เล่ม ๑๓๐ ตอนพิเศษ ๕๒ ง หน้า ๘ ราชกิจจานุเบกษา ๒๖ เมษายน ๒๕๕๖ ประกาศกระทรวงอุตสาหกรรม ฉบับที่ ๔๕๑๒ (พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๖) ออกตามความในพระราชบัญญัติมาตรฐานผลิตภัณฑ์อุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. ๒๕๑๑ เรื่อง กําหนดมาตรฐานผลิตภัณฑ์อุตสาหกรรม ศัพท์บัญญัติผลิตภัณฑ์อุตสาหกรรมเหล็กและเหล็กกล้า อาศัยอํานาจตามความในมาตรา ๑๕ แห่งพระราชบัญญัติมาตรฐานผลิตภัณฑ์อุตสาหกรรม พ.ศ. ๒๕๑๑ รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงอุตสาหกรรมออกประกาศกําหนดมาตรฐานผลิตภัณฑ์อุตสาหกรรม ศัพท์บัญญัติผลิตภัณฑ์อุตสาหกรรมเหล็กและเหล็กกล้า มาตรฐานเลขที่ มอก. 2534 - 2556 ขึ้นใหม่ ดังมีรายการละเอียดต่อท้ายประกาศนี้ ทั้งนี้ ให้มีผลตั้งแต่วันที่ประกาศในราชกิจจานุเบกษา เป็นต้นไป ประกาศ ณ วันที่ ๑ มีนาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๖ ประเสริฐ บุญชัยสุข รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงอุตสาหกรรม ก. 2534-2556 ก ก !"ก#$!"กก% A about length abrasive acicular cast iron acid process acid refractory acid steel Ac. point aerator; disintegrator after blow age hardening ageing; aging aging; ageing air furnace air hardening steel; self hardening steel air heater tube airless cleaning air patenting air test alloy cast iron alloying element alloy steel ก !"#$ &'ก&()*)+,,ก,01,ก" !4#567891,ก" &'กก1,ก" <5")+ >?)@A กC(7, กD(* ' กD((4!) กD((4!) 4 &'กก15D* '" 6())5(7 ก !"8(1 ก)D15D")กG ก6")D")กG &'ก&()<>) 1<>) &'กก<>) -1- ก. 2534-2556 &'ก*)9 )J$,7 &'กก15D)J$,7 6()4L7),ก!7 6()*)M7 (&'ก)Nก J*)ก!,6 )D)()7 "&'ก4"Q ก)D)()7 ก)D)()7"S [ ก open annealing] ก)D)()7 QT77TS,7 ก)D)()7*DD@V" alpha iron (α) alumina aluminized steel American standard pipe ammonia pipe angle Angus Smith solution anneal annealed, cleaned and limed wire annealing black annealing blue annealing box annealing; close annealing; pot annealing bright annealing close annealing; box annealing; pot annealing interpass annealing open annealing ก)D)()7W,!7 ก)D)()7*DD@V" ก)D)()7!D"Q" ก)D)()7*DD@V" [ ก black annealing] ก)D)()7*DD+)7 ก)D)()7*DD@V" pack annealing pot annealing; box annealing; close annealing process annealing annealing can; annealing pot annealing pot; annealing can approximate dimension arc feeding arc process ก)D)()77กJD7ก X17J7)D)()7 X17J7)D)()7 ,4,M"@JY กT")-ก ก,0)-ก -2- ก. 2534-2556 arc welding Ar. point arrest point; change point; critical point; recalescence point; transformation point Artesian well tube; water well boring tube artificial ageing; artificial aging artificial aging; artificial ageing asphalt coating ก1>?)")-ก <5"))<5",ก[4 [ ก critical temperature] 6()<J7TSD" กD(4!@J",\LกD(4!@J",\LกND*)9]4- [ ก bitumen coating] กD5*)9]4- [ ก bitumen lining] ก&5*)9]4- [ ก bitumen sheathing] &!T*DDDกG 6()1>?)")J4)8^M"<7 ))6C), ))68747"ก7 )))6874&'ก&()))6874&'กก))6874- [ ก non-magnetic steel] *W(7(&'ก)&76S#74N? asphalt lining asphalt sheathing atmospheric feeder head atomic hydrogen welded tube austempering austenite austenite grain size austenitic cast iron austenitic steel automobile plate average length -3- ก. 2534-2556 B backing sand; black sand; floor sand bad cast bainite baked permeability 6&757*DD "8($@ D874XC&+Q8"&!)D [ ก dry permeability] * '*&!)D [ ก dry bond; dry strength] 6()4)D ก)D [ ก blueing '] &'กก"5 [ ก semi-killed steel ()* semi-rimming steel] G\&'ก)!" $ก&'กC!"", ",7&717,"C,G\ 4$ก&'กC!"", ก)G\&'ก4)D ก6S$ก&'กC!"", 4$ก&'กC!"", "!" [ ก binder '] M 67TS<>" [ ก river sand] a. (&'ก)7 [ ก steel bar] b. (&'ก)C c. 6()7, *6( baked strength bakers's oven tube; oven tube baking; stoving balanced steel baled scrap; bundled scrap ball; puddled ball ball clay ball furnace; balling furnace ball furnace pile balling balling furnace; ball furnace band; tie wire banded structure bank sand bar -4- ก. 2534-2556 bar drawing; mandrel drawing bar hold; tong hold bar in coil; coiled bar barrel bar weight basal crack base size; common drawn size basic process basic refractory basic steel bath sample; spoon sample bear becking becking bar; expanding bar becking stand; saddle bed charge, cupola bed coke, cupola bedding-in bench drawn; rack drawn bender; setter bending bend test close bend test Jenkin's bend test proof bend test reverse bend test single bend test bentonite Bessemer process Bessemer steel best patent steel wire best plough steel wire ก"Q6()*DD*ก7 @<!D (&'ก)7 " S6()7&'ก 7TS&7!ก&'ก*6(6S*W(7 )"7( 7"C>T7L7 ก,01,"( !4#567891,"( &'กก1,"( 4!)(7TS&'ก กก4 ก $ &'ก $ *6(7!D&'ก $ &'ก@e)71!T7*ก74,MC #(7Mกก74,MC กf]*DDf( *6((&'ก)ก"Q'7 6?"!"$@ ก"!" QT7$@ ก6")D"!"M ก6")D"!"MC!D ก6")D"!"M<7ก,7 ก6")D"!"MC,$<7ก6")D"!"Mก!D ก6")D"!"M"? D76)874ก,0D+)&'กกD+)"&'กก)D15D1!T7"5" "&'กก)D15D?1!T7"5" -5- ก. 2534-2556 best Yorkshire; Yorkshire iron bevelling billet binder &'ก)-ก1)ก4!"N *6((&'ก)'ก a. 4!Q" [ ก bonding agent] b. "!" [ ก band; tie wire] C)ก&,7WD,6$7 กNDD,6$7 [ ก asphalt coating] กD5D,6$7 [ ก asphalt lining] ก&5D,6$7 [ ก asphalt sheathing] JD,6$7 ")D)()7"S ก)D)()7"S [ ก open annealing] )D"S &'ก&())D&7"S "S6*DD MC"S6*DD Jก'""S6*DD &()Jก'""S 6&757*DD -)D)()7"S *#D(&'ก)"S "S6*DD (&'ก)Mก7 ,0>)7)D-D)7 ,0>)7)D87M4<7 C(7 bitumen-asbestos mastic bitumen coating bitumen lining bitumen sheathing bituminous solution black annealed wire black annealing black edge blackheart malleable cast iron blacking; black wash blacking hole blacking scab black patch black sand; backing sand; floor sand black softened black strip black wash; blacking blank blank carburizing blank nitriding blast -6- ก. 2534-2556 blast cleaning bleeding blind feeder blind scab; buckle; sand buckle ก !"*DDC(7 ก*4ก+Q &!T*DD@V" Jก'"6 [ ก scab -] C) 6()7&'กC>"กS+D-D)7 blister blister bar; cemented bar; converted bar block block drawn blocking block pattern; full pattern bloom blow *DD QT7$@ ""Q7 ก QT7$@&D กJ74!7 *6((&'ก)&l( a. 1(C(78( b. 1(C(7 c. )"( 1(4,MC MC*กm *6(&()MC &'ก&!C(78( ")D)()7 QT77TS,7 ก)D)()7 QT77TS,7 กก&'ก8C84@J>?))D QT7 )D QT7 a. ก)D QT77TS,7 b. ก)D [ ก baking; stoving] <5ก4 6()&)7TS กก7 &)7*(*DD blow down, cupola blow hole; gas cavity; gas hole blown ingot blown metal blue annealed wire blue annealing blue billy; purple ore blue brittleness blued edge blueing bod; bott boiler tube boiling bolster -7- ก. 2534-2556 bond bonding agent C!70J 4!Q" [ ก binder .] 7"$6() (7"57 <5ก4 "<5ก4 ก QT7$@) " *W(7)*DD ก&()<ก"7( D"7( D"7( *W(7ก7*DD D@V"8&6ก7 a. กD"7( b. Jก'""7( *W(7D&5ก7 ก( )D 4!<!DQ" ก)D)()7*DD@V" bore boss bott; bod botting stick bottling bottom board bottom casting; uphill casting bottom fash; bottom flash bottom flash; bottom fash bottom plate bottom pouring ladle bottom splash boundary film bow box; porter bar; staff box annealing; close annealing; pot annealing box pin bracket; tie breaker core; washburn core breaking stress ">)7SG$7- (()0) 4!,Q" *ก7*ก a. 7*4ก&!ก b. 7"Q " XJ4,MC ")D)()7W,!7 bridging, cupola bright annealed wire; white annealed wire bright annealing ก)D)()7W,!7 -8- ก. 2534-2556 bright bar a. (&'ก)7W,!7 b. &'กCW,!7, &'กC [ ก bright finished bar; cold finished steel bar] ก"Q"'7 [ ก drawing .] 6()W,!71>?)"899e &'กCW,!7, &'กC [ ก bright bar '] &'ก<W,!7 &'ก@!DW,!7 &'กกQW,!7 "(&'ก)W,!7 6()7TSก>) ก6")D* 'D,7ก*4ก@J @J &'ก,6 ) )D bright drawing; cold drawing bright electrically welded tube bright finished bar; cold finished steel bar bright ground; ground bar bright machined bright turned; turned bar bright wire brine pipe Brinell hardness test brittle fracture brittleness brod broken back; cracked back broken corner; checked edge; cracked edge buckle; blind scab ; sand buckle Jก'"6 [ ก scab -] กก*4(4 !" G\&'ก)!" bull dog bundle bundled scrap; baled scrap -9- ก. 2534-2556 burning a. กW b. ก8& c. กW4!" q. ก&()+() [ ก burning on '] M&J(&'ก)*6ก6 a. 64,"M&J(&'ก) b. ก&()+() [ ก burning 3] )D*4ก8& G\&'ก8& T7 [ ก flash .] )D*4ก ก)!"&)G\&'ก ก1>?)17 ก,01>?)17 burning in; metal penetration burning on burnt edge burnt scrap burr; fash burst edge bushelling butt welding buttweld process -10- ก. 2534-2556 C cable iron camber &'กD, ก(D5 [ ก sweep .] &'กก*6(&()@@V" capped steel; cooler plated steel; plugged steel carbon, graphitic carbon- dioxide (CO2) sand -D)77$@*ก8946-D)78"))ก8+"- carbon electrode carbon equivalent value (C.E. value) carbon equivalent value based on fluidity (C.E.F.) carbon steel carburizing case cased tube case hardening casing cast T! 899e-D)7 ($-D)7 ((+)) ($-D)74XCก8& (+))9) &'กก-D)7 ก)D-D)7 W,6S* ' 6()*ก7 ก6S&W,* ' 6()W7! a. 4 ()ก456ก76859)* )) . 6:;) [ ก heat . ()* melt] b. "()<) c. &() XC&()8" [<= molten metal fluidity 76*ก] a. ก&() b. W,4X!Yw-&() 7&() &'ก&() &'กก&() castability casting casting stress cast iron cast steel -11- ก. 2534-2556 catchweight coil cauliflower head cauliflower top; rising top; spongy top caustic cracking caustic embrittlement C.E.F. (carbon equivalent value based on fluidity) cellular structure; network structure cementation cemented bar; blister bar; converted bar cementite cement sand moulding centre-line shrinkage centrifugal casting cereal binder C.E. value (carbon equivalent value) chalk test chamfering chamotte change point; arrest point; critical point; recalescence point; transformation point channel chaplet; stud charcoal grade charge charge, coke; coke, split charge, metal Charpy impact test "47TS&7!ก &!T@5A@xy &!@5A@xy กCJ"( ก@JCJ"( +))9 (($-D)74XC ก8&) M ( กกS+D-D)7 6()7&'กC>"กS+D-D)7 +7864ก6S*DD&()6+74MC*ก7ก ก&()*DD&57&? *@eQ"6 (+) (($-D)7) ก6")D"1)-ก กD 1)44<5",ก[4 [ ก critical temperature] (&'ก)7TS 4!!78*DD (&'ก)1!T75YXC1-M @e)74 #(7Mก@e)74 M&J@e)74 ก6")DกกJ*6ก1-@z -12- ก. 2534-2556 checked edge; broken corner; cracked edge cheese chill chill cast pig iron; machine cast pig iron chill crack; fire crack chill crystal chilled iron chilled spring wire chill test china clay; kaolin chipping chop chrome-plated sheet; chromium or chromium oxide coated sheet )D &'ก$@ ก 65(7('7 &'ก#5&()('7 )$ก" WQกJ)" &'ก&()('7 "&'ก@,('7 ก6")D*DDก'74! ",7 M),7 กก!" )65Df] *W(7(&'ก)D15DM [ ก tin-free steel (TFS)] M84*W(7(&'ก)D15DM [ ก tin-free steel (TFS)] a. กก b. ( ก6")D*7)D *W(7(&'ก)&7@JกDW, &'กก@JกDW, a. ",7 b. ",7&7 7TS",7&7 a. กW, b. ก !" ก*4ก()7 chromite chromium or chromium oxide coated sheet; chrome-plated sheet cinder circumferential test clad plate clad steel clay clay wash cleaning cleavage fracture -13- ก. 2534-2556 cleavage plane clink clipping J7D()7 )*4ก ก ,D [ ก trimming .] ก)D)()7*DD@V" close annealing; box annealing; pot annealing close bend test close joint tube closing coal dust coated sheet coating cod cogging; roughing ก6")D"!"MC!D 6() QT7$@ )D1," ก" 7"6() W#(7&,7 *W(7(&'ก)DNDW, กND (7>?7 (A;(B6) a. ก")7 !T747 b. ก" 7" !T747 ", 7 )!D (&'ก)7 " *W(7(&'ก)D7 ก " ก65D8" 7" [ ก sizing .] #(7Mก4,MC #(7Mก4,MC #(7Mก4#5 #(7Mก&!W,4*กm #(7Mก-D)7$ #(7Mก@VM4 #(7Mก@e)74 #(7Mกก74 #(7Mก@e)74 )!4(7#(7Mก coil coil break; cross break coiled bar; bar in coil coiled sheet coiling coining coke, cupola; coke, foundry coke, foundry; coke, cupola coke, furnace coke, gas coke, high carbon coke, petroleum coke, split; charge, coke coke bed coke charge; split coke coke-to-metal ratio -14- ก. 2534-2556 cold crack cold drawing; bright drawing ) YJ'7 ก"Q"'7 [ ก drawing .] 6()1>?)"Q"'7 &'กCW,!7, &'กC [ ก bright bar '] &'ก"&! QT7$@'7 )!7 ก,0@e)7'7 ก"'7 ก"6)7'7 -"'7 7(&'ก)"'7 ก"'7 @J>?)'7 )!7 7*@$@'7 D( (&'ก) 4,MC WQก*6( -D)77$@-8D"JJก()4! 5YXC6ก 7"C>T7L7 )M@ [ ก Sheffield composition] 6()&1!T7 6())!" ก6")Dก)!" 6()D*7(7 cold drawn welded tube cold finished steel bar; bright finished bar cold heading wire rod cold lap; cold shut; teeming arrest cold metal process cold rectifying; cold rolling cold reduction cold rolled cold rolled coil cold rolling; cold rectifying cold shortness cold shut; cold lap; teeming arrest cold working collar column column, cupola columnar crystal combined carbon coming to nature commercial quality common drawn size; base size compo composite tube compressed air pipe compression test condenser tube -15- ก. 2534-2556 Connor runner continuous weld process 6,?*DD)77)ก,01>?)4()7>?) [ ก Fretz-Moon process] ก&"4!7XC& ก&"4!7XC* ' (7W>?)&" contraction, liquid; shrinkage, liquid contraction, solid; shrinkage, solid contraction allowance; patternmakers' shrinkage contraction cavity; shrinkage cavity; shrink hole contraction rule controlled atmosphere; prepared atmosphere converted bar; blister bar; cemented bar converter cooler plated steel; capped steel; plugged steel cooling curve cope copper-bearing steel coppered wire copper-plated sheet copper sulphate test MC&"4! [ ก draw - ()* pipe '] 8!"W>?)&" DกGD5 6()7&'กC>"กS+D-D)7 4*@XC &'กก*6(&()@@V" 7M'7 fD7 (A;(B6) &'กก<>)6)*" "15D6)*" *W(7(&'ก)D15D6)*" ก6")D"<57 [ ก Preece test] a. *ก7 b. 8*DD *ก7*ก *ก7*ก 6?@Jก)D15"8*DD 6?ก15"8*DD *ก7,8*DD 6()C57,8*DD core core, breaker; core, washburn core, washburn; core, breaker core assembly fixture core assembly jig core bar core barrel -16- ก. 2534-2556 core blower; core shooter core box core box vent core carrier; core driver core carrier drill jig and dummy core cream core drier; core carrier cored structure core grid; core iron core gum; core paste core iron; core grid core jig; core rubbing jig core oil core oven; core stove core paste; core gum core plate core powder core print core relieving core rubbing jig; core jig core shift core shooter; core blower core stove; core oven corrosion fatigue coupler; coupling; socket coupler tube; coupling tube; socket tube coupling; coupler; socket coupling tube; coupler tube; socket tube cover core crack >?)6S8*DD &D6S8*DD $JD&D6S8*DD 6?))D8*DD *(*DD6?))D8*DD 8*DD 6?))D8*DD M*ก7 &'ก,8*DD กQ"15"8*DD &'ก,8*DD 6?Q"8*DD 7TS!78*DD 4)D8*DD กQ"15"8*DD *W(7)8*DD *@e8*DD D(!D8*DD กกJ6J8*DD 6?Q"8*DD 8*DD>?)7 >?)6S8*DD 4)D8*DD &45ก!"ก()7 $(4() 6()4() $(4() 6()4() 4!)D8*DD ) -17- ก. 2534-2556 crack, cold crack, hot; hot tear cracked back; broken back cracked edge; broken corner; checked edge crazing creep creep curve creep limit creep rate creosote-pitch mixture cressing ) YJ'7 ) YJ)7 ) )D )7 ก>D 7Mก>D "<Sก!"ก>D )!4ก>D WM)M+4ก!Dกก7TS!7",7 ก6S@)D [ ก swaging '] )!4'7,ก[4 ก ก7,ก[4 <5",ก[4 [ ก critical temperature] critical cooling rate critical grain growth critical point; arrest point; change point; recalescence point; transformation point critical range; transformation range critical temperature 1(,ก[4 )5Y&X$,,ก[4 [ ก arrest point; change point; critical point; recalescence point; transformation point] G\4!"@6() a. ก4!"@ b. ก4!" [ ก cutting] >?)กกD6 )!D W,"G$7กก)8 Nก ก" crop end cropping cross cross break; coil break cross joint; mis-match; offset cross piling cross rolling -18- ก. 2534-2556 crown best best best quality crown best best quality crown best quality crown quality crucible process crucible steel crush crushing test crush strip crystalline fracture cup and cone fracture cupola cupola bed charge cupola bed coke cupola blow down cupola bridging cupola coke; foundry coke cupola column cupola launder &'ก7-1!T7",G &'ก7-1!T7"ก &'ก7-1!T7" &'ก7ก,0&)7D &'กกD $@4)4() ก6")DกDT)!" 6?ก!7ก$@4)4() ก*4ก4*7WQก ก*4ก@|7$@#*Jก 4,MC &'ก@e)71!T7*ก74,MC #(7Mกก74,MC 1(4,MC XJ4,MC #(7Mก4,MC 4,MC 7TS&'ก<ก4,MC [ ก metal spout] 4&)& )4,MC *)(7TSM&J(&'ก)ก74,MC 6C>T74,MC XJ4,MC*7(7 4!4,MC กก#5<ก4,MC @()4,MC $4,MC ก74,MC 4,MC 7"'ก ก*4กX74 cupola melting zone cupola molten metal well cupola sand bottom cupola scaffolding cupola shaft cupola slag spout cupola stack cupola tuyere cupola well cupolette cupping -19- ก. 2534-2556 cupping test Curie point ก6")D)!" QT7$@# <5"$ [ ก magnetic change point; magnetic transformation point] W,+)7 กS&7" D"4!" ก4!" [ ก cropping '] ก15D* '"8+)J87"- curtaining; double skin cut length cutoff cutting cyanide hardening -20- ก. 2534-2556 D dabber damping capacity daub dead cast dead soft steel dead steel *(*DDก" ,!#!Dก!?7 M@}4 "$@ &'กก)()77,6 &'กก7>T)*7(77,6 [<= killed steel; solid steel 76*ก] กก4J 'D "+7+ก"-D)76?W, ก"Q QT7$@Qก &'กก"Q QT7$@Qก ก6")Dก!" QT7)Qก (&'ก) ))) กก@6() (7)D [ ก draft or draught - ()* draw F ()* taper '] &'ก"4 "78"465(7(* ' ก"9)9)! กกS<!"Jก'"7, กD) >?)*กf5A7 "กSJ#!7 "ก+-6,7 ก6")D* ',กก)- deburring decalescence decarburization deep drawing deep drawing steel deep etch test deformed bar defrasing; frasing delivery; pattern draft delta iron (δ) dendrite densener dephosphorization descaling deseaming; scarfing de-silter desulphurizer dextrin diamond pyramid hardness test; Vickers' hardness test -21- ก. 2534-2556 die die casting die face dielectric dryer die life die line *(*DD ก&()1*(*DD (M&J) &7*(*DD 4)D8"),'ก6,ก )5*(*DD a. 7)*(*DD b. *7@JกD*(*DD [ ก parting line] )*(*DD )*(*DD )*(*DD กQกก()7 )*(*DD ก>)กW ก>)ก15D die mark; die score; die scratch die score; die mark; die scratch die scratch; die mark; die score die wear differential heating differential quenching; selective quenching diffusion dilation, mould dimension approximate dimension maximum dimension minimum dimension ding direct casting directional solidification direct process direct reduction process dirt trap ก*C( *DD&()D ,4, ,4,M"@JY ,4,$5" ,4,4?S5" )(7 ก&()M"4 ก* '4!6,G6 ก,04 ก,0"!ก1!7M"4 6?"!ก,?ก@ก [<= dross trap ()* slag trap 76*ก] (74!"6,T ก QT7$@# >?)@A *#D (&'ก) ก( discard dishing disintegrator; aerator dog leg -22- ก. 2534-2556 dolomite double doubled shear steel double faggoted iron double sided pattern plate; match plate double skin; curtaining doubling dowel dowel plate downgate; sprue downgate extension dozzle draft or draught M"M84*W(7C!D+)7")7 &'กก65D@J7+TS 6()7&'กG\")7+TS *W(7กJ7)&7 W,+)7 กC!D+)7 ">)7SG$7*W(7!D">)7SG$7$6 (74()$6 &!T),L a. 7"" b. )D [ ก draw 3 ()* leave ()* taper .] c. (7)D [ ก delivery; pattern draft ()* draw F ()* taper '] f((A;(B6) drag -23- ก. 2534-2556 draw a. "Q" b. "Q QT7$@ c. MC&"4! [ ก contraction cavity; shrinkage cavity; shrink hole ()* pipe '] q. )D [ ก draft or draught ' ()* leave ()* taper .] . (7)D [ ก delivery; pattern draft ()* draft or draught - ()* taper '] . ก#)"กJ7 [ ก lift] (7*DD&()1!ก8" a. ก"Q" [ ก bright drawing; cold drawing] b. ก"Q QT7$@ 5YXC"Q" a. -"Q" b. -"Q QT7$@ "15D6)*""Q" "15D!กJ"Q" Jก'"7,f] drawback drawing drawing quality drawn drawn coppered wire drawn galvanized wire drawn-in scale; rolled-in scale; tail scale; trickle scale drawn tinned wire dressing "15D"D5ก"Q" ก*4( [ ก fettling - ()* trimming '] กD,ก ก6")DD,ก 6()<J&57 6()<JกJ*6ก drifting drift test; expanding test drill pipe drive pipe -24- ก. 2534-2556 drop ball; tup drop forging $ก6,T a. ก65DกJ*6ก b. W,4X!Yw-&'ก65DกJ*6ก ก6")D@()4ก 6?"!ก T&'ก [<= dirt trap ()* slag trap 76*ก] * '*>?)*& [ ก baked strength] XC&+Q8">?)*& [ ก baked permeability] ก6S&'กC!"",,0*& 6*& ก6S*DD&()6*& * '*>?)*& [ ก baked strength] *W(7(&'ก)D67*$6,!X &'ก&()&7 drop test dross trap dry bond; dry strength dry permeability dry puddling dry sand dry sand moulding dry strength; dry bond dual-phase high-strength sheet ductile cast iron; nodular graphite cast iron; spheroidal graphite cast iron ductility dummy dummy hammer dump box dump test; jump test; knock down test; slug test; upending test; upsetting test duplex process duplex structure dynamic strength XC"Q>"8" *(*DD&D )7*(*DD&D &D"!@ ก6")DW,&!65D ก,0$( M*f" 47*C!4 -25- ก. 2534-2556 E ear easing; relieving; slackening eccentricity economiser tube; feed water heater tube edger edging 4,? กกJ6J*DD XJ>T)G$7-(ก) 6())5(77TS *(*DD4!" )D a. ก"5 )D b. ก4!" [ ก side shearing] c. ก*4( )D @J,60,W &'กกW,D,560, กW,"$@>"&5(7 XC>"&5(7 "<Sก!">"&5(7 *W(7(&'ก)D1,899e 4)-ก899e ก,06899e 6()1>?)17"899e &'กกM"ก,0899e -D)76S !T899e *W(7(&'ก)D15D!กJ"899e ก15D!กJ"899e -),'กM684+-),'กM684กก!"ก()76),'กM684[ ก galvanic corrosion] ก15D"899e ก15D"D5ก"899e effective length effervescing steel; rimming steel elastic deformation elasticity elastic limit electrical sheet electric arc furnace electric process electric resistance buttwelded tube electric steel electrode carbon electrogalvanized sheet electrogalvanizing electrolytic electrolytic cell electrolytic corrosion electroplating electrotinning -26- ก. 2534-2556 elongation a. >" b. (7>" *W(7(&'ก)D>)D ก>)D ก6")DXCก15D@* ' @4!"N @7 @4!"Nก "<Sก!"67 [ ก fatigue limit] C,!67 [ ก fatigue range] )!4(767 [ ก fatigue ratio] ก6")D67 [ ก fatigue test] (กJD7ก WQก*ก76( [ ก free crystal] *W7XC"5 7W(7G$7-ก$ X4!"$ ก,0*)-^-"4- [ ก pushbench process] Jก'"6ก()7 กก!" QT7) $6ก4,ก <5"$6ก4,ก M$6ก4,ก $6ก6)"<5"$6ก6)"&'กก$6ก6)"- enamelled sheet enamelling end quench hardenability test ends bevelled ends rounded ends squared endurance limit endurance range endurance ratio endurance test energizer equiaxed crystal equilibrium diagram equivalent diameter equivalent section Erhardt process erosion scab; sand wash etching eutectic eutectic point eutectic structure eutectoid eutectoid point eutectoid steel -27- ก. 2534-2556 eutectoid structure exact length exfoliation; flaking; spalling expanding bar; becking bar expanding test; drift test expansion scab extra deep drawing extra deep drawing steel extra heavy plate extra latten extra special improved plough steel wire extrusion extrusion billet extrusion coremaking machine extrusion discard extrusion finish M$6ก6)"*(74 ก()7@|7ก'" &'ก $ ก6")DD,ก Jก'"6*6ก ก"Q QT7$@QกC,G\ &'กก"Q QT7$@QกC,G\ *W(7(&'ก)&7C,G\ &'กDC,G\ "&'กก)D15D?1!T7,G ก)!"" *6((&'ก)'ก)!"" >?))!""6S8*DD G\)!"" W,)!"" -28- ก. 2534-2556 F facing sand faggot faggoted iron falling weight test false part fash; burr 6&7*DD &'กก465D@J7 6()7&'กG\ ก6")D7TS&7!ก4ก 1,T7&)ก (A;ก6*G) T7 [ ก flash .] *(C,C-4Q W,4X!Yw-&'ก65D1*(C,C-4Q ก*4ก&!ก "<Sก!" [ ก endurance limit] C,! [ ก endurance range] )!4(7 [ ก endurance ratio] ก6")D [ ก endurance test] 6&7 &!T fast tool fast tool forging fatigue fatigue fracture fatigue limit fatigue range fatigue ratio fatigue test fat sand feeder; feeder head; feeder top; feedhead feeder head; feeder; feeder top; feedhead feeder head cavity feeder top; feeder; feeder head; feedhead feedhead; feeder; feeder head; feeder top &!T MC&!T &!T &!T -29- ก. 2534-2556 feeding feeding compound feed pipe feed water heater tube; economiser tube ferrite ferritic grey cast iron ferritic steel ferro alloy fettling กT T 6()@e)77TS 6())5(77TS 9-84&'ก&()69-84&'กก9-84&'ก<>) a. ก+()*4((H) b. +()*4((H) c. ก*4( [ ก dressing ()* trimming '] ก+()*4(4 M*DD7 ก*4ก*DD7 ,T *ก7ก) 1()ก) D [ ก flash '] )4*7D กก4J 'D76() 49)ก&'ก W,4X!Yw- !T7S'< a. ก" !T7S'< b. ก6S !T7S'< c. ก(@!D*4(5"6 )5Y&X$, !T7S'< ",76789 )$ก" $lC, &@ fettling, furnace fibre fibrous fracture fillet filter core; strainer core filter gate fin; overfill; vein fin crack fin cutting finery finished product finishing finishing temperature fireclay fire crack; chill crack fire waste; heat waste; melting loss fish tail -30- ก. 2534-2556 fixed flange fixing pad flaking; exfoliation; spalling flame cutting flame hardening flange joint flanging flanging test flash &7*@74Q *W(74Q ก()7@|7ก'" ก4!""@89 ก15D* '"@89 )4()*DD&7*@7 ก6S&7*@7 ก6")D6S&7*@7 a. T7 [ ก burr; fash] b. D [ ก fin; overfill; vein] *7 ,D (&'ก)7*D7 (&'ก)7*D7 ก6")Dก"*D7 ก"5 )4()6?@!D8" *W(7(&'ก)&7@$C>T7 6&757*DD 8&8" )6 *7>" 8&7 (@()!7 @()!7 XC8& )M&J&) [<= castability 76*ก] 9$))-@9!ก+*)(&74 M65D(&'ก) XC65D8" flash line flat; flat bar flat bar; flat flattening test flatting; kinking flexible joint floor plate floor sand; backing sand; black sand flowability sand flow line flow off flue cinder; mill furnace cinder flue tube fluidity, molten metal fluorspar flux forehearth forge forgeability -31- ก. 2534-2556 forge pig forge scale &'ก#5465D Jก'"7,&'ก65D [<= hammer scale 76*ก] a. ก65D b. W,4X!Yw-(&'ก)65D ก QT7$@ #(7Mก4,MC &'ก#5C>?)M&() ก*4ก *W(7(&'ก)&76SM กก@6() ) ,D +7864- WQก [ ก equiaxed crystal] &'กก4!"( 9-84- ก,094+-$7 [ ก continuous weld process] ก)D)()74'6? 6?"$@ กJ74!7 *#D(&'ก)*)(7 "15D!กJ #(7Mก4#5 ก+()*4(4 forging forming foundry coke; cupola coke foundry pig iron fracture frame plate frasing; defrasing fraze free cementite free crystal free cutting steel free ferrite Fretz-Moon process full annealing fuller full pattern; block pattern full strip fully galvanized wire furnace coke furnace fettling -32- ก. 2534-2556 G gagger; lifter galvanic corrosion )M&J,6 กก!"ก()76899e [ ก electrolytic corrosion] *W(7(&'ก)D15D!กJ ก15D!กJ &'ก*ก *ก7,4)ก)D-D)7"*กm MC*กm #(7Mก&!W,4*กm ก4!""*กm MC*กm 6()*กm ก1>?)"*กm a. @ก*(*DD b. 6 7TSM&J ก 7" JDD67TSM&J C,ก!" C,ก!" 6,7 *6((&'ก) 7$7 &'ก1!T75YXC) &'ก1!T75YXCD &'ก1!T75YXC+ ก7 *7 4ก7 ก 7"ก7 *W(7(&'ก)D1,899e17," ก7 galvanized sheet galvanizing gamma iron () ganister gas carburizing gas cavity; blow hole; gas hole gas coke gas cutting gas hole; blow hole; gas cavity gas pipe gas welding gate gathering gating system gauge gauge length ghost gothic section grade A iron grade B iron grade C iron grain grain boundary grain growth grain-oriented electrical sheet -33- ก. 2534-2556 grain refining grain size control grain size distribution, sand; sieve grading, sand grain size number graphite graphitic carbon graphitic steel graphitisation grease mark green bond; green strength green permeability green sand green strength; green bond grey cast iron grinding crack grog grooving ground bar; bright ground ground finish growth guide mark; guide score; guide scratch; guide shearing guide score; guide mark; guide scratch; guide shearing guide scratch; guide mark; guide score; guide shearing guide shearing; guide mark; guide score; guide scratch guillotining gutter ก*4(ก7 กD5 7"ก7 ก!" 7"'"6 7"ก7 *ก894-D)77$@*ก894&'กก*ก894กก,"*ก894)<JD * '*>?)",D XC&+Q8">?)",D 6",D * '*>?)",D &'ก&()6 )&45< G\),L6789 ก+J() &'ก<W,!7 W,< กD )$" )$" )$" )$" ก4!"*DDN>)7 ()!DG\M&J -34- ก. 2534-2556 H haematite; hematite hair line crack half hard half hard temper half random length hammer cogging hammering hammer scale hammer slag handling tight hand rammer hand shank hand straightening hand tight hanger crack hard drawn wire hardenability hardenability test hardening ^864)7W * '@7ก 6@)-* '@7ก กQ?J ก65D" 7" !T747 ก65D (<KK) Jก'"7,65D [<= forge scale 76*ก] กก#565D 4Q>?)>) >?))!"(B6)">) D>) ก"!"4">) 4Q">) )4 ""Q"ก XC15D* '8" ก6")DXC15D* '8" a. ก15D* ' b. กC,?* ' $(H)4!7 * ' ก6")D* ' 6@)-* ' 7(&'ก)$@4!)1 a. 4 [ ก cast . ()* melt] b. )D (ก6BL) 6()*ก@?7)7 7M)7 hard hole hardness hardness test hard temper H-beam heat heat exchanger tube heating curve -35- ก. 2534-2556 heat resisting steel heat treatment heat waste; fire waste; melting loss heavy rail heavy section helical cast; spiral cast hematite; haematite hematite pig iron Hessian wrapping heterogeneity Heuvers circle high carbon coke high-carbon steel wire rod high frequency process high speed tool steel high-strength sheet high tensile steel tube hole hollow hollow forging hollow punching; punching homogeneity Hooke's law horngate horse shoe quality hot-box coremaking hot crack; hot tear hot dip hot drawn hot finished hot galvanizing hot metal process &'กก67)7 ก,06)7 $lC, (&'ก)&7!ก (&'ก)M$@CY&7!ก "" ^864&'ก#5^864กC!7*DD^+7 XJ,,0C!705ก^$)- #(7Mก-D)7$ &'ก"-D)7$ ก,0#?$ &'กก>?)>))D$ *W(7(&'ก)D67*$ 6()&'กก*"Q$ $((0() (6()7)ก ก65D6()7ก ก4)ก<J XJ)กC!705ก )^5ก $6@M 5YXC&'กก>)ก ก6S8*DD1&D)7 ) YJ)7 ก<5()7 -"Q")7 -S'<)7 ก15D!กJ*DD)7 ก,0M&J& -36- ก. 2534-2556 hot rolled hot rolled coil hot rolled steel bar hot sawing hot shortness; red shortness hot spot hot tear; hot crack hot tinning hot top; sink head H sheet pile; H sheet piling H sheet piling; H sheet pile hydraulic flattening hydraulic lapweld process -")7 7(&'ก)")7 &'กC"S ก>?) YJ)7 ก@J YJ)7*" <5")7 ) YJ)7 ก15D"D5ก*DD)7 &!T*)( 'C>"$@4!)1 'C>"$@4!)1 กก"*D7"8^"),ก ก,01>?)ก8^"),ก [ ก water-gas lapweld process] ก6J"8^"),ก 6()8^"),ก ก6")D""!7 )& @J&458^M"<7 ก6")D""!7 )& &'กก8^C)-$6ก6)"&'กก8^MC$6ก6)"- hydraulic piercing hydraulic pipe hydraulic test; hydrostatic test hydrogen embrittlement hydrostatic test; hydraulic test hyper-eutectoid steel hypo-eutectoid steel -37- ก. 2534-2556 I I-beam impact test inclusion induction hardening ingate ingot ingot corner segregation ingot iron ingotism ingot mould ingot structure inherent grain size inoculation insert interannealed wire intercrystalline corrosion; intergranular corrosion intercrystalline fracture intergranular corrosion; intercrystalline corrosion internal stress interpass annealing interrupted quenching; time quenching inverse chill inverse greyness, malleable cast iron inverse segregation; negative segregation investment casting isothermal annealing isothermal transformation izod impact test 7(&'ก)$@4!8) ก6")DกกJ*6ก f]7 ก15D* '*DD&7?7S 6 *DD&() *6(&() ก*ก4!5*6(&() &'ก*6(&() XC*6(&() *DD&()*6(&() M(&'ก)*6(&() 7"ก77>T)7 ก+!" &'ก)"*(*DD ")D)()7!D"Q" กก!"ก()74*7 4ก7 ก*4ก4*7 4ก7 กก!"ก()74*7 4ก7 7X7 ก)D)()7!D"Q" ก15D&* '8(4'6? ก'74!WกW!7 WกW!7 )7>T)&'ก&())D&7 ก*ก4!WกW!7 ก&()<ก*DDC)ก&5(7 ก)D)()7)5Y&X$, ก*@)5Y&X$, ก6")DกกJ*6ก),+)" -38- ก. 2534-2556 J jarring mark Jenkin's bend test joint joint, flange joint, flexible joint, screwed joint, spigot and socket joint, welded jointer joint face Jominy test jumping; upending; upsetting jump test; dump test; knock down test; slug test; upending test; upsetting test -39- )J"5" ก6")D"!"M<7ก,7 a. )4() b. ก4()6() )4()*DD&7*@7 )4()6?@!D8" )4()*DDก )4()*DD">)*JD )4()*DD1>?) 1>?)4() &7@JกD (M"6!?8@&#Q parting line) ก6")D<),7 ก(7 ก6")DW,&!65D ก. 2534-2556 K kaolin; china clay Keep's test key keyhole notch; mesnager notch killed steel; solid steel killing kinking; flatting kish kisser knock down test; dump test; jump test; slug test; upending test; upsetting test knocking out; shaking out knock-off feeder head -40- ",7 M),7 ก6")D*DD@ ,?*(*DD )Dก$@4!$ &'กก7>T)*7(7 [ ก dead steel ] ก"@!D ก"5 T*ก894&()Jก'" ก6")DW,&!65D ก#)"*DD &!T*DD))" ก. 2534-2556 L lacquer drawn wire; wet drawn wire ladle lamination lap; overlap; shut lapweld process lathe straightened lathe turned latten launder, cupola ""Q"@zก D (6:M9)*) ก*ก1!T7 W,ก ก,01>?)ก 4>?)4<">?)กQ 7กQ &'กD 7TS&'ก<ก4,MC [ ก metal spout] &'กก<>)4Jก!? ก)D15D"4Jก!? W,4X!Yw-&()!? 6(7 )D [ ก draft or draught ' ()* draw 3 ()* taper .] "D$84ก N? กS&7" @J,60,W *(74 C,ก!" กQ?J C&5$Y J ก#)"กJ7 [ ก draw N] lead-bearing steel lead patenting leaker lean sand leave ledeburite length, about length, average length, cut length, effective length, exact length, gauge length, half random length, multiple length, random lift -41- ก. 2534-2556 lifter; gagger lifting lifting iron lifting plate light rail lime limestone limewashing liming limit of proportionality; proportional limit line pipe liquid contraction; liquid shrinkage liquid shrinkage; liquid contraction liquid to solid contraction; solidification shrinkage liquidus loam block moulding loam sand local extension lock; step loose flange loose pattern loose piece loose tool loose tool forging lost-wax process low-carbon steel wire rod low tensile steel tube low yield point sheet Luder line -42- )M&J,6 ก)!" $ &'ก#)"กJ7 *W(7!D&'ก#)"กJ7 (&'ก)D @$7 &,7@$7 กND@$7 ก>)D@$7 "<Sก!"!"(7 6()( (:M, (กPG) ก&"4!7XC& ก&"4!7XC& ก&"4! YJ* '4! *7ก&)4! ก6S*DD&()6@7",7 6@7",7 ก>"NCJ*&( !T7&7*(*DD &7*@7) กJ7) 1,T7*ก (A;ก6*G) *(C,C-),J W,4X!Yw-&'ก65D1*(C,C-),J ก,0$l TWQT &'ก"-D)74?S 6()&'กก*"Q4?S *W(7(&'ก)D<5"ก4?S 7>)")- [ ก stretcher strain] ก. 2534-2556 M machine cast pig iron; chill cast pig iron machine straightening machine tight macro etch test macro structure magnesia magnesite magnetic change point; magnetic transformation point magnetic crack detection magnetic transformation point; magnetic change point magnetite main malleability malleable cast iron malleable cast iron inverse greyness malleable iron mandrel mandrel drawing; bar drawing manganese steel mangling Mannesmann process marked bar martempering martensite martensitic cast iron mass effect master pattern match -43- &'ก#5&()('7 ก"!"4">?)ก 4Q">?)ก ก6")Dก!" QT7)&!CX M&!CX *ก7+ *ก78+4<5"@?7XC*(&'ก [ ก Curie point] ก4<)6*(&'ก <5"@?7XC*(&'ก [ ก Curie point] *ก78646()@J07 XC4&*W(8" &'ก&())D&7 WกW!7 )7>T)&'ก&())D&7 &'ก)D&7 &'ก*ก7*DD ก"Q6()*DD*ก7 &'กก*ก7 ก"*W(7D ก,077!77&'ก-ก"-D-6C), -678+4&'ก&()-678+4W<ก กJ747*DD ก@JกD ก. 2534-2556 matching match plate; double sided pattern plate matrix maximum dimension maximum stress McQuaid-Ehn grain size mechanical analysis mechanical properties medium tensile steel tube melt melting loss; fire waste; heat waste melting zone, cupola merchant bar mesnager notch; keyhole notch metal charge metallography metal penetration; burning in metal spout microporosity microshrinkage micro structure middle middling mid part mild drawn wire; soft drawn wire mill coil mill edge -44- ก<!D$( *W(7กJ7)&7 6,ก+,4,$5" 7$5" [ ก tensile strength ()* ultimate tensile stress] 7"ก7*DD*ก"-)&-7 ก,J&-1,ก D!4,1,ก 6()&'กก*"Q@7ก 4 [ ก cast . ()* heat .] $lC, 4&)& )4,MC 6()7&'ก"S )Dก$@4!$ M&J@e)74 M&G4M&J(&'ก)*6ก6 7TSM&J(&'ก) [ ก cupola launder] C57<5X ก&"4!<5X M<5X (765Dก a. ก65D(7ก b. ก4!"J&("Q (7ก ""Q"7) 7(&'ก) )D", ก. 2534-2556 mill furnace cinder; flue cinder mill pack mill pile mill scale mill shearing minimum dimension mis-match; cross joint; offset misrun mixer mixer metal modulus of elasticity modulus of rigidity molasses molten metal fluidity (@()!7 *W(7(&'ก)D" ก)6()7&'ก65D4)D Jก'"7," กN>)7 )D ,4,4?S5" W,"G$7ก&()DกC() 46 7TSM&J(&'ก)<ก46 )"5! )>"&5(7 )"5! )* 'ก' กก7TS4 XC8& )M&J&) [<= castability 76*ก] *)(7TSM&J(&'ก)ก74,MC &'ก&() "S *DD&() MC*DD&() 6*DD&() *DD&()D !"5*4(*DD&() &D6S*DD&() >?)6S*DD&() W6&5)4()6() 6()7&'ก65D >?)7"6 C&5$Y ""74 [ ก piano wire] molten metal well, cupola mottled cast iron mould mould cavity mould coating mould dilation mould dressing moulding box moulding machine moulding mixture muck bar muller; sand mill multiple length music wire -45- ก. 2534-2556 N nailing natural ageing naturally bonded sand neck necking negative segregation; inverse segregation network structure; cellular structure Neumann band neutral refractory nicked fracture test nitriding nodular graphite cast iron; ductile cast iron; spheroidal graphite cast iron nominal bore non-grain oriented electrical sheet กWD",7 กD(014, 6&7014, (7) ก)" ก*ก4!WกW!7 M ( *#D7)!77!"56789@|7ก ก6")D)*4ก ก)D87M4<7 &'ก&()&7 7"6()JD5 *W(7(&'ก)D1,899e17,"ก7 8( &'กก8D!4,*(&'ก [ ก austenitic steel] )M&Jf]7 7" ก)D@ก4, ก*ก4!@ก4, @J6?)Dก 86?)Dก &76?)Dก 6()@()7TS&'ก ก6S&!"Q non-magnetic steel non-metallic inclusion non-sizing; running out normalizing normal segregation notch brittleness notch sensitivity notch toughness nozzle nozzling -46- ก. 2534-2556 O oddside off-gauge offset; cross joint; mis-match oil drill pipe oiled finish oiling oil line pipe oil sand oil tempered wire oil well casing oil well tubing *DD&()+ก -7)กC,ก!" W,"G$76()<J7TS!7 W,)D7TS!7 ก)D7TS!7 6()(7TS!7 6W7TS!7 ")D15D7TS!7 6()W7!D()7TS!7 6()(7D()7TS!7 [ ก tubing '] 6M),7 ก)D)()7*DD@V" [ ก black annealing] W,4X!Yw-&()*DD@V" ก,0M)C7^-6 [ ก Siemens-Martin process] &'กกM)C7^-6 [ ก Siemens-Martin steel] ก*ก*W(7 6() QT7$@ )D&( &!T *DD@V" &'กกW,C57 &!T*DD@V" W,&D 6()4)D กD(ก,7 olivine sand open annealing open cast open hearth process open hearth steel opening open joint tube openside feeder open steel opentop feeder orange peel ovality oven tube; bakers's oven tube overageing -47- ก. 2534-2556 D [ ก flash '] ก&)7ก,7 W,ก *ก(ก" overfill; fin; vein overheating overlap; lap; shut over-pickled -48- ก. 2534-2556 P pack annealing pack rolling pad padding pair parcel parting parting line ก)D)()7*DD+)7 ก" (7, (R)8HS5TU)0) ก, (R)8HS5TU)0) *W(7$( "", !"" J7D@JกD*(*DD *7@JกD*(*DD [ ก die line '] WM*DD [ ก parting sand] 6M*DD [ ก parting powder] a. กW(71()" b. 1()" [ ก roll pass] ก74XC "&'กก)D15D ก>"*D7 parting powder parting sand pass passivity patented steel wire patent flattening; stretcher levelling patenting pattern pattern board; pattern plate pattern draft; delivery ก)D15D กJ7 *W(7กJ7 (7)D [ ก draft or draught - ()* draw F ()* taper '] (7W>?)&" patternmakers' shrinkage; contraction allowance pattern plate; pattern board pearlite *W(7กJ7 C)-84-49- ก. 2534-2556 pearlitic grey cast iron pearlitic malleable cast iron peg &'ก&()6C)-84&'ก&())D&7C)-84*6(7!T [ ก stopper '] '"กก7TS!7",7 8*DD$@",7) $ ก@?7*@C,6ก4,ก &'กก*(&'ก# กW,"$@# [ ก plastic deformation] XC&+Q8" )6 #(7Mก@VM4 9)89"-$6ก4,ก 9)89"&'ก#59)9)! D!4,69V,ก"@zM7 [ ก music wire] )ก" ก6")D*1(ก" ก*1(ก" กกJ4," 7()<) ก6J ก4,&'ก#5 &'ก#5 4Qก,7>) ก,0C,ก)กก) W,ก4 ก"@!DW, pelleted pitch pencil core pencil gate peritectic change permanent magnet steel permanent set permeability, sand petroleum coke phosphide eutectic phosphide streak phosphoric pig iron physical property piano wire pickle stain pickle test pickling pick up piece piercing pigging back pig iron pilfer proof Pilger process piling pinch pinch passing; skin passing -50- ก. 2534-2556 pinhole pinhole porosity pipe 4" C574" a. 6() [ ก tube] b. MC&"4! [ ก contraction cavity; shrinkage cavity; shrink hole ()* draw -] a. JDD6() [ ก tubing .] b. 76() '"กก7TS!7",7 4!)(M&J&) W,@5 @4!"4 ก"&W,D กW,"$@71(C4,ก [ ก permanent set] a. XCC4,ก b. XC4ก*4(8" a. *W(7(&'ก)&7 b. *W(7*(*DD$4( 7" [ ก wire drawer's plate] c. *(C,C-),J"$@ ก6S*DD&()D7*W(7) ก65D*W( "&'กก)D15D? <5ก piping pitch, pelleted pit sample pitted surface plain end planishing plastic deformation plasticity plate plate moulding plating; spreading plough steel wire plug ก"Q QT7$@(B0)*DD<5ก &'กก*6(&()@@V" plug drawing plugged steel; capped steel; cooler plated steel -51- ก. 2534-2556 plug line plug mill process plumbago pneumatic rammer pointing 7)<5ก ก,0"6()*DD<5ก C!DMก >?))!"(B6)" กT [ ก tagging .] )!4(7 )@]+) ก !"!7 C57 4!<!DQ" ก)D)()7*DD@V" Poisson's ratio polishing porosity porter bar; box; staff pot annealing; box annealing; close annealing pot quenching pouring; teeming pouring basin; pouring bush; pouring cup pouring bush; pouring basin; pouring cup pouring cup; pouring basin; pouring bush ก15D*DD@V" ก67TSM&J *)(6 *)(6 *)(6 powder cutting ก4!"1W powder washing precipitation hardening precision ground precision investment moulding Preece test ก*4("W ก15D* '4ก4Jก)7 &'ก<@JY4 ก6S*DD&(),0C)ก&5(7 ก6")DC+ [ ก copper sulphate test] DกGD5 prepared atmosphere; controlled atmosphere press forging a. ก65D)!" b. W,4X!Yw-4!465D)!" -52- ก. 2534-2556 pressure test primary carbide primary crust prime process annealing proof bend test proof stress proportional limit; limit of proportionality puddled ball; ball puddled bar ก6")D""!7 -8D"-@LX$, @>)ก* '@LX$, 1!T7&7Q? ก)D)()77กJD7ก ก6")D"!"MC,$<77C,$<7"<Sก!"!"(7 $ก&'กC!"", a. &'ก7C!"", b. &'กCC!"", *6((&'ก)'กC!"", *6((&'ก)&l(C!"", &'กC!"", @74C!"", ก6S&'กC!"", 4C!"", )&""Q a. )5@กY-7S($ ((0() b. &!4)ก<J c. &!4)ก ,D ก4)ก<J กก&'ก8C84ก,0C51D71- [ ก Erhardt process] puddled billet puddled bloom puddled iron puddler's candle puddling puddling furnace pull punch punching; hollow punching purple ore; blue billy pushbench process -53- ก. 2534-2556 Q quarter hard quarter hard temper quench ageing quenching * '7) 6@)-* '7) กD(15D ก15D -54- ก. 2534-2556 R a. กก7 (:M9)*) b. กก74 *6((&'ก)ก"Q'7 ก6")D*7!G ()ก!7>?7 ()Xก) )!"(B6) >?))!"(B6)">) >?))!"(B6)" กJ"7))!"(B6) rabbling rack drawn; bench drawn radial test ragging rail ram rammer, hand rammer, pneumatic ramming board; rollover board; turnover board ram off Ramshorn test random length range of proportionality rapping rapping iron rapping plate rat tail reaming recalescence recalescence point; arrest point; change point; critical point; transformation point recarburization receiver recrystallization recrystallization temperature recurrent lap; surging lap 4S&7,&45)!"(B6)C() ก6")D*-^)-7 J 1(!"(7 กJกJ7 &'กJกJ7 *W(7!D&'ก)7กJ7 (6)&&7$ ก7*4( +7+<5",ก[4 [ ก critical temperature] กC,?-D)7 #!C!ก(:M9)*) ก4กWQก&( )5Y&X$,ก4กWQก&( W,&()ก1,+)7 -55- ก. 2534-2556 red hardness red shortness; hot shortness reducing reduction in area; reduction of area reduction of area; reduction in area reed reeking reeling * ' YJ)7*" ก@J YJ)7*" ก"6)7 ก"6)7C>T76? ก"6)7C>T76? 7*+ กND ( a. ก""!"4 b. ก"#)"*ก7 1!T75YXCD,560, &'ก#57>T)" 49)ก()XกY)L;) ก6S&D,560, !"56789 6()6S'7 กW+TS กกJ6J*DD กW!7ก!D )9)9)! ก<7 C,ก!" ก<7 C,ก!" ก65D*4( [ ก tapping '] ก6")D"!"Mก!D ก6")DกD,"ก!D *W(7กJ74 &'กกW,D,560, 67TS&'ก$@*&7 $$@*&7 W,)7 $ QT7 6()( QT7 &'กก&!@5A@xy refined grade refined pig iron refinery refining refractory refrigeration pipe reheating relieving; easing; slackening rephosphorization re-shearing; re-squaring re-squaring; re-shearing restriking reverse bend test reverse torsion test reversible pattern plate rimming steel; effervescing steel ring gate ring pencil gate rippled surface; washmarking riser rising main rising steel -56- ก. 2534-2556 rising top; cauliflower top; spongy top river sand &!@5A@xy 6*(7TS [ ก bank sand] ก6")D&5"TS )MC*กm ก6")D* ')ก&'ก" )<กก" ก*6() )MC*กm ก(D5 )$ก" )D" Jก'"7,f] rivet test roak; roke rockwell hardness test rod; steel wire rod; wire rod rod crack rodding roke; roak roll camber; roll sweep rolled edge rolled-in scale; drawn-in scale; tail scale; trickle scale roller finish roller levelling roller tube rolling ก@!D*4(6()$กก,T ก"*D7 6()$กก,T a. ก" b. ก4$@Mก76กJD)ก กYw-W>?)" กD5 ก,0"1>?)ก )$ก" กJ"7))!"(B6) rolling margin rolling off roll lapweld process roll mark rollover board; ramming board; turnover board roll pass 1()" [ ก pass '] ก(D5 )$ก" ก&57>" ก,0&5765D QT7$@ ก&576J roll sweep; roll camber rotary elongation rotary forge process rotary piercing -57- ก. 2534-2556 rotary screen roughing; cogging 4J*ก&57 a. ก")7 !T747 b. ก" 7" !T747 &'ก7ก ก6S&ก X4!"$ #! !" ก !"W,7#! !" 1(6()กS&7" 6,? 8*DD6,? M&J* '4*)(6 กJ76 กJ76 7" 67 4S&7,<ก*DD&()!? กก,"7, round bar rounding ruling section rumbler; tumbling barrel rumbling run; stretch runner runner core runner head runner peg; runner stick runner stick; runner peg running out; non-sizing run-off run-out rusting; sulling -58- ก. 2534-2556 S saddening saddle; becking stand sand bottom, cupola sand buckle; blind scab; buckle ก65D4 *6(7!D&'ก $ 6C>T74,MC Jก'"6 [ ก scab -] &'ก#5&()*DD6 ก!" 7"'"6 sand cast pig iron sand grain size distribution; sand sieve grading sand hole sand mark sand mill; muller sand mixer sand permeability sand shatter test sand sieve grading; sand grain size distribution sand slinging sand wash; erosion scab saw tooth dirt trap scab )6( )6 >?)7"6 >?)W6 XC&+Q8" )6 ก6")Dก<!D4! )6 ก!" 7"'"6 ก&?4S6 Jก'"6ก()7 6?"!ก,?ก@ก*DD9]7>?) a. กD [ ก shell; sliver; spill; splash .] b. Jก'" [ ก shell; sliver; spill; splash '] c. Jก'"6 [ ก blind scab; buckle; sand buckle] XJ4,MC*7(7 6()7!?7 Jก'"7, กกJ6JJก'"7, scaffolding, cupola scaffolding tube scale scale breaking -59- ก. 2534-2556 scarfing; deseaming scleroscope hardness test; Shore scleroscope hardness test score scrap scraped edge screeve screwed and socketed screwed flush butt and butt screwed inserted screwed joint screwing; threading screw stock S curve กD) ก6")D* '1))4 G\M&J )D$" กก"6 *DD )4()ก *DDกD!D *DDกf]7 )4()*DDก กก!"ก &'กกQ( 7M$@4!) [ ก TTT curve] a. 4J 'D b. 7 6()&'กก84J 'D W,4X!Yw-6()84J 'D กC,?* ' !T7654,X$, (&'กก)M$@CY 84()X4!" 6()$@CY ก*ก4! ก>)ก15D seam seamless steel tube seamless tubular product secondary hardening section; structural steel section section sensitivity section tube segregation selective quenching; differential quenching self hardening steel; air hardening steel semi-killed steel &'กก15D* '" &'กกกQ?7>T)*7(7 [ ก balanced steel ()* semi-rimming steel] -60- ก. 2534-2556 &'กกW,กQ?D,560, [ ก balanced steel ()* semi-killed steel] &'ก6D$*(*DD 6?"!"$@ 4!4,MC &'กC ก#)"*DD 67 [ ก silica sand] ก6")Dก<!D4! )6 )DN>)7 กN>)7 ก6")DกN>)7 &'กก65D@J7 ก6")D"*N>)7 *W(7(&'ก)D &'ก*6(6S*W(7 &'ก*6(6S*W(7C&5$Y *W(7(&'ก)D 'C>" 'C>" *6((&'ก)*D76S*W(7 ก(D5 )*W(7(&'ก)D (7W199V"- [ ก compo] a. กD [ ก scab .] b.Jก'" [ ก scab '] ก6S8*DD@>)ก* ' ก6S*DD&()@>)ก* ' semi-rimming steel set setter; bender shaft, cupola shafting shaking out; knocking out sharp sand shatter test, sand sheared edge shearing shearing test shear steel shear test sheet; sheeting sheet bar sheet bar multiple sheeting; sheet sheet pile; sheet piling sheet piling; sheet pile sheet slab sheet sweep Sheffield composition shell; sliver; spill; splash shell coremaking shell moulding -61- ก. 2534-2556 shingling shipbuilding plate Shore scleroscope hardness test; scleroscope hardness test short short run shot blast; shot-blasting shot-blasting; shot blast shot defect shrinkage, liquid; contraction, liquid shrinkage, solid; contraction, solid shrinkage' solidification; liquid to solid contraction shrinkage cavity; contraction cavity; shrink hole shrink hole; contraction cavity; shrinkage cavity shut; lap; overlap side-blown process ก65DDD *W(7(&'ก)&74()>) ก6")D* '1)G\7&'ก W,4X!Yw-&()C() กC(7 !"W, กC(7 !"W, '"M&Jf]7 ก&"4!7XC& ก&"4!7XC* ' ก&"4! YJ* '4! MC&"4! [ ก draw - ()* pipe '] MC&"4! [ ก draw - ()* pipe '] W,ก ก,0C(78("7 [ ก Tropenas process] ก4!" [ ก edging '] 6 "7 *DD !T7D!78" ก,0+7---4,7 [ ก open hearth process] &'กก+7---4,7 [ ก open hearth steel] ก!" 7"'"6 side shearing side step gate Siemens-Martin process Siemens-Martin steel sieve grading, sand; grain size distribution, sand sigma phase ( δ ) silica !X+,ก +,,ก -62- ก. 2534-2556 silica flour silica sand W+,,ก 6+,,ก [ ก sharp sand] +,,ก4 ก*4กW,D &'กก,7 &'ก#5,7 *W(7")7!T" ก6")D"!"M"? W,&()ก1,"? *W(7กJ7&7" (7""6)7 &!T*)( ก"Q""6)7 7"6() a. ก65D8" 7" [ ก coining] b. ก@!D*4( 7" กJ7M &'ก QT7$@6S6() MC"!กกก 6"!กกก 6?ก"กก *ก7"!กกก ก6SW,*& $W, 6@)-()7 )()7 ก"@!DW, G\&'ก4,"D *6((&'ก)*D7 กกJ6J*DD กก#5 silicate silky fracture silver steel silvery pig iron single single bend test single lap single sided pattern plate sink sink head; hot top sinking size of tube sizing skeleton pattern skelp skim bob skim gate skimmer skimmer core skin drying skin hole skin passed temper skin passing; pinch passing skull slab slackening; easing; relieving slag -63- ก. 2534-2556 slagging slag hole slag patch slag spout, cupola slag trap กก"กก#5 4S&7,&45กก#5f] กก#5f]W, กก#5<ก4,MC 6?"!กกก#5 [<= dirt trap ()* dross trap 76*ก] ก@"&7*DD 6?@" ก>?)7 *#Dก>?)7 ก+) a. กD [ ก scab .] b. Jก'" [ ก scab '] a. 1,T7M&J465D, 1,T7M&J4 )!"" b. 1,T7M&J<ก)!"" ก6")DW,&!65D sleek sleeker slip slip band slitting sliver; shell; spill; splash slug slug test; dump test; jump test; knock down test; upending test; upsetting test smoke tube snap flask snarl snarl test S/N curve 6()!7 &D(()0)D7C!D )" ก6")DM"ก&!ก) 7M)/)'7 [ ก stress-number curve] ก'" ก*1()7 ""Q"*& $(4() snowflake soaking soap drawn wire socket; coupler; coupling -64- ก. 2534-2556 socket tube; coupler tube; coupling tube soft drawn wire; mild drawn wire softening soft temper solid contraction; solid shrinkage solid diffusion solidification range solidification shrinkage; liquid to solid contraction solid shrinkage; solid contraction solid solubility solid solution solid steel; killed steel 6()4() ""Q"7) ก6S&)()7 6@)-)()7 ก&"4!7XC* ' ก*C(7 )* ' 1(ก* '4! ก&"4! YJ* '4! ก&"4!7XC* ' XCJ8"7 )* ' J )* ' &'กก7>T)*7(7 [<= dead steel 76*ก] *7ก* '4! +)-8D4()XกY)L;) ก()7@|7ก'" f)D"!ก$ก89 ก6")D@Jก "&'กก)D15D1!T7"5"C,G\ "&'กก)D15D?1!T7"5"C,G\ (&'ก)C,G\ &'ก"C,G\ &'ก&()&7 solidus sorbite sow spalling; exfoliation; flaking spark arrester spark test special improved patent steel wire special improved plough steel wire special rail special steel wire rod spheroidal graphite cast iron; ductile cast iron; nodular graphite cast iron spheroidized cementite spheroidizing spiegel; spiegeleisen spiegeleisen; spiegel +7864-17,"9z)8"+9z)8"+, &'ก@zก &'ก@zก -65- ก. 2534-2556 spigot and socket joint spill; shell; sliver; splash ) 4()*DD">)*JD a. กD [ ก scab .] b. Jก'" [ ก scab '] ">)กJ7ก" a. ก"!"4"$กก,T b. ก&57"!"6() "" a. กD [ ก scab .] b. Jก'" [ ก scab '] 8*DDก!7ก()7 #(7Mก@e)74 &D6S8*DD*ก กJ7*ก &'กC57 C57*DD9)7TS &!@5A@xy spindle spinning spiral cast; helical cast splash; shell; sliver; spill splash core split coke; coke charge split core box split pattern sponge iron sponginess spongy top; cauliflower top; rising top spoon sample; bath sample spreading; plating sprue; downgate squeezing stabilizing stack, cupola stack moulding staff; box; porter bar Staffordshire iron Staffordshire marked bar stainless steel 4!)(7TS&'ก ก65D*W( $6 กDD)!" ก6S&# @()4,MC ก6S*DD&()+)7 4!<!DQ" &'ก*499)-"1)&'ก-ก"-D-*499)-"1)&'กก87, -66- ก. 2534-2556 standard tube staving stay tube stead's brittleness steam pipe steel steel bar 6()4L7 ก$(@6() 6()Q" @J4" 6()8)7TS &'กก &'ก7 [ ก bar .] a. ก&()&'กก b. W,4X!Yw-&'กก&() ก@e)7D "&'ก &'ก" !T7&7*(*DD 6,?*DD !T7D!78" ก4,"ก!7 6()ก!?7 6()7&'ก465D ก,04')ก a. <5กD b. *6(7!T [ ก peg] ก)D [ ก blueing '] ">74 ก"!"4 " ก@J&!D(" กC,?* ' YJD(" กD(" *ก7ก) steel casting steeling steel wire steel wire rod; rod; wire rod step; lock stepped runner sticking still tube stock Stock process stopper stoving; baking straight cast straightening strain strain age embrittlement strain age hardening strain ageing strainer core; filter core -67- ก. 2534-2556 strain hardening กC,?* '"" [ ก work hardening] 7 7&() 7M7ก!D<S77)D [ ก S/N curve] XJC,?7 ก7 (<Kก668\B; 6K) ก7 (<Kก668\B; 6K) ก7 7M7ก!D" ก6")D7/<7*4ก 1(6()กS&7" ก>"*D7 ,Tก [ ก Luder line] กJ7ก" [ ก sweep '] กJ7ก" [ ก sweep '] *#D()Xก) *DD&()6@7",7 a. ก#)"*DD b. ก#)"*ก7 *W(7(&'ก)&7M (&'กก)M$@CY 6()M 4!!78*DD ก)D)()74,ก[4 stress stress, casting stress-number curve stress raiser stress relief; stress-relief heat treatment stress-relief heat treatment; stress relief stress relieving stress-strain curve stress/time to rupture test stretch; run stretcher levelling; patent flattening stretcher strain strickle board; striking board striking board; strickle board strip strip block stripping structural plate structural steel section; section structural tube stud; chaplet sub-critical annealing -68- ก. 2534-2556 subcutaneous blow hole sub-zero treatment sulling; rusting sulphite lye sulphur print test superheater flue tube superheater tube surface crazing surface hardening surging lap; recurrent lap swaging MC4W, ก,04G$7กก,"7, 7TS"(+!894ก6")DC,C-)กSJ#!7 @()!7กS7,"8)7TS)7",? 6()กS7,"8)7TS)7",? W,7 ก15DW,* ' W,&()ก1,+)7 a. ก QT7$@6M b. ก6S@)D [ ก cressing] ก)D a. ก(D5 [ ก camber] b. กJ7ก" [ ก strickle board; striking board] 7$7 ก @6() *@e7? 6!J&- swealing; wash heating sweep swell swelling swift synthetic sand -69- ก. 2534-2556 T a. กT [ ก pointing] b.ก6S@<!D Jก'"7,f] tagging tail scale; drawn-in scale; rolled-in scale; trickle scale Talbot process tangential runner tangential test tap tap cinder taper ก,06!D)4 6,?*7!W! ก6")D*7!W! @()7TSM&J กก<J a. )D [ ก draft or draught ' ()* draw 3 ()* leave] b. (7)D [ ก delivery; pattern draft ()* draft or draught - ()* draw F] a. ก@()7TSM&J b. ก65D*4( [ ก restriking] c. กก!"ก7 ก67TSM&J )!7 W,&()ก 6@)7M)5Y&X$,ก!DกกJ*6ก @J&!6@)&456@)ก6S6@)ก"6@)- tapping teeming; pouring teeming arrest; cold lap; cold shut teeming lap temper temperature/impact curve temper brittleness temper colour tempering temper rolling -70- ก. 2534-2556 47*"Q [ ก maximum stress ()* ultimate tensile stress] ก6")Dก"Q *W(7(&'ก)D15D4Jก!?<>)"D5ก 1,T76")D 4!)(6")D 1,T76")D 6)9) (*W(7&'ก8(15D"D5ก) [ ก chrome-plated sheet; chromium or chromium oxide coated sheet] *6((&'ก)*D7D ก,0M6! กก!"ก 4!,Q" "!" [ ก binder '] ก15D&* '8(4'6? tensile strength tensile test terne sheet test piece; test specimen test sample test specimen; test piece TFS (tin-free steel) thin slab Thomas process threading; screwing tie; bracket tie wire; band time quenching; interrupted quenching tin-free steel (TFS) *W(7&'ก8(15D"D5ก (6)9)) [ ก chrome-plated sheet; chromium or chromium oxide coated sheet] *W(7(&'ก)D15D"D5ก "15D"D5ก ก)D"D5ก, ก15D"D5ก *W(7(&'ก)D15D"D5ก &'ก*6(6S*W(715D"D5ก a. กYw-">?)7 b. ">?)7,7) @<!D tinned sheet; tinplate tinned wire tinning tinplate; tinned sheet tinplate bar tolerance tong hold; bar hold -71- ก. 2534-2556 top casting top fash; top flash top flash; top fash top hat topping torsion test tramline ก&()<ก"7D7 D"7D7 D"7D7 &! ก&!ก&!T ก6")DกD," a. D 77 b. W,ก 77 ก*4กW(7WQก <5",ก[4 [ ก critical temperature] transcrystalline fracture transformation point; arrest point; change point; critical point; recalescence point transformation range; critical range transverse test trench sheet; trench sheeting trench sheeting; trench sheet trepanning trickle scale; drawn-in scale; rolled-in scale; tail scale trimming 1(,ก[4 ก6")D*7 'C>"*W(7D 'C>"*W(7D ก<Jก Jก'"7,f] a. ก ,D [ ก clipping] b. ก*4( [ ก dressing ()* fettling -] 6$8444*@XCM6C7! ก,0M6C7! [ ก side-blown process] ก&()W(7)(C!ก 7"Q*6 ก!D7TSM&J 7M666 [ ก S curve] troostite Tropenas converter Tropenas process trough casting; tundish casting true tensile stress trumpet TTT curve -72- ก. 2534-2556 6() [ ก pipe .] a. JDD6() [ ก piping .] b. 6()(7D()7TS!7 [ ก oil well tubing] 'C>"$@6() 'C>"$@6() #! !" )(C!ก ก&()W(7)(C!ก $ก6,T &'กกQW,!7 W,กQ กJ"7))!"(B6) tube tubing tubular sheet pile; tubular sheet piling tubular sheet piling; tubular sheet pile tumbling barrel; rumbler tundish tundish casting; trough casting tup; drop ball turned bar; bright turned turned finish turnover board; ramming board; rollover board tuyere, cupola twisted strip twisting $4,MC *#D(&'ก)D," กD," -73- ก. 2534-2556 U 7"Q)!74,J [ ก maximum stress ()* tensile strength] ก6")D">?7&7>) ,06")D">?7&7>) 7>T)C() *W(7(&'ก)&7ก ก"ก a. ก65D(7*74!T b. W,4X!Yw-&'ก65D(7*74!T ก(7 ก6")DW,&!65D ultimate tensile stress ultrasonic test ultrasonic testing underfill universal plate universal rolling upend forging upending; jumping; upsetting upending test; dump test; jump test; knock down test; slug test; upsetting test uphill casting; bottom casting upset forging ก&()<ก"7( a. ก65D(7*7D b. W,4X!Yw-&'ก65D(7*7D ก(7 ก6")DW,&!65D upsetting; jumping; upending upsetting test; dump test; jump test; knock down test; slug test; upending test use U sheet pile; U sheet piling U sheet piling; U sheet pile $@Mก7 'C>"$@4!$ 'C>"$@4!$ -74- ก. 2534-2556 V varnishing vein; fin; overfill vent vent, core box vertical rising main vibration-damping laminated sheet vibrator vibratory screen Vickers' hardness test; diamond pyramid hardness test V notch ก>)D"7TS!7-7,1 D [ ก flash '] $JD $JD&D6S8*DD 6()( QT7*74!T *W(7(&'ก)D)!"+)7&7(ก!?7 >?)!?7 4J*ก!?7 ก6")D* ',กก))Dก$@4! -75- ก. 2534-2556 W wad wap washburn core; breaker core wash heating; swealing washmarking; rippled surface water-gas lapweld process T &'ก4)ก<J )D *ก7*ก ก)D W,)7 ก,01>?)ก)4)-*กm [ ก hydraulic lapweld process] 6()7TS 6()<J7TSD" water pipe water well boring tube; Artesian well tube water well casing wax vent wear test wedge section; wedge shape wedge shape; wedge section weight of tube weld decay weld decay test welded joint welded tube welded tubular product welding welding tee weldless tube wet drawn wire; lacquer drawn wire whirlgate dirt trap whistler white annealed wire; bright annealed wire 6()W7!D()7TSD" TWQT$JD ก6")DกQกก()7 *#D(&'ก)$@,? *#D(&'ก)$@,? 7TS&7!ก6() กW5*DD)1>?) ก6")DกW5*DD)1>?) )4()*DD1>?) 6()4J 'D, 6()1>?) W,4X!Yw-6()1>?) ก1>?) &'ก$@4!611>?) 6()84J 'D ""Q"@zก 6?"!ก,?ก@ก*DD&577 $8( ")D)()7W,!7 -76- ก. 2534-2556 white cast iron whiteheart malleable cast iron white pickling wide-flange beam Widmannst8ten structure wild steel wiped galvanized wire wire wire drawer's plate &'ก&() &'ก&())D&7 ก*1(ก"ก()715D 7(&'ก)@zกก M,"!77-+467 &'กก">)" "15D!กJW,D " *W(7*(*DD$4( 7" [& &>)7ก!D plate b] ก"Q"" &'ก" W T>?) กC,?* '"7*@$@'7 [&&>)7ก!D strain hardening] *W(7*(*DD*#"? กC!7 ก6")D""กC!7 &'กC>" wire drawing wire rod; rod; steel wire rod wood flour work hardening wortle wrapping wrapping test wrought iron -77- ก. 2534-2556 Y yield point yield stress Yorkshire iron; best Yorkshire Young's modulus <5"ก 7ก &'ก)-ก1))"5! )! -78- ก. 2534-2556 Z zinc coated sheet zircon flour zircon sand Z sheet pile; Z sheet piling Z sheet piling; Z sheet pile *W(7(&'ก)DND!กJ W+)-)7 6+)-)7 'C>"$@4!*+" 'C>"$@4!*+" -79-