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No. - RYP DN/34/2013-2015 VQSUR__[S_]TQY\i`Y_^UUb >@?6J"! 1A8C8B76>ECC>74;?B42DA40 1DH4A5>AC0C0BC44;BD:18I H@C=5"" $(8=380=58B74A<4= 0AA4BC438=?0:8BC0= A08?DAB0CDA30H0?A8;! ! %*?064B !C" 4bcPQ[XbWTS '%# ?dQ[XbWTS5a^\ 34;78;D2:=>F 17>?0; 17D10=4BF0AA0=278A08?DA 270=3860A7347A03D= k 2Xch E^[$ 8bbdT ( 0XaBdaRWPaVT4gcaPXU0__[XRPQ[T m B51<=14B94 61356329>5< 3<1C93?D?41I !"C@?BD fffSPX[h_X^]TTaR^\ µEVcc`cZdedRcVf_ZeVUhYjRcV_¶ehV¶ 1,$WRWDNH 0WTPS^U<^SX´b eXbXcDBBPdSXY^X] WP]Sbc^bP]RcX^] ?PZXbcP]XT]cXcXTb 'URSQRWLRQKLVWHUURULVWLVQRWP\WHUURULVW 0RGLWHOOVZRUOGOHDGHUVVD\VDOOQDWLRQV PXVWDELGHE\QXFOHDUVHFXULW\REOLJDWLRQV BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= P rime Minister Narendra Modi has urged the global community to battle terrorism unitedly by dropping the notion that it’s someone else’s problem since the perpetrators of terror are now “globally networked” and are “using 21st century technology”. At a gathering of world leaders attending the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by President Barack Obama, Modi also underscored the need for all nations to “completely abide by their international obligations” to ensure nuclear security is an abiding priority for every nation. “Terrorism is globally networked. But, we still act only nationally to counter this threat,” he said at a White House working dinner that kicked off the summit on Thursday evening, stressing, “Terrorists are using 21st century technology. But our responses are rooted in the past.” Modi, coming to Washington via Brussels that witnessed the latest horrific terror attacks, lamented that while the reach and supply chains of terrorism are global, genuine cooperation between nation states is not. “Drop the notion that terrorism is someone else’s problem and that “his” terrorist is not “my” terrorist,” he <0A:4CB D6?D6I ?:7EJ F40C74A <0G"&"2# <8=! %2" ?Pac[hR[^dShbZh 20?BD;4 50CF00608=BC270=C8=6 >5³170A0C<0C0:8908´ ;dRZ]^f)8b[P\XRbT\X]Pah 3Pad[D[^^\3T^QP]S^]5aXSPh XbbdTSPUPcfPPVPX]bcRWP]cX]V ^U°1WPaPc<PcPZXYPX±bPhX]V cWPccWTb[^VP]V^TbPVPX]bc cWTcT]Tcb^U8b[P\ F><4=70E4A867CC> 4=C4AC4<?;4B)72 <d\QPX)F^\T]RP]]^[^]VTa QTQPaaTSUa^\T]cTaX]V cT\_[TbX]<PWPaPbWcaPfXcW cWT1^\QPh7XVW2^dac^] 5aXSPhW^[SX]VcWPcXcXbcWTXa Ud]SP\T]cP[aXVWcc^V^X]c^ _[PRTb^Uf^abWX_P]ScWT 6^eTa]\T]c³bSdchc^_a^cTRcXc ³D´:70=3>A38=0=248B 24=CA4´BB8=8BC4A?;>C´ =Tf3T[WX)2^]ST\]X]VcWT ^aSX]P]RTPdcW^aXbX]V Tg_T]SXcdaTX]DccPaPZWP]S Ua^\5aXSPhcWT2^]VaTbb^] 5aXSPhcTa\TSXcP°bX]XbcTa R^]b_XaPRh±QhcWT2T]caTc^ ^QbcadRcP]SP]]d[ X\_[T\T]cPcX^]^U_dQ[XR fT[UPaTbRWT\TbP]S _a^VaP\\Tb^UcWT_aTeX^db 6^eTa]\T]c B>>=F78C4C864ABC> A>0A0608=8=E8=37H0 1W^_P[)CWTa^Pa^UfWXcTcXVTab fX[[^]RTPVPX]aTeTaQTaPcTX] <PSWhP?aPSTbW³bEX]SWhP aTVX^]fWTaTcWTUT[X]TfPbUXabc U^d]SX] ($ fXcWcWTf^a[S³b UXabc²FWXcTCXVTaBPUPaX³c^^_T] U^a_dQ[XRPc<dZd]S_daX]ATfP SXeXbX^]^]0_aX[" ?$ 430CC0274BC 2A0BB4CB >5!022DB438=EH0?0< =Tf3T[WX)4]U^aRT\T]c 3XaTRc^aPcTWPbPccPRWTSPbbTcb f^acW^eTaC Ra^aT^Ucf^ PRRdbTSX]R^]]TRcX^] fXcWXcb\^]Th[Pd]STaX]V _a^QTX]cWT²EhP_P\³bRP\X] <PSWhP?aPSTbW DB?aTbXST]c1PaPRZ>QP\PcP[Zbc^?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXSdaX]VPSX]]TaU^a f^a[S[TPSTabPWTPS^UcWT=dR[TPaBTRdaXchBd\\XcX]FWXcT7^dbT 0? remarked at one point. Obama, hosting what will be his fourth and final summit to bring nations together to prevent terrorists and other nonstate actors from gaining access to nuclear materials, was flanked by Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the dinner table. The Prime Minister made the case for focusing on three contemporary features of terrorism, noting, “First, today’s terrorism uses extreme violence as theatre. Second, we are no longer looking for a man in a cave, but we are hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. Third, State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk.” Turning to the global challenge for nuclear security amid the mounting fears of nuclear terrorism, the Prime Minister said, “Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority.” He sought to drum home the point that “without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism”. Lauding Obama for turning the spotlight on the critical issue, Modi remarked, “President Obama has done great service to global security.” “This legacy of President Obama must endure,” he said, given the probability that the Obama initiative of holding these biennial global summits on this score could end when he demits office next January. “Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism,” Modi commented. With the world leaders gathering at the Washington Convention Centre on Friday for the plenary sessions, the discussions were slated to focus on national actions to enhance nuclear security. A separate session has been devoted to deal with the current foremost terror challenge posed by ISIS. Continued on Page 4 Washington: The United States and Saudi Arabia on Thursday joined hands to sanction Pakistani individuals and terrorist entities, including Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), hours ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Riyadh. Thursday’s action targeted James Alexander McLintock and his Pakistan-based AlRahmah Welfare Organization, which the Treasury Department said is a front organisation that provides money for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT and other Afghan extremists groups under the guide of helping orphans. “As of early 2013, McLintock recruited Afghan insurgents to obtain photos of children, Afghan identity documents and cell phone numbers to create falsified dossiers used to obtain donations,” Treasury said in a statement. Continued on Page 4 <>38B?40: ?A8<4<8=8BC4A´B"2>=C4<?>A0AH <>D=C8=6540AB>5 540CDA4B>5C4AA>A8B<) =D2;40AC4AA>A8B<) 5Xabcc^SPh³bcTaa^aXb\dbTbTgcaT\T =dR[TPabTRdaXch\dbc eX^[T]RTPbcWTPcaTBTR^]SfTPaT]^ [^]VTa[^^ZX]VU^aP\P]X]PRPeTQdcfT aT\PX]P]PQXSX]V PaTWd]cX]VU^aPcTaa^aXbcX]PRXchfXcWP ]PcX^]P[_aX^aXch R^\_dcTa^aPb\Pac_W^]TCWXaSBcPcT ;0D38=6>10<0) PRc^abf^aZX]VfXcW]dR[TPacaPUUXRZTabP]S ?aTbXST]c>QP\PWPb cTaa^aXbcb_aTbT]ccWTVaTPcTbcaXbZ S^]TVaTPcbTaeXRTc^ 1adbbT[bbW^fbdbW^faTP[P]SX\\TSXPcTXb V[^QP[bTRdaXchCWXb cWTcWaTPcc^]dR[TPabTRdaXchUa^\cTaa^aXb\ [TVPRh^U?aTbXST]c >QP\P\dbcT]SdaT DLUEDVHSUREH WR3DNWXUI =PcX^]P[8]eTbcXVPcX^]0VT]Rh3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[BWPaPS:d\Pa PSSaTbbTbP?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTX]=Tf3T[WX^]5aXSPh ?C8 5ReVd`WgZdZee`SV h`c\VU`fed``_ ;:EhV]T`^VdZUVR RdT`_daZcRTjhRd YReTYVUZ_AR\ZdeR_ ?=BQ =4F34;78 s a reciprocal measure to A the visit of the Pakistani Joint Investigation Team (JIT) to India and to carry forward its probe into the terror attack at the strategic IAF base in Pathankot by suspected Jaishe-Mohammad (JeM) cadre, a team of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) will visit that country. Dates for the visit will be worked out later, Director General of NIA Sharad Kumar told reporters here at the end of five-days of discussions with Pakistani JIT which returned home on Friday. “We expressed that a team of NIA could be sent to Pakistan for a probe in that country since conspiracy has been hatched in that country. They welcomed the idea and the dates will be worked out later,” the DG said. Kumar said the NIA presented the JIT with “concrete evidence” against the officebearers of JeM who conspired in the attack and the handlers of the terrorists who facilitated and guided them. “The NIA also sought voice samples of some senior officebearers of JeM,” he said without naming anyone. However, NIA sources said that they had sought voice samples of JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar, his brother Abdul Rauf and Khayyam Babbar, mother of one of killed Jaish terrorist identified as Nasir Hussain as he had called her before launching the attack at the airbase in Pathankot. Kumar also said that the NIA has asked the JIT for a DNA sample of the mother of the terrorist. Continued on Page 4 5Rj#+DVRcTYW`cS`UZVd]ZRS]VR_dhVcdT`_eZ_fVd :^[ZPcPU[h^eTaR^[[P_bTc^[[aXbTb c^!#82EA;8]UaPf^aZTabSTcPX]TS C<2<?R[PX\b3XSX6^eTa]\T]c fPbP[TacTSPQ^dcUPd[chSTbXV] B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 day after the collapse of the A Vivekananda Flyover in the busy Burrabazar-Posta area of Kolkata north-west, three more bodies were pulled out from the debris on Friday, taking the death toll to 24. Till late Friday evening one person was trapped inside a truck on which the bridge had collapsed. Around 90 people were being treated at various hospitals, Kolkata Police Commissioner Rajib Kumar said. Some workers of the Hyderabad-based construction company, ICVRL Infra, had been rounded up for interrogation even as its Kasba office in South Kolkata remained locked for the second day on Friday. The police said cases of murder, attempt to murder and criminal conspiracy had been slapped against the erring company. The police had on Thursday filed a suo motu case of culpable homicide not ?T^_[TVPcWTaPa^d]ScWT \P]V[TSaT\PX]b^UPRPaX] :^[ZPcP^]5aXSPh ?C8 B4;58B7B4;584B F^aZc^R[TPaSTQaXbV^X]V^]PccWT bXcTfWTaTP]d]STaR^]bcadRcX^] U[h^eTaR^[[P_bTS^]EXeTZP]P]SP A^PSX]:^[ZPcP^]5aXSPh ?C8 amounting to murder. Meanwhile, statements emanating from different quarters questioned the role of the Urban Development Department. The locals claim that the accident could have been avoided had the Government been a little more sensitive towards the people’s concern. Local Trinamool MP Sudip Bandopadhyay on Friday claimed that he had alerted the Government about the faulty designs of the bridge. “As a people’s representative, I had alerted the Government about the faulty design that the locals reported to me often. But by that time about 50-60 per cent of the work had completed” he said. The Opposition parties immediately raised the issue wondering why the Government did not stop work and got the plan changed. “From Sudip Bandopadhyay’s statement it appears that the Government was aware that a disaster might happen. The question is why they did not take action then,” said PCC president Adhir Chowdhury. Like the BJP did on Thursday, the Congress too demanded CBI enquiry into the accident. “We are filing a PIL demanding a CBI probe” Chowdhury said. Meanwhile, in a sensational revelation local people claimed that the parts of the construction work had been sub-contracted to a construction syndicates run by local Trinamool leaders. Continued on Page 4 Kolkata: Even as hundreds in Kolkata did their best to rescue victims after a flyover collapsed, some youngsters displayed insensitivity by clicking away selfies with the injured. Some teenagers as well as young men were perched on a broken pillar of the Vivekananda Road flyover, taking pictures with their mobiles. A few youngsters forced themselves into a waiting ambulance and started clicking selfies in the Posta area where the Vivekananda Road flyover came crashing on Thursday. 5VT\dT]VRcVU W`c;VhRcZ_e¶] RZca`ceZ_FA AXci^UbX]V[TbRaTT]RX]T\P[^bcX]TaP^U\d[cX_[TgTb 18BF0944C10=4A944Q ;D2:=>F n recent years, it had become a blink-and-miss structure on the approach to the historic Kashmere Gate, but till some decades ago, the Ritz cinema, set back a few feet from the main road, was a very happening place. However, having lost its glory days with the advent of multiplexes, the demise of Ritz on March 18, 2016, elicited no more than a whimper, that too from middle aged and elderly people of North Delhi. Once upon a time it was a swank theatre in the heart of what used to be equivalent to today’s Connaught Place or South Extension. Flanked by restaurants like Khyber (not to be confused with Khyber Pass near Mall Road), fashionable garment stores and even a I t’s official now. Uttar Pradesh will get an international airport at Jewar in Gautam Budh Nagar. The Centre has sent approval to the Uttar Pradesh Government last week asking it to prepare DPR as per Greenfield Airport policy, 2008. “We have crossed all hurdles. The Centre has approved construction of an international airport at Jewar. We have sent the approval to the UP Government last week and have asked them to prepare a DPR,” Minister of State for Civil Aviation and Tourism Mahesh Sharma told The Pioneer on Friday. Continued on Page 4 B0?=0B8=67Q =4F34;78 I CX[[b^\TSTRPSTbPV^cWTbX]V[TbRaTT]AXci RX]T\PfPbPeTahWP__T]X]V_[PRT7^fTeTa WPeX]V[^bcXcbV[^ahSPhbfXcWcWTPSeT]c^U \d[cX_[TgTbcWTST\XbT^UAXci^]<PaRW '! % T[XRXcTS]^\^aTcWP]PfWX\_TacWPcc^^Ua^\ \XSS[TPVTSP]ST[STa[h_T^_[T^U=^acW3T[WX shop that sold guns and armaments, The Kashmere Gate area buzzed with activity till late in the night. Delhi University students of the 70s recall that Ritz was one of their most favored haunts, vying with Amba in Ghantaghar and Alpna in Model Town. Every Hindi film released in one of these three halls, most easily accessed from hostels of Delhi University colleges as well as areas of Old Delhi adjacent to the Railway Station and Civil Lines. While families would throng the evening shows, the student crowd generally preferred to go for the night show. Many a university romance and heartbreak were scripted around this hall. A student from the mid70s recalls the tale of a freshly heartbroken friend who decided to drown his sorrows in drink and then watch Manoj Kumar’s Shor which ran for a considerable length of time in Ritz. Accompanied by two others, he drank more than his capacity and shortly after the movie began, started to cry loudly and inconsolably. Eventually by the interval, his friends decided to escort him back to the hostel. Continued on Page 4 They appeared to be oblivious to the pain and suffering of a seriously injured person who was pulled out of the rubble by policemen to be ferried to a hospital. None of the young men cared to lend a helping hand. Police had to literally drag them out of the ambulance. Several ambulances were held up as large groups of youngsters almost laid siege to the vehicles in a desperate bid to click snaps of the injured. Continued on Page 4 µ:_UZRe`cVTVZgV ^`cVeYR_ _`c^R]cRZ_WR]]¶ New Delhi: India will experience a little more than normal rainfall this monsoon, according to a forecast by a weather risk management company. “As per our models, India will receive more than normal rainfall this year. June is expected to receive fairly good rainfall, around 25 per cent more than the normal limit,” said Kanti Prasad, senior consultant (climate sciences), Weather Risk Management Services Ltd. In June, the country is expected a receive 25 per cent more rainfall than normal. Rainfall will start receding thereafter but will remain within the parameters of “normal monsoon”, he said. Continued on Page 4 RWWPccXbVPaW! A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % ?EA4cVT`cUdYZXYVdeVgVca`hVcXV_VcReZ`_ BC055A4?>AC4A QA08?DA N TPC Ltd, India's largest power utility has recorded highest ever annual generation of 241.98 BUs ( excluding JVs ) in the financial year 2015-16. The company exceeded its capacity addition target by adding 2255 MW taking NTPC Group's total installed capacity to 46653 MW as on March 31, 2016 , a NTPC press release informed. NTPC's solar stations achieved highest ever generation of 160.8 MUs at a CUF of 16.64 %. Four coal power stations of the company were amongst the top 5 in the country in terms of PLF during the period. The company met its capex target of C 25000 crore during the year and also achieved 100 % realization of the dues. Coal Mining activities shall also commence at its Pakri Barwadih Mine soon. Company reduced its imported coal consumption by 42.19% during the year to 9.47MMT from 16.38% during last year. NTPC's efforts during second half of FY 16, as a result of rationalization of coal linkages, reduction in imported coal consumption, enforcement of third party sampling of coal and other measures led to reduction in energy charges of coal stations by nearly 20%. NTPC shall endeavour to bring down the energy charges further to help the Discoms, it stated. With capacity addition of 9550 MW during the current plan, NTPC is all geared up to achieve the target of 11920 MW for the 12th five year plan ending 2016-17. NTPC commissioned Unit 3 and 4 at Koldam - 400 MW in Himachal , Bongaigaon unit 1-250 MW in Assam, Vindhyachal unit 13 500MW in Madhya Pradesh, BRBCL Nabinagar unit 1 - 250 MW in Bihar, Kanti unit 3 195 MW in Bihar, Mouda unit 3-660 MW in Maharashtra during the year. Under its CSR activities, company shall continue to provide safe drinking water and focus on training and skill development of people in the vicinity of its projects and stations. The options of installing water ATMs and opening of generic medicine shops to provide access to low cost medicines for them is also being explored. NTPC presently has 18 coal based, 7 gas based, 8 solar PV, one Hydro and 8 Subsidiaries / Joint Venture power stations. Company has a capacity of over 24,000 MW under different phases of completion . It may be recalled that NTPC’s upcoming 1600 MW Lara Super Thermal Power Project in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh has acquired all necessary clearances from the Union Ministry of Forest, Environment and Climate Change for the project, officials stated. The Lara plant of NTPC would be utilising super critical technology for power generation. The power to be generated by upcoming project will be supplied to Chhattisgarh , Goa and Maharashtra states, officials stated. The project is most likely to go on stream by March 2017 .The coal requirement for the proposed plant would be met from Talaipalli Coal Block of Mand in Raigarh Coalfields, officials stated. The proposed work to be taken up by RITES at the plant site would comprise con- =C?2³BD?2><8=6 %<F;0A0 BD?4AC74A<0; ?>F4A?A>942C8= A0860A738BCA82C >52770CC8B60A7 8B<>BC;8:4;HC> 6>>=BCA40<1H <0A27! & struction of major and minor bridges besides other works. The project is expected to be completed within 18 months from the date of commencement of the construction work, officials stated. ZHDYHUVEHQHILWHGIURPKDQGORRPVFKHPH*RYW Significantly, NTPC the largest power utility of the country recorded highest single day generation of 733.12 MUs, the highest so far in this Financial Year from its 18 coal based, 7 gas based, 8 solar and Hydro power stations on August 27, 2015. The Declared Cumulative Capability of the stations was 91.10 % and Plant load factor ( PLF) of 86.34 % on the day. During financial year 2014-15, NTPC Group contributed 25% of total electricity generated in India with 16% share of Country’s total installed capacity as on 31.03.2015. NTPC recorded Gross generation of 241.261 BUs (stand-alone) in FY 2014-15 registering a growth of 3.42%. Plant Load Factor (PLF) of NTPC’s coal stations was 80.23% against national aver- BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA nder the Integrated U Handloom Development Scheme of the State Government's Rural Industry Department, 940 weavers of the State were benefited by December in 2015-16 with expenses of C 2.75 crore. In the new fiscal year 201617 starting from April 1 budget provision of Rs 7 crore has been made for this scheme and target of benefiting two thousand 195 weavers has been set. Rural Industr y Department Officials informed that this scheme was started for development of handloom weavers of the State, under which financially weak weavers of rural areas are divided into groups of 20 and are provided weaving training of four months so as to make them more employable. For making designs as per the market demands, weavers are provided two-months of skill improvement training. Weavers who do not have their own looms are provided C 25,000 for loom and C3000 for other necessary equipments. Moreover, Weavers cooperative societies are provided financial aid ofC20 lakh each for infrastructure development. A total of 8,500 persons were provided employment under the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) in Chhattisgarh during the past eight years, officials stated. According to Chhattisgarh Khadi and Village Industries Board, the PMEGP during the financial year 2015-16 as on December 2015 had provided fund of C17.56 crore to 830 cottage industry units for commencing their works. In turn, these units have provided employment to 948 persons. The PMEGP is a programme sponsored by Central Khadi and Village Industries Commission. Under this scheme, for setting up of cottage industry, projects costing upto C25 lakh is sanctioned. For beneficiaries of general category margin money of C25 per cent is provided by the Board, while for beneficiaries belonging to the female category, ST, SC and OBC class, 35 per cent margin money is provided as grant, officers said. The loan availed from the bank has to be returned over a period of seven years, they said. Mainly Poha Mill, mini rice mill, crusher plant, lack production, bamboo and cane production center, pottery business, pulses mill, flour mill, soap industry, incense sticks, candle industry, carpenter works, ironsmith, hosiery, production of utensils from brasscopper-brass, aluminum utensil, iron furniture production unit and others are financed under the programme. As many as 119 cottage industry units were established involving an estimated cost of Rs 1.78 cr under the PMEGP during 2015-16. The project is being run by Khadi and Gramodhyog Board. Chhattisgarh had 7,586 persons involved in manufacture of Khadi products as on March 31, 2015. Out of the 7,586 persons, there were 6502 spinners and 1084 weavers, according to the data released by Union Ministry for MSME). Notably, the Chhattisgarh Khadi and Village Industries Board has been churning out trained youngsters through its various training programmes from rural areas with complete knowledge of availability of raw material, marketing and financial management to run their units , officials stated. Beneficiaries of this scheme also have easy access to bank loans. The Board provided selfemployment training to 73 youth from rural pockets of the State during 2014-15 under its Artisan Training Scheme. Nearly C14.84 lakh has been spent on this training in the programme. Board officials informed that under this scheme, youngsters of rural areas are provided training in various trades for self-employment. The State Government has also established an Apparel Training & Designing Centre each in Bilaspur, Raipur, Bhilai and Rajnandgaon. produced 27.857 million tonnes of coal during the period April to June 2015 (provisional), officials stated. As per Annual Plan document 2015-16 of Union Ministry of Coal, the annual target for overall coal production for 2015-16 has been fixed at 700 million tonnes. As action plan has also been drawn by Coal India Ltd. in this regard to achieve production of 1000 Million tonnes by 2019-20, officials stated. Agreement for World Bank loan of US $ 1100 million for Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) (Phase-2) have also been signed, officials stated. Notably, the Chhattisgarh government will allocate 66 acres of land for speedy implementation of two key railway corridor projects in the State. '&RWX[SaT]_d[[TS^dc^U\P[]^daXbW\T]c)6^ec AP\bWTT[PBPWd BC055A4?>AC4AQA08?DA age of 64.46%. Two stations recorded more than 90% PLF. All NTPC stations achieved Plant Availability of or above 83%. Four coal stations of NTPC featured among the top 10 stations of the Country in terms of PLF in FY 2014-15. Notably, the Centre has signed a Memorandum of Understanding each with the states of Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh for critical coal connectivity projects to improve transportation of coal, officials informed. Coal production in Chhattisgarh stood at 115.19 million tonnes (MT) during 2014-15 ( provisional), officials stated. This was in comparison to 110.14 million tonnes (actual) coal produced in the State during the previous year. The State had already A decision was taken during a meeting of an interdepartmental committee chaired by State Revenue Minister Prem Prakash Pandey here recently, officials stated. It move will expedite setting up of the East-West Rail Corridor and East corridor, he said. The 122 km long EastWest Rail Corridor will be built on the Gevra Road-DeepikaKatghora-Sindurgarh-PasanPendra Road section. The Union Railway Ministry had already submitted a proposal to the Chhattisgarh government for allotment of land for this project. After considering the proposal, it was decided to allocate 52-acre land for the purpose, of which 25 acres fall in Bilaspur district and the rest in Korba district. For the East Corridor, the State government has decided to allocate 14 acres of land in Raigarh district. The Corridor will be about 180 km long from Bhupdevpur-GharghodaDharamjaygarh up to Korba, the official said. The committee also sanctioned 20 acres of land for the under-construction rail route from Talaipalli to Lara village where a plant of NTPC is coming up in Raigarh district. NTPC has commenced the process of developing necessary Railway infrastructure at the Talaipalli mines section in Raigarh district for coal transportation to its upcoming Super Thermal Power Plant (STPP) at Lara in the district, officials stated. A number of bridges and Path Way are to come up as part of the construction of Railway infrastructure of the Tallaipali Mines Section . bout 87,000 children have been pulled out of malA nourishment through the 'Nava Jatan Yojana' implemented by the State Women and Child Development Department. The scheme is playing a crucial role in eliminating malnourishment in recent years. The Budget allocated to the scheme is Rs 17 crore for the year 2016-17, officials stated. The Union Government had appreciated the implementation of the Yojana many times and it has been included in the Best Practices, they stated. Women and Child Development Minister Ramsheela Sahu said that 87,000 infants had been pulled out of malnourishment and made healthy. Navajatan is a community based ser vice in which Women's Self-Help Groups, Mahila mandals and corporate houses take active part. The scheme makes efforts to make an infant healthy in six- month's time. Concerned citizens co-operate with selfhelp groups to locate malnourished children and provide nourishment to make them healthy. In case of severely malnourished children they are admitted to Nourishment Rehabilitation Centres or Health Centres to provide free medical aid and nourished back to health. Sahu added that monitoring is done on a regular basis to nurture infants back to health. In the first phase 7036 infants had been nurtured back to health. In the fourth phase which is operating about 37,000 children had been nurtured back to health. Women and Child Development Minister Ramsheela Sahu stated in February this year that if families take care of minor health issues of children then malnourishment can be eliminated soon. The Infant Mortality Rate can be brought down if nutritious diet is provided. The C hief Medical and Health Officer Dr NK Yadu said as many as 82,343 smart cards are to b e prepared at Bemetara district of which 16974 cards will be distributed in Saja followed by 23328 cards in Nawagarh block, 23963 cards in Bemetara block and 18078 cards in Barela block. The District Administration will host camps for the cards in the respective four blocks, offi- Raigarh, Surguja, Balrampur, Surajpur, Jagdalpur and Kondagaon . About four lakh minor girls are availing the nutritious diet facility , officials stated. In the remaining 17 districts a similar scheme is operating which is providing the diet to girls. Fifty per cent of the expenditure is borne by the Central Government and the other half is by the State Government. The of f icials of the Women and Child Development Department said that the Anganwadi centres provide nutritious diet to anemic women and other allied services. 'Sabhla Yojana' provides facilities to school drop-outs in the age-group of 11-14 years. The minor girls in the age-group of 14-18 years are taught child rearing, home management, life skills training and other issues. 1^WQ^gQTYcd_bU]QY^_`U^dY\\! The 50,000 Anganwadis 2P\_bU^aWTP[cWRPaSbc^QT^aVP]XiTS BC055A4?>AC4AQ 14<4C0A0 message should be conveyed across the State, she said while addressing the World Bank sponsored training programme titled '' Sattu Seekh Prakriya'' in Raipur. A blueprint should be prepared to eliminate malnourishment before schedule. The World Bank is aiding the project in 17 districts to check deficiencies .The training session is focusing on twelve points like looking after pregnant women, infants, breastfeeding and identifying malnourished infants. The State Women and Child Development Department had been distributing nutritious diet to nine lakh girls in the agegroup of 11-18 years at the Anganwadi centres. The 10 districts where 'Sabla Yojana' is operating are : Raipur, Gariabandh, Balodabazar, Rajnandgaon, cials stated. Officials said the initiative is being taken for the Smart Card registration of small families under the National Health Insurance Scheme and Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme. Notably, the cards of only those families will be covered who had registered their names during the survey conducted for the same. Officials said the registration cost of the Smart Card is Rs 30. For further assistance, the applicants can contact at toll free number 104. and Mini-Anganwadis will remain open from 7 am to 1 pm from April 1 to June 15. The direction regarding the notification has been passed by the State Women and Child Development Department to all the District Programme Officers and District Women and Child Development Officers. A circular of the department clearly states that the time is modified for the sake of children affected by various summer affected diseases. Officials said the Anganwadis will function from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm after June 15 onwards. 1,7KROGV&\EHU&ULPH$ZDUHQHVV:HHN BC055A4?>AC4AQA08?DA T he National Institute of Technology (NIT) Raipur observed the Cyber Crime Awareness Week recently. Sohil Jain, Chief Executive Officer, Jain Software Developers was the speaker on the occasion. Notably, cyber crimes are the offenses committed with a motive to harm the victim directly or indirectly using modern telecommunication networks such as internet and mobile phones (SMS).It was organized by Team Technocracy, the Technical Committee of NIT Raipur. Jain shared his years of experience with students and made them aware of the intricacies of social media (Facebook and Whatsapp), risks associated with social media and showed them their susceptibility to such crimes and how easily they could become a prey of crimes such as facebook hacking. He shed light on various aspects of cyber crime. The awareness week was inaugurated by Professor AP Rajimwale (Dean Student Welfare) who appreciated the work of team technocracy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´7KH3LRQHHU%XLOGLQJµ&LYLO/LQHV1HDU5DM%KDYDQ2SS6DQVNULWL%KDYDQ5DLSXU7HOHSKRQHDQG3ULQWHGDW.DY\D3UDNDVKDQ([SUHVV7RZHU $GDUVKQDJDU0RZD5DLSXU(GLWRU&KDQGDQ0LWUD5HVLGHQW(GLWRU6XMHHW.XPDU RWWPccXbVPaW" A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % DTY``]d^fdeZ_deZ]T`_WZUV_TVZ_defUV_ed+4> #VaPSdPcTR^[[TVTb d_VaPSTSc^ ?6[TeT[ BC055A4?>AC4AQA08?DA 50 Government colleges have been selected on the basis of igher Education Minister the strength of the students Prem Prakash Pandey and internet connection availinformed on Friday that 14 ability. It is difficult to name graduation-level government the colleges. We hope to cover colleges of Chhattisgarh have 106 Government colleges by been upgraded to post-gradu- the end of this financial year ending in the month of ation (PG) level. A sum of Rs 3 crore has March.” Notably, Chhattisgarh been provisioned for this in the budget of fiscal year 2016- Infotech and Biotech Promotion Society (CHiPS) 17, he said. The 14 colleges that have had been assigned the task to been upgraded are namely- Dr provide Wi-fi connectivity of Radhabai Girls College Raipur, the 50 chosen colleges. Vijay Chandrakar, the Badriprasad College Aarang (Raipur), Kamladevi Rathi CHiPS Project Manager of Girls College Rajnandgaon, Wi-fi City project said, “We Mata Shabri Girls College hope to complete the project Bhanupratappur Kanker, by the end of April as certain Maharshi Valmiki College formalities from the Higher Jagdalpur Bastar, Danteshwari Education Department’s side are still under C o l l e g e process.” N a r a y a n p u r, He furS w a m i ther informed Atmanand that the funds C o l l e g e for impleNarayanpur, JP menting the Mishra College project are yet Mu n g e l i , to be S h a h e e d received. Bapurao College Sources Sukma, Veer claimed Surendra Sai B h a r a t C o l l e g e ?aT\?aPZPbW?P]STh Sanchar Gariaband, Pt N i g a m Revti Raman Mishra College Surajpur, Limited (BSNL) and CHiPS Gundadhur College are likely to work together on Kondagaon, Larangsai College this project. As per the announcement Ramanujganj and Shaheed of Chief Minister Raman Venkatrao College. The State Higher Singh, CHiPS is extensively Education Department is tar- working for making campusgetting to provide Wi-fi con- es of colleges and public nectivity to around 106 places securely Wi-fi enabled. Notably, in July last year, Government colleges across Chief Minister Raman Singh the State. The work for providing had launched ‘Wi-fi City Wi-fi connectivity had already Project’ by ensuring secured commenced in 50 college cam- Wi-fi facility at five public places in the city. According puses. Talking to The Pioneer, to information received, State Higher Education CHiPS will soon equip Minister Prem Prakash Telibandha and Civic Centre, Pandey had stated , “As of now, Bhilai with Wi-fi facility. H BC055A4?>AC4AQA08?DA hief Minister Raman Singh C on Friday said that the primary responsibility of schools is to instil confidence and inculcate interest in studies among the schoolchildren. Education itself is the biggest asset. Illiterate person lives in a world of darkness and ignorance. It is the social responsibility of all concerned citizens to send children to schools, he said. Singh was speaking at the inaugural ceremony of Statelevel 'Shaala Pravesh Utsav' at village Saragaon (Development Block Dharsiva). In the coming days a person will be respected for his education and not for assets and materialistic possessions, he said. The Chief Minister said that students of State Government schools also have innate talent like other students and they also can gain immense knowledge. The school authorities should develop keen interest in the students towards education and knowledge. A colourful cultural programme was held at the Saragaon Government Higher Secondary School premises to launch the Shaala Pravesh Utsav. On the occasion, the Chief Minister also planted saplings in school premise at Government Higher Secondary School Saragaon. He said that plants give oxygen and help in controlling pollution. Plants and are necessary for life. Singh said that green trees should be planted in school premise so as to develop healthy atmosphere. The Chief Minister distributed school bags and other study material to the students. He sanctioned Rs 28 lakh to build additional classrooms at the school, Rs 50 lakh to construct a stadium and Rs 41.42 lakh to lay a new pipeline for drinking water at Saragaon. He encouraged the young ones by asking them to recite poems on mic. The Chief Minister praised Devendra Chauhan of standard 1 for reciting the poem with message of saving every drop of water. Chandni Yadav, who recently got admission in standard 1, recited 'machhli jal ki rani hai' poem. Chief Minister appreciated her as well. Singh gave best wishes to the children and said in his address to the function that it is inspiring for all of us to listen to a small child giving message of saving every drop of water. He said : What speech can we give? This child has given us the message of saving water. This message is more powerful and effective than any speech given by elders. The Chief Minister said that today is the first day of school for these children, and the confidence with which they have recited poem and sang song on stage shows their joy and enthusiasm. On the occasion, School Education Minister Kedar Kashyap, Chairman of Textbook Corporation and Dharsiva MLA Devji Bhai Patel, State Commission of Child Right Protection Shatabdi Pandey, Jila Panchayat President Raipur Sharda Verma and other public representatives and a large number of villagers and school students were also present. The Chief Minister added that teachers and citizens of the area are welcoming school kids by applying 'Tilak' and distributing sweets. Festive atmosphere prevailed at Saragaon µXQLWVVHWXSVDQVJUHHQQRG¶ during the Utsav. He appreciated the enthusiasm of the residents of Saragaon towards Shaala Pravesh Utsav. He mentioned the keen interest of former President Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam towards education. The first day in school is remembered by all throughout their lives. The State Government had 0R^[^daUd[ Rd[cdaP[ _a^VaP\\TfPb WT[SPccWT BPaPVP^] 6^eTa]\T]c 7XVWTaBTR^]SPah BRW^^[_aT\XbTb c^[Pd]RWcWT BWPP[P?aPeTbW DcbPe increased the Education Budget to C11,000 crore from the earlier C7,000 crore. The parents should educate their children for at least couple of hours during the summer holidays. Efforts will be made to take steps to improve the hand- writing of school children. He lauded the steps of Textbooks Corporation to provide books free of cost to school children, he said. School Education Minister Kedar Kashyap said that the target is to provide all the books by 15 April. He added that Shaala Pravesh Utsav is being observed on the instructions of Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh. The new academic session was started on April 1 as per the C.B.S.E. pattern. Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Quality Education Mission had been launched in the entire state. It is the cherished dream of the Chief Minister that children should educate themselves and become useful citizens of the nation. A provision had been made in the Budget to open 150 high schools and up-gradation of 80 high schools soon. Examinations are mandatory to test the knowledge of students. Tests will be conducted in the current academic session, Kashyap said. He appreciated the Saragaon Higher Secondary School authorities and added all the schools in entire State will be upgraded as Model schools. Teachers at the Development Block level will be felicitated. The Chief Minister later felicitated two talented children- Devendra Verma and Kumudhini Dheevar at the Shala Pravesh Utsav programme organized in Government Higher Secondary School Saragaon. In the 12th board exam organized by Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education in year 2015-16, student Devendra Verma of this school held first rank and scored 92.8 per cent marks; he scored 100% marks in chemistry subject. Likewise, Kumudini Dheevar got first rank in school with 89.3% marks in 10th board exam. Singh also honoured both the students with memento. On the occasion, School Education Minister Kedar Kashyap, Chairman of Chhattisgarh Textbook Corporation Devji Bhai Patel, Jila Panchayat President Sharda Verma, Janpad President Dharsiva Rukmani Verma, School Education Secretary Subrat Sahu and other public representatives, officials of school management committee, officers were also . C!&"SbQ``b_fUTV_bCXYfbY^QbQiQ^RQbbQWU`b_ZUSd 255.55 crore. In November last year, the State Government had also provided administrative approval of C28.76 crore for Baihamuda Barrage Scheme at Kurket River in Gharghoda C7410AA064 F74=A403H F8;;BD??;H F0C4AC> 8=3DBCA80;D=8CB BC055A4?>AC4AQA08?DA T he Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has observed that out of the 355 ‘test checked’ small industries out of 4322, 50 were established without obtaining environmental consent from Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board (CECB). CAG in its report for financial year ending March 31, 2015 further observed that a total of 174 industries had not renewed their environment consent even after a lapse of one to 174 months. Also irregular consent was issued to 42 coal based power plants and sponge iron plants in restricted area.As a result , these industries had continued their operation without adhering to environmental laws and rules, it observed. The report further observed that 31 industries started production six months to five years before obtaining 2068=8CBA4?>AC5>A 58=0=280;H40A4=38=6 <0A27" ! $5DAC74A >1B4AE43C70C0C>C0;>5 &#8=3DBCA84B703=>C A4=4F43C748A 4=E8A>=<4=C2>=B4=C 4E4=05C4A0;0?B4>5>=4 C> &#<>=C7B consent from CECB whereas 13 industries had started production five to 10 years before obtaining consent. Remaining six industries had started their production 10 years before obtaining CECB consent. This indicates failure on part of the industries and the CECB to ensure compliance of environmental laws. The reason for not obtaining the consent was mainly due to inadequate monitoring by CECB over issue of consent resulting from 63 per cent vacancies in respect of the post of Senior Scientific Officer, Chief Chemist, Scientist, Junior Scientist and chemists and 18 per cent and 25 per cent vacancies in the post of Lab Assistant/Attendant and other staff respectively, the report stated. During exit conference, Secretary stated in November 2015 that necessary action would be taken in this matter, it stated. The fact remains that the industries are operating without obtaining CECB consent, the report stated. BC055A4?>AC4AQA08?DA T he Chhattisgarh Government has provided C162.43 crore approval for construction of the Shivrinarayan Barrage over Mahanadi river in Navagarh Development Block of JanjgirChampa district. The barrage when ready will supply water to industrial units. Notably, the Chhattisgarh government has earlier provided administrative approval to the Basantpur Barrage project on Mahanadi river to ful- fill the water requirements of industrial units in JanjgirChampa district. The barrage would be constructed on Mahanadi river in Bamhdih Development Block. As per the details available, the Barrage would span 867.5 metres with gross water storage capacity of 53.93 million cubic metres. As per a letter of the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority , Chhattisgarh dated May 22, 2014 to Chief Engineer, Water Resources Department, Bilaspur, water would be available for projects constructed downstream of the barrage. The Chhattisgarh government has also sanctioned C 637.71 crore for the construction of two barrages in Miruni and Basantapur villages of Janjgir-Champa district, officials stated. Out of C637.71 crore sanctioned, C382.16 crore would be utilised for construction of the barrage in Miruni. The Basantpur barrage would be built at a cost of C block of Raigarh district. Baihamuda Barrage Scheme will supply water to the industrial units in the area, officials said. The officials concerned have been instructed to complete the construction works under this scheme within given time-limit, they stated. Notably, in the month of June last year, the State Water Resources Utilization Committee allocated 49.80 million cubic meters of drinking and industrial water including 19.06 million cubic meters annually for industrial purpose and 30.74 million cubic meters for drinking and municipal supply. The annual allocation of water was done in a meeting which was held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Vivek Dhand in Naya Raipur. The Chief Secretary had stated in the meeting that natural resources like water and land are limited and hence officers of all the concerned departments should be cautious and ensure best possible use of these resources. He had asked the officers of Water Resources Department to ensure implementation of the water policy. Dhand had stated the Industries Department should be informed about those who fail to establish industrial units in the given time period and do not deposit the charges of water allocated to them as per the agreement. In case water allocation of an industry is to be cancelled, the Water Resources Department should ensure no-objection certification from Industries Department before refunding the amount. Dhand said that an integrated plan should be prepared for better use of land and water. It was resolved in the meeting that apart from annual 14 million cubic meter water being provided by Hasdeo Bango Project to the water expansion project of Korba Municipal Corporation, an additional 8.15 million cubic meters should be provided annually for the first phase of the project and 14.88 million cubic meter of water for the second phase. ?aTV]P]cSTTaad] 3µWQbXVQY\UTd_edY\YcU #"Ve^Tc*317 ^eTaQheTWXR[T WK)LQDQFH BC055A4?>AC4AQ10;>3 four-year-old female Spotted Deer was run over A by an unidentified vehicle on Balod-Dallirajahara road on Thursday night. The deer was five to six months pregnant and lost her life in a road accident at night and her body was found on Friday, stated Balod District Forest Officer (DFO) Stylo Mandavi. “She suffered head injuries and must have tried hard to save her life but failed,” added the Forest Officer while referring to the autopsy report. Mandavi further stated that the accidental area lies in a sensitive area of wild animals. “The road is hardly five kilo0\TTcX]V^UBcPcT[TeT[^UUXRTQTPaTab^UcWT2WWPccXbVPaWd]Xc^UcWT1WPaPcXhP9P]PcP?Pach19?fPbWT[SPccWT_PachBcPcTWTPS`dPacTabPc:dbWPQPWdCWPZaT_aT\XbTb meters from Tandula Dam and X]APX_da^]5aXSPhCWT\TTcX]VfPbPccT]STSQh2WXTU<X]XbcTaAP\P]BX]VWP]S^cWTa]PcX^]P[P]SBcPcT[TeT[[TPSTab ?X^]TTa?W^c^ Gondli Dam. It is a vulnerable zone for wild animals,” she maintained. The animal was cremated with the required formalities in Balod. Mandavi said the district is CWTSTTafPbUXeT c^bXg\^]cWb _aTV]P]cP]S[^bc WTa[XUTX]Pa^PS PRRXST]cPc]XVWc P]SWTaQ^ShfPb U^d]S^]5aXSPh bPXS5^aTbc>UUXRTa Bch[^<P]SPeX often seen with cases of wild animals getting injured. Few days back a Leopard was found hunting a spotted deer at a public place, said the Forest Officer. &RPPLVVLRQ UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ BC055A4?>AC4A QA08?DA he Chhattisgarh Government could not T utilise C1,870.74 crore (32 per cent) out of total provision of C 5,873.36 crore provided on the recommendations of the 13th Finance Commission during period 2010-15, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has observed. In its report for the financial year ending March 31, 2015, the CAG observed that out of the total provision of C5,873.36 5,873.36 crore, an amount of C4,003.56 crore (68 per cent) was utilised. During the award period of the 13th Finance Commission, the percentage of savings ranged from 10.34 per cent and 85.74 per cent. Firty per cent and above amount was not utilised under the major head 2014Adminstration of Justice, 2054 Treasury and Accounts, 2055 Police, 2203 Technical Education, 2205 Art and Culture, 2217 Urban Development, 3454 Census Surveys and Statistics, 4202Capital Outlay on Education Sports, Art and Culture, 4210 Capital Outlay on Medical and Health, 4217 Capital Outlay on Urban Development. However, complete utilisation was made under major head 2202-General Education. The savings were attributed mainly due to non-receipt of administrative sanctions, non release of funds by Central government and non implementation of schemes. ]PcX^]# A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % C"TcRaac`gVUW`cA`UZZccZXReZ`_cVdVcg`Zc BC055A4?>AC4AQ=0H0 A08?DA he State Water Resource Department has sanctioned T C 1.22 crore for construction of Podi (Chhal) irrigation water reservoir scheme of Kharsiya block of Raigarh district. Water Resource Department has issued revised sanction orders from Mantralaya to Chief Engineer of Hasdeo Kachhar in Bilaspur for implementation of this scheme. Notably, Chhattisgarh is among nine states which will benefit more from Centre's 'Neeranchal project' due to implementation of large number of watershed schemes already in these states, officials stated. The nine states which would benefit from the project are Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan and Telangana. Notably, the Central government has signed a loan agreement with World Bank for the Neeranchal National Watershed Project. The project to be implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development over a six-year period (201621) will support the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayi Yojana in hydrology and water management, agricultural production systems, capacity building and monitoring and evaluation. The Neeranchal project was approved by the Union Cabinet in October last year with a total budget outlay of C 2142 crore with the Government share of C 1071 crore and the rest 50% by the World Bank. The Chhattisgarh government has ensured usage of nearly 73 per cent of the extended irrigation capacity which is far better than many other states of the country, officials stated. The actual irrigation capacity for Kharif season has doubled whereas the irrigation capacity for Rabi season has increased by 10 times, they stated. Notably, the Chhattisgarh Government had also made all preparations to strengthen Central Government's Water Conser vation and Management policy of ''Jal Kranti Abhiyaan'' (Water Revolution Mission). A total of 54 severe water scarce villages have been selected for the Mission. Two villages from each of the 27 districts have been selected for the purpose . Water Resources Department Secretary Dr B L Tewari held a meeting of the State-level Committee recently at the Data Centre in Raipur. He reviewed recently the steps taken to implement the 'Jal Kranti Abhiyaan' in the State. Top Engineers of the Department participated in the meeting in Raipur. Tewari said that the 'Jal Kranti Abhiyaan' is the top priority of the State Government. Two severe water scarce villages from each of the 27 districts have been selected for the Mission. Various Departments should closely co-ordinate to make water available for drinking water, irrigation and other basic necessities of the villagers, Tewari said. He had instructed the concerned officials to address the problems of the villages as early as possible. The officers of the Water Resources Department have been appointed as Nodal Officers of the 'Jal Kranti Abhiyaan'. The Nodal officers will tour the problem villages every 15 days and redress the grievances. The District Collectors are being given responsibility to make the Mission a success. Janpad Panchayats and Gram Panchayats will also be kept in the loop in implementing the Mission, Tewari said. He said that every drop of water is precious and the chosen villages will be asked to conserve and preserve water. Governmental, NonGovernmental and citizens will join hands to make the Mission a great success. 3T^QW^Vc^VTcaXS^U B4;58B7B4;584B [^fe^[cPVT_a^Q[T\b BC055A4?>AC4AQ 60A8010=3 ollector Niranjan Das has C assured to solve the low voltage problems b eing encountered in Deobhog region. The State government has made a budget provision for setting up a power sub station of 132 KV and line extension, stated officials. Das while addressing the residents at a District level Public Grievance Redressal Camp at Mainpur block of Gariaband said the setting up of the substation within a year at Indagaon village will s olve t he low volt age problem. The applications of as many as 261 cases were received in the camp of which 186 cases were disposed. On the demands of the villagers, the Collector passed directions of constructing road f rom Deobhog to Haldigona to the Executive Engineer under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana. Highlighting the Swachch Bharat Abhiyan, Das encouraged the villagers saying that the government provides C12,000 for toilet construction. The irrigational facilities of Gariaband will be extended through Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana, informed the Collector. 5Rj#+DVRcTYW`cS`UZVd ]ZRS]VR_dhVcdT`_eZ_fVd :^[ZPcPU[h^eTaR^[[P_bT c^[[aXbTb c^!#82EA;8]UaP f^aZTabSTcPX]TSC<2 <?R[PX\b3XSX 6^eTa]\T]cfPbP[TacTS PQ^dcUPd[chSTbXV] From Page 1 One such company S Enterprises was allegedly doing the casting work at the site, Kamlesh, a local said, adding, the company belonged to the nephew of local Trinamool MLA. Another company called R Constructions allegedly held under a benami deal by the same MLA’s relatives was also involved in some kind of activities in the construction of the flyover, sources said. “It should be investigated as to whether the main company from Hyderabad had to cough up huge amount to these companies and compromised in the quality of work to make up for the losses,” they added. The workers involved in the work also said that they had been employed by Rafiqul, a Trinamool strongman from Rajarhaat-Salt Lake area. BJP leaders like Babul Supriyo and Siddharthnath Singh also pointed fingers at the connivance between the local Trinamool MLA and the construction company and demanded a probe. “The reports of some kind of link between the construction company and the local Trinamool MLA is coming this should be probed,” he said. However, Firhad Hakim, Urban Development Minister, on Friday attacked Singh for “playing politics when so many people have died.” Notwithstanding Hakim’s appeal to depoliticise the rescue operations, his own party leaders prevented CPI(M) supporters from donating blood at the Government-run Central Blood Bank at Maniktulla. This, at a time whe2 there was a huge shortage of blood being reported from the hospitals. Sources said about 100 SFI members had donated blood but after that Trinamool MLA Dr Nirmal Maji got the blood donation camp removed. “He said that we will not take CPI(M)’s blood,” Blood Bank sources said. He, however, rejected the claim saying he had not given such orders adding as well that there was no need of blood. Meanwhile, the layout of the area and the ‘pattern’ of the collapse made the rescue work all the more difficult even as an NDRF engineer pointed out how the partially smashed truck is literally holding the huge girder on which one lane of the collapsed flyover is resting with its entire weight. If the heavy-duty cranes are used to pull out the truck to release the trapped person, “there is a possibility of the whole weight subsiding on the vehicle causing even the tyres and the fuel tank to explode causing bigger disaster,” said the NDRF engineer. So, concrete cubes had been piled up underneath the precariously inclined girder. One side of the beam was touching the road at the Rabindra Sarani crossing in the east and the other side hanging from the pier number 39 to the western side. To escape fire sand bags had been piled up around the truck and the entire locality had been cleared, the police sources said. “We have to pull the truck out and salvage the dead person because finally the body may start decomposing,” an NDRF official said. During the day forensic experts visited the area and collected materials which would throw light on two things in the least, experts said. First, the test will ascertain whether there was sabotage, and secondly, it will find out whether the material being used was up to the mark,” said Partho Roy, a Jadavpur University professor and a structural engineer. From page 1 They positioned themselves in a way so that they could takeselfies with the wounded — many dazed and in pain and some dying. The large crowd of onlookers choked the crucial Rabindra Sarani where a taxi and a Tata Sumo vehicle crushed under the flyover were kept. Some selfie-seekers positioned themselves on a crane brought to the site to clear the rubble. A few were seen virtually competing with each other in clicking gory videos of the destruction. “Ami peye gechi, ami peye gechi (I have got it, I have got it),” shouted a teenager, proudly showing his video to his friends. A common thread in their operations was to ensure their faces were seen in the videos. Quickly would they post “their successes” on Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp to send out a message to friends that they were at the spot where the flyover crumbled killing 24 people and leaving many badly injured DUbb_bYcdcQbUe^YdUT gXiQbU^µdgUµ From Page 1 The Prime Minister was also set to hold three important bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the summit. He would be meeting British Prime Minister David Cameron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Argentine President Mauricio Macri. India and the United States, meanwhile, signed a Memorandum of Understanding for setting up a new Laser Interferometer G r a v i t a t i o n a l - Wa v e Observatory (LIGO) in India to carry forward frontline research on various aspects of gravitational wave astronomy. The Prime Minister looked at the LIGO project not only as a great example of India-US sci- entific collaboration but also one that has the potential of generating curiosity in a lot of young minds in India and creating a whole new generation of Indian scientists who can get enthused with this remarkable breakthrough in science, External Affairs Ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup told reporters. “What was significant about this project is that now that India has agreed to be a part of this project, the possibility is that India will become central to the LIGO project partly on account of the fact that geography favours us,” Swarup said, pointing out that the Union Cabinet has already approved an outlay of C1,200 crore for the project in India. 6$,/¶V'DOOLUDMDKDUDLURQRUHPLQHLV,62FHUWLILHG BC055A4?>AC4A=178;08 T he Dallirajahara iron ore mine of the Steel Authority of India (SAIL) in Chhattisgarh has been given the ISO 14001:2004 certification, officials stated. SAIL has progressively introduced ISO : 14001 certification at its plants and mines, resulting in improvement in waste management, water & energy conservation, noise reduction, control of stack and fugitive emission, improved housekeeping, improved work zone environment etc, they stated. Notably, SAIL’s flagship unit Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) has set a target of producing 6.6 million tonnes (MT) of saleable steel after completion of its expansion project by end of 2016 from the level of 4.3 MT during 2014-15, officials stated. Quite recently, BSP has won the prestigious Prime Minister’s Trophy for a record 11 times out of the 21 times it has been awarded. Continuing the legacy of previous two years, the BSP AXci^UbX]V[TbRaTT] RX]T\P[^bcX]TaP^U \d[cX_[TgTb From Page 1 But the distance was short enough for them to return to Ritz just after the picture had resumed post-interval. It was during the late 60s and 70s that Ritz was at its zenith. It was a hall with plush carpets and its upper story even had private boxes for families or young lovers to watch movies in seclusion. In the 70s, legendary leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee, an avid Hindi movie fan visited Ritz, which added to its popularity. Varun Seth, manager of Ritz cinema told The Pioneer that in 1942, Jawab was the first movie screened in the cinema hall while Sanam Re turned out to be the last movie. “It was a hall that started in the preIndependence era and was still popular among university students till its closure. From the Shammi Kapoor starrer Junglee to Dabangg, Ritz cinema invited an audience across all ages and social strata,” said Seth. Recalling the golden era of Indian classical cinema, Jaiveer, an employee at the cinema 1,$WRWDNHDLUEDVH SUREHWR3DNWXUI From Page 1 The NIA briefed the JIT on investigations carried out here in the case. The terror attack executed by the Pakistan-based terror group JeM on January 2 at Pathankot airbase left seven security personnel dead. Six terrorists were also killed in the gunbattle with the security forces. The Pakistan JIT, headed by Additional Inspector General of Police, Counter Terrorism Department, Muhammad Tahir Rai and also including ISI’s Lt Col Tanvir Ahmed, in turn, shared with NIA the results of investigations carried out by them so far in Pakistan. “The interaction with JIT was held in accordance with terms of reference mutually agreed on the basis of reciprocity. The Pakistan JIT assured us of their full cooperation and promised to execute the LR which has been received by them,” he said. The JIT, which arrived here on March 27, interacted on the Pathankot case with NIA officials and the itinerary of the visiting team included a tour of the IAF base where they were shown the scene of crime as well as the location from where the terrorists sneaked in and hid before carrying out the assault. The JIT also visited the spot where Ikagar Singh’s vehicle was snatched, where he was murdered, and the spot from where the terrorists hijacked the SUV of SP Salwinder Singh, Kumar said, adding the route taken by the terrorists was also shown to the JIT. “These are part of the standard legal procedure of investigation followed in both nations,” he said. On JIT’s request, the NIA provided certified copies of post-mortem reports, ballistic report of the seized weapons, call data record, DNA reports of four terrorists and the seizure memo of articles from the scene of crime. The Pakistan JIT was given access to 13 witnesses including Salwinder Singh, his cook, Rajesh Verma and some witnesses as per agreed terms of reference and extant legal provisions. “The JIT informed us that they were collecting admissible evidence outside Pakistan team also made hat-rick in Chairman’s Trophy for Young Managers (CTYM) competition as Runners-Up in the grand finale held at Management Training Institute, Ranchi on February 29, 2016. The mega expansion and modernization of BSP is underway which would also raise the installed capacity for crude steel manufacturing from the present level of 4.81 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) to 7 MTPA, officials stated. The expansion plan is taking place in the existing BSP land measuring 6286.75 hectares and no additional land is being utilised for the same. All projects coming under the expansion cum modernisation plan would be utilising state-of-art pollution control technology, officials stated. BSP is developing as many as 21 villages in the periphery of Bhilai township which have been identified for adoption as ‘model steel villages'. The BSP’s CSR Department is engaging in a number of activities in the under the provision of Section 188 of the CrPC of Pakistan, that will legally enable them to be used in prosecution,” he said. The NIA has also requested the JIT to verify the various articles seized from the terrorists including arms and ammunition as mentioned in the Letters Rogatory sent earlier to Pakistan. The NIA shared with JIT the identity and the address of the 4 terrorists and requested that the JIT confirm those details. CWT?PZXbcP]98C fPbVXeT]PRRTbb c^ "fXc]TbbTb X]R[dSX]V BP[fX]STaBX]VW WXbR^^ZAPYTbW ETa\PP]Sb^\T fXc]TbbTbPb_Ta PVaTTScTa\b^U aTUTaT]RTP]S TgcP]c[TVP[ _a^eXbX^]b complex for the last 32 years, said that after entering the cinema hall, people truly enjoyed the cinematic experience because of its comfortable ambience. Muqaddar Ka Sikandar, Pakeezah, Andha Kanoon, Kranti, Rocky, Sadak and Roti, Kapada Aur Makan were among the movies which ran in the cinema hall for 25 weeks. “I remember when my grandfather, who served here for a long time, shared the overwhelming response of viewers during the time of Junglee in 1961. He told me that there was a time when the theatre faced shortage of tickets due to overcrowding,” Jaiveer further said. Ram Singh, another worker at Ritz, said that not only university students, but employees during office hours, used to come to watch cinema here. “People were passionate about cinema because it was the sole medium of entertainment those days, before colour TV arrived. During the releases of Amitabh Bachchan movies, all 576 seats used to be occupied,” said Singh. adopted villages such as empowering the rural folk, specially the women under the Swyamsiddha or self-employment project, providing basic infrastructure facilities development as well as activities aimed at providing school children opportunities to express their talent, officials informed. Notably, in 2007, the BSP established 'Bhilai Ispat Vikas Vidyalaya' and 'Ispat Kalyan Chikitsalaya' for the benefit of the economically backward section of society in the township and its periphery. The BSP has also adopted over 100 tribal children, providing free residential education, accommodation and meals. The mega-sports event that Bhilai has been organising in Narayanpur for tribal school-children for three consecutive years since 2006 attracts more than 1500 students from schools in remote areas of Bastar every year, officials stated. The company has also adopted four girls from Abujhmad area of Bastar for their education in Bhilai Nursing College. SAIL will be appointing rural product dealers for its products across Chhattisgarh’s 27 districts expect the Bhilai region in Durg district, official sources informed. The principal objective of the SAIL Rural Dealership Scheme (SAIL-RDS) shall be: To establish a wide distribution network for identified branded products of SAIL and to increase its reach, to promote, popularise and showcase identified branded SAIL products, to improve market share and NSR in the long run, the Scheme will be open for everyone in Talukas/Blocks/Panchayats, they informed. SAIL Consignment Agents / Handling Contractors / Transporters / Decoiling Agents /Conversion & Wetleasing Agents will not be considered for appointment under the Scheme, it was informed. Existing SAIL dealers located in the metros, cities, towns and district headquarters will also not be eligible under the Scheme. The modernization and expansion of the Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) underway here will involve cost of Rs 17,266 crore, official sources informed. The process of modernization and expansion of the plant is expected to be complete by December 2016. Notably, all pollution control systems in the project expansion underway at the Bhilai Steel Plant is designed to achieve chimney emission within 50mg/Nm3 as per Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board (CECB) directives, officials stated. Dust suppression system is being installed in new units to control dust from coal and iron ore storage area, they stated. Dust extraction system is being installed at coal crushing and screening area to control fugitive emission. 5VT\dT]VRcVUW`c;VhRc Z_e¶]RZca`ceZ_FA From Page 1 Though the Centre has approved the project, it needs to be ratified by the Akhilesh Yadav Cabinet. Once approved, this airport will be built under Design Build Finance Operate Transfer (DBFOT) basis. “Earlier, Airport Authority of India raised a red flag over construction of international airport at Jewar saying it cannot be constructed within a radius of 150 km of international airport in national Capital. Once this rule was changed the Civil Aviation Ministry approved the proposal to have the international airport at Jewar,” the Minister said. Jawer is 100 km from Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi and falls in Gautam Budh Nagar, which incidentally is parliamentar y constituency of Sharma. The Jewar airport was proposed in 2001 when Mayawati was Chief Minister. Mayawati had vigorously pushed for it. Even the techno-feasibility study had been conducted and submitted to the Centre for action and bidding document prepared. Her regime had even planned to get the airport operational before the 2010 Commonwealth Games. The project was estimated to cost nearly Rs 3,500 crore spanning about 3,700 acres and handle 4 million passengers annually. When Akhilesh came to power in 2012 he scrapped the Jewar airport project and pitched for an airport in Agra to cater the Taj Mahal-Braj tourist circuit. The Government had even identified land near Etmadpur, about 16 km from Agra City, for the mega project. Sharma said that Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav earlier wanted an international airport at Agra but the proposal was shelved because Defence Ministry did not approve it. “In November 2015, the Uttar Pradesh Government sent a letter expressing willingness to revive the Jewar airport proposal. The Civil Aviation Ministry worked on it and finally gave approval to the UP Government last week,” Sharma said. Sharma said besides new airport Centre has also given a push to tourism sector in UP. “The Tourism Ministry has sanctioned Rs 510 crore for Buddhish, Krishna and Ramayana circuits. The UP Government has received over 70 per cent of the money,” he said, adding that the onus is now on the State to improve infrastructure for these circuits. 0WTPS^U 0*15(*$VWDIIVWLUKLWV <^SX³beXbXc GURXJKWFRQWUROSODQV From Page 1 The department said McLintock used his organisation to allegedly provide money to Afghan orphans while helping finance Taliban militant activities in Afghanistan’s Kunar province. McLintock received about $1,80,000 from donors in Britain between April 2011 and April 2012 and also received money from charities in the Persian Gulf and the United Kingdom, Treasury said. McLintock also is suspected of smuggling cash to insurgents in Afghanistan and moving parts for improvised explosive devices between Pakistan and Afghanistan. :_UZRe`cVTVZgV From Page 1 Northeast India, however, may not receive good rainfall, he said. “Generally, the trend is when the entire India receives good rainfall, the northeastern part does not receive good rainfall,” Prasad added. The India Meteorological Department is expected to come out with its forecast later this month. It has indicated a good rainfall this year with the weakening of El-Nino. E8E4:?D=9Q A0=278 P lans of utilising Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Act to mitigate effects of drought that Jharkhand is suffering from since last year seem to be losing steam due to the strike of personnel responsible for running the employment scheme in the State. Called by Jharkhand Rajya MGNREGA Karamchari Sangh, the agitation has been going on for the past 25 days over demands of wage hike, maternal leave, accidental insurance and regularisation, slowing down work in 17,000 odd villages in the State. Even ‘amicable’ talks between a delegation from the association and Rural Development Minister Neelkanth Singh Munda on March 15 proved unfruitful in finding any middle ground. Now, State Government is planning to face the agitators with a firm hand. “Since March 10, they are hampering the spirit of the Act and making things difficult for the needy people of the State. If the strike is not called off now, the Department will be forced to take action against the agitators,” stated MGNREGA Commissioner Siddhartha Tripathi. In an order issued on Thursday by Virendra Kumar Singh, Deputy Development Commissioner, Ranchi, the honorarium of the agitating MGNREGA staff for the period of strike will be withheld on grounds of hampering the employment scheme in tough times following drought. If the personnel on strike do not report for duty within 24 hours, their contract will be nullified, the DDC ordered all Block Development Officers of Ranchi. “The strike was called without even informing us in advance. In our last meeting, they demanded that deadline is fixed for fulfilling their demands, which we decided to be May 7. Most of them even agreed to it but a handful of them did not,” stated the MGNREGA Commissioner. The faction that agreed to the deadline joined work but the other one went on to stage hunger strike near Governor’s House. But the lacking workforce is failing to bear the burden of alleviating ill effects of drought through MGNREGA in the State. New provisions to satisfy at least the wage hike demands are in the pipeline. “Jharkhand stands fourth in the nation regarding wages paid to its MGNREGA workforce. ]PcX^]$ A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % A0?4E82C8<<4=C0;;H270;;4=643 2^]V\^eTb;BTcWXRb_P]T[PVPX]bc<X]XbcTa EcZR]f_UVcA@4D@`c _`e0D4e`eR\VTR]] A 2]]VXVdeYReR_RSdT`_UZ_X^fcUVcRTTfdVU hRdacVdV_eReYZdcVdZUV_TV]Rde^`_eY ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Supreme Court on Friday set out to examine T whether a man who rapes or sexually abuses a mentally challenged victim can be punished under the stringent provisions of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act 2012 as such victims have an under-developed brain like that of a child. The occasion for the court to examine this question came on a petition by a Delhi-based doctor whose daughter of 38 years with cerebral palsy was raped by a man in the year 2010. Due to the impact of the gruesome incident, the victim’s mental capacity drastically reduced from that of an 8-year old to a three-year old toddler. This made the recording of her statement before a Magistrate extremely difficult. Although the Delhi Police proceeded with filing 6^ecPbZb8]SXP]b ]^cc^caPeT[c^ HT\T]X]P]h RXaRd\bcP]RTb ?C8Q =4F34;78 ndia on Friday strongly advised its nationals to avoid Itravelling in “any circumstances, by any means, for any purpose” to war-torn Yemen, where an Indian nun has been killed and a priest abducted in recent attacks. Asserting that the security situation in Yemen continues to remain fragile, the External Affairs Ministry in its advisory said, “In light of the recent terrorist attacks in Aden, which resulted in killing of an Indian nun and abduction of one priest, Indian nationals are again strongly advised to avoid travelling to Yemen under any circumstances by any means for any purpose till further notice.” The Ministry also said that it had already issued number of travel advisories wherein Indian nationals have been advised to refrain from undertaking travel to Yemen in view of the precarious security situation in the country. Tom Uzhunnalil, a priest from Kerala, was abducted by after the Islamic State militant group, which attacked a care home run by Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity. Gunmen had stormed the refuge for the elderly earlier this month and killed a Yemeni guard before tying up and shooting 15 other employees. Four foreign nuns, including an Indian, working as nurses were among those killed. chargesheet against the accused under Section 376(2)(L) of the Indian Penal Code (sexual assault with a mentally or physically challenged victim), the victim’s mother approached the Delhi High Court to allow shifting of the case to the Special Court trying POSCO cases. The High Court in June last year turned down the request forcing the 60-year old mother to approach the Supreme Court. Issuing notice on the peti- tion, a bench of Justices Dipak Misra and Shiva Kirti Singh sought responses from the Delhi Government and the accused. The court was convinced by the argument of the petitioner that the mental age of the victim should be taken as the criteria for classifying an offence under POSCO instead of the chronological age. The petition filed by advocate Aishwarya Bhati said, “In view of her present functional age of three to four years following the heinous crime and her previous functional age of 8-10 years, the matter be transferred to the Special Court established under POSCO Act as she remains a child in the interest of justice.” The POSCO Act prescribes specific offences of sexual abuse and assault and the punishment becomes aggravated in cases where the victim is mentally ill or where the accused is in a position of trust or authority. fter the BJP, it’s the Congress’ turn now to move the Lok Sabha Ethics Committee. The Congress has approached the panel seeking “expulsion” of Union Minister Jitendra Singh over reports alleging that an absconding murder accused was present at his residence last month. It said it is a “serious” matter that adversely impacts Parliament’s dignity. The move comes close on the heels of the BJP complaining to the panel about Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi’s alleged British citizenship. The panel had served notice to Rahul, who replied on March 23. In a petition to the panel headed by LK Advani, that is also examining the complaint against Rahul, the AICC cited media reports about presence of a murder accused of 2013 Kishtwar communal clashes Hari Kishan alias Kasooru at the residence of Singh, who is Minister of State in Prime Minister’s Office. It was also reported that a Constitutional institution,” the AICC said in the petition. “It is unbelievable that Singh had no acquaintance or familiarity with Kasooru, more so, when he (Kasooru) is a local BJP leader of Paddar, which is part of his Parliamentary constituency and has campaigned for him and other BJP leaders. Kasooru was neither a stranger nor an outsider to Singh. “...It is a clear case of giving protection to an accused person, who is involved in serious crimes. This act of Singh is totally unethical and contrary to high standards of morality, dignity, decency and value in public life as required under the Code of Conduct of a Member of Parliament,” the AICC alleged in the petition. C74<>E42><4B 2;>B4>=C74 744;B>5C7419? 2><?;08=8=6C> C74?0=4;01>DC 2>=6A4BBE824 ?A4B834=CA07D; 60=378´B0;;4643 1A8C8B728C8I4=B78? C74?0=4;703 B4AE43=>C824C> A07D;F7>A4?;843 >=<0A27!" ³=^bPQ^cPVTUa^\2A?5 X]3P]cTfPSPZX[[X]Vb´ ?=BQ =4F34;78 C RPF Director General K Durga Prasad on Friday ruled out any sabotage or leakage of information from within the force or from other security forces about the movement of the seven paramilitary personnel killed at Melawada in Dantewada on Wednesday. He said the Naxals had planned a “deliberate ambush” and brutally killed seven of its troops, travelling to deliver a cooler for an ailing sniffer dog, in Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada and a court of inquiry is on to find out how the information of the “secret” movement was leaked. Prasad said the landmine blast that took place near the Melawada village on March 30 was a “setback” for the paramilitary and they are looking at new measures and protocols to “avoid” such incidents in the future. “However, there will be no knee-jerk reactions. We will take considered action,” he told reporters here. The DG, who came back to the force headquarters here after a visit to the ambush spot on Thursday, said the Naxals shot from a “close range” three jawans after they were thrown out of the vehicle by the impact of the blast and lay almost lifeless on the road. “No one was supposed to know this. But some one saw their movement and then passed on the information (to Naxals),” he said. Prasad said he would not like to hazard a guess from where the information was leaked as the TATA-709 vehicle which was sent to fetch an air cooler for an ailing Belgian Malinois patrol dog of the force could have been “spotted” while either leaving the force camp at a place called Renganar or from a market place from where four more troops, who were going to their camp after leave, boarded the ill-fated four-wheeler. Seven Central Reserve Police Force men were killed in the deadly blast carried out by Maoists that left a massive sixfeet deep crater on the road in the worst Maoist violenceaffected Dantewada district of the State. The CRPF boss said it is suspected that Naxals dug a “fox hole tunnel” from near a culvert to plant almost 40-50kgs of explosive beneath the ‘pucca’ black top road. From April 14, on the 125th birth anniversary of Ambedkar ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 ontinuing with its agenda of pro-rural push, the NDA C Government is embarking on an 11-day ‘Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan’ (Village Self Governance campaign) from April 14, on the 125th birth anniversary of Dalit legend Bhimrao Ambedkar. The mega campaign which aims to generate nation-wide efforts to enhance social harmony across villages, strengthen panchayati raj, promote rural development and foster farmers’ progress will be kicked off by Prime Minister Narender Modi from Ambedkar’s hometown Mhow in Madhya Pradesh. Sharing details with reporters here, Union Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water and Sanitation Birender Singh said, the campaign will culminate on April 24, marked as National Panchayati Raj Day with Modi’s address to all the gram sabhas across the country from Jamshedpur. The event will be beamed to all the villages across the States. The 2016-17 Budget, which the Government has termed as pro-poor and pro- rural, will act as a reference point for the people in the villages, said the Minister. During the 11-day long campaign, special event ‘Social Harmony Programme’ will be conducted in all gram panchayats in collaboration with Ministry of Panchayati Raj and the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. In this programme, villagers will hon- ?=BQ =4F34;78 iger State Madhya Pradesh is all set to have world’s first T White Tiger Safari. These rare D]X^]<X]XbcTa^UDaQP]3TeT[^_\T]c7^dbX]VP]SDaQP]?^eTach0[[TeXPcX^]P]S?Pa[XP\T]cPah0UUPXabET]ZPXPW=PXSdfXcW D]X^]<X]XbcTa^U2WT\XRP[bP]S5TacX[XbTab0]P]cW:d\PaP]SBcPcT_aTbXST]c?aPW[PS9^bWXSdaX]VcWTX]PdVdaPcX^]^UcWT 19?BcPcT4gTRdcXeT2^\\XccTT\TTcX]VX]1T]VP[dad^]5aXSPh ?C8 our Ambedkar and resolve to strengthen social harmony, the Minister added. Subsequently, between April 17- 20 ‘Village Farmer Assemblies’ will be organised in gram panchayats with an aim to promote agriculture. In these assemblies, information regarding schemes regarding agriculture such as the Fasal Bima Yojna, Social Health Card etc. will be provided to farmers and their suggestions for bringing about improvements in agriculture will be sought. Preceding the main event of gram sabha meetings for Panchayati Raj Day, a national meeting of tribal women gram panchayat presidents from Fifth schedule areas of ten States will be held at Vijaywada, focusing on panchayat and tribal development. this gene mutation or the hereditar y chromosomal change. Yet, It shares the same zoological name is Panthera tigris tigris as its yellow counterpart. Both are believed to come from the same stock, said the experts. Even their habit and the habitat are the same, and so is their life cycle ranging from 16-20 years. With this event, the NDA Government aims to penetrate deep into the hinterland, rural areas and Tier-2 towns and showcase its achievements of the last two years since its coming to power. In this direction, the rural people will be made aware of the schemes aimed for their development, said the Minister. In the Budget 2016-17, the Government has already taken initiatives for development of agriculture and the rural sector in the country. Agriculture and farmers’ welfare have received a sum of C35,984 crores and for rural development as a whole an amount of C87,765 crores has been assigned in the Budget for 2016-17. Apart from this, a sum of C38,500 crores has been allocated for MGNREGS. EYcVVW`]UYZ\VZ_V_ecj WVVW`c2cTYRV`]`XZTR] DfcgVj^`_f^V_ed N in December 18, 1969, a holiday was declared in local schools and markets were closed as a mark of respect for the dead white tiger. The white feline since then had become a subject of research by wildlife biologists, said the experts. For the researchers at large, the mystery is how the yellow tiger turned white, and what caused =Tf3T[WX) CWT6^eTa]\T]cWPb STRXSTSPVPX]bc_a^RTbbX]VUaTbW aTR^\\T]SPcX^]b\PSTQh 7XVW2^dacbU^aP__^X]c\T]c^U PSSXcX^]P[YdSVTbcX[[cWT Bd_aT\T2^dacaPcXUXTbcWT aTeXbTSSaPUc^UcWT \T\^aP]Sd\^U_a^RTSdaT <^?cWPcfX[[VdXSTUdcdaT P__^X]c\T]cbc^cWTWXVWTa YdSXRXPah>UUXRXP[b^daRTbbPXS RWXTUYdbcXRTb^U WXVWR^dacb WPeTaTR^\\T]STScWT]P\Tb ^U RP]SXSPcTb¯ Ua^\cWT BcPcTYdSXRXP[bTaeXRTbP]ScWT 1Pa¯ U^aP__^X]c\T]cPb PSSXcX^]P[YdSVTb 430CC0274BC !2A B8CC8=6<;0´B0BB4CB =Tf3T[WX)0UcTaeTcTaP]=2? [TPSTa2WWPVP]1WdYQP[P]SWXb UP\X[hP]^cWTa_Pach[TPSTaX] <PWPaPbWcaPRP\Td]STacWT bRP]]Ta^U43fWXRW^] CWdabSPhPccPRWTSPbbTcbf^acW C !Ra^aT^UbXccX]V<;0 AP\TbW:PSP\X]PRPbT^U P[[TVTST\QTii[T\T]c^U^eTa C"Ra^aTX]PbcPcTad] R^a_^aPcX^]:PSP\P=PcX^]P[Xbc 2^]VaTbb?Pach<;0Ua^\cWT <^W^[bTPcX]B^[P_daWPbQTT] cWT?aTbXST]c^UcWT;^ZbWPWXa 0]]PQWPdBPcWT3TeT[^_\T]c 2^a_^aPcX^]QTcfTT]0dVdbc ! !P]S3TRT\QTa! # SdaX]VfWXRWcWT43P[[TVTSWT P[^]VfXcW^cWTa^UUXRXP[b^UcWT R^a_^aPcX^]P[[TVTS[h \XbP__a^_aXPcTS[PaVTP\^d]cb =Tf3T[WX) CWTBd_aT\T2^dac ^]5aXSPhUPX[TSc^R^\Tc^cWT aTbRdT^UP3T[WX?^[XRTWTPS R^]bcPQ[T?:BP[X\fW^b^dVWc R^\_T]bPcX^]U^acWTaT_dcPcX^] [^bbbdUUTaTSQhWX\P]SWXb UP\X[hPUcTaPeXST^RXaRd[PcTS^] ?=BQ =4F34;78 Govindgarh with its white tigers caught attention from far and wide. In 1960, US expressed its interest in white tiger following which a delegation visited Rewa. The white tigress “Mohini” reached Washington from Govindgarh and the then US President W D Eisenhower was known to have received her. Further, when Mohan died 6>EC?DCBB4;42C8>=>5 033;9D364B>=7>;3 =>B2A4;8455>A34;78 ?>;824 2>=BC01;4 6^ecc^[Pd]RW6aP\DSPhBT1WPaPcDSPh0QWXhP] F^a[S´bUXabcFWXcTCXVTaBPUPaXc^^_T]X]<? felines are being reared in Mukundpur Zoo and Rescue Centre in Satna district of Rewa division. It will be dedicated to the public on April 3, by Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar and other senior Ministers. Elated over the development, sources informed that the zoo will have three white tigers, including a male named Raghu and two females — Vindhya and Radha. The charisma of white tigers had been mesmerising since it was first spotted in the region in 1951. As per legend, the then King Maharaj Martand Singh during his hunting trip, found a white tiger cub from a cave near River Komar in the Vindhyan region. It was brought to the Govindgarh Palace, where it was tamed and named “Mohan”. BJP MLA, who took Kasooru to Singh’s residence, was also named in police records. When contacted, Jitendra Singh dismissed the allegations, saying “as elected representatives, we are expected to meet any public deputation that seeks appointment and this particular deputation was led by three MLAs including one exMinister of Jammu & Kashmir who came to present a memorandum regarding demand for scheduled tribe status.” He outright rejected the Congress charge that he “sheltered” the accused. Earlier too, he had denied any connection with Kasooru. Submitting copies of the newspaper reports as well as the purported case documents, AICC Legal Department Secretary KC Mittal alleged that the conduct of the Minister in allowing the wanted accused to surface at his residence and having a photograph with him was “unethical”. “The facts in public domain are of serious nature, having adverse impact on the dignity of Parliament, a prime In its complaint, the AICC claimed that Kasooru, a local leader from Paddar and nine others were accused in an FIR of “murdering” a 52 year-oldLassa Khandey during the 2013 communal riots that took place in Kishtwar, Jammu & Kashmir in 2013. The AICC urged the panel to “take cognizance of the facts” and the evidence annexed and “expel” Union Minister Singh as MP or pass any other order, which may be considered appropriate keeping in view the nature of allegation. 8=B7>AC ow shell out more to pay for entry tickets for 116 monuments under the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). The Union Culture Ministry on Friday effected a three-fold hike in the entry fee for the monuments for domestic visitors and 100 per cent for foreign tourists. For the 32 ‘World Heritage Monuments’, the ticket price has been increased to C30 from C10 for the domestic visitor, while the entry fee for foreign nationals has been hiked to C500 from C250. As natives from South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) countries are treated at par with Indians, hence they will charged similarly. For monuments other than the World Heritage ones, the entry fee has been increased three-fold to C15 from C5 for the domestic visitor, while foreigners will have to pay C200 against C100. “The enhancement comes after a period of more than 15 years as the last increase took place in 2000...The enhanced rates are at par with entry fee at monuments abroad,” the official added. Justifying the move, the official said this would not only boost the economy of the sector but also help in providing better services and amenities to tourists. Last year, the Ministry had announced that it would implement the hike in entry fee for monuments across the country from November 1 but it was postponed due to pressure from the tourism lobby. 218QTVX]bWP]SX]V ^eTa?TPa[bVa^d_ PbbTcS^Rd\T]cb c^;^SWP_P]T[ ?=BQ =4F34;78 he CBI on Friday started the process of handing over T documents of over C5,000 crore worth of assets and 79 luxury cars of Pearls’ Group, seized by it, to the special committee of SEBI that will liquidate the properties in order to refund money to the defrauded investors. CBI sources said the agency had recovered about 20,000 documents related to the group’s properties estimated to be worth C5,000 crore which was said to be in addition to the 66 offices located in upscale localities in the national capital. The agency had also taken into its possession original documents of 79 luxury cars from PGF and PACL which included Rolls Royce, Porsche Cayene, Bentley, BMW 7-series and handed over the documents to the committee. The sources said C108 crore which has been frozen by CBI and deposited at the Delhi High Court in the case has also been transferred to the SEBI account. The Supreme Court on February 2 had appointed the expert committee headed by the former Chief Justice of India RM Lodha to monitor the sales of assets and refund of money to the investors of PACL. Meanwhile, bail pleas by Pearls group executives Gurmeet Singh and Subroto Bhattacharya were rejected by a sessions court here. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has initiated recovery proceedings against PACL Ltd and its promoters and directors, including Nirmal Singh Bhangoo, for their failure to refund C49,100 crore to investors. b^RXP[\TSXP_^acaPhTSWX\PbP Sad]ZPaSfWX[TcaPeT[[X]VX]cWT <Tca^caPX]fWT]PRcdP[[hWTWPS bdUUTaTSQ^dcb^UUXcCWTP_Tg QT]RW^U9dbcXRTb9B:WTWPaP]S 2=PVP__P]bPXScWPcXcfPb ]^Q^Sh³bUPd[cPbcWTeXST^fPb ]^cS^Rc^aTSCWT3T[WX?^[XRT fWXRWX]XcXP[[hbdb_T]STSWX\ [PcTac^^ZWX\QPRZ^]aTP[XbX]V cWPccWTP[[TVTS°bfPhX]VP]S R^[[P_bX]V±X]P\Tca^R^PRW fPb^]PRR^d]c^UP\PY^a Q[^RZPVTX]WXbQaPX] B238B<8BB4B8=2A40B48= 9D364BA4C8A4<4=C064 =Tf3T[WX) CWTBd_aT\T2^dac ^]5aXSPhSTR[X]TSP?8;U^a X]RaTPbX]VaTcXaT\T]cPVT^U P_TgR^dacYdSVTbfW^ bd_TaP]]dPcTPccWTPVT^U%$0 QT]RWWTPSTSQh2WXTU9dbcXRT CBCWPZdaUT[ccWPccWTXbbdT bcP]SbbTcc[TSQhcWT 2^]bcXcdcX^]P]SXcRP]]^cQT [^^ZTSX]c^CWT_TcXcX^]fPb UX[TSQhP[PfbcdST]cEXQW^a 0]P]SCWT2^dacaT`dTbcTSU^a fXcWSaPfP[^UcWT_TcXcX^]fWX[T P__aTRXPcX]VcWTT]cWdbXPb\ QTWX]SUX[X]VbdRWP_TcXcX^] B2=8G4B=4C0B0BB4CB E4A85820C8>=?4C8C8>= =Tf3T[WX) CWTBd_aT\T2^dac SXb\XbbTSP_TcXcX^]UX[TSQh T\X]T]cRXcXiT]b^UcWTR^d]cah ST\P]SX]VeTaXUXRPcX^]^UPbbTcb STR[PaPcX^]QhT[TRcX^] RP]SXSPcTbR^]cTbcX]V ?Pa[XP\T]cP]S0bbT\Q[h_^[[b CWTQT]RWWTPSTSQh2WXTU 9dbcXRTCBCWPZdaU^d]ScWT _TcXcX^]X\_aPRcXRP[PbcWT 4[TRcX^]2^\\XbbX^]_aTbT]c[h WPb]^\TRWP]Xb\c^eTaXUh PbbTcSTcPX[b<^aT^eTaXcfX[[QT PVXVP]cXRcPbZVXeT]cWTUPRccWPc cW^dbP]Sb^URP]SXSPcTbcPZT _PacX]cWTT[TRcX^]_a^RTbbCWT _TcXcX^]UX[TSQhU^a\Tac^_R^_b 9d[X^AXQXTa^?aPZPbWBX]VW U^a\Ta206EXYPhBWd]V[d0Xa 2WXTU<PabWP[B:aXbW]PbfP\h P\^]V "^cWTaU^a\Ta QdaTPdRaPcbP]SPRPST\XRXP]b WPSP[[TVTScWPcT[TRcX^]bWPS QTR^\TPaTbTaeT^UfTP[cWh RP]SXSPcTbfW^bTPbbTcb]TTS c^QTeTaXUXTS ;D2:=>F<4CA>C>64C ;>0=>5#$<=4DA>B =Tf3T[WX) ;dRZ]^f<Tca^fX[[ VTcP[^P]PbbXbcP]RT^U#$ \X[[X^]4da^bC"$!Ra^aT Ua^\4da^_TP]8]eTbc\T]c 1P]Z481U^aXcb?WPbT 0 _a^YTRc0]PVaTT\T]cX]cWXb aTVPaSfPbbXV]TSX]1adbbT[b ^]<PaRW"! %X]cWT _aTbT]RT^U?aX\T<X]XbcTa =PaT]SaP<^SXSdaX]VWXbeXbXc c^cWT1T[VXd\RP_XcP[CWT[^P] P\^d]cfX[[QTaT[TPbTSX]cf^ caP]RWTb^U!\X[[X^]4da^b P]S!$\X[[X^]4da^bCWT !!'&'Z\[^]V;dRZ]^f<Tca^ _WPbT 0_a^YTRcT]eXbPVX]V R^bc^UC%(!'Ra^aTfPb P__a^eTS[PbchTPaX]3TRT\QTa Pb_Ta^UUXRXP[bcPcT\T]c^] 5aXSPh ^_X]X^]% A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ 4cZ^Z_R]TR]]`fd_Vdd +HDGVVKRXOGUROORYHU.RONDWDIO\RYHUWUDJHG\ WX[TcWT[^bb^U[XUTP]S_a^_TachX]cWTPUcTa\PcW^UcWT:^[ZPcPU[h^eTa R^[[P_bTXbbPSST]X]VfWPcXcbW^RZX]VXbcWPccWTX]RXST]cU^[[^fbP_aT SXRcPQ[TP]SPe^XSPQ[T_PccTa]CWTQ[P\TVP\TQTVP]`dXRZ[hPUcTacWT R^[[P_bT)2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P\PcP1P]TaYTTbCaX]P\^^[2^]VaTbb6^eTa]\T]cbWXUc TScWT^]db^]Xcb_aTSTRTbb^acWT;TUc5a^]cfWXRWWPSbP]RcX^]TScWT_a^ YTRcSdaX]VXcb[PbcSPhbX]_^fTaCWT;TUc[TSQhcWT2^\\d]Xbc?Pach^U8]SXP <PagXbcX]cda]b^dVWcc^QaX]VX]cWT1aXcXbWeXPcWT7^faPW1aXSVTPbZX]V XUcWT6^eTa]\T]cf^d[SWPd[X]cWTU^a\TaR^[^]XbTabXUcWPcXR^]XRbcadRcdaT UT[[c^SPhCWTPQbdaSXch^UcWXb]PaaPcXeT]^cfXcWbcP]SX]Vcf^Pb_TRcbSTbTaeT PccT]cX^])5Xabc1P]TaYTTRP]]^cTbRP_TaTb_^]bXQX[XchBWTWPbQTT]X]_^fTa U^aUXeThTPab]^fP]SfWX[T]^^]TXbST]hX]VcWPcbWTX]WTaXcTSPQPSbXcdP cX^]^]TRP]]^cXV]^aTcWPcbWT\PSTXcf^abTX]YdbcPQ^dcTeTahbTRc^a^UV^e Ta]P]RTBTR^]ScWTaTXbbcX[[T]^dVWQ[P\Tc^QT_[PRTSPccWTS^^abcT_b^U ]^cYdbcQ^cWcWTBcPcT_PacXTbQdcP[b^D]X^]6^eTa]\T]cbfWXRWWPeT_PacXP[ [hUd]STScWT_a^YTRcCWT7hSTaPQPSQPbTSR^\_P]hQdX[SX]VcWTU[h^eTa8EA2; fPbZT_c^]cWT_a^YTRcTeT]cW^dVWXcWPSQTT]aTSU[PVVTSQhbTeTaP[BcPcT 6^eTa]\T]cbP]STeT]8]SXP]APX[fPhbCWT2T]caTP]ScWT2P[RdccP<Tca^_^[XcP] 3TeT[^_\T]c 0dcW^aXch aT_^acTS[h WPSaTbTaePcX^]bPQ^dccWTR^\_P]h Qdc bcX[[ fT]c PWTPS fXcW Xc \^bc[h QTRPdbT cWT ^UUXRXP[b fTaT]c bdaT XU cWTh R^d[S UX]S P QdX[STa c^ aT_[PRT 8EA2;Tb_TRXP[[hfWT]\dRW^UcWT f^aZ WPS QTT] S^]T CWT `dTbcX^] WTaTXb)FWhfPb8EA2;VXeT]cWT_a^ YTRcX]cWTUXabc_[PRT.BX\_[TP]bfTa) 8cfPbcWT[^fTbcQXSSTaCWXbXbPbhb cT\XR_a^Q[T\fXcWcWT6^eTa]\T]c QTX]V _T]]h fXbT _^d]S U^^[XbW CWP]ZUd[[h Pc cWT 2T]caT cWT <^SX 6^eTa]\T]cXb]^fRWP]VX]VcWXbb^ Pbc^T]bdaTQTccTa`dP[XchP]ScX\T [hR^\_[TcX^]8]:^[ZPcPcWTU[h^eTa bXcdPcX^] P[b^ bTT\b c^ WPeT QTT] \PST f^abT Qh 1P]TaYTTb adbW c^ R^\_[TcTcWT_a^YTRc8EA2;f^]cWT R^]caPRcX]!(P]SfPbTg_TRcTSc^ UX]XbWcWTf^aZX]! 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What does the entire episode reflect in terms of capitalism and its legitimacy, and the country’s prevailing economic system? Mallya borrowed, allegedly on terms that should never have been given, and has not repaid much of it. He has not paid salaries to a section of his employees and, allegedly, been a tax-defaulter. It is hazardous to judge a system by an individual’s conduct and competence. But for the massive recession that began in 2008 and is considered only second in its severity to the Great Depression that began in 1929, one would have regarded the Mallya episode as yet another of the many controversies that bedevil most countries’ economies. Also, the system he manipulated so brazenly, no doubt with the full complicity of those who did not protect its integrity which they should have, has been showing signs of pervasive corruption for a long time. An important common element in the 2008 crisis and the Mallya scandal is reckless lending by banks. In the case of the latter, it has led to a massive accumulation of outstanding loans to the tune of thousands of crores of rupees. In the case of the former, it led to a meltdown of the American economy which then travelled to the rest of the world, spreading havoc. The question arises whether reckless lending can undermine this country’s banking system, pushing the entire economy is into a crippling recession. One must start by examining the causes of the 2008 crisis. At the root of it was an enormous housing bubble fuelled by mortgage deals that offered alluringly low interest rates at the beginning but had built-in provisions for their subsequent steep increase and repeated refinancing, requiring high fees to be paid at every stage. Mortgage dealers deliberately went for the poor and poorly-educated Americans who, like most of their compatriots, longed to possess their own homes. Many of the victims, who came to be called subprime borrowers because they had low and/or irregular incomes, were unable to detect the hidden dangers; some, who expressed doubts, were disarmed by false assurances. These were high-risk loans which Wall Street, the banks and their executives blinked at — in fact, encouraged — not only because of the provisions for steep interest escalation but because they securitised the mortgages, repackaged them in many ways, and sold to one another and banks and financial institutions outside the US, making large profits at every step. And high profits meant high bonuses and pay hikes. Joseph Stiglitz, who exposes all this with remarkable clarity in Free Fall: Free Markets and the Sinking of the Global Economy, writes, “Indeed, many of the new ‘innovative’ products based on mortgages had some critical features in common: while they may not have helped borrowers manage risk, they were designed to shift as much risk away from the bank as possible and to generate as many fees as possibleoften in ways that the borrower was never really aware of. The products were also designed, where necessary, to get round regulator y and accounting restraints that might restrict lending and risk-taking.” GUQbU^_\_^WUb \__[Y^WV_bQ]Q^Y^ QSQfURedgUQbU Xe^dY^WV_bQdUbb_bYcd Y^QSYdigX_XQcQ S_]`edUb_bQ c]Qbd`X_^U @bY]U= =Y^YcdUb ±>QbU^TbQ=_TY 2A>>:43=4BB 3>4B=>CC7A8E4 8=0E>838C A4@D8A4B0= 4=E8A>=<4=CC70C 2>=3>=4B85=>C 4=2>DA064B8C 0=3?A>E834B C7>B4B>8=2;8=43 C>A4B>ACC>8C F8C70C;40BC B><4<40BDA4 >58<?D=8CH The bubble was bound to burst sooner than later because many people could not pay the rising interest rates and recurring refinancing fees built into their mortgage agreements. The process was accelerated by declining prices of houses following glut of new ones. The result was payment defaults and foreclosures. The effect of the bubble’s collapse was disaster on a national scale because, as Joseph Stiglitz puts, the US economy “was out of kilter: two-thirds to three-quarters of the economy (GDP) was housing related: Constructing new houses or buying contents to fill them, or borrowing against old houses to finance construction. It was unsustainable-and it wasn't sustained. The breaking of the bubble at first affected the worst mortgages (the sub-prime mortgages, lent to low income individuals) but soon affected all residential real estate.” Crookedness was doubtless an important cause of the crisis. As Stiglitz says, “The wheeling and dealing of the mortgage industry in the United States will be remembered as the great scam of the early twenty-first century.” Mortgage originators, B>D=318C4 however, were not the only guilty ones. At least as culpable were Wall Street companies which, besides exploiting the borrowers, had innovated financial instruments that “had allowed the banks to hide much of their bad lending, to move it off their balance sheets.” Crookedness, however, does not thrive in a void. It requires an environment that condones — if not encourages — it and provides those so inclined to resort to it with at least some measure of impunity. A system that places profit maximisation above all else, including ethical conduct, and lacks regulatory mechanisms that can keep delinquents and delinquent and reckless banking practices in check, provides a fertile soil for it. The US, as Stiglitz points out, had a fairly effective regulatory system in place until the 1980s, which witnessed its systemic whittling down under the Reagan presidency. The process continued in the 1990s and the first decade of this century and did not spare even provisions for restricting predatory lending in the subprime sector. All this was the result of an economic approach that celebrated the sovereignty of the market, ascribed to it powers of self-correction, and of ensuring stability for the economy and prosperity for the people. Regulations were regarded as unnecessary obstructions that only hobbled the economy. The crisis has discredited this ideology which has been described as market fundamentalism. But its proponents continue defending it blaming the crisis on individual delinquency, an unforeseen accident and so on, overlooking the fact that delinquencies require opportunities to create havoc and the numerous crises that have occurred till date debunk the idea of an accident. In India, money had been lent not to sub-prime borrowers but corporate giants who have defaulted. Sound banking practices have not been followed— whether due to political pressure or corruption among bank officials. Despite the availability of Government bail-outs for public sector banks, a crisis situation may develop if things do not change. A message has to be sent to bank managers to behave and corporate entities to repay. It would be more difficult to insulate banks from political pressure to sanction bank loans. FY_\U^SUcdU]cVb_] \QS[_VX_`U\QS[_V dbecd9V`UQSUdQ\[c bUce]U^_R_Tig_e\T TQbUcdQR_bcX__d DXU_^\idXY^W9µ] TYcQ``_Y^dUTQR_ed Y^dXUcU]YVY^Q\ WQ]UYcdX_cUdg_ ^_RQ\\c?dXUbdXQ^ dXQdgUdbYUT_eb RUcdY^dXUWQ]U @Q\UcdY^YQ^@ @bUcYTU^d ±=QX]_eT1RRQc 9^TYQ^D D" S SQ`dQY^ ±=C4X_^Y ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 6YU\T\UfU\\UT Sir — This refers to the report, “Out of the world! Windies put India out of WT20 Cup” (April 1). India’s loss to the West Indies in the T20 World Cup semi-final, after a magnificent knock from Virat Kohli, can be widely attributed to the two let-offs for Simmons due to over-stepping. However, one should also think what would have happened if Kohli had been run out twice in the same over as soon as he came in to bat, despite both chances being very easy pickings. Perhaps this truly was a divine interjection to level the ‘playing field’. NS Rajan Bangalore 4UcdY^ibe\Uc Sir — This refers to the report, “Out of the world! Windies put India out of WT20 Cup” (April 1). One had never even dreamt that India would lose the match to the West Indies in the T20 World Cup semi-final. After having set a target of 193 runs for West Indies, we felt that it was a walk-over, but destiny had something else for us. The batting of Lendl Simmons and Andre Russell paved the way for the victory of the West Indians. <`]\ReRW]j`gVcecRXVUjR hR\VfaTR]]W`c`WWZTZR]d C WTR^[[P_bT^UP]d]STaR^]bcadRcX^]U[h^eTaX]:^[ZPcPX]fWXRW\^aT cWP]!_T^_[TfTaTZX[[TSP]S^eTa'X]YdaTSWPbbT]cbW^RZfPeTb PRa^bbcWTR^d]cahCWXbX]RXST]cbW^d[SQTPfPZTd_RP[[U^acWTaT[T eP]cPdcW^aXcXTbP]SP[b^U^adaQP]_[P]]TabbcadRcdaTSTbXV]TabP]S_a^ YTRc\P]PVT\T]cR^]bd[cP]cb@dTbcX^]bWPeTQTT]aPXbTSPQ^dcbPUTch]^a\b PcePaX^dbR^]bcadRcX^]bXcTbP]SP[b^^]cWTRP[[^dbPccXcdST^UcWTPdcW^a XcXTbc^fPaSbR^]bcadRcX^]_a^YTRcbP]ScWTR^]bcadRcX^]f^aZTab CWTR^]bcadRcX^]QdbX]TbbX]8]SXPWPbQTT]R^\_[TcT[hd]aTVd[PcTS 6P_bX]cWTbhbcT\[TPSbc^_^^a`dP[Xch^UR^]bcadRcX^]5^acWXbcWTaTV d[Pc^ahPdcW^aXcXTbPaTc^QTQ[P\TSPbcWThdbT[^f`dP[XchR^]bcadRcX^]\PcT aXP[P]SPaTP[b^]TV[XVT]cPQ^dc_dQ[XRbPUTchCWT]TTS^UcWTW^dacWTaT U^aTXbc^dbTcWTQTbcV[^QP[R^]bcadRcX^]_aPRcXRTbWXaTcWTQTbc^UTg_T aXT]RTSSTbXV]TabP]SP]Tg_TaXT]RTS_a^YTRc\P]PVT\T]cR^]bcadRcX^]cTP\ b^cWPccWT_a^YTRcRP]QTR^\_[TcTSX]PcX\TQ^d]S\P]]Ta AP\TbW69TcWfP]X 1P]VP[^aT Opener Johnson Charles too contributed well by scoring 52 runs. The 193-run target seems to be the highest total achieved in a chase by the Caribbeans in the knock-out of T20. And no team has ever won a T20 international at Wankhede Stadium after losing the toss. R Gururajan Ooty @b_eTTYQc`_bQ Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Bridging the India-EU gap” (April 1). Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s direct and seemingly effortless outreach to the Indian diaspora in Brussels makes for a commendable performance. While interacting with the Indian community in Belgium, the Indian Prime Minister outlined some of the achievements of his Government in the past year. He also subtly pointed out to the tremendous loss of national time, manpower and resources — under successive leaderships in the past, which failed to keep a check on corruption or even provide for a basic standard of living to a vast majority of the Indian population. Modi’s hour-long address was keenly perceived by a receptive audience, with a sense of pride and satisfaction. The honour in being ‘Indian’ could be felt among the large gathering. This explains Modi’s success in sharing people’s Mann ki Baat as much as his own, which surely deserves full praise and appreciation. Isha Shah New Delhi 5]`\_iUUcµg_Uc Sir — This refers to the article, “Labour reforms will send positive signals” (March 31) by Gautam Mukherjee. The NDA Government’s proposal to introduce new labour laws is welcome, but one hopes that the Government looks into this issue from the employee point of view too. In small sectors, many employers are not paying their staff on time. While the employer’s lifestyle is not affected, it is the employee who is hit hard. Dearness Allowance is a benefit that only Government employees enjoy. The situation is worsening day-by-day. The young are vulnerable without jobs; even if they have a job, they are not paid on time. Hire-and-fire is the current policy. Rajendra Vora Via web BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThTjbPcdaSPhb_TRXP[l & A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % HZ]]>RUYVdZdZ^a`dVVT`_`^ZTS]`T\RUVRXRZ_0 s per media reports, leaders of A United Democratic Madhesi Front have given ultimatum to the 3daX]VcWTbXg\^]cW[^]V _a^cTbcbcWT<PSWTbXbWPeT QTR^\T\^aTPfPaT^UcWTXa aXVWcb<^aTcWP]cWPccWT h^dcWP]Sf^\T]RdccX]V PRa^bbRPbcTaT[XVX^]P]S ^cWTaQPaaXTabWPeTQTR^\T \^aTaPSXRP[P]Sb^cWTXa \^eT\T]cc^bTRdaTaXVWcUd[ _[PRTX]cWT2^]bcXcdcX^] cWa^dVW_TPRTUd[\TP]b RP]]^cQTbd__aTbbTS=^f Pb:PcW\P]SdWPbQTT]VXeT] PRWP]RTc^PSSaTbbcWT VaXTeP]RTb^U<PSWTbXbXU cWXbV^[ST]^__^acd]XchXb [^bccWT<PSWTbX5a^]c [TPSTab\XVWcQTR^\_T[[TS c^cPZT\^aTbcaX]VT]c \TPbdaTbTeT]c^cWTTgcT]c ^UaTX\_^bX]VTR^]^\XR Q[^RZPSTP[^]V=T_P[8]SXP Q^aSTafWXRWR^d[S_a^eT SXbPbca^dbU^a=T_P[P]SP[b^ PUUTRc8]SXPc^PRTacPX]TgcT]c 70A81 10=B79970 Government of Nepal to address their grievances by mid-April. They have threatened to launch an unprecedented massive agitation again as they call their last-ditch effort “now or never”. Eminent leaders from Madhesi-based political parties have openly declared that they could go to the extent of reimposing economic blockade to pressurise Kathmandu to provide them their due. In early February 2016, the Madhesi Front leaders had unilaterally opened Birgunj-Raxaul trading point after 135 days of blockade with the expectation that Kathmandu would favourably reconsider their demands for the formation of two States under the federal structure, ensure proportional representation in Government bodies, facilitate electoral constituencies both for the House of Representatives and the National Assembly on the basis of population and correct citizenship — related discriminatory clauses. But then no significant effort was made by the Government to address their grievances thereafter. Until the economic blockade was lifted, the entire population of the country in one or the other way experienced its heat due to severe shortage of goods, including the essentials like petroleum products and LPG. To counter this move, Kathmandu tried to play “China card” by allowing China to open trade and transit routes through Nepal’s northern border to provide essential items to Nepal. It also entered into agreement with China for the import of petroleum products. But given the geoeconomic realities, China did little to avert the crisis. However, the ruling elites in Kathmandu is not interested in resolving the Madhesi crisis as this gives them enough excuse to foment anti-India hysteria in the Himalayan nation and get adequate backup from certain sections of the society to perpetuate their control over the Madhesis, Tharus and other indigenous population. Of course, the Government amended certain provisions of the Constitution and set up a political committee to re-draw the provincial boundaries. But the Madhesi Front leaders rejected such measures as they believe that their issues would not be addressed through such superficial measures. In the meantime, the Nepali Congress after the 13th Convention of the party is making more serious endeavour to woo the Madhesis as it fears it may lose its vote bank in this region. Mahesh Acharya of the Nepali Congress admitted that the formation of political mechanism to address demand for the provincial boundaries was unilateral in character and so it was likely to widen gulf between the Government and the Madhesi parties. Also, the newly elected general secretary of the Nepali Congress, Shashanka Koirala, has claimed that his party is committed to resolving the Madhesi issues through “consensus, collaboration and trust building” as Madhesis happen to be the cradle of democracy. In New Delhi, there is a growing perception that that permanent peace in Nepal cannot be maintained unless the Madhesis are given legitimate rights within the framework of the new Constitution. There is a feeling that the Madhesis would not remain silent as long as the State’s discrimination towards them continues. New Delhi is highly concerned that any escalation of conflict right across its border in Terai is likely to make its impact on India. The more the Madhesis are excluded by the State in Nepal, the more there will be the tendency for them to secure active support from the border inhabitants as well as the establishments in Patna, Lucknow or even Delhi. This is but natural as the Madhesis have close relations with the people across the border in India. Importance of Nepal in India’s foreign relations cannot be undermined. Nepal is not what the other neighbours are for India. India’s border with China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar is sealed. Even with Sri Lanka there is sea between the two countries and so there cannot be direct impact of turmoil from one country to the other. India’s relations with Bhutan are intact as it is a stable nation. But Nepal is the only country in India’s neighbourhood with which it has open border ever since the history of civilization. Therefore, any turmoil in Nepal will have direct bearing on India. Today, Nepal is of biggest concern for India. New Delhi can’t afford to ignore the Madhesi issues. Therefore, New Delhi reiterated its position to Kathmandu during the recently concluded meeting of the SAARC Foreign Ministers in Nepal. However, a section of the people in India treat the Madhesi issue purely as an internal affair of Nepal and so they don’t want this country to get involved. Have those people ever thought as to what would have been their own position if they were like Madhesis in India? Would they have tolerated such discriminatory provision in which the Indians marrying with foreigners could have little scope either for their spouse or the children to reach top positions in Government jobs? Will the Punjabis or Bengalese ever accept their homeland to be mixed with other States? Will the Biharis or Uttar Pradeshis ever tolerate if they had the same number of representatives in the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha as the States like Sikkim, Nagaland or Arunachal Pradesh? Will any Indian tolerate if electoral constituencies for Parliament are ever fixed on the basis of geography instead of population? But this is what is happening in Nepal with the Madhesis. Most of their ancestral land has been cut into pieces and merged with the hill states in the seven provincial model of federalism. Also, the electoral constituencies in the country have been fixed not on the democratic principle of population, but more on the basis of geography. Recent developments show that the Madhesis are being left in the lurch. Their struggle against the State for the restoration of their rightful place in the Constitution has not attracted enough support from India. But this does not mean that New Delhi has totally given up its interest in Madhesis. It cannot afford to do that considering the fact that the agitation is still continuing across the border. Only the border that was blocked by the Madhesi Front leaders on Birgubnj-Raxaul and other such trade points along the NepalIndia border is open, but their protests continue. During the six-month-long protests, the Madhesis have become more aware of their rights. More than that, the youth and women, cutting across caste, religion and other barriers, have become more radical and so their movement to secure rightful place in the Constitution through peaceful means cannot be suppressed. By all indications, it appears that Kathmandu has been given a chance to address the grievances of Madhesis. If Kathmandu ignores this golden opportunity, the Madhesi Front leaders might be compelled to take more stringent measures even to the extent of re-imposing economic blockade along Nepal-India border, which could prove disastrous for Nepal and also affect India to a certain extent. To avoid this chaotic situation, New Delhi needs to intensify its engagement with Kathmandu to ensure the Madhesis enjoy the same treatment as other people in the country and are considered an essential element in the progress of the nation. By doing so, India could contribute in making Nepal a peaceful, prosperous and stable nation in its neighbourhood. (The writer is Executive Director of Centre for Economic and Technical Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal) ?4AB?42C8E4 3ROLWLFDOVWDQGRIILQ%UD]LO:K\'LOPD5RXVVHIIZRQ¶WIDOO he current political crisis in Brazil is centred around a T multi-billion dollar scandal probe, popularly known as ‘Lava Jato’ or Operation Car Wash, an investigation launched by Judge Srgio Moro as early as in March 2014. It is focused on Brazil’s huge State-controlled oil company Petrobras’ contracting process under which its executives and Government officials allegedly conspired to award massively inflated and lucrative contracts to companies working for it. President Dilma Rousseff ’s political trouble began in early 2015, when allegations surfaced that she has indulged in political graft and bribery while chairing the Petrobras Board of Directors from 2003 to 2010. It is also alleged that Rousseff had used funds from Petrobras to support her second term presidential election campaign in 2014. Besides the President, top politicians from almost all parties and billionaire businessmen, the most important personality who is being implicated in the Operation Car Wash is Brazil’s ex-President Lula. The political climax of the investigation came, when Lula was brought to a local police station on March 4, 2016, under the warrant of a judge, called ‘Conducao coercitiva’ (Bench warrant) which implies that a person is commanded to appear before authorities to give testimony. The prosecutors allege that Lula had received massive illicit benefits from the kickback schemes of Petrobras while he was in office from 2003 to 2010. What investigators have found is that this is perhaps the biggest money laundering and political corruption scandal in Brazil’s history so far. The Brazilian political fiasco has reached a critical stage. Rousseff is receiving renewed calls from international observers and millions of Brazilians to step down from office. The latest public opinion polls conducted by Datafolha Institute indicate that 68 per cent of her countrymen want her to quit. But despite having constant trouble in managing the top political hot seat, she has redoubled her effort to hold on, saying she “will never resign”. The current political crisis is reminiscent of another historic street march more than half a century ago which 3T\^]bcaPc^ab_a^cTbcTUU^acbc^X\_TPRW1aPiX[´b?aTbXST]c3X[\P A^dbbTUUP]SX]bd__^ac^UWTa\T]c^aU^a\Ta?aTbXST]c;dXi 8]PRX^;d[PSPBX[ePX]BP^?Pd[^1aPiX[ 5X[T_W^c^0? ensued in a military coup of March 31, 1964 to Brazil. How it all began? More or about a decade ago, Brazil, the largest country of South America was revered as a “role model” for the rest of the developing nations in the continent. Its economy was moving upward and a huge trade volume of raw materials and commodities with China helped the country come out of the long economic slowdown. In fact, Brazil had a longdrawn agenda which propelled its economic growth with hightech industries, extensive training and development of its engineering professionals, etc. These measures led the nation to become a true leader of the developing world. The most remarkable feature of this period was an innovative welfare programme known as “Bolsa Familia” (Family Allowance) with its sole emphasis on nutrition and education that spearheaded the fastest improvement in the social and economic sectors. Astonishingly, “Bolsa Familia” fought a crusade through decades old stagnant Brazilian economy to wit- ness the light of the day; it lifted nearly 40 million people out of poverty. Consequently, this success translated into a second-term electoral victory for Lula. This further helped in bringing his protégé Dilma Rousseff to power to continue the reign of Worker’s Party. Despite having the gains of the last decade, millions of protesters across 300 cities in Brazil have upped the ante against Lula and Rousseff, demanding her immediate resignation and a jail term for her mentor. Majority of the protesters are middle class whites, who have long enmity towards the PT and for its populist Leftwing economic policies. Also a very disturbing sign of the protest is that a section of demonstrators are raising slogans for return of the military rule in Brazil. But thankfully, today’s military in Brazil is contented with their regular job, displaying no ambition to play an active role in politics. Despite Brazil’s rich and the poor living cheek-by-jowl for decades, the gap between them has become wider enough to pose a serious blow to the survival of the country’s political system in case the antiGovernment protests prolong. This and many other protest movements in the recent past have brought to light the deep fissures already developed between the rich and the poor, the black and the white. On the other hand, the proGovernment protesters comprise people belonging to mixed-race and working class who have mainly benefitted from social welfare schemes launched by the PT in the past. To them, the anti-Government rallies calling for the impeachment of the President is equivalent to an attempted coup against a popularly elected Government of the country. Both the demonstrating factions display their sharp differences in the colours they are wearing as well — those carrying green & yellow Brazil’s flag and banners calling for President’s ouster; and those wearing red supporting the Government and its allies. Could she be really impeached? Taking into account the strength of the Opposition in Brazil and their dubious record of corruption in public life, possibly Rousseff is all set to retain her presidency at least for the time being. It seems there are only three possible exits for Rousseff from the Plantalto, the presidential palace. First of all, it would be the sole responsibility of the Justice Moro-led investigation team to prove that the President herself has obstructed or blocked the Petrobras investigation by all possible means. Although a Senator belonging to her party claims that she has obstructed the investigation process, allegations are yet to be proved in the court of law. Apart from this, her deliberate attempt to safeguard Lula from the prosecution trial may surely embolden grounds for impeachment. Second, the country’s top electoral court (TSE) may call for a fresh Presidential poll provided it could come to the conclusion that Rousseff ’s 2014 reelection campaign was funded by bribes received from the Petrobras scandal. It is a cumbersome process which might take considerably a longer time. The TSE has traditionally turned a blind eye to campaign finance violations in the past, and over a period of three decades, it has taken action against only a few politicians of lower order. Even if it takes a decision to remove Rousseff, the decision of the TSE could be appealed in the Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF) which may not agree with the TSE. Third, Rousseff may honorably step down on her own before she is forced to step down through the established constitutional mechanism of the country. It seems quite unlikely at the moment. Apart from the third option, the rest of the two possibilities for removing Rousseff might either be difficult or ineffective as the time passes by. Though the differences between the Right and the Left are all out on the street, the move to “Fora Dilma” or ‘“Dilma out” may not be successful as the Opposition is widely polarised and too tainted to vigorously pursue the issue. In the event of her departure, Vice-President Michel Temer, the leader of the Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB), would take over as the President as per the constitutional provisions. Unfortunately, there are allegations pending against every single politician in the presidential succession: Vice-President Temer, Chamber President Eduardo Cunha, Senate President Renan Calheiros, STF President Ricardo Lewandowski, as well as Senator Aecio Neves, Rousseff ’s rival in 2014 presidential election. All of them are directly or indirectly implicated in the Petrobras scandal. Interestingly, out of a total of 594 members of the Brazilian Congress, 352 are currently facing criminal cases. Therefore, Rousseff ’s impeachment might open an opportunity for the voters to choose a new President (most probably a tainted politician), but the same old corrupt and criminal politicians would continue to rule the country’s Congress till their term ends in 2019. Thus, she could fairly claim legitimacy to continue in office as none of the allegations made against her justified the impeachment immediately. Indeed impeachment is more of a political game played carefully than a purely legal one. The ruling PT has already created a strong popular narrative about coup mongering (golpismo) of the Opposition parties against the Rousseff Government, particularly targeting PSDB and the DEM that had their historical ties with the past authoritarian regimes of Brazil. The probe against the ruling coalition and Lula is termed as a “politicised probe” by many independent observers. Also there is strong evidence to suggest that politicians have tried to influence the ongoing investigation process. In fact, the head of the Impeachment Committee has suggested that the mood of the street protesters should be carefully assessed by the Congressmen concerned while deliberating on the charges against the President. This simply suggests that it is a ploy to oust an unpopular elected leader by the Opposition. Rousseff built one more ring of protection by inducting Lula as her Chief of Staff on March 16; Lula would surely help the President survive. Lula being the Chief of the Staff (equivalent to a Minister rank) is enjoying partial immunity from immediate prosecution, and he could only be tried by the Supreme Court. Finally, the Lava Jato suspects are given extra and crucial mileage by the judiciary while flouting the legal norms in the process of investigation. Justice Moro has released the recorded conversations between Lula and his associates, including President Rousseff. This clearly violates an established judicial norm that only the Supreme Court may disclose such conversations in case one of the parties (currently the President) has legal immunity. This all would make Rousseff ’s stay longer unless an extraordinary mass mobilisation takes place to oust her. The only fear is that if this investigation is watered down or somehow managed politically to cover up the “entire episode” through smart manoeuvres (it seems so till now), the same old political and the business elite would continue ruling the sixth largest economy of the world, help entrenching corruption and misrule — the emerging rule of law in Brazil. But very cautiously Rousseff once acknowledged in early 2014 that “this (scandal) may change the country for ever”. So let’s wait and watch what “Fora Dilma” awaits Brazil! (The writer is an independent political analyst based in Delhi) ?aTbXST]c3X[\P A^dbbTUU³b_^[XcXRP[ca^dQ[T QTVP]X]TPa[h! $fWT] P[[TVPcX^]bbdaUPRTScWPc bWTWPbX]Sd[VTSX] _^[XcXRP[VaPUcP]SQaXQTah fWX[TRWPXaX]VcWT ?Tca^QaPb1^PaS^U 3XaTRc^ab8cXbP[b^ P[[TVTScWPcA^dbbTUUWPS dbTSUd]SbUa^\ ?Tca^QaPbc^bd__^acWTa bTR^]ScTa\_aTbXST]cXP[ T[TRcX^]RP\_PXV]X] ! #7^fTeTacPZX]V X]c^PRR^d]ccWTbcaT]VcW ^UcWT>__^bXcX^]X]1aPiX[ P]ScWTXaSdQX^dbaTR^aS ^UR^aad_cX^]X]_dQ[XR[XUT A^dbbTUUXbP[[bTcc^ aTcPX]WTa_aTbXST]RhPc [TPbcU^acWTcX\TQTX]V <0:70=BB08:80 ]PcX^]' A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % %20%$<+&+2/'6,7¶6:20(1¶6)81'$0(17$/5,*+7 94W`ch`^V_¶dV_ecjZ_e`eV^a]Vd 72QT]RWSXaTRcb6^ecc^T]U^aRT <PWP7X]SdcT\_[TT]cah[PfbcaXRc[h F^\T]PRcXeXbcbc^eXbXcBWP]X cT\_[TX]0W\TS]PVPaSXbcaXRcc^SPh C=A067D=0C70 Q <D<108 H olding that it was fundamental right of women to enter temples and it was the State’s duty to protect it, the Bombay High Court on Friday directed the Maharashtra Government to take “all necessary steps” to implement strictly the Maharashtra Hindu Place of Worship (Entry Authorisation) Act 1956 which prescribes six months’ imprisonment to those prohibiting anyone from entering the place of worship. Invoking Articles 14, 15 and 25 of the Constitution, A Division Bench of Chief Justice DH Waghela and Justice MS Sonak asked the BJP-led saffron alliance Government to take “pro-active” steps to implement women’s rights “are fully realised and not allowed to be encroached upon by any authority". On a day when the State Government assured the High Court that it would implement scrupulously Maharashtra Hindu Place of Worship (Entry Authorisation) Act 1956, Chief Justice Waghela noted: “The Maharashtra Government shall take all necessary steps to implement the Act. Ultimately it is the fundamental right of a woman and our (Government) fundamental duty to protect this right”. In a landmark direction that will help eliminate gender bias at places of worship in the State, the HC bench said: "The acting Advocate General has assured the court that the government is against gender discrimination. Keeping in view Article 14, 15 and 25 of the Constitution of India, the Government can take proactive steps to ensure that the fundamental rights of a citizen are fully realised and not allowed to be encroached upon by any authority". Hearing a Public Interest Litigation filed by senior advocate Nilima Vartak and activist Vidya Bal challenging prohibiting the entry of women in the Shani Shingnapur temple, the HC bench directed the secretary of Maharashtra's Home Department to ensure that the policy and purpose of the Act “is fully carried out, and directions are issued to all district collectors and Superintendents of Police”. Earlier, Acting Advocate General Rohit Deo gave an undertaking to the high court saying that it would take “all necessary steps” to comply with the provisions of the Act which prescribes a punishment of six months’ imprisonment for those preventing anyone from entering a temple. "The provisions of the Act shall be scrupulously implemented. The Government is completely against gender discrimination. A circular or directive shall be issued to all district authorities informing them about the Act and its provisions," the acting AG told the high court. The HC bench, which had on Wednesday made a telling observation that “no law prevents women from entering a place of worship and if men are allowed, then women too should be permitted”, averred that while the Maharashtra Government’s statement was “good enough”, it was necessary for the state administration “to strengthen the hands of the authority who is on the field”. “Making a statement that the Act and its provisions will be implemented and enforced and that you (Government) are against gender discrimination is good enough. But you have to strengthen the hands of the authority who is on field and has to take action as per the Act,” the HC bench said. While disposing of the PIL, the HC bench made it a pointed that the direction it had passed to the State Government was general in nature and not specific to any particular temple, the Judges noted: "This court can only pass a general direction. We cannot go into individual or specific cases. If any person has grievance that the Act is not being implemented, then he or she can approach local authority with their complaint". During the course of his submission before the high court, Acting AG Deo clarified that the provisions of the Act would not be of any help if a temple in the State did not allow any person, irrespective of their gender, inside the sanctum sanctorum. “However, if a temple allows men in the sanctum sanctorum but prohibits women, then this Act and its provisions can be used,” he said. Describing the high court’s direction to the state government to ensure the entry of women into the temples as the “victory of women power”, Bhumata Rangranai Brigade (BRB) convenor Trupti Desai – who and her fellow activists had been campaigning for the past three months against the gender bias at temples in the state, announced in the afternoon that she and colleagues would go to the Shani Shingnapur temple on Saturday. “We welcome today’s ruling of the Bombay High Court. This is a victory of women power and the campaign we had launched. In view of today’s ruling, my other fellow women activists and I will go to the Shani Shingnapur temple and offer prayers and offer prayers to the presiding deity at the platform,” Desai said. Replying to a question, Desai said that she had not spoken to either the temple management or the Shingapur villagers who had in the past opposed the entry of women inside the Shani temple. “I have not spoken to the temple management or the villagers. Unlike in the past, this time around, the state Government is on our side. We will tell the police this evening that we intend to go the Shani temple and ask them to facilitate our smooth entry up to the platform near the presiding deity,” she said. It may be recalled that on January 26, 500-odd activists were detained by the Ahmednagar police at Supe toll naka, while they were on their way to storm the Shani Shingnapur temple and force entry inside the temple’s sanctum sanctorum. Subsequently on March 7, more than 100 women activists owing affiliation to the BRB, led by Trupti Desai, were detained when they were on their way from Pune to Nashik to storm the Trimbakeswar temple seeking an entry into its sanctum sanctorum. The failed attempt by the BRB women activists to storm the Shani Shingnapur temple on the occasion of Republic Day had come in the wake of a sensation that a woman from Pune had created by breaking a five-century-old taboo, climbed up to “chauthara” (a platform) housing the idol of Lord Shani on November 28 last year. The act of her performing puja had been captured on the CCTV of the temple the following morning. Irked by the incident, the temple management sacked seven security personnel and “purified” the idol by performing an “abhisheka” with milk on the following day. Ironically enough, the protest action by BRB had come a fortnight after the temple management created history of sorts by electing unanimously Anita Chandrahas Shetye as the first-ever woman chairperson of the temple trust. After her election as the chairperson of the temple trust on January 11, Anita Shetye had announced that she would continue enforce the five-century-old tradition of barring women from climbing up to “chauthara” housing the presiding deity to offer prayers. 1,7FORVHGDIWHUFODVKHV BcdST]cbdb_T]STS RYHU,QGLD V7RXVWHU Ua^\R^[[TVTP[[TVTS[h :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A T he authorities in Kashmir closed down National Institute of Technology (NIT) after clashes broke out between sections of students over Indian cricket team’s defeat in the semifinals of the T20 World Cup in Mumbai Thursday night. The NIT, located at Nigeen in Hazratbal area of Srinagar, in the vicinity of University of Kashmir campus, has predominantly non-local students on rolls. Sources said the clashes erupted when some Kashmiri students celebrated the Indian team’s defeat. They said the non-local students came out of hostels and chanted slogans in favour of Indian team and marched carrying national flag. The authorities on Friday closed entry gates of the NIT when the non-local students began protests inside the campus. They were demanding adequate security. ?4>?;48=B4E4A0; ?0ACB>5BA8=060A 0=3<09>AC>F=B >5:0B7<8AE0;;4H 24;41A0C438=380³B >DBC4A0B H>D=6BC4AB 30=243>=BCA44CB 0=358A42A02:4AB F4A41DABC “In view of the prevailing indiscipline created by the students, the Institute is closed till further orders from today, the 1st of April, 2016. The students are, therefore, directed to vacate the hostels,” Registrar NIT, FA Mir said. He said the decision has been taken after the agitating students refused to maintain discipline despite repeated requests by the Institute authorities as well as the local administration,” he said. Many non-local students updated the goings-on inside the campus on social networking sites. This created panic among their families and relatives. However, police said the situation has been brought under control. A police official said that some miscreants tried to create law and order problem in the Institute. “The situation was brought under control and everything is normal now,” he said. The incident took place in the backdrop of Indian’s cricket team’s defeat at the hands of West Indies at Wankhade Stadium, Mumbai. People in several parts of Srinagar and major towns of Kashmir Valley celebrated India’s ouster as youngsters danced on streets and firecrackers were burst. In many areas, pro-West Indies slogans were chanted. Such scenes were also witnessed inside the Kashmir University and NIT campuses also. U^aQda]X]VCaXR^[^da 0b8]SXPSTUTPcTS X]C!bT\XUX]P[ ?=B Q 90<<D final year student of the Indira Gandhi A Government Dental College, Jammu was suspended by the college authorities following complaints by the fellow students that he allegedly thrashed students and also burnt down Indian Tricolour after India was ousted out of the T-20 World Cup semi-final match in Mumbai late Thursday night. According to college authorities, the trouble on the campus started around 11 pm on Thursday night after India was defeated in the T-20 World cup semi-final match. A final year student who is a close relative of former Congress Minister allegedly grabbed Indian Tricolour from one of the students and reportedly burnt it down minutes after the students and staff members dispersed after the match was over. The students had sought special permission to watch cricket match inside the college auditorium on big screen and the permission was granted by the college authorities after senior staff members also agreed to remain present to enjoy the cricket match. Initially college authorities resisted students pressure to suspend the nuisance maker but when local leaders also intervened and staged protest demonstrations the college Principal submitted a written compliant to the nearby police station seeking action against the student. 9TfT[[Tab_a^cTbcPVPX]bccWT_a^_^bTSWXZTX]TgRXbTSdch^]YTfT[[TahX]1XZP]Ta^]5aXSPh 0DGUDV+&FUDFNVGRZQ RQMXGJHVIRULPSURSULHW\ :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 udiciary in Tamil Nadu experienced a jolt with the Madras JHigh Court suspending a judicial magistrate from service on Thursday, hardly 48 hours after he acquitted two granite companies of all charges of illegal mining and ordering “criminal prosecution” against an honest and young IAS officer for initiating legal actions against the companies. On Thursday, the Madras High Court had sacked from service an additional district judge for granting bail in an "unusual manner" to a doctor arrested for his involvement in kidney racket in the State. KV Mahendra Boopathy, judicial magistrate, Melur in Madurai district had acquitted PRP granites and another company of all charges of illegal granite mining levelled against them by Anshul Mishra, former district collector. Mishra’s complaint was in continuation of the report submitted to the Government by his predecessor U Sahayam who found that the State Government suffered losses to the tune of C16, 338 crore due to illegal mining. Mishra too was transferred to an innocuous post within days of filing the complaint. On Tuesday, Bopathy acquitted PRP Granites owned by mining don P R Palanisamy of all charges and ordered criminal prosecution against Anshul Mishra "for making false statements on oath". Meanwhile, P N Prakash, a judge of the Madras High Court, 'smelled a rat' in the way Boopathy was handling the granite mining case and called for either contempt proceedings or disciplinary action against the latter. Thursday saw two senior district judges, A M Basheer Ahmed and P Saravanan mak- !&"_V"$#2YXQb=<1cSb_bU`QdYc BWPa_X]RaTPbT X]PbbTcb^U \P]h[TVXb[Pc^ab X]UXeThTPab >]CWdabSPhcWT<PSaPb72WPSbPRZTS Ua^\bTaeXRTP]PSSXcX^]P[SXbcaXRcYdSVT U^aVaP]cX]VQPX[X]P]°d]dbdP[\P]]Ta± c^PS^Rc^aPaaTbcTSU^aWXbX]e^[eT\T]c X]ZXS]ThaPRZTcX]cWTBcPcT ing a surprise visit to Boopathy's court. They also held discussions with all senior Government officials in the district. By Friday noon, Sanjay Kishan Kaul, the Chief Justice of Madras High Court (CJ), after carefully studying the report submitted by the senior judges ordered the suspension Boopathy. The CJ has appointed another judge in place of Boopathy. R Anburaj, additional district judge, Dharmapuri, was on Thursday sacked from service by a full Bench led by Justice Kaul of the Madras High Court on charges of impropriety and irregularities in granting bail to a doctor arrested for his involvement in kidney trade. Dr V M Ganehsan, a nephrologist based in Salem had been arrested by the Dharmapuri Police in June 2013 on charges of cheating, forgery and criminal intimidation. Ganeshan's lawyer had filed a bail application in the Dharmapuri district court on June 21, 2013. S Vanangamudy, principal district judge, posted the case for hearing for June 25, 2013 and proceeded on leave for two days. Anburaj, the additional T O ?^^]P\3TeXHPSPe 0YTTcBWPa\P 0]P]c:d\PaBX]VW criminal cases if any against them. This has helped the voters a lot to know about their candidates. Anant Kumar Singh, the Independent MLA from Mokama is not only rich in muscle and fire power but also has assets of over C28 crore. Singh, who was earlier JD (U) MLA was denied ticket this time by the party for his role in the brutal murder of a youth before the polls, but contested Independent and won from behind the bars. He is still in jail and took oath of the membership of the Assembly only on Thursday. Of the 71 JD(U) MLAs, 53 and of 80 MLAs of RJD 51 are crorepatis. Altogether 29 MLAs of BJP and 18 of Congress also figure in the list of 162 legislators whose assets are worth over C1crore. However, the case of the richest MLA Poonam Devi Yadav is quite mysterious. In 2010 Assembly election, which she had won, she had declared total assets worth C1,87,71,624. Now with over C41 crore, she registered a sharp increase of 2103% in her assets. Similarly Purnima Yadav, Congress MLA from Gobindpur, has assets worth C16.15 crore. In 2010, when she was JD(U) MLA she had assets worth only C2.78 crore. There are many other MLAs falling in this category who amassed huge wealth in just five years. They include Vijay Kumar Sinha (BJP) from C4 to C15 crore, Lalit Kumar Yadav of RJD from C2.83 to C12.90 crore, Avaneesh Kumar Singh of BJP from C1.25 to C8.18 crore, Veena Devi of the same party from C4 to C10.72 crore and Shivjee Rai of JD(U) from C74 lakh to C7.36 crore. Faiyaz Ahmad of RJD however had assets worth C15.83 crore in 2010 but now showed assets of C10.43 crore, a decrease of over C5 crore. district judge, who was holding the charge of the principal district judge took up the matter for hearing on June 24, 2013 itself and granted bail to the accused. Following allegations of irregularities in the granting of the bail, the Madras High C ourt's Registrar (Vigilance) held a probe which revealed that Anburaj granted the bail by stating that the Public Prosecutor had dropped the contention. But the PP had denied this in his statement. The Principal District Judge who returned from leave ruled that the bail was not legally sustainable and hence dismissed the bail plea. The two incidents in quick succession come about within weeks of C S Karnan, a judge in the Madras High Court, staying the Chief Justice of India's (CJI) order transferring him to the Calcutta High Court. The Apex court had then issued an order restraining Karnan from doing any judicial work. The issue was sorted out following Karnan calling on the Chief Justice of India and tendering apologies for his "erroneous action" and explaining it as a fall-out of mental frustration. 4?8A?8V]VTecZTZeje` T`de]VddZ_8f[RcRe_`h ?=BQ 60=378=060A 508I0=07<03 Q ?0C=0 ut of 243 Bihar MLAs, 162 are crorepati. Poonam Devi Yadav of JD(U) from Khagaria tops the list of the crorepati legislators. She has total declared assets of C41,34,45,969 of which C2,15,70,969 are movable assets. Closely following her comes Ajeet Sharma of the Congress. The MLA from Bhagalpur has total assets worth C40,57,35,981. These facts have been compiled by Bihar Election Watch (BEW) and Association for Democratic Rights (ADR), released on Friday by Patna High Court judge Samrendra Pratap Singh who was happy to note that after the Election Commission's (EC) directive that all the contesting people are supposed to file their details including assets, educational qualification and ?C8 he people of Gujarat would now heave a sigh of relief as they will avail CNG, PNG and even electricity at reduced rate from the new fiscal. While the Gujarat Government on Friday announced a price cut in compressed natural gas (CNG) and piped natural gas (PNG) by Gujarat Gas Company Ltd (GGCL), the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission in its order has enforced a price cut in electricity cost for consumers in the State. According to Minister Saurabh Patel, the State-owned GGCL has reduced PNG prices by C2.77/standard cubic meter and CNG prices by 90 paisa/kg, with price cuts effective from midnight. “As many as 12 lakh piped gas connections and over eight lakh vehicles in the State would benefit from the decision,” the Minister said. The CNG and piped cooking gas prices across the country were poised to fall after natural gas rates were on Thursday cut by a steep 20 per cent. The prices of natural gas produced ³?=6_aXRTb aTSdRTSQh C!&&bcP]SPaS RdQXR\TcTaP]S 2=6Qh(_PXbPZV f^d[SQTTUUTRcXeT Ua^\\XS]XVWc´ from existing fields of Stateowned ONGC and Reliance Industries Limited had been cut to USD 3.06 per million British thermal units effective Friday. The global natural gas prices too have been under pressure due to steep fall in crude oil prices, to which the gas prices are generally linked. There was also good news on the electricity front, as GERC in its order has cut down the prices of power from 10 paise per unit to 28 paise per unit for various consumers across the State, both purchasing power from State-owned unit or private sector. Despite being one of the major hydrocarbon hub, with more than two-thirds of country's hydrocarbons being produced or passing through the State, people in Gujarat generally pay one of the highest costs for their energy needs. ]PcX^]( A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % ;<8`ge+3;AA5ARccZgV 1DUDGDVWLQJV70&DJDLQDV BdQbXShU^a\TSXRP[R^[[TVTb Re_VRce`eR]T`_dV_dfd 0LQLVWHUVDVVXUH'LGLµVHWWLQJ¶ W^b_XcP[bX]6dYPaPcb^^]c^ QdhTg_T]bXeTT`dX_\T]cb ?=B Q :>;:0C0 ²5X]P[SPcT^U bfTPaX]VX] RTaT\^]hhTcc^ QTUX]P[XbTS³ <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D C learing the air over the issue of Government formation in Jammu & Kashmir, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday said a near-total consensus has emerged between the alliance partners PDP and BJP to form the Government in the State. However, the final date of swearing-in ceremony was yet to be finalised. “We are ready to form the Government from our side whenever the PDP leadership decides to move ahead we are ready to join them,” Ram Madhav told reporters here in Jammu after chairing a meeting of the party core group at the residence of Dr Nirmal Singh. Clarifying on the delay caused in arriving at a decision Madhav told reporters, “we have extended support to the ?d[[d_h^da b^RZb)0ZWX[TbW c^R^_bSdaX]V ?^[XRTFTTZ ?=BQ ;D2:=>F A sking the cops to pull up their socks Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Friday asserted that providing better law and order and effective check on crime are the top priorities of his Government and that he would make no comprises on that front. “Providing better law and order and effective check on crime are the top priorities of my Government. Policemen have to see that there is no injustice with common people and they should work continuously for redressing their problems,” Yadav said. “This will also increase people’s faith in them,” he said while addressing a meeting of senior police officials here at Tilak Hall on the occasion of ‘Police Week’ on Friday noon. “As Uttar Pradesh is the biggest state population wise, the challenges before it are also different. In the changing scenario, challenges before the police have increased and the government is aware that police has to work under difficult situations,” Yadav said. The chief minister said that exchange of views during such functions as Police Week have positive results and everybody comes to know about the good works being done by their counterparts in other areas. 5Rcf]F]``^ ZddfVdWRehR RXRZ_deTYR_eZ_X µ3YRcRe>ReR¶ ?C8Q B070A0=?DA he largest Islamic seminary in India, the Darul Uloom of T Deoband, has in a fatwa asked Muslims not to chant ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’, saying it is “not in consonance with Islam”. “We received thousands of queries on the issue so Darul Uloom Deoband has issued a fatwa saying ‘Bharat mata ki Jai’ is not in consonance with Islam and we will not say it. But we love our country immensely and we can raise slogans like ‘Hindustan Zindabad’ and ‘Madre Vatan (motherland)’,” the seminary said in a statement. “It is not allowed in Islam to represent the country as a Goddess’ idol and raise slogans hailing her,” Ashram Usmani, a spokesperson of the seminary, explained. The fatwa, or religious edict, questions: “Only a human can give birth to a human, so how can the country be called mother?” Hyderabad parliamentarian Asaduddin Owaisi provoked a controversy recently when he declared at a public meeting that he would not chant the slogan “even if you put a knife to my throat”. arada tended to sting the Trinamool Congress again N with more footages showing its ²FTPaTaTPShc^ U^a\cWT6^eTa]\T]c Ua^\^dabXST fWT]TeTacWT?3? [TPSTabWX_STRXSTbc^ \^eTPWTPSfTPaT aTPShc^Y^X]cWT\³ PDP leadership ‘in principle’ to form the Government in the State and we have conveyed to the Governor NN Vohra that since the first meeting took place at a shorter notice we needed to carry out more discussions to work out the basic modalities of formation of the Government”. He said after holding series of meetings yesterday Dr Nirmal Singh and PDP Chief Mehbooba Mufti held detailed discussions and every thing became clear. He said now both the parties are ready to go together and form the Government as soon as possible. Commenting on the issue of differences over distribution of portfolio allocation Ram Madhav said every thing will be clear and known to you once the process of Government formation will be over. When quizzed over the final date of swearing-in he said what is the final date and time that PDP will tell you. He said though we are also kept in the loop but PDP leadership is also in touch with the Governor and the final date of swearing-in will be decided by them. He said our agenda is to deliver clean Government, good governance and development oriented Government and it is the common objective of both the parties for which we came together. E@7efRQdcV_b ]_TUb^YcQdY_^ _VCdQdU`_\YSU ?=BQ ;D2:=>F overnor Ram Naik stressed need of improving the law G and order situation along with modernisation of the State police force. He asserted that the government should take care of welfare of the men in uniform so that they served the nation with full honesty and devotion. He also reminded that how during his tenure as union petroleum minister, he gave petrol pumps and gas agencies free of cost to family members of Kargil Martyrs. Addressing the senior police officers soon after taking salute of the ceremonial parade here at Reserve Police Lines on Friday morning, Naik said that the prime duty of men in uniform is to maintain harmony and peace, to facilitate terror free atmosphere to every citizen, and to initiate stern action against anti-social and criminal elements. ``You all must make people particularly the women to realise that they were safe and even in case any one visits police station is search of justice, the cops must understand the problem and do their best to get it resolved”, asserted Naik while praising the role of the cops in maintain peace and communal harmony. He called on the police to take fresh pledge for working for the welfare of common man as Ceremonial Parade is the most auspicious occasion for such commitments towards the society. Giving suggestions to the UP police to have some inspiring slogan which would motivate the cops to work for welfare of the society, Naik said that in his home state in Maharastra, the police had a slogan ``Sadarchadaya Khalinigrahadya’ which meant that one should work for safety of good people and punish the criminals. He said that such slogan should be also drafted for UP police as it would not just inspire the cops, but would also send a good message of the UP police amongst the masses. Laying stress on modernisation of UP police, Naik said that the cops must be armed with latest sophisticated weapons, vehicles and other gadgets so that they could easily take on any eventuality and would also accept challenge thrown before them with the latest changes in crime trend. He also stressed need of facilitating training to every cop so they must not just remained fit but would also keep themselves aware of how to resolve any problem. top Minister Firhad Hakim and senior yet jailed leader Madan Mitra offering “tender” favours to some fictitious businessman. The latest footage released by the State BJP on Friday showed Hakim offering the make-believe businessman on the other side of the sting camera that he would help him get tenders after the elections. “Why don’t you join the construction business? A lot of KMDA (Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority) projects will be announced after the elections … leave your email and I will send you the tenders,” Hakim who was recently seen in C5 lakh-deal =7A2bTTZb aT_^acUa^\D? ^]1d]ST[ZWP]S Sa^dVWc ?=B Q ;D2:=>F T he National Human Rights C ommission, NHRC has taken suo motu cognizance of media reports about the deplorable condition of the residents of the drought hit districts of the Bundelkhand region in Uttar Pradesh as well as neighbouring Madhya Pradesh where, due to the scarcity of food, the people are living in distress and starving to death. According to official communique released on Friday, the Commission said to have observed that the media reports, carried on March 28 2016, exposing the plight of the poor inhabitants of the Bundelkhand region, if true, raises serious issues of violation of human rights to life, equality and dignity of the people. Accordingly, it has issued notices to the Chief Secretaries of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh calling for detailed reports within four weeks. The media reports said that people are forced to eat chappatis either with salt or potatoes in the Bundelkhand region which spreads across the States of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The crops of gram and pulses have failed due to no rain. Most of the population belongs to the Scheduled Tribes and they do not have their own land. There are no irrigation facilities and the crops depend only on rain. Even the schools are not functional and the students are being deprived of the mid-day meal. There is no work for the villagers under MNREGA. Earlier in the month of December, 2015 also, the media had reported that the people in the drought hit Bundelkhand region are forced to eat chapattis made of grass. =0H0=30E4Q 60=378=060A ujarat Government is all set to announce new medG ical policy to provide subsidy in another Narada footage, said. Your newspaper does not however own up the responsibility of the sting footage Incidentally the KMDA an arm of the Urban Development Ministry has been supervising the construction work of Vivekananda Flyover that caved in on Thursday killing 25 people and injuring about 90. The other Trinamool leader and former Minister Madan Mitra now in jail in connection with the Saradha scam is shown in the footage as assuring the businessman of “setting” things with the Chief Minister and get him projects. “A bridge will not fall then what else will fall in a State where the Government is steeped in so much of corruption!” wondered senior party leader Rahul Sinha revealing the footage. 6dYPaPc72SXb\XbbTb WPQTPbR^a_dbUX[TS PUcTa7PaSXZ´bPQSdRcX^] ?=BQ 60=378=060A he Gujarat High Court dismissed the habeas corpus T filed before it after the midnight of September 22 last year following the mysterious disappearance of the 22-year-old Patel reservation stir leader Hardik Patel. Patel is also convener of Patidar Anamat Aandolan Samiti (PAAS). At present, he is in Surat jail for various cases related to pro-quota agitation including a case of sedition. Habeas corpus petition was filed against Hardik following a public meeting in Tenpur village in North Gujarat district Aravalli. There the young proquota leader addressed a gathering without taking permission from concerned authority. While dismissing the petition on Friday the court imposed a fine of C5000 on the two petitioners — Dinesh Patel and Ketan Patel who are also close aides of the PAAS con- vener. As far as the then advocate of Hardik Patel, BM Mangukia is concerned; the court said that if such conduct continues in future, his case may be referred to the Bar Council. “The court dismissed the petition on Friday. It has no substance as it was not well founded. The court in its order has mentioned five issues and has not refrained police from initiating any action under charges of perjury in the matter,” said PAAS convener’s Counsel Zubin Lokhandwala. According to Lokhandwala earlier Hardik had said that he was kidnapped by people who were in police uniform after he left the venue of meeting at Tenpur. “Those who kidnapped Hardik, took him to Surendranagar and later on dropped him from vehicle on the road. They also threatened him to kill in case he would not stop agitating for reservation to Patels under OBC category,” he added. 9RcUZ\¶dSRZ]a]VR+94ZddfVd _`eZTVe`8`geYVRcZ_X`_2ac( Ahmedabad: The Gujarat High Court on Friday issued notice to the State Government on the bail plea of Patel quota agitation leader Hardik Patel in connection with the sedition case filed against him in Surat. Hardik has challenged an order of the Surat sessions court refusing him bail two weeks back. Surat police’s crime branch had opposed the bail claiming that Hardik may tamper with evidence and influence the witnesses if released. Admitting the petition Friday, Justice A J Desai issued notice to Gujarat Government, posting the matter to April 7. Hardik has been lodged at Lajpore jail in Surat since September last. He is facing another sedition case in Ahmedabad. Chargesheets have been filed in both the cases. The 22-year-old Patel leader, on October 3 last, allegedly advised a Suratbased activist from his community to kill the policemen rather than ending his life. “If you have so much courage...Then go and kill a couple of policemen. Patels never commit suicide,” Hardik allegedly told Vipul Desai, who had announced he would commit suicide in support of the quota agitation. PTI for new medical colleges, hospitals and nursing homes to purchase expensive medical equipments. “Just as the industry, business and farmers get subsidy, under the new policy, new medical colleges, hospitals, taluk-district level nursing homes, young doctors will be entitled to subsidy for purchase of latest medical equipment that costs as high as C510 crore,” State Health Minister Nitin Patel on Friday said. He said Gujarat had less than 1,000 medical seats and this forced bright students from this State to shell out lakhs of rupees in donation to get admissions in various medical colleges across Maharashtra and Karnataka. “Our daughters and sons had to go outside the State to get medical education. We studied the situation and decided to increase the number of intakes in engineering and medical colleges. Last year we opened 150-seat med- ²=Tf\TSXRP[R^[[TVTb W^b_XcP[bcP[dZSXbcaXRc [TeT[]dabX]VW^\Tb h^d]VS^Rc^abfX[[QT T]cXc[TSc^bdQbXShU^a _daRWPbT^U[PcTbc \TSXRP[T`dX_\T]c cWPcR^bcbPbWXVWPb C$ Ra^aT³ ical education facility in Himmat nagar and another 150-bed facility in Junagadh. Today there are over 3100 seats in medicine. Now another 150-seat medical education facility is coming up in Nadiad and I assure the State Government will extend full cooperation in this project,” he said. He said the State Government-operated medical facilities across Gujarat serve more than 1.25 crore patients every year. \^]Th A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % FTS^QT[XTeTcWPc&$_TaRT]c aPcTRP]QTX\_a^eTSd_^] 0]S6^eTa]\T]cXb R^]RT]caPcX]V^]bTeTaP[PaTPb b_TRXP[[hadaP[8]SXP?T^_[TX] 8]SXPPaTQT]TUXcX]VUa^\cWT fW^[T_a^RTbb^U[XQTaP[XbPcX^] 58=0=24<8=8BC4A 0AD=908C;4H 2EJJ 6B?= 7?FD 3 3?B@ CX\T[h\TPbdaTbQhcWT 6^eTa]\T]cP]SPV^^S\^]b^^] fX[[QTTbbT]cXP[X]bdbcPX]X]VcWXb _^bXcXeTcaT]SCWTY^da]ThUa^\ WTaT_a^\XbTbc^QTTeT]\^aT TgRXcX]VPbfTVTPad_c^[Pd]RW ^daX]W^dbTSTeT[^_TS_a^SdRcb 74A><>C>2>A?2708A<0= <0=068=6 38A42C>A0=324>?0F0= <D=90; 3cZeZdY8`gee`YV]adVTfcVR 0DOO\D¶VVRQ6LGKDUWKD VWHSVGRZQDV8%+/GLUHFWRU SfjVcW`cEReRDeVV]¶dF<SZk =4F 34;78) Amid growing ?C8Q ;>=3>= mid fears that 15,000 jobs A may be lost, the UK on Friday said it will appoint independent advisors once the sale of Tata Steel’s UK business commences and, alongwith the Welsh Government, help in securing a buyer for the country’s largest steelmaker. Government also assured the workers that “all possible” ministerial, official and diplomatic influence will be exerted to secure the steel industry’s long term future. “Business Secretary Sajid Javid will today visit Port Talbot, where Tata Steel UK’s largest plant is based, to meet workers and the management,” UK Government said in a statement. Tata Steel, one of the flagship firm of the over $100 billion Indian conglomerate Tata Group, earlier this week disclosed plans to sell its entire UK business. The move has threatened over 15,000 jobs amid a deepening crisis in the UK’s oncestoried sector that the Indian conglomerate had entered nearly a decade ago with a $14-billion takeover with much fanfare. “He (Javid) will say that once formal Tata sales process is underway, independent advisors will also be appointed by the Government,” the statement said. ,QGLDWRVWD\RQKLJK JURZWKSDWKIRU\UV ?C8Q <4;1>DA=4 will continue on the current path of growth for a couIplendia of decades more, bringing benefits of liberalisation to its people and eliminating the curse of poverty, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said here on Friday. Asking Australian superannuation funds industry leaders to invest in India, he emphasised that the growth path the country is moving on, it will stay on it. “Its only then India can eliminate the curse of poverty,” Jaitley said, hoping that the growth rate would last for at least 10-20 years. “We do believe that 7.5 per cent rate can be improved upon... And government is concentrating on several areas specially rural India,” he said. “People in India are benefiting from the whole process of liberalisation,” he added. Jaitley was speaking at a round-table meeting with top leaders of superannuation fund sector. It added that as Prime Minister David Cameron has already said, the UK Government intervention helped ensure that Tata announced a sales process for Port Talbot, rather immediate closure allowing ministers to play an active part in finding a sustainable solution, including engaging with market for potential buyers. “Javid will work with Commercial Secretary to the Treasur y Jim O’Neill, Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster Oliver Letwin and Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns as well as Welsh Government in helping secure a buyer for Tata’s Steel assets following their announcement of their intention to divest their UK assets,” the statement added. During his visit to Port Talbot, Javid will also meet the members of the Welsh Government, unions and local MPs. On his visit, the Business Secretary said: “I’m going to Port Talbot to meet staff and management, who are understandably extremely anxious about their future. “I will listen to them, and I want to reassure them myself that the Government is on their side in working hard to achieve a long term solution for them, for the region and for the wider UK steel industry.” He further said: “Whilst we can’t change the status of the global steel market, we can and are playing a positive role in securing a sustainable future.” The Government said the measures imposed in January on reinforcing steel bar imports are starting to have effect as imports during the months declined 99 per cent from January 2015. Tata Steel, which operates UK’s biggest steel plant at Port Talbot in south Wales, is losing 1 million pounds ($1.4 million) a day in its UK operations. Tatas had entered the British steel sector, which once dominated the British economy, in early 2007 with acquisition of Anglo-Dutch steelmaker Corus after a fiercely fought takeover battle -- which till date remains the biggest ever overseas acquisition by an Indian group. clamour for recovering over C9,000 crore dues to banks by now-defunct Kingfisher Airlines, Vijay Mallya-led United Breweries (Holdings) Ltd on Friday said its nonexecutive, non-independent director Sidhartha V Mallya has vacated the office of director with effect from March 31. This development comes days after Mallya, who is believed to be in the UK, took to Twitter to ask people not to target his son Siddharth. “In terms of the provisions of Section 167(b) of the Companies Act, 2013, Mr Sidhartha V Mallya, a Non - E x e c ut i v e , Non Independent Director of the Company has vacated the office of Director w.E.F. March 31, 2016,” UBHL said in a BSE filing. O n We d n e s d ay, on microblogging site Twitter, Vijay Mallya said: “My son Sid @sidmallya does not 0DUXWL+\XQGDLSRVW UHFRUGDQQXDOVDOHVLQ)< ?=BQ =4F34;78 M aruti Suzuki India (MSI) and Hyundai Motor India on Friday announced their best ever annual sales in the fiscal ended March 31, while Mahindra & Mahindra and Honda Cars India (HCIL) posted marginal sales growth in 2015-16. For the 2015-16 fiscal, MSI posted sales of 14,29,248 units, a growth of 10.6 per cent. This comprises highest ever domestic sales of 13,05,351 units and 1,23,897 units of exports. “We posted record (domestic) sales in 2015-16. While the industry grew by around 7 per cent, we grew 11.5 per cent during the fiscal,” MSI Executive Director Marketing and Sales R S Kalsi told news agency PTI. Rival Hyundai Motor India Ltd saw its sales rise 15.1 per cent in 2015-16 at 4,84,324 units compared to 4,20,668 units in 2014-15. HMIL Senior VicePresident (Sales and Marketing) Rakesh Srivastava said the company achieved the best ever yearly sales due to strong performance of models like Creta, Elite i20 and Grand i10. Homegrown utility vehicles major Mahindra & Mahindra’s domestic sales during the FY16 rose by 5 per cent to 4,58,065 units compared with 4,34,568 units in 2014-15. M&M Chief Executive (auto division) Pravin Shah said the last financial year was significant for the firm considering the number of new product launches which were well received by the customers leading to a positive growth both in domestic and overseas markets. “Going forward, we hope to see good opportunity with our wide product portfolio. Further, the likely softening of interest rates in the upcoming RBI monetary policy will help the automotive industry to maintain its growth momentum in FY2017,” he added. Honda Cars India Ltd (HCIL) said in the fiscal ended March 31, 2016, its domestic sales were at 1,92,059 units as against 1,89,062 units in 2014–15, up 2 per cent. Commenting on company’s sales performance, HCIL Senior Vice President – Marketing & Sales Jnaneswar Sen said: “Year 2015-16 was an eventful and rewarding year for HCIL. We continued our growth journey in the market making this year as 4th consecutive year of annual sales growth.” On the outlook, he said: “The new fiscal year holds tremendous opportunity for our further growth as we will enhance our product line-up with the launch of new models and expand our dealer network.” He said with the upcoming launch of Honda BR-V, the company will will mark its entry into a new product segment. In March, MSI’s domestic sales increased by 14.6 per cent during the month to 1,18,895 units as against 1,03,719 units in the same month last year. Sales of mini segment cars, including, Alto and WagonR,however declined 8.7 per cent to 36,678 units in the month from 40,159 units in the year-ago month. 6A7@afed`_Y`]U _VhA7hZeYUcRhR] _`c^deZ]]2ac$! =4F 34;78) Retirement fund body EPFO on Friday deferred till April 30 implementation of new norms that restrict 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months, among others. The EPFO subscribers who are out of job for more than two months can file for full and final settlement of provident fund till month end. In view of practical difficulties faced in implementation of the notifications, the new provisions will come into effect from May 1, 2016, a circular by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) said. “Accordingly, all the claims received up to April 30, 2016 are to settled as per the provisions existing prior to the issue of the notification dated February 10, 2016,” it added. Earlier in February, the EPFO amended the EPF Scheme 1952 to tighten the various norms for withdrawal of provident fund including increasing age limit for filing such claims by retiring employees to 58 years from 54 years. ?C8 The company said sales of the compact segment comprising Swift, Estilo, Ritz, Dzire and Baleno increased 20.9 per cent to 46,786 units in March this year as against 38,710 units in the same month last year. Rival Hyundai Motor India (HMIL) sold 41,201 units last month in the domestic market as compared with 39,525 units in March 2015, up 4.2 per cent. Utility vehicle major Mahindra and Mahindra saw its domestic sales rise up 19 per cent during the last month at 48,967 units compared with 41,105 units in March 2015. Similarly, Renault India reported 160 per cent jump in its domestic sales at 12,424 units in March. It had sold 4,782 units in the corresponding month last year. “In a short span of time, we have exponentially grown our reach in terms of sales and network expansion... This month, we recorded our best ever sales figures in India,” Renault India Operations Country CEO and Managing Director Sumit Sawhney said. deserve all this abuse as he had nothing to do with my business. Slam me if you must but not a young man.” Later in that day, liquor baron Vijay Mallya and Kingfisher Airlines Ltd had submitted in a sealed cover a proposal for repayment of C4,000 crore out of the loan amount of C6,903 crore to the consortium of banks led by State Bank of India by September this year. Along with Mallya and Kingfisher, the proposal was also submitted by United Breweries (Holdings) Ltd a n d K i n g f i s h e r Fi nv e s t (India) Ltd. ?C8 9:VXVSHQGVVDOHRIVHOHFW 9HQWRPRGHOUHFDOOVXQLWV ?=BQ =4F34;78 G erman auto maker Volkswagen (VW) is halting sales of a select version of its mid-sized sedan Vento in India with immediate effect due to inconsistent Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions and is recalling 3,877 units of the car. Emissions of Vento equipped with 1.5-litre diesel engine and manual gearbox were observed to be sometimes exceeding the threshold limits during the Conformity of Production tests done by the ARAI, Volkswagen India said in a statement. “At the same time, Volkswagen India is temporarily holding back sales of the manual gearbox version of the Volkswagen Vento with 1.5-litre diesel engine with immediate effect,” it added. The company is analysing the issue and will propose technical measures to ARAI to solve this inconsistency at the earliest, it said. Once approved and confirmed by the competent authorities, Volkswagen India will implement the measures and resume the production and sales of the vehicle, it added. “The same technical measures will also be implemented in the impacted vehicles that are already with customers,” it said. Volkswagen India said the problem impacts only the manual gearbox version of Vento with 1.5-litre diesel engine and is not connected to the global NOx emissions topic. “All other diesel models and variants of Volkswagen India, including Vento 1.5 TDI with automatic transmission (DSG) and all diesel Polo cars, conform to the norms and will continue to be produced and sold in India,” it said. $YLDWLRQSROLF\OLNHO\WREH FOHDUHGE\&DELQHWWKLVPRQWK =4F 34;78) A degree of “con- sensus” among various stakeholders on issues in draft civil aviation policy including norms for international flying by domestic airlines has “emerged” and it is likely to be approved by the Cabinet this month, a top official said on Friday. “(As far as) 5/20 and other issues raised in the draft civil aviation policy (are concerned), a degree of consensus has already emerged,” Civil Aviation Secretary RN Choubey told reporters on the sidelines of the 29th anniversary of Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS). Under the ‘5/20 rule’ only those airlines having at least five years of domestic flying experience and a minimum of 20 aircraft are allowed to fly overseas. BCAS is country’s nodal aviation security agency. Choubey said that his ministry will be taking the matter to the Cabinet this month itself, adding, “the (new aviation) policy, which will also clear the position on 5/20, will be approved this month.” The draft policy was unveiled in October last year and since then Government has held extensive consultations with various stakeholders including ministries, airlines,airport operators, ground handling agencies, among others during this period. “We have already done a couple of rounds of inter ministerial consultations. We will now be in a position to take the matter to the Cabinet this month,” he said. The policy was expected to be finalised in the previous financial year as certain proposals were to be implemented from April 1, 2016. While startup carriers Vistara and Air Asia India, where Tatas is a stakeholder, are demanding that the 5/20 rule be done away with, the grouping of four private Indian carriers comprising IndiGo, SpiceJet, Jet Airways and GoAir wants the rule to continue. The proposed policy seeks to give a boost the Indian aviation sector, which has high growth potential, and strengthen regional connectivity. It has suggested tax incentives for airlines, maintenance and repair works of aircraft besides mooting 2 per cent levy on all air tickets to fund regional connectivity scheme. ?C8 f^a[S A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % @SR^RWZ_UdT`^^`_TRfdV &KLQDGHIHQGVEORFNLQJ,QGLD¶V CdaZThU^aRXQ[hbT]SX]V BhaXP]aTUdVTTbQPRZ `_?`ceY<`cVRhZeY4YZ_R 81ELGWREDQ-H0FKLHI ?C8Q 14898=6 0?Q F0B78=6C>= hina on Friday defended its decision to once again C block India’s bid at the UN to I n the face of mounting threats from North Korea, US President Barack Obama on Friday urged closer security ties among its chief allies in Asia and increased cooperation with strategic rival China to discourage Pyongyang from further advances in nuclear weapons. As world leaders gathered for a nuclear security summit, Obama first met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Park Geun-hye. Together, they warned North Korea would face even tougher sanctions and more isolation if provokes again with nuclear and missile tests. Then Obama met Chinese President Xi Jinping and both called for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. China agreed to implement in full the latest economic restrictions imposed by the UN Security Council against Pyongyang. More than 50 governments and international organisations are attending the two-day summit on preventing nuclear ter- ?aTbXST]c1PaPRZ>QP\P\TTcbfXcW2WX]TbT?aTbXST]cGX9X]_X]VSdaX]VcWT =dR[TPaBTRdaXchBd\\XcX]FPbWX]Vc^] rorism - the last in a series of global meetings Obama has championed on the issue. The risk posed by the Islamic State group tops this year’s agenda but concerns about North Korea are also commanding focus. “Of great importance to both of us is North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region. President Xi and I are both committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” Obama said at the start of his meeting with Xi. “China and the US have a responsibility to work together,” Xi said in his comments >da]dZTb]^RPdbTU^a R^]RTa]bPhb?PZXbcP] 80=BQ F0B78=6C>= akistan has sought to allay P concerns about the safety of its nuclear programme maintaining that the country had never suffered a nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing here on Thursday, Pakistan’s foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad’s nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. “Pakistan’s nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are,” he said. Chaudhar y said the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but “not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 40 years old”. The foreign secretary said it was wrong to describe Pakistan’s short-range missiles or small nukes as battlefield or tactical weapons. “Pakistan has short-range and long-range missiles, and the purpose behind both is to deter aggression,” he said, adding “we want to prevent war, to prevent the space Indians created for war” by building military installations close to the Pakistani border as part of their cold start doctrine, he added. “Calling them battlefield weapons creates a wrong perception. These are for deterrence, only and only for defence,” Chaudhary said. “There is no cause for concern.” 0? made to reporters via an interpreter. As for their “disputes and disagreements,” the Chinese leader said the two sides could “seek active solutions through dialogue and consultation.” North Korea’s fourth nuclear test in January, followed by a space a launch in February, have heralded more convergence among often-fractious powers in East Asia - at least on the need to press the government of Kim Jong Un toward disarming. DB?aTi_a^\XbTb RP]SXSTgRWP]VT fXcWGXP\XS \PaXcX\TSXb_dcTb 05?Q F0B78=6C>= U S President Barack Obama opened a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping with a promise of candid discussion over Beijing’s alleged military buildup in the South China Sea. “We will have candid exchanges about areas where we have differences, issues like human rights, cyber and maritime issues,” Obama said. US officials have expressed concern that China’s actions in the South China Sea are not consistent with Xi’s pledge at the White House last year not to pursue militarisation of the hotly contested and strategically vital waterway. “We do continue to be concerned about militarisation in the South China Sea,” said senior Obama foreign policy aide Ben Rhodes ahead of the meeting with Xi. ban Jaish-e-Mohammad chief and mastermind of the Pathankot terror attack Masood Azhar, saying that it acts on such issues based on facts and rules in an “objective and just manner”. Asked about China’s reported last minute move putting a technical hold on India’s submission which Indian officials say was armed with strong evidence of the JeM’s terror activities and its role in the Pathankot attack, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said here that China “supports UN playing a central and coordinating role in international cooperation against terrorism”. “We always deal with the listing issue (banning militant groups and their leaders) under the UN Security Council committee established under resolution 1267 based on facts and relevant rules of procedures in an objective and just manner,” he said. “The Chinese side has always been in communication with relevant parties on the listing issue,” he said hinting that China is also in touch with India on the issue. This is not the first time China has blocked India’s bid to get Pakistan-based militant groups and leaders proscribed by the UN. The UN had banned the JeM in 2001 but India’s efforts for a ban on Azhar after the 2008 Mumbai terror attack also did not fructify as China, one of the five permanent members of the UN group with veto powers, didn’t allow the ban apparently at the behest of Pakistan again. Last July, China had similarly halted India’s move in the UN to take action against Pakistan for its release of Mumbai terror attack mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, saying that its stand was “based on facts and in the spirit of objectiveness and fairness” with Beijing again claiming at the time that it was in touch with New Delhi. Stating that China is opposed to all forms of terrorism, Hong said “China has also taken active part in international counter terrorism corporation”. To another question about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s comments at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington yesterday that the world community should “drop the notion that terrorism is someone else’s problem and that ‘his’ terrorist is not ‘my’ terrorist,” Hong said “China opposes double standards on the issue of terrorism”. “We believe that all parties should enhance communication in a bid to forge counterterrorism synergy to work together with entire international community including India to jointly fight against the threat of terrorism and safeguard peace and stability of the region and beyond,” he said. c^fPai^]T)0\]Tbch 0?Q 8BC0=1D; A mnesty International says Turkey has forcibly returned hundreds of Syrian refugees to their homeland since mid-January. It said this practice exposes “fatal flaws” in an agreement between Turk and the European Union. The organisation says its research on the Turkish-Syrian border suggests that around 100 Syrians who often have not registered in Turkey are expelled from Turkey each day. Advocacy groups are concerned that the deal, which aims to stem the flow of illegal migrants and goes into effect April 4, threatens the rights of asylum seekers, and they question whether Turkey is a safe country for them. The EU-Turkey deal stipulates the return to Turkey of any Syrian refugee arriving on the Greek islands, to be offset by resettling a Turkey-based Syrian in the EU. “Far from pressuring 7QcR\Qcdb_S[cSU^dbQ\ <hP]\PaR[TPabfPhU^aBdd @QbYcQ`Qbd]U^dR\_S[ :hXPbR^]bd[cPcXeTUXVdaT &X]YdaTS 05?Q ?0A8B A massive gas explosion destroyed the top floors and roof of a residential building in central Paris on Friday, injuring 17 people, rescuers and police said. The blast near the Jardin de Luxembourg park caused jitters in the French capital, which remains on edge after the Paris attacks in November and the Brussels bombings last month. It was traced to a fire that caused a gas stove to blow up, sending a thick cloud of smoke into the sky, police said. "People were scared, they thought it was a bomb," an employee of the nearby Ferrandi culinary institute said. The force of the blast blew out some of the windows at the prestigious school, a witness said. A fireman was seriously injured in the blast and another 16 people were also hurt, including 10 firefighters. "I was at home, the windows shook in my building two streets away... We thought it was an attack," said local resident Sylvie Guillaumin, 51, adding that gas supplies had been cut in the area. The blast came more than four months after the jihadist attacks in the French capital in November that claimed 130 lives and more recently the March 22 attacks in Brussels. French authorities announced last week they had foiled an attack plot after discovering a stash of weapons and explosives in a Paris suburb. 80=BQ =0H?H8C0F M yanmar’s House of Nationalities (Upper House) on Friday approved the Bill designed to pave the way for appointing Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi as a consultative figure to the state. The bill calling for appointment of a state consultative figure was submitted to the House of Nationalities of Myanmar on Thursday, Xinhua news agency reported. The bill, moved by a member of parliament from the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) and was accepted by the house for debate, aims at flourishing democracy, building federal union, peace and development, it was explained. Aung San Suu Kyi, NLD ,QGLDQILVKHUPHQ DUUHVWHGLQ3DNLVWDQ ?C8Q :0A0278 ifty-nine Indian fishermen have been arrested in F Pakistan and their 10 boats seized for allegedly violating the country’s territorial waters. The fishermen were arrested by Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency (MSA) while they were fishing in Sir Creek, a disputed area on the maritime border of Sindh and Gujarat. The MSA detained people in Karachi and handed them over to the police for legal action. The fishermen have been taken into custody and cases have been lodged against them under section 3 and 4 of the Foreigners Act and 3 and 9 of the Fisheries Act, the Express Tribune quoted a police official as saying. Both Indian and Pakistani fishermen are often arrested for illegal fishing since the Arabian Sea border is not clearly defined and many boats lack the technology to fix their precise location. In two goodwill gestures last month, Pakistan freed 86 fishermen in two batches each. chairperson, was on Wednesday appointed as Myanmar’s new foreign minister, concurrently holding three other portfolios -- minister at the president’s office, minister of Education and minister of Electric Power and Energy. 0a\h<?bb[P\ \^eTRP[[Xc ²d]R^]bcXcdcX^]P[³ Yangon: Myanmar military MPs on Friday said a plan to bolster Aung San Suu Kyi’s power with a special advisory role was unconstitutional, as the new civilian government tussled with the army just days after taking office. The Southeast Asian nation was dominated by the military for more than half a century until Wednesday when Suu Kyi and her pro-democracy party took power. The Nobel laureate, whose party secured a landslide election win in November, has vowed to rule the country despite a constitutional block on her becoming president. In a surprise early act of parliamentary business by the new government, Suu Kyi’s party proposed a bill to grant her a special “state counsellor” position.AFP *RRJOHUROOVEDFN$SULO)RRO¶VSUDQN 80=BQ =4FH>A: nternet giant Google on Friday rolled back its April IFool’s Day prank that it played by introducing “send + drop the mic” feature in Gmail for its users that let them have the last word in a tense and unwanted conversation. Google reversed the prank after it caused several Gmail users to unwittingly insert animated photos into business emails and other important communications, Techcrunch.com reported. “Well, it looks like we pranked ourselves this year. Due to a bug, the MicDrop feature inadvertently caused more headaches than laughs. We’re truly sorry. The feature has been turned off. If you are still seeing it, please reload your Gmail page,” Google was quoted as saying. Earlier in the day, Google posted on its blog that “Gmail is making it easier to have the last word on any email with Mic Drop”. “Simply reply to any email using the new ‘Send + Mic Drop’ button. Everyone will get your message, but that’s the last you’ll ever hear about it. Yes, even if folks try to respond, you won’t see it,” Google’s official blog read when it launched the prank. The report noted that “the button placement was problematic”. Google substituted “send and archive” button -- which many people use habitually -with ‘MicDrop,’ that proved to be a disaster for many. An initial prank warning was sent out but those who did not notice the catch were in for a surprise. Turkey to improve the protection it offers Syrian refugees, the EU is in fact incentivsing the opposite,” said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s director for Europe and Central Asia. “Having witnessed the creation of Fortress Europe, we are now seeing the copycat construction of Fortress Turkey. In earlier stages of the conflict, Syrians who held passports were able to cross at regular border gates and even those who entered illegally could register with the authorities. Now only those needing urgent medical care are allowed to enter and there are an estimated 200,000 displaced Syrians within 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) of Turkey’s border. Tightened border restrictions and new visa requirements for Syrians, the organisation said, have also pushed Syrians into the arms of smugglers who charge an average of USD 1,000 per crossing. 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 DBB08;>A270A643 5>AA0?48=90?0= C^Zh^)0]DBbPX[^afPbX]SXRcTS X]9P_P]^]5aXSPhU^aP[[TVTS[h aP_X]VP9P_P]TbTf^\P]^] >ZX]PfPPRR^aSX]Vc^aT_^acbX] PRPbTcWPcR^d[SUdacWTaX]RaTPbT cT]bX^]b^eTacWT0\TaXRP] \X[XcPah_aTbT]RT^]cWTU^acXUXTS Xb[P]S ?0:B8:71>3H4;42CB 20A4C0:4A?A4B834=C ;PW^aT) ?PZXbcP]³bBXZWaT[XVX^db Q^Sh^]5aXSPhT[TRcTSP RPaTcPZTa_aTbXST]cPUcTaXcbUXabc RWXTUBPaSPaBWP\BX]VWSXTS cWXbfTTZBPaSPaCPaPBX]VWfPb T[TRcTScWTRPaTcPZTa²?PaSWP]³Pc P]T\TaVT]Rh\TTcX]V^UcWT ?PZXbcP]BXZW6daSfPaP ?PaQP]SWPZ2^\\XccTTWTaT CPaPBX]VWfW^XbX]WXb#bXb cWTh^d]VTbc\T\QTa^UcWT \T\QTa?B6?2 0;0A018H0B7DCB ;410=>=>55824B 3dQPX)CWTBPdSX^f]TS0[ 0aPQXhP ]TfbRWP]]T[WPbbWdc S^f]Xcb^UUXRTbX];TQP]^]Xc bPXSc^SPhX]P]TfbXV]^U cT]bX^]bQTcfTT]cWTZX]VS^\ P]ScWT8aP]QPRZTS7TiQ^[[PW \^eT\T]cCWTZX]VS^\WP[cTSP dbS"QX[[X^]_a^VaP\\T^U \X[XcPahPXSc^;TQP]^]c^_a^cTbc fWPcXcbPXSfPb°cWTbcaP]V[T W^[S^U7TiQ^[[PW^]cWTbcPcT± 4G64A<0=5>A486= <8=8BC4A64=B274A384B 1Ta[X]) 6Ta\P]h³b2^[SFPaTaP eTcTaP]5^aTXV]<X]XbcTa7P]b 3XTcaXRW6T]bRWTafW^fPbcWT R^d]cah³bc^_SX_[^\PcfWT]cWT 1Ta[X]FP[[UT[[WPbSXTSPcPVT '(WXb^UUXRTbPXSc^SPh±7P]b 3XTcaXRW6T]bRWTaSXTS[Pbc]XVWc PccWTPVT^U'(±bPXSP bcPcT\T]cQhWXb_aXePcT^UUXRT 278:D=6D=H0E0228=4 BCA0C46H34E4;>?43 FPbWX]Vc^]) BRXT]cXbcb X]R[dSX]V^]T^U8]SXP]^aXVX] WPeTU^d]SP]^eT[ePRRX]T bcaPcTVhcWPcRP]_a^eXSTQ^cW bW^accTa\P]S[^]VcTa\ _a^cTRcX^]PVPX]bccWT 2WXZd]Vd]hPeXadbfWT] R^\QX]TSfXcWPcaPSXcX^]P[3=0 QPbTSePRRX]T !#<86A0=CBA4B2D43 >552H?ADB2>0BC =XR^bXP)2h_adbaTbRdTS!# \XVaP]cbUa^\PUXbWX]VQ^Pc X]cTaRT_cTS^UUcWT<TSXcTaaP]TP] Xb[P]S³bfTbcR^Pbc]TPa?P_W^b ^]5aXSPh^UUXRXP[bbPXS b_^ac ! A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0?A8; !! % H:==C62= >25C:5DE2?5FA0 1PaRT[^]P[^^Zc^_PhcaXQdcTc^[PcT9^WP]2adhUUfWT]cWTh\TTcaXeP[bX]4[2[PbXR^ 0?Q <03A83 B arcelona looks to honor its idol. Real Madrid gets a shot at revenge. The second "clasico" of the season arrives with the Spanish rivals in different states of mind. Barcelona is focusing on paying tribute to the late Johan Cruyff, the former star who died last week after battling cancer. Real Madrid is hoping to avenge the humiliating home loss to the rival earlier this season, a defeat that ignited the club's latest crisis. "The good thing about football is that it constantly gives you opportunities to get even," Madrid defender Sergio Ramos said. "Now we have a chance to do well, away from home, against a great team such as Barcelona." Saturday's game also gives Madrid its last real chance of rejoining the title race at the Spanish league. Anything but a victory will mean the end of the line for Zinedine Zidane's team in the La Liga. A win at the Camp Nou, in addition to denting Barcelona's confidence entering a decisive stretch, would cut the rival's lead to seven points. Atletico Madrid, which hosts Real Betis earlier Saturday, is nine points behind Barcelona. "Anything is possible in football," Madrid striker Gareth Bale said. "We'll fight until the end. Winning La Liga is still possible and if we win on Saturday we'll be seven points behind and you never know what might happen." A victory by Barcelona would leave the Catalan club significantly closer to its second consecutive league title, as Madrid is the last big challenge on its schedule. But many thoughts on Saturday will be on honoring Cruyff, the former Dutch great credited with steering the club on its path to glory. The club is preparing a mosaic of 90,000 cards displaying the words "Thanks, Johan," in Catalan. The words will also appear on Barcelona's jerseys. A minute of silence and a video tribute are also planned for Saturday. Here are other things to watch in the Spanish league this weekend: Villarreal. 3><8=0=C10A20 <0C278=6=>CC8=670< Barcelona has won four of the last five league games against Real Madrid, including the last two at the Camp Nou and this season's 4-0 rout at the Santiago Bernabeu. Madrid hasn't won at the rival's venue since a 3-1 result in the semifinals of the 2013 Copa del Rey, when Jose Mourinho was still in charge. The last time Madrid won at Barcelona in the Spanish league was in the 2011-12 season, when it won the La Liga for the last time. Real Madrid is on a hot streak, having won five straight games, while Barcelona is coming off a 2-2 draw at Chennai: 8]SXPb[TPSX]V\T]b_[PhTaBPdaPe6W^bP[ X\_a^eTSQhPad]Vc^ 'X]cWT0_aX[aP]ZX]VbaT[TPbTS Qh cWT ?B0 fWX[T cWT WXVWTbc aP]ZTS 8]SXP] 9^bW]P 2WX]P__PaT\PX]TS^] #3X_XZP?P[[XZP[fT]cS^f]P _[PRTc^ (P]ScWTcWXaS8]SXP]f^\P]fPbBPRWXZP 8]VP[TfW^a^bTc^WTaRPaTTaWXVW^U' 8]cWT\T]b bTRcX^] <PWTbW <P]VP^]ZPa X\_a^eX]V fXcW TPRW ^dcX]V [PcT[h Yd\_TS c^ $' Ua^\ WXb _aTeX^db %$ 7PaX]STa?P[BP]SWd]dabX]VPWP\bcaX]VX]YdahWPb Sa^__TS c^ & Qdc cWT ^eTabTPb 8]SXP] EXZaP\ <P[W^caP\PSTPWdVT[TP_Ua^\ !$c^(!]^f =_Xe^2QWQ^WUQbe`d_dQ[U_^52 Siliguri: BcX[[ b\PacX]V Ua^\ cWTXa bW^RZ STUTPc PVPX]bc 0XiPf[ 52 STUT]SX]V RWP\_X^]b <^Wd] 1PVP]fX[[[^^Zc^QaX]VcWTXaRP\_PXV]QPRZ^]caPRZ fWT]cWThUPRTPaRWaXeP[b4Pbc1T]VP[X]cWT8;TPVdT STaQhPccWT:P]RWT]Yd]VPBcPSXd\WTaT^]BPcdaSPh ?[PRTSPccWTc^_<^Wd]1PVP]!$PaTcWaTT_^X]cb R[TPa^UbTR^]S_[PRTS1T]VP[dad52fWX[T4Pbc1T]VP[ WPeT!_^X]cb7PeX]V_[PhTS \PcRWTbcWTVaTT] P]S\Pa^^] bdUUTaTS cWTXa UXabc STUTPc ^U cWT bTPb^] fWT]cWTh[^bcc^STQdcP]cb0XiPf[52X]<Xi^aP\9^T[ Bd]SPh " ^_T]TS cWT bR^aX]V QTU^aT 2^a]T[[ 6[T] !#T`dP[XbTSQdc;P[RWWPf]ZX\P$#bR^aTSUa^\ cWTb_^cc^WP]S<^Wd]1PVP]cWTUXabcSTUTPc^UcWT ! $ % 8;TPVdT RP\_PXV] X] P \PcRW fWXRW cWTh _[PhTS bP]b 9TYT ;P[_TZWd[P ?a^]Ph 7P[STa ?aXcP\ :^cP[ P]S 7PXcXP] B^]h =^aST fW^ fT]c U^a cWTXa ]PcX^]P[ R^\\Xc\T]cb =^aST Xb QPRZ Qdc SXS ]^c _aPRcXRTc^SPhP]SXbPS^dQcUd[bcPacTaU^acWT\dRW P]cXRX_PcTSaTcda][TVSTaQh C_\YTcdQbdV_b<QXYbY\YUcdYUT#" ATP[<PSaXS´b6PaTcW1P[TSdaX]VcTP\´b_aPRcXRTbTbbX^]^]5aXSPhPWTPS^U4[2[PbXR^R[PbW^]BPcdaSPh With a win or a draw on Saturday, Barcelona would match Nottingham Forest's 1978 streak of 40 consecutive games without a loss. Luis Enrique's team would be three games shy of the mark set by Juventus in 2012. The Italian team went 43 games without a loss in all competitions. Barcelona is the record-holder for unbeaten games among Spanish clubs. 544;8=60C7><4 Cristiano Ronaldo has felt quite comfortable when playing at the Camp Nou, having scored nine goals in the last ?C8Q @80=0=278=0 0E82C>AH1H 10A24;>=0F>D;3 ;40E4C7420C0;0= 2;D1B86=85820=C;H 2;>B4AC>8CB B42>=32>=B42DC8E4 ;406D4C8C;40B <03A838BC74;0BC 186270;;4=64>= 8CBB2743D;4 0? eight times he played at the venue. Since the 2011-12 season, Ronaldo scored at least one goal in seven of the eight games at the rival's stadium. He only failed to find the net in the league clasico in the 2013-14 season. The Portuguese striker has scored 11 goals in Madrid's last nine games overall. He is the Spanish league's leading scorer with 28 goals, two more than Barcelona forward Luis Suarez. I830=4EB4=A8@D4 Saturday will mark the first duel between Zinedine Zidane and Luis Enrique as coaches. The former players faced each other many times on the field, with the most famous encounter coming final of the Asian/Oceania Qualifying Tournament here on Friday. The 22-year-old Assamese, who is a World Championship bronze-medallist, went down 0-3 to Thailand's Chatchai Butdee in the summit clash. Butdee is the reigning Asian champion. Meanwhile, it was a heartbreak once again for L Devendro Singh (49kg), who missed a second opportunity to qualify for the Olympics. The Commonwealth silver-medallist, who lost in the semifinals on Thursday, on Friday went down in the box-off for the Olympic slot. Devendro fought his heart out in a keenly-contested bout against Mongolia's GanErdene Gankhuyag but lost 2-1. The Indian lost the opening round unanimously and the second round on a split decision before winning the final in three minutes. However, that was not enough to make up for the deficit he conceded earlier in the bout. On Saturday, star woman boxer M C Mary Kom (51kg) will take on Chinese Taipei's YuTing Lin in the box-off to decide the new rankings and seedings for next month's World Championships in Kazakhstan. in 2003, when the two almost got into a fight after a foul by Zidane. Enrique was one of the first Barcelona players who charged toward Zidane to protest, and the former Madrid star shoved him away with a hand to his face. :44??DB78=6 With some help from the city rival in the clasico, Atletico Madrid can move within six points of Barcelona if it beats Real Betis at the Vicente Calderon on Saturday. Atletico is looking to rebound from a 2-1 loss to Sporting Gijon in the league, a result that unhinged the team's nine-game unbeaten streak in all competitions. "We face each match as if it were a final," Atletico midfielder Saul Niguez said. 0?Q <0=274BC4A here have been considerable knock-on effects for Leicester following the team's giddy rise to the top of the English Premier League. Qualification to the Champions League for the first time? Almost certainly, especially if the surprise leader beats Southampton at home on Sunday. Then there's growing international recognition for its star players. On Tuesday, England started with two Leicester players — in this case, Jamie Vardy and debutant Danny Drinkwater — for the first time in 42 years in the 2-1 loss to the Netherlands. And on the same night, N'Golo Kante, Leicester's enforcer in central midfield, made his full debut for France on his 25th birthday and marked it by scoring one of the goals in a 4-2 win over Russia. Leicester's fans will be saying the same kind of things. After narrowly escaping relegation last season because of an incredible run of results in the final nine games, Leicester is mounting the most unlikely of title challenges and is five points clear of second-place Tottenham with seven games left. The club has never won a top-flight English league title. Training would have been unusually quiet for Leicester manager Claudio Ranieri over the recent international break, given the >YcXY[_bYRUQdc=_^VY\cY^=YQ]Y?`U^ Miami: 9P_P]b:TX=XbWXZ^aXPSeP]RTSc^cWTbT\X UX]P[b^UcWT<XP\X>_T]cT]]Xbc^da]P\T]cfXcWP# % %" &% &" eXRc^ah ^eTa 6PT[ <^]UX[b fW^ b`dP]STaTSUXeT\PcRW_^X]cb[PcTX]cWTR^]cTbcCWT 9P_P]TbT =^% bTTS ]TPa[h _PXS STPa[h U^a WXb _^^a _[Ph ^] bTaeT X] cWT ^_T]X]V bTc P]S WXb d]U^aRTS Taa^ab X] RaXcXRP[ \^\T]cb ^U cWT cWXaS bTc ^] CWdabSPh<^]UX[b\TP]fWX[TbdUUTaTS_WhbXRP[[hX] cWT W^c B^dcW 5[^aXSP R^]SXcX^]b Qdc U^dVWc QPRZ eP[XP]c[h[PcTX]cWTcWXaSbTcQTU^aT[^bX]VcWT\PcRW X]PWTPacQaTPZX]VUPbWX^] 0VT]RXTb be in line to play against Bournemouth on Saturday. City is in fourth place — the final Champions League qualification position - and only one point ahead of West Ham and Manchester United. West Ham hosts Crystal Palace on Saturday, and Manchester United is at home to Everton on Sunday. <0=064A;4BBE8;;0 Last-place Aston Villa is heading into its home match against Chelsea without a manager following the departure of Remi Garde on Tuesday. With seven games left, Villa is 12 points from safety and has only won three league games. Former Leicester manager Nigel Peasron has been linked with the vacancy, as is David Moyes. 270A;C>=CA81DC4 increased number of national-team call-ups. Ranieri, therefore, must reignite the team's momentum from before the two-week hiatus ahead of the biggest six weeks in the club's 132-year history. Southampton could be one of the toughest remaining opponents for Leicester, with the visitors from the south coast having won their last two games to climb within four points of the Champions League places. Tottenham would pile the pressure on Leicester by beating Liverpool on Saturday, a day before Leicester plays. Here are other things to watch out for this weekend: <0=28CHBA48=5>A24<4=CB In danger of dropping out of the top four, out-of-form Manchester City has been handed a much-needed boost on the injury front. Three midfielders - Samir Nasri, Kevin De Bruyne and Fabian Delph — were back in training this week after long injury lay-offs and could Manchester United great Bobby Charlton will be honored for his contribution to the club by having a stand at Old Trafford named after him on Sunday, ahead of United's game against Everton. The South Stand - the side of the stadium where the dugouts and changing rooms are located — will be renamed the Sir Bobby Charlton Stand at a ceremony. It will mark 60 years after Charlton made his debut for United. The 78-year-old Charlton was an attacking midfielder who played 758 games for United and scored 249 goals, still a club record. A^bQTaVTSVTb7P\X[c^]Pb<TaRS^\X]PcTbX]1PWaPX] N Houston (USA): 0]XaQP];PWXaXV^c^UUc^PUX]TbcPac fXcW P cWaTTd]STa %( X] cWT UXabc a^d]S ^U cWT BWT[[ 7^dbc^] >_T] WTaT ;PWXaX fW^ \PZTb WXb bTR^]S P__TPaP]RTPccWT<PbcTab]TgcfTTZWPSUXeTQXaSXTb PVPX]bccf^Q^VThbP]SfPb[hX]VcXTS"!^]P[^f bR^aX]V^_T]X]VSPh0[b^bW^^cX]V%(fTaTcWaTTcX\T <PbcTabRWP\_X^]?WX[<XRZT[b^]AXRZXT5^f[Ta2WPa[ BRWfPaciT[?PcaXRZATTSP]S0]VT[2PQaTaPBXccX]V^] c^_ ^U cWT [TPSTaQ^PaS fPb cWaTTcX\T ?60 C^da fX]]Ta2WPa[Th7^UU\P]fW^WPb]X]TQXaSXTbX]WXb 'W^[TbP]SYdbc^]TQ^VThU^aPRPaS^UTXVWcd]STa %# cWPc VPeT WX\ P ^]TbW^c [TPS ^eTa U^da ^cWTab X]R[dSX]V 3dbcX] 9^W]b^] <^aVP] 7^UU\P] BR^cc 1a^f]P]SA^QTac^2Pbca^ /HLFHVWHUFLW\7KHWHDPWRIHDU n Olympic quota place pocketed, Indian T boxer Shiva Thapa (56kg) ended his camA paign with a silver medal after losing in the ico Rosberg edged Mercedes teammate Lewis Hamilton in another dominant display by Formula One's top team in Friday's opening practice session for the Bahrain Grand Prix. Rosberg, who has won the past four races dating back to last season, set a time of 1 minute, 32.294 seconds at the Sakhir circuit, half a second faster than Hamilton and a surprising 1.8 seconds faster than third- New Delhi: BcPa _dVX[Xbc EXYT]STa BX]VW ^] 5aXSPh SXbRdbbTS cWT bR^_T ^U _a^UTbbX^]P[ Q^gX]V X] 8]SXP fXcW3T[WX2WXTU<X]XbcTa0aeX]S:TYaXfP[P]SPRR^aSTS WX\PU^a\P[X]eXcPcX^]U^aWXbF1>0bXPCXc[TUXVWcX] cWTRP_XcP[^]9d]T EXYT]STafPbPRR^\_P]XTSc^ cWT 3T[WX BTRaTcPaXPc Qh WXb _a^\^cTa =TTaPe C^\Pa <38>B1^gX]V?a^\^cX^]bEXYT]STabPXS8cfPbP] W^]^daU^a\Tc^\TTc3T[WX2WXTU<X]XbcTa<a0aeX]S :TYaXfP[P]S8_Tab^]P[[hX]eXcTSWX\U^a\hF1>0bXP CXc[TUXVWcbRWTSd[TSc^QTWT[SX]cWTRP_XcP[^] cW 9d]TFTSXbRdbbTScWTbR^_T^U_a^UTbbX^]P[Q^gX]V X]8]SXPP]SWTPbbdaTS\T^UWXbWT[_P]Sbd__^acU^a fWXRW 8 P\ eTah VaPcTUd[ 8 [^^Z U^afPaS U^a <a :TYaXfP[c^R^\TP]SfPcRW\T[XeTX]cWT2P_XcP[^] 9d]T 8 P\ WP__h c^ Z]^f cWPc <a :TYaXfP[ Xb U^[[^fX]V\h_a^UTbbX^]P[UXVWcb CQebQfS\Y]Rcd_G_b\T>_!( BWXePfX]bbX[eTa Pc0bXP]@dP[XUXTab 0?Q 107A08= singles FYZU^TUbY^fYdUc4U\XY3=V_bdYd\UVYWXd place Kimi Raikkonen of Ferrari. Following a 1-2 finish in the opening race in Australia, Mercedes remains a cut above its opposition, with Rosberg's lap time being 5.5 seconds faster than last year's opening practice session. Red Bull drivers Daniel Ricciardo and Daniil Kvyat were fourth and fifth fastest, respectively, ahead of Force India driver Nico Hulkenberg. Toro Rosso pair Carlos Sainz Jr. and Max Verstappen were seventh and eighth, followed by Haas driver Romain Grosjean and Williams driver Felipe Massa. B elgian driver Stoffel Vandoorne, who is filling in for the injured Fernando Alonso this weekend, was 18th fastest, within a second of McLaren teammate Jenson Button. Force India reser ve driver Alfonso Celis of Mexico also got his first taste of F1 and was 21st, 2.7 seconds off teammate Hulkenberg's time. CQY^QY^cU]YVY^Q\ ?C8Q =4F34;78 D efending champion Saina Nehwal took another step towards retaining her title when she played out of her skin to eke out a thrilling win over Korea's Sung Ji Hyun in the quarterfinals of the India Super Series here on Friday. Olympic bronze medallist Saina defeated Sung 19-21, 2114, 21-19 in an energy-sapping women's last-eight match at the Siri Fort stadium. There was hardly any winner in the grueling three-game match as each rode on the other's unforced errors. Saina, who has beaten Sung five times in the past used her drops early on to catch the Korean at the forecourt. However, unforced errors and a few deceptive returns helped Sung to lead 8-4. The Indian showed her resilience to claw back at 10 before a shot from Sung left her stranded. After the break, Saina turned the tables to lead 14-12 but soon Sung once again drew parity. The Indian once again nosed ahead to 17-15 but once again Sung fought back and grabbed a 18-17 lead after Saina made a wrong line call and then hit the net. Another return going to net and then failure to retrieve a shot at the right side gave Sung a 20-17 lead. Saina saved two but left the next thinking it will drop inside the line. In the second game, Saina lead 3-1 when Sung took a break to attend to her right ankle. When the match resumed, Saina continued her good run to lead 6-2. Sung slowly leveled par at 6-6 when a low return from Saina went to the net. The Indian again surged ahead and entered the break at 11-7. After the interval, Saina extended the lead to 13-8 and then zoomed to 19-10 with the Korean crumbling. Sung grabbed three points before another long shot gave Saina a 20-13 lead. In the decider, Sung lead 52 early on but she faield to rein her unforced errors as Saina soon turned it around at 8-6. The Korean looked visibly tired as she didn't even try to retrieve some of the shots as Saina reached the break with a 11-7 advantage. A change of side seemed to change the fortune of Sung, who reeled off six straight points to grab the lead 13-11. A net error broke the rhythm but Saina again hit wide as Sung lead 14-12. Two wide shots from Sung brought Saina to an even-knell at 17-17 befroe he grabbed the lead when the Korean erred at the net. A couple of long shots from Sung took Saina to a 2019 lead. Sung saved one but Saina grabbed the net after another fierce rally and threw up her arms in ecstacy.