4`th Golden Digital Salon 2014 Calendar Conditions of Entry

Næstved Fotoklub (Naestved Photo Club ) cordially invites photographers from all over
the world, amateurs as well as professionals, to participate in the
4’th Golden Digital Salon 2014
Conducted in accordance with PSA and FIAP requirements.
Closing date:
Public Presentation:
Catalogue posted:
September 15. 2014 (24:00 local time) GMT+1
September 28. 2014
October 12. 2014
November 22+23 2014
December 7. 2014
Conditions of Entry
The Salon is open to anyone, except members of the Salon Committee and members of the jury. However, an
entry may be rejected when the organization, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to
Salon rules and conditions.
Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on
Photographic emulsion and scanned to create a digital file, or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry,
the entrant certifies the work as His/Hers own and permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered
material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the Salon. This may include low
resolution posting on a website. The organizers assume no liability for any misuse of copyright.
Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the entrant, and artwork or computer graphics
created by the entrant may be incorporated, if the photographic content predominates, and if all parts of the photo
have been photographed by the author. The digital photos will not be returned to author.
The submission of entries signifies acceptance of the Conditions of Entry.
The Salon has 2 sections:
C: Colour (open)
M: Monochrome (open)
Each entrant may submit a maximum of four ( 4 ) entries in each section.
Technical requirements:
Format and size:
All entries must be submitted through “The Golden Digital” website: www.the-golden.dk
The image file format is to be JPEG (Color profile sRGB ) Maximum horizontal dimension : 1024 px and
Maximum vertical dimension : 768 px. Resolution : 72 dpi. Maximum file size : 1 MB.
Please check all image sizes before submission, images with sizes smaller/larger than detailed above will be
Entry and filenames:
: No requirements for filenames, please follow the instructions during upload on web-site.
: Image title should be as you would want it to appear in the catalogue, using the Latin alphabet.
The 4’th Golden Digital Salon 2014
Entry Fees
One Section: EURO 20.00 /USD 30.00 / DKK 150.00
Two Sections: EURO 25.00 / USD 35.00 / DKK 200.00
Payment by PayPal after submitting the images via www.the-golden.dk When your submission has been
completed, a confirming e-mail will be sent to you. No other method of payment is possible.
An entrant's four images (in each section) will be presented to the judges consecutively, and the decision of the
judges is final.
Presentation of projected images will be made by multimedia projector with a resolution 1024 x 768 px
Panel of judges :
C: Colour Section :
Carlo Pedersen, EFIAP; ESDF; ESSDF - Denmark
Torkil Michelsen EFIAP; MSDF - Denmark
Johnny B. Dyg EFIAP; ESDF; HonSDF - Denmark
M: Monochrome Section:
Ove Lyngsie - Denmark
Søren Skov EFIAP,S; MSDF,S – Denmark
Peter Johansen - Denmark
Monochrome definition:
FIAP: A black and white work fitting from the very dark grey (black) to the very clear grey
(white) is a monochrome work with the various shades of grey.
A black and white work toned entirely in a single colour will remain a monochrome
work able to stand in the black and white category; such a work can be reproduced in
black and white in the catalogue of a salon under FIAP Patronage.
On the other hand a black and white work modified by a partial toning or by the
addition of one colour becomes a colour work (polychrome) to stand in the colour
category; such a work requires colour reproduction in the catalogue of a salon under
FIAP Patronage.
PSA : A monochrome image is defined as having varying shades of no more than one color
(various shades of that color from very light to very dark) but it may be any single color. Multi
- toned images (various shades of two or more colors) and greyscale images with added an
accent color are not acceptable in Monochrome Class sections and must be entered in Color
Class sections
Each entrant will, free of charge, receive a high quality salon catalogue on DVD suitable for PC/MAC computers including 8 pages (10x10 cm) booklet.
Previous exhibition catalogue was awarded 3S star from FIAP
The 4’th Golden Digital Salon 2014
In each section will be awarded:
1 x PSA Gold Medal
1 x FIAP Gold Medal
1 x PSA Silver Medal
1 x FIAP Silver Medal
1 x PSA Bronze Medal
1 x FIAP Bronze Medal
1 x SDF Gold Medal
1 x SDF Silver Medal
1 x SDF Bronze Medal
1 x GOLDEN Gold Medal
1 x GOLDEN Silver Medal
1 x GOLDEN Bronze Medal
2 x PSA Ribbon
5 x FIAP Ribbon
5 x SDF Diploma
5 x GOLDEN Diploma
7 x GOLDEN Silver Medals
Best Humour; Best Essay; Best Action; Best Act; Best Nature; Best Landscape; Best Portrait
1 x GOLDEN Silver Medal Best Author each section
1 x GOLDEN Bronze Medal Best Danish Author each section
Best Author 4’th Golden Digital Salon awards :
FIAP Blue Badge - Best Author both sections
1 x GOLDEN Gold Medal Best Author both sections
1 x GOLDEN Silver Medal Best Danish Author both sections
A total of 81 possible awards in this Salon
Acceptances will be eligible for FIAP Awards and the PSA Star Ratings (PID).
PSA : An image that was accepted in a prior CPID or EID recognized section of this exhibition may not
be entered in a PID recognized Color section of this exhibition.
The 4’th Golden Digital Salon 2014
Salon website
Salon e-mail
: www.the-golden.dk
: thegoldendigital@gmail.com
: Tage Klee, Denmark
: Freddie Hansen, Denmark, EFIAP, MSDF, ESFIAP
: Mariann Jensen Düring, Denmark, ASDF, AFIAP
: Mogens Hansen, Denmark
The Salon has received the following recognitions :
FIAP Patronage 2014/171 - Electronic Imaging Division.
PSA recognition - Projected Image Division
SDF recognition No. 2014/05
The 4’th Golden Digital Salon 2014