www.Vidyarthiplus.com Page |1 SPEED CONTROL OF DC SHUNT MOTOR AIM: To obtain speed control of DC shunt motor by a. Varying constant. armature b. field Varying voltage current with with field current armature voltage constant c. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.No. Apparatus Range Type Quantity 1 Ammeter (0-2) A MC 1 2 Voltmeter (0-300) V MC 1 3 Rheostats - 2 (0-3000) rpm Digital 1 2.5sq.mm. Copper Few 370, 1.1A 100, 1.2A 4 Tachometer 5 Connecting Wires PROCEDURE: 1. 2. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. After checking the maximum position of armature rheostat and minimum position of field rheostat, DPST switch is closed (i) Armature Control: 1. Field current is fixed to various values and for each fixed value, by varying the armature rheostat, speed is noted for various voltages across the armature. (ii) Field Control: 1. Armature voltage is fixed to various values and for each fixed value, by adjusting the field rheostat, speed is noted for various field currents. www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com Page |2 2. Bringing field rheostat to minimum position and armature rheostat to maximum position DPST switch is opened. MODEL GRAPHS: OBSERVATION TABLE: Sl. No. Field Control Method Field Speed Armature Control Armature Speed www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com Page |3 Current (amp) (rpm) Current (amp) (rpm) PRECAUTIONS: 1. Field Rheostat should be kept in the minimum resistance position at the time of starting and stopping the motor. 2. Armature Rheostat should be kept in the maximum resistance position at the time of starting and stopping the motor. RESULT: Thus the speed control of DC Shunt Motor is obtained using Armature and Field control methods. www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com Page |4 OPEN CIRCUIT & SHORT CIRCUIT TEST ON ASINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMER AIM: To predetermine the efficiency and regulation of a transformer by conducting open circuit test and short circuit test and to draw equivalent circuit. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.No. 1 Apparatus Type Quantity (0-2)A MI 1 (0-5) A MI 1 (0-150)V MI 2 (150V, 5A) LPF 1 (150V, 5A) UPF 1 2.5sq.mm Copper Few Ammeter 2 Voltmeter 3 Wattmeter 4 Range Connecting Wires PROCEDURE: OPEN CIRCUIT TEST: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 2. After checking the minimum position of Autotransformer, DPST switch is closed. 3. Auto transformer variance is adjusted get the rated primary voltage. 4. Voltmeter, Ammeter and Wattmeter readings on primary side are noted. 5. Auto transformer is again brought to minimum position and DPST switch is opened. SHORT CIRCUIT TEST: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com Page |5 2. After checking the minimum position of Autotransformer, DPST switch is closed. 3. Auto transformer variac is adjusted get the rated primary current. 4. Voltmeter, Ammeter and Wattmeter readings on primary side are noted. 5. Auto transformer is again brought to minimum position and DPST switch is opened. TABULAR COLUMN: OPEN CIRCUIT TEST: Vo Io Wo (Volts) (Amps) (Watts) SHORT CIRCUIT TEST: Vsc Isc Wsc (Volts) (Amps) (Watts) www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com Page |6 FORMULAE: Percentage Efficiency: for all loads and p.f. Output Power (X) x KVA rating x 1000 x cos Efficiency % = -------------------- = ----------------------------------------------Input Power Output power + losses (X) x KVA rating x 1000 x cos = -----------------------------------------------------------(X) x KVA rating x 1000 x cos + Wo + X2Wsc Percentage Regulation: (X) x Isc (Ro2 cos Xo2sin ) x 100 R% = -------------------------------------V2 Where X is the load and it is 1 for full load, ½ for half load, ¾ load, ¼ load etc. And the power factor is, upf, o.8 p.f lag and 0.8 p.f lead PRECAUTIONS: 1. Auto Transformer should be in minimum voltage position at the time of closing & opening DPST Switch. www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com Page |7 SWINBURNE’S TEST AIM: To conduct Swinburne’s test on DC machine to determine efficiency when working as generator and motor without actually loading the machine. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.No. Apparatus Range Type Quantity MC 1 MC 2 (0-1),(0-5),(0-20) 1 Ammeter A 2 Voltmeter (0-30),(0-50) V 3 Rheostats 370, 1.7A Wire 1 Wound 4 Tachometer 5 Connecting Wires (0-3000) rpm Digital 1 2.5sq.mm. Copper Few PRECAUTIONS: The field rheostat should be in the minimum position at the time of starting and stopping the motor PROCEDURE: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 2. After checking the minimum position of field rheostat, DPST switch is closed and starting resistance is gradually removed. www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com Page |8 3. By adjusting the field rheostat, the machine is brought to its rated speed. 4. The armature current, field current and voltage readings are noted. 5. The field rheostat is then brought to minimum position DPST switch is opened. www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com Page |9 TABULAR COLUMNS: AS MOTOR: Tot S. No. V IL Ia Ia2Ra (Volts) (Amps) (Amps) (Watts) Los W (Wa AS GENERATOR: 2 S. V I1 Ia Ia Ra No. (Volts) (Amps) (Amps) (Watts) TABULAR COLUMN: S.No. If (Amps) Io (Amps) V (Volts) DETERMINATION OF ARMATURE RESISTANCE: www.Vidyarthiplus.com To Los (W www.Vidyarthiplus.com P a g e | 10 PROCEDURE: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 2. Supply is given by closing the DPST switch. 3. Readings of Ammeter and Voltmeter are noted. 4. Armature resistance in Ohms is calculated as Ra = (Vx1.5) /I TABULAR COLUMN: Voltage Current Armature Resistance V (Volts) I (Amps) Ra (Ohms) FORMULAE: Hot Resistance Ra = 1.2 X R Ω Constant losses = VIo – Iao2 Ra watts = (Io – If) Amps Where Iao AS MOTOR: Load Current IL = _____Amps (Assume 15%, 25%, 50%, 75% of rated current) Armature current Ia = IL – If Amps = Ia2 Ra watts Copper loss Total losses = Copper loss + Constant losses Input Power = VIL watts = Input Power – Total losses Output Power Output power Efficiency % = ---------------------- X 100% www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com P a g e | 11 Input Power AS GENERATOR: Load Current IL = _____ Amps (Assume 15%, 25%, 50%, 75% of rated current) Armature current Ia = IL + If Amps = Ia2 Ra watts Copper loss Total losses = Copper loss + Constant losses Output Power = VIL watts Input Power = Input Power +Total losses Output power Efficiency % = ----------------------- X 100% Input Power RESULT: Thus the efficiency of the D.C machine is predetermined by Swinburne’s test. www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com P a g e | 12 REGULATION OF 3–PHASE ALTERNATOR BY EMF AND MMF METHODS AIM: To predetermine the regulation of 3-phase alternator by EMF and MMF methods and also draw the vector diagrams. APPARATURS REQUIRED: SL.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Apparatus Ammeter Ammeter Voltmeter Voltmeter Rheostat Type Range Quantity MC 0 – 1/2 A 1 MI 0 – 5/10 A 1 MC 0 – 10 V 1 MI 0 – 600 V 1 Wire 250 Ω, 1.5 1 wound A 6 Rheostat Wire 1200Ω, 1 wound 0.8 A 7 Tachometer Digital --1 8 TPST knife switch --1 TABULAR COLUMNS EMF METHOD: Eph (V) SL.NO. Power factor Lag % Regulation Lead Lag Lead MMF METHOD: Ifr SL.NO. P.F Vph If1 If2 (V) (A) (A) Lag www.Vidyarthiplus.com (A) Lead Eph Lag www.Vidyarthiplus.com P a g e | 13 PROCEDURE: (FOR BOTH EMF AND MMF METHODS) 1. Note down the name plate details of the motor and alternator. 2. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 3. Switch ON the supply by closing the DPST switch. 4. Using the Three point starter, start the motor to run at the synchronous speed by adjusting the motor field rheostat. 5. Conduct Open Circuit test by varying the potential divider for various values of field current and tabulate the corresponding Open Circuit Voltage readings. 6. Conduct Short Circuit test by closing the TPST switch and adjust the potential divider to set the rated armature current and tabulate the corresponding field current. 7. The Stator resistance per phase is determined by connecting any one phase stator winding of the alternator as per the circuit diagram using MC voltmeter and ammeter of suitable ranges. 2. Draw the Short Circuit Characteristics curve (Short circuit current VS Field current) 3. Draw the line OL to represent FORMULAE: 1. Armature Resistance Ra = Ω 2. Synchronous Impedance Zs = O.C. voltage S.C. current 3. Synchronous Reactance Xs = √ Zs2 – Ra2 4. Open circuit voltage for lagging p.f = √(VcosΦ + IaRa)2 + (VsinΦ + IaXs)2 5. Open circuit voltage for leading p.f. = √(VcosΦ + IaRa)2 + (VsinΦ – IaXs)2 6. Open circuit voltage for unity p.f = √(V + IaRa)2 + ( IaXs)2 www.Vidyarthiplus.com www.Vidyarthiplus.com P a g e | 14 7. Percentage regulation = Eo – V x 100v PRECAUTIONS: (i) The motor field rheostat should be kept in the minimum resistance position. (ii) The alternator field potential divider should be kept in the minimum voltage position. (iii) Initially all switches are in open position. RESULT: Thus the regulation of 3-phase alternator has been predetermined by the EMF and MMF methods. www.Vidyarthiplus.com