December 8, 2015 minutes

Corporation of the City of Cambridge
Planning and Development Committee Meeting
No. 9-15
Council Chambers, Historic City Hall, Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Council Members in Attendance: Mayor Craig; Councillors Mann (Ward 3); Adshade (Ward
6); Ermeta (Ward 8); Devine (Ward 2); and Liggett (Ward 4); Councillor Reid (Ward 1) in the
Regrets: Councillor Wolf (Ward 5) and Monteiro (Ward 7).
Staff Members in Attendance: Hardy Bromberg, Deputy City Manager Development &
Infrastructure; Dennis Purcell, Chief Building Official; Elaine Brunn Shaw, City Planner; Bryan
Cooper, Senior Planner, Justin Armstrong, Manager of Development Engineering, Sarah Austin,
Project Engineer, Judy Boudreau, Administrative Assistant; Michael Di Lullo, City Clerk.
Others in Attendance: Approximately 25 members of the public.
Page: Brandon McWilliams
Meeting Called to Order
The regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the Corporation of the City
of Cambridge was held in Council Chambers on the third floor of 46 Dickson Street, Cambridge,
Ontario. Councillor Reid welcomed everyone present and called the meeting to order at 7:01
p.m. and the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Disclosure of Interest
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.
Public Meeting “A” - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft
Plan of Subdivisions 30T-12103 (Hunt Club Valley Inc.) (Ward 1)
Bryan Cooper, Senior Planner, re: Public Meeting A - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-Law
Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivisions 30T-12103 (Hunt Club Valley Inc.) (Ward 1).
Mr. Cooper stated that Notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act. Using a
PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Cooper discussed the following in detail: Site Location for the two
subdivisions; Additional land to be added to Draft Plan 30T-12103 for a Storm Water
Management Block and Noise Barrier Purposes; and Recommendation to accept the revised
draft plan of subdivision for the 0.69 hectare portion to form the storm water management block
and noise attenuation berm separating the proposed residential subdivision 30T-12103 and
abutting industrial land use. A copy of Mr. Cooper’s presentation is on file in the Clerk’s
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The Chair asked if there was anyone present that would like to speak to the Public Meeting “A”.
No one came forward.
The Chair declared Public Meeting “A” closed at 7:07 p.m.
Item 14
Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivisions, 30T-12103
(Hunt Club Valley Inc.) and 30T-12104 (Arriscraft International/General Shale) (Ward 1)
Presentations Continued
Bryan Cooper, Senior Planner, re: Item 14, Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and
Draft Plan of Subdivisions, 30T-12103 (Hunt Club Valley Inc.) and 30T-12104 (Arriscraft
International/General Shale).
Using a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Cooper discussed the following in detail: Subject
Subdivisions; Design Concept; Draft Plan 30T-12103 (Hunt Club); Draft Plan 30T-12104
(Arriscraft International/General Shale); Proposed Official Plan Amendment; Proposed Zoning
By-law Amendment; Considerations – Environmental, Land Use Compatibility, Public
Submissions; and Recommendations. A copy of Mr. Cooper’s presentation is on file in the
Clerk’s Division.
Sarah Austin, Project Engineer, re: Item 12, Hunt Club Sanitary Pumping Station Municipal
Class Environmental Assessment.
Using a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Austin discussed the following in detail: Location; Cost
Estimates; Phase 1 Servicing Costs; and Recommendations. A copy of Ms. Austin’s
presentation is on file in the Clerk’s Division.
Chris Pidgeon, G.S.P. Group, on behalf of Hunt Club Arriscraft (General Shale), re: Item 14,
Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivisions 30T-12103
(Hunt Club Valley Inc.) and 30T-12104 (Arriscraft International/General Shale (Ward 1).
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Using a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Pidgeon discussed the following in detail: Public
Consultation; Arriscraft International Existing Conditions; Existing Estate Residences; Gravel Pit
Licenses to be Closed; Significant Natural Heritage Features; Key Components; Industrial
Noise; Briardean Road Residences; Complete Idelwild Subdivision; Protect Middle Creek Valley
Corridor; Pond and Weir; New Mixed Use Neighbourhood; Mixed Use Main Street; Adult
Lifestyle Community; Neighbourhood Plan; Phasing; Proposed Amendments; and Conclusions.
A copy of Mr. Pidgeon’s presentation is on file in the Clerk’s Division.
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Councillor Devine
Councillor Liggett
THAT Item 14, Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of
Subdivisions 30T-12103 (Hunt Club Valley Inc.) and 30T-12104 (Arriscraft International/General
Shale (Ward 1), be deferred to the December 15, 2015 Council meeting.
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Councillor Adshade
Mayor Craig
THAT Cambridge Council adopts Official Plan Amendment No. 12 to designate the lands with
site specific policies to permit the development of the lands for low/medium density residential,
high density residential and business / prestige industrial land uses as set out in draft plans of
subdivision 30T-12103 and 30T-12104;
AND THAT Cambridge Council approves the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone
the subject lands from A1 Agricultural; (E)A1 s. 4.1.51 and s. 4.1.175 Agricultural and Mineral
Aggregate Resource Area; OS1 Open Space; R1 Residential; (E)R1 Residential and Mineral
Aggregate Resource Area; and (E)M6 s. 4.1.17 General Industrial (including an asphalt or
concrete batching plant) and Mineral Aggregate Resource Area, to (H)R1 Residential; (H)R1 s.
4.1.303F Residential; (H)R4 s 4.1.303C Residential; (H)R5 s 4.1.303C Residential; (H)R6 s
4.1.303C Residential; (H)RM3 s 4.1.303A Multiple Residential; (H)RM3 s 4.1.303E Multiple
Residential; (H)RM3 s 4.1.303H Multiple Residential; (H)RM3/CS5 s 4.1.303B Mixed Use
Residential/Commercial; (H)RM4 s 4.1.303D Multiple Residential; (H)N1R6 s 4.1.303C
Institutional/Residential; OS1 Open Space; OS4 Open Space; M2 s 4.1.303G General
Industrial; and M3 s 4.1.17 General Industrial;
AND THAT the amending Zoning By-law be enacted without further notice in accordance with
Section 34(17) of the Planning Act (RSO, 1990, c.P.13) irrespective of the extent of any
changes made to the proposed By-law since the public meeting of April 29th 2013;
AND THAT Cambridge Council accept the revised draft Plan of subdivision showing the
additional 0.69 hectare (1.70 acre) portion of land that is to form part of the storm water
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management block and noise attenuation berm separating the proposed residential subdivision
30T-12103 and abutting industrial land use;
AND THAT Cambridge Council advise the Regional Municipality of Waterloo that the City of
Cambridge recommends draft approval for the plan of subdivision file No. 30T- 12103, subject to
the conditions as set out in Attachment No. 5 attached to Report 15- 092 (PLN);
AND FURTHER THAT Cambridge Council advise the Regional Municipality of Waterloo that the
City of Cambridge recommends draft approval for the plan of subdivision file No. 30T- 12104,
subject to the conditions as set out in Attachment No. 6 attached to Report 15- 092(PLN).
The Chair declared a recess at 8:00 p.m. and reconvened at 8:13 p.m.
Item 12
Hunt Club Sanitary Pumping Station Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Ward
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Councillor Devine
Councillor Ermeta
THAT Staff Report TPW 39/15 regarding the Hunt Club Sanitary Pumping Station Class
Environmental Assessment be received;
AND THAT the preferred alternative of the Hunt Club Sanitary Pumping Station Class
Environmental Assessment be approved;
AND THAT Staff be directed to publish the Notice of Study Completion and make the project file
available for public review for the statutory 30 day review period;
AND THAT Staff be directed to further investigate funding.
Consent Procedure
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Mayor Craig
Councillor Adshade
That all items listed under the heading of Public Consent Agenda for Tuesday, December 8,
2015, Public Meeting Agenda be adopted as recommended.
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Items #
Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, September 17, 2015
THAT the minutes of the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting held on
Thursday, September 17, 2015, be considered for errors and omissions.
Core Areas Revitalization Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, April 8, 2015
THAT the minutes of the Core Areas Revitalization Advisory Committee Meeting held on
Wednesday, April 8, be considered for errors and omissions.
Committee of Adjustment Meeting Wednesday, October 21, 2015
THAT the minutes of the Committee of Adjustment Meeting held on Wednesday, October
21, be considered for errors and omissions.
Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, September
30, 2015
THAT the minutes of the Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting held on
Wednesday, September 30, be considered for errors and omissions.
Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, October 28,
THAT the minutes of the Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting held on
Wednesday, October 28, be considered for errors and omissions.
Core Areas Revitalization Advisory Committee (CARAC) 2015Annual Report And
2016 Workplan
THAT Cambridge Council receive the Core Areas Revitalization Advisory Committee
2015 Annual Report as contained in Report No. 15-101 (PLN) for information;
AND THAT the Core Areas Revitalization Advisory Committee requests notification of
projects as identified in Attachment No. 1.
Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment, 42 & 44 Shaw Avenue West, K. Short (Ward
THAT Cambridge Council approves the application to rezone the property located at 42
and 44 Shaw Ave W from C3 to R5 (;
AND THAT the by-law attached to report 15-075 (PLN) be passed at the Council meeting
of December 15, 2015.
65 Concession Street Designation Under Part IV Of The Ontario Heritage Act (Ward
THAT Cambridge City Council (Council) authorize the Clerk to publish a Notice of
Intention to Designate the property municipally known as 65 Concession Street in
accordance with Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act because of its cultural heritage
November 2015 Building Permits Monthly Report
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THAT Council receives Report 15-105 (PLN) as information.
Eastern Industrial Park Planning Study Options (Ward 7)
THAT Cambridge Council receive report 15-103 (PLN) for information;
AND THAT staff be directed to present the proposed options in Attachment 1 to report
15-103(PLN) at a Public Information Centre on January 13, 2016.
January 1, 2016 - Indexing Of Development Charges
THAT the Planning and Development Committee receive report 15-104-PLN for
Hunt Club Sanitary Pumping Station Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
(Ward 1)
This item was pulled and dealt with separately.
Blue Dot Declaration, Unfinished Business – Deferral to Planning and Development
February 9, 2016
This item was pulled and dealt with separately.
Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivisions, 30T12103 (Hunt Club Valley Inc.) and 30T-12104 (Arriscraft International/General Shale)
This item was pulled and dealt with separately.
Memorandum from April Souwand, Manager of Policy Planning re: Blue Dot Declaration.
Township of North Dumfries - Notice of Statutory Public Meeting Monday, December 14,
2015, re: zoning by-law amendment Filed by MHBC Planning Ltd. On behalf of RARE
Charitable Research Reserve.
Unfinished Business
Item 13
Blue Dot Declaration
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Councillor Ermeta
Councillor Liggett
WHEREAS the City of Cambridge understands that people are part of the environment, and that
a healthy environment is inextricably linked to the well-being of our community;
The City of Cambridge finds and declares that:
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All people have the right to live in a healthy environment, including:
The right to breathe clean air.
The right to drink clean water.
The right to consume safe food.
The right to access nature.
The right to know about pollutants and contaminants released into the local environment.
The right to participate in decision-making that will affect the environment.
The City of Cambridge has the responsibility, within its jurisdiction, to respect, protect,
fulfill and promote these rights.
The City of Cambridge where possible shall apply the precautionary principle: where
threats of serious or irreversible damage to human health or the environment exist, the
City of Cambridge where possible shall take cost effective measures to prevent the
degradation of the environment and protect the health of its citizens. Lack of full scientific
certainty shall not be viewed as sufficient reason for the City of Cambridge to postpone
such measures.
The City of Cambridge where possible shall apply full cost accounting: when evaluating
reasonably foreseeable costs of proposed actions and alternatives, the City of Cambridge
will consider costs to human health and the environment.
By 2017, the City of Cambridge where possible shall specify objectives, targets and
timelines and actions the City of Cambridge will take, within its jurisdiction, to fulfill
residents’ right to a healthy environment, including priority actions to:
Ensure equitable distribution of environmental benefits and burdens within the
municipality, preventing the development of pollution “hot spots”;
Ensure infrastructure and development projects protect the environment, including
air quality;
Address climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing
adaptation measures;
Responsibly increase density;
Prioritize walking, cycling and public transit as preferred modes of transportation;
Ensure adequate infrastructure for the provision of safe and accessible drinking
Promote the availability of safe foods;
Reduce solid waste and promote recycling and composting;
Establish and maintain accessible green spaces in all residential neighbourhoods.
The City of Cambridge where possible shall review the objectives, targets, timelines and
actions every five (5) years, and evaluate progress towards fulfilling this declaration.
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The City of Cambridge where possible shall consult with residents as part of this process.
THAT the Mayor on behalf of City Council, be directed to forward this resolution to the Right
Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada and Ministers, with the request that the
right of all citizens to live in a healthy environment be enshrined in appropriate federal legislation
including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
AND THAT the Mayor on behalf City Council, be directed to forward this resolution to the
Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, and Ministers with the request that the right
of all citizens to live in a healthy environment be enshrined in appropriate provincial legislation
including the Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights.
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Councillor Mann
Mayor Craig
THAT Item 13, Blue Dot Declaration, be deferred to the February 9, 2016 Planning and
Development Committee meeting to review the revised wording in the declaration as part
of the amended motion.
Non-Jurisdictional Items
Close of Meeting
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Councillor Liggett
Councillor Ermeta
THAT the Council meeting does now adjourn at 8:40 p.m.