Electric Conductors Quintas & Quintas Group Index Quintas & Quintas and Solidal 2 Bare Conductors All Aluminium Conductors for overhead lines 3 All Aluminium Alloy Conductors for overhead lines 4 Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced for overhead lines 5 Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) for overhead lines 6 Insulated Cabes Aluminium Low Voltage Aerial Bundled Conductors 7 Aluminium or Copper Low Voltage Cables 8 Aluminium or Copper Medium Voltage Cables 9 Aluminium Medium Voltage Aerial Bundled Cables 10 Aluminium or Copper High Voltage Cables 11 Aluminium or Copper High Voltage Cables (cont.) 12 The values and other characteristics stated and this catalogue must be considered as indicative ones. For other cross sections, service voltages or particular details, please contact our services. Quintas & Quintas and Solidal Quintas & Quintas Condutores Eléctricos SA. and Solidal Condutores Eléctricos, SA, leaders in the industry of the aluminium power conductors have as principal activity the production of bare and insulated electric conductors, their commercialization and the technical support with the assembly of the provided products. Quintas Condutores in the sector of bare electric conductors and Solidal in the insulated cables, their productions are mainly directed on aluminium products. This market segment, appeared, these last years, strongly challenging, which is mainly due to the increasing aggressiveness from the manufacturing companies. However, Quintas Condutores in the market of bare cables and Solidal in insulated cables are leaders of the sector. The two companies followed a strategy based on two orientations: to carry out a progressive vertical integration, increasing, thus, the level of the added value of the products that they sell and to remain updated from the technological point of view, while they invest regularly in advanced technology equipment and productivity and simultaneously in Technical Boards of recognized rename and their adequate formation. Nowadays Quintas & Quintas and Solidal have all the equipment and “know-how” necessary to the industrial process, to produce and transform the conductors indicated hereafter: Quintas & Quintas . Bare Aluminium cables: Solid conducting conductors, round form or sectoral; Conducting conductors multiwire, round form or sectoral. . Cables for Bare Aerial lines: Aluminium cables AAAC (All Aluminium Conductors); Aluminium alloy cables AAAC (All Aluminium Alloy Conductors); Aluminium cables with alloy ACAR conductor (Aluminium Conductors Alloy Reinforced); Aluminium cables with steel ACSR conductor (Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced); Aluminium cables with ACS ACSR/AW conductor (Aluminium Conductors ACS Reinforced); Alloy cables with steel AACSR conductor (Aluminium Alloy Conductors Steel Reinforced); Guard cables with optical fibre OPGW (Optical Power Ground Wire). Solidal . Insulated cables: The production in the sector of insulated conductors covers the range of the aerial and underground cables of Low, Medium and High Voltage. Main conductor types: Low Voltage Cables (0,6/1 kV) - Sections of 16 mm2 up to 800 mm2 (with rigid conductors, multiwire, round or sectoral, of aluminium) - Sections of 54,6 and 80 mm2 (with conductors multiwire, of aluminium alloy, Almelec) Medium Voltage Cables (6 to 36 kV) - Sections of 35 mm2 up to 1000 mm2 insulated with dielectric extruded solid, by triple simultaneous extrusion, with conducting conductors multiwire of aluminium or copper, with reticulation in atmosphere of inert gas. High Voltage Cables (up to 150 kV) - Sections of 120 mm2 up to 1600 mm2 insulated with the dielectric extruded solid, in triple simultaneous extrusion, with conducting conductors multiwire of aluminium or copper, possibly with elements of stuffing of longitudinal and radial sealing, with reticulation in an dry atmosphere. The aluminium used in the manufacture of the cables has a high degree of purity, never inferior than 99,7%. 2 All Aluminium Conductors for overhead lines Construction: This bare concentric-lay stranded conductor is constructed with a straight round central wire surrounded by one or more layers of helically wires. Applications: The aluminum alloy cables are used normally in overhead lines. Standards: EN 50 889; EN 50 182 Electrical and dimensional characteristics of Aluminum Conductors – AL1 Diameter (mm) Area Designation Mass per unit length Rated strength DC resistance at 200C Final Modulus of Elasticity Coefficient of linear Expansion Continuous loading capacity (1) Code Old code mm2 Al wire Cond. kg/km kN /km N/mm2 1/K A 25-AL1 25/7 25.2 7 2,14 6.42 68.8 4.53 1.1350 60000 23.0E-6 145 34-AL1 35/7 34.4 7 2.50 7.50 93.9 6.01 0.8317 60000 23.0E-6 175 49-AL1 50/7 49.5 7 3.00 9.00 135.2 8.41 0.5776 60000 23.0E-6 225 68-AL1 70/19 68.3 19 2.14 10.70 187.8 12.30 0.4205 57000 23.0E-6 275 93-AL1 95/19 93.3 19 2.50 12.50 256.3 16.32 0.3081 57000 23.0E-6 335 125-AL1 120/9 125.5 19 2.90 14.50 344.9 21.33 0.2290 57000 23.0E-6 405 244-AL1 240/37 244.4 37 2.90 20.3 674.0 41.56 0.1180 57000 23.0E-6 625 491-AL1 500/61 490.6 61 3.20 28.8 1357.4 80.95 0.0590 55000 23.0E-6 980 767-AL1 800/61 766.5 61 4.00 36.0 2120.9 122.65 0.0377 55000 23.0E-6 1310 Note: Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z). (1) - Reference values valid up to 50 Hz at a wind speed of 0,6 m/s and solar irradiation giving an initial ambient temperature of 35°C and a final conductor temperature of 80°C. Compositions 7 wires 19 wires 37 wires 61 wires 3 All Aluminium Alloy Conductors for overhead lines Construction: This bare concentric-lay stranded conductor is constructed with a straight round central wire surrounded by one or more layers of helically wires. Applications: Used as bare overhead conductor for primary and secondary distribution. Designed utilizing a high strength aluminum alloy to achieve a high strength-to-weight ratio; affords better sag characteristics. Aluminum alloy gives AAAC higher resistance to corrosion than ACSR. Standards: EN 50 183; EN 50 182 Electrical and dimensional characteristics of Aluminum Alloy Conductors - AL3 Designation Diameter (mm) Area Mass per unit length Rated strength DC resistance at 200C Final Modulus of Elasticity Coefficient of linear Expansion Continuous loading capacity (1) Code Old code mm2 Alloy wire Cond. kg/km kN /km N/mm2 1/K A 35-AL3 35/7 34.9 7 2.52 7.56 95.3 10.30 0.9421 60000 23.0E-6 165 49-AL3 50/7 49.5 7 3.00 9.00 135.1 14.60 0.6647 60000 23.0E-6 210 68-AL3 70/19 68.3 19 2.14 10.70 187.6 20.16 0.4840 57000 23.0E-6 260 95-AL3 95/19 94.8 19 2.52 12.60 260.2 27.96 0.3490 57000 23.0E-6 320 125-AL3 120/19 125,5 19 2.90 14.50 344.5 37.02 0.2636 57000 23.0E-6 385 147-AL3 150/37 147.1 37 2,25 15.8 405.3 43.40 0.2256 57000 23.0E-6 425 185-AL3 185/37 184.5 37 2.52 17.6 508.4 54.44 0.1799 57000 23.0E-6 490 196-AL3 200/37 196.4 37 2.60 18.2 541.2 57.95 0.1690 57000 23.0E-6 510 244-AL3 240/37 244.4 37 2,90 20.3 673.3 72.10 0.1358 57000 23.0E-6 590 304-AL3 300/61 304,2 61 2.52 22.7 840.8 89.75 0.1094 55000 23.0E-6 680 403-AL3 400/61 402.9 61 2,90 26.1 1113.6 118.86 0.0826 55000 23.0E-6 815 Note: Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z). (1) - Reference values valid up to 50 Hz at a wind speed of 0,6 m/s and solar irradiation giving an initial ambient temperature of 35°C and a final conductor temperature of 80°C. Compositions 7 wires 4 19 wires 37 wires 61 wires Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced for overhead lines Construction: ACSR is a concentrically stranded conductor composed of one or more layers of aluminum wire stranded with a high strength coated steel core. The core may be single wire or stranded depending on the size. The proportions of aluminum and steel can be varied to obtain the relation between current-carrying capacity and mechanical strength best suited to each application. Additional corrosion protection is available through the application of grease to the core or infusion of the complete cable with grease. Applications: Used as bare overhead transmission cable and as primary and secondary distribution cable. ACSR offers optimal strength for line design. Variable steel core stranding enables desired strength to be achieved without sacrificing ampacity. Standards: EN 50 189; EN 50 889; EN 50 182 Electrical and dimensional characteristics of Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced - AL1/ST1A Designation Wire Diameter (mm) Areas (mm2) Diameter (mm) Mass per unit length Rated strength DC Final Coefficient Continuous resistance Modulus of of linear loading Elasticity Expansion capacity (1) at 20°C /km N/mm2 1/K A Steel Core Cond. kg/km kN 3,00 3,00 3,00 9,00 171,2 15,27 0,6757 76000 18,6E-6 205 7 2,68 2,68 8,04 13,40 495,8 56,52 0,4266 104000 15,3E-6 290 26 7 2,50 1,95 5,85 15,9 516 46,79 0,2263 73000 18,6E-6 420 31,1 222,3 26 7 3,06 2,38 7,14 19,4 771,6 67,05 0,151 73000 18,9E-6 545 212,1 49,5 261,6 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 973,1 92,46 0,1363 80000 17,9E-6 585 265/26+7 264,6 43,1 307,7 26 7 3,60 2,80 8,40 22,8 1068 91,48 0,1091 73000 18,9E-6 675 349-AL1/79-ST1A 349/30+19 349,2 78,9 428,1 30 19 3,85 2,30 11,50 26,9 1585,7 145,87 0,0828 79000 18,0E-6 810 382-AL1/49-ST1A 382/54+7 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1442,5 121,3 0,0758 70000 19,4E-6 850 416-AL1/93-ST1A 416/30+19 415,6 93,3 508,9 30 19 4,20 2,50 12,50 29,3 1881,8 172,82 0,0696 79000 18,0E-6 910 434-AL1/56-ST1A 434/54+7 434,3 56,3 490,6 54 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 28,8 1641,3 133,59 0,0666 70000 19,4E-6 925 520-AL1/66-ST1A 520/54+19 519,5 65,8 585,3 54 19 3,50 2,10 10,50 31,5 1952,1 162,72 0,0556 70000 19,5E-6 1040 629-AL1/79-ST1A 629/54+19 628,6 78,9 707,5 54 19 3,85 2,30 11,50 34,6 2356,6 190,58 0,046 70000 19,5E-6 1175 748-AL1/93-ST1A 748/54+19 748,1 93,3 841,4 54 19 4,20 2,50 12,15 37,7 2799,3 226,03 0,0386 70000 19,5E-6 1315 859-AL1/109-ST1A 858/54+19 858,8 108,8 967,6 54 19 4,50 2,70 13,50 40,5 3226,9 261,43 0,0337 70000 19,5E-6 1440 Code Old code Al 42-AL1/7-ST1A 42/6+1 42,4 68-AL1/39-ST1A 68/12+7 128-AL1/21-ST1A Steel Total Al Steel Al 49,5 6 1 67,7 39,5 107,2 12 128/26+7 127,6 20,9 148,5 191-AL1/31-ST1A 191/26+7 191,2 212-AL1/49-ST1A 212/30+7 265-AL1/43-ST1A 7,1 Note: Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z). (1) - Reference values valid up to 50 Hz at a wind speed of 0,6 m/s and solar irradiation giving an initial ambient temperature of 35°C and a final conductor temperature of 80°C. Compositions 6/1 wires 12/7 wires 26/7 wires 30/7 wires 54/7 wires 5 Aluminium Low Voltage Aerial Bundled Conductors Construction: Round stranded and compacted aluminium conductors (phases/neutral). Aluminium alloy messengers (neutral conductor) in several cross sections, namelly 54,6, 70, 80 and 95 mm2 can also be included in the bundle. XLPE Insulation, UV resistant Voltage 0,6/1 kV Applications: The aluminium aerial bundled conductors are mainly used for the low voltage distribution networks, namely in the rural or suburban areas, due to several specific advantages, like: - good network performance (low failure rate) - possibility to perform repairs and interventions in the lines under tension - reduced installation cost - reduced forest fire risk - particulary suitable for heavily polluted environments - good resistance to acid rain salt spray Standards: HD 626 S1; NFC 33-209 Electrical and dimensional characteristics of the Aerial Bundled Conductors Designation Diameter of conductor (aprox.) Phase Aerial Bundled (Aluminium alloy neutral) Aerial Bundled mm2 Neutral Diameter on insulation (aprox.) Insulation thickness Phase mm Neutral Phase mm Neutral mm Bundle Diameter (aprox.) Weight (aprox. mm kg/km DC resistance at 20ºº0C Phase Neutral /km Current Rating (1) Voltage drop cos = 0,8 A V/A.km 2x16 4,8 4,8 1,2 1,2 7,4 7,4 14,8 134 1,91 1,91 93 3,98 2x16+2x1,5 4,8 4,8 1,2 1,2 7,4 7,4 16,8 175 1,20 1,20 93 3,98 2x25 6,0 6,0 1,4 1,4 9,0 9,0 18,0 203 1,91 1,91 122 2,54 2x25+2x1,5 6,0 6,0 1,4 1,4 9,0 9,0 20,0 244 1,20 1,20 122 2,54 4x16 4,8 4,8 1,2 1,2 7,4 7,4 17,9 268 1,91 1,91 83 3,44 4x16+2x1,5 4,8 4,8 1,2 1,2 7,4 7,4 19,9 309 1,91 1,91 83 3,44 4x25 6,0 6,0 1,4 1,4 9,0 9,0 21,8 406 1,20 1,20 111 2,20 4x25+2x1,5 6,0 6,0 1,4 1,4 9,0 9,0 23,8 447 1,20 1,20 111 2,20 1,65 3x35+54,6 7,0 9,5 1,6 1,6 10,4 10,4 33,0 625 0,868 0,63 138 3x35+54,6+1x16 7,0 9,5 1,6 1,6 10,4 10,4 33,0 692 0,868 0,63 138 1,65 3x35+54,6+2x16 7,0 9,5 1,6 1,6 10,4 10,4 33,0 759 0,868 0,63 138 1,65 3x35+54,6+3x16 7,0 9,5 1,6 1,6 10,4 10,4 33,0 827 0,868 0,63 138 1,65 3x70+54,6 9,8 9,5 1,8 1,6 13,6 13,2 38,0 963 0,443 0,63 213 0,87 0,87 3x70+54,6+1x16 9,8 9,5 1,8 1,6 13,6 13,2 38,0 1030 0,443 0,63 213 3x70+54,6+2x16 9,8 9,5 1,8 1,6 13,6 13,2 38,0 1097 0,443 0,63 213 0,87 3x70+54,6+3x16 9,8 9,5 1,8 1,5 13,6 13,0 38,0 1164 0,443 0,63 213 0,87 3x70+70 9,8 10,2 1,8 1,5 13,6 13,0 41,0 996 0,443 0,50 213 0,87 3x70+70+1x16 9,8 10,2 1,8 1,5 13,6 13,0 41,0 1063 0,443 0,50 213 0,87 3x70+70+2x16 9,8 10,2 1,8 1,5 13,6 13,0 41,0 1130 0,443 0,50 213 0,87 3x70+70+3x16 9,8 10,2 1,8 1,5 13,6 13,0 41,0 1197 0,443 0,50 213 0,87 3x150+70 14,5 10,2 1,7 1,5 18,1 17,7 48,0 1688 0,206 0,50 344 0,46 3x150+70+1x16 14,5 10,2 1,7 1,5 18,1 17,7 48,0 1755 0,206 0,50 344 0,46 3x150+70+2x16 14,5 10,2 1,7 1,5 18,1 17,7 48,0 1822 0,206 0,50 344 0,46 3x150+70+3x16 14,5 10,2 1,7 1,5 18,1 17,7 48,0 1889 0,206 0,50 344 0,46 (1) The maximum beareable current values are refered to the following condictions: - Permanent working condictions - Temperature of in open air 30°C Rating Factors: Ambient air temperature 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 Coefficient 1,17 1,13 1,09 1,04 1,00 0,95 0,91 0,85 0,8 0,67 0,52 7 Aluminium or Copper Low Voltage Cables Construction: Aluminium conductors (solid/stranded, round/sector shaped) XLPE insulation. Polyester assembling tape PVC bedding (armoured cables) Double helix tape (multi core armoured cables) or aluminium tape (single core cables) PVC outer sheath (LDPE sheath supplied on request) Applications: Power plants, underground distribution networks, industrial plants. The solid conductor cables are particulary suitable for the low voltage circuits, between the transformers and main distribution boards. The cables can be installed in ducts or open air (the armoured versions are generally used in undergruond circuits, directly buried in the soil). Voltage 0,6/1 kV Standards: HD 603 S1; IEC 60502-1 Electrical and dimensional characteristics of Low Voltage Cables Designation Diameter of conductor mm2 mm Insulation thickness 4 Cores 3 Cores/Neutral 1 Core Phase Diameter of cable Weight mm mm kg/km Neutral mm DC resistance at 200C Al Current Rating (1) air /km underground A Voltage drop cos = 0,8 V/A.km 1x16 4,80 0,7 - 6,4 9,4 110 1,910 - 105 3,50 1x25 6,00 0,9 - 8,0 11,0 155 1,200 180 135 2,24 1x35 7,00 0,9 - 9,0 12,0 190 0,868 215 166 1,65 1x50 8,10 1,0 - 10,3 13,3 240 0,641 257 205 1,29 1x70 9,80 1,1 - 12,2 15,2 320 0,443 315 260 0,88 1x95 11,40 1,1 - 13,8 17,0 410 0,320 377 321 0,66 1x120 13,00 1,2 - 15,6 18,8 505 0,253 430 375 0,54 1x150 14,50 1,4 - 17,5 20,9 615 0,206 482 432 0,46 0,38 1x185 16,40 1,6 - 19,8 23,2 750 0,164 545 500 1x240 18,50 1,7 - 22,1 25,7 950 0,125 640 603 0,32 1x300 20,80 1,8 - 24,6 28,4 1.185 0,100 725 697 0,27 1x400 23,60 2,0 - 27,8 31,8 1.490 0,078 835 829 0,22 1x500 26,80 2,2 - 31,4 35,8 1.850 0,061 950 963 0,19 1x630 30,60 2,4 - 35,6 40,4 2.310 0,125 1.035 1.050 0,16 3x35/16 7,00 0,9 0,7 9,0 23,3 675 0,868 134 122 1,63 3x50/25 8,10 1,0 0,9 10,3 26,0 862 0,641 160 149 1,22 3x70/35 9,80 1,1 0,9 12,2 30,2 1.176 0,443 197 192 0,87 0,65 3x90/50 11,40 1,1 1,0 13,8 34,0 1.546 0,320 234 235 3x120/70 13,00 1,2 1,1 15,6 37,8 1.911 0,253 266 273 0,53 3x150/70 14,50 1,4 1,1 17,5 41,5 2.312 0,206 300 316 0,45 3x185/95 16,40 1,6 1,1 19,8 46,3 2.869 0,164 337 363 0,37 3x240/120 18,50 1,7 1,2 22,1 52,0 3.692 0,125 388 430 0,30 1,63 4x35 7,00 0,9 0,9 9,0 23,3 686 0,868 134 122 4x50 8,10 1,0 1,0 10,3 26,2 882 0,641 160 149 1,22 4x70 9,80 1,1 1,1 12,2 30,6 1.214 0,443 197 192 0,87 0,65 4x95 11,40 1,1 1,1 13,8 34,0 1.568 0,320 234 235 4x120 13,00 1,2 1,2 15,6 38,0 1.951 0,253 266 273 0,53 4x150 14,50 1,4 1,4 17,5 41,7 2.379 0,206 300 316 0,45 4x185 16,40 1,6 1,6 19,8 46,5 2.971 0,164 337 363 0,37 4x240 18,50 1,7 1,7 22,1 52,2 3.805 0,125 388 430 0,30 (1) The maximum beareable current values are refered to the following condictions: - Permanent working condictions - Temperature of in open air 30°C - Temperature of the ground 20°C - Depth of installation from 0,70 to 1,0 meter. 8 Diameter on insulation Aluminium or Copper Medium Voltage Cables Construction de base: Round stranded and compacted aluminium or copper conductors. Inner semi-conducting layer. XLPE or HEPR insulation. Outer semi-conducting layer (strippable or full bonded ). Metallic screen (copper wires/copper tape). Non-metallic outer sheath (PVC or PE). Voltage 6/10 (12) kV 12/20 (24) kV 18/30 (36) kV Construction options: Conductor water blocking (water swellable yarns). Radial water blocking (water swellable tape). Aluminium tape armoured (single core cables) or steel tape armour (three core cables). Outer sheath: - Halogen free flame retardant - Co-extruded conductive layer over the sheath for special sheath testing Applications: Medium voltage transport and distribution networks, industrial plants, power plants, transformer units, connection between overhead lines and transformers. The cables can be installed in ducts, galleries, directly buried in the soil or in the open air. The armoured versions are particulary suitable to be directly buried in the soil, when an extra mechanical protection is needed. Standards : IEC 60502-2; HD 620 Electrical and dimensional characteristics of the Cables (no armoured) Cross section Voltage 18/30 kV Voltage 12/20 kV Voltage 6/10 kV mm2 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 Cross Section (mm2) 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 Diameter of conductor Insulation thickness Diameter over insulation Outer Sheath thickness Outer diameter of cable mm mm mm mm mm Al Cu μF/km mH/km /km 15,9 17,0 18,7 20,3 21,9 23,4 25,3 27,4 29,7 32,5 35,7 20,1 21,2 22,9 24,5 26,1 27,6 29,5 31,6 33,9 36,7 39,9 25,1 26,2 27,9 29,5 31,1 32,6 34,5 36,6 38,9 41,7 44,9 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,0 2,1 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 1,9 2,0 2,0 2,1 2,1 2,2 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 22,0 23,1 24,8 26,4 28,0 29,7 31,6 33,9 36,4 39,4 42,8 26,2 27,3 29,0 30,8 32,6 34,1 36,2 38,3 40,8 43,8 47,2 31,4 32,7 34,4 36,2 37,8 39,5 41,4 43,7 46,2 49,2 52,6 540 605 710 825 940 1.070 1.225 1.455 1.720 2.035 2.435 720 790 905 1.045 1.185 1.310 1.495 1.725 2.005 2.340 2.765 975 1.070 1.200 1.350 1.490 1.650 1.830 2.100 2.400 2.760 3.215 755 900 1.130 1.405 1.670 1.975 2.350 2.930 3.560 4.390 5.520 930 1.080 1.325 1.625 1.915 2.210 2.620 3.200 3.845 4.695 5.850 1.190 1.360 1.620 1.930 2.220 2.550 2.960 3.575 4.240 5.115 6.300 0,23 0,25 0,29 0,32 0,35 0,38 0,41 0,46 0,50 0,55 0,62 0,17 0,18 0,20 0,22 0,24 0,26 0,28 0,31 0,34 0,37 0,41 0,13 0,14 0,16 0,17 0,19 0,20 0,22 0,23 0,25 0,28 0,31 0,399 0,381 0,362 0,347 0,337 0,327 0,320 0,310 0,300 0,290 0,281 0,427 0,411 0,390 0,376 0,366 0,355 0,343 0,331 0,320 0,309 0,299 0,462 0,444 0,425 0,407 0,392 0,380 0,367 0,354 0,342 0,330 0,318 0,125 0,120 0,114 0,109 0,106 0,103 0,101 0,097 0,094 0,091 0,088 0,134 0,129 0,123 0,118 0,115 0,111 0,108 0,104 0,101 0,097 0,094 0,145 0,140 0,134 0,128 0,123 Cu 0,119 0,115 0,111 0,108 0,104 0,100 7,0 8,1 9,8 11,4 13,0 14,5 16,4 18,5 20,8 23,6 26,8 7,0 8,1 9,8 11,4 13,0 14,5 16,4 18,5 20,8 23,6 26,8 7,0 8,1 9,8 11,4 13,0 14,5 16,4 18,5 20,8 23,6 26,8 3,4 5,5 8,0 Resistance DC at 200C (/km) Approx. weight (kg/km) Capacitance Inductance Reactance L XL C Underground (1) o Al Cu 1,12 0,83 0,36 0,42 0,34 0,28 0,23 0,19 0,16 0,14 0,12 1,12 0,83 0,36 0,43 0,34 0,29 0,24 0,19 0,16 0,14 0,12 1,12 0,83 0,37 0,43 0,35 0,29 0,24 0,20 0,17 0,14 0,13 0,68 0,50 0,36 0,27 0,22 0,19 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,68 0,51 0,36 0,27 0,23 0,19 0,17 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,68 0,51 0,37 0,28 0,23 0,20 0,17 0,15 0,13 0,12 0,11 Voltage Drop (cos = 0,8) Current Rating (A) AC at 900C (/km) Impedance Z90º C (/km) Air (2) V/A.km Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu 0,868 0,641 0,443 0,320 0,253 0,206 0,164 0,125 0,100 0,078 0,061 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,099 0,075 0,060 0,047 0,037 1,113 0,822 0,568 0,411 0,325 0,265 0,211 0,161 0,129 0,101 0,080 0,664 0,490 0,340 0,245 0,194 0,158 0,127 0,097 0,078 0,062 0,050 151 180 220 260 300 335 378 438 496 560 636 190 226 276 329 373 415 468 541 608 684 762 161 190 235 290 330 375 430 508 588 680 790 201 241 299 362 416 469 536 630 717 823 929 1,68 1,27 0,91 0,69 0,57 0,48 0,40 0,33 0,28 0,24 0,21 1,06 0,81 0,60 0,46 0,39 0,33 0,29 0,24 0,21 0,19 0,17 The currents and voltage drops are indicated for a 3 phase installation (3 cables in trefoil). (1) - Maximum temperature of the ground 20°C; (2) - Maximum temperature in open air 30°C 9 Aluminium Medium Voltage Aerial Bundled Cables Construction: Round stranded and compacted aluminium or copper conductor. Inner semi-conducting layer. XLPE insulation. Outer semi-conducting layer (strippable or full bonded ). Metallic screen (copper tape). Non-metallic outer sheath (PE or PVC). Voltage 6/10 (12) kV 8,7/15 (17,5) kV 12/20 (24) kV 18/30 (36) kV Applications: The medium voltage bundled cables are particularly suitable for overhead transport and distribution networks in places were an underground network would be unrealisable (rocky soil, forest and mountain areas). This cables are also frequently used in temporary connections, as they can be easily installed and removed. The overhead bundled cables are also an ideal solition for heavily polluted ar maritime environments, and they resist rather well to frost and low temperatures. Standards: IEC 60502-2; HD 620 Electric and Dimensional characteristics of the Cables Cross section Approx. Outer Diameter (mm) Aerial Bundled (1) Current in open air (1) (1) - Manufacture for 18/30 kV under order. With 50 mm2 steel covered cable. Other steel wire support sections may be supplied under request. Maximum temperature in open air 30º C. (2) - Currents and voltage drops are indicated for a 3 phase installation. 10 Voltage drop Aluminium or Copper High Voltage Cables Construction: Round stranded and compacted aluminium or copper conductor (longitudinal water sealing). Inner semi-conducting layer. XLPE insulation. Outer semi-conducting layer. Metallic screen (copper wires/copper tape). Longitudinal water sealing of metallic screen. Radial water sealing (Al-PE laminate or Cu-PE laminate). Non-metallic outer sheath (PE or PVC). - Halogen free flame retardant. - Co-extruded conductive layer over the sheath for special sheath testing. Rated voltage 26/45 kV 36/60 kV 64/110 kV 76/132 kV 87/150 kV Applications: High voltage transport and distribution networks, industrial plants, power plants, transformer units. The cables can be installed in ducts, galleries, directly buried in the soil or in the open air. Standards: IEC 60840; HD 632-S1 Electrical and Dimensional characteristics of the Cables Voltage 87/150 kV Voltage 76/132 kV Voltage 64/110 kV Voltage 36/60 kV Voltage 26/45 kV Cross section of conductor Diameter of Insulation conductor thickness Diameter over insulation Metallic Screen Outer Sheath thickness Outer diameter of cable Cable weight (kg/m) mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm mm Al Cu 150 185 240 300 400 500 630 800 1000 150 185 240 300 400 500 630 800 1000 185 240 300 400 500 630 800 1000 1200 1600 240 300 400 500 630 800 1000 1200 1600 400 500 630 800 1000 1200 1600 14,5 16,4 18,5 20,8 23,6 26,8 30,6 34,7 39,3 14,5 16,4 18,5 20,8 23,6 26,8 30,6 34,7 39,3 16,4 18,5 20,8 23,6 26,8 30,6 34,7 39,3 43,5 51,0 18,5 20,8 23,6 26,8 30,6 34,7 39,3 43,5 51,0 23,6 26,8 30,6 34,7 39,3 43,5 51,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 16,0 15,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 18,0 17,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 20,0 19,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 32,6 34,5 36,6 38,9 41,7 44,9 48,7 52,8 57,4 35,0 36,9 39,0 41,3 44,1 47,3 51,1 55,2 59,8 51,3 51,4 51,7 54,5 57,7 61,5 65,6 70,2 74,4 81,9 57,4 57,7 58,5 61,7 65,5 69,6 74,2 78,4 85,9 67,1 68,3 70,1 74,2 78,8 83,0 90,5 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 43,0 45,0 47,0 49,0 52,0 55,0 59,0 63,0 68,0 46,0 48,0 50,0 52,0 55,0 58,0 62,0 66,0 71,0 65,0 65,0 65,0 68,0 71,0 76,0 80,0 85,0 89,0 97,0 72,0 72,0 73,0 76,0 80,0 84,0 89,0 93,0 101,0 82,0 84,0 85,0 89,0 94,0 98,0 106,0 2,1 2,2 2,5 2,8 3,1 3,5 4,1 4,8 5,5 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,7 4,2 4,9 5,6 4,1 4,2 4,4 4,8 5,3 6,0 6,7 7,6 8,4 10,1 4,9 5,1 5,3 5,8 6,4 7,2 8,1 9,0 10,6 6,2 6,5 6,9 7,7 8,6 9,5 11,2 3,0 3,4 4,0 4,6 5,5 6,6 8,0 9,7 11,7 3,1 3,5 4,1 4,7 5,6 6,7 8,2 9,8 11,8 5,2 5,7 6,2 7,1 8,4 9,9 11,7 13,7 16,1 20,2 6,4 6,9 7,6 8,9 10,4 12,1 14,3 16,7 20,7 8,5 9,6 10,8 12,7 14,8 17,2 21,3 Capacitance Inductance L C Short-circuit condictions kA (1 s) In metal In conductor(1) screen(2) μF/km 0,20 0,22 0,23 0,25 0,28 0,31 0,34 0,37 0,41 0,19 0,20 0,22 0,24 0,26 0,28 0,31 0,34 0,38 0,14 0,16 0,17 0,19 0,20 0,22 0,24 0,27 0,29 0,33 0,14 0,15 0,17 0,19 0,20 0,22 0,24 0,26 0,29 0,15 0,17 0,19 0,21 0,22 0,24 0,27 mH/km 0,38 0,37 0,36 0,34 0,33 0,32 0,31 0,30 0,29 0,39 0,38 0,37 0,35 0,34 0,33 0,32 0,31 0,30 0,44 0,41 0,39 0,38 0,37 0,35 Cu 0,34 0,33 0,32 0,31 0,44 0,41 0,39 0,38 0,37 0,35 0,34 0,33 0,32 0,41 0,40 0,37 0,36 0,35 0,34 0,32 Al Cu 14,1 17,4 22,6 28,2 37,6 47,0 59,2 75,2 94,0 14,1 17,4 22,6 28,2 37,6 47,0 59,2 75,2 94,0 17,4 22,6 28,2 37,6 47,0 59,2 75,2 94,0 112,8 150,4 22,6 28,2 37,6 47,0 59,2 75,2 94,0 112,8 150,4 37,6 47,0 59,2 75,2 94,0 112,8 150,4 21,5 26,5 34,3 42,9 57,2 71,5 90,1 114,4 143,0 21,5 26,5 34,3 42,9 57,2 71,5 90,1 114,4 143,0 26,5 34,3 42,9 57,2 71,5 90,1 114,4 143,0 171,6 228,8 34,3 42,9 57,2 71,5 90,1 114,4 143,0 171,6 228,8 57,2 71,5 90,1 114,4 143,0 171,6 228,8 Cu 5,4 5,4 14,6 14,6 14,6 (1) Values calculated according to IEC 949 based on a conductor temperature of 90°C. (2) Values calculated according to IEC 949 based on a metallic screen temperature of 70°C before short-circuit. 11 Aluminium or Copper High Voltage Cables (cont.) Characteristics of installation of the Cables: - Ambient air temperature: 300C - Laying depth: 1,2 m - Ground temperature: 200C - Ground thermal resistivity: 1,2 0K.m/W Characteristics of use of the Cables: - Permissible short circuit temperature: 2500C - Permissible operating temperature : 900C - Permissible screen temperature: 700C Current Rating for XLPE Cable Systems (A) Trefoil formation Cables in Ground Cross Bonded conductor Al Rated voltage 64-150 kV Rated voltage 45-60 kV mm 2 0 150 185 240 300 400 500 630 800 1000 300 400 500 630 800 1000 1200 1600 Cables in Air Mise à la terre des l’écrans Cross section Cross Bonded Cu 0 0 Al 0 0 Cross Bonded Cu 0 0 Al 0 0 Both ends Cu 0 0 Al 0 0 Cu 0 0 65 C 90 C 65 C 90 C 65 C 90 C 65 C 90 C 65 C 90 C 65 C 90 C 65 C 90 C 65 C 900C 242 273 319 360 410 469 533 602 665 355 406 460 524 592 656 702 779 292 328 383 433 492 565 643 725 807 424 488 556 633 715 797 857 957 310 351 406 460 519 588 661 729 793 451 510 579 647 720 779 907 1021 374 424 488 551 629 711 797 889 971 547 620 702 788 875 957 1107 1253 242 273 314 355 406 460 519 579 638 346 392 442 497 551 602 638 697 292 328 383 428 488 556 629 706 779 419 478 538 606 674 743 788 866 310 351 401 451 506 570 629 693 743 433 488 542 597 652 697 747 807 374 419 488 547 615 688 770 848 916 529 592 661 734 802 861 925 1012 254 288 342 391 459 532 615 708 801 395 459 532 610 703 791 859 977 347 395 469 537 625 727 845 972 1103 537 620 723 835 962 1089 1186 1352 327 371 435 498 581 664 762 859 957 503 581 664 762 854 947 1128 1309 444 508 601 688 796 918 1055 1191 1328 684 791 908 1045 1182 1313 1553 1807 254 288 342 391 454 522 601 688 771 391 449 513 591 664 742 801 898 347 395 469 532 620 718 830 952 1074 527 610 703 810 918 1030 1113 1255 327 371 435 493 566 644 732 820 903 493 561 635 713 791 864 967 1084 444 508 596 679 781 893 1020 1147 1269 669 767 869 986 1103 1211 1357 1533 Rating Factors: Ground temperature,0C Laying depth, m Rating factor 0,50 0,70 0,90 1,00 1,20 1,50 1,12 1,07 1,07 1,02 1,00 0,97 Conductor temperature,0C 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 90 65 1,07 1,11 1,04 1,05 1,00 1,00 0,96 0,94 0,93 0,88 0,89 0,82 0,84 0,74 0,8 0,66 Ambient air temperature,0C Air temperature,0C 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Factor 1,18 1,13 1,10 1,05 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 Ground thermal resistivity Thermal resistivity, 0Km/W Factor d 12 0,7 1,0 1,2 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 1,23 1,08 1,00 0,9 0,8 0,72 0,66 Number of groups Distance “d” between groups, mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 100 200 400 600 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,76 0,81 0,85 0,88 0,67 0,71 0,77 0,81 0,59 0,65 0,72 0,77 0,55 0,61 0,69 0,74 0,51 0,49 0,66 0,72 0,49 0,56 0,64 0,71 0,47 0,53 0,63 0,7