2016 Policies and Procedures - Jewish Community Centers of

Policies and Procedures for Summer
2016 at JCC Camp Kingswood!
NEW: ONLINE Parent Questionnaire and Health History Forms
The following forms must be completed ONLINE by May 15. Paper forms are not available.
Grossman Camp’s Health form is NOT acceptable for Kingswood.
Providing your child’s information online pre-populates into our health centers’ computer and allows us to
access and address issues much quicker than sorting through hundreds of papers.
 Parent Questionnaire 2016
Your responses to this questionnaire will help our staff ensure your child has a successful
summer. Please be honest and forthcoming in completing this form.
 Health History- Parent Submission 2016
This form provides the Kingswood nursing staff with important information about your child so
that routine care can be provided; medications and emergency care can be administered
without interruption or delay. If your child will require medications while at camp, we can only
dispense medication if this form has been completed. This form gives our nursing staff and
other medical professionals permission to treat your child while under our care at camp.
To access and submit these online forms:
1. Kingswood.campintouch.com
2. Log in with the same username and password used when your child was registered
a. If you do not remember or have this information, please call our office to reset your log in
3. Click on “Forms & Downloads”
4. The online forms are listed with a computer screen icon next to them. Click on the name of the form
you wish to fill out. Form links turn green when successfully completed.
Other forms, including those requiring a physicians’ signature are online as listed above or at Kingswood.org
and need to be submitted directly to our Newton office. Please send them by email to
kingswoodregistar@jccgb.org or by mail to JCC Camp Kingswood 333 Nahanton St. Newton, MA 02459
Technology Policy: We are screen free
Camp is probably the only time in your child’s’ life they’ll have a chance to actually see what life is like without
being plugged in 24/7. We’re not saying there’s anything wrong with these devices, it’s just at camp, they can
interfere with the atmosphere and community we’re trying to create, and actually get in the way of truly
making connections to each other. It is important for campers to be present and interact socially rather than
through technology.
Items that are not allowed at camp are any devices that can IM, email, text, access the internet or view
movies. This includes but is not limited to the following:
 cell phones, blackberries, PDAs
 Gaming devices: Gameboy, PSP, Nintendo DS/DSi
 E-readers: Kindle, Nooks
 Computers of any kind: including laptops and tablets
 MP3 players with video capabilities
 Portable DVD players
If your camper would like to bring music, please send them with an MP3 player that does not have video
capabilities (iPod shuffle) or a CD player.
Procedure for your camper’s prescription drugs
To better serve campers and ensure a more effective and efficient method for dispensing medication to
campers, JCC Camp Kingswood has once again partnered with Miller Drug in Bangor, Maine to provide
customized dosing packaging for your child’s summer medication. They will insure that your child’s
medication is pre-packaged and delivered to camp before your child arrives.
All tablet/capsule form medications will be dispensed in individual blister packaging and labeled with the
camper’s name, medication name, strength and dosing schedule, according to federal and state law. This type
of packaging reduces medication administration errors, and will insure that your camper gets the correct
medication at the proper time. Miller Drug will not only provide customized packaging, but they also provide
all the documentation needed to streamline medication administration at camp, freeing time for camp staff
and your camper.
Miller Drug will coordinate every step of the process, from intake of information, prescription processing,
insurance billing, and delivery to Camp Kingswood before your camper’s session begins. For more
information and to arrange for your camper’s summer medication, please visit:
www.millerdrugcamprx.com. Adam Jordan can also be reached at 207/ 992-4458 x3.
We ask all families that are able to comply through their health insurance companies to use this prescription
process from Miller Drugs. Not only does it help streamline and simplify the process for our health center staff,
but it provides us with checks and balances in regards to the health and safety of everyone at camp. Families
with Mass Health insurance will need to continue filling their prescriptions locally and bringing the medications
to camp. It would be tremendously helpful if you could ask your pharmacy to blister package the prescriptions
for us!
Procedure for your camper’s selection of activities
Kingswood offers an elective based program that changes every week to allow our campers to choose their
electives from a varied list of activities. Our schedule is comprised of a 5 period day. We change our elective
offerings to engage our campers and encourage them to try as many new experiences as they can!
We are excited to announce this new sign up procedure to allow our campers to register for their first cycle of
electives from home! So while you are busy helping your camper pack, we will be busy creating their exciting
schedule and getting the fun rolling from our very first full day!
We will be sending you a list and description of the activities for your child to select. Information and directions
will come to you in May for our First Session campers and in June for our Second Session campers.