APPLICATION 2016-2017 CHILD’S NAME .............................................Date of birth .….......…................. Brookline Hingham Newton/Bernice B. Godine Male Female Sharon/Gilson Parent/Guardian Information Parent/Guardian 2 Parent/Guardian Information Parent/Guardian 1 This will be the mailing address of record for contract and payment information. Name................................................................. Name................................................................. Street address...................................................... Street address...................................................... City, state, zip ..................................................... City, state, zip ..................................................... Home phone number ........................................... Home phone number ........................................... Cell phone number .............................................. Cell phone number .............................................. Business name ..................................................... Business name ..................................................... Business phone number ........................................ Business phone number ........................................ Email address ...................................................... Email address ...................................................... MEMBERSHIP: All families enrolled in the ELC are members of the JCC from the first day of their child’s attendance. If parents/ guardians have different mailing addresses, we enter the name and address of Parent 1, and also the name of the second parent/ guardian (but not all members of the second household) for the purposes of membership. Please see your school director with questions. PAYMENT: If person responsible for payment is different from parent/guardian 1, please include the following information: Name ............................................................................................................................................... Address ..................................................................Phone................................................................. Additional Child Information Please note primary language of the child and/or parent(s), if other than English: ............................................. Siblings also attending JCC Early Learning Centers: Name Date of birth 1 2 3 It is helpful to us and our funders to know about the families we are serving. Please describe your family: Jewish (including Jewish by birth, parentage, Interfaith relationship or self-definition) Other Prefer not to answer If you were referred by current ELC family, please list name.......................................................................... Everyone welcome. BOSTON JCC For office use: Child IMIS #_____________ page 2 Program Site: Newton/Bernice B. Godine Child’s name………………………………………...............… Date of birth .…..........….. Male Female FULL YEAR 8am • 12 months September 6 – August 25 • Includes school vacation weeks and holidays Infant (6 weeks-14months) (Full Year option only) 5 days .............. 8am-4pm .............. 8am-6pm Toddlers (15 months-2.8 years) 2 days .............. T Th 8am-4pm ...... 3 days .............. M W F 8am-4pm .. 5 days .............. 8am-4pm .............. T Th 8am-6pm M W F 8am-6pm 8am-6pm Preschool (2.9-4 years) 5 days .............. 8am-4pm .............. 8am-6pm Early Drop-Off M ..........7:30am T............7:30am W..........7:30am Th..........7:30am F............7:30am Pre-K (child will be eligible for Kindergarten by September 1, 2017) 5 days .............. 8am-4pm .............. 8am-6pm Summer Option Pending space availability, you may choose to come for the summer before the full year begins. Please see your ELC director for more information and availability. If you choose this option, you will receive a separate summer contract. Yes, I am interested in the summer option before the full year begins in September 2016. SCHOOL YEAR 9am • 10 months September 6 – June 22 • Does not include school vacation weeks and holidays Toddlers (15 months-2.8 years) 2 days ..............T Th 9am-1pm 3 days ..............M W F 9am-1pm 5 days ..............9am-1pm Preschool (2.9-4 years) 5 days ..............9am-1pm Early Drop-Off and Extended Day Options M.... T ..... W ... Th ... F ..... 7:30am.... 7:30am.... 7:30am.... 7:30am.... 7:30am.... until until until until until 4pm.... 4pm.... 4pm.... 4pm.... 4pm.... until until until until until 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm Pre-K (child will be eligible for Kindergarten by September 1, 2017) 5 days ..............9am-2pm JCC CAMP OPTIONS FOR 4 YEAR OLDS We invite you to explore JCC Camp options including JCC Kaleidoscope Arts & Science Camp in Newton or JCC Grossman Camp in Dover. Bus transportation for Grossman is available from the Leventhal-Sidman JCC. Please see your director for more information. Enrollment details will be available in January. This application is the first part of the registration process. A non-refundable deposit of $400 (made payable to Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston) must be submitted with this application, $350 of which is applied to tuition and $50 to administrative fees. Deposits are transferable only from one JCC Early Learning Center to another for the same child in the same year. You will receive a contract with options for tuition payment in early spring 2016, and your first payment will be due by July 1. Tuition includes a family membership at the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston. Thank you for choosing the JCC Early Learning Centers. Parent/guardian signature .....................................................................................Date...................................................... Print name ........................................................................................................................................................................