KS4 2014-2016 Options Booklet

Year 9 Options
An objective approach, intelligent research and thoughtful decisions
For most students – and their parents – the choice of their IGCSE options represents an important,
possibly a definitive, moment in their education. Decisions made at this point are not necessarily lifechanging as they can be fairly easily revised at a later stage; it is perhaps helpful but certainly not
necessary, for example, to have studied Geography or History for IGCSE in order to choose them for
A level. On the other hand, it is often the case that a choice made today can set you off on a specific
path towards the next step in your education, so decisions need to be taken with care.
The best advice I can give is simply, ‘Do your homework.’ Talk to your parents, talk to your teachers.
Remember, though, that the real experts in this process are those who were faced with the same
options last year or the year before; talk to students in Years 10 and 11. Ask them if they made the
right choices. This is especially important if you are thinking of studying a ‘new’ subject such as
Business Studies – do you really know what it’s all about, or do you just think you know?
Above all, this is an opportunity to think carefully about your future and to ask yourself some
important questions. ‘What aspect of my studies do I enjoy most? Am I aware of my particular
strengths and weaknesses? Do I have a sensible range of skills?’ In some ways questions like these
are much more important than, ‘Should I choose Music or Drama?’
This is the point at which you can genuinely claim that you are beginning to take personal
responsibility for your academic future. It should be an exciting time – good luck!
Brian Christian
Dear Year 9
Welcome to the IGCSE Options evening. This is the beginning of an important new
phase in your education. It is the first time when you can actually make choices about
the subjects you wish to study at IGCSE.
The decisions that you make now will have a big impact on your later A-level choices.
You will be entering what in the UK is known as the 14-19 stage of education. This
comprises Key Stage 4, where you study IGCSEs, and Key Stage 5, where you study Alevels. This takes you all the way through to the beginning of your university studies.
The courses are all taught by experienced specialist teachers, in classes that are small,
allowing plenty of support and drive for each student.
Please take time to read the information on each course offered. There will be a
presentation on IGCSE, followed by the opportunity to meet with subject teachers and
discuss the various courses.
Consider three things when deciding on your courses: what do I enjoy; what do I think I
am best at; how will it help me in the future. This will involve lots of discussions with
parents, subject teachers, and your tutor.
Certain subjects are compulsory in Key Stage 4: English, Maths, Science, Computing
and Japanese will be studied by everyone (though only English, Maths and Science are
required to be taken at IGCSE level. You will also continue to take PE two lessons a
week, although the IGCSE course itself is not compulsory.
Keep your choices as wide as possible, to reflect the ever-changing nature of education.
Consider a range of options such as a Humanities subject (Geography, History and
Business Studies) to demonstrate ability to write in-depth essays and communicate
arguments effectively. Consider a practical subject such as Art or Photography. Look
at whether there is coursework attached to the subject and be aware of how demanding
it can be in terms of workload. You should also be aware that the study of a language to
IGCSE level is strongly recommended (although not required at A-level, secondlanguage study is unavoidable in the IB Diploma).
The two-year IGCSE courses are all challenging and require effective time management
and independence. A set of realistic choices made now will help you to succeed in your
exams in two years’ time. Most importantly, you have to enjoy it!
Key Stage 4 offers other exciting opportunities, to participate in Sports Leaders courses,
the Duke of Edinburgh International Award and Service within and beyond our school.
After the evening is concluded, please make you have completed your initial ranked
selection of subjects, based on the information received, and return the slip to Mr. Close
by Monday the 9th December. Option blocks will then be developed and we shall take
the next step in Term 2.
Yours sincerely
Spencer Close
Head of Key Stage 4 (Acting)
 The international General Certificate of Secondary Education (International GCSE)
is an international qualification for students – usually aged 14-16 – which prepares
them for further academic study, such as A-levels.
 The IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14-16 year
olds. It is taken in more than 160 countries. More than 3000 schools worldwide offer
IGCSEs and many of the top UK independent schools have recently switched to
 The IGCSE is an international passport to progression and success. It is recognized
around the world by employers and universities as evidence of academic ability. The
UK university admissions service (UCAS) regards IGCSEs as the equivalent to
 Many IGCSEs have a distinct international element. Unlike the GCSE, the
examination boards have developed subject content which allows our teachers to
base work on Japan, where possible, to make it more relevant to students. The
specifications have been created specifically for an international student body and to
avoid cultural bias.
 Examples: in GCSE Geography, students have to study the UK and Europe, but with
IGCSE, we are free to focus on the UK, Japan and SE Asia; music students can
compare English and Japanese folk music; English students can study American
 IGCSE examinations are linear qualifications, meaning that all students take all
of the examinations at the end of the course.
 International examinations are normally held in May/June (Japanese is an
 The examinations are taken at local – rather than at UK – time.
 There are many types of assessment to suit different learners – oral, coursework
and practical. This broadens opportunities for students to demonstrate their
learning, particularly when their first language is not English.
 Look carefully at the assessment sections in the options booklet – play to your
strengths – coursework, exams, essays, short questions.
 The IGCSE is a rigorous 2-year linear programme of study.
 The course contents are in the options booklet.
 Make sure that you speak to your teachers to see that the material covered will
be of interest to you.
 The grades range from G to A*.
Compulsory IGCSE Subjects
English Language
English Literature
Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
English Language and English Literature (CIE)
‘News that stays news’
Ezra Pound
English is a vital part of every student’s education that informs and aids
their learning across all curriculum areas. As well as developing the
fundamental skills of reading, writing, and speaking and listening,
English helps students to make sense of the experience of being human
and the myriad ways in which this can be expressed and explored.
The Language course focuses on the fundamental communication skills
of reading and writing. Students will be expected to read and respond to
a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, and to construct and convey
meaning effectively in a variety of written styles.
The Literature course seeks to promote an appreciation of, and affection for, English
Literature. It focuses on literary texts, specifically prose, poetry and drama. Students
are able to deepen their knowledge of the conventions of these literary genres, and
encouraged to become more sensitive to nuance, subtlety, humour and irony. They are
also guided to formalise their analytical flair and creativity into clearly structured
critical essays.
For the vast majority of students, the English course leads to two Cambridge IGCSE
qualifications, English Language and English Literature.
English Language: Reading, writing, and speaking and listening (unexamined)
English Literature: Prose, poetry and drama texts; commentaries on unseen literary
English Language Paper 2 (Reading passages): 2hr exam, 50%
English Language Paper 3 (Directed writing and composition): 2hr exam, 50%
English Literature Paper 1 (Set texts - prose, poetry, drama): 2hr 15m, 75%
English Literature Paper 2 (unseen commentary): 1 hr. 15m, 25%
For more information, please contact Mr. R Paterson: rpaterson@bst.ac.jp
Mathematics (CIE)
Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.’
Galileo (1564-1642)
Mathematics is an essential subject for all learners, which has many applications in
other areas of study. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics encourages the development of
mathematical knowledge as a key life skill, and as a basis for more advanced study. The
syllabus aims to build learners' confidence by helping them develop a feel for numbers,
patterns and relationships, and places a strong emphasis on solving problems and
presenting and interpreting results.
Learners will study how to apply
Mathematics in everyday situations and
develop an understanding of the part
which Mathematics plays in the world
around them. Learners also gain an
understanding of how to communicate
and reason using mathematical concepts.
This is a fully examined course through which learners develop not only knowledge and
understanding of Mathematics, but also skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem
Shape and
space 30-35%
Including set notation, surds, percentage change, limits of accuracy,
ratio and proportion, matrices
Including functions, graphs, algebraic manipulation, formulae, rules of
indices, equations, inequalities, linear programming
Including geometrical language and proof, constructions and loci,
transformations, angle properties and circle theorems, area and
volume of complex shapes, trigonometry, vectors
Data handling
Including statistical techniques and probability
Assessment: Extended Curriculum Grades: A*-E
 Paper 2: Short answer questions 1 hour 30 min exam 35% of the total marks
 Paper 4: Structured questions 2 hour 30 min exam 65% of the total marks
Students can use a scientific calculator for both papers (graphical calculators are not
NOTE: Students at BST are usually all capable of accessing the Extended Curriculum.
We can offer the Core Curriculum (Grades C-G) to support students who find the
Extended Curriculum very challenging. The Core papers are Paper 1 and Paper 3.
For more information, please contact Ms Lucy Twigger: ltwigger@bst.ac.jp
Biology (CIE)
“DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever
Bill Gates
Cambridge IGCSE Biology is accepted by universities and employers as proof of real
ability and knowledge. The course enables students to:
 better understand the technological world, with an informed interest in scientific
 learn to recognise the usefulness (and limitations) of the scientific method and how
to apply this to other disciplines in everyday life
 develop relevant attitudes, such as concern for accuracy and precision, objectivity,
integrity, enquiry initiative and inventiveness
 gain further interest and care for the environment
 better understand the influence and limitations placed on scientific study by society,
economy, technology, ethics, the community and the
 develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for
both further study at A level and everyday life.
 Characteristics and classification of living organisms.
 Organisation and maintenance of the organism.
 Development of the organism and the continuity of life.
 Relationships of organisms with one another and with
their environment.
 Paper 1: 45 minute multiple choice question paper 30% of the total marks.
 Paper 2: 1 hour 15 mins exam 50% of the total marks.
 Paper 3: Coursework 20% of the total marks.
For more information, please contact Ms H Kwaszenko: hkwaszenko@bst.ac.jp
Chemistry (CIE)
“I consider nature a vast chemical laboratory in which all kinds of composition and
decompositions are formed.”
Antoine Lavoisier
Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry is accepted by universities and employers as proof of
essential chemistry knowledge and ability. As well as a subject focus, the chemistry
syllabus enables students to:
 better understand the technological world in which they live, and take an
informed interest in science and scientific developments
 learn about the basic principles of Chemistry through a mix of theoretical and
practical studies
 develop an understanding of the scientific
skills essential for further study at A
Level, skills which are useful in
everyday life
 learn how science is studied and
practised, and become aware that the
results of scientific research can have both
good and bad effects on individuals,
communities and the environment.
 The particulate nature of matter, atoms, elements
and compounds.
 Experimental techniques, stoichiometry and
 Energetic, chemical reactions, acids, bases and salts.
 Periodic table, metals, air and water.
 Sulphur, carbonates, and organic chemistry.
 Paper 1: 45 minute multiple choice question paper 30% of the total marks.
 Paper 2: 1 hour 15 mins exam 50% of the total marks.
 Paper 3: Coursework 20% of the total marks.
For more information, please contact Ms H Kwaszenko: hkwaszenko@bst.ac.jp
http://www.cie.org.uk/qualifications/academic/middlesec/igcse/subject? assdef_id=840
“...while I am describing to you how Nature works, you won't understand why Nature
works that way. But you see, nobody understands that.”
Richard Feynman
Physics IGCSE covers everything from Atomic and Nuclear Physics to the structure of
the universe. Its study helps elucidate the other sciences; develops practical and
theoretical problem solving skills; and allows pupils to apply their mathematical study
in real world contexts.
Cambridge IGCSE Physics is accepted by universities and employers as proof of real
ability and knowledge. The course develops:
 confidence in a technological world, with an informed interest in scientific
 an understanding of the usefulness (and limitations) of scientific method, and its
application in other subjects and in everyday life
 improved awareness of the importance of objectivity, integrity, enquiry, initiative
and inventiveness
 an excellent foundation for advanced study in pure sciences, in applied science or
in science-dependent vocational courses
 General Physics: Forces and Motion; Energy, Work and Power; Model of Matter
 Thermal Physics: States of Matter; Temperature; Thermal Capacity; Heat
 Properties of Waves: Refraction and Dispersion of Light; Lenses; EM Spectrum;
 Electricity and Magnetism: Circuits; Digital Electronics; Electromagnetic Effects
 Atomic Physics: Radioactivity; Atomic and Nuclear Models; Isotopes; Medical
 Paper 1: 45 minute multiple choice question paper 30% of the total marks.
 Paper 2: 1 hour 15 mins exam 50% of the total marks.
 Paper 3: Coursework 20% of the total marks.
For more information, please contact Ms H Kwaszenko: hkwaszenko@bst.ac.jp
Science Co-ordinated (Double) (CIE)
“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.”
Carl Sagan
The Cambridge Science Co-ordinated course allows students to learn how science is
studied and practised, and become aware that the results of scientific research can have
both good and bad effects on individuals, communities and the environment. As well as
focusing on the individual sciences, the syllabus enables candidates to better understand
the technological world they live in, and take an informed interest in science and
scientific developments. By following the course students will:
 better understand the technological world, with an informed interest in scientific
 learn to recognise the usefulness (and limitations) of the scientific method and
how to apply this to other disciplines in everyday life
 develop relevant attitudes, such as concern for accuracy and precision, objectivity,
integrity, enquiry initiative and inventiveness
 gain further interest and care for the environment
 better understand the influence and limitations
placed on scientific study by society, economy,
technology, ethics, the community and the
 develop an understanding of the scientific skills
essential for both further study at A level and
everyday life.
 Content taken from all three sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
 Practical and investigational skills assessed throughout the two year programme
of study
 The equivalent to two GCSEs of study
 Paper 1: 45 minute multiple choice question paper 30% of the total marks.
 Paper 2: 1 hour 15 mins exam 50% of the total marks.
 Paper 3: Coursework 20% of the total marks.
For more information, please contact Ms H Kwaszenko: hkwaszenko@bst.ac.jp
Additional Compulsory Subjects
Japanese (at appropriate level)
Personal Social Health Education
Physical Education (non-examined)
Japanese – First Language (CIE)
The Cambridge IGCSE First Language Japanese syllabus is designed for candidates
whose mother tongue is Japanese. Cambridge IGCSE First Language qualifications are
accepted by universities and employers as proof of knowledge and understanding of a
language. Successful candidates gain lifelong skills including:
 the ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively in writing
 the ability to use a wide range of vocabulary, and correct grammar, spelling and
 a personal style and an awareness of the audience being addressed.
Students are also encouraged to read widely, both for their own enjoyment and to
further their awareness of the ways in which the language can be used. The Cambridge
IGCSE First Language qualification also develops more general
analysis and communication skills such as synthesis, inference,
and the ability to order facts and present opinions effectively. The
syllabus also complements other areas of study by encouraging
skills of more general application.
Reading and Directed Writing (2 hours 15 mins) - 60% of the total marks
 Part 1: There are two passages followed by two questions. The first question
tests candidates’ ability to select, compare and summarise specific information
from both passages. The second question invites a response to the passages in a
variety of forms, for example a selective summary, a letter, a report, a speech, a
script of a conversation or broadcast, a continuation of a story, an expressive
development of an idea in the passage, etc.
 Part 2: This is a test of usage. Tasks test candidates’ control of grammatical
structures and awareness of register and style.
Continuous Writing (1 hour 15 mins) - 40% of the total marks
A selection of nine titles are provided calling for an imaginative, narrative or
argumentative response in an appropriate style. Candidates are required to choose one
assignment and are advised to write 600–800 characters.
For more information, please contact M. Ropars: ropars@bst.ac.jp
Japanese – Foreign Language (CIE)
This syllabus is designed for learners who are learning Japanese as a foreign language.
The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for practical
communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading,
speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies.
The syllabus also aims to offer insights into the culture and civilisation of Japan, thus
encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of
foreign languages.
Cambridge IGCSE Japanese is accepted by universities and employers as proof of
linguistic ability and understanding. The Cambridge IGCSE Japanese syllabus
encourages students to develop lifelong skills, including:
The ability to use a foreign language as a means of practical communication
insight into the culture and civilisation of countries where the language is spoken
A positive attitude towards language learning, towards the speakers of other
languages, and towards other cultures and civilisations.
Techniques which can be applied to other areas of learning, such as analysis and
memory skills.
A sound foundation for progression to employment or further study
1) Everyday activities
2) Personal and social life
3) The world around us
4) The world of work
5) The International world
 Paper 2: Reading and Directed Writing (1 hour and 30mins) / 35% of the total
 Paper 3: Speaking (10 to 15mins) / 30% of the total marks
 Paper 4: Continuous Writing – 1 hour and 15mins / 35% of the total marks
For more information, please contact M. Ropars: ropars@bst.ac.jp
International Computer Driving License
Students that are digitally literate will enjoy an enriched educational experience and
will be better prepared for life, for work, and further learning. Students who use
technology as part of the learning process perform better in school, and are more
motivated to learn.
As learning environments evolve, students increasingly need the skills to use technology
tools to support them in their learning. ICT skills enable students to present written
work in an appropriate manner using word processing, and presentation slides to
showcase projects, while spreadsheets are increasingly useful in a number of subjects.
Learning computer skills provides students not only with the tools needed to support
their education, it also gives them the skills they need for success in the workplace and
for daily life in the information society.
ICDL certification programmes provide proof of your skills as well as the satisfaction of
achieving a high-quality and internationally recognised standard. ICDL Foundation's
main certification programme is the international standard in end-user computer skills.
ICDL has become the de facto standard of digital literacy in many educational systems
around the world and has been widely adopted by educational ministries, for both
students and teachers alike.
Base Modules
Computer Essentials
Online Essentials
Word Processing
Standard Modules
Using Databases
IT Security
The students work towards completing their ICDL Profile over the duration of the
course, which will develop their skills in the topics mentioned in the table above
 Computer Essentials, Online Essentials and Word Processing are tested in the
first year of the course
 Spreadsheets, Presentation, Using Databases and IT Security are tested in the
second year of the course
 Each module is assessed online at regular points throughout the year. It is
assessed as Pass or Fail with the Pass mark being 75%
For more information, please contact Mr Malins: mmalins@bst.ac.jp
Wellbeing, inc Careers
At BST Wellbeing (PSHE) is a non-examined course taught in stand-alone lessons
timetabled once a week.
Personal wellbeing helps young people to embrace change, feel positive about who they
are and enjoy healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. Through active learning
opportunities students recognise and manage risk, take increasing responsibility for
themselves, their choices and behaviours and make positive contributions to their
families, schools and communities.
As students learn to recognise, develop and communicate their qualities, skills and
attitudes, they build knowledge, confidence and self-esteem and make the most of their
abilities. As they explore similarities and differences between people and discuss social
and moral dilemmas, they learn to deal with challenges and accommodate diversity in
all its forms. The world is full of complex and sometimes conflicting values. Personal
wellbeing helps students explore this complexity and reflect on and clarify their own
values and attitudes. They identify and articulate feelings and emotions, learn to
manage new or difficult situations positively and form and maintain effective
relationships with a wide range of people. Personal wellbeing makes a major
contribution to the promotion of personal development.
The Wellbeing course also focuses on future paths of study and careers: we look at
university course choices, particularly as they relate to specific jobs, and spend time
considering future options and opportunities and how they can be affected by what we
are doing, and the choices we are making, now.
For further information contact Mr. Close: sclose@bst.ac.jp
Physical Education
In Year 10 and 11, all students still receive two compulsory core PE lessons even if they
have not selected PE as an IGCSE option.
During core PE lessons, we deliver an extensive range of practical activities. These activities
coincide with the sports being played at a competitive level in Kanto Plain and ISTAA
competitions throughout the course of the academic year. The emphasis for PE at this stage
is to help students maintain good levels of fitness and help them to lead a healthy and active
Students are encouraged to take on greater roles and responsibilities in these lessons.
Leading warmups, organizing practices and tournaments, as well as officiating and coaching
are common examples of student leadership opportunities.
For more information, please contact Miss Swain lswain@bstlearningspace.org
Optional IGCSE Subjects
Art & Design
Business Studies
Physical Education
Art and Design (Fine Art) (Edexcel) GCSE
“Be unfashionable. Take risks.”
Paul Arden
Art trains one to observe precisely and to see the unusual in the commonplace. It is also
there to communicate and to express ideas and feelings.
Art and Design GCSE will suit those who wish to have a breadth of subjects at GCSE to
refine at A Level. Hard work and enthusiasm are necessary. The opportunity for study
in Art as a subject has never been more extensive and exciting. This course prepares
pupils for eventual university study in a wide range of subjects: Art, Photography,
Advertising/Editorial, Architecture and the Built Environment, Design Management,
Film, Television, Publishing, Graphic Design and conservation/restoration courses.
Fine art may be defined as work which is produced as an outcome of students’ personal
experiences, rather than that which is created exclusively for a practical function or that
which is the outcome of a tightly prescribed brief. Work produced for this qualification
will demonstrate the use of formal elements and creative skills, and give form to
individual thoughts, feelings, observations and ideas. Students will show evidence of
trying to extend their own and others’ ways of seeing the world. They will use the
language of the subject sensitively and thoughtfully to support their intentions. In the
context of this
disciplines will
include painting and
sculpture and
alternative media.
For this
students will need to
work in at least two
disciplines (Painting
and Drawing,
Sculpture, Printmaking and Alternative Media) for the GCSE.
 Unit 1 Controlled assessment Year 10 theme ‘Work Rest and Play’
 Unit 1 Controlled assessment Year 11 theme ‘Journeys’
 Unit 2 Externally set assignment Year 11 theme from Edexcel
 Unit 1 will involve work produced for assessment under controlled conditions and
this will consist of approximately 45 hours supervised activity. (60 per cent)
 Unit 2 will involve work produced for assessment under controlled conditions and
this will consist of approximately 30 hours supervised activity, including 10
hours of sustained focus. (40 per cent)
For more information contact Mr. England: jengland@bst.ac.jp
Business Studies (Edexcel)
The Edexcel International GCSE in Business Studies is designed as a two-year course.
As students progress through the course, they are introduced to new ideas and concepts
while continuing to use and reinforce previously learned concepts and skills. The course
is designed to give students a sound understanding of business and the ability to use
knowledge, skills and understanding appropriately in the context of international
markets and the United Kingdom (UK).
Key subject aims:
 To enable students to use relevant terminology, concepts and methods effectively
and recognise the strengths and limitations of the ideas used
 To develop students’ knowledge, understanding and skills and apply them to
current issues in a wide range of appropriate international and UK contexts
 To enable students to use an enquiring, critical approach to distinguish between
facts and opinion and evaluate qualitative and quantitative data, to help build
arguments and make informed judgments
 To further students’ appreciation of different stakeholders’ perspectives in
relation to business activities
 To develop students’ understanding of the dynamics of business activity and the
related considerations of ethics and sustainability in business.
1. Business Activity and the Changing Environment
Introduces the nature and types of business within an economy and examines the
interaction between businesses and their environment.
2. Human Resources (HR)
Looks at people in organisations, focusing on their roles, relationships and management
in business.
3. Accounting and Finance
Explores the use of accounting and financial information as an aid to decision making.
4. Marketing
Focuses on identifying and satisfying customer needs in a changing and competitive
international environment.
5. Production
Examines the way organisations use and manage resources to produce goods and
Paper 1 Business Studies (4BS) – 2 hours, 100% of the total marks.
For more information, please contact Mr Malins: mmalins@bst.ac.jp
Drama (CIE)
“Drama is life with the dull parts left out.”
Alfred Hitchcock
Through practical and theoretical study, learners develop an understanding and
enjoyment of drama, developing group and individual skills and studying ways to
communicate ideas and feelings to an audience. They learn how to discover the
performance possibilities of a text and other stimuli, and devise dramatic material of
their own. Learners also develop their performance skills, the demonstration of which
will form part of the final assessment.
The repertoire of Drama texts covers a wide range of playwrights, both old and new and
a strong appreciation of the theatre is expected. Student will need to attend plays
throughout the course and be expected to
be passionate, motivated and enthusiastic
at all times.
Due to the nature of the subject, drama
students will also learn the importance of
deadlines and the necessity to stick to a
rehearsal schedule encouraging excellent
organisation skills. It will also boost the
confidence of students and allow them to
become proficient and articulate public
Paper 1 – Written Examination 2 hours 30mins (40%) 80 Marks based on prereleased material
A. (30 marks) 8-10 short answer questions based on all of the pre-release material
B. (25 marks) Answer one question from a choice of three based on the pre-release
C. (25 marks) Answer one question from a choice of three based on the pre-release
*externally assessed
Paper 2 – Coursework (60%) Practical Performances
 Individual Piece (5 minutes) – devised or repertoire
 Group piece 1 (15 minutes) – devised
 Group piece 1 (15 minutes) – repertoire
*internally assessed and externally moderated
For more information, please contact Miss C Arcus: carcus@bst.ac.jp
French (Edexcel)
Knowledge and understanding of foreign languages is an increasingly important asset in
today’s global society. Covering a broad range of topic areas and developing all four
language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking - the latest Edexcel
International GCSE in French offers students an excellent foundation in language study.
This qualification enables students to:
 Develop understanding and use of written forms of the target language, in a
range of familiar and practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes.
 Develop understanding and use of the spoken forms of the target language, in a
range of familiar and practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes.
 Develop the ability to communicate effectively in the target language through the
written word, using a range of vocabulary and structures.
 Develop the ability to communicate effectively in the target language through
speaking, using a range of vocabulary and structures.
 Develop a knowledge and understanding of the target language grammar and its
practical application.
 Develop a knowledge and understanding of countries
and communities where the target language is spoken.
 Develop positive attitudes towards modern foreign
language learning
 Acquire a suitable foundation for further study of the
target language, or another language.
Topic Areas
 Home and abroad
 Education and employment
 House, home and daily routine
 The modern world and the environment
 Social activities, fitness and health
Scheme of assessment
 Paper 1: Listening - 40mins exam / 25% of the total marks
 Paper 2: Reading and Writing – 1 hour and 30mins / 50% of the total marks
 Paper 3: Speaking - 10mins exam / 25% of the total marks
For more information, please contact M. Roars: ropars@bst.ac.jp
Geography (CIE)
What, where, why there and why care?
Günther (2002)
Geography is the study of people and their environment in different parts of the world.
It is at the centre of many of the major issues affecting the world today.
How are we going to feed the world’s rapidly expanding population? How will global
climate change affect our lives? What is happening to the overcrowded mega-cities of
the world? How will we ensure enough clean water for our future? How does tourism
affect the places people visit? How can people respond to natural hazards such as
flooding, earthquakes and hurricanes?
As well as requiring the understanding of many important global issues the study of
Geography involves the use of many transferable skills. These include understanding
and drawing a wide variety of graphs
and diagrams, effective use of ICT,
carrying out an investigation in the
local area and being able to interpret
different types of map.
Geography gives us the understanding
and skills to make sense of the world
around us and is an invaluable tool for
further study and the workplace.
 Population and settlement
 The natural environment
 Economic development and the use of resources
 Paper 1: 1 hour 45 min exam 45% of the total marks
 Paper 2: 1 hour 30 min exam 27.5% of the total marks
 Paper 3: Coursework (centre-based assessment) 27.5% of the total marks
For more information, please contact Mr. Keeble-Watson: cwatson@bst.ac.jp
History (Edexcel)
“History, by putting crises in perspective, supplies the antidote to every generation's
illusion that its own problems are uniquely oppressive."
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
For IGCSE History, students focus mainly on the study of the political history of Britain,
Europe and the World in the 20th century, building on the skills, knowledge and
understanding they have developed throughout Key Stage 3. The students’ ability to
reason, draw conclusions and make historical judgments; interpret information and
present opinions; make inferences, analyse and evaluate sources are all integral skills
focused on throughout the course.
2 Views of the Treaty of Versailles
 Unit 1: Depth Studies - A world divided: International relations between the
wars, 1919-39; Development of dictatorship: Germany, 1918-45; A divided union:
Civil rights in the USA, 1945-74
 Unit 2: Historical Investigation - The origins and course of the First World War,
 Breadth Study: The changing nature of warfare, c1936-c2003 or Conflict, crisis
and change: China, c1911-c1989
Two exams in May/June of Year 11
 Paper 1: Two depth studies -1 hour 30 mins exam 50% of the total mark.
 Paper 2: One historical investigation and one breadth study in change - 1 hour 30
mins exam, 50% of the total mark
For more information, please contact Dr. Reilly, Teacher of History sreilly@bst.ac.jp
Music (CIE)
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”
During this two year study students will appraise, perform and compose music,
encouraging aesthetic and emotional development, self-discipline and, importantly,
creativity. Learners study music of all styles; each style is placed in its historical and
cultural context, and learners are encouraged to be
perceptive, sensitive and critical when listening.
There are only two prerequisites to a study of IGCSE
Music: that the candidate plays at least one
instrument (which may include the voice), and has a
basic knowledge and understanding of notation. The
latter is important because of the analyses of a range
of musical scores. Music helps to express what cannot
be put into words. It stimulates our imagination,
bypasses language and cultural barriers and is highly
valued when applying for entrance to colleges and
universities all over the world.
 Listening and score analysis: aural awareness, and understanding Prescribed
 Perform either one piece or two short, contrasting pieces
 Sing or play in an ensemble
 Free composition: submit two compositions, either contrasting in character or
written for different forces
 Paper 1 (Listening):
1 hour 15 min exam 40% of the total marks
 Paper 2 (Performing): Coursework (centre-based assessment) 30% of the total
 Paper 3 (Composing): Coursework (centre-based assessment) 30% of the total
For more information, please contact Mr Curran: rcurran@bst.ac.jp
Art and Design: Photography lens and light-based
media (Edexcel GCSE)
“A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know.”
Diane Arbus
Photography is about developing the ability to see things in a new and interesting way
and translating visual ideas into successful outcomes, through a combination of skill and
Photography lens and light-based media includes works in film, video, digital imaging
and light-sensitive materials. Sometimes, techniques and processes are used to convey
messages and create works related to other disciplines, such as web-based animations,
photographic images in printed journals, light projections within theatrical or
architectural spaces. Work in photography lens and light-based media should be a
means of personal enquiry and expression involving the selection and manipulation of
images. Students must use creative approaches which go beyond observation and
recording. In the context of the Edexcel specification, students will need to work in at
least two disciplines for the GCSE (Digital photography, Film-based Photography,
Moving image and Photography genre.
GCSE Year 11 Hasselblad Exhibition 2013
 Unit 1 Controlled assessment Year 10 theme ‘Work Rest and Play’
 Unit 1 Controlled assessment Year 11 theme ‘Journey’
 Unit 2 Externally set assignment Year 11 theme from Edexcel
 Unit 1 will involve work produced for assessment under controlled conditions and
this will consist of approximately 45 hours supervised activity.
 Unit 2 will involve work produced for assessment under controlled conditions and
this will consist of approximately 30 hours supervised activity, including 10
hours of sustained focus.
 The controlled assessment has a weighting of 60% and the externally set
assignment has a weighting of 40%.
For more information, please contact Ms Kaneta: kkaneta@bstlearningspace.org
Physical Education (CIE)
“Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.”
Bo Jackson
IGCSE Physical Education (PE) offers learners the opportunity to study practical and
theoretical knowledge, skills and understanding across a range of physical activities. It
is designed to encourage the enjoyment of sports and physical activity by providing
learners an opportunity to develop an understanding of effective and safe physical
performance and to develop an appreciation for the understanding of the principles,
practices and training that can improve performance and a better health and well-being,
mentally, physically and socially. Learners will be encouraged to develop their ability to
plan, perform, analyse, improve and evaluate physical activities.
Learners should choose IGCSE PE if they have a passion for sport and physical
education and an interest in the understanding of performance. It is also important to
be a competent sports performer both as an individual and part of a team. IGCSE PE
offers learners a variety of educational pathways and careers in sport and the expanding
health and fitness industry.
Students are expected to maintain extra-curricular commitments throughout the course,
as this greatly improves their final practical assessment.
 Factors affecting performance
 Health, safety and training
 Reasons and opportunities for participation in physical activity
 Theory paper - 1hour 45mins – 40% of total marks
 Practical assessment – Four practical assessments from a range of activities
(50%) and an analysis of performance (10%) – 60% of total marks
For more information, please contact Miss Swain lswain@bstlearningspace.org
Spanish (Edexcel)
Knowledge and understanding of foreign languages is an increasingly important asset in
today’s global society. Covering a broad range of topic areas and developing all four
language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking - the Edexcel International
GCSE in Spanish offers students an excellent foundation in language study.
This qualification enables students to:
 Develop understanding and use of written forms of the target language, in a
range of familiar and practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes.
 Develop understanding and use of the spoken forms of the target language, in a
range of familiar and practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes.
 Develop the ability to communicate effectively in the target language through the
written word, using a range of vocabulary and structures.
 Develop the ability to communicate effectively in the target language through
speaking, using a range of vocabulary and structures.
 Develop a knowledge and understanding of the target language grammar and its
practical application.
 Develop a knowledge and understanding of
countries and communities where the target
language is spoken.
 Develop positive attitudes towards modern
foreign language learning
 Acquire a suitable foundation for further study of
the target language, or another language.
 Home and abroad
 Education and employment
 House, home and daily routine
 The modern world and the environment
 Social activities, fitness and health
 Paper 1: Listening - 40mins exam / 25% of the total marks
 Paper 2: Reading and Writing – 1 hour and 30mins / 50% of the total marks
 Paper 3: Speaking - 10mins exam / 25% of the total marks
For more information, please contact Mme Sadou: asadou@bst.ac.jp
IGCSE Options form (2014-2016)
Student Name:
The subjects available to choose from are shown in the table below. Please put numbers
1 to 10 against the subjects in order of preference (where 1 is your favourite choice)
Remember that balance is important. Breadth of study is increasingly significant for A
level and other pathways.
Please talk to as many subject teachers as you feel you need to in order to make the
most informed choice.
Do you intend to stay at BST for IGCSEs (yes/no/undecided):
Please indicate order of preference
Art & Design
Business Studies
Physical Education
Spanish (ab initio)
Please return form to Mr. Close by Monday 9th December