R. P. VAISHYA DIRECTOR FORWARD Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) are facing tough challenge with multinational and large sector in marketing of industrial goods & services produced/rendered by them. This sector needs support in the field of innovation & technology up-gradation, appropriate credit facility, skill development and market. Besides this, the MSEs also deserve to encourage for becoming competitive by improving quality & cost reduction and also delivering the goods & services well in time as per agreement with the buyers. To provide marketing support to this sector, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India, has brought Public Procurement Policy 2012 under section 11 of MSME Development Act 2006. According to this Policy all Central Ministries, Govt. Departments & CPSUs have to procure minimum 20% of store items from SMEs Sector and 4% of total procurement from SMEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs. This Policy will become mandatory after 1st April, 2015 to achieve goal of 20% procurement from MSEs by Govt. Departments & CPSUs. This Policy has been made aware to micro, small industries in the country through various forums & interactions with stake holders during last two years. However, while interaction with Govt. Departments & CPSUs, it has been revealed that this Policy has yet to be percolated from central level to corporate & field level. Accordingly, with strategic way one day vendor development programme (VDP) were planned to organize with Govt. Departments and Central CPSUs to sensitise about the provision of Policy and its effective implementation by their officers & officials engaged in procurement. With this theme, the Govt. Departments & central PSUs were approached for organizing workshop on VDP and achievements were made remarkably. Out of 20 nos. VDP allotted by Headquarter office, most of the programmes could be organized with central Govt. Departments, CPSUs and Corporations including Paramilitary Forces (Delhi Police, CISF& SSB), CEL, BHEL, IRCTC, ITDC, NTPC, IOCL, State Farm Corporation (SFC), FCI, REC and Indian Northern Railway. To promote SC/ST owned MSEs vendors, 2 VDPs were organized specially in association with NSIC Ltd., & Dalit Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DICCI) and National Scheduled Caste Finance Development Corporation. These Vendor Development Programmes have been appreciated by all officers and staff of Govt. Departments, CPSUs and Vendors in making awareness of Policy to those who are involved in implementation of policy & procurement. This compendium consisting of brief reports of all VDPs have been compiled altogether for the reference of Govt. Departments, CPSUs & Policy makers. I wish to appreciate all officers/coordinators of VDP in organizing the programmes in time during 2013-14 and Sh. Ambrose Royson, Asstt. Director (G&C) for putting efforts in bringing out this compendium. MSME-DI, New Delhi 31.03.2014 (R. P. Vaishya) Director One Day Workshops on Vendor Development Programme Year 2013-14 Name of Organisation/CPSUs Associated Name of Coordinator (S/Sh.) Nos. of Participants Page Nos. Kamal Singh, Dy. Director (Mech.) 30 1–6 VDP with Central Electronics Ltd., (CEL)at Sahibabad (Gzb.) Major Singh Dy. Director (Elex.) 32 7 – 14 31.1.2014 VDP with Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., (BHEL), Noida V.M. Jha Dy. Director (Met.) 75 15 – 21 4. 31.1.2014 VDP with HUDCO, at HUDCO Bhawan, Lodi Road, N. Delhi Kamal Singh, Dy. Director (Mech.) 36 22 – 28 5. 12.2.2014 VDP with Sashstra Seema Bal (SSB), Ghatorini B. K.Chaudhary Asstt. Director (Chem.) 28 29 -35 6. 13.2.2014 VDP with Indian Toursim Development Corporation (ITDC), Ashok Hotel, Chanakayapuri, New Delhi. 37 36 – 42 7. 13.2.2014 VDP with Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), CGO Complex, New Delhi. Neeraj Sharma Asstt. Director (C&T) 46 43 – 48 8. 15.2.2014 VDP with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (Pipeline Division), at Noida. Major Singh Dy. Director (Elex.) 38 49 – 55 9. 18.2.2014 VDP with National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) at Noida Ravi Ranjan Inv. (Mech.) 80 56 – 63 10. 18.2.2014 VDP with Indian Ind. Association (IIA), Noida Chapter, WASME Bhawan, Noida Kamal Singh, Dy. Director (Mech.) 20 64 – 69 11. 03.03.2014 VDP with Northern Railway at Shakur Basti, New Delhi. Ravi Ranjan Inv. (Mech.) 60 70 – 76 Sl.No. Date 1. 29.1.2014 VDP with NSIC Ltd, & Dalit Chamber of Commerce& Industry (DICCI) at Faridaad 2. 31.1.2014 3. Abhishek Singh Asstt. Director (Mech.) Sl.No. Date Name of Organisation/CPSUs Associated Name of Coordinator (S/Sh.) Nos. of Participants Page Nos. Anurag Srivastava Asstt. Director (Stat.) 61 77 – 82 12. 04.03.2014 VDP with Delhi Police (DP), ITO, D.P. Hqs., New Delhi. 13. 05.03.2014 VDP with Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Development Corporation (IRCTC) at Noida Sunil Arora Inv. (Mech.) 31 83 – 88 14. 07.03.2014 VDP with Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd. (REC), at Scope Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi. Major Singh Dy. Director (Elex.) 34 89 -96 15. 12.03.2014 VDP with Food Corporation of India (FCI), at Bal Sahyog, Connaught Place, New Delhi. Sandeep Agarwal Asstt. Director (Chem.) 52 97 – 103 16. 13.03.2014 VDP with Mother Dairy F&V Pvt. Ltd., Sector 63, Noida. Sandeep Agarwal Asstt. Director (Chem.) 29 104 – 110 17. 14.03.2014 VDP with National Scheduled Caste Finance & Development Corporation, (NSFDC), Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar, N. Delhi Ambrose Royson Asstt. Director (G&C) 40 111 – 116 18. 18.03.2014 VDP with State Farm Corpn., Pusa Complex, New Delhi. Mohd. Shahid Asstt. Director (Mech.) 45 117 123 19. 21.03.2014 VDP with IOCL (Refineries Division) at Scope Complex, Lodi Road Ambrose Royson Asstt. Director (G&C) 78 124 131 20. 27.03.2014 VDP with Electronics India Ltd., (EIL), New Delhi. Major Singh Dy. Director (Elex.) 35 132 139 VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. Particulars Information/Report Name and address of the MSME-DI. MSME-DI, Okhla Indl. Area, New Delhi -110020 Phone:-011-26838118,26838269, 26838068 Fax:- 01126838016 e-mail:- dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Sh. R.P. Vaishya 2. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. Name of the Director 4. 5. Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the Sh. Kamal Singh, Dy. Director (Mech.) VDP 011-26838118 Co-ordinator DC office sanction Order No. and Date 12(18)/VDP/2013-14, Dt. 8.7.2013. 6. Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/- 7. Date of the Programme and duration. 29th January 2014 8. Venue of the VDP Hotel Rajhans, Suraj Kund Faridabad (Haryana). 9. Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies. 10 11. 12. 1. National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) 2. Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industries Total No. of Participants with Breakups 30 Nos. (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large 1. National Small Industries Scale sectors participated. Give Name and Corporation Ltd. NTSC Complex, address of them. Okhla, New Delhi. 2. Engineers India Ltd 3. Association of State Road Transport undertaking, Dwarika, New Delhi Seminars, if any conducted in VDP 1. Govt. Schemes for the Promotion & Development of MSMEs. 2. Awareness of Public Procurement Policy 2012 for MSEs. 3. NSIC Schemes & Role for Public Procurement Policy 2012. 4. Vendor Registration Procedure and Procurement of EIL & ASTRU 13. Business enquiry generated. 14. Enclose a few important photographs of Enclosed the programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Enclosed 15. - -1- 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall Organized Technical Session/Seminar layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their Enclosed addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. Any other information related to VDP. Rs. 9,428/- Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers Programme schedule enclosed ……… .. Date : 27.03.2014 All the participants have appreciated the programme The programme was organized for the awareness & implementation of Public procurement policy,2012 by the Govt. Departments & Central Public Sector Undertaking Such Programmes should be organized to make aware SC/ST enterpreneurs - NVDP = 3 Nos. SVDP = 16 Nos. - Programme Coordinator Kamal Singh, DD (Mech.) -2- ………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme on 29th January, 2014 Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme. Date: 29th January, 2014. Venue: Hotel Rajhans, Suraj Kund Faridabad (Haryana). Participants: 30 Nos. MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises organized one day State Level Vendor Development Programme on 29th January, 2014 at Hotel Rajhans, Suraj Kund Faridabad (Haryana) in association with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) and Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industries for the benefit of the SC/ST entrepreneurs for better understanding and strategy making for successfully implementation of Public Procurement Policy 2012. In this programme 30 Nos. of the entrepreneurs of Scheduled Caste attended the programme. This was the programme where the participants were made aware of the Public Procurement Policy 2012 and the role of buyers / Govt. Organisation/ PSUs for successfully implementing the policy for the Promotion & Development of MSEs. The programme was inaugurated by Sh. Jasbir Singh, Zonal General Manager, NSIC. The duration of the programme was 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. A variety of approaches like presentations, lectures, interaction and discussions etc. were used during the session. In the beginning of the Programme Shri Harish Chandra, Sr. Branch Manager, NSIC, Okhala Branch welcomed the chief guest and others. Shri Kamal Singh Singh, Dy. Director (Mech) explained the Public procurement policy of Govt. of India 2012 which came into effect from April, 2012 and will be made mandatory from 1st April, 2015. He also explained other schemes of ministry of MSME for marketing of the products of MSMEs. Shri A. Bhagyarajan, Sr. Manager, EIL explaned the requirement of Engineers India Ltd. He also gave presentation on Vendor registration of EIL. Shri Mukesh Sharma, Asst. Manager (Technical), Association of State Road Transport Undertaking explained in brief about the procurement procedure and the requirement of ASTRU. Shri Jasbir Singh, Zonal General Manager, NSIC, in his inaugural address explaind in detail about the Govt. purchase scheme and other schemes of NSIC in the Programme. Shri S.S. Grover, Prsident, Haryana Chapter of Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industries expressed his gratitude to MSME-DI, New Delhi & NSIC, Branch Okhla, New Delhi who have organized such wonderful event specially for SC entrepreneurs, He suggested that such types of events should be organizes at other places so that maximum nos. of the entrepreneurs of SC/ST category could avail the benefits of 4% reservation in Public Procurement Policy 2012. -3- Govt. of India Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises MSME Development Institute Okhla Indl. Estate, New Delhi-110020. State Level Vendor Development Programme (29th January 2014) Venue : Hotel Rajhans, Surajkund, Faridabad (Haryana) Programme Schedule S.No. Topic 1. Welcome Address 2. Presentation on Public Procurement Policy 2012 3. Procurement Procedure & Requirement of EIL 4. Procurement Procedure & Requirement of ASTRU 5. Role of NSIC in Public Procurement Policy 2012 6. Address by Chief Guest 7. Vote of Thanks Name of Officer Sh. Harish Chandra Sr. Branch Manager NSIC, Okhla, New Delhi Sh Kamal Singh Dy. Director (Mech.) MSME DI, Okhla, New Delhi Sh. A. Bhayarajan Sr. Manager EIL Sh. Mukesh Sharma Asstt. Manager (Technical) ASTRU Sh. Harish Chandra Sr. Branch Manager NSIC, B.O Okhla, New Delhi Sh. Jasbir Singh Zonal General Manager NSIC Sh. S.S. Grover President AIH&TM, ITDC -4- Time 11.00am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm State Level Vendor Development Programme Organized on 29.01.2014 at Hotel Rajhans, Surajkund, Faridabad (Haryana) List of the Participants S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Contact Person S/Shri Rajkumar Pankaj Bansal S. s. Grover 5. Duli Chand 6. Madan Pal Giroh 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Vivek Dixit J. B. Gautam B. Dayal Rajesh tomer P. C. Arohi Ashok Kumar Jitender Kumar Than Singh Govind Rana Pritam Manoj Kumar Bhopal Singh Rupesh Singh 20. 21. 22. N. K. Anuj Heera Mukesh Gupta 23. Sanjay Gupta 24. 25. T. R. Sharma Tej Choudhry 26. 27. 28. 29. Nagendra Pratap Dharm Bir Sanjay Kumar Sailendra Kumar Deopa Bijendra Kumar 30. Name and Address of Unit Contact no. Om saw Pipe Udyog Ch. Dadri Bhiwani Sinjgle Steel Tube Pvt. Ltd. J. D. Hoists & Crane (P) Ltd., Bahadurgarh Chairman, Siddhartha International, Panipat Giroh Auto Ind., Hisssar Road, Rohtak (Haryana) Engineers India Ltd., New Delhi Jas Systems & control, Ghaziabad Green Fuel Technology, Faridabad Indov-Avon Switch Gear PMG Central Systems & Services Kirti Industry Maks J. Enterprises Raj Enterprises, Palwal Reva Industries Ltd., Faridabad Ballabgarh 8683807317 Puja Graphic, Ballabgarh Kaberra Press Line Associates, Ballabgarh Rajeev Plats, Faridabad Khurana Enterprises, Faridabad Gemtech Power Control (P) Ltd., Faridabad Gemtech Power Control (P) Ltd., Faridabad TRS International, Faridabad Tej Auto Systems Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad Agra Deepak Associates, Faridabad Faridabad Manager, NSIC Ltd, Branch Okhla, New Delhi Kabira Printo graphics, Ballabhgarh, Faridabad -5- 09416040651 9971796975 8295147000 09416256823 9311063124 9999922301 9810249369 7838111118 9312843846 9812134955 9650391331 9990518999 9810392801 9711115486 9999099498 9811609370 9268829377 9312201682 9818614222 8130090664 9811282104 9810339580 9718440002 Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 29.01.2014 at Hotel Rajhans, Suraj Kund Faridabad -6- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. Particulars 1. 2. Name and address of the MSME-DI. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. 4. Name of the Director Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the SVDP Co-coordinator 5. DC office sanction Order No. and Date Sanctioned amount Date of the Programme and duration Venue of the SVDP Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies. Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. Business enquiry generated. Enclose a few important photographs of the programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their addresses (SC/ ST/ Min/ Women/ Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feedback reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feedback. Information/Report MSME-DI, Okhla Indl Area, New Delhi -110020 Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R. P. Vaishya Sh. Major Singh Deputy Director (Electx.) Mobile No 9911469788 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 Rs. 50,000/31.01.2014 – One day Central Electronics Ltd. Sahibabad (UP) Central Electronics Ltd., Sahibabad (UP) 32 Nos. ( MSEs -25, CEL-5, MSME DI- 02) Central Electronics Ltd., Sahibabad (UP) Presentation on Public procurement policy-2012, Provision of MSMED act- 2006 & Government Schemes for MSEs N.A. Enclosed Enclosed Technical Seminar only N.A. Enclosed N.A. Rs. 15,000/NIL The progarmme was appreciated by all the participants -7- 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years)_ Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. Any other information related to VDP. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered withCPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 The programme was organized for awareness and implementation of PPP-2012 by CPSUs CEL shown keen interest in organizing more vendor development programme for identifying genuine vendors from MSEs Programme schedule enclosed 3 Nos. of NVDP & 16 No. of SVDP - Programme Coordinator Major Singh, DD (Elex.) -8- …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director A Brief Report on Awareness Programme cum State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) on 31.01.2014 Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute, Okhla, New Delhi organized a day long Awareness cum State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) at Central Electronics Ltd. Sahibabad in association with Central Electronics Ltd. Sahibabdad, Ghaziabad, UP. The objective of the Programme was to create awareness about the Public Procurement Policy, 2012 of the Govt. of India among the entrepreneurs and officers of the CEL engaged in procurement system of the CPSU. A total 32 numbers (MSEs -25, CEL-5, MSME DI- 02) of participants attended the Programme. In the beginning, Sh. R.B. Verma, Asstt. Gen. Manager (CEL) welcomed all the participants and dignitaries of the dias. Sh. Major Singh, DD (Electx) MSME DI, explained in brief about the objective of the programme. He also explained about the services provided by MSME-DI for development of Micro & Small Enterprises. Shri Abhishek Singh, A.D. (Mech.) MSME-DI Okhla, gave presentation on the Public Procurement Policy, 2012. In his keynote address, Shri R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-Development Institute, Okhla, New Delhi explained in brief about the Public Procurement Policy 2012. He informed the participants that Central ministries, Govt. Departments, Public Sector Undertakings and Medium & Large Industries will make their own programmes to get the suitable vendors for their needs, as 20% of purchase will be made imperative from MSE Sector for Purchases of Govt. Deptts/CPSU in the years to come as per Govt. Public Procurement Policy 2012. He stated that next decade belongs to MSE Sector therefore entrepreneurs can expect the best in near future. He also briefed the schemes available with ministry of MSME for the betterment/upliftment of MSEs. He said that Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India has launched various schemes for promotion and development of micro, small & medium enterprises like National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology up gradation, Up-gradation of quality of MSEs Products, Marketing Development Assistance etc. In his presidential address Dr. Nalin Singhal, CMD (CEL) explained in brief the role of public procurement policy for the development of MSEs. He also pointed out the problem faced by the PSU to identify the suitable vendors and to achieve the 20% target to be procured from the MSEs sector. Sh. R.B. Verma, Asstt. Gen. Manager (CEL) gave presentation on the procurement procedure and list of items procured by CEL. Sh. Nishant Rai, Engg. CEL gave the presentation on E bidding/e tendering procedure of CEL. During the interactive session, different types of queries like how to verify EMII/Registration of the vendor; Category of the vendor; how to divide the 20% share of the MSE’s from the tender; list of reserved items etc. were raised, which was duly answered by the Director/Officials of the MSME-DI, New Delhi. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Shri Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx), MSME-DI New Delhi. The officers of MSME DI/CEL and vendors also visited the display area where the items procured by CEl was displayed. -9- The Detail Break-up of the participants is as below: MALE FEMALE TOTAL SC ST OBC - - - Minority Budh. Ch. Mus. Par. Sikh 2 - PH - Others TOTAL 27 03 30 29 03 32 (Major Singh) Dy. Director (Elex.) -10- Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises MSME - Development Institute Okhla Indl. Estate, New Delhi-110020 organizes Awareness-Cum-State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) on 31 March, 2014 In association with: Central Electronic Limited, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (UP) st Venue : Central Electronic Limited, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (UP) PROGRAMME SCHEDULE S. No. Topic Name of Officer 1. Welcome Address Sh. R.B. Verma,Asstt. Gen. Manager (CEL) 2. Objective of the programme Sh. Major Singh,Dy. Director (Electx), MSME-DI 3. Presentation Policy-2012 4. Key Note Address 5. Presidential Address 6. Procurement Procedure & list of items procured by CEL 7. E Tendering Procedure for CEL 8. on Public Procurement Sh. Abhishek Singh,Asstt. Director (Mech), MSME-DI Sh. R. P. Vaishya,Director MSME-DI Dr. Nalin Singhal, CMD (CEL) Sh. R.B. Verma, Asstt. Gen. Manager (CEL) Sh. Nishant Rai, Engg. (CEL) INTERACTIVE SESSION Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx), MSME-DI 9. Vote of thanks 10. Visit to the Display area by Officers of MSME DI/CEL and vendors 11. LUNCH BREAK -11- State Level Vendor Development Programme (31.01.2014) In association with Central Electronics Ltd. Sahibabad (UP) List of Participants S. No. Name of Candidate Address Contact No. 1. Sh. R.P. Sharma Scientific Micrawave, Ghaziabad, 9350002915 2. Sh. Abhishek Singh MSME-DI New Delhi, 9555122599 3. Sh . R.B. Verma CEL Sahibabad 4. Sh. A.K. Khandelwal CEL Sahibabad 5. Sh. Yashovir AGL, Delhi 6. Sh. Kamal Sharma Salvan Plasco Commerce, 145 Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, 9958266441 7. Sh. Vikas Jain C-27, Sector-58, NOIDA, 9810236527 8. Sh. Bharat Phonix contact Okhla Indl. Area, Delhi, 9582892852 9. Sh. Anand Srivastava JMV LPS Ltd. NOIDA, 9910398586 10. Sh. P.S. Raghav Hemji Enterprises 11. Sh. Rahul Verma JMV LPS Ltd. NOIDA, 12. Sh. Rakesh Kumar Connecting Solutions 13. Sh. Anil Mathur MATMAV Plastics 14. Sh. G.K. Mishra Relemac Technologies Pvt. Ltd., 15. Sh. Amarjeet Singh RIA (Kalkaji) 16. Sh. Sushil Mittal Filin Electronics Meerut 9837045390 17. Sh.S.K. Prasad Central Electronics Ltd. 9910890893 18. Sh. Manish Kumar Oxide Electronics Pvt. Ltd. 9650052308 19. Sh. Saurabh Toshin Weidmueller 9999279161 20. Sh. Manish Jain LOEID MUELLER Electronics. 9971002420 21. Sh.Punit Dwidedi COIL, Naraina, Delhi, 9717084086 22. Sh.Aftab Ahmed Arihant Electrical, Delhi, 9810198585 23. Sh.Neeraj Aggarwal AEM Pvt. Ltd. 9810876961 24. Ms. Shalini Basta Semi Conductors Pvt. Ltd. 9818956650 -12- 9910398536 8130974422 25. Ms. Jaya Semi Conductors Pvt. Ltd. 9818956663 26. Sh. Manjit Singh Plot No. 17 Burgees Park, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-85, 9999283834 27. Sh R.S. Pandey CTR mtr. Industries Ltd. Nagar Road, Pune, 9310546272 28. Sh Prakash Tiwari Digital New Delhi, 9810257888 29. Sh H.K. Dubey CEL Sahibabad 9958698271 30. Sh P.C. Awasthi CEL Sahibabad 9899867962 31. Sh NIshant Rai CEL Sahibabad, 8826102957 32. Sh Major Singh MSME-DI New Delhi, 9911469788 -13- Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 31.01.2014 at Central Electronics Ltd. Sahibabad (UP) -14- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S.No. 1. 2. Particulars Name and Address of the MSMEDI Phone/Fax/E-Mail 12. Name of the Director Name, Designation, Phone no. of the VDP Co-ordinator DC Office Sanction Order No. and Date Sanctioned Amount Date of the Programme and duration Venue of the VDP Name and Addressess of supporting Agencies Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium) CPU’s/SPSU’s/ Ministries/ Other Large Scale Sectors participated Gives Name and Address of them Seminars, if any conducted in VDP 13. Business enquiry generated 14. Enclose a few important photographs of the programme Enclosed a brief note about the programme Total No of Stall (enclosed a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a List of Participants with their addresses (SC/STY/Min./Women/ Others) Total no. of visitors to the Exhibition Expenditure Incurred, (Enclose head wise expenditure statement) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Information/Report New Delhi Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R.P. Vaishya Shri V.M. Jha, Dy. Director 12(18)/VDP/2013-14, dt. 08.07.2013 Rs. 50,000/31.01.2014 (One day) BHEL (PEM) Noida. BHEL & NSIC Ltd., New Delhi Small -21/ BHEL officers -46 Medium-03 / NSIC- 2 MSMEDI-03 Total =75 Nos. BHEL ( New Delhi) BHEL (PEM) Noida NSIC, New Delhi Yes, PPP-2012, Provision of MSMED Act and Government Schemes Annual Target of BHEL (PEM) procurement during (2014-15) will be approx 20% higher than the target in this financial year (2013-14). MSEs share in procurement of BHEL (PEM) is going to got enhanced by Rs. 10 Crore (procurement from MSE will be of Rs. 50 Crore/ Annum in place of present procurement level of Rs. 40 Crore/ Annum Enclosed Enclosed Only Technical sessions Enclosed Rs. 6419/- -15- 21. Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage 22. Analysis Report of Feed Back Reports of the participants. Enclosed a format of Feed Back Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least of the past 5 years) Sanctioned Amount, Duration, Venue, No. of participants, Recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc. Important Suggestions of the participants for the improvement f the programme. Any other information related to VDP Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme Sheet Proposal of NVDP/SVDP for 201415 Venue, tentative date, etc., Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/ Railways/State PSUs/ Others as Sellers) Give details in a separate Sheet 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. … ……. Date : 27.03.2014 N/A Programme was appreciated by all participants The programme was organized for the awareness and implementation of the Public Procurement Policy by Government Departments. Various issues concerning to payment were raised by vendors which were replied by the officers of BHEL. Programme Schedule enclosed 3 Nos. NVDP & 16 Nos. SVDP - Programme Coordinator V. M. Jha, DD (Met.) -16- …..…….. (R. P. Vaishya) Director BRIEF REPORT OF SVDP AT BHEL (PEM), NOIDA ON 31.01.2014 The programme was inaugurated by Shri Rajiv Puri, Executive Director, BHEL (PEM), Noida. During his inaugural speech Shri Rajiv Puri appealed the MSEs to become more competitive to get the benefit of public procurement policy (MSE). He informed that requirement of power in country is getting enhanced year by year. 11000 MW of power equipment was commissioned by BHEL in last financial year. The target during coming financial year will be much higher. Hence MSEs may come forward to fulfill the requirement of BHEL in coming years. He also emphasised on waste management to avoid national waste. The importance of improvement in delivery system of goods was emphasized by Shri.Rajiv Puri. Presnetation on Public Procurement Policy-2012 & Schemes of NMCP was made by Shri V.M. Jha, Dy. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi, jointly with Dr. Amarnath, Asstt. Director (Met.). Shri Sanjeev Sharma, Sr. Branch Manager, Paliament Street, New Delhi and Shri S. Kardam, Asstt. Manager NSIC enlightened the participants on Government Purchase Programmme. Brochures of NSIC services were distributed to the participants along with MSME-DI, course contents for SVDP. Shri P.K. Gupta, Manager Materials (BHEL) described about the documents needed for timely payment, ethics in business dealing, e procurement, MOU with Vendors to simplify the procurement process. He also detailed about BHEL philosophy for procurement, supplier performance rating system, new vendor registration procedure, review of technical and financial limit. Shri R.K. Jaiswal, Manager (Vendor Development), BHEL. Made presentation on business practices and honoring contract. He also explained about vendors registration process of BHEL. Need based technical support is also given to MSE vendors. Experiences were shared with MSEs on delay in bid submission, delay in supplies, quality issues etc. Miss Avantika, IT officer of BHEL made presentation on submission/ resubmission of documents through software. Shri B.L. Bedi, DGM, Project Coord, BHEL presented about procurement orders issued by BHEL, processing of vendor invoices, reduction in cycle time, need for timely response to tender inquiries, statutory compliance by vendors etc. Shri R.P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi addressed the participants and briefed them about MSME act 2006, definition of MSME, Public Procurement Policy-2012. He also emphasised to MSE vendors for becoming more and more competitive specially in term of cost and quality & delivery of goods/services in time. During interactive session, the entrepreneurs raised issues related to deviation, delay in payment etc. Shri R.P. Gupta, General Manager (CMM&Q) BHEL, suitably replied the query raised by the participating MSEs. The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Shri. P.K. Jain, AGM (BHEL). -17- REPORT OF STATE LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT A PROGRAMME ON 31.01.2014 AT BHEL (PEM), SECTOR-16 A, NOIDA. One day State Level Vendor Development Programme was organized on 31.01.2014 at BHEL (PEM), Noida by MSME- Development Institute, New Delhi in association with BHEL. PROGRAMME SCHEDULE :S.No. Time Activities 1. 10.00AM to 10.30 AM 10.30 AM to 10.35 AM 10.35 AM to 10.45 AM Registration of participating MSME representatives. 4. 10.45 AM to 11.00 AM 5. 11.00 AM to 11.30 AM Inaugral address by Shri Rajiv Puri, Executive director, BHEL (PEM). TEA BREAK Presentation by Shri V.M. Jha, Dy. Director (Met.) on Public Procurement Policy, NMCP Schemes. 6 11.30 AM to 11.35 AM Presentation on Govt. Store Purchase Programme by Shri S. Kardam, Asstt. Manager NSIC and shri Sanjeev Sharma, Manager, NSIC. 7. 11.35 AM to 11.50 AM Presentation on E Procurement and Reverse Auction by Shri P.K. Gupta, Material Manager, BHEL. 8. 11.50 AM to 12.05 PM Presentation on Business Practices & Honoring contract by Shri R.K. Jaiswal, Manager (Vendor Development), BHEL. 9. 12.05 PM to 12.20 PM 12.20 PM to 12.50 PM IT Enabled by business by Miss Avantika, IT officer of BHEL. 12.50 PM to 01.15 PM 01.15 PM to 02.15 PM 02.15 PM to 02.30 PM Address by Shri R.P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi. 2. 3. 10. 11. 12. 13. Welcome speech & about the programme by Sh. V.M. Jha. Inaugration by Shri Rajiv Puri, Executive director, BHEL (PEM) by Lamp Lighting. Project Execution/ Billing documentation by Shri B.L. Bedi, DGM, Project Coord, BHEL. Interactive Session & Feed Back. Vote of Thanks by Shri R.P. Gupta, General Manager (CMM&Q) BHEL. -18- LIST OF PARTICIPANTS:S.No. 1. Name Shri P. Aggarwal Address CMI Limited, C-483, Jojna Vihar, Delhi-52. 2. Shri Girish Kumar Motware Mfg. Co., Singh Gyan bagh, Nashik Road, Maharashtra. 3. Shri Pankaj Lone Star Ind., 156, Kumar Thiruvalluri Salai, Chemman Chery, Chennai. 4. Shri Vikas Singh Thermoeane Rockwool Pvt. Ltd., Prabhu Kutir Ramadhin Marg, Rajnand Goan, Chattisgarh. 5. Shri Vineet Atam Valves Pvt. Ltd., Sikka+1 Jalandhar, Punjab 6. Shri Parmanand Suyog Electricals Ltd., Pandey Vadodara 7. Jaypee Industies Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad, Haryana 8. Shri Ankur MACMET India Ltd., Kumar New Delhi 9. Shri P.K. Special Cable Co., Aggarwal Badarpur, New Delhi 10. Shri P. Deepak MB Pvt. Ltd., C-450, Sec.-10, Noida 11. Shri R.S. Rao Yamuna Power Infrastructure Ltd., Jagadhari Works, Haryana 12. Shri Venu Gopal GM Engineering, Rajkot, Rajasthan. 13. Shri B. S. Negi BSBK Engineers Pvt. Ltd., L-8, Green Park Extn. New Delhi-16. 14. Shri K.N. Ojha Venus Pump, Balti Kuri, Shibtolla, Howrah-13. 15. Shri Dhruv Singh Micro Precision 16. Shri B. Javia GM Engineering, Rajkot 17. Shri Imran GCRB Vibration Siddiqui Control System, 27 A, Peenva Indl. Area, Banglore. 18. Shri Pramod I Can Cables Ltd., AMishra 292; Okhla, Indl. Area, New Delhi -19- Category Small Product Cable Small Electrical Lab Equipment Small Expansion Joints Small Thermal Insulation Rockwool Small Valves Small Cables Small Strainers & Filters. Small Water Screening System Small Cables LT Power Control Medium AHS/CMRH8/CHP/MHS Medium CTJK Small Valves Medium AHP/CHP/LHS Small Valves Small Small Flow Elem Valve Small Vibration Isolation System Small LT Cables 19. Shri M.N. Bhave 20. Shri Shrikant shirlekar 21. Shri Pankaj Lamba 22. Shri Sanjeev Jain 23. Shri Suresh Kumar V.K. Pump Ind. Pvt. Ltd. V.K. Pump Ind. Pvt. Ltd. CI Ltd. Small Pump Small Pump Small Instrumentation Unique Indl. Handlers (P) Ltd., Inter Valve (India) Ltd.,601, Siddharth Building 96, Nehru Place, New Delhi. Small EOT cranes Small Valve Total Nos. of participants form MSMEs, BHEL & NSIC = 75 Nos. -20- Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 31.01.2014 at BHEL (PEM) Noida. -21- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. Particulars Information/Report Name and address of the MSME-DI. MSME-DI, Okhla Indl. Area, New Delhi -110020 Phone:-011-26838118,26838269, 26838068 Fax:- 01126838016 e-mail:- dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Sh. R.P. Vaishya 2. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. Name of the Director 4. 5. Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the Sh. Kamal Singh, Dy. Director (Mech.) VDP 011-26838118 Co-ordinator DC office sanction Order No. and Date 12(18)/VDP/2013-14, Dt. 8.7.2013. 6. Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/- 7. Date of the Programme and duration. 31st January 2014 8. Venue of the VDP HUDCO Bhawan, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. 9. Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies. Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. Housing & Urban Development Corporation 36 Nos. 12. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP 5. Govt. Schemes For the Promotion & Development of MSMEs. 6. Awareness of Public Procurement Policy 2012 for MSEs. 7. NSIC Schemes & Role for Public Procurement Policy 2012. 8. Vendor Registration Procedure and Procurement of HUDCO 13. Business enquiry generated. This programme was a awareness programme thus no enquiry was generated 14. Enclose a few important photographs of Enclosed the programme. 10 11. -22- 4. National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Branch Karnal Road, New Delhi 5. Housing & Urban Development Corporation, HUDCO Bhawan, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Enclose a brief note about the programme Enclosed Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their Enclosed addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. 25. Any other information related to VDP. 26 Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers 27. 28. ……… .. Date : 27.03.2014 Rs. 11,385/All the participants have appreciated the programme The progranne was organized for the awareness & implementation of Public procurement policy,2012 by Govt. Departments & Central Public Sector Undertakings Such Programmes should be organized at Zonal offices of HUDCO to make aware of their employees & Vendors Programme schedule enclosed NVDP = 3 Nos. SVDP = 16 Nos. - Programme Coordinator Kamal Singh, DD (Mech.) -23- ………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme on 31st January, 2014 Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme. Date: 31st January, 2014. Venue: HUDCO Bhawan, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. Participants: 36 Nos. MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises organized one day State Level Vendor Development Programme on 31st January, 2014 at HUDCO Bhawan, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi in association with Housing & Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) to make aware of their employees & Vendors about Public Procurement Policy 2012 Public Procurement Policy 2012 for better understanding and strategy making for successfully implementation of Public Procurement Policy 2012 in the Public Sector Undertakings. In this programme 36 Nos. of senior officers & staff members who are engaged in procurement in HUDCO and their vendors attended the programme. This was the programme where the participants were made aware of the Public Procurement Policy 2012 and the role of buyers / Govt. Organization/ PSUs for successfully implementing the policy for the Promotion & Development of MSEs. The programme was inaugurated by Shri N.L. Manjoka, Director (Corporate Panning), HUDCO. In his inaugural address he said that management of the HUDCO is keen to learn about Public Procurement policy,20012 which is going to be mandatory from April 1, 2015 for every Govt. Departments/CPSUs. The duration of the programme was 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM. In the session a variety of approaches like presentations, lectures, interaction and discussions, etc. were used. In the beginning of the Programme Shri J.Prem Nawaz, Executive Director (HRMA) welcomed the chief guest and others. Shri Kamal Singh Dy. Director (Mech) explained the Public procurement policy,2012 which came into effect from April, 2012 and will be made mandatory from 1st April, 2015. He also explained other schemes of ministry of MSME for marketing of the products of MSEs. Shri Rajesh Goel, Executive Director (IT), HUDCO procedure and requirements of HUDCO and their. explained the procurement Shri Ashwani Jha, Sr. Branch Manager, NSIC Branch Karnal Road, New Delhi explained in detail about the Govt. purchase scheme and other schemes of NSIC in the Programme. Shri R.P. Vaishya Director, MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi, in his Keynote address said that the marketing of products of micro & small enterprises is one of major hindrance in development of MSEs sector. These type of Programmes provide common platform for both large industrial organizations purchaser viz a viz small and micro enterprises as seller. He told the participants that the Govt. of India had already Implemented NMCP Scheme for making the MSEs Competitive by reducing its production cost and improving the -24- quality of the product to the specified Indian / International Standards, He also advised the officers of the HUDCO that instead of buying products of reputed brands they may lay the stringent parameters of the required product in the tender inquiry and procure the product from MSEs of specified desired quality and can serve them to their valuable customers under their own brand name. In open house session various clarifications/queries about public procurement policy,2012 were asked and these clarifications/queries were answered by Shri R.P. Vaishya Director, MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi and other speakers. Shri J.Prem Nawaz, Executive Director (HRMA) proposed vote of thanks on the occasion to all the dignitaries on the dais and participants of the programme. All the participants were provided with a set of the course material related to detailed description about MSME and its various schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy, 2012. The materials supplied were in the form of manuals, booklet and pamphlets. -25- Govt. of India Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises MSME Development Institute Okhla Indl. Estate, New Delhi-110020. State Level Vendor Development Programme (31st January 2014) Venue : HUDCO Bhawan, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Programme Schedule S.No. Topic 1. Welcome Address 2. Presentation on Public Procurement Policy 2012 3. Procurement Procedure & Requirement of HUDCO 5. Role of NSIC in Public Procurement Policy 2012 6. Address by Chief Guest Name of Officer Sh. J.Prem Nawaz Executive Director (HRMA) HUDCO Sh Kamal Singh Dy. Director (Mech.) MSME DI, Okhla, New Delhi Sh. Rajesh Goel Executive Director (IT) HUDCO Sh. Ashwani Jha Sr. Branch Manager NSIC, B.O Jahangirpuri, New Delhi Address and clarifications of provisions of MSMED Act,2006 by 7. Sh. N.L. Manjoka Director (Corporate Planning) HUDCO Shri R.P. Vaishya Director MSME-DI, New Delhi Sh. J.Prem Nawaz Executive Director (HRMA) HUDCO Vote of Thanks -26- Time 2.00pm 2.15pm 3.15pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.30pm State Level Vendor Development Programme Organized on 31.01.2014 at HUDCO Bhawan, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi List of the Participants S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Name of the participant S/Shri K. S. Bankoti C. C. Joshi Deepak Kashyap Neeraj Sethi Ved Prakash Suresh Kumar Ms. Mitali Ms. Shahvi Sharma Ms. Vandana Verma Manoj V Deodhar K. K. Sehgal Vijay Kumar Shukla Sunam Sunil R. K. Shah Sandeep Suresh Bhatia Ms. Madhu Chadha Jeevan Pant GRC Nain Raman Sharma Rajeev Kumar Sethi Ms. Poonam Gupta Ms. Asha Bhagat T. D. Bali Rajesh Goel J. Prem Narang Pawan Pathak Nirmal Singh Ajay Yadav Agam Harpal Varinder Singh Ms. Shaji Nair Samir Mitra R. Prajapati Vishal Goyal Address of the participant Contact no. AM (Project), HUDCO Mgr. (P), HUDCO Sr. Manager, HUDCO Sr. Manager, HUDCO Manager (Admn.) Asstt. Manager, HSMI SM (A) AGM (A) HUDCO Staff HUDCO Staff HUDCO Staff HUDCO Staff HUDCO Staff HUDCO Staff HUDCO Staff HUDCO Staff HUDCO Staff HSMI, HUDCO HSMI, HUDCO HUDCO, Corporate Office HUDCO, Corporate Office Asstt. Manager, HUDCO Sr. Manager, HUDCO 9871318992 9818486574 9911194480 9810450516 9871999339 9312804868 9312271873 9717778646 9810326210 9837005857 9871017111 9810233974 8826006628 24648160 24648160 7503257901 9871605060 8447095604 ED, HUDCO IT Wing GTB Tools & Travels Ajay Travels Pvt. Ajay Travels HUDCO HUDCO HUDCO HUDCO HSC Sr. Accountant , Habitat Services Centre -27- 9810462268 9811619367 9999824700 9810517939 9818551095 9860183709 9810602753 9818411665 9910156829 9999446333 9810645939 9818955691 9810722668 9810309749 9711106864 9350470889 9582500876 Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 31.01.2014 at HUDCO Bhawan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. -28- SVDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. Particulars 1. 2. Name and address of the MSME-DI. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. Information/Report MSME-DI, Okhla Indl Area, New Delhi -110020 Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Name of the Director Shri R. P. Vaishya Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of Sh. Brajendra Kumar the SVDP Co-coordinator Assistant Director (Chemical) Mobile No8527217712 DC office sanction Order No. and Date 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/Date of the Programme and duration 12.02.2014 – One day Venue of the SVDP Integrated Training School (SSB) ,Ghitorni, New Delhi Name and Addresses of supporting SSB Head Quarter , R.K. Puram ,New Delhi Agencies. Total No. of Participants with 28 Nos. (SSB Officials-25, MSME-DI- 3, NSIC 1) Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other SSB Head Quarter , R. K. Puram ,New Delhi Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP Presentation on Public procurement policy-2012 , MSME act-2006 & Govt. Scheme Business enquiry generated. N/A. Enclose a few important Enclosed photographs of the programme. Enclose a brief note about the Enclosed programme Total No. of Stalls N/A. (enclose a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy N/A. Enclose a list of participants with their addresses (SC/ ST/ Min/ Women/ Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Enclosed N/A. Rs. 15,000/N/A SSB official appreciated the Programme- -29- 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years)_ Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. SVDP was organized for awareness & implementation of Public Procurement Policy-2012 by the Govt. Departments viz.SSB.. Item procured through DGS&D and Kendriya Bhandar should be treated as procurement from MSEs. Any other information related to VDP. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme Schedule Enclosed Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 3 No. NVDP & 16 SVDP 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered N/A with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 Programme Coordinator …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Brajendra Kumar, AD (Chem.) Director -30- MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme (S.V.D.P.) Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme Date: 12.02. 2014 Venue: Integrated Training School (SSB ), Ghitorni , New Delhi-49 Participants: 29 Nos.SSB Officials from diffèrent States MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises organised a State Vendor Development Programme in association with SSB Head Quarter, R.K. Puram , New Delhi on 12.02. 2014. The main objective of this programme was to create awareness of Govt. Schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy of Ministry of MSME. The programme was inaugurated by Shri R.P Vaishya Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi. Sh, Manmohan Singh Commander 25th SSB Battalion, Ghatorni welcomed the Chief Guest Sh. R.P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi by presenting a flower bouquet. He also welcomed Sh. Dhirender Singh, Branch Manager, NSIC Jhandewala & MSME-DI Officials and the participants of the programme. In his address Mr. Singh informed that SSB is very much keen to know the name & address of those MSEs who can be the vendor for supplying the products required by SSB. In the absence of the vendors SSB is purchasing the products from Kendriya Bhandar & DGS&D rate contracts. Shri Brajendra Kumar, Assistant Director (Chemical) MSME-DI, New Delhi explained in brief about the theme of the progrmme. Sh. Kumar also elaborates the other MSME Scheme run by Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India. Shri Abhishek Singh, Assistant Director (Mechanical) MSME-DI , New Delhi gave a Power Point presentation on the public procurement policy-2012. Sh. Dhirender Kumar,Manager, NSIC, also gave a presentation about the role of NSIC in Public Procurement Policy -2012. He also provided the information about services extended by NSIC to MSEs. He also spoken in brief about the registration procedure of MSEs under single point registration scheme for Government Purchase Programme, Supply of raw matrial to MSEs, Assistance in filing tender of Govt./PSU on behalf of MSE. In reply of the query Sh. Kumar informed to the participants that the product wise list of MSEs are available on NSIC website. -31- During the Chief guest address, Shri R.P Vaishya Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi. emphasized the needs of various schemes of Ministry of MSME especially Public Procurement Policy-2012. He elaborated the procurement policy of Govt. of India 2012 which is effective from 1st April, 2012 and will be mandatory after 1st April 2015. He envisaged the MSEs to be prepared with in three years so that their products/services fit to the norms of to be vendors of PSUs and central / state Governments. He informed that PSUs and central /state Governments are also to assess their annual procurement so that 20% of the same may be taken from MSEs and 20% of 20% MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs. Sh. Sanjay Sharma, Second in Command 25th SSB Battalion Ghatorni, New Delhi appreciated the procurement policy of Govt. of India 2012 and also the efforts of MSME-DI to organize such a wonderful programme for the benefits of the SSB officials and concluded the programme with vote of thanks to the chief guest& other officials of MSME DI , NSIC and the participants. (Brajendra Kumar) Assistant Director (Chemical) -32- MSME-DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE OKHLA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, OKHLA, NEW DELHI-110020 STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME on 12.02.2014 at INTEGRATED TRAINING SCHOOL (SSB), GHITORNI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. Name of the Officer Description Sh. Manmohan Singh, Commanding Officer, th 25 , SSB Batallion, Ghitorni Welcome Address 2. About the Programme Sh. Brajender Kumar, Asstt. Director (Chem.), MSME-DI, New Delhi 3. Presentation on Public Procurement Policy, 2012 Sh. Abhishek Singh, Asstt. Director (Mech.), MSME-DI, New Delhi 4. Role of NSIC in Public Procurement Policy, 2012 Sh. Dhirender Kumar, Branch Manager, NSIC Ltd., Jhandewalan 5. Chief Guest Address 6. 7. Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi INTERACTIVE SESSION Sh. Sanjay Sharma, Second-in-Command, th 25 , SSB Batallion, Ghitorni Vote of Thanks -33- Participants Details of State Level Vendor Development Programme Venue: Integrated Training School(SSB), Ghitorni, New Delhi Sr. Name No. 1 Sh. R. P. Vaishya 2 Sh. Manmohan Singh 3 Sh. Dhirender Kumar 4 Sh, Sanjay Sharma 5 Sh. Brajendra Kumar 6 Sh. Abhisek Singh 7 Sh. A. Uniyal 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sh. K. D. Bandyopadyay Sh. Sanjib Chakra Sh. Manoj Kumar Md. Hussan Sh. Sunny Kumar Sh. T. R. Pokriyal Sh. Nirmal Bhattarch Sh. Ravi Kumar Sh. Abbal Singh Sh. Madan Singh Sh. Satitn T. V. Sh. V. K. Bhagat Sh. K. R. Singh Sh. P. P. Singh Sh. M.S. Gangola Sh. Ajay Kumar Sh. Romesh Chand Sh. N. S. Rawat Sh. Romesh Chander Sh. Ajay Kumar Sharma Sh. Sumit Bhadrwaj Date: 12th February, 2014 Unit/Office Address Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi Commanding Officer, 25th SSB Britalian Ghitorni, New Delhi Br. Manager, NSIC, Jhandewalan, New delhi Second – in – command, 25th SSB Britalian Ghitorni, New Delhi Asstt. Director (Chemical), MSME-DI, New Delhi Asstt. Director (Mechanical), MSME-DI, New Delhi Senior Instructor, ITS, Ghitorni, New Delhi IMSP/GD, PTM SI/GD, Siliguri ASI/MI, Lucknow CI/GD, Lucknow CI/GD, RKJ DFO/M, FHQ APO, GWT IMSP/GD, 25th BN ASI/GD, 25th BN ASI/GD, 25th BN ASI/MI, FHQ (Prov.) ASI/MI, FHQ (Prov.) FHQ (Prov.) INSP/GD, FHQ (T) AFO/V, FHQ (V) ASI/MINI, FHQ (SPOKS) INSP/CD, 25th BN SO (Trg.), FHQ INSP/CD, 25th BN ASI/MINI, FHQ INSP (P), FHQ -34- Mobile No. 8130333226 9720842050 8527217712 09431820724 08900538893 08004840143 09792547022 09012535199 09868740496 09811934520 9560657518 9015628822 9013691434 08750541511 09891738341 08527331031 08510011355 08743968033 09013344242 09582873151 09717884904 Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 12.02.2014 at Integrated Training School (SSB), Ghitorni, New Delhi -35- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. Particulars Information/Report Name and address of the MSME-DI. MSME-DI, Okhla Indl. Area, New Delhi -110020 Phone:-011-26838118,26838269, 26838068 Fax:- 01126838016 e-mail:- dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Sh. R.P. Vaishya 2. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. Name of the Director 4. 5. Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the Sh. Abhishek Singh, Asstt. Director VDP (Mech.) Co-ordinator 011-26838118 DC office sanction Order No. and Date 12(18)/VDP/2013-14, Dt. 8.7.2013. 6. Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/- 7. Date of the Programme and duration. 13th February 2014 8. Venue of the VDP Friends Lounge, 3rd Floor Ashok Hotel, 50B, Chankyapuri, New Delhi. 9. Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies. Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. Indian Tourism and Development Corporation (ITDC) 37 Nos 10 11. 1. Ashok Institute of Hotel & Tourism Management, ITDC, C-12/A, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi. 2. National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Br.Office, CB-372, Second Floor, Ring Road, Naraina, New Delhi. Yes 1. Provisions of MSME Development Act and Govt. Schemes Govt. Schemes For the Promotion & Development of MSMEs 2. Public Procurement Policy 2012 for MSEs 3. NSIC Schemes & Role for Public Procurement Policy 2012 12. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP 13. Business enquiry generated. 14. Enclose a few important photographs of Enclosed the programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Enclosed 15. - -36- 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall Technical Seminar only layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their Enclosed addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. Rs. 5,999-/ Participants appreciated the programme The Programme was organized for the awareness & implementation of the policy by the CPSU. Customer perception about the branded items of reputed brands / supplier has to be addressed by the Govt. of India so that MSEs produced items can have the required brand image for the hospitality industries. - 25. Any other information related to VDP. 26 Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme Schedule attached. Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 3 No’s NVDP & 16 No’s SVDP Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers 27. 28. ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 Programme Coordinator Abhishek Singh, AD (Mech.) -37- …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme on 13th February, 2014 Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme. Date: 13th February, 2014. Venue: Friendship Lounge, 3rd Floor, Ashok Hotel, 50 B, Chankyapuri, New Delhi – 110021. Participants: 37 Nos. MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises organised one day State Level Vendor Development Programme on 13th February, 2014 at Friendship Lounge, 3rd Floor, Ashok Hotel, 50 B, Chankyapuri, New Delhi - 110021 in association with Indian Tourism & Development Corporation for the benefit of the representative of the Hotels under control of ITDC for better understanding and strategy making for sucessfully implementation of Public Procurement Policy 2012. In this programme 37 Nos. of Officers from Hotels under ITDC have attended the programme.This was the programme where the participants were made aware of the Public Procurement Policy 2012 and the role of buyers / Govt. Organisation/ PSUs for successfully implementing the policy for the Promotion & Development of MSEs. The programme was inaugurated by Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi. The programme was spread from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The sessions used a variety of approaches — presentations, lectures, interaction and discussions, etc. In the beginning of the Programme Shri Ravi Kumar, Asstt. Manager (HRD) ITDC welcomed the chief guest and others. Shri Abhishek Singh, Asstt. Director (Mech) explained the Public procurement policy of Govt. of India for Micro, Small Enterprises which is effective from April, 2012 and will become mandatory from 1st April, 2015 in the programme. He also explained other schemes of ministry of MSME for marketing of the products of MSMEs. Shri B.K. Sahu, Manager (MM), ITDC explained in brief about the procurement procedure and the requirement of ITDC. Shri Jasbir Singh, Zonal General Manager, NSIC, explaind in detail about the Govt. purchase scheme of NSIC in the Programme. Sh. Goutam Chatterjee, General Manager, Hotel Ashok in his address pointed out the problem which hotel industry may face while implementing the procurement policy of Govt. of india that the customer perception about the branded items of reputed brands / supplier has to be addressed by the Govt. of India so that MSEs produced items can have the required brand image so that the hospitality industries may not face the threat of losing their valuable customers to the private hotel. Shri R.P. Vaishya Director, MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi in his Keynote address said marketing of products of micro & small enterprises is one of major hindrance in development of MSEs sector. These type of Programmes provide common platform for both large industrial organizations purchaser viz a viz Small and micro enterprises as buyer. He told the participants that the Govt. of India had already Implemented NMCP Scheme for making the MSEs Competitive by reducing its production cost and improving the quality of the product to the specified Indian / International Standards, He also advised the officers of hospitality industry that instead of buying products of reputed brands they may lay the stringent parameters of the required product in the tender inquiry and procure the product from MSEs of specified desired quality and can serve them to their valuable customers under their own brand name. -38- Shri Ravi Kumar, Asstt. Manager (HRD) ITDC proposed vote of thanks on the occasion to all the dignitaries on the dais and participants of the programme. All the participants were provided with a set of the course material related to detailed description about MSME and its various schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy. The materials supplied were in the form of manuals, booklet and pamphlets. -39- Govt. of India Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises MSME Development Institute Okhla Indl. Estate, New Delhi-110020. State Level Vendor Development Programme (13th February 2014) Venue : Friendship Lounge, 3rd Floor, Ashok Hotel, 50 B Chankyapuri, New Delhi - 110021 Programme Schedule S.No. Topic Name of Officer 1. Welcome Address 2. Presentation on Public Procurement Policy 2012 3. Procurement Procedure & Requirement of ITDC 4. Role of NSIC in Public Procurement Policy 2012 5. Address by Chief Guest Sh. Goutam Chatterjee General Manager AIH&TM, ITDC 11.50am 6. Presidential address by Sh. R.P. Vaishya Director MSME DI, Okhla, New Delhi 12.25pm 7. Vote of Thanks Sh. Vidyut Gautam Sr. Manager (HRD) AIH&TM, ITDC 1.00pm Sh. Ravi Kumar Asstt. Manager (HRD) AIH&TM, ITDC Sh Abhishek Singh Asstt. Director (Mech.) MSME DI, Okhla, New Delhi Sh. B.K. Sahu Head (MM) ITDC Sh. Shankar Manager NSIC, B.O Nariyana, New Delhi -40- Time 10.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am State Level Vendor Development Programme Organized on 13.2.2014 at rd Friends Lounge, 3 Floor Ashok Hotel, 50B, Chankyapuri, New Delhi. List of the Participants S.No Name of the Individual Name of the Unit Contact No./ Email 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Vipin Garg Y.R.Mehra Sapna Kashyap Veeti Singh Bhoomika Raj Bahadur Dimple Chawala Vikram Dahiya Ankur Singh Ravi Kumar Gautam Chatterjee Rajiv Satish Kuamr Ashok Rawat A.M. Jha Sanjay Singh V.K. Dhawan Dhrup Gupta Dhananjay Md. Shamim Ansari Vinod Kishore Manoj Kumar Mukesh Kumar Vimal Kumar Srinath Sampatu Suresh Chandra S.K. Shankar Rishi Bhatia Satindor Vir Dua B.K. Sattoo Mohan Chandra Ram Bhadur Sudhanshu Bhatnagar Vinod Kumar Vinod Baneerjee Md. Warash Mahesh Kumar Parmesh Uppal Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Janpath, Janpath, N.D Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Janpath, Janpath, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D AIH&TM, HRD, ITDC, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Janpath, Janpath, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Janpath, Janpath, N.D Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Samrat, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Janpath, Janpath, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D NSIC Ltd, B.O Nariyana, New Delhi NSIC Ltd, B.O Nariyana, New Delhi Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D Hotel Ashok, Chankyapuri, N.D -41- 9650197405 9560197437 9560197471 9899058456 9650600283 9650518889 8010075001 9911665152 9718813918 9560197441 9560197413 9654604497 9654220304 9650039066 8800896544 9868378703 9958323606 9540788188 8826921692 9560197406 9312701210 9810992589 9717122338 9560197446 9560197443 9811990768 9911859445 8800775562 9910021063 9899893717 9910538300 9868929378 9910891988 9968394216 9810293464 8527856503 9711070934 Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 13.02.2014 at Friends Lounge, 3rd Floor Ashok Hotel, 50B, Chankyapuri, New Delhi. -42- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. Particulars 1. 2. Name and address of the MSME-DI. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. 4. Name of the Director Name, Designation, Phone No. of the VDP Co-coordinator 5. DC office sanction Order No. and Date Sanctioned amount Date of the Programme and duration. Venue of the VDP 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies. Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP Business enquiry generated. Enclose a few important photographs of the programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feedback reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feedback. Information/Report MSME-DI, Okhla Indl Area, New Delhi -110020 Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R. P. Vaishya Mr. Neeraj Sharma Asstt. Director (C & T) Mobile No. 8285489321 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 Rs. 50,000/13.02.2014 – One day CISF Headquarter, Block-13,CGO Complex, New Delhi CISF Headquarter, Block-13,CGO Complex, New Delhi 46 Nos officer & staff of CISF engaged in procurement Yes, Public Procurement Policy-2012, MSMED Act-2006 and Government Schemes for MSEs Enclosed Enclosed Only Technical Seminar Enclosed N/A Rs.15000/Participants appreciated the programme -43- 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years)_ Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. - i. The officers suggested that suitable mode of action should be decided to the vendors in case of default and not supplying the goods in time ii. List of NSIC/DIC registered MSEs (Product wise) should be made available on website - Any other information related to VDP. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme schedule enclosed Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014- 3 Nos. NVDP and 16 Nos. SVDP 15 Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme . (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 Programme Coordinator Neeraj Sharma, AD (C&T) -44- …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme on 13th February,2014 Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme Date: 13th February, 2014 Venue: CISF Headquarter, Block-13, CGO Complex, New Delhi. Participants: 48 Nos. The C & T Division of this Institute organized a State Vendor Development Programme at CISF Headquarter, Block-13,CGO Complex, New Delhi. The main objective behind the programme was to increase the awareness of Government Schemes with special focus on Public Procurement Policy of Ministry of MSME to the officers & staff of CISF. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Sh.R.R. Bhardwaj , I.G. Admn,CISF,Delhi. The programme was spread from 03:00 p.m. onwards. The sessions used a variety of approaches — presentation, lectures, interaction and discussions, etc. The programme began with a welcome during which the participants were introduced. This was followed by the distribution of bouquets to the Chief guests to symbolize the inauguration of the workshop. The theme of the programme was discussed by Shri R.P.Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi. He elaborated and discussed about the Public Procurement Policy-2012, Provision of MSME Development Act-2006 and Schemes of Ministry of MSME for Competitiveness of MSEs. Shri R.R. Bhardwaj, I.G. Admn, CISF, Delhi (chief guest) assured about the implementation of Public Procurement Policy,2012 effectively to achieve 20% goal of procurement from MSES after 1st April, 2015. Shri K.R. Singh Asstt. Commandant ,CISF Headquarters ,New Delhi gave a brief account of seminar to Guest of Honor Sh. Sudhir Kumar ,DIG Admn, CISF Headquarter, Delhi Shri.Sudhir Kumar, DIG Admn, CISF Headquarter, Delhi was the Guest of Honor for the programme. He appreciated the theme of the programme and expressed that such type of programme brings awareness with regard to various schemes of the Govt. such types of programme are useful and informative. Shri Abhishek Singh, AD (Mech.) spoke about the benefits of availing Entrepreneurship Memorandum, by registering in the O/o Commissioner of Industries,Patparganj,New Delhi. He emphasized on various schemes especially Public Procurement Policy implemented by the Ministry of MSME, New Delhi. Shri Jasvinder Singh, Zonal General Manager, NSIC, New Delhi briefed the audience about role of NSIC in public procurement policy. The final session was followed by tea and snacks and participants interacted with each other and delegates on dais to enable them to know each other better, and also to understand the importance of Public Procurement Policy. At last, Shri Neeraj Sharma,AD (C & T) presented the vote of thanks to all the dignitaries on the dais and participants of the programme.All the participants were provided with a set of the course material related to detailed description about MSME and its various schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy. The materials supplied were in the form of manuals, booklet and pamphlet of the Institute activities. -45- Government of India Ministry of micro, small & medium enterprises WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC PROCUREMENT POLICY, 2012 Programme Schedule Venue: Conference Hall, CISF Headquarters, CGO Complex Lodhi Road ,New Delhi Date & Day: 13th February, 2014 (Thursday) Programme Schedule Presentation of Bouquet To Dignitaries Inaugural Session Welcome Address Sh.K.P. Singh AIG(Admn) ,CISF Headquarters ,New Delhi Sh. R.P. Vaishya Theme of the Programme Director ,MSME-DI, New Delhi Address by Chief Guest Sh. R.R Bhardwaj, IG (Admn),CISF Headquarters ,New Delhi Facilitation to Dignitaries Sh. Neeraj Sharma Vote of Thanks Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi Technical Session Presentation on Public Procurement Policy-2012 & Govt. Schemes Sh. Abhishek Singh Asstt. Director ,MSME-DI, New Delhi Sh. Shankar NSIC, Narayana Branch Role of NISC in MSEs Clarification & Discussion With Participants Brief Account of Seminar To Guest Of Honour Closing Address By Guest Of Honour Vote of Thanks Sh.K.R. Singh Asstt. Commandant, CISF Headquarters, New Delhi Sh. Sudhir Kumar, DIG (Admn),CISF Headquarters, New Delhi Sh. Neeraj Sharma Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi Tea/Snacks -46- Participants Details of State Level Vendor Development Programme Venue: CISF Headquarters, Block-13, CGO Complex, New Delhi Date: 13th February, 2014 Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Name R R Bhardwaj Sudhir Kumar K P Singh Sumant Singh P Menon A K Shukla K R Singh Raghunath Singh Patras Lakra P Maity C L Meena Amrish Kumar R C Singh S S Sharma Vikas Kumar B K Singh Suresh Chand Kapil Dev R S Bisht Girija Sankar Ratan Chand R L Narayana P S Taragi Sukhdev Singh K Rama Chandran G P Rao K C Sahu Ravinder Sawant CHV Subbaia B N Dhulia G C Sarkar Bajrang Bali R Muruliaran Sitaram Singh J S Pawar Arvind Kumar A K Gupta Ghanshyam Singh Baldev Singh S Sivaraman Satish Kumar Mukesh Unit/Office Address IG/ADM, Headquarter DIG/ADM, Headquarter AIG/ADM, Headquarter AIG/Tech, Headquarter Sr. AO, Prov. AC/Tech., Headquarter AC/Prov., Headquarter SO-Prov.-I SO-Prov.-II INSP/EXE, APZ Delhi INSP/EXE, IGI AP Delhi INSP/EXE, SSG Noida SI/MIN, NS HQ Delhi INSP/EXE, APS Delhi SI/EXE, APS Delhi SI/EXE, 5th Reserved Batallian, Ghaziabad SI/EXE, GBS Delhi ASI/MIN, DMRC Delhi INSP/EXE, Prov. INSP/EXE, Prov. INSP/EXE, Prov. PS, Prov. SI/MIN, Prov. SI/MIN, Prov. SI/MIN, Prov. HC/M Prov. SI/MIN Proc. SI/MIN Proc. SI/MIN Proc. ASI/MIN Proc. ASI/MIN Proc. ASI/MIN Proc. INSP/MIN, ADM SI/MIN, ADM SI/MIN, Tech ASI/MIN, Tech SI/MIN, Proc, BSF INSP. BSF SI, BSF INSP/MIN, CISF/FA Constable, Proc. Constable, Tech. -47- Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 13.02.2014 at CISF Headquarter, Block-13,CGO Complex, New Delhi. -48- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. Particulars 2. Name and address of the MSMEDI. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. Name of the Director 4. Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the NVDP Co-coordinator 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. DC office sanction Order No. and Date Sanctioned amount Information/Report MSME-DI, Okhla Indl Area, New Delhi -110020 Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R. P. Vaishya Sh. Major Singh Deputy Director (Electx.) Mobile No 9911469788 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 Rs. 50,000/- Date of the Programme and duration. Venue of the VDP 15.02.2014 – One day Enclose a few important photographs of the programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclosed Enclose a list of participants with their addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Enclosed Pipe Line Division of Indian Oil Corporation Sector-1 NOIDA Name and Addresses of supporting Indian Oil Corporation Limited Agencies. Total No. of Participants with 38 Nos. (Officers of IOC-34, MSME DI – 04) Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Indian Oil Corporation Limited Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. Seminars, if any conducted in Presentation on Public procurement policy-2012, VDP Provision of MSMED act- 2006 & Government Schemes for MSEs Business enquiry generated. N.A. Enclosed Technical Seminar only NIL N.A. Rs. 15,000/N.A. -49- 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years)_ Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. Any other information related to VDP. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme . (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 Participants appreciated the programme The programme was organized for the awareness and implementation of PPP-2012 by the CPSUs. IOCL shown their keen interest to organize more such workshop and NVDP for identifying genuine vendors from MSEs to IOCL Programme Schedule enclosed 3 Nos. NVDP & 16 Nos. SVDP - Programme Coordinator Major Singh, DD (Elex.) -50- …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director A Brief Report on Awareness Programme cum State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) on 15.02.2014 Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute, Okhla , New Delhi organized a day long Awareness cum State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) at Pipe Line Division of Indian Oil Corporation, sector-1, NOIDA (UP) on 15.02.2014 in association with Indian Oil Corporation, NOIDA (UP). The objective of the Programme was to create awareness about the Public Procurement Policy of the Govt. of India among the officers of the Pipe Line Division of the IOCL engaged in procurement system of the PSU. Sh. R.P. Vaishya, Director MSME-DI, New Delhi presided over the function. A total 34 numbers officers of the IOC engaged in Procurement of the PSU attended the programme. In the beginning, Sh. Arvind Kumar, DGM Pipe Line Division of Indian Oil Corporation welcome all the participants and dignitaries of the dias. Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx) of MSME DI, explained in brief about the objective of the programme. He also explained about the services provided by MSME-DI for development of Micro & Small Enterprises. Shri Sahi, CMD, IOCL Explained in brief about the procurement procedure of IOCL and also briefed about the quality and standards requirement of IOCL. In his keynote address, Sh. R.P. Vaishya, Director MSME Development Institute, Okhla, New Delhi explained in brief about the Public Procurement Policy 2012. He informed the participants that Central ministries, Govt. Departments, Public Sector Undertakings and Medium & Large Industries will make their own programmes to get the suitable vendors for their needs, as 20% of purchase will be made imperative from MSE Sector for Purchases of Govt. Deptts/CPSU in the years to come as per Govt. Public Procurement Policy 2012. He stated that next decade belongs to MSE Sector therefore entrepreneurs can expect the best in near future. He also briefed the schemes available with ministry of MSME for the betterment/ up-liftment of MSEs. He said that Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India has launched various schemes for promotion and development of micro, small & medium enterprises like National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology up gradation, Up gradation of quality of MSEs Products, Marketing Development Assistance etc. In his presidential address Shri A.K. Tyagi, CMD Indian Oil Corporation explained in brief the role of public procurement policy for the development of MSEs. He also pointed out the problem faced by the PSU to identify the suitable vendors and to achieve the 20% target to be procured from the MSEs sector. During the interactive session, different types of queries like how to verify EMII/Registration of the vendor; Category of the vendor; how to divide the 20% share of the MSE’s from the tender; list of reserved items etc. were raised, which was duly answered by the Director/Officials of the MSME-DI, New Delhi. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Shri Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx.) MSME-DI New Delhi. -51- The Detail Break-up of the participants is as below: MALE FEMALE TOTAL SC ST OBC - - - Budh - Minority Ch. Mus Par. - Sikh 2 2 P.H Others - 32 2 34 TOTAL 32 2 34 (Major Singh) Dy. Director (Elex.) -52- Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises MSME - Development Institute Okhla Indl. Estate, New Delhi-110020 organizes Awareness-Cum-State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) on 15th February, 2014 In association with: Indian Oil Corpn. Corp. Limited, Pipe Line Division, sec. 1, Noida. Venue : Indian Oil Corpn. Corp. Limited, Pipe Line Division, sec. 1, Noida. PROGRAMME SCHEDULE S. No. Topic Name of Officer 1. Welcome Address 2. Objective of the programme 3. Procurement Procedure of IOCL 4. Key Note Address 5. Presidential Address 6. 7. Sh. Arvind Kumar, DGM (IOCL) Sh. Major Singh,Dy. Director (Electx), MSME-DI Shri H.P. Sahi CMD (IOCL) Sh. R. P. Vaishya,Director MSME-DI Shri A.K. Tyagi, CMD (IOCL) INTERACTIVE SESSION Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx), MSME-DI Vote of thanks HIGH TEA -53- LIST OF PARTICIPANTS OF SVDP ON AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON PUBLIC PROCUREMENT POLICY ON 15.02.2014 S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Name Sh A.K. Tyagi Sh. P. Bhattacharya Sh. P.K. Bansal Sh. H.P. Sahi Sh. Jaspal Singh Sh. D.P. Semwal Sh. Ram Phal Sh. S.K. Satija Sh. U.K. Dhoot Sh. K. Ramesh Sh. A.K. Khurana Sh. P.V. Aravindakshan Sh. H.K. Singh Sh. Arvind Kumar Sh. Sanjeev Goel Sh. Sanjay Kumar V. Sh. A.K. Mehta Sh. B.K. Mondal Sh. K.K. Lal Sh. S. Thangaraj Sh. T.K. Dutta Sh. S.K. Mondal Sh. P.K. Saha Sh. Amitava Bala Sh. A.S. Saha Sh. Subrata Biswas Sh./ C.K. Dhiran Sh. B.D. Chakravorty Sh. A.K. Sinha Ms. S.Mitra Ms. Romya ShankeR Sh. P.K. Acharaya Sh. K.S. Sawant Sh. V.K. Sharma Sh. R.P. Vaishya Sh. Major Singh 37. Shri Kamal Singh 38. Shri Bijendra Kumar Designation ED (M&C) in Chair GM (M&I) GM (HSE) GM (M&C) GM (C) GM(O) GM (PJ-T&I) GM (PJ-Gas) GM (PJ-Monitoring) DGM (F) DGM I/C (PJ-Elect) DGM (PJ-Mat) DGM (PJ-Mech.) DGM (M&C) DGM (F) DGM (Contracts) CMTM SMTM CMTM, NRPL, Panipat CTSM, SRPL Chennai CMTM, WRPL, Gauridad CMTM, HMRBPL, Mourigram CMTM, Const. Office, Jaipur CMTM, PRRPL Bhubaneshwar CMTM, ERPL, Kolkata SMTM, PHBPL, Haldia STSM, WRPL, Koyali SCM, PHDPL, Mourigram DMTM, BKPL, Barauni T&IE, GSPL Guwahati O & ME (Material), NRPL, Bijwasan Chief Manager, Liaison Office, Mumbai Dy. Materials Manager, Liaison Office, Mumbai MTO, Liaison Office, Kolkata Director, MSME-DI Okhla New Delhi Dy. Director (Electx.) MSME-DI Okhla, New Delhi Dy. Director (Mech.) MSME-DI Okhla, New Delhi Asstt. Director (Chem.) , MSME-DI Okhla, New Delhi -54- Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 15.02.2014 at Pipe Line Division of Indian Oil Corporation Sector-1 Noida -55- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S.No. 2. Particulars Name and Address of the MSMEDI Phone/Fax/E-Mail 3. Name of the Director 4. Name, Designation, Phone no. of Shri Ravi Ranjan, Investigator(mech.) the VDP Co-ordinator DC Office Sanction Order No. and 12(18)/VDP/2013-14, dt. 08.07.2013 Date Sanctioned Amount Rs. 50,000/- 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Information/Report New Delhi Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R.P. Vaishya Date of the Programme and duration Venue of the VDP 18.02.2014 (One day) Name and Addressess of supporting Agencies Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium) CPU’s/SPSU’s/ Ministries/ Other Large Scale Sectors participated Gives Name and Address of them Seminars, if any conducted in VDP Business enquiry generated NTPC & NSIC Ltd. Enclose a few important photographs of the programme Enclosed a brief note about the programme Total No of Stall (enclosed a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclosed Along with Report Enclose a List of Participants with their addresses (SC/ST/Min./Women/ Others) Total no. of visitors to the Exhibition Expenditure Incurred, (Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage Enclosed Power Management Institute, NTPC, Noida. Total =80 nos. NTPC, Noida & Gurgaon Branch ,NSIC Ltd Yes , Public procurement policy -2012 & Govt. Schemes for MSEs Annual Target of NTPC procurement during (2014-15) will be approx 20% higher than the target running financial year (2013-14). Enclosed Only Technical sessions - 15000/NIL -56- 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Analysis Report of Feed Back Reports of the participants. Enclosed a format of Feed Back Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least of the past 5 years) Sanctioned Amount, Duration, Venue, No. of participants, Recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc. Important Suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. Any other information related to VDP Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme Sheet Proposal of NVDP/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date, etc., Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/ Railways/State PSUs/ Others as Sellers) Give details in a separate Sheet Date : 27.03.2014 Appreciated the Programme The programme was organized for the awareness of Public Procurement policy-2012 for the Officers and Staff of NTPC It was suggested to organize such sessions to get more and more clarification regarding various arising during procurement process. Programme schedule enclosed 3 Nos. NVDP & 16Nos. SVDP - Programme Coordinator Ravi Ranjan, Inv. (Mech) -57- (R. P. Vaishya) Director BRIEF REPORT OF SVDP HELD ATPOWER MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, NTPC, NOIDA ON 18.02.14 The programme was inaugurated by S. C. Chavady, General Manager, NTPC Limited, Corporate Centre , Noida. During his inaugural speech he appealed the MSEs to be become more competitive to get the benefits of public procurement policy-2012. He confirmed that the target during coming financial year will be much higher and hence MSEs should come forward to fulfill the requirement of NTPC in coming years. He also emphasized on waste management’s to avoid national loss. The Objective of the workshop on Public Procurement Policy 2012 was presented by Shri Major Singh, Dy. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi, Shri A.K.Dutta, A.G.M.C (CC & M), NTPC Noida described about the Implications in implementing Public procurement policy 2012 in NTPC. He also described about the vendor registration/Procurement Procedures in NTPC and also briefed about suppliers performance rating system, new vendor registration procedure and review of technical and financial limit of vendors. Shri Amit Tuteja , Br.Manager, NSIC Ltd.,Gurgaon, NSIC enlightened the participants about Government Purchase Programmme & role of NSIC in Implementing Public Procurement Policy effectively in Govt, Department & CPU,s etc. Shri A.K.Chaterjee, ED, (CC & M), NTPC, Noida, made presentation on business practices and honoring contract. He also highlighted about the procedure adopted in NTPC for Vendor registration. He also highlighted need based technical support is being extended to MSE vendors. He also shared his experiences with MSEs about delay in bid submission, delay in supplies, quality issues. Shri R.P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi addressed the participants as guest of honour and explained about MSME act 2006, definition of MSME, Public Procurement policy 2012. In his address he emphasized MSE,s become more and more competitive in cost , quality and delivery in time. During interactive session, the entrepreneurs raised issues related to registration of NSIC & MSME, deviations, delay in payment etc. Shri R.P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi, Shri Amit Tuteja , Br.Manager, NSIC Ltd.,Gurgaon & Shri A.K.Dutta, A.G.M.C (CC & M), NTPC Noida , clarified the queries raised by the participating MSEs. The programme concluded with vote of thanks given by Shri. Ravi Ranjan , Investigator(Mech.), MSME-DI, Okhla, New Delhi-110020. -58- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES MICRO SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISESDEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, OKHLA, NEW DELHI Organizes State Level Vendor Development Programme In Association with NTPC Limited, Plot No. 5-14, Sector-16A, Noida on 18.02.2014 PROGRAMME Welcome address : Shri S. C. Chavady, General Manager NTPC Limited, Corporate Centre, Noida Objective of the Programme : Shri Major Singh, Dy. Director, MSME-D I, New Delhi Problems/Implications in implements in MSE’s & Vendor Registration Procedure : Shri D. K. Dutta A. G. M. C. (CC & M) NTPC Limited, Corporate Centre, Noida Address by : Shri A. K. Chaterjee, ED (CC&M) NTPC Limited, Corporate Centre, Noida Tea 11.30 A. M. Role of NSIC in Public Procurement Policy Implementation : Shri Amit Tuteja, Br. Manager, NSIC, Gurgaon, Haryana Overview of Public procurement Policy & MSME Act : Shri R.P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-D I, New Delhi Vote of Thanks : Shri Ravi Ranjan, Investigator, MSME-D I, New Delhi Lunch 1.30 P. M -59- Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name Designation Sh. T. K. Roa Ch. P. C. Das D. Durai Raju A. Patra A. Bandyopadhyay Arun Prasad Prashant Jain Hari Prakash Ram Nath TSTPS-Koniha TSTPS-Koniha TANDATPS, UP ER II HQ, Bhubeneswar NTPC-Barh WR-ZHQ, Mumbai NTPC, Gandhar NTPC, Gandhar NTPC-FGPS 9437575375 9437041386 9415100075 9438233246 9431215317 904497213 9428815852 9427110740 9650994310 10. Sumit Kain NTPC-FGPS 9650999193 11. Sushil Kujur NSPCL, Rourkela 9437961793 12. 13. P. K. Mishra Om Prakash Anuj Aron K. R. Verma D. P. Jajoria Sipat NTPC, Auraiya Gas Power Station APCPL, Jhajjar APCPL, Jhajjar NTPC-Anta 9425281549 9412771586 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. NTPC, Noida NTPC, Dalipali NSPCL, Durgapur 9650992912 9437043642 9434082154 20. 21. 22. 23. N. K. Nayak T. Acharya Chinmoy Bhattacharjee T. V. Rao Sanjay Kumar H. N. Singh Naresh Shukla AGM (MTP) AGM (C&M) AGM (C&M) GM (C&M) AGM (C&M) AGM (C&M) Dr. Mgr. (HTP) Sr. Mgr. (C&M) Dy. Supdtt. (MTP) Asstt. Mgr. (Purchase) Manager (Purchase) AGM (MTP) Sr. Supdt. (MTP) Sr. Mgr. (C&M) DGM (MTP) Manager (C&M) Manager (CM) AGM (C&M) SM (C&M) Ratnakar Behera Y. K. Sharma NTPC-Ramagundam NRHQ-Lucknow HRHQ, Noida Paltech Cooling Towers P. Ltd., Gurgaon NTPC, Noida NTPC, EOC 9440918222 8004950082 9650996722 9871577117 24. 25. 26. 27. D. K. Sharma S. S. Raghav Ajai Tandon Alok Agarwal A. Agrawal B. P. Bishwas C. B. Mahajan Vijay Toppo 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. B. K. Sahoo A. K. Pal Sanjay Kumar C. Suresh Nahum Das EOC Noida /NTPC S. S. Appliances (P) Ltd., C15, Sec.-7 Noida NTPC-TANDA Rehad Unchahar STPP, Chhatisgarh Korba, STPS, Korba S. S. Appliances (P) Ltd., C15, Sec.-7 Noida BTPS BTPS NTPC, Kahalgaon RIHAND Vindhyachal /WR-II 9650992272 9582798806 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. AGM (C&M) AGM (C&M) SM (C&M) General Manager Manager DGM (HRC&P) AGM (CM) Sr. Marketing Engg. AGM (MTP) AGM (C&M) AGM (Pur.) AGM (C&M) AGM (C&M) Sr. Mgr. Mkt. AGM (C&M) DGM (MPD) AGM (MTP) AGM (MTP) Sr. Manager (MTP) Unit Name & Address -60- Contact No. 9416212230 9416600557 9413399891 9650992819 9650992093 9415501310 9453017953 9415501234 9425275790 9425219537 9582262639 9650993577 9650992147 9431600705 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. P. B. Das N. Kessava Pal Reddy Anup Kumar Majumdar K. Venkateshwara Chary Pramod Kumar Singh Sushmita Mukherjee Ramkumar.C Rahul Sharma B. Venkat Girish Kumar Singh Sandeep Bhatia Vikas Kumar Meena Vivek Bharti 57. 58. Arun Kumar Pal Dhirendra Pal Jajoria P. Baburajan Satish Mishra Sanjeev Kumar Varshney Rajan Kumar Saxena Shankar Das V. K. Dassani 59. K. Nagarajan 60. Sanjay Kumar Srivastava Indrajit Datta Mansih Vasant Sathe Nirupam Kanti Dutta Pankaj Kumar Mishra Bijoy Kumar Agarawal K. D. Rajendran T. Krishna Rao Dilip Singh Manki Surendra Pandey Sukkhu Ram 54. 55. 56. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. C&M AGM (MTP) KGGPP Simhadri AGM (C&M) Talcher Termal Sr. Mgr./C&M Simhadri DGM/MTP TTPS/ER II DGM (C&M) NCR-HQ AGM/C&M Engineer-Mktg. GM-Mktg. A&M-North NTECL DGM-Projects Dy. Supdt. (BMD) Dy. Supdt. (BMD) DGMC (MPD) Manager (Purchase) Projects BTPS DGM (C&M) Koldam AGM FGUTPP,Unchahar GM AGM (C&M)/NSPCC AGM(MTP)/ O&M Addl. G. M. (CC&M) AGM/C&M AGM, O&M/MTP A&M9C&W)N CR HQ AGM/MTP Kawas NSPCC AGM (C&M) Sipat/STPP GM (C&M) A&M (MTP) GM (C&M) Sr. Mgr. (C&M) DGM (Purchase) SQ HQ` TSTPS-Kawihe ER-I, HQ, Patna Singhrauli Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Station/WRHQ-II Sales NTPC-Badarpur BTPS ANTA Ramagundam STPS Hydro Mouda/WRHQ-1 Mouda/WRHQ-1 NCR HQ Sipat/WR-II -61- 71. HOD (C&M) Kahalgaon (ER-I) AGM/MTP Vallur TPP-Chennai 73. Shyamal Bhattacharya T. V. Balasubramanian R.P. Vaishya Director 74. Major Singh Dy.Director 75. Ravi Ranjan 76. 77. Amit Tuteja S.C. Chavedy Investigator (Mech.0 Br. Manager General Manger 78. D.K.Dutta 79. A.K.Chaterjee 80. Staff Member MSME-DI, Okhla New Delhi MSME-DI, Okhla New Delhi MSME-DI, Okhla New Delhi NSIC Ltd., Gurgaon NTPC Ltd. Corporate center, Noida NTPC Ltd. Corporate center, Noida NTPC Ltd. Corporate center, Noida NTPC Ltd. Corporate center, Noida 72. A.G.M.C(CC& M) ED (CC&M) -62- Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 18.02.2014 at Power Management Institute, NTPC, Noida. -63- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. Particulars Information/Report Name and address of the MSME-DI. MSME-DI, Okhla Indl. Area, New Delhi -110020 Phone:-011-26838118,26838269, 26838068 Fax:- 01126838016 e-mail:- dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Sh. R.P. Vaishya 2. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. Name of the Director 4. 5. Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the Sh. Kamal Singh, Dy. Director (Mech.) VDP 011-26838118 Co-ordinator DC office sanction Order No. and Date 12(18)/VDP/2013-14, Dt. 8.7.2013. 6. Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/- 7. Date of the Programme and duration. 18th February 2014 8. Venue of the VDP WASME House, Sector-16-A, Noida (UP). 9. Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies. Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. Indian Industries Association, (Noida Chapter) 20 Nos. 12. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP 13. Business enquiry generated. 9. Govt. Schemes For the Promotion & Development of MSMEs. 10. Awareness of Public Procurement Policy 2012 for MSEs. 11. Market Development through Bar Coding This programme is an awreness programme thus no enquiry is generated 14. Enclose a few important photographs of Enclosed the programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Enclosed 10 11. 15. 16. 17. 18. 6. National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Branch Gurgaon (Haryana), New Delhi Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall Technical Seminar only layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their Enclosed addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). -64- 19. Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. - 20. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. Rs. 14,375/- 21. 22. 23. 24. All participants appreciated the programme The progranne was organized for the awareness & implementation of Public procurement policy,2012 by Govt. Departments & Central Public Sector Undertakings 1. More & more such programmes should be organized at various places in Noida to create awareness of Public procurement policy,2012 among MSEs - 25. Any other information related to VDP. 26 Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme Schedule Enclosed Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 NVDPs = 03 Nos. Venue, tentative date , etc. SVDPs = 16 Nos. 27. 28. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……… .. Date : 27.03.2014 Programme Coordinator Kamal Singh, DD (Mech.) -65- ………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme on 18th February, 2014 Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme. Date: 18th February, 2014. Venue: WAMSE House, Sector-16-C, Noida (UP). Participants: 20 Nos. MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises organized one day State Level Vendor Development Programme on 18th February, 2014 at WAMSE House, Sector-16-C, Noida (UP) in association with Indian Industries Association, (Noida Chapter) to make aware of their members about Public Procurement Policy 2012 so that they could take advantages in marketing their product/services to Govt. Departments/Public Sector Undertakings. In this programme 20 Nos. of representatives of MSEs attended the programme. This was the programme where the participants were made aware of the Public Procurement Policy 2012 and the role of buyers / Govt. Organization/ PSUs for successfully implementing the policy for the Promotion & Development of MSEs. The programme was inaugurated by Shri R.P. Vaishya Director, MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi. In his inaugural address he said that all the Central ministries, Central Govt. Departments and Central Public Sector Undertakings have been asked to implement Public Procurement policy, 2012 in procurement of their requirements. He further said this policy is going to be mandatory from April 1, 2015 for every Govt. Departments/CPSUs. He also highlighted the some provisions of MSMED Act,2006 those related marketing support to MSEs. The duration of the programme was 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM. There was a variety of approaches like presentations, lectures, interaction and discussions, etc. during the session. In the beginning of the Programme Ms. Rekha Gupta, President IIA (Noida Chapter) welcomed the chief guest and other participants. She also expressed the expectations of the industry from Public Procurement Policy 2012. Shri Major Singh Dy. Director (Electronics) explained the Public procurement policy,2012 which came into effect from April, 2012 and will be made mandatory from 1st April, 2015. He also explained other schemes of ministry of MSME for marketing of the products of MSEs. Shri Rajesh Mittal a Bar Code consultant explained the introduction and formation of bar code for a product and how bar code is helpful to MSEs in marketing their product. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Shri Chanchal Kumar, General Secretary, IIA (Noida Chapter). -66- Govt. of India Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises MSME Development Institute Okhla Indl. Estate, New Delhi-110020. State Level Vendor Development Programme (18th February 2014) Venue : WAMSE House, Sector-16-C, Noida (UP) Programme Schedule S.No. Topic Name of Officer 1. Welcome Address 2. Address by Chief Guest 3. Presentation on Public Procurement Policy 2012 Sh Major Singh Dy. Director (Elex.) MSME DI, Okhla, New Delhi 2.30pm 4. Presentation of Bar Code Sh. Rajesh Mittal Bar Code Consultant 4.00pm 5. Vote of Thanks Ms. Rekha Gupta President IIA (Noida Chapter) Shri R.P. Vaishya Director MSME-DI, New Delhi Sh. Chanchal Kumar General Secretary IIA (Noida Chapter) -67- Time 1.00pm 1.30pm 5.30pm State Level Vendor Development Programme Organized on 18.02.2014 at WAMSE House, Sector-16-C, Noida (UP) List of the Participants S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Contact Person S/Shri Anuj Jain Chanchal Kumar S. S. Walia Rekha Gupta 5. Mukesh Varshney 6. 7. Ajai Aggarwal Sandeep Saroha 8. 9. 10. Rajeev Bansal Raghudra Varshney N. K. Kharbanda 11. Vipul Seth 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Noel Shishir Kumar Ram Dubey Kulmesh Gupta V. Thoma 17. 18. 19. 20. Shiv Saurabh Rai Arvind Ravi Ranjan Name and Address of Unit Sapphire International NG Transformer Dehyani Biotechs Delhi Candil Denis (P) Ltd. Country Fame Engg. Pvt. Ltd. N. P. Pumps P. Ltd. Polytech Chemicals, Suraj Pur, G. Noida Celestial Kcoks Ltd. M. R. Enterprises Sakeset Engineers Pvt. Ltd., E-50, Sector-8, Noida Smera Rating Ltd., Okhla WASME DIC, GB Nagar DIC, GB Nagar M/s. Sunny Soler Machines (P) Ltd. SMERA Dainik Jagran CHENDB MSME-DI, New Delhi -68- Contact no. 9811111133 9818620864 9811327770 9811334414 9811087550 9811111062 9211727434 9810155294 9810504174 9811039670 9654269178 9958555500 9811540375 9810009395 9810033507 9910007289 9560798002 9811018935 9999704169 Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 18.02.2014 at WAMSE House, Sector-16-C, Noida -69- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S.No. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Particulars Name and Address of the MSMEDI Phone/Fax/E-Mail Name of the Director Name, Designation, Phone no. of the VDP Co-ordinator DC Office Sanction Order No. and Date Sanctioned Amount Date of the Programme and duration Venue of the VDP 37. Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies 38. Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium) CPU’s/SPSU’s/ Ministries/ Other Large Scale Sectors participated Gives Name and Address of them Seminars, if any conducted in VDP 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Business enquiry generated Enclose a few important photographs of the programme Enclosed a brief note about the programme Total No of Stall (enclosed a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a List of Participants with their addresses (SC/ST/Min./Women/ Others) Total no. of visitors to the Exhibition Expenditure Incurred, (Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage Analysis Report of Feed Back Reports of the participants. Enclosed a format of Feed Back Information/Report New Delhi Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R.P. Vaishya Shri Ravi Ranjan, Investigator(mech.) 12(18)/VDP/2013-14, dt. 08.07.2013 Rs. 50,000/03.03.14 (One day) General Store Department Northern Railway, Shakur Basti, Delhi. General Store Department Northern Railway, Shakur Basti, Delhi, & NSICLtd, Gurgaon Branch, Haryana. Total =60 nos. General Store Department Northern Railway, Shakur Basti, Delhi, & NSIC Ltd, Gurgaon Branch Yes , Public procurement policy -2012, Provision of MSMED Act & Govt. Schemes for MSEs Enclosed Enclosed Only Technical session Enclosed 15000/NIL Appreciated the Programme -70- 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least of the past 5 years) Sanctioned Amount, Duration, Venue, No. of participants, Recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc. Important Suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. Any other information related to VDP Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme Sheet Proposal of NVDP/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date, etc., Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/ Railways/State PSUs/ Others as Sellers) Give details in a separate Sheet …… Date : 27.03.2014 The programme was organized for the awareness of Public Procurement policy-2012 for the Officers and Staff of Northern Railway Various issues concerning to vendors registration by DIC, NSIC Ltd, have discussed. Also security deposits & prize preference issue were raised with NSIC Ltd. Programme Sheet Enclosed 3 Nos. NVDP & 16Nos. SVDP - Programme Coordinator Ravi Ranjan, Inv. (Mech) -71- …..…… (R. P. Vaishya) Director Brief Report of SVDP at General Store Department ,Northern Railway Shakur Basti, New Delhi-34 The programme was inaugurated by Sanjay Kumar, Assistant Controller, General Store Department Northern railway Shakur Basti , New Delhi-110034.During his inaugural speech he appealed the MSEs to become more competitive to get the benefits of public procurement policy (MSE). He said that the target during coming financial year will be much higher and hence MSEs may come forward to fulfill the requirements of Northern railway in coming years. He also emphasized on waste management to avoid national loss. Shri T.R.Shavsar (IRRS), Dy Chief Material Manger, Northern railway Shakur Basti, New Delhi-110034, made presentation on business practices and honoring contract. He also highlighted about the Procedure and adopted by Northern railway in Vendor registration. He also highlighted need based technical support is being extended to MSE vendors and also shared his experiences with MSEs about delay in bid submission, delay in supplies, quality issues. Shri Amit Tuteja , Br.Manager, NSIC Ltd.,Gurgaon, NSIC enlightened the participants about Government Purchase Programmme & role of NSIC in Implementing Public Procurement Policy effectively in Govt, Department & CPU,s etc. Presentation on Public Procurement Policy (MSEs), NMCP was made by sh. Kamal singh Dy. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi-110020. He addressed the participants and briefed them about MSME act 2006, definition of MSME, Public procurement policy 2012. In his address he emphasized to become more and more competitive toward cost and quality. During interactive session, the entrepreneurs raised issues related to registration of NSIC & MSME, deviations, delay in payment etc. Shri Kamal Singh, Dy. Director, MSMEDI, New Delhi, Shri Amit Tuteja , Br.Manager, NSIC Ltd.,Gurgaon & Shri Sanjay Kumar, Assistant Controller, Northern Railway, Shakur Basti , clarified the queries raised by the participating MSEs. The programme concluded with vote of thanks given by Shri. Ravi Ranjan , Investigator(Mech.), MSME-DI, Okhla, New Delhi-110020. -72- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES MICRO SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISESDEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, OKHLA, NEW DELHI Organizes State Level Vendor Development Programme In Association with General Store Department, Northern Railway, Shakur Basti, Delhi-110034 on 03.03.2014 PROGRAMME Welcome address : Shri Sanjay Kumar, Assistan Controller ,Northern Railway Shakur Basti, Delhi Problems/Implications in implements in MSE’s & Vendor Registration Procedure : Shri T. R. Shavsar (IRRS) Dy. Chief Material Manager Northern Railway Shakur Basti, Delhi Role of NSIC in Public Procurement Policy Implementation : Shri Amit Tuteja, Br. Manager, NSIC, Gurgaon, Haryana Objective of the Programme , Overview of Public procurement Policy & MSME Act : Shri Kamal Singh, Dy. Director, MSME-D I, New Delhi Vote of Thanks : Shri Ravi Ranjan, Investigator, MSME-D I, New Delhi Lunch 1.30 P. M -73- Participants Details of the SVDP held on 03.03.2014 at General Store Department Northern Railway, Shakur Basti, New Delhi: Sr. No 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Designation Sh. G. S. Chanda Sh. S. K. Gupta Sh. Anan Sh. Sushil Kumar Singh Manager Prop. Prop. Manager 5. Sh. Jagdish Shah Manager Sales 6. Sh. J. M. Saha Mkt. D. D. 7. Sh. Nawneet Bessy Partner 8. Prop. 10. Sh. Naresh Sharma Sh. Manoj Khemka Sh. Raisuddin 11. Sh. Rohit Gulati Business Development Manager 12. Sh. Avtar Singh Business 13. Sh. Omprakash Business 14. Sh. Vikas Raja Sr. Back Office 15. Sh. Sourabh Asstt. Manager 16. Sh. Anil Khanna Proprietor 17. Sh. Ashok Arora Manager 18. Sh. Aman Deep Singh Sh. Gaurav Kumar Sh. B. S. Singh Proprietor 9. 19. 20. Manager Partner Unit Name & Address Contact No. Kohinorr Enterprises S. K. Gupta & Sons Harkrishan International Whale Stationery Products Ltd., 19, IGI Gurgaon Road, Kapasheda, New Delhi Rationel Besen Cap (P) Ltd., N-10, Satyawat Nagar, New Delhi Satia Industries Ltd., 21, K. G. Marg, New Delhi-01 A. B. Corporation, 1/6626, East rohtash Nagar, Shahdare, Delhi-32 Industrial & Engg. Corpn. 9990213135 9811253088 9990614187 9868339331 Shri Balaji Sanitation, Chawri Bazar,Hauz Quazi Prince-Metal Industries., G370, M. G. Raod Industrial Area, Ghaziabad M/s. Venus Enterpries,223, Vadhman Diomand Place, Paharganj, D. B. Gupta Road, New Delhi-110055 Simran Enterprises, H-88, J. J. Colony, Wazirpur, Delhi Shivam Prces Tools, 351, Pandav Nagar, Ghaziabad M/s. R. L. Agencies Pvt. Ltd., 118, Ansal Bahwan, 16, K. G. Marg, New Delhi01 M/s. R. L. Agencies Pvt. Ltd., 118, Ansal Bahwan, 16, K. G. Marg, New Delhi01 Khanna Enterprieses 9871466005 S.P. & Sons, 1321/28, New Gruranank Mkt. , Kashmiri Gate, Delhi Harkrishan International Worker Worker Arora Trading Co. -74- 8588814227 9899000161 9968303690 9811331141 9313185453 7858054030 9871675642 9891021314 9650630092 9899699574 9212052341 9212448100 9654585910 9990614187 9873677933 9891212947 21. Sh. Dan Singh Mingwal Manager 22. Sh, Sachin Sharma Manager 23. Mohd. Yusuf Prop. 24. Sh. Rajiv Jain Prop. 25. 26. 27. Sh. R. Verma Sh. J. L. Meena Sh. Sanjay Kumar CDMS DMS NR Shakur Basti 28. Sh. T. R. Shavsar 29. Sh. Prem Chand IRRS, Dy. Chief Material Manager Staff Member 30. Sh. Ajay Jain Prop. 31. Sh. Ravi Jain AGM (C&M) 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Sh. Harish Kumar Sh. Manish Kalra Sh. Ujjwal Sh. Sanjeev Sh. Mahesh Kumar Sh. Rajesh Sh. B. D. Sharma Sh. S. S. Negi Sh. Anil Bhalla Sh. S. K. Verma Prop. Prop. Sh. Yogesh Goyal Sh. Nizam Sh. Sat Pal Sh. Chander Mohan Sh. Ram Sevakdas Sh. Parveen Kumar Sh. Rajesh Sh. Amit Tuteja Sh. Kamal Singh Sh. Ravi Ranjan 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 9871174472 9312146348 Auth. Rep. AGM (MTP) BJV Techno Industries, K5/51, Mohan Garden Extn., Near Kali Mata Mandir, Uttam Nagar, Delhi Vista Office Systme Pvt. Ltd., 10/66, Industrial Area, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi M.L. Dew., B-324, DDA Colony, Khyala, New Delhi18 Shree Jaina Sourcing & Co., Block-R-47/D, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-95 General Store Depat. GSD/SSB Northern Railway, Shakur Basti Northern Railway, Shakur Basti Northern Railway, Shakur Basti Maa Vaishno Steels, D1/26, Mayapuri, Phase-II, New Delhi Ravi Steel Traders, D-2/58, Mayapuri, Phase=II, New Delhi H. K. Enterprises Mech Engineers & Treders P. K. Enterprises K. G. Matalloys, Satya Trading Co. DMS DMS DMS DMS Business GSD/SSB GSD/SSB GSD/SSB N. rly/GSD/SSB N. rly/GSD/SSB 9350010236 Sr. Mgr./C&M MOD Ch. O. S. DMS Kay Sons Piganets (P) Ltd. Prince Battery, Ghaziabad N. rly/GSD/SSB N. rly/GSD/SSB 9868387865 9891270181 9910922337 9811132441 9810170827 9718585253 9911987058 9868227261 Ch. OS CDMS N. rly/GSD/SSB N. rly/GSD/SSB 9650178824 9717637781 CDMS NSIC Dy. Director Investigator N. rly/GSD/SSB Gurgaon Branch MSME-DI, New Delhi MSME-DI, New Delhi -75- 8527552211 9891750121 9818298180 9717637784 9911256069 9811503846 9811296862 9810782588 9811763943 9999925716 9810830490 9891292039 Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 03.03.2014 at General Store Department Northern Railway, Shakur Basti, New Delhi -76- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. 2. Particulars Name and address of the MSMEDI. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. 4. Name of the Director Name, Designation, Phone No. of the VDP Co-coordinator 5. DC office sanction Order No. and Date Sanctioned amount Date of the Programme and duration. Venue of the VDP 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. Information/Report MSME-DI, Okhla Indl Area, New Delhi -110020 Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R. P. Vaishya Mr. Anurag Srivastava Asstt. Director (Stat) Mobile No. 9899545513 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 Rs. 50,000/04.03.2014 – One day Delhi Police Headquarters, MSO Building, ITO, New Delhi-110002 Name and Addresses of supporting Delhi Police Headquarters, MSO Building, ITO, Agencies. New Delhi-110002 Total No. of Participants with 61 Nos Breakups Officers & Staff of Delhi Police from different (Micro, Small and Medium). Stations & engaged in procurement Dept. CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Delhi Police Headquarters, MSO Building, ITO, Large Scale sectors participated. New Delhi-110002 Give Name and address of them. Seminars, if any conducted in Yes, Public Procurement Policy, provision of VDP MSME-D Act 2006 & Govt. Schemes Business enquiry generated. Awareness about Public Procurement Policy2012 Enclose a few important Enclosed photographs of the programme. Enclose a brief note about the Enclosed programme Total No. of Stalls Only Technical Seminar (enclose a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with Enclosed their addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the N/A Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose Rs.15000/head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the N.A. programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back Participants appreciated the programme. reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. -77- 23. 24. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years)_ Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. The programme was organized for the awareness & implementation of the policy by the Govt.Dept. Participants wanted to know that Public Procurement Policy-2012 is also applicable for Kendriya Bhandars and items purchased from them can be treated as procured from MSEs in achieving 20% procurement goal by Delhi Police. Participants suggested that the details of items & address of MSEs should be uploaded in website of M/o MSME & NSIC Ltd. and e-marketing should be encouraged. Participants wanted to know whether tendering process can be avoided while procuring from MSEs enabling to achieve 20% goal of procurement from them easily. 25. Any other information related to VDP. 26 Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet. Programme Sheet Enclosed 27. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme . (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers 3 Nos. NVDP & 16 Nos. SVDP. Sanction may be issued latest by June,2014 28. ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 - Programme Coordinator …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Anurag Srivastava, AD (Stat.) Director -78- Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme (S.V.D.P.) Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme Date: 04th March, 2014 Venue: Delhi Police Headquarters, MSO Building, ITO, New Delhi-110002. Participants: 61Nos. The E.I. Division of this Institute organised a State Vendor Development Programme at Delhi Police Headquarters, MSO Building, ITO, New Delhi-110002. The main objective behind the programme was to increase the awareness of Government Schemes with special focus on Public Procurement Policy-2012 & MSME development Act 2006 of Ministry of MSME. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Sh.S.K.Gautam, Joint Commissioner of Police, Delhi with remarks to implement Public Procurement Policy-2012 & achieving 20% goal from MSEs by Delhi police since 2012. The programme was spread from 03:00 p.m. onwards. The sessions used a variety of approaches — presentation, lectures, interaction and discussions, etc. The programme began with a welcome during which the participants were introduced. This was followed by the distribution of bouquets to the Chief guests to symbolize the inauguration of the workshop. Shri Abhishek Singh, AD (Mech.) emphasized about the advantage of availing Entrepreneurship Memorandum, by filing it in the O/o Commissioner of Industries, Patparganj, New Delhi. He has given presentation on Public Procurement Policy2012 in detail which was operated by the Ministry of MSME, New Delhi in April, 2012. The theme of the programme was explained by Shri R.P.Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi. He elaborated and discussed about various aspects of the Public Procurement Policy & schemes of Ministry of MSME, New Delhi for competitiveness of MSEs.He also gave replies to the participants raised during the programme. The final session was followed by tea and snacks and participants interacted with each other and delegates on dais to enable them to know each other better, and also to understand the impact & implication of Public Procurement Policy. Shri S.K.Gautam, Joint Commissioner of Police, Delhi (chief guest) assured about the implementation of Public Procurement Policy,2012 by April,2015 in achieving the said procurement goal. Shri A.K.Singh, Joint Commissioner of Police, Delhi (Guest of Honour) expressed that such type of programme brings awareness with regard to various schemes of the Govt and helping in processing the items from Micro & Small Enterprises by Delhi Police. At last, Shri Anurag Srivastava, AD (Stat.) presented the vote of thanks to all the dignitaries on the dais and participants of the programme. All the participants were provided with a set of the course material related to detailed description about definition of MSME and schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy-2012. The materials supplied were in the form of booklet and pamphlets of the institute. -79- Programme Name: State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) Date: 04.03.2014 Venue: Delhi Police hqrs.,ITO,New Delhi Srl. Name of Address of the Unit Contact No. No. Participants 1 Hareesh H.P. Addl.DCP-II,Supdt.Gen.Adm,Delhi 8750870603 2 Satyawan Gautam Addl.DCP-I/C,Delhi 8750871702 3 Pushpendra Kumar Addl.DCP-I/SE,Delhi 9818098548 4 R.P.Meena Addl.DCP-II/West,Delhi 8750871103 5 A.K.Lall Addl.DCP-II/NDD,Delhi 8750870503 th 6 Mahi Pal Singh A.ACP 7 Bn,DAP, Delhi 8750000802 7 J.K.Tyagi ACP, P&C, Delhi 9811333224 8 O.P.Aora ACP, Nanakpura,Delhi 8130417733 9 L.N.Mishra ACP-I/C,Delhi 9818421830 10 Suresh Dagar ACP/ PTC,Delhi 9811424195 11 Satbir Singh SI/HAG/T,Delhi 9868629132 12 Jai Bhagwan SI/HAG/R.P.Bhawan,Delhi 9868151341 13 Ashok Kumar SI/HAG Delhi 9818582144 14 Kamal Singh Special Branch,New Delhi 9871558008 15 Rajeev Ranjan Addl.DCP-II/South,Delhi 8750870803 th 16 Sanjay Singh ACP/7 Bn,DAP, Delhi 9871240674 17 K.R.Meena ACP, /Hqrs./Exec.,Delhi 8750871816 rd 18 Jai Prakash ACP/3 Bn, eDlhi 9810247680 19 Omvir Singh HAG/Comm.,Delhi 9818628070 20 B.L.Suresh Addl.DCP/central,Delhi 8750870303 21 Jai Ram SI (P&C), Delhi 9868156489 22 Praveen Ahuja ASI (C&A/P&C), Delhi 9899667846 23 Ramesh Jai Ram ASI (Advance), HDD,Delhi 9871055190 24 Rajeev ASI (C&A/P&C), Delhi 9810736820 25 Sunil HC (Mins.),Delhi 9013773196 26 Sanjeev Kumar HC (Mins.),Delhi 9968722778 27 Satya Parkash SI (Mins.),swd, Delhi 9891186967 28 Ved Parkash SI (Mins.),Comm. Delhi 9868495779 29 Davander Kumar SI (Mins.),West Delhi 7838003867 st 30 Raj Pal SI (M),1 Bn,Delhi 9818408272 TH 31 Dharamvir Singh ASI(M) 4 Bn,Delhi 9999563252 32 Raj Singh SI (M),IGIA,Delhi. 9868830345 33 Harish Kumar Security,Delhi 9868288009 34 Sunita Sharma Outer District,Delhi 9818024039 rd 35 Om Prakash 3 Bn, Delhi 9868182444 36 Parveen Kumar ‘A’Bn. PMO,New Delhi 9911815454 37 K.R.Malik ACP/Hqrs.,Delhi. 9818044181 38 Sher Singh Inspector,Admn.,Delhi 9015761189 39 Brham Dutt Tyagi SI (M), Delhi. 9868214666 -80- Srl. No. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Name of Participants Ram Chander Ranjana Kumar Rajiv Bhatnagar Azad Singh Satish Kumar Subhash Chand Kamal Sharma Om Parkash Udai Singh Jai ParkashKaushik Mandeep Singh Devender Singh Suresh Kumar Birender Singh Naresh Kumar Ashok Joshi Arvind Sagar S.K.Singh Sunita Sharma Mainpal Singh Ram Pal Tyagi Satish Kain Address of the Unit ACP, /Hqrs.,Delhi SI (Min.)Delhi ACP/Hqrs.,SB,Delhi. ACP-T/Hqrs./TE Tudapur,Delhi. Inspector/Admn./SW,Delhi PCR,Delhi 3rd Bn,DAP,Delhi HAG/N.W.District HAG/ PCR,Delhi HAG/SPUWAC,Delhi HAG/2nd Bn,Delhi ASI/HAA/HAG/1 R Bn,Delhi SI/HAG/2nd Bn.Delhi SI/HAG/Licensing C&T,Delhi SI?HAG/Vigilance Unit,Delhi ASI/HAG/East Delhi. Inspector,2nd Bn DAPNPL,Delhi Addl.DCP/,O/o Commissioner, Delhi SI/HAG/SE Delhi SI/ HAG/SD, Delhi SI/HAG/North,Delhi Inspector,IGI Airport,Delhi -81- Contact No. 9971518579 9871231241 8750871612 875087419 9810690523 9868830645 9891234993 9871224410 9654659309 9990770537 9213932987 9968311782 9868996667 9868837871 9868227081 9810913461 9871024710 8750871703 9968238572 9811992107 9818839235 9810513164 Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 04.03.2014 at Delhi Police Headquarters, MSO Building, ITO, New Delhi -82- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Particulars Information/Report Name and Address of the MSME-DI Phone/Fax/E-mail Name of the Director Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the VDP Co-ordinator DC office Sanction order no. and date Sanction amount Date of the Programme and duration Venue of the VDP 9. Name and Addresses of supporting agencies 10. Total No. of Participants with breakups 11. CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/other Large Scale Sectors participated Give Name and Address of them 12. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP 13. 14. 15. 16. Business Enquiry generated Enclose important photographs of VDP Enclose a brief note about the programme Total no. of Stalls (Enclose a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their addresses (SC/ST/Min./Women/Others) Total no. of Visitors to the Exhibition Expenditure incurred (Enclose head wise expenditure statement.) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage Analysis report of Feed Back Reports of the Percipients. Enclose a format of Feed Back Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) Sanctioned Amount, Duration, Venue, No. of participants, Recovery of Expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. -83- MSME-DI, Okhla, New Delhi-20 Phone:-011-26838118,26838269, 26838068 Fax:- 01126838016 e-mail:- dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Sh. R.P. Vaishya Sh. Sunil Arora, Investigator (Mech.), 011-26838118 12(18)/VDP/2013-14, Dt. 8.7.2013. Rs. 50,000/5th March 2014 IRCTC Central Kitchen, A-60, Sector 64 Noida Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) 31 Nos 1. IRCTC, 11th Floor Statesmans House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 2. National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Br.Office, Sector 18 Noida. 1.Govt. Schemes For the Promotion & Development of MSMEs 2.Awareness of Public Procurement Policy 2012 3.NSIC Schemes & Role for Public Procurement Policy 2012 Enclosed Enclosed Technical Seminar only N/A Enclosed N/A Rs. 15000-/ N/A Programme was appreciated by the participants The Programme was organized for the awareness of Public Procurement policy 2012 by the Govt. Departments & CPSUs. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Important suggestions of the participants or the improvement of the programme. Any other information related to VDP Enclose a copy of the invitation and programme sheet Proposal of NVDP/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date, etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 One NVDP on Food Industry with IRCTC N/A N/A 03 nos. of NVDP & 16 nos. of SVDP Programme Coordinator Sunil Arora, Inv. (Mech.) -84- - ………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme on 5th March, 2014 Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme Date: 5th March, 2014 Venue: IRCTC, Central Kitchen, A-60, Sector-64, NOIDA Participants: 31 Nos. MSME-Development Institute, Okhla, New Delhi, Ministry of MSME organized one day State Level Vendor Development Programme on 05th March, 2014 at IRCTC, Central Kitchen, A-60, Sector-64, NOIDA in association with Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation for the benefit of the IRCTC representatives & its Vendors for better understanding and successfully implementation of Public Procurement Policy 2012. In this programme 31 Nos. of Participants had attended the programme. In this programme participants were made aware of the Public Procurement Policy 2012 and the role of buyers / Govt. Organization/ PSUs for successfully implementing the policy for the Promotion & Development of MSEs In the beginning of the Programme Shri Abhishek Singh, Asstt. Director MSME-DI welcomed all the participants & explained the Public procurement policy of Govt. of India 2012 which will effect from April, 2012 in the programme. He also explained other schemes of ministry of MSME for marketing of the products of MSMEs. Shri Amitabh Nigam, Group General manager IRCTC explained in brief about the procurement procedure and the requirement of IRCTC. Shri Virender Kumar, Chief Manager, NSIC, Noida explaind in detail about the Govt. purchase scheme of NSIC and its role in implementing Public Procurement Policy 2012. Shri R.P. Vaishya Director, MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi. In his Keynote address explained the marketing of products by micro & small enterprises is one of major hindrance in development of MSEs sector. These type of Programmes provide common platform for both large industrial organizations purchaser viz a viz Small and micro enterprises as buyer. He told the participants that the Govt. of India had already Implemented NMCP Scheme for making the MSEs Competitive by reducing its production cost and improving the quality of the product to the specified Indian / International Standards, He also advised the officers of IRCTC that instead of buying products of reputed brands they may lay the stringent parameters of the required product in the tender inquiry and procure the product from MSEs of specified desired quality and can serve them to their valuable customers under their own brand name. Shri Sunil Arora, Investigator (Mech.) proposed vote of thanks on the occasion. -85- Govt. of India Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute Okhla Indl. Estate, New Delhi-110020. Organizes STAE LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME on 05th March 2014 Venue: IRCTC, Central Kitchen, Sec-64, Noida PROGRAMME SCHEDULE Sh. Abhishek Singh Asstt. Director, MSME-DI 1. Welcome Address 2. Theme of the Programme Sh. R.P. Vaishya Director MSME-DI 3. Address By Sh. Amitabh Nigam Group General Manager, IRCTC Technical Presentation Sh. Abhishek Singh Asstt. Director, MSME-DI 4. Presentation on Public Procurement Policy 2012 5. Presentation of NSIC Schemes for implementation of Public Procurement Policies Sh. Virender Kumar Chief Manger, NSIC Noida Question Answer Session & Clarification of Queries 6. Sh. Sunil Arora Investigator MSME-DI Vote of Thanks -86- MSME-DI OKHLA NEW DELHI STATE LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON 05.03.2014 Venue:- IRCTC CENTRAL KITCHEN A-60, SECTOR-64, NOIDA S.NO NAME 1 Anil Gangwar 2 Jose Francies 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 S.D.V Prasad R.K. Sehgal Chander Dev Pradeep Rathi Virender Kumar Abhishek Singh Satish Nanda Manish Khanna Hitender Hitesh Kathpalia Gurav Kr. T.S Negi Rajesh Kr. Subhash Kr. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Vikash Rakesh Kr. Bhupinder Singh Ashish Rawat Rakesh Kr. Ravi Sharma Mudit Batra S. Warrier R.K. Chand Rakesh Sahwney R.P Vaishya Amitabh Nigam Neha Subhash Chand Sunil Arora NAME OF ORGANISATION M/s Sri Hari Paper Products Manager, IRCTC Manager, IRCTC M/s. Lark paper Pvt. Ld. NSIC NSIC NSIC MSME-DI New Delhi M/s. Pop Up Movies M/s. Craft India IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC Rail Neer Plant Indian Railway IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC IRCTC M/s Guru Paper Products MSME-DI New Delhi IRCTC India Fine Arts MSME-DI New Delhi MSME-DI New Delhi -87- E-MAIL/ CONTACT NO. 9873143851 9717640460 jfxavier2604@irctc.com 9717645883 9811166789 9968097444 9999284334 9212772708 9555122599 9810028286 9810758430 9717640688 9717645884 9717649103 9717640435 9717640450 9717640683 9717639030 9717644743 9717645624 9717645021 9818923649 9717649108 9717645429 9717640421 9717640424 9811011116 8130333226 9717640503 9811348743 26838118 9968313994 Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 05.03.2014 at IRCTC CENTRAL KITCHEN A-60, SECTOR-64, NOIDA -88- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. 2. Particulars Name and address of the MSMEDI. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. 4. Name of the Director Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the NVDP Co-coordinator 5. DC office sanction Order No. and Date Sanctioned amount Date of the Programme and duration. Venue of the VDP Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies. Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. Business enquiry generated. Enclose a few important photographs of the programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Information/Report MSME-DI, Okhla Indl Area, New Delhi -110020 Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R. P. Vaishya Sh. Major Singh Deputy Director (Electx.) Mobile No 9911469788 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 Rs. 50,000/07.03.2014 – One day Scope Complex, 7 Lodhi Road, New Delhi Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd., Scope Complex, Core-4, 7 Lodhi Road, New Delhi 34 Nos. (Officers of REC-27, MSEs-04, MSME DI-03) Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd., Scope Complex, Core-4, 7 Lodhi Road, New Delhi Presentation on Public procurement policy-2012, Provision of MSMED act- 2006 & Government Schemes for MSEs N.A. Enclosed Enclosed Technical Seminar Only N.A. Enclosed N.A. Rs. 15,000/N.A. Participants appreciated the programme -89- 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years)_ Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. Any other information related to VDP. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme . (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 The programme was organized for the awareness and implementation of PPP-2012 by the CPSUs. The officials of REC emphasized to organize more workshop during next year to clarify implications arising during real implementation of PPP-2012 Programme schedule attached 3 Nos. NVDP and 16 Nos. of SVDP - Programme Coordinator Major Singh, DD (Elex.) -90- …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director A Brief Report on Awareness Programme cum State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) on 07.03.2014 Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute, Okhla , New Delhi organized a day long Awareness cum State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) at REC Ltd. Core-4 Scope Complex, 7 Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 on 07.03.2014 in association REC Ltd. Core-4 Scope Complex, 7 Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. The objective of the Programme was to create awareness about the Public Procurement Policy of the Govt. of India among the officers of the REC Ltd. engaged in procurement system of the PSU. A total 34 numbers officers of the REC engaged in Procurement of the PSU/Vendors attended the programme. In the beginning, Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx) of MSME DI welcome all the participants and dignitaries of the dias. He explained in brief about the objective of the programme. He also explained about the services provided by MSME-DI for development of Micro & Small Enterprises. In his keynote address, Sh. R.P. Vaishya, Director MSME Development Institute, Okhla, New Delhi explained in brief about the Public Procurement Policy 2012. He informed the participants that Central ministries, Govt. Departments, Public Sector Undertakings and Medium & Large Industries will make their own programmes to get the suitable vendors for their needs, as 20% of purchase will be made imperative from MSE Sector for Purchases of Govt. Deptts/CPSU in the years to come as per Govt. Public Procurement Policy 2012. He stated that next decade belongs to MSE Sector therefore entrepreneurs can expect the best in near future. He also briefed the schemes available with ministry of MSME for the betterment/upliftment of MSEs. He said that Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India has launched various schemes for promotion and development of micro, small & medium enterprises like National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology up gradation, Up gradation of quality of MSEs Products, Marketing Development Assistance etc. In his presidential address Shri A.K. Awasthi, Executive Director (Admn.) REC explained in brief the role of public procurement policy for the development of MSEs. He also pointed out the problem faced by the PSU to identify the suitable vendors and to achieve the 20% target to be procured from the MSEs sector. Shri Abhishek Singh, A.D. (Mech.) MSME-DI Okhla gave presentation on the public procurement policy 2012. During the interactive session queries arranged by the participants was duly answered by the Director/Officers of MSME-DI New Delhi. During the interactive session, different types of queries like how to verify EMII/Registration of the vendor; Category of the vendor; how to divide the 20% share of the MSE’s from the tender; list of reserved items, procurement through Kendriya Bhandar & DGS&D etc. were raised, which was duly answered by the Director/Officials of the MSMEDI, New Delhi. -91- The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Shri Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx.) MSME-DI New Delhi. The Detail Break-up of the participants is as below: MALE FEMALE TOTAL SC ST OBC 02 02 - 02 02 Budh - Minority Ch. Mus Par. - Sikh - P.H Others - 27 3 30 TOTAL 31 3 34 (Major Singh) Dy. Director (Elex.) -92- Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises MSME - Development Institute Okhla Indl. Estate, New Delhi-110020 organizes Awareness-Cum-State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) on 7 March, 2014 In association with: Rural Electrification Corp. Limited, New Delhi th Venue : REC Ltd., Scope Complex, Core-4, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 PROGRAMME SCHEDULE S. No. Topic Name of Officer 1. Welcome Address programme 2. Key Note Address 3. Presidential Address 4. Presentation on Public Policy–2012 for MSEs 5. & about the Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx), MSME-DI Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director MSME-DI Shri A.K. Awasthi, ED REC Ltd. procurement Sh. Abhishek, A.D. (Mech.), MSME-DI INTERACTIVE SESSION Sh. Major Singh 6. Vote of thanks Dy. Director (Electx), MSME-DI HIGH TEA -93- State Level Vendor Development Programme (07.03.2014) In association with Scope Complex, REC Ltd. Lodhi Road List of Participants S. No. Name of Candidate Address Contact No. 1. Sh Kamal Kumar Richi Furniture, D-187 Sector-3 DSIIDC Indl. Area, Bawana 9810253877 2. Sh Vivek Varshneya Aria Telecom Solution (P) Ltd. 106 Plot 9810999883 NO. 2 Vardhman Master Plaza Ghaziabad 3. Sh Major Singh MSME-DI New Delhi 9911469788 4. Sh H.S. Kala addl. GM (Admn.) REC Limited 8800116877 5. Sh Narendra Manral K.S. Infosystem Pvt. Ltd. 8595166680 6. Sh Bishwajeet Singh Whale Stationery Products Ltd. 19, IGI Gurgaon Road, Kapashera 9015679857 7. Sh Baleswara REC Ltd. 9871882643 8. Sh Raman Bhanut GGI/158-c Vikas Puri 9818034014 9. Sh Moti Lal REC Ltd. 9999981704 10. Sh Satish Tripathi Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9654098899 11. Sh Netrapal Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9717326136 12. Ms. Renu Mittal Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9899896415 13. Sh Pankaj Gupta Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9899966710 14. Sh K. Venugopal Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9899896426 15. Sh O.P. Nirvan Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 8800998336 16. Sh Koshalpuri Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9899896437 17. Sh S..S. Gulati Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9899997255 18. Sh Rohit Kumar Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9899822771 19. Sh Navjeevan Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9650560666 20. Sh Aditya Bhati Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9971254321 21. Sh Mandra Goenka Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 8800466616 22. Sh. G.S. Bindra Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9811230113 -94- 23. Sh Brijesh Kakra Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9811125981 24. Ms. Neelima Thakur Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9990001844 25. Sh Govind Sain Scope Complex, REC Ltd. 9650058762 26. Sh Raj Kumar MSME-DI, New Delhi 8130339068 27. Sh Satish Kumar POP-up Movies 9810028286 28. Sh R.P. Vaishya Director, MSME-DI New Delhi 8130333226 29. Sh Abhishek Singh A.D.(Mech.) MSME-DI New Delhi 9555122599 30. Ms. Anita REC Ltd. 9868143366 31. Ms. Kailash Chandrika REC Ltd. 9811811386 32. Ms. Saranjeet Kaur REC Ltd. 9810760001 -95- Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 07.03.2014 at R.E.C. New Delhi -96- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Particulars Information/Report Name and address of the MSME-DI. MSME-DI, Okhla Indl Area, New Delhi -110020 Phone/Fax/E-mail Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdindelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Name of the Director Shri R. P. Vaishya Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the VDP Shri Sandeep Agarwal, Co-coordinator Asstt. Director (Chem) Mobile No 9891208815 DC office sanction Order No. and Date 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/Date of the Programme and duration. 12.03.2014 – One day Venue of the VDP MSME-DI Extension Centre (BALSAHYOG), Connaught Place, New Delhi-01 Name and Addresses of supporting Food Corporation of India, 16-20, Agencies. Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi-110001. Total No. of Participants with Breakups 52 Nos. (Micro, Small and Medium). (Officers from different parts of country of FCI) CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Food Corporation of India, 16-20, Scale sectors participated. Give Name and Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi-110001. address of them. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP Yes, Public Procurement Policy, 2012; MSME-D Act; & Govt. Schemes Business enquiry generated. Enclose a few important photographs of the Enclosed programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Enclosed Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall Technical Seminar only layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their Enclosed addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. N/A Expenditure incurred (Enclose head wise Rs. 15,000/expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in N/A value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the Programme was appreciated by all the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Participants Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) -97- 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Important suggestions of the participants for The clarification was made to the the improvement of the programme. Officers of FCI regarding cereals procured from the Farmers. The Director of the Institute clarified that the Policy is for the procurement of Industrial Goods/ Services from MSEs & service Providers. The FCI Officers informed that the Gunny Bags are being procured as per DGS&D rate contract. The chemicals/ preservatives, Tarpauline & Store items are being other goods procured by FCI. Director of the Institute, clarified that items of Chemicals, Preservatives/Pesticides/insecticide s, tarpaulin etc can be procured from MSE’s sector. Any other information related to VDP. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet enclosed Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 3 Nos. NVDP & 16 Nos. SVDP Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 Programme Coordinator ………. (R. P. Vaishya) Sandeep Agarwal, AD (Chem.) Director -98- Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme on 12th March, 2014 Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme Date: 12th March, 2014 Venue: MSME-DI Extn. Centre (BALSAHYOG), New Delhi Participants: 52 Nos. The Chemical division of this Institute organized a State Vendor Development Programme in association with Food Corporation of India (FCI), New Delhi at MSME-DI Extn. Centre (BALSAHYOG), New Delhi on 12th March, 2014. The main objective behind the programme was to increase the awareness of Government Schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy, Ministry of MSME to the Officers & Staff of FCI from all the over the country. The programme was inaugurated by Sh. Rajgopal A., GM (QC/Purchase), FCI, New Delhi. The programme was spread from 03:00 PM onwards. The sessions used a variety of approaches - presentations, lectures, interaction and discussions, etc. The programme began with a welcome during which the participants were introduced. This was followed by the distribution of bouquets to the chief guests to symbolize the inauguration of the workshop. Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director, MSME-DI spoke about the benefits of availing Entrepreneurship Memorandum, by filing in O/o Commissioner of Industries, Patparganj, New Delhi for MSE’s of Delhi & concerned GM, DIC Office in other parts of the country. He explained about various schemes implemented by the Ministry of MSME, New Delhi. The theme of the programme was discussed by Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi. He elaborated and discussed about Public Procurement Policy, 2012 of Ministry of MSME, New Delhi in detail & other issues concerning to its implementations. He also highlighted about the delayed payment provisions of MSME-D Act, 2006. Sh. Rajgopal. A., GM (QC/Purchase), Food Corporation of India assured about the implementation of Public Procurement Policy, 2012 effectively on items procured by FCI. The procurement was also discussed in detail. Shri Abhishek Singh, AD (Mech.), MSME-DI, New Delhi presented the Public Procurement Policy, 2012 to the audiences. At last, Shri Tarsem Lal, DD (Leather & Footwear), MSME-DI Extn. Centre presented the vote of thanks to all the dignitaries on the dais and participants of the programme. All the participants were provided with a set of the course material related to detailed description about MSME and its various schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy. The materials supplied were in the form of manuals, booklet and pamphlets of Institute’s activities. -99- MSME - DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE MINISTRY OF MICRO SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OKHLA, NEW DELHI-110020 PROGRAMME SCHEDULE for STATE LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (SVDP) In association with FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA Venue: MSME DI Extn., Connaught Place, Delhi DATE : 12th March, 2014 Centre, WELCOME ADDRESS Mr. Major Singh, Dy. Director, MSME-DI, Okhla New Delhi-20 THEME OF THE PROGRAMME Mr. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, Okhla New Delhi-20 PROCUREMENT BY FCI Shri Rajagopal A. GM (QC/Purchase) Food Corporation of India, New Delhi PRESENTATION ON PUBLIC PROCUREMENT POLICY 2012 Shri Abhishek Singh Asstt. Director (Mech.) MSME-DI, Okhla New Delhi-20 INTERACTIVE SESSION VOTE OF THANKS Mr. Tarsem Lal Dy. Director (Leather & Footwear) MSME-DI Extn. Center, New Delhi-20 TEA/SNACKS -100- State Vendor Development Programme in association with Food Corporation of India Date : 12th March, 2014 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Name of Participant Sh. Sudhir Vashist Sh. Kailash Chand Sh.Pravesh Kardam Sh. Chalkush Kureel Sh.Raj Kumar Sh. Sangat Ram Dr. V.Elumalai Sh. Vishal Gupta Sh.Surjit Singh Sh.Rakesh Yadav Sh.Ramesh Kumar Sh.Karmdeep Jain Sh.Vinay Kumar Sh.Rajagopal A. Sh. Anil Negi Phone No. Address 9868020204 9811004681 8860950095 9999152036 9888396724 9216274874 8939730765 9029662601 9990704195 9811110266 8745905562 9871686327 9990788373 9990551025 FCI, H Qrs., New Delhi FCI, H Qrs., New Delhi FCI, D.O. SHN FCI, H Qrs., New Delhi FCI, RO H Qrs., PKL, New Delhi FCI, H Qrs.,PKL , New Delhi FCI, ZO(S) Chennai FCI, RO Mumbai FCI, H Qrs., New Delhi Consultant Photo copy Book binding AGM (G) Manager (Pur) GM ( Purchase) (FCI) Block-B/105, Ph IV, Gali No.5, Aya Nagar, New Delhi-47 FCI, 20(E) Kol-71 Regional Office, FCI, block-4, 4th floor, Kutchery Road, Ranchi-834001 RO TUM Kerala Region FCI, RO, Rajpur FCI, RO, Shimla FCI, Headqtrs. FCI, Headqtrs. FCI, Headqtrs. H-60, MG Road, Indl. Area, Ghaziabad 38-C, pkt-F, Dilshad Garden, Delhi A-81, Nathu Pura, Delhi H. 595, BagdiMohalla, Narela, Delhi-84 Shakar Vihar, Khoua Colony D-22, Gali no.8, East Azad nagar, Krishna Nagar-29 3/75, GN-6 (East Guru Angad Nagar), Delhi 959, Kucha Rahulla Tiraya Behan School Block, Shakkar Pur, New Delhi A-58, Harija Basti Kondli, Delhi-96 WZ-1895, Rani Bagh 16. Sh.Barun Kakkar 17. Sh.G. Karthikeyan 9163331614 9955996862 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 9746473933 8817745009 9625991207 9971753975 9818706838 9266472116 9810526562 9999061029 8750685250 8750274217 9891180679 9212939102 Sh.A. Alagarsamy FCI Sh.Avinash Kumar Dubey Sh.Somesh Bisen Sh.Rohtas Kumar Sh.Rajesh Kalra Sh.Santosh Kumar Sh. R.K. Yadav Sh.Anuj Yadav Deepika Bhardwaj Neelima Khushbu Rawat Neha 30. Manju Singh 8150592991 31. 32. 33. 34. 9990249519 9818881957 9818767388 8802467630 Sona Moinuddin Poonam Neha Devki Sharma -101- 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Pushpa Meenu Suman Madhu Yadav Jyoti Asha Rani Sh.Banwari Sh.Krishan Pal Sh.Shashi Sh.Bakshi Ram Sh.Chanda Kamlesh Sharma Neelam Rana Meera Nagpal Dr. A.P. Upadhyay Sh.Major Singh Sh.Tarsem Lal Sh.Abhishek Singh 9711228945 9953596277 9958472959 9711405214 8447321137 8527377120 9278616353 9868536342 9818293669 9310177090 9818113655 8860554940 9868813529 886883532 9414345004 9911469788 9999881032 9555122593 -102- A-2, Sanwal Nagar, New Delhi-49 C-32, Sanwal Nagar, New Delhi C-846, Vasundara Ghaziabad 108, Mangol Puri, New Delhi 239, Ghee Mandi, Pahar Ganj 469, C 1 Hastsal Uttam Nagar. MSME DI Connaught Place, New Delhi MSME DI Connaught Place, New Delhi MSME DI Connaught Place, New Delhi MSME DI Connaught Place, New Delhi MSME DI Connaught Place, New Delhi MSME DI Connaught Place, New Delhi MSME DI Connaught Place, New Delhi MSME DI Connaught Place, New Delhi Manager, QC MSME DI, Okhla, New Delhi MSME DI, Okhla, New Delhi MSME DI, Okhla, New Delhi Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 12.03.2014 at MSME-DI Extn. Centre, Connaught Place, New Delhi -103- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. Particulars Information/Report Name and address of the MSME-DI. MSME-DI, Okhla Indl Area, New Delhi -110020 Phone/Fax/E-mail Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdindelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Name of the Director Shri R. P. Vaishya Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the VDP Shri Sandeep Agarwal, Co-coordinator Asstt. Director (Chem) Mobile No 9891208815 DC office sanction Order No. and Date 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/Date of the Programme and duration. 13.03.2014 – One day Venue of the VDP SPR Paper Pvt. Ltd., C-186, Sector-63, Noida-201301 Name and Addresses of supporting Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetables Agencies. Pvt. Ltd., Patparganj, New Delhi110092. Paper & Corrugated Boxes Manufacturers, Noida. Total No. of Participants with Breakups 29 Nos. ( Micro) (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetables Pvt. Scale sectors participated. Give Name and Ltd., Patparganj, New Delhi-110092. address of them. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP Yes, Public Procurement Policy, 2012; MSME-D Act; & Govt. Schemes Business enquiry generated. Enclose a few important photographs of the Enclosed programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Enclosed Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall Technical Seminar only layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their Enclosed addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. N/A Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise Rs. 15,000/expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. -104- 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. The programme was organized for awareness and implementation of PPP2012 by CPSUs Participants emphasized to help them for the EM-II registration to avail the benefit of Public Procurement Policy of the Ministry Any other information related to VDP. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet enclosed Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 3 Nos. NVDP & 16 Nos. SVDP Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 Programme Coordinator ………. (R. P. Vaishya) Sandeep Agarwal, AD (Chem.) Director -105- Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme on 13th March, 2014 Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme Date: 13th March, 2014 Venue: SPR Paper Pvt. Ltd., C-186, Sector-63, Noida-201301 Participants: 29 Entrepreneurs (Micro) The Chemical division of this Institute organized a State Vendor Development Programme in association with Mother Dairy, Patparganj, New Delhi-110092 at SPR Paper Pvt. Ltd., C-186, Sector-63, Noida-201301 on 13th March, 2014. The main objective behind the programme was to increase the awareness of Govt Schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy, Ministry of MSME. The programme was inaugurated by Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi. The programme was spread over a day from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The sessions used a variety of approaches — presentations, lectures, interaction and discussions, etc. The programme began with a welcome during which the participants were introduced. This was followed by the distribution of bouquets to the chief guests to symbolize the inauguration of the workshop. Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director, MSME-DI spoke about the benefits of availing Entrepreneurship Memorandum, by filing in District Industries Centre, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. He explained about various schemes implemented by the Ministry of MSME, New Delhi. The theme of the programme was discussed by Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi. He elaborated and discussed about Public Procurement Policy, 2012 of Ministry of MSME, New Delhi in detail and also emphasized SMEs vendor to become competitive by availing various components of NMCP schemes of Ministry. Shri. B. Jagdish Rao, Chief Operations Officer, Mother Dairy, New Delhi assured about the implementation of Public Procurement Policy, 2012. However, it is not imperative on Mother Dairy but assured SME’s vendor to provide market support by procuring the packaging material from them. The procurement items by the Mother Dairy were discussed by Shri Manish Goyal, Head (Purchase), Mother Dairy, Patparganj, New Delhi. He explained about the requirement of Mother Dairy and assured to provide all possible assistance in procuring the items from SMEs. At last, Shri Kamal Singh presented the vote of thanks to all the dignitaries on the dais and participants of the programme. Shri S. L. Khandelwal, Director, SPR Paper Pvt. Ltd., Noida appreciated the efforts of MSME and requested Director, MSMEDI, New Delhi to organize more of such programmes. All the participants were provided with a set of the course material related to detailed description about MSME and its various schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy. The materials supplied were in the form of manuals, booklet and pamphlets of the institute activities. -106- MSME - DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE MINISTRY OF MICRO SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OKHLA, NEW DELHI-110020 PROGRAMME SCHEDULE for STATE LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (SVDP) In association with MOTHER DAIRY PATPARGANJ, DELHI DATE : 13th March, 2014 Venue: C186, Sec.63, Noida WELCOME ADDRESS Mr. Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx) MSME-DI, Okhla New Delhi-20 THEME OF THE PROGRAMME Mr. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, Okhla New Delhi-20 Address by chief guest Shri b. Jagdish Rao Chief Operations Officer Mother Dairy, Delhi PRESENTATION ON PUBLIC PROCUREMENT POLICY 2012 Shri Abhishek Singh Asstt. Director (Mech.) MSME-DI, Okhla New Delhi-20 INTERACTIVE SESSION Shri Kamal Singh Dy. Director (Mech.) MSME-DI Okhla, New Delhi-20 VOTE OF THANKS TEA/SNACKS -107- State Vendor Development Programme in association with Mother Dairy, Patparganj, Delhi-110092. Date : 13th March, 2014 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS S. No. Name of Participant Phone No. Address 1. Sh. B. Jagdish Rao 9711860296 COO, Mother diary, Delhi-92 2. Sh. Manish Gupta 9891994121 SN Packaging Products, A-27, SECS Noida 3. Sh. T. N. Sharma 8800456660 Santoshi Enterprises 4. Sh. Anil Gangwar 9873143851 Shri Hari Paper Products, 14, Mahila Udyami Park, Greater Noida. 5. Sh. Rajesh Khandelwal 9810311229 Fair deal Paper Products (P) Ltd., 6. Sh. P.K. Tiwari 9717466225 Shivam Industries, F-36, site B, Suraj Pur, Greater Noida 7. Sh. Sita Ram Khandelwal 9999039332 Shubh Packaging, S-75, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad 8. Sh. Parichey Rana 9810420986 SPR Papers Pvt. Ltd., C-186, sec.-63, Noida 9. Sh. Sunil Kr. Tiwari 8800242746 S.K. Paper Products, 10. Sh. Suman Kumar 8010518051 Bajaj Processing Pack Ltd., 11. Sh. G.K. Khandelwal 9213867300 SPR Papers Pvt. Ltd. 12. Sh. Rajinder Singh 9268075874 DCSM Mother Dyari Delhi 13. Sh. Kamal Singh 9871517232 MSME DI, New Delhi 14. Sh. Raj Kumar 8130339068 MSME DI, New Delhi 15. Sh. Hemant Kumar 9968386696 Najafgarh 16. Sh. Mahender Pal 9990744349 Sec.3/1048, Vasundara, Ghaziabad 17. Sh. Amit Khandelwal 9818190120 B-33, 1st floor, sec. 10 18. Sh. Major Singh 9911469788 MSME DI, New Delhi 19. Sh. Manish Goyal 9654954304 C/o Mother Diary, Delhi -108- 20. Sh. R.P. Vaishya 8130333226 Director, MSME DI, New Delhi 21. Sh. Shri Lal Khandelwal 9811113210 C-186, Sec.63, Noida 22. Sh. Vijay Kumar Maini - 282, Patpargang, Delhi 23. Sh. Pragalok Sharma 9560797891 282, Patpargang, Delhi 24. Sh. Meghdoot 9211723854 C-2, sec 8, Noida 25. Sh. Nitish Gupta 8447885443 - 26. Sh. Nikil Khandelwal 9911894254 N-45, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi 27. Sh. Sokal 9810371619 Sangam Vihar 28. Sh. Sanjay Kumar Gupta 8860515604 C-186, SPR Papers Pvt. Ltd., Noida 29. Sh. Ramgulpal Sharma 9717185301 C-186, SPR Papers Pvt. Ltd., Noida -109- Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 13.03.2014 at SPR Pvt. Ltd., Noida, Uttar Pradesh -110- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI Sl. Particulars No. 1. Name and address of the MSME-DI. Information/Report MSME-DI, Okhla Indl. Area, New Delhi -110020 2. Phone/Fax/E-mail Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in 3. Name of the Director Shri R. P. Vaishya 4. Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the VDP Co-ordinator Ambrose Royson C, AD (G&C) +91-9990596899 5. DC office sanction Order No. and Date 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 6. Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/- 7. Date of the Programme and duration. 14.03.2014 – One day 8. Venue of the VDP National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation, Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi 9. Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation, Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi 10. Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). 19 Nos. MSEs 17 Nos. NSFDC Officials 4 MSME-DI Officials Total 40 Nos. 11. CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation, Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi 12. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP Presentation on Public Procurement Policy-2012, Provision of MSMED Act and Government Schemes for MSEs 13. Business enquiry generated. - 14. Enclose a few important photographs of the programme. Enclosed 15. Enclose a brief note about the programme Enclosed 16. Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall layout) Only technical seminar 17. Souvenir enclose a copy - 18. Enclose a list of participants with their addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Enclosed -111- 19. Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. N/A 20. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Rs. 15,000/- 21. Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. N/A 22. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Programme was appreciated by all participants 23. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) The programme was organized for the awareness and implementation of the Public Procurement Policy by Government Departments. 24. Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. More & more awareness programme should be organized for identifying MSE vendors 25. Any other information related to VDP. - 26. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet. Programme Schedule Enclosed 27. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. 3 Nos. of NVDP and 16 Nos. SVDP 28. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 - Programme Coordinator …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Ambrose Royson, AD (G&C) Director -112- Brief Report on State Level Vendor Development Programme on th 14 March, 2014 at National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute, Okhla, New Delhi organized State Level Vendor Development Programme in association with National Scheduled Castes Development Corporation (NSFDC), Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi on 14th March, 2014 at the Conference Hall of NSFDC. The main objective of this programme was to sensitize/create awareness about Public Procurement Policy, 2012 and to provide market support to MSEs. This awareness programme was based on theme to promote SC/ST vendors to achieve goal of 4% procurement from MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs. The occasion was chaired by Dr. R. K. Singh, Chairman cum Managing Director, NSFDC; in his speech he appreciated the contribution made by MSEs to the country’s economy and asked the MSEs to upgrade with the latest technologies/tool to compete with the large units/MNCs. Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi graced the occasion as Guest of Honor. He briefed about the objective of the programme and stressed on the provisions of MSME Development Act, 2006 and market platform provided by M/o MSME through Public Procurement Policy, 2012. Director also explained the Public Procurement Policy, 2012 in detail and advised MSE vendors to become competitive in cost, quality and delivery for participating in Government Purchase programme and to get 20% market share. Initially Sh. Ambrose Royson, Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi welcomed the dignitaries &participants and Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi briefed about the programme. Sh. Rajnish Bankar, Dy. Manager (Admin.), NSFDC deliberated the procurement process of NSFDC and the list of items/services procured by NSFDC. Dr. R. K. Singh, Sh. R. P. Vaishya and the Purchase team of NSFDC clarified on the various queries/clarifications raised by the participants/vendors. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks by Sh. Devanand, DGM, NSFDC. The breakup of the participants is as below: Vendors/MSEs : 19 Officers of NSFDC : 17 Officers of MSME-DI : 4 (Ambrose Royson C) Asstt. Director (G&C) -113- Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi organises State Level Vendor Development Programme on 14th March, 2014 Venue: National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation, Laxmi Nagar, .New Delhi Time: 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM **************************************************************************** Programme Schedule **************************************************************************** 1. Welcoming Address - Sh. Ambrose Royson Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi 2. About the Programme - Sh. Major Singh Dy. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi 3. Public Procurement Policy and Provision of MSMED Act 4. Procurement Procedure of NSFDC & List of Items 5. Address by Chief Guest - Sh. R. P. Vaishya Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi - Sh. Rajnish Bankar, Procurement Officer, NSFDC - Dr. R. K. Singh CMD, NSFDC 6. Vote of Thanks - Sh. Devanand DGM, NSFDC High Tea -114- Participants Details of State Level Vendor Development Programme Venue: National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation, Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Name Dr. R. K. Singh David Hrangade R. Bankar Archana Mehra Sudip Kashnajish Somesh Rao Neeraj Maheshwari Mahesh Chand Sandeep Kumar Ratikantajena Narendra Manral Sandeep Sharma Suresh Kumar G S Rawal Ganga Saran Brahmanand Devanand Sh. R. P. Vaishya Sh. Kamal Singh Sh. Major Singh Ambrose Royson Pallavi Ghosh Gaurav Upadhyay Jitendra Kumar Yadav Ashish Rishikesh N. K. Chandan S S Grover Nidhish Anand Vinay Bavaia Atul Monga Anoop Dubey Shambhu Anita Jayant Grower Lalit Kumar Ashutosh Shrinkath Shivam S R Gautam Date: 14th March, 2014 Unit/Office Address CMD, NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC NSFDC DGM, NSFDC Director, MSME-DI, Okhla, ND Dy. Director, MSME-DI, Okhla, ND Dy. Director, MSME-DI, Okhla, ND Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, Okhla, ND Edaxis Systems Ind. Pvt. Ltd. Gzb. B-59, Gh-2 Indrapuram, Gzb. Eldprado Technology Ltd., F-347, Sec.-63, Noida Khanna Enterprises, A-81, Sec.-83, Noida Om Saw Pipes Chandan & Chandan Industries Pvt. Ltd. J D Moishs & Craw (P) Ltd., Janakpuri, ND DN Jewellers, Chandni Chowk, ND Viba Press Pvt. Ltd. Print-Pack Jain In. Lighting Corp. Delhi 132/1 Taimur Nagar, NFC, ND-65 132/1 Taimur Nagar, NFC, ND-65 A-19, Comm Complex, Dr. Mukherji Nagar, ND B-4 Dr. Mukerji Nagar, GTB, ND 133, New Friends Colony, ND K S Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. M-2B, Sakarpur, Delhi-34 G-45/4, Jaitapur Extn. Part II, ND-76 -115- Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 14.03.2014 at NSFDC, Scope Minar, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi -116- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. Particulars Information/Report Name and address of the MSME-DI. MSME-DI, Okhla Indl. Area, New Delhi -110020 Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdindelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R. P. Vaishya 2. Phone/Fax/E-mail 3. Name of the Director 4. Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the VDP Co-ordinator 5. DC office sanction Order No. and Date Shri Mohd. Shahid, Asstt. Director (Mech.) M - 9911490053 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 6. Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/- 7. Date of the Programme and duration. 18.03.2014 – One day 8. Venue of the VDP 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. State Farms Corporation of India Ltd, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019. Name and Addresses of supporting State Farms Corporation of India Ltd, Agencies. Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019. Total No. of Participants with Breakups 45 Nos. (Micro, Small and Medium). Micro – 3 Nos. Small – 2 Nos. SFCI & NSCL – 37 Nos. MSMEDI - 3 Nos. CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large National Seeds Corporation Ltd. Scale sectors participated. Give Name and Beej Bhawan , Pusa Complex, address of them. New Delhi - 110012 Seminars, if any conducted in VDP Public Procurement Policy 2012, MSME Act2006 & Govt. Schemes Business enquiry generated. Enclose a few important photographs of the Enclosed programme. Enclose a brief note about the programme Enclosed Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall Technical Sessions Only layout) Souvenir enclose a copy Enclose a list of participants with their Enclosed addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. N/A Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise Rs. 15,000/expenditure statement) Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the Programme was appreciated by all the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. participants. -117- 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Comparison of this VDP with previous The programme was organized for VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) awareness of officers & staff of SFCI Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of & NSCL engaged in procurement. participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for 1. The participants suggested that the improvement of the programme. list of MSE’s with product wise may be available on web site. 2. MSE’s NSIC registration with their capacity and ordered received may be available on NSIC web sites. Any other information related to VDP. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme Sheet Enclosed Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 3 Nos. – NVDPs & 16 Nos. – SVDP’s Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 Programme Coordinator Mohd. Shahid, AD (Mech.) -118- ………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director Brief Note on State Vendor Development Programme on 18th March, 2014 Event: State Level Vendor Development Programme Date: 18th March, 2014 Venue: National Seeds Corporation Ltd. , Beej Bhawan , Pusa Complex, New Delhi - 110012 Participants: 45 Nos. The Senet division of this Institute organized a State Vendor Development Programme in association with State Farms Corporation of India Ltd, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 at National Seeds Corporation Ltd., Beej Bhawan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi - 110012 on 18th March, 2014. The main objective behind the programme was to increase the awareness of Govt. Schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy-2012 & MSME Dev. Act2006 of Ministry. The programme was inaugurated by Sh. M.M Sharma, Director (Finance). During his inaugural speech appealed the MSEs to become more competitive to get the benefit of public procurement policy (MSE) and also requested to NSIC for providing details of MSEs manufacturers. The programme was spread from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The sessions used a variety of approaches — presentations, lectures, interaction and discussions, etc. The programme began with a welcome during which the participants were introduced. This was followed by the distribution of bouquets to the chief guests to symbolize the inauguration of the workshop. Sh. Mohd. Shahid, Asst. Director, MSME-DI spoke about the benefits of availing Entrepreneurship Memorandum, by registering in District Industries Centre / Industry Commissioner Office. He emphasized about awareness of various schemes launched by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) & availing benefits for the competitiveness of MSEs making them to take participants in Government Purchase Programme. The theme of the programme was discussed by Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi in detail. He also clarify the queries raised by Sh. M. M. Sharma , Director (Finance) and participants during the programme. Mr. Abhishek Singh, Asstt. Director (Mech.) elaborated and discussed about Public Procurement Policy of Ministry of MSME, New Delhi in detail with presentation. At last, Shri Mohd. Shahid presented the vote of thanks to all the dignitaries on the dais and participants of the programme. Shri A. K. Ghildiyal, Dy. General Manager (Vig.), State Farms Corporation of India Ltd. appreciated the efforts of MSME and requested Director, MSMEDI, New Delhi to organize more of such programmes. All the participants were provided with a set of the course material related to detailed description about MSME and its various schemes with special focus to Public Procurement Policy. The materials supplied were in the form of manuals, booklet and pamphlet of Institute actitivities. -119- Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises सूक्ष्म, लघु एवं मध्यम उद्यम सूक्ष्म, लघु एवं मध्यम उद्यम Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises MSME DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Okhla, New Delhi Organises STATE LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME On 18th March, 2014 Venue: National Seeds Corporation Ltd., Beej Bhawan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi-12 Time: 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Programme Schedule S.No. 1. Programme Speaker Welcome Address SHRI ABHISHEK SINGH Assistant Director (MECH.) 2. Thoughts about the Programme SHRI R P VAISHYA DIRECTOR 3. Public Procurement Policy and Provision of MSMED Act SHRI ABHISHEK SINGH Asstt. Director (Mech.) 4. Address by Chief Guest SHRI M M SHARMA Director (Finance) 5. Vote of Thanks SHRI MOHD. SHAHID Assistant Director (MECH.) High Tea **** -120- List of Participants attended the State Vendor Development Programme on 18th March, 2014 1. Name & Designation Mr./Mrs./Ms. Ashutosh Mishra, AM(Vig) 2. S.No. Organization e-mail NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in P S Malkani, Manager(P) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 3. Pankaj Prasad, GM(E) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 4. Y K Singh, AM(P) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 5. Bimal De, NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 6. L R Singh, AM(P) SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 7. Raj Saroj, AM(Welf) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 8. Awadhesh Kumar, Ex. Engineers(E) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 9. J Selvandran, Asst. Mgr. (Mktg.) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 10. Deepak Rastogi, DGM(S) SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 11. Neeraj, AGM NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 12. K Prabhakar, Manager Engineer SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 13. Neeraj Bhatia, EE(Pur.) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 14. V S Bhanu, EE(A) SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 15. Promod Kumar, Manager Engr.(Elxt) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 16. Hema Rathee, AM(F) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 17. K G Sarda, GM(F) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 18. Shelendra Kumar, AGML(HR) SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 19. Rajesh Singh, Vig.Off. NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 20. A Sarkar, AM(HR) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 21. S P Pandey, Manager (HR) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 22. S Kumaraselvam, NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 23. Yatendra Gupta, AE(C) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in -121- 24. Name & Designation Mr./Mrs./Ms. B P Singh, AGM(P) 25. S.No. Organization e-mail NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in A K GhildiyalDGM(Vig.) SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 26. Dr. S K Gupta, GM(HR) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 27. Dr. V S PandeyAM(Prod.) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 28. M M Sharma, DIR(FIN.) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 29. Tarnindu Kumar, HR DIR, AAD(HR) NSC Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 30. Kuldeep Singh, G M (Marketing) SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 31. Binod Bihari Saw, G M (HR) SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 32. Kaushik Rakshit , G M (Fin.) SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 33. Mohd. Raquim , C.S. SFC contact@sfci.nic.in 34. S. Kumaraselvam , Dy. G.M. (Prod.) NCS Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 35. Vijay Karane NCS Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 36. Parmanand NCS Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 37. Vinod Bhatiya NCS Enquiry@nsc.gov.in 38. Mohd. Shahid , Asstt. Director MSMEDI dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in 39. Abhishek Singh , Asstt. Director MSMEDI dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in 40. R. P. Vaishya , Director MSMEDI dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in 41. Yasin Ahmad Hi-Tech Graphics hitechgraphics@gmail.com 42. V K Jain 43. Mohd. Tariq JK Communication jkcommunication@rediffmail.com 44. Ramesh Sharma Systrom Systems Ramesh_a73in@rediffmail.com 45. Sumit Thukral Rational Systems (p) Ltd. info@rational.co.in Akash International -122- Ub3aspl@rediffmail.com Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 18.03.2014 at State Farms Corporation of India Ltd, Nehru Place, New Delhi -123- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI Sl. Particulars No. 1. Name and address of the MSME-DI. Information/Report MSME-DI, Okhla Indl. Area, New Delhi -110020 2. Phone/Fax/E-mail Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in 3. Name of the Director Shri R. P. Vaishya 4. Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the VDP Co-ordinator Ambrose Royson C, AD (G&C) +91-9990596899 5. DC office sanction Order No. and Date 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 6. Sanctioned amount Rs. 50,000/- 7. Date of the Programme and duration. 21.03.2014 – One day 8. Venue of the VDP Mirza Ghalib Hall, Scope Convention Centre, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 9. Name and Addresses of supporting Agencies Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (Refineries Headquarters), Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 10. Total No. of Participants with Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). 36 Nos. MSEs 39 Nos. IOCL Officials 3 MSME-DI Officials Total 78 Nos. 11. CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Large Scale sectors participated. Give Name and address of them. - IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) - IOCL (Panipat Refinery) - IOCL (Mathura Refinery) - IOCL (Pipeline Division) 12. Seminars, if any conducted in VDP Presentation on Public Procurement Policy-2012, Provision of MSMED Act and Government Schemes for MSEs 13. Business enquiry generated. - 14. Enclose a few important photographs of the programme. Enclosed 15. Enclose a brief note about the programme Enclosed 16. Total No. of Stalls (enclose a copy of stall layout) Technical seminar only 17. Souvenir enclose a copy - 18. Enclose a list of participants with their addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Enclosed -124- 19. Total No. of visitors to the Exhibition. N/A 20. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose head wise expenditure statement) Rs. 15,000/- 21. Recovery made during the programme in value and percentage. N/A 22. Analysis Report of Feed back reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. Programme was appreciated by all participants 23. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years) Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) 24. Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. 25. Any other information related to VDP. - 26. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet. Programme Schedule Enclosed 27. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. 3 Nos. of NVDP and 16 Nos. SVDP 28. Vendor Registrations made during programme (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 The programme was organized for the awareness and implementation of the Public Procurement Policy by CPSUs. i) More & more awareness programme should be organized for identifying MSE vendors ii) One NVDP with MSME-DI, New Delhi - Programme Coordinator …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Ambrose Royson, AD (G&C) Director -125- Brief Report on State Level Vendor Development Programme on st 21 March, 2014 at Scope Convention Centre, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute, Okhla, New Delhi organized State Level Vendor Development Programme in association with Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Refineries) on 21stMarch, 2014 at Scope Convention Centre, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. The main objective of this programme was to sensitize/create awareness about Public Procurement Policy, 2012 and to provide market support to MSEs. The occasion was chaired by Sh. Narinder Kumar, Executive Director (Projects), IOCL (Refineries); in his speech he mentioned about the role of MSEs in country’s economy growth and appreciated the contribution of MSME-Development Institute in promoting MSEs. Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-Development Institute, New Delhi graced the occasion as Guest of Honor. He enlightens the participant on the provisions of MSME Development Act, 2006 and market platform provided by M/o MSME through Public Procurement Policy, 2012. Initially Sh. B. B. Barua, DGM (Materials), IOCL welcomed the dignitaries &participants. Sh. Abhishek Singh, Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi presented the various aspects of the Public Procurement Policy, 2012 and the growth of MSME sector in India after the enactment of MSME Development Act, 2006. Sh. S. Shekar, DGM (Materials & Contracts), IOCL explained on the procurement procedure of IOCL Refineries Head Quarters and the list of items procured centrally at the Head Quarters which are common to all the refinery division across the country. Sh. Y. R. Chaurasia, DGM (Materials), IOCL Panipat Refinery presented on the list of items procured at Panipat Refinery. He specifically stressed on the items which they are looking on to develop MSE vendors, which are presently being procured from large units. Sh. Sanjay Vardan, Senior Manager (Materials), IOCL Mathura Refinery enlightens the MSE participant on the etendering procedure of Indian Oil Corporation Limited and the various items procured at IOCL Mathura refinery. Sh. Arvind Kumar, DGM (Materials & Contracts), IOCL (Pipeline) listed the items of procurement of Pipeline division and their procurement procedure. A lot of OEM spares and specialized chemical purchase was a common difficulty faced by all IOCL entities in achieving the 20% procurement from MSEs. Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-DI, Sh. R. K. Mittal, GM (Materials & Contracts), IOCL and Sh. Debashish Roy, GM (Finance), IOCL clarified the various queries/clarifications raised by the participants. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks by Sh. Ambrose Royson, Asstt. Director, MSME-DI. -126- The breakup of the participants is as below: Vendors/MSEs Officers of IOCL Officers of MSME-DI : 36 : 39 :3 (Ambrose Royson C) Asstt. Director (G&C) -127- State level Vendor Development Programme Programme Schedule Date & Day:21st March, 2014 (Friday) Venue: Scope Convention Centre, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Inaugural Session 10:00 AM to 10:05 AM Welcome Address - Sh. B. B. Barua DGM (Materials), IOCL Presentation of Bouquets to Dignitaries Lighting of Lamp 10:10 AM to 10:20 AM Inaugural Address 10:20 AM to 10:30 AM Chief Guest Address - Sh. R.P. Vaishya Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi - Sh. Narinder Kumar Executive Director(Projects), IOCL Tea Break (10:30 AM to 10:45) Technical Session 10:45 AM to 11:15 AM i. Public Procurement Policy, 2012 - 11:15 AM to 11:40 AM ii. Procurement Procedure & Items of Procurement of IOCL Refineries Head quarters - iii. Items of Procurement of IOCL Panipat Refinery - Sh. Y. R. Chaurasia 12:00Noon to 12:20 PM iv. E-tendering Procedure and Items of Procurement of IOCL Mathura Refinery - Sh. Sanjay Vardan 12:20 PM to 12:40 PM v. Items of Procurement of IOCL Pipeline Division - 11:40 AM to 12:00 Noon 12:40 PM to 01:10 PM 01:10 PM to 01:15 PM Sh. Abhishek Singh Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi Sh. S. Shekar DGM (Materials & Contracts), IOCL DGM (Materials), IOCL Panipat Refinery Sr. Manager (Materials), IOCL Mathura Refinery Sh. Arvind Kumar DGM (Materials & Contracts), IOCL (Pipeline) Integrative Session Vote of Thanks - Sh. Ambrose Royson Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi -128- Participants Details of State Level Vendor Development Programme Venue: Mirza Galib Hall, Scope Convention Centre, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Name Sh. Narinder Kumar A K Sharma R. K Mittal D. Roy S K Singhal PPS Paul B B Barua P C Mishra Rajesh Verma Amit Agarwal Priyankar Gaurav Kumar Rajiv Ranjan Gaurav Sharma S Sekar Nitin Waghmare Samir Sahai Amber Ashraf Bharat Lal Meena L K Gupta Hemant Kumar K B Choudhury Sanjoy Mitra S C Rabha Sangeeta Sinha Amy Gurtoo Jayant Kumar R Upadhyay B K Mathur Ravi Sethi T S Bharadwaj S Vardhan K Deshpandey Y R Chaurasia Arvind Kumar A K Prasad Shailesh Kumar Abhishek A L Toppo Sh. R. P. Vaishya Abhishek Singh Ambrose Royson K V Fire Fire Safety Devices Pvt. Ltd., Teekay Tubes Date: 21st March, 2014 Unit/Office Address ED (Projects), IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) GM, IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) GM (C&P), IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) GM (Finance), IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Mathura Refinery) IOCL (Mathura Refinery) IOCL (Panipet Refinery) IOCL (Pipeline Division) IOCL (Pipeline Division) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) IOCL (Refineries Headquarters) Director, MSME-DI, Okhla, ND Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, Okhla, ND Asstt. Director, MSME-DI, Okhla, ND -129- Sr. No. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Name Sawan Engineers Pvt. Ltd. JAV Forging Pvt. Ltd. Shah Bhogilal Vishal Fire Protection Equipments Vimal Fire Controls Pvt. Ltd. INSUCON Ajanta Electric Industries Suraj Cables Associated Toolings (India) Pvt. Ltd. Steel Strong Valve Swastik Oil Products Krishna Antioxidants Pvt. Ltd. M J Chemicals Quality Industries Tarak Chemicals Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Chemical Industries Choksey Brizbashi Hitech Udyog Ltd. Scorodite Hawa Valves Indcon Projects & Equipments Ltd. Industries Ltd. Reva Kissan Steels Pvt. Ltd. A P Sharma S Sikdar Khitij Chaughan Vikas Rubber Industries Anurag Jitendra Gupta Ram Kut Verma Lalitendra Mallick Kaliaraj G Govind Singh Unit/Office Address -130- Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 21.03.2014 at IOCL (Refineries), Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -131- VDP REPORT 2013-14 REPORT OF SVDP CONDUCTED BY MSME-DI, NEW DELHI S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. Particulars Name and address of the MSMEDI. Phone/Fax/E-mail Name of the Director Name, Designation, Phone Nos. of the NVDP Co-coordinator DC office sanction Order No. and Date Sanctioned amount Date of the Programme and duration. Venue of the VDP Information/Report MSME-DI, Okhla Indl Area, New Delhi -110020 Ph: 011-26838269, 26838068, 26838118 Fax: 011-26838016 Email ID: dcdi-ndelhi@dcmsme.gov.in Shri R. P. Vaishya Sh. Major Singh Deputy Director (Electx.) Mobile No 9911469788 12(18)/VDP/2013-14 dt 08.7.2013 Rs. 50,000/27.03.2014 – One day Engineer India Bhawan, 1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-66. Name and Addresses of supporting Engineer India Ltd., 1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Agencies. Delhi-66. Total No. of Participants with 35 Nos. (Officers of EIL-28, MSME DI-07) Breakups (Micro, Small and Medium). CPSU’s/SPSU’s/Ministries/Other Engineer India Ltd., 1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Large Scale sectors participated. Delhi-66. Give Name and address of them. Seminars, if any conducted in Presentation on Public procurement policy-2012, VDP Provision of MSMED act- 2006 & Government Schemes for MSEs Business enquiry generated. N.A. Enclose a few important Enclosed photographs of the programme. Enclose a brief note about the Enclosed programme Total No. of Stalls Technical Seminar only (enclose a copy of stall layout) Souvenir enclose a copy NIL Enclose a list of participants with Enclosed their addresses (SC/ST/Min/Women/Others). Total No. of visitors to the N.A. Exhibition. Expenditure incurred ( Enclose Rs. 15,000/head wise expenditure statement) Recovery made during the N.A. programme in value and percentage. Analysis Report of Feed back Participants appreciated the programme reports of the participants. Enclose a format of Feed back. -132- 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. Comparison of this VDP with previous VDPs (at least for the past 5 years)_ Sanctioned amount, duration, venue, No. of participants, recovery of expenditure, Business enquiry generated etc.,) Important suggestions of the participants for the improvement of the programme. Any other information related to VDP. Enclose a copy of the Invitation and Programme sheet. Proposal of NVDPs/SVDP for 2014-15 Venue, tentative date , etc. Vendor Registrations made during programme . (MSMEs registered with CPSU/Railways/State PSUs/Others as Sellers ……….. Date : 27.03.2014 The programme was organized for the awareness and implementation of PPP-2012 by the CPSUs. i. Workshop on Government schemes for MSE vendors should be organized EIL will organize one more NVDP next year with MSME-DI ii. - Programme schedule attached 3 Nos. NVDP and 16 Nos. of SVDP - Programme Coordinator Major Singh, DD (Elex.) -133- …..………. (R. P. Vaishya) Director A Brief Report on Awareness Programme cum State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) on 27.03.2014 Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute, Okhla , New Delhi organized a day long Awareness cum State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) at Engineers India Bhawan, 1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 in association with Engineers India Limited, New Delhi. The objective of the Programme was to create awareness about the Public Procurement Policy, 2012 of the Govt. of India among the officers of the EIL engaged in procurement system of the CPSU. A total 28 numbers officers of the EIL engaged in Procurement of the CPSU & 07 number of officials/Staff of MSME-DI attended the Programme. In the beginning, Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx) of MSME DI welcomed all the participants and dignitaries of the dias. He explained in brief about the objective of the programme. He also explained about the services provided by MSME-DI for development of Micro & Small Enterprises. Shri Abhishek Singh, A.D. (Mech.) MSME-DI Okhla, gave presentation on the Public Procurement Policy, 2012. Shri M. Natrajan, GM, EIL briefly explained about the procurement procedures of EIL. In his brief address, Shri Sunil Kaul, GM (C&P), EIL explained in brief the role of Public Procurement Policy for the development of MSEs. He also pointed out the problem faced by the CPSU to identify the suitable vendors and to achieve the 20% target to be procured from the MSEs sector. In his keynote address, Shri R. P. Vaishya, Director, MSME-Development Institute, Okhla, New Delhi explained in brief about the Public Procurement Policy 2012. He informed the participants that Central ministries, Govt. Departments, Public Sector Undertakings and Medium & Large Industries will make their own programmes to get the suitable vendors for their needs, as 20% of purchase will be made imperative from MSE Sector for Purchases of Govt. Deptts/CPSU in the years to come as per Govt. Public Procurement Policy 2012. He stated that next decade belongs to MSE Sector therefore entrepreneurs can expect the best in near future. He also briefed the schemes available with ministry of MSME for the betterment/upliftment of MSEs. He said that Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India has launched various schemes for promotion and development of micro, small & medium enterprises like National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology up gradation, Up-gradation of quality of MSEs Products, Marketing Development Assistance etc. During the interactive session, different types of queries like how to verify EMII/Registration of the vendor; Category of the vendor; how to divide the 20% share of the MSE’s from the tender; etc. were raised, which was duly answered by the Director/Officials of the MSME-DI, New Delhi. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Shri Ambrose Royson, Asstt. Director (G&C), MSME-DI New Delhi. -134- The Detail Break-up of the participants is as below: MALE FEMALE TOTAL SC ST OBC - - - Budh - Minority Ch. Mus Par. - Sikh - PH Others TOTAL - 25+07 03 35 32 03 35 (Major Singh) Dy. Director (Elex.) -135- Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises MSME - Development Institute Okhla Indl. Estate, New Delhi-110020 organizes Awareness-Cum-State Level Vendor Development Programme (SVDP) on 27 March, 2014 (Thursday) In association with: Engineers India Limited, New Delhi th Venue: Engineers India Bhawan, 1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 PROGRAMME SCHEDULE S. No. Topic Name of Officer 1. Welcome Address & About the Programme Sh. Major Singh, Dy. Director (Electx), MSME-DI 2. Presentation on Public procurement Policy–2012 for MSEs Sh. Abhishek,A.D. (Mech.), MSME-DI Procurement Procedure of Engineers India Limited, New Delhi Sh. M. Natrajan, GM, EIL Address By Sh. Sunil Kaul, GM (C & P), EIL Presidential Address Sh. R. P. Vaishya, Director MSME-DI 3. 4. 5. 6. INTERACTIVE SESSION Sh. Ambrose Royson 7. Vote of thanks Asstt. Director (G&C), MSME-DI HIGH TEA -136- State Level Vendor Development Programme (27.03.2014) In association with Engineers India Bhawan, 1 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi List of Participants S. No. Name of Candidate Address Contact No. 1. Sh B Biswas EIL, New Delhi, 9818688539 2. Sh P.K. Khurana EIL, New Delhi, 011-26262168 3. Sh K.N. Mahapatra EIL, New Delhi 9818673393 4. Sh S.K. Gupta EIL, New Delhi, 9810463505 5. Sh Anil Biswas EIL, New Delhi, 9910055686 6. Sh A Awna Durai EIL, New Delhi, 9811387682 7. Sh Rajeev Kumar EIL, New Delhi, 9899600078 8. Sh A.K. Chaudhary EIL, New Delhi, 9910014117 9. Sh M. Natarajan EIL, New Delhi 8826180644 10. Sh Amit Kumar Gupta EIL, New Delhi, 011-26762109 11. Ms. Rekha Chaudhary EIL, New Delhi, 26762071 12. Sh C Kapuria EIL, New Delhi 26763083 13. Sh. Mukesh Sinha EIL, New Delhi, 26762068 14. Sh R. Somnath EIL, New Delhi, 26763068 15. Sh P.K. Gupta EIL, New Delhi, 26762064 16. Sh Sajitta EIL, New Delhi 26762028 17. Sh Lalit Sharma EIL, New Delhi, 26762110 18. Sh Sandeep kulkarni EIL, New Delhi, 26762161 19. Sh K. Bhagyaraj EIL, New Delhi 26763022 20. Sh Vivek Dixit EIL, New Delhi 26763456 21. Sh SantoshTiwari EIL, New Delhi, 8750491200 22. Sh. S.K. Kaul EIL, New Delhi 9810886529 23. Sh Mayank Jain EIL, New Delhi -137- 24. Sh Sumit Sharma EIL, New Delhi 25. Sh S.K. Gupta EIL, New Delhi, DGM 9810463505 26. Sh. Major Singh MSME-DI New Delhi, 9911469788 27. Sh Abhishek Singh MSME-DI New Delhi, 9555122599 28. Sh R.K. Sabarwal ED, EIL, 29. Sh M. Natrajan GM EIL, New Delhi, 30. Sh A.K. Chaudhary GM EIL, New Delhi 31. Sh R.P. Vaishya Director, MSME-DI New Delhi 32. Sh Ambrose Royson A.D. MSME-DI New Delhi 33. Sh Surinder Pal Driver, MSME-DI New Delhi 34. Sh Hemant Driver, MSME-DI New Delhi -138- 8826180644 Photographs of one-day STATE-LEVEL VENDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME organized on 27.03.2014 at Engineers India Ltd., Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -139-