Refer to section "Removal of the Camshaft Position Sensor" b. No; replace the camshaft position sensor. Refer to section "Removal of the Camshaft Position Sensor" 6 All information subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 1 49-13 1 49-13 4 SPN 723/FMI 10 - ALL YEARS This diagnostic is typically Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Signal Erratic. Table 2. SPN 723/FMI 10 Description Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Erratic Monitored Parameter Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Typical Enabling Conditions Engine Idle Monitor Sequence None Execution Frequency Continuous when enabling conditions met Typical Duration 2 Seconds Dash Lamps MIL Engine Reaction Verification Engine Idle NOTE: Software verification is for EPA10 vehicles ONLY. 1. Is the MCM software version 7.6 fuel map ZGS 002 (or newer) and is SPN 723/FMI 10 the only fault code present? a. Yes; clear fault and release the vehicle. b. No; Go to step 2. 2. Are any of the following faults also present? • SPN 157/FMI (any) • SPN 1077/FMI (any) • SPN 651 through 656/FMI (any) • SPN 3659 through 3664/FMI (any) • SPN 636/FMI (any) • SPN 723/FMI (any) a. Yes; Go to step 3. b. No; ignore SPN 723/FMI 10, and troubleshoot the other fault codes not listed above. Program the MCM to software 7.6 (or higher) with fuel map version ZGS 002 (or higher). Corresponding ACM software should be 8.6 (or higher) and CPC software should be R22 (or higher). Clear fault and release the vehicle. 3. Use DDDL to insure that cranking speed is over 150 rpm. Is cranking speed over 150 rpm? a. Yes; Go to step 4. b. No; determine the cause of low crank speed. 4. Disconnect the CMP sensor harness connector. 5. Turn the ignition ON (key ON, engine OFF). 6. Inspect the sensor harness for bent, spread, or corroded pins. a. If the pins are bent, spread, or corroded, repair as necessary. b. If connector shows no signs of damage, Go to step 7. 7. Measure the voltage between pins 1 and 3 on the harness side of the camshaft position sensor. a. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, Go to step 8. b. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, Go to step 9. 8. Measure the voltage between pins 2 and 3 on the harness side of the CMP sensor. a. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 2 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 45 of the MCM 120-pin connector. b. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, Go to step 10. 9. Measure the voltage between pin 1 on the harness side of the CMP sensor and engine ground. All information subject to change without notice. 1 49-13 Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 7 4 SPN 723/FMI 10 - ALL YEARS a. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 1 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 82 of the MCM 120-pin connector. b. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 2 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 45 of the MCM 120-pin connector. 10. Has the engine had any gear train, camshaft, or flywheel repairs made? a. Yes; verify proper gear train timing and proper flywheel installation. Refer to section "Camshaft Timing Verification". b. No; Go to step 11. 11. Remove the CMP sensor and inspect for damage. Is there damage to the sensor? a. Yes; inspect the tone wheel on the intake camshaft for damage. Check gear train for excessive lash or damage. If damage is found, repair as necessary, and replace the CMP sensor. Program the MCM to software 7.6 (or newer) with fuel map version ZGS 002 (or newer). Corresponding ACM software should be 8.6 (or newer) and CPC software should be R22 (or newer). b. No; program the MCM to software 7.6 (or newer) with fuel map version ZGS 002 (or newer). Corresponding ACM software should be 8.6 (or newer) and CPC software should be R22 (or newer). Clear fault and release the vehicle. 8 All information subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 1 49-13 1 49-13 5 SPN 723/FMI 11 - ALL YEARS This diagnostic is typically Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor Failure. Table 3. SPN 723/FMI 11 Description Camshaft Position Sensor Failure Monitored Parameter Camshaft Position Sensor Typical Enabling Conditions Engine Idle Monitor Sequence None Execution Frequency Continuous when enabling conditions met Typical Duration 2 Seconds Dash Lamps MIL Engine Reaction Verification Engine Idle 1. Use DDDL to insure that cranking speed is over 150 rpm. Is cranking speed over 150 rpm? a. Yes; Go to step 2. b. No; determine the cause of low crank speed. 2. Disconnect the CMP sensor harness connector. 3. Turn the ignition ON (key ON, engine OFF). 4. Inspect the sensor harness for bent, spread, or corroded pins. a. If the pins are bent, spread, or corroded, repair as necessary. b. If connector shows no signs of damage, Go to step 5. 5. Measure the voltage between pins 1 and 3 on the harness side of the CMP sensor. a. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, Go to step 6. b. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, Go to step 7. 6. Measure the voltage between pins 2 and 3 on the harness side of the CMP sensor. All information subject to change without notice. 1 49-13 Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 9 5 SPN 723/FMI 11 - ALL YEARS a. If the voltage is less than 5.0 volts, repair the wire between pin 2 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 45 of the Motor Control Module (MCM)120-pin connector. b. If the voltage is greater than 5.0 volts, Go to step 8. 7. Measure the voltage between pin 1 on the harness side of the CMP sensor and engine ground. a. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 1 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 82 of the MCM 120-pin connector. b. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 3 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 48 of the MCM 120-pin connector. 8. Has the engine had any gear train, camshaft, or flywheel repairs made? a. Yes; verify proper gear train timing and proper flywheel installation. Refer to section "Camshaft Timing Verification". b. No; Go to step 9. 9. Remove the CMP sensor and inspect for damage. Is there damage to the sensor? a. Yes; inspect the tone wheel on the intake camshaft for damage. Check gear train for excessive lash or damage. If damage is found, repair as necessary, and replace the camshaft position sensor. Refer to section "Removal of the Camshaft Position Sensor". b. No; replace the camshaft position sensor. Refer to section "Removal of the Camshaft Position Sensor". 10 All information subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 1 49-13 1 49-13 6 SPN 723/FMI 31 - ALL YEARS This diagnostic is typically No Match of Camshaft and Crankshaft Signals. This may be due to an engine temporarily running in a reverse direction. Symptoms include smoke exiting from intake manifold and a low idle speed, possibly due to a leaky injector. Table 4. SPN 723/FMI 31 Description No Match of Camshaft and Crankshaft Signals Monitored Parameter Camshaft Reverse Direction Rising Edge Signal Typical Enabling Conditions Engine State and Low Idle and Camshaft Reverse Direction Error Monitor Sequence None Execution Frequency Continuous When Enabling Conditions Met Typical Duration 2 Seconds Dash Lamps MIL, CEL Engine Reaction Derate 25%, Shutdown Priority NOTE: A reverse rotation of the engine will affect oil pump output. Oil pressure must be checked for possible bearing damage. 1. Turn the ignition ON (key ON, engine OFF). 2. Are there any Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor, Crankshaft Position (CKP) sensor, or oil pressure faults present? a. Yes; repair those faults first. b. No; Go to step 3. 3. Are there any throttle pedal or idle validation switch faults present? a. Yes; repair those faults first. b. No; Go to step 4. 4. Perform Idle Speed Balance (ISB) test. Are any faulty fuel injectors identified? a. Yes; replace suspect fuel injector(s). b. No; Go to step 5. 5. Use DDDL to insure that cranking speed is over 150 rpm. Is cranking speed over 150 rpm? a. Yes; Go to step 6. b. No; determine the cause of low crank speed. 6. Disconnect the CMP sensor harness connector. 7. Turn the ignition ON (key ON, engine OFF). 8. Inspect the sensor harness for bent, spread, or corroded pins. a. If the pins are bent, spread, or corroded, repair as necessary. b. If connector shows no signs of damage, Go to step 9. 9. Measure the voltage between pins 1 and 3 on the harness side of the CMP sensor. a. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, Go to step 10. b. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, Go to step 11. 10. Measure the voltage between pins 2 and 3 on the harness side of the CMP sensor. a. If the voltage is less than 11.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 2 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 45 of the Motor Control Module (MCM) 120-pin connector. b. If the voltage is greater than 11.5 volts, Go to step 11. 11. Measure the voltage between pin 1 on the harness side of the CMP sensor and engine ground. a. If the voltage is less than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 1 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 82 of the MCM 120-pin connector. All information subject to change without notice. 1 49-13 Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 11 6 SPN 723/FMI 31 - ALL YEARS b. If the voltage is greater than 4.5 volts, repair the wire between pin 2 of the harness side of the CMP sensor and pin 45 of the MCM 120-pin connector. 12. Has the engine had any gear train, camshaft, or flywheel repairs made? a. Yes; verify proper gear train timing and proper flywheel installation. Refer to section "Camshaft Timing Verification". b. No; Go to step 13. 13. Remove the CMP sensor and inspect for damage. Is there damage to the sensor? a. Yes; inspect the tone wheel on the intake camshaft for damage. Check gear train for excessive lash or damage. If damage is found, repair as necessary and replace the camshaft position sensor. Refer to section "Removal of the Camshaft Position Sensor". b. No; replace the camshaft position sensor. Refer to section "Removal of the Camshaft Position Sensor". 12 All information subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION 1 49-13