DEFENSE SOLUTIONS M I L I TA RY & L AW E N F O R C E M E N T when it counts ™ Mission critical reliability and accuracy, known the world over. S IGSAUER®firearmsandaccessoriesarecalledupon toperformeveryday,withoutfail,forcountless law enforcement and military professionals world wide.This heritage of excellence is built into every pistol, rifle,andaccessorywedesignandmanufactureinthe UnitedStatesandEurope. BeingthefirearmofchoicefortheU.S.NavySEALs,U.S.SecretService,FederalAirMarshals,Departmentof HomelandSecurity,U.S.CoastGuard,aswellascountlessstateandlocallawenforcementagenciesfromcoast to coast, speaks volumes for our ongoing commitment to engineered excellence and superiority. our P250 modularpistolwasrecentlyawardedUlmcertificationbytheGermangovernment,followingsomeofthemost stringenttestingintheworld. Pistols 4 22 Training 39 39 Accessories 42 employees,SIGSAUERproducestacticalfirearmsdesigned todoonejob,andonejobonly-toperformwhenitcounts, thefirsttimeandeverytime.That’swhyoneineverythree lawenforcementprofessionalsinAmericareliesona SIGSAUERfirearm. when it counts ™ SIGSAUER.COM Rifles/GrenadeLaunchers Rifles / Grenade Launchers Contents An An ISO 9001:2000 certified company with more than 350 3 PI STOL S High capacity magazines feature a rugged corrosion resistant finish. Everypistolwedesignandmanufacturetotheindustry’stightesttolerancescantrace itsrootsbacktoourSwissheritage,andtheP49,whichbecametheSwissArmy’spistol of choice in the mid 20th century. Each successive new model we have introduced classic line features Frames feature smooth, snag-free exteriors sincehasbroughtinnovationsandoptionstotheprofessionalswhousethem. Contrast sights or self-illuminating SIGLITE® Night Sights are available and interchangeable. Black hard coat anodize alloy frames on our Classic models are durable, but lightweight. Slides are machined from a solid block of stainless steel, then Nitron® coated and heat treated for added surface hardness and corrosion resistance. Full-length guide rails provide strength. A reversible magazine release accommodates left and right hand shooters. Military grade carbon steel barrels are durable and accurate. Ergonomically designed, non-slip grips. SIGSAUER.COM High-strength recoil springs and full-length guide rods increase reliability. A rELENTLESS COmmITmENT TO ENgINEErED rELIAbILITy gOES INTO EvEry PISTOL wE DESIgN AND mANUFACTUrE. 5 P226 E2 P226 E2 features Modularonepiecegrip Enhancedgriptexture Reducedbackstrapandgripcircumference Reducedtriggerreach SRT™ShortReachTriggersystem P229 E2 E2decockinglever 15roundflushfitmagazine(9mm) E 2 SpecificationS p226 e2 caliber E 2 B P229 E2 9mm/.40S&W Magazine capacity 15/12 trigger pull A The next generation of classic p226® and p229® has arrived, with e2 Enhanced Ergonomics. Thesefull-sizeandcompactpistolsincorporatea DA/SA10.0lbs/4.4lbs;DAK™6.5lbs (a) overall Length 7.7” 7.1” (B) overall Height 5.5” 5.4” overall Width 1.5” 1.5” Barrel Length 4.4” 3.9” Sight Radius 6.3” 5.7” Sights reducedcircumference,one-piecemodulargripwith B improvedtexture,SRT™ShortResetTriggersystem Reduced backstrap and enhanced grip texture SRT™ Short Reset Trigger system A 32.0oz 34.0oz Alloy frame finish BlackHardCoatAnodize Slide Material StainlessSteel Slide finish Grips Nitron 1PiecePolymer Specifications are approximate and subject to change. SIGSAUER.COM magazine(9mm). SIGLITE®NightSights Weight w/Magazine frame Material withreducedreachtrigger,and15roundflushfit p229 e2 7 P220 Full-Size SAO P220 Carry DAK features Mechanicallylocked,recoil-operated .45ACP,semi-automatic P220 Full-Size P220 Compact 4-pointsafetysystemwith patentedautomaticfiringpinlock, frame-mounteddecockinglever, safetyinterceptnotch,andtrigger bardisconnector P220 SpecificationS full-Size AvailableinDA/SA,DAK™,orSRT™Short ResetTriggerSystemconfigurations caliber Integralaccessoryrail* Magazine capacity AvailableinNitron orTwo-Tonefinish trigger pull ® P 2 2 0® ThE ULTImATE .45ACP SEmI-AUTOmATIC SErvICE PISTOL, theP220hasremainedthemostaccurate SIGLITE Night Sights ® B .45ACP 8 8 DA/SA10.0lbs/4.4lbs;SAO**5.0lbs;DAK™7.5lbs 7.1” 7.1” (B) overall Height 5.5” 5.5” 5.0” overall Width 1.5” 1.5” 1.5” Barrel Length 4.4” 3.9” 3.9” Sight Radius 6.3” 5.7” 5.7” frame Material ContrastorSIGLITE®NightSights 30.4oz 30.4oz BlackHardCoatAnodize .45ACPcaliberperformance. Slide Material StainlessSteel Threaded barrel (.578 x 28 TPI) Grips NitronorStainless Polymer Specifications are approximate and subject to change. *not available on compact **Sao not available on compact models. SIGSAUER.COM frame finish Slide finish 29.6oz Alloy partnerforlawenforcementormilitaryunitsrequiring A 6 7.7” Weight w/Magazine Builtaroundafull-sizeframe,theP220isareliable,durable compact (a) overall Length Sights .45ACPrightout-of-the-boxsinceitsintroductionin1976. carry 9 Accessory rail P226 Tac Ops features Mechanicallylocked,recoil-operated semi-automatic P226 DA/SA 4-pointsafetysystemwithpatented automaticfiringpinlock,frame-mounted decockinglever,safetyinterceptnotch, andtriggerbardisconnector AvailableinDA/SA,DAK™,orSRT™Short P226 DAK ResetTriggerSystemconfigurations P226 SpecificationS Availablein9mm,.357SIG,and.40S&W caliber .357SIGand.40S&Wfeaturecaliber interchangeability Magazine capacity .40S&W .357SIG TacOps 9mm/.40S&W 15 12 12 20/14 trigger pull Integralaccessoryrail P 2 2 6® 9mm AvailableinNitronandTwo-Tonefinish p226 is the standard by which all other combat handguns are judged. (a) overall Length 7.7” 7.7” 7.7” 8.2” (B) overall Height 5.5” 5.5” 5.5” 5.7” overall Width 1.5” 1.5” 1.5” 1.5” Barrel Length 4.4” 4.4” 4.4” 4.4” Sight Radius 6.3” 6.3” 6.3” 6.3” Contrastor SIGLITE®Night Sights Contrastor SIGLITE®Night Sights Contrastor SIGLITE®Night Sights TruGlo®front, SIGLITE®Night SightRear 34.0oz 34.0oz 34.0oz 34.0oz Sights Exceptionalbalanceandergonomicshavemade Weight w/Magazine thisthefull-sizepistolofchoicefortheU.S.Navy DA/SA10.0lbs/4.4lbs;DAK™6.5lbs frame Material B enforcementagencies. Ergonomic textured grip for positive control A Alloy frame finish BlackHardCoatAnodize Slide Material StainlessSteel Slide finish Nitronor Stainless Nitronor Stainless Nitronor Stainless Nitron Grips Polymer Polymer Polymer PolymerMagwell Specifications are approximate and subject to change. SIGSAUER.COM SEALsandmanyotherfederal,state,andlocallaw 11 features Mechanicallylocked,recoil-operated semi-automatic 4-pointsafetysystemwithpatented automaticfiringpinlock,frame-mounted decockinglever,safetyinterceptnotch, andtriggerbardisconnector P229 DA/SA AvailableinDA/SA,DAK™,orSRT™Short ResetTriggerSystemconfigurations P229 DAK Availablein9mm,.357SIG,and.40S&W .357SIGand.40S&Wfeaturecaliber P229 SpecificationS interchangeability Integralaccessoryrail caliber AvailableinNitron®andTwo-Tonefinish Magazine capacity P 2 2 9® trigger pull 12 DA/SA10.0lbs/4.4lbs;DAK6.5lbs 7.1” (B) overall Height 5.4” 5.4” 5.4” overall Width 1.5” 1.5” 1.5” Barrel Length 3.9” 3.9” 3.9” Sight Radius 5.7” 5.7” 5.7” ContrastorSIGLITE®NightSights 32.0oz 32.0oz BlackHardCoatAnodize Slide Material StainlessSteel Grips 32.0oz Alloy frame finish Slide finish A 12 7.1” frame Material Reversible magazine release 13 7.1” Weight w/Magazine availablein9mm,.357SIG,and.40S&W. .40S&W (a) overall Length Sights B .357SIG NitronorStainless Polymer Specifications are approximate and subject to change. SIGSAUER.COM p229 provides the durability, balance, and ergonomics of our full-size p226® in a shorter barrel design. Thisprovencompactpistolis 9mm 13 features Compact,contouredsingle-stack7-roundcapacitypistol Fixedbarrelblow-backactiononanalloyorstainlesssteelframe P 2 3 9® andtriggerbardisconnector .380ACP(9mmshort) DA/SAtrigger The concealed carry pistol designed specifically for the demands of law enforcement professionals thatincludetheT.S.A. AvailableinNitron®,Two-Tone,orStainlessfinish P239 DA/SA andSecretService.Withyourchoiceof9mm,.357SIGor.40S&Wcalibers,the P232 SpecificationS P239isidealforbackupbothonandoffduty. caliber Magazine capacity trigger pull B A caliber Magazine capacity trigger pull features (a) overall Length Mechanicallylocked,recoil-operatedsemi-automatic Elongatedtriggerguard Abbreviatedhalf-spurhammer .357SIG .40S&W 8 7 7 DA/SA10.0lbs/4.4lbs;DAK6.5lbs 6.6” 6.6” 6.6” (B) overall Height 5.1” 5.1” 5.1” overall Width 1.2” 1.2” 1.2” Barrel Length 3.6” 3.6” 3.6” Sight Radius 5.2” 5.2” 5.2” 7 DA/SA10.0lbs/4.4lbs (B) overall Height 4.7” overall Width 1.3” Barrel Length 3.6” Sight Radius 4.8” B A SIGLITE®NightSights frame Material 18.5oz(Nitron&Two-Tone) 23.6oz(Stainless) AlloyorStainless frame finish BlackHardCoatAnodize orStainless Slide Material Stainless Slide finish Grips NitronorStainless Polymer(Nitron&Two-Tone models),Hogue®Rubber (Stainlessmodel) Specifications are approximate and subject to change. 4-pointsafetysystemwithpatentedautomaticfiringpin lock,frame-mounteddecockinglever,safetyintercept notch,andtriggerbardisconnector Sights Availablein9mm,.357SIG,and.40S&W Weight w/Magazine .357SIGand.40S&Wfeaturecaliberinterchangeability frame Material ™ AvailableinNitronorTwo-Tonefinish ContrastorSIGLITE®NightSights 29.5oz 29.5oz Alloy frame finish BlackHardCoatAnodize Slide Material StainlessSteel Slide finish Grips 29.5oz NitronorStainless Polymer Specifications are approximate and subject to change. P232 TM P232 Stainless w/Hogue grip The accuracy, balance, reliability, and safety you’d expect from a service duty sidearm, inasleek,concealedcarrypackage idealforoff-dutyprotection.Withroundededgesandnoprotrudingparts,theP232iseasytodrawfromany position,whetherinadiscreetholster,orontheankle. SIGSAUER.COM AvailableinDA/SA,DAK ,orSRT Short ResetTriggerSystemconfigurations ™ 9mm .380ACP(9mmshort) 6.6” Weight w/Magazine P239 SpecificationS P232 (a) overall Length Sights P239 DA/SA P232 4-pointsafetysystemwithpatentedautomaticfiringpinlock, frame-mounteddecockinglever,safetyinterceptnotch, 15 features .45ACP P238 SAOtrigger TM 1911 Compact C3® Frontstrapandmainspringcheckering,beavertailgripsafety, andlanyardattachment Dehornedframeandslideforidealconcealedcarry(C3®) Introducing the ultimate concealed carry pistol providing full-size peace-of-mind in an ultra compact package. Unlikepolymerpistols,the Novak®NightSights Gripoptions:BlackPolymerorCustomWood TacOpsfeaturesmagwellandambidextroussafety 1911 SpecificationS full-Size P238 P238featuresablackhardcoatanodizealloy 1911 Carry Stainless carry caliber beavertailframeandstainlesssteelslide, Magazine capacity providingthereliabilityandperformanceof compact c3 tac ops .45ACP 8 8 7 8 ourlargerSIGSAUER®Classicpistols.You’ll trigger pull appreciatetheP238’scomfortandsecure (a) overall Length 8.7” 7.7” 7.7” 8.7” feelduringrapidfire. (B) overall Height 5.5” 5.5” 4.8” 5.7” overall Width 1.4” 1.4” 1.4” 1.4” Barrel Length 5.0” 4.2” 4.2” 5.0” Sight Radius 6.5” 5.7” 5.7” 6.5” B A Sights Weight w/Magazine Magazine capacity trigger pull P238 Stainless P238 features Ultracompact“cockedandlocked”singleaction.380ACP (9mmshort) 29.5oz 41.6oz frame Material Stainless Stainless Alloy Stainless .380ACP(9mmshort) frame finish Nitron or Stainless Nitronor Stainless BlackHard CoatAnodize Nitron 6 Slide Material SAO5.0lbs 5.5” (B) overall Height 3.9” overall Width 1.1” Barrel Length 2.7” Sight Radius 3.8” ContrastorSIGLITE® NightSights Weight w/Magazine 15.2oz/20.1oz Lightweightaluminumframewithbevelededgesandthumbsafety frame Material AlloyorStainless Slidemachinedfromsolidstainlessbillet frame finish BlackHardCoatAnodize AvailableinNitron® and Two-Tone finish Slide Material Stainless Sightsadjustablefordrift Slide finish Grips NitronorStainless BlackorGrayPolymer G10onStainless Specifications are approximate and subject to change. Grips StainlessSteel Nitronor Stainless Nitronor Stainless Stainless BlackPolymerorCustomWood Nitron BlackPolymer Specifications are approximate and subject to change. 1911 1911 Tac Ops For law enforcement and military professionals who favor the classic feel of a 1911, thereisonlyonechoicethat canmeasureuptohighperformancestandards.SIGSAUERoutfitseach1911modelwithonlythefinest matchgradeinternalcomponents,soyourfavoritefirearmcanperformwithoutfaileachandeverytime. SIGSAUER.COM 6-roundcapacity Slide finish ® B A 38.8oz (a) overall Length Sights Novak®NightSights 41.6oz P238 SpecificationS caliber SAO5.0lbs 17 P250 Full-Size P250 Compact P250 Subcompact C A L IBER OP T IONS: 9MM,.357SIG,.40S&W,.45ACP p 25 0 S i z e / G R i p c o n fi G u R at i o n S : fuLL-Size: Large,Medium,SmallcoMpact: Large,Medium,SmallSuBcoMpact: Medium,Small optionaL SLide SizeS: compact full-Size Subcompact optionaL GRip ModuLe SizeS: compact Grip Modules Availablein3sizes: L,M,S full-Size Grip Modules Availablein3sizes: L,M,S Subcompact Grip Modules Availablein2sizesonly: M,S P250 Full-Size tRiGGeR SizeS: Standard P 2 5 0® The p 250 modular polymer handgun system isourmostinnovativeand versatileweapon.Designedfortheunique demandsoftoday’slawenforcementandmilitary professionals,itallowsforanimmediatechange incaliberandsize(subcompact,compact,and full)withoutcompromisingfunctionality,accuracy, orreliability. Short P250 SpecificationS full-Size caliber Magazine capacity features Modular Frame and Fire Control Assembly Subcompact 9mm,.357SIG,.40S&W,.45ACP 17,14,14,10 trigger pull 15,13,13,9 12,10,10,6 DAO5.5–6.5lbs Quicktake-downwithnotoolsrequired (a) overall Length 8.1” 7.2” 6.7” Availablein9mm,.357SIG,.40S&W,and.45ACP (B) overall Height 5.5” 5.3” 4.7” 64possibleergonomicconfigurations overall Width 1.4” 1.4” 1.1” 3gripsizes–Large,Medium,andSmall Barrel Length 4.7” 3.9” 3.6” 2triggersizes–StandardandShort Sight Radius 6.6” 5.8” 5.5” DAOtrigger Sights Integralaccessoryrail* AvailableinNitronorTwo-Tonefinish Weight w/Magazine * f uL L - S i z e a n d c o Mpac t S i z e o n Ly 29.4oz 26.5oz frame Material Stainless frame finish Stainless Slide Material StainlessSteel Slide finish A SIGLITE®NightSights Grip Module 24.9oz NitronorStainless Polymer Specifications are approximate and subject to change. SIGSAUER.COM B Builtaroundaserializedmodularframeand firecontrolassembly,theP250usercanchange caliber,gripsize,trigger,andslidelengthatwill. compact 19 P ERSON AL S I DE ARMS These sig sauer® classics present a range of personal sidearm optionsfortheprofessional,eitheronoroffduty.Moreinformation P239® SAS™ Gen 2 Available in 9mm, .357SIG, & .40S&W SAS (SIG Anti-Snag) slide & frame SRT Short Reset Trigger System SIGLITE® Night Sights P220 Combat Available in Nitron & Two-Tone finish Phosphated internal parts for corrosion resistance & reduced friction Barrel hard chromed bore with Nitron finish Flat Dark Earth hard coat anodize frame Integrated M1913 accessory rail Optional threaded barrel (.45ACP .578 x 28 TPI) P229® SCT P226 Combat Available in 9mm & .40S&W 9mm TruGlo® Tritium Fiber Optic front, SIGLITE® rear sights Phosphated internal parts for corrosion Front cocking serrations resistance & reduced friction Nitron® Finish Barrel hard chromed bore with Nitron finish With four 18-round mags (9mm), Flat Dark Earth hard coat anodize frame or four 14-round mags (.40S&W) Integrated M1913 accessory rail Optional threaded barrel (13.5 x 1mm LH) P226® Platinum Elite SIG SAUER Custom Shop design Available in 9mm & .40S&W SRT Short Reset Trigger System Aluminum grips, beavertail frame, front cocking serrations & front strap checkering P229 Equinox® .40S&W P220® Stainless Elite SIG SAUER® Custom Shop design Available in 9mm, .357SIG, & .40S&W SRT Short Reset Trigger System Two-tone accented Nitron® stainless steel SRT Short Reset Trigger System Natural stainless frame & slide slide with ground slide flats Black anodize aluminum grips, beavertail frame, Beavertail frame, front cocking serrations Hard coat anodize frame with nickel accents front cocking serrations & front strap checkering & front strap checkering Combat adjustable night sights Custom wood grips Optional threaded barrel (13.5 x 1mm LH on 9mm only) TruGlo Tritium Fiber Optic front, SIGLITE rear sights SAS stands for SIG Anti-Snag, where all corners are rounded for an easy, snag-free draw Custom wood grips SIGSAUER.COM P229 Dark Elite 21 TA CT IC A L rIFL E S Our heritage of designing and building the most reliable sig556® line features SIG556 models accept all standard AR magazines. M1913 receiver rails for mounting optical sighting systems. boltactionandsemi-automaticriflesintheworldcanbe tracedbacktothebeginningsofwhatisnowSIGSAUER®. In1751,JPSauer&Sohnproducedboltactionriflesthat became the standard for the German army. This same commitment to stringent standards and continuous engineeringimprovementsisevidentinourboltaction Tactical2™andSSG3000™rifles. Ergonomic polymer forends for firmer grip and better control. Accepts optional accessory top and side accessory rails. SWISSARMSledthewayin1983withtheirintroduction oftheSG550lineofcombatriflesthathavebecomethe Cold hammer forged barrels, chambered in 5.56mm NATO, are given a durable, wear-resistant Nitron finish inside and out for extended life. durability and reliability leaders in their class. The SG 550 linehasinfluencedthedevelopmentandrefinementofour acclaimed SIG556® line of combat rifles, recently named “NRATacticalGunoftheYear”. Whenconditionsofextremeheat,cold,dust,sand,ormud arethenorm,thetacticalriflesfromSIGSAUERcontinue Full-length gas piston operating system with two-position adjustable gas valve eliminates carbon build-up and firing residue, for continuous shooting. toperformwithoutfail. Ambidextrous safety selectors. Trigger housings are machined from aircraft grade aluminum alloy forging with hard coat anodize finish. Polymer pistol grips are comfortable and feature a storage compartment for the loading tool or cleaning kit. SIGSAUER.COM Hinged folding Swiss-style stocks easily collapse for transport or use in tight quarters, and feature an adjustable length-of-pull for custom fit. SPECIAL OPErATIONS FOrCES, LAw ENFOrCEmENT AgENCIES, AND COUNTEr-TErrOrISm UNITS rELy ON OUr TACTICAL rIFLES AND grENADE LAUNChErS TO PErFOrm UNDEr ThE hArShEST CONDITIONS. 23 SIG516 PDW SIG516 Tactical Patrol *Shownwithoptionalequipment. SIG516 CQB SIG516 PDW S I G 5 1 6™ Chrome-linedbarrels withphosphatefinish short-strokeadjustablegasvalve(four-positionoptional)toa Barrellengths:7”,10”, 14.5”,16”,18” trueARplatformtacticalrifle.Afree-floatingforearmprovides unparalleledaccuracy,whileachrome-linedandphosphate AcceptsmostM16 typemagazines coatedbarrelprovidesmaximumdurabilityandcorrosion resistance.A7075-T6aircraftgradealuminumforgedlower receiveraddstothedurabilityandreliability.Withfiveavailable Advancedpushrodgas system,withthree- positionshort-stroke adjustablegasvalve (four-positionoptional) 5.56x45mmNATO advancedpushrodgasoperatingsystem,withthree-position Removable sling swivels barrellengths,includingaheavybarrel18”configuration,thereis aSIG516foravarietyofcombatusesandsituations. Selectfire(singleshot, 3-roundburst,fullauto), andSemi-automatic versionsavailable 1/2”x28TPIthreaded muzzle Freefloatingaluminum M1913quadrailforend B Ambidextrous fire control/safety switch and mag catch SIG516 SpecificationS pdW tactical patrol cQB caliber (a) overall Length patrol precision Marksman 36.2” 36” 5.56mm 27.4” 30.5” 34.8” (B) overall Height 7.3” Length with Stock collapsed 24.2” 27.4” 31.7” 33.0” NA Barrel Length without flash Suppressor 7.0” 10” 14.5” 16” 18” ShortHeavy ShortHeavy MilSpec M4Profile MilSpec M4Profile Heavy Barrel contour Rifling Lead 1in7” number of Grooves 6 Muzzle Break Sight Radius Weight w/o Magazine MilSpec 11.2” 6.0lbs 14.2” 6.4lbs Magazine type Magazine capacity Flip-upironsights trigger AvailableinFlatDarkEarth ThreadedCap 7.0lbs 7.3lbs 8.0lbs 30 20 M16Aluminum 20 30 30 MilSpec 2-StageMatch trigger pull 7.6lbs 5.4lbs cycling Rate 750-800roundsperminute S/Aonly SIGSAUER.COM Flattopupperwith M1913accessoryrail A SIG516 Precision Marksman features The sig516 series brings the proven reliability oftheSIGSAUER SIG516 Patrol Specifications are approximate and subject to change. 25 SIG716 CQB *Shownwithoptionalequipment. SIG716 Carbine SIG716 Precision Marksman SIG716 CQB features S I G 7 1 6™ Advancedpushrodgassystem,with three-positionshort-strokeadjustable gasvalve(four-positionoptional) Tactical operations that require a 7.62 caliber rifle in a rugged, reliable, and most important of all durable configuration, willbenefitfromtheSIG716lineofARplatformrifles. floatingforearmprovidesunparalleledaccuracy,whileachrome-linedandphosphate coatedbarrelprovidesmaximumdurabilityandcorrosionresistance.A7075-T6 Removable sling swivels aircraftgradealuminumforgedlowerreceiveraddstothedurabilityandreliability. Withfouravailablebarrellengths,includingaheavybarrel508mmconfiguration,and interchangeablegrips,thereisaSIG716foravarietyofcombatusesandsituations. caliber A 7.62mm Chromelinedbarrelswithphosphatefinish (B) overall Height Barrellengths:12.5”,16”and20” Length with Stock collapsed 31.1” 34.3” NA Barrel Length without flash Suppressor 12.5” 16” 20” Barrel contour 34.3” 37.4” 39.4” 7.6” ShortSTD/STD HeavyBar 1in12” 1in11” 5/8”x24TPIthreadedmuzzle Rifling Lead FreefloatingaluminumM1913quadrailforend number of Grooves FlattopupperwithM1913accessoryrail Muzzle Break Mil-Spec ThreadedCap Flip-upironsights Sight Radius 15.5” 21.3” AvailableinFlatDarkEarth Weight w/o Magazine 4 8.4lbs 9.3lbs Magazine type Steel Magazine capacity 10/20 trigger Ambidextrous fire control/safety switch and mag catch precision Marksman 10.6lbs Mil-Spec 2-StageMatch trigger pull 7.5lbs 5.3lbs cycling Rate 650-720roundsperminute S/Aonly Specifications are approximate and subject to change. SIGSAUER.COM B carbine (a) overall Length Selectfire(singleshot,3-roundburst,fullauto), andSemi-automaticversionsavailable adjustablegasvalve(fourpositionoptional),theSIG716isbuiltforcombat.Afree- cQB 7.62x51mm Accepts20-roundmagazine Featuringanadvancedpushrodgasoperatingsystem,withthree-positionshortstroke SIG716 SpecificationS 27 *Shownwithoptionalequipment. SIG556 Classic *Shownwithoptionalequipment. SIG556 SWAT LB S I G 5 5 6® S WAT Tactical shooters looking for maximum adaptability and ar-15/m-16 magazine compatibility willbenefitfrom S I G 5 5 6® CL ASSIC theruggedanddependableSIG556SW AT. features B Full-lengthgaspistonoperatingrodsystem Reliabilityundereventhemostadverseconditionsis ahallmarkoftheSIG556familyoftacticalrifles. features B Full-lengthgaspistonoperatingrodsystem Standardtwo-positionadjustablegasvalve Standardtwo-positionadjustablegasvalve A Rotatingbolt AcceptsallstandardARmagazines 5.56x45mmNATO 16” Model Coldhammerforgedbarrelin254mmor406mm caliber Selectfire(singleshot,3-roundburst,fullauto), Semi-automaticonlyversionsavailable 10” Model 5.56mm(.223Rem) 30.1” (B) overall Height 8.3” 8.3” Length w/Stock collapsed 34.6” 28.6” AlloyM1913standardquadrailforearm Length w/Stock folded 27.1” 21.1” Folding/lengthadjustableSwiss-typestock Barrel Length w/o flash Suppressor 16” 10” 1in7” 1in7” 6 6 18.1” 14.4” 8.2lbs 7.1lbs 30 30 7.5lbs 7.5lbs no. of Grooves Sight Radius SIG556 SWAT SB Weight w/o Mag Magazine capacity trigger pull cyclic Rate 650-800rnds/min Specifications are approximate and subject to change. 5.56x45mmNATO 16” Model Coldhammerforgedbarrelin10”or16”length caliber Selectfire(singleshot,3-roundburst,fullauto), Semi-automaticonlyversionsavailable 10” Model 5.56mm(.223Rem) (a) overall Length 36.1” 30.1” (B) overall Height 8.3” 8.3” Length w/Stock collapsed 34.6” 28.6” Folding/lengthadjustableSwiss-typestock Length w/Stock folded 27.1” 21.1” Ergonomicpolymerforearm Barrel Length w/o flash Suppressor 16” 10” OptionalM1913accessoryrail Rifling Lead 1in7” 1in7” 6 6 18.1” 14.4” 8.2lbs 7.1lbs 30 30 7.5lbs 7.5lbs StandardRotaryDiopterRearandHoodedFront Sights,MiniRedDotSightoptional no. of Grooves Sight Radius Weight w/o Magazine SIG556 Short Classic Magazine capacity trigger pull cyclic Rate 650-800rnds/min Specifications are approximate and subject to change. SIGSAUER.COM 36.1” Rifling Lead SIG556 cLaSSic SpecificationS AcceptsallstandardARmagazines (a) overall Length A Rotatingbolt SIG556 cLaSSic SpecificationS StandardRotaryDiopterRearandHoodedFront Sights,MiniRedDotSightoptional rugged and reliable, the sig556 classic is ideal for tactical shooters. 29 *Shownwithoptionalequipment. Magpul PRS precision rifle buttstock SIG556 Patrol SWAT *Shownwithoptionalequipment. SIG556 DMR S I G 5 5 6® PAT ROL SWAT A shortened forend makes the sig556 patrol tactical rifles ideal for multipurpose applications. ThePatrolClassicfeaturesareducedlengthpolymer forend,whilethePatrolSWATcomeswithashortened alloyM1913quadrailforend. features B Reduced-lengthgaspistonoperatingrodsystem Standardtwo-positionadjustablegasvalve AcceptsallstandardARmagazines classic 10”coldhammerforgedbarrel caliber Selectfire(singleshot,3-roundburst,fullauto), Semi-automaticonlyversionsavailable StandardRotaryDiopterRearandHoodedFront Sights,MiniRedDotSightoptional CompactalloyM1913quadrailorcompacttapered polymerforends Folding/lengthadjustableSwiss-typestock 5.56mm(.223Rem) 36.1” 36.1” (B) overall Height 8.3” 8.3” Length with Stock collapsed 34.6” 34.6” Length with Stock folded 27.1” 27.1” features Full-lengthgaspistonoperatingrodsystem AcceptsallstandardARmagazines.10-round magazinestandard B 5.56x45mmNATO A Coldhammerforgedheavy533mmbarrel Two-stagematchtriggerwithovertravelstop FullyadjustableMagpul®PRSPrecision RifleButtstock SIG556 dMR SpecificationS caliber SIGTriRailpolymerforearmwithHarris®bi-pod M1913accessoryrail 5.56mm(.223Rem) (a) overall Length 41.0” (B) overall Height 8.3” Barrel Length 21” 16” 16” 1in7” 1in7” 6 6 Sight Radius 18.1” 18.1” no. of Grooves Weight w/o Magazine 3.4kg 3.5kg Weight w/o Mag Magazine capacity 7.5lbs 7.7lbs trigger pull 7.5lbs 7.5lbs trigger pull 5.5lbs cyclic Rate 680-800roundsperminute cyclic Rate N/A Rifling Lead number of Grooves Specifications are approximate and subject to change. Rifling Lead SIG556 DMR 1in10” 6 Magazine capacity 12.0lbs 10 Specifications are approximate and subject to change. SIGSAUER.COM SIG556 Patrol Classic SWat (a) overall Length Barrel Length without flash Suppressor optimumperformance. Rotatingbolt SIG556 patRoL SWat SpecificationS 5.56x45mmNATO DMR ergonomicsforthemarksmanwhorequires Standardtwo-positionadjustablegasvalve A Rotatingbolt S I G 5 5 6® A 533 mm hammer forged heavy barrel and magpul® prs stock provideaccuracyand 31 B A GL 5640 Grenade Launcher *ShownmountedonSIG556®Classic. P556 SWAT P556 TM sig556® performance and reliability is combined with the close quarter agility of a pistol.WiththenewP556,youwillfindall thefeaturesoftheSIG556rifle,includingtheabilitytoacceptstandardAR magazinesandtheprovenreliabilityofafull-lengthgaspistonoperating rodsystemwithrotatingbolt,inapistolconfiguration. GL 5640 g r en ade pRoduct SuppLied By RM eQuipMent, inc. l aunc her The new gl 5640 adds grenade launcher capability to the sig556®.TheGL5640GrenadeLauncheriseasilymountedtotheundersideoftheSIG556 forearm.Oursingle-shotgrenadelauncherhasarangeof14to250metersusing40mmM443cartridges. features 10”militarygradecoldhammerforgedbarrel B 5.56x45mmNATO Full-lengthgaspistonoperatingrodsystem Standardtwo-positionadjustablegasvalve Rotatingbolt P556 SpecificationS p556 caliber action type AcceptsallstandardARmagazines Standardpolymerforearmwithreceiverrail formountingoptics.SWATversionfeaturesanalloy quadrailforgreateraccessorymountingoptions SIGSAUER MiniRedDotSightstandard ® 5.56x45mmNATO(.223Rem) Semi-auto Semi-auto 30 30 ARstylePolymer ARstylePolymer (a) overall Length 20.5” (B) overall Height features A Fire40mmM433,TrainingM781,andvarietyof pyrotechnicalsignalandsmokerounds GL 5640 SpecificationS Flipupleafsight Ambidextrousfiringpinsafety caliber QuicklyattachestoSIG556rifles (a) overall Length 12.3” 20.5” (B) overall Height 4.0” 8.3” 8.3” overall Width 2.4” Barrel Length 10.0” 10.0” Barrel Length 9.2” Rifling 1in7” 1in7” Rifling Lead Sight Radius 14.4” 14.4” no. of Grooves Magazine capacity Magazine type Sights Weight w/o Magazine Sight SIGSAUER®MiniRedDot 6.3lbs 6.7lbs forearm Polymer AlloyQuadRail flash Suppressor A2Type A2Type Specifications are approximate and subject to change. GL 5640 Grenade Launcher 40mm 1in48” 6 Foldingleafupto400m Weight unloaded 38.3oz Muzzle Velocity 250f/s System of operation SIGSAUER.COM P556 Classic p556 SWat SingleShot Specifications are approximate and subject to change. 33 *Shownwithoptionalequipment. *Shownwithoptionalequipment. *Shown with optional P522 SWAT The most realistic training comes from the most accurate training tool. SIG522 Classic realistic r ealistic training in a close quarter configuration. the p522™ TheSIG522riflereplicatesthehandlingofthe The SIG522 rifle replicates SIG556®tacticalrifle,butfiresaffordable.22LRrimfire S IG52 2 TM ammunition.TheSIG522featuresametalreceiver, collapsiblefoldingandlockingstock,andM1913 accessoryrailintheSWATconfiguration. P522 tactical pistol provides the same handling as our P556, but like the TM SIG522™ fires affordable .22LR rimfire ammunition. The lightweight P522 features an alloy receiver, M1913 accessory rail, and industry standard ½” x 28 TPI muzzle thread with flash suppressor. features features Gasblowbackoperatingsystem Gasblowbackoperatingsystem Semi-automatic Semi-automatic B .22LR B .22LR A Polymer,10or25roundmagazine Polymer,10or25roundmagazine A 7075-T6aluminumhardcoatanodizeupperreceiver Folding/lengthadjustableSwiss-typestock caliber classic caliber SWat action type .22LR p522 SWat .22LR Semi-auto Semi-auto Magazine capacity 25 25 Magazine type 522 522 (a) overall Length 20.5” 20.5” (B) overall Height 8.3” 8.3” 10.6” 10.6” 35.1” 35.1” (B) overall Height 8.3” 8.3” Length with Stock collapsed 33.6” 33.6” Length with Stock folded 26.1” 26.1” Barrel Length Barrel Length without flash Suppressor 16.6” 16.6” Rifling Lead 1in16” 1in16” 1in16” 1in16” Sight Radius 14.4” 14.4” 6 6 6.4lbs 6.6” 25 25 5.0lbs 5.0lbs number of Grooves Weight w/o Magazine Magazine capacity trigger pull Specifications are approximate and subject to change. P522 Classic Sights Weight w/o Magazine SIGSAUER®MiniRedDot 5.4lbs 5.6lbs forearm Polymer AlloyQuadRail flash Suppressor A2Type A2Type Specifications are approximate and subject to change. SIGSAUER.COM (a) overall Length Rifling Lead SIG522 SWAT p522 7075-T6aluminumhardcoatanodizeupperreceiver SIG522 SpecificationS Multipleslingattachmentpoints P522 SpecificationS M1913accessoryrail 35 *Shownwithoptionalequipment. *Shownwithoptionalequipment. SSG 3000 Tactical 2 TACTIC AL 2 S S G 3000 TM TM The ssg 3000, featuring a 60-degree short throw bolt action, providesaplatformforbuildingtheperfect.308Win.calibertacticalrifle. when a single shot counts, the tactical 2 gives the precision shooter his best opportunity. Arevolutionarystraight-pull boltactionallowsrapidcycling,andemploysanauto-centeringandself-headspacingboltheadtohelpyou stayontargetforfastrecoveryandminimaltimebetweenshots.Barrel-mountedopticsmaintainszerowhen interchangingbarrels. features features 360-degree,auto-centering,self-headspacing rotatingbolt 60-degreeshortthrowbolt B Ambidextrousboltassemblyallowsforrapid conversionfromrighttolefthandoperation Heavyflutedcontourbarrelsandboltheads quicklyinterchange,between.308Win.,.300Win. Mag.,and.338Lapua Opticsmountdirectlytointerchangeablebarrels viaintegrated1913accessoryrailmaintainingpoint ofzeroatchangeout Quickandeasytakedown Fullyadjustablesyntheticstockwithintegralrear rest,cheekpiece,andfrontrail A caliber A Screwclampconnectionforquickbarrelexchange Sniperbarrelfeaturesmuzzlecompensator SSG 3000 SpecificationS .308Win. .300Win.Mag .338Lapua (a) overall Length 44.5” 45.5” 46.9” Two-stageadjustabletrigger overall Length w/Muzzle Break 46.0” 47.0” 48.4” IntegralM1913accessoryrailforeasyscopemounting (a) overall Length 46.4” 6.0” 7.5” 7.5” 7.5” .22LRconversionkit(barrel,bolt,magazine)available (B) overall Height (B) overall Height overall Width 3.7” overall Width 3.2” 3.2” 3.2” Barrel Length 23.5” Barrel Length 24.7” 25.6” 27.0” Weight w/o Magazine 11.9lbs 12.1lbs 12.6lbs Rifling twist 1in11” 1in11” 1in10” 4 6 6 trigger pull Magazine capacity SSG 3000 six lug lock up 2.2-3.3lb 5 4 caliber .308Win. Weight w/o Magazine 12.0lbs Rifling twist 1in12” trigger pull 3.5lb Magazine capacity 5 Specifications are approximate and subject to change. 4 Specifications are approximate and subject to change. SIGSAUER.COM Adjustable butt plate and cheek piece B Themulti-lugboltlocksintobarrelforstrengthand uniformheadspace TACTICAL 2 SpecificationS Rifling Grooves Straight-pull action HeavydutyMcMillan®fiberglassstockwith fullyadjustablebuttplateandcheekpiece 37 . 2 2 LR CON VERSION KI T reduce ammunition costs, andhoneyour department’sshootingskillswiththe.22LRRimfireConversionKit. AvailableforSIGSAUERP220,P226&P229models,thekitfeatures ahardcoatanodizeslidemachinedfromsolidaluminumbillet.A completereplacementassembly,theRimfireConversionKitinstalls aseasilyasfieldstrippingthepistol.Simplyremovethestandard slideassembly,installtheRimfireConversionKit,inserttheincluded T RA INING PIS T OLS Sig sauer® is dedicated to comprehensive and responsible training for law enforcement and military professionals. Ourcompletelineofbothinertand force-on-forcetraininggunsisdesignedtothoroughlyfamiliarizepersonnelinallaspectsof firearmsafetyanduse. .22LRmagazine,andyou’reready.TheRimfireConversionKitfeatures adjustabletargetsightsandcomesinahardcarrycase. P226® TRG P250® TRG SP2022® TRG P226 FOF P250® FOF SP2022® FOF BothTRGandFOFmodelsavailableinP229®configuration(notshown). Training pistols P226® P229® Strictlytofiringnon-lethal,force-on-forcemarkingcartridges (SimunitionTrainingFx®),theFOFseriesoftrainingpistolsare idealforcombatmarksmanshipandtacticalforce-on-force trainingexercises.Eachmodelaccuratelyreproducesthe weightandtriggerfeeloftheirlivefirecounterparts, butcannotbeconvertedtofirestandardammunition. iMpoRtant note:Force-on-ForceTrainingPistolscannotbeconvertedtofirestandardammunition. SIGSAUER.COM P220® TheP226-TRG,SP2022-TRG,andP250-TRGTraining Pistolsarefullyfunctionalinallaspectsexceptforthe firingofaprojectile.Theyareperfectfordrawand holsterdrills,aswellasdryfiringwiththesafetyof beingpermanentlyinert. Force-on-force training pistols 39 ouR inStRuctoRS BRinG diVeRSe BackGRoundS in LaW enfoRceMent, MiLitaRy SpeciaL pRoGRaMS, coMpetitiVe SHootinG, and pRiVate induStRy to StudentS and tRaineeS at tHe acadeMy. where the professionals train™ Sig sauer academy ™ and its renowned instructors provide comprehensive and customized training to law enforcement agencies and military professionals around the globe. Founded in1991,theSIGSAUERAcademymaintrainingfacilityislocatedinEpping,New Hampshire,incloseproximitytoSIGSAUER®headquarters.TheAcademyserves armedprofessionalswithafullsuiteofofferingsthatincludeinstructordevelopment, advancedtactics,andarmorercertification. Themainfacilityencompassesover150acresofstate-of-the-artoutdoorand indoorrangesandclassrooms. Ouroutdoortrainingrangesincludea300-yardmulti-positionrifledeckwithan ActionTarget®LineofFire™targetsystem,livefireandinteractiveuseofforce shoothouses,multiple180and270degreeranges,andournew10-bay competitioncomplex. TheAcademy’sindoorrangefeatureseightshooter/targetarrays,threetarget types,andActionTargetlateralmovingandchargingtargets.Wealsohavean indoortacticalsimulatorforforce-on-forcescenarios.Ourindoorrangewasone ofthefirstinthecountrytogo“green”,employingonlylead-free,non-toxic, frangibleammunition. InadditiontoourEppingcampus,andlocationsinEuropeandSouthAmerica, oursatellitetrainingfacilitiesintheUnitedStatesinclude: Range 82, Midland, Virginia, www.range NRA Whittington Center, Raton, New Mexico, Wealsobringourrenownedtrainingdirectlytostudentsanywhereintheworld.SIG SAUERAcademy’sapproachisnotweaponspecific,buttailoredtotheexactneedsof thearmedprofessionalsweareserving. We pRoVide tRaininG in tHRee coRe aReaS of concentRation: inStRuctoR deVeLopMent Thecovetedinstructorcertificationfromthe SIGSAUERAcademyisrecognizedbymanyPolice StandardsandTrainingboardsasbeingoneofthe bestinstructorcertificationsavailabletothearmed professionalandisvalidforthreeyears. EachInstructorDevelopmentcourseallows thestudenttoestablishareproducibletraining foundationfromwhichaneffectivein-service, job-specificcurriculumcanbedeveloped. SkiLL deVeLopMent and tacticS Theseselectcourseshavebeenspecifically designedtostrengthenthearmedprofessional’s skillsetrelativetosafety,survival,andsuccessin thedailyexecutionoftheirresponsibilities. aRMoReR ceRtification Thesecoursescertifythearmorertodevelopand maintaincurrentpracticesandproceduresforfactory authorizedmaintenance,inspection,andservicing withintheiragencyordepartment.Hands-on exercisesindisassemblyandassemblyprocedures coupledwithquestionandanswerperiodsprovide alearningenvironmentfavorablefortheretention ofthematerial.Writtenandpracticalexamsare administeredtotestandreinforcetheworking knowledgeofeachstudent. SiG SaueR® dVdscanprovideyouanaccessible approachtoimprovingyourpistolknowledgeandexpertise. BoththeSIG SAUER Principles of Pistol TrainingandConcealed CarryaretaughtbyourSIGSAUERAcademyprofessionalsand aredesignedtoproduceimmediateimprovementsintechnique andproficiency. SiG SaueR interactive armorer instruction -TheseInteractiveMultimediaArmorerInstructionCDsprovidea thoroughrefresherfollowingyourarmorercertificationcourseor aquickreferencetoolforeveryoneinyourdepartment. SIGSAUER.COM foR MoRe infoRMation, visit or call 603.679.2003. inStRuctoR eXpeRience HiGHLiGHtS incLude: Coach–USArmyReserveCombatMarksmanshipTeam AntiterrorismTeamLeader–USDept.ofDefense ArmyRanger,Airborne,andMilitarySCUBAqualified FirearmsTacticsInstructor–AirForceReserves 41 A C C E S SOR I ES genuine sig sauer® accessories complement our firearms withthesamelevelofreliabilityyou’vecometoexpectfromtheleader. 16”QuadrailforSIG556 10”QuadrailforSIG556® CompetitionRangeBag M1913accessoryrailonSwiss-type forearmforSIG556 G-LAD GreenTacticalLaserAimingDevice MagazinesofvariouscapacitiesareavailableforallSIGSAUERpistols. ContactSIGSAUERformoreinformation. ArmorerToolKit piStoL STL-100 TacticalLight Models STL-300J STL-300J STOPLITE™ STOPLITE™ STL-900L TacticalLight&Laser STS-081 MiniRedDotSight MaGazine capacity (RoundS) .380 9mm .40 .357 P220 / P220 Carry > P220 Comp / P245™ > P226 ® > P228™ > P229 ® > P232™ > P238™ > DoubleAR30-roundmagazines withconnector(SIG556®&P556™) 7 8 > > 9 > 10 12 14 15 17 18 20 > > > >> > > > 13 > >> >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > P250 Full-Size > > > > P250 Compact > > > > P250 Sub-Compact > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Go to for a full selection of magazines and more of our complete line of clothing, gear, and accessories. SIGSAUER.COM PolymerRotatingRetention PaddleHolsterwithIntegratedMagazinePouch > P239 ® ® DoubleMagazinePouch 6 > 1911 ® PolymerRotatingRetention PaddleHolster .45 43 ® Sig sauer is indebted to the law enforcement community, armed forces, and first responders who serve our country so valiantly. in our appreciation, we are offering the following two special purchase programs, one for the individual and one for groups. Unit Commemorative Purchase Program Any federal agency or military unit can receive a special discounted price and free engraving of their unit logo on select SIG SAUER pistols. The minimum order is 25 pistols (same model and caliber). Special features include: Integral accessory rail, SIGLITE® Night Sights, 3 Magazines, Lockable gun case, Gun lock Available Models: P220R .45ACP, P226R or P229R in 9mm, .357SIG, or .40S&W For more information, email when it counts ™ 18 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • (603) 772-2302 • The following trademarks are the property of Sig Sauer, Inc. SIG SAUER® - C3® - Equinox® - Nitron® - P220® - P226® - P229® - P239® - P250® - SIG556® SIGLITE® - SIG Pro® - SP2022® - DAKTM - P228TM - P232TM - P238TM - P245TM - SIG Sauer AcademyTM - STOPLITETM Blaser Tactical 2TM is a trademark of Blaser GmbH. SSG 3000TM is a trademark of J.P. Sauer & Sohn GmbH. SG 550TM, SG 551TM, and SG 522TM are trademarks of Swiss Arms AG. Hogue® is a registered trademark of Hogue Combat Grips, Inc. Magpul® is a registered trademark of Magpul Industries Corp. Version 2 - © 2010 SIG SAUER, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. An ISO 9001: 2000 Certified Company, Manufacturing in Exeter, New Hampshire SIG SAUER, Inc. reserves the right to correct any errors or inaccuracies contained herein, and to revoke stated offers at any time without notice. Prices, availability, specifications, and promotional offers are subject to change or cancellation at any time without notice.