5-Oct 2011 2012 AMME4111 and AMME4112 AND AMME 4121

School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Research Topics for
AMME 4111/4112 Honours Thesis A/B
AMME 4121/4122 Engineering Project A/B
The following topics have been offered by supervisors within and associated with the School of
Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (including Biomedical Engineering).
Some are specifically designated for either Project or Thesis. Where not clearly stated, students
should clarify with the supervisor which UoS can apply. Students need to approach supervisors
and gain their agreement in order to be accepted for any topic of study.
All students need to submit by Thursday, 27 October 2011 a topic selection form signed by
their supervisor to Room S444 in Mechanical Engineering.
Note: Students can also identify external supervisors and topics outside this list; however they
will need in this case to identify an academic supervisor also and submit an external supervisor
form in addition to the topic selection form.
A/Prof Colin Dunstan
Thesis Coordinator
x 17127
Supervisor: Dr Doug Auld
Rm N310, Bldg J11, ph: 9351 2336
1. Wind Tunnel investigations of Vortex Flow Behaviour
2. DSMC computations of gas flow (subsonic flow boundary conditions)
3. Experimental or CFD development and design of wind turbines
All areas are wide ranging and hence allow the possibility of several students working in
complementary topics in one of these areas.
Thesis Topics for 2012
Supervised by Peter Gibbens
In 2012, I am offering thesis topics in the following projects;
Variable Stability Flight Simulator
Static Flight Simulator Development
Vision Systems for Flight Guidance using Jabiru Flight Laboratory
Jabiru Flight Laboratory: JabLab
Topics in projects A and (B,C,D) are run as group exercises and weekly progress meetings are
held involving all members of the group.
My approach to selection of candidates for these topics is to accept applications for each topic,
and then to choose the most suitable person for the job. Applications can be made by email to
me. Applications should address the specific topic(s) you are interested in, and set out your skills
and interests that make you a suitable candidate. I will arrange a meeting later in 2nd semester
with all interested parties and will assign individual responsibilities.
Project Descriptions:
My research and development interests are in the following general fields. The tables following
detail the specific thesis topics proposed for 2012 within these project guidelines.
A: Variable Stability Flight Simulator
The Variable Stability Flight Simulator is a facility aimed at providing enhanced learning
opportunities in courses and topics related to Flight Mechanics. It allows students and
researchers to study the effects of variations in an aircraft‘s aerodynamic characteristics on
flight stability, controllability and handling qualities. The simulator is set up to allow the
simulation of any type of aircraft, and to allow implementation and testing of control system
designs in real time. It has been equipped with the necessary avionics hardware to facilitate
these activities, and the compatible software is being developed via thesis projects. Much
progress has been made in recent towards these goals. Further developments are intended in
2010. Detailed goals are outlined in the table below. These involve development of
individual hardware and software components of the simulation system, and modelling of a
range of aircraft with interesting and varied dynamic behaviours.
More detailed and up-to-date information the facility and recent thesis work can be found at
the project web page http://www.aeromech.usyd.edu.au/vsfs/ and the Flight Mechanics
Thesis web page http://www.aeromech.usyd.edu.au/flightm/aero4950/aero4950.html where
resources and previous theses are available.
B: Static Flight Simulator Development
The goal of this project is to build up a fixed based collimated simulator to complement the
VSFS but which is more accessible to students and has better visual environment. Some
work has been done to establish the visual system and some of the avionics, however further
hardware development of cockpit components and software integration needs to be done.
Integration with VSFS will allow interactive simulations between the two systems.
C: Vision Systems for Flight Guidance and Control
This is a new research initiative involving the use of vision systems (cameras) and image
processing techniques to detect important visual features like horizons and runways
characteristics in the interests providing feedback information for the control of an aircraft.
This project is developing key sensor elements and dealing with data fusion issues aimed at
the development of future navigation systems for manned and unmanned flight based on
passive sensing only (independent of external infrastructure). Initially the concepts will be
investigated by simulation via Matlab/Simulink and the VSFS. These activities will be aided
in 2012 by acquisition and analysis of real flight imagery using the Jabiru Flight laboratory.
Specific topics involve development of methods for the detection of features in the
environment that can be used to navigate. This involves the development of algorithms for
vision processing and data fusion. Future development is aimed at implementing algorithms
to detect features, build maps of the environment and to navigate in real-time.
Closed feature detection and spline representation – Leon Stepan 2009
Open feature detection and chain code representation – Victor Moray 2009
D. Jabiru Flight Laboratory
The Jabiru Flight Laboratory is based on the School‘s J400 four seat Jabiru. This has been
fitted out with a glass cockpit avionics system, a suite of flight sensors and a data acquisition
system to measure all flight characteristics. The complete system will provide a flight test
capability that will facilitate teaching and learning in flight test techniques, as well as
research into flight stability, avionics systems and flight control system development.
The sensor and data acquisition systems are due to be installed around the end of 2010.
Subsequent work will involve calibration of sensors, data fusion and integration with
research projects in visual guidance and predictive control. Progress in 2010 has involved
preparation of the sensor system (above) for installation in the J400, and the design and
development of camera pods for installation in the aircraft.
Sensor data fusion - Lorenz Eberl 2009
Camera Pod design and fabrication – Lorenz Eberl 2009
More detailed information the facility and recent thesis work can (soon) be found at the
project web page http://www.aeromech.usyd.edu.au/JabLab and the Flight Mechanics Thesis
web page http://www.aeromech.usyd.edu.au/flightm/aero4950/aero4950.html where
resources and previous theses are available.
Detailed Duties
(T): Feasible for Thesis AMME 4111/4112
(P): Feasible for Project AMME 4121/4122
Topic Title
Aircraft flight
dynamic model
(1 person)
Integration and
(1 person)
(1 person: May
be integrated
with A2)
Description of Duty
Aim: To implement a rage of different aircraft
models into the simulator.
A number of flight models have been developed
(HL-20, X29, Wamira, AD-1, F-16 etc) but have
not been fully implemented into the simulator. This
project involves work placing the flight dynamic
data in the correct generic format for
implementation, and development of initialisation
files. The aim is for these aircraft to be ‗flyable‘ by
the end of the project.
Aim: To develop plugins to control third-party
software systems like X-plane. This project furthers
significant developments that have lead to the large
scale integration of X-Plane graphics upgrades into
the simulator. More work is required to integrate
other avionics software systems such as propulsion
system, flight instrument and FMC display
information. Implementation of Flight Management
Computer (FMC) functionality.
May require C/C++
Aim: Continue development of the Variable
Stability Module and implement it in F.M teaching
programme. Involves development of software
interfaces, organisation of data structures and
storage methods, transmission between PC‘s and
real-time implementation in the Real-Time
simulation. Development of interfaces through
which the operator of the Simulator modifies flight
stability, controls flight modes and options, weather
conditions, instrument and system failures.
Develop interfaces to manipulate aerodynamic
properties, propulsion system properties,
undercarriage properties, control stick to control
surface mappings, control system gain schedules.
This interface also will give flight path plots of the
scenarios flown, and will store trajectory data for
later analysis. Navigation aids and communication
to simulation core. This project involves research
associated with organising and assessing the
effectiveness of the simulation in teaching flight
stability and control.
May require C/C++
Aim: Develop/complete generic dynamic models
for four basic engine types. Currently only turbofan
and turboprop models are (partially) implemented.
It is desired to generate generic models for other
engine types and to make all of them selectable in
the flight simulator. A good generic propulsion
model is required to permit aircraft design and redesign evaluations to be performed.
Implementation in Simulink in real-time.
( 1 person)
and integration
of new
Aim: To further develop the new 5 screen
collimator system into a fully featured operational
simulator. The collimators need to be
complimented with instrument displays, flight
controls and secondary equipment to complete a 2man cockpit. Practical work is required to
configure these systems into a proper cockpit
layout. Involves design and manufacture of
equipment, installation and testing. Software
components can be included to get simulator
operating interactively with VSFS.
Aim: To develop vision processing techniques to
analyse flight response data from camera images.
This will involve acquisition of camera images of
typical flight scenery like horizons, runways, water
feature, roads, building, urban areas. The focus is
on detecting important features in the scene that
can be identified and tracked in order to determine
the aircraft state for subsequent use in control and
navigation. Initially the techniques can be
developed and analysed using matlab. Simulation
of the image processing, data analysis and
feedback control integration can be simulated
together with a flight simulation in order to
evaluate closed loop performance. Involves
implementation of algorithms in real-time for
integration into data acquisition systems.
The intention is to develop navigation filters to
accurately track the aircraft state.
- Tight coupling of the image processing
algorithms with inertial data.
- Robustification of feature detection
- Extension to detection of general features
for automated visual navigation.
May require C/C++
(2 persons)
Vision Systems
for Flight
(2 people)
Jabiru Flight
handle a
couple of
Aim: Complete the integration of flight test
equipment and prepare for flight trials.
calibration and
(1 person)
Sensor and computer system integration. Sensor
calibration (IMU, ADP, Vision sensors). Data
acquisition, test and analysis procedures. Ideally
this will involve some flight test and data
collection for analysis.
Honours Thesis and Engineering Project topics:
Supervisor: Dr Karkenahalli Srinivas
1. Optimisation of stents for coronary and cerebral application
2. Computation of blood flow in real patient geometries
Supervisor: Prof Liyong Tong
Ph 9351 6949
Honours thesis topics
1. Topology design optimization of a rib in aircraft wing box
An aircraft wing box has a number of ribs that are connected together by stringers and spars.
This project aims at investigating optimum material usage in a rib panel that is subjected to
different aerodynamic load. A particular airfoil section e.g. NACA-0012, will be selected
and several typical air dynamic load cases will be considered. A prototype is expected to be
manufactured and tested if sufficient progress is made in the first semester.
2. FE analysis of 3D woven carbon fibre reinforced composites
This project involves visualization of 3D woven carbon fibre reinforced composites by using
imaging technologies and then a 3D finite element analysis using commercial software.
3. Analysis and testing of noise cancelling headphones
This project aims to develop an understanding of structural dynamics and acoustics of noise
cancelling headphones via finite element modelling and experimental testing of selected or
designed headphones.
4. Dynamic analysis of variable-area aircraft engine fan nozzle
Lightweight shape memory alloy cable actuator is an option to alter the shale of segmented
flaps in aircraft engine nozzle. This projects aims to develop an understanding of the
benefits of variable area fan nozzle and then investigate various possible options of
extending the dimensions of variable segmented flaps. A finite element model will be used
to develop an understanding of structural dynamics under thermal loading.
5. Design of shape adaptable rotor blade airfoil section using smart material based
Morphing of rotor blade airfoil section is about actively changing the airfoil section shape
using compact actuators, such as PZT, SMA based actuators, to achieve active airflow
control for enhanced flight performance. This project aims to look into possible solution to
design and analysis of shape adaptable NACA-0012 airfoil section with a rigid spar using
smart material based actuators. Finite element based numerical simulations are to be
performed for achieving desired airfoil shapes.
6. Active airfoil control via camber-manipulation
Active morphing of airfoil is about actively controlling the airfoil shape to achieve active
airflow control for enhanced flight performance. This project aims to look into possible
solution to development of wings with variable camber using available smart materials and
structural design. Finite element based numerical simulations are to be performed for
achieving desired airfoil shapes.
7. Modelling and conceptual development of compact actuators
Flapping wings technology is viewed as a possible solution for micro UAV. Simulation of
flying insects, such as a fly, butterfly and a dragonfly, becomes desirable and feasible with
today‘s MEMS based manufacturing technology. This project focuses on development of
conceptual design of a compact actuator that can actuate the ultralight flapping wings and
modelling of verifying the conceptual design.
8. Digital image correlation for full field measurement
This project will offer an opportunity for a student who is keen in developing/implementing
and verifying Matlab based software that is capable of performing digital image correlation
between two images to extract relevant structural movement. It is expected that DIC
software will be used to facilitate measurement of selected adhesive properties in bonded
9. PZT based motion energy harvester
This project aims to review various designs and prototypes of energy harvesters based on
PZT and external motion. Typical design consists of a cantilever beam with a concentrated
mass at the free end and a PZT film attached close to the clamped end. Motion of the
clamped end will generate vibration of the beam, which in turn strains the PZT material and
generate electrical charges that could be collected if an appropriate electric circuit system is
10. Conceptual design and feasibility analysis of solar energy-driven flapping wings
This project aims to review and explore the various concepts and designs of gliders that
glide and collect solar energy in day time and flap to gain altitude during night time.
Supervisor: Dr Gareth A. Vio
Rm N306, Bldg J11, ph: 9351 2394
Thesis topics available for 2012 are:
Flutter and Gust Suppression Using Non-linear Oscillators.
Minimum Requirements: Project/Honours Thesis.
The project is aimed at developing the use of non-linear oscillators for flight envelope
expansion and load reduction when external forces excite the aeroelastic system under
consideration. The project is computational and Matlab will be used. There is possibility
of expansion of the thesis by verifying the results with wind tunnel data.
Tailoring of Geodesic Aeroelastic Structure
Minimum Requirements: Project/Honours Thesis.
The project is aimed at looking at the possibility of using the uni-directional properties of
composites to create geodesic structure instead of the current aircraft building techniques
using skin/stringers. Geodesic structures were employed during WWII to construct
fuselages of wood and were favoured for their ease of repair. Geodesic have a
considerable weight advantage compare to standard constructions methods. Composites
can allow to re-use this construction technique while satisfying modern requirement. The
project will require the use of Matlab and MSC.Nastran (FE package).
Tailoring of Monocoque Aeroelastic Structure
Minimum Requirements: Project/Honours Thesis.
The project is aimed at looking at the possibility of using the uni-directional properties of
composites to create monocoque structure. Current structure have a semi-monocoque
construction. A monocoque structure would provide lower mass but might only become
viable for small scale vehicles. Of interest is the to find the scale point where such
structure becomes a viable alternative and what benefits can be derived from it. The
project will require the use of Matlab and MSC.Nastran (FE package).
FanTail Flight Envelope Expansion for Transition Flight.
Minimum Requirements: Honours Thesis.
FanTail is a VTOL capable flight vehicle with highly unconventional configuration. It
has a rotor-duct at the mid-section and an upper fuselage that houses an EO payload,
avionic and fuel tank, a lower fuselage that houses the exhaust system and a pair of ‗gridfins‘. The configuration was designed for hover flight and high speed transition flight
which is defined as flight with near horizontal attitude. Of interest in this project is the
study of the flow transition from vertical to horizontal flight. The project is experimental
and will require use of wind tunnel and set up of various experimental devices.
Development of CFD Grids for CFD-CSD Problems.
Minimum Requirements: Project/Honours Thesis.
For this project a set of CFD grids for different configuration will be created that will
then be integrated within the aeroelastic code Pmb3D developed by Glasgow/Liverpool
University. The aircraft configuration that will be investigated are the sensorcraft
structure and the blended wing body. The project will require knowledge of Matlab, C,
MSC.Nastran, Ansys CFD and unix operating system.
Load Identification in Lunar Lander.
Minimum Requirements: Honours Thesis.
White Label Space are involved in the Google Lunar X competition. The aim of the
competition is to land a robot on the moon. The project will assess the vibration
environment of the lunar robot and launch vehicle to ensure that the vehicle will be able
to survive all stages of the launch and deployment process. There is the possibility of
building test model and verify their integrity. The project will involve the use of Matlab
and MSC.Nastran (FE package).
Design of Vibration Experiment.
Minimum Requirements: Project/Honours Thesis.
For this project a set of experiments to show the effect of vibration on structures and
aircraft. The project will concentrate on the design of multiple models to show the
properties of vibrating structures. A selection of models will be designed, built and tested.
Matlab and MSC.Nastran (FE package) will be use throughout the course of this project
Design of Wind Tunnel Working Section for Gust Experiment
Minimum Requirements: Project/Honours Thesis.
The project involves the design and build of new test section for the wind tunnel in the
Aeronautical Engineering Building. The section will require the installation of gust vanes
driven by a motor and a supporting frame for the mounting of models. This project will
require the use of CAD modelling and simulation software to find the best aerofoil, its
location with respect to the test model. Build a piece of software to drive the gust vanes.
Design of an Aeroelastically Scaled Sensorcraft Structure
Minimum Requirements: Project/Honours Thesis.
The project will involve the design of a scaled sensorcraft structure for wind tunnel
testing to test the principle of a gust alleviation device. The project will require the use of
Matlab and MSC.Nastran (FE package).
Design of a Head Expander
Minimum Requirements: Project Thesis.
The project will involve the design of a head expander for an LDS shaker. The project
will involve the design and Finite Element verification of the results to make sure that
there are no resonances within the operating range while keeping the mass to a minimum.
The head expander will have to be able to support the experimental testing for the small
satellites build in the department.
KC Wong
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Email: kc.wong@sydney.edu.au
2012 Honours/MPE Thesis or Engineering Projects
Please come and discuss possible topics with me as soon as possible. Subject areas
supervised include Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Aircraft Design,
Experimental Aerodynamics, and Aeronautical Engineering Education. Any topics
within the following or related areas can be discussed and potentially agreed to.
Possible Topic Areas include:
(1) (multiple projects possible) Global Collaborative Design Project – Fuel Cell
Powered Low-Altitude Long-Endurance UAV – contribute to the ongoing
development of a Flight Research UAV airframe system jointly being developed
with design teams in Belgium and Germany.
(2) (Multiple projects) BWB (blended wing body) UAV:
a. Investigate the shifting in neutral point due to propwash;
b. Investigate the use of Split ailerons on BWB aircraft;
c. Composite airframe structural optimisation;
d. Rapid prototyping;
e. Dynamic testing of model in the 7 X 5 wind tunnel
f. Improvement of the instrumentation and flight testing
i. Alpha-beta-V sensor - 5 hole probe
ii. Control position sensors
iii. Interface with X-Plane
iv. Inertia measurement system
g. Graphical AVL/Panair editor with expansion to CATIA (part of a fast
preliminary aircraft design optimisation tool)
h. Parameter estimation from flight testing
ii. Cessna 182 (can be compared with full scale)
iii. Jabiru J-400 (can be compared with full scale)
(3) (priority continuing project) The Development of Experiential-Learning
Laboratory facilities for Thin-wall and Aircraft Structures.
(4) (continuing project) Development and review of integrated ExperientialLearning curriculum for Aeronautical Engineering education.
(5) Launch and recovery of small UAVs;
(6) (multiple projects possible) mini UAV Airframe Systems:
a. Further improvements to VTOL concepts, eg. Single bladed rotor craft
with forward flight transition ability;
b. Aerodynamic modelling, Stability and Control, design optimisation, flight
simulation and wind tunnel testing of channel-wing and/or annular-wing
airframe concepts.
c. Development of tube-launched prototypes;
d. Low Reynolds number winglet/wingtip design and optimisation;
e. Issues relating to deployable structures for airframes;
f. Development of UAVs deployed from underwater platforms;
g. Development of thrust vectoring for VTOL and gust-tolerant mAV Flight
Platforms for urban operations;
h. low Reynolds Number aerodynamics;
i. development of miniature autonomous flightcontrollers.
j. (continuing) develop flight test instrumentation –
programming skills required;
k. integrate novel sensors and flight control systems;
l. optimisation of propeller and/or ducted-fan designs
for mini/micro Air Vehicles (continuing);
m. explore bio-inspired concepts for indoor/outdoor operation;
n. Explore morphing airframes, or airframes with deployable aerodynamic
(7) Miniaturisation of efficient heavy-fuelled gas-turbine engines for driving
turbofans, turboprops, turboshafts, power generators, and hybrid propulsivepower systems (continuing – there will be a number of projects available within
the Micro Propulsion Group).
(8) Design of a UAV airframe system capable of supporting microgravity research.
Such an aircraft is required to be capable of flying precise parabolic arc
manoeuvres to simulate weightlessness. During the arc, the propulsion and
control of the aircraft are managed such that the aircraft would behave as it
would if it were free-falling to simulate microgravity conditions.
(9) Rapid-prototyping - Multi-axis CNC Foam-Shaper. Expanded/extruded
polystyrene foam and/or expanded polypropylene foam is utilised widely and
effectively in the construction of model aeroplanes, small UAVs, low-speed
wind-tunnel models, and even small aircraft (such as wings of the early variant
Jabiru SP ). Recently, a basic CNC Foam-cutter has been built in AMME. This
project is then intended to develop it into a multi-axis CNC Foam shaper, thus
providing a versatile prototype manufacturing facility in AMME. This topic
would suit any AMME student that has a keen interest in Manufacturing
Engineering , CAD, CNC machining and mechanical design. The ideal candidate
would have good programming skills as well as practical skills and be able to work
closely with potential users (clients) for the facility.
Dries Verstraete
Dries.Verstraete@sydney.edu.au Rm N316, Aeronautical Engineering Building
Dr Philip Boughton Honours Projects 2012
Contact: pboughton@usyd.edu.au | 0402890150 | JO7 Rm S342
1. Bioactive Glass Development (Biometic Pty Ltd)
Supervisors: Dr Philip Boughton, A Prof Andrew Ruys, A Prof Max Guazato
Bioactive glasses are used in tissue engineering, bone putty, dental root therapy, implant coatings and bioabsorbable
devices. This industry based project aims to develop new applications and improve existing glass manufacturing
processes. Opportunity to investigate and develop novel glass compositions and post-forming methods
(microspheres/fibers/coatings) to address clinical needs will be provided. Bioglass science, process design, and
analytical testing within a commercial context will provide invaluable device design and manufacturing experience.
2. Soft Tissue Scaffold Development (Biometic Pty Ltd)
Supervisors: Dr Philip Boughton, A Prof Andrew Ruys, A Prof Sue McLennan, Dr Antonio Lauto, Prof Andrew Holland
Variotis™ is a versatile bioactive soft tissue scaffold that can be used with a range of cells and tissues. New
methods, modifications and applications will be investigated. Instant photo-activated adhesion and longer bioactive
glass facilitated tissue adhesion are important areas for investigation. The project will also include refinement
objectives for existing production and post-process routes. Increase in scaffold production yield and quality will be a
priority. Innovation, process control, sustainable development, risk analysis, accounting for user requirements, are
among the core aspects that will be addressed in this project.
3. Tissue Engineering Bioreactor System (Biometic Pty Ltd, UWS Medicine)
Supervisors: Dr Philip Boughton, A Prof Andrew Ruys, Dr Antonio Lauto
In vitro tissue engineering benefits from biomechanical stimulus. The novel iaxsys™ system has been designed to
complement existing cell biology experimental methods and equipment constraints. This project aims to further
develop and refine systems: actuation, sensors, feedback, interface, mechanical couplings, perfusion, plate-bank and
in-situ microscopy. User requirement analysis, design and development, manufacturing and verification/validation
aspects will be addressed. Ability and experience with design (CAD), cell testing, and software programming will be
4. Spinal Implant Biomechanics (St George Hospital Linked).
Supervisors: A Prof Ashish Diwan, Dr Philip Boughton, A Prof Andrew Ruys
A minimally invasive spinal implant has been developed to treat low back pain. The nucleus prosthesis is designed
to restore physiologic stress to the degenerate spinal disk joint. A posterior dynamic stabilization is being considered
for complimentary use with the nucleus prosthesis. Biomechanical characterization of the spinal devices will be
undertaken using a state-of-the-art 6-axis BOSE spine simulator. Motion capture methodologies will be used. This
biomechanical study will utilize synthetic and animal (ovine or kangaroo) models.
5. Studying and Inhibiting the Onset of Calcification in Heart Valve Biomaterials (Liverpool Hospital &
Industry Linked)
Supervisors: Dr Philip Boughton, Dr Giang Tran, A Prof Andrew Ruys
Bovine pericardium is the outer membrane of the heart that is widely used in bioengineering of variety of
cardiovascular applications including heart valve leaflet, patches for pericardial for cardiovascular reconstructive
procedure as well as in general surgery. Calcification of these tissues can lead to structural dysfunction, tissue
degeneration and catastrophic implant failure. The onset of calcification and its effects will be studied by a range of
techniques. Existing and novel methods to prevent calcification will be investigated. Opportunity to further develop
heart valve materials, modifications, and heart valve configurations will be available .
6. Optimization of Collagenous Implant Materials (Liverpool Hospital & Industry Linked)
Supervisors: Dr Philip Boughton, Dr Giang Tran, A Prof Andrew Ruys
Collagenous tissue such as bovine pericardium and porcine aortic wall have been used successfully in bioprosthetics
for the past 40 years. The established route for collagenous tissue production utilizes glutaraldehyde crosslinking
agent. A variety of processing conditions are employed by manufacturers. Concentration of glutaraldehyde,
thickness of tissues, and strain conditions during crosslinking can be varied to enhance the mechanical performance
of the bioprosthetic materials. This industry-sponsored study will provide opportunities to improve manufacturing
processes, develop new approaches, engage in mechanical verification and analytical methods. This project is
focussed on delivering process design, manufacturing and test recommendations.
7. Fibro-Cartilage Tissue Engineering (StGeorge Hospital & Industry Linked)
Supervisors: Dr Philip Boughton, Dr Giang Tran, Dr Ashish Diwan, Brad Miles
Fibrocartilage is an important complex hierarchical soft tissue that supports and constrains musculoskeletal joints.
Sporting injuries, trauma and degenerative pathologies lead to loss in fibrocartilage integrity. Functional gradients in
modulus and collagen type are observed in this type of tissue and should ideally be accounted for in scaffold design.
A FGM (functionally graded material) biomimetic shape-matching tissue engineering scaffold for treating
fibrocartilage defects is under development. The project will involve design and manufacture and mechanical and
biologic verification of device prototypes. An existing FEA model will be further refined and validated against
mechanical results. Design parameters to mitigate against device migration is essential. Prototypes will need to be
compatible and ideally visible with MRI, CT, fluoroscopy imaging. Opportunity to employ an iaxsys™ bioreactor
system for biologic verification of prototypes will be provided.
8. Skin Tissue Engineering (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital & Biometic Pty Ltd Linked).
Supervisors: A Prof. Sue McLennan, Dr Philip Boughton, Dr Nick Coleman
Diabetes and diabetic ulcers is a growing problem in aging populations and among remote indigenous communities.
A novel resorbable scaffold for treating serious diabetic ulcers is currently being developed. Dermal chronic wounds
are typically necrotic, apoxic, compromised by entrenched infection, and poor in mechanical strength. An elastic
highly interconnective porous scaffold laden with antibiotics and antibacterial agents has been developed. This
project will focus on further biologic verification testing and design improvement of this scaffold with particular
focus on resorption rate optimization. Exposure to production methods, invitro cell testing, analytical methods,
mechanical testing will be provided.
9. Biologic Nano-composite Materials Research for Biomimetic Design (School of Materials Science &
Engineering, UNSW)
Supervisors: Dr John Daniels, Dr Philip Boughton
Naturally occurring nano-composite materials such as bone or nacre (sea shell), possess mechanical properties that
far exceed that predicted from measurements of their individual constituent components. It is the aim of this project
to accurately identify the structural mechanisms giving rise to the dramatic mechanical property enhancements
observed in these materials. The project will use innovative in-situ diffraction techniques with combined
mechanical testing to separate structural contributions to deformation and failure processes. This information will
primarily be important to future biomimetic design and fabrication of nano-structured materials for engineering
Prof David Little, Westmead and A/Prof Andrew Ruys (andrew.ruys@sydney.edu.au)
Internal and External Fixation Systems for In Vivo Fracture Models
Many new and interesting biological discoveries are being investigated in small animal models.
In mice it is not only possible to examine genetic disorders, but also track specific cell lineages.
Novel treatments for bone repair are also often examined in both mice and rats. At the
Orthopaedic Research and Biotechnology Laboratory at KRI Westmead we have already
developed and optimised several systems. This project would advance those systems, and
involve design and fabrication of novel implants using a combination of microCT derived
anatomical studies, CAD/CAM design, injection moulding and extrusion of components suitable
for tars and mice. The project would be co supervised by Professor David Little at Westmead
and A/Prof Andrew Ruys (andrew.ruys@sydney.edu.au) in Biomedical Engineering.
Colin Dunstan
Honours thesis topics:
Evaluating implanted ceramic scaffolds in bone (2-3 possible in this area)
Email: colin.dunstan@sydney.edu.au
Tel: 9351 7127
Evaluating cell responses to implanted ceramic scaffolds. Ceramic scaffolds of standard or novel
materials have been inserted into defects in the bone of rat or rabbit tibiae. For this project the
student will develop techniques to fully evaluate the bone inductive and conductive tissue
responses to these scaffolds using microcomputerised tomography and plastic embedded and
quantitative histologic measurements.
Outcomes to be assessed will be extent of cell invasion, numbers of osteoblasts and osteoclasts
and measurement of bone formation rates. Assessments will be histological using
histomorphometry to determine the static and dynamic parameters of bone regeneration.
Cancer in bone (1-2 possible in this area)
Email: colin.dunstan@sydney.usyd.edu.au
Tel: 9351 7127
Mice will be provided with controlled diets to induce either vitamin D deficiency or normal
vitamin D status. Bones of these mice containing breast and prostate cancer tumours will be
assessed by micro-computerized tomography and histological methods to determine the amount
of bone destruction and new bone formation, and the growth rates and invasiveness of the
tumours cells. Results will be analysed to determine the possible role for vitamin d deficiency in
the incidence and progression rates of breast and prostate cancers.
The student will be trained in the measurement of bone lesions using microCT, and histological
techniques including hard tissue histology, histomorphometry, immunostaining and TUNEL
staining for assessing cancer cell apoptosis (programmed cell death).
Modelling for Virtual Surgical Plan of Orthodontic Treatment
Supervisor: A/Prof Qing Li (AMME) (AMME) and Prof A. Darendeliler (Dentistry)
Rm S509, Bldg J07 Mechanical Engineering, ph: 9352 8607
The ratio of patients who request orthodontic therapy to the total population is surprisingly high.
Unofficial data reports that every year 60% of all adolescents in Australia undergo orthodontic
treatment to improve their healthy start to life. Orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) within the
dentoalveolar bone is based on the ability of surrounding bone and periodontal ligament (PDL)
to react to a mechanical stimulus (e.g. stress/damage/strain energy) with remodelling processes.
Orthodontic forces generate a complex set of mechanical stimuli triggering biological reactions
in dentoalveolar and PDL, thereby causing teeth to move to ideal positions in the jaw. Although
it is recognised that the change in biomechanical environment leads to OTM, it is unclear which
of the mechanical signals are dominating the initiation of the bone remodelling and how to
quantify a dynamic tooth movement process in response to the orthodontic force.
This project aims to (1) develop a precise model of the orthodontic treatment based on CT
images (NewTom – Sydney Dental Hospital in USyd Faculty of Dentistry), which may involve
uses of Rhinoceros/ScanFE – Solidworks – Ansys or Strand7); (2) quantify the biomechanical
responses in several different stages of OTM; (3) correlate the mechanical stimuli to the OTM
rate measured in clinic. In this project, the student will use his/her CAD/FEA skills to an
interdisciplinary topic, and he/she is expected to closely work with USyd dental specialists (Prof
Darendeliler) at Department of Orthodontics.
Field C, Ichim I, Swain MV, Chan E, Darendeliler MA, Li W, Li Q (2009) ―Mechanical
Responses to Orthodontic Loading: A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Multi-Tooth Model‖.
American Journal of Orthodontics And Dentofacial Orthopedics 135:174-181. (This paper was
from one of 2006 biomedical graduates, Ms Clarice Field‘s, undergraduate thesis work)
Biomechanics in Orthodontic Root Resorption
Supervisor: A/Prof Qing Li (AMME) (AMME) and Prof A. Darendeliler (Dentistry)
Rm S509, Bldg J07 Mechanical Engineering, ph: 9352 8607
Qing.Li@ Sydney.edu.au
Orthodontic root resorption (ORR) is described as the loss of hard tissue especially of cementum
and dentine of tooth tissue which can be an irreversible sequel of orthodontic treatment. It has
been documented that the phenomenon of root resorption is a very common disorder, affecting
up to 100% of all treated cases, and after treatment, 41% of adult patients had increased root
resorption of over 2.5mm in one or more teeth. Under severe circumstances root resorption may
potentially jeopardise the longevity and functional capacity of the treated teeth; and may result in
ending the treatment and greatly compromising the outcome of a successful orthodontic therapy.
This project aims to (1) elucidate the biomechanical pattern of orthodontic force distribution
along the tooth root and its surrounding tissues by creating 3D finite element model and to
develop a numerical prediction of ORR (by using micro-CT scanner SkyScan 1172 at Electronic
Microscopic Unit and uses of Rhinoceros/ScanFE – Solidworks – Ansys or Strand7); (2)
correlate the root stress/strain to the change in cementum properties; (3) To validate the
numerical prediction through a clinical trial where the occurrence of orthodontic root resorption
(ORR) is predicted and therefore may be prevented. In this project, the student will is expected to
closely work with USyd dental specialists (Prof Darendeliler) at Department of Orthodontics.
Biomechanical Design for Scaffold Tissue Engineering
Supervisor: A/Prof Qing Li (AMME)
Rm S509, Bldg J07 Mechanical Engineering, ph: 9352 8607
Each year an estimated millions of patients suffer from bone fracture, while hundreds of thousands
of patients have conditions where large segments of bone are destroyed or must be removed. As
such new clinical treatment schemes are necessary to augment the body‘s natural healing process.
As a fast emerging interdisciplinary technology, tissue engineering provides alternative
therapeutic strategies for repair of damaged tissue and organs, which shows enormous potential
to generate host-grown tissue in sufficient quantity and quality.
A milestone in the load-bearing tissue (e.g. bone/cartilage) engineering has been the development
of 3D scaffold technique that guides cells to generate desirable functional tissue under appropriate
mechanical and biological conditions. The success of tissue regeneration lies heavily on the
architecture design of the scaffold and its bio-reaction with the seeding cells. Permeability has been
recognised as one critical criterion for scaffold design in ensuring cell migration and nutrient
delivery. This project aims to (1) characterise the effective permeability of different scaffold
architecture; (2) develop finite element based homogenisation technique for permeable problem;
(3) design optimisation for tailored effective permeability. The student is expected to closely work
with the Research Fellow in the group and redevelop Matlab code for finite element analysis and
homogenisation for the permeable problem. The results will be prototyped in commercial freeform solid fabrication facility.
Base cell
FEA model
Design of periodic scaffold
[1] Chen YH, Zhou SW, Li Q (2009) ―Computational design for multifunctional microstructural
composites‖. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23:1345–1351.
[2] Chen YH, Zhou SW, Cadman J, Li Q (2010) ―Design of Cellular Porous Biomaterials for
Wall Shear Stress Criterion‖. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 107(4):737-746.
[3] Chen YH, Zhou SW, Li Q (2011) ―Microstructure Design of Biodegradable Scaffold and Its
Effect on Tissue Regeneration‖. Biomaterials 32: 5003-5014.
[4] Sturm S, Zhou SW, Mai YW, Li Q (2010) ―On Stiffness of Scaffolds for Bone Tissue
Engineering – A Numerical Study‖. Journal of Biomechanics 43:1738–1744.
Design of safety systems for crashworthiness criteria
Supervisor: A/Prof Qing Li (AMME)
Rm S509, Bldg J07 Mechanical Engineering, ph: 9352 8607
Crashworthiness is one of the most important criteria in vehicle design, which often requires
large-scale design analysis for a full vehicle model consisting of many structural parts and
special safety elements. This project develops a two-stage procedure to cope with
crashworthiness design of structural frame and occupant restraint system.
In the first stage, a multiobjective optimization is carried out for structural parameters in the
frontal parts without considering the details of the occupant restraint device. The foam filled
thin-walled tube will be used as new energy absorber and a design optimisation will also be
performed in this stage.
In the second stage, the parameters of the occupant restraint system are optimized based on an
optimized structural system. Human dummy and restraint system will be modelled and optimised
in details.
In these two stages, explicit finite element program (Dyna3D) and multi-body dynamics methods
will be employed to respectively construct response surface and Kriging model with various
design of experiment (DOE) techniques. A full-scale vehicle model will be developed to
demonstrate the capability of the present two-stage design method.
t = 0ms
t = 35ms
t = 100ms
Liao X, Li Q, Zhang W, Yang X. (2008) ―Multiobjective Optimization for Crash Safety Design
of Vehicle Using Stepwise Regression Model‖. Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization 35:561–569.
Liao XT, Li Q, Yang XJ, Li W, Zhang WG (2008) ―Two-Stage Multiobjective Optimization of
Vehicle Crashworthiness under Frontal Impact‖. International Journal of Crashworthiness
Design analysis and optimization for novel arterial stents
Supervisor: A/Prof Qing Li (AMME) and A/Prof Harry Lowe (Concord Hospital)
Rm S509, Bldg J07 Mechanical Engineering, ph: 9352 8607
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the leading causes of death in western countries due to
lifestyle and an increasingly ageing population. In Australia, more than 176,000 patients are
hospitalised and 180,000 cardiovascular procedures are performed each year. Open-heart bypass
surgery is one of the most widely used procedures for CVD, and carries with it the major problem
of long waiting lists due to the large number of hospitalised patient-days (> 1.64 million totally in
2004–05) in the country. As a fast emerging interdisciplinary technology in interventional
cardiology, stenting treatment provides an alternative therapeutic strategy, which uses a
mechanical device (called a stent) to compress the plaque against the artery wall opening the lumen
of the obstructed artery for restoring blood flow. This technology demonstrates the enormous
potential to minimise surgical invasion/risk and shorten the hospital days.
This research aims at developing a computational framework for stent design analysis and
optimization. In this study, a newly designed cardiovascular stent with adapting the aorta stent
geometry will be modelled and evaluated by three-dimensional finite element analysis.
Compared with the existing conventional stents in the market, a series of novel designs will be
assessed to characterise the stiffness, damage to the arterial wall, fatigue life, and other
biomechanical behaviours. The geometry sharpness and increase the manufacturability.
The students are expected to work together with postdoctoral research fellow and PhD students
as well as the clinicians in Concord Hospital in the relevant topics.
a) Deliver crimped stent
across a narrowing artery
b) Deploy stent & push
plaque against arterial
wall by inflating balloon.
c) Remove deflated balloon
and leave stent on-site to
support vessel wall.
[1] Tammareddi S, Li Q (2010) Effects of Material on Deployment of Coronary Stents,
Advanced Materials Research 123-125:315-318.
Modelling of femoral fracture after hip replacement surgery
Supervisors: A/Prof Qing Li (AMME)
Rm S509, Bldg J07 Mechanical Engineering, ph: 9352 8607
Hip replacement surgery enables patients who once suffered from osteoarthritis to walk painfree. However, there is a high incidence of failure due to bone fracture, resulting in huge
additional public and private health costs, and a reduced quality of life for ageing Australians.
This project aims to develop the science for a computer-based technology that will enable
surgeons to optimise the match between a patient‘s individual needs and a standard implant
The student is expected to work closely with the group in Murray Maxwell Biomechanics Lab at
Sydney Royal North Shore Hospital on both FEA modelling and experimental studies. S/he will
be trained to use Simpleware and ABAQUS for 3D modelling and fracture analysis in the
following steps: (1) CT/MRI scanning of femur and hip replacement implants, segmentation of
the images and modelling in Simpleware; (2) FE modelling of 3D femur and implants
immediately after surgery; (3) modelling of the osseointegration process; (4) fracture modeling
of the system in different time steps.
Topology optimisation for metamaterial design
Supervisors: A/Professor Qing Li (AMME), Dr Shiwei Zhou (RMIT University)
Rm S509, Bldg J07 Mechanical Engineering, ph: 9352 8607
Metamaterials signify a new class of periodic materials and directly gain unusual properties from
their special wavelength-scale microstructures. These properties have great potential to many
electromagnetic applications and technological innovations such as super-lens and invisible cloaks.
This project aims to develop a systematic method by formulating microstructural design in the
topology optimisation framework. The evolutionary structural optimisation will be used to
determine the novel configurations of unit cells for desirable physical properties.
The student is expected to conduct (1) modelling of unit-cell of periodic metamaterials; (2)
sensitivity analysis; (3) design optimisation for unit-cell configuration. S/he will closely work with
the research fellow in the AMME School and School of Physics.
Zhou SW, Li W, Chen YH, Sun GY, Li Q (2011) Topology Optimization for Negative
Permeability Metamaterials Using Level Set Algorithm, Acta Materialia 59:2624–2636.
Zhou SW, Li W, Li Q (2010) Level-Set Based Topology Optimization for Electromagnetic
Dipole Antenna Design, Journal of Computational Physics 229 (2010) 6915–6930.
Zhou SW; Li W; Sun GY; Li Q (2010) ―A level-set procedure for the design of electromagnetic
metamaterials‖ Optics Express 18(7): 6693-6702.
Zhou SW, Li W, Li Q (2010) ―Design of 3D Periodic Metamaterials for Electromagnetic
Properties‖. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 58(4):910-916.
Modelling of cracking about dental composite restorations.
Supervisor: A/Prof Qing Li (AMME) and Prof Michael Swain (Faculty of Dentistry)
Rm S509, Bldg J07 Mechanical Engineering, ph: 9352 8607
Composite or white fillings are very popular as dental clinical restorative materials. However
curing of these materials induces considerable shrinkage of the material resulting in tensile
stresses at the margin that may induce either interfacial or enamel fracture. The aim of this
project is to utilise ABAQUS software to quantify the residual stresses and predict the conditions
for the onset of failure and follow the extent of fracture.
The student is expected to (1) create 3D FE model of a tooth with caries and in-lay filling; (2)
model shrinkage of materials in different temperature; (3) simulate the crack initiation and
propagation around the filling region; and (4) optimise the filling shape to minimize potential
fracture failure. The student is also expected to work with PhD students in dental clinical and
experimental studies.
1. Ichim I, Li Q, Li W, Kieser J, Swain M (2007) ―Modelling of Fracture Behaviour in
Biomaterials, A Leading Opinion Article‖. Biomaterials, 28:1317-1326.
2. Ichim I, Li Q, Loughran JG, Kieser J and Swain MV (2007) ―Restoration of Non-Carious
Cervical Lesions: Part I - Modelling of Restorative Fracture‖. Dental Materials 23 (12):
3. Ichim I, Schmidlin PR, Li Q, Swain MV, Kieser J (2007) ―Restoration of Non-Carious
Cervical Lesions: Part II - Restorative Material Selection to Minimise Fracture‖. Dental
Materials 23 (12): 1553-1561.
Manual rotation training mannequin for occiopito-posterior position
Supervisor: A/Prof Qing Li (AMME) and Dr Hala Phipps (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital)
Rm S509, Bldg J07 Mechanical Engineering, ph: 9352 8607
Occipito-posterior (OP) position is associated with 18% of intrapartum caesarean sections and a
high risk of forceps or ventouse delivery (1-3). Caesarean is a major contributing factor to
maternal mortality and morbidity (4). Forceps and ventouse delivery are also associated with
maternal genital tract (5-7) and neonatal morbidity (8-9).
The operative delivery rate (caesarean and instrumental deliveries) varies from 54% to 82%
when the fetus presents as an OP position at the point of delivery, compared with 6 to 22%
among occipito-anterior (OA) foetuses (8,10-12). Other studies have shown that if position is
assessed at the beginning of the second stage of labour an OP position is associated with a 70%
risk of caesarean section (2-3). In summary, 15% of all labouring women have a fetus in an OP
position when they start pushing in the second stage – and 70% of them will need obstetric
intervention to deliver. The overall objective of this study is to determine whether an
intervention (manual rotation to an OA position) at the beginning of the second stage of labour)
will reduce the rate of obstetric intervention.
Manual rotation is a well accepted component of obstetric practice, particularly in the context of
rotating the fetus to the OA position immediately prior to the application of non-rotational
forceps at the point of delivery (13). Manual rotation has also used to reduce the complications
associated with OP delivery although there is limited evidence describing its value in this setting
(14-15). Manual rotation involves the use of two fingers to rotate the fetal head from the OP to
the OA position at full dilatation. With an empty bladder and membranes ruptured, the woman is
asked to bear down. Constant pressure is exerted with the index finger against the lambdoid
suture to rotate the fetal head. This may take 2 to 3 contractions and the position is commonly
held for 2 contractions whilst the woman bears down to reduce the risk of reverting to the OP
position (16-17). Whilst 71% of obstetricians in Australia and New Zealand believe this is an
appropriate intervention only 38% had performed a manual rotation in the last year, and most of
these had performed only one or two (18).
1. To develop a manual rotation training mannequin for occipito-posterior position at full
2. To investigate the value of the mannequin in improving the effectiveness of clinicians
performing manual rotation in the second stage of labour.
A multidisciplinary team of clinicians (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital ) and Materials Engineers
(University of Sydney) develop a digital rotation training mannequin. This will involve:
1. Designing a computer generated simulator of the following:
A female abdomen
A bony pelvis (including pelvic joints and inlets) pelvic floor, birth canal and legs to the
kneefor training
The ‗baby‘ consists of a head, neck, trunk and arms and legs.
The ‗baby‘s‘ head needs to accurately articulate the anterior and posterior fontanels,
sutures and biparietal diameter
2. The making of the mannequin model would (e.g determining the type of material to use
3. Testing the effectiveness (educational value) of the mannequin model on junior and
senior obstetricians and midwives at RPA Hospital by running 2 workshops. Each
clinician will be presented with the following scenario: a lady is ready to deliver and the
‗baby‘ head is in the OP position. An initial assessment of each clinician‘s knowledge is
performed by asking him or her to perform the manual rotation procedure. A point
system is awarded on how the manual rotation is performed.
4. An educational session will then be conducted with instructions on the correct
management of the manual rotation manoeuvre.
5. Clinicians will then repeat the the manual rotation manoeuvre on the model. Scoring is
calculated to determine the benefits by comparing the mean scores before and after the
educational session.
Macara, L.M. and K.W. Murphy, The contribution of dystocia to the cesarean section
rate. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1994. 171(1): p. 71-7.
Carseldine W., P.H., zawada S., campbell N., Ludlow J., Krishnan S.,de Vries B, Does
Occipito-posterior Position in the Second Stage of Labour Increase the Operative
Delivery Rate? (The OP Study): A Prospective Cohort Study. . Submitted for pulication,
Senecal, J., et al., Effect of fetal position on second-stage duration and labor outcome.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2005. 105(4): p. 763-72.
Lilford, R.J., et al., The relative risks of caesarean section (intrapartum and elective) and
vaginal delivery: a detailed analysis to exclude the effects of medical disorders and other
acute pre-existing physiological disturbances. British Journal of Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, 1990. 97(10): p. 883-92.
Benavides, L., et al., The impact of occiput posterior fetal head position on the risk of
anal sphincter injury in forceps-assisted vaginal deliveries. American Journal of
Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2005. 192(5): p. 1702-6.
Souka, A.P., et al., Intrapartum ultrasound for the examination of the fetal head position
in normal and obstructed labor. Journal of Maternal Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 2003.
13(1): p. 59-63.
Wu, X., L. Fan, and Q. Wang, [Correction of occipito-posterior by maternal postures
during the process of labor]. [Chinese]. Chung Hua Fu Chan Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology], 2001. 36(8): p. 468-9.
Ponkey, S.E., et al., Persistent fetal occiput posterior position: obstetric outcomes.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2003. 101(5 Pt 1): p. 915-20.
Cheng, Y.W., B.L. Shaffer, and A.B. Caughey, The association between persistent
occiput posterior position and neonatal outcomes. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2006.
107(4): p. 837-44.
Sherer, D.M., et al., Intrapartum fetal head position II: comparison between transvaginal
digital examination and transabdominal ultrasound assessment during the second stage
of labor. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2002. 19(3): p. 264-8.
Cheng, Y.W., E.R. Norwitz, and A.B. Caughey, The relationship of fetal position and
ethnicity with shoulder dystocia and birth injury. American Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, 2006. 195(3): p. 856-862.
Schuitemaker, N., et al., Maternal mortality after cesarean section in The Netherlands.
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 1997. 76(4): p. 332-4.
Griffin, R.J., Management of the Occiput Posterior. Journal of the Kentucky Medical
Association, 1964. 62: p. 860-1.
Le Ray C, S.P., Schmitz T, Cabrol D, Goffinet F, Manual rotation in occiput posterior or
transverse positions: risk factors and consequences on the cesarean delivery rate.
Obstet.Gynecol, 2007. 110((4)): p. 873-9.
Reichman, O., et al., Digital rotation from occipito-posterior to occipito-anterior
decreases the need for cesarean section. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, &
Reproductive Biology, 2008. 136(1): p. 25-8.
Shaffer, B.L., et al., Face presentation: predictors and delivery route. American Journal
of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2006. 194(5): p. e10-2.
Cunningham, F., Williams Obstetrics. 2001: McGraw Hill. 1668.
Phipps H., H.J., de Vries B., Survey of obstetric practices in the management of occipitoposterior position in labour and delivery among obstetricians in Australia and New
Zealand J Paed Child Health, 2011: p. Abstract A101.
Health, P.D.N., Maternity - Towards Normal Birth in NSW. 2010. PD@010_045.
Laws P, H.L., Australia’s mothers and babies 2006. Australian Institute of Health and
Welfare (AIHW), in National Perinatal Statistics Unit, P.S.S.n. 22), Editor. 2008, AIHW
Thesis Topics for Honours
Title: The functional role of protease activated receptors on the
endothelial barrier.
University of Sydney and RNSH, Kolling Institute
Title: The impact of endothelial protein C receptor overexpression on the
function of human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
University of Sydney and RNSH, Kolling Institute
Primary supervisor:
A/Prof Hala Zreiqat
Email: hala.zreiqat@sydney.edu.au
External Supervisors
A/Professor Chris Jackson and Sohel Julovi
Email: cjackson@med.usyd.edu.au
Kolling Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital
Title: Engineering medical devices for inhalation therapy
Primary supervisor:
A/Prof Hala Zreiqat
Email: hala.zreiqat@sydney.edu.au
External Supervisors
Dr Danny Traini, and A/Professor Paul Young
Faculty of Pharmacy
Email: daniela.traini@sydney.edu.au and Paul.Young@sydney.edu.au
Title: In vivo interaction of bone to modified scaffolds
Primary supervisor:
A/Prof Hala Zreiqat
Email: hala.zreiqat@sydney.edu.au
“Design of a novel system to test injured tendon biomechanics” (1-2 projects
are available)
Dr Elizabeth Clarke, Murray Maxwell Biomechanics Lab, Kolling Institute University of Sydney at Royal
North Shore Hospital, St Leonards
Tendon injury can lead to progressive degeneration, which in turn can limit
repair and reduce functionality. This project aims to further our understanding
of tendon breakdown processes and the accompanying effects on
biomechanics. This project investigates regional strength of post-mortem
tendon following partial surgical transection (simulated tendon injury). The
student will design novel systems to clamp and measure the specimen for
tensile testing, then perform mechanical testing of these tendons. Results will
be combined with existing molecular biology and histology to compare the
biomechanics with pathology of simulated tendon injury.
Research proposal (thesis only):
Design a clamping system for testing strong, soft tissues
Design a non-contact system for measuring soft tissues
Mechanical testing of normal and injured tendon
Analysis of mechanical testing data
o Evaluation of design component
o Comparison with pathology
A Micro-mechanical Testing System for Biological Tissues
Supervisors: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Elizabeth Clarke, RNSH elizabeth.clarke@sydney.edu.au
Engineering studies of biological tissues often involve controlled
loading of very small or very soft tissues. This thesis involves
expansion and optimisation of a micro-mechanical testing apparatus
that is currently used for biomechanics studies of soft tissues. Some
examples of the potential applications of this apparatus include 3point-bending of mouse bones, tensile strength of a human hair or
mouse tendon, and cyclic loading of joint cartilage.
Note: the apparatus is located at RNS Hospital at St Leonards, and
the student will be expected to perform the integration and testing
at the Murray Maxwell Biomechanics Laboratory there.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Develop a custom LabVIEW program for precision control of a linear motor to provide maximum
flexibility in a range of testing regimes:
o cyclic loading
o threshold conditions
o force control
Develop data acquisition system to acquire and log data from displacement and force sensors
There is scope within this thesis project to include optional mechanical design and manufacture:
o miniature 3-point-bending apparatus
o mechanical testing of synthetic or biological tissues (e.g. Silicone gels, mouse bones or
soft biological tissues)
Required Skills
Some biology
LabVIEW Programming (or learn on the job)
SolidWorks (for phase 2)
Supervisor: Steve Armfield (steve.armfield@sydney.edu.au)
Research Thesis: Developing a fast high order discretisation for the Navier-Stokes
Accurate solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations are required for the direct and large eddy
simulation of turbulent and transition flows. Current high order schemes require large
computational molecules, or are restricted to uniform grids. In this project a compact high order
scheme will be developed in which the discrete approximation is obtained by iteratively applying
a low order compact method. In this way it will be possible to obtain high order approximations
on non-uniform grids without the need to invert an additional matrix system, as is the case for
current compact methods. The scheme will initially be applied to the heat equation, and
subsequently will be included in a full Navier-Stokes solver.
Research and Project Thesis: Low Reynolds number airfoils
The design of efficient micro-air-vehicles requires the development of airfoils optimised for use
at low Reynolds numbers (<10,000). Conventional airfoils, optimised for high Reynolds
numbers, perform very poorly at low Reynolds numbers, and it is clear that it is not possible to
simply scale down a high Reynolds number airfoil. In this project a computational fluid
dynamics investigation of airfoils to be used for a micro-UAV helicopter will be carried out.
Research Thesis: Natural convection flows
A number of projects are available in the simulation and analysis of natural convection flows,
such as the flow that develops next to a heated plate. The fluid mechanics and heat transfer
properties of such flows are important in determining the efficiency of heat transfer devices;
ventilation systems; crystal growth and many other systems. The flow is analysed via direct
numerical simulation using state of the art computing techniques; stability analysis and scaling
Research and Project Thesis: Investigation of Surfboard Hydrodynamics
Work with a surfboard manufacture to investigate the effect of tail shapes on the hydrodynamic
characteristics of surfaboards. Both numerical and experimental approaches will be used, with
the long term aim of using verified numerical models to predict the performance of production
surfboards, and develop improved surfboard designs.
Research and Project Thesis: Solar ponds
A solar pond is managed so that the water on top is of (relatively) low salinity and the water on
the bottom is of very high salinity. The water will not circulate to release heat because the water
on the bottom is so heavy with salt it cannot rise. The deeper water can get very hot - in Southern
Australia 60 degrees C is easily achievable - even in winter. The heat stored in the solar pond
may be extracted and used for a variety of purposes. In this project a low cost small scale solar
pond will be established and monitored with the intention of developing the technology for use
in developing countries.
UG Thesis Projects
Masud Behnia, Room S426, Building J07, m.behnia@usyd.edu.au 0414-369-518 (all are
available for individual or group of students)
(A) Efficient cooling and thermal management of Data Centres
With the increasing reliance on computers and servers the computer centres where many
massive computers and servers are housed require substantial cooling capacities of the
order of several megawatts. The dense packing of racks and servers does not allow air to be
directed to the electronic components where heat is generated. Therefore, an
understanding of the flow and heat transfer and optimisation of the flow path is critical for
effective cooling. In this research CFD simulations will be undertaken to simulate the flow
and heat transfer. The results will be compared with measurements in a real data centre.
An industrial partner is also involved with this research. The research is divided into 6 UG
projects as follows. Individual students will become part of a research group currently
working on cooling of data centres.
Thermodynamic modelling of data centre cooling systems:
This project is for developing and presenting physics based models to allow the prediction of the energy
consumption and heat transfer phenomenon in a data centre.
Exergy analysis of data centre airspace:
This project focuses on second law investigation of data centre environment. To better understanding the
irreversibilities regarding the mixing of hot air and cold air in data centre airspace, exergy analysis is
conducted. In this regard, the wasted useful work can be estimated, and some relevant performance
metrics are introduced.
Thermal management of data centres:
In this project, the probable cooling issues in a typical data centre are investigated. To rectify the problem,
a few practical design solutions to improve the cooling effectiveness have been proposed and examined
to ensure a reduced air-conditioning power requirement. Therefore, a better understanding of the cooling
issues and the respective proposed solutions can lead to an improved design for future data centres.
Optimisation of data centre configuration:
Optimisation techniques will be utilised to investigate the effect of data centre configuration on data
centre cooling efficiency.
Rack level analysis of data centres:
This project analyses the thermal performance of a data centre on a rack (cabinets containing IT systems)
level, by utilising a number of rack models with various server arrangements. Different rack models
regarding server arrangements with void spaces are presented and modelled. The objective is to
investigate the interaction of the various servers inside a semi-populated rack.
Investigation of under-floor blockages on data centre performance:
In this project, the effect of position of the under-floor blockages and percentage opening of perforated
tile are studied using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The results can provide an understanding of the
fundamental fluid mechanical processes controlling the airflow distribution through the perforated tiles
and help the facility designer to rearrange the blockages and improve the thermal performance without
altering the layout or cold air supply.
(B) Numerical analysis of blood flow
1. Pulsatile blood flow patterns in anatomically realistic coronary vessels
Hemodynamics factors and biomechanical forces play key roles in plaque development in blood vessels
and their final rupture. Many clinical studies suggest that local blood flow patterns are involved in the
location and development of atherosclerosis. In coronary diseases, this assumption should be
corroborated by quantitative information on local hemodynamic parameters such as pressure, velocity or
wall shear stress. The flow field are very important and need to be modeled accurately under different
conditions. A simulation model needs to be developed to incorporate pulsatility and turbulence with
realistic boundary conditions. CFD simulations will be carried out using a commercial flow solver package
(ANSYS CFX). A PhD student is working on this project in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and will be
assisting this investigation.
Fluid–structure interaction analysis of patient-specific arteries
Atherosclerotic disease is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in the developed and developing
world, of which one of the outcomes is heart attack. Atherosclerosis shows a focal distribution, suggesting
that mechanical factors related to blood flow may contribute to its development. There is considerable
evidence implicating mechanical forces resulting from intravascular pressure and flow (e.g.
circumferential tensile stress and wall shear stress (WSS)) in the regulation of blood vessel structure
under physiological or pathological circumstances. Coupled fluid–structure interaction (FSI) analysis of a
stenosed artery reconstructed based on multi slice computerized tomography (CT) images needs to be
carried out to investigate the effects of wall compliance on blood flow characteristics. A commercial flow
solver package (ANSYS CFX) will be used for CFD simulations. A PhD student and a medical student are
working on this project in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Medicine and will be assisting this
Mass transport in an anatomically realistic human left coronary artery
The coronary arteries are common sites of atherosclerotic plaque formation, which has been putatively
linked to hemodynamic and mass transport patterns. The purpose of this project is to study mass
transport patterns in a human left coronary artery model, focusing on the effects of local geometric
features on mass transfer from blood to artery walls. Local variations in mass transfer patterns due to
geometric features are significant and much larger in magnitude than local variations in wall shear stress.
In addition, it is well known that the complex secondary flows in a realistic arterial model can produce
very substantial local variations in blood-wall mass transfer rates, and may be important in atherogenesis.
Using a commercial flow solver package, mass transfer calculations need to be performed in a rigid,
anatomically realistic model of a human coronary artery. A PhD student is working on this project in the
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and will be assisting this investigation.
(C) Fluid mechanics of Sclerosant foam injection – treatment of varicose veins (this project is supervised by
Adjunct Associate Professor Kurosh Parsi kurosh.parsi@sydney.edu.au)
One strategy to treat varicose veins is to close (sclerose) the offending vein by the injection of a
sclerosant. Foams are a widely used alternative to liquids in treatment, but carry their own potentially
severe consequences which range from minor discomfort to serious (but rare) events such as stroke. To
improve clinical success rates, and minimise side effects, a model must be developed to characterise the
system in terms of clinical variables. The complexity of such a model necessitates experimental
investigation into basic physics-chemistry of both liquid and foam properties of sclerosants (for CFD
modelling input), flow mechanics and venous flow patterns. Some preliminary experiments (straight tube
geometry) in collaboration with Sydney Skin & Vein Clinic have been carried out and these need to be
extended to develop a full understanding of the relevant issues. Current direction of this project is to
simulate and visualize (in-vitro experiment) the foam movement near the Sapherofemoral Junction
(branch geometry).
(D) Optimum sizing of prime movers in Trigeneration systems
Combined heat and power (CHP) system may be defined as a system which simultaneously generates
electricity and heat using a single source of fuel. These systems play a significant role in efficient usage of
energy in industrial and domestic applications. They also have less harmful effects on the environment. A
prime mover is the mechanical equipment which converts the energy of fuel to electricity (e.g. gas
turbine, gas engine, diesel engine). Adding an absorption chiller to a CHP system, allows even more
efficient fuel consumption. This system, which generates electricity, cooling, and heating, is called
Trigeneration. Optimum sizing of Trigeneration systems is of great importance to maximize the benefits
of these systems. To select the optimum prime mover, performance characteristics of engine as well as
economic parameters should be taken into consideration. The impact of carbon tax also needs to be
considered. A thermo-economic methodology has been developed for CHP systems, and some changes
should be made to allow its application to Trigeneration systems.
(E) CFD simulation of heat and mass transfer in Heat and Moisture Exchangers (HME)
During normal breathing the inspired gases get warm and humidified inside upper airways before entering
to the trachea and lungs. When the upper airways are bypassed in mechanically ventilated patients by
oral or nasal endotracheal intubation or tracheotomy it is essential to seek an alternative way to heat and
humidify inspiratory gases since mechanical ventilation with dry cold gases results in drying of the
mucosal membranes and heat loss. Heat and Moisture Exchangers (HMEs) are widely used as a simple
solution to the problem. HME is an artificial nose (passive humidifier) that traps expiratory heat and
moisture in a porous medium and returns a portion of it at the next inspiration. It has considerable
advantages over traditional humidifier such as ease of use, low weight and good price. To improve the
efficiency and study design optimisation, it is vital to investigate the mechanisms of heat and moisture
transfer in the HME. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model will be developed to simulate heat and
mass transfer. This is a collaborative project with Saint Vincent Hospital in Melbourne.
(F) Modelling of two-phase flow
Flows of gas and liquid are observed in a number of engineering and industrial applications such as oil
pipelines, refrigeration equipment etc. For the calculation of the system parameters such as pressure
drop the behaviour of the two phases must be known. This is done either through experimental
measurements or modelling which can be very complex. Computer programs have been developed for
this purpose and it is necessary to test them for a range of parameters and to check their accuracy.
(G) Simulation of jet impingement heat transfer
A jet impinging on a surface leads to a very high rate of heat transfer. This is one of the most efficient
heating/cooling techniques with numerous industrial and engineering applications. Numerical simulations
for a single jet impinging normally on a flat plate have been carried out successfully. This needs to be
extended to the more realistic cases of an oblique jet and multiple jets. The simulation results will be
compared with available experimental data.
Flexible Manufacturing Cell Proposal
(Project or Thesis) (1 student)
Supervisors; Paul Briozzo
(Room S319a, Bldg J07, ph: 9351 7152)
This topic would suit a mechanical student that has a keen interest in Manufacturing Engineering
,CAD, CNC, robotics, machining and mechanical design. The ideal candidate would have good
practical skills and work closely with our workshop and other students involved in the topic.
For 2012 the chief goal is to design the layout of a Flexible Manufacturing Cell using the
School‘s existing Motoman robot, TMC1000 3 Axis mill and Prolight Lathe. The three items
will act as the prime components in a system that demonstrates the full functionality of the
available equipment.
Potential candidates must familiarise themselves with the topic before applying.
Training FMS with learning robot, workbench CNC Mill and CNC Lathe
(Vadt – Wikipedia Commons date unknown)
Rapid Engineering - Mechanical
(Project or Thesis) (1 student)
Supervisors; Paul Briozzo
(Room S319a, Bldg J07, ph: 9351 7152)
In 2010 an Open Source Rapid Prototype Machine Kit was purchased with a view to joining the
Fab@Home project. The chief initial aim was to construct the kit and evaluate its suitability as
an entry - level Rapid Prototype Machine.
In 2011, the need is expanded to evaluate its functionality as a teaching tool and its suitability as
a method of Rapid Engineering. It is proposed that a number of simple machines be constructed
using its methods and limitations.
The chief requirements of the suitable candidate would be;
1. A keen interest in machine design and manufacturing engineering.
2. A strong ability in the use of Solidworks,
3. An ability to debug mech / elec systems.
Potential candidates must attend the current Thesis student‘s seminar and familiarise themselves
with the topic at http://fabathome.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page before applying.
Reverse Engineering – 3D Scanning
(Project or Thesis) (1 or 2 students)
Supervisors; Paul Briozzo
(Room S319a, Bldg J07, ph: 9351 7152)
In late 2011 a 3D scanning system was purchased with a view to develop in-house knowledge on
cost-effective 3D scanning methods. The initial primary aims of the project are;
1. To scan the complex surfaces of the fibreglass panels from the body of the Westfield
2. To use Rhinoceros 3D to extract cross sections.
3. To rebuild curves / 3D lines and export these into Solidworks / Catia.
4. To importing curves / 3D lines into either;
a. PreSys2010 R1 (Pre-Processor for LS-DYNA) for use LS-DYNA as a solver to
simulate crash scenarios.
b. SolidWorks / SolidCAM to generate toolpaths suitable for the machining of molds.
The chief requirements of the suitable candidate would be;
1. A very high interest in CAD and surface modelling.
2. An interest in Finite Element Modelling or 3D CNC Machining.
3. A high skill level in the use of computers.
Potential candidates must familiarise themselves with the topic before applying.
A Finite Element Model of the Clubman Kit Car
(Project or Thesis) (1 or 2 students)
Supervisors: Paul Briozzo, Dr. Andrei Lozzi
(Room S319a, Bldg J07, ph: 9351 7152)
To produce a high-fidelity Finite Element Model of the Clubman Kit Car that could be used for
validation purposes against common luminary poles and roadside furniture. Currently, there are
no public domain Finite Element Models of Australian certified road vehicles freely available.
The majority of Finite Element motor vehicles are currently sourced from the US‘s National
Crash Analysis Centre (NCAC).
Explicit Dynamic Codes are commonly used in industry to analyse large deformation highly
dynamic FEA problems that readily include contact. This topic would involve; the candidates
measuring each component of the Clubman Kit car, determining the materials that each
component is manufactured from, learning to use a Pre-Processor (PreSys 2010 R1) to create the
required model, using LS-DYNA to solve the problem and a Post-Processor (PreSys 2010 R1) to
analyse the results.
Clubman Tubular Frame (2009)
This topic would suit mechanical students that have a strong interest in measurement, CAD,
Mechanical Design, Solid Mechanics and are already familiar with an FEA code like Cosmos. A
high degree of computer literacy is assumed.
Potential candidates must familiarise themselves with the topic before applying.
Dr Matthew Cleary
Contact details until mid-December 2011
The University of Queensland
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
ph: 07 3365 4069
e-mail: m.cleary@uq.edu.au
Honours thesis project (2 students)
Title: Dispersion of pulmonary drugs in inhaler devices and the respiratory tract
Requires excellent mathematical capability.
Pulmonary drug delivery via inhaled powders is an efficient form of therapy. Current dry powder
inhaler devices are unable to ensure consistent dose delivery to the lungs. Improvements will rely
on improved computational fluid dynamics modelling to gain a better understanding of the
powder dispersion and de-agglomeration. The project will involve the development of models
for particle de-agglomeration via a statistical population balance equation approach and
comparison against idealised laboratory data. Two projects are available: one will concentrate on
turbulent dispersion and deagglomeration and the other on deagglomeration by mechanical
Honours thesis project (1 student)
Title: Prediction of pollutant emissions from liquid fuel combustion
Requires excellent mathematical capability.
Liquid fuels are a major part of our energy supply and also major contributors to air pollution.
Even as carbon dioxide neutral fuels replace fossil fuels, other toxic gases such as carbon
monoxide and nitric oxide will continue to cause harm. This project will use computational fluid
dynamics to model dispersion and evaporation of fuel droplets. Simple models will be applied to
predict the pollutant emissions from the combustion of the fuel vapour.
Honours thesis project (1 student)
Title: Development of combustor system model for gas turbine engines
Requires excellent chemistry capability.
Gas turbines widely used for propulsion and increasingly for electricity generation. Pollution
regulations progressively demand reduced pollutant emissions. This project will build a
sophisticated gas turbine combustion model based on combinations of reactor models. The
reactor models exist in library files written in the Fortran programming language. The outcomes
will be realistic predictions of gas turbine exhaust gas properties including CO and NOx
Honours thesis project (1 student)
Title: Adsorption of carbon dioxide in porous media
Requires excellent mathematical capability.
The sorption of CO2 onto porous materials has great potential for cost effective carbon capture
from the exhaust stream in power generation. This project will use an advanced model to predict
CO2 adsorption and make comparison with experimental data.
Supervisor: Dr. Li Chang
Contact: li.chang@sydney.edu.au
1) Design of wear-resistant polymer composites by using an artificial neural network
(Honours Thesis)
The use of polymer composites in various tribological situations has become state of the art. In most of
the cases, it is of primary concern to develop polymeric composites that possess high wear resistance
under dry sliding conditions against smooth metallic counterparts. The main aim of this project is to
develop a particular software package for the design of wear-resistant composites by using an artificial
neural network (ANN) approach. The ANN is a mathematical tool, which can be used to simulate a wide
variety of complex scientific and engineering problems. It is determined largely by the interconnections
between artificial neurons, similar as it occurs in biological systems. In particular, this project will be
concentrated on the following topics: (i) to analyze the efficiency of the ANN approach to solve
tribological problems; and ii) to tailor the prospective ANN approach towards a more particular method
for the design of polymer composites with high wear resistance (using existing experimental results).
2) Shear-thickening and structure
nanoparticles (1-2 students)
colloids containing
(Honours Thesis)
Shear-thickening is a non-Newtonian flow behaviour sometimes observed in highly concentrated
dispersion systems. The term ‗shear-thickening‘ is typically used to refer to the increase in viscosity
when the applied shear rate is increased. It is generally accepted now that the macroscopic
properties of suspensions are determined by the spatial organization of the particles, usually referred
to ―microstructure‖. However, the basic mechanism of shear thickening has not been fully understood.
Detailed experimental tests that isolate the parameters controlling shear thickening are lacking.
The project will focus on a novel Ethylene Glycol based shear-thickening fluid (STF) supplied by
BASF AG (Germany), which contains finely distributed nanoparticles (about 300nm in diameter).
Efforts will be mainly carried out towards an understanding of the underlying mechanisms for the
phase transition of the STF. In particular, the work will concentrate on: i) to study the shear
thickening response of the fluid under different shearing conditions, and ii) to examine the shear induced structure changes in the polymer colloid.
3) Development of novel lubricants by using nano-additives (1-2 students)
(Honours Thesis)
Most tribological pairs are designed to operate in the presence of lubricants, which commonly
incorporate particle additives. Reducing the size of particulate additives below the microscale is likely
to improve tribological performance; there is strong evidence that nanoparticles are potentially
valuable lubricant additives, through their superior dispersion stability and lower levels of
abrasiveness. Further, the possible rolling effect of nanoparticles may significantly reduce the friction
and therefore decrease the wear loss of counterparts. The main aim of this project is to develop novel
lubricants for the industrial application by using nanoparticles as additives. In particular, the project
will: i) experimentally investigate the role of nanoparticles in lubricated contact, and the tribological
effects of their characteristics—size, morphology/structure and hardness; and ii) develop an
appropriate mathematical or semi-empirical model to define when and where the antiwear and
friction-reducing behaviours of nanoparticles occur.
Supervisor: John Currie jc@eng.usyd.edu.au
ACIIC, Link Bldg J13
Topics will be finalised in consultation with the student and can be selected from the following
*leadership and the development of engineering managers – the development of managers as
leaders to enhance organizational effectiveness is crucial in times of change. This topic will
involve students understanding the theory of leadership and its practical
application in engineering management.
*management of organisational change - the need to maintain competitiveness means that change
is the organisational norm. This topic will investigate the factors and conditions that impact on
change in strategy, operations or projects that allow managers to make more effective choices.
*organisational learning and knowledge management - this topic will examine the readiness of
engineer managers to undertake the management of learning and knowledge in organisations,
leading to a better understanding of the factors necessary to generate effective organisational
*human resource development - career development for C21 professionals will mean inevitable
job and career changes. This topic will investigate the development of engineering careers,
organisational career planning and the personal and skill development necessary for the
development of successful careers.
*management of industrial research, innovation and technology development - Competitiveness
through new technology and product development is a cornerstone of business success. This
topic will examine the factors that lead to success (and failure) in the technology/product
development process.
*gender equity/women in engineering - A previous legal decision has focused attention on the
inequality of working conditions for women in engineering. This topic will examine the factors
necessary for women to enjoy successful careers in engineering, the factors that inhibit this, and
the implications for organisational competitiveness.
*Engineering Education#1 - the promotion of Mechanical, Mechatronic and Aeronautical
Engineering in schools - This topic will involve the development of Aeromech demonstration
materials and their delivery in a high school situation. It will encompass theory, design and
build, together with the theory and practice of successful teaching in an attempt to encourage
more students to consider future careers in engineering.
*Engineering Education#2 – Engineers Without Borders engineering promotion units. EWB has
developed a number of engineering based Science units for use in schools. This topic will
examine their use and effectiveness in promoting both engineering as a career choice for school
students and EWB as a professional organisation with social justice goals.
* Attitudes to professional engineering - This topic will examine the origins and the development
of perceptions and understandings as to what comprises professional engineering practice and its
appropriateness to both individuals and society. It is aimed at both existing professionals and
student engineers.
* Engineering & Social Justice – 2011 is Engineers Australia‘s ‗Year of Humanitarian
Engineering. This topic will examine the extent that social justice and humanitarianism is a core
concern of engineering professionals and the relative impact of the EA Year theme in shaping
professional behaviour and acitivities.
Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Dunn (matthewdunn2009@gmail.com)
UG thesis project topics for 2012
Spatially and temporally resolved measurements in flames using SiC wires
Silicon carbide (SiC) has a melting point of ~3000K and is essentially inert in highly corrosive
high temperature flame environments. Using SiC wires of only 10 microns in diameter it is
possible to obtain spatially and temporally resolved temperature measurements in a flame
without artificially perturbing the flame. The SiC wire in the flame behaves like a blackbody and
hence the SiC wire luminosity can be related to the local flame temperature. The prime
objectives of this project is to understand the spatial, temporal and temperature resolution
characteristics of single and multi wire SiC pyrometry methods and apply the method to obtain
space–time temperature distributions in turbulent flames with the aid of a high speed camera.
High voltage assisted lean premixed combustion
Lean premixed combustion has been shown to be a promising method to obtain low pollutant
levels and increased fuel efficiency in many combustion applications such as gas turbines and IC
engines. However obtaining a stable and reliable lean premixed flame is challenging and such
flames are often subject to undesirable oscillations that can prove to be catastrophic for the
combustion device. This project aims to experimentally explore and understand the effects of
applying high voltages to extend the stability limits and dampen the flame transfer function in
lean premixed flames. Laser diagnostic imaging of selected species will also be applied to
understand the changes in the flame structure when high voltages are applied.
Numerical simulation of stratified combustion
Stratified combustion is a hybrid mode combustion mode that attempts to capture the favourable
stability characteristics of non-premixed combustion whilst still possessing the low pollutant
emission characteristics of lean premixed combustion. This project aims to explore the predictive
capability of a state of the art numerical modelling code when applied to turbulent stratified
combustion. Of particular interest will be the influence of the chemical mechanism and the micro
mixing model on the predicted flame stability and pollutant emissions. The burner to be
modelled has an extensive experimental measurements database that will be utilized to validate
and understand the modelling results.
Second generation biofuels as alternative transportation fuels
Second generation biofuels such as dimethyl ether (DME), are a promising renewable alternative
transportation fuel for the future as they do not require the use of food crops for their production.
However fuels biofuels such as DME are far more complex both in terms of their chemical
mechanisms, flame behaviour and the application of laser diagnostic techniques when compared
to more standard fuels such as methane. This project will utilize both laminar and turbulent
flames to investigate the flame structure in terms of the established chemical mechanisms,
transport properties and the behaviour of these fuels in turbulent flames. Both experimental and
numerical streams are offered in this project.
Active heat transfer technology
The ability to adequately cool high power dissipation devices such as CPUs is becoming a major
limitation to further advances in these devices. By utilizing active heat transfer technology where
the heat transfer component is a non-stationary rotating component, the need for an external fan
is eliminated and significantly increased heat transfer rates can be achieved compared to standard
fan/passive heat sink methods. This project aims at understanding active heat transfer technology
realised through the combination of heat pipe technology and a multiple disk Tesla type pump.
The success of such an implementation relies on developing an adequate understanding of the
heat transfer and fluid mechanics between narrowly spaced rotating disks. Both experimental and
numerical modelling streams are available for this project.
Supervisor: Dr Rod Fiford – rod.fiford@sydney.edu.au
1. THESIS – Design and testing of a small flat plate two-pass solar collector
Solar flat plate collectors can be used to pre-heat air or other fluids for residential and industrial
applications. The aim of this thesis project is to investigate existing systems and design a small test
system to measure the performance of the chosen design.
2. PROJECT – Modification of a self-rotating composting device.
A large proportion of household waste consists of biodegradable plant based materials. Adding this
material to landfill disposal sites can result in anaerobic decay and subsequent generation of
methane, an undesirable greenhouse gas. Commercially available composting bins have proven
useful in speeding up the composting process but generally make mixing of the material difficult.
This problem was overcome with the creation of “tumbling” compost drums that help create an
aerobic composting environment, dramatically speeding up the process. These devices have one
downfall; they require human energy to create the rotation.
In 2011, a prototype solar powered device was built; the aim of this year’s project is to improve the
mechanical design of the drive mechanism and determine the effectiveness of the device when
compared to a manually operated device.
3. THESIS OR PROJECT– Sustainable Engineering – Choose your own topic
I am willing to supervise students that have a genuine interest in sustainability, as applied to
Engineering technologies. Please come and see me if you have an innovative idea you think might
be worth investigating.
4. PROJECT – Construction of computer animations of mechanisms (using Solidworks).
The School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering possesses a unique machine,
developed and constructed within the School in the 1970s by Prof. Jack Phillips. The machine has
recently been refurbished by AMME workshop staff and will become a feature in the entrance lobby
of the School (currently located in the Halliday lab). The aim of this project is to develop 3D
animated models (in Solidworks) that demonstrate some of the more unique mechanisms.
5. PROJECT - Design of a touch screen interface for the safety enclosure for the
Mechanism Demonstration Device described in topic 2 above.
In 2010, a student investigated the background and history of many of the components present in
the machine described in topic 3 above. The aim of this project is to design a touch screen interface
package that will be located within the enclosure described in topic 3 above. The package will show
a photograph of the relevant part and background information, and ultimately run the animations
developed as part of topic 3 above.
Supervisor: Dr. Ahmad Jabbarzadeh
Room S311, Bldg J07, ph: 9351 2344
The following research projects are available for Thesis A/B (AMME 4111/4112)
1- Rheo-microscopy of fibre suspensions (experiments) (1 student)
Rheology is the science of flow and deformation. Understating the rheology of suspension
liquids, where particles or fibres are dispersed in a liquid carrier, is very important in food,
cosmetics, and pharmaceutical processing industries. In this project the student will use
experimental apparatus to measure rheological properties such as viscosity, and record dynamics
of fibres under various flow conditions. The aim of the project will be to correlate the fibre
concentration, length, stiffness and dynamics to the resulting rheology.
2 Polymer crystallization (experiments) (1 student)
Understanding polymer crystallization is essential for polymer processing industry. Due to
complex nature of polymers their mechanical properties are dependent on their morphology and
degree of crystallinity. In semi-crystalline polymer materials, crystalline patches of molecules
are imbedded within amorphous (non-crystalline) matrix. Understanding the degree of
crystallinity of the end product and its dependence on cooling rate, additives, flow conditions and
molecular structure is very important to design efficient processing techniques. You will use
rheometers and microscopy to investigate some of these interesting problems.
3 Microstructure of crystallized wax (simulations) (1 student)
The microstructure of crystallized low molecular weight hydrocarbons such as wax is dependant
on many parameters. The microstructure (morphology) of such systems affects the oil production
rate from an oil well, and it is very important to understand how they crystallize. One research
project is available in this area to use molecular dynamics simulations to study these challenging
problems. Programming is not required; you will use an existing computer program to run the
Figure 1. Shows crystal lamellae formed in molecular dynamics simulation of a short low
molecular weight hydrocarbon, when it is cooled down from 421K to 300K.
4-Computational nano-fluidics (2 students)
Nano-fluidics is the science of flow at the nano-scale. There is considerable interest in this area
due to advances made in nano science and engineering. The behaviour of flow at nano-scale
where the size of pores and channels are comparable to the size of molecules could be very
different from that of macroscopic flows. For example carbon nanotubes can be manufactured
with sizes ranging from a fraction of nanometer to a few hundred nanometers. They can be used
for transportation of particles and liquids in nano-scale applications (see Figure 2 below).
Experimental measurements and understanding the flow behaviour at such small scales is a
daunting task.
Figure 2 shows flow of nano-particles through a carbon nanotube (CNT) (Picture Courtesy of
Haim H. Bau)
In computational nano-fluidics molecular dynamics simulations are used as one of the tools for
analysing the nanoscopic local properties and flow conditions in such situations. There are two
projects available in this area for two interested students. Students working on these projects will
need to use an existing computer program to simulate the flow in nano-channels and nano-pores.
They should have a basic understanding of fundamental physics, fluid mechanics and Newtonian
dynamics. Some basic understandings are required about molecular structures such as atomic
lattice structure and inter-atomic force potentials such as van der Waals forces. The research
projects are computational so interest in working with computers is essential. You will be using
existing software and computer programming will not be necessarily required. .
4A) Molecular dynamics simulation of flow over cylindrical and spherical particles in
In this project the student will simulate the flow of a Newtonian fluid in a rectangular nanochannel over a cylindrical obstacle. The boundary conditions, pressure, stresses and velocity
field will be calculated using molecular dynamics simulations. A few scenarios will be
investigated and effect of molecular size and ratio of particle to channel size on the flow
conditions will be analyzed.
4B) Simulation of flow through carbon nano-tubes
This project requires some algorithmic development for molecular dynamics simulation of flow
through carbon nano-tubes. Only flow simulations of simple fluids made of soft Lennard-Jones
spheres will be conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm. You should have
knowledge and passion in computer programming in FORTRAN or C languages and working
with computers.
5-Effect of nano-patterning of surfaces on their wettability (1 student)
Understanding boundary conditions of flow at the interface of a solid and liquid is very
important in prediction of flow behaviour and transport of fluids at nano and macro scales. The
boundary condition can be modified by changing the surface characteristics at the nano-scale.
One way of doing this is by etching nano-patterns onto the surface. In this project molecular
dynamics simulations will be used to calculate the contact angle of a nano-drop put on surfaces
with different nano-patterns and their degree of wettability will be investigated.
Supervisor: Dr Michael Kirkpatrick
Rm S409, Bldg J07, ph: 9351 2675
A sun tracking solar thermal parabolic dish
This project builds on the work a previous student who
designed and built a working scale model of a parabolic
dish solar thermal device. An essential feature of these
devices is the need to track the sun as it moves across
the sky, thus keeping the solar image on the receiver.
Currently the dish is controlled manually. This project
will involve developing an automatic tracking system
for the dish. The image shows a full scale parabolic dish
Salinity management in rivers
Saline pools, formed by ground water intrusion through the river bed during periods of low flow,
occur in many of Australia‘s rivers, and result in major environmental problems. The dense
saline water is purged from the pool when the pools are subjected to a large enough fresh
overflow, as a result of natural events such as heavy rainfall or human-controlled ―environmental
flows‖ in which water is released from upstream storage. Due to limitations in water allocated to
environmental flows, we need to know how much water is needed to purge the saline pools. This
project will involve doing experiments using an existing laboratory rig to investigate how
parameters such as scour hole shape affect the rate at which saline water can be purged.
Your own topic
If you have a project in mind that relates to my areas of interest come and see me and we can
discuss whether or not it is feasible. My areas of interest include: engineering and environmental
fluid mechanics, power generation and engines, renewable energy, thermodynamics, heat
transfer, acoustics, dynamics, hydraulics, practical engineering solutions for developing
communities, mathematical modelling and numerical methods, parallel programming ... and
Engineers Without Borders Thesis and Scholarship
The University of Sydney is an official partner of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Australia.
As part of this partnership, EWB will offer at least two thesis projects for University of Sydney
engineering students across all engineering disciplines. EWB projects typically involve working
to find solutions to real problems facing people living in remote or poor communities either in
Australia or overseas. There is an emphasis on the use of appropriate technology and sustainable
development. EWB will also provide financial support for two thesis projects in the form of
scholarships each worth $1000 (tax free). It is envisaged that the scholarship money will be spent
in a manner that will contribute towards the success of the project. For example students may
choose to use the money to travel to the EWB conference that held annually at the University of
Melbourne. The selection process involves submission of an application and an interview, with
successful applicants chosen on the basis of academic merit and suitability. Interested students
should speak to Michael Kirkpatrick, the EWB coordinator, for more information.
Academic contact: Associate Professor Xiaozhou Liao
Phone: 9351 2348
Email: xiaozhou.liao@sydney.edu.au
Honours Thesis student projects
(1) Nanocrystalline Grain Growth Induced by Severe Plastic Deformation
Nanostructured materials have been arguably the hottest research area for more than a decade.
Nanostructured materials are defined as materials with structural features (e.g., grain sizes)
smaller than 100 nm in at least one dimension. Because of the very small structural dimension,
nanostructured materials have demonstrated unique mechanical, chemical and physical
properties, which are not available to their coarse-grained counterparts. For example, material
scientists have been working strenuously to make structural metals/alloys that have both high
strength and high ductility, because high strength allows structural components to carry high load
and good ductility is essential to prevent catastrophic failure. Unfortunately, the combination of
high strength and high ductility is rare in coarse-grained materials. In contrast, combined high
strength and high ductility have been realized in some nanostructured materials. The
extraordinary combination of high strength and good ductility in some nanostructured materials
makes them extremely attractive for applications that require superior mechanical properties.
Severe plastic deformation using high-pressure torsion (HPT) is now widely used to refine
conventional coarse-grained materials to produce bulk nanostructured materials. It has been well
known that there is always a minimum average grain size that a specific HPT condition can
achieve for a specific material and this minimum size is a function of not only the intrinsic
material properties but also the extrinsic processing parameters. One of the reasons that produce
this minimum grain size is that HPT processes also result in grain growth. The minimum grain
size is achieved by the dynamic balance between the grain refinement process and the grain
growth process. Our previous investigation shows that HPT-induced grain growth in facecentered cubic (FCC) materials is achieved primarily via grain rotation for grains much smaller
than 100 nm. It has not been clear if HPT can result in nanocrystalline grain growth in an FCCand-hexagonal dual-phase material and in a hexagonal single-phase material, and, if yes, what
the grain growth mechanisms are. This project aims to apply transmission electron microscopy to
explore this issue.
(1 student supervised by Dr. Xiaozhou Liao)
(2) Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation on the Structural Evolution of Bulk Metallic
Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have significant potential for technological applications due to
their superior mechanical properties, including high elastic limit (up to 2%), super high strength
(~ 2 GPa) and hardness, and excellent resistance to wear and corrosion. However, practical
structural applications of BMGs are severely limited by their poor ductility, which is usually near
zero in tension and less than 2% under compression. The poor ductility of BMGs is caused by
shear localisation and strain/thermal softening. Through significant global efforts, two general
methods have been proposed to enhance the ductility of BMGs: (1) fabrication of
amorphous/crystalline composite structures and (2) design of BMGs with specific compositions.
However, these methods apply only to certain specific BMGs. The second method is particularly
sensitive to BMG composition and slight deviations in stoichiometry can lead to dramatic
ductile-to-brittle transitions. Recently, we discovered that severe plastic deformation (SPD),
which has been widely used to manipulate the structures of crystalline materials to achieve
enhanced mechanical properties, can be used also to modify the microstructures of BMGs by
increasing their free volume and inducing microstructural heterogeneity at the nanoscale through
deformation-induced atomic clustering processes. These microstructures effectively reduce shear
localisation and induce a strain hardening capability leading to a significant enhancement in their
ductility. This project aims to apply atom probe tomography and transmission electron
microscopy to understand the mechanisms behind the SPD-induced structural evolution.
(1 student supervised by Dr. Xiaozhou Liao)
(3) Atom Probe Tomography Analysis of Solute Nanostructures in Al-Mg-Si Alloys
Atom probe tomography (APT) is a unique tool able to unveil both structural and chemical
information of materials in three-dimension. The quantitative information obtained by APT
analysis helps us to gain deep insights into material microstructural evolution at atomic-scale.
Therefore, we are able to address both kinetics and thermodynamics dominating the partitioning
and segregation of solutes in alloys. Over the last 10 years, there has been a rapid growth in the
application of APT in advancing fundamental scientific understanding of materials. APT is
playing an important role in the design and development of new advanced materials for key
engineering applications.
Al-Mg-Si alloys as extrusion are widely used in architecture application. They show a strong
potential in automotive application recently. Formation of solute nanostructures is essential for
the alloys to gain sufficient strength, because these solute nanostructures can serve as barriers of
moving dislocations. Understanding and control the solute nanostructure formation have been
investigated intensively over half a century. Previous investigations, using X-ray diffraction,
transmission electron microscopy etc, have provided good understandings about precipitation
sequence, crystal structures of various precipitate phases in the Al alloys. There is a lack of
precise chemical information of solute nanostructures formed in the Al alloys, which is
particularly important for understanding solute partitioning behaviour during precipitation. In
this research project, artificial ageing treatments will be performed on the Al-Mg-Si alloys with
different compositions. APT will be employed to characterise solute nanostructures formed in
the alloys under different ageing conditions. You will be able to learn to use visualisation
software to reconstruct and visualise the distribution of solute atoms in three-dimensions. Careful
data analysis will be performed on these atom probe data to extract the structural and chemical
information of the solute nanostructures. This research aims to develop a deep understanding
about the effect alloy composition and heat treatment condition on the formation of solute
nanostructures in Al-Mg-Si alloys. The information will be valuable for design and development
of new advanced Al alloys.
(2 students supervised by Dr. Gang Sha and Dr. Xiaozhou Liao)
Contact information of Dr. Gang Sha:
Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis
Room 330, Madsen Building F09
Phone: 9036 9050 (Room 330)
Email: gang.sha@sydney.edu.au
Dr Andrei Lozzi
Rm S317, Level 4 Mech Eng Bldg J07; Ph: 9351 4060; Andrei@aeromech.usyd.edu.au
If you are interested in joining the Formula SAE team for 2012 as a thesis student, send me an
application by giving your full name, SID and course. Attach a CV of no more than 2 pages outlining
your academic and practical experience ASAP.
The team is now already nearly complete, there is therefore limited opportunity for new members.
The team comprises of managers, marketers, designers, analysts, machinists, mechanics, mechatronic electronic and computer specialists, whom are all hard working and enthusiastic. The detailed division of
work for the coming season will not be finalised until we have had time to digest the 2011 competition.
We plan to have a Design Camp, during orientation week 27 Feb to 2 March 2012, before semester 1
starts in 2012. We will settle what to work on and who will do it then.
I expect that as in the past the work will be divided into areas:
Management, frame, suspension, brakes, uprights, drive train, ECU & electrics, engine, wheels etc
The FSAE team is essentially a small company that designs, manufactures and markets a small
competition car. It has real world challenges and real world experience. It requires several times more
work than most other theses, the rewards are that it will provide you with excellent credentials when you
apply for professional engineering positions.
FSAE requires an extraordinary amount of work. You should not think of applying if you cannot devote
two days a week and the entire July break to this project.
Be prepared to come to Melbourne in the second week end of December for the three day competition. It
will be necessary training and you will find it an amazing experience.
Dr. H-Y Liu, S519, J07, hong-yuan.liu@sydney.edu.au
Computer Simulation of Carbon Fibre/CNTs Reinforcement in Composite Delamination
Fibre reinforced polymers are increasingly used in industry. The airframe of the newest Boeing
aircraft, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, comprises nearly 50% fibre reinforced plastic and other
composites. This new structure offers weight savings on average of 20% compared to
conventional aluminium designs. This saving will, in turn, reduce the usage of fuel and benefit
the environment. Most carbon fibre reinforced composites are in the form of laminates.
Interlaminar delamination is the most dangerous damage in this type of materials. Protecting the
composite from delamination without losing other advantages of the materials, such as light
weight and ideal in-plane properties, is obviously important. Recent experimental studies have
shown that carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown radially on fibre fabric can provide reinforcement to
the polymer matrix in three directions (3D). The proposed research aims to numerically study
this new type of 3D reinforcement on composite delamination.
This research project is only suitable for Honours Thesis A/B. The student should have used
Finite Element Analysis in the previous courses or project.
Prof. Y-W Mai, S528, J07, yiu-wing.mai@sydney.edu.au
Dr. H-Y Liu, S519, J07, hong-yuan.liu@sydney.edu.au
Dr A Baji, S505, J07, avinash.baji@sydney.edu.au
Honours Thesis Topics
1. Development of Ferroelectric Fibers Using Electrospinning Technique (A Baji and YW
There is a growing demand to develop one-dimensional ferroelectric material in the form of
fibers for electronic applications such as transducers, sensors, actuators, medical imaging devices
and ultrasonic transducers. Ceramics such as barium titanate (BaTiO3) that display piezoelectric
behavior are excellent candidates for such electroactive applications. The aim of this study is to
fabricate BaTiO3 nanofibers using sol-gel based electrospinning. For this purpose, BaTiO3
precursor solution will be prepared by a sol-gel route. A second solution will be prepared by
dissolving poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) in ethanol. The two solution will then be
homogeneously mixed and electrospun to obtain fibers with diameters in the range of 100 to 500
nm. Calcination of the fibers in a furnace at 500 °C will result in crystallized BaTiO 3 nanofibers.
The surface morphology of the fibers will be characterized using scanning electron microscope
(SEM) and the crystal structure will be analysed using transmission electron microscope (TEM)
and X-ray diffraction studies. The ferroelectricity of the BaTiO3 fibers will be characterized
using piezoresponce force microscope. Finally, the effect of fiber diameter on the ferroelectric
behavior will be determined.
2. Tearing Fracture of Nanocomposite Thin Films (H-Y Liu and Y-W Mai)
Thin films have nowadays been used in many packaging applications such as food stuff. For this
purpose, the films must have good tensil strength, high tearing resistance and low permeability.
Polymers filled with nanofillers such as nanoclays are excellent candidates. In this project, we
study both in-plane and out-of-plane tearing resistances and the tensile properties over a range of
temperatures and testing speeds.
3. Fracture, Fatigue, Impact and Wear of Nano-filler Modified Polymers (H-Y Liu and YW Mai)
Polymer and polymer composites have been widely used in many engineering applications such
as aerospace, marine, automobile and orthopaedic industries. However, some undesirable
properties in these materials and their composites have limited their more extensive applications.
For example, the low fracture toughness of epoxies may cause critical delamination when they
are used as the matrix material of fibre composites for structural applications. Also, when
polyethylene is used in total hip replacement, its low wear resistance may accelerate serious
loosening of implants.
In this project, nano-size fillers will be used to modify the mechanical properties of neat
polymers and fibre/polymer composites. Fracture toughness, fatigue resistance, impact strength
and wear rate of these composites will be experimentally studied. Finite Element Analysis will
be applied to determine and understand the changes of stress/strain fields in the materials due to
the incorporation of nano-fillers. The whole process will include: (1) Sample preparation, (2)
Mechanical testing and data analysis, (3) Finite Element Analysis of stress/strain fields, (4)
conclusion and (5) thesis writing. The project can accommodate up to four students who can
work together as a group on Tasks (1) and (3).
Specific skills required: (1) Knowledge of Finite Element Analysis.
(2) Knowledge of mechanical testing.
4. Fracture toughening of nanostructured epoxies (Y-W Mai)
Epoxy resins are thermosets exhibiting attractive combination of stiffness, strength, high heat
distortion temperature, environmental stability and creep resistance, but very brittle. They are
widely employed as structural adhesives and matrix materials for composites. In this project,
we will explore the idea of using diblock or triblock copolymers to obtain different morphologies
to toughen the epoxy matrix.
UG Thesis Topics for 2012
A R Masri
Thesis only
Project 1a: Turbulent Propagating Flames (one
This project is relevant for industrial safety, explosion
risk and internal combustion engines. The burning rate
of turbulent propagating flames is strongly affected by
turbulence which changes the structure of the flame
front. The combustion chamber shown here is built to
study flames propagating from rest past baffle plates
that generate significant turbulence. Fast video images,
velocity measurements and laser induced fluorescence
of hydroxyl radicals (LIF-OH) will be made at various
stages of flame propagation. Processing the images to
obtain an estimate of dimensionless numbers and
turbulence levels will be a focus of the project.
Project 1b: Turbulent Propagating Flames with
stratification (one student)
This is a modified version of the combustion chamber sown here which is extended to include a
secondary downstream chamber containing air. The mixture from the primary chamber stratifies
the flow into the secondary chamber while combustion is occurring. The presence of obstacles
will lead to further turbulence generation. The project involves the construction of the chamber
along with initial testing and high-speed imaging of the propagating flames (using LIF-OH) at
varying degrees of stratification.
Thesis only
Project 2: Transition from auto-ignition to premixed
flame propagation.
This project is aimed at studying the temperature regime
over which fluid mixtures undergo a transition from autoignition to premixed flame propagation. Auto-ignition is a
critical process in diesel and homogeneous charge
compression ignition (HCCI) engines while premixed
flame propagation dominates processes in standard spark
ignition engines. Both processes may exist in modern
engines. The model burner involves a fluid mixture
issuing in a co-flow of varying temperature as shown in
the opposite image. Measurements of temperature and
species concentration will be performed at various
experimental conditions.
Thesis only
Project 3a: Swirl stabilised flames (one student)
This mode of flame stabilisation is common in
industrial burners but the resulting turbulent flow is
very complex and difficult to calculate even in the
absence heat release. Large eddy simulation (LES)
techniques are making significant advances in this
area but the preliminary finding point to significant
sensitivity of the calculations to the condition in the
boundary layers at the burner‘s surface. This
project aims at studying experimentally the effects
of boundary layers on flames stabilised on swirl
burners similar to that shown here. Measurements
of the velocity and turbulence fields in the
boundary layers of this burner will be made.
Project 3b: Swirl stabilised spray jets and flames
(one student)
These complex flows are highly relevant in industrial applications such as boilers and furnaces
and may involve significant instabilities which affect the combustor‘s performance. A spray
injector will be positioned in the central part of the burner and swirl is applied to the surrounding
air. High swirl numbers can be generated. The flow and droplet fields will be measured for
various levels of spray loadings. Flame stability characteristics will also be determined for the
selection of flames for further investigations.
Thesis only
Project 4: Micro-combustion (up to two
Micro-combustion is a relatively new field of
research that is fast evolving due to interest in
Hydrocarbon fuels are particularly useful here
due to their huge specific energy which is
about two orders of magnitude higher than the
best battery available. The most difficult
problem is loss of flame stability due to
thermal and radical quenching. This project
studies the interaction between surface and
gas chemistries using configuration shown
here. Measurements are made for a variety of
fuels and catalysts. Parallel calculations are also conducted using detailed chemical kinetics for
the surface as well gaseous reactions. These will be validated against measurements performed
using gas sampling and analysis.
Thesis only
Project 5: Biofuel sprays (one student)
Combustion of biofuels (or biofuel blends) in the form of sprays
will be more common in the future of many industrial applications
such as diesel engines, direct injection spark ignition engines, jet
propulsion units, furnaces and incinerators. The opposite burner is
designed to study spray flows in a controlled environment in order
to resolve controlling physical processes such the interaction
between droplets and turbulence. The atomization, evaporation,
mixing, and combustion characteristics of spray jets and flames
are important stages which remain only vaguely understood. Laser
diagnostic tools will be used to measure the velocity and
composition fields as well as the droplet number density and size
distribution in controlled spray flows.
Thesis only
Project 6a: Stratified Combustion (one student)
This is a new project aimed at studying the characteristics of stratified combustion under
conditions of high shear rates. This mode of combustion is highly relevant in modern engines
but remain vaguely understood particularly at high turbulence levels. A new burner will be
developed consisting of two concentric tubes feeding premixed fuel-air mixtures at different
equivalence ratios. Both tubes are centred in a hot co-flowing stream of combustion products. A
schematic of this burner is shown here. The project will study the stability features of this burner
under different levels of stratification.
Project 6b: Lean Combustion in Hot Co-flows (one student)
Lean premixed combustion is now applied in spark ignition engines and gas turbines due to
favourable fuel consumption and pollutant emission characteristics. However, lean flame blowout remains an outstanding problem which limits the full exploitation of this approach. This
project is aimed at understanding the extinction and re-ignition properties of lean premixed
flames that are subjected to high rates of shear. The model problem consists of a jet premixed
flame, stabilised by a pilot, issuing in a stream of hot co-flowing air. The project involves laser
imaging of selected species as well as measuring the velocity and turbulence fields in selected
Thesis only
Project 7: Droplets/Particles in flows with temperature gradients (one student)
This is a new project aimed at studying the dynamics of droplets and particles in turbulent flows
where a temperature gradient is imposed. It is envisaged that the local fluctuations in temperature
will affect the local dissipation as well as evaporation rate of particles. A simple rig will be
constructed for this experiments where measurements of velocity and temperature fields will be
Supervisor: Paul McHugh
Rm S318, Bldg J07, ph 9351 2292
Student Defined Topic
Will consider student defined topics in the area of design.
Engine Configuration and Vibration
Continue with the development of an engine model and programming the model in MATLAB.
The Thesis/Project is to look at different engine configurations (single cylinder, multi-cylinder,
balance shafts, etc.) and how the configuration and other variable influences vibration. Will also
require testing a variety of engine configurations to confirm the model.
Vehicle Dynamics Program (What is the best racing line?) (semester 2 start)
Project is to continue the research and program that allows the user to input vehicle properties
(mass, centre of mass, tyre data, engine data, etc) and race track details (track dimensional
details, surface material, etc). The program will then determine the best gear ratios, braking and
acceleration points, racing lines, etc. to achieve the fastest lap time.
Computer Controlled Slot-cars
To design and build a system that allows the computer to control a slot-car, allowing the user to
compete against the computer. Will require selection of hardware and programming to make the
system work. Data will be collected from the track (position and current) when the user is
controlling the car, allowing the computer to learn from and imitate the user. If time to, then
develop a self learning computer system to optimise performance.
Design of a Seamless Gearbox
Will require an investigation of the current technology of seamless gearboxes (allows upshifting
without backing of on the power). Based on the research the pros and cons will be determined.
A motorcycle gearbox will then be re-designed/modified to test how effective the design is.
Design of a Portable Bio-diesel Plant
Will continue with the design of components for a portable plant that will fit on the back of a
small table top ute (6 feet by 8 feet). Will include design reviews and presentation of final
design. Design to be fully analysed and a drawing package produced to AS1100. Components
include: heat exchanger, centrifuges, pumping systems, alcohol separaters, glycerine separators,
Prof Lin Ye, lin.ye@sydney.edu.au
Honours Thesis or Engineering Project
1) Mechanical properties of a DGEBA epoxy cured using different catalysts
2) Rheological properties and curing kinetics of a phenolic resin
3) Compression strength of unidirectional CF/EP and GF/EP composites with nanoparticles
4) Identification of BVID (barely visible indentation damage) in composite laminate using
guided ultrasonic wave
5) CF/EP composites with improved electrical and thermal conductivity
Dr. Rongkun Zheng, rongkun.zheng@sydney.edu.au
Australian Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis
(AMME contact: Dr. Xiaozhou Liao)
Project 1
Compositional Modulation and Interfaces in Semiconductor Nanowire Heterostructures
Semiconductor nanowire heterostructures are promising for nanoelectronic, nanophotonic and
nanooptoelectronic devices due to their superior electrical and optical properties compared with
other materials. Precise control over the composition and perfection of interfaces is required for
the successful fabrication of high-performance devices. This project aims to understand the
origin and nature of variations in composition and interfaces and to thereby improve the quality
of nanowire heterostructures. By developing growth-structure-property relationships, we will be
positioned to grow high-quality nanowire heterostructures suitable for various devices.
Project 2
Understanding the Atomic-scale Structure and Chemistry of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
for Future Spintronic Devices
The emerging technology of spintronics is believed to be one of most promising candidates for
the continued evolution of future electronics. This project aims to establish fabrication-structureproperty relationships in such devices by innovative atomic-scale characterisation. The
knowledge obtained will enable the in-depth understanding of the microscopic mechanisms
responsible for observed spintronic behaviour, and so will guide the optimisation of the
fabrication and processing of the spintronic devices. Consequently, this project will advance
these devices towards real-world applications in non-volatile memory and logic-in-memory
integrated circuits.
Project 3
Microscopic Origin of Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
High quality diluted magnetic semiconductors are required to realize spintronics - the next
generation electronics. Although Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors above room temperature
have been widely reported, there are strong variations in the reported spintronic behaviours. In
particular, the origin of ferromagnetism is not clear. Therefore, there is a major opportunity for
the application of new, element- and position-specific analysis techniques for revealing the
microscopic origin of ferromagnetism in DM. In this project, we will employ atom probe and
other microscopic techniques to study the nanostructural effects in Diluted Magnetic
Semiconductors. The aims are to understand the microscopic origin of ferromagnetism in Diluted
Magnetic Semiconductors, and to direct the fabrication of high quality Diluted Magnetic
Project 4
Microscopic Origin of the Enhanced Flux Pinning in Superconductors
MgB2 is one of the most versatile superconducting materials ever discovered. The critical
current density, a major bottleneck for many applications, has been significantly improved by
introducing additional flux pinning through nano chemical doping. However, the microscopic
origin and mechanism of the enhanced flux pinning has yet been fully understood. This project
aims to understand the microscopic origin of the critical current enhancement by nano chemical
doping. The achievements of this project will deepen our understanding flux pinning mechanism,
and will help to discovery practical MgB2-based superconductors for practical applications.
Project 5
Graphene: a journey of appreciation and exploration via computational simulations
Graphene, single atomic layer of graphite, exhibits truly spectacular structural, mechanical,
electronic, thermal and possibly magnetic properties. Graphene and its derivatives hold promise
for a vast range of nanotechnologies, particularly in the emerging field of graphene-based
nanoelectronics and nanospintronics. This project aims to study several key graphene-based
nanostructures including nanoribbon, nanodots and nanoantidots. Their optical, electrical and
magnetic properties will be investigated by the state-of-the-art first principles (no experimental
parameters) simulations. The output of this Honour project is expected to result in 2 international
journal publications. (Together with Dr. Carl Cui carl.cui@sydney.edu.au)
4th Year Mechatronics, Sensing & Biomechatronics Thesis Topics 2012
Low Cost Scanning Infrared Imager
Supervisor: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Infrared cameras are still extremely expensive and low resolution. An alternative would be to
make an imager from a single element thermal sensor (of the kind used to make non-contact
thermometers), and a mechanical scanner
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Develop a lightweight 2-axis scanner from a pair of RC servos
Interface scanner and IR sensor to an appropriate microcontroller
Improve angular resolution by integrating a collimating lens (that is transparent to
thermal infrared), or a field-of-view limiting tube
Interface colour LCD display to microcontroller
Write software to control scanner and build up IR images
Consider removing one axis and mounting scanner on-board a small UAV to produce
push-broom thermal images of the ground
Required Skills
Mechanical Design & SolidWorks
Signal Processing
C or C++ and MATLAB Programming
A Micro-mechanical Testing System for Biological Tissues
Supervisors: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Elizabeth Clarke, RNSH elizabeth.clarke@sydney.edu.au
Engineering studies of biological tissues often involve controlled
loading of very small or very soft tissues. This thesis involves expansion
and optimisation of a micro-mechanical testing apparatus that is
currently used for biomechanics studies of soft tissues. Some
examples of the potential applications of this apparatus include 3point-bending of mouse bones, tensile strength of a human hair or
mouse tendon, and cyclic loading of joint cartilage.
Note: the apparatus is located at RNS Hospital at St Leonards, and the
student will be expected to perform the integration and testing at the
Murray Maxwell Biomechanics Laboratory there.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Develop a custom LabVIEW program for precision control of a
linear motor to provide maximum flexibility in a range of testing regimes:
o cyclic loading
o threshold conditions
o force control
Develop data acquisition system to acquire and log data from displacement and force sensors
There is scope within this thesis project to include optional mechanical design and manufacture:
o miniature 3-point-bending apparatus
o mechanical testing of synthetic or biological tissues (e.g. Silicone gels, mouse bones or
soft biological tissues)
Required Skills
Some biology
LabVIEW Programming (or learn on the job)
SolidWorks (for phase 2)
Speed Related Changes in the Radar Cross Section of Bullets at
Supervisor: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Outdoor measurements have shown that the radar cross sections (RCS) of high-velocity bullets is
up to 5dB higher than those obtained from static measurements of the same object. The
mechanism that results in this increase is unknown.
This has implications for the RCS of the new generation of stealth aircraft when travelling at
high speed
This project aims at investigating the phenomenon by measuring the RCS of a number of
different shapes under more controlled conditions using a supersonic nozzle.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Complete the integration of a 77GHz radar and a data acquisition system
Because of the size of the bullets, it is possible to generate the appropriate supersonic
airflows using a supersonic nozzle driven by a low pressure reservoir
Assemble the compressor and reservoir coupled to the supersonic nozzle
Confirm that the flow from the nozzle reaches the required speeds over a cross section
that is sufficiently large to encompass the bullet
Measure RCS of a number of different types of bullets at a number of different speeds
and from different perspectives
Try to determine what causes this increase in RCS
Write a journal paper
Required Skills
Some understanding of microwave and millimetre wave radar
Aerodynamics etc
Mechanical Design ( SolidWorks etc)
Signal Processing
MATLAB Programming
Micro-Doppler Gait Evaluation to Infer Fatigue Levels in LongDistance Runners
Supervisor: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Recent research has shown that changes in gait could be indicative of concussion, so we have
speculated that similar changes could also be indicative of fatigue levels in long distance runners
This project aims at determine whether these changes in gait are consistent with fatigue levels
and whether they can be measured using a Doppler radar.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Acquire or build a suitable data acquisition and processor that could be interfaced to one
of our existing Doppler radars.
Develop the signal processing to extract Doppler characteristics of a runner from another
moving platform (probably a bicycle)
Develop qualitative means to determine the fatigue level of the runner (distance travelled,
effort, verbal feedback etc)
Develop methods (can be classical or machine learning based) to correlate features of the
micro-Doppler signature of the runner with their fatigue level
If possible, redo on treadmill with appropriate instrumentation to produce a quantitative
measure of runner fatigue
Required Skills
Some understanding of microwave radar and the Doppler principle
Low power & portable electronics
Signal Processing
MATLAB Programming
Keen athlete
Navigation Using Ubiquitous Diffuse Fields
Supervisor: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
A typical indoor environment is filled with useful information that may help with reliable
navigation. This information is in the form of diffuse fields such as acoustic, magnetic, electric,
RF, temperature, light intensity, air flow and even odour.
Most of these fields can be measured using very low cost sensors and therefore it should be
possible to develop a cheap method to facilitate indoor navigation.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Integrate sensors and data logging capability onto an indoor vehicle
Drive around for a long time and map these fields at different times of the day
Determine whether there is sufficient information to uniquely identify the position of the
vehicle to within a few metres
Develop machine learning algorithms to automate the learning and subsequently the
navigation process
Required Skills
Some Mechanical Design
Signal Processing
Interest in Machine Learning
C or C++ and MATLAB Programming
Integration and Testing of an Orthopaedic Measurement Device
Supervisors: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Joe Lynch and Corey Scholes, SORI CScholes@sori.com.au
If you are looking for a patient-centred project with long-term benefits for research and clinical
assessment of patients suffering knee disorders, are keen to deepen your knowledge and
understanding of human biomechanics and functional anatomy and would like to work directly
with the ―end users‖, both patients and clinicians, then read on…
Students have developed a wireless accelerometer, gyro and a separate goniometer to monitor the
effectiveness of orthopaedic knee surgery. These devices need to be integrated into a single
product that can be easily fitted and tested at home, while still retaining sufficient accuracy to
provide essential feedback on knee joint performance including shock absorbing and knee angle.
Research Proposal (Thesis only for 1 or 2 students)
Examine existing hardware (Arduino based)
Select new processor with additional channels to accommodate all of the sensors (2 x
3axis accelerometers, 2 x gyros, 2 x goniometers)
Examine sensor mounting methods and update as required for ease of use, repeatability
and reliability
Redevelop monitor from simple MATLAB display to enable local storage and analysis
Integrate with telemedicine network to enable remote monitoring and analysis of
measured data.
Required Skills
Mechanical Design (SolidWorks etc)
Signal Processing
C or C++ and MATLAB Programming
Some biology
Radar Target Identification
Supervisor: Graham Brooker,ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
A haul truck – or is it a pig with an Elvis haircut?
The object of this thesis is to develop robust algorithms to recognise targets and identify their
pose using a sparse 3D array of radar measurements
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Develop algorithms to accurately model the way that high resolution radar systems ―see‖
Using these algorithms and computer models of a number of targets, confirm that your
algorithms accurately reproduce the radar measurements made of the actual targets
Quantify the reliability with which the different targets can be identified and the accuracy
with which the pose of the targets can be determined as a function of the number of
measurements taken etc
Required Skills
Good understanding of how radars work
Signal/Image Processing
MATLAB Programming
Energy Scavenging from Flying Pigeons
Supervisor: Graham Brooker gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
It has become practical to harvest sufficient power from biological processes, movement,
vibration or heat gradients etc to generate sufficient power to run modern low-power electronic
Initial work has been conducted to obtain the acceleration profiles from a flying pigeon, and
these will have been implemented on a vibration table (1 axis) to test energy scavenging options.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Investigate existing energy scavenging systems and select one that would be suitable to
power a typical radio beacon and data logger attached to a bird
Develop such a system and demonstrate on a vibration table that it could supply sufficient
Ethical approval has been obtained to test a data logger on a pigeon, and it is possible that
this approval could be extended for tests of the scavenger
Required Skills
Mechanical design (SolidWorks etc)
Affinity for animals
Low Cost Hand Orthotic
Supervisor: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
A low cost hand orthotic driven by pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs) that may have
applications in rehabilitation and in astronaut‘s gloves has been under development for some
time. The initial technique (shown in the figure) relied on the flexibility of a composite material
(carbon or glass fibre). However these were not sufficiently strong and flexible. Subsequent
attempts to use torsion springs are under consideration but are too bulky and too complex to be
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Perform a comprehensive review of the existing methods that could be used to drive this
orthotic (passive closing and active opening)
Using the PAMs to open the orthotic, investigate alternative passive methods of closing
that will be compliant and can accommodate different sized hands
Develop a working prototype of the orthotic
Required Skills
Mechanical Design & SolidWorks
Signal Processing
C or C++ and MATLAB Programming
Sensory Substitution
Supervisor: Graham Brooker gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Spectrogram of a horse [http://www.seeingwithsound.com/nn2007.html]
Sensory substitution is a technique that replaces one sensory input with another, and then relies
on brain plasticity to develop the ability to interpret the new sense.
We have a sonar based system that interfaces to an array of vibrotactile devices that needs to be
upgraded and comprehensively tested.
Alternatively, we are also interested in introducing a completely new sense (such as the direction
of Earth‘s magnetic field) to human beings. The direction and strength of the field will be
coupled to an array of vibrotactile devices attached to a belt worn by the experimenter.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Select a sensory substitution system of your choice
Develop the hardware and software to implement the system
Perform long-duration tests to determine whether the interface can become integrated
into your everyday activities
Required Skills
Mechanical design basics
Signal and image Processing
C or C++ and MATLAB Programming
Scanning Millimetre-Wave Radiometer
Supervisor: Graham Brooker gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Radiometry at 94GHz offers an excellent option for ground imaging during adverse weather or at
dusk and dawn when visible and IR sensors suffer from poor performance.
Figure: Existing radiometer hardware and radiometric images
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
A prototype scanner and radiometer has been built that operates at 94GHz
Both the scanner and the millimetre wave receiver hardware need to be hardened for
installation in a UAV
Interfaces to a microcontroller to read the radiometric signal, and the mirror position as
well as any aircraft INS data that is available must be developed so that images can be
Software to produce strip-map radiometric images from a moving aircraft must be written
Required Skills
Communications and Interfaces
Some understanding of RF
Mechanical Design & SolidWorks
Signal Processing
C or C++ and MATLAB Programming
Active Noise Cancellation
Supervisor: Graham Brooker gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
The modern house is filled with appliances that generate unacceptably high volumes of noise.
These include vacuum cleaners, dish washers, kitchen extraction fans and refrigerator
compressors amongst others.
It is sometimes possible to reduce this noise by isolating and insulating the source but often,
thermal considerations or the source of the sound make this difficult to implement. In this case,
active noise cancellation may be an alternative.
Active noise cancellation involves the generation of an acoustic signal with the same amplitude
as the noise source but in anti phase so that the resultant sound level is much reduced.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
An active noise cancelling system has been developed to attenuate the sound generated
by an extraction fan – it didn‘t work.
More research is required to improve the algorithms, to widen the ―sweet spot‖ and to
replace the external loud speakers with transducers that use the body of the structure as a
Finally, it would be useful to examine techniques of reducing the cost and complexity of
this technology so that it can be introduced into household appliances.
Required Skills
CAD and FEM experience
Signal Processing
C or C++ and MATLAB Programming
A Test of Walking Balance
Supervisors: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Dr Miriam Welgampola, RPAH miriam@icn.usyd.edu.au
Proprioceptive, visual and vestibular inputs as well as pre-programmed mechanisms play an
important role in our ability to walk safely. We propose to use a devise that measures the
temporal profile, symmetry and stability of both quiet stance and gait in health and disease.
Some gait disorders produce typical EMG or movement profiles that enable their diagnosis.
Vestibular disease is often characterized by difficulties upon slow walking but not running.
Primary orthostatic tremor produces instability and a 14-20 Hz tremor when standing still, but
not walking.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Integrate the following hardware with a MATLAB or Labview based logging and control
o A head mounted triaxial accelerometer to record both head acceleration and
position as a function of time.
o A portable cordless biological amplifier mounted on the waist will synchronously
record EMG from both soleus and tibialis anterior muscles.
o A battery operated galvanic stimulator will deliver a low intensity (0.5mA)
constant current for some tests.
Conduct the following experiments for standing balance tests:
o Subjects will stand unsupported on a narrow or wide base, with and without
vision, on a flat or springy surface, in all possible combinations.
o Head displacement in the anteroposterior and mediolateral directions will be
o EMG will be sampled at 200 Hz.
o Fast Fourier Transformation will seek the typical tremor bursts of primary
orthostatic tremor and Parkinson‘s disease.
Conduct the following experiments for walking balance tests:
o Subjects will be recorded whilst walking to their normal cadence, walking to a set
frequency delivered by a metronome (2Hz and 4 Hz). Finally, walking to a pre-set
rhythm during 1mA galvanic vestibular stimulation will be measured.
o Gait trajectory and EMG profile of normal controls will be compared with
subjects with common gait disorders: Parkinson‘s Disease, Bilateral Vestibular
Loss, Cerebellar Ataxia. Subjects with acute unilateral vestibular loss will be
tested before and after rehabilitation.
Required Skills
Some biology
Signal Processing
MATLAB and/or LabVIEW Programming
Effect of Visual Stimulation on Standing and Walking Balance
Supervisors: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Dr Miriam Welgampola, RPAH miriam@icn.usyd.edu.au
Quiet stance is supported by 3 sensory inputs: proprioception, vision and vestibular sensation.
These 3 sources of information overlap considerably allowing subjects with the loss of one or
two modalities to stand and walk safely. Here we propose to examine the effect of visual
stimulation on the stability and trajectory of gait and on the stability of stance.
We hope to artificially manipulate the visual surrounds to create an illusion of movement in the
pitch, yaw or roll planes.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Integrate a head mounted display (VR goggles) with a head tracker capable of measuring
position and acceleration in 3D
Use this display to create of a normal visual surround which can then be manipulated
record the subject‘s standing balance using the inertial measurement unit attached to the
The subjects will be tested whilst standing still and walking a straight line, and during
normal visual stimulation vs abnormal visual stimulation is recorded
Specifically, during stance, anteroposterior and mediolateral deviation during a 10
second period will be recorded.
Whilst walking, change of trajectory produced by apparent rotation in yaw and roll planes
will be explored.
Required Skills
Some biology
Image Processing
MATLAB Programming
A Portable Test of Subjective Visual Vertical (SVV)
Supervisors: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Dr Miriam Welgampola, RPAH miriam@icn.usyd.edu.au
Dr Hamish Macdougall, Psychology hamish@psych.usyd.edu.au
The SVV is a useful measure of human perception of verticality. It is abnormal in inner ear
balance disorders as well as brainstem stroke. During acute inner ear balance disorders, the eyes
tort towards the affected ear. Since the visual meridian is also similarly torted, horizontal objects
are perceived as tilted to the unaffected side. To correct this apparent tilt, the subject will bias it
towards the affected side. Conversely, in upper brainstem strokes, the SVV is offset to the
unaffected side. This non-invasive test conveys useful diagnostic information in subjects with
acute of vertigo and is used in specialized balance clinics. We propose to develop a portable
electronic test of SVV that can be used at the bedside. This will enable the test to be used by
non-specialized centres and even in the patient‘s own home.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Assemble the following hardware:
o A pair of VR goggles capable of projecting a linear beam upon a circular screen at
a viewing distance of 40 cm.
o User controlled joystick.
o A head mounted attitude heading reference system (AHRS).
Develop the following software using LabVIEW:
o Monitor the AHRS to ensure the head is held vertical with less than one degree
error. Deviations outside this range will result in rejection of the patients SVV
o Deliver 10 consecutive presentations of the beam at random angles from -45 -+45
o Read the joystick as the subject returns the beam to his/her perceived vertical
o The final position for each presentation will be logged, and averaged to produce
the mean and SD for SVV.
Required Skills
Some biology
Signal and Image Processing
LabVIEW Programming (or learn on the job)
A Handheld Hearing Test
Supervisors: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Dr Miriam Welgampola, RPAH miriam@icn.usyd.edu.au
Dr Craig Jin, EIE craig.jin@sydney.edu.au
@ home
Some balance disorders like Menieres Disease and Autoimmune inner ear diseases cause sudden
unexpected hearing loss, which needs to be captured and acted upon. Patients with such diseases
rely upon the availability of an audiology service. For those living in remote locations, such
services are not available at short notice. An inexpensive method of testing hearing thresholds
would make an immense impact on their management and hearing preservation.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Develop a calibrated sound source, capable of delivering pure tones of 125-8000 Hz at
octave frequencies at intensities of 5-100 decibels normal Hearing Level (nHL) using
LabVIEW software, a microprocessor with a sound card and calibrated headphones.
Develop the GUI to allow the entry and storage hearing thresholds and patient
demographics in textfiles.
Develop an operational procedure to perform the following:
o Reject recordings conducted in an environment where ambient noise exceeds 20
dB nHL.
o Generate tones at random amplitudes and in a random order will enable the
subject to self-test their hearing using a simple push-button
o A hearing test thus completed would be dumped into a conventional audiogram
format that can be electronically shared with an audiologist or physician at a
distant location.
Required Skills
Some biology
Signal Processing
LabVIEW Programming (or learn on the job)
Instrumented Chessboard for Stroke Rehab Monitoring
Supervisors: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Effective rehabilitation of hand and arm dexterity following a stroke requires thousands of hours
of therapy. Most patients do not have the required motivation to do this. Games can be a way to
overcome this lack of motivation, and also to monitor improvements in dexterity with time.
We propose to develop a chess board that is capable of monitoring the time taken to complete a
move (from lift-off to touch down) and possibly also the trajectory taken by the piece to aid with
the monitoring process.
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Investigate methods and develop the hardware and software to determine when a
conventional chess piece has been lifted from the board and replaced, and how long this
has taken. Ideally the chess piece should remain unmodified.
No infrastructure apart from that which can be built into the board should be used (an
overhead web cam are not an option).
Investigate methods and develop the hardware and software that can be used to actually
determine the position of any piece while it is in motion. This must involve little or no
modification to the individual pieces.
Develop the hardware and software to log the movements of the pieces and to produce a
report that can be used by the patient‘s physiotherapist to evaluate any improvement in
Required Skills
Interest in biology
Electronics, microcontrollers etc
Mechanical design basics
Signal Processing
C or C++ and MATLAB Programming
Robust Method to Measure Eye Torsion
Supervisors: Graham Brooker, ACFR gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Dr Miriam Welgampola, RPAH miriam@icn.usyd.edu.au
Eye torsion, or rotation of the eye around the z-axis, is an important measurement made by
neurologists investigating vestibular abnormalities.
Video provided by eye trackers and rotational correlation algorithms are generally used to do
this. However, gaze displacement, eyelid droop, and poor contrast of the iris make this process
difficult to achieve.
No really robust method as yet available to do this
Research Proposal (Thesis Only)
Look at all of the algorithms which have been used to perform this function and try to
determine their effectiveness, strengths and weaknesses
Consider spectral based (using hyperspectral imager or IR filters) methods to enhance iris
Look at methods of modelling and accounting for gaze displacement and eyelid droop to
improve algorithm effectiveness
Develop an effective torsion algorithm
Become involved in trials of the new algorithm to determine its robustness
Required Skills
Some biology
Image Processing
MATLAB Programming
Ultrasound Phased Array Imaging
Supervisor: Graham Brooker gbrooker@acfr.usyd.edu.au
The object of this thesis is the extended development of an ultrasound phased array imaging
system. Previous work has provided core signal processing electronics and software algorithms
for imaging. Advanced topics in signal processing and end applications are now possible.
Potential Research Areas (Thesis Only)
Signal Processing:
High fidelity coherent signal processing techniques:
synthetic aperture
coherent motion detection
multiple-pulse integration & fusion.
Incorporation onto a mobile platform
3D Volumetic visualisation methods
3D Object analysis
Ground texture analysis
Required Skills
Communications and Interfaces
Signal Processing
C or C++ and MATLAB Programming
ACFR, Mars Rover project
Supervisor: Dr. Thierry Peynot
ACFR, Rose Street Bldg J04
Email: tpeynot@acfr.usyd.edu.au
As part of the Pathways to Space program, a new Mars Rover prototype
was designed and developed at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) for education and space
robotics research. This robot is regularly exhibited at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, where it will
soon operate autonomously in a special area called the Mars yard that was designed to simulate typical
Martian terrain. A number of associated projects are proposed to students for 2012. The list of titles
follows. Some are appropriate for Honours Thesis (HR), others for Engineering Project (ER), as indicated
in parenthesis at the end of the titles.
- Detection and localisation of body of water in the environment using cameras (HT/ER).
- Detection and localisation of Negative Obstacles, such as gaps or holes in the ground (HT).
- Investigation into the use of UWB (Ultra-Wide Band) radar to provide density information on the terrain
- Comparison of terrain modelling techniques using different sensor modalities (HT/ER).
- Automatic recognition of rocks with a scientific interest (HT).
- Fast and easy generation of ground truth of terrain modelling with change adaptation (HT/ER) .
PLANNING and CONTROL (Honours Thesis or Projects)
- Online local path planning based on terrain difficulty (HT/ER).
- Multi-Modality strategy for locomotion and/or navigation of the Mars Rover (HT).
- Performance evaluation, failure detection and recovery (HT/ER).
SYSTEM (Engineering Projects)
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) to command the rover, visualise internal parameters (such as battery
level) etc. (ER)
- Real-time 3D display of the rover and the terrain, with possible representation of traversability,
uncertainty, level of interest for an area (ER).
- Full dynamic simulation of the Mars Rover (HT/ER).
ACFR, Centre for Intelligent Mobile Systems (CIMS)
Supervisors: Dr. James Underwood / Dr. Thierry Peynot
ACFR, Rose Street Bldg J04
j.underwood@acfr.usyd.edu.au / tpeynot@acfr.usyd.edu.au
The Centre for Intelligent Mobile Systems
(CIMS), part of ACFR, is funded by BAE Systems
UK, as part of an ongoing partnership with the
University of Sydney. Its objective is to develop
intelligent autonomous mobile robots that operate
in urban environments. The following projects
proposals concern research in the areas of
Perception and Persistent Autonomy. The
Perception group is investigating the interpretation
of multi-sensor data to produce a semantic
representation of the environment, classifying
objects such as pedestrians, cars, trees, buildings,
etc, in order to build an internal representation of
the external environment. The Persistent
Autonomy group is investigating the mitigation
and detection of perceptual failures, making an
intelligent use of multi-modal sensor data to
ensure the consistency of the data and
automatically select the right combination of
sensors to use. The robots should be able to
operate in challenging environmental conditions,
including the presence of dynamic obstacles, dust,
smoke or rain.
The platforms used in these projects are two
custom designed ground vehicles (pictured) that are equipped with a unique sensor suite, including 2D
and 3D Laser (Velodyne), omni-directional camera, thermal infrared camera, stereovision and radar.
All of the CIMS projects will involve software development. Starting with initial developments in Matlab
and/or Python, it is expected that projects that attain sufficient maturity will be implemented in C++ and
deployed and tested on the Segway platforms around the campus. Note that all projects are particularly
suitable for Honours Thesis A/B, but there may also be possibilities of associated Engineering Projects
A/B. Students interested in proposing their own topics within this project should contact one of the team‘s
members above to discuss.
Possible projects within the team include (but are not limited to): comparison of multi-modal sensor data,
detection of dust and smoke, on-line behaviour and performance evaluation, failure detection and
diagnosis, segmentation of 3D point clouds and images, multi-target dynamic tracking and classification.
Please contact J. Underwood or T. Peynot for more details (see contact information above).
Humanoid Robot
David Rye & Mari Velonaki
ACFR, Rose Street Building
We have a major ARC-funded project that aims to investigate and understand the conditions that
are necessary for a human to be comfortable in the close presence of a robot. To further this
research we have created a new form of humanoid robot that is intended to interact with
untrained members of the general public. This project will offer opportunities for highly
motivated and capable students to work on key areas of robotics and human-robot interaction at
the cutting edge of research and/or development. Areas of interest include
Haptics, including sensing and interpretation of touch using sensitive skin and/or jointbased torque sensing ;
Tracking of people using vision and/or scanning laser sensors, including recognition and
interpretation of human features and gestures;
Robot navigation and path planning in the presence of moving objects (people), including
planning and execution of paths coordinated with human movement;
Design and implementation of robot behavior, including whole-body and coordinated
arm motion.
Eduardo Nebot (e.nebot@cas.edu.au)
Honours Thesis only
ACFR will be involved in various projects related to open pit mining automation and Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) during the next 5 years. These projects range from sensing,
perception, automation and safety.
Vehicle localisation is of fundamental importance for automation and safety. It is very common
to have positioning system installed in vehicles based on GPS. The main drawback of this sensor
is the degradation in performance when there are not enough satellites in view. This is very
common when driving near tall buildings (urban canyon effect). There is a new generation of
positioning systems that combine GPS, GLONASS (Russian GPS equivalent) and Galileo
satellite constellations. Furthermore, this new hardware provides for internal processing power
and has the potential of integrating with sensors such as velocity, heading (e.g. gyro) or other
information available on the vehicle CAN bus. This project will look at designing and
implementing navigation algorithms using GPS, GLONASS and internal information available
from the vehicle. Some hardware integration work could also be part of this project.
Background in C/C++ is essential.
Schematic of GPS/GLONASS/Galileo Board with sensors
Infrared Cameras in Automotive applications
Thermal imaging is very attractive for object detection since it does not require any special
lighting condition to create a crisp image of the environment. Furthermore, it can operate under
some levels of smoke, level of dust and fog. This type of sensing modality has recently become
available for automotive applications. This is due to a significant reduction in cost and
complexity, along with an increase in reliability. This project proposes to investigate the use of
commercial automotive infrared cameras in road type vehicles operating in urban environments
to detect pedestrians and other obstacles.
Background in Signal Processing and C/C++ is required
Infrared camera information
Situation Awareness with video Camera information
Stereovision has been used in automotive application to detect other vehicles, people and objects
in the path of the vehicle. More recently the use of monocular vision has become feasible in
applications of people and vehicle detection, and line departure warning systems. This has been
made possible with the integration to the vehicle sensing system. This project will investigate the
use of commercial available camera based system to build occupancy grid in the area in front of
the vehicle. Potential integration with other sensing modalities such as laser and radar could also
be part of this project.
Background in signal processing and C/C++ and MATLAB programming is essential.
Omni camera vehicle detection system
Operator Interfaces
The group is involved in various operator assistance projects where it is essential to implement
an interface that can efficiently transfer information to an operator. The fundamental idea is to
use multimedia capabilities to be able to transfer the required information to the operator in the
most efficient manner. This project will explore the use of voice, sound and graphics to
implement such interfaces.
A student wanting to be involved in this project requires a strong background in programming in
Operator Interface in mining safety application
Brain Computer Interfaces
During the past few years there has been a significant body of research in technologies for brain
computer interface (BCI) systems. Most of the current research is based on the classification of
signals obtained with Electroencephalograms (EEG) sensors. This promising technology has
applications ranging from operator interfaces to fatigue detection, among others. The ACFR
recently acquired a state-of-the-art personal EEG headset to develop algorithms for BCI. In
particular, this project aims to investigate and develop algorithms to predict human intentions
through neuro-signals acquired with EEG.
A student wanting to be involved in this project requires good background in programming in
Matlab and/or C/C++ and good knowledge in signal processing. Machine learning knowledge is
a plus.
EEG Sensor system
Supervisors: Eduardo Nebot, Stewart Worrall, David Orchansky, Juan Nieto
Mechatronics (Marine Robotics)
Title: Dynamics and Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Supervisors: S. Williams, O. Pizarro, and M. Bryson
We have a pair of Autonomous Underwater
Vehicles (AUV) that are used for surveying the
seafloor in depths well beyond those that can be
reached by a diver. We are looking for one or
two motivated students to undertake a study of
the dynamical properties of these vehicles. These
studies will result in improvements to the real
time control of the vehicle, including its ability to
hold depth and follow tracklines in energetic
Based on the outcomes of Our Iver2 AUV surveying coral reefs in tropical WA
previous student theses in the area, there is also
scope for completing the design of optimised propellers, fabricating them and demonstrating
enhanced endurance. Students will be expected to research current trends in long term AUV
design, propose design modifications to our existing vehicles and validate their designs in
simulation and during engineering trials held periodically throughout the year.
Title: Seabed classification in reef environments
Supervisors: S. Williams, O. Pizarro and N. Nourani-Vatani
This project will explore the classification of seafloor type based on visual and sonar information
collected by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. The volume of data being collected by these
systems precludes detailed manual analysis of the data. Machine learning algorithms have
recently been shown to be effective at identifying patterns within this data that can help to guide
further analysis. We are also interested in developing methods capable of recognizing particular
organisms within the highly unstructured marine environments we work in. Students interested
in this project should have strong software skills and some experience with electronics and
hardware design. One or two students will be accepted for this project.
Title: Mission Planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Surveys
Supervisors: S. Williams and O. Pizarro
Terrain-aided navigation promises to revolutionise the ability of marine systems to track
underwater bodies in deepwater applications. One of the key aspects of such survey work is the
ability to modify plans while the vehicle is underway in response to its sensor data. This work
represents a crucial step in the development of underwater technologies capable of long-term,
reliable deployment. This project will explore the development of methods for planning by an
Unmanned Underwater Vehicle. Students interested in this project should have strong software
skills and some experience with electronics and hardware design. Tasks will include interfacing
to the existing vehicle path planner as well as exploring novel methods of responding to sensed
data. One or two students will be accepted for this project.
Title: Combined Stereo Vision and Multibeam Acoustic Mapping
Supervisors: S. Williams, B. Douillard and M. Johnson-Roberson
We operate and autonomous underwater
vehicle (AUV) for seabed and habitat
mapping. The vehicle's primary imaging
sensors consist of a stereo camera pair and
multibeam profiling sonar. Both sensors
are capable of creating 3D reconstructions
of the seafloor; however they respond
differently to some forms of benthic
organisms. In particular, visually opaque
organisms with densities similar to water
may appear acoustically transparent. The
Preliminary multibeam/stereo difference map showing
difference between co-registered stereo and
relatively large differences over acoustically transparent
multibeam maps could therefore provide a
rapid means of assessing biomass. Such a
measurement depends on accurate and precise knowledge of the relative pose of the sonar and
the camera pair. We are looking for a highly motivated student with an interest in camera
calibration procedures and mechanical design experience to design a calibration target suitable
for routine cross-sensor calibration in the field. One student will be accepted for this project.
Title: Diver Held Stereo Imaging System
Supervisors: S. Williams, O. Pizarro and M. Johnson-Roberson
We have developed a high resolution stereo imaging
system as part of our Autonomous Underwater
Vehicle program and have deployed a prototype of a
diver held unit based on this system that could be
used for tasks such as surveying coral reefs and
documenting marine archaeological sites. This
system has recently been deployed on the Great
Barrier Reef and as part of surveys of submerged
Neolithic settlement sites in Greece. We are looking
for two to three motivated students to participate in
enhancing the design of such a device and working
with the data we have collected to generate highPrototype diver held stereo imaging system
resolution 3D meshes of the survey sites. Thesis
undergoing testing
topics in this area may include the design of a
relatively low cost version of such a device and/or the processing and display of the resulting
imagery. The ability to take measurements from the resulting 3D meshes would be of particular
Title: High-Endurance Underwater Vehicle Control
Supervisors: S. Williams and O. Pizarro
We are researching methods for cost-effective seafloor habitat
survey in Australia's vast (800,000 km2) network of Marine
Protected Areas (MPAs). A low-power seafloor imaging
vehicle capable of traversing 1000s of km with an endurance on
the order of a month is possible, however, the vehicle will have
to move slowly to avoid expending significant energy
overcoming drag. Low speed motion control will require
innovative control strategies possibly based on variable
buoyancy systems and movable internal masses used to effect
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
changes in vehicle pitch. We seek two to three motivated
testbed being prepared for launch at
students with either strong mechanical design skills and an
Chowder Bay, Sydney Harbour
understanding of basic control theory to design elements of a
low-speed terrain-following underwater vehicle or an interest in
Mechatronic systems design to design the embedded systems for such a vehicle. One output of
this project will be a flume testbed vehicle having two degrees of freedom (pitch and depth) that
can be used to study various control strategies.
Title: Real-time Visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM)
Supervisors: S. Williams, O. Pizzaro and M. Bryson
We operate an imaging autonomous underwater vehicle
(AUV) that takes stereo photographs of the seafloor.
Currently these data are used in post-processing to refine
the vehicle's navigation using algorithms from recent
robotics research collectively known as simultaneous
localisation and mapping (SLAM). By enforcing loop
closures where images are seen to contain the same
Visual SLAM has enabled the AUV
features, such visually-augmented navigation can
transects that created each leg of this xshaped photomosaic to be registered relative dramatically improve our ability to geo-reference the
to one another.
location of the vehicle and the data it has collected.
Research in our group has led to efficient implementations of SLAM that are suitable for real
time operation; however, the image processing required to generate the visual features used for
identifying loop closures is too computationally intensive to run in real time on our existing
hardware. We seek a motivated student with strong programming skills and an interest in SLAM
to research hardware/software options for real-time feature extraction and to implement a system
suitable for real time use on our AUV.
RTCMA 4th Year Thesis and Project Topics in Mining Automation
The Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) at the University of Sydney has established a major new
Centre for Mine Automation. Rio Tinto, a global mining company, has committed $21m of funding for an
initial period of five years for this new Centre. The aim of the Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Automation
(RTCMA) is to develop and implement the vision of a fully autonomous, remotely operated mine. This is
a major research and development effort with a clear focus on delivering sustained leadership in mining
automation. The Centre is structured around three main programmes:
Technology: The objective of the technology programme is to apply and develop existing and
new technology to the automation of current mining operations. The programme aims to
rapidly field automation systems in areas such as drilling, loading and haulage, and to
integrating these into a coherent mining automation system.
Research: The objective of the research programme is to develop and field key enabling
technologies for automated and remote mining. These include sensing, data fusion, machine
learning, machine control and mine systems engineering. The programme aims to build a
substantive and unique research strength in mining automation technologies and systems.
Training: The objective of the training programme is to deliver new skills and trained graduates
in mining automation. The programme aims to enable Rio Tinto to support and make best use of
automation systems across its global operations.
RTCMA is offering 4th year thesis topics in mining automation which contribute to this project.
Successful applicants will be exposed to one of the largest field robotics programmes in the world. A
maximum of 5 scholarships valued at $2000 each are available for candidates working on these mine
automation projects. Students interested in these projects should contact the relevant academic staff
to discuss the work further.
Mine face inspection using hyperspectral sensors
Richard Murphy and Sildomar Monteiro
Research has been conducted on applying hyperspectral sensors to map mineral distribution on
the surface of an open-pit mine. The timely and accurate characterization of geology can be of
enormous value for the mining industry, contributing to several phases of the mining process
resulting in more efficient mining and improving the end-product quality. Machine learning and
remote sensing techniques have been used to match samples with a spectral library.
Honours Thesis:
Machine learning regression/classification: The objective of this thesis is to develop
algorithms to estimate the chemical composition of sample spectra. The focus will be to
investigate multi-task regression/classification techniques to estimate rock characteristics
from hyperspectral data. You will test your algorithms on real hyperspectral data. If needed,
you will participate in field trials to collect new data for your experiments.
Spectral unmixing: The objective of this thesis is to develop spectral unmixing algorithms to
characterize mineral distribution (endmembers). The focus will be to investigate semisupervised endmember extraction algorithms and nonlinear spectral unmixing methods.
You will test your algorithms on simulated mixtures and on real hyperspectral data.
Rock recognition from measurement-while-drilling logs
Cathy Zhou and Sildomar Monteiro
A main challenge in mine automation is to build representations of the in-ground geology and
determine the quantity and quality of the minerals of interest. Rock recognition will provide
valuable local information which can be used for mine planning and design as well as for
optimizing explosive loading in the blastholes. A variety of electronic sensors are installed on a
blasthole drill rig to enable autonomous and remote operation as well as monitoring of the drill
bit conditions. Research has been conducted on analysing measurement-while-drilling (MWD)
logs to gain insight on the relationship between drill measurements and the characteristics of the
rocks being drilled. Machine learning and signal processing methods have been used to estimate
rock types.
Honours Thesis:
Machine Learning Classification: The objective of this thesis is to develop alternative
approaches to improve the accuracy of existing algorithms for rock classification. The focus
will be to investigate signal processing techniques to pre-process the measurements in order
to reduce external influences (e.g. control adjustments) on data. You will test your algorithms
on real MWD data collected from an iron ore mine.
Automated Geological Boundary Identification: The objective of this thesis is to model
the geologists‘ knowledge and methodology under a principled mathematical framework so
as to extract the boundaries where the maximum likelihood is achieved. Conventionally, the
geologists need to carefully analyse the relevant data, such as exploration holes assay and
geophysics logs, and then make the judgment partly in an empirical way. The focus is to
identify the geological boundaries so as to locate the useful ore zones, resulting in more
accurate labelling and freeing the geologists from tedious manual work.
How Many Measurements Make a Good Rock Type Model? The objective of this thesis
is to investigate how each of the MWD measurement work on the rock type model. MWD
data include a group of pressure and speed values. It is still unclear how many of the MWD
measurements will achieve a most optimized result on rock recognition. You will evaluate by
various metrics such as entropy and energy, etc., aiming at more accurate results on rock
Recognizing objects/people using hyperspectral cameras
Sildomar Monteiro
Spectral imaging devices, also called hyperspectral sensors, collect hundreds of narrow
contiguous wavelength bands ranging from the visible to the near-infrared regions of the
spectrum over wide areas. Analysis of spectral signatures and their spatial distribution provide
a powerful tool for a number of applications.
The objective of this thesis is to develop algorithms to recognize objects or people (e.g.
pedestrians) in an outdoor environment using hyperspectral images. The focus will be to
investigate modern machine learning and computer vision techniques to recognize
objects/people using spectral and spatial information. You will test your algorithms on real
hyperspectral data. You might need to participate in field trials to collect new data for your
Segmentation of range and visual data for autonomous driving
World modelling is a key task to allow autonomous vehicles to navigate in unknown areas. In
order to acquire information about the world, robots use sensors such as radar and cameras.
The aim of this project is world modelling using sensory data. The world model is formed
through a hierarchical segmentation, registration and fusion of sensor data from different sensors.
Each layer segments data, transforming previous layer into a more detailed and more humaninterpretable data structure. Information from different layers can be used for different tasks such
as localisation, planning, obstacle avoidance, etc.
This project will involve implementing and testing segmentation and registration algorithms for
data acquired from lasers, radars and possibly cameras. The main application of the segmentation
is world perception for autonomous ground vehicles. The students involved will be able to test
the algorithms using real sensory data in one of the ACFR autonomous platforms. To work in
this project students need to have good background in mathematics and programming (mainly
The project will involve a team of 2/3 students, each working with different sensor. Finally, the
team will have to work in the integration/fusion of each individual segmentation algorithm to
form a common world model.
Figure 1: Rav4 platform
Supervisors: Dr Juan Nieto, Dr David Johnson
ACFR, Rose Street Bldg J04, ph 9114 0889 / 9114 0892
j.nieto@acfr.usyd.edu.au / d.johnson@acfr.usyd.edu.au
Vehicle localisation using range data and vision
Localisation is one of the most important tasks in most robotics applications. The wide
availability and relative low-cost of GPS receivers have made them the most common
localisation tool. However, GPS receivers are not reliable in environment with low sky visibility
such as in a city with tall buildings or in the forest.
This project involves the design and test of algorithms that can estimate vehicle motion from
sequential data and to recognize previously seen places. The algorithms developed will be tested
with real data acquired with our Segway autonomous vehicle, which includes sensors such as
GPS, lasers, cameras and radar.
To work in this project, students will need to have good background in mathematics and
programming (mainly Matlab). Computer vision knowledge is required to work with the
Figure 2: Segway platform
Supervisor: Dr Juan Nieto
ACFR, Rose Street Bldg J04, ph 9114 0889
Join the fantastic projects from Australia’s significant primary industry
Come along with a group of interesting & smart people...and have fun!
Drilling Holes in an Optimized Way
Cathy Zhou
What’s the fun?
Drilling exploratory holes is a key step in geological survey. Accurate geology can be revealed
from a grid of exploratory holes. However, the drilling cost of these holes is very high. There is a
clear need to estimate the optimized locations of the exporatory holes so as to minimize the
number of holes to be drilled.
Your role
This is a brand new project. Use your imagination and creativity to give it a go with the
exploratory hole data we have in hand from an actual mining site.
Rock Structure Investigation for a Better Blasting Design
Cathy Zhou
What’s the fun?
As an indispensible part of mining production, explosives charging of the blast holes needs to
be well controlled according to the hardness as well as the structure of the rock, so as to assure
the rocks to break into pieces of appropriate size. We have defined a fractal metric on
quantifying the rock structure using the Measurement While Drilling (MWD) data. MWD data is
a group of speed and pressure measures collected from sensors mounted on the drill. How to
extract the fractal metric that best reflect the rock structure from the densely sampled MWD
data is yet to be investigated.
Your role
Play with the massive raw MWD data from the real production drills and use your unique
expertise to lead towards the best solution.
You will love these games!
Control and Co-ordination of Heterogeneous Vehicle Fleets
Dr Tom Allen and Dr Andrew Hill
{t.allen, a.hill}@acfr.usyd.edu.au
The RTCMA is preparing to increase the
number and types of ground vehicles in
its fleet, as part of work towards building
autonomous ―islands of operation‖
within a mine. In such an island,
vehicles might be controlled in a coordinated manner by a centralised
determine their own controls. In general,
the latter is a harder problem to solve,
however centralised control can also be a
challenging problem, especially when
the types of vehicles involved may differ in their capabilities and constraints.
The available Honours projects within this area aim to improve
the capabilities of an island of automation controller, and
effective solutions will be deployed in upcoming RTCMA field
trials. This is a chance to get involved in hands-on research and
development of real robots, and play a significant role in one of
the biggest industrial robotics projects in the world.
All projects require strong programming skills in Matlab and C,
with C++ or other object-oriented language experience highly
desired. Interested students should be capable of independent
research, and have the desire to drive the project and take
ownership of their work. The projects listed below are indicative
of the types of problems we wish to solve, but feel free to
suggest or discuss alternatives within the area.
Individual suggested topics listed on next page.
Control and Co-ordination of Heterogeneous Vehicle Fleets
Dr Tom Allen and Dr Andrew Hill
{t.allen, a.hill}@acfr.usyd.edu.au
control: What is the best division of
responsibilities between vehicles and
higher-level controllers? Is it more
effective to have smart vehicles that can
operate independently, or to have smart
controllers that dictate precise instructions
to a simpler vehicle?
Fusion and sharing of local terrain
maps between vehicles: Vehicles in an
island of automation may require local
sensor information to operate safely. How
can this information best be shared
between vehicles?
Hybrid geometric/feature maps: Some information relevant to ground vehicle
navigation is non-physical, and thus cannot be perceived by sensors (e.g. unofficial
boundaries an ‘no-go’ zones). Both practical and theoretical management of multiple
information sources are of interest to this project.
High-fidelity simulation: Simulating the interactions between a vehicle and a
complex terrain model, including ray-casting sensors to produce subsequent
simulated data.
manipulation with a robotic arm:
Detecting a drill hole robustly across
adverse environmental conditions in
order to manipulate a sensor payload
down hole.
Trajectory planning and control: The
RTCMA has a wide variety of vehicles
(Ackermann, skid-steered, etc.) Some of
these vehicles are non-holonomic and
traditional PID-based controllers. Modern
planning techniques that account for
vehicle dynamics are to be considered,
with the aim to implement a crossvehicle planning library that can be used
by an island of automation to direct any
vehicle type.
Safety monitoring and statistics
gathering: Implementation of a systemwide watchdog to detect failures and log
statistical measures of performance, to boost the persistent autonomy capabilities of
a vehicle. Theoretical components to this may involve the use of information theory
to detect non-critical failures or to suggest pre-emptive maintenance.
Honours Theses and Engineering Project topics offered by Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN via Rio
Tinto Centre for Mine Automation (RTCMA).
For more information contact a.goktogan@acfr.usyd.edu.au, Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Abseiling Face Inspection Robot
Ground Penetrating Robot
Wireless Mesh Network (WMN)
Stockpile Volume Estimation from Aerial
Networked Interface Modules for Distributed
HWIL Simulator
String Stability Analysis of Multi-Vehicle Systems
Multi Camera Object Localisation and Tracking
Honours Engineering
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Abseiling Face Inspection Robot
In an open-pit mine, a face is defined as the exposed surface of the working place from which the minerals are extracted.
Examination of the face reveals valuable information about its geological and mineralogical content. However, due to strict
safety reasons, close examination of the face by human experts is not always possible. Instead, various remote sensing
methods, such as spectral analysis of the multi/hyper-spectral data from the face are used.
The objective of this project is to develop an abseiling robot capable of traversing on the selected regions of the mine face
and collect sample materials for close examination. Project involves designing, building and controlling of the abseiling
robot. Once the robot is built, it will be tested on an artificially constructed inclined surface.
This project can accommodate multiple students. Students with various skill sets can apply for the project. If you are
interested in either in mining, mechanical design, manufacturing, electronics or programming then this project may be for
Required Skills:
Mechanical design & CAD (Solidworks)
C/C++ programming
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Honours Thesis Topic
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Ground Penetrating Robot
Drilling and the analysis of the drill-hole content help mining experts to better estimate the mineral distribution in-ground.
Depending on the purpose of the drill, whether it is a blast-hole drill or an exploration drill, the depth of a drill hole in openpit mines varies around 10 meters to more than 100 meters.
In this project you will design and build a working prototype of a ground penetrating robot that can move in drill holes. This
robot will be designed to carry a number of sensors (such as a RGB camera, or multispectral imaging sensor) onboard. As
robot moves in the drill holes, it will perform multiple measurements at different depths. The collected information will later
be analysed by subject matter experts to model the geology and mineralogy of the mine site.
As illustrated in figures, this project has the potential to accommodate inspirations from nature (biomimicry). For example,
worms are nature’s experts in boring (ground penetration). Despite the fact that worms are soft-bodied animals, they can
not only move in existing cavities, but the can burrow deep into the ground.
This project can accommodate multiple students. If you are interested in either in mining, worms (biomimicry), mechanical
design, manufacturing, electronics or programming then this project may be for you.
Required Skills:
Mechanical design
C/C++ programming
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Penetrating Robot
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Wireless Mesh Network (WMN)
In a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN), each network node can communicate directly with one or more peer nodes. Each
node acts as a host as well as a router and forwards other nodes’ data to the next node. Mesh networks have
decentralised architectures. In an ideal mesh network, all nodes are connected to all other nodes. But, in many WMN
implementations only a sub-set of nodes are linked to other nodes. In highly controlled environments, it is possible to
create a WMN infrastructure with fixed interconnections. However, the main research challenges are in the dynamic, selforganizing, self-adapting, self-(re)configuring characteristic of the WMN.
In this honours thesis project, you will set-up a WMN with 10 nodes to cover an area of approx. 3km x 5km. Some of
these nodes will be stationary, i.e. they will have fixed geographical locations, and the others will be mobile, moving
randomly within the network coverage area. The mobiles nodes can be carried by a person, who can walk or drive a
vehicle within the WMN coverage area. All networks nodes (both stationary and mobile nodes) will be able to
send/receive messages to/from each other regardless of their physical location in the network coverage area.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Stockpile Volume Estimation from Aerial Imagery
Accurate volume estimation of stockpiles in mine sites is important for mine management. There are various techniques
for volume estimation. Photogrammetry, performing measurement on photographs, is a commonly used technique for
stockpile volume estimation. In recent years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) offer cost effective and safe alternative
for high-resolution aerial imagery.
For this project students will be given a set of aerial imagery of a stockpile. The focus of the thesis work is to reconstruct
the 3D model of the stockpile from aerial image set and calculate its volume accurately. 3D object model reconstruction
from multi-view imagery is a well studied area. Hence, there is a large volume of literature to help students’ work.
This honours thesis project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Networked Interface Modules for Distributed HWIL Simulator
Simulation offers a method imitating the representation of the functioning of complex systems such as autonomous mine
operations, or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) or space systems. Simulation helps to understand and analyze the
behaviors of those systems. Simulation also used in specialised personnel training, in mining, in disaster management,
and in the computer game industry. Some simulations must be performed on Hardware in the Loop (HWIL) simulators in
which the actual hardware of the system is used as a part of the simulation. Many HWIL simulators have some sort of
HMI (Human Machine Interface) devices such as buttons, potentiometer knobs, displays, keyboards, pedals, joysticks,
steering wheels etc. These devices are connected to the HWIL simulator via networked interface modules.
Your main role will be the development of an electronic interface module with rich set of input-output (I/O) and networking
capability. Once you design and build the interface module, you will demonstrate its operation on a HWIL simulator. This
project provides unique opportunity for those who may consider the involvement in the computer game and simulation
industries. You will better understand the distributed systems architectures, and sharpen your embedded electronics and
software experience while having good time in playing/experimenting with various simulations (including mining
machinery control simulation, flight simulation, Mars rover simulation etc).
Required Skills:
Electronics experience is essential
C/C++ programming experience is essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Engineering Project
String Stability Analysis of Multi-Vehicle Systems
String stability address to the stability of interconnected systems (mobile entities, vehicles etc.). The performance of
muti-vehicle systems on a road network can be controlled by minimizing the spacing between vehicles. Often control laws
that achieve safe, cost effective and stable operation of a convoy depend on the position, velocity and acceleration
profiles of the leader and all the preceding vehicles.
For this thesis work, student will study the “string stability” concept; develop models for the simulation of a multi-vehicle
convoy operation in an open pit mine environment. The effects of the safety concerns, varying road conditions, vehicle
dynamics, and communication delays on heterogeneous multi-vehicle operations will be investigated.
This honours thesis project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
Strong math skill is essential
C/C++ programming experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Multi-Camera Object Localisation and Tracking
Multi-camera, vision based object localisation and tracking is an interesting area with many practical applications in a
variety of domains including robotics. For this project, you will be given a number of web cameras and a PC. Your will
develop a software program using OpenCV library to capture video frames from the webcams. Using feature extraction
techniques, you will localise object positions in the captured frames and estimate their 3D positions in real-time.
There is a large volume of literature in vision based multiple object tracking. For this project, students expected to do a
literature survey and decide which feature extraction and tracking algorithms to implement.
This honours thesis project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Honours Thesis and Engineering Project topics offered by Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN.
For more information contact aligoktogan@acfr.usyd.edu.au, Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Honours Engineering
UAV Related Topics
Low Cost Autopilot for Small UAVs
Unmanned Autonomous Paramotor
Autonomous Multi-Rotor UAV
UAV Outback Challange
Flight Dynamics of an Electric Powered Unmanned Glider
Ultra Fast Battery Charger for UAV Platforms
Visual Servoing of a VTOL-UAV
Environmental and Agricultural Related Topics
Wireless Sensor Network for Farm Animals
Intelligent Collar for Farm Animals
Low Power Energy Harvesting
Radio Tracking of Farm Animals Using UAV
Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting
Biomimicry in Robot Navigation; Using Polarized Light
Mars Rover Related Topics
Real-Time 3D Localisation and Tracking of Mars Rover
Using Multiple Cameras
Autonomous Target Tracking Using Pan-Tilt Mechanism
Self-Localisation Using an Omnidirectional Camera
Visual Odometry Using Ground Faced Camera
Vision Based Localisation in Cluttered Environment
Vision Based Obstacle Detection and Control
Traversability Analysis Using Kinect Sensor
Autonomous Docking and Recharging System
Manipulator Arm Development
Development of a Teleoperation System
Generating Real-Time Color Anaglyph
Modeling Wheel-Soil Interaction
Hemispherical Immersive Presentation System
Interactive Spherical Presentation System
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Low Cost Autopilot for Small UAVs
This project is about development of a set of flight control algorithms. You will be given an autopilot unit that has been
developed for small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platforms. The autopilot unit is built around an ATmega 2560
microcontroller. It is integrated with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU),
magnetometer, barometer, pitot-static system, ultrasonic altimeter, onboard data logger (blackbox), and a radio telemetry
system to communicate with the Ground Control Station (GCS).
Your role is to develop new control algorithms to run on this autopilot unit. There is a significant body of knowledge and
many open projects on the internet about low-cost small flight controllers.
If you are looking for an interesting, technically challenging project with significant outdoor time, and if you want to acquire
some RC (Radio Control) flight experience and basic flight control theory, then this project is for you.
This honours thesis project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Unmanned Autonomous Paramotor
Paramotors are motorised paragliders. They offer one of the easiest forms of flying. In this thesis, you will be given an
airfoil, a motor, remote control equipment and a small autopilot unit to construct an Unmanned Autonomous Paramotor
(UAP). Initially you will fly the UAP in manual remote control mode. After that, you will utilise the autopilot unit to acquire
flight data for system identification. The characterisation of the UAP will help you to develop a set of flight control
algorithms. You will demonstrate way point navigation, autonomous, precision landing, and precision, optimum path
calculation for unpowered precision-drop operations.
There is a significant body of knowledge and many open projects on the internet about low-cost small flight controllers
and UAP systems.
If you are looking for an interesting, technically challenging project with significant outdoor time, and if you want to acquire
some RC (Radio Control), flight experience and basic flight control theory, then this project is for you.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Autonomous Multi-Rotor UAV
A multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is a type of helicopter with independently controlled propellers. Its
simplistic airframe design makes them attractive for demonstration of control applications. They can be operated in both
an indoor and outdoor environment. There is a significant body of knowledge and open source projects on the internet
about multi-rotor airframe design, as well as low-cost small flight controller projects for autonomous flight.
This project requires student to design and build the mechanical structure and then develop flight control algorithms on an
existing flight control computer (i.e. autopilot)
If you are looking for an interesting, technically challenging project with significant outdoor time, and if you want to acquire
some RC (Radio Control), flight experience and basic flight control theory, then this project is for you.
This honours thesis project can accommodate multiple students.
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
RC (Radio Control) experience is desired but not necessary
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
UAV Outback Challenge
A USYD UAV Outback challenge team will be formed for future Search and Rescue challenges. The main objective of this
work is to develop a system which can search and rescue Outback Joe (See also www.uavoutbackchallenge.com.au for
the detailed info about the competition).
There are many aspects to the project including development of flight control algorithms, autopilot design, development of
a vision sensor payload, airframe modifications and development, payload deployment mechanism design, navigation
systems, guidance system, flight operations management etc. You will have the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge
in the various aspects of aerospace and autonomous systems as well as get hands on experience.
If you are looking for an interesting, technically challenging project with significant outdoor time, and if you want to acquire
some RC (Radio Control), flight experience and basic flight control theory, then this project is for you.
This honours thesis project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
C/C++ programming
RC (Radio Control) experience is desired but not necessary
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Honours Thesis Topic
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Flight Dynamics of an Electric Powered Unmanned Glider
There is an active project at ACFR toward development of an electric powered autonomous unmanned glider platform.
The unmanned glider will find and utilise thermals when they are available and it will use electric powered propulsion
when no thermal is found.
For this project a student will develop a flight dynamics model of ACFR’s glider platform. This model will be tested in both
Matlab/Simulink as well as in the hardware in the loop simulation (HWIL Sim) environment.
This is challenging project and requires strong knowledge in flight dynamics.
Required Skills:
Strong knowledge in flight dynamics is essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Ultra Fast Battery Charger for a VTOL-UAV
Landing Pad &
Electrically powered Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are being utilized in
numerous real world applications. Currently, when these vehicles run out of power, they must land and require an
operator to physically change the battery before they are operational again. This battery must then be charged offline
which can take up to an hour. An ultra fast charging station that does not require the removal of the battery would
significantly increase the effectiveness of electric VTOL UAVs.
In this thesis, you will build an ultra fast charging station which will enable a UAV to land, quickly recharge and then return
to the mission. This is an interesting project with many real world applications.
This honours thesis project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Visual Servoing of a VTOL-UAV
IR Tracker
Visual servoing utilises feedback from vision sensor(s) to control
the motion of a robot. In this project students will build a
ducted-fan type Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The platform will use counter rotating propellers for propulsion. Students will be given an autopilot equipped with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
and infrared (IR) tracker hardware. They will develop flight control algorithms utilising IR tracker based visual servoing and
demonstrate autonomous take-off and landing maneuvers.
If you are looking for an interesting, technically challenging project and if you want to acquire some RC (Radio Control),
flight experience basic flight control theory, visual servoing and pose estimation then this project is for you.
This honours thesis project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ Programming
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Wireless Sensor Network for Farm Animals
Australia is the second largest beef exporter in the world (behind Brazil). Australia exported 927,000 tonnes of beef and
veal in 2009, worth $4.3 billion. The live cattle exports in 2009 were worth $665.5 million. As these figures indicate, it is
important to be able to sustain the beef and farming sectors.
This thesis will investigate the possible application of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in animal farming practices. A
number of animals will be wearing “Intelligent Collars” equipped with a wireless transceiver, a data logger and a suite of
sensors including a GPS receiver. An adaptive WSN will be established between animals and a ground station. This WSN
will be used to track individual animals and monitor animal health.
There is a large volume of literature on WSN to help in the student’s work. This honours thesis project can accommodate
multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Intelligent Collar for Farm Animals
Data Logger
This thesis project will focus on developing an “Intelligent Collar” for farming animals. The collar will be equipped with an
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), a GPS receiver, a data logger, and radio transceiver. The collected data will be analyzed to
better understand the animal behaviors. The “Intelligent Collar” will be able to communicate with each other as well as with
farmer’s hand-held terminals. It will provide opportunities for new ways for farmers to track their animals.
If you are looking for an interesting, technically challenging, environmental and agricultural related project with significant
outdoor time, and if you want to increase your experience in electronics then this project is for you.
This honours thesis / engineering project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Low Power Energy Harvesting
This thesis project is about low power energy harvesting for the “Intelligent Collar” for farming animals. The electrical
power required to operate the electronics on the collar will be harvested from micro solar cells, piezo transducers and
thermoelectric converters and micro-mechanical electric converter units. Each of these components will be mounted on
the collar.
Students will develop a small power management unit to charge batteries using the harvested energy. The different
types of energy sources will be analysed to determine their suitability for sustainable, reliable and continuous operation
in a real life farming environment.
If you are looking for an environmental and agricultural related, interesting, technically challenging project with significant
outdoor time then this project is for you.
This honours thesis / engineering project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Radio Tracking of Farm Animals Using UAV
It is envisaged that using autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can provide new opportunities to biologists,
environmentalists, ecologists etc to search and track terrestrial animals.
This thesis project will focus on a UAV based autonomous system to search and track radio tagged terrestrial animals. In
classical search and tracking of wildlife using radio tagging, small radio transmitters are attached to animals which are
located using directional antennas and analog receiver systems providing audio output. The location of the transmitter is
determined by manually adjusting the receiver gain, listening to the signal and scanning the area while homing in.
However, in this system a student will utilise a radio tracking payload with an autonomous signal processing unit and
particle filter based guidance subsystem for animal tracking.
This is challenging work suitable for those who have strong electronics and math skills. This honours thesis project can
accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Engineering Project
Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting
Although some sceptics still resist the idea of climate change, many scientists believe that climate change is a reality. It is
also widely accepted that burning fossil fuel to fulfil our energy needs is increasing the greenhouse gases which
contributes to climate change.
Therefore, it is important to think differently and investigate alternative, renewable, environmentally friendly energy
sources. Harvesting ocean waves is one of the promising approaches for green energy. This is a well studied area and
there are many different approaches.
This thesis topic is for you, if you believe that climate change is an important phenomenon and you want to do something
positive to minimise our fossil fuel dependence. As a prominent engineering student living on the world’s largest island,
you will concentrate on the concept of harvesting energy from ocean waves. As illustrated in the figure, you will design
and develop a small scale working prototype of an electric generator which will generate electricity from the motion of the
ocean waves.
This honours thesis/engineering project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
CAD (Solidworks)
Mechanical design skills
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Biomimicry in Robot Navigation; Using Polarized Light
Polarized Light
(Optical Compass)
Humans have little sensitivity to polarized light. However, it is known that some animals (including bees, fish, octopus,
etc.) can utilise polarized light for their navigation. There are rich set of works in robotics where polarization of light has
been used for navigation and detection of water surface.
As sun illuminates the earth’s atmosphere the light scatters in almost all directions. However, for a given time, it is
possible to estimate the heading from the polarization of the sun light. It is also speculated that Vikings used this
techniques for their long distance travels.
In this thesis, students will develop a bio-inspired (biomimicry) sensor capable of estimation heading angle using the
polarization of light. The developed sensor will tested both on an outdoor ground robot as well as on a small Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
This honours thesis/engineering project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
Physics (optics)
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Real-Time 3D Localisation and Tracking of Mars Rover
Using Multiple Cameras
Multi-camera, vision based object localisation and tracking is an interesting area with many practical applications in a
variety of domains including space robotics. In this project, students will use a number of cameras and a computer to
develop a software program using OpenCV library which captures video frames. Using a set of feature extraction
techniques, the Mars Rover will be identified on the image frames and its 3D position and orientation will be estimated in
There is a large volume of literature in vision based object tracking. For this project, students are expected to do a
literature survey to decide which feature extraction and tracking algorithms to implement because the final system will be
installed in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is highly desired
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Autonomous Target Tracking Using Pan-Tilt Mechanism
The Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) has been developed an experimental Mars rover to be used in space
robotics research. The rover resides in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum and is being actively used by our
postgraduate and undergraduate research students. For this project, students will develop a target tracking algorithm to
continuously keep a feature of interest (FoI) in view of the rover’s vision sensor. As illustrated in the figure, the rover will
control the pan-tilt mast to in such a way that, it can “see” the FoI at all times regardless of the position and orientation of
the rover.
There is a large volume of literature in vision based object tracking and visual servoing. For this project, students are
expected to do a literature survey and decide which tracking and visual servoing algorithms to implement. The final
system will be demonstrated in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Self-Localisation Using an Omnidirectional Camera
nal Camera
An omnidirectional camera is one that can capture images of a 360 panorama. For this project student will be given an
omnidirectional camera to be positioned on the pan-tilt mast of the experimental Mars rover which has been developed by
the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR). Students will develop image acquisition and localization software. The
system will be able to capture omnidirectional images of the environment as the rover moves on the surface of the “Mars
Yard”. These images than will be used to localize the rover within the “Mars Yard”.
There is a large volume of literature in omnidirectional vision based object tracking. For this project, students are expected
to do a literature survey on omnidirectional vision system and study vision based localization techniques. The final system
will be demonstrated in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Visual Odometry Using Ground Faced Camera
Position and orientation estimation of a robotic platform is essential in many robotics applications. The presence of rough,
unknown terrain featuring enhanced slip or Global Positioning System (GPS)-denied environments makes this task
particularly challenging. In these environments, approaches such as wheel encoder-based odometry or GPS-based
localization and orientation estimation methods may be unsuitable or even inapplicable. To overcome these limitations,
various methods based on visual information have been introduced in literature, of these visual odometry is one of the
most popular. This thesis work will focus on a visual odometry method on an experimental Mars rover platform using a
single ground-facing camera. Its performance will be compared to other optical flow based visual odometry methods. The
detailed images captured by the ground facing camera will later be used for terrain traversability analysis.
The final system will be demonstrated in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Vision Based Localisation in Cluttered Environment
l Clutter
unknown terrain featuring enhanced slip or Global Positioning
System (GPS)-denied environments makes this task
Position and orientation estimation of a robotic platform is essential in many robotics applications. The presence of rough,
particularly challenging. In this project student will position a number of “Marker Beacons” in to the “Mars Yard” to identify
certain locations. There will be a number of randomly placed artificial obstacles as well as natural obstacles (such as
rocks) in the environment. The rover will use its vision sensors to localize itself with respect to the “Marker Beacons” and
navigate in the cluttered “Mars Yard”.
This thesis work will be focused on the implementation of Simultaneous Localisation and Map Building (SLAM) on the
Mars rover’s onboard navigation computer using vision data from its vision subsystem. The final system will be
demonstrated in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Vision Based Obstacle Detection and Control
The experimental Mars rover platform developed by the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) is equipped with a pair of
cameras for stereo vision. 3D terrain representation can be derived from stereo image pairs. In this thesis, students will detect
the 3D representation of of rover’s surroundings and create a cost map for path planning. The cost map(s) will be used to
generate alternative routes from the rover’s current position to the desired destination. Multi criteria decision making
techniques for optimal paths will be used. The “optimal” path may vary depending on the optimization criteria (such as
shortest path, path with min slope, path with min turns, etc.). Once the path is selected, the rover will be controlled to follow
the path.
The final system will be demonstrated in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Traversability Analysis Using Kinect Sensor
Microsoft’s Kinect sensor which was originally designed for the computer game industry has become popular in the
robotics community. It provides both Red-Green-Blue (RGB) image and depth (D) information. Hence, it is also referred
as RGB-D sensor.
The experimental Mars rover platform developed by the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) has been equipped
with a Kinect sensor. In this project students will use the Kinect sensor mounted on the rover’s pan-tilt mechanism to scan
the surroundings and generate a traversability map. This map will identify obstacles as well the variations in the slope of
the terrain. This data will be used for path planning.
The final system will be demonstrated in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Autonomous Docking and Recharging System
The experimental Mars rover platform developed by the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) runs untethered
using internal batteries. Depending on the type of experiments being performed, the batteries can provide energy for
approx 4-6 hours non-stop operation. Once the batteries are low, operators drive the rover back to base and manually
attach a charging cable to recharge its batteries. We want to make this process autonomous; i.e. rover will be able to
drive to a charging bay, dock with the charging unit and recharge its batteries autonomously. In order to achieve this, the
Mars rover has been equipped with a pair of reverse pointed high-definition cameras. These cameras can provide stereo
image data for vision based servoing.
For this thesis, student will develop a docking station for the rover and develop visual servoing algorithms to achieve
autonomous docking and recharging of the rovers’ batteries.
The final system will be demonstrated in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis Topic
Manipulator Arm Development
One of the main objectives of sending autonomous robotic platforms to Mars is to help scientists to get close-up, high
definition images of Martian rocks and soil. In order to achieve this objective, Mars rovers are equipped with manipulator
arms. In addition to a vision camera, some of these arms also equipped with additional sensors including Mossbauer
spectrometer and rock abrasion tool.
The experimental Mars rover platform developed by the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) has an arm
attachment bay, but, it does not have the arm (yet). For this project, students will design and develop a robotic
manipulator arm for the rover.
The final system will be demonstrated in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
Mechanical design using SolidWorks (CAD)
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Engineering Project
Development of a Teleoperation System
The Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) has been developed an experimental Mars rover to be used in space
robotics research. The rover resides in the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum and is being actively used by our
postgraduate and undergraduate research students.
It has been envisaged that the rover will be operated from a remote site anywhere in the world. In order to achieve this, a
suite of software will be developed. The figure above represents the simplified version of the system architecture in which
remote operators can access the rover via network and perform different types of operations. For this project, students will
develop different parts of the software suite to make teleoperation of our Mars rover possible.
The final system will be tested at the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Generating Real-Time Color Anaglyph
Anaglyph images provide stereoscopic 3D effect when viewed with glasses with two separate chromatically opposite
colors, such as red and cyan. Our experimental Mars rover has been equipped with two sets of stereo cameras; one set
on top of the pan-tilt mast, and the other set faced backward and positioned on the back side of the rover’s body.
For this project, students will capture stereo image pairs (left and right camera views) and combine them together in
anaglyph form so that the end-user can see surroundings thru these camera pairs in 3D. Due to relatively low band width
requirements, live anaglyph video can be streamed via internet much like the same way as an ordinary video stream.
3D perception can significantly increase the situation awareness of the remote operators for better and safer operation of
the Mars rover.
The final system will be tested at the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Modeling Wheel-Soil Interaction
Understanding and modelling of interaction between a wheel and soil is fundamentally important for rover motion control.
This interaction influenced by many factors including the soil particle size distribution and compactness, wheel design,
and tyre material etc. Performance of the rover’s wheel generally characterized by the pull/push forces, and sinkage and
slip relative to normal load.
For this project, students will construct a testing rig in which a number of different wheels and tires will be tested on
different types of soils and rocks. The experimental data collected from these tests will be used to develop wheel-soil
interaction models. These models later will be validated on the surface of the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
The final system will be tested at the “Mars Yard” at the Powerhouse Museum.
Required Skills:
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (02) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Hemispherical Immersive Presentation System
Traditionally image and/or video projection is performed on a flat surface/screen. However, in a “Hemispherical,
Immersive Presentation System” the projection “screen” is a hemisphere. Any visual content will be projected into the
hemisphere. This type of audio-visual presentation offers new opportunities particularly in the presentation of
geographical, geological, environmental, mineralogical, and astrological data.
In this project, students will design and build a hemisphere projection screen and develop software that can warp the
projected visual content into this hemisphere in real-time. This project requires strong computer programming and
math/geometry skills.
This honours thesis/engineering project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Aeronautical, Mechatronics and Space
Honours Thesis
Engineering Project
Interactive Spherical Presentation System
Traditionally image and/or video projection is performed on a flat surface/screen. However, an “Interactive Spherical
Presentation System” projection “screen” is a sphere. Any visual content will be projected into the sphere. Furthermore,
users will be able to interact with the displayed content by touching and moving their hands on the sphere. This type of
tactile + visual + auditory interaction offers new opportunities particularly in the presentation of geographical, geological,
environmental, mineralogical, and astrological data.
In this project, students will design and build a projection sphere and then develop software that can warp the projected
visual content into the sphere as well as tracking multiple-touch points in real-time. This project requires strong computer
programming and math/geometry skills.
This honours thesis/engineering project can accommodate multiple students.
Required Skills:
C/C++ programming experience is essential
OpenCV experience is desired but not essential
Dr. Ali Haydar GÖKTOĞAN
Tel: +61 (2) 9351 8144
Space Engineering
Supervisor: Dr Xiaofeng Wu, x.wu@aeromech.usyd.edu.au
Room N314 (Aeronautical Engineering Building J11)
1. University of Sydney Nanosatellite Design
Nanosatellites are less than 10kg and consume less than 10 watts power. In this project, a group
of thesis students are required to build an engineering model of a nanosatellite, which includes
structure, electrical power system (EPS), telemetry tracking and communication (TT&C),
attitude determination and control system (ADCS), on-board data handling (OBDH), and
thermal. In this thesis, the students will develop a complete satellite bus through 3 stages:
breadboard, prototyping and engineering model. The satellite‘s functions will be tested in each
stage. The engineering model will go through some environmental tests, like radiation test.
2. On-board image processing for small satellite missions (This project is suitable for
Mechatronic Engineering students, and for Honours Thesis A/B)
Many small satellite missions are targeting Earth Observation (EO) using a camera payload. EO
satellites mostly operate in a store-and-forward mechanism, whereby the captured images are
stored on board and transmitted to ground later on. With the increase of swath, spatial resolution
and spectral resolution, modern EO satellites require transmission to ground of an extensive
amount of imaging data. On-board image processing provides a solution to the ―Bandwidth vs.
Data Volume‖ dilemma, by compensating for the limited on-board resources in terms of mass
memory and downlink bandwidth. In this thesis, the student will develop a lossless image
compression algorithm and implement it in the FPGA chip. An experiment will be carried out by
connecting the camera module to the FPGA chip.
3. Single board picosatellite bus design for the CubeSat platform
Traditional satellite bus subsystems include structure, electrical power system (EPS), thermal,
on-board data handling (OBDH), telemetry, telecommand and communication (TT&C), attitude
determination and control system (ADCS), and propulsion. However using the CubeSat
platform, the volume is limited to 10cm x 10cm x 10cm, which will be challenging to implement
all the bus subsystems on-board the satellite. This thesis will investigate a novel single board
satellite bus, in which a single PCB board will accommodate most of the bus subsystems, and
leaving more space for the payload or other subsystems (e.g. propulsion).
4. Smart material for satellite structure and attitude control (Honours Thesis A/B only)
This thesis will look into the feasibility of using smart material in satellite designs. Smart
materials, like piezoelectric material, will be used in designing the satellite structure subsystem.
The piezoelectric material can be used for vibrating gyroscopes, which will be used for attitude
determination. In this thesis, the student will be asked to build a CubeSat structure based on the
smart material, and analyze the attitude data from structure sensors. The satellite structure will be
tested against space environment, like thermal vacuum, vibration and radiation.
5. Thermoelectric system in Space
The Electrical Power System for spacecraft has two main components: solar panel and battery. In
space, the solar radiation has a significant effect on the satellite power subsystem and thermal
subsystem. The satellite side, facing to the sun, will be heated up to a temperature of several
hundred degrees. However, on the other side the temperature will remain low. Hence, in this
thesis, the student will investigate a thermoelectric module attached to the solar panel. In this
way, it will provide extra power for the satellite electric system, and provide an active thermal
control for spacecraft.
6. Nanothruster design (Honours Thesis A/B only)
The nanothruster project will investigate a novel charge exchange thruster (DXT) for
nanosatellites. Like most spacecraft propulsion methods, electric propulsion works by ejecting
mass in a specific direction, which imparts an equal and opposite momentum to the spacecraft,
thus providing thrust. The efficiency of spacecraft propulsion is determined by the change in
momentum (impulse) per unit weight of propellant, which is known as the specific impulse.
Greater propulsion efficiency is achieved by increasing the specific impulse. Electric propulsion
methods produce the highest specific impulse, which makes them suitable for spacecraft
propulsion because this enables the reduction of the amount of propellant the spacecraft must
Ion propulsion systems consist of three parts: gas ionization, ion acceleration and neutralization.
In the latter, electrons are injected into the ion plume so that the charge on the spacecraft will
remain neutral - otherwise there will be a build-up of negative charge on the spacecraft that will
eventually stop the exit of ions. Although there are several hundred satellites that use ion
thrusters, as well as deep space missions such as the DEEP-SPACE 1 mission to Comet Borelly
and the SMART 1 mission to the Moon, it remains a challenge to miniaturize these thrusters to
make them applicable to nanosatellites. Limits to the available power in a nanosatellite are in the
units of watts, and similarly, the total weight is of the order of 1kg. The power requirements and
weight of ion thrusters currently in use far exceed these limitations.
7. High Altitude Balloon (Engineering Project/Honours Thesis)
The primary goal of the High Altitude Balloon Project is to build, design, test and operate a
satellite like vehicle on a weather balloon, and be capable of carrying payloads –the student built
satellite and scientific instruments, to an altitude exceeding 20 km and successfully collect the
data from the payloads using real time down linked telemetry or retrieve stored data after flight.
A secondary objective of the High Altitude Balloon project is to operationally test the University
of Sydney's picosatellite in a near space environment.