SOUTHERN REGIONAL POWER COMMITTEE BENGALURU Minutes of the 50th Meeting of Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC – 50) of SRPC held on 27.01.2016 1. Introduction The 50th meeting of Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC-50) was held on 27th January, 2016 in Trivendrum, Kerala. The list of participants is enclosed at Annexure-I. Sh. J. Mammen, GM (Commercial), NTPC extended warm welcome to Sh. S.R. Bhat, Member Secretary (MS), SRPC, Sh. G. Anbunesan, AGM, SRLDC, and other Officials from State & Private Power Utilities, SRLDC and SRPC. He thanked MS, SRPC for giving them an opportunity to host PCSC meeting, and added that ‘Team NTPC’ had put in all efforts to ensure a comfortable and pleasant stay for all participating members. Sh. S.R.Bhat, Member Secretary (MS), SRPC thanked Sh. Venkateshwaran, Regional Executive Director (South), NTPC & NTPC-Kayamkulam management for the excellent hospitality, and all the due care they have taken in making arrangements for the smooth conduct of the meeting. He then welcomed the Members and Participants to the meeting and briefed them on the following points: Informed members that Protection Audit Review of Stations (15 in number) under Task-2 by the Consultant had commenced. Already five Stations, viz., Hosur, Gajuwaka, Alamathy, Tirunelveli & Edamon, were audited during Dec, 2015 – Jan, 2016. Out of the remaining ten stations, five Stations (NLC TPS-II, Nelamangala, Gooty, Kurnool & NTPC-Ramagundam) would be audited in February, 2016, and the remaining five Stations (Guttur, Kaiga, Raichur, Sharavathy & Kottagudem) would be audited in March, 2016. He requested Constituents’ active cooperation in completing Task-2 activities to the satisfaction of all parties involved. Reminded members of completion of dead-lines of time-extensions given to various SRConstituents by Hon’ble CERC for completion of their respective Protection Audit Remarks (PAR). In this regard, all SR-Constituents (Genco’s, Transco’s & IPP’s) were requested to kindly furnish the status of their respective pending protection audit remarks, and the act ion taken by them in terms of obtaining further time-extensions & the measures taken to implement their respective PAR latest by 31.01.2016 for filing a consolidated reply before Hon’ble CERC. Informed members that in pursuance with the decision taken in 26 th SRPC meeting, steps had been initiated to procure Protection Suite (Protection Management System) that comprises web-based management software and protection setting calculation tool through PSDF funding. The detailed scope of the work is enclosed at Annexure-II. The number of license per utility required for Southern Region is listed below: Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 1 S.No Utility Quantity 1 Karnataka 6 2 Tamil Nadu 8 3 Andhra Pradesh 4 4 Telangana 4 5 Kerala 4 6 Puducherry 1 7 Power Grid 2 8 NPCIL 1 9 NTPC 1 10 NLC 1 11 SRLDC 1 12 SRPC 2 Total 35 After obtaining approval for PSDF funding, tendering process for executing Protection Suite would be initiated. Apprised members of the findings/ recommendations of Protection System Analysis Group (PSAG-14) meeting held at MAPS, Kalpakkam on 16.12.2016, and requested TANTRANSCO & MAPS to take steps to implement them to prevent recurrence of GD’s around MAPS. Brought to members’ attention the obligation of fulfilling their requirements under Regulation 5.2 I of IEGC, as per which all Users, STU/ SLDC, and CTU are required to furnish for analysis purpose the relevant information relating to tripping events in their system along with Disturbance Recorder (DR) and Event Logger (EL) to SRLDC/ SRPC within 24-hrs of occurrence of the same. Though this issue was regularly brought to Constituents’ attention vide various SRLDC & SRPC (fort-nightly) letters, still data w.r.t. all events was either not being furnished or being made available with unacceptable delay of few weeks. Constituents were urged to strictly comply with Regulation 5.2 I of IEGC, and furnish the data in time. 22. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 49th PCSC meeting held on 30.11.2015 SE (Protection), SRPC stated that the Minutes of the 49th meeting of the PCSC had been circulated vide SRPC letter No. SRPC/SE-III/ PCSC-49/ 2015/ 8871 – 9003 dated 14.12.2015. As no observations had been received from any of the Constituents, the Minutes of the 49th meeting of PCSC were confirmed. 3. Details of Grid Disturbances (GD’s), Grid Incidents (GI’s), Line Trippings due to Auto-Reclose non-operation and PLCC mal- operation. Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 2 The trippings due to GD’s, GI’s, Auto-Reclosure failure/ non-operation, and PLCC mal-operation that had occurred during the period November, 2015 - January, 2016 were discussed in the Meeting. The deliberations and recommendations of the PCSC-forum are enclosed at Annexure–III. 4. Status of pending PCSC recommendations The status of implementation of pending PCSC recommendations was discussed in the meeting. The Constituents had been requested to kindly submit the status of their compliance latest by 22-02-2016. The updated status of the same as on 11-02-2016 is enclosed at Annexure–IV. 5. Remedial measures/ Action taken for the tripping incidents of the transmission elements under forced outage The tripping incidents of the transmission elements under forced outage for which the remedial measures/ actions taken still awaited were discussed in the meeting. The Constituents had regularly been kept apprised of the tripping events incident to their respective systems vide various SRPC mails. However, no replies have been received from APGENCO, APTRANSCO, TSGENCO, TSTRANSCO during the period 30.11.2015 to 26.01.2016. The Constituents have been requested to kindly furnish the remedial measures/ action taken in time so as to forward the same to Central Electricity Authority. The updated list of the same as on 11.02.2016 is enclosed at Annexure-V. 6. Certificate for Healthiness of Batteries As per the MoP/ CEA direction given in pursuant to recommendations of the Enquiry Committee (NEW grid disturbance on 30th & 31st July, 2012), RPC’s are required to obtain from their respective Constituents the monthly certificate for healthiness of batteries, installed at 220 KV and above voltage level Substations (for power supply to Relays, RTUs and PLCC equipment) and furnish the same to CEA/ MoP. With reference to above, the Constituents have been requested to submit the certificate on healthiness of batteries on monthly basis (i.e. status for a month may be sent by the 7th day of the following month) to SRPC. The sought status for the months of November & December, 2015 has not been received from the following SR-Constituents: November, 2015: APGENCO (Thermal), TSGENCO (Thermal), KPTCL, PED, NPCIL MAPS, NTPL, CEPL, SEL. December, 2015: APTRANSCO, TSGENCO (Thermal), TANGEDCO, PED, TPCIL, NTPL NTPC-Ramagundam, CEPL, SEL. Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 3 7. CEPL Agenda Item: Special Protection Scheme in NTPL-CEPL-Tuticorin PS Complex CEPL vide their letter dated 07.01.2016 (Annexure-VI) proposed an SPS in Tuticorin PS -CEPLNTPL Complex for running both the Units of CEPL till June, 2016 by which time both CEPL and PGCIL would complete their respective lines. The issue was discussed in the meeting, when SRLDC pointed out that in the meeting held at CEA, New Delhi on 11.12.2015 regarding "2x600 MW Mutiara Thermal Power Project Permission for Synchronization and declaration of COD of Unit _2", CEPL had assured that the work relating to their dedicated transmission lines would be completed by April-May, 2016. It was emphasised that in case of any revisions in the completion of their dedicated transmission system, CEPL shall also keep SRLDC & SRPC informed to plan accordingly. As regards the SPS proposed by CEPL, SRLDC stated that it could not be agreed to in its present form because of the following reasons: The generation from the second Unit of CEPL , for accommodating which the present SPS is proposed, has not been tied up; In the SPS proposed, the details of the loads to be shed to balance LGBR in the event of tripping of one of the Units has not been spelt out; In the event of non-operation of SPS, there is a real chance that end-equipment at NTPL switchyard may get damaged due to the limitation imposed by its bus-bar rating of 1350 MW, 2000 A. TANTRANSCO also opined that since the loads are yet to be identified for the proposed SPS, the issue may be discussed in detail in the forthcoming OCC meeting. It was therefore agreed to take up the issue in the next OCC meeting. 8. Network configuration changes As per the information furnished by SR-Constituents to the OCC forum in their 114th meeting (held on 08.12.2015; Minutes circulated on 31.12.2015) and 115th meeting (held on 08.01.2016; Minutes circulated on 29.01.2016), the following network configuration changes (additions/ deletions/ modifications of transmission elements) took place in the southern grid during the period November-December, 2015. 7.5 WM Installed Capacity was added in Tamil Nadu in Private Sector during the month of November 2015. Unit – VI at Nagjhari Power House up rated from 135MW to 150MW. 220kV D/C Line from Pallantla substation to 220/11kV LIS substation at Pattiseema in East Godavari district of 60 CkM was commissioned (feeder I on 06.11.2015 & feeder II on 07.11.2015) by APTRANSCO. 220kV Appayyadorapalem - Bobbili SC line in Vizianagaram District of 84 CkM was commissioned on 12.11.2015 by APTRANSCO. 220/11 kV LIS substation at Pattiseema in East Godavari district of 60 MVA Capacity was commissioned on 08.11.2015 by APTRANSCO. Bobbili Growth Center 220kV SS in Vizianagaram District of 100 MVA Capacity was Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 4 commissioned on 13.11.2015 by APTRANSCO. 2nd PTR at 220kV SS Rachagunneri in Chittoor district of 100 MVA Capacity (2nd PTR) was commissioned on 25.112015 by APTRANSCO. 220kV SS Kalyandurg in Ananthapur District(220 kV, 2x100 MVA) was Augumented to a capacity of 3x100 MVA and commissioned on 02.11.2015 by APTRANSCO. 220kV SS Kamavarapukota in East Godavari District (220 kV, 2x100 MVA) was augumented to 3x100 MVA capacity of and was commissioned on 21.11.2015 by APTRANSCO. 220 kV D/C Line from Pallantla substation to 220/11kV LIS substation at Pattiseema in East Godavari district of 60 CkM was commissioned. (feeder I on 06.11.2015 & feeder II on 07.11.2015) by APTRANSCO. 220 kV LILO to 220 kV existing Gajwel-Kamareddy line to 220/6.6 kV water pumping SS to Kondapaka of 19.5 CkM was commissioned on 10.11.2015 by TSTRANSCO. 220/6./6 kV Kondapaka water pumping substation in Medak District of 63 MVA Capacity was commissioned on 10.11.2015 by TSTRANSCO. 220/132/33 kV SS Waddekothapally in Warangal District (3x100 MVA) capacity was augmented to a Capacity of (1x160 +2x100) MVA and was commissioned on 24.11.2015 by TSTRANSCO. 220/132/33 kV Boothpur SS in Mahaboobnagar District (2x100+1x160+1x16) was augmented to a capacity (2x100+1x160+1x16+1x50) and was commissioned on 18.11.2015 by TSTRANSCO. 220/132/33 kV SS Narketpally in Nalgonda District of (1x31.5+1x15) MVA capacity was augmented to a capacity of (1x50+2x31.5) MVA and was commissioned on 13.11.2015 by TSTRANSCO. 220/132/33 kV SS Kalwakurthy in Mahaboobnagar Dist.of (1x50+2x31.5)MVA Capacity was augmented to a Capacity of 2x50+1x31.5 MVA and was Commissioned on 16.112015 by TSTRANSCO. 765kV Kudgi – Kolhapur I charged at 400kV level on 14th November 2015 by PGCIL 400kV Narendra – Kudigi I charged on 17th November 2015 by PGCIL 400kV Gooty – Madhugiri (Tumkur) D/C charged on 29th November 2015 by PGCIL 400kV Kudgi –Kudgi NTPC charged on 17th November 2015 by PGCIL 400/220kV ICT- 3 & 63 MVAR Bus Reactor at Raichur was charged for first time on 24th November 2015 by KPTCL. 63 MVAR Bus Reactor charged at 400kV Talaguppa S/S on 26th November 2015 by KPTCL.. 125 MVAR Bus Reactor charged at NCC for first time on 04th December 2015 PGCIL vide letter dated 09.11.2015 had informed that consequent to the successful completion of Trial Operation, the following assets under Transmission System Associated with “Contingency Plan for evacuation of Power from IL & FS (2x600) MW have been put under Commercial Operation with effect from 00:00 hrs of November, 2015 in terms of Clause 4 CERC (Terms and conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014. Strengthening of Neyveli TS II – TS- I expansion Link with higher Capacity Conductor). PGCIL vide letter dated 01.12.2015 had informed that consequent to successful completion of Trial Operation, the following assets under “Transmission System associated with System Strengthening –XIII in Southern Regional Grid” have been put Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 5 under Commercial Operation w.e.f 00:00 Hrs of 1st December 2015 in terms of clause 4 of CERC (Terms & Conditions of Tariff) Regulations 2014 and 27th SRPC minutes of meeting point No 3.2.3. Gooty – Madhugiri 400KV D/C line Extension of 400/220KV substation at Gooty – Madhugiri 400KV D/C Line. 400/200KV Substation at Madhugiri (Tumkur) with 2x500MVA Transformers and 1x63MVAR Bus Reactor along with associated bay & Equipments for Gooty – Madhugiri 400KV D/C Line. PGCIL SR II vide letter dated 11.12.2015 had informed that consequent to the successful completion of Trial Operation the following assets under Transmission System associated with “System Strengthening-XVII in Southern Grid” have been put under Commercial Operation with effect from 00:00 hrs of 11th December 2015 in terms of Clause 4 of CERC(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014. Second Circuit of Narendra (New Kudgi) – Kolhapur(New) 765 D/C Transmission line(initially charged at 400 KV) along with bays & equipments at Narendra(New Kudgi) substation and Kolhapur(New) substation. Transmission charges for the above assets are payable with effect from 11th December, 2015. PGCIL SR II vide letter dated 11.12.2015 had informed that consequent to the successful completion of Trial Operation the following assets under “Sub Station Extension works associated with transmission system required for evacuation of power from Kudgi TPS(3x800 MW in Phase I) of NTPC Limited in Southern Regional Grid” have been put under Commercial Operation with effect from 00:00 hrs of 11th December 2015 in terms of Clause 4 of CERC(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014. 4 Nos. 400 kV Line bays at Narendra(New, Kudgi) for Kudgi TPS-Narendra (New, Kudgi) 400 kV 2xD/C Quad Lines. Transmission charges for the above assets are payable with effect from 11th December, 2015. PGCIL SR II vide letter dated 11.12.2015 had informed that consequent to the successful completion of Trial Operation the following assets under Transmission System associated with “System Sregthening-XVII in Southern Grid” have been put under Commercial Operation with effect from 00:00 hrs of 11th December 2015 in terms of Clause 4 of CERC(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014. Narendra(New Kudgi) – Narendra(Existing) 400 kV D/C Quad Transmission line along with associated bays & equipments at Narendra(New Kudgi) substation and Narendra (Existing) substation. Transmission charges for the above assets are payable with effect from 11th December, 2015. PGCIL SR II vide letter dated 15.12.2015 had informed that consequent to the successful completion of Trial Operation the following assets under Transmission System associated with “System Sregthening-XXII in Southern Grid” have been put under Commercial Operation with effect from 00:00 hrs of 15th December 2015 in terms of Clause 4 of CERC(Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and 27 SRPC Minutes of Meeting point No. 3.7. Kunool(New) – Raichr 765 kV S/C line. Extension of 765/400 kV S/S at Kurnool(New): [1 No. 765 kV line bay for Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 6 Kurnool(New) – Raichur 765 kV S/C line] Extension of 765/400 kV S/S at Raichur: [1 No. 765 kV line bay for Kurnool(New) – Raichur 765 kV S/C line] 765 kV Raichur – Kurnool Line I was charged on 13th December 2015 by PGCIL. 400 kV Nagarjunasagar – Khammam II & III were charged on 31st December 2015 by PGCIL. PGCIL vide letter dated 04.01.2016 had informed that consequent to the successful completion of Trial Operation, the following assets under “Substation works associated with System Strengthening in Southern Region for import of Power from Eastern Region” have been put under Commercial Operation with effect from 00:00 hrs of 4th January 2016 in terms of Clause 4 CERC (Terms and conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014. 400 kV Bays each at Khammam (Existing) and Nagarjunasagar for terminating Khammam - Nagarjun Sagar 400 kV D/C line has been implemented under Tariff Based Competitive Bidding. PGCIL vide letter dated 03.01.2016 had informed that on successful completion of seventy two (72) hours of connection with the interconnection facilities the following element is put under Commercial operation w.e.f. 1600 Hrs on 03.01.2016 in terms of article 6.2.1, Transmission service Agreement (TSA) dated 14.05.2013 and accordingly POWERGRID Vizag Transmission Limited is entitled for all benefits envisaged in the aforesaid TSA. 400 kV Khammam(existing) – Nagarjunasagar Transmission D/C line under Transmission system for System Strengthening in Southern Region for import of power from Eastern Region. KPTCL vide their mail dated 23.01.2016 informed that the following transmission elements had been commissioned in December, 2015. 220 kV Yelahanka DG Plant station commissioned on 28.12.2015 by extending power supply from existing 220kV Nelamangala - Hoody line 220 kV Gadag-Bagalakot D/C line charged on 28.12.2015 9. Instances of SPS Operations Based on the information furnished by SRLDC, it is informed that the following instances of SPS operations took place in SR during the period 30.11.2015 – 26.01.2016. Sl Date No 1 21-Jan-16 Time (hrs) 14:23 2 21-Jan-16 14:34 (twice) 3 21-Jan-16 14:36, 14:37, 14:38 Reason Raichur-Sholapur SPS operated while preparing for emergency LC of Talcher-Kolar pole-2 Raichur-Sholapur SPS operated while preparing for emergency LC of Talcher-Kolar pole-2 Raichur-Sholapur SPS operated while preparing for emergency LC of Talcher-Kolar pole-2 Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Load relief obtained (MW) AP KPTCL KSEB TNEB Total 75 79 154 150 60 210 60 60 Page 7 4 21-Jan-16 14:47 (twice), 14:56 Raichur-Sholapur SPS operated while preparing for emergency LC of Talcher-Kolar pole-2 150 150 10. Compliance of Hon’ble CERC Orders 10.1 Petition No. 146/MP/2013 with I.A. 36/2013: Order dated 20.02.2014 Compliance of Regulations 5.2 I of the Grid Code: Issue regarding non-furnishing of FIR / Trip Analysis Report, EL, DR, etc. was also highlighted. It is pointed out that the above reports are to be submitted / uploaded on SRLDC web application within 24 hours as mandated under IEGC / CEA Regulations. Implementation of Phase-I and Phase-II of Protection Audit Recommendations: All the constituents are requested to submit the updated status of the compliance (those who have not completed recommendations mentioned in the Phase I and Phase II) to SRPC Secretariat at the earliest. Compliance of Regulations 5.2 (e) & 5.2 (l) of the Grid Code and Regulation 3(1)(e) of CEA Grid Standards: The constituents are requested to strictly comply with these provisions by ensuring standard protections systems having the reliability, selectivity, speed and sensitivity to isolate the faulty equipment and protect all components from any type of faults, within the specified fault clearance time and providing protection coordination Ensuring proper maintenance of transmission lines and adopting best O&M practices: The constituents are requested to conduct line patrolling regularly as per the SRPC transmission line patrolling guidelines (available under the menu item “All Uploads Operation Miscellaneous Transmission Line Patrolling Protocol / Guidelines for Southern Region” on SRPC website). ( 10.2 Petition No. 167/Suo- Motu/2012: Order dated 22.02.2014 The Constituents are requested to follow approved protection philosophy ISTS licensees are requested to submit details of updated distance protection relay setting of all inter-regional lines to POSOCO & RPCs. All SLDCs are requested to install/activate sound recording system in their control rooms within three months from the date of issue of this order. The Constituents are requested to submit the progress of implementation to SRPC and SRLDC as specified in the Hon’ble CERC Order. 10.3 Petition No. 263/MP/2012: Order dated 19.12.2013 Constituents are requested to implement the quantum of relief by AUFR and df/dt relays by identifying additional feeders and keep them functional within one month of issuing this order. SLDCs are also requested to map these relays on their respective SCADA system within three months of issuance of this order. The Constituents are requested to submit the progress of implementation to SRPC and SRLDC as specified in the Hon’ble CERC Order. 10.4 APTRANSCO’s Petition No.95/MP/2015: Date of hearing 09-04-2015 It was noted in the Analysis and Decision part of the Order that: Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 8 “8. Noting the submissions of the petitioner, SRPC and SRLDC and activities initiated by the petitioner for procurement of materials required for implementation of the remarks of protecting audit, we allow time to the petitioner till 31.12.2015 for completion of our directions in Order dated 19.12.2013 in Petition No. 146/MP/2013.” “9. SRPC is directed to monitor the status of completion of works relating to protection audit remarks in respect of 7 nos 400 kV sub-stations and 11 nos 220 kV sub-stations of APTRANSCO, protection audit remarks in Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC) meetings and coordinate the periodic protection audit to be carried out in Southern Region after deliberation in SRPC and submit bi-monthly report to the Commission.” 10.5 TSTRANSCO’s Petition No.83/MP/2015: Order dated 14-05-2015 It was noted in the Order that: “12. Noting the submission of the petitioner, SRLDC and SRPC and considering the actions already initiated by the petitioner for implementation of works relating to protection audit, we allow time till 31.10.2015 and 31.8.2016 for implementation of Phase-I and Phase -II works respectively. The petitioner is directed to submit affidavit confirming the completion of Phase I of protection audit remarks by 31.10.2015 and Phase-II of protection audit remarks by 31.8.2016. 13. SRPC is directed to monitor the status of completion of remarks in these substations vis-à-vis protection audit remarks in Protection Coordination Sub Committee (PCSC) meetings. SRPC is further directed to coordinate the periodic protection audit to be carried out in Southern Region after deliberation in SRPC.” 10.6 Order in Petition No. 86/MP/2014 and 374/MP/2014: Order dated 18-08-2015 The time-lines given to the various SR-Constituents for completion of Phase-I and Phase-II activities of Protection Audit Recommendations vide above Order are given below: (A) KSEBL: 18. Noting the submission of KSEBL, SRLDC and SRPC and considering the actions already initiated by KSEBL for implementation of remarks of protection audit, we allow time till 31.12.2015 and 31.3.2016 for implementation of Phase-II works and R&M works at Idduki HEP respectively. (B) TANTRANSCO: 21. After considering the submissions of TANTRANSCO, SRLDC and SRPC, it is noted that TANTRANSCO`s request for time till 31.5.2015 for implementation of Phase–I activities of providing numerical relays for feeder protection and Auto transformer protection is already over. We allow time till 30.6.2016 for other Phase-I activities such as provision of line VT, 5 core CT, Time synchronizing with GPS, Disturbance recorder & event logger and Phase-II activities. According to SRLDC, total implementation period is 15 to 16 months for items which involve major procurement, design changes with major site modification/civil activities. Accordingly, we allow 16 months time i.e up to 30.11.2016, for Renovation and Modernization of Singarpet, Singaperumalkoil, Salem and Tondiarpet 230 kV sub-stations from the issue of the order. Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 9 (C) NLC: 22. NLC has sought time upto 31.12.2014 and 31.3.2015 for completion of Phase-I work of Numerical Relay Retrofitting and for Phase-II works of providing second battery bank of PLCC respectively. It is noted that the completion dates for Phase-I and Phase-II of protection audit remarks as requested by NLC are already over. Therefore, no direction is required in this regard. However, we direct NLC to file a confirmation report regarding completion of protection audit works for Phase-I and Phase-II. (D) KPTCL: 23. … … Considering the submission of KPTCL and SRLDC, we allow time to KPTCL time till 15.01.2016 for completion of Phase-I and Phase-II of protection audit remarks. No further extension shall be granted in this regard. (E) KPCL: 24. … … Considering the submission of KPCL and SRLDC, we allow time to KPCL till 31.10.2015 and 31.12.2015 for completion of Phase-I for Phase-II of protection audit remarks respectively. No further extension shall be granted in this regard. 26. We direct SRPC to (a) submit status of protection audit remarks in respect of APGENCO, NTPC (SR), Talcher, Puducherry, PGCIL (SRTS I & II), MAPS and TANGEDCO, (b) monitor the status of completion of remarks of protection audit in respect of all constituents of Southern Region in Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC) meetings, and (c) to coordinate periodic protection audit to be carried out in Southern Region after deliberation in SRPC. All the constituents of Southern Region are directed to file their status with SRPC on regular basis to facilitate proper monitoring in PCSC meetings. SRPC is directed to submit bi-annually status report to the Commission confirming the completion of Phase-I, Phase-II and R&M works of protection audit remarks of the constituents of Southern Region. 11. Nomenclature for naming various files uploaded in Web based Tripping Monitoring System of SRLDC Portal The nomenclature to be followed by the Constituents in naming various files (FIR, DR, EL, TR) corresponding to a tripping incident was brought out in the SRPC letter No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC45/ 4609 – 649 dated 26.06.2015 and in the minutes of PCSC-45 issued vide SRPC letter No. SRPC/SE-III/ PCSC-45/ 2015/ 5422-455 dated 21.07.2015. As illustrated therein, the format to be followed for the user entered part-name is given below: Transmission Element File name to be given by the user Transmission line SSN_DSN_line#_FT Inter-connecting Transformer SSN_ICT#_FT Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 10 Generating Transformer SSN_GT#_FT Generating Unit SSN_Unit#_FT Where, SSN = Source Station Name/ From end Station Name/ Sending end Station Name DSN = Destination Station Name/ To end Station Name/ Receiving end Station Name FT = File Type (FIR/ DR/ EL/ TR) All SR-Constituents are requested to kindly intimate the above file naming nomenclature to all the concerned and ensure that it is followed at all stations in their control area so that tripping analysis can be done systematically. 12. Date & Venue of the next Meeting It is informed that the 51th PCSC meeting will be held on 25.02.2015 (Thursday) at 10:30 hrs in the Conference Hall of SRPC, Bengaluru. 13. Vote of Thanks Member Secretary, SRPC thanked the members and other participants for their active contribution in the deliberations. Sh. J. Mammen, GM (Commercial), NTPC thanked all the Members for their cooperation. ***** Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 11 Minutes of the 50th PCSC Meeting held on 27-01-2016 Page 12 Annexure- I Page 1 of 9 Annexure- I Page 2 of 9 Annexure- I Page 3 of 9 Annexure- I Page 4 of 9 Annexure- I Page 5 of 9 Annexure- I Page 6 of 9 Annexure- I Page 7 of 9 Annexure- I Page 8 of 9 Annexure- I Page 9 of 9 Annexure-II DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK Bidder should supply Protection Analysis Software Package with following requirements but not limited to the following modules for the supply of Software and Database building activities:- The vendor should develop and maintain a hardware setup and software package capable of meeting the following objectives; but not limited to: Classified database of all bay equipment and the protection system details of all bays 220 kV/ 230 kV and above, for Southern Regional power System. A user friendly interface for browsing and editing the contents of the database Tool for simulating the performance/ behavior of the protection system under all possible normal and abnormal operating conditions of the power system, including effect of changing one or more parameter setting of the relays. Diagnostics for verifying proper coordination among various protective relays Generation of useful reports E.1 Database building activities: One time power system network model building for the Load-flow, Short circuit and dynamic simulations of entire Southern region with Indian national grid transmission network model. Data collected from respective substations to be validated before populating the same in the database. Complete modeling of SR transmission network for 220 kV/ 230 kV and above including HVDC systems connected with SR, with relevant system parameters collecting from the field like transmission lines, generators, transformers, reactors, substation layouts, and associated protective relays in the substations. The model should include CT, PT, Isolator, Breaker and other bay equipment’s ratings along with rating of the BUS and the type of conductor used for the BUS. The modeling should be done as per bus-breaker philosophy instead if node oriented model. SRPC, Bengaluru Page 1 Page 1 of 7 Annexure-II Building of network Database and populations of relay data for all existing substations of 220 kV / 230 kV and above voltage level, of Southern region including Generating station switchyards as well as the Generators. Prepared network should be ready for base case load flow analysis and the same has to be verified with field engineers of SR constituents. Both MW and MVAR flow should be computed and Voltage Level at different Buses should be ascertained along with suggestive conditions to reduce or enhance Bus voltage. Short circuit, transient stability and contingency analysis have to be simulated and the results have to be demonstrated to the SR constituents for approval. There should be features to study low frequency oscillations, 3rd zone tripping, PSS tuning support and Voltage collapse prediction feature. Transient stability and grid disturbance simulation studies for the southern region database and performing the com-trade file analysis. Over current and distance relay coordination settings have to be calculated and coordination curves should match the existing protection schemes of the substations. Some critical contingencies have to be discussed with SR constituents and the same has to be simulated and results to be demonstrated. Computation of critical clearing time for the most of the voltage level and critical stations. Review of the unit protection like Generators, GT’S , Unit transformers, Station transformers), ICTs, Main power transformers, Reactors, Dynamic and Static Compensators, bus-bars and other differential protection relays. Following are estimated details of the existing sub-station in the SRPC region and same should be modeled in the software with all details. However, actual number may vary within close limits and has to be considered by the bidder in his proposal. No. of 765 kV No. of 400 kV No. of 220/230 kV sub-station sub-station sub-station 6 111 478 Capacity building and training at SRPC office and each state. SRPC, Bengaluru Page 2 Page 2 of 7 Annexure-II E.2 Protection Setting Calculation Tool This module should compute optimum relay settings for improved performance for all type of commercially available distance/over current/EF/differential/line/transformer protection relays. Relay co-ordination shall be conducted for relays of all make and with user defined characteristics for overcurrent and distance relays in line with the protection philosophy, followed by SRPC. The package will involve fault studies followed by relay setting, checking and co-ordination studies to ensure that the wide variety of protective relays function correctly with proper discrimination to provide the required reliable, sensitive and selective isolation of faulty power system equipment. i. Relay co-ordination for radial and interconnected power system networks for over current relays. ii. Primary/back-up relay pairs generation. iii. Fault calculation will be a part of relay co-ordination program. iv. Transparent Fault calculation results. v. Built with standard relays library data for different manufacturers, including but not restricted to the following protection features:- (i) Line protection: Distance, over current, earth fault, over voltage (ii)Line Differential protection (iii) Transformer Differential Protection (iv) Transformer Over fluxing Protection (v) Transformer Thermal Overload Protection (vi) Transformer Low Impedance Restricted Earth Fault Protection and High Impedance Restricted Earth Fault Protection (vii) Generator Overall, Generator Transformer and Unit Differential Protection (viii) Generator Inter – Turn Differential Protection (ix) Generator Transformer Low Impedance and High Impedance Restricted Earth Fault Protection (x) Generator Stator Earth Fault Protection ( Both 95% and 100% protection) (xi) Generator Rotor Earth Fault Protection (xii) Generator Loss of Excitation Protection(Field Failure) ( with and without Under voltage) (xiii) Generator Forward Power and Reverse Power Protection (xiv) Generator BackUp Impedance protection (xv) Generator Inadvertent energisation (xvi) Generator SRPC, Bengaluru Page 3 Page 3 of 7 Annexure-II Negative Sequence Protection, (xvii) Generator Pole Slip Protection (xviii) Generator Thermal Overload Protection (xix) Feeders Directional and NonDirectional Over current and Earth Fault Protection with standard and nonstandard curves (User defined curves). vi. Plotting Log- Log grid and graphs. vii. Option to check existing relay settings as per the Field and vice versa. viii. Unit protection settings computation for Generators/ line/transformer /reactor/ busbar etc. ix. Computation of Out of Step Tripping Protection Settings. x. There must be display of sequential operation of relays with respect to tripping time. xi. There must be switching status for all relays elements/bay equipment available on the screen. xii. There must be association of relays to power system elements. xiii. Co-ordination check can be conducted for relays of all make and with user defined characteristics for over current and distance relays. xiv. Disturbance analysis should be done with single click on mapping of disturbances files with corresponding relay. xv. It must have standard power system components and relay symbols. xvi. There must be Phase as well as Earth relay co-ordination. Co-ordination between Normal, Non - Directional Earth Fault and Common Earth Fault should be provided. xvii. There must be instantaneous setting for relays. xviii. There must be automatic computation of zone setting for different standard make Relays with proper characteristics selection such as ABB, Areva, Siemens, SEL, GE, ER etc. for both in terms of Primary and Secondary impedances (considering the used CTR & PTR) . xix. There must be a feature of viewing existing and newly computed relay settings simultaneously. xx. There must be Pre-loaded standard relay curves. xxi. Directional and non-directional feature for relays should be incorporated. SRPC, Bengaluru Page 4 Page 4 of 7 Annexure-II xxii. There must be overload factor, unbalance factor and discrimination time (user defined/selectable) for each relay. xxiii. There must be inbuilt discrimination time calculator. xxiv. It should be possible to model the back-up protection settings of generating units / GTs connected to the grid at 230 kV/ 220 kV and above level, so that coordination between power plant and transmission system protections may also be tested / verified. E.3 Protection Database Management System: Web based Enterprise license of Database tool and populating of all the relay templates and also relay field data into the software and customizing the approval procedures Protection data management system is an asset management tool for maintaining information on relay attributes and settings. The software should be capable of maintaining the entire data belonging to all relays. Once data fits in the software it should be capable of porting the data to any third party application for analysis and also various reports generated. The data would be accessed over web for use in protection calculation tool. The Protection database management system should have the following capabilities: 1. Web based 2. Role based access control 3. Flexible customization of user roles, grants, actions from Master control panel 4. User Access Monitor 5. Relay Template management 6. Create\Edit\Delete relay templates 7. Viewing relay template 8. Locking and Unlocking templates 9. Copy & Edit templates from the existing template 10. Import and Export templates 11. Relay Data management 12. Create\Edit\Delete relay data SRPC, Bengaluru Page 5 Page 5 of 7 Annexure-II 13. Viewing relay data 14. Locking and Unlocking relay data 15. Copy & Edit relay data from the existing data 16. Import and Export relay data 17. Configuration management: Should have option to configure user defined levels for generating relay indexing 18. Work flow Management 19. Relay template life cycle management 20. Relay data life cycle management 21. Reports: a. Should be possible to generate reports as per user requirement b. User can export generated report to the standard format like .xls, pdf. .doc etc. c. History Logger : All user activities including user operations, data management, template management, configuration management and workflow should be logged to track the user activities over a period of time d. Import and Export : There should be an option to import template and data from any third party application in standard formats like xml and xls format e. There should be option to integrate any third party application to share data between protection database management software and calculation engine\tool and vice versa. f. Should be able to draw the relay characteristic curve from the setting data g. Provision to attach documents to relay template and relay data should be available. h. There should be option to accept setting data as per the audit and verify\compare the field setting with protection database setting and generate error report i. Provision to store and retrieve audit reports j. Provision to store and retrieve relay tripping incidence report k. There should be facility to store and retrieve setting guidelines as per various committees. l. Automatic Reconciliation Tool would generate automatic reconciliation requests for relay settings in the database and in the relay hardware. SRPC, Bengaluru Page 6 Page 6 of 7 Annexure-II m. Up-to-date application guides and user manuals of all relays should be part of the relay library n. Web based Checklist for protection Audit. SRPC, Bengaluru Page 7 Page 7 of 7 Annexure- III Grid Occurrences 1. Details of Grid Disturbances: 1 Complete outage of 220kV Somanahalli substation of KPTCL (i) Date and Time of Event 27-11-2015 at 18:47 hrs (ii) Location 220kV Somanahalli Substation (iii) Reported Disturbance / Fault Bus bar protection got operated due to wrong bus bar zone selection resulting in tripping of both the 220kV bus at 220kV Somanahalli substation. (iv) Load Loss 650 MW (v) Category GD-1 SLD: The SLD of 220 kV Somanahalli SS as provided by KTPCL is attached at the end. KPTCL: Line clear (LC) was availed at 220kV Somanahalli SS on 27.11.15 at 10.30 hrs to facilitate dismantling of strung bus and replacement of the same by rigid bus on South bus [Partial before sectionalizing breaker from control room] under the R&M works. Before availing LC, various 220kV bays connected to different buses are as follows:1. North Bus:- Bidadi -1, Bidadi -2,100MVA Tr-1,100MVA Tr-3 and Malur-2. 2. South Bus:- ICT-1,ICT-2,HSR Layout ,ITPL, Yerandanahalli, NRS, Subramanyapura, T.K.Halli. *** Malur-1 was kept out of service. The sequence of operations carried out for issue of LC on South bus(partial):a. Bidadi 1&2,Tr-1,Tr-2 Malur-2 were hand tripped. b. Bus coupler breaker was closed. c. ICT-1,ICT-2,ITPL,Yerandanahalli,Subramanyapura were shifted from south bus to North bus (Online transfer) d. Bus Coupler breaker operated. e. ICT-1 tripped. f. Both sectionalizing breaker tripped. g. Bidadi-1 shifted to South Bus and HSR layout was fed from Bidadi-1 Line. During these operations, the Bus bar protection was kept out of service. Upon completion of work during normalization, the details of various bays connected to buses are as follows:1. South Bus:- Bidadi-1 and HSR Layout. 2. North Bus:- ICT-1,ICT-2,100MVATr-1,100MVATr-3,T.K.Halli, NRS, Subramanyapura, Yerandanahalli, ITPL, Malur-2. 3. Bidadi-2 kept opened. 4. 150MVA Tr-2 kept opened as the same is faulty. In bus bar protection scheme, the switches were provided in the bus bar panel to replicate the isolator positions 89A and 89B to decide the zone selections. After selection of the switch according to 220kV Bays rearrangement, the bus bar differential relay was put into service. But immediately differential relay acted with indication as Zone A and B. and all bays tripped. Therefore on temporary basis the relay was kept out of service and bays normalized. It was explained that due to the problem in the auxiliary contacts of the bus-isolator switches, the isolator replica switches in the bus bar panel were being operated manually. In the instant case, due to manual error in the selection of these replica switches, ICT-1 & ICT-2 currents got added up, and resulted in operation of BBP for both Zones – A & B. After detailed investigation by RT staff on 28.11.2015, bus bar protection was restored at 220kV SS Somanahalli. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 1/32 Page 1 of 32 Annexure- III It was informed that as existing BBP is of static type, DR and EL were not triggered. Remedial action: The suspected faulty isolator switch auxiliary contacts had been replaced. Strict instructions have been issued to the maintenance staff to exercise due care while effecting bay/ bus change-over operations. All bus isolator switches have also been proposed to be replaced as part of the ongoing R&M works. KSEB: Separate CT-cores may be used for CHECK zone and MAIN zone. If that is not possible, an external CT-shorting switch may be provided to discriminate between CHECK and MAIN zones. 2 Complete outage of TPCIL power station (i) Date and Time of Event 30-12-2015 at 06:02hrs (ii) Location 400kV TPCIL Generating Station (iii) Reported Disturbance / Fault Running units at Thermal Powertech power Station tripped due to tripping of 400kV Nellore pooling station (NPS)-TPCIL line and 400kV Nellore pooling station (NPS)-ECC line (iv) Generation Loss 1270 MW (v) Category GD-1 SLD: SLD of TPCIL station is attached at the end. 400 kV TPCIL-NPS line (Line-2): TPCIL end: As per FIR/ DR/ EL, the line tripped at 6:02:40.570 hrs. on R-Y fault due to operation of DPR, Z1 operation (at 4.1 km from TPCIL end). [In EL, Station name in the signature was mentioned as Krishnapatnam, which may be corrected] NPS end: As per FIR/ DR/TR, the line tripped at 6:02:40.570 hrs. on R-Y fault due to operation of DPR, Z2 operation It was observed from DR that the line tripped at NPS end simultaneously with TPCIL end without waiting for any Carrier or time-delay. Line EL not furnished. Furnished EL was Station’s stand-alone EL. In this, events relating to this line tripping were not recorded. Further, EL was not configured for showing events at msec. level. 400 kV NCC-NPS line (Line-1): NCC end: No Files uploaded. It was informed that line did not trip at NCC end. NPS end: As per FIR/ DR/TR, the line tripped at 6:02:40.570 hrs. on R-Y fault due to operation of DPR, Z2 operation. From DR, it was seen that this trip had happened almost at the same time at which TPCIL-NPS line tripped. Line EL not furnished. Furnished EL was Station’s stand-alone EL. In this, events relating to this line tripping were not recorded. Further, EL was not configured for showing events at msec. level. PGCIL (SR-I): In the Main-2 (REL-670) relay provided at NPS end on NPS-TPCIL line, the zone-2 timing was wrongly kept as zero sec, due to which the line tripped at NPS end instantaneously. During this event, the REL-670 (ABB-make) relay at NPS end on NPS – NCC line mal-operated to trip the line. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 2/32 Page 2 of 32 Annexure- III Remedial action: Zone-2 time in all relays at NPS end had been properly set. The mal-operation of relay at NPS end on NPS – NCC line has been taken up with its OEM (ABB). TPCIL Unit-1: As per FIR, Unit-1 tripped at 6:02:41 hrs on turbine over-speed protection. No DR/EL furnished. TPCIL Unit-2: As per FIR, Unit-2 tripped at 6:02:41 hrs on Generator protection. No DR/EL furnished. SRPC: It was noted that the tripping was also discussed in the 115th OCC held on 08-01-2016, when TPCIL had made a plea to exempt them from paying any UI charges/ Penalty under the DSM mechanism as the cause of their Units’ tripping was beyond their control. In the recent past, mal-operation or over-reaching of relays at NPS end has been observed for faults on the adjacent lines/ lines connected at remote end stations. The Nellore PS has been basically designed to evacuate power from the generating stations in the Nellore complex, like MEPL (2x150 MW), SEL (4x150 MW), TPCIL (2x600 MW), NCC (2x660 MW), which are connected to it by short transmission lines of length varying from 6 km to 33km. Nellore Pooling Station (NPS) Gooty 289 km 26.88 km MEPL 6.35 km NELLORE (PGCIL) 26.88 km SEPL 33 km TPCIL 32.5 km NCC From the above, it can be seen that any unwarranted tripping of these short transmission lines such as that occurred in the instant case will have huge impact on the ATC and attendant commercial transactions. Thus, considering the criticality of Nellore PS, it is all the more wise/necessary to ensure that protection systems in place do not mal-operate. Since all these lines (except Gooty feeder) are of length less than 35 km and optical fibre has already been laid between these stations, it is a fit case for replacing the conventional distance protection by the more accurate line differential protection on all the 400 kV lines (of length less than 35 km) emanating from Nellore PS. The issue was discussed in the meeting, and after ascertaining the views of PGCIL and the generators, PCSC forum has agreed in-principle to providing line-differential protection on all 400 kV lines (of length less than 35 km) emanating from Nellore PS. On this, TPCIL requested that in order avoid to problems arising out of incompatibility of relay makes, it is better that PGCIL purchase necessary equipment for both ends of the lines, and supply to them on payment basis. To this, PGCIL assured that it would be looked into favorably. SRLDC: To ensure healthiness of carrier communication, PLCC end-to-end testing may be carried out by NPS in coordination with TPCIL. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 3/32 Page 3 of 32 Annexure- III Further, taking note of the fact that this grid disturbance involving TPCIL Units had primarily occurred because of mal-operation of the relays at NPS end, it is clarified that this tripping event is a Grid Disturbance as per IEGC Regulation 6.5.17. Recommendations: PGCIL (SR-I) to furnish Action Taken Report on the findings of OEM on relay mal-operation at NPS end on 400 kV NPS – NCC line to PCSC forum. PGCIL (SR-I) to appropriately configure Station Event Logger at NPS to record events at msec interval. PGCIL (SR-I) to carry out PLCC end-to-end testing in coordination with TPCIL for 400 kV NPS –TPCIL line. PGCIL (SR-I), MEPL, SEL, TPCIL & NCC to take steps to provide line differential protection at their respective ends on all 400 kV lines (except Gooty line) emanating from Nellore Pooling Station, and furnish an action plan to implement the same. Complete outage of 230kV Mywadi station of TANTRANSCO 3 (i) Date and Time of Event 21-12-2015 at 6:28 hrs (ii) Location 230 kV Mywadi Station (iii) Reported Disturbance / Fault Busbar protection got operated for a fault in 230kV MywadiAnaikadavu line (iv) Load Loss (v) Category GD-1 SLD: The SLD of 230 kV Myvadi SS as provided by TANTRANSCO is attached at the end. 230 kV Myvadi – Anaikadavu line: Myvadi (TANTRANSCO) end: From DR, the line tripped at 5:50:06.012 hrs on B-E (RYB) fault due to DPR, Z1 operation. However, within 30 msec, the other two phases also seemed to have got opened. But, continuous dip in voltages was observed only in Y and B phases of 230 kV Mywadi-Anaikadavu line. [So it appears that the line did not try for autoreclosure (for B-E fault) at any of the ends]. In EL, the Events before 5:50:06.012 hrs were not shown. Hence the cause of the line trip was not clear. Anaikadavu end: From DR, the line tripped at 6:27:03.475 hrs on B-E fault due to AR/ DPR, Z1 operation. But while the fault (and voltage dip in phase-B voltage) seemed to have got cleared itself within 100 msec, A/R operation sustained up to 650 msec. So, operation of A/R was not clear. Further, it’s dead-time seemed to have been kept at 650 msec. ICT-1, ICT-2 & ICT-3 trippings at 230 kV Mywady SS (TANTRANSCO): As per FIR/ TR, LV side CB’s of ICT-1,2 & 3 tripped at 6:23 hrs. due to 230 kV BBP operation of 230 kV Bus. It was informed that DR was not triggered as BBP is of static type. From the EL furnished, ICT-3 tripped at 6:28:11.101 hrs due to BBP operation. However, events corresponding to ICT-1 & 2 were not shown/ recorded. Remedial Action: Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 4/32 Page 4 of 32 Annexure- III TANTRANSCO: To an enquiry regarding the possibility of providing Bus-sectionalizer CB, TANTRANSCO informed that Mywady was a old substation, where there is severe space constraint for providing any additional protection features. When enquired about the possibility of providing two main zones for BBP, TANTRANSCO informed that the existing busbar relay (B3 – Siemens make) does not support it. Further there is also no CT available for the buscoupler CB; as such with the present set-up, one main-zone only is possible. However, TANTRANSCO assured that they will look into the issue, and explore the ways & means available like going for hybrid bus-coupler CB that comes with inbuilt CT, replacing existing BBP relay with another suitable relay to provide two-zone operation. Recommendations: TANTRANSCO to examine the feasibility of providing two main-zone operation for bus bar protection by exploring various alternatives like replacing existing bus-coupler CB with a hybrid bus-coupler CB that comes with inbuilt CT, replacing existing BBP relay with another suitable relay that supports two main-zone operation, and implement the same. 2. Details of Grid incidents: घटनाकावििरण / तारीख/ Date & श्रेणी/ कारण / Reason Details of Event Category समय /Time Tripping of 220kV 04-11-2015at Ambewadi-Ponda lineLine tripped on operation of DEFR protection 13:09 hrs 2 As per FIR/ TR, the line tripped at 13:09 hrs due to backup DEFR operation. As per EL, the line tripped at 13:09:21.305 hrs due to Äny Trip C”. DR not furnished. Remedial action: KPTCL informed that 220kV Ambewadi-Ponda lines are passing through dense forest area and subjected to very high resistive faults. Resistive reaches in distance relays are revised in order to enable primary protection to clear the faults. Revised settings adopted during January 2016. Sr. No. क्र.सं. 1 2 Line tripped on D.T. receive on CHANNEL-2 at SV.Chatram end when the operator at Tripping of 400kV 08-11-2015 at ALAMATHY S/S end tried to close AlamathyAlamathy-S.V.Chatram 10:48 hrs SVChatram-1&2 Feeder Tie Breaker. Suspected line-2 DC earth fault had caused the initiation of direct trip. SLD: Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 5/32 Page 5 of 32 Annexure- III SV Chatram (TANTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped at 10:46:20.920 hrs. due to DT receipt on Channel -2 from Alamathy end. Alamathy (TANTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/ TR, at 10:12 Hrs on 8.11.2015, 400 KV Alamathy – S.V.Chatram-1 # Auto Reclose acted due to passing fault. At that time, S.V.Chatram-1&2 # Tie breaker tripped (For Tie-CB, Auto reclose scheme not available). At 10:45 hrs, while trying to close Tie-CB at Alamathy SS, DT was sent to SV Chatram line-2 end. No DT was sent to SV Chatram line-1 end. No DR/EL furnished. Remedial Action: By availing LC on 13.11.2015, Direct Trip scheme for SVC -2 # was checked at Alamathy SS, and found to be in order. At Alamathy 400 kV SS, due to heavy rain & entry of water in the cable trench, DC leakage was observed. It is suspected that DC leakage is the cause for the above tripping. DC leakage was also observed in ICT-4 LV breaker and kept isolated. NTPC-Ramagundam: Since the Tie-CB should not send DT when the Main-CB is in closed condition, Tie-CB scheme for sending DT to the remote end may be checked. Recommendations: TANTRANSCO to provide A/R for 400 kV bay Tie-CB’s at Alamathy SS and SV Chatram SS. Tripping of 400/220kV 10-11-2015 at 3 ICT-2 at Chittoor ICT-2 tripped on operation of overflux protection 00:53 hrs substation 400 kV Chittoor-Krishnapatnam line-1: SDSTPS (APGENCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped at 00:53:32.933 hrs. due to DT receipt from Chittoor end. Chittoor (APTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped at 00:53:31.203 hrs. due to OVR, Stage-I operation. ICT-2 Tripping (at Chittoor): As per FIR/DR, ICT-2 tripped at 00:53:24.094 hrs due to operation of OverFlux protection. In the furnished EL, this event was not recorded. SRLDC: Previous to this tripping incident, ICT-1 was kept out of service due to PRD Oil Leakage. The approximate V/f ratio at the time of tripping has been calculated by taking Voltage values from DR anf frequency values from PMU data, and are tabulated below: Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 6/32 Page 6 of 32 Annexure- III Where, V(m)/ f (m) measured V/f ratio V(n)/ f (n) nominal V/f ratio APTRANSCO: At Chittoor, ICT-2 Over Flux Relay (OFR) high setting was kept at 120 % with 100 msec delay. At the time of tripping of ICT-2, there were over voltage conditions prevailing at Chittoor due to which 400 kV Chittoor – Krishnapatnam line-1 got tripped. This led to further momentary rise in voltage, and caused operation of high-set unit of OFR. Remedial action: As a remedial measure, the high-set setting has been changed to 140 %, 100 msec. Upon enquiry by SRLDC, whether this change was also effected for the other ICT’s, APTRANSCO representative replied in the affirmative. 10th Nov 2015 at 02:29hrs, Tripping of ICT’s-1, 2, 3 3:49 hrs, 3:51 4 & 4 at Salem hrs, 3:53 hrs ICT’s tripped on operation of overflux protection substation and 11th Nov 2015 at 4:42 hrs ICT – 1 & 2: 400/ 230 kV; ICT – 3 & 4: 400/ 110 kV ICT-4 tripping on 10.11.2015 at 02:29 hrs: DR trigger time = 02:17:21.570 hrs. (But whether ICT-4 got tripped or not was not clear as there was no change in current values) From EL, however, there were signals (i) ‘External OF’ at 02:21:56.689 hrs. and (ii) ‘Voltage per Hertz 1 – OP’ and OVER FLUX ON at 03:43:28.231 hrs at which ICT-4 seemed to have tripped. (So Exact time of ICT-4 tripping was not clear) ICT-3 tripping on 10.11.2015 at 03:49 hrs: DR trigger time = 04:22:37.023 hrs. (But whether ICT-3 got tripped or not was not clear as there was no change in current values) From EL, however, there were signals ‘Voltage per Hertz 1 – OP’ and OVER FLUX ON at 03:39:33.926 hrs. at which ICT-3 seemed to have tripped. ICT-2 tripping on 10.11.2015 at 03:51 hrs: DR trigger time = 03:49:57.827 hrs. (But whether ICT-2 got tripped or not was not clear as there was no change in current values) From EL, Over Flux Operation for ICT-2 was observed from the signals ‘Voltage per Hertz 1 – OP’ and OVER FLUX ON at 03:51:42.344 hrs. ICT-1 tripping on 10.11.2015 at 03:53 hrs: DR trigger time = 04:14:12.691 hrs. (But whether ICT-1 got tripped or not was not clear as there was no change in current values) From EL, however, there were signals ‘Voltage per Hertz 1 – OP’ and ‘OVER FLUX ON’ at 03:33:50.749 hrs. at which ICT-1 seemed to have tripped. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 7/32 Page 7 of 32 Annexure- III ICT-4 tripping on 11.11.2015 at 04:42 hrs: From DR/ EL, ICT-4 seemed to have got tripped at 04:35:13.201 hrs (From EL, the specific signal was External OF). TANTRANSCO: The Over Flux Relay (OFR) settings adopted for ICT’s at Salem are as follows: 2.4 (110%), 3sec for ALARM 2.4 (110%) as per curve for TRIP In the instant case, due to raise in 400 KV grid voltage, Over fluxing relay operated. The Frequency variation from 49.90 Hz to 50.09 Hz was recorded during the tripping of all ICTs. It was also clarified that OFR’s operated as per their IDMT curves. SRPC: Time-sync of DR’s and EL’s for all the four ICT’s at Salem substation shall be ensured by TANTRANSCO. 5 Tripping of 400kV NPS- 10-11-2015 at line tripped due to suspected DC earth fault at NELLORE line-1 15:37 hrs Nellore end and sent direct trip was sent to NPS Nellore PS (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped at 15:37:25.696 hrs. due to DT receipt from Nellore-PG end. Nellore-PG (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/DR/TR, the line tripped at 15:37:25.635 hrs. due to suspected DC Earth fault. As per EL, the line tripped at 15:50:47.031 hrs. due to 86B operation. (Actually, events before 15:37:34.102 hrs. were not found/ recorded.) However, there was a DT send event at 15:37:35.623 hrs. Time-sync of DR & EL with GPS needs to be checked. PGCIL (SR-I): During the tripping event, there were heavy rains in Nellore area so much so that the rain water flooded the substation. And the line tripped due to DC E/F caused by these continuous rains at Nellore. Remedial action: DC E/F removed. SRPC: Time-sync of DR and EL at Nellore-PG end shall be properly ensured. 6 Tripping of HVDC 11-11-2015 at HVDC bhadrawati pole-2 tripped due to non-valid GI-2 Bhadrawati pole-2 5:35 hrs tap code alarm. SRPC: It was noted that the relevant files (FIR/DR/EL/TR) of the tripping event had not been uploaded by WRTS-I in spite of giving separate User ID & password to them for uploading files directly in SRLDC portal. As such, the tripping report had been sought from WRTS-1 after meeting, and the finding of it were reproduced below: On 11.11.2015, Pole-1&2 were in service carrying total 800MW of power in W-S direction. The non-valid tap code alarm appeared in Pole-2 West side and pole-2 tripped at 05:3 hrs. 11-11-2015 05:35:31.606 EP47211TCA PC2W-M1.NON-VALID TAP CODE – ALARM Remedial action: On physical inspection, no abnormality observed in the tap positions of the Pole-2 west Converter transformers. The tap positions were at bottom tap position i.e., position-01 after the tripping. Pole-2 was taken into service at 06:29 hrs. From the report, it appears that the Pole-2 had tripped on account of false Alarm generated by Tap Changer Unit, hence the same may be kept under observation by WRTS-1, and in case of recurrence the issue may be suitably addressed by changing tap-changer unit or taking up with its OEM. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 8/32 Page 8 of 32 Annexure- III To get proper picture of the ground situation for the trippings such as above, it was decided that WRTS-1 representative should also be invited to PCSC meetings whenever tripping events relating to inter-regional links (HVAC & HVDC) between WR and SR are slated for discussion. Line tripped on operation of over voltage Tripping of 400kV 11-11-2015 at 7 protection and pole discrepancy at Hoody end Kolar-Hoody line-1 15:39 hrs and direct trip was received at Kolar. Kolar (PGCIL-SR2) end: As per FIR/ DR/ EL/ TR, the line tripped at 15:59:48.170 hrs due to DT receipt from Hoody end. Hoody (KPTCL) end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 15:59 hrs due to operation of OVR and PDR. From DR, OVR trip was observed much before 86A trip relay operation (the latter was at 15:00:42.854 hrs). It was also seen that only R & Y phases got opened, while the B-ph pole did not. So PDR might have operated to open B-ph pole, but this was not shown in DR. High voltage in Y-ph (= 281 kV) was observed. EL not furnished. At Hoody OVR grading: Nelamangala-1 (D) > Kolar_PG -2 (C1) > Nelamangala-2 (B2) > Kolar_PG -1 (A), Yelahanka -1 (A). So, the tripping due to OVR operation was not in order. KPTCL: Due to 400kV bus PT core-2 cable problem in Kolar line-1, Control Relay Panel’s (CRP) Y-N voltage raised up to 280 kV and caused OVR trip. But only R&Y poles of the breaker got opened, and the B-pole did not open due to burnt out trip coil. So the PD relay acted to open B-pole. Remedial action The faulty cable from Bus PT to CRP was replaced. The control valve assembly of B phase (problem in 89C isolator) was replaced. R-phase to earth fault had occurred in Line. Line did not auto-reclose from both ends. It was Tripping of 400kV 12-11-2015 at mentioned that Y&B pole breakers at 8 Gooty-Nelamangala 00:20 hrs Neelamangala tripped on operation of pole line discrepancy and backup impedence protection for line reactor got operated. Gooty (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/TR, the line tripped in 3-ph at 00:19 hrs on R-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation [distance = 92.87 km on Main-1 FL; distance = 115.52 km on Main-3 FL]. It was stated that GPS was not working. As per EL, the line tripped in 3-ph at 00:19:03.051 hrs due to operation of Main-1 protection. As per DR, the line tripped in 3-ph at 23:54:30.087 hrs on R-E fault. It is seen that A/R was not attempted; A/R lock-out was observed in EL. Time-sync problem with DR and EL. Remedial action: PGCIL (SR-I) informed that the line tripped on Transient R-N fault. A/R un-successful at GTY end due to 3Phase operation of THR Relay. The THR relay was replaced with Numerical Relay. Nelamangala (KPTCL) end: As per FIR/DR/TR, the line tripped at 00:17:31.875 hrs. on R-E fault due to DPR, Z2 (CAT) operation. R-ph (of Main-CB & Tie-CB) only got opened due to this, but the line did not try for auto-reclose after its dead-time of 1-sec. Finally after about 2.5 sec, the other two-phases (Y & B) of Main-CB & Tie-CB also got opened. It was stated in TR that at the time of tripping, Line Reactor (LR) tripped on Back up impedance relay and Autoreclose Lock out relay operated. EL furnished was not proper. KPTCL: After opening of the line in R-ph due to A/R operation, the carrier link failed due to PLCC cards failure during dead-time of A/R, due to which A/R went into lock-out. The Y & B ph-poles of the CB opened subsequently on PDR operation. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 9/32 Page 9 of 32 Annexure- III Remedial action: The failed PLCC cards were replaced by PGCIL (SR-I) at Nelamangala. When asked by SRLDC on the reasons for operation of back-up impedance protection of the line reactor (LR), KPTCL informed that they would revert with proper explanation. The unwarranted delay encountered in opening of the healthy phase poles of the CB in the event of PLCC link failure during dead-time of A/R was discussed by the forum, and after ascertaining the views of various Constituents, it was agreed that such delays can be avoided by giving a 3-ph trip immediately upon detecting PLCC link failure during dead-time of A/R operation. Recommendations: For Gooty –Nelamangala line, PGCIL (SR-I) and KPTCL to provide 3-ph trip logic at their respective ends upon detection of PLCC link failure during dead-time of A/R operation. PGCIL (SR-)/ KPTCL to furnish reasons for operation of backup impedance protection of the Line Reactor at Nelamangala end, and the remedial action taken. PGCIL (SR-I) to make GPS functional at Gooty SS, and ensure time-sync of various DR’s and EL’s with it (GPS). 9 Tripping of Unit-3 & 4 Unit-3 and Unit-4 got tripped due to operation of 12-11-2015 at at Simhapuri power Local Breaker Backup (LBB) protection in both GT13:51 hrs station 3 and GT-4 Bays SRPC: It was noted that no representative from SEL attended the meeting to explain what exactly had happened at SEL station that caused this tripping. So the details relating to tripped were sought vide SRPC mail 29.01.2016. As per the tripping details furnished by SEL vide their mail dated 04.02.2016: Unit-3 and Unit-4 were running with 123MW & 150 MW respectively. At 13:51hrs, both units got tripped. On investigation, it was found that the trip initiation had originated from 400kV switchyard due to mal-operation of Local Breaker Backup (LBB) protection of CB-415. GT-3, TIE-3 & GCB-3 breakers of Unit-3 and GT-4, TIE-4 & GCB-4 breakers of Unit-4 were tripped. This led to tripping of Unit-3 and Unit-4. Following are the sequence of events that caused outage of the Units. 415 LBB 3-Ph operated in Bus bar protection relay Main-1. LBB protection trip initiated from Bus bar protection relay. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 10/32 Page 10 of 32 Annexure- III Due to this, LBB OPTD Auxiliary relays in GT-3 & GT-4 C&R panels have picked up, and tripped the GT-3 and GT-4 breakers. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 11/32 Page 11 of 32 Annexure- III On receipt of LBB OPTD feedback, BCU in GT-3 and GT-4 panels issued trip command to respective TIE and GCBs & TIE-3, 4 Master trip relays 86A & 86B operated. From DR, it was observed that LBB of CB-415 operated at 13:51:14.386 hrs to open CB’s – 403, 406 & 415. It was informed that mal-operation of 415 LBB protection was suspected to have been caused due to wrong feedback entered from BBP relay, which in turn may be due to cable effected by moisture as cable was found immersed in rain water. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 12/32 Page 12 of 32 Annexure- III Remedial action: The faulty cable was replaced with a new one. Tripping of 765/400kV 765/400kV ICT-2 at Nellore pooling station 14-11-2015at ICT-2 at Nellore tripped due to mal-operation of PRD-OLTC 1:03 hrs pooling station Pressure High Trip B-ph As per FIR/EL/TR, ICT-2 tripped at 01:03:57.736 hrs. due to PRD-OLTC Pressure High Trip B-ph. From DR, the line tripped due to 86_B1 operation; however PRD2_TR_B remained at ‘zero’. PGCIL (SR-I): The line tripped due to mal-operation of PRD Relay Remedial action: The issue was taken up with OEM and All the Buchholtz / PRD/ WTI / OTI Relays supplied under package are being replaced by OEM. At NPS & Nellore-PG, replacement works already completed. At Nellore-PG & Nellore-AP also excepting for the line reactors on Vijayawada 3 & 4 feeders (at NelloreAP), replacement works for ICT’s and reactors were completed by the first week of January, 2016. 10 11 Tripping of 400kV Neyveli TS2-Pugalur line 14-11-2015 at 4:01 hrs Line tripped on operation of over voltage protection at Pugalur end. However from DR it was observed that the voltages were below the O/v stg-1 threshold limits NLC TPS-II end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 04:01 hrs. due to DT receipt from Pugalur end. In EL, DT receipt event was not recorded. DR not furnished. Pugalur (PGCIL-SR2) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped at 4:01:16.170 hrs due to OVR, Stage-I operation. The ph. voltages observed are: 243.9 kV, 242.9 kV & 211 kV. These voltages seemed to be on the lower side for OVR operation. At Pugalur, OVR grading: Chikanaurani-2 (D) > KV Pattu-1 (C2), NLC-II Exp-1 (C2) > NLC-II line-1 (C1) > KV Pattu2 (B2) > Chikanaurani-1 (B2) Category A B1 B2 C1 C2 D D2 Time Delay in Sec 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Rating 110 110 110 110 110 109 109 The line tripping due to OVR, Stage-I operation was not in order. Recommendations: NLC to configure DT receipt event from Pugalur for triggering DR and EL at NLC TPS II. PGCIL (SR-II) to check drop-off to pick-up ratio of OVR relay at Pugalur and configure its operation as per SRPC provided OVR gradings. 12 Tripping of 400 kV Nellore-Tiruvalam line-1 14-11-2015 at line tripped due to suspected Mal-operation of 14:04 hrs and Line reactor PRD at Nellore end at 12:12 hrs on 24-11-2015 Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 13/32 Page 13 of 32 Annexure- III Tripping on 14-11-2015 at 14:04 hrs: Tiruvalam (PGCIL-SR2) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped at 14:04:23.162 hrs. due to DT receipt from Nellore-PG end. Nellore-PG (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped at 15:39:39.502 hrs. due to mal-operation of LR PRD. Tripping on 24-11-2015 at 12:12 hrs: Tiruvalam (PGCIL-SR2) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped at 12:12:26.702 hrs. due to DT receipt from Nellore-PG end. Nellore-PG (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped at 12:12:26.183 hrs. due to mal-operation of LR PRD. Remedial action: PGCIL (SR-I) informed that the line tripped due to the mal-operation of PRD Relay. The issue was taken up with OEM and All the Buchholtz / PRD/ WTI / OTI Relays supplied under package are being replaced by OEM. SRPC: Time-sync of DR’s & EL’s at Nellore-PG shall be ensured by PGCIL (SR-I). 16-11-2015 at line tripped due on protection system mal17:28 hrs and operation due to heavy rain at Nellore 17:52 hrs *** Files (DR/EL) uploading was not proper. Trippping at 17:28 hrs: NPS (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/TR, the line tripped at 17:28 hrs due to mal-operation of protection system. It was stated that heavy inrush of rain water into substation at the time of tripping caused the line tripping. DR & EL uploaded were that of Nellore-PG. Therefore, no DR & EL furnished. 13 Tripping of 400kV Nellore-NPS line-1 Nellore-PG (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/TR, the line tripped at 17:28 hrs due to mal-operation of protection system. It was stated that heavy inrush of rain water into substation at the time of tripping caused the line tripping. From EL, DT send was observed at 17:28:17.553 hrs. From DR, DT send was observed at 17:28:17.812 hrs. (this DR was uploaded at NPS place) Remedial action PGCIL (SR-I) informed that the line tripped due to DC E/F which was caused by continuous rains at Nellore. DC E/F was removed. Trippping at 17:52 hrs: NPS (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/TR, the line tripped at 17:52 hrs due to mal-operation of protection system. It was stated that heavy inrush of rain water into substation at the time of tripping caused the line tripping. DR & EL uploaded were that of Nellore-PG. Therefore, no DR & EL furnished. Nellore-PG (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/TR, the line tripped at 17:52 hrs due to mal-operation of protection system. It was stated that heavy inrush of rain water into substation at the time of tripping caused the line tripping. From DR, DT receipt was observed at 17:52:31.949 hrs. From EL, DT send was observed at 17:52:31:740 hrs. Remedial action PGCIL (SR-I) informed that the line tripped due to DC E/F which was caused by continuous rains at Nellore. DC E/F was removed. SRPC: Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 14/32 Page 14 of 32 14 Annexure- III PGCIL (SR-I) should upload proper DR & EL in line with IEGC regulation 5.2(r) to analyze the cause of trippings. Tripping of 220kV Chittoor-Tiruvalam 18-11-2015 at 11:20 hrs During testing of DC earth leakage, DC got extended to bus bar protection relay. Hence bus bar protection operated and tripped the 220KV BUS connected transformers and feeders. Tiruvalam (TANTRANSCO) end: As per FIR, there was no tripping at Tiruvalam end, Chittoor (APTRANSCO) end: As per FIR, at the time of testing the DC earth leakage around 11:20 hrs, signal got extended to bus bar protection relay. Hence bus bar protection operated and tripped the 220KV BUS connected PTRs and Feeders. DR & EL not furnished. Remedial action: APTRANSCO representative informed the earthing of 2-core cable from Tiruvalam to Bus bar got earthed caused operation of the busbar protection; the faulty cable was replaced subsequently. From above, it appears that 220 kV side of 220/ 132 kV Chittoor SS is on single-bus operation with only one main-zone. Recommendations: APTRANSCO to furnish SLD of 220/132 kV Chittoor SS, APTRANSCO to confirm whether 220 kV side is on single-bus operation with only one main-zone. If so, APTRANSCO shall examine the feasibility of providing split-bus operation or multiple main-zones for bus bar protection, and take necessary steps to implement the same. 15 Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-3 at Myvadi substation 27-11-2015 at 11:21 hrs ICT-3 Bus Voltage selection Relay 75B and 75D Y ph contacts failed to operate. Due to that the over flux relay of ICT 3 operated and initiated the Group A and B relays. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 15/32 Page 15 of 32 Annexure- III As per FIR/TR furnished by PGCIL (SR-II), ICT-3 Bus Voltage selection Relays’ (75B and 75D) Y-ph contacts failed to operate. Due to that, the over flux relay of ICT-3 operated and initiated the Group A and B trip relays at 11:21 hrs. As per EL, ICT-3 tripped at 11:21:30.756 hrs due to OFR operation. PGCIL (SR-II): Due to problem in Voltage Selection relay Y-ph contacts, Bus-1 and Bus-2 got shorted to result in momentary spike in Y-ph voltage. Due to this, high-set of over flux relay of ICT-3 acted and tripped the same. Remedial action: The faulty voltage selection relay was replaced. Tripping of 400kV Alamathy-S.V.Chatram lines - 1&2 16 27-11-2015 at 15:35 hrs 400KV Aalmathy-S.V.Chatram line-1 tripped on Bphase to earth fault. Line auto reclosed and at both end subsequently A/R locked out due to permanent fault 400KV Alamathy-S.V.Chatram line-2 Line tripped on R-phase to earth fault. Line autoreclosed at S.V.Chatram and failed to auto-reclose at S.V.Chatram end. 400kV Alamathy – SV Chatram line – 1: Alamathy (TANTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped in B-ph at 15:30:57.154 hrs. on B-E fault due to A/R operation. The line successfully auto-reclosed at 15:30:58:154 hrs, but tripped in 3-ph due to persistent fault. SV Chatram (TANTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped in B-ph at 15:35:29.144 hrs. on B-E fault due to A/R operation. The line successfully auto-reclosed at 15:35:30:144 hrs, but tripped in 3-ph due to persistent fault. (Complete A/R operation was not shown in DR). Remedial action: Line patrol conducted by Lines wing and observed that C-Phase jumper cut at Feeder declared breakdown and the problem attended. 400kV Alamathy – SV Chatram line – 2: Alamathy (TANTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped in 3-ph at 15:29:49.626 hrs. on R-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation. The line did not attempt for A/R. SV Chatram (TANTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped in R-ph at 15:35:29.201 hrs. on R-E fault due to A/R operation (PUTT, CAT), and successfully reclosed. (However, Complete A/R operation was not shown in DR). Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 16/32 Page 16 of 32 Annexure- III Recommendations: TANTRANSCO to check and ensure the healthiness of A/R scheme at Alamathy end on 400 kV Alamathy – SV Chatram line – 2. 17 Tripping of 400/230kV Myvadi ICT-3 27-11-2015 at 17:26 hrs 400/230kV Myvadi ICT-3 tripped due to the operation of 230 kV CB LBB protection at 230 KV bus (TNEB) of Myvadi station. SLD: SRLDC: Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 17/32 Page 17 of 32 Annexure- III No fault observe through PMU Data. As per the report furnished by TANTRANSCO, On 27.11.2015, annual relay testing was carried out on the Bus Bar protection system available for Myvadi 230 kV bus. While actuating the final tripping mechanism, the LV 3 (LV side CB of ICT-3) alone tripped inadvertently, even though the trip links were in removed condition. After normalizing the test procedures, the LV 3 was put into service. In coordination with PGCIL, LV3 LBB protection scheme was programmed for testing during Line Clear of LV 3 for routine maintenance on 05.12.2015. However, due to load conditions the LC on LV 3 could not be availed on 05.12.2015. The above trip isolation link will be checked in due course on availing LC. Recommendations: TANTRANSCO to check the LBB scheme for LV-3, and furnish the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. 400kV Hassan-Udupi line-2 tripped on Directional earth fault protection with Y-E fault and direct trip was sent to Udupi end. Directional Earth fault feature of Main-2 relay at Hassan gave 3-ph trip after 2.6 seconds and fault current in Y-phase was Tripping of 400kV 1.1 kA. The distance as well as DEF protection for UPCL-Hassan line-2 30-11-2015 at 400kV UPCL-Hassan line-2 at UPCL end did not 18 and running Units-1&2 GI-2 17:22 hrs sense the fault. The generator transformer at Udupi power backup earth fault protection (51N) had sensed station the fault and tripped both the running units at UPCL leading to generation loss at UPCL power station. Back up directional earth fault protection at 220kV side of 400/220kV ICT’s at UPCL did not sense the high resistance fault in line-2 SLD: Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 18/32 Page 18 of 32 Annexure- III Hassan – UPCL Line2: Hasan (PGCIL-SR2)end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped at 17:20:55.885 hrs on Y-E fault due to DEFR operation, and sent DT to the other end. There was a delay of 4.2 sec from the DEFR-Start ( 17:20:51.684 hrs.) to DEFR_Trip (17:20:55.885 hrs.). UPCL end: As per FIR/DR/TR, the line tripped at 17:22:07.258 hrs. due to DT receipt from Hassan end. EL furnished was not proper. Remedial action: The fault was of very high resistive in nature. From DR it can be seen that though there was fault in 'Y' Phase with slow rise of current up to @1600 Amp, there was slight rise in the 'Y' Phase voltage and other phases voltage were slightly reduced. The rise in Zero Sequence voltage w.r.t. Zero sequence current with other phase parameters could not be detected by the relay as per Directional Earth fault characteristic. The polarisation used in the relay for direction decision is based on Zero Sequence detection. The phenomena was referred ALSTOM with necessary testing at site. It has been recommended by ALSTOM (OEM) to use negative sequence based Directional decision criteria to detect such high resistive fault with in-feed effect. Unit-1 tripping: As per FIR/DR/TR, Unit-1 tripped at 17:21:00.280 hrs. due to I(N)>1 trip, i.e., GT’s non-directional EFR operation. EL furnished was not proper. Unit-2 tripping: As per FIR/Dr/EL/TR, Unit-2 tripped at 17:21:00.280 hrs. due to I(N)>1 trip, i.e., GT’s non-directional EFR operation. KPTCL: The fault was a high-resistance one with slow rise of fault current. Further due to the use of zero-sequence polarization, the voltage dip obtained was not sufficient to operate DEFR immediately. During this delay in DEFR operation, the back-up non-directional E/F relays of GT’s of Unit-1 & 2 have picked up and tripped the corresponding breakers. This resulted in tripping of both Units due to loss of evacuating lines. Remedial action: Previously two earthings have been provided to CT neutral. Now one earthing has been removed. As suggested by Alstom, negative sequence polarization instead of zero sequence polarization has been made use of to detect high resistive faults with in-feed effect. SRLDC: Different make relays should be provided for Main-1 & Main-2 at UPCL on UPCL – Hassan lines. Also the Time-sync problem between DR & EL’s of Line and GT relays needs to be attended by UPCL at the earliest. Recommendations: UPCL to provide different make relays for Main-1 & Main-2 at UPCL end on 400 kV UPCL – Hassan lines – 1 & 2. UPCL to make GPS functional at their Station and ensure time-sync of various DR’s and EL’s with GPS. 19 Tripping of 400kV Bus2 at Kalpakka, 400kV Kalpakka-Simhadri-I line4, 400kV KalpakkaVemagiri-line2, ICT-2 at Kalpakka 10-12-2015 at 15:20 hrs While testing new 400kV Hinduja Power station feeder bay in the yard, trip pulse got extended to GI-2 Bus-2 of Busbar protection and all connected feeders to Bus-2 got tripped SLD: The SLD of 400/220 kV Kalpakka SS as provided by APTRANSCO is attached at the end. Kalpakka-Vemagiri line-2: Vemagiri (APTRANSCO) end: Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 19/32 Page 19 of 32 Annexure- III As per FIR, the line was holding. As per DR/EL, the line tripped at 15:20:08.249 hrs. due to DT receipt from Kalpakka end. Kalpakka (APTRANSCO) end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 15:20 hrs. due to BBP operation. It was stated that while testing the new 400kV Hinduja Power co ltd feeder bay in the yard, trip pulse got extended to Bus-2 of Bus-bar protection and all connected feeders to Bus-2 got tripped. As per DR, the line tripped at 15:22:08.804 hrs. due to BBP operation of Bus-2. As per EL, the line tripped at 15:20:28.725 hrs. hrs. due to BBP operation of Bus-2. [Effected bays are Bay-5 (ICT-2), Bay-8 (STPP-4), Bay-9 (Vem-2), Bay-11B (Bus Section-2 CB)] Kalpakka-Simhadri I line-4: Simhadri (NTPC) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped at 15:20:35.725 hrs. due to DT receipt from Kalpakka end. Kalpakka (APTRANSCO) end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 15:20 hrs. due to BBP operation. It was stated that while testing the new 400kV Hinduja Power co ltd feeder bay in the yard, trip pulse got extended to Bus-2 of Bus-bar protection and all connected feeders to Bus-2 got tripped. As per DR, the line tripped at 15:21:47.334 hrs. As per EL, the line tripped at 15:20:28.725 hrs. hrs. due to BBP operation of Bus-2. [Effected bays are Bay-5 (ICT-2), Bay-8 (STPP-4), Bay-9 (Vem-2), Bay-11B (Bus Section-2 CB)] ICT-2 Tripping: As per FIR, the ICT-2 tripped at 15:20 hrs. due to BBP operation. It was stated that while testing the new 400kV Hinduja Power co ltd feeder bay in the yard, trip pulse got extended to Bus-2 of Bus-bar protection and all connected feeders to Bus-2 got tripped. As per EL, ICT-2 tripped at 15:20:28.725 hrs. hrs. due to BBP operation of Bus-2. [Effected bays are Bay-5 (ICT2), Bay-8 (STPP-4), Bay-9 (Vem-2), Bay-11B (Bus Section-2 CB)] NTPC-Simhadri: Whenever any testing is carried out on the switchyard equipment at Kalpakka SS that has a bearing at Simhadri end (through Kalpakka – Simhadri lines), APTRANSCO should keep them informed for better preparedness. To this, APTRANSCO representative assured that Simhadri personnel would be taken into confidence as suggested. 20 Tripping of HVDC 06-12-2015 at Bhadrawati Pole-2 07:09 hrs HVDC pole-2 tripped due to non-valid tap code GI-2 alarm. SRPC: It was noted that the relevant files (FIR/DR/EL/TR) of the tripping event had not been uploaded by WRTS-I in spite of giving separate User ID & password to them for uploading files directly in SRLDC portal. As such, the tripping report had been sought from WRTS-1 after meeting, and the finding of it were reproduced below: On 06.12.2015, at 07:09hrs Pole-1 & 2 carrying 800MW,W-->S direction. At 07:09hrs, Pole-2 tripped on " PC2W-M1.NON-VALID TAP CODE - ALARM". 06-12-2015 07:08:47.729 EP471R3A POLE-1 PC1 TAPCHANGE MINOR ALARM WEST - ALARM 06-12-2015 07:08:47.763 EP471R3A POLE-1 PC1 TAPCHANGE MINOR ALARM WEST - NORMAL 06-12-2015 07:09:01.490 EP47211TCA PC2W-M1.NON-VALID TAP CODE – ALARM Remedial action: On physical inspection, no abnormality observed in the tap positions of the Pole-2 west Converter transformers. The tap positions were at bottom tap position i.e, position-01 after the tripping. Tap Raise/Lower commands were checked in group and individual. The Tap Raise/Lower commands Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 20/32 Page 20 of 32 Annexure- III were found to be operating correctly. Pole-2 was deblocked at 07:53Hrs. From the report, it appears that the Pole-2 had tripped on account of false Alarm generated by Tap Changer Unit, hence the same may be kept under observation by WRTS-1, and in case of recurrence the issue may be suitably addressed by changing tap-changer unit or taking up with its OEM. To get proper picture of the ground situation for the trippings such as above, it was decided that WRTS-1 representative should also be invited to PCSC meetings whenever tripping events relating to inter-regional links (HVAC & HVDC) between WR and SR are slated for discussion. Y-phase to earth fault had occurred in 220kV Tripping of 400/220kV Shoranur-Madakathara line due to snapping of 06-12-2015 at 21 ICT-3 at Madakathara earth wire. ICT-3 at Madakathara tripped on 13:50 hrs substation operation of differential and REF protection for this through fault. As per DR/EL, Y-ph Unit of ICT-3 tripped at 13:50:30:406 hrs / 13:50:30.444 hrs due to operation of REF / Differential protection. KSEB: It was informed that this tripping had happened during voltage recovery after clearance of the fault. Therefore, by monitoring two phases to sense the 2nd harmonic content, there are better chances of checkmating differential relay mal-operation during transient arcings such as that encountered in the instant case. Tripping of 400kV Operation of reactor Backup Impedance 10-12-2015 at Vijayawada-Nellore protection resulted in tripping of line. Direct trip 10:51 hrs (AP) line-3 was sent to Nellore (AP) Nellore-AP (APTRANSCO) end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 10:51 hrs. due to DT receipt from Vijayawada end. DR & EL not furnished. Vijayawada (PGCIL-SR1) end: As per FIR/TR, the line tripped at 10:51 hrs due to operation of Backup Impedance Protection of the Line Reactor. 22 Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 21/32 Page 21 of 32 Annexure- III From DR, Main-CB was found to be in OPEN condition even before the tripping event. Only Tie-CB got opened at 10:51:32.735 hrs. due to operation of 3-ph Group-A & B trip relays. As per EL, the line tripped at 10:51:34 hrs. due to operation of 3-ph Group-A & B trip relays. EL was not configured to record events at msec. level. PGCIL (SR-I): Prior to the tripping event, bus shutdown was taken at Vijayawada. However, the bus CVT voltage selection relay which was supposed to operate within 1 sec took abnormally longer time of 3 sec to effect changeover, during which time the back-up impedance protection of the line reactor picked up and tripped the feeder. Remedial action: The faulty voltage selection relay has been replaced with spare. 3. Failure or non-operation of Auto reclose during transient fault Sr. No. 1 Date & Time Element Tripping of 400kV GajwelShankarapalli line-1 02-11-2015 at 11:33hrs and 12:22 hrs Reason Line tripped on an R-phase to earth fault and fault was persistent. From PMU data it was observed that the breaker tried two auto-reclose attempts after dead time. Tripping at 11:33 hrs Gajwel (TSTRANSCO) end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 11.33 hrs on R-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation. DR & EL not furnished. Shankarapalli (TSTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped at 11:33:03.460 hrs on R-E fault due to A/R operation. It successfully reclosed after 1 sec, but tripped again (at 11:33:04.734 hrs) due to persistent fault. DR furnished does not show A/R closing and opening again due to persistent fault. From PMU data, two auto-reclose attempts were seen. Tripping at 12:22 hrs Gajwel (TSTRANSCO) end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 12:22 hrs on R-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation. DR & EL not furnished. Shankarapalli (TSTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped at 12:22:10.478 hrs on R-E fault due to A/R operation. It successfully reclosed after 1 sec, but tripped again (at 12:22:11.678 hrs) due to persistent fault. DR furnished does not show A/R closing and opening again due to persistent fault. From PMU data, two auto-reclose attempts were seen. SRPC: It was noted that no representative from TSTRANSCO attended the meeting. It was also noted that TSTRANSCO had not uploaded the relevant tripping files (DR & EL) for Gajwel end even after 85 days had elapsed from the day of tripping event, which is an inexcusable violation of IEGC regulation 5.2 (r). 2 Tripping of 220kV KaniambetaKadakola line 04-11-2015at 12:38 hrs Line tripped on a B-phase to earth fault. There is no provision for auto-reclose for Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 22/32 Page 22 of 32 Annexure- III line Kadakola (KPTCL) end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 12:38 hrs on B-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation (distance = 70.8 km from Kadakola) Remedial action: KPTCL informed that 1-ph A/R feature had been enabled on 29.12.2015 Kaniyampeta (KSEB) end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 12:39 hrs on B-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation (distance = 32.47 km from Kaniyampeta) Remedial action: KSEB informed that line patrolling was conducted, it was suspected as a semi permanent fault in the maintenance area of Kadakola. (The fault location is around 35km). Tripping of 220kV Ambewadi-Ponda 11-11-2015 at Line tripped on a B-phase to earth fault. line 11:32hrs There is no provision for auto-reclose. Ambewadi (KPTCL) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped (in 3-ph) on B-E fault at 11:32:43.209 hrs due to DPR, Z1 operation (distance = 4.267 km) Remedial action: KPTCL informed that it was a transient fault. Line inspection was carried out but fault could not be located. Charged as per SLDC instructions. SRPC: When asked about the line currents (R & Y) currents persistence (DR observation) event after DPR, Z1 operation. KPTCL informed that they would revert with proper explanation. In this context, the status of providing Carrier-aided protection and Auto-reclosure on Ambewadi- Xeldem line was discussed, to which KPTCL informed that though PLCC panel works had been completed from their end, the status of the same at Xeldem end needed to be found out. On this, KPTCL was requested to furnish a Compliance/ Action Taken report on the recommendations given by the Committee that visited these stations during 9-11 April, 2015 to ascertain the problems in the transmission lines feeding Goa from Karnataka from the Southern Region. It was also decided to obtain Compliance/ Action taken report from the Electricity Department of Goa. 3 Tripping of 400kV NCTPS-S.V.Chatram line-2 16-11-2015 at 17:24 hrs 4 Line tripped on a Y-phase to earth fault. Line auto-reclosed at S.V.Chatram and failed to auto-reclose at NCTPS. It was mentioned in FIR of NCTPS that the tie breaker was under shutdown. NCTPS (TANGEDCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped (in 3-ph) at 17:24:59.165 hrs on Y-E fault due to DPR, Z1 (CAT) operation. It was stated in TR that A/R was under lock-out. From DR, Tie-CB seemed to be in OPEN condition at the time of tripping. SV Chatram (TANTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped (in 1-ph) at 17:24:59.494 hrs on Y-E fault due to A/R operation, and successfully auto-reclosed after 1 sec. It was stated that Tie-CB had been kept out of service at the time of tripping. It was observed from DR that line currents were present in R & B phases during A/R dead time. TANGEDCO: Remedial action: A/R did not operate at NCTPS end due to wiring problem in BCU, which was subsequently rectified. On a query by SRLDC whether TANGECO had checked the operation of A/R on other feeders for any wiring Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 23/32 Page 23 of 32 Annexure- III related problems in corresponding BCU’s, TANGEDCO representative informed in the affirmative. Tripping of 400kV KrishnapatnamChitoor line-1 16-11-2015 at 18:49 hrs 5 Line tripped on a permanent fault in Rphase. Chittoor end attempted for autoreclose however Krishnapatnam end went for a 3 phase trip and did attempt for autoreclose. Chittoor (APTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped (3-ph) at 18:23:44.589 hrs on R-E fault due to A/R operation. Line successfully auto-reclosed after 1sec, but due to persistent fault. line tripped again in 3-ph. SDSTPS (APGENCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped (3-ph) at 18:23:47.994 hrs on R-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation (distance = 18.10 km). In DR, digital signals were not shown. APGENCO: At the time of tripping, A/R was not kept in service. Remedial action: Line-by-line shutdown was availed during 16-22 December, 2015, and on all 400 kV feeders emanating from SDSTPS, A/R was put into service. 6 Tripping of 220kV GummidipoondiSullurupeta line 03-12-2015 at 09:05hrs Line tripped on a Y-phase to ground fault. There is no provision for auto-reclose for line. Sullurupeta (APTRANSCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped (in 3-ph) at 09:05:51.566 hrs on Y-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation. Gummidipoondi (TANTRANSCO) end: As per FIR, the line tripped (in 3-ph) at 09:11:51.566 hrs on Y-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation. (Distance = 23.26 km) As per DR/EL, the line tripped in 3-ph at 08:09:24.858 hrs. on Y-E fault due to DPR, Z1 operation. Remedial action: APTRANSCO informed that A/R has been kept into service from Sullurupeta end on 19.1.2015. TANTRANSCO informed that A/R is yet to be enabled from Gummidipoondi end due to high operating time of the circuit breaker. However, they assured that it would soon be resolved, and A/R would be made functional at the earliest. For all the above cases of A/R non-operation, the time scale for the DR should be properly configured, say two sec, post triggering to capture complete A/R operation. Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 24/32 Page 24 of 32 Annexure- III 4. Lines tripping due to tripping at one end/PLCC mal-operation Sr. No. क्र.सं. घटनाकावििरण / Details तारीख/ Date & of Event समय /Time 1 Tripping of 400kV 8-11-2015 Pugalur-Karaikudi line-2 13:51hrs कारण / Reason at line tripped at Karaikudi and was holding from Pugalur due to suspected PLCC mal-operation at Karaikudi end. Pugalur (PGCIL-SR2) end As per FIR, the line was kept holding. Karaikudi (PGCIL-SR2) end As per FIR/DR/EL/TR, the line tripped at 13:51:58.469 hrs due to DT receipt from Pugalur end. (Rx-Counter Increment was also observed.) Remedial action: PGCIL-SR2 informed that the line tripped at Karaikudi end only on receipt of DT. Suspected PLCC maloperation. The Signal Levels at HF and Card level carried out at both ends, and found healthy. Tripping of 400kV 21-11-2015at Line tripped at Krishnapatnam end only on pole discrepancy 2 Krishnapatnam-Chitoor 7:18 hrs operation line-1 Chittooor (APTRANSCO) end: As per FIR, line-1 was kept holding. SDSTPS (APGENCO) end: As per FIR/DR/EL, the line tripped at 07:18:52.627 hrs due to PDR operation. APGENCO representative informed that at the time of tripping, it was heavily raining, and some DC earth lease was suspected to have caused the tripping. Tripping of 400 kV 06-12-2015 at 3 Neyveli TS2-Eeyveli TS-I lines tripped due to suspected mal-operation of PLCC 23:12 hrs (EXP) and NLC TPS-I (Exp.) end: As per FIR/ TR, the line tripped at 23:12 hrs due to DT receipt from NLC TPS-II end. DR & EL not furnished. NLC TPS-II end: As per FIR, the line tripped at 23:11 hrs due to OVR operation at remote end. DR not furnished. EL furnished does not show any events relating to this tripping. NLC: The line tripped at NLC TPS-I Expn. only, and was caused due to PLCC Channel-II problem. Remedial action: PLCC Channel-II problem at NLC TPS-I Expn. attended. They were facing problems in uploading DR & EL files in the SRLDC web portal. To this, SRLDC clarified that in case any Constituent faces any problem in uploading tripping files, they should inform the same to SRLDC, and get the problem resolved. Tripping of 400 kV 06-12-2015 at Neyveli TS 2 - Neyveli TS lines tripped due to suspected mal-operation of PLCC 20:35 hrs I EXP NLC TPS-II end: As per FIR, the line was kept holding. NLC TPS-I (Exp) end: 4 Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 25/32 Page 25 of 32 5 Annexure- III As per FIR/ TR, the line tripped at 20:35 hrs due to DT receipt from NLC TPS-II end. DR & EL not furnished. Remedial action: NLC informed that the feeder tripped with DT indication at TPS-I Expn. But the other end (TS 2) breaker was holding. No abnormality/ relay pick up was noticed and feeder was charged at 23:03 hrs. Tripping of 400kV NCC- 10-12-2015at TPCIL line 3:48 hrs line tripped due to mal-operation of PLCC and direct trip was received at TPCIL end NCC end: It was informed that line was kept holing during the tripping event. TPCIL end: As per FIR, the line-1 tripped at 03:41:25 hrs due to DT receipt from NCC end. From DR/EL, the line-1 tripped at 03:41:18.253 hrs. due to DT receipt from the remote end. Remedial action: TPCIL informed that there was a problem with PLCC tuning frequency, due to which it mal-operated to trip the line. Subsequently, it was rectified. For all the above cases of PLCC mal-operation, the following shall be carried out by the concerned Constituents in co-ordination. Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at both ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/ replaced. End-to-end communication for DT/ permissive & other signals may be ensured by testing at both the ends. ***** Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 26/32 Page 26 of 32 Annexure- III SLD of 220 kV Somanahalli SS of KPTCL (Ref: I.1) Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 27/32 Page 27 of 32 Annexure- III Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 28/32 Page 28 of 32 Annexure- III SLD of TPCIL (Ref: I.2) Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 29/32 Page 29 of 32 Annexure- III Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 30/32 Page 30 of 32 Annexure- III SLD of 230 kV Myvadi SS of TANTRANSCO (Ref: I.3) Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 31/32 Page 31 of 32 Annexure- III SLD of 400/220 kV Kalpakka SS of APTRANSCO (Ref: II.19) Grid Occurrences discussed in PCSC-50 (27-01-2016) 32/32 Page 32 of 32 Annexure-IV Pending Implementation of PCSC Recommendations (30th to 50th) Meet ing No / Index Details of Event Date Reason PCSC Recommendations Utility Responsible for implementa tion Status of Recommendations as on Remarks Andhra Pradesh 42/II/3 Outage at 21-02-2015 Regulapadu at station of 00:49 hrs APTRANSCO Y-Ph Metering PT failed at 220KV Ragulapadu Substation. Fault got cleared by tripping of lines from remote ends. APTRANSCO to furnish the remedial measures taken in APTRANSC Mail received on 27-05-2015: Pending consequent to the tripping O 1)Failed metering PT was replaced with new PT. incident along with the status of bus bar protection and bus 2) 220kV Ragulapadu is a single bus system. Hence there is no provision for coupler at Regulapadu S/s. bus coupler at Ragulapadu SS. A/R feature to be enabled on Regulapadu – Alipuira 220 Mail received on 24-06-2015: APTRANSCO Vide Ltr. Dt. 23/06/2015, requested KPTCL to furnish the details kV inter-state line. of available tele protection equipments and details of the equipments going to be procure for enabling the carrier aided protection on 220KV Ragulapadu-Alipura line. Based on the KPTCL information we will take further necessary action. Mail recieved on 22-08-2015: APTRANSCOhas planned to commission ABB make ETL-41 type PLCC terminal along with NSD-50 type protection coupler at Ragulapadu end towards Alipura. vide our Ltr Dt 23-07-2015, it is requested KPTCL to arrange ABB make ETL-41 cabinet with NSD-50 type protection coupler for establishing PLC communication between Alipura- Ragulapadu. KPTCL Mail recieved on 23-01-2016: KPTCL is ready with ETL-41 cabinet with NSD-50 type protection coupler at Alipur end. 45/II/1 Tripping of 4 400/220 kV ICT-1&2 at Gooty substation 31-05-2015at As per FIR, ICT-1&2 tripped on operation of 06:37 hrs directional overcurrent and earth fault protection. It was reported that there was fault in 220kV APTRANSCO system 1. APTRANSCO to check resistive reach of the distance APTRANSC Yet to be informed relays on 220 kV Gooty SS – Gooty RS line O 2. APTRANSCO to check time coordination of distance relay on Gooty SS – Gooty RS line at Gooty SS with Gooty ICT’s (1 & 2) back-up protection. Pending 49/II/8 Tripping of 25-10-2015 400kV at 10:56 hrs VemagiriSattenapalli line and 400kV VemagiriKalpakka line B-phase to earth fault had occurred in line. APTRANSCO to furnish a report on the tripping of 400 kV APTRANSC Yet to be informed From Vemagiri end D.R, three phase trip and Vemagiri – Sattenapalli line along with relevant DR & EL O Tie-CB LBB operated was observed. showing clearly the successful operation of A/R followed by Sattenapalli end had auto-reclosed, however T-LBB/ OVR, Stage-I operation. breaker at Satenapalli tripped 8 sec after A/R on receipt of DT from Vemagiri as observed from EL of Satenapalli station. For 400k Vemagiri-Kalpakka line at Vemagiri end, Tie LBB operation and Grp-A/B trip was observed and direct trip was sent to Kalpakka end. Pending 49/II/1 Tripping of 31-10-2015 3 running Units 1 at 03:30 hrs & 3 at Rayalaseema TPS of APGENCO While synchronizing Unit-5 with grid, Bus bar In view of the availability of 25AX, APGENCO shall keep APGENCO protection of 220kV Bus-1 operated which synchronizing facility in auto-mode after getting it’s resulted in de-energization of 220kV Bus-1. operation verified by its OEM, M/s BHEL. This resulted in tripping of running Unit1&Unit-3, 220kV lines Pulivedula-1, Yeralaguntla-1, Chinakampalli-1, Timmapura Pending Page 1 of 18 Yet to be informed Annexure-IV 49/III/ Tripping of 19-10-2015 4 400kV at 07:49 hrs KrishnapatnamChittoor line-1 R-phase to earth fault had occurred in line. Chittoor end tried for auto-reclose. However, due to persistent fault, breaker at Chittoor end tripped. Krishnapatnam end relay did not try for auto-reclose and gave a 3 phase trip as observed from D.R • APGENCO to make A/R functional on all lines emanating APGENCO from Krishnapatnam TPS by 10th December, 2015. 50/II/1 Tripping of 4 220kV ChittoorTiruvalam 18-11-2015 at 11:20 hrs During testing of DC earth leakage, DC got extended to bus bar protection relay. Hence bus bar protection operated and tripped the 220KV BUS connected transformers and feeders. 1.APTRANSCO to furnish SLD of 220/132 kV Chittoor SS, 2. APTRANSCO to confirm whether 220 kV side is on single-bus operation with only one main-zone. If so, APTRANSCO shall examine the feasibility of providing split-bus operation or multiple main-zones for bus bar protection, and take necessary steps to implement it. 44/III/ Tripping of 2 400kV GhanapurMamidapalli line 15-04-2015 at 2:03 hrs 47/II/6 Tripping of 400kV KhammamKTPS line-2 30-07-2015 at 6:08 hrs Yet to be informed Pending APTRANSC Yet to be informed O Pending Line tripped at Mamidapalli end only and was TSTRANSCO to make DR holding at Ghanapur. Overvoltage protection functional at Mamidipalli had operated at Mamidapalli TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO informed vide their mail dated 24.06.15 that the existing relays would be replaced with numerical relays in DPR works. Pending Y-phase to earth fault had occurred in line. From Khammam end DR it was observed that the relay after dead time tried for auto-reclose. The fault was persisting and relay gave a single phase trip instead of a 3 phase trip after 1.25sec. R& B pole voltage dip after 2 sec possibly due to operation of pole discrepancy. Auto-reclose close command observed after 2.5 seconds and all poles got closed. TSGENCO Yet to be informed Pending Telangana 1. TSGENCO to check the reclaim time of A/R and set it at 25 sec at KTPS. 2. TSGENCO to carry out PLCC end-to-end testing in coordination with PGCIL (SR-I) for KTPS – Khammam line-2; retrofitting of Protection Coupler may be carried out based on the test results. 48/II/5 Tripping of 07-09-2015 400kV at 2:58 hrs NagarjunsagarMahboobnagar line Line tripped on operation of over-voltage TSTRANSCO to furnish a detailed report on the tripping protection at Mahboobnagar and direct trip event along with remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. received at N’sagar station. DT receive was observed in DR and EL of N’sagar station. D.R/EL of Mahboobnagar was not furnished to validate the overvoltage tripping TSTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending 48/III/ Tripping of 20-09-2015 4 220kV Gajwel- at 2:24 hrs Shankarapally line line tripped at Gajwel end on R-Phase to ground fault. Reason for non-auto reclose could be established as DR and EL of both ends were not furnished • TSTRANSCO to furnish a detailed report on the tripping event along with remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. TSTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending 30/I/A RTPS Mar-14 Tripping incidents and the Spl meeting held Spl meeting held at RTPS on 13th and 14th March 2014 The PCSC forum recommended for replacement of KPCL existing electromechanical relays with Numerical relays. Karnataka at RTPS on 13th and 14th March 2014 Mail recieved on 21-10-2015 and 23-11-2015: 1) Replacement of Old electromagnetic relays with Numerical relays has been completed for RTPS-BTPS line & commissioned on 18.03.2014. Raichur-PG1 & Raichur-PG2 lines have already retrofitted with numerical relays. The retrofitting of electromechanical relays with Numerical version for the following lines/ICTs have been completed/commissioned as follows: a) ICT-2 –Commissioned on 01-08-2015 b) ICT-1 ---Commissioned on 08-08-2015 c) Munirabad line--- Commissioned on 16-08-2015. d) Mehaboobnagar line-- Commissioned on 09-09-2015. Page 2 of 18 2. Job order placed on 26.06.2015 on M/s Alstom T&D India Ltd. Chennai for retrofitting of relays for all 220kV lines at RTPS. 3. Retrofit of existing bus bar(CAG-34) with numerical version– Budgetary offers obtained and is under process. Pending 30/I/A RTPS Mar-14 Tripping incidents and the Spl meeting held Spl meeting held at RTPS on 13 and 14 March 2014 The PCSC forum recommended for replacement of KPCL existing electromechanical relays with Numerical relays. Mail recieved on 21-10-2015 and 23-11-2015: 1) Replacement of Old electromagnetic relays with Numerical relays has been completed for RTPS-BTPS line & commissioned on 18.03.2014. Raichur-PG1 & Raichur-PG2 lines have already retrofitted with numerical relays. Pending Annexure-IV at RTPS on 13th and 14th March 2014 The retrofitting of electromechanical relays with Numerical version for the following lines/ICTs have been completed/commissioned as follows: a) ICT-2 –Commissioned on 01-08-2015 b) ICT-1 ---Commissioned on 08-08-2015 c) Munirabad line--- Commissioned on 16-08-2015. d) Mehaboobnagar line-- Commissioned on 09-09-2015. 2. Job order placed on 26.06.2015 on M/s Alstom T&D India Ltd. Chennai for retrofitting of relays for all 220kV lines at RTPS. 3. Retrofit of existing bus bar(CAG-34) with numerical version– Budgetary offers obtained and is under process. 34/III/ 400kV 26-06-2014 1 Raichur-BTPS line Transient fault in R-phase. Line did not auto reclose A/R at BTPS end to be made operational within one month KPCL 1. A/R for 220kV lines enabled already. 2. Shut down of lines availed to commission the auto reclosing schme for 400 kV line at BTPS. Pending Mail recieved on 21-10-2015: Timer relays have been received at site. A letter has been addressed to M/s Alstom to complete the work on priority basis. Mail recieved on 23-11-2015: Commissioning of Autorecloser planned on 14, 15 & 16th of Dec-2015 subject to availability of LC. 38/G GD-1 at Kadra 13-11-2014 D/3.5 and Kodasalli at 19:31hrs hydro power station A fault had occurred in 220 kV Kadra and Kodasalli. As A result, de-energization of 220kV bus occurred at Kadra and Kodasalli. 1. The PCSC forum requested KPCL to speed up the installation of Numerical Distance Protection relay in Kadra –Kaiga and Kodasalli –Kaiga. KPCL 2. The PCSC forum requested KPCL to submit the implementation status of PSAG-10 recommendations within a week’s time. 34/I/6 400/220 kV ICT-1 & 2 at MUNIRABA D 16-07-2014 As reported directional over current relay of ICT’s operated due to snapping of line jumper in 220kV Lingapur line. 1. Bus bar protection shall be provided by asset owner ( i.e KPTCL). Mail recieved on 23-11-2015: LOA's issued to M/s Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd. on 08.10.2015. Engineering work is in progress. KPTCL 2. Settings for main distance protection & Overcurrent protection shall be examined and reviewed. 1. PCSC forum recommended KPTCL to replace the old static distance protection relays with numerical relays. KPTCL Mail recieved on 23-01-2016: Detailed estimate prepared for taking up the work. CEE, Transmission Zone, Gulbarga will take up necessary procurement and further execution. KPTCL Mail received on 27-05-2015 (KPTCL) & 29-07-2015: 2. PCSC forum also requested KPTCL to provide a broken conductor alarm indication in Control Room. 1.Existing Back up relays will be replaced by numerical type distance relays.Procurement is in tendering stage. Remaining observations were attended. 3. Standing instruction needed to be given to the all substation personnel for not changing the relay settings without approval of RT/MRT wing. KPTCL Mail recieved on 23-01-2016: Existing back up relays will be replaced by Main-2 protection. LOI issued M/s Alstom for taking up the works.Remaining observations were attended. Page 3 of 18 Pending Initial Tendering stage 4. Correct DR shall be submitted to the SRLDC for trip analysis. Fault had occurred in 220kV Mahalingapura-Narendra line-2. Due to the failure of relay operation at Mahalingapura, breakers at remote end tripped which resulted in bus dead condition. Mail recieved on 27-05-2015 (KPTCL): 1. KPTCL has taken action to provide bus bar protection to 220kV buses. 2. Over current relay Settings of ICTs to be reviewed by PGCIL. Mail received on 29-07-2015 (KPTCL): 3. Time synchronization of the Substation shall be ensured. 38/G GD-1 at 25-10-2014 D/3.1 Mahalingapura Substation of KPTCL Mail recieved on 21-10-2015: Pending NIT floated on 5.5.15 through e-portal. Bid evaluation completed. LOA's issued to M/s Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd. on 08.10.2015. Pending Annexure-IV 38/G GD-1 at Guttur 05-11-2014 D/3.2 Substation of at 11:42 hrs KPTCL Circuit breaker of 400kV Guttur-Hiriyur line-1 failed at Guttur end while availing shutdown for replacement of CVT. The failure of breaker caused bus fault at Guttur. KPTCL was requested to expedite the early implementation KPTCL of pending recommendations of: 1. Protection Audit (Phase-I & Phase-II) 2. PSAG-4, PSAG-5, and PSAG-8 39/I/5 Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-2 at Hoody substation of KPTCL 01-12-2014 40/I/1 GD-1 at 220kV 22-12-2014 Ambewadi at 21:22 hrs Station of KPTCL Suspected mal-operation of 220kV side Rphase over current relay 1. PCSC forum recommended KPTCL to replace the relay KPTCL with a different make. 2. KPTCL was also requested to train the O&M personnel adequately before performing any maintenance works to avoid such unwanted trippings. Triggering incident was B-phase to earth fault in 220kV Ambewadi- Nagzari line-1. B-pole of breaker did not open at Ambewadi end. LBB protection not available at Ambewadi end. All elements tripped on Zone-2 from remote ends. 1. Till the completion of R&M works for bus bar and LBB KPTCL protection, KPTCL shall explore the possibility of having split bus operation at Ambewadi and submit the details of the same to PCSC forum. 2. KPTCL shall provide the details of the tripping of Supa hydro station connected downstream from 110 kV bus. KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016: Pending 'The following works are attended at 400kV Guttur SS : 1. Replacement of Hiriyur-1 line, Bus Coupler, Tie Bus coupler breakers by new Alstom make breakers (3 new CBs commissioned) recently. 2. New CVTs provided for 400kV Hiriyur line-1 and commissioned on 21.01.2016 Mail received on 27-05-2015 & 29-07-2015: Pending C&R panels of 500MVA ICT 1&2 will be replaced under scheduled R&M works. O&M personnel are instructed to take sufficient care in order to avoid unwarrented trippings. KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016: New C&R panels(with numerical relays) erected for 500MVA ICT-1 &2 under R&M work, which will be commissioned shortly. Mail recieved on 29-07-2015: Pending Action is being taken by KPTCL for operating Ambewadi in split bus mode. Problem in bus coupler breaker is attended.Isolator overhaulling work is completed.PTs are already provided to 220kV Bus-II. After commissioning of Bus-II PTs, Ambewadi can be operated in split bus mode. Pending works will be completed within a months time. KPTCL mail recieved on 23-01-2016: Bus-II PTs yet to be commissioned.Planned to complete before end of April2016. 40/IV/ 220kV Sedam- 20-12-2014 1 Tandur line at 22:20 hrs Line tripped on Yphase to earth fault from both KPTCL was requested to explore the possibility of KPTCL the ends providing A/R feature to this line and submit the remedial measures to the PCSC forum. KPTCL mail recieved on 23-01-2016: Carrier protection is being restored for 220kV Sedam-Tandoor line at Sedam end. After restoring the carrier protection , AR will be enabled. Pending 41/I/1 GD-1 at 220kV 16-02-2015 Kadra power at 12:56 hrs Station of KPCL Triggering incident was B-phase to earth fault had occurred in 220kV Kadra-Kodasalli line. Line tripped from Kodasalli end only. 220kV Kaiga-Kadra tripped in Zone-3 from Kaiga end. Tripping of evacuating lines caused bus shut down at Kadra hydro station. Mail received on 28-05-2015: 1. Main-2 relays already installed and commissioned. 2. DC fuses are intact. Till date no such incidence occurred. 3. Possibility of DC-1 & DC-2 arrangement and splitting of DC will be reviewed. Pending 1. KPCL to make functional the Main2 (EPAC) relay with the help of KPTCL at the earliest. KPCL 2. KPCL to investigate the reason for DC fuse fail during transient fault in 220kV Kadra-Kodasalli line including the testing/ checking of DC supply cables, breaker control cables, and trip coils. Mail received on 07-07-2015 , 21-10-2015 and 23-11-2015: 1. Completed. 2. Completed. 3. Possibility of DC-1 & DC-2 arrangement and splitting of DC will be reviewed. 3. KPCL to ensure supply for Main-1& Main-2 protections, Trip Coils (TC1, TC2) from separate battery banks. 41/I/4 Complete 27-01-2015 outage at at 8.00 hrs 220kV Sedam Substation of KPTCL (GD1) R-Phase to ground fault occurred on 220kV Sedam-Shahpur line. Fault not cleared from Sedam end due to stuck-breaker condition. While the Sedam- Sahapur line tripped from Shahapur end in Zone-1, the other 220 kv lines from Sedam tripped at remote ends in Zone-2. This caused complete outage of 220kV Sedam substation. 1. KPTCL to provide Bus bar and LBB protections for 220 kV bus at Sedam S/s. 2. KPTCL to implement A/R feature on 220 kV SedamTandur inter-state line. Page 4 of 18 KPTCL KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016: 1. Bus bar protection panels pocured and erected at Sedam. Wiring , testing ,commissioning is being taken up.Planned to complete by April 2016. 2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV SedamTandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC. Pending Annexure-IV 42/I/1 Complete 15-02-2015 (GD) outage of at 14:24 hrs 220kV Sedam substation of KPTCL Fault occurred in 220kV Sedam-Shahpur line 1. KPTCL to provide Bus Bar protection and LBB protection at Sedam S/s and furnish the status of their implementation to PCSC forum. 2. KPTCL to implement A/R feature on 220 kV SedamTandur inter-state line. 42/I/2 Complete (GD) outage of 220kV Ambewadi substation of KPTCL Fault in 220kV Ambewadi-Nagjheri line-2 1. KPTCL shall provide A/R feature on Ambewadi – Ponda KPTCL 220 kV D/C inter-state line. 2. Till the completion of R&M works for bus bar and LBB protection, KPTCL shall explore the possibility of having split bus operation at Ambewadi and submit the details of the same to PCSC forum. 12-03-2015 at 7:51 hrs Page 5 of 18 KPTCL Mail received on 29-07-2015: 1. Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering stage. 2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV SedamTandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC. Pending Mail received on 29-07-2015: Pending 1. Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering stage. 2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV SedamTandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC. Annexure-IV 42/II/2 Tripping of 20-02-2015 220kV at Chikodi06:40 hrs Talandage and 220kV ChikodiMudshingi line Lines tripped during test charging 220kV Chikodi-Belgaum line-2 from Chikodi end. 1. KPTCL to provide A/R feature on the 220 kV Chikkodi – KPTCL Talandage, and 220 kV Chikkodi –Mudashinge inter-state lines. 2. KPTCL to carry out E/F relay coordination for Chikkodi Talandage and Chikkodi – Mudashinge lines in coordination with Maharashtra. KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016: Pending 1) Replaced existing VXL by ABB make C&R panel for both interstate lines on 21.04.2015. The ABB Engineer visited 220KV Chikodi on 05.11.2015 for enabling AR system to existing ABB make REL511 relay for both interstate line, but AR system not enable due to internal cards faulty. Hence action is being taken to replace the ABB,REL511 distance relays within a months time. 43/II/1 Tripping of 4 400/220kV ICT-1 at BTPS ICT tripped due to operation of Over current and Earth fault relay KPCL to check the possibility of providing line differential protection between RTPS and Yermarus stations. KPCL Mail received on 07-09-2015 , 21-10-2015 and 23-11-2015: Pending Revised relay settings are awaited from KPTCL. Revised relay settings furnished by KPTCL will be incorporated in co-ordination with KPTCL shortly. KPCL Mail received on 07.07.2015: The matter had been discussed with KPTCL. KPTCL recommended to keep Zone-2 time lever to zero. If this is acceptable, then the same shall be incorporated immediately. 14-01-2015 at 1:09 hrs 44/II/3 Tripping of 22-04-2015 220kV at Kaiga20:28 hrs Kodasalli and 220kV KodasalliNagjheri line- 1 220kV Kodasalli-Nagjheri line-1 tripped from 1. KPCL to check the possibility of implementing Kodasalli end on operation of Permissive Over Reach (POR) with Echo feature at distance protection, zone-2. Kodasally end. 45/III/ Tripping of 01-06-2015 12 400kV Raichur- at 01:02 hrs BTPS line line tripped on R-phase to earth fault. Line did KPCL to make A/R operational on 400 kV RTPS – BTPS not auto-reclose S/C line at both ends. 46/II/2 Trippings at 07-06-2015 1 220kV Raichur at 01:35 hrs TPS 220kV Kodasalli-Nagjheri line-1&2 is kept opened from Nagjheri end, hence fault could not be cleared with carrier aided protection. Backup earth fault relay at Kaiga end got operated during the event and resulted in tripping of 220kV KaigaKodasalli line from Kaiga end. 2. If the above is not possible, KPCL shall check the possibility of keeping the 220kV Kodasalli-Nagjheri lines OPEN at Kodasalli end and idlecharged at Nagjheri end, and implement the same. 1. KPCL to check the operation of anti-pumping relay on 220 kV side and keep it in healthy condition. 2. KPCL to provide manual reset to the 220 kV side master trip relay. 3. KPCL to use both the 220 kV buses as main buses under normal operation, and should go for single bus operation only during emergencies. Page 6 of 18 Pending Mail received on 07-09-2015 , 21-10-2015 and 23-11-2015: The matter has been discussed with KPTCL. KPTCL recommended to keep Zone-2 time lever to zero. If this is acceptable to SRLDC, then the same shall be incorporated immediately.Reply from SRLDC is awaited. KPCL Mail recieved on 23-11-2015: Completed at RTPS end. Pending at BTPS end. KPCL Mail recieved on 23-11-2015: Pending 1) Completed 2) Completed. 3) Two bus operation for 220kV buses : In place of existing CT switching relays, High speed manual heavy duty change over switch of sufficient current capacity will be retrofitted to all feeders at 220kV station and same will be operated manually during changeover of feeder by one bus to the other and this arrangement may facilitate to put both buses in service. Time required for this retrofit is around 90days . However, this work will be taken up only after retrofitting of electromagnetic relays with numerical relays for Main-2 protection of all 220kV lines, for which work is in progress. Annexure-IV 47/II/1 Tripping of 3 Unit-1&2 along with 400/220kV ICT-2 at Raichur TPS 06-08-2015 at 4:51 hrs 220kV RTPS-Lingasugur line-2 tripped at TPS end on operation of distance protection zone-1. 400/220kV ICT-2 got tripped on operation of earth fault protection. 220kV RTPS-Lingasugur line1&3 tripped on distance protection zone-2 and zone-3 respectively. Due to tripping of ICT-2, the running units got overloaded and it was mentioned that under frequency occurred as units are on load control. The Units got tripped on under frequency. KPTCL to activate non-directional Over Current protection with a time delay of 600-800 msec for Fuse failure condition at Lingasugur. KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending 47/III/ Tripping of 8 220kV AmbewadiPonda line-2 02-08-2015 at 13:20 hrs Line tripped on a transient fault in B-phase. There is no provision for auto reclose. Till A/R is put into service on Ambewadi-Ponda line-1, KPTCL to reduce Zone-2 time setting to zero sec. at Ambewadi end. KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending 47/III/ Tripping of 10 220kV AmbewadiPonda line-1 08-08-2015 Line tripped on a B-phase to earth fault. Line at 10:51 tripped as there is no provision for auto-reclose hrs and 09-082015 at 11:15 hrs 47/III/ Tripping of 12 220kV AmbewadiPonda line-1 17-08-2015 at 13:20 hrs KPTCL to revise distance relay settings at Nelamangala KPTCL end for 220 kV Nelamangala – Hebbal - Peenya line – 1 for the effective line length of 17 km. These new settings can be appropriately reviewed as and when the tie-arrangement at Hebbal is done away with. Yet to be informed Pending 48/I/2 Complete 27-09-2015 (GD) outage of at 4:23:17 hrs 220kV Peenya Substation in Karnataka Line tripped on a transient fault . There is no provision for Auto reclose. All connected 220kV lines and transformers were taken on 220kV North bus as South bus was under shut down for conversion of strung bus to rigid bus and isolator replacement under R&M works. Failure of HV side Y phase CT of 150MVA Transformer-3 occurred at Peenya Substation which resulted in operation of Differential and HV REF protection. The failure of CT also resulted in a 220kV bus fault in North Bus. Page 7 of 18 Annexure-IV 48/I/3 Outage of (GD) 220kV Ambewadi station in Karnataka 30-09-2015 at 10:41 hrs 220kV Ambewadi-Nagjheri line-2 tripped on B- KPTCL to fast-track providing A/R on all 220 kV lines KPTCL phase to earth fault. This resulted in loss of emanating from Ambewadi SS to prevent Station shut-down supply to 220kV Ambewadi bus. 220kV on temporary faults. Ambewadi-Ponda line-1&2 were hand tripped after deenergization of bus at Ambewadi. KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016: Will be complied in a months time. Pending 48/I/4 Complete (GD) outage of 220 kV HSR substation of Karnataka 06-10-2015 at 16:32 hrs All connected 220kV lines at 220kV HSR substation i.e. Somanahalli, EPIP, Hoody and Nagnathapura tripped during the incident. Triggering incident was fault in 220kV HSREPIP line KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016: ABB make REL 670 type distance relays provided to Somanahalli and hoody lines. Planned to commission within 10 days. Pending 49/I/1. Complete 3 outage of (GD) 220kV Ambewadi Substation of KPTCL 29.10.2015 at 220kV Nagjheri-Ambewadi line-1 tripped at 14:34 hrs 13:33 hrs due to B phase to earth fault. Ambewadi was radially fed from Nagjheri power station through 220kV NagjheriAmbewadi line-2. Tripping of this line caused 220kV Bus shut down at Ambewadi and remaining lines and transformers were hand tripped 1. KPCL to provide A/R on all 220 kV lines emanating from KPTCL Nagjheri PH. Yet to be informed Pending 49/II/1 Trippings at 5 Raichur TPS 12-11-2015 at 00:30 hrs 1. KPCL to carry out hot-line washing of RTPS-connected lines regularly to avoid trippings due to fog and dust. Yet to be informed Pending Running Unit-4, 5 and Unit-8 and 400kV RTPS-Yeramaras TPS feeder got tripped due to de-energization of both 400kV Bus-1&2 at Raichur TPS KPTCL to review distance relay settings at Naganathpura SS in view of LILO arrangement at HSR Lay-out. KPTCL 2. KPTCL to provide A/R on all 220 kV lines emanating from Ambewadi SS. KPCL 2. KPCL may see the feasibility of providing breaker flashover protection at RTPS, and implement the same if possible. Tamil Nadu 43/II/5 Tripping of 29-03-2015 400kV at Alamathy15:29 hrs SVChatram line-1&2 and 400/230kV ICT at S.V.Chatram Line-2 tripped on R-phase to earth fault. TANTRANSCO was requested to swap the relays between TANTRANS TANTRANSCO vide their mail dated 24.06.15 informed that different relays in Pending Line autoreclosed at SVChatram end and failed two stations, so that CO Main-I & Main-II would be ensured at the earliest. to reclose at Alamathy end. Bphase to earth Main-1 and Main-2 will be of different make at each station. fault in line-1. Line tried for A/r but due to Mail recieved on 24-07-2015: permanent fault line did not reclose. ICT Different relays in Main-I & Main-II will be ensured. tripped on operation of over flux protection. 48/I/1 Disturbance in 05-09-2015 (GD) 220kV at 14:04 hrs Tamilnadu system Complete outage of 230kV Palladam, 230 kV Othakalmandapam S/s, 230 kV Coimbatore S/s, 230 kV Thudialur and 230 kV Sadayapalayam S/s 48/II/6 Tripping of 07-09-2015 400/220kV at 04:24hrs Alamathy ICT3,4&5 Triggering incident was failure of Y & B phase 1. TANTRANSCO to furnish a detailed report on the CT failure in 230kV Korattur feeder tripping event covering the sequence of events, and the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. TANTRANSCO to take suitable measures like installing more stub-towers along 230 kV OK Mandapam – Myvady line to avoid excessive sag due to over-loading. 2. TANTRANSCO to configure Bus-Bar protection at Alamathy for instantaneous operation. Page 8 of 18 TANTRANS Yet to be informed CO Pending TANTRANS Yet to be informed CO Pending Annexure-IV 49/I/1. Complete 09-11-2015at Fault had occurred in 230kV MAPS-S.P.Koil 5 outage of 09:33 hrs feeder-1. LBB protection got operated as (GD) S.P.Koil breaker of this feeder was under lockout and station of resulted in tripping of 230kV bus at S.P.Koil. TANTRANSC Unit-1&2 at MAPS due to loss of evacuating O and feeders i.e. 230kV MAPS-S.P.Koil feeder-1&2 generation loss at MAPS 1. TANTRANSCO to ensure correctness of operation of LBB relays at SP Koil. 2. TANTRANSCO & MAPS to furnish their respective compliance report of the recommendations of to-beconducted PSAG-14 meeting at MAPS, Kalapakkam. TANTRANS Yet to be informed CO Pending 50/I/3 Complete 21-12-2015 (GD) outage of at 6:28 hrs 230kV Mywadi station of TANTRANSC O Busbar protection got operated for a fault in 230kV Mywadi-Anaikadavu line 1. TANTRANSCO to examine the feasibility of providing TANTRANS Yet to be informed two main-zone operation for bus bar protection by exploring CO various alternatives like replacing existing bus-coupler CB with a hybrid bus-coupler CB that comes with inbuilt CT, replacing existing BBP relay with another suitable relay that supports two main-zone operation, and implement the same. Pending 50/II/2 Tripping of 400kV AlamathyS.V.Chatram line-2 Line tripped on D.T. receive on CHANNEL-2 TANTRANSCO to provide A/R for 400 kV bay Tie-CB’s TANTRANS Yet to be informed at SV.Chatram end when the operator at at Alamathy SS and SV Chatram SS. CO ALAMATHY S/S end tried to close AlamathySVChatram-1&2 Feeder Tie Breaker. Suspected DC earth fault had caused the initiation of direct trip. Pending 08-11-2015 at 10:48 hrs Page 9 of 18 Annexure-IV 50/II/1 Tripping of 6 400kV AlamathyS.V.Chatram lines - 1&2 27-11-2015 at 15:35 hrs 50/II/1 Tripping of 27-11-2015 7 400/230kV at 17:26 hrs Myvadi ICT-3 400KV Aalmathy-S.V.Chatram line-1 tripped TANTRANSCO to check and ensure the healthiness of on B-phase to earth fault. Line auto reclosed A/R scheme at Alamathy end on 400 kV Alamathy – SV and at both end subsequently A/R locked out Chatram line – 2. due to permanent fault. 400KV Alamathy-S.V.Chatram line-2 Line tripped on R-phase to earth fault. Line autoreclosed at S.V.Chatram and failed to autoreclose at S.V.Chatram end. TANTRANS Yet to be informed CO Pending 400/230kV Myvadi ICT-3 tripped due to the TANTRANSCO to check the LBB scheme for LV-3, and operation of 230 kV CB LBB protection at 230 furnish the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. KV bus (TNEB) of Myvadi station. TANTRANS Yet to be informed CO Pending KSEB Mail recieved on 30-10-2015: 1. Purchase procedures is still in progress. 2. Replaced. 3. PLCC equipment Tested and found OK. Pending (Recomme ndation No.1) KSEB Yet to be informed Pending Yet to be informed Pending Reply received during 46th PCSC meeting: Pending Kerala 44/I/1 Complete (GD) outage of Idukki Hydro Power Station (GD-1) 28-04-2015 220 kV breaker of unit-3 at Idukki Power at 12:30 Hrs house flashed and bus differential protection acted. All Generators (6Nos.) along with all 220 kV feeders tripped during the incident. 1. KSEB to reduce sensitivity of REF protection appropriately at Idukki PH. 2. KSEB to replace/ repair the faulty breaker. 3. KSEB to check the PLCC equipment at New Pallam and inform the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. 49/II/3 Tripping of 12-10-2015 220kV at 21:30 hrs EdamonTirunelveli line1&2 220kV Edamon-Tirunelveli lines -1&2 got KSEB to furnish reasons for DT not being sent to the tripped due to operation of Bus Bar protection remote end during the tripping event along with remedial which was due to human error measures taken to PCSC forum. 49/III/ Tripping of 1 220kV SabarigiriTheni line Line tripped on a R-phase to earth fault. At Sabarigiri, relay gave a 3 phase trip after 220ms. From Theni end D.R, auto reclose block was observed. KSEB to furnish a report on the tripping incident along with KSEB the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. As reported pole-2 tripped due on 5th harmonic alarm. 1. Complete analysis of the faults and rectification/remedial PGCIL action taken to avert similar occurrence in the HVDC Back to Back station shall be submitted. 2. The PCSC forum recommended PGCIL, SRTS-I take up the issue with WRTS to submit the report as per IEGC guidelines. 3. SRLDC is also requested to send a letter to WRLDC to submit the reports to SR also. 4. Based on the SRTS/SRLDC correspondences, SRPC would take it up with WR and PGCIL if the issue is not getting resolved. 09-10-2015 at 16:56 hrs PGCIL 34/I/7 HVDC 18-07-2014 BHADRAVA THI POLE 2 Page 10 of 18 Being pursued with POWERGRID, WR-1 Annexure-IV 42/II/7 Tripping of 23-02-2015 400kV at Jeypore13:34 hrs Gazuwaka line1&2 and tripping of HVDC back to back pole1&2 at Gazuwaka HVDC pole-1 got tripped due to failure of 4 no. power supply card. HVDC pole-2 tripped on DC low voltage trip. 400kV Jeypore-Gazuwaka line-1&2 tripped due to operation of Over voltage protection at Gazuwaka end. PGCIL (SR-II) to submit the report of M/s ABB’s on preventing supply card failures. 42/II/2 Tripping of 14-03-2015 2 HVDC pole- at 1&2 17:12 hrs at Gazuwaka and 400kV 400kV Jeypore Gajuwaka line -1 HVDC Pole-1 at Gazuwaka tripped due to tripping of filter banks and Pole-2 tripped due to operation of differential protection. 400kV Jeypore-Gazuwaka line-1 tripped on over-voltage from Gazuwaka end. 42/II/2 Tripping of 3 HVDC Bhadravathi Pole-1 18-03-2015 at 13:55 hrs Pole tripped due to failure of auxiliary supply 43/II/2 Multiple tripping at 400/230kV Hosur substation of Powergrid 26-03-2015 at 15:40 hrs 44/I/3 765 kV 24-05-2015 (GD) Raichurat 19:19 hrs Sholapur line 1 & 2 tripped Yet to be informed Pending PGCIL (SR-I) to furnish the reasons for Converter PGCIL Transformer differential protection operation for Pole-2 along with the remedial measures taken. Reply received during 46th PCSC meeting: Pending PGCIL (SR-I) to submit the compliance report on PSAG-11 PGCIL recommendations to PCSC forum. Reply received during 46th PCSC meeting: 230kV Bus-2 at Hosur (PG) got tripped as spurious initiation got extended to LBB relay of 230kV Hosur-Hosur(PG) line at Hosur(PG) end due to shorting of contacts in lockout relay. 400/230kV ICT-2, ICT3, 230kV Hosur-Vinnamangalam, 230kV Hosur(PG)-Hosur which were connected to Bus-2 got tripped along with bus coupler breaker PGCIL (SR-II) to check the possibility of providing re-trip feature in LBB relay. Mail received on 02-09-2015: The scheme was tested thoroughly found normal. Pending to check the possibility of re-trip feature Tripped on Overload. 1. PGCIL to provide the status of healthiness of SPS contact PGCIL logic in SRLDC’s SCADA. Yet to be informed Pending 2. PGCIL to furnish the details of the implemented SPS-7 scheme including logic diagram to PCSC forum. Page 11 of 18 PGCIL PGCIL Operation is in-order as per OEM manual (ABB HVDC) Pending Tertiary Transformer charged and auxiliary power for HVDC is being availed from tertiary widings of ICT. Annexure-IV 44/II/4 Tripping of 23-04-2015 400kV at Ramagundam- 15:11 hrs Hyderabad line3, 400kV HyderabadMalkaram line1 and 400kV Bus-1 at Hyderabad 400kV Ramagundam-Hyderabad line-3 at ramagundam end only due to DT receive. 400kV Hyderabad-Malkaram line-1 tripped at Hyderbad end only and was holding from Malkaram end. 400kV Bus-1 at Hyderabad due to operation of bus bar protection. PGCIL (SR-I) to check healthiness of PLCC panels at Hyderabad SS, and repair/ replace them, if necessary. PGCIL Yet to be informed Pending 44/II/6 Multiple 25-04-2015 tripping at at 10:04 Vemagiri hrs substation of APTRANSCO 400kV Vemagiri-Vijayawada line-1&3, 400kV Vemagiri-Goutami line-2, 400kV VemagiriKonaseema line-2 and 400/220kV ICT-2 at Vemagiri tripped during the incident. Triggering incident was failure of B-phase L.A in 400kV Vijayawada-Vemagiri line-1 at Vemagiri. 1. PGCIL (SR-I) to enable Auto reclosure feature at Vijayawada end. PGCIL Yet to be informed Pending 44/II/7 Tripping of 25-04-2015 765kV at Kurnool18:10 hrs Tiruvalam line1 and 765kV KurnoolNPS-1 REF protection of Line reactor of 1. PGCIL (SR-I) to submit the action taken report on the Nellore-1&2 and Tiruvalam line-1 maloperated measures suggested by their OEM. due to DC earth fault 2. PGCIL (SR-I) to check for the availability of Chatter Disable feature in P141 and configure it appropriately to block operation of REF protection on DC fluctuations. PGCIL Yet to be informed Pending 44/II/8 Tripping of 400kV Gooty-NPS line-2 R-phase to earth fault had occurred in line. Lines auto-reclosed at gooty end and later tripped due to DT receive from NPS end. PGCIL (SR-I) to coordinate STUB protection settings with the distance protection time settings at NPS. PGCIL Yet to be informed Pending 45/II/1 Tripping of 03-05-2015 5 765kV Raichur- at 4:13 hrs Solapur line1&2 Lines tripped on transient fault. Auto reclose was un-successful. SR &NEW grid separated due to tripping of 765kV lines To avoid tripping of transmission lines on transient faults, PGCIL is recommended to carry out periodic patrolling of lines, and ensure their proper maintenance by carrying out jungle/ bushing clearance and trimming of tree branches within the RoW of transmission lines as per the SRPC transmission line patrolling guidelines (available under the menu item "All Uploads Operation Miscellaneous Transmission Line Patrolling Protocol / Guidelines for Southern Region" on SRPC website). PGCIL Yet to be informed Pending 45/II/2 Tripping of 03-06-2015 1 400/220kV at 12:30 hrs ICT-1 at Gooty Substation ICT tripped due to mal-operation of differential relay 1. PGCIL to follow IS and CEA regulations while carrying out maintenance work. PGCIL Yet to be informed Pending 26-04-2015 at 13:16 hrs 2. PGCIL (SR-I) to check distance relay settings for Vijayawada – Vemagiri line 3, and furnish a compliance report to PCSC forum. 2. PGCIL to furnish a report on what caused the ICT-1 tripping including remedial measures. Page 12 of 18 Annexure-IV 46/II/1 Tripping of 16-06-2015 ICT-2 tripped due to mal-operation of 86B 400/220kV at 18:12 hrs& relay due to suspected DC earth fault. ICT-2 at 19:18 hrs Nagarjunsagar Station PGCIL (SR-I) to furnish a detailed report on ICT-2& Bus II PGCIL outage at 19.18 hrs on 16.06.2015 along with the remedial measures taken. Yet to be informed Pending 46/II/4 Tripping of 22-06-2015 400/220kV at 13:06 hrs ICT-2 at Gooty substation At 220kV Gooty Switching Station, 220KV Gooty Receiving Station feeder line side YPhase jumper connected between line isolator to boom resulting in a 220kV Bus fault. This resulted in tripping of ICT-2 and 220kV feeders connected to 220KV BUS-II. PGCIL (SR-I) to furnish a detailed report as to what caused PGCIL LBB operation at 400 kV Gooty SS along with the remedial measures taken. Yet to be informed Pending 46/II/1 Tripping of 01-07-2015 3 400kV Gooty- at 09:59 hrs NPS line-1 Breaker at NPS end tripped on Direct Trip receipt from NPS end. After 4 seconds, over voltage protection operated at NPS end as observed from EL, and direct trip was sent to Gooty. 1. PGCIL (SR-I) to furnish a report detailing the sequence of PGCIL events including the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. Yet to be informed Pending Yet to be informed Pending 2. PGCIL (SR-I) to verify and ensure time-synchronizationof DR& EL with GPS at both Gooty and NPS. 3. PGCIL (SR-I) to check and resolve,in co-ordination with APTRANSCO, the professed Phase-Discrepancy that is found to be occurring between 400 kV Gooty (PG) SS and the surrounding 220 kV network of APTRANSCO in the event of a fault. 46/II/2 Separation of 2 SR-grid and NEW-grid 28-07-2015 at 11.52.22 hrs. 1. PGCIL (SR-I) to obtain from PGCIL (WR-l) the reasons PGCIL for DT receipt from Sholapur end and furnish thesame along with the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. 2. PGClL (SR-I) to verify the logic implemented of SPS-1 and SPS-7 for the 76S kV Raichur - Sholapur link byavailing the line shutdown at the earliest opportune time. 3. PGCIL (SR-I) to furnishthe details of the implemented SPS-1 and SPS-7 schemes including their logicdiagrams to PCSC forum. 47/II/1 Tripping of 1 HVDC Bhadrawati Pole-1 05-08-2015 at 10:53 hrs 47/II/1 765 kV 04-09-2015 8 RAICHUR at SHOLAPUR 1 19:25 hrs and 2 Main pump-2 of valve cooling got tripped during dip in 33kV auxiliary bus voltage. Valve cooling flow got reduced due to tripping of pump and resulting in tripping of pole-1 PGCIL (SR-I) to furnish compliance report on PSAG-11 recommendations without further delay to PCSC forum. PGCIL Yet to be informed Pending Sholapur -1 and 2 Feeder got tripped at Raichur end on operation of over current protection in Main-1 distance relay and holding from Solapur end on 04.09.2015 at 19:24:42 Hrs 1. PGCIL (SR-I) to check the A/R scheme implemented through BCU’s at all its GIS/ SAS substations for correct operation. 2. PGCIL (SR-I) to ensure time-synchronization of DR & EL of 765 kV Kurnool SS with GPS. 3. PGCIL (SR-I) to sort out the LEGEND ISSUE related to tripping of the lines in the Event Logger of Raichur. 4. PGCIL (SR-I) to check & ensure the functionality & healthiness of synchronization facility at Raichur end at the earliest opportune time. PGCIL Yet to be informed Pending Page 13 of 18 47/II/1 8 765 KV 04-09-2015 RAICHUR – at KURNOOL 2 19:25 hrs Kurnool -II Feeder got tripped on B-N fault and holding from Kurnool end (successfully auto-reclosed at Kurnool end) subsequently tripped at other end on operation of Over Voltage stg-1 protection at Raichur end on 04.09.2015 at 19:24 Hrs 1. PGCIL (SR-I) to check the A/R scheme implemented through BCU’s at all its GIS/ SAS substations for correct operation. 2. PGCIL (SR-I) to ensure time-synchronization of DR & EL of 765 kV Kurnool SS with GPS. 3. PGCIL (SR-I) to sort out the LEGEND ISSUE related to tripping of the lines in the Event Logger of Raichur. 4. PGCIL (SR-I) to check & ensure the functionality & healthiness of synchronization facility at Raichur end at the earliest opportune time. PGCIL Yet to be informed Pending Annexure-IV 49/II/4 Tripping of 13-10-2015at Direct Trip was sent to NPS end of line-1 1. PGCIL (SR-I) to configure time scale resolution in Event PGCIL 400kV Gooty- 10:15 hrs during opening of Main CB of Gooty-NPS line- Logger to msec. at Nelllore PS (NPS) and furnish DR NPS line-1 2 at Gooty end. This resulted in tripping of line- corresponding to OVR, Stag-I operation at NPS end during 1 at NPS and line was holding from Gooty. the tripping event. Over voltage protection got operated at NPS end and resulted in tripping of line 2. PGCIL (SR-I) to ensure time-sync of DR’s and EL’s with GPS at Gooty and NPS. Yet to be informed Pending 50/I/2 Complete (GD) outage of TPCIL power station Yet to be informed Pending 30-12-2015 at 06:02hrs Running units at Thermal Powertech power Station tripped due to tripping of 400kV Nellore pooling station (NPS)-TPCIL line and 400kV Nellore pooling station (NPS)-ECC line 1.PGCIL (SR-I) to furnish Action Taken Report on the PGCIL findings of OEM on relay mal-operation at NPS end on 400 kV NPS – NCCK line to PCSC forum. 2. PGCIL (SR-I) to appropriately configure Station Event Logger at NPS to record events at msec interval. 3. PGCIL (SR-I) to carry out PLCC end-to-end testing in coordination with TPCIL for 400 kV NPS –TPCIL line. 4.PGCIL (SR-I), MEPL, SEL, TPCIL & NCC to take steps to provide line differential protection at their respective ends on all 400 kV lines (except Gooty line) emanating from Nellore Pooling Station, and furnish an action plan to implement the same. Others 41/II/1 Tripping of 13-02-2015 2 400KV Coastal- at 22:54 hrs NTPL line Line tripped B-phase to earth fault and later CEPL to check A/R scheme at their end. tripped on R-Y phase fault. From Coastal end D.R, Y & B poles of breaker opened first and R-pole appears to be opened on Pole discrepancy. CEPL Yet to be informed Pending 41/IV/ 400kV 2 Tuticorin PSNTPL line 09-02-2015 at 03:17 hrs Y-phase to earth fault had occurred in line. Line auto reclosed at Tuticorin PS end and failed to reclose at NTPL end. NTPL to check A/R scheme at their end. NTPL Yet to be informed Pending 44/III/ Tripping of 4 400kV Coastal (CEPL)Tuticorin pooling station 20-04-2015 at 12:35 hrs Line tripped at Coastal energen end only and was holding from TTRNPS CEPL to furnish a detailed report on this trip event to PCSC CEPL forum. Yet to be informed Pending Line tripped on operation of overvoltage protection at Ramagundam end and direct trip was received at Dichipalli. Over-voltage operation could not be established with D.R & E.L submitted by Ramagundam station. 1. NTPC, Ramagundam to investigate the reasons for Over NTPC Voltage alongside checking the drop off- to- pick-up ratio of the OV relay. 2. The tripping is not as per the grading adopted for Overvoltage, Stage-I protection (Grading is C2: 110% and 6 sec time delay) at Ramagundam. NTPC, Ramagundam to check up the same. Yet to be informed Pending 46/II/3 Tripping of 21-06-2015 400kV at 03:27 hrs RamagundamDichipalli line Page 14 of 18 Annexure-IV 47/III/ Tripping of 2 400kV Vemagiri – GVK (JPD) line-2 16-07-2015 at 17:02 hrs R-phase to earth fault had occurred in line. Line auto reclosed at Vemagiri end and failed to reclose at GVK end. GVK to put A/R into service at GVK Jegurupadu end on 400 kV GVK (Jegurupadu) – Vemagiri line-2. GVK Yet to be informed Pending 48/II/1 Tripping of 05-10-2015 6 400 kV Hassan at 13:33 -Udupi line-1 Line tripped due to B-E fault in Z2. Main 1 UPCL to furnish reasons for delayed operation of distance UPCL relay tripped in Z2. Three phase trip operated relay in Zone-1 at their end, and the remedial measures at Hassan. Auto-reclose successful at other end taken, if any. and line was charging from other end. Then OV stage 1 picked up in Main2 relay and operated in OV after the time delay Mail recieved on 19-11-2015 (UPCL): Pending The fault was of resistive nature, was sensed from Hassan end in Zone-2 reach. The DR from UPCL indicates resistive high current prior to operation of Zone-1 in C Phase. This is seen as development of Zero sequence voltage and current prior to Zone -1 operation. The operation of single phase Z1 from UPCL end was correct followed by successful AR operation. 50/II/1 Tripping of 30-11-2015 8 400kV UPCL- at 17:22 hrs Hassan line-2 and running Units-1&2 at Udupi power station 400kV Hassan-Udupi line-2 tripped on Directional earth fault protection with Y-E fault and direct trip was sent to Udupi end. Directional Earth fault feature of Main-2 relay at Hassan gave 3-ph trip after 2.6 seconds and fault current in Y-phase was 1.1 kA. The distance as well as DEF protection for 400kV UPCL-Hassan line-2 at UPCL end did not sense the fault. The generator transformer backup earth fault protection (51N) had sensed the fault and tripped both the running units at UPCL leading to generation loss at UPCL power station. Back up directional earth fault protection at 220kV side of 400/220kV ICT’s at UPCL did not sense the high resistance fault in line-2 Yet to be informed 1. UPCL to provide different make relays for Main-1 & UPCL Main-2 at UPCL end on 400 kV UPCL – Hassan lines – 1 & 2. 2. UPCL to make GPS functional at their Station and ensure time-sync of various DR’s and EL’s with GPS. Page 15 of 18 Pending Annexure-IV Miscellaneous 36/II/8 400kV 07-09-2014 RaichurMunirabad line B-phase to earth fault had occurred in line. KPTCL: Line auto reclosed at Munirabad end and failed PD (pole discrepancy) time delay would be changed. to reclose at Raichur end. 38/II/5 400kV 27-10-2014 RamagundamHyderabad line4 Line tripped on Bphase to earth fault. Line did not auto reclose at Hyderabad end due to PLCCmal-operation. 39/I/2 Tripping of 400Kv GhanapurMamidipally line 22-12-14 Due to PLCC Mal-operation at HYD S/S end, at 10:52 hrs, DT received at MMPLY end and line got 24-12-14 at tripped. 11:32 hrs, 24-12-14 at 16:16 hrs PGCIL / KPTCL Planned to replace the PLCC system within a week's time at NTPC/ both the ends during the shutdown. PGCIL PGCIL is requested check up with the manufacturer to resolve the issue and submit remedial measures to PCSC forum. Yet to be informed Pending Yet to be informed. Pending PGCIL/ Mail received on 26-05-2015 from TSTRANSCO: Pending TSTRANSCO On 27-12-2014 PGCIL requested to arrange services of OEM(Manufacturer)for identifying the problem. TSTRANSCO arranged the same on 06-01-2015 and the manufacturer testing and concluded that the problem in not in the newly erected digital protection coupler at both ends and the issue is related to relay panel at Ghanapur. [OEM minutes enclosed] 40/II/3 Tripping of 01-01-2015 400 at kV 13:38 hrs TALAGUPPA – HASSAN line On account of R-phase to earth fault, line tripped at Hassan end due to operation of distance Zone-2 and non-receipt of carrier. From D.R of Talaguppa end it is observed that fault had occurred in Yphase. 1. PGCIL and KPTCL to ascertain the reason for the PGCIL/ phase discrepancy in the relay operation and take suitable KPTCL remedial measures. 42/II/1 Tripping of 19-02-2015 400kV Coastal- at Tuticorin PS 16:37 hrs line Line tripped at Coastal end only due to suspected PLCC maloperation and was holding from Tuticorin PS end. Running Unit at Coastal energen also got tripped during the event. PLCC end-to-end testing shall be carried out by CEPL and Tuticorin PS (PGCIL-SR II) by 06.04.2015. 42/II/1 Multiple 8 tripping at Raichur thermal power station of KPCL 400kV Raichur TPS-Raichur(PG) line1&2, 400kV Raichur-Mahboobnagar, Unit#7 and ICT-2 at RTPS tripped during the incident. B phase to earth fault had occurred in 400kV Raichur TPS-Raichur line-1 1. KPCL to review REF setting (DMT or IDMTL) for unit-7 KPCL/TSTR Mail received on 26-05-2015 from TSTRANSCO: Pending by first week of April, 2015 and ANSCO/PGC It is found that the main-2 ABB make REL316 type distance relay was inform the same to PCSC forum. IL (SR-I) defective and same was replaced with MICOM P444 by M/s.PGCIL on 23.042. TSTRANSCO to furnish Mehaboobnagar’s DR and EL 2015. After replacement of main-II, DR can be extracted from this relay. For EL and the reasons for distance relay in to service, some field winding is pending which is being taken up in this operation at their end within a week’s time. month. 09-03-2015 at 06:36 hrs 2. KPTCL to check the PLCC operation at Talaguppa end and submit the report to the PCSC forum. 3. PGCIL (SR-I) to rectify the issues relating to A/R operation, relay reach (Z2), reverse reach (Z4) and SOTF auxiliary contacts within a week’s time, and submit the actions taken to PCSC forum. Page 16 of 18 Mail received on 27-05-2015 (KPTCL) & 29-07-2015: End to end testing of PLCC has been done and problem in the PLCC is atttended. Phase discripancy in the relay operation is to be checked jointly. Mail recieved on 02-09-2015: Problem is in identification of phases at Talguppa end. To be rectified by M/s KPTCL. CEPL/ Mail received on 02-09-2015 and 25-11-2015: PGCIL(SR-II) On 11.06.2015 PLCC testing carried out by M/s ABB Engineer. ABB suspects that the problem is with frequency interference related issue, and suggested to change to new frequecies. Pending Pending with CEPL Annexure-IV 43/II/1 Multiple 2 tripping at 400kV Raichur(PG) and RTPS of KPCL 11-04-2015at 400kV Raichur(PG)-Gooty line-2, 18:04 hrs 400kV Raichur TPS-Raichur(PG) line-1&2, 400kV RaichurMahboobnagar, Unit#5 at RTPS tripped during the incident KPCL, KPTCL and PGCIL (SR-I) to furnish the action KPCL/KPTC Yet to be informed taken report on the L/ PGCIL(SRrecommendations given by PSAG members held at Raichur I) on 22-04-2015 and 23-04-2015. Pending 44/I/3 Tripping of (GD) Unit 1 at NCTPS 24-05-2015 at 19:13 hrs ID Fan trip 1. All Tripped units, viz., Krishnapatinam, MEPL, Raichur, NCTPS to submit a detailed report on this event including the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. Tripping of Unit 1 at MEPL 24-05-2015 at 19:13 hrs Coal Mill tripped Pending with KPCL, APGENC O Tripping of 24-05-2015 Unit 1 at at 19:17 hrs Krishnapatnam Generator Protection operated Tripping of 24-05-2015 Unit-8 at RTPS at 19:19 hrs Tripped on Overvoltage. 45/I/2 Complete (GD) outage of MEPL power station 20-05-2015 at 20:38 hrs 47/I/2 Complete 08-09-2015 (GD) outage of at 18:20 hrs Krishnapatnam TPS Y phase CT failure at MEPL led to tripping of 400kV NPS-MEPL, 400kV SEPL-MEPL line and Unit-2 at MEPL. Uni-1 was not in service at the time of tripping 2. KPCL to check the excitation system of Unit 8 of RTPS, and submit the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. 1. MEPL to ensure healthiness of all CT’s by carrying out Tan Delta and DGA tests wherever necessary. 2. MEPL to take suitable action to correct the operation of tie-CB Bay Control Unit that caused LBB/ BBP operation. 3. PGCIL (SR-1) to carry out end-to-end PLCC testing in coordination with MEPL and ensure that carrier-aided protection on MEPL – NPS line is in healthy condition. 4. SEL to properly time-coordinate their Over Current phase and Earth fault relays in consultation with MEPL. KPCL/ MEPL/ APGENCO/ TNEB TANGEDCO vide their mail dated 07.07.2015 informed that as per the discussion and recommendation of 44th meeting of PCSC held on 28.05.2015, a time delay of 2 Sec had been introduced for the above tripping for all the ID fans at NCTPS-II. MEPL vide their mail dated 14.09.2015 informed that they have implemented 2 seconds delay for under voltage tripping of all Drag Chain Feeder Conveyors. And this has been done for both the Units. MEPL/ MEPL vide their mail dated 14.09.2015: informed the following PGCIL(SR-I)/ 1. Tan Delta Testing of winding and DGA of Insulating Oil for all CTs was SEL carried out and normal. 2. Could not find any problem during internal checks hence we are in touch with ABB for rectification work. Will be done by the end of 15th Oct'15 3. End to end testing of Carrier signals was carried out and found them healthy. As per FIR submitted, CT damage observed in 1. APGENCO to furnish to PCSC forum (i) A3-size Single APGENCO/ Yet to be informed Chitoor-Main bay (404). Main breakers Line Diagram of SDSTPS, and (ii) the sequence of PGCIL (SR-I) connected to bus-1 (401, 404, 407, 410) got events with time stamp showing the protection that opened tripped on operation of bus bar protection. Unit- Tie-CB (405) at SDSTPS. 1 tripped on operation of MFT. Unit-2 was not in service 2. APGENCO to review STUB/TEED protection in all dias at SDSTPS and ensure that they are configured for instantaneous operation. 3. APGENCO to properly configure the STATE of the tripping events so that they get recorded appropriately like TRIP/ OPERATED in their corresponding Event Loggers. 4. APGENCO to ensure time sync of all DR’s and EL’s at SDSTPS. 5. PGCIL (SR-I) to provide line differential protection for 400 kV NPS –Nellore-PG lines 1 & 2. Page 17 of 18 Pending Pending Annexure-IV 47/II/7 Tripping of 31-07-2015 220kV Kadra- at Karwar line11:44 hrs 1&2 and 220kV Kaiga-Kadra line 220kV KAdra-Karwar lines-1&2 tripped on earth fault in B-phase in zone-2. Kaiga-Kadra line tripped at Kaiga end only on operation of directional eath fault protection. 1. KPTCL/ KPCL to see the possibility of implementing Weak Infeed logic with Echo feature enabled by Under Voltage (27) element on Kadra-Karwar lines 1 &2, and implement the same if feasible. KPTCL/ KPCL/ NPCIL Yet to be informed Pending 2. NPCIL to time-coordinate Kaiga’s DEFR settings with (i) Zone-2 settings at Kaiga, and (ii) primary protections of the lines emanating from Kadra and Kodasalli. 3. KPCL to ensure time-sync of EL’s, and healthiness of the Fault Locators at Kadra. 47/II/9 Tripping of 03-08-2015 400kV Coastal- at NTPL line and 15:43 hrs running units at NTPL R-phase to earth fault had occurred in 400 kV Coastal NTPL line. Line autoreclosed at NTPL end and failed to reclose at Coatal end. Auto reclose block was persisting due to PLCC channel fail. Also running Units-1&2 at NTPL tripped on operation of GT differential protection. NTPL/ CEPL Yet to be informed Pending 48/III/ Tripping of 11 400 kV Kurnool – Srisailam line Tripped at both ends on Y-Phase to ground 1. TSGENCO/ APTRANSCO to carry-out PLCC end-to-end TSGENCO/ Yet to be informed zone-1fault. Attempt for auto-reclose could not testing in co-ordination with APTRANSCO/ TSGENCO to APTRANSC be established. sort out reception of signals on 400 kV Kurnool – Srisailam O line. Pending 400kV Kurnool-Srisailam line - distance protection zone-2 had operated at Srisailam end. However from DR, R-phase to earth fault and zone-2 start were observed. Breakers at Kurnool end tripped on direct trip receive from Srisailam end. TSGENCO/ Yet to be informed APTRANSC O Pending PGCIL (SR-I) Yet to be informed / KPTCL Pending NLC / PGCIL Yet to be informed (SR-II) Pending 03-10-2015 at 04:40 hrs on 49/II/1 Tripping of 26-10-2015 1 400/220 kV at 14:31 hrs ICT-2 at Kurnool Substation and 400kV KurnoolSrisailam line 50/II/8 Tripping of 12-11-2015 400kV Gooty- at 00:20 hrs Nelamangala line ICT-2 Main-CB tripped due to operation of bus bar protection, and Tie-CB tripped due to DT receipt from Srisailam 1. NTPL to ensure (i) proper DATE settings, and (ii) timesync with GPS for DR and EL at NTPL. 2. CEPL to furnish remedial measures taken regarding PLCC channel failure. 1.TSGENCO in coordination with APTRANSCO to carry out end-to-end testing of PLCC channels by 15.12.2015 on 400 kV Srisailam – Kurnool S/C line and 400 kV Srisailam – Sattenapalli D/C line. 2. TSGENCO and APTRANSCO to make A/R functional on 400 kV Srisailam – Kurnool line. 3. TSGENCO to resolve configuration problems with the newly commissioned relays at Srisailam LB so that unwarranted DT sending to remote ends is addressed. R-phase to earth fault had occurred in Line. 1. For Gooty –Nelamangala line, PGCIL (SR-I) and Line did not auto-reclose from both ends. It KPTCL to provide 3-ph trip logic at their respective ends was mentioned that Y&B pole breakers at upon detection of PLCC link failure during dead-time of Neelamangala tripped on operation of pole A/R operation. discrepancy and backup impedence protection 2. PGCIL (SR-I) to make GPS functional at Gooty SS, and for line reactor got operated. ensure time-sync of various DR’s and EL’s with it (GPS). 3. PGCIL (SR-I) /KPTCL to furnish reason for the operation of Backup impedance protection of the line reactor at Nelamangala end and the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. 50/II/1 Tripping of 14-11-2015 1 400kV Neyveli at 4:01 hrs TS2-Pugalur line Line tripped on operation of over voltage NLC to configure DT receipt event from Pugalur for protection at Pugalur end. However from DR it triggering DR and EL at NLC TPS II. was observed that the voltages were below the PGCIL (SR-II) to check drop-off to pick-up ratio of OVR O/v stg-1 threshold limits relay at Pugalur and configure its operation as per SRPC provided OVR gradings. Page 18 of 18 Annexure-V Pending Remedial Measures/ Actions taken for the Critical Tripping Incidents (as on 11-02-2016) Outage date/time 03-11400/220 kV ICT-2 AT KAIGA 2015/08:26: 00 Sl.No. Element Name 1 Revival date/time 03-112015/09:49: 00 Reason for Outage TRIPPED ON DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION Sender/ Receiver KAPS Remedial Measures/ Actions taken To-be-discussed 2 400 Kv NCTPS - SVCTM-I 04-1204-12TRIPPED ON B-PH TANGEDCO / 2015/03:54: 2015/04:58: FAULT TANTRANSCO 00 00 TANTRANSCO/TANGEDCO : Temporary fault. AR lockout at both ends. No visible fault and feeder normalised on 04.12.2015 at 04:58 hrs. 3 400 kV TRIVENDRUM TIRUNELVELI 1 11-122015/04:56: 00 PGCIL (SR-II): A/R scheme will be tested at Trivandrum End in Feb end. 4 400/220 kV ICT-2 AT CHITTOOR 11-1211-12BUCHOLZ RELAY APTRANSCO 2015/07:12: 2015/16:23: OPERATION 00 00 To-be-discussed 13-1214-12Y-PH LA BLAST @ 2015/22:42: 2015/17:33: TANTRANSCO THVLM END 00 00 TANTRANSCO: 3-Phase Trip at Alamathy due to B-phase LA failure. At Thiruvalam end, Direct Trip received from Alamathy. 5 400 KV ALAMATHI THIRUVALLAM-1 B-N FAULT Page 1 of 8 PGCIL (SR-II) Annexure-V 6 400 kV ALAMATHI VALLUR 2 7 400 kV MYSORE KOZHIKODE 1 8 400 kV KALPAKKA VEMAGIRI 2 9 220 kV AMBEWADI PONDA 1 10 11 TANTRANSCO: 3-Phase Trip at Alamathy end due to Direct 13-1218-12Trip received from Vallur for Y-PH LA BLAST @ 2015/22:42: 2015/08:58: TANTRANSCO / NTECL the failure of B phase LA at THVLM END 00 00 400kV Alamathy - Thiruvalam feeder at Alamathy SS. 25-1225-122015/13:40: 2015/13:59: Y-N FAULT 00 00 31-12CONCDUCTOR 2015/09:06: SNAPPING 00 PGCIL (SR-II) PGCIL (SR-II): Tripped during OPGW stringing works. APTRANSCO To-be-discussed 01-0101-012016/13:30: 2016/13:50: DFR ACTED 00 00 KPTCL KPTCL: Suspected high resistive transient fault, the line tripped on DEFR. Stood OK after test charging. 765 KV RAICHUR SHOLAPUR 2 02-012016/10:46: 00 PGCIL (SR-I) / PGCIL (WR-I) To-be-discussed 400 Kv SATTENAPALLI SRISAILAM 1 03-012016/23:58: 00 CONDUCTER SNAPPING DISTANCE PROTECTION APTRANSCO / TSGENCO TSGENCO: Auto reclose was disabled at Srisailam end for all (5) 400kV feeders. APTRANSCO: 12 400 Kv PALLAKAD TRICHUR 1 04-0104-01PLCC 2016/18:28: 2016/18:38: MALOPERATION PGCIL (SR-II) 00 00 AT TRICHUR END Page 2 of 8 To-be-discussed Annexure-V 13 14 15 400 kV RAMAGUNDAM N'SAGAR 2 HVDC GAJUWAKA POLE 1 07-0107-01REPLAY 2016/21:07: 2016/21:32: MALOPERATION 00 00 @ RGDM END 12-0112-012016/21:28: 2016/22:33: DUE TO LOW DC 00 00 12-0112-01TRIPPED DUE TO 400/220 kV ICT-2 AT GOOTY 2016/16:27: 2016/17:10: DIFF RELAY 00 00 MALOPERATION Page 3 of 8 NTPC / PGCIL (SR-I) PGCIL (SR-I): The line was holding from N'Sagar end. As informed by NTPC, the line tripped at RDM end only due to mal-operation of L/O relay. NTPC: Direct trip was received and lockout relay has acated. PLCC levels were checked and found ok. PGCIL (SR-I) PGCIL (SR-I): Tripped due to Low east bus voltage during tripping of 400kV JeyporeGajuwaka -2 Line. System fault beyong control of POWERGRID PGCIL (SR-I) PGCIL (SR-I): Tripped on maloperation of differential protection P543. The same is being taken up with OEM, M/s Alstom. Annexure-V 16 17 400 kV JEYPORE GAZUWAKA 2 400 kV JEYPORE GAZUWAKA 1 12-0112-01TRIPPED DUE TO Y-PGCIL (ER-I) / PGCIL 2016/21:28: 2016/22:21: N FAULT (SR-I) 00 00 PGCIL (SR-I): Tripped on Y-N fault. A/R attempted but unsuccesful due to persistant fault. The thourough patrolling of line carried out and no abnormality found. Heavy fog and mist observed on the day of tripping may be the reason for fault. 12-0112-012016/03:10: 2016/04:17: R-N FAULT 00 00 PGCIL(SR-I): Tripped on R-N fault. A/R attempted but unsuccesful due to persistant fault. The thourough patrolling of line carried out and no abnormality found. Heavy fog and mist observed on the day of tripping may be the reason for fault. Page 4 of 8 PGCIL (ER-I) / PGCIL (SR-I) Annexure-V 18 400 kV JEYPORE GAZUWAKA 1 19 400 kV GUTTUR NARENDRA 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 12-012016/04:24: 00 17-012016/18:53: 00 17-01400 kV GUTTUR 2016/18:53: NARENDRA 2 00 17-01400 kV GUTTUR - HIRIYUR 2 2016/18:53: 00 17-01400/220 kV ICT-1 AT 2016/18:53: GUTTUR 00 17-01400/220 kV ICT-2 AT 2016/18:53: GUTTUR 00 17-01400 kV KAIGA - GUTTUR 2 2016/18:53: 00 17-01400 kV GUTTUR - HIRIYUR 1 2016/18:53: 00 17-012016/20:25: 00 17-012016/20:28: 00 17-012016/20:08: 00 17-012016/19:55: 00 17-012016/19:58: 00 R-N FAULT PGCIL (ER-I) / PGCIL (SR-I) PGCIL(SR-I): Tripped on R-N fault. A/R attempted but unsuccesful due to persistant fault. The thourough patrolling of line carried out and no abnormality found. Heavy fog and mist observed on the day of tripping may be the reason for fault. BUS FAULT AT GUTOOR KPTCL / PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed BUS FAULT AT GUTOOR KPTCL / PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed BUS FAULT AT GUTOOR KPTCL / PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed BUS FAULT AT GUTOOR KPTCL To-be-discussed BUS FAULT AT GUTOOR KPTCL To-be-discussed BUS GAULT AT GUTOOR KAPS / KPTCL To-be-discussed B-N FAULT KPTCL / PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed Page 5 of 8 Annexure-V 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 18-012016/12:46: 00 19-01400/230 kV ICT-2 AT 2016/11:57: MADURAI 00 19-01400/230 kV ICT-1 AT 2016/11:57: MADURAI 00 20-01400 kV NELAMANGALA 2016/15:14: HOODY 2 00 20-01400 Kv RAICHUR - YTPS 2016/12:20: 00 20-01400/220 kV ICT-2 AT HOODY 2016/06:14: 00 24-01400/220 kV ICT-1 AT 2016/09:15: CHITTOOR 00 25-01400 Kv SHANKARPALLY2016/13:56: MAMIDIPALLY 00 26-01400 Kv IL&FS 2016/13:03: NAGAPATTANAM-1 00 28-01400 kV MYSORE 2016/12:53: KOZHIKODE 1 00 28-01220 kV AMBEWADI 2016/14:01: PONDA 2 00 400/220 kV ICT-1 AT MUNIRABAD 18-012016/13:26: 00 19-012016/12:46: 00 19-012016/12:48: 00 20-012016/15:36: 00 20-012016/14:51: 00 20-012016/09:30: 00 25-012016/16:00: 00 26-012016/13:23: 00 28-012016/13:18: 00 28-012016/19:20: 00 TRIPPED WHILE TESTING PGCIL (SR-I) BREAKER BUS BAR OPERATED AT 220 PGCIL (SR-II) KV S/S BUS BAR OPERATED AT 220 PGCIL (SR-II) KV S/S To-be-discussed To-be-discussed To-be-discussed TRIPPED DUE TO PDR KPTCL To-be-discussed MAL OPERATION OF RELAY KPCL To-be-discussed TRIPPED KPTCL To-be-discussed DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION APTRANSCO To-be-discussed DT RECEIVED TRIPPED AT SKPLY END TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed R-N FAULT IL&FS / PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed B - N FAULT PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed DISTANCE PROTECTION KPTCL / GOA To-be-discussed Page 6 of 8 Annexure-V 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 28-01400 Kv KRISHNAPATNAM 2016/17:07: CHITTOOR -1 00 29-01400 kV HNPCL- KALPAKKA 2016/11:02: 1 00 31-01220 kV AMBEWADI 2016/14:05: PONDA 2 00 31-01220 kV AMBEWADI 2016/14:00: PONDA 1 00 31-01400 Kv VTPS - MALKARAM 2016/14:23: 2 00 01-02400 kV CHITTOOR - SPDR 2016/09:55: 00 01-02400 kV GUTTUR 2016/12:06: NARENDRA 2 00 01-02400 kV VIJAYAWADA 2016/12:57: NELLORE 1 00 01-02400 kV VIJAYAWADA 2016/06:30: NELLORE 2 00 02-02400 kV KHAMMAM 2016/07:18: KALPAKKA 2 00 28-01RELAY 2016/17:20: MALOPERATION 00 BUS -1 TRIPPED DURING E S/D BY AP 01-022016/10:40: 00 01-022016/12:33: 00 01-022016/18:49: 00 01-022016/06:32: 00 02-022016/15:12: 00 APGENCO / APTRANSCO To-be-discussed APGENCO / APTRANSCO To-be-discussed DEF OPERATED KPTCL / GOA To-be-discussed B-N FAULT KPTCL / GOA To-be-discussed R-N FAULT APGENCO / TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed L/R PROTECTION OPERATED APTRANSCO / PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed KPTCL / PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed PGCIL (SR-I) To-be-discussed TRANSIENT FAULT PGCIL (SR-I) To-be-discussed INSULATOR FLASH OVER PGCIL (SR-I) / APTRANSCO To-be-discussed TRIPPED AT GTR END MAL OPERTION TRIPPED ON Y_N FAULT 257 KM FROM VJA Page 7 of 8 Annexure-V 47 220 kV IDUKKI UDUMALPET 03-0203-02TRIPPED ON B-PH 2016/11:54: 2016/12:19: KSEB / TANTRANSCO FAULT 00 00 TANTRANSCO: AR successful at Udumalpet end. Feeder tied at Idukki end on 03.02.2016 at 12:19 hrs. KSEB: 48 400 kV MYSORE KOZHIKODE 2 04-0204-02TRIPPED WHILE 2016/12:24: 2016/13:07: CARRYING OPGW PGCIL (SR-II) 00 00 WORKS To-be-discussed 49 400/220 kV ICT-3 AT RAICHUR 05-0205-02TRIPPED DUE TO 2016/03:01: 2016/05:24: TRIPPING OF RCR- KPCL 00 00 SEDAM LINE To-be-discussed 50 400 Kv NTPL - TTRNPS 51 400 kV VEMAGIRI - GVK (JPD) 1 52 400 kV VEMAGIRI - GMR 2 05-022016/11:47: 00 07-022016/21:20: 00 09-022016/12:57: 00 05-02HOT SPOT @ NTPL 2016/13:05: NTPL / PGCIL (SR-II) END 00 TRIPPED ON RELAY MAL APTRANSCO / GVK OPERATION 09-02RELAY 2016/14:04: APTRANSCO / GMR MALOPERATION 00 Page 8 of 8 To-be-discussed To-be-discussed To-be-discussed Annexure- VI COASTAL ENERGEN PVT. LTD 7th Floor Buhari Towers. 4, Moores Road. Chonnai - 600 006. INDIA. Tel: +91 4442964296. Fax: +91 4442964297. 07 Jan 2016 Energen/POSOCOI07-2016 To. ~Executive Director Southern Region Load Dispatch Center 29 , Race Course Cross Road Bangalore - 560 009 Dear Sir. Sub: Const r aint s in transmitting full output from 2x600 MW Coastal Enerqen's Mutiara The rmal Power Plant - Approval -r eg Ref . . Mirutes of the Meeting "2x 600 MW Mutiara Ther'T1oi Power' Project-Permission for Synchronizatio~ and declaration of COD of unit _2" held in CEA on 11.12.2015 We thank SRLDC for permitting Energen to Synchronize the Unit # 2 on 26th Dec 2015 and to go for full load on 2nd Jan 2016 . As per MOM under reference, it is ind icat ed that the totol power evacuation from t his complex should not exceed 1350 MW. In view of this. with both the units of NTPL runn ing full and exporting 950 MW, Energen can export only 450MW as against 1100 MW. Coastol Energen has a lready given a commitment to CEA that work of dedi cated TI'onsmissior. system will be completed within six months . · O~ders hove been placed on f1/..'s Unitech Power transmission Ltd for Construction of Transmiss ion Lines with 0 compler .on period of six months. As inf or med earlier, orders have been placed on MIs ABB f o' Construction of two nos of 400 KV bays at Tuticorin POWERGRID Pooling Station with a completion period of si x months and they have started the work. Running of. both Units at full capacity is necessary to supply power and also to -service the . loans and interesfto 18 banks which have funded the project. As inoicct ed in the. attached dmqrom, to r est r ict the Power flow in NTPL Bus to the e xtent of 13!50 MW and to maintain Grid s ta bilit y Coastal Er>erqen propose to implement the followinq with the concurrence of SRLDC '/SRPC:- Page 1 of 3 Annexure- VI Page 2 of 3 Annexure- VI Page 3 of 3