Revised Tender Document for - National Institute of Technology

Cachar, Silchar, Assam-788010
Tender Details
Open tender in sealed cover is invited for the following work from the reputed Tenderers/ MNRE approved
channel partner having valid electrical license and who are also enlisted with MNRE as Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) of any Solar Photovoltaic Equipment as per MNRE standard.
Name of the work
Estimated Cost of the Tender
(Tender Value)
Validity of Offer
Completion Period
Cost of Tender Documents
Earnest Money
EMD Exemption for NSIC
Provision of 800kWp on-Grid Solar Generating System on roof
top of different buildings within the campus. (List Enclosed
Rs. 6.4 Crore only.
180 (One Eighty) days.
90 (Ninety) days.
Rs. 1500.00 (Rupees one thousand five hundred) only by DD in
the favour of “DIRECTOR, NITS”payable at NIT Silchar, which is
Rs. 1.25 Lakhs (Rupees one lakh twenty five thousand) DD in
the favour of “DIRECTOR, NITS”payable at NIT Silchar
Specific NSIC certificate to be attached.
Last date of downloading of
Up to 1:30 PM on 18/03/16
Tender documents from
institute’s website
Date & Time of closing of
At 1:30PM on 21/3/16
Tender Box
Date & Time of Opening of
At 3:00PM on 21/3/16
Technical Power point
On 22/03/2016
NB:Tender submission delay in any form(Postal delay etc.) will not be entertained at any cost.
1. Eligibility Document:
The Tenderer must be a Company registered under the Indian Companies Act, having VAT, Service Tax
Registration, PAN card and PF Registration and associated statutory Clearances along with all of the following
1.1 Tenderer must be an approved channel partner of MNRE, Government of India having SP-1A grade
for Off-Grid /On–Grid and Decentralized Solar PV Applications under JNNSM and empanelled with
MNRE, Govt. of India as a manufacturer of SPV Module or Solar PCU with valid test report as per
MNRE standard from MNRE accredited Laboratory.
Tenderer must be an Indian Public Sector Unit (PSU) and manufacturer of any Solar PV
1.2 The Tenderer must have the credential of satisfactory execution for design, supply,
installation and commissioning of minimum 1MWp (cumulative) capacity SPV Power
Plants in anywhere in India and satisfactory execution for design, supply, installation and
commissioning of at least one single 500kWp capacity Grid Connected SPV Power Plant in
anywhere in India in last three calendar Year. The tenderer must also have the credential of
satisfactory execution of at least one single unit of 100 KWp capacity SPV power plant in
North Eastern Region.
1.3 The tenderers must submit performance certificate(s) from the user for completed CMC periods.
1.4 The Tenderer must have the Office/Service Centre with valid Vat Registration in the State of Assam.
(Necessary Documentation proof shall be provided)
1.5 Tenderer should have positive net worth with average Annual Turnover (gross) from solar
photovoltaic business operations of the company over the last three years as per its audited
accounts is not less than Rs.30 Crore per year
1.6 Tenderer must have valid ISO 9001:2008 , ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification.
2. The documentary evidence for meeting all the above mentioned Eligibility criteria must be mandatorily
submitted along with the tender in Envelop no1, failing which the Bid proposal against the tender will
not be considered for further evaluation and will be summarily rejected.
3. NIT, Silchar reserves all rights to accept or reject any or all the tenders, in part or full without assigning
any reasons whatsoever.
B. Notice Inviting Tender
Date : …………………..
M/s ……………………………………………………………………………………………….....
Sub: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Tied Solar Photovoltaic Power
plant of 800kwp (cumulative) capacity.
Dear Sir/Madam,
National institute of Technology Silchar (NITS) has pleasure in inviting offers from eligible Indian tenderers for
the above work with your best binding price offer as per our specifications and terms & conditions mentioned
in the tender document. Salient features of the tender document are given below:
1. Tender Document
1.1 This tender document comprises of total 03 Sections. In addition, any other documents/
instructions/amendments/revisions issued by NIT, Silchar to the tenderer till the due date of
opening of the tenders shall also be deemed to be integral part of the tender document. Failure
to furnish all the information as per the tender document in every respect will be at the
tenderer’s risk.
2. Cost of Tender Document
2.1 Tender document can be purchased from Estate office by producing a Demand Draft drawn in
favour of “Director, NITS” on any Indian Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank, payable at “NIT
Silchar” of requisite value, as applicable, during the time and period mentioned in Tender
2.2 If downloaded ,Tenderers have to submit the cost of the tender document of requisite value in the form
of DD, as applicable along with Part – I (Technical Tender)
2.3 Tender applications without the cost of tender document will be rejected.
3. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
3.1 Tenderer shall submit (Technical Tender) the earnest money in the form of DD of requisite value as
mentioned in Tender Details. The DD shall be made in favour of “Director, NITS” payable at NIT Silchar
from any Indian Nationalized bank/Scheduled bank.
3.2 Tenderers failing to submit earnest money will be rejected. However NSIC registered companies shall
have to submit their certificate (Notarised) for claiming exemption of EMD.
3.3 The earnest money shall be returned to all unsuccessful tenderers, within thirty days from the date of
placement of LOI/LOA to the successful tenderer(s).
3.4 The earnest money shall be forfeited if –
a. Any tenderer withdraws his tender or resiles from his offer during the validity period.
b. The successful tenderer fails to furnish his Acceptance of the Order within fifteen days of placement of
c. The tenderer fails to successfully complete the work within the stipulated time frame. Delay in
completion due to extreme and unavoidable situations will have to get approved by Director, NITS. This
approval will also have a cut-off date by which the entire work will have to be completed.
4. Security Deposit / Performance Guarantee
4.1 The EMD of Successful tenderer, if submitted have to be converted into security deposit for the entire
project execution period of 3months. Those who have claimed exemption as per NSIC have to submit
the security deposit which shall be kept for the entire execution period (max upto 3 months). The
amount should be deposited as DD/Bank Guarantee with in 15days of issuing the work order along
with acceptance letter.
5. Submission of Tenders
5.1 Tenderers are advised to submit their tenders strictly based on the specifications, terms and
conditions contained in the tender document and subsequent revisions/amendments, if any.
5.2 The tender shall be prepared and submitted by typing or printing in English with indelible black ink on
white paper in consecutively numbered pages duly signed by the authorized signatory with company
seal affixed on each page. Any part of the tender, which is not specifically signed by the authorized
signatory and not affixed with company seal, shall not be considered for the purpose of evaluation.
5.3 Original copy of tender document, amendments/revisions to tender document, including minutes of
meeting(s), issued by NITS, if any, shall be signed and submitted along with the tender.
5.4 All the Proformas must be on the tenderer’s official letterhead. Any change in wording of the Performa
will lead to rejection of the bid application.
5.5 The offer shall contain no erasures or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by
tenderer. Such corrections, if any, shall be initialled by the person signing the offer.
5.6 Original copy of Tender Document should be submitted in Hard Bond or Spiral Binding
otherwise tender will be rejected.
6. Mode of Submission of Tenders.
6.1 The Part – I (Technical Tender) and the Part – II (Financial Tender) should be sealed in separate
envelopes and both these envelopes should be sealed in a third envelope. The Part – II (Financial
Tender) of only such organizations would be opened who qualify in the Part – I (Technical tender).
6.2 The Part – I (Technical Tender) should be sealed in an envelope super scribed (i) “NIT NO:………..
6.3 “Part – I (Technical Tender)”, (iii) Name and address of the contact person of the bidding firm, and (iv)
should be addressed to Director, NITS. This envelope should contain the following:
i. Cost of tender document (for the tenderers who have downloaded the tender document from NITS web
site) or copy of demand draft/money receipt if purchased from Estate office (NITS).
ii. Original earnest money in the form of DD of requisite value
iii. Copy of registration certificate of the firm.
iv. Properly filled, signed & stamped all Proformas
v. Letter of acceptance to furnish the information in Proforma1
6.5 Part – I (Technical Tender) should not contain price of any item. Such cases, even if found anywhere,
shall not be given any cognizance.
6.6 Part – I (Technical Bid) should be submitted in original only.
6.7 The Part – II (Financial Tender) should be sealed in an envelope super scribed (i) NIT NO.: (ii) “Part – II
(Financial Tender)”, (iii) Name and address of the contact person of the tendering firm, and (iv) Should
be addressed to Director, NITS. This envelope should contain the following:
i. It should contain only as per given Proforma(Price Bid) duly filled in both figures and words and signed
with stamp by authorised signatory of the tenderer.
ii. In case of any contradictions between the prices mentioned in figures and words, the prices mentioned
in words shall be considered final. Also, in case of any arithmetical error in regard to the total amount
and individual rates, the individual rates shall be taken as final and the total amount shall be adjusted
6.8 Part – II (Financial Bid) should be submitted in original only as per prescribed Format.
6.9 Both, Part – I and Part – II of the tender document should be sealed in a third envelope. The third
envelope should be sealed and super scribed (i)NIT No.:……………
(ii) "Offer for Supply & CMC of SPVS” (iii) Name and address of the contact person of the tenderding firm,
and (iv) should be addressed to Director, NITS.
Scope of Work
The scope of work shall be as indicated in the tender Details. NITS reserves the right to amend
the scope of work, accept or reject any or all the offers/tenders, in part or in full or cancel/withdraw the
invitation for tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever and in such case, the tenderer /
intending tenderer shall have no claim arising out of such action.
The Tenderer shall carefully check the specifications and shall satisfy himself regarding the
technical requirement and completeness of the equipment/system.
7. Price
7.1 The Tenderer shall quote price as per Proforma 2 .Price quoted shall be firm & binding and shall not be
subject to any variation whatsoever, on any account except for statutory variation on taxes & duties
during contractual completion period.
7.2 The price should be inclusive of all taxes, duties, levies, etc. as on date.
8. Terms of Payment
8.1 Subject to any deductions, which NITS may be authorized to make under the terms of the order, the
contract price shall be payable as per general clauses of contract enclosed.
9. Authority of Person Signing the Documents
9.1 Authorization letter as per Proforma1 with the seal of the company for the person signing the tender
document or attending the tender opening meeting should be furnished.
9.2 A person signing the tender document or any document forming part of the tender document shall be
deemed to warrant that he has authority to bind such offer/ document and if on enquiry it appears that
the person signing had no authority to do so, NITS may, without prejudice to other civil and criminal
remedies, cancel the tender/contract and hold the signatory liable for all costs and damages.
10.No Claim or Compensation for Submission of Tender
The tenderer whose tender is not accepted shall not be entitled to claim any costs, charges,
expenses and incidental incurred by him through or in connection with his submission of tender, even
though NITS may decide to withdraw the notice inviting tender.
11.Validity of Offer
Unless otherwise specified, the tenderer shall keep his tender valid initially for a period of 180
days from the due date of submission of the offer.
12.Other Terms & Conditions
Insertion, post-script, addition and alteration shall not be recognized unless confirmed by
tenderer's signature and stamp.
Incomplete tender or tenders not submitted as per requirement as indicated in the NIT are
likely to be rejected.
Tenderers shall submit their offer strictly as per terms and conditions of the tender document
without any deviation.
If at any time any of the documents/information submitted by the tenderer is found to be
incorrect, false or untruthful, the tender the resultant order may be summarily rejected /cancelled at
the risk of the tenderer.
Failure to furnish all information and documentary evidence as stipulated in the tender
document or submission of an offer that is not substantially responsive to the tender document in all
respects shall be summarily rejected.
All tenders will be received in duly sealed cover within the due date and time. Tenders received
after the due date and time is liable for outright rejection.
NITS reserves the right to reject part or whole of the tender/order without assigning any reason
thereof postpone the date of receipt and opening of the tenders or cancel the tender without bearing
any liability, whatsoever, consequent upon such decision.
No postal transaction shall be entertained for obtaining tender documents.
Issuance of tender documents shall not construe that the tenderers would be automatically
considered qualified.
Attestation of various documents enclosed along with the offer must be done by a Gazetted
Officer or Notary Public.
Tender documents are not transferable.
C. General Terms & Conditions
1.0 Scope of Work
i. Site survey and Layout Planning.
ii. Design, development and supply of all components of the SPV Power system.
iii. Transportation of SPV Power system up to a Project location.
iv. Installation and Commissioning of SPV Power system up to AC Distribution Board along with NetMetering arrangement with necessary arrangement for integration with Grid and protection during
absence of grid supply with separate arrangement for interaction with in house DG supply during Grid
power failure
v. Training of the staff deputed by us.
vi. Maintenance(CMC) during the warranty period of 5years.
2.0 Opening and Evaluation of Tenders
2.1 The Part – I (Technical Tenders) and Part – II (Financial Tenders) will be opened on the date and
time mentioned in the Tender Details in the Estate office in presence of tenderers or their
authorized representatives who choose to attend the meeting. The representative should produce
authorization letter to attend the tender opening meeting in the Proforma1. The representative who
does not produce such authorization will not be allowed to attend the tender opening meeting.
2.2 NITS, if required, may at its discretion obtain clarifications/ask for presentation on offers by
requesting clarifications from any or all the tenderers at any time prior to Part – II (Financial
Tender) opening. Such request for clarification/for presentation and the response shall be in
2.3 NITS shall examine whether the tender is complete in all respects and conform to the stipulated
requirement of the technical specifications and tests reports. The tender having material deviation
shall be rejected as being non-responsive.
2.4 The Part –II(Financial Tender) of only those tenderers, whose Part – I (Technical Tender) are found
acceptable after evaluation, will be opened and evaluated. In case of deviation in the date and time
of opening of the Part – II (Financial Tender) from what is given in the Tender Detail, the date &
time for opening of the Part – II (Financial Tender) will be uploaded on NITS website. Tenderers are
requested to visit the website ( regularly and keep themselves informed.
2.5 The Part – II (Financial tender) will be opened in the Estate office at NITS in the presence of eligible
tenderers or their authorized representative. The authorized representative will be allowed to
attend the price tender opening on production of authorization letter.
2.6 The rate quoted by the manufacturer located outside the state of Assam shall have to include VAT
and all other taxes, duties as applicable in Assam.
2.7 NITS, if required, may at its discretion extend the scheduled date of opening of Part – II (Financial
3.0 Award of Contract/Work Order
3.1 The contract/work order shall be awarded to the tenderer whose Part – I (Technical Tender) was
acceptable and who is selected by the Tender Committee of NITS to undertake the work at L1 rate.
4.0 Quantity of Supply
4.1 The quantity required as given in the Tender Details of Notice Inviting Tender is tentative and is
subject to increase or decrease depending upon the actual requirement at the time of execution.
5.0 Effective Date of Contract
5.1 The effective date of commencement of execution of the order by the selected contractor shall be
the date of issue of the LOI/LOA/Purchase Order whichever is earlier.
6.0 Contract Price
6.1 The total contract price & rates of Solar Power Plant and 5 years CMC in full and complete set
including SPV module, control electronics, mechanical components, etc. should be quoted in
Proforma2.The price shall be for the total scope as defined in this document.
6.2 The contract price for supply of items in full & good condition at FOR Site/Stores site (door delivery
basis) to NITS includes transit insurance. Contract Price also includes all charges towards packing &
forwarding, inspection, insurance and freight including door delivery charges. Contract Price is also
inclusive of excise duty, central sales tax, Assam VAT on the finished items, turnover tax
(TOT)/octroi, professional tax, entry tax, etc. as applicable for the supplies.
6.3 During the period of the contract, NITS may order addition/deletion in quantities which the
tenderer shall comply. The adjustment in Contract Price shall be made at the same unit rate as per
Price Schedule (Proforma2).
7.0 Terms of Payment
7.1 The proposed project is sanctioned by MNRE with a CFA of 70% of bench mark cost vide sanction
letter no. 03/45/2015-16/GCRT dated 28th December, 2015.
7.2 Subject to any deductions which NITS may be authorised to make under the terms of the order, the
Contract Price shall be payable on pro-rata basis as given below:
a) 30% of the total Contract Price shall be paid after successful completion of the work i.e against supply,
installation, testing & commissioning of solar power plants on production of bill in triplicate form.
b) Another 60% of the total Contract Price shall be paid after receiving the CFA by the institute from
c) Rest 10% of the total Contract Price for each bill shall be paid in Five Years (2% per year) against
satisfactory performance of the systems after submission of quarterly report of CMC undertaken by the
a. The supplier has to guaranty a minimum generation as per MNRE norms per year from the
above plant.
b. Performance will be evaluated by the net meter reading per year and if the generation is not
meeting the above generation in a particular year the release of the payment will be freezed for
that particular year. The payment for that particular year will be released after adjusting
generation deficit for that particular year along with the next year’s satisfactory performance
(ie. Cumulative payment for two years will be released).
8.0 Income Tax
8.1 Without prejudice to the obligations of the Supplier under law, any Income Tax, which NITS may be
required to deduct by law/statute, shall be deducted at source and shall be paid to the Income Tax
authorities on account of the Supplier. NITS shall provide the Supplier a certificate for such
deduction of tax.
9.0 Statutory Variations in Taxes and Duties
9.1 The adjustment in the Contract Price towards imposition of new taxes or abrogation of existing
taxes due to statutory variation shall be applicable only if the new tax is enacted or existing tax is
abrogated within contractual delivery/execution period.
9.2 The Supplier shall bear and pay all liabilities in respect of statutory variations in taxes and duties
and imposition of new taxes and duties that may be imposed after the contractual
delivery/execution dates, as originally stipulated, in case the delivery dates are extended due to
reasons attributable to Supplier.
10.1 The Suppliers have to enter into an agreement within two weeks from the date of issuing the
work order, in the estate office of NITS in prescribed format before commencement of
Inspection of the Factory and Tests
11.1 NITS reserves the right to inspect the manufacturer’s works/factory to ascertain the
capability/availability of necessary equipment & infrastructure required for manufacture of the
item offered by the tenderer.
11.2 NITS shall have access and right to inspect the work or any part thereof at any stage.
11.3 NITS shall have the right to inspect and test the goods to confirm their conformity to the
technical specifications after delivery of goods to consignee.
11.4 Successful tenderer shall inform NITS at least 15 days in advance of schedule dispatch.
Dispatch Instructions
12.1 All items/equipments shall be subjected to pre-dispatch inspection by NITS or its authorized
representative(s) as per relative standards/provisions approved by NITS before dispatch of items.
12.2 The equipment shall be dispatched as per the detailed "Dispatch Instructions" which will be
required to be followed strictly at the time of dispatch. However, equipment shall be dispatched
only after receipt of "Dispatch Clearance" from NITS after inspection and acceptance of the
equipment is over. No consignment shall be dispatched without receipt of dispatch clearance from
Transit Insurance
13.1 Transit Insurance shall be arranged by the Supplier for his total supplies. In case of any
damage/loss/pilferage/non-delivery during transit, the Supplier shall lodge the claim and settle the
claim with the insurance agency. The Supplier shall also arrange replacement of the damaged,
lost/pilfered items expeditiously pending settlement of commercial implications with insurance
agency, if any, so as not to hamper the working of the system. The resultant loss if any due to failure
of Supplier/Sub-supplier to comply with the above shall be to the account of the Supplier.
After Sales Service and Availability of Spare Parts
14.1 The Supplier shall depute authorized Service Engineer within 7 days from the date of the
intimation of fault, and establish sufficient inventory of spares in the State in consultation with NITS
to provide satisfactory and uninterrupted services during the guarantee period.
Completion Schedule
15.1 The delivery of goods at FOR destination in full as per the terms and conditions of the
contract/order shall be completed within Three (3) months from the date of issue of the LOI or
LOA whichever is earlier.
Guarantee Period
16.1 The manufacturer must provide guarantee which include servicing & replacement guarantee for
parts and components (such as battery, electronics, etc) of Solar Power Plant for 5 (five) years. PV
modules used in solar power plants/ systems must be warranted for their output peak watt
capacity, which should not be less than 90% at the end of 10 years and 80% at the end of 25 years.
16.2 The guarantee card to be supplied with the system must contain the details of the system
supplied as given in the Performa - 6. The manufacturers can also provide additional information
about the system and condition of guarantee as necessary.
16.3 Supplier shall without prejudice to any other clauses of the order repair/replace the defective
parts and restore the system to satisfactory working/performance within 7 days of intimation of
fault without any additional cost to NITS within the period of guarantee.
Assignment/Sub Letting/Pre Bidding Tie Up
17.1 17.1 The Supplier shall not assign or sublet, manufacture, shop testing, packing & forwarding,
transportation, transit insurance, and supply, in whole or part, its obligations to any third party to
perform under the order/contract.
17.2 In the event the Supplier contravenes this condition, NITS reserves the right to reject the
equipment/work sub-contracted and procure the same from elsewhere at Supplier’s risk and cost.
The Supplier shall be solely liable for any loss or damage which NITS may sustain in consequence or
arising out of such replacing of the contract work.
17.3 In case, the installation & commissioning and CMC is planned to be carried out in collaboration
with other party, the tenderer has to sign MoU with the party on a Non-judicial stamp paper of value
not less than Rs. 100/- and submit a copy of the MoU along with the tender. The MoU shall clearly
indicate division of scope of work between the prime tenderer and his sub-vendor. However, the
total responsibility of work will remain with the prime tenderer.
Liquidated Damages for Delay in Completion
18.1 The completion period for the assignment must carefully be worked out and all resource &
work planning is to be done accordingly with flexibility for adjustments.
18.2 If the Supplier fails in the due performance of the contract to deliver and commission any part
of the equipment or complete the work within the scheduled date for any reason other than due to
Force Majeure conditions or any extension thereof granted to him by NITS, he shall be liable to pay
to NITS as pre-agreed liquidated damages but not by way of penalty on account of delayed
successful commissioning, a sum equal to ½% of total contract value per week of such delay, or part
thereof, subject to maximum of 5% of the Total Contract Value.
18.3 The liquidated damages for delayed completion shall be recovered from the Supplier’s Bill/Bank
Guarantee deposited as earnest money.
18.4 Deductions/payment of liquidated damages shall in no way relieve the Supplier from his
contractual responsibility to complete the works.
19.0 Cancellation of Order
19.1 NITS will be at liberty to terminate in part or full the awarded contract without prejudicing its
rights and affecting the obligations of the Contractor by giving seven (7) days notice in writing in
the following events :
a) If the Supplier is found defaulter for delayed supply or failure to deliver satisfactory performance or
supply of substandard materials pursuant to NIT conditions.
b) If the Supplier/Vendor fails to comply with the provision(s) of the contract including the
responsibilities to fulfil the 10 years comprehensive maintenance contract as per the provisions
mentioned in this tender document.
c) If the Supplier/Vendor is involved in any action of moral turpitude.
20.0 Arbitration
20.1 All disputes or differences, whatsoever, arising between the parties out of or in relation to the
construction, meaning and operation or effect of this contract or breach thereof shall be settled
20.2 If, however, the parties are not able to resolve them amicably, the same shall be settled by
arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the Indian Council of Arbitration and
Conciliation & Arbitration Act 1996 and the award in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the
20.3 The venue of arbitration proceeding shall be within Jurisdiction of Court of Law at Silchar
(Assam) only.
20.4 Work under this contract shall be continued by the Supplier during the arbitration proceedings,
unless otherwise directed in writing by NITS or unless matter is such that the work cannot possibly
be continued until the decision of the Arbitrator is obtained.
Force Majeure
21.1 Should at any time during the continuance of the contract the performance in whole or in part of
any obligations by either party under this contract be held up by reasons of any war, hostility, acts
of foreign enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, earthquakes, explosions, epidemics,
cyclones, quarantine restrictions, Governmental regulations, law & order and other proclamation
etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Events") then, provided notice of the happening of any such
eventuality is given by either party to the other within 10 days from the date of occurrence thereof
neither party shall, by reasons of such eventuality, be entitled to terminate this contract, nor shall
either party have any claim for damages against the other in respect of such non-performance or
delay in performance, and the work under this contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable
after such eventuality has come to an end or ceased to exist.
21.2 Should one or both the parties be prevented from fulfilling their contractual obligations by a
state of force majeure, lasting continuously for a period of at least four (4) weeks, the two parties
should consult each other regarding the further implementation of the contract with the provision
that if no mutually satisfactory arrangement is arrived at within a period of 2 weeks from the expiry
of 4 weeks referred to above, the contract shall be deemed to have expired at the end of the
aforesaid 2 months. Such expiry of the contract will not relieve the parties from the obligations to
reach agreement regarding winding up and financial settlement of the contract.
21.3 The above mentioned force majeure events shall not include constraints, which could prudently
be foreseen like shortage of power, non-availability of raw materials, difficulties in making
transport arrangement, break down of machines, strikes, lock outs, etc.
21.4 The above-mentioned force majeure conditions/clause shall also apply in the works of subcontractors/suppliers of the contractor.
21.5 However, the Supplier shall not be liable for liquidated damages or termination/ cancellation of
order/contract if and to the extent that its delay in performance or other failure to perform its
obligations under the contract is the result of an event of force majeure.
Technical Specification of 800 kWp Grid Tied Solar PV Power Plant at National Institute of Technology
(NIT), Silchar.
Title of the Work
Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning including five (5) years
comprehensive maintenance of roof top “Grid Tied Solar PV Power Plant of PV array of cumulative
capacity 800 kWp at NIT, Silchar. This installation shall run in parallel to the grid (LT Bus), as a
supplement, to save on conventional energy supply from the grid during solar energy generation from
the plant.
Outline of the Scheme of the Project:
a) The PV array shall be installed at the suitable space of available roof area at different project site/
building of NIT, Silchar campus. Capacity of each solar photo-voltaic system installation shall be as
per space available on individual site and existing electrical loads, details of which are mentioned in
The power generated from PV array shall be fed to the MPPT Tracker of Three Phase Grid-Tied
Solar String Inverters of capacity compatible with the PV array capacities of respective project site/
building through Array Junction Box (AJB).
Each MPPT Trackers of the inverters shall be protected with Type-II Surge Protection Device (SPD)
installed at Array Junction Box. PV fuse of 1.5 times of ISC rating, 1000 V and DC isolator (1000V) to
disconnect the PV string shall be provided with each PV String.
The Array Junction Boxes, Grid-tied Inverters, Inverter Interfacing Panel etc. shall be installed with
proper safety as per individual site requirement.
Output from the Grid-tied Solar String Inverter shall be fed to the supply mains of the consumer
(connected with grid) through Grid Interfacing LT Panel/ACDB installed near the inverter and
through 4 Pole MCB of suitable current rating installed near the Grid Coupling Point.
The outgoing side of the Grid Interfacing LT Panel shall be protected with Type-I+II Surge Protection
Device (SPD).
Unidirectional energy meter of 5 – 30 A current rating shall be provided at the output feeder of Grid
Interfacing LT Panel to monitor the Solar PV Generation along with properly matched CT/PT. The
meter shall display the voltage, current, frequency, power factor, kW, kWh, kVAR, kVARh etc.
Earthing System (equipment and body earthing) with Lightning Arrestors shall be installed at
the plant area as required.
Safety Sign as per relevant Indian Standard and Project Information Signage and Schematic
Diagram as per approved design from N I T , S i l c h a r shall be installed at each site.
Necessary cleaning arrangement (plumbing system, hosepipe, wiper, bucket, mug etc.) shall be
provided. Cleaning of Solar PV Modules shall be done by the contractor at-least once in a fortnight.
The installed Solar PV power plant should be Robust, Economic and Efficient.
Scope of Work
The Scope of work includes:
Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR), Design, Manufacture, Supply, Packing & Forwarding,
transportation to site in properly packed condition of all equipment, materials and miscellaneous
item required to complete the project.
Unloading at site, installation, testing & commissioning of grid Tied roof top Solar PV Power Plant of
800 kWp capacity.
Tenderer has to provide the minimum assured generation from 800 KWp installation.
Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for a period of five (5) Years from the date of handing
over of complete system which shall include preventive/routine maintenance and
Breakdown/corrective maintenance ensuring servicing & replacement guarantee for parts &
components of Solar Power Plant including Solar PV module.
The equipment and materials for each grid Tied Solar PV Power Plant shall include but not limited
to the following:
Solar PV Modules (Poly Crystalline)
Module Mounting Structure and frames.
Array Junction Box (AJB)
Grid Tied Inverters
Grid interfacing LT Panel / AC Distribution Box (ACDB) with Export Meter with necessary
arrangement for integration with Grid and protection during absence of grid supply with
separate arrangement for interaction with in house DG supply during Grid power failure
Cable & Wires
Chemical Earthing (Maintenance Free) system including Lightning & Surge Protection
Civil works for Foundation of PV Array
On line data logger and Remote Monitoring Unit through LAN Base or GSM network.
Weather Station (One set Common for all systems)
Protection Systems (Lightning, Surge, Earthing & Grid Islanding)
Fire Buckets & Extinguishers
Tools, Measuring instruments and Spares
Users and Training Manual
Periodic Maintenance Log Book
Recommended spares.
The total cumulative capacity of 800kWp at nine locations in Institute campus as per Annexure1 list.
Submission of Detailed Design Report:
The contractor shall submit the Detailed Design Report for according approval of from
NIT, Silchar. The Detailed Design Report shall contain but not limited the following details:
Roof plan indicating the suitable area for installation of solar plant, dimension, north-south direction
and any other relevant information for each site.
iii. All technical particulars along with Single Line Diagram (SLD).
Module Mounting Structure Details with Design, Drawings and STAADPRO analysis.
v. Bill of Materials (BOM) and Detailed Time Schedule.
vi. Type Test Report and all other relevant certificates for various equipments proposed to be used in the
All relevant drawings, data sheets, technical catalogues on each piece of equipment.
Scope of Service
The item of work to be performed on all equipment and accessories shall include but not limited to the
i) Receiving, unloading and transportation at site.
ii) Replacement of all damaged equipment and accessories with new one or short supply items.
iii) Final check-up of equipment and commissioning and putting the system into successful functional
All civil works associated with the installation & commissioning of roof top PV Array shall have to be
done by the Contractor. NIT, Silchar will arrange for control room and required space for installation of
various items like SPV modules, LT Panels, Inverters etc. The Contractor shall specify and submit detail
drawings indicating minimum space to be required for installation of indoor equipments as well as PV
Such works, not listed in the schedule of works but required for completion of the project shall deemed
to have been included in the scope of this bid.
The Contractor shall also maintain the PV Power Systems for a period of 5 (five) years from date of
handing over of complete system. The scope of maintenance shall include supply of spare parts within
the cost of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC). The down time of PV System should not be
more than 120 hours from time of reporting to the Contractor. In case of non-rectification of the
problem after 5 days (120 hours) from reporting the complaint, NIT, Silchar may consider
repairing/replacing such defective system on the cost of the contractor. Notwithstanding the same,
contractor shall continue to have the responsibilities and obligations of the subject contract.
Codes and Standards
All equipment and materials to be furnished under this specification shall be designed, manufactured
and tested in accordance with the latest revisions of the relevant Indian Standard (IS)/IEC as per MNRE,
Govt. of India standards.
The electrical installation shall meet the requirement of Indian Electricity Act, and Indian Electricity
Rules as amended up-to-date and also the applicable section of the latest revision of the relevant IS
Code of Practice.
Material shall be as per this document of technical specification. Any left out specification(s) (if any)
shall be as per the guidelines/specification of the On-grid SPV scheme of the JNNSM of the MNRE, GOI.
Contractor shall fulfill MNRE guidelines/specifications in above respect and thereby assist NIT, Silchar
in getting applicable Financial Assistance(s) (Central/State, as the case may be).
Authorized testing Laboratories/Centers
PV modules must qualify (enclose test reports/ certificate from IEC/NABL accredited laboratory) as per
relevant IEC standard. Additionally the performance of PV modules at STC conditions must be tested
and approved by one of the IEC / NABL Accredited Testing Laboratories including Solar Energy Centre.
The BOS items / components of the SPV power plants/ systems deployed must conform to the latest
edition of IEC/ Equivalent BIS Standards/ MNRE specifications. Test certificates / reports for the BoS
items/ components can be from any of the NABL/ IEC Accredited Testing Laboratories or MNRE
approved test centers.
Completeness of Supply
It is not the intent to specify completely herein all details of the equipment. Nevertheless, the
equipment shall be complete and operative in all aspects and shall conform to highest standard of
engineering, design and workmanship in order to suit with installation site with optimal output.
The Contractor shall supply all brand new equipment and accessories as specified herein.
Contractor shall inform NIT, Silchar prior to material dispatch to site. NIT, SILCHAR at its sole discretion
may go for factory inspection prior to dispatch. Contractor shall submit all the relevant test certificates
and final test reports for various components/material of the Solar PV System to NIT, SILCHAR before
System / Equipment Details:
The PV modules must conform to the latest edition of the following IEC / equivalent BIS Standards
for PV module design qualification and type approval:
Sl. No.
IEC: 61215/IS: 14286
IEC: 61730 – Part 1
IEC: 61730 – Part 2
IEC: 61701/IS: 61701
Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic modules – Design
qualification and type approval.
Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Requirements for
Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Requirements for
Salt Mist Corrosion Testing of the module.
The proposed PV Module must have the Test Certificate issued from accredited test laboratories of Ministry
of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India.
Type test certificates issued from IEC accredited laboratories shall be acceptable.
The manufacturers should get their samples tested as per the new format / procedure which is effective from
1st April 2013 onwards as per MNRE, Govt. of India Guideline.
Identification and Traceability:
Each PV module must use a RF identification tag (RFID), which must contain the following information:
Name of the manufacturer of PV Module.
Name of the Manufacturer of Solar cells.
Month and year of the manufacture (separately for solar cells and module).
Country of origin (separately for solar cells and module).
I-V curve for the module.
Peak Wattage, Im, Vm and Fill Factor for the module.
vii. Unique Serial No and Model No of the module.
viii. Date and year of obtaining IEC PV module qualification certificate.
ix. Name of the test lab issuing IEC certificate.
x. Other relevant information on traceability of solar cells and module as per
ISO 9000 series.
RFID shall be available with each solar module and must be capable to withstand environmental conditions
as per latest Guideline of MNRE, Govt. of India.
A. Material Warranty: The manufacturer should warrant the Solar Module(s) to be free from the
defects and/or failures specified below for a period not less than ten (10) years from the date of sale to the
original customer (i.e. EPC Contractor).
Defects and/or failures due to manufacturing
Defects and/or failures due to quality of materials
Non conformity to specifications due to faulty manufacturing and/or inspection processes.
If the solar Module(s) fails to conform to this warranty, the manufacturer will repair or replace the solar
module(s), at the Owner’s sole option. The contractor shall be responsible to contact with the contractor if
any of the above mentioned cases occurred.
B. Performance Warranty: The manufacturer should warrant the output of Solar Module(s) for at
least 90% of its rated power after initial 10 years & 80% of its rated power after 25 years from the
completion of trial run at site/date of final commissioning. The contractor shall collect the Warranty
Certificate for performance of the modules from the manufacturer and submit the same to NIT, SILCHAR
prior to delivery of the products to the respective sites.
If, Module(s) fail(s) to exhibit such power output in prescribed time span, the Contractor will
bound to either deliver additional PV Module(s) to replace the missing power output with no change
in area of site used or replace the PV Module(s) with no extra cost claimed at Owner’s sole option.
Note: Only indigenously manufactured PV Modules should be used in Grid Connected
Rooftop Solar PV Power Plants under this scheme. However, other imported
components can be used, subject to adequate disclosure and compliance to specified
quality norms and standards.
Specification: (As per MNRE, Govt. of India specification)
SI. No.
Crystalline Silicon – Poly (Minimum Capacity of
Efficiency of module
Minimum 15 % at STC
Cell efficiency
Minimum 17 % at STC
Fill Factor
Minimum 72 %
No. of cells per module
Module Frame
Non-corrosive and electrolytically compatible
with the structural material, preferably anodized
Termination box
Thermo-plastic, IP 65, UV resistant
Bypass Diode
Yes, as required
Power Rating
The nominal power of a single PV module
shall be min 280 Wp or higher.
Power tolerance
Up to +5 % (Only +ve tolerance is acceptable)
Temperature co-efficient of
Power: (-0.43%) / K
Voltage: (-0.37%) / K
Current: ( 0.03%) / K
High transmittance glass
Shall be provided inside or outside the module
RF Identification tag for each solar and must be able to withstand environmental
conditions and last the lifetime of the solar
module as per MNRE Norms.
Other General Requirements:
The peak-power point voltage and the peak-power point current of any supplied module and/or any
module string (series connected modules) shall not vary by more than 2 (two) percent from the
respective arithmetic means for all modules and/or for all module strings, as the case may be.
The module shall be provided with a junction box with either provision of external screw terminal
connection or sealed type and with arrangement for provision of by-pass diode. The box shall have
hinged, weather proof lid with captive screws and cable gland entry points or may be of sealed type and
IP 65 rated.
The contractor shall deliver the product to the site only after receipt of dispatch clearance in writing
from NIT, Silchar.
Sl. No.
Nominal Capacity
As per Annexure-I.
For installation of Solar PV Array in a site, modules
having same capacity, rating / specification shall be
used. Mixing of modules having different capacity,
rating / specification will not be allowed.
Type of Solar Modules
PV Module interconnection
4 Sq. mm double insulated cable with MC - 4
cable and array cable
PV 1-F standard / NEC standard
PV array String Voltage
Compatible with the MPPT channel of inverter
"USE - 2 or RHW - 2" type.
The Solar Module mounting structure shall be made of hot dipped galvanized MS angles & Pipes. The minimum
thickness of galvanization shall be 80 microns. All nuts & bolts shall be made of very good quality stainless
steel. The minimum clearance of the lowest part of the module structure and shall be 300 mm meter minimum
from the roof level or shall match inverted beams on the roof. The array structure shall be made of hot dip
galvanized MS angles of size not less than 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm size.
All nuts & bolts shall be made of very good quality stainless steel (SS 304 minimum)
The structure shall be designed to allow easy replacement of any module and shall be in line with site
The structure shall be designed for simple mechanical and electrical installation. It shall support
SPV modules at a given orientation, absorb and transfer the mechanical loads to the ground properly.
The mounting structure steel shall be as per latest IS 2062: 1992 and galvanization of the mounting
structure shall be in compliance of latest IS-4759.
There shall be no requirement of welding or complex machinery at site.
The array structure shall be designed to occupy minimum space and to withstand wind speed up to
maximum 150 km/h. Wind analysis simulation report to be attached in the Technical offer.
The supplier/manufacturer shall specify installation and foundation details for the structures.
Structure drawing should be submitted in the Technical Offer.
Structure shall be suitable for mounting of the SPV modules on rooftop. The module details are attached
with the document as Annexure – A.
Provision for installing the Solar Inverters, Array Junction Box and ACDB shall be available on the
Module mounting structure.
PCC for Solar PV Array foundation:
a. The legs of the structures made of GI angles shall be fixed and grouted in the PCC foundation columns
made with 1:2:4 cement concrete. The minimum clearance of the lowest part of any module structure
shall not be less than 1 (300mm) meter from ground level. While making foundation design, due
consideration shall be given to weight of module assembly, maximum wind speed of 150 km/hr.
b. Contractor to confirm that no damage to existing water proofing of the roof shall be made during the
course of installation of the structure on roof top. Any damage to the water proofing found during the
above should be rectified to the existing roof condition at Contractor’s cost. All pedestals shall be
finished to the existing roof condition to prevent any water seepage later. Contractor shall commence
the work only after clearance of drawings by NIT, Silchar. Specification of the existing water proofing is
attached with the enquiry.
Array Junction Box (AJB) shall have to be used for termination of string prior connecting array with each
inverter. The string combiner box / array junction box shall be dust, vermin, and water proof and made of
Polycarbonate Plastic. The number of PV Array Junction Box will be as per plant configuration.
The Array Junction Boxes shall conform to the latest edition of following Standards except where specified
otherwise in this specification:
Junction boxes should be equipped with fuses on both positive & negative input to protect the PV module
from short circuits.
Input termination through VDE/UL/TUV approved PV connectors made of Polyamide with (IP65)
protection and Output termination through VDE/UL approved Glands made of Polyamide with (IP65)
Copper bus bars/terminal blocks housed in the junction box with suitable termination threads.
Earth terminal Block for earthing.
Surge Protection Devices are to protect the PV modules as well as the other electrical / electronic systems
from transient over voltages created due to lightning and to reduce insulation breakdowns due to
lightning. The SPDs shall be of 3 nos of pluggable type installed in a star connected common base. The
SPD’s should be tested and approved according to IEC 61643-11 and EN 50539-11: 2013-03 for the
following parameters to be used.
Type of connection: Between Positive, Negative and Earth in star connection
Voltage: up to 1000 volts DC, Maximum Discharge current: 40 KA (8/20mS)
Nominal Discharge Current: 20 KA (8/20mS), Voltage Protection Level: 2.6 KV (for 600 volt system), 4.0
KV (for 1000 volt system);
Response Time: 25 nS
Isolator suitable for 1000 volts DC solar application at the outgoing side. It should comply with IEC
60947–3, IEC 61364–4-410 and IEC 60364-7-712.
SELECTION OF FUSES:It is important to coordinate the power dissipation of fuse-links with the acceptable power dissipation of
fuse holders. Rated voltage of fuse-link and fuse holder should be at least 20% higher than open circuit
voltage of photovoltaic installation. Typical rated voltage of fuse-links and fuse holders is 1000 V DC.
Rated current of fuse-links ≥ 1.4 ISC. (ISC = short circuit current of photovoltaic modules). (Ref annex of
Rated voltage 1000V DC
Rated breaking capacity 30 kA
Utilization category gPV (protection against overload and short-circuit)
Formatted: Strikethrough
Equipment meeting with other authoritative standards which ensure an equal or better quality is also
SI. No.
Degree of Protection
IP 65 with UV Protected
Withstanding voltage
1000 V DC
Withstanding Temperature
1000 C
Accessories mounting arrangement
DIN Rail
Number of Strings entry
As may be required
Approved Make
Desired Data
Hensell/Spelsberg/Ensto or equivalent make
Cable Entry and Exit
Cable Entry and Exit connector type
Bottom at cable entry and exit
MC 4 / Tyco Connector (PV Array String
All wires / cables must be terminated through
cable lugs.
Input & output termination shall be made
through suitable cable glands.
Cable gland
Surge Protecting Device (SPD)
DC (Class-II)
Approve Make
OBO Bettermann / Citel / Mersen or equivalent
1000 V, 20 kA
Number of set
As may be required as per string Design
Fuse with fuse holder
+ve and -ve terminal for each series string
PV fuse, for PV Use only
Current: Minimum 1.5 times of the ISC Rating of
the string
Voltage: Minimum 1000 V DC
Cooper Bussman/ETI/ Noark/ or equivalent
Approved make
Earthing Provision
Terminals, lugs and bus bar
Terminal blocks will have to be provided
Tinned copper
The power generated from PV array shall be fed to the MPPT Tracker of Three Phase Grid-Tied Solar String
Inverter or multiple inverters of nominal capacity (Maximum 30kW Power output each) as per the individual
solar PV system capacity through Array Junction Box (AJB).
Sl. No.
IEC/IS: 61683
IEC 60068
IEC 62116
IEC 61727
Photovoltaic systems – Power Conditioners – Procedure for
measuring efficiency
Environmental Testing
Islanding Prevention Measurement
Interfacing with utility grid
Type test certificate issuing authorities should be any NABL/IEC Accredited Testing Laboratories or MNRE
approved test centers.
Equipment meeting with other authoritative standards which ensure an equal or better quality is also
Desired specification of each inverter shall include but not limited to the following:
SI. No.
Operating Parameter
Desired specification
Grid connected String Inverter
Input (DC)
PV array connectivity capacity
As per site requirement
MPPT Voltage range
Compatible with the array voltage
Number of MPPT Channel
2 Nos. (Minimum)
Output (AC)
Nominal AC Power output
As per the capacity of individual SPV system mentioned
in Annexure-I
Three Phase+N
Adjustable AC voltage range
The inverters shall continue generation for grid voltage
variation from + 10 % to at least – 1 0 % of the rated
system voltage.
Frequency range
The inverters shall continue generation for grid
frequency variation from + 5 % to – 5 % of the rated
system frequency.
The limits on voltage harmonics are 3 % for THD.
Current harmonics for various power output conditions
shall be limited as per the values provided in relevant
Indian Standard.
H.F. transformer / transformer less
General Electrical data
Maximum Efficiency
96 % (minimum)
Night mode consumption
Less than 2 W
DC Side
Reverse-polarity, reverse current to PV array, over
voltage, under voltage, over current
AC side
Over voltage and under voltage, over current, over
and under grid frequency, ground fault
Isolation Switch
PV array Isolation switch (integrated)
Provision of Body Earthing
LCD Display Parameters
Unit Temperature
Voltage, Current, Power
On grid connected mode
Line status, Grid voltage, Grid frequency, Export
Power, Cumulative Export Energy
Switching Devices
Microprocessor / DSP
Suitable port must be provided in the inverter for
onsite dumping data from the memory
(Communication protocol)
Storage of Data
Mechanical Data
At least for 1 year. data logger may be provided in
the Inverter
Protection Class
IP 65 or higher
Natural / forced air cooling
Output from the Grid-tied Solar String Inverter shall be fed to the Grid Interfacing Panel (ACDB) installed
adjacent to the inverter through 4 Pole MCB of suitable current rating and multi function export kWh meter.
ACDB shall control the AC power from inverters, and should have necessary surge arrestors (ClassI+II). The ACDB should be interconnected to the Building LT Panel / Substation while in grid tied
All switches and the circuit breakers, connectors should conform to IEC 60947, part I, II and III/
IS60947 part I, II and III
The ACDB should be outdoor type, metal clad, totally enclosed, rigid, floor mounted, air - insulated,
cubical type suitable for operation on three phase 415V, 50 Hz.
Unidirectional Energy Export Meter along with CT/PT shall be provided at the output feeder of ACDB
to monitor the solar PV generation.
The ACDB shall be designed for minimum expected ambient conditions of Silchar, Assam.
All the 415 AC or 230 volts devices / equipment like bus support insulators, circuit breakers, VTs etc.,
mounted inside the switchgear shall be suitable for continuous operation and satisfactory
performance under the following supply conditions
Variation in supply voltage +/- 10 %
Variation in supply frequency +/- 3 Hz
Carbon emission saving against energy generation is to be monitored through CO2 Meter installed in
the ACDB.
Copper Cables of appropriate size to be used in the system shall have the following characteristics:
a. Shall meet IEC 60227/IS 694, IEC 60502/IS1554 standards
b. Temp. Range: -10 Deg C to +80 Deg C.
c. Voltage rating 650/1100V
d. Excellent resistance to heat, cold, water, oil, abrasion, UV radiation
e. Flexible
i. The size of the cables between array interconnections, array to junction boxes, junction boxes to
Inverter etc shall be so selected to keep the voltage drop and losses to the minimum. The cables (as
per IS) should be insulated with a special grade PVC compound formulated for outdoor use.
ii. All installation accessories, which are required to install and successfully commission the power plant,
are to be provided.
iii. All cables must be identified by Rubber / Plastic tags. Cables must be neatly enclosed in conduits.
iv. All cable/wires are to be routed in a GI cable tray and suitably tagged and marked with proper manner
by good quality ferrule or by other means so that the cable can be easily identified. The GI cable
trays with covers should be suitably mounted on the roof.
v. Multi Strand, Annealed high conductivity copper conductors with PVC type ‘A’ pressure extruded
insulation or XLPE insulation should be used. Overall PVC/XLPE insulation should be provided for
UV protection Armored cable for underground laying.
vi. The size of each type of DC cable selected shall be based on minimum voltage drop. However, the
maximum drop shall be limited to 1%.
vii. The size of each type of AC cable selected shall be based on minimum voltage drop. However, the
maximum drop shall be limited to 2 %.
viii. The cable from ACDB on rooftop to the Building LT Panel / Sub Station has be armored copper cable.
ix. All cable sizes shall be as indicated in the SLD.
Guideline for Cable Installation:
For installation of DC Cables, sufficient gaps shall be provided in between the module connectors
and the module mounting structure.
All AC cables must be stranded flexible copper (As per IS-1554-I & II)
Conductor size of cables and wires shall be selected based on efficient design criteria. The wiring size of
shall be designed such that maximum voltage drop at full power from the PV Array to Inverter(s)
should be less than 2%. From Inverter to AC Grid interfacing panel should be less than 3%.
Cable terminations shall be made with suitable cable lugs & sockets etc, crimped properly and cables
shall be provided with dry type compression glands wherever they enter junction boxes / panels
/ enclosures at the entry & exit point of the cubicles. The panel bottoms should be properly sealed
to prevent entry of snakes / lizard / insects etc. inside the panel. All cables shall be adequately
supported. Outside of the terminals / panels / enclosures, shall be protected by conduits. Cables and
wire connections shall be soldered, crimp-on type or thimble or bottle type.
Only terminal cable joints will be accepted.
The cable must be laid through PVC conduit on roof and indoor. Wherever the cables (either
AC & DC) are to be laid in the roof, the PVC Conduit shall be placed at least 30 mm height
from the roof. Necessary permanent support / base should be provided on the PVC Conduit to
maintain the gap from the roof. Maximum distance between two adjacent support / base shall be 2 m.
All cable / wires / control cable shall be marked with good quality letter and number ferrules of
proper sizes so that the cables can be identified easily.
All cable shall be suitably marked or coded for easy identification. Cables and wires shall confirm
to the relevant standards suppliers to specify the specification.
Cable tray (metallic preferably galvanized/Fiber) of suitable size must be used for laying of cable on
the floor, wherever required.
All fasteners shall be made of Stainless steel
Minimum two (02) number loop must be provided at the start and end each span of cable laying.
Loop length shall be as per relevant Indian Standard.
Lightning Protection:
The SPV power plants shall be provided with lightning & over voltage protection. The main aim in
this protection shall be to reduce the over voltage to a tolerable value before it reaches the PV or
other sub system components. The source of over voltage can be lightning, atmosphere disturbances
etc. The entire space occupying the SPV array shall be suitably protected against Lightning by deploying
required number of Lightning Arrestors. Lightning protection should be provided as per IEC: 62305.
The protection against induced high-voltages shall be provided by the use of Surge protection devices
(SPDs) and suitable earthing such that induced transients find an alternate route to earth.
Surge Protection:
Internal surge protection shall consist of three surge-arrestors connected from +ve and –ve
terminals to earth (via Y arrangement) / SPDs.
Earthing Protection:
a. Earthing System shall connect all non-current carrying metal receptacles, electrical boxes, appliance
frames, chassis and PV module mounting structures in one long run. The earth strips should not be
bolted or interrupted. Earthing GI strips shall be interconnected by proper welding.
b. The complete earthing system shall be electrically connected to provide return to earth from all
equipment independent of mechanical connection.
c. The equipment grounding wire shall be connected to earth strip by proper fixing arrangement. The
earth strip shall be continued upto at least 500 mm from the equipments.
Earthing system design should be as per the standard practices and should conform to the latest
edition of IS 3043.
e. Masonry enclosure with the earth pit of size not less than 400 mm X 400 mm X 400 mm (depth)
complete with cemented brick work (1:6) of minimum 150 mm width duly plastered with cement
mortar (inside) shall be provided. Hinged inspection covers of size not less than 300 mm X 300 mm
with locking arrangement shall be provided. Suitable handle shall be provided on the cover by
means of welding a rod on top of the cover for future maintenance.
Necessary provision shall be made at bolted isolating joints of each earthing pit for periodic checking
of earth resistance. An earth bus and a test point shall be provided inside control room. Test point
shall also be provided at each earth pit.
g. Minimum four (04) numbers of interconnected earth pit needs to be provided in each location.
Minimum required gap shall be provided in between earth pits as per relevant standard. Body
earthing shall be provided in Inverter, each panel, module mounting structure, kiosk and in any other
item as required.
h. Earthing system must be interconnected through GI Strip to arrive equipotential bonding. The size of
the GI earth strip must be minimum 25 mm X 6 mm.
Chemical earthing may be considered.
Grid Islanding:
In the event of a power failure on the electric grid, it is required that any independent power- producing
inverters attached to the grid turn off in a short period of time. The Rooftop PV system shall be equipped
with islanding protection. In addition to disconnection from the grid (due to islanding protection)
disconnection due to under and over voltage conditions shall also be provided.
Remote Monitoring complete systems including hardware and Modem/Router shall facilitate monitoring of
the performance of the Inverter /inverters , energy yield, temperature, irradiance level etc through LAN
based or GSM based network. PC based inverter monitoring is also required for local monitoring of each
system. Some of the salient features of the monitoring system shall be:
Central recording of all system data
b) Data transfer remotely for monitoring and evaluation
c) High data backup
d) Expansion possible with additional measuring modules
e) Communication to the most diverse systems with different interfaces
f) Compatible with the products of all leading inverter manufacturers
Metrological instruments:
Contractor shall provide following measuring instruments with all necessary software and hardware and
data logging devices required to make it compatible with Monitoring Equipment.
a) Pyranometer
Contractor shall provide Pyranometer for measuring incident global solar radiation and it should be supplied
with necessary cables and calibration certificates
Spectral response - 0.31 to 2.8 micron
Sensitivity- 17micro-volt/W/m2
Calibration range- -40deg C to + 60deg C
b) Thermometer
Contractor shall provide at least one RTD type ambient temperature measuring instrument at suitable place
in PV array. Instrument shall have a range of -5°C to 60°C.
c) Anemometer
Contractor shall provide double cup anemometer on tubular type made up of hot dipped galvanized iron. The
anemometer shall have valid calibration certificates which should be produced after the installation. Velocity
range upto 25m/s, accuracy limit of 0.1 m/s. The anemometer shall have valid calibration certificates which
should be produced after the installation.
01 (One) numbers of Fire Bucket (10 litres) with 02 (Two) Bucket Stand shall be provided at each location.
The stand shall be installed at suitable location.
One number of 9 kg ABC type dry power portable fire extinguisher shall be provided at each location. The
installation of Fire Extinguishers should confirm to TAC regulations and BIS standards.
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Bucket
IS 13849 (with latest amendments)
IS 2546 (with latest amendments)
Project information Signage:
For signage, water resistant, anti-corrosive paint shall be used over permanent suitable back sheet. The
sheet shall be rigidly fixed on a FRP made sheet of minimum 5 mm thickness. Size of the signage shall be
minimum 3’ x 2’. The signage should be fixed on a separate permanent structure made of MS angle /
channel with proper fixing arrangement. The whole set including the designing of the signage shall be
approved by NIT, SILCHAR.
The Project Information Signage shall be installed at a prominent place of each project location/
Safety Sign:
Safety Sign must be provided mentioning the level and type of voltage and symbols as per
Indian Electricity Rule at different places of a site as may be required.
The measuring instruments for each location will include but not limited to:
Sl. No.
Digital Multimeter to measure AC & DC parameters
1 no.
Screw driver (Taparia / Eastman or Equivalent)
1 set
Spanner (Taparia / Eastman or Equivalent)
1 set
1 no.
User Manual & Training Book with Periodic Maintenance Log Book:
User Manual & Training Book with Periodic Maintenance Log Book must be provided for each of the
solar PV system.
The Contractor shall undertake necessary maintenance work of the Solar PV Power Systems. Adequate
measures should be taken for prevention of wear and tear of the parts/components. Solar PV Power
System is to be designed to operate with minimum of maintenance.
The scope of maintenance work within the contract period shall include preventive/routine
maintenance activities to ensure proper functioning of solar photovoltaic power plant as a whole as
well as break down/corrective maintenance in the event of malfunctions/breakdown, which prevent
the operation of the power system or part of it & free replacement of spares required for such
maintenance in stipulated time period.
A broad scope under preventive/routine maintenance shall include but not limited to the following:
Cleaning and checking the health of SPV system
Regular painting if required to avoid corrosion.
Routine maintenance of PV Array including cleaning of modules, checking for physical damage
of PV module, tightening of electrical connections, changing of tilt angle of module mounting
Routine maintenance of Inverter and all other electrical Distribution Boards, Junction Boxes,
Isolating Switches, Meters
Checking of Earthing pit resistance and maintaining optimum level
Submission of Monthly Generation Report
In case of non-rectification of the problem after 5 days (120 hours) from reporting the complaint, NIT,
SILCHAR may consider repairing/replacing such defective system on the cost of the contractor.
Notwithstanding the same, contractor shall continue to have the responsibilities and obligations of the
subject contract.
Necessary equipments and water supply lines are to be provided with suitable number of outlets in the array
field from existing water source of the same building to facilitate easy cleaning of the PV Modules. Plumbing
arrangement should be provided at each location. Hosepipe of maximum 15 m length, bucket, mug, wiper (2
nos.) shall be supplied at each site by the contractor for cleaning of solar modules.
The whole work shall be executed within the contract value.
If any special tools, spares and measuring instruments are required at a site, those shall be provided by the
contractor within the contract value. Necessary spares for comprehensive maintenance for 5 years shall be
supplied by the contractor.
The bidder shall take entire responsibility for electrical safety of the installation(s) including
connectivity with the grid and follow all the safety rules & regulations applicable as per Electricity Act, 2003
and CEA guidelines etc.
Handing Over
The work shall be taken over by NIT, SILCHAR upon successful completion of all tasks to be performed
at site(s) on equipment supplied, installed, erected & commissioned by the Contractor in accordance
with provision of this order. During handing over complete project work, the Contractor shall submit
the followings for considering final payment.
All As-Built Drawings
Detailed Engineering Document with detailed specification, schematic drawing, circuit drawing
and test results, manuals for all deliverable items, Operation, Maintenance & Safety Instruction
Manual and other information about the project
Bill of material
Inventory of spares at projects site
Operation and maintenance manual and schedule
(sq. Mtr.)
Authority Letter for Signing Tender Document & Attending tender Opening Meeting
NIT NO:...........................
The Director
National Institute of Technology, Silchar
Sub : Authority Letter for Signing tender Document & Attending tender Opening Meeting
I hereby authorize ………………………………………………………………………………… (Name & Designation) to
sign the Tender Document and attend the Tender Opening Meeting to be held on ……………………….. at
NITS on behalf of our company.
He is also authorized to provide clarifications/confirmations, if any, and such clarifications/ Confirmations shall
be binding on the company. The specimen signature of ……………………………………………….. is
attested below.
(Specimen Signature)
(Signature of Authorized Signatory)
Company Seal
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of Authorized Signatory)
: Note :
1. To be submitted by tenderer on official letter head of the company.
NIT No:………………………………………………..
Name of Work: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Tied
Solar Photovoltaic Power plant of 800kwp (cumulative) capacity as per Annuxure1.
Sl. No.
Design, Manufacture, Supply of Solar PV
Module with Module Mounting
Structure as per tender.
1 Lot
Rate (Rs.)
Total (Rs.)
Design, Supply of Balance of System
(BOS) as per tender specification.
1 Set
Design, Supply of Remote Monitoring
Unit, Weather Station along with Data
logger hardware & software as per
1 Set
Installation, Testing & Commissioning
of Solar PV Systems (800kWp).
Annual Maintenance Contract for 5
years for the entire system(800kWp)
TOTAL (01+02+03)
In Figures: Rs……………………………………………………………………………….………………….…………………………………Only
Note: The rates quoted above are inclusive of all applicable taxes &duties, transportation, insurance & levies.
Authorised Signatory