- Apostolic Christian Church of America

Vol. 71, #7
July 2016
Walking in Humility page 3
Monthly Sermon page 4
Weaving the Fabric of
Fellowship with our
Missionairies page 6
Will You Join Us in
Praying? page 7
There’s Still Plenty of
Room in the Church
Family of Iowa City page 8
Prayer: Placing Your
Hope in God page 10
How My Father
Demonstrated Spiritual
Leadership - Part 1 page 53
Remembering Our
Spiritual Heritage
page 74
The Light of Hope
page 75
I cried unto thee, O
LORD: I said, Thou
art my refuge and my
portion...Bring my soul
out of prison, that I
may praise thy name:
Psalm 142:5-7
To Our Readers
For August issue
(news from June 16-July 15)
Due: July 20, 2016
Inspiring Fathers
In this issue, we are pleased to feature reader submissions about how
their fathers demonstrated spiritual leadership. This will be part one
of a two-part series. Thanks to all who contributed. It’s heartwarming
to get a small glimpse into the homes of our members across the
land and read examples of faithful men, taking time to raise up their
children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
The Silver Lining
1523 County Road 400N
Congerville, IL 61729
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Published Monthly by the Apostolic
Christian Church of America
It takes courage to be the spiritual leader of a wife and children. Satan
wants us to be passive, but God has called us to teach our children
diligently (Deut. 6:7). Many of us men often feel inadequate to the
task, which is why it’s so helpful to be encouraged by our wives,
thanked by our children, and inspired by other men.
Rick Plattner, Jeff Grimm
Send correspondence to:
Official Apostolic Christian Church
Silver Lining Counseling Elders
Jeff Grimm and Rick Plattner
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The Silver Lining
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Front cover: Old Montana Prison in Deer Lodge, MT.
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Writings based on God’s Word
Light from the Word
Walking in Humility (Part 1)
“Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be
clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and
giveth grace to the humble.1”
To understand humility, we should consider
its opposite. It is clear from the very beginning of
Scripture that humankind struggles with pride.
Our first parents, Adam and Eve, were lured by and
succumbed to the same pride of life that caused
Satan to be cast from Heaven.2 Eve was tempted with
the one thing that God had forbidden—partaking of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil—and in her
(and our) desire to gain knowledge and “be as gods,
knowing good and evil,3” she ate the fruit—forever
changing the course of history.4
Pride is listed among the things God hates5 and
is always referenced in a negative sense in the Bible.
This fundamental human flaw is revealed by teaching
and example throughout God’s Word. “Every way of
a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth
the hearts…An high look, and a proud heart, and the
plowing of the wicked, is sin.6”
Pride is sin and we know that sin separates us
from God—and will eternally if we are not justified
through faith in Christ’s shed blood.7 Isaiah records
the judgment of God upon pride, “For the day of the
LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud
and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he
shall be brought low.8”
What is it about pride that is so wicked and leads
to such destruction? While there are many effects of
pride—and all sin—perhaps the most basic problem
with pride is its affront to the very Person of God.
He is unequivocal that there can be no substitute for
Him in our hearts. “I am the LORD: that is my name:
and my glory will I not give to another, neither my
praise to graven images.9”
Pride is a swelling of one’s image in our own
minds. It’s a worldly condition, listed along with
“the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes” in John’s
description of that which is “not of the Father, but…
of the world.10” It comes out of a man and defiles
him.11 It presents a stumbling block to others and
the work of God,12 and is ultimately resisted by God,
“Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth
grace unto the humble.13”
There are many scriptural examples of the
downfall of men through pride. Israel’s first king
lost the kingdom through his pride and self-focus.
Saul became jealous of David14 and took things into
his own hands, even that which should have been
left to the prophet of God. Samuel’s rebuke spoke
of Saul’s former humility and subsequent fall into
pride and rebellion against God, “When thou wast
little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head
of the tribes of Israel, and the LORD anointed thee king
over Israel?... For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because
thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also
rejected thee from being king.15”
Given Saul’s example, it’s ironic that David’s
own son fell prey to that same pride and lust for
power and position. Absalom plotted against his
own father to win the hearts of the people over to
himself; using worldly ways of craft, artfulness,
and deceit, he maneuvered in a political sense to
overthrow David.16 In the end he was caught in a tree
by his head—evidently he was also very proud of his
appearance17—and slain by Joab and his men.18
What then is humility? While answering that
question involves a lifetime of learning and growth
through experience, at its simplest, humility is
lowliness of mind. Scripture describes it as similar
to clothing,19 something we can put on. “Put on
therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels
of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness,
longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one
— Please turn to pg. 69
Monthly Sermon
Sermon by Art Ingold,
Rittman, OH
Genesis 37:1 & St. Luke 12:1-21
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters, in the name of Jesus.
We’re surely thankful to gather this morning. It’s our
first time here in Sabetha this weekend, and what a
blessing to be here. Last evening as we could gather
for the Memorandum, we felt your support, your
encouragement, and we appreciate that very much.
We need your prayers as Brother Gerry encouraged
you. It’s just a blessing to be here.
As I had my head bowed in prayer here, I heard
a little child. It’s very special to me when I hear
the little children among us. They’re our future
church. This morning as I walked into the lobby,
the little children there, you can just feel and see the
enthusiasm as they look forward to going to Sunday
School. What a blessing we have to have our children
with us! We see the single brothers and sisters here
at the front of the church. What a blessing! We need
to stop sometimes and evaluate and think about the
blessings God has given us. He’s given us so much,
and we’re so thankful for the opportunity to gather.
We live in a land where we have this freedom. We
come so freely, yet we maybe take it for granted. We
don’t think about it. We expect it, don’t we?
But aren’t we thankful for God’s Word? It’s been
preserved even to this morning hour. The Word of
Truth. He’s given us a new day of grace that those
of us in faith can see how the Lord would continue
to guide us, as we heard last night, that we could
continue to glorify His high and holy name. Perhaps
there are some who have not answered the call.
Today, even throughout the land, as the Word would
go forth, it might speak to those yet outside the door
of grace. So we’re just thankful to be here. I beg for
your prayerful support this morning. We really need
your prayers and your support as we look into God’s
Word, the Word that we know is true and is going to
stand and is never going to fail us.
We thankful for these stories of old that we read,
these accounts of those that have walked before us.
We can think of their lives and the happenings in
their lives and how they kept their focus. Last night
we were reminded to keep our focus upon serving
God, and as I opened here this morning, I think of
Joseph and his focus.
This is a very, very familiar account, isn’t it, Dear
Ones. We think of Joseph, as we read here, 17 years
old. A young man. 17 years old. We think about the
happenings in his life, and he kept his focus, didn’t
he. We could read on in this story of Joseph, and we
know the ending of Joseph. Aren’t we thankful that he
could keep his focus on the Almighty God? Doesn’t
it remind us in each of our situations where God has
placed us, He’s called each one of us, and He’s given a
place, hasn’t he. He’s given us work to do.
Maybe he hasn’t given us an office in the church,
but He’s given us all a place and all work. We can
all pray for the work in the church. There are many,
many jobs, many, many duties. We take our place as
we’re asked to serve. We serve willingly. We all have
a place. Sometimes we hear of those in the nursing
home, some of those that are up in years, they’ll say,
‘Why doesn’t the Lord call me home?’ We can always
say God makes no mistakes. God has a place. God has
work for you because we know as He gives us life, He
gives us each one a place. He gives us opportunity.
St. Luke 12. This chapter is mostly in red, and isn’t
that special when we think about Jesus as He walked
here upon the earth, His teachings and His love for the
people, His love for the sinner? We know He hated sin,
but He loved the sinner, didn’t He. As they come to
Him and they’d ask their questions, He could see right
into the very depth of each heart. He knew exactly
what they were in need of. It hasn’t changed, has it?
He knows our needs. As He sees us gathered today
around His Word, He knows our hearts. He knows
our love for Him, and He knows each and every care,
each and every need, each and every trial.
It’s so familiar and yet it’s always new isn’t it?
Each time we open it speaks to us anew. How often
is it we read something and we think maybe we
never quite understood that like that before or didn’t
quite realize how it was written, but it speaks to us
in a special way and encourages us. We’re reminded
“So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is
not rich toward God.” (v.21) So we want to lay up
those treasures in heaven. We want to think about
heaven. We want to think about a heavenly home
that’s promised to the believer, to those that are true
and faithful, that God has promised, that Jesus has
gone to prepare. He’s promised it, and we know His
promises are true and sure.
We can be encouraged as we gather this morning,
and we can think upon this. Yet it’s good to read. It’s
good think upon. Yet we know we have an evil one
about us who wants to deceive us and misguide us,
and if he can’t deceive us, he wants to discourage us,
tell us maybe it’s not worth it all. Maybe discourage
us with disappointments in life, whatever it might be
that he can give to try us.
We think of Joseph. As I think of Joseph, here was
a young man that could have easily been discouraged.
I love to read about Joseph. Recently we had a funeral
in Rittman, an elderly sister. I asked her before she
passed away, ‘Tell me what is your favorite Bible story.’
She said the story of Joseph and how he forgave his
brethren. That was special to hear this sister talk about
that. She was single all her life, never married, but this
was special to her to think about Joseph, his life, and
his willingness to forgive his brethren.
But here was Joseph, 17 years old it tells us, and he
had these dreams. We know how this went, but think
about a young man that would share these dreams
with his parents and his brethren. That, no doubt, took
courage, and yet he was led to do this. He told these
dreams, and we can see how it caused anger. It caused
envy. His brethren were envious. It says “his brethren
envied him; but his father observed the saying.” (v.11).
Interesting, isn’t it? It says his father just observed it.
We know the account here as he went to seek
out his brethren. It says they saw him afar off, even
before he came unto them, and they conspired to
slay him (v.18). See what envy led to? We think
about envy, and I think about anger. When we have
envy or we have anger especially in our lives, that’s
something that we really need to think about. Each
night as we kneel at our bedsides, don’t let the sun go
down upon our wrath, upon our anger. We remove
that anger, and we think about that.
Anger can lead to so many different things if we
think about it. I see that around me so often. People
that are angry, and we try to encourage them to
consider how they treat others and maybe even their
own family members.
Here it says, “And they said one to another, Behold,
this dreamer cometh. Come now therefore, and let us
slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say,
Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see
what will become of his dreams.” (v.19-20) We know as
they went on, it says, “Reuben said unto them, Shed no
blood, but cast him into this pit…and lay no hand upon
him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver
him to his father again. And it came to pass, when
Joseph was come…they stript Joseph out of his coat…
they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was
empty, there was no water in it.” (v.22-24)
We know how he was sold to the Ishmeelites.
It says, “the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto
Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh’s, and captain of the
guard.” (v.36) So we think about the life of Joseph,
and we can go on and on how he was falsely
accused. Think of it, Dear Ones. When there was a
— Please turn to pg. 70
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus...
– Colossians 3:17
Ministry Program Updates
Weaving the Fabric of
Fellowship with our
Missionaries Missionary Support
Has this ever happened to you? You have a big
presentation coming up at work, or perhaps you’re
struggling with a child at home, or you need to have
a hard conversation with a loved one. You share your
struggle with a brother or sister at the church lunch
table. He or she offers a listening ear, advice and prayer.
Next week, they follow up to ask how it went and
rejoice to hear that it went well. These interactions build
the fabric of fellowship, connecting us to one another.
This is easy to do with those we see each week, but how
is this done with a missionary from your congregation
who may be thousands of miles away?
Encouragement from the Brotherhood
If you have read any of HarvestCall’s previous
articles about caring for our missionaries, you
know that we encourage our brotherhood to let
our missionaries know that they are not forgotten.
They are still an important part of their sending
congregation and the entire brotherhood. But
admittedly, rejoicing with those that rejoice and
weeping with those that weep is more difficult when
your loved ones are abroad.
Consider the emotion Paul is expressing as he
opens his letter to Philemon and those believers with
him. It is with great joy that he thinks of them. In
a few short thoughts, he captures his heart towards
them. He is rejoicing in how they are living out their
fellowship as believers. It is with joy that he thinks about
their common union in Christ. It is with joy that he
encourages them in their ministry. What a unique and
special feeling reserved for believers! As we experience this
joy, should we not celebrate it and encourage each other
in that joy? In this example, we get the opportunity to
hear and see Paul’s heart, across the miles, rejoicing with
his fellow believers in their ministry.
Challenges in Connecting
Now, lets think about those serving on behalf of
HarvestCall as missionaries. We can imagine the
special challenges they have living in a foreign
culture as well as the daily joys of experiencing
God’s faithfulness. How do we share in that? It
is a challenge across the miles, but as you have
opportunity, try these:
1. Read any update letters they write back to the
church, respond to them
2. Be willing to share about yourself as
you communicate
3. Learn about the ministry in which they
are serving
4. As you have opportunity to interact,
actively listen
5. Be relevant by learning about missionary life
from other sources
6. Engage with them by sending a note, email,
text, or message
7. Take a trip and visit them in their world
The fabric of fellowship is woven from
relationships. To rejoice with them, we need to get
to know them! Then you can begin sharing together
in life. As you share, look for specific ways to share
in their joy. Encourage them in the Lord when
they see fruit in their ministry. Rejoice with them
in the simple victories, whether they be personal
or with someone they are serving. Exhort them to
not overlook the blessings they are experiencing.
Celebrate the grace of God in their lives and in the
lives of those they are serving. Supporting them does
not have to be some grand gesture. Sometimes it’s
just the little things done with great love.
– by Kirk Plattner
Will You Join Us in Praying
Sharing the Gospel at Hospital Lumiere Caribbean Committee
Marie Jacques found herself in a difficult situation.
After falling in her yard, she did not seek medical
attention soon enough. When she did, gangrene and
other complications had set in and she found herself
bedridden at Hospital Lumiere.
and Christian love. Thankfully Marie has made
progress at the hospital and is now able to move
about again with a walker. Marie’s spiritual needs
are also being attended to during her stay at the
hospital. Recently, she was the subject of a weekly
focused prayer program. Each Wednesday, the local
Treating Body and Soul
pastor, Etheard, presents a patient case for prayer
The mission of Hospital Lumiere is to provide
and the staff collectively prays for that patient.
excellent and effective medical care with compassion
Selection of the weekly patient case for prayer
depends on many factors like the seriousness
of the medical condition, family situations and
complications that may occur. If the patient is not a
Christian, the prayer includes a request that their eyes
can be opened to the good news of the gospel. If the
patient is already a Christian, the prayer focuses on
healing and encouragement.
Patients at Hospital Lumiere can be
experiencing illness, accidents or even facing
death. In those tender moments, hearts can
Pastor Etheard — bedside with Marie Jacques.
be receptive to the message of hope found in
the gospel. Counseling at the bedside includes
In addition to Marie, recent patient cases
conversation like “Have you ever heard about
for prayer include:
Jesus?”, “Do you know what Jesus did for you?”
• Ferjuste – severely burned in an accident and
and the explanation of God’s love in sending his
scared and worried about his recovery
Son to die for our sins. Our hope and prayer for
• Kettelande – a 3-month old baby with
those patients is that they can hear the gospel
pneumonia whose mother trying to take care
message and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord
of 4 other children
and Savior. Please join us in praying for them and
• Marie – a 52-year old lady burned while doing
for the work at Hospital Lumiere.
the cooking for a missionary group
And (praying) for me, that utterance may be given
• Bloze – a young 24-year old wife pregnant
unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make
with her 1st child. The fetus is deceased and
known the mystery of the gospel, Ephesians 6:19
will be removed by C-Section.
– by Rich Bertschi
• Alex – a 63-year old Christian man in need of
a second surgery and who is requesting prayer
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus...
– Colossians 3:17
Small Church Profile
There’s still “Plenty of
Room” in the Church Family
in Iowa City
the Lord to consider moving to the area to assist with
the work in the vineyard of North Liberty and the
Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor.
Church Establishment Committee
Church Evolves through College Campus
Services and Purchase of Building
If one word could describe the Iowa City church
congregation, perhaps it is “diversity”. Take for
example, the various professions of employment of
the members. It’s kind of like the butcher, baker and
candlestick maker as the old nursery rhyme conveys!
While only one student is currently enrolled at a
nearby Kirkwood Community College, the Iowa
City Apostolic Christian Church originated in
1964 through monthly evening services held on
the University of Iowa campus. Ministers from
Professions include organic vegetable farming,
accounting, elementary education, physician,
dietary services, construction, financial planners,
etc. Additionally, three families home school their
children while others learned their 3R’s in public
or Christian schools. Three couples are primarily
retired, but keep quite busy with many family,
church, and personal activities.
These are just a few glimpses into the blend of people
that comprise the church family in Iowa City. While
they all have different walks of life, they worship and
fellowship as the “family of God” each Sunday and
Wednesday evening. Despite the miles that separate,
they have close and caring relationships, share a
strong faith and above all, a love for the Lord. The
brethren and friends wholeheartedly invite you to
visit to get to know them better or if you feel led by
the Oakville and Burlington churches primarily
supported these services. Due to growth and the
need to better accommodate the areas where the 19
members were living (some in Cedar Rapids), a small
mortuary chapel was purchased in the town of North
Liberty, Iowa, which is located north of Iowa City.
Renovations were done to the building with funding
assistance from the brotherhood. Over the years, the
church’s attendance has fluctuated, but currently
24 members and a considerable number of friends
provide the normal Sunday worship attendance
ranging from 20 to 45. Bro. Joe Gerst started serving
in the ministry on November 5, 1978, the first
Sunday in the new church. He later became the
Ordained Deacon and Bro. Jim Butikofer was added
into the ministry in 2001. Brother Jon Schmidgall
of the Oakville-Mediapolis church (located 65 miles
south) has oversight responsibilities.
Wednesday Evening Services Varied to
Accommodate Travel
Diverse (or varied) is also what describes
Wednesday evening services and makes the
church a bit unique. Because of the travel time
involved for many families, events that might
occur on other nights in congregations where
church families are clustered, happen on different
Wednesday evenings. One evening is dedicated
to a “project night” which includes making
HarvestCall kits. Others consist of singing, formal
worship service and listening to a recorded sermon.
Brethren usually share a snack to extend fellowship
after mid-week activities.
The church members are also involved in a variety
of outreach activities into the community and
are looking at ways to expand their reach. Twice
each month, they sing in area nursing homes. At
Christmas, they maintain a tradition of caroling
to nearby widows and retirement home residents.
They have recently begun using some of their
project nights to do service in the community. These
activities and a monthly Sunday potluck also serve as
additional fellowship times.
Rewards and Challenges of
Small Church Living
One of the challenges the Iowa City church faces
is the large distance between families. While the
church is centrally located, the closest family lives
about 15 minutes away. Many members live an hour
or more away. The church congregation is also small
in number. In spite of these challenges, the brethren
feel very blessed. Living in a small church has many
rewards including feeling like a family and increased
opportunities to participate in church duties. Since
the variety of the gifts and talents of the brethren
in the church are utilized, they understand how
important each one is to the whole and how they
fit in. With that, they are able to value and truly
appreciate each one in the family.
Consider a Visit or Move
to the Area
The church sign says “All Welcome”. The
congregation asks for your prayers that they can
continue to grow in unity and love. And, if the
Lord wills, to add a few additional members to the
congregation to assist with the work in the vineyard
to present the gospel message of salvation to the
lost in alignment with Jesus’ Great Commission
(Matthew 28:19:20) and our church’s four Pillar
Mission. There truly is “still plenty of room” in the
church family of God.
Visiting Iowa City Church
To visit, check the Apostolic Christian
Churches and Ministers book for information
about service times and directions or
go online to www.apostolicchristian.org
(click on “Find A Congregation” tab)
Prayer: Placing Your Hope in God
Not long ago I was trying to reconnect with an old
friend. We were best friends in high school but have
had little to no contact in recent years. I called with
some hesitation, given it had been so long since we
talked, but happily left a message hoping he would
return my call. A few months have passed, and my
initial hope and anxiety has given way to feelings
of acceptance that he is not going to respond. For a
while I wondered if I had the right phone number or
if he was upset with me. Now I have concluded that
he is busy and has other higher priorities. I still hope
we will run into each other at some point and be able
to catch up, but for now it is unlikely to happen.
For many of us, prayer can bring similar
emotions and questions. We reach out to God and
feel nothing in return. It is as if we did something
wrong. Our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling
and fall to the floor, unnoticed. Sorrow, fear and
doubt start to overtake the hope we first felt. Our
hearts hurt and lift up requests and pleas, yet there is
no response. These are painful times which can often
leave us confused and unsettled.
The Psalms
The Psalms can be a place of comfort during these
seasons of life because we see the psalmist wrestling
with the same emotions and questions. We relate to the
pain and struggle he so openly expresses to the Lord.
Because of this, the Psalms teach us a great deal about
prayer. Reading through the Psalms, it is easy to pick
up the pattern of being open about struggles while also
trying to hold onto truth. Other places in Scripture
exhort us to pray, but in the Psalms we see prayer lived
out. These Scriptures provide a window into the human
heart, showing us how challenges can shake us to our
very core. This shaking is scary and often brings into
question truths we have always known.
Psalm 42 is a great example of this. We quickly
recognize the writer is feeling significant distress.
Verse 3 reads “My tears have been my meat day and
night ….” The author cries out in pain, his tears
leading him to continually wonder “Where is thy
God?” These are the words of someone who is hurting
and whose pain is leading him to question God. He
wonders why God has not answered his request by
changing what is so painful in his life. This type of
pain so often turns our hearts from focusing on the
truths of who God is and His heart toward us.
God my Rock
The psalmist knows this and fights to remind himself
who God truly is; “God my rock.” He says this to
himself in the midst of his ongoing questions and
pain. His circumstances have not changed, but
he reminds himself that God is his rock. Not just
that God is a rock, but God is his rock. The writer
reminds himself to place his hope in God (verses 5
and 11). We can feel the author struggle to place
his hope in God and keep it there. He is fighting to
rise above the painful emotions and questions that
accompany his circumstance. Throughout the Psalm,
he also reminds himself of his hunger for God and
God’s goodness. We see the back and forth between
the struggle of the circumstances and finding hope
in God in the midst of his circumstances. Of course
this man wants his circumstances to change, but he is
fighting to keep his focus on what is true about God
rather than letting his circumstances or emotions
define what is true.
One of the fundamental aspects of prayer is to
reorient our hearts and minds back to the truth of
who God is and to trust in His goodness. We ask
the Lord to change the difficult things in our lives,
also accepting that they may not change. Prayer is
a place where we have been granted the privilege of
speaking very openly and honestly to our Creator. Yet
we are to always remember we are not God. We are
incapable of seeing things as fully as God, and even if
we could do so it would not make a difficult situation
easy. We know this from the account of our Lord’s
own struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew
26:36-46 ). He saw the full picture and still asked
that it could change. Dark valleys are hard because
they are painful and often full of uncertainties.
Prayer is a place to speak truth to our hearts so we
might live faithfully and keep an accurate view of
God through the challenge. This is done by following
what the psalmist does in Psalm 42, remembering
that ultimately our hope is in God and not the
changing of our circumstances.
Purpose of Prayer
One of the Word’s clear messages throughout the
Scriptures is acknowledging this life is difficult and
seeing the struggle as something that points us to the
Redeemer (Romans 8). When life is overwhelming
and prayers seem to go unnoticed, remember that we
serve a kind and loving God who knows and cares
(Isaiah 41:10). He hears us and delights in our prayers
(Proverbs 15:8). He desires to draw hearts closer to
His; this is often accomplished through difficulties.
He does not promise to change hard circumstances,
but He does promise to never leave us. Let the main
reason for prayer be that our hearts might be changed
and refocused upon Him (Deuteronomy 6:4-5).
Psalm 42 “As the hart panteth after the water brooks,
so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth
for God, for the living God: when shall I come and
appear before God? My tears have been my meat day
and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is
thy God? When I remember these things, I pour out my
soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude, I went
with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and
praise, with a multitude that kept holyday. Why art thou
cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in
me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the
help of his countenance. O my God, my soul is cast down
within me: therefore will I remember thee from the land
of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar.
Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all
thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. Yet the Lord
will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in
the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto
the God of my life. I will say unto God my rock, Why
hast thou forgotten me? why go I mourning because of the
oppression of the enemy? As with a sword in my bones,
mine enemies reproach me; while they say daily unto me,
Where is thy God? Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in
God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my
countenance, and my God.
ACCFS has a host of resources on various
topics to encourage a believer in their walk and
growth in the Lord. They range from adapted
Bible studies and discussion aids for groups to
individual papers and handouts for personal
study to presentations and seminars for the
entire church family. These resources can be
found on our website at www.accounseling.
org/spiritualgrowth. If you would like more
information, please contact ACCFS at
(309)263-5536 or info@accounseling.org.
Congregation Updates
Apostolic Christian Home
for the Handicapped
uncomfortable, not knowing
how to interact with residents
and not knowing how the
Summer is here, and that
residents will react.
brings lots of choices for day
Here are some good rules
outings that the residents really
of thumb for greeting residents,
enjoy and look forward to. Some
whether in public or at the facilities:
may go to the ballpark and cheer
1. Residents like to be
on their favorite team, the Peoria acknowledged.
Chiefs. Others may enjoy a
2. A good conversation starter
riverboat cruise on the Spirit of
could be a simple question about
Peoria as it glides up the Illinois
what they’re doing.
River. Splashdown, a local water
3. A smile and compliments
park, is another choice for those
are always welcome.
who love to swim. At Splashdown
Another much-anticipated
they can choose to take a turn on summertime event is to watch
the Lazy River, be drenched by
4th of July fireworks hosted
the Big Bucket, or practice their
by Linden Estate. It is a large
swimming skills for the Special
gathering and everyone is excited
Olympics. For residents who want to see each other and enjoy the
to enjoy and appreciate God’s
“show” together. Residents will
creation, going to the zoo or a
show their patriotism by wearing
farm is an option. There may be
red, white and blue and holding
some who want to practice their
mini flags. When looking at the
mini golfing skills and try for “a
flag, it represents the freedom
hole in one”. Some love to see fast we have and the price paid for it.
cars racing so they may choose
Spiritually, the color blue signifies
the Peoria Speedway; but if they
the darkness of sin. The color red
prefer a more quiet evening they
is the blood that Jesus shed to
may choose to see a musical.
save us from our sins. The color
Our residents are excited and
white signifies being “white as
energized by these outings, and
snow”, if we have taken advantage
one thing they particularly enjoy
of what Christ has done for us.
is meeting new people.
May we always be thankful for
For the general public, seeing the freedoms we have in this great
our residents out and about can
country, and ever give God praise
bring mixed emotions. Some
for the GLORIOUS freedom we
are very friendly and like to talk have in Christ!
with the residents. Others are
Gateway Woods Apostolic
Christian Children’s Home
Sarena Wahl - Houseparent &
Volunteer Coordinator
Five years ago I spent three
summer weeks volunteering
at Gateway Woods. My
comprehension of Gateway before
that time being auction day alone:
fellowship, food, and fundraising.
As a volunteer, I was overwhelmed
by the sense of community I felt
on every corner of campus. I saw
the gospel openly shared with
youth through words, and more
powerfully, through actions. After
volunteering the following year,
I was led to become part of the
residential team.
As a houseparent, I’ve
learned that Gateway is more
than residential. I’ve sat in staff
meetings, listening to how God is
working in Adoption, Foster Care,
Home-Based Services, Gateway
Woods School and LARC. I’ve
loved watching campus come alive
with volunteers in the summer. I
feel humbled to see others joining
us, each bringing their distinct
talents and individual perspectives.
It’s an incredible, visual reminder
of the prayers and support we
receive throughout the year. We
aren’t alone, but are serving as part
of a greater body.
This summer, I’m serving
as the Volunteer Coordinator
at Gateway Woods, seeing the
mission from yet another angle.
I get to share the mission with
volunteers while they share their
time and talents with Gateway.
And, I am reminded of Luke 6:38:
“Give, and it shall be given unto
you, good measure, pressed down,
and shaken together, and running
over, shall men give into your
bosom. For with the same measure
that ye mete withal it shall be
measured to you again”.
We would love to see you on
our campus in Leo, IN, for our
40th annual auction on Saturday,
August 6. Your support and God’s
provision help to repair broken
lives and show the gospel through
the love of the family.
Mark your calendars! The
Gateway Woods Auction is
Saturday, August 6.
You’re invited to support
and serve Gateway Woods this
summer. This opportunity allows
you to cultivate relationships
with teenagers in the residential
program, staff and fellow believers
- while providing encouragement
and assistance to campus (and
off-campus) programs. No
commitment is too small. You’re
welcome for a day, week, or
summer of service. If you are
interested in giving your time and
talents please contact Sarena Wahl
at vol.coordinator@gatewaywoods.
org or via phone at 260.627.2159.
Gateway Woods has open
positions for Houseparent Couples.
For more information please see
the notices in the back of this issue
or visit the Career Opportunities
page on our website at www.
gatewaywoods.org/careers. We trust
that God will provide qualified,
mature brothers and sisters who
will serve Him in a ministry that is
‘Turning Lives Around’.
Alabama, Athens
Monica Price
When celebrating Father’s Day,
we think about our own father and
our relationship with him. Many
of us had fathers who raised us up
to know the truth. Others have
not had that blessing. Regardless
of our experience growing up, we
each have the opportunity to have
a Heavenly Father that will never
leave us nor forsake us. We were
thankful to have Bro. Jeff Waibel
(Sis. Margo, Leo, IN) and their
family spend the weekend with
us and remind us of the love our
Heavenly Father has for us.
Because of the closing of the
preschool, Sis. Kalla Knobloch,
one of the preschool teachers, has
been led by God to move back to
her home church of Princeville,
IL. We are thankful for all the
time and effort she put into the
church and preschool. She will
definitely be missed. It’s hard
to have our small church grow
smaller, but we are thankful that
she is following what God has
planned for her life.
At the Tennessee Fellowship
Area earlier this month, we had
a community Fish Day event.
Many families from the local area
came out to fish at the pond there.
Those involved had a good time
and were very thankful to be able
to use our facility.
We enjoy going to the homes
of the elderly in our church, for
Wednesday evening service, as
much as they enjoy us coming. All
of us receive a blessing and we are
thankful to be able to spend time
together. This month we met at Bro.
Milton and Sis. Joyce Ray’s house.
We have an apartment
especially for the use of those
spending the night in this area.
We would love to have you
stay. If you would like to use
our guest house, please call Sis.
Rebekah Klaus at (815) 674-5411
for accommodations.
Arizona, Phoenix
Marge Lindenbaum
Here in the desert, we are
acutely aware that water is a
precious commodity, especially in
the summer. While we fully enjoy
an ice-cold glass of water in the
heat of the day, we still tend to
take its true value for granted. It is
surprising how much we consume.
Statistics place the amount of
water used by an average person
between 80 and 100 gallons per
day, and an average American
family at 300 gallons per day. That
hardly seems possible and yet, if
we pay attention to the times the
faucets throughout our homes are
turned on, and the freezer/fridge
doors are opened, that number
becomes a little more credible.
Water is part of every living thing
in our lives, and also composes up
to 60% of our bodies. According
to the US Geological Survey
website (http://water.usgs.gov/edu/
propertyyou.html), the brain and
heart are composed of 73% water,
the lungs about 83% water. Our
skin is 64% water, muscles and
kidneys are 79%, and even the
bones are watery at 31%. Water is
used by the brain to manufacture
hormones and neurotransmitters;
it converts food to components
needed for energy; allows the
body’s cells to grow, reproduce
and survive; flushes body waste;
lubricates joints; acts as a shock
absorber for the brain and spinal
cord; regulates body temperature,
and much much more. Water
is used in building, industry,
recreation and is clearly necessary
for our very survival – and that of
every living thing.
We may or may not be aware
of the presence of water in our
bodies and our surroundings. We
don’t see the water that is present
everywhere because it becomes a
part of the thing it inhabits. If a
person were to look up whether
water can be destroyed, he would
find some controversy and theories
involving anti-matter and energy,
chemistry and pollution. For
purposes of this article, it cannot
be destroyed, but its form can
change. If it is burned, it changes
to steam – still H2O. If frozen,
it changes to ice, but remains
H2O regardless of its form. Water
performs incredible works in the
objects and beings it occupies,
besides being beautiful, majestic
and even mesmerizing to watch in
its pure form in nature.
We can fully hydrate ourselves
or refuse to drink water, but we
are unable to survive very long
without it. The Spirit of God is
referred to as Living Water in
John 7:37-39. (Also, Jeremiah
17:13, Zechariah 14:8-9, John 4:426, John 7:37-39, Revelation 7:1317, Revelation 21:6-8, Revelation
22:1-2.) There are too many other
references to the Spirit as water
and life to list here.
The properties of water that
are so mysterious and remarkable
are associated with the Spirit, as
well. It inhabits a person without
being seen separately, but can
clearly be observed working and
performing multiple wonders,
all in the “background”. It has
been pointed out that God
is essentially manifested in
three forms – the Father, Son
and Spirit, much like H2O is
manifested as liquid, vapor and
solid. It refreshes, it is pure,
unchanging and cannot be
destroyed. It changes the thing
it touches and gives life to all
things. And when it satisfies a
person’s thirst, that satisfaction
is eternal (John 4:14). The Spirit,
like water, is far too complex and
marvelous to be fully known or
understood. Without it, there is
no life. But if we drink it in, we
will live and grow in more ways
than we can even imagine. And
we will be satisfied.
We enjoyed Vacation Bible
School this month, and appreciate
the labors of Bro. Jeff Wiegand (Sis.
Janell, Goodfield, IL) and Bro. Dave
Marquart (Sis. Lori, Taylor, MO)
in teaching “Back 2 Basics” of the
Christian life. We were reminded
of the importance of a foundation
that includes the basics of purpose,
faith, grace, and avoiding detours
and deterrents. Without the basics
as our foundation, we are building
on sand.
Besides our VBS ministers, we
want to thank visiting minister
Bro. Neil Ramseyer (Sis. Sharon,
Bay City, MI). We are blessed
to have Bro. Neil visit often, in
conjunction with seeing their
children and grandchildren. This
visit was particularly sweet as
Maryann finalized the adoption of
three children into her family.
We look forward to hearing
the testimony of Jenna Freed and
welcoming her as a sister in the
Lord’s and in our church family.
We rejoice with her in that she has
found peace with God and desires
to be baptized.
Our Sunday School students
enjoyed the annual Memorial Day
gathering of the Western churches’
Sunday School classes, hosted by
the Prescott Church. They were
challenged this year with a “ropes”
course in Flagstaff. We heard
several inspiring stories of their
courage and tenacity. We love our
young people and are so very proud
of all the good things they do!
Finally, we are very sad to say
farewell to Bro. Doug and Sis. Jill
(Eastman) Huette as they follow
their hearts and God’s leading back
to the Midwest. They were a big
part of our fellowship and we will
miss them and wish them the Lord’s
richest blessings as they settle into
their new home and community.
We hope they will visit often!
Arizona, Prescott
Autumn Rokey
“Thine, O LORD, is the greatness,
and the power, and the glory, and
the victory, and the majesty: for
all that is in the heaven and in the
earth is thine; thine is the kingdom,
O LORD, and thou art exalted
as head above all. Both riches and
honour come of thee, and thou
reignest over all; and in thine hand
is power and might; and in thine
hand it is to make great, and to give
strength unto all.”
1 Chronicles 29:11-12
Thankfulness is our word for
the year it seems. We started the
Crown Financial Bible Study this
year on Wednesday nights. The
word thankfulness came from
one of our first very long memory
verses. Maybe it isn’t a straight
line with the word thankfulness
bolded and italicized, but it calls
us and reminds us that in the
midst of how great God is, we can
be thankful for His love and grace
toward us.
We held Communion at the
end of May and thankfulness was
at the center of the remembrance
as we ate the bread and drank the
wine. We were thanking God for
His gift of love and grace. God’s
free gift of grace, of salvation and
freedom from sin. Visiting ministers this last
month were Bro. Jeff Waibel
(Sis. Margo, Leo) for our ACYF
weekend and Bro. Mark Steffen
(Sis. Stacy, Phoenix). Elder Bro.
Herbie Knochel (Sis. Laurie) and
Bro. Jon Kovchnivch (Sis. Nancy)
joined us for Communion. 8428) as there is a two bedroom
furnished townhouse available.
California, Altadena/Los
Kali Sauder
“Seeking the lost, yes, kindly
entreating wanderers on the
mountains astray, ‘Come unto
me,’ His message repeating, words
of the Master speaking today…
Thus would I go, for Jesus hath
called me, Him would I follow
day unto day; Care for the dying,
raise up the fallen, pointing the
lost to Jesus the way.”
Hymns of Zion #180
Arizona, Tucson
This hymn very well could
Dean and Jackie Knobloch
have been a theme song for our
We have been reminded
Sunday School this year. Not only
recently to remember why we
because of its popularity with the
can trust in Jesus. Through His
students, but their passion to pray
Holy Spirit, we can be sure He
for others and internalize gospel
will always be there and will see
truths in their own hearts was
us through all of life’s cares and
evidenced throughout the year.
joys. We plead for prayers for
As the year came to a close,
Rob Wilson, his wife, Angie, and
the church gathered to celebrate
their daughters as they face new
our children at the Sunday
challenges with his reoccurring
School picnic. In the shadow of
brain tumor. We don’t always
the mountains, the kids played
know how God will provide, but
games, shared their endless
we do know He will provide a way energy, and a delicious meal was
to go the journey.
enjoyed by all as we recognized
We were privileged to have
another year’s milestone.
Elder Bro. Marvin Dotterer (Sis.
Jesus said, “Suffer little children,
Nancy, Forrest, IL) with us for
and forbid them not, to come unto
the weekend of June 12. We
me: for of such is the kingdom of
appreciated his efforts in preaching heaven.” Something as simple as a
the word to our small congregation. church picnic speaks volumes to
As always we welcome any
our kids as we communicate that
and all visitors. If you are in
we agree with Christ; we love and
the area and need short term
value them, and they have a special
accommodations, please call
and unique place in our church
Bro. Dean Knobloch (309-231family. They show us a muchJuly 2016
needed glimpse of the attainable
Kingdom of Heaven!
California, San Diego
Annaleise Wagenbach
We were blessed by the Luthi
family this month, as both Bro.
Aaron and Sis. Maria Luthi
(Lamont- Gridley, KS) and Elder
Bro. Jay and Sis. Jane Luthi (LamontGridley, KS) ministered to us. We
were called to consider... Who do we
identify with? What is our identity?
Those questions can be answered by
the evidence and fruit in our lives.
One Wednesday night we read
from 2 Chronicles, about King
Asa. Early in his reign he trusted
and sought God’s help against great
odds. 2 Chronicles 14:11 “And Asa
cried unto the LORD his God, and
said, LORD, it is nothing with thee
to help, whether with many, or with
them that have no power: help us, O
LORD our God; for we rest on thee,
and in thy name we go against this
multitude. O LORD”. A beautiful
prayer seeking the Lord’s help, and
then moving ahead in full faith,
knowing the Lord would provide.
Later in his reign, perhaps feeling
much more established in his role,
he turned to Benhadad, king of
Syria for help. To make matters
worse, he then became furious
when God’s messenger challenged
him that he had done foolishly. It
reminds us to have a childlike faith
in trusting God through our life.
Colorado, Denver
Naomi Wiegand, Tess Leman
Greetings of love to you
because of Jesus!
We extend a big thank you
to Bro. Glen Steiner (Sis. Rachel,
Winthrop, MN) for sharing the
word with us this past month. We
appreciate your visit!
Our church is excited
to welcome Bro. Ty Taufer
(Goodfield, IL) and Sis. Mallory
Blunier (Bloomington, IL) for
the summer. They are both ISU
graduates and will be assisting
with a non-profit work project
that Bro. Charlie and Sis. Naomi
Wiegand have started. We have
already enjoyed the vibrancy and
enthusiasm they bring and look
forward to having them among us
for the next couple of months!
Summer is here and with it
often comes busyness and lot of
plans. I’ve recently been reminded
to make sure that my time with
the Lord isn’t put on the back
burner. Today is the day to let
the Word of God sink down deep
into our hearts. Today is the day
to apply ourselves to be spiritually
disciplined. Today is the day to
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you
richly in all wisdom…” . Col. 3:16
Connecticut, Rockville
Sheila Gerber, Lauren Gottier
Our thoughts and prayers are
with Sis. Florence Kloter, Sis. Alma
Luginbuhl, and Sis. Charlotte
Limberger, in the passing of their
brother, Howard Lanz, on May 19
in Seattle, WA. Also mourning the
loss of their loved one, but rejoicing
in her victory, is the family of Sis.
Verona Schneider (Bro. Sonny,
dec.) who passed away on May 23.
Verona leaves behind her children:
Sis. Sandy Koch (Bro. Joe), Heidi
Cerrigione (John), Bro. Lenny
Schneider (Sis. Deb), Sis. Nancy
Willis (Bro. Ken), Sis. MaryAnn
Gerber (Bro. Dale), and Trudi
Kozak (Chris), as well as her brother,
Bro. Edwin Gerber (Sis. Beverly),
and many grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, nieces and nephews.
We rejoice with and wish
many blessings to Bro. Stephen
Schneider (Bro. Dave and Sis.
Kim) and Sis. Janae Bahler (Bro.
Steve and Sis. Lori) as their
engagement was announced on
5/29. We wish them much joy as
they take this step in faith.
Two families were blessed with
new baby girls this past month.
Morgan Lynn joined the family of
Bro. Josh and Sis. Carole Bahler
on June 3. Jaiden and Joelle are
excited to have a new baby sister.
Grandparents, Bro. Arlo and Sis.
Lynn Hoffman and Bro. Steve
and Sis. Lori Bahler, are thankful
for a healthy granddaughter. Bro.
Josh and Sis. Kate Virkler and
their children Molly, Makenna,
Mari Ana and Timon welcomed
Magnolia Grace to their family
on June 6. Grandparents are Bro.
John and Sis. Maureen Virkler and
Kim and Carol Craig. We wish
both of these couples God’s grace
in raising these children to serve
Him one day.
Our congregation was blessed
with two visiting ministers
on June 5. Elder Bro. Brad
Eisenmann (Sis. Cindy, Chicago,
IL) and Bro. Adam Luginbuhl
(Sis. Jamie, Philadelphia, PA)
served us from the pulpit.
We wish God’s blessings to
Kristyn Boynton (Ken & Sis. Jan)
and Anthony Congelos, as they
were married on June 11.
We extend our sincere
congratulations to our recent
high school graduates. They are
Emily Walder (Bro. Brent and
Sis. Naomi), Chris Wheeler (Burt
and Cherrine), Aaron Virkler
(Bro. Rudy and Sis. Susan), Leah
Mangold (Dave and Sis. Heather),
Zachary Luginbuhl (Bro. Matt
and Sis. Heidi), Lindsey Grasso
(Bro. Keven and Sis. Sara), Janelle
Gottier (Guy Gottier and Sis.
Beth), Evan Gerber (Bro. Ron
and Sis. Sheila), and Chad Gerber
(Bro. Jeff and Sis. Carole). We
rejoice with them at this special
time in their lives and pray that
each one may seek God’s guidance
and direction in each future step.
District of Columbia,
Henrietta Meyer
In June we welcomed back
returning caretakers Bro. Andy
and Sis. Cyndi Figel, Sis. Baylee
and Caydi from Sardis, OH. If
you feel led to support one of our
small churches, being caretakers
here would be a wonderful way to
do so. If you are interested and are
free to spend 3-4 weeks in the DC
area, please contact Sis. Doreen
Steffen at dkgsteffen@gmail.com
or 302-540-6574.
Our ministers this month
were Bro. Brad Gudeman (Sis.
Teresa, Bradford, IL), Bro. Fred
Domka (Sis. Connie, Mansfield,
OH), and Bro. Greg Rassi (Sis.
Carla, Chicago, IL). Other
visitors this month were from
Elgin, IL, Mauston, WI, Leo, IN
and Sardis, OH.
On May 28, most of our
congregation was able to attend
the wedding of Delaney Steffen
(Bro. Phil and Mona) and Andrew
Archer. Our prayers are with them
as they begin the next phase of
their lives as a couple.
If you are planning to visit
Washington, D.C. area for
vacation or business, please
contact Bro. Joe and Sis. Holly
Bohart at jbohart@gmail.com or
Sis. Henrietta Meyer at 703 9048301 for assistance and to let us
know how many to expect for
Sunday services.
Florida, Ft. Lauderdale
Renee Mangold
We were grateful to have
visiting ministers this past month.
Visiting were Bro. Stephen Baner
(Sis. DonnaLou, Gridley, IL);
Bro. Tim Ramsier (Sis. Jonell,
Rittman, OH); and Bro. Matt
Koehl (Sis. Emily, Sarasota, FL).
We pray that our Lord will bless
them for their service.
A picnic with the three
Florida churches in Ft. Myers on
Memorial Day weekend provided
a beautiful day of fellowship.
Sarasota and Ft. Myers Sunday
Schools spent a weekend in Ft.
Lauderdale. It was a great Sunday
School outing to Lion Country
Safari and the Ft. Lauderdale
Museum of Discovery & Science.
It was a wonderful time of
fellowship and renewed friendships.
We are rejoicing that God
has led Bro. Doug and Sis. Tami
Kaehr from Bluffton North to
move to Florida and join our Ft.
Lauderdale church. Welcome!
Florida, Ft. Myers
Dustin Hodel
As Father’s Day approaches,
it’s always an awkward time for
me as a father. I always feel like
I can be doing better as a father
and I feel like I’m unworthy to
be recognized. This year is no
different, but tonight our family is
going out to celebrate Father’s Day
and I will be adorned with praise
from my little ones. However,
as much as I feel awkward and
unworthy, it makes me think back
to growing up with my father.
I can still remember thinking
my dad knew everything. Not
only that he knew how to do
everything and had a solution to
most problems, and to this day my
dad is still on a sort of pedestal
in my eyes. I go to him with
questions and concerns. I seek his
opinion because I value and trust
what he says. Sometimes as we get
older it seems our parents can lose
that “all-knowing” presence, but
mine haven’t. Make no mistake,
I know my parents aren’t perfect,
but here’s what I do know. They
go to the one true Father…the one
with the capital F! I know they
have spent many more years than
I going to Him for direction and
answers and have had many more
experiences trusting and learning
from Him than I have. (They
raised me, which pretty much
July 2016
wore out the carpet next to their
bed as they prayed for me!) So as I
encounter new situations, I know
I can trust their advice to be godly
and sound.
I also believe one of the
greatest strengths of our church
body is the fellowship. There are
so many opportunities to learn
and grow from those that have
been following the Lord longer
than we have. Sometimes when
I try to explain our fellowship to
those outside our church it almost
sounds weird to them, but it is
something that I that have relied
upon heavily throughout my life.
As we thank our fathers this
month, let’s also reach out to those
other “fathers” that have held
a special place in our lives and
helped us grow.
If you are considering a move
to the Naples/Fort Myers area
and would like to talk to someone
about it, please call Bro. Marvin
Steffen at 239-353-0508. He will
help you gather information on
anything from serving in a small
church to job opportunities and
housing in the area.
The New Beginnings
One of the obstacles the
moms at The New Beginnings
face is being comfortable in a
new life. Typically all the women
come to us from a similar place
where poverty, chaos, fear and
hopelessness are all factors in
their lives. Many times they have
resigned themselves to this kind
of life and expect bad things are
going to happen to them and
believe success is out of reach. It’s
an interesting dynamic when they
start to experience success here.
One of our unshakable
principles at The New Beginnings
is that we are not a handout. We
are an opportunity. The moms do
all the hard work and when they
start to see that hard work pay
off it’s exciting for them and us.
Typically this is played out most
vividly in their education. Most of
the moms come to us way behind
in their studies because they never
had anyone pushing them through
school. Sometimes as they look at
their college schedule, they do so
with doubt and fear, wondering if
they can really do it.
This past month the Spring
semester ended and every mom
received A’s and B’s all while
managing school work, cooking
schedules and taking care of their
little ones. After this past semester,
one of the moms came knocking
excitedly on my door to show me
her grades. She didn’t just print off
her grade sheet. She was so excited
she grabbed the whole laptop and
brought it to my office! She hardly
knew what to do with herself
and her success. For both of us it
was exciting, but for her it’s also
concrete evidence that the road she
is on is working.
As I said before, we are not
a handout. Each mom earned
those good grades with hard
work and diligence. One of the
many blessings we get to see is
turning the mothers past fear and
hopelessness into progress and
achievement. We thank each of
you who continue to pray and
donate for being an integral part
of that change. You are making a
real, tangible difference in the lives
of these women.
Florida, Sarasota
Mary & Vera Martin
We’re settled into our summer
months with a smaller attendance,
but also a time when our church
family has time to fellowship
among ourselves again. We
welcome everyone to join us in the
sunshine state.
We want to thank our visiting
ministers: Elder Bro. Ben Wiegand
(Sis. Michelle, Philadelphia) and
Bro. Luke Frank (Sis. Crystal,
Detroit) for sharing their time
with us this month.
We welcome our new Bro. Gabe
Streitmatter, son of Elder Bro. Jeff
and Sis Lynne Streitmatter, who gave
his testimony and promised to serve
our Lord all his life. Elder Bro. Tom
Hoffman (Sis Kathy, Roanoke) and
Bro. Jeff Fischer (Sis Gloria, Fort
Scott) were here to help rejoice in
this blessed occasion.
Recently our Sunday School
families took an overnight road
trip to Ft. Lauderdale. We want
to thank the congregation in
Ft. Lauderdale for sharing their
deeds of kindness and fellowship
that we enjoyed. This month we
celebrate our nation’s freedom,
Independence Day!
Eternal God, stir Thou our minds
and stimulate our hearts with
a high sense of patriotism as we
approach the Fourth of July. May
all that this day symbolizes renew
our faith in freedom, our devotion
to democracy, and for the people
truly alive in our world.
Grant that we may highly resolve
on this great day to dedicate
ourselves anew to the task of
ushering in an era when good will
shall live in the hearts of a free
people, justice shall be the light to
guide their feet, and peace shall
be the goal of humankind: to the
glory of Thy holy name and the
good of our Nation and of all
mankind. Amen -Congressional
Prayer for the Fourth of July
“Blessed is the nation whose God
is the Lord.” Psalm 33:12
Georgia, Peachtree City/
Lexi Knapp
God has richly blessed us
this month! We rejoice with Bro.
Linn and Sis. Brenda Stoller at the
engagement of their son, Bro. Ben
Stoller (Francesville, IN), to Sis.
Christa Gasser (Bro. Roger and Sis.
Sue Gasser, Junction, OH). We are
thankful for God’s working in their
lives and wish God’s blessings as
they begin this journey.
We also are thankful to
have several graduates this year!
Savannah Holmes (Mike and
Cindy), Sis. Lexi Knapp (Bro.
Matt and Sis. Dana), and Sis.
Sheree Waldbeser (Bro. Tom and
Sis. Sue) were our high school
graduates. They will be in our
prayers as this chapter of their
life closes and a new one begins.
Likewise, Sis. Jessica Edelman
(Kerwin and Sara) graduated
from Savannah College of Art and
Design and Bro. Drew Waldbeser
(Bro. Tom and Sis. Sue) graduated
from Indiana University Maurer
School of Law. We are thankful
for all of the graduates and trust in
God’s guidance to lead them.
We also appreciated having
ministering Bro. Doug Brewer (Sis.
Janelle, San Diego, CA) with us
this past month. We are grateful for
his service to our congregation.
If anyone is coming to the
area, we would love to have you
worship with us! Our address is
202 Robinson Road, Peachtree
City, GA 30269. However, please
call ahead (Tom Waldbeser
770.463.4788 or Matt Knapp
815.674.1498). For additional
information, visit our website at
Haiti, Bonne Fin Hospital Lumiere
Our work team “season” is
slowing down, but we still have
several scheduled through the
summer months. An orthopedic
surgical team spent a week here
this month. During our period of
unrest, we had an inventory team
scheduled. They spent part of the
week in Les Cayes with another
mission before coming up to us.
We have felt overwhelming
prayer support from those “back
home” who know of our current
struggle. This is very comforting.
We ask you to continue to pray
in the spirit of Col. 1:9. “For this
cause we also, since the day we
heard it, do not cease to pray for
you, and to desire that ye might
be filled with the knowledge of his
will in all wisdom and spiritual
David and Janella Zimmerman
Rick and Komari Aberle
Haiti, Les Cayes
As school finished and
summer arrived, we said farewell
to Sis. Leah Bertschi (Roanoke,
IL), who served as teacher to the
missionary children along with
Sis. Desma Klopfenstein. We were
so thankful for her time here and
wish her God’s blessings as she
transitions back to the States.
Unfortunately, over the
past few weeks, we have been
experiencing a period of unrest
in the local area. We ask for
your prayers as the problems
still have not come to a
resolution. Please pray that we
can be lights and witnesses for
Jesus Christ in the midst of the
darkness and opposition.
As most of the families here
have returned home on furlough,
we are thankful for another safe
and productive season we have
experienced by God’s grace.
Just as we have seen God send
good rains again to bless Haiti
and turn what was so barren to
green, even so we crave a time
of refreshing and renewal to
continue being productive.
We look forward to being
with our families and church
families for a while, but there is
also much to plan for, purchase,
and organize in preparation for
the next term of service.
Where is your home? It is
probably a place where you feel
Mike & Susie Walder
July 2016
the most comfortable and where
you experience the most privacy.
Please understand that as we leave
our “home” to “return home” for
a period of time, it is also a bit
of an adjustment for us. This is
just another good reminder that
this world is not our home. We
are looking for that eternal home
whose builder and maker is God!
Thanks for all the support and
prayers from so many. We invite
you to consider coming on a work
team or supporting an upcoming
one next season.
Illinois, Belvidere
Krista Anliker, Shayla Steffen
Christian Greetings from
We thank Bro. Ted Witzig
from Morton for sharing a topical
presentation with us.
Thanks to our Elgin church
family for inviting us to their allchurch potluck.
Sis. Peg Anliker (Bro. Brian)
has finished her term in Sunday
school. We thank her for her
efforts, patience and love. Sis.
Shelly Koehl (Bro. Chris) will
be taking her place. Bro. Curt
Wettstein (Sis. Larissa) and. Sis.
Shayla Steffen (Bro. Jordan) have
willingly agreed to be substitute
Sunday school teachers.
We continue to have a
community meal at church once
a month and are thankful for the
willing hands that make it possible.
A wedding shower was held for
Aubrey Schock (Bro. Ted and Sis.
Heidi) and her fiancé, Randall.
God’s blessings to this dear couple
as they plan for a lifetime together.
We are thankful that Bro.
Karl Braun (Mitzi) is healing
after surgery.
We welcome back Bro. Rod
and Sis. Anne Anliker from
Phoenix for the summer.
May God bless Bro. Dean
Messner (Sis. Wanda) from
Winthrop, MN and Bro. Greg
Schambach (Sis. Heather) from
Elgin, IL for sharing God’s Holy
Word this month.
God has blessed the Algarate
family with another precious
miracle! Mitch, Olivia and Xavi
Algarate welcome home TyLynn
Jo. Thankful grandparents are Bro.
Chris and Sis. Shelly Koehl.
“Faith of our fathers! Living still...
We will be true to thee till death!”
We are thankful to our fathers
for their love and care as well as
our Heavenly Father who knows
our every need and will never leave
us or forsake us!
We welcome all to include
Belvidere in the summer travel plans!
Illinois, BloomingtonNormal
Megan Kaeb, Sarah Maurer
School is officially out and
summer days are here again. The
beginning of June always brings
with it a week we all look forward
to, Vacation Bible School! Our
theme this year was “The Lord’s
Army”. We were blessed with
messages reminding us that God
SEES-So We Trust Him, God
SPEAKS-So We Listen, God
SHOWS-So We Follow, and
God SUPPLIES-So We Put on
the Armor. The ministers who
came to share these messages
with us were Bros. Tim Drayer
(Bluffton North, IN), Jeremiah
Psinas (Morton, IL), Jeff Waibel
(Leo, IN), and Marshall Heinold
(Washington, IL). While
these messages were shared
with our Bible Class and adult
congregation, the children enjoyed
a week of messages centered on
the same theme, games, crafts
and singing. They shared the
songs they learned and sang
throughout the week with us in
a special program that ended our
VBS week. We are so thankful
for the committee that organized
the week and the ministers who
traveled to share with us.
VBS week was not the only
time we were blessed with visiting
ministers this month! Bro. Harvey
Kaeb (Sis. Judy, Gridley, IL) and
Bro. Matt Knapp (Sis. Dana,
Peachtree City, GA) came and
shared the Word of God.
Also, Bro. Tim Hohulin
(Sis. Kathy, Roanoke, IL) joined
us to celebrate and take part in
the wedding ceremony of their
daughter, Sis. Amy Hohulin, to
Bro. Tofig Mammadov on June 5.
We rejoice with this special couple
as they start their life together as
husband and wife.
We rejoice with Bro. Andrew
and Sis. Natalie Gerber as
they welcome their son, Ellis
Andrew, born on May 14, 2016.
Grandparents are Neil and
Leesa Gerber of Washington, IL
and Bro. Nate and Sis. Yvonne
Lehman of Denver, CO.
And, our church is excited to
welcome Bro. Seth Bollier to our
church family (from Indianapolis,
IN) as he moves to our area and
Bro. Caleb Hoerr who has joined
our church body after living in
Africa for a year.
Our Bible Class traveled to
New York City, NY on a mission
trip this month. Our prayers were
with them as they traveled. We
were thankful to see how God
worked in and through them
as they served together. We are
thankful for the opportunity for
our young people to serve God
and see Him work in tangible
ways that a trip like this provides.
Finally, we ended the month
of June with our annual Sunday
School Picnic. The picnic ends
another blessed year of Sunday
School. We are so thankful for
the teachers who shared the Good
News with our kids every Sunday
over the past year. We pray that
the many seeds they planted in the
hearts of our children will bear
good fruit in the years to come.
“But that on the good ground
are they, which in an honest and
good heart, having heard the word,
keep it and bring forth fruit with
patience.” Luke 8:15
Illinois, Bradford
Sandi Joos, Roseann Stahl
We were surrounded by new
beginnings this month.
Ryan Stahl has turned his back
on the world and has begun his
walk with the Lord. Ryan is the son
of Bro. Bill and Sis. Kristal Stahl.
“Therefore if any man be in
Christ, he is a new creature: old
things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
We witnessed the birth of
water and spirit of two souls in
our congregation. Sis. Samantha
Kieser (Bro. Robb and Sis. Kelly)
and Sis. Erin Kieser (Bro. Matt
and Sis. Tracy) were baptized. We
welcome them as our new sisters
in Christ. We appreciated having
Elder Bro. Doug Schock (Sis.
Clara, Bloomfield, IA) here to
assist Elder Bro. Bruce.
A sweet baby girl was born to
Bro. Steve and Sis. Betsy Endress.
Isla Fae joins big sisters, Lexi and
Josie. Grandparents are Bro. Larry
and Sis. Becky Endress and Roger
and June Schulz, Burlington, IA.
Our prayers are with Bro. Brad
Kieser (Sis. Rachel) and Sis. Sue
Hausmann (Bro. Fred) as they begin
their terms in Sunday School. We
would like to thank Bro. Troy Pyles
(Sis. Heather) and Sis. Sandi Joos for
their time in Sunday School.
Sharing the pulpit with our
home brothers this past month
were Bro. Kevin Fehr (Sis. Lonnie,
West Bend, IA), Bro. Zach
Anderson (Sis. Carla, Congerville),
and Bro. Aaron Frank (Sis. Sharla,
Elgin, IA). We thank these brothers
for their willingness to serve.
Bro. Tyler Endress (Bro. Bill
and Sis. Renee’) and Sis. Leah
Beery (Bro. Walt and Sis. Lynda,
Rittman, OH) were united in
marriage and began their life
together as one in the Lord on
Sunday, June 12. We welcome Sis.
Leah to our congregation.
Illinois, Champaign
Dona Fehr
What a blessed month we’ve had!
We have a few graduates this
year. Graduating from high school
are Danny Schmidgall (Bro. Dan
and Sis. Mary), Jonathon Walder
(Bro. Jim and Sis. Beth), Kirstin
Finch (Sam and Dawn), and
Sheyenne Kaeb (Bro. Greg and
Sis. Shelly). Our college graduates
are Brittany Walder, Bro. Caleb
Plattner, Sis. Leah Waibel, and
Ross Tucker. We also had three
preschool graduates this year! We
wish each of the graduates God’s
blessings as they begin the next
phase of their lives.
Congratulations to Joshua and
Cortney Lanzona on their recent
marriage! We pray their marriage
will be as blessed as their wedding
day was. Cortney is the daughter
of Bro. David and Sis. Jackie
Bro. Calvin and Sis. Bethany
Teubel are thankful parents of
their newborn daughter, Penny
Mae. Piper and Oscar were excited
to welcome their baby sister home.
Bro. Bruce Frank (Sis. Bonita,
Cissna Park, IL) visited this
month and kindly served us from
the pulpit. We appreciate your
willingness to share the Word!
Wednesday, June 15, we had a
singing honoring Bro. Bob and Sis.
Wilma Simpson’s 60th wedding
anniversary. This couple has been a
blessing to the Champaign church
for many years!
July 2016
Illinois, Chicago
Diana Eisenmann
Greetings from Chicago!
We are excited to share that
Brant and Audrey Westfall and
Alexa Steffen have come to the
Lord in repentance. We welcome
them into our church family
with open arms and pray for
the guidance of the Holy Spirit
through this new journey. Brant
and Audrey are the son and
daughter-in-law of Bro. Dave and
Sis. Julie Westfall. Alexa is the
daughter of Bro. Kim and Sis.
Diane Steffen. We rejoice with
these families!
In June we had our last
day of Sunday School and the
annual Sunday School picnic. We
congratulate Aidan Subra (son of
Renaud and Suzanne Subra) on
his high school graduation and
Ian Knapp (son of Bro. Randy and
Sis. Heather Knapp) on his college
graduation. We send our prayers
and well-wishes with Ian as he
moves to Ohio to start his career.
We have started a renovation
project to remodel our church
building and parking area. We
appreciate the many volunteer
hours from the willing helpers in
our congregation. We are thankful
to the Lord for the blessing of a
building to worship in and the
means and ability to care for this
physical blessing.
Our prayers are with our Sis.
Lucille Koehl who has suffered
a fall. We pray for healing of the
body and comfort from our loving
heavenly Father.
Illinois, Cissna Park
Our dear Melissa Beer is
Sandy Rudin, Pam Walder
currently in the hospital. She needs
We wish to congratulate our
our prayers. Sis. Aldean Kaufmann
recent high school graduates.
continues to struggle with bodily
They are Sharon Hardison (Kathy
afflictions and asks for prayers.
Hardison and Mike Hardison),
Nathan Kaeb and Hillary
Anna Kaeb (Bro. Hartzell and Sis.
Hines have recently announced
Denise Kaeb), Bro. Anthony Kaeb
their engagement. Their parents
(Bro. Eric and Sis. LouAnn Kaeb), are Bro. Todd and Sis. Val Kaeb
Justin Kaeb (Bro. Todd and Sis. Val and Marty and Lisa Hines. We
Kaeb), Matthew Laubscher (Bro.
rejoice with this couple and wish
Walt and Sis. Sylvia Laubscher,
them God’s blessings.
Austin Maul (Bro. David and Sis.
This reporter has recently
Vicky Maul) Sis. Heidi Waldbeser
returned from a trip to Bastrop,
(Bro. Mark and Sis. Janie
TX where she helped with VBS.
Waldbeser) and Ashley Walder
We need to sincerely pray for the
(Bro. Doug and Sis. Julie Walder).
Bastrop/Austin church as they
May the Lord lead these dear ones
reach out to the families at Stoney
through a life that glorifies Him.
Point and try to share the gospel
After a full life of 97 years,
with them. Several of the children
Bro. Ben Rudin (Sis. Evelyn-dec.)
from Stoney Point attended VBS
has gone to his heavenly home.
each day and there was a program
Bro. Ben was our oldest brother in
on Friday evening. This is a huge
church. He leaves behind one son, step of faith for this small church.
Gary Rudin; four grandchildren;
six great grandchildren; four great- Illinois, Congerville
great grandchildren; and two
Erica Steffen
sisters, Sis. Anna Marie Reutter of
Summer is just getting into
Roanoke and Sis. Lucille Wagner
full-swing around here. We love
of Gridley. Bro. Rick Plattner (Sis.
that summer often comes with
Mary Ann, Fairbury, IL) had a part an increase in visitors passing
in Bro. Ben’s funeral service. Curt
through our area! With families
Knapp went to his eternal rest also. from our church on vacations and
He leaves behind his dear wife, Sis. trips, it’s nice to see the seats filled
Bev; his mother, Sis. Gladys (Bro.
with familiar faces of friends and
Harry-dec.); sons, Micah (Rachel)
family from near and far! This
Knapp and Jacob (Gabby) Johnson; month, Bros. Dana Indermuhle
one daughter, Staci Brown; one
(Sis. Joy, Sardis), Ron Pallito (Sis.
brother, Bruce (Lisa) Knapp; four
Lynell, Akron) and Arlen Leman
grandchildren; and a sister-in-law
(Sis. Denise, Forrest) were familiar
and brother-in-law, Bro. Gerald and faces that added to our home
Sis. Joan Rudin. We pray for these
brothers in the pulpit ministry. We
families as they mourn the loss of
appreciate their labor of love and
their loved ones.
their willingness be used.
Bro. Mikel and Sis. Stephanie
Steffen were blessed by another
daughter being added to their
family this month. Petra Kay was
born May 23 and welcomed home
by excited siblings: Cherie, Brenner,
and Mia. Joyful grandparents are
Bro. Mark and Sis. Joan Steffen
(Goodfield) and Rollyn (Brenda,
dec.) Kuntz of Chenoa.
Our Bro. Zach shared this bit
of encouragement with us this past
week. It was a blessing to me, as I
hope it will be as I share it:
“Greetings Loved Ones,
Sometimes I have trouble
knowing how to really put God’s
love into practice in my daily
living and even though I want to,
I wonder at times ...am I really
doing this? As I spent time with
the Lord this morning, I read
something in a devotional that
really spoke to me on this matter
and I felt a desire to share it with
you too!
‘The true proficiency of the
soul consists not so much in deep
thinking, or eloquent speaking,
or beautiful writing; as in much
and warm loving. Now, if you
ask me in what way this much
and warm love may be acquired,
I answer, - By resolving to do the
will of God, and by watching to
do His will as often as occasion
offers. Those who truly love God
love all good wherever they find
it. They seek all good to all men.
They commend all good, they
always acknowledge and defend
all good. They have no quarrels.
They bear no envy. O Lord, give
me more and more of this blessed
love! It will be a magnificent
comfort in the hour of death to
know that we are on our way to
be judged by Him whom we have
loved above all things. We are not
going to a strange country, since it
is His country whom we love and
who loves us.’
-Joy and Strength p.289
I am so thankful to be a part
of a church family like ours and
appreciate so much the desire that
I can sense among us to fulfill 1
John 4:21. “And this commandment
have we from him, that he who
loveth God love his brother also.”
May God help us all to this end!”
A graduation open house
was held on June 18 for Meghan
Forbes (Jay and Jen Cox).
Illinois, Eureka
Debra Blunier, Linda Rocke
We were blessed this month
by visiting ministers: Elder Bro.
Jeff Grimm (Sis. Ruth, Goodfield,
IL), Bro. Harvey Kuenzi (Sis.
Jennifer, Silverton, OR), Bro. Jay
Steffen (Sis. Melinda, Congerville,
IL), Bro. Randy Mogler (Sis. Evie,
Washington, IL), and Bro. Merlin
Meyer (Sis. Marilyn, Lester, IA).
“I now have found the firm
foundation where evermore my
anchor grounds!”
Illinois, Elgin
Zions Harp #221
Amy Gasser
Three dear souls have found
Our Elder Bro. Brad Eisenmann peace with God and were baptized
conducted a very interesting topical on June 12. We welcome into the
presentation at the Fellowship
family of God: Bro. Matt Wood
Center on Wednesday evening,
(Doug and LoriJean), Sis. Tara
May 25, entitled “Journeys of
Edelman (Bro. Keith and Sis.
Paul and the Seven Churches of
Nadine), and Bro. Austin Blunier
Revelation.” We thank him for
(Bro. Sam and Sis. Luann).
spending the evening with us. We
Our hearts go out in
also appreciated the services of Bro.
sympathy to Sis. Eleanor Baer
Darin Massner (Sis. Twila, West
whose grandson, Keith of
Bend, IA) and Bro. Matt Knapp
Philadelphia, PA, passed away
(Sis. Dana, Peachtree City, GA),
recently. He was also the nephew
who visited recently.
of Bro. George Baer.
Bro. Garrett and Sis. Nicole
Bro. Brian and Sis. Wendy
Johnson welcomed their third son, Cottrell welcomed Mya Grace
Jeremiah Henry, on March 24.
into the world on May 22. Lily,
His big brothers are Adrian and
Dane, Ariel, and Ivy are enjoying
Waylon. His grandparents are Bro. getting to know their new little
Daryle and Sonia Kellenberger
sister. Grandparents are Sis. Judy
and Richard and Kim Johnson.
Cottrell of Eureka, Bill Cottrell
Bro. Howie (Sis. Pat)
of Washington, and Mike and Pat
Schifferer and Bro. Elvis (Sis.
Rinkenberger of Congerville.
Marilyn) Kellenberger were
Our new brother in the Lord,
hospitalized recently.
Matt Wood, has moved to Lester,
July 2016
IA. He will certainly be missed
here, but we wish him God’s
guidance and blessings as he
begins this new chapter in his life.
Illinois, Fairbury
Angela Herr, Janelle Stoller
“I have fought a good fight, I have
finished my course, I have kept the
faith: Henceforth there is laid up for
me a crown of righteousness, which
the Lord, the righteous judge, shall
give me at that day: and not to me
only, but unto all them also that
love his appearing.” 2 Tim. 4:7-8
After a long life of 96 years, Sis.
Thelma Slagel passed away on May
20. She is survived by her daughter,
Patricia Ann Fleming (Nags Head,
NC); and sons, Gary (Patricia)
Slagel (Richardson, TX), and Dale
(Carla) Slagel (Midlothian, VA);
a brother, Donald Zimmerman
(Fairbury, IL); and a sister, Sis.
Florence Koch (Tremont, IL). Our Sunday School enjoyed
Vacation Bible School the week
of June 6-10. We appreciate each
of the teachers taking time to
instruct our youth in God’s ways.
A special thanks to the visiting
ministers who spoke to our Bible
class. God’s blessings to Bro.
Chuck Kellenberger (Elgin, IL),
Bro. Dan Stoller (Remington, IN),
and Bro. John Lehman (Wolcott,
IN) for their inspiring messages.
Our hospital patients were
Cayden Rassi (Bro. Denver and
Sis. Sharon), Sis. Donna Banwart
(Bro. Dale), and Bro. Tom
Steidinger (Sis. Dianne). May
God heal and provide for each one
according to His will.
We were blessed by the
preaching of God’s word through
His servants. Our visiting
ministers this month were Bro.
Zach Anderson (Congerville, IL),
Bro. Darren Fehr (West Bend,
IA), Bro. Ed Fritz (Washington,
IL), Bro. Jerry Wagenbach
(Oakville-Mediapolis, IA), and
Bro. Nathan Rassi (St. Louis,
MO). May God bless each one.
Illinois, Forrest Carissa Knapp, Shannon Brown
“Repent ye therefore, and be
converted, that your sins may be
blotted out, when the times of
refreshing shall come from the
presence of the Lord;” Acts 3:19
We are thankful and rejoice
with Jerrett Zimmerman (Bro.
Josh and Sis. Molly) and Carson
Zimmerman (Bro. Kent and Sis.
Paulette) as they have begun
their repentance.
We listened to testimonies and
witnessed baptisms of three dear
souls on June 4 & 5. We rejoice
with our new Bro. Waylon and
Sis. Ashton Knapp and Sis. Brooke
Stork. We thank Elder Bro. Mark
Masters (Sis. Jeannine, Mansfield,
OH) for ministering the Word
and assisting Bro. Marvin that
weekend. We also thank Elder
Bro. Curt Frank (Sis. Lyla,
LaCrosse, IN) and Bro. Robert
Beebe (Sis. Sue Ann, South Bend,
IN) who also ministered to us.
May God richly bless each one.
The Sunday School had VBS
this past month. We thank each of
the ministers who came to speak
to our children. They were Bros.
Calvin Schneider (Sis. Jeannie,
LaCrosse, IN), John Bradle (Sis.
Jill, Roanoke, IL), Brad Gudeman
(Sis. Teresa, Bradford, IL), and
Jeremiah Psinas (Morton, IL).
Our prayers have been with
Bro. Alan Gerber (Sis. Marcia)
as he spent some time in the
hospital as did Sis. Laverne Aberle
(Bro. Mark). Ryleigh Rudin (Bro.
Joe and Sis. Rhonda) was also
hospitalized, but we are thankful
she is home now and doing well.
Our prayers are also with Sis.
Velma Koehl who fractured her
elbow quite seriously.
Illinois, Goodfield
Kayla Wiegand, Melissa Rokey
The 26th Annual Father-Son
Camp Out was held on June
3 and 4. Once again it was a
blessed evening for the youth and
their fathers to spend time together.
On June 4 we had a walkthrough shower for Bro. Cody
Schumacher (Bro. Dan and Sis.
Heidi) and Sis. Abbie Wiegand
(Bro. Roy and Sis. Jan). We wish
them the Lord’s blessings as their
wedding day approaches.
We rejoice with Rachel
Roberts (Bro. Roger & Sis. Becky)
as she has turned her life over
to the Lord in repentance. May
she feel His nearness and grace.
We are so thankful that God is
still patient and calling souls to
repentance and conversion.
Bro. Jim and Sis. Joy Hohulin
have recently celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary. May the
Lord richly bless you with many
more years together.
We want to thank Bro. Tim
Wiegand (Sis. Christa, Leo,
IN) and Bro. Rick Kaisner (Sis.
Michelle, Chicago, IL) who shared
God’s word this past month. Bro. Larry Wiegand (Sis.
Lori) had a knee replacement this
past month. We pray that the
Lord will provide healing and a
quick recovery.
Note from Bro. Kurt & Sis.
Joan Plattner:
“During the past week, there
has been significant unrest near
Hospital Lumiere in Bonne
Fin, Haiti. The unrest includes
things such as roadblocks &
demonstrations and is specifically
directed at the hospital
administration. At this point,
it seems that the community is
most upset about the hospital not
supplying them electricity.
Kurt & Joan, as well as
the other missionaries serving
at Hospital Lumiere, would
appreciate your prayers for a
peaceful resolution to the unrest,
as well as prayers for the safety
of the missionaries and hospital
employees. Kurt left Saturday to
return to Haiti, so prayers for his
travels would be appreciated. We’d
like to thank our church body
for your ongoing prayer support.
We feel blessed to have such great
support from our church family.”
Note from Bro. Herman &
Sis. Sara Gleuck:
Not as good of news as we were
hoping today, the scan showed
some cancer activity on the bone
in a few spots such as the pelvis,
lower back, rib, etc. Not nearly as
extensive as the first time. The plan
is to restart full chemo treatments
next Monday June 20! The Lord is
definitely faithful and will continue
to provide as He always has!
Thank You for your prayers,
love, and support! I believe The
Lord will continue to use this for
His Glory, and The Kingdom
will be expanded, and that should
always be first! God is Great and
God is Good and His plans are
always the best! I am thankful that
I was able to do field work this
spring and have had a very normal
life for the most part, which I am
very grateful for! Thank You to
our church family and so many
others for your outpouring of Love
and Generosity!
Illinois, Gridley
Perry Klopfenstein
The speakers for our Vacation
Bible School week were Bros.
Jeremiah Psinas, Morton; Fred
Witzig, Washington; David
Prevo, Bloomington, Nick Waible,
Francesville, IN; and Mike
Grimm, Goodfield. May God
bless them for their labors.
The death of Sis. Jane Gramm,
85, took place on June 10 at the
Eureka Home, where she had
resided for several years. She had
been married for 64 years to her
husband, Bro. Herbert Gramm
before he died on November 3,
2014. Surviving are six children:
Bro. Mike (Rosie) Gramm, Gridley;
Jim Gramm (Lisa), Painesville,
OH; Sis. Katherine (Curt) Rassi,
Tremont; Sis. Karen (Donn) Steffen,
Paulding, OH; Connie (Chip)
Saunders, Naples, FL; and Jeanne
(Troy) Schnabel, Kalamazoo, MI;
one brother, Joe (Pat) Ellenberger,
Kappa; 24 grandchildren; 54 greatgrandchildren; and one great-greatgrandson. Her parents preceded
her in death along with a brother,
Larry Ellenberger; one sister, Mary
Ann Carlson; and one daughter-inlaw, Kathy Brockwell Gramm. Sis.
Jane is remembered as having a very
mellow and pleasant personality.
Our congregation has gone
through the process of finding
a nominee to serve as elder, and
the direction has been toward
Bro. Harvey Kaeb, who will be
presented to the elder body at the
Annual Conference in August.
May God be with Bro. Harvey
and Sis. Judy, as God’s will is
sought and accomplished.
Our sympathies are offered to
Bro. Lyle and Sis. Linda Wettstein
over the death of her sister, Sis.
Milly Prather, Eureka; and to
Sis. Anna Marie Reutter over the
passing of her brother, Bro. Ben
Rudin, Cissna Park.
A girl, Boston Lee Schick, was
born on May 24 to Bro. Josh and
Sis. Wendy Schick. Grandparents
are Bro. Lynn and Sis. Elaine Stoller,
Gridley; and Bro. Tom and Sis.
Carol Schick, Washington. There are
two siblings: Dixie, 4, and Tucker,
2. May God bless this newborn
child, her parents and loved ones.
Illinois, Morton
Annette Tanner, Julie Bahr
Serving us on the pulpit this
month were Bro. Greg Rassi (Sis.
Carla, Chicago); Elder Bro. Tim
July 2016
Funk (Sis. Debbie, Peoria); Bro.
Wes Moser (Sis. Esther, Lester)
and Bro. Nathan Wiegand (Sis.
Laura, Goodfield).
Bro. Craig Stickling (Sis.
Jackie, Peoria) spoke at our Family
Worship Night on the subject
“Power Up - Do”. James 1:22 tells
us to “be ye doers of the word, and
not hearers only”. When we do
small things for others with great
love, those things have a profound
impact on those we serve. “Do” is
a small word with great power.
June 5 we witnessed the
wedding of two loved ones from
our Morton church, Bro. Adam
Funk and Sis. Lindsay Ploussard. Their parents are Bro. Fred and
Sis. Diane Funk and Bro. Dave
and Sis. Krista Ploussard. We wish
the happy couple God’s richest
blessings in their new life together
as one in Christ.
Our Morton church enjoyed
an inspiring week of Vacation Bible
School. Young and old alike heard
many teachings from the Word
of God. The theme for the week
was “The Christian Life — It’s a
Matter of Heart”. We appreciated
hearing messages from Bro. Justin
Koch (Sis. Marcia, Washington)
— “Becoming Born Again from
the Heart”; Bro. John Rassi (Sis.
Heather, Tremont) — “Obeying
God’s Commands from the
Heart”; Bro. Gregg Rumbold (Sis.
Heather, Peoria) — “Loving God
and the Brethren from the Heart”;
Bro. Mark Roth (Sis. Tammy,
Congerville) — “Forgiving and
Submitting (Humility) from the
Heart”; and Bro. Tim Wiegand
(Sis. Christa, Leo) — “Worshiping
and Enjoying God from the
Heart”. We offer a heartfelt
thank you to these brothers for
sharing their time and love to
bring us encouragement on these
important topics.
Illinois, Peoria
Crystal Klopfenstein, Bonnie Bach
May 29 brought a beautiful
wedding day for Sis. Andrea
Leuthold (Bro. Steve and Sis. Lois,
Peoria, IL) and Bro. Troy Tonner
(Bro. Tim and Sis. Susie, Bluffton,
IN). Guest ministers for the day
were Bro. Ron Kipfer (Sis. Linda,
Bluffton, IN), Bro. Dewayne
Dill (Sis. LaRae, Minneapolis,
MN), Bro. Eric Givens (Sis.
Deb, Princeville, IL), and Bro.
Troy Leyse (Sis. Kelly, Bluffton,
IN). We wish this couple God’s
blessings on their new marriage!
On June 4 we gathered at the
Fellowship Hall for an update on
the Cancer Redemption Project
in Haiti by Sis. Jenny Bertsch
(Bluffton, IN). Each Home of
Hope provides orphans and atrisk children a godly home with a
permanent Christian family.
VBS was June 13-17. Our
theme this year was “Egypt:
Joseph’s Journey from Prison to
Palace”. It was based on the Bible
verse Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know
the thoughts that I think toward
you, saith the Lord, thoughts of
peace, and not of evil, to give you
an expected end.” The children
loved VBS and many thanks go
to everyone that helped. All the
money raised will go to Berean
Prison Ministry toward Bibles
and postage. Speakers and topics
for the Bible Class, Young Group,
and adult church family included
God Gives us Hope (Bro. Rick
Kaisner, Chicago, IL), God Gives
Us Special Abilities (Bro. Jedd
Rocke, Goodfield, IL), God Gives
Us Wisdom (Bro. Darren Plattner,
Champaign, IL), and God
Gives Us Forgiveness (Bro. Matt
Kaufmann, Bloomington, IL).
We hope everyone’s summer
will be a blessing!
Illinois, Princeville
Renee Herrmann, Melinda Christ
Our visiting ministers this
month were Elder Bro. Ted Steffen
(Sis. Sandy, Alto, MI), Bro. Craig
Stickling (Sis. Jackie, Peoria, IL),
Elder Bro. Lynn Stieglitz (Sis.
Leonda, Leo, IN) and Bro. Willis
Ehnle (the late Sis. Lois, Peoria,
IL). We thank these brothers for
their faithfulness in delivering
God’s Word. We also wish to
thank Bro. Gregg Rumbold (Sis.
Heather, Peoria, IL) and Bro. Scott
Wegman (Sis. Dawn, Taylor, MO)
for sharing topical messages to our
Bible class students at Vacation
Bible School. May God reward
them for their service to our young
men and women.
Andrew Gabriel was born to
Bro. Andy and Sis. Brooke Feucht
of Bloomington, IL. Andrew’s big
sisters are Annika, Alexa and Eliana.
His grandparents are Bro. Jordan
and Sis. Kathy Feucht and Bro. Brad
and Sis. Cheryl Baurer of Roanoke,
IL. Great grandparents are Bro. Art
and Sis. Joy Baurer. Bro. Ed and Sis.
Gladys Martin rejoiced at the birth
of their first grandson, Seth Douglas
Schaefer. Seth was born to Brent
and Melinda Schaefer (Hancock,
MN). Paternal grandparents are
Stan and Bev Schaefer also of
Hancock. Seth’s great grandfather is
Bro. Raymond Klumpp of Bradford,
IL. Bro. Stan and Sis. Margie also
welcomed granddaughter Olivia
Madison Schick. She was born
to Andy & Victoria Schick of
Edelstein, IL. Her big sisters are Ava
and Emma. Maternal grandparents
are Scott and Deb Warner.
Bro. Neil Stoller, Bro. David
Berchtold, Sis. Paula Feucht and Sis.
Cathy Stahl have completed their
terms as Sunday school teachers. We
appreciate the time they have given
to teaching our children.
Our loved ones who have
been hospitalized this month are
Bro. Norman Streitmatter (Sis.
Joyce) and Sis. Cynthia Martin.
Please remember these dear ones
in your prayers.
Our Bible class was able to
serve those who are less fortunate
when they traveled to Bastrop,
TX on a recent mission trip. We
are thankful for God’s protecting
hand for this trip.
Illinois, Roanoke
Barb Schwind, Judy Sauder
We thank Bro. Kevin Knapp
(Sis. Dixie, Bloomington) for
presenting a Bible Study on
Biblical confrontation to our
church on May 25.
Five new babies have been a
blessing to those in our church
family. On May 23, Bro. Clark
and Sis. Lisa Leman became
grandparents to Penny Mae born
to Bro. Calvin and Sis. Bethany
Teubel (Champaign, IL). On
May 31, Bro. Brad and Sis.
Cheryl Baurer welcomed their
grandson, Andrew Gabriel, born
to Bro. Andy and Sis. Brooke
Feucht (Bloomington, IL). On
June 2, twin daughters, Willow
and Harley, were born to Ruthie
Hodel and James Estabrook.
Grandparents are Bro. Phil and
Sis. Lynne Hodel. On June 6, Bro.
Robey, Sis. Angie, Abel, Molly, and
Smith Shuck welcomed Josephine
Kay into their family. Grandparents
are Bro. Brad and Sis. Patty Hodel
and Les and Diane Shuck of
Palmyra, MO. May the Lord guide
these families as they raise these
precious children.
Sis. Lois Pfister, 97, went to
be with the Lord on May 27. She
is survived by her brother, Bro.
Marvin (Sis. Ila); and two sisters,
Sis. Mabelle Rauhaus, Winchester,
VA, and Sis. Pearl Miller,
Portland, OR. Sis. Lois was a
wonderful aunt, who made an
impact for the Lord on her many
nieces and nephews.
We rejoice with Bro. Tim and
Sis. Kathy Hohulin on the June
5 marriage of their daughter, Sis.
Amy, to Bro. Tofig Mammadov
(Bloomington, IL).
Jesus, Now and Forever!
The Good Shepherd — Psalm
23 was the theme of VBS held
June 6-10. On Monday, Bro.
Andy Kaufmann (Sis. Marie,
Bloomington, IL) spoke on Jesus
cares, now and forever! Bro. Andy
encouraged us not to evaluate
God’s love inversely proportionate
to our trials, but to evaluate God’s
love for us by Christ’s gift on the
cross (Rom. 5:6, 8, 9, John 3:16).
This world will pass away, but
God wants us to dwell with Him,
drinking from the fountain of
the water of life freely (Rev. 21).
Jesus provides, now and forever!
was the topic of Bro. Fred (Sis.
Nancy, Washington, IL) Witzig on
Tuesday. Bro. Fred warned us not
to be angry or lose faith because
we have unrealistic expectations
for what God will provide. Jesus
will provide everything we need to
do God’s work (Mark 6:7-11). He
also encouraged us to love God
and our neighbor as ourself, and
the best way to love self is to come
away and spend time with Jesus.
On Wednesday, Bro. Jon
Zeller (Sis. Christy, Morton,
IL) discussed Jesus leads, now
and forever! Bro. Jon shared the
parable of the sower (Mt. 13), and
encouraged us to have humble,
obedient, compassionate hearts,
led by the Spirit, leading lost
souls to Christ. We are fearful
sometimes to follow, but the road
the Lord leads us on is saturated
with love.
On Thursday, Elder Bro. Greg
Lehman (Sis. Mary Beth, Wolcott,
IN) spoke on Jesus forgives, now
and forever. Bro. Greg discussed
the story of the prodigal son (Luke
15). Bro. Greg pointed out at the
beginning of the story there were
two lost sons — the younger:
immoral, rebellious, impatient,
demanding, disrespectful and the
July 2016
older — self-righteous, unforgiving,
desiring the father’s things, but not
the father’s will. The younger came
in repentance, so at the end of the
story there was only one lost son.
Jesus is a true older brother, who
goes searching for the prodigal and
welcomes him home.
VBS week ended with Bro.
Rick Kaisner (Sis. Michelle,
Chicago, IL) speaking on Jesus
is our Savior, now and forever!
Bro. Rick told us that everyone
needs Jesus as Savior, whether it’s
a teenager, who answers all the
questions in Sunday School or
Mary Magdalene, who had seven
devils cast out of her. Bro. Rick
encouraged us to be listening for
Jesus to call our name (John 20),
and that Jesus is preparing a place
for us, a mansion in heaven (John
14). He urged Christians to share
their testimony, love story, and how
God has worked in their hearts
with the young people and others.
He ended by asking “What are you
going to do with the message?”
Our Sunday School children
had a wonderful week learning
more about Jesus, singing songs
and making crafts. We want to
thank everyone who labored to
make VBS such an uplifting week
for our entire church family!
We welcome home Sis. Leah
Bertschi, who has spent the past
year as a teacher to missionary
children in Haiti.
The engagement of Bro. Kendall
Knapp (Bro. Norm and Sis. Kathy)
and Sis Carla Martino (Jill Martino
and the late Tom Martino) was
announced June 12. We are so
happy for this dear couple and
pray for the Lord’s blessings for
their marriage.
We pray for Bro Denny (Sis.
Rita) Schwind, Bro. Russ Leman,
and Willow and Harley (Ruthie
Hodel and James Estabrook), who
were born prematurely.
Bro. Ed Sauder is retiring
from the ministry after 17 years of
service to our church. We thank
Bro. Ed and Sis. Bonnie for their
loving and faithful service. Bro.
Ed shared his love for camping,
hiking, mountain climbing,
canoeing, nature, missions and
running with many from our
church including the youth. These
interests gave him opportunities to
share Jesus with numerous people.
In his message to the church Bro.
Ed encouraged us to keep running
the spiritual race, finishing strong
in the final quarter.
Illinois, Tremont
as her engagement to Bro. Derek
Stoller (Bro. Mike & Sis. Peggy,
Gridley, IL) was announced to our
congregation. May God bless them
as they plan for their life together.
We rejoice with Bro. Dustin
and Sis. Paige Kilgus with the birth
of their first child, Sawyer Craig.
Happy grandparents are Bro. Todd
and Sis. Rita Kilgus and Bro. Dean
and Sis. Trudy Bolliger.
“My country ‘tis of thee, Sweet
land of Liberty, Of thee I sing:
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride, From
ev’ry mountain side Let freedom
ring!” Considering our nation’s
turmoils, in this year of elections,
let us remember…”
“Great is thy faithfulness, O God
my Father! There is no shadow of
turning with Thee; Thou changest
not, Thy compassions, they fail
not; As Thou hast been Thou
forever will be.”
Debbie Aberle, Janice Sauder
Illinois, Washington
We appreciated the visits
of these ministers this month:
Bro. Dean Steffen (Sis. Carol,
Belvidere, IL), Bro. Tim Hohulin
(Sis. Kathy, Roanoke, IL), and
Bro. John Steiner (Sis. Carol,
Oakville-Mediapolis, IA). Thank
you for sharing God’s Word!
Our condolences of love and
sympathy have been with Bro.
Tom & Sis. Lisa Haas in the loss
of his mother, Doris (Joe) Haas of
Tremont, and Sis. Kathy & Bro.
Curt Rassi in the loss of her mother,
Sis. Jane Gramm of Gridley.
Congratulations to Sis. Elsie
Koch (Bro. Chuck & Sis. Cathy)
Kendra Funk, Patricia Knapp
Our high school graduates this
year are Sis. Kayla Streitmatter
(Bro. Paul and Sis. Jean), Eric
Schick (Bro. Scott and Sis. Dawn),
Jason Folkerts (Bro. Gary and Sis.
Linda), Micah Luthi (Bro. John
Cox and Sis. Shirley Luthi-Cox),
and Bryn Rocke (Bro. Kevin and
Sis. Janine). We pray that the Lord
will richly bless each of them and
that they will look to Him for
guidance and direction as they
take the next steps in their lives!
We rejoice with Bro. Will and
Sis. Holly Kellenberger as God
provided a daughter, Lennon Rue,
for them to adopt! Lennon was
born on May 19, and is welcomed
home by siblings: Trace, Presley,
and Bentley. Grandparents
are Bro. Randy and Sis. Ruth
Kellenberger and Bro. Lynn and
Sis. Elaine Stoller (Gridley, IL).
We wish them God’s blessings
as their family adjusts to this
precious new addition!
We had VBS week this month
and thank all those who helped
and participated! It is always a
blessing to see the enthusiasm of
the children.
“Create in me a clean heart,
O God; and renew a right spirit
within me.” Psalm 51:10
Indiana, Bluffton
Suzie Fiechter, Kim Meyer
Greetings to you all! We are
just coming off of two wonderful
weeks of Vacation Bible School
with over 400 kids, many of them
being from the community. Our
theme this year was ‘Connect with
the I AM’ based on Exodus 3:14
“And God said unto Moses, I Am
That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt
thou say unto the children of Israel,
I Am hath sent me unto you.” No
matter how we get involved with
Bible school, it’s always a blessing
and rich opportunity to plant
seeds of God’s love.
There is always an
opportunity to pray for someone.
Currently on the forefront of our
minds are Bro. Mark Fiechter
(Sis. Shelly) and Bro. Howard
and Sis. Joyce Baumgartner. Bro.
Mark is recovering from an ATV
accident and Bro. Howard and
Sis. Joyce are both recovering
from recent surgeries.
Kaydence Marie was born
to Bro. Jason and Sis. Ashley
Gerber on April 28. She will
join her siblings: Braxton,
Jarrett, and Jayla. Bro. Gene
and Sis. Becky Gerber and Bro.
Brian and Sis. Deb Fiechter are
her thankful grandparents.
Bro. Tom and Sis. Mary
Lanz (Oakville, IA) are pleased
to announce the engagement of
their daughter, Sis. Alyssa, to Bro.
Blaine Aschliman, son of Bro.
Derryl and Sis. Peggy.
Most kids are excited for
summer break because it means
swimming, playing, and having
fun in the sun. Well, this summer
we have two kids who are pumped
for summer because it means
they will have a daddy. Zion and
Moriah Bertsch have been without
a daddy since 2013 when their
daddy, Bro. Zach Bertsch, passed
away. Of course God did not
forget their need and desire for a
father. Through God’s faithfulness
and magnificent plan He’s brought
another brother into the lives
of Sis. Jenny, Zion, and Moriah
Bertsch. Bro. Jordan Miller, son of
Bro. Roger and Kay Beth Miller,
of Latty, OH and Sis. Jenny
Bertsch will be united as one and
raise these two precious souls in
the love and admonition of the
Lord. God is good.
Bluffton hosted a world
invite for the young group with, I
think, 37 churches present from
across the country. The theme
was ‘Unwavering Focus’ with
Colossians 3:2 “Set your affection
on things above, not on things on
the earth” as the focal verse. They
were asked some very applicable
questions that we can all apply to
our Christian walk. What is our
aim in life? What causes us to miss
our aim? In our aim, where is our
security? Does our security rest in
things of this earth or in Christ?
If our aim is the love of Christ
and our security is in Jesus, it will
change our lives. We will see the
effects in our homes, relationships,
and work places. But many of us
will agree it is hard to take home
all that we have heard from such
a weekend as this. Bro. John
Reinhard shared two points on
how to return to life after such a
powerful weekend without leaving
behind the teachings learned.
We must diligently pray and
diligently proclaim Christ. Pray for
opportunities to proclaim Christ in
our everyday circumstances. Some
of the biggest differences made are
in the everyday little decisions.
May we all go forward in
these summer months with an
unwavering focus on Christ.
Let’s live intentionally and
redeem the time.
Colossians 4:5 “Walk in wisdom
toward them that are without,
redeeming the time.”
Indiana, Bluffton North
Corinne Stettner, Amy Moser
“And God said unto Moses, I AM
that I AM…” Exodus 3:14
Vacation Bible School is well
underway in Bluffton—and what
a blessing it is to have more than
July 2016
400 children in attendance. Our
theme this year is, “Connect with
the Great I AM”. It’s a privilege
to teach our children that we can,
at any time, connect to a loving
Father, who is always there.
On May 22, we honored
thirteen graduates at our annual
Graduate Breakfast held at the
Fellowship Hall. The graduates
this year were: Carly Baumgartner
(Bro. Brad & Sis. Michelle), Nicole
Baumgartner (Bro. John & Sis.
Tammy), Sis. Lindsay Kaehr (Bro.
John & Sis. Laura Beeks), Zach
Bucher (Bro. Trent & Sis. Kelli),
Sis. Kaitlyn Frauhiger (Bro. Jeremy
& Sis. Sally), Kylie Gerber (Bro.
Steve & Sis. Gayla), Lauren Gerber
(Bro. Brent & Sis. Ann), Bro.
Braden Isch (Sis. Brittany), Morgan
Kaehr (Bro. Greg & Sis. Amy), Sis.
Kailey Kershner (Bro. Dan & Sis.
Jacki), Bro. Matt Lemmen (Roger
& Sis. Cindy), Sis. Ella Stettner
(Bro. Graig & Sis. Corinne), and
Sis. Kayla Yergler (Bro. Jeff & Sis.
Peg). Bro. Tim Drayer spoke on 1
Timothy 6, asking our graduates
to think of the four F’s Paul used
in this scripture charging Timothy.
What will you flee from, follow
after, fight for, and have faith in?
As a church body, let’s pray for our
Father’s guidance and perfect plan
for each one of them.
Recently, Bluffton North
and Bluffton Country combined
to share in the blessing of three
testimonies and baptisms. Drew
Shively (Bro. Andy & Sis. Cindy),
Shawn Reinhard (Bro. Marvin &
Sis. Kim), and Ed Emerick shared
their powerful stories of faith.
Join us in praising God for
the birth of Bro. Adam and Sis.
Jenna Leman’s baby girl, Violet
Grace (Magdalena, MX). The
joyful grandparents are Bro. Dave
and Sis. Terri Mueller, and Bro.
Jeff and Sis. Val Leman. She joins
an active and excited household
of siblings including Mariela,
Fernanda, Perla, Leo, and Mili.
We pray that our love, prayers, and
support can be felt by them even
though many miles separate us.
Indiana, Francesville
Jacki Huber, Mildred Clauss
“A friend is one in whose presence
we can be ourselves without fear of
being misunderstood.”
-M.R. DeHaan
We need to thank the Lord
for our faithful friends because
they bring so much joy to
our lives! But the “Friend we
have in Jesus” (Jn. 15:15) best
understands all our needs!!
We extend our very best
wishes to Bro. Ben Stoller and
Sis. Christa Gasser on their recent
engagement. Their parents are
Bro. Roger & Sis. Sue Gasser
(Junction) and Bro. Lynn & Sis.
Brenda Stoller (Peachtree City).
We thank the Lord for a
recent visit from Bro. Dan Kilgus
(Sis. Jenna, Remington, IN)
who brought us an encouraging
message from God’s Word.
Our VBS is in progress at this
time with the theme being “More
Than Enough… How God Meets
Our Deepest Needs”. We are
deeply grateful for the following
ministers who will each speak
on a lesson: Bro. Andy Kaufman
(Sis. Marie, Bloomington, IL);
Bro. Kole Meyer (Sis. Ann,
Bluffton, IN); Bro. Tim Bucher
(Sis. Julie, Valparaiso, IN); Bro.
Tim Lehman (Sis. Amber, Taylor,
MO). We trust the Lord to bless
each one who participates in this
annual effort which is always a
time of revival and encouragement
to our congregation.
Several from our congregation
have been hospitalized: Bro. Dick
Overmyer (Bev); Bro. Phil Gutwein
(Sis. Carol) and Bro. Wayne
Putt (Sis. Paulette). Sis. Nola
Wuethrich has had outpatient
surgery. May the Lord bless each
one with a good recovery.
Indiana, Indianapolis
Becky Ringger, Nancy Pfeifer
We want to express our
heartfelt appreciation for the
visiting ministers on Mother’s
Day: Elder Bro. Tom Waldbeser
(Sis. Susan, Peachtree City, GA),
Bro. Kevin Knapp (Sis. Dixie,
Bloomington, IL), Bro. Justin
Koch (Sis. Marcia, Washington,
IL) and Bro. Steve Stieglitz (Sis.
Jane, Leo, IN); also on May 22,
Elder Bro. John Lehman (Sis.
Connie, Bern, KS) and Bro.
Alan Schambach (Sis. Sarah,
Remington, IN).
June started off with Junior
High and High Girls Camp
June 9-12, then VBS the week
of June 13-17. Having successful
activities for the children is not
about how many attend or how
many make professions of faith.
It’s about investing in the lives of
the children and giving the Holy
Spirit time to work in their lives. Indiana, Lacrosse
Meagan Frank, Julie Rocke
This month has been a very
busy one for our congregation.
We are ever thankful for God’s
provision and grace.
The end of May brought the
bittersweet farewell for Bro. Mark
and Sis. Karen, Sis. Jayla and Jackie
Wettstein as they moved to Lamar,
MO. We are very thankful that
they have felt God’s leading to
support that congregation and trust
they will be a blessing to Lamar
as they have been to us. Their
enthusiasm, faithfulness and service
will be sorely missed. It feels that
many from our small church have
moved on in the past few years for
a variety of reasons. We miss each
and every one of them!
We are encouraged that
another young person has
turned his heart to the Lord in
repentance. Jonathan Rocke (Bro.
Brad and Sis. Julie) has made that
first step. We rejoice with him and
pray for God’s wisdom and grace
as he begins his journey.
Our annual Sunday School
Picnic was held at a local park on
June 4. It was a beautiful evening
of fellowship, food and fun. The
weather was perfect which made it
all the more enjoyable.
Vacation Bible School was
the following week on Monday,
Wednesday and Thursday
evenings. It is truly a joy to engage
the Sunday school children with
song, stories and crafts. They are
always excited, and it is so nice
that some children from school
and the community join us. What
a blessing for the high school
students and adults to meet in
the assembly and listen to the
topical presentation given each
evening by visiting ministers. On
Monday, June 6, Bro. Matt Steffen
(Princeville, IL) joined us to speak
on “What is Hope?” Wednesday,
June 8, brought Bro. Lucas Frank
(Detroit, MI) who shared with
us the topic “When Hope Seems
Lost.” Thursday, June 9, Bro.
Ryan Bertsch (Bluffton North,
IN) came and shared “Living and
Sharing Our Hope!” We pray that
God will both bless the speakers
and give the increase where seeds
have been planted.
Our thoughts and prayers
continue to be with our convert
Ryan Koskovick as the doctors
have confirmed a diagnosis of
Multiple Sclerosis. He has begun
treatment for the condition and
has seen improvements that are
very encouraging. Joanie Cambern
continues to deal with health
issues as well.
We had a couple of work
days at church for landscaping
and annual church cleaning. It
was good to work together to
take care of the church building
and grounds. It also helped wrap
up some loose ends as we near
the weekend of our Centennial
celebration when we look forward
to having many loved ones from
the past years join us!
Indiana, Leo
Kirby Reutter
“Honour thy father and mother;
which is the first commandment
with promise.” Ephesians 6:2
As I scan the cultural and
political landscape of this nation, I
am having a tough time identifying
examples of Biblical leadership. So
this month I had to wonder: What
about within the Family of Faith?
Would I find any examples of godly
father figures? In order to find out,
I decided to take a quick tour of
my inbox. I was so encouraged by
what I found!
Example 1: “Little Solomon
Leman (1 year) was hospitalized
yesterday for respiratory issues and
difficulty breathing. They told
Bro. Brad and Sis. Charla that he
would be in the hospital for several
days. As of this morning he is still
struggling even with oxygen and
breathing treatments. Please pray
for Solomon’s health as well as for
Brad and Charla. They’ve been
through a lot in the past year!
Thanks for caring and praying!”
Lesson learned: Godly parenting is
a team effort, is not always easy, and
requires lots of prayers!
Example 2: “Parents who
have a 3-year old who will be
joining Sunday School in the
next year, please email Bro. Trent
Schrock with your child’s name
and date of birth.” (We start
them young here in Leo.) Lesson
learned: It is never too early to start
teaching the truth!
Example 3: Note from the
Leo Nursery Department: “As
our church continues to grow,
July 2016
especially with the increase of
young families, our baby room
is being utilized by more parents
and children than ever before. If
you are a parent of an older child,
please take a moment to have
a brief conversation with your
children about the primary usage
of the baby room and common
courtesy of keeping conversation
in low voices and knocking on
doors and checking door signs
before entering the nap rooms
or nursing/sickroom.” Lesson
learned: Godly parenting requires
constant vigilance, and a willingness
to accept advice from others!
Example 4: “The church
has asked Sisters Janice Anliker,
Kimberly Brosman, and Chris
Sukup to serve as Sunday School
teachers, and have shown their
support for Brothers Bruce Drayer,
Brian Knudstrup, Rob Parker, and
Tim Stoller. Thanks again to all
whose term is completed and for
all who were willing to be on the
ballot.” Lesson learned: It takes a
church to raise a child!
Example 5: As usual, there
were so many graduations this
year that I had a tough time
keeping track. I know of at
least the following graduates by
the invitations we received for
their graduation parties: Kray
Klopfenstein, Jacob Sukup, Austin
Swangim, Tyler Kilgus, Tyler
Plattner, Heather Zent, Graham
Schrock, and Braden Beyer.”
Lesson learned: Godly parenting
doesn’t stop after high school!
Example 6: “The church
in West Lafayette is hosting an
event this year called RISE. The
goal of RISE is to help identify
the God-ordained role men are
supposed to play in the home, the
church and the world. There will
be a speaker, group discussions,
a workshop catered to applying
the teachings focused on at
RISE, worship, and time for
fellowshipping and brotherly
encouragement. Another goal of
RISE is to encourage and build
local churches.” Lesson learned:
Godly parenting requires intentional
foresight and effort!
Example 7: “To our esteemed
coworkers: The time has come
to send out ‘the email,’ to let you
know our time as House Parents
is coming to a close. What an
adventure these past few years
have been! Since starting out at
Hickory House three years ago,
and transitioning to Cypress
House a year after that, God
has blessed us with amazing coworkers, residents, and experiences
(and two more boys!)
When we started at Gateway,
we could not have understood how
profoundly God would impact us
through this time and we praise
Him for the experiences He has
led us through. Those of you that
have walked through this decision
with us, understand this has not
been an easy decision, as our heart
for house-parenting still remains
strong and our departure, at times,
feels premature. On the other
hand, many of you also know
that because of our role of houseparenting, it has been a constant
struggle to adequately provide for
Josiah’s special needs on top of
the usual routine of parenting our
boys and caring for the residents.
Over the past few months,
God led us from a thought
process of ‘a couple more years,’ to
understanding the timing is now.
Something we have been praying
since we arrived was that when we
left there would be a way we could
stay connected to Gateway. God
has answered this prayer and we
are so thankful He has opened the
door for Jon to take on the role of
Communications Coordinator!
In closing, we want you to
know we are so thankful for
you all, especially the awesome
residential staff, and even more
specifically our team at Cypress.
We are thankful that when we
walk away, we are leaving our
residents in the very capable
hands of Bro. Jesse, Sis. Karla,
and Sis. Kristi. We have so much
confidence and faith that you all
will continue to ‘houseparent’
the residents with the same love,
wisdom, and passion that we have
come to love and appreciate about
all of you. Sincerely, the Ringgers.”
Lesson learned: Our own families
are always our first mission field!
As usual, I am probably a
month late and more than a dollar
short. But hopefully it is never too
late to commemorate our Fathers
of Faith! Would be to God that
this nation would learn these
lessons as well! (I was tempted to
ask my own wife how I did on
these lessons this past month, but
then I wisely declined to avoid the
low ratings.)
“Furthermore we have had fathers
of our flesh which corrected us, and
we gave them reverence: shall we
not much rather be in subjection
unto the Father of spirits, and live?”
Hebrews 12:9
Indiana, Milford
Minnie Beer, Pat Mikel
Our sympathy goes to Bro.
Carlton (Sis. Mary Ann) Beer
and Bro. Jesse (Sis. Shirley) Beer
on the loss of their sister, Sis.
Kathryn Emch.
Our graduating seniors for
2016 were Austin Beer (Bro. Brent
& Sis. Pam) and Aaron Beer (Bro.
Randy & Sis. Deb). We pray that
God will be their guide as they
start a new phase of life.
Sis. Carol (Bro. John) Hurd
was a surgery patient this month.
She is currently in rehab. We
pray she will soon be able to
return home.
Our prayers will be with Bro.
Randy (Sis. Deb) Beer as he goes
to the August conference to be
interviewed for our elder. A special
“thank you” to Elder Bro. Rick
Plattner (Fairbury, IL) and Elder
Bro. Dan Kilgus (Remington, IN)
who were here to help our Elder
Bro. Bill Schlatter (Junction, OH)
with this work.
We rejoice with Bro. Phil &
Sis. Jane Price in the birth of a
new grandson, Cohen Rei, born to
Jason & Jenny Price.
Also this month we enjoyed
Vacation Bible School each
evening. The theme for the week
was “Abundant Life in Christ”.
Monday, Bro. Tim Drayer
(Bluffton North, IN); Tuesday,
Bro. Kole Meyer (Sis. Amy,
Bluffton, IN); Thursday, Bro. Tim
Bucher (Sis. Julie, Valparaiso, IN);
and Friday, Bro. Mike Grimm
(Sis. Amber, Goodfield, IL) were
our guest speakers. We received
many important points to apply to
our daily lives. We thank each of
these brothers for their time spent
in serving us. Also on Friday, our
youngest Sunday School children
sang for us. It warms our hearts
and brings smiles to our faces to
see these little ones praising God.
At this time, we remember
our fathers that were examples to
us and pray for all fathers who are
currently rearing children.
Indiana, Remington
Jenni Honegger, Marcella Tyler
We had many visiting ministers
this month. Bro. Joshua Martinez
(Sis. Keyna, South Bend, IN), Bro.
Todd Graf, (Sis. Lydia, Akron,
OH), and Bro. Clint Schmidt
(Sis. Magdalena, Winthrop, MN)
were all here for a Sunday service
and shared the Word. Bro. Clint
Schmidt stayed to give a talk to
our Vacation Bible School class the
following evening. We were happy
to have Bro. Chris Laukhuf (Sis.
Rachel, Latty, OH), Bro. Zach
Anderson (Sis. Karla, Congerville,
IL), Bro. Earl Beery (Sis. Suzanne,
Rittman, OH), and Bro. Matt
Knapp (Sis. Dana, Peachtree, GA)
join us on the following nights. We
are thankful to each one for his
perspective, thoughts, time, and
prayers for us. May the Lord bless
you. We hope you come back soon!
Our theme for Vacation Bible
School this year was “Signs on
the Road of Life”. We learned
more about how to know when
to proceed with caution, when
to stop, when to make a U-turn,
when to yield, and when to go, all
in response to the promptings of
the Holy Spirit. We thank all the
ministers, teachers, parents, helpers,
kitchen workers, and students who
contributed to make it a blessed
week. We pray that our young
people took the lessons to heart.
Our congregation lost two
dear souls this month. Sis. Marge
Pitman (Bro. Odell, deceased) went
to be with the Lord after a long
decline. We pray for her son, Larry
(JoEtta); daughter, Linda Comer
(Brian); her five grandchildren;
eight great-grandchildren; and
A few days later, Bro. Ralph
Waibel (Sis. Helen) passed away
at home, just as we thought he
was recovering from surgery.
In addition to his dear wife, he
left behind his children: Bro.
Dean (Sis. Tammy), Sis. Sue,
and Shirley, all of Remington;
and Sandra Hunt (Loren) of
Brownsburg, IN; and four beloved
grandchildren. Please pray for all
of them at this difficult time.
Looking ahead to the
upcoming months, we want to
remember to be prayerful for our
elder brothers as they prepare for
the brotherhood conference in
August. In these times of everincreasing confusion and unrest in
the world, we need to watch and
pray as the Word commands us to.
July 2016
We need to lift our elder brothers
up in prayer as they seek to
encourage and lead us to that end.
Indiana, South Bend
Joshua Martinez
“My voice shalt thou hear in the
morning, O Lord; in the morning
will I direct my prayer unto thee,
and will look up.” Psalm 5:3
We pray for Arlene Kaehr who
is recuperating from a respiratory
infection. Sterling Goins has
successfully completed the Army
National Guard Basic Training
course. Sterling is home and has
resumed worshipping with us.
We are thankful for all
who were able to participate in
Milford’s Vacation Bible School.
We appreciate the efforts of the
ministers, teachers and parents
who served, taught and inspired
our children.
“The grace of the Lord Jesus
Christ, and the love of God, and the
communion of the Holy Ghost, be
with you all. Amen.” 2 Cor. 13:14
Indiana, West Lafayette
Kris Widmer, Libby Wahl
Bro. Dave and Sis. Merri
Schieler and Doug and Sheila
Mertens rejoice as their children,
Jesse and Danielle exchanged
their wedding vows on a
beautiful Saturday, May 21. Job
opportunities have moved this
dear couple to the Indianapolis
area, but we are ever grateful when
they are able to worship with us!
Congratulations to Bro.
Troy and Sis. Andrea (Leuthold)
Tonner who recently were married
in the Peoria church and have
returned to our area where Bro.
Troy will continue his studies.
We rejoice as well with our
dear Josh and Jonell Cook as they
have made their desire known
for a closer bond of unity to our
church fellowship and await
baptism in the near future.
Excitement reigned as our
children and their friends and
neighbors gathered for Vacation
Bible School the evenings of June
6—9. What a blessing to have
youth eagerly anticipate learning
about Jesus! As our Sunday School
little people numbers continue
to grow, our church has given
support to expand some areas of
our church. We pray that this
decision will bring glory first to
God and a blessing to His body!
Indiana, Wolcott
Beckie Lehman, Erica Blume
Greetings from Wolcott!
Two couples in our church
are celebrating new life in their
families. Chris and Sis. Teresa
Bahler were blessed in April with a
new little grandson, Sawyer Woods,
born to Bro. Eric and Sis. Marissa
Bahler (Leo, IN). Sawyer’s siblings
are Elliot, Ivy and Finn. In May,
Bro. Tim and Sis. Rachel Schwab
celebrated the arrival of Jackson Lee
in May, born to first-time parents,
Joe and Katie Watson!
Our high school graduates
this year are Seth Edelman (Bro.
Kip and Sis. Donita), Chloe
Bahler (Bro. Jeff and Sis. Heidi),
Takara Lehman (Bro. John and
Sis. Tamara; Sis. Ruth, dec.), and
Trenton Kyburz (Bro. Phillip and
Sis. Sasha; Sandy Kyburz). We
pray for God’s blessing on their
lives, especially the grace and
humility to serve Him.
Elder Bro. Ted Steffen (Sis.
Sandy, Alto, MI) served us spiritual
food, for which we’re thankful!
Bro. Joshua Martinez (Sis. Keyna,
South Bend, IN) was willing to
present a topical Bible Study on
the book of Ecclesiastes, explaining
King Solomon’s search for meaning
and fulfillment in life. God bless
these brothers and their families!
Lauren Schwab (Bro. Mark
and Sis. Shari) is in Spain for
study abroad. We will look
forward to her safe return and
trust her to God’s care.
Our prayers are with those
who have needed surgery or
hospital care this month. We
have prayed for Donna Kyburz
(Ron), Marie Blume (Bro. Derek
and Sis. Theresa) and Sis. Frances
Bahler (Bro. Alfred, dec.). When
unexpected situations occur in
our lives, it is an encouragement
to know that our church family is
lifting us up to God.
Vacation Bible School was
held in Remington this year. It
was a week of abundant blessings
on the topic of “The Road Signs
of Life.” We thank Bros. Clint
Schmidt (Sis. Maggie, Winthrop,
MN), Chris Laukhuf (Sis. Rachel,
Latty, OH), Zach Anderson (Sis.
Karla, Congerville, IL), Earl Beery
(Sis. Suzanne, Rittman, OH) and
Matt Knapp (Sis. Dana, Peachtree
City, AL) for their time spent
preparing lessons. As we learned
about “Caution,” “Stop,” “U-Turn,”
“Yield,” and “Go,” it was very
evident that the Spirit was speaking
through these brothers! One
brother commented that several
things came out as he spoke that
were not planned; that submission
to the Spirit’s leading is essential.
Finally, we are thankful to
share that Leandra Bahler (Bro.
Mike and Sis. Jody) has found
peace with God and man, and
is looking forward to celebrating
with baptism.
Iowa, Bloomfield
Teresa Schock
We appreciate Bro. John
Hartman (Sis. Rosemary,
Fairbury, IL) coming to help on
the pulpit, June 12. He said we
should build up our brothers, not
tear them down.
“In New York harbor, stands
a lady, with a torch raised to
the sky. And all who see her,
knows she stands for, liberty for
you and I. On Golgotha, stood
a cross, with my Lord raised to
the sky. And all who kneel there,
live forever, as all the saints can
testify. Oh, the cross is my statue
of liberty. It was there that my
soul was set free. Unashamed, I’ ll
proclaim, that a rugged cross, is
my statue of liberty.”
-Author Unknown
Iowa, Burlington
Ivy Steiner, Elaine Eisenmann
Many of us witnessed the
marriage of Sis. Hannah Wulf
(Bro. Leroy and Sis. Carolyn) and
Bro. Jacob Meyer (Bro. Dean and
Sis. Linda) of Lester on June 5. We
were thankful for several visiting
ministers also: Elder Bro. Jon
Schmidgall (Oakville-Mediapolis),
Bros. Dale Wulf and Merlin
Meyer (Lester) and Bro. Kevin
Fehr (West Bend).
On June 12 we had our
Sunday School election. Sisters
Janette Schulz and Tami Banwart
will teach our younger children.
Bro. Michael Steiner will be the
newest teacher for one of the older
classes. We thank and appreciate
to Sis. Monica Eisenmann and
Bro. Brett Wulf for fulfilling their
terms. That Sunday evening many
of us enjoyed our Sunday School
picnic, then Vacation Bible School
the following week, followed by a
program on Friday, June 10.
We had four college graduates
this year: Brady Banwart (Bro.
Leo and Sis. Tami), Madelaine
Eisenmann (Matt and Monica),
Taylor Eisenmann (Mark and
Jamy), and Bro. Bennett Wulf
(Bro. Leroy and Sis. Carolyn).
We offer them our best wishes as
they go to their next phase of life,
whether to more schooling or a
new job.
Iowa, Elgin
Maria Rocke
“O taste and see that the Lord is
good; blessed is the man that trusteth
in Him.” Psalm 34:8
We are rejoicing with the
angles in Heaven! Levi Getz (Bro.
Kent and Sis. Betty) has answered
the Lord’s call in repentance.
May he feel God’s grace in this
special time.
We congratulate our high
school graduate Austin Callahan
(Jeff & Tammy) and wish him
God’s blessing in the future as he
plans to attend college in the fall.
Alex Callahan and Bro. Dean
Rocke spent some time in the
hospital. We’re thankful God has
provided for them; both are home
and feeling better.
Bro. John Schupbach has
retired from song leading. We
thank him for the years that he
shared his talent with us in leading
many precious hymns.
Iowa, Garden Grove
Laura Funk
Visiting ministers include Bro.
Kent Mogler (Minneapolis, MN)
and Elder Bros. Doug Schock
(Bloomfield, IA) and Brad Strahm
(Bern, KS).
We partook of Holy
Communion with Bro. Doug and
Bro. Brad, a quiet, solemn time to
reflect on God’s love for us. God
blest Brad and me with one son,
when I think of him hanging on
the cross for all the world’s sin
I have to think how much love
God has for us. God sacrificed
His only Son!
Fruit of the Spirit was the
theme for Vacation Bible School.
The students enjoyed the stories,
singing, and activities. Much love
was shown throughout the week!
We had 19 children from our
congregation attend.
Faith of our fathers living still.
Stop and think, where would I be
today if my/your father had not
taught the truth and brought us
July 2016
to church? Our Heavenly Father
continues to provide for our needs.
Listen in Silence If You Would
“Silently the green leaves grow,
In silence falls the soft, white
Silently the flowers bloom,
In silence sunshine fills a room;
Silently bright stars appear,
In silence velvet night draws near;
And silently God enters in
To free a troubled heart from sin.
For God works silently in lives,
And nothing spiritual survives
Amid the din of a noisy street,
Where raucous crowds with
hurrying feet
And blinded eyes and deafened ear
Are never privileged to hear
The message God wants to impart
To every troubled, weary heart.
For only in a quiet place
Can man behold God face-to-face!
Be still, and know that I am
-Helen Steiner Rice
Iowa, Iowa City
Diana Butikofer
Chris and Kelli Landherr
welcomed Michael Christopher
into their family on May 18. His
big sisters are Jillian, Annie, and
Bridget. His grandparents are Ron
and Audrey Landherr. We wish
these parents grace as they raise
their children.
Our prayers are with Bro.
Bob Fehr (Sis. Barb) following his
knee replacement and with Bro.
Joe Gerst (Sis. Connie) following
an eye injury. Both are doing
fairly well and trust the Lord for
His grace as they continue the
healing process.
As always, we are thankful for
our visiting ministers. They were
Bro. Duane Metzger (Sis. Ruth,
West Bend, IA), Bro. John Rowell
(Sis. Nelda, Tremont, IL), Bro. Joel
Troxel (Sis. Amy, LaCrosse, IN),
and Bro. Jon Pratt (Sis. Sharon,
Valparaiso, IN). We trust the Lord
will bless them and continue to
grant them the necessary grace.
Iowa, Lester
Audrey Metzger, Joyce Moser
The wonderful blessing of
fellowship among believers is
something we should always
treasure. This is so evident when
a large group comes together for
a weekend, as many single groups
from far and near assembled
with our own on Memorial Day
weekend. The multitude of voices
praising God seems to be just a taste
of what we believe will be there to
greet us when we reach our Home.
We are always filled with joy
when we can share the news that
souls recognize the need in their
lives for a right relationship with
God. Our congregation rejoices
that Tarah Meyer (Bro. Dean &
Sis. Linda) and Kinzi Blomgren
(Bro. Jon & Sis Tricia) are seeking
this new life path in Christ. We
pray for God’s grace to be with
each of them as they make a
humble beginning.
Sis. Lois (Bro. Jim) Metzger,
Sis. Mariann Metzger, Sis.
Marie (Bro. Ezra) Knobloch, Sis.
Donna Metzger, and Sis. Florence
Knoblock were all hospital patients
during the past month. We want
to remember to pray for the sick
and suffering, whose trials are
sometimes unknown to us. May
the Lord continue to provide for
each one, according to their needs.
On June 5, Sis. Hannah
Wulf (Bro. Leroy & Sis. Carolyn,
Burlington, IA) and Bro. Jacob
Meyer (Bro. Dean & Sis. Linda)
became one in the Lord. Many
from Lester traveled to Burlington
to witness their vows. We rejoice
with them and warmly welcome
Sis. Hannah to our fellowship here.
It is our tradition in Lester to
have an all-church picnic before
our Sunday School breaks for the
summer. This year, during the
weekend of June 11-12, the Lester
Bible Class also hosted the “Youth
Fellowship Weekend” for high-school
students in Sunday School from the
following congregations: Morris,
MN; Winthrop, MN; Minneapolis,
MN; West Bend, IA; Garden Grove,
IA; Bloomfield, IA and Elgin, IA.
The topical speaker for Saturday
evening was Bro. Paul Kilgus (Sis.
Carmen) from Fairbury, IL. We
thank Bro. Paul for his efforts with
our youth on that weekend.
We were blessed to have God’s
Holy Word brought to us by several
other visiting brothers this month:
Elder Bro. Paul Messner (Sis. Jan,
Winthrop, MN); Elder Bro. Wayne
Grimm (Sis. Rose, West Bend,
IA); Elder Bro. Duane Rocke
(Sis. Bonnie, Minneapolis, MN);
Bro. Jeremiah Psinas (Morton,
IL); Bro. Kent Mogler (Sis. Mary,
Minneapolis, MN); Bro. Leland
Plattner (Sis. Mary, Zapata, TX);
Bro. Kevin Wulf, (Sis. Annie,
Morris, MN); Bro. Mark Schmidgall
(Sis. Sally, Oakville-Mediapolis,
IA); Bro. Seth Hartter, (Sis. Brenda,
Burlington, IA); Bro. David Hartter,
(Sis. Beth, Sabetha, KS); Bro. Justin
Isch (Sis. Liz, Lamont, KS); Bro.
Ron Isch (Sis. Jane, Lamont, KS);
Bro. Scott Schafer (Sis. Gigi, South
Bend, IN); Bro. Dale Zeltwanger
(Sis. Rachel, Morris North, MN)
and Bro. Nathan Walder (Sis.
Denise, Cissna Park, IL). We
thank each of them, and all of our
ministers, for sharing God’s Word
and laboring on our behalf. We hope
all these visitors felt welcome & will
return to Lester again!
On Sunday, June 5, we
enjoyed a presentation by Bro.
Rick Aberle (Sis. Komari), who
administers the Hospital Lumiere
in Haiti, on the services they
provide there. Let us remember
to support and pray for those
who selflessly devote their time to
helping others in so many ways.
Sympathy is extended to Bro.
Bruce & Sis. Harriet Metzger for
the loss of their brother-in-law,
Curt Knapp, from Cissna Park,
IL. May the Lord comfort Curt’s
family in this time of loss.
Iowa, Oakville-Mediapolis
Kelsey Banwart, Tami Lanz
Our hearts are thankful that
two souls this past month have
realized their need for a Savior
and are seeking out the Lord in
repentance. We rejoice with Justin
Massner (Bro. Chuck and Sis.
Lois) and Cheryl Stoller (Bro.
Ed and Sis. Patty). May they feel
God’s presence in their lives.
Also giving us reason to rejoice
were the births of two baby girls.
Tavia Leigh was born to Bro. Ben
and Sis. Kasha Lanz, and joins
siblings: Tate, Ella, and Emma
at home. Grandparents are Bro.
Keith and Sis. Tonya Lanz and Bro.
Doug and Sis. Judy Kraft (Lamont,
KS). We rejoice with grandparents
Bro. Paul and Sis. Connie Hay
and great-grandparents Bro. Jody
and Sis. Ruby Eberhardt at the
birth of Ruby Marlys (Daniel and
Courtney Hay).
We wish Sis. Alyssa Lanz (Bro.
Tom and Sis. Mary) and Bro.
Blaine Aschliman (Bro. Derryl and
Sis. Peggy, Bluffton, IN) God’s
blessings on their engagement. May
they feel God’s love and nearness
during this special time and
through the changes ahead.
We thank our visiting
ministers this past month for
sharing God’s word. We appreciate
Elder Bro. Rod Bajema (Sis.
Sue, Lester, IA) and Bro. Brad
Gudeman (Sis. Teresa, Bradford,
IL) for being willing to be used of
the Lord on our behalf.
Our Vacation Bible School
was held the week of June 6-10.
The preschool through sixth
grades spent their mornings
learning what is truly important
in life, doing crafts and projects,
and singing songs. The program of
recitations and singing on the last
day of VBS was enjoyed by many.
We voted in several new
teachers during our Sunday school
teacher election. They were Bros.
Brent Frank, Chuck Massner, Dave
Stoller, and Sisters Laura Kuntz
and Patricia Steiner. We thank the
teachers who will be ending their
terms for their time and efforts in
teaching our children.
Iowa, West Bend
Becky Virkler, Jenny Banwart
“And now abideth faith, hope,
charity, these three; but the greatest
of these is charity.” 1 Cor. 13:13
Three couples have been united
in marriage: Logan Streit (Tony &
Diane Streit) and Amber Schmidt
(Bro. Frank & Sis. Dawn Schmidt);
Kyle Bortell (Jeff & Kris Bortell)
and Melissa Wise (Bro. Dale & Sis.
Lezlee Leman); Jake Bruellman
(Mark & Neka Bruellman and
Deb Bruellman) and Shiela George
(Dave & Marleen George). May
each heart and home be filled with
charity and God’s presence.
Moira Kellenberger and Bro.
Jay Schmidt are home recovering
from recent surgeries. May God’s
healing Hand rest over them.
“I will not leave you comfortless: I
will come to you.” St. John 14:18.
The Lord has touched many
lives by calling souls into eternity.
Sis. Julie (Darrell) Zaugg said
farewell to her father, DeLos
Biddle. Family and friends of Jay
Freiden gathered to bid farewell
to Jay. Sis. Elma Mogler lost her
son-in-law, Curt Knapp. Curt was
a brother-in-law to Sis. Mary (Bro.
Manuel) Gerber and Bro. Chuck
(Sis. Beth) Mogler. Bro. Larry (Sis.
Marvella) Wickman bid farewell
to his brother, Mervin. Our
sympathy and prayers go out to
each soul touched by these losses.
July 2016
Jack and Lauren Fehr are the
happy parents of baby Everett
Dean. Bro. Cory and Sis. Jennifer
Fehr are thankful for their
grandson’s safe arrival. May God
bless this family circle.
It is a blessing to have Bro.
Michael and Sis. Rachel Messner
and their children: Micah, Abigail,
and Paul assembling with us. We
welcome them to West Bend and
wish them the Lord’s blessing.
Once again we are thankful for
our visiting ministers which included:
Bro. Kent Getz (Sis. Betty, Elgin,
IA.), Bro. Jim Butikofer (Sis. Diana,
Iowa City, IA), Bro. Dale Wulf (Sis.
Becky, Lester, IA), Bro. Ed Fritz (Sis.
Barbara, Washington, IL) and Bro.
Lee Plattner (Sis. Mary, Zapata, TX).
May God bless each one.
Japan, Tokyo
Anna Inoue, Marie Inoue
“For as the rain cometh down,
and the snow from heaven, and
returneth not thither but watereth
the earth, and maketh it bring forth
and bud, that it may give seed to
the sower, and bread to the eater:
So shall my word be that goeth
forth out of my mouth: it shall not
return unto me void, but it shall
accomplish that which I please, and
it shall prosper in the thing whereto
I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11
Rainy season has begun in
Japan, and we are reminded of God’s
faithfulness. His Word will not
return void. We are called to preach
and to teach His Holy Word, but He
will give the increase.
Our church enjoyed a visit
from Bro. Akihiro & Sis. Carrie
and their boys one Sunday. Bro.
Akihiro also taught from God’s
Word at our monthly fujinkai
(ladies meeting).
We trust God to work in the
hearts of all who attend, knowing
that God’s Word will accomplish
that which He pleases. We pray
that we can be faithful to “Preach
the word; be instant in season, out of
season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with
all longsuffering and doctrine”
(2 Timothy 4:2).
Several visited Bro. Yamazaki
recently in his care home/hospital.
We were glad to see him again. He
remains about the same and still
sings a few words along with us as
we sang hymns in his room.
Sis. Javon Steffen (Bluffton
North, IN) arrived in Japan and
will assist with our VBS in July.
We looked forward to seeing Sis.
Javon, Bro. Mark & Sis. Lori,
Bro. Nick & Sis. Amber as they
were planning to be at our Tokyo
church for Father’s Day Sunday.
Due to an unexpected stroke, Bro.
Mark Steffen was hospitalized.
Please be prayerful for him and
Sis. Lori and their family. We trust
that God will work even this for
the good.
Kansas, Bern
Tiffany Menold, Jill Meyer
“On every hand the foe we find
drawn up in dread array; let tents
of ease be left behind, and onward
to the fray; Salvation’s helmet
on each head, with truth all girt
about, the earth shall tremble
‘neath our tread, and echo with
our shout. Faith is the victory!
Faith is the victory! Oh, glorious
victory, that overcomes the world.”
Gospel Hymns #524 vs. 3
Faith IS the victory, and we
were reminded of this during our
week of Vacation Bible School.
Our theme was “Great Escapes
In the Bible”. We were reminded
of God’s work in the lives of the
Israelites when they fled Egypt,
Rahab when she escaped the
destruction of Jericho, Peter
being released from prison by an
angel, and Paul being let down
in a basket. There are so many
accounts in the Bible of God
saving His people in miraculous
ways, but the most important one
is the saving of our soul through
the blood of Jesus Christ!
Our visiting ministers this
past month were Bro. Scott
Aberle (Sis. Dorine, Washington,
IL) and Bro. Dean Steffen (Sis.
Carol, Belvidere, IL). We greatly
thank these brothers for allowing
themselves to be used as a minister
of God’s word.
We are so thankful that
another soul in our congregation
has recognized the need of a
Savior. Matthew Steiner (Ingrid
Steiner, Sabetha, KS) has begun
his walk with the Lord. We pray
God’s guidance and blessings
upon him.
We are also rejoice with Sis.
Mariah Strahm (Bro. Faron and
Sis. Jana) as she was engaged to
Bro. Will Eisenbise (Bro. Dave and
Sis. Shari, Sabetha, KS). May the
Lord bless them both as they look
forward to spending a life together.
Kansas, Ft. Scott
Karen Kellenberger
We were richly blessed by
the following visiting ministers:
Bro. Wes Moser (Sis. Esther,
Lester, IA), Elder Bro. Randy
Kellenberger (Sis. Karen, Kansas
City, MO), Elder Bro. Jay Luthi
(Sis. Jane, Lamont-Gridley, KS),
Bro. Ron Isch (Sis. Jane, LamontGridley, KS), and Bro. Justin
Moser (Sis. Robin, Altadena, CA).
Heather and Kendra Bahr
(Bro. Larry and Sis. Julie)
graduated from high school and
eighth grade, respectively. We
pray God’s blessings on them.
“God has brought you this far
To take you further still,
Into a future full of promise
As you focus on his will
And as you press on in Him,
Remember, His plan for you,
For this is your life’s purpose
And the work He’s called you to.”
-M.S. Lowndes
Kansas, Kiowa
Janice Bahr, Millie Frieden
Greetings to all in the name
of the Holy Father, and His
Son, Jesus Christ! It is so nice
to reconnect with all of you via
this Silver Lining Newsletter.
Although we don’t have much
news to report from our small
congregation, nevertheless we
want you all to know that you are
precious to us. We would welcome
you each to visit us sometime here
in southern Kansas!
Our church recently
participated in helping to feed two
groups of dedicated people whose
mission is to visit small towns
and cities and help with building
and remodeling Christian-based
community enterprises. These
faith-based builders helped
remodel and construct a home
for unwed mothers, and also a
ranch for underprivileged boys.
Both of these projects required
approximately 40 volunteers to
come into our small town. We as
a church were happy to prepare
meals for this group, as well as
to have several of them visit on
Sunday morning for services.
Our dear Sister Marie Tucker
suffered a fall out in her yard this
month. She received cuts and
bruises and was laid up several
days. It is so nice to see her back
assembling with us again!
And, from the poet who
doesn’t know it, here is a short
riddle for you!
A Little Riddle
Why did the Father bother to call
us His children?
Why does the Spirit hear it when
we pray?
It’s all because of what the Son
has done.
Kansas, Lamont-Gridley
Dorene Metzger
Bro. Doug & Sis. Judy Kraft
have the blessing of another
granddaughter, Tavia Leigh, born
to Bro. Ben & Sis. Kasha Lanz of
Mediapolis, IA. Tate, Ella, and
Emma welcome her as well as
grandparents, Bro. Keith & Sis.
Tonya Lanz, Mediapolis.
VBS was held on June 10
with the topic being The Ten
Commandments. Several minilessons were given, including how
the Commandments came to be.
Each student was encouraged to
learn the Ten Commandments for
their own benefit thru the lessons
as well as several crafts. Young
faces beamed as they were able
to recite the commandments.
The children were divided into
small groups and each group
acted out a commandment. The
viewers decided whether the
commandment was acted out in an
honoring or dishonoring manner.
The students also finished the
evening making and inserting
bookmarkers for the pew Bibles.
Several children from the Wichita
congregation joined us for the
afternoon and evening in the
making of sweet memories and
learning of God’s love for us.
Dale Kraft and Barbara
Quandt were married June 11 in
Carroll, IA, where they will be
making their home. We wish them
God’s blessings in their new life
together. Dale is a son of Lloyd &
Nadine Kraft of our community.
Bro. Max Burnham hosted his
annual Memorial Day fish fry. We
appreciate Bro. Max’s hospitality
each year.
June 5 found ministers Roger
Aberle (Sis. Lavonne, Sabetha,
KS) and John Baumgartner (Sis.
Lori, Bern, KS) assembling with
us and expounding the Word. It
is a cherished time together as
we hear our visiting ministers as
well as our own ministers teach
us to know more of our Heavenly
Father and our Savior Jesus.
July 2016
In Jesus
“I’ve tried in vain a thousand
ways My fears to quell, my hopes
to raise;
But what I need, the Bible says, Is
ever, only Jesus.
My soul is night, my heart is steel-I cannot see, I cannot feel;
For light, for life I must appeal In
simple faith to Jesus.
He died, He lives, He reigns, He
pleads; There’s love in all His
words and deeds;
There’s all a guilty sinner needs
Forevermore in Jesus.
Tho’ some should sneer, and some
should blame, I’ ll go with all my
guilt and shame;
I’ ll go to Him because His name,
Above all names, is Jesus.”
Tabernacle Hymns #213
Kansas, Sabetha
We rejoice with Naomi
Wiegand as it was announced that
she has peace with God. We look
forward to the time she can share
her testimony and be baptized.
Her parents are Bro. Stan and Sis.
Marilyn Wiegand.
On Saturday June 11 our
church family gathered together
to enjoy the blessing of our annual
Sunday School picnic. Even
though the heat and humidity
were very high, the children still
enjoyed the activities and time
spent together. We appreciate the
efforts our teachers put forth to
host this event.
Our prayers go out to Velma
Albin in the loss of her husband,
Ken. May God wrap His loving
arms of comfort around her
during this time.
Crystal Hartter, Brenda Nenadov
Mexico, Ixtlán
The engagement of Bro. Will
Eisenbise (Bro. David & Sis.
Shari) and Sis. Mariah Strahm
(Bro. Faron & Sis. Jana) of
Bern was made known to our
congregation. May God bless and
guide them as they plan for their
wedding and life together.
We thank Bro. Scott Aberle
(Sis. Dorine, Washington, IL) and
Bro. Dana Indermuhle (Sis. Joy,
Sardis, OH) for sharing God’s
word this past month. May the
Lord be their rich rewarder.
“For whatsoever things were
written aforetime were written
for our learning, that we through
patience and comfort of the
scriptures might have hope.”
Rom. 15:4
Ruth Gerber
“Rejoice with them that do rejoice,
and weep with them that weep.”
Romans 12:15
We are rejoicing with Bro.
Mario and Sis. Elsa Cabrera on
the birth of their son, Moisés.
He was born on May 29 and has
been a joy to many, including his
grandparents, Salvador and Sis.
Guadalupe Cabrera, and Felix and
Sis. Lourdes Sibaja.
Just a couple weeks after this
occasion for joy we were saddened
by the illness and passing away of
Salvador Cabrera (Sis. Guadalupe).
He passed away on June 13.
We pray for special grace and
comfort for Sis. Guadalupe and
their eight children: Claudia
(Ramon), Bro. Efraín (Sis. Ana),
Rosa (Alejandro), José (Mercedes),
Bro. Mario (Sis. Elsa), Sis. Silvia
(Bro. Lalo), Lupita (Antonio) and
Toño (Magdalena). We do rejoice
that he surrendered to the Lord
in the last few days of his life,
and testified to his unbelieving
children as well as to the ones who
are believers. We trust God will
grant the comfort to each one and
bring good out of the pain.
Sis. Rosa Segura was with us
for services this Sunday. She has
been unable to attend for a long
time now due to her health, but
we were all were happy to have her
with us for the day.
We’re just about a month
away from VBS (July 25-29) and
continue to ask for your prayers.
There are many children that
come and we need God’s grace
so that the work will not be in
vain. Please pray for protection
for all the drivers and children,
for enough teachers and helpers,
and for God’s Spirit to direct His
Word to each heart. We also plan
to have a class for the parents, as
they have requested it in the past.
Please pray for them as well.
Michigan, Alto
Renee Steffen, Heidi Kaeb
Greetings of love and
compassion through our Lord
Jesus Christ who was tempted as
man and yet did not sin...did not
fail...did not give up.
“Wherefore seeing we also are
compassed about with so great a
cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside
every weight, and sin which doth so
easily beset us, and let us run with
patience the race that is set before
us.” Hebrews 12:1
Just today we were reminded
of someone beloved by all who
finished running her race. Dear
Sis. Ella Louise Blough was given
wings to fly to glory. She needs
not the patience to run anymore.
This dear sister, whose husband
was laid to rest in January, will
be missed by many. We extend
our sympathies and prayers to her
family including her children:
Sis. Darlene Goodwin, Carolyn
Barry (Tom), Bro. Jim Blough (Sis.
Julie), Marv Blough (Liz), Rhonda
Colter (Dave), Gordy Blough
(Trisha), many grandchildren,
great grandchildren, two sisters:
Sis. Kate Wheeler, Marilyn Byam
(Doug), and one brother, Bro. Joe
Oesch (Sis. Melva). May each feel
the comforting embrace of our
merciful and loving Father.
At this time we would like
to congratulate our high school
graduates: Brooke Steffen (Dave,
Tanya), Levi Steffen (Bro. Nathan
and Sis. Susan), Dominick Couch
(James and the late Penny), and
Alex Cadwallader (Rob and
Rachel). As each of you faces this
new journey ahead, may you never
forget the Truth taught to you as
a youth in Sunday school. With
God as your guide and stay, you
can’t go wrong.
Our prayers for strength and
healing continue for Sis. Michele
Blough (Bro. Martin) as she
recuperates from a hospital stay. We
certainly miss her and look forward
to her returning to church.
‘Traveling mercy prayers’ have
been flooding the heart of our
Intercessor as many from our little
church have and are currently
traveling across not only North
America, but also Europe. We
will be thankful when everyone
is home safe and sound. In the
meantime, we petition the Father
to lead, guide and protect them.
Brother Mitch Manz from
Junction, OH is working in our
area this summer. We wish to
welcome him whenever he has the
opportunity to worship with us.
May he feel the common bond of
unity and love here in Alto.
“A photo was sent to me this week,
of a bird sitting resplendent in
Glorifying the Creator from the
top of a tree,
without question of why this
should be.
This beautiful moment, captured
in time,
so fleeting...and then he was gone.
Reminding me that, I too must shine
for His glory, His reason, His
rhyme.” -ibG.res
Each day we are given
another opportunity to let our
little light shine, to share the
glory of God with others, to
allow ourselves to be used to
further the kingdom, and to
please the One and Only Living
Creator of all there is. We
were blessed this past month
to hear the Truth spoken and
expounded upon by visiting
ministers who shared the glory
of God with us. Thank you Bro.
Scott Schafer (Sis. Gigi, South
Bend, IN) and Bro. Myron
Knobloch (Lester, IA) for
lending yourselves.
Our thanks and deep
appreciation to all who let their
lights shine by serving on several
church committees and duties. So
often those who serve quietly and
behind the scenes are not told how
much they are needed and valued.
The following positions were filled
at our annual business meeting:
Trustee — Bro. Loren Kaeb; Usher
— Bro. Jim McCormick; Kitchen
committee — Sisters Laura Kaeb,
Michelle Oesch, Kristen Plattner;
Sunday school superintendent —
Bro. Terry Steffen; Sunday school
teachers — Sisters Donna Oesch,
Heidi Kaeb, and Bro. Jake Gerst.
May you feel the support and
prayers of our church family as you
take on these new duties.
It’s Father’s Day again and
that means the much anticipated
‘Father-Son Campout’ is here! This
always makes me chuckle as I hear
the excitement in the young boys’
voices as they discuss how fun it
will be. This is also a special time
for the mothers and daughters
as they have plans they look
forward to also. But then comes
the official Father’s Day, and as
we gather in church, it becomes
a more thought-provoking and
solemn moment as we ponder not
only our precious earthly fathers,
but our Heavenly Father, who in
His infinite wisdom knew just
who our dad should be. How
thankful we are when we realize
the blessings God has bestowed
upon us.
July 2016
Michigan, Bay City
Sarah Knochel
We rejoice with Bro. Neil
and Sis. Sharon Ramseyer as they
officially welcomed three new
granddaughters into their hearts.
Their daughter, Maryann adopted
three daughters who have been in
her foster care for two years.
We want to remember those
who endured illness in the past
month. Our prayers are with Sis.
Dorethy Ramseyer (Bro. Joe) and
Sis. Laura Wieland. We trust that
God will provide healing in the
days ahead.
Our prayers are with the
family of Mark Kuch II as he
passed away on June 15. We
especially want to remember his
parents, Lynn & Mark Kuch; his
brother, Tim; and his uncle and
aunt from our congregation, Bro.
Dale and Sis. Carol Wieland. May
God grant the entire family peace
and comfort in the days ahead.
“But my God shall supply all your
need according to his riches in glory
by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
Michigan, Detroit
Manuela Denes
I never cease to be amazed by
what God has done for us, and
as I sit down to write this article,
I’m thinking of the Bible and how
important a tool it is for life.
“But he that receiveth good
seed into the good ground is he
that heareth the word , and
understandeth it; which also beareth
fruit, and bringeth forth, some
an hundredfold, some sixty, some
thirty.” Matthew 13:23
So many people think of it
as an old book written a long
time ago. How can it possibly be
relevant to life in our day and age?
Every day brings about a scripture
that I can apply to my life and
surely the same can be said for you!
I’m a gardener and frequently
draw from the things I see
happening there. Over the past
two weeks, I’ve been doing battle
with a rabbit who has taken up
residence somewhere, hidden
from my view. I’ve seen him a
few times, merrily munching on
grass. Munch away little bunny,
there’s plenty of grass for you!
But he, as we humans would, got
bored with a steady diet of grass
and found his way into my veggie
plants. Tomatoes? Yuck! Peppers?
Yum! All twelve plants left with
no flowers and one or two leaves.
A co-worker suggested blocking
them off with chicken wire and
seeing if they would regrow.
Less than a week later, I have
beautiful little pepper plants and
I am hopeful that they will begin
to flower and I’ll have peppers.
We, like my peppers, start out a
certain way. We’ll thrive, but then
something may come along to
knock us down, to make us think
that we can never be put back
together, renewed. I’m so thankful
that “…if any man be in Christ,
he is a new creature: old things are
passed away; behold, all things are
become new.”
(2 Corinthians 5:17)
We’re prayerful for Kim
Smith as she recovers from further
surgical procedures. May the Lord
be with her, her husband, Ray, and
their children: Amanda, Brandon,
Devin, Kaitlyn, and Aaryn.
We share in the loss of loved
ones with two of our church
families. Bro. Abraham Nolan
(Sis. Sarah) laid to rest his mother,
Barbara, who passed away in
Toledo, OH. Sharing in the loss
of her grandmother is Sis. Sarah
Harmon (Bro. Ben). Sis. Laura
Plattner (Bro. Brett) said farewell
to her grandmother, Sis. Ella
Louise Blough of Alto, MI. May
the Lord comfort these families
with warm memories.
The annual All Michigan Sing
was held at Woodpointe this past
month. What a beautiful way to
draw together and harmonize as
one spirit! We are grateful to Bro.
Matt Oesch (Sis. Shelli, Alto, MI)
for having the afternoon service.
Thanks to all who made the
weekend possible.
Congratulations to three
more graduates! Katie Rambeau
graduated with a Masters in
Physician Assistant Studies from
Wayne State University. Bro.
Russ and Ginny Rambeau are
her parents. Katie Maibach
graduated from Indiana University
with a Bachelor of Science in
Tourism, Hospitality, and Event
Management. Her brother, Jack,
graduated from Northville High
School and plans on attending
Michigan State University to study
mathematics. Their parents are
Bro. Doug and Carole Maibach.
May the Lord guide them in their
career choices and bless their
families for their support and love.
It is summer and our Vacation
Bible School is taking place this
week. The theme is “Standing
Fast Like Noah”. Our children
love attending and so much is
learned and shared by them
during this time. The week closes
Saturday with a picnic and a
much-appreciated guest speaker,
Bro. Dan Cargill of Prescott, AZ.
“Please be our guest for
a weekend of glorifying and
praising God on the occasion
of the 28th Annual Livonia
Apostolic Christian Benefit
Dinner and Choir Program
to support the ministry of
the Woodhaven Retirement
Community”. The program,
as always, will be held at our
Livonia, MI church on Saturday
July 16. Dinner will be served at
5 p.m. and the choir program will
start at 7 p.m. And of course,
we’d love to have you all worship
with us on Sunday. We hope to
see you!
Note of Thanks:
I would like to take this
opportunity to thank the many,
many loved ones who prayed for
my healing when I was injured so
badly in the car accident on April
8th. It has been humbling and
overwhelming to be the recipient
of such an outpouring of love,
prayers, cards, flowers, meals, etc,
and I am truly thankful beyond
measure. Through it all, God has
been glorified and may He richly
bless each one of you.
I love you all,
Sis. Cindy Hitz (Bro. Tom)
Minnesota, Morris
Minnesota, Morris North
Ashley Knobloch, Heidi Pfaffmann
Lois Schmidgall, Amanda
Feuchtenberger, Wanda Gramm
We were blessed to have Elder
Bros. Rod Bajema (Sis. Sue, Lester,
IA) and Doug Schock (Sis. Clara,
Bloomfield, IA) here to minister.
Graduating from high school
this month were Ashlee Koehl
(Bro. Jim & Sis. Hildy), Joanna
Moser (Jon & Lori), and Steven
Koehl (Bro. Guy & Sis. Lynette).
Sweet little Ruby Ann was
born to Bro. Ben & Sis. Kristi
Furrer. Older siblings Ted,
Stacy, Jerry, Zeke and Oliver are
thrilled to welcome her home!
Grandparents are Bro. Tom & Sis.
Jill Furrer (Morris North, MN)
and Bro. Dennis & Sis. Shirley
Kellenberger (Lester, IA).
Kevin and Nikki (Giese)
Knobloch were married this month.
Kevin’s mother is Sis. Brenda
Knobloch. May God be with them
as they join hand and heart.
Thoughts and prayers are with
Weston Kampmeier (Reed &
Jenna) as he faces health trials.
We are so thankful that Trent
Wulf (Stan & Sis. Pam) has begun
his repentance. Prayers continue
with him as he dies to self and
begins this new walk of life with
the Lord!
“I now have found the firm
foundation Where evermore
my anchor grounds! It lay there
ere the world’s creation, Where
else, but in my Savior’s wounds?
Foundation which unmov’ d shall
stay, When earth and heaven pass
away.” Zion’s Harp, #221
Christ, The Foundation, vs. 1
Greetings from Morris
North! As I write this month,
I’m thinking of our country
celebrating “Independence Day”,
which will be in a short time. We
are such a blessed people, to live
with the freedoms that we have.
Even more so, we can celebrate
our Independence Day every day,
spiritually. Praise God for our
freedom. Praise Him for the Spirit
of Liberty, free from sin. Thank
you, Jesus for dying on that cross, to
make these blessings possible for us.
We were so blessed to have
visiting ministers with us. God
bless you for giving of yourselves.
With us were: Bro. Jeff (Sis.
Sue) Neihouser of Morton, IL,
Bro. James (Sis. Brenda) Fehr of
Tremont, IL, Bro. Mitch (Sis.
Abby) Fehr of Morris Country,
Bro. Mike (Sis. Amber) Grimm
of Goodfield, IL. Thank you for
sharing The Word.
Our Sunday School children
enjoyed Vacation Bible School.
The theme was Growing in Him.
We are to be like a child. Lord,
help us to take time, sit with you,
and grow in Jesus.
Congratulations to Natalie
Feuchtenberger (Bro. Dwayne and
Sis. Kay) as she graduated from
High School. May God direct
every step that you take.
We rejoice with Bro. Tom and
Sis. Jill Furrer on their new baby
granddaughter, Ruby Ann. Her
parents are Bro. Ben and Sis. Kristi
Furrer from Morris Country.
July 2016
Our church welcomes Ryan
Greiner into our fellowship.
Ryan is doing an internship this
summer. We really enjoy Ryan,
and hope he will feel our love
toward him.
Congratulations to Austin
Schieler (Bro. Keith and Sis. Jodi)
and Anjie Sherman (Mike and
Becky) as they were united in
marriage on June 4. We wish you
God’s blessings as you start your
new life together.
We enjoyed a presentation
from Bro. Ed Schwartz on
Loving Shephard Ministry. We
have so much to be thankful
for and appreciate all who are
giving of themselves to help
those that are in need. May we
listen to the Spirit and give as He
directs. After the presentation,
we enjoyed the singing group
from Goodfield, Glorify Hymn.
What a blessed weekend. Once
again….The Spirit of Freedom
and Liberty…Praise God!
Our Bible class enjoyed the
Youth Fellowship weekend at
Lester, IA. Thank you for your
Our Harvest Supper date has
been set for October 29. We invite
anyone that would care to join us
for this event. It is such a blessing!!
Our hospital patients for
this month include: Sis. Mable
Zeltwanger (Bro. John), and
Amy Schmidgall. We wish them
healing and strength.
Come and join us if you are
visiting Minnesota this summer.
Minnesota, Winthrop
Lindsay Schmidt, Becky Braulick
“In all thy ways acknowledge
him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Proverbs 3:6
Our high school graduates are
Sierra Schmidt (Bro. Clint and Sis.
Magdalena) and Landon Fehr (Bro.
Anthony and Sis. Lila, Fairbury,
IL). Sierra is planning attending
Northern Iowa Community
College in Mason City, IA. Landon
is planning on attending Illinois
State University in Bloomington,
IL. Our college graduate, Sis.
Victoria Stoll (Bro. Ed and Sis.
Ginny), graduated from the
University of South Dakota with a
Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. We
wish them God’s blessings and pray
they allow Him to lead them.
“Oh, watch ye faithful brothers
While in this pilgrim’s dale;
The mighty Word of God divine,
Your compass, will not fail.”
Zion’s Harp #143 vs. 4
We bid farewell to several loved
ones as they leave our congregation.
We said goodbye to Landon Fehr
since he graduated he will be
returning to Illinois. We also had
a farewell singing for Bro. Michael
& Sis. Rachel Messner and their
children. They will be moving to
West Bend, IA. We will miss each
one and pray that God will be with
them and continue to bless them.
“Flourishing youth,
Thou our hope and our fond
Hark to the voice that is calling in
kind invitation!
That hand obey which oft has
pointed the way
To the dear Savior’s salvation!”
Zion’s Harp #168
Our Sunday School went
to Lester, IA for the Youth
Fellowship Weekend. We thank
the Lester, IA church for hosting
this weekend. We hope new and
old friendships have been made
and strengthened.
“Hear my prayer, O Lord, and
give ear unto my cry; hold not
thy peace at my tears: for I am
a stranger with thee, and a
sojourner, as all my fathers were.”
Psalm 39:12
Our prayers and sympathies
are with Kent Rubendall (Vanesa
Isaacson) and family on the death
of his Grandma and Grandpa,
Judy and LuVerne Kent. We pray
they feel Thy loving arms around
them at this sad time.
Note of Thanks:
Sis. Bernadine Messner
wishes to thank everyone for their
prayers, cards, and gifts as she
recuperated from her illness.
Missouri, Kansas City
Julie Webel
We rejoice with Scott and Joy
Kellenberger in the birth of their
baby boy, Justus Scott. Rejoicing
with them are grandparents, Bro.
Randy and Sis. Karen Kellenberger. May 20 we enjoyed another
Friday night Bible Study and
pizza supper. Bro Brandon Emch
spoke to us from St. John chapter
14. May God bless his efforts in
service to our congregation.
Bro. Brent and Sis. Beth
Kellenberger are thankful for a
successful surgery for their son,
Andrew. We pray for healing
and a quick recovery for him and
thank God he has gotten them
this far. It has been amazing to see
him grow and thrive after all he
has been through. We also pray
for strength for Mom and Dad
as they continue to care for their
little miracle, Andrew.
We are also happy to have Bro.
Jordan Steidinger (Taylor, MO)
assembling with us for a couple
months. May God bless his time
here as he completes his internship. Missouri, Lamar
Venetta Banwart
We welcome Bro. Mark and
Sis. Karen Wettstein and their
two daughters, Jackie and Sis.
Jayla, to Lamar. May God grant
each a blessing as they adjust
to, not only our church family,
but also to the community. We
feel very blessed to have them
here in Lamar. We believe this
is an answer to our prayers. We
encourage others to consider what
the Lord might have them do to
strengthen and encourage our
smaller congregations. (Acts 15:26,
16:9, 18:23)
The blessings even go beyond
individuals and families. We
now have a closer fellowship
with the brethren at LaCrosse,
as some of us were able to travel
there for Sis. Jayla’s baptism. We
now have a connection with the
believers there. We appreciate their
Our visiting ministers that
fed us from His Holy Word this
month were: Bro. Virgil Metzger
(Sis. Mary, Chicago, IL), Bro.
Dale Wulf (Sis. Becky, Lester, IA),
Bro. Mark Wettstein (Sis. Karen,
LaCrosse, IN), Bro. Jim Koehl
(Sis. Hildegard, Morris, MN).
May God richly bless each one.
The Bible Class and parents,
who went to Isaiah 55 at Reynosa,
Mexico, presented a program at
the Sunday School picnic on June
12. God blessed them with a good
experience and returned them
safely home again.
Missouri, St. Louis
New York, Croghan/
Sarah Fehr
We are excited and thankful
to add another member to our
gathering! Sis. Victoria Stoll
(Winthrop, MN) has accepted
a nursing position in one of the
St. Louis area hospitals and plans
to move down this summer. It is
encouraging to see the effects of
our congregation’s prayers!
Feel free to join us in Sunday
services if your vacationing plans
bring you this way!
Missouri, Taylor
Kathy Eberhardt
On June 1, Bro. Dave
Obergfel (Sis. Kathy, Peoria, IL)
traveled to Taylor and shared
a Wednesday evening Bible
Study entitled “Standing on the
Promises”. He told us that there
are 33,000 promises in the Bible
in the Old and New Testaments.
God is speaking to people every
day. He is alive with promises
today. Bro. Dave, thank you so
much for spending the evening
with us.
We would like to express our
deepest sympathy to Bro. Marc
& Sis. Monica Wagenbach in the
death of Sis. Monica’s mother
(Jeananne Pyle of Urbana, OH).
May God be near all her family.
Hope Graves
We appreciate Elder Bro. Dan
Kilgus and Sis. Jenna traveling
from Remington, IN to share
Holy Communion on June 12.
It was a blessed weekend. We
appreciate the labors that went
into serving us a meal afterward.
May God bless each hand that
labors on His behalf.
Two of Elder Bro. Duane and
Sis. Karen Farney’s grandchildren
have recently gotten married.
Brianna Farney married Jacob
Meyer on May 14. Skyler Farney
married Emily Young on June 18.
May the Lord be present in each
of these marriages.
“This union of our hearts shall
stand through grace in Jesus. We
walk the path of life, while cheer
and trust increases. Where God in
truth abides, where two join hand
and heart. We find a threefold
cord, not lightly rent apart.”
Zion’s Harp #79, vs.3
Our prayers go out to the
family of Sis. Bernice Hirschey
who passed away on June 2. The
church was filled to overflowing
for her funeral on June 5. We
are thankful for each one that
helped with the many labors to
accommodate her large family.
July 2016
How happy she would have been
to see the church so full!
We are thankful to have Sis.
Rachel Snyder home from an
extended stay in the hospital and
pray she may continue to gain
strength. We pray also for Bro. Ron
Herzig and Bro. Lowell Virkler who
have undergone procedures and
hospitalizations this past month.
Bro. Lowell is currently staying
in the Extended Care and can be
reached at: Lewis County Extended
Care Room 218, 7785 North State
St., Lowville, NY 13367.
Ohio, Akron
Carla Miller
We are thankful for our
visiting minister this month, Elder
Bro. Rick Plattner (Sis. Mary,
Fairbury, IL).
Abigail Ann Steiner joined
the family of Bro. Matthew, Sis.
Rachael, Miriam, and Caleb on
June 1. Her grandparents are
Bro. Matt and Sis. Gail Steiner
(Rittman, OH) and Bro. Marvin
and Sis. Carol Indermuhle.
We are grateful for the
engagement of Bro. Andrew
Klopfenstein (Columbus, OH),
son of Bro. Roy and Deb, Latty,
OH, and Sis. Brianna Palitto (Bro.
Bryon and Sis. Lisa).
Sympathy and prayers are
extended to Bro. Gaius Laubli (Sis.
Ilona) in the passing of his mother,
Sis. Carola Laubli.
We welcome Bro. Brad and Sis.
Amanda, McKenzie, Josie, Zion,
and Eva Gasser as they have recently
moved back to our area and are
assembling with our congregation.
Ohio, Columbus
they said good-bye to their sisterNancy Banks
in-law, Merrie Beth Manz (Roland,
What joy for our small
Union, MO) on May 20. We pray
congregation to have an
that God will comfort each of
engagement announcement!
them during this time of loss.
We rejoice with Bro. Andrew
We had the opportunity to
Klopfenstein (Bro. Roy and Deb,
gather for an all-church breakfast,
Latty, OH) and Sis. Brianna
recognizing our graduates and
Palitto (Bro. Bryon and Sis. Lisa,
the milestone that each of them
Akron, OH) as they announce
have reached. They are Taylor
their plans for a wedding in the
Manz (Bro. Mark and Sis.
near future. We wish them God’s
Cathy), Darren Manz (Bro. Roger
richest blessings as they prepare for and Lisa), Johnathan Rose, Jr.
a future together.
(Johnathan and Connie) and
We were so privileged to
Kelsey Hale (Jason and Danielle
be present at the testimony and
Carnahan). We pray that they will
baptism of our Bro. Ward Buster
seek the Lord and that He will
(Bro. John and Sis. Ingrid Buster,
guide them as they enter another
Burlington, IA). We are thankful
chapter in life.
that Bro. Ward has found the
We rejoice with Sis. Christa
precious gift of salvation and
Gasser (Bro. Roger and Sis. Sue)
encouraged that God’s work is still and Bro. Ben Stoller (Bro. Linn
changing lives. We would like to
and Sis. Brenda, Peachtree City,
thank Elder Bro. Mark Masters
GA) of Francesville, IN as their
(Sis. Jeannine, Mansfield, OH)
engagement was announced on
for being with us that weekend.
May 29. We pray that God will
We have been blessed with other
be near and guide them as they
visiting ministers this month:
prepare for their future together.
Bro. Bill Brake (Sis. Miriam,
Bro. Matt Manz (Sis. Deanna,
Sardis, OH), Bro. Daron Price
Toledo, OH) and Bro. Bruce
(Sis. Monica, Athens, AL), Bro.
Frank (Sis. Bonita, Cissna Park,
Greg Rassi (Sis. Carla, Chicago,
IL) were with us this month and
IL), Bro. Steve Steiglitz (Sis. Jane,
ministered from the Word. We
Leo, IN) and Bro. Joe Gerst
thank all of our ministers for their
(Sis. Connie, Iowa City, IO). We
willingness to preach the Gospel
wish to thank each one for their
week after week, and pray that
willingness to serve on our pulpit. TRUTH would continue to come
forth from the pulpit and from
Ohio, Junction
our individual lives.
Elizabeth Manz
We extend our sympathies to
Sis. Verginia Manz, Bro. Paul (Sis.
Sandra) Manz, Sis. Viola Manz,
and Sis. Helen (Bro. Pete) Hurd as
Ohio, Latty
Carmen Stoller, Mindy Stoller
Greetings of love to each of you!
We were privileged to learn
of two wedding engagements this
month! We wish God’s blessings
upon Bro. Andrew Klopfenstein
(Bro. Roy and Deb) and Sis.
Brianna Palitto (Bro. Bryan and
Sis. Lisa) of Akron, OH as they
plan for an August wedding.
We also rejoice with Bro. Jordan
Miller (Bro. Roger and Sis. Kay)
and Sis. Jenny Bertsch (Bluffton,
IN), along with Jenny’s children,
Zion and Moriah, as they make
wedding plans.
We were thankful to hear that
Kory Schlatter (Bro. Eli and Sis.
Janel) has surrendered his heart to
the Lord in humble repentance.
May God fill him with His
continued grace and mercy.
May the wonderful peace of
God continue to fill Brianna Sinn’s
(Bro. Gary and Sis. Paulette) heart
as she has been announced for
peace and is awaiting baptism.
Our children were blessed
the week of June 6-10 to attend
Vacation Bible School. Many
thanks to all who participated and
helped to make it a special week.
We want to thank the following
ministers who took time to come
speak to our Bible Class during
the evenings: Bro. Ron Bollier
(Sis. Edie, Indianapolis, IN), Bro.
Kirk Plattner (Sis. Keri, West
Lafayette, IN), Bro. Adam Uhler
(Sis. Ann, Smithville, OH), and
Bro. Wayne Hartzler (Sis. Camille,
Rittman, OH). Other visiting
ministers this month included:
Bro. Marvin Hartzler (Sis. Sue,
Rittman, OH), Bro. Greg Stieglitz
(Sis. Lisa, Indianapolis, IN), Bro.
Steve Stieglitz (Sis. Jane, Leo, IN),
Bro. Justin Koch (Sis. Marcia,
Washington, IL), and Bro. Randy
Gasser (Sis. Sue, Detroit, MI).
May God be their rich rewarder!
Congratulations and God’s
blessings to our high school
graduates this year: Sergei
Greutman (Bro. Greg and Sis.
Kristy), Bro. Abram Klopfenstein
(Bro. Jerry and Sis. Cherry), convert
Jared Klopfenstein (Bro. Lee and
Sis. Desma), Sis. Arika Nuest (Bro.
Lee and Sis. Paula), convert Dana
Rosswurm (Bro. Bruce and Sis.
Amy), convert Brianna Sinn (Bro.
Gary and Sis. Paulette), Clint Sinn
(Bro. Todd and Sis. Janet), Luke
Sinn (Bro. Mark and Sis. Diane),
Bro. Zach Sinn (Bro. Tim and Sis.
Marlene), Grace Spangler (Mark
and Laura), and Scott Wenninger
(Bro. Randy and Sis. Joni).
May God be with Bro. Brad
and Sis. Amanda Gasser and their
children: McKenzie, Josie, Zion,
and Eva as they have felt God
calling them to move back to
Akron, OH. We will miss them,
but pray they feel God’s peace and
love during this transition!
Many prayers go out to our
hospital and surgery patients
this month including Sis. Ann
Sinn (Bro. Ray, dec.), Bro. Gary
Sinn (Sis. Paulette), Bill Steffen
(Marian), and Bro. Oliver Stieglitz
(Sis. Emma Jean).
Finally, our love and
sympathies go out to Sis. Karen
Steffen (Bro. Donn) who is
mourning the loss of her mother,
Sis. Jane Gramm (Gridley, IL).
May the Holy Spirit provide
comfort during this time.
Ohio, Mansfield
Elizabeth Walter
We were thankful to share
in the testimony and baptism
weekend of Bro. Calvin Baumann
(Bro. Dave & Sis. Luci). It renews
us to hear of God’s work and
provision in a soul’s life. We
sincerely appreciated the efforts of
Bro. Steve Gutwein (Sis. Linda,
Francesville, IN) throughout
the weekend, as he assisted on
Saturday evening and shared the
inspired Word on Sunday.
May God also richly bless Bro.
Ned Bahler (Sis. Anna, Fairbury,
IL) and Bro. Kevin Wulf (Sis.
Annie, Morris, MN) for visiting
and ministering to the church.
Our thoughts and prayers have
been with Shirley Roberts as she
recently spent time in the hospital
battling illness. May God’s healing
hand be with her.
June always brings the extra
excitement and blessing of our
annual Bible School week. The
Sunday School children enjoy
Bible stories, crafts, and activities
with their classes. We thank
each one who contributed to
making the week a success. We
are especially grateful to those
ministers who presented topical
studies to the adult class. Our
visitors and topics included:
Bro. Bob Dotterer — “Fighting
Temptation” (Sis. Laura, Sardis,
OH), Bro. Brett Lanz — “Idols
of Our Time” (Sis. Renee,
Rittman, OH), Bro. George Gal
— Wednesday evening service
(Sis. Tina, Akron, OH), Bro. Don
Manz — “Lord Teach Us to Pray”
July 2016
(Sis. Connie, Junction, OH), and
Bro. Kevin Wulf — “Spiritual
OSHA” (Sis. Annie, Morris, MN).
May God bless each one and help
us all to grow in the Spirit and
knowledge of Him.
Ohio, Rittman
Julie Steiner, Maria Beery
“Count your blessings, Name them
one by one; Count your blessings,
See what God hath done; Count
your blessings, Name them one by
one; Count your many blessings,
See what God hath done.”
Hymns of Zion #116
We, again, marvel at the
many ways God has blessed our
congregation this month!
We rejoice with our three new
converts: Brenda Ramsier (Bro.
Joe and Sis. Kendra), Elise Rufener
(Bro. Darrell and Sis. Shirley), and
Isaac Graf (Mark and Marcy).
Just as God draws souls to
Him, He also draws souls to each
other. We have witnessed many
weddings this month. Bro. Dan
Kipfer (Bro. Jon and Sis. Suzanne)
was married to Sis. Madalyn
Bowers (Todd Bowers and Caren
Howes). Bro. Tyler Endress
(Bradford) was united in marriage
to Sis. Leah Beery (Bro. Walt
and Sis. Lynda). We welcome Sis.
Erika Schneider (Bro. Greg and
Sis. Heidi, Remington) as she was
married to Bro. Jared Bauman (Sis.
Nancy Bauman) of our Rittman
church and will be moving here.
Troy Rufener (Bro. Steve and Sis.
Jenee) and Katie Draa (Mark and
Connie) made their wedding vows.
May God bless these new couples!
We want to welcome Bro.
Nathan and Sis. Mary Hoffman
and their children: Levi, Kaitlyn,
and Javen to our church in
Rittman. We look forward to
them assembling with us and trust
they will feel at home here.
Congratulations and God’s
blessings to our nine graduates.
They are Jaclyn Deuber (John
and Kimberly), Sis. Annaliese
Graf (Bro. Eric and Sis. Erika),
Bro. Amos Hartzler (Bro. Tim
and Sis. Sharon), Sis. Emily
Hartzler (Bro. Wayne and Sis.
Camille), Sis. Rachel Hartzler
(Bro. Dan and Sis. Jennifer), Sis.
Julia Klotzle (Bro. John and Sis.
Cheri), Hannah Miller (Bro. Mike
and Sis. Robin), Luke Schar (Bro.
Gary and Sis. Vicki), and Bro.
Jacob Steiner (Bro. Brent and Sis.
Andrea). We trust they each will
follow God’s leading as they plan
for the next chapter of their lives.
On June 6, Bro. Ben and
Sis. Cymbal Stoller welcomed a
new baby boy, Zander Russell.
Zander joins Cassidy, Jasmine,
and Tate. Grandparents are Bro.
Bob and Sis. Lorie Riggenbach
and Bro. Rob and Sis. Joanne
Stoller. On May 27, Connor John
was born to Bro. Nelson and
Sis. Jessica Stoller (Smithville).
Grandparents are Bro. Rod and
Sis. Jill Steiner and Bro. Scott and
Sis. Charlene Stoller (Smithville).
On June 1, Abigail Ann Steiner
arrived safely to Bro. Matthew,
Jr. and Sis. Rachael (Akron).
Older siblings are Miriam and
Caleb. Grandparents are Bro.
Matthew and Sis. Gail Steiner
and Bro. Marvin and Sis. Carol
Indermuhle (Akron.)
Gretchen Hartzler, the daughter
of Bro. Tim and Sis. Sharon, and
Ken Bauman (Shirley) spent time
in the hospital this month. We are
thankful they are home and pray
they continue to heal.
We appreciate the ministers
who have visited us this month.
Thanks to Bro. Chris Laukhauf
(Sis. Rachel, Latty), Bro. Randy
Gasser (Sis. Sue, Detroit), Bro.
Barry Dietz (Sis. Rachel, Bradford),
and Bro. Matt Steffen (Sis.
Deanna, Princeville) for serving us.
Ohio, Sardis
Faith Beard, Joy Indermuhle
Bro. Allen and Sis. Janet
Indermuhle welcomed another
grandchild into their family with
the birth of Aurora Alleene. Little
Aurora was born on May 25 to
John and Amanda Weslow and big
siblings: Emma, Ashlyn and Jack.
We rejoice with this new blessing
and pray for God’s guidance on
this changing family.
Two from our congregation
have entered a changing point in
their lives upon graduation. Sis.
Baylee Figel (Bro. Andy and Sis.
Cyndi) and Caleb Indermuhle
(Bro. Dana and Sis. Joy) have
completed their high school
education and are now looking
into career interests and furthering
their education.
We thanked God for His
protection as he spared Alysha
Figel (Bro. Andy and Sis. Cyndi)
severe injury during a car accident.
We are thankful she was able to
return home after one overnight
in the hospital. We also continue
to remember in prayer Alysha’s
grandmother, Sis. Paula (Bro. John)
Figel, as she continues to experience
debilitating neurological symptoms
that leave her unable to leave the
house most days.
It was recently announced that
Caleb Indermuhle (Bro. Dana
and Sis. Joy) has reached peace
in his repentance and wishes to
be baptized into the fold. We are
looking forward to his testimony
and baptism on July 30 and 31,
Lord willing.
“And he lifted up his eyes, and saw
the… children; and said, Who are
those with thee? And he said, The
children which God hath graciously
given thy servant.” Genesis 33:5
We enjoyed being with our
children at our annual Sunday
School picnic. Bro. Adam Uhler
(Sis. Ann, Smithville, OH) spoke
with the group about planting
different seeds in their lives then
harvesting what is planted. We
appreciate the time and energies he
and his family spent with us. We
also thank Adam for ministering
to us the following Sunday.
Also preaching God’s Word
to us this month was Bro. Doug
Harmon (Sis. Lanna, Toledo,
OH). May God bless Him for
traveling to be with us and serving
us on a Wednesday evening.
Ohio, Smithville
Kara Stoller, Millie Stoller
“In youthful days His blessing seek,
With heart that’s tender true and
meek, And while the years draw
on apace, You’ ll praise Him for
His love and grace.”
Hymns of Zion #135 v.5
We offer our congratulations
and prayers to our recent high
school graduates as they move on
to the next phase in their lives.
They include: Sis. Katrina Beery
(Bro. Dwaine & Sis. Shelly), Sis.
Erika Dotterer (Bro. Steve & Sis.
Amy), Carl Fetzer (Bro. Andy &
Sis. Elizabeth), Crystal Gasser (Bro.
Ben & Sis. Sharon), Ross Hofacre
(Bro. Steve & Sis. Jollene), Kevin
Indermuhle (Bro. Scott & Sis.
Patty), Lindsey Maibach (Bro. Dean
& Sis. Bonnie), Jeremy Miller (Bro.
Mike & Sis. Carol), Bro. Owen
Stoller (Bro. Jeff & Sis. Millie), Bro.
Warren Stoller (Bro. Scott & Sis.
Charlene), and Bro. Aaron Zollinger
(Bro. Marvin & Sis. Pam).
“If any man speak, let him speak
as the oracles of God; if any man
minister, let him do it as of the
ability which God giveth: that
God in all things may be glorified
through Jesus Christ, to whom be
praise and dominion for ever and
ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:11.
A sincere thanks to Bro. Bob
Riggenbach (Sis. Lorie, Rittman,
OH), for spending a Sunday
afternoon with our congregation
and sharing the Word of God.
May Sis. Janette Blough
feel our prayers and the healing
hand of the Lord as she recovers
from surgery.
Our church was blessed with
two births this month. Conner
John brings joy to the home of
Bro. Nelson & Sis. Jessica Stoller.
Grandparents are Bro. Scott &
Sis. Charlene Stoller and Bro.
Rod & Sis. Jill Steiner (Rittman,
OH). Benjamin and Deborah
Neal are rejoicing in the birth of
their son, Edison James. Thankful
grandparents are Bro. Larry and
Sis. Susan Rufener.
Ohio, Toledo
Deanna Manz, Whitney Masters
After much prayer and
consideration, the Toledo
congregation recently voted to
support a new minister on our
pulpit. We are thankful that
Bro. Chet Manz (Sis. Jenny) has
been chosen to bring forth the
Word. We pray for Bro. Chet, Sis.
Jenny, Kylie, Jack, and Charlie
as they fulfil this new role in our
congregation. Elder Bro. Bill
Schlatter (Sis. Emily, Junction,
OH) and Elder Bro. Mark Masters
(Sis. Jeannine, Mansfield, OH)
were here to assist in this work. We
appreciate the encouragement that
was shared.
It is always a special time
when we can have visiting
minsters on our pulpit. We thank
Bro. Greg Rassi (Sis. Carla,
Chicago, IL) for preaching the
Word on a Thursday evening.
Ontario, Kitchener
Johanna Fortenbacher
Our whole church had a
wonderful and blessed time being
with the believers in Detroit one
weekend for Holy Communion
and the ordination of Bro. Lucas
(Sis. Crystal Frank).
“For I rejoiced greatly, when the
brethren came and testified of the
July 2016
truth that is in thee, even as thou
walkest in the truth. 1 John 1:3
We are constantly amazed and
thankful for all the believers and
ministers who came to our church
this month: Elder Bro. Tom
Schambach (Sis. Connie, Elgin,
IL), Elder Bro. Tim Funk (Sis.
Debra, Peoria), Kurt Walter (Sis.
Elizabeth, Mansfield) and Bro.
Lynn Stieglitz (Sis. Leonda, Leo).
God bless you all!
As Apostle Paul prayed for the
Colossians in Colossians 1:3 so
do we. Again, we are thankful for
the ministers: Bro. Roger Aberle
(Sis. LaVonne, Sabetha), Bro. Dan
Goric (Sis. Mary-Lou, Rockville),
Bro. Lucas Frank (Detroit) and
Bro. Paul Zimmerman (Sis.
Loretta, Forrest).
We were very blessed with
wonderful weather for our Sunday
School Picnic.
comfort go out to Sis. Pearl and
the family.
On June 12, we had the
special privilege of an out-of-state
visiting minister, who had signed
up for the minister rotation for
Portland, Bro. Matt Kaufmann (Sis.
Rebekah, Bloomington-Normal,
IL). We appreciate his willingness
to travel out West and support our
congregation. We were blessed by his
labor of love Sunday, and also by the
fellowship that weekend, as we were
able to spend some time at the coast
and in the Columbia River Gorge.
We extend special gratitude
as well to the local supporting
ministers from Silverton, OR:
Elder Bro. John Wiegand (Sis.
Jane), Bro. Jim Zollinger (Sis.
Tresa) and Bro. Harvey Kuenzi
(Sis. Jennifer). We also had
Silverton brethren help with song
leading. Blessings to all.
Oregon, Portland
Oregon, Silverton
Louisa Gallup
Kelsey Walder, Ann Kuenzi
Congratulations to Victoria
Hoach (Bro. Rick and Sis.
Miriam) who graduated from
Junior High School. We wish
her the Lord’s blessings as she
continues her education in High
School this fall.
On May 27, Sis. Lois Pfister
(Roanoke, IL) went home to be
with the Lord at age 97. She was
a sister to Sis. Pearl Miller (Bro.
Bob, dec.) and the fourth of twelve
siblings. Sis. Pearl has two younger
siblings still living. Sis. Lois made
several visits to Oregon in years
past. Some may remember how
she loved to sing. Our prayers of
Drew Kuenzi (Bro. Jeremy
and Sis. Kristy) is suffering a
broken right arm, after diving
for a ball, and is now in a cast
for a while. Bro. Don Sinn (Sis.
Linda) is thankful to be with us
after experiencing a car accident.
Sis. Linda Kuenzi (Bro. Bob) is
recovering from knee surgery.
Ryan Bence (Bro. Sam and Sis.
Lily) has spent time in the hospital
following a dirt bike accident, and
is thankfully recovering.
We are rejoicing with Kathryn
Walter (Bro. Chad and Sis.
Megan) as she turns her life over
to the Lord in repentance. Our
prayers will be with her as she
grows in the Lord.
We have been blessed with a
few visiting ministers this month.
They are Bro. Duane Reutter (Sis.
Kay, Rockville, CT), Bro. Mike
Leman (Sis. Lisa, Portland, OR)
and Bro. Dana Indermuhle (Sis.
Joy, Sardis, OH).
We are thankful to learn that
Janelle Kuenzi (Bro. Harvey and
Sis. Jennifer) expresses her joy in
having peace with God. We will
look forward to her baptism in
the future.
Laura Isch
“Thy anguish make us brave
To face distress and sorrow,
And in the throes of death
From Thy death strength to
O let the bond of love
Bind us with one accord
To crucify the flesh
And world through Thee, O
Lord!” Zion’s Harp #224
Communion is a time for
the church to be drawn closer
to each other as we remember
the death of our Savior. We
appreciated Elder Bro. Randy
Kellenberger and his wife, Sis.
Karen (Kansas City, MO), being
with our church for this special
time of remembrance.
Our church really enjoyed
our Invite-a-Friend in June! We
appreciated the many visitors that
came to fellowship with us.
This past month we also
appreciated several visiting
ministers. We thank Bro. Warren
Zahner (Rockville, CT), and Bro.
Ned Stoller (Alto, MI) for coming
and sharing the Word with us.
May God bless all who came
to fellowship with us this past
month. We hope they felt the love
of the Philadelphia church!
Texas, Austin
the call to serve our God in Austin.
Candy Meiss
We are thankful that Bro. Mark
Sending our Love and
Bazzell has found employment and
Greetings from Austin!
is making arrangements for his
“Great is Thy Faithfulness, O God family to relocate to Austin. We
my Father, There is no shadow of
continue to pray for these families
turning with Thee, Thou changes
and others that are considering a
not, Thy compassion’s, they fail
move to Austin.
not, As thou has been, Thou
We are so thankful for our
Tennessee, Nashville
forever will be.”
visitors and encourage everyone
Mike Fritz
We were blessed to have the
passing through to stop and
We are thankful for the
following visiting ministers this
worship with us! We appreciate
blessing of gathering with
past month: our deacon, Bro.
your continued prayers for our
brethren for worship, even when
Leland Plattner (Sis. Mary, Zapata, outreach to the Stoney Point
we have to use technology to
TX) and Bro. Bob Bebe (Sis. Sue
families, especially the 20-30
connect to a service in another
Ann, South Bend, IN), Bro. Kevin children who worship with us each
congregation, which we are
Banwart (Sis. Sandy, West Bend,
Sunday. They are precious in His
doing on a regular basis since our IA), Bro. Dan Koch (Tremont,
sight and we have such a love for
standard minister rotation has
IL) and Bro. Craig Martin
each of them.
been suspended for now.
(Princeville, IL).
“Great is thy Faithfulness! Great
We were also blessed this
Our church is thrilled to
is thy Faithfulness! Morning
past month by a visit from Elder
hear the announcement of a new
by morning new mercies I see,
Bro. Gerry Hertzel (Sis. Ellen,
convert, Sam Vigue. We rejoice
All I have needed thy hand
Sabetha). We have likewise been
to see his desire to grow in his
hath provided, Great is thy
strengthened by the fellowship
walk with Christ. He has been a
Faithfulness, Lord unto me!”
of visitors from Belvidere,
blessing to our fellowship and we
Please refer to our minister’s
Congerville, and Gridley, IL; and look forward to welcoming him
directory for directions and contacts.
Philadelphia, PA.
fully into the fold.
If you are traveling to or
We are so thankful for a very
Texas, Dallas-Ft. Worth
through the Nashville area, please successful and wonderful week of
Heather Steiner
plan to worship with us. We
VBS, in the morning at Stoney
Services are generally being
also meet on the first and third
Point with 30-60 in attendance
held the second Sunday of each
Wednesday evenings of the month and in the evening at church with month at the Holiday Inn Express,
for call-in services. Please contact 12-15 in attendance. It was such
4450 W. John Carpenter Freeway,
us ahead of time to confirm our
a blessing working with the many
Irving, TX. There are several
schedule. Contacts are Bro. Don
volunteers who traveled to Bastrop singles and couples who gather and
& Sis. Faye Sauder, 615.373.8928; to help with VBS.
enjoy visitors. Please call ahead
Bro. Jeff & Sis. Cynde Stoller,
Following VBS we were blessed to verify. Bros. Wayne Banwart
309.530.5760, cyndelynnstoller@ to have the Princeville Bible Class
(217-493-2383), Leland Plattner
gmail.com; or Bro. Mike & Sis.
here to work on projects at Stoney
(956-265-0351), or Dennis Rassi
Monica Fritz, 615.866.5543,
Point and at our church.
It is a joy to welcome Bro.
Jordan and Sis. Lea Rokey and their
precious Ava as they have answered
July 2016
Texas, McAllen
Kristi Plattner
The Word was brought
to us this past month by Bro.
Leland Plattner (Sis. Mary,
Zapata, TX). We appreciate his
willingness to serve.
We welcome anyone coming
to South Texas. If interested in
housing on South Padre Island
or in McAllen while visiting the
McAllen area, please contact us
for further details.
Occasionally there is a schedule
change, so if you plan to be with
us on Sunday, please verify the
date by calling the Plattner’s at
956-607-8329 or you may access
www.harvestcall.org and view the
updated minister rotation schedule.
Sunday services are held at
10:30 and 12:30 at the Smart iStay
Hotel, 1921 South 10th St. Please
note that the name of the hotel is
no longer Holiday Inn Express.
Take the 10th Street Exit off
I-83 and go 1½ blocks south.
Please see the ministers’ directory
for local contact information.
Vermont, Clarendon
Nathan Reutter
To continue the theme of the
past few months, I would like to
attempt to define one more tricky
word: grace. It has such a broad
meaning that it is difficult to pin
down. However, in a recent sermon
I heard it beautifully phrased as the
divine influence on a soul. But in
terms of practical concerns, how is
this affected and how is it borne out
in human lives?
To get help with answering
these questions, I consulted Noah
Webster’s 1828 dictionary. Grace,
it said, comes from a Latin word
that has the sense of something
being given readily, freely, quickly,
promptly, and willingly. There are
twenty definitions for the noun
form of the word and three for the
verb form of it. Several of these
definitions have Biblical references
to epitomize the various meanings
of this word. These I would like
to share to illustrate how the Bible
defines grace.
The free unmerited love and
favor of God, the spring and
source of all the benefits men
receive from him. Romans 11:6.
Favorable influence of God;
divine influence or the influence
of the spirit, in renewing the
heart and restraining from sin. 2
Corinthians 12:9.
The application of Christ’s
righteousness to the sinner.
Romans 5:20.
A state of reconciliation to
God. Romans 5:2.
Spiritual instruction,
improvement and edification.
Ephesians 4:29.
Apostleship, or the
qualifications of an apostle.
Ephesians 3:8.
Eternal life; final salvation. 1
Peter 1:13.
Another definition of grace
is to favor or honor. In this sense,
several visiting ministers graced
us with their presence this month.
They included Bro. Kevin Ryan
(Sis. Cheryl, Rockville, CT), Bro.
Marvin Hartzler (Sis. Sue, Rittman,
OH), Bro. Joe Klotzle (Sis. Sue,
Altadena, CA), and retired Elder
Bro. Joe Braker (Morton, IL). The
reasons for their coming varied,
but the Gospel spoken did not. We
thank God for His providence, and
thank those who ministered for
their openness to the Spirit’s work
in their ministry.
A final definition for grace is
privilege. It is with this meaning that
we had the grace of an all-church
meal commemorating the men
and women who have died serving
in the country’s armed forces on
Memorial Day. It was a nice time to
connect with fellow believers and to
remember what freedom costs both
in the physical and spiritual life.
May God fill you with grace in
its varied meanings.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed,
and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled,
though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Psalm 46:1-3
Contributed by Readers
How My Father Demonstrated
Spiritual Leadership
My dad was diagnosed with a
brain tumor when I was only four
years old. By God’s grace, he lived
through a car accident, radiation
and chemo. Though his personality
was altered, this was the man I
knew as my father. Often times, as
I grew up, people would talk about
him as the man he used to be. He
used to be such a leader, used to be
a wise counselor, or a soft-spoken
peacemaker. I understand the
sorrow these people felt. He was no
longer who they remembered as a
friend or mentor.
Yet I am so blessed by the
father he was to me. Even with
his different personality, limited
ability to communicate, and
sometimes, childish behavior.
Did I struggle with anger,
bitterness, and resentment for
not having a “perfect” father as a
child? Definitely.
Was I eventually able to find
just how deep the love of God can
reach to fill that void? Completely.
Even with his sickness, my
dad still led his family as much
as he could. He woke us up on
school mornings to read the Bible
together, at least 5 Psalms and 1
Proverb. Then he’d lead us in an
in-depth Bible study together. We
could do this because he no longer
had a job to rush off to and we were
homeschooled, which meant we
usually spent 1-2 hours of studying
God’s Word together!
His love for music sparked a
passion for singing and playing
instruments in all our hearts. On
a daily basis, he would either sing
or have music playing as he walked
around the house doing chores. He
also encouraged all of us to sing
in church choir, and made sure
we arrived on time to practice. I
am certain that if there is a choir
in heaven, he is there, among the
tenors, praising our Lord.
In his death (11 years ago
now) he displayed his complete
faith and surrender to our Savior.
Part I
Given the choice to either do
another round of chemo and
possibly die in the hospital or
go on hospice and stay home,
he chose to be home with all of
us. This gave us many “special
times” (as he would say) in
singing and reading the Bible
together. The verses he clung to
were Psalm 63:3-4, “Because thy
lovingkindness is better than life,
my lips shall praise thee, thus
will I bless while I live: I will
lift up my hands in thy name.”
(emphasis, mine)
I am so blessed to have had such
a dear father for ten years, as well as
to cultivate an intimate relationship
with my Abba Father. Looking
back, I am so grateful to have gone
through the pain so I could more
deeply understand the power of the
promise in Psalm 68:5.
“A father of the fatherless, and
a judge of the widows, is God in
his holy habitation.”
Katy Frantz, Indianapolis, IN
July 2016
My father had a strong influence
on my life in many ways. When
I had spiritual struggles or
questions, I could always talk to
him. I still miss that more than 25
years after his passing.
Dad loved his church. When
the doors were open, he was there,
even on Wednesday nights in the
middle of harvest. On Sunday
mornings we were among the first
to church; we would joke, “Oh,
we’re late! There are three cars here
already!” He had a deep respect for
church leadership, even knowing
full well they are human and can
make mistakes. I don’t remember
my parents ever complaining
about our church or leaders, and
we learned early not to complain
about those in authority.
The fellowship of the brethren
was precious to him. His keen
interest in the brotherhood
prompted him many years ago
to compile and publish the
Apostolic Christian Churches
and Ministers directories that are
regularly updated yet today. We
were admonished to not always sit
with our siblings, but to think of
others who don’t have family in
church. He taught us to welcome
visitors, and many times he would
invite ‘strangers’ visiting at church
to our home.
My father loved singing and
shared it with many through
leading, providing comforting
music at funerals, hosting
singings, and actively teaching
the beautiful old hymns to
generations following. He would
encourage young brothers in
whom he recognized a talent
to learn to lead singing. Most
Sunday mornings he would
summon us to sing a few songs
around the piano before church.
Later, when he fought recurring
battles with cancer, he confided
to Mom his thankfulness that it
never stopped him from singing!
At home, Dad prayed
aloud at mealtime and read
the Bible to us daily. Girls
giggling during the finishing
up prayer sometimes received
head thumps. I’m sorry to say
that we sassed Mom sometimes,
but in Dad’s presence, we didn’t
dare. Something about him just
commanded respect. He didn’t
have to take action that often,
probably because we had no
doubts that he would.
Dad could speak pretty
sharply and let the chips fall
where they may; one didn’t have
to wonder what he thought.
Sometimes feelings got hurt, and
when he realized it, he could
apologize. He did not carry
grudges. Dad served his church
and his community in many ways
and was not ashamed to share his
faith. Somehow, observing our
parents’ strengths and weaknesses
has helped us face our own as we
in turn raised families. “…..the
glory of children are their fathers.”
(Proverb 17:6)
Becky Endress, for the children of
Orel & Rose Steiner, Bradford, IL
One way our Dad demonstrated
spiritual leadership was by his
support to the church. He loved
God, the church and the brethren.
He was firm as he guided us
in the paths of repentance and
conversion. He encouraged us
to sing. His prayers at home and
during church services are still
remembered. Anonymous
Father’s day. It’s a special day where
we celebrate fathers and all they did
for us. But when you really think
about it any man can be a father. It
doesn’t take much to be a biological
relative to child but it takes a real
spiritual man to be a dad. That’s
what I had growing up.
While my dad was somewhat
of a quiet man he was a good
spiritual leader of the house in more
ways than one. He was always a
leader even before he repented but
when he did finally turn his life
over to the Lord; I remember what
an impact it made on me as a kid.
Being only eight years old at the
time I remember seeing the change
in him. My dad was the kind of
person that when he made up
his mind to do something he did
it. And after years of running he
finally decided it was time for him
to give his life to Christ. Almost
instantly, he was different in his
appearance, his actions, and his
everyday behavior. “I regret not
doing it sooner,” he would always
tell people, as he gave his testimony.
One way he loved to praise the
Lord was through singing. My dad
loved to hear the old hymns and
sing them as a family at home. He
and my mother would grab the
Hymns of Zion books we had and
sit on the couch next to each other
and sing their hearts out. As weird
as I thought they were as a teenager, I
would lock myself in my bedroom
and not want to take part in the
praise and worship. Now as an adult,
I wish I took a little more advantage
of it. He never thought he could sing,
but he knew Jesus loved to hear it. He
did have a good voice though.
My dad was also a very humble
man. He never lived fancy. He
was always very content in what he
had. I remember when I would get
a big head he would always say, “Be
thankful for what God has given
you!” We always had just enough.
We were spoiled in a lot of ways but
my dad always taught us what it
means to work for something. If you
put time and effort into a project the
outcome of your labor would come
out wonderful! He was a very handy
man and used the gifts God blessed
him with to bless others. He never
thought what he did was that big
of a deal. If it needed to be done, it
got done. He displayed this in his
work through World Relief as he
and mom went on mission work. He
helped build gorgeous homes. I was
able to meet some of the people he
helped. To hear their gratitude about
what my dad did for them always
made me super proud. He never
cared for recognition for what he did.
If it needed to be done, he was there
to do it.
Another way he displayed
spiritual leadership was how he loved
his family. He was a good example
to what to look for in a Godly man
by how he loved my mom. A little
teasing here and there, but he was
affectionate. He always said, “I love
you.” When you wanted his time
you got it. He would always drop
what he was doing to come do
something with you, especially with
his grandkids. He would always
tell me, if your kids ask you to play,
you play with them because there
is going to come a day when they
are older and you wish you did. No
matter what project he was into,
he would finish just enough until
he could get back to it so he could
go play with them. Even when he
was gone to World Relief for three
months he still took time to talk
to the kids. I remember one time
someone told me when they were
helping him with fixing a pipe his
phone rang; he said it was break
time he had to talk to his grandkids.
They sure thought the world of
them and he loved to be with them.
This year Father’s Day has been
a little bittersweet for us. It has
been the first without dad. Back in
September 2015 Christ called him
home. After a four-year battle with
cancer he passed away peacefully.
And that’s another way he was a
spiritual leader. As much as we were
afraid, angry, and sad to let him go,
he sure wasn’t afraid. If God wanted
him he was going take him and no
chemo would help so why do it, he
would say, when we wanted him to
go through chemo. And he was right.
I could write so much more
about my dad but it would turn into
a book! So if you have your dad for
Father’s Day this year make sure you
hug them a little tighter this year
because you never know when God
will be ready for them. I know dad
will be waiting for us at the Eastern
Gate when we arrive to Heaven.
Thanks for all you did, Dad! You
were awesome and I am so thankful
God gave me a dad like you!
Rebekah Ruegsegger Wieland,
Bay City, MI
July 2016
My father had a concern for the
lost and a yearning to be with Jesus
while at the same time showing
diligence in doing his work well on
this earth. He enjoyed talking about
the Lord, enjoyed God's handiwork,
loved learning and encouraged his
children along the same path. He
enjoyed singing and taught me that
humming or singing a hymn can
lift one's spirit when feeling down or
feeling sorry for oneself. One of his
favorite hymns was "In the Sweet
By and By." He was hospitable
and always encouraged our
mother to share what they had
with others and to open our home
to visitors. Anonymous
Our father has been a wonderful
Christian example to our family
through the years. From an early
age, he taught us that doing our
best at any job was pleasing to
God and to our parents. We also
learned that we could have fun
without spending a lot of money
— such special family memories
My father demonstrated spiritual
of spring mushroom hunting,
leadership by his example of
summer evening fishing, walks in
starting his day with prayer and
the woods in the fall, homemade
Scripture reading. We prayed
ice skating rinks & sledding in the
and read the Bible as a family.
winter. My aunt recently told me
He led Bible studies with our
that she felt sorry for us growing
young group and encouraged our
up because we were poor. I had
"Spiritual Hygiene" by holding
no idea we were poor because we
us accountable for reading
had each other and always seemed
daily, praying on our knees, and
to find fun things to do.
memorizing Scripture. He puts
He struggled with farming early
God first in his life, seeks counsel in their marriage and then managed
from older brothers, digs into the
a business for others for many years.
Word, mentors young converts/
When he had a chance to purchase
couples, and has a daily purpose to the business, it was through seeking
glorify God.
God's direction and waiting for
Karissa Neihouser, Morton, IL
the peace that only He can give.
We all worked for our parents
growing up. They were our hardest
bosses, but we learned how to be
good employees.
My parents have mourned
the death of a young child, the
estrangement and later reunion
of another child, a serious car
accident, and many other struggles
in life. Through their own journey
and God's faithfulness, they have
been a support and encouragement
to others that have experienced
similar trials.
Dad also had many church
responsibilities over the years
and one lesson we learned was
submission to the authority of the
church for unity and peace. He
never complained, but felt it was
a blessing to serve young and old
in various capacities. When I seek
his counsel about spiritual matters
that trouble me, he listens so
patiently, then lovingly says, "Stay
in the Word!"
As his earthly body fails
and he has recently moved into
a nursing home, his wit brings
smiles to those who care for him.
Recently, he shared that he doesn't
want to live a day longer on earth
than what God wants him to,
because the streets are paved with
gold where he's going. What a
blessing he has been to us in every
stage and change in his life!
The News & Notices section of The Silver Lining provides a way for qualifying non-profit entities to make the brotherhood aware of church-related
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Bible Distribution: Sharing His Word in Love
Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. Psalm 96:3
Together we can provide Bibles for seeking people. This may be someone you attend school with,
someone you work with, or someone God has shown you at a gas station. Bibles and approved Bible
story Books are available. Carrying a New Testament to distribute can help you remember what our
real task is. To order, contact: Apostolic Christian Church Bible Distribution
651 E. Peoria Street, Goodfield, IL 61742
Phone: 309-965-2141 Email: bibledistribution@acpublications.org
July 2016
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel…
Is God calling you and your family to live, love and serve together for His Kingdom?
Serve as a family to show God’s grace and love to vulnerable and hurting youth.
It’s challenging, tough, gritty work with kids from some of America’s most difficult
neighborhoods. Lives will be changed, you will be challenged, your family will be blessed.
We currently have two opportunities for married couples. While the position offers
competitive wages and benefits, that’s not the reason people answer the call. If you think
it’s possible this could be your calling, please pray. Then contact Brother Clint Plattner for
more information. It may work out, or it may not, but it doesn’t hurt to take a first step.
Clint Plattner
Residential Program Manager
888.443.4283 | gatewaywoods.org | facebook.com/gatewaywoods
Gateway Woods is Looking for:
The very first item auctioned at the very first
auction for Gateway Woods in 1977. It was a fullsized mint green quilt with the ACCH (Apostolic
Children’s Home)
motto and logo
embroidered on a
white center. The
motto was, “A
Work of Faith, A
Labor of Love.” The
logo was a picture
of a boy and girl.
(see center image)
If you know where this quilt is located, please
contact Gateway Woods, 260-627-0220 or
(preferred) schaferib@gmail.com.
WHY do we want to know? We are in the
process of writing a book on the 40 years of history
for Gateway Woods. It would be interesting to trace
that first item for its
story to tell.
We are also on
the lookout for other
stories to tell. Has
Gateway Woods made
a difference in your life?
In what year and how
were you connected to
Gateway Woods? Staff?
Resident? Board Member? Volunteer? Visitor?
Other? Include your phone number and/or email
in case we have questions. We will try to include
your story, but understand that space is limited.
Christian Guesthouse and Worship Services in Rochester, MN
Accommodations for Mayo Clinic outpatients and families:
Three bedrooms with private baths, laundry, kitchen and family room area.
Sunday Service:
Mid-week Service:
(by request only)
10:00 AM and 12:30 PM
For information and reservations, contact caretakers:
Bro. Mark and Sis. Sandy Stork
4733 Birdie Lane NW, Rochester, MN 55901
(507) 288-0072
(held on 3rd Wednesday in Rochester area)
For information, contact:
Bro. Jim and Sis. Deb Tilbury
(507) 281-2875
For church services schedule please visit
...when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take
it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
1 Peter 2:20
July 2016
Adapted Bible Studies
Now Available at
Apostolic Christian
This instructive and
enlightening Bible
study from InterVarsity
has been adapted with
permission by Apostolic
Christian Counseling and
Family Services. Topics
included in this study:
Needing Friends, David &
Mephibosheth, Enjoying
our Differences, Naomi &
Ruth, Forgiving Friends, A
Father & His Son, Friends
Accountable to Friends,
David & Nathan, Loving
Friends, and Forever
Friends. Price: $8.50
Available Topics
• Faith: Depending on God
[1601] Price: $8.50
• Forgiveness:
ess: Making Peace with the
Past [1602] Price: $8.50
• Four Great Loves [1603] Price: $8.50
These Bible studies have been
reviewed, modified (with the
permission of the original publisher),
and approved by elders for use
within our churches. They have
been adapted to be consistent
with Apostolic Christian church
doctrine and practices.
• Friendship [1604] Price: $8.50
• Fruit of the Spirit [1605] Price: $8.50
• God’s Comfort [1606] Price: $8.50
• Grief [1607] Price: $8.50
• Hope [1608] Price: $8.50
• Images of God [1609] Price: $8.50
• Integrity [1610] Price: $8.50
• James [1611] Price: $10.00
• Prayer [1612] Price: $8.50
• Sermon on the Mount [1613] Price: $8.50
• Joshua [1614] Price: $10.00
• Parenting [1615] Price: $8.50
• John [1616] Price: $10.00
• Philippians [1617] Price: $10.00
offered by the
Apostolic Christian Church
Philippians [1617]
This informative Bible study from the NavPress Life Change
series has been adapted with permission by ACCFS. The study
consists of 11 lessons and can be done individually, in small
groups, and congregationally. Topics included in this study:
Historical Background — Paul And Philippi, Map of the Roman
Empire, Timeline of Paul’s Ministry, Overview, A Prayer for
Partners, The Important Thing, Worthy Conduct, The Mindset
of Christ, Working It Out, Co-workers, Gains and Loss, Citizens
of Heaven, The Peace of God, Review. Price: $10.00
For additional information and ordering visit
Phone: 309-965-2611 Email: office@acpublications.org
Apostolic Christian Publications
651 East Peoria St., Goodfield, IL 61742
Store Hours: Monday - Friday
8:30am - 11:30am (Central Time)
Sunday School Teacher Needed in Austin, TX
Resulting from the fruitful efforts of outreach in the Austin, Texas area, the church has been blessed
to have many young people come to Sunday worship. The congregation is therefore seeking assistance
in their children’s ministry for a Sunday School teacher(s).
Couples, families and singles are encouraged to pray about this wonderful opportunity to sow the
seeds of the gospel in young hearts and become part of the growing Austin Apostolic Christian
Church family. This call for Sunday School teachers has gone out previously. While there has been
favorable response to the call, more assistance is desired to fulfill the needs.
If you are interested, send an e-mail to CEC@harvestcall.org. Ministering Bro. Matthew Rassi will
direct your request as appropriate.
Resident Services Director Needed Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped
After nearly 60 years of combined service, the Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped
will have two Resident Services Directors retiring in the coming months from separate branches of the
agency. The role of the Resident Services Director is to oversee the programs and procedures related to
the emotional and social needs of residents as well as to direct and supervise staff in those duties. While a
background in serving people with disabilities would be helpful, it is much more critical that the person
embody the key character traits of an effective Resident Services Director. These include being spiritually
well grounded and committed to the Christian values of the agency, an ability to advocate and enable
growth in our residents, and being an effective communicator, supervisor, and mentor. Prior management
experience is preferred, but not required. The person must also meet the educational requirements to be
a Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional. This would include, but is not limited to, those with a
4-year degree in education, social work, or other human service field or a 2-year degree in nursing.
We ask anyone with an interest in these roles to contact the Home by August 31. You may contact
us at 309-266-9781 or jpsinas@achh.org. We appreciate your support and prayers as we make this
important transition.
Light from the Word
Now available by downloadable PDF from the Apostolic Christian Publication website: www.acpublications.org
After entering the website, click on the item located at the left hand frame entitled, “Light from the Word
Reprints”. The entire set of editorials are available in a complete download (June 1987 to current).
July 2016
Mexico Work Teams
Year 2016
June 4 - 11
Chad Massner
Taylor Bible Class
HarvestCall Work Team
Jeff Stoller
Morton Bible Class
Jul 2 - 9
Jim Rieker
Medical Teams
Physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists,
pharmacists, laboratory techs, radiology techs,
ultrasound techs, occupational and physical
therapists, nurses and other specialists who
are willing to assist with general medical
and surgical care are invited to participate
on weeklong medical teams. See the current
schedule (including dates for 2016).
Bible Class
Mexico Work TeamsPeoria
Year 2016
June 4 - 11
Jul 9 - 16
Chad Massner
Benj Knapp
Taylor Bible Class
Washington Bible Class
Creel, MX
Jun 11 - 18
Aug 30 - Sep 7
Nov 19 - 26
Year 2017
Jan 2 - 8
Jeff Stoller
Cheryl Herrman
Morton Bible Class
Rod Schmidt
Jim Rieker
Peoria Bible Class
Creel, MX
Feb 4 - 11
Feb 11 - 18
Nov 19 - 26
Doug Hodel
Rod Schmidt
Mar 18 - 25
Year 2017
Jan 2 - 8
Mar 25 - Apr 1
Toby Steffen
Senior Class
Nelson Eisenmann
U of I
Feb 4 - 11
Jul 2 - 9
U of I
Benj Knapp
Washington Bible Class
Jul 9 - 16
Aug 30 - Sep 7
Scheduling Questions?
Cheryl Herrman
Lacrosse Bible Class
Troy Lanz
Contact Mike Fiechter
Doug Hodel
Feb 11 - 18
Mexico Medical / Dental Work Teams
Mar 18 - 25
Year 2016
Aug 30 ‐ Sept 6 Cheryl Herrmann
Mar 25 - Apr 1
Toby Steffen
Bluffton/BN Senior Class
Brad Rocke
Lacrosse Bible Class
Scheduling Questions?
Contact Mike Fiechter
Renters still needed for
St. Louis Home near Church
Within the St. Louis congregation, they are still
praying that God will lead a family, couple or
single(s) to relocate to the area and become part of
their church family. A newly renovated, 3-bedroom
home, that is located across the parking lot from
the church, is available to rent immediately.
Expressing Interest
Anyone who is interested is encouraged to
contact Ministering Bro. Loren Schrenk at
314.994.1944 or seeclear@swbell.net.
Haiti Volunteers Are Needed
Jun 11 - 18
Construction Teams
Electricians, cabinet makers, plumbers
and carpenters are needed to continue the
renovations. The work is great. This is an
excellent opportunity to help in the work and
become more familiar with the culture and
Hospital Lumiere campus. See the current
Church Ministers
The work at Hospital Lumiere is more
than material and the needs are more than
physical. The Hospital staff and the team
workers understand the true objective is
that all may come to know and glorify
God through a born again life, a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ and living in
obedience to the Bible. Apostolic Christian
Church ministers are needed to assist in this role
as they accompany medical and construction
teams to Hospital Lumiere. Team ministers
coordinate daily devotions and provide spiritual
support for the team members, hospital staff,
patients and their families.
For more information contact Rich Bertschi at:
Phone: 309-467-2351
Email: hospitallumiere@harvestcall.org
Haiti, Bonne Fin
Work Teams
The Hospital Lumiere renovation program
continues to restore and improve the facility to an
environment that honors God and provides an
atmosphere that contributes to the wellbeing of
the hospital staff, our patients and their families.
Hospital Lumiere has an ongoing need for
maintenance and/or construction teams and
especially for skilled electricians. Rather than
listing predetermined dates and asking people
to fit into them, if a team, or individual, is
interested in coming, they should contact the
Facilities Director Bro. David Zimmerman to
discuss possible dates and available projects.
Contact: David Zimmerman
Phone: 011-509-344-62800
Email: dlzimm4@hotmail.com
Haiti Awareness Tours
If you’d like to see the ministry of Hospital
Lumiere and other Haiti projects in person, but
do not have the time or desire to participate
in a week-long work team, please consider our
new Awareness Tours. These are quick trips
that give interested parties the opportunity to
meet our missionary families, learn more about
the hospital, see the completed renovations and
work in process, and visit some of the other
HarvestCall projects in southern Haiti. These
trips are scheduled, as needed, based upon
demand, currently the next two are scheduled
for September 24-28, 2016.
To learn more, contact:
Rich Bertschi at 309.467.2351 or hospitallumiere@harvestcall.org
or Rick Wuethrich at 219.863.4163 or rick@wuethrichfarms.com
Haiti, Les Cayes Work Teams
Year 2016
Les Cayes
Water Aid
Nov 11 ‐ 18
Maurice Schaefer
Les Cayes
Haiti Trade Schools
Vocational School
Nov 11 ‐ 18
Andy Getz
Les Cayes
Haiti Support
Nov 16 ‐ 21
Jon Zeller
Les Cayes
Dec 2 ‐ 9
Lane Gerber
Year 2017
Les Cayes
Jan 2‐9
Ron Palitto
Les Cayes
Water Aid
Jan 6 ‐ 13
Maurice Schaefer
Les Cayes
Haiti Trade Schools
Vocational School
Jan 6 ‐ 13
Andy Getz
Les Cayes
Jan 27‐Feb 3
Richard Kraft
Les Cayes
Feb 10 ‐ 17
Jonathan Hodel
Les Cayes
April 24 ‐ Mar 3
Steve Leuthold
Les Cayes
Haiti Trade Schools
Vocational School
March 3 ‐ 10
Andy Getz
Les Cayes
Water Aid
March 3 ‐ 10
Maurice Schaefer
Les Cayes
Haiti Support
Apr 19 ‐ 24
Jon Zeller
Les Cayes
April 24 ‐ May 1
Jon Zeller
Haiti Medical Work Teams
Year 2016
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Hospital Lumiere
General Medical
Jul 9 - 16
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Hospital Lumiere
Cancer Screening
Sep 10 - 17
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Hospital Lumiere
Dental Team
Lydia Bertschi
Lydia Bertschi
Oct 29 - Nov 5 Lydia Bertschi
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Hospital Lumiere
Nursing Proficiencies
Dec 3 - 10
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Hospital Lumiere
Inventory Team
Dec 10 - 17
Lydia Bertschi
Lydia Bertschi
July 2016
SPONSORSHIP: Giving Children Hope for the Future
Those in the child sponsorship program have several things in common.
They are very poor, they desire to learn, and they have an undying soul.
The goal of this program is to provide an education so these children can
learn life skills to enable them to become more productive adults. In addition,
its purpose is to present a spiritual opportunity to be exposed to the gospel
message and eventually be called to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of
thy children.
Isaiah 54:13
To Sponsor a Child or School
Fill out this form and send to the office. You'll be assigned a student or school and sent further information.
Learn more about child sponsorship, including costs, at: harvestcall.org/child-sponsorship
Name _________________________
q Mr. q Mrs. q Miss
Spouse ________________________
Address _______________________
City ____________St ___ Zip _____
Home Ph ______________________
Cell Ph ________________________
Email _________________________
Please check preference:
q Haiti Student q Jamaica
q Haiti School q Guatemala
q Mexico
q Zambia
q Wherever needed
If possible, I prefer:
q Boy – Age
q Girl – Age
q No Preference
Send to:
HarvestCall Child Sponsorship
PO Box 36
Morton, IL 61550
Phone: 309-266-6080
Fax: 309-266-5281
Email: childsponsorship@harvestcall.org
Interested in receiving a printed sermon?
To order, contact: Printed Sermons
P.O. Box 154, Forrest, IL 61741
(815) 848-5113 • printedsermons@gmail.com
Missionary School, Bonne Fin, Haiti
Hospital Lumiere, Bonne Fin, Haiti is presently seeking
a teacher for missionary children. This position involves
full-time teaching in the multi-level classroom setting of
the Bonne Fin Missionary School on the Hospital Lumiere
compound. This is a full time missionary position with a
service term of 6 months, with the opportunity to extend
the term of service.
Qualifications include being a member in good standing of
the Apostolic Christian Church. A minimum of a Bachelor’s
Degree is preferred, especially in the field of Education or
Child Development. Applicants should possess the ability
to communicate effectively with students, parents and
visitors to the school, and have a nurturing and caring
attitude toward children, and a heart and desire to serve
others through service to Jesus Christ.
For additional details for this exciting and worthy position contact
Robert Beebe. Email: robert.beebe1@gmail.com, or Phone: 574-276-6748
Patient Care Manager Opening
at Hospital Lumiere, Haiti
Hospital Lumiere is seeking a qualified person to be assigned as
Patient Care Manager of the hospital in Bonne Fin, Haiti. This
is full-time position.
The duties of Patient Care Manager include planning, supervising
and training employees and coordinating and implementing
programs of nursing care for all hospital patients.
Applicants should hold an RN degree and have at least 3 years
of nursing experience, some management capability, be able
to learn the Creole language, be a member of the Apostolic
Christian Church and be willing to relocate to Haiti for a term
of 3 to 5 years.
For more information on Hospital Lumiere positions, contact:
Robert Beebe. Email: robert.beebe1@gmail.com, or Phone: 574-276-6748
July 2016
MEDICAL DIRECTOR OPENING at Hospital Lumiere, Haiti
Seeking a licensed physician to fill this
full-time position at Hospital Lumiere
in Haiti. Qualifications include a U.S.
medical license, Board-Certification in
some aspect of medicine or surgery, be a
Believer in Jesus Christ, have experience
in leadership and management, be
capable of learning the Creole language,
and be willing to reside with your
family on the Hospital Lumiere campus
for three to five years. The position
involves leading a team of excellent
Haitian physicians and surgeons, and
oversight of the nursing, laboratory,
radiology and pharmacy departments
of this 120-bed full-service hospital and
out-patient facility.
Terms of Service
• Full time residing in Haiti
• Housing provided adjacent to
other brethren and missionaries
• Initial year of service requires a
significant period of time studying
Haitian Creole and assimilating
into the Haitian culture.
• Training will be provided prior to
placement in the field.
Candidate selection, preparation,
training, sending and supporting
will be conducted using
HarvestCall’s established Outreach
Policies and Procedures.
For more information on Hospital Lumiere positions, contact:
Robert Beebe. Email: robert.beebe1@gmail.com, or Phone: 574-276-6748
Short Term Physician, Surgeon and Specialty
Physician Opportunities at Hospital Lumiere
Any board-certified physician, surgeon
or specialist who has a desire to serve at
Hospital Lumiere in Haiti is encouraged
to contact us. Terms of service are very
flexible, ranging from 1-2 weeks to several
months. The mission at Hospital Lumiere
has many opportunities to serve on both
a short and long term basis. If you are led
to the mission field but your skill set and
qualifications are not a good match for any
of the listed positions, please contact us.
While the above positions are needed,
there is flexibility on requirements listed
as well as job description(s). Many times,
the role that is filled can be developed to
fit the gifts of the applicant.
For more information on Hospital Lumiere positions, contact:
Robert Beebe. Email: robert.beebe1@gmail.com, or Phone: 574-276-6748
Openings at Cite Lumiere, Les Cayes, Haiti
Mechanic, Construction Department Assistant
The HarvestCall Caribbean Committee is seeking to fill several missionary positions based at the Cite Lumiere
compound in Les Cayes, Haiti. The specific job description may vary depending on the applicant’s interests and
skills. Help is specifically needed in the following areas:
Equipment mechanic
An equipment mechanic is needed
in the Construction Department
in Haiti to maintain the vehicles,
generators, and construction equipment at Cite Lumiere and Bonne
Finn, Haiti and order, purchase,
and maintain inventory of parts to
support the HarvestCall programs in
southern Haiti. This position would also involve training and mentoring
a Haitian assistant to provide future mechanical maintenance. The equipment mechanic would reside in the Cite Lumiere compound in Les Cayes
and report to the Construction Operations Facilitator. The applicant
should be experienced in mechanical maintenance.
Construction Dept. Assistant
An assistant is needed in the Construction Department at Cite Lumiere as the work has expanded for the
program and related ministries. This
applicant could be a single brother
or couple. Skills that would be valuable in the ministry include:
• Carpentry
• Mechanical experience
• Basic computer knowledge
• Ability to work with all types of people and personalities
All applicants must be a member
in good standing of the Apostolic
Christian Church, willing to learn
Creole and relocate to Haiti for a
minimum of 3 years, and have a
heart to serve the Haitian people.
If you feel led to serve or
have questions, contact:
Bro. Jon Zeller
Used Bible, Bible Story Book, and Song Book Distribution
Used Bibles, Bible Story Books, Hymns of Zion, Zion’s Harp,
Gospel Hymns, and Tabernacle Hymns are needed.
AC Publications is now the collection center for your donated books.
651 E. Peoria St, Goodfield, IL 61742
July 2016
Bible Studies offered by the Apostolic Christian Church
Jesus the True Vine
[1501] This Bible Study
focuses on John 15:1-8
and is intended for a
general audience.
Price: $4.50
Communication in
Marriage [1502]
This is a Bible Study that
is designed specifically for
use by engaged or married
couples. Price: $4.50
Who Is Jesus [1503]
This Bible Study is for
general use and is designed
to encourage self-study by
each participant as well as
discussion within a group.
Price: $4.50
The Second Greatest
Commandment [1504]
This Bible study seeks to
illuminate our understanding
of Bible teachings about
interpersonal relationships.
Price: $4.50
The Hand of God in
the Life of Joseph [1505]
We see the hand of God in the life
of Joseph, which demonstrates
how God’s goodness is active in
the lives of his people.
Price: $4.50
Salvation Bible Study
[1510] This Bible study on
Salvation is interactive with
the Word of God. You will
be looking up the answers in
His Word to see what He says.
Price: $4.50
Church Establishment
[1507] This Bible study explores the
purpose and mission of establishing churches
within the biblical mandates of the Great
Commission as given by Christ. Price: $4.50
For additional information and ordering visit www.acpublications.org
Apostolic Christian Publications - 651 East Peoria St., Goodfield, IL 61742
Medical Department Intern
at Hospital Lumiere, Haiti
Seeking an energetic, self-motivated, responsible Believer to
fill the position of Medical Department Intern at Hospital
Lumiere in Haiti for a term of 6 months. Responsibilities
include helping the Medical Director with staff scheduling,
communications between departments (Nursing, Pharmacy,
Radiology, Lab), monitoring inventories and medical supplies
and various other responsibilities. Lodging, food and living
expenses are provided. A medical background is not required,
but is helpful.
If you are seeking an exciting opportunity to serve God and
others, have a servant’s heart, appreciate new horizons and
challenges and have six months to devote to furthering the
Lord’s work in Haiti, please contact Bro. Robert Beebe,
Executive Director, Hospital Lumiere for a complete job
description and details of the internship.
For more information on Hospital Lumiere positions, contact:
Robert Beebe. Email: robert.beebe1@gmail.com, or Phone: 574-276-6748
Continued Articles
in Humility
— Continued from pg. 3
another, if any man have a quarrel
against any: even as Christ forgave
you, so also do ye.20”
Humility arises from a sense
of who God is and who we are
in comparison to Him. He is the
Creator, we the created.21 He is
omnipresent and sovereign, we are
constrained by time and place. He
is eternal, we are mortal (though
we possess an eternal soul which
may live eternally with Him). He
is all righteousness and holiness,
we are born in sin22 and likewise
have sinned in our own right.23
As sinners saved by grace, we
find no worthiness of our own—
only Christ can justify men. But
also, as those who have had our
redemption purchased by Christ,
we recognize that we are “bought
with a price: (and) therefore (we
desire to) glorify God in (our)
body, and in (our) spirit, which
are God’s.24” We are not worthy
but, by God’s grace, we can “walk
worthy of the vocation wherewith
(we) are called, With all lowliness
and meekness, with longsuffering,
forbearing one another in love.25”
And in all of this, we have
Christ as our example, in his
stunning pattern of humility—as
God Himself came into this world
to save mankind. “Let this mind
be in you, which was also in Christ
Jesus: Who, being in the form of
God, thought it not robbery to be
equal with God (did not consider
equality with God as something to
cling to selfishly or to use for his
own advantage): But made himself
of no reputation, and took upon
him the form of a servant, and was
made in the likeness of men: And
being found in fashion as a man,
he humbled himself, and became
obedient unto death, even the death
of the cross.26” Humility, indeed.
Note: In the next issue, we
will look at how humility affects
our relationship with God and
others as we are called to walk in
1 Pet. 5:5
2 Isaiah 14:12-15
3 Gen. 3:5
4 Gen. 3:7-24
5 Prov. 6:16-19
6 Prov. 21:2, 4
7 Rom. 3:23, 6:23
8 Isaiah 2:12
9 Isaiah 42:8
10 1 John 2:16
Mark 7:20-23
1 Tim. 3:6, 6:4
James 4:6
1 Sam. 18:7-9
1 Sam. 15: 17, 23
2 Sam. 15:1-6
2 Sam. 14:25-26
2 Sam. 18:8-15
1 Pet. 5:5
Col. 3:12
Rom. 9:20
Psalm 51:5
Isaiah 53:6
1 Cor. 6:20
Eph. 4:1-2
Phil. 2:5-8
Monthly Sermon
— Continued from pg. 73
need to hear that. Sometimes we
can say life is hard, marriage is
hard, or maybe raising a family.
Let’s talk about the blessings. It
will be an encouragement to our
younger brothers and sisters, those
to follow. We speak about the
blessings, count our blessings, name
them one by one. Oh, we realize
God has been so good to us! May
He continue to bless you. It’s been
a blessing to gather with you here
this morning and feel your love and
feel your encouragement.
Monthly Sermon, continued
— Continued from pg. 5
temptation, he fled that temptation.
He ran. It says how he ran from
that temptation. He ran. (Genesis
39:7-12). Yet then he was falsely
accused, and he was put into prison
at a young age. Even in the prison, it
says how the keepers looked to him
(Genesis 39:21). Why did they look
to him? They had to see his focus.
They had to see his example, and
they looked to him, didn’t they?
We know the time came and he
was brought out of that prison. He
was given the duty of collecting and
preparing for the time of famine. He
did that, and then as his brethren
came to buy corn, at one point he
revealed himself unto his brethren.
There they were, and he could see
their hearts. Finally he says, “I am
Joseph your brother.” (Genesis 45:4)
We can understand forgiveness,
can’t we, as he was willing to forgive.
If we go to the end of Genesis,
it tells us how the time came when
they thought surely Joseph would
desire to get even with them.
Was that his heart? No. They
said here in chapter 50, “…Joseph
will peradventure hate us, and will
certainly requite us all the evil which
we did unto him.” (v.15) But, did
he do that? No. It says, “they sent
a messenger unto Joseph, saying, Thy
father did command before he died,
saying, So shall ye say unto Joseph,
Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass
of thy brethren, and their sin; for
they did unto thee evil: and now,
we pray thee, forgive the trespass
of the servants…And Joseph wept
when they spake unto him. And his
brethren also went and fell down
before his face; and they said, Behold,
we be thy servants. And Joseph said
unto them, Fear not: for am I in
the place of God? But as for you, ye
thought evil against me; but God
meant it unto good, to bring to pass,
as it is this day, to save much people
alive.” (v.16-20) It’s a beautiful
account, isn’t it, Dear Ones?
As we think about that, I think
of Joseph’s words that God meant
it good. Doesn’t God mean it good
for each one? The God that loves us
so much would send His only Son
here upon this earth, a Savior that
was willing to suffer and die. God
surely wants it good for each one of
us. “God meant it unto good, to bring
to pass, as it is this day, to save much
people alive.” Can’t we be encouraged
in that? Can’t we be encouraged in
the times of disappointment, in the
times of discouragement that God
wants it good for each one of us?
As were called to the faith, as God
calls us one by one, we take up the
cross. We’re taught to take up the
cross each day anew. Do we take
up our cross today? What cross did
God give us today? Can we take
up the cross willingly? We have a
wonderful opportunity, don’t we?
We have a blessing. The
Word’s that’s before us has been
preserved that we can read, we can
understand, we can be encouraged,
we can be drawn closer to our
Savior. Oh, yes we have an evil one
about us that will continue. We
think about that. You know, when
we stood in the waters of baptism
and we promised to be faithful
lifelong, we felt that closeness to
God, didn’t we? I would have to
say for myself I didn’t realize the
trials and the tests that would be
in the future. I thought from here
it’s going to be an easy road. We
repented of our sins, we made right,
we felt the forgiveness of God. It’ll
be an easy road, but I don’t think
we find it an easy road, do we?
We find it a blessing. We find a
blessing in God’s help, but it’s not
always easy to do the right thing,
to be the right example, to keep our
focus how God would lead us, to
appreciate the blessings He gives us.
I think of Job. It seems like
Satan said, ‘You’ve put that hedge
about him.’ (Job 1:10) But you
know, Job had to be content
within that hedge. God will put
that hedge about us in our walk
of faith, but we too need to show
that contentment to stay within
that hedge, to stay within that
safety that He gives us. He helps
us, and He blesses us.
Here we have a beautiful
Scripture as we opened here in
Luke’s Gospel. “…there were gathered
together an innumerable multitude
of people, insomuch that they trode
one upon another…” and they had
their questions again. Oh, I love to
read the questions they’d ask Jesus
and how He was so kind, so loving
as He answered their questions.
Isn’t it kind of that way too
when we have questions? Maybe
we go to those that are older and
we ask questions, and they answer
us so kindly and so lovingly. Back
home recently, I was in the lobby
visiting, and there was a convert
standing there, a young man, and
there was an older brother there.
I said to this older brother, ‘What
counsel would you give this new
convert?’ It was interesting to just
listen. I can’t remember. I wrote
them down at home. There were
five or six things he said, but the
first thing he said, ‘It’s a privilege
to repent. It’s a privilege. It’s a
wonderful privilege to be able to
repent. If you feel you have to, it
doesn’t go as well. It’s a privilege.’
He said, ‘Look at the good
examples around you. There are
so many good examples. Look to
the good in people. Read the Bible
and pray. Listen to Mom and Dad.
Mom and Dad will give you good
counsel.’ There were a couple other
things. I don’t remember them
all, but I appreciated that. What a
privilege we have, Dear Ones, in
the day of grace in which live!
Jesus said, “Beware ye of the
leaven of the Pharisees, which is
hypocrisy. For there is nothing
covered, that shall not be revealed;
neither hid, that shall not be known.”
(v.1-2) Oh, we realize that, don’t
we, that one day it will all be made
known. As we kneel each night at
our bedsides, we have opportunity
to ask forgiveness for the day, where
we have failed, to go back and
make right.
I was so impressed recently. We
had several baptisms. It’s been several
months ago. There was a young girl
being baptized that day, and she had
done very well in her repentance.
At noontime, she went to a young
sister and says, ‘It’s on my heart yet
today to come and talk to you.’ I was
so blessed by that. Even before she
went under the baptism waters that
came to her and she immediately
went to that young sister and said,
‘If I have offended you, I want to
ask for your forgiveness.’ That just
touched my heart.
“Be not afraid of them that kill
the body, and after that have no more
that they can do. But I will forewarn
you whom ye shall fear…” (v.4-5) We
understand that don’t we? “…hath
power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto
you, Fear him. Are not five sparrows
sold for two farthings, and not one
of them is forgotten before God? But
even the very hairs of your head are
all numbered. Fear not therefore:
ye are of more value than many
sparrows.” (v.5-7) So we understand
who we should fear.
We understand God gives
us clear direction, doesn’t He,
Dear Ones? One day all will be
revealed. We’ll all stand before
God and give account of our
life on this earth. That hour is
coming. That time is coming.
When we’re young, I think
sometimes I did, it seems like life
is going to be so long, but soon
we look back and we say, ‘Where
have the years gone?’ I see the
young brothers and sisters here
at the front of the church. That’s
special to me. They’re not the
future church, they are the church.
They’re part of our church, and we
appreciate them so much.
They’re living in a different time
than what maybe many of us grew
up in. When I was 19 years old, I
was drafted, and I found myself
in Vietnam. That wasn’t a place I
chose to go, and I wouldn’t want
these young men to be in a warzone
like that. But, it was a wonderful,
wonderful experience. It’s maybe
what I needed. God worked in my
heart. I was unconverted, and I
came home and I realized it was the
prayers of those I loved that I believe
brought me back home.
Maybe we don’t face draft
today, but our young people face
many things in life. We want
to encourage them. We want
to support them because we
know that each one of us, as I
— Please turn to pg. 72
Monthly Sermon, continued
— Continued from pg. 71
mentioned, one day will give an
account. That hour is coming.
This morning at the breakfast
table Brother Gerry read in St.
John’s Gospel chapter 5, and as I
said, sometimes we read things, we
hear a verse and maybe we didn’t
understand it like that before.
Brother Gerry read in St. John’s
Gospel; it says, “Verily, verily, I say
unto you, The hour is coming…” The
hour is coming. “…the dead shall
hear the voice of the Son of God:
and they that hear shall live. For
as the Father hath life in himself;
so hath he given to the Son to have
life in himself; And hath given him
authority to execute judgment also,
because he is the Son of man. Marvel
not at this: for the hour is coming, in
the which all that are in the graves
shall hear his voice, And shall come
forth; they that have done good, unto
the resurrection of life; and they that
have done evil, unto the resurrection
of damnation.” (St. John 5:25-29)
I thought of those words ‘the
hour is coming’ for each one of us.
When we’re young we think it’s a
long, long ways in the future, but
we don’t know, do we? We don’t
have a promise of tomorrow. Back
home in our community several
months ago, we had a young man
in faith, a young man, very, very
healthy get sick and you probably
know. Many of you know. He
called his mother to come and get
him. By the time his mother got
there, they called the EMS. He
didn’t make it to the hospital. It
was that quick. We don’t have a
promise of tomorrow. We could be
met with accident, many things.
So we want to be ready, don’t we?
We want to be of those who
confess. It says, “…Whosoever shall
confess me before men, him shall the
Son of man also confess before the
angels of God:” (v.8) We want to be
of those that the Son of man would
confess. We know the angels in
heaven rejoice over one soul that
would repent, and we think of the
value of each soul - worth more
than what this world would have
to offer, the contents of this world.
What would we give in exchange
for our soul? When we think about
the short time in this life, when we
compare it to eternity, time without
end, we can’t even comprehend,
can we? Time without end.
“But he that denieth me
before men shall be denied before
the angels of God.” (v.9) So may
we be encouraged, Dear Ones.
May we keep our promise in
faith, the promises we made in
the waters of baptism. May we
be encouraged in faith. May we
encourage one another. We have
such an opportunity.
May we keep our focus as
Joseph kept his focus. I put myself
in that situation, and I think what
kind of attitude would I have?
First of all, if I was falsely accused
and I didn’t do it and was put in
prison, how would my attitude be?
It really starts with our attitude,
doesn’t it? What is our attitude? I
think of the two thieves there on
the cross. What was the difference
between those two individuals?
One had an attitude of ‘Jesus, if
You’re really the Christ, save us!
Save Thyself and save us!’ The
other said, ‘We deserve to be here.
Remember me when Thou comest
into Thy kingdom.’ What did
Jesus say? ‘Today shall thou be
in paradise.’ (St. Luke 23:39-43)
What a difference in attitude!
An attitude makes a difference,
doesn’t it? That word ‘attitude’ is
not in the Bible, but I think the
Bible is all about our attitude. For
me, I have to be reminded each
morning as I kneel at my bedside
to have a good attitude for the
day. Look for the good in people.
Encourage those around me. Stay
close to the Word. Stay close to the
small, still voice that will guide us
and help us through the day.
We read here, “…when they
bring you unto the synagogues,
and unto magistrates, and powers,
take ye no thought how or what
thing ye shall answer…” (v.11). We
have those times, don’t we. We’re
questioned. We get questions and
sometimes we don’t hardly know
how to answer, but the Bible tells
us there’s a time to speak and a
time to be silent (Ecclesiastics 3:7).
We trust the Lord would help us
to know those times, the times we
should speak and most of all that
we could always be that example.
Here in these last verses it
says they came to Jesus and said,
“Master, speak to my brother, that
he divide the inheritance with me.
And he said unto him, Man, who
made me a judge or a divider over
you?” (v.14-15) He didn’t tell them
how to divide that inheritance, did
he? I think about that, and as an
Elder, I often feel like two of the
hardest things to do in church is
a church remodel and when I get
involved in a family disagreement
over inheritance. I think those are
two very difficult things.
It’s a blessing when we can pull
together. When we have things in
the church that need to be done,
that we could pull together. There
are opinions and it’s good to listen
to the suggestions and opinions,
but to move forward, there has
to be decisions. I worked for a
company for many years, and the
one thing I learned was as we made
decisions, we could always voice
our opinion and suggestions, but
when the decision was made, we
were asked to please support the
decision. That worked so well in a
family business.
It kind of goes like that in the
church too when we work together.
How about in families as they go to
the funeral homes to plan funerals,
it’s quite a challenge sometimes.
Some of the families will just blend
together and get along so well, and
others there are disagreements.
There’s friction. Sometimes it
just goes on and on. You feel so
sorry. It’s a blessing when we can
think about that. We’re not going
to take these things with us. We
think about them asking Him to
divide this inheritance, and what
a blessing sometimes if we can just
take the lesser end and maybe not
look at is as I deserve this, but be
willing to give. I believe will God
will bless us.
“Man, who made me a judge or
a divider over you?...Take heed, and
beware of covetousness: for a man’s
life consisteth not in the abundance of
the things which he possesseth.” (v.1415) He talks about this parable of
the rich man. “He thought within
himself, saying, What shall I do,
because I have no room where to
bestow my fruits? And he said, This
will I do: I will pull down my barns,
and build greater; and there will I
bestow all my fruits and my goods.
And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou
hast much goods laid up for many
years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and
be merry. But God said unto him,
Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be
required of thee: then whose shall those
things be, which thou hast provided?”
(v.17-20) It makes us stop and think,
doesn’t it? It makes us each one
stop and take inventory as we look
at these things, as we value these
things that God has given us.
“So is he that layeth up treasure
for himself, and is not rich toward
God.” (v.21) So it reminds us to
keep our focus upon eternity, keep
our focus upon God, the One who
has placed us here on the earth,
that created the earth, heaven, and
all things herein, given to us life,
called us to a faith we love and we
appreciate, gives us each one work to
do, encourages us as we read there of
Joseph to have the right attitude that
we could serve as willing servants.
We’re thankful for the
warnings and thankful the
encouragement. We thankful
most of all for God’s love, that He
loves us so much. Today, again, we
gather in a day of grace. The Word
speaks clearly to us. The hymns
speak to us. I thought as we sang
the hymns together, the hymns
themselves speak so much. As we
read God’s Word, Holy Word,
the Word of Truth, may we be
encouraged, Dear Ones.
The cross God has given us, let’s
take it up willingly. Let’s take it up
with contentment and gratitude.
Let’s be thankful where God has
called us. Let’s talk about the good
things in our church, in our families.
Those of us that are married, let’s
talk about our marriages. God’s been
good to us. I think younger people
— Please turn to pg. 69
Learning from our history
Remembering Our Spiritual Heritage
The following article is about a former minister at our
Oakville, Iowa congregation. Excerpts from a personal
writing of his life are included. This dissertation was
written in his 78th year, in 1951. He served in the
ministry at Oakville, Iowa, from around 1905 until the
late 1940’s. He spoke German fluently, but could also
preach in English in a somewhat broken manner. He
moved from Gridley, Illinois, with his wife, Barbara,
and first child, in 1901.
In Chicago I had to wait several hours for my
train to Roanoke, Illinois and felt a deep dislike for
that city that I would not work on my trade here as a
metalspinner. After a few weeks my uncle and aunt,
Andrew Freidinger’s, went with me to Peoria, Illinois,
but we found no metalspinning factory there, so I
worked in the repair shop of the Brass Foundry and
Hating company. They secured a place for me in
Chicago when they laid me off.
The Faith Experience of Henry K. Gerst
Seeking Faith
Faith Struggles
To the praise of my mother and grandmother, I was
raised God-fearing. When I was about 12 years old,
my mother sent me once in the yard to chop up some
bones for soup. One of the splinters flew in my face.
I got angry and swore. But at once I was sorry and
prayed to God for forgiveness and promised Him that
I would swear no more. As I cannot remember that I
ever swore, I feel that God freed me from that sin.
When I was about 17 years old, I was told that
there is no God. I defended His existence, but
without success. So one night on the way home
I thought to pray to God for a sign, looked and
listened, then I prayed again, looked and listened,
and again I prayed earnestly for a sign, thinking it
had to be now, but again I received nothing. So I also
went into unbelief, thinking I had the truth. The allwise God had a plan of His own and guided my life
to His salvation.
My brother, Otto, came to America to Roanoke,
Illinois. I thought it impossible that he could send me
a ship ticket. But, jokingly, I wrote to him for one.
He borrowed the money and I remember that my
letter came to him in the morning and in the evening
already that ship ticket was on the way.
My relatives advised me to work on the farm, which I
did. In 1894, I helped drive cattle for my uncle Henry
Freidinger from Roanoke to Cissna Park and went
with him to church there. Only the fluent speaking
of Bro. Adam Reeb drew my interest when he said,
“The baptism of children is the foundation of the antiChrist.” I was aroused and thought he was not telling
the truth to that big congregation. I rose up, but sat
down again. Henry Friedinger told me to have a talk
with Elder Reeb, but I said it had no value.
A visit with Elder Reeb –
The Call of Repentance
Somehow, I visited in Henry Miller’s home with Henry
Friedinger and met Elder Reeb there. He then explained
so wisely and lovingly to me that there was no child
baptism ordered in the Bible and I was fully convinced
that he spoke the truth. At that time I did not know
that the Almighty freed me from child baptism and
convinced me of the only baptism of faith.
And a year later He gave me grace and I felt I
should repent, but for a few times I fought it off. But
again, the grace of God worked repentance in me. I was
led to see my sins as they are in God’s eyes and received
the desire to pray to God to convert me, and that I
would stay true. I have seen that I have to start in little
things as expressed in Zion’s Harp #179.
To be continued….. -By Perry Klopfenstein
The Light of Hope
The Invisibles
I’ve been thinking about how valuable the things we
cannot feel or touch are. We human beings generally
want things that bring attention to ourselves as being
successful, or brilliant. An expensive automobile,
a luxurious house, or perhaps expensive clothing,
these things are greatly desired by many people, if I
understand human nature correctly. However, you
can have all these things and still be quite miserable
down in your soul, in the depth of your being.
“Who (Christ) is the image of the invisible God.”
Colossians 1:15.
We need God, first of all, and He is presently
invisible to us. So much of our lives has to do
with the intangible, the spiritual side of life. If we
miss that, we have missed a major part of living a
worthwhile life. If we know God as our Father, it
means we have salvation, which is invisible, and
oh, how we need salvation! To be lost forever is
so bad that it is very difficult for us to even think
about or imagine. “For what is a man advantaged if
he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast
away?” Luke 9:25. Now is the time of salvation,
today is the day to repent.
Love is not visible. We cannot see it with our
eyes, but we are desperately in need of love. One
thing I know is that the people in this world,
including me, cry out for someone to love them.
Material things are cold and impersonal, but love is
warm and so very, very comforting. Our hearts sing
praises to God for His great love for us, but we desire
and need that love to be shown to us by our fellow
human beings. (Permit me to tell you, I love you
very much.) “By this shall all men know that ye are my
disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
Respect is something else that is invisible,
but for which our hearts cry out. We want to be
treated as though others give some credence to
what we think and believe. To be ignored, when
we ordinarily would be invited to participate,
tends to destroy our self-worth. Respect is
not listed as one of the fruit of the Spirit, but
meekness is listed. I trust that meekness helps us
to be careful, to at least try to show others proper
respect. (I respect you very much.) You are created
in God’s image and so precious and valuable that
Christ, the Son of God, died for you.
Freedom from guilt is something that is very
precious. Guilt destroys us if it is not taken care of.
It is one of those intangibles and it is invisible, as is
the freedom from guilt. It is the conviction of sin
or the realization that we need Christ to be ready
to meet God, which causes us to repent. When we
are baptized, it is the answer of a clear conscience,
where guilt has been removed by Christ. “Not the
putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a
good conscience toward God.” 1 Peter 3:21. Guilt over
things, where we failed to be the light we should have
been, is one of Satan’s major tools in putting God’s
children on the shelf, and not as joyful as we should
be. Let’s remember the teaching, “Confess your faults
one to another,” James 5:15, and lay it to rest, the best
we know how. We’re not alone.
What can we do to put more emphasis on the
invisibles? When we go to church or whenever we
go anywhere, we should realize that the people
we meet need love, respect, and encouragement.
If we don’t know someone so we won’t bother to
greet them, we may be passing up the opportunity
to help someone who is sinking in despair. This
situation is much more prevalent than we realize.
May God graciously give us all a realization of the
importance of the invisibles.
-By Willis Ehnle
1523 County Road 400N
Congerville, IL 61729
As for me, I will behold thy
face in righteousness: I shall
be satisfied, when I awake,
with thy likeness.
Psalm 17:15