Turn on RL Circuit (reminder) Physics 202, Lecture 18 Today’s Topics I= Reminder RL Circuits RC Circuits LC (RLC) Circuits and Electromagnetic Oscillations AC Circuits with AC Source Phasors t − V0 (1− e L / R ) R Phaser Note: the time constant is τ=L/R Turn off RL Circuit (reminder) I = I0e − Charging a Capacitor in RC Circuit t L /R ε − q(t ) / C − R dq(t ) = 0 q(t ) = εC (1 − e − t / RC ) ε I (t ) = e −t / RC R Note: τ≡RC is called time constant Note: the time constant is τ=L/R Discharging a Capacitor in RC Circuit Demo: RC Circuit r q(t ) = Qe − t / RC Q −t / RC I(t) = − e RC q(t) /C + R dq(t) =0 dt Note the time constant τ= RC Light Bulb discharging dt Charging LC Circuit and Oscillation Exercise: Find the oscillation frequency of a LC circuit dI (t ) − q(t ) / c − L dt = 0 AC Power Source ΔV = ΔVmax Sin(ωt+φ0) = ΔVmax Sin(ωt) Initial phase, usually set φ0=0 I d 2 q( t ) q( t ) / C + L =0 dt 2 1 d 2 q( t ) =0 ω 2 dt 2 1 ω= LC q = Qmax cos(ωt + φ ) ω: angular frequency ω=2πf T=2π/ω q( t ) + eq. of Harmonic Oscillation t=0 Total Energy is conserved I = −ωQmax sin(ωt + φ ) AC Circuit Phasor A sinusoidal function y= Asinφ can be represented graphically as a phasor vector with length A and angle φ (w.r.t. to horizontal) Asinφ Find out current i and voltage difference ΔVR, ΔVL, ΔV C. i A φ ΔVmax Sin(ωt) Notes: • Kirchhoff’s rules still apply ! • A technique called phasor analysis is convenient. Resistors in an AC Circuit Inductors in an AC Circuit ΔV - Ldi/dt =0 Ohm’s Law: ΔV=IR at any time i i Function view iR=ΔV/R=Imax sinωt, Imax =ΔV max /R The current through an resistor is in phase with the voltage across it Phasor view Function view i L=Imax sin(ωt-π/2) Imax =ΔV max /XL, XL= ωL inductive reactance The current through an inductor is 90 o behind the voltage across it. Phasor view Capacitors in an AC Circuit ΔV - q/C=0, dq/dt =i i Function view i L=Imax sin(ωt+π/2) Imax =ΔV max /XC, X C= 1/(ωC) capacitive reactance The current through a capacitor is 90 o ahead of the voltage across it. Phasor view